June 28 - July 4, 2018 shepherdexpress.com
Victory Garden Initiative Expands Food Education and Community Outreach ... !"#$%&
King Ameas Presents a Tour of‘C.R.E.A.M. City’ ... !"#$%'(
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JUNE 28, 2018 | 3 6/22/18 1:24 PM
Victory Garden Initiative’s Concordia Farm
Victory Garden Initiative Expands Food Education and Community Outreach ::BY MARY SUSSMAN
ictory Garden Initiative (VGI) now has a farmhouse to go with its 1.5-acre educational farm at 220 E. Concordia Ave. in Milwaukee’s Harambee neighborhood. The farmhouse is on the corner of Richards Street and Concordia Avenue, just steps away from the educational farm, which VGI has been tending for eight years. The farm—which has rainwater shelters and underground cisterns and engages in community composting—is part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, which promotes the health of pollinators across North America. The VGI educational farm runs the YEP! (Youth Education Program) which helps young people learn about the food system, growing food, nutrition and sustainability. The farm also supplies community supported agriculture baskets to subscribers and provides space for community gardeners who want to grow food in their own beds. The farm is “beautifully productive,” according to Gretchen Mead, executive director of Victory Garden Initiative. “We have all this food that we are trying to find the most sustainable and impactful way to use. Having a building next to the farm has been on our list of things to do for a number of years now. The missing piece was that we wanted to teach people how to prepare and serve the foods [they harvested].” The new farmhouse is the realization of a vision. VGI bought the property in April and did some minor renovations to the second floor, which will soon house their administrative offices. Mural artist Stacey Williams-Ng volunteered to paint an eye-popping, colorful wraparound mural on the drab building, which once was a corner tavern. The mural is a tribute to the women of the food movement in Milwaukee. Renovations have yet to be made to the first floor of the 2,300-square-foot farmhouse, which will have classroom and event space. Mead expects these renovations will be finished by the end of 2018. Next year, VGI plans to install a full commercial kitchen on the first floor and open up the wall on the south side of the building to allow an outdoor event space that will be connected to the indoor space and allow for indoor-outdoor seating.
4 | JUNE 28, 2018
A Community of Food
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Gaining Access to Community Resources
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Victory Garden Initiative’s New Farmhouse
JUNE 28, 2018 | 5
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T’S LONG BEEN A TRUISM THAT MILWAUKEE COUNTY RESIDENTS LOVE THEIR PARKS. Nonetheless, continual defunding for three decades has left much of this historic park system frayed and even derelict. Thus, park facilities are increasingly susceptible to threatened or actual closures and transfers, including piecemeal handing off of parks to be managed and even controlled by nonprofit or for-profit entities. For example, O’Donnell Park was nearly sold for for-profit redevelopment in 2014 and later was transferred to the Milwaukee Art Museum to manage. Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele has declared that he expects that county parks will soon operate entirely on revenue from fees, concessions and other sources—instead of continuing to rely on time-honored support from local taxes, as reported by the Shepherd Express in January. Ever-higher user fees are resulting in park services becoming less affordable for many residents. Other parks-related disparities impact racial and economic equity. Privatization deals sometimes limit public access to facilities. A wide range of “public-private partnerships” with for-profit or nonprofit entities have many potential accountability levels and outcomes. For example, Journey House, a nonprofit organization, has recently been allowed to completely fence and control a football field in Mitchell Park and most of Baran Park for private baseball fields. Years ago, Lake Park’s former public pavilion was repurposed as Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro, a high-end restaurant; public use is now confined to a lower-level community room. Notably, no other urban park system in the country is trying to finance its operations solely through earned revenue, according to Charlie McCabe, director of the Trust for Public Land’s Center for City Park Excellence. He said that generated revenue “is a small portion of most city parks’ budgets.” That figure is currently nearly 65% for Milwaukee County Parks.
Increasing Privatization; Cuts in Service Adam Arvidson, director of strategic planning for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), said he cannot fathom funding parks solely from earned revenue. “It would impact every single decision that we make,” he told the Shepherd. Arvidson was instrumental in a process that resulted in the MPRB becoming the first American park agency to require, by ordinance, that its capital improvement plan use specific, transparent, data-driven criteria to help address racial and economic equity. Milwaukee County Supervisor John Weishan Jr., who has represented a South Side district since 2000, told the Shepherd that he frequently hears statements by parks staff indicating they have accepted County Executive Abele’s defacto income-generating mandate as a fiat, “even though the [Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors] has never voted—nor even debated— whether to support this drastic shift in parks policy.” Increasingly, more parks-related decisions seem to be influenced by a quest for cash rather than how to address traditional community serving parks’ functions. Weishan expressed concerns about “increasing privatization and cuts in service, even to what were once basic park amenities.” For example, Lincoln Park’s deep-well outdoor pool—the last one still open on Milwaukee’s North Side—was almost permanently closed this year, ostensibly for not producing enough revenue. That closure 6 | JUNE 28, 2018
was averted after intense citizen outcry. In March, the Abele administration announced it would oust the popular Saturday morning Winter Farmers Market from the Mitchell Park Domes Annex, based on the hope of gleaning more money through privately catered Saturday evening rentals. After community pushback at a Milwaukee County Board hearing, county administrators are now negotiating with market organizers about a possible solution.
Citizen Advocacy for Stable Parks Funding Preserve Our Parks (POP), Milwaukee County’s watchdog advocacy group, launched a petition drive this month to demand dedicated parks funding. The petition urges county officials to budget adequate funding for parks and parkways. POP is also hosting public meetings to educate citizens about local parks history, budgeting and other issues. Founded in 1999, POP is committed to reversing the trajectory of decline and neglect. The group actively “seeks to make our parks’ preservation a high priority for county policymakers and strongly opposes the sale or any conveyance that restricts the use and enjoyment of our free public parks,” according to a media statement. “We are nearing a crisis in parks funding,” said Jim Goulee, president of the all-volunteer POP. “We funded stadiums and arenas, and now it’s ‘our turn’ for parks funding,” he said. “Our parks are critical to quality of life in Milwaukee
County. The parks and trails that make up our ‘emerald necklace’ must be preserved, enhanced and protected.” Goulee worked for Milwaukee County Parks for 33 years and served as the Park People’s executive director for 11 years before retiring last year. Parks funding has drastically declined over the past three decades—from about $45 million to about $35 million in the 2018 Milwaukee County budget. Goulee noted that, while the county budget has nearly doubled since 1986, parks funding has dropped to a level where it is only 4.27% of the county tax levy, down from 29% in 1986. “If parks funding had kept pace with inflation, it would be about $110 million, or three times the current level,” said Goulee. Patricia Jursik, a Preserve Our Parks board member and retired Milwaukee County supervisor, told forum attendees: “It’s a false narrative that there is no way to provide adequate taxpayer funding for the county’s parks. Elected representatives are allowing private firms to strip-mine public taxes for private gain. This strip-mining puts public parks in the ruts of devastation.” Goulee says it’s important to apply pressure to county policymakers as the 2019 operating and capital budgets are proposed by the county executive’s office and then reviewed by the county board in early fall. He added that state lawmakers have worsened the situation by cutting shared revenue to local governments and have also placed onerous limits on how counties can increase their tax levies, thus strapping local governments. “We can’t let county and state officials cast a blind eye toward the continuing decay of our parks,” Goulee said. Supervisor Jason Haas—chairman of the Milwaukee County Board Parks, Energy and Environment Committee—told the Shepherd that he is “more hopeful than ever that the board can work with Chris Abele to try to get state legislators to enact legislation that would enable more
stable funding for our parks,” such as through a sales tax at least partially dedicated to supporting parks. The POP’s petition also opposes what Goulee described as “the county executive’s wrongheaded idea to place parking meters in parks. That is simply unacceptable because it limits access.” Abele’s spokesperson did not respond to questions about the 2019 budget, including whether he might call for paid parking in parks. (When Abele announced in February that he was pulling his paid-parking proposal, he stressed it was only “for this year.”) The petition drive will run throughout the summer. POP board members are also meeting with county officials, including Abele, supervisors and county staff, as well as state legislators. Goulee also invites interested groups to contact POP through its website about arranging a presentation or to download the petition.
New Parks Director’s Top Three Priorities Guy Smith’s appointment as Milwaukee County Parks Director was approved unanimously by the county board on Thursday, June 21, following months of departmental turmoil. After John Dargle Jr. resigned abruptly last November, Abele’s appointment of Jim Sullivan—a county bureaucrat with no experience managing parks—was rejected by the board. Smith, 37, has worked nearly 14 years for Milwaukee County Parks, most recently as operations manager and interim director. He has been publicly praised by people who have worked with him, including county supervisors. Smith responded by email to questions about his plans for county parks. Smith’s first priority “is and has been to focus on health and human safety. I work with our parks team as well as county architecture and engineering staff to prioritize our capital projects and major maintenance projects.” He said he’s used to “doing the best we can with what we have…since demand is always greater than the available resources.” That’s an understatement. Parks’ capital needs reportedly total about $250 million, and the 2018 capital budget was a paltry $2.8 million. Maintaining the parks’ physical environment is Smith’s second priority. That includes addressing the emerald ash borer, which is killing or threatening thousands of ash trees. Staff are removing ash trees near high-traffic areas, such as playgrounds and trails, and replacing them with a diverse mixture of native tree and other plant species. “Working with our partners—including friends’ groups, nonprofits, corporate entities and other public agencies” is third on Smith’s priority list, which, he said, “help us expand programming, fundraising, education and recreation opportunities.” That includes collaborating with Milwaukee Public Schools and the City of Milwaukee “to share best management practices and discuss strategies with respect to programming, physical infrastructure and more.” Smith acknowledged that, “access to parks and programming is always a challenge, and one way we are working to address equity challenges is through partnerships.” He cited relationships County Parks continued on page 8 > SHEPHERD EXPRESS
A searing epic of loyalty, power and madness, good and evil, justice and cruelty, misogyny, social class, and compassion. Starring James Pickering
July 22: Milwaukee Festival Brass July 29: Kids From Wisconsin August 5: Hartland Community Band August 12: 484th Army Reserve Band August 19: Milwaukee Police Band
Weekly dance competition featuring Milwaukee dance artists from any discipline—selected performance groups will dance for cash, trophies and glory over three weeks. July 31, August 7 and August 14 Finals: August 21
August 2: Eagle Trace August 9: New Age Narcissism August 16: Extra Crispy Brass Band August 23: WhiskeyBelles
August 2: U2Zoo August 9: A Marvin Gaye Tribute August 16: Hair Band Night August 23: Boy Band Night
Open for seating and food/drink service at 6pm. Movies begin at 7:15pm.
Celebrate the close of the Live at Peck Pavilion series with a celebration of the music, food and culture of the Caribbean Islands. Featuring international artists Adonis Puentes and the Voice of Cuba Orchestra as well as local favorites De La Buena, the day will feature kids activities, art vendors and more!
Music: 3:30pm – De La Buena 7:30pm – Adonis Puentes & The Voice of Cuba Orchestra Kids Activities: 2 – 7pm – Milwaukee Art Museum’s Kohl’s Color Wheels Sazama’s River Edge Patio will have a tasty Caribbean inspired menu! PRESENTING SPONSOR
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JUNE 2 8 , 2 0 18 ! 7
he Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as other activities by all those who seek to thwart social justice. We will publicize and promote actions, demonstrations, planning meetings, teach-ins, party-building meetings, drinking-discussion gettogethers and any other actions that are directed toward fighting back to preserve our liberal democratic system.
Thursday, June 28
Donald Trump/Foxconn Protest @ Smolenski Park (438 S. Stuart Road, Mt. Pleasant), noon-2 p.m.
Donald Trump will make an appearance at the groundbreaking of Foxconn’s Mt. Pleasant, Wis., campus. A coalition of more than 20 community groups are organizing a protest “showcasing our resistance against Foxconn and economic, political, social and environmental oppression throughout Wisconsin,” according to the group’s Facebook page.
Milwaukee County Mental Health Board Public Comment @ Milwaukee County Mental Health Complex (9455 W. Watertown Plank Road), 1:30-3:30 p.m.
If you are concerned about Milwaukee County’s Mental Health Board, this is the time to act. The public will be able to give their insight and ideas for what should be included in the Behavioral Health Division’s 2019 budget.
Equality Action Training @ Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market St.), 6-9 p.m.
The Human Rights Campaign’s Rise Equality Action Academy will come to the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center and teach participants how to push for change in legislative and electoral campaigns.
Keep Families Together @ Walker Square Park (1031 S. Ninth St.), 6-7:30 p.m.
The Young People’s Resistance Committee, a youth-led organization working for the rights of immigrants, students and workers, will hold a demonstration protesting the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy at the southern border.
CLOSEmsdf Campaign Launch Anniversary @ Hephatha Lutheran Church (1720 W. Locust St.), 6:30-8:30 p.m. To celebrate the oneyear anniversary of their fight to close the Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF), campaign organizers will host an event featuring a panel of CLOSEmsdf leaders discussing their momentum and what still needs to be done this year.
8 | JUNE 28, 2018
Friday, June 29
Amplify: An Advocates of Color Conference @ Hilton Garden Inn (11600 W. Park Place), 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Amplify is an annual conference organized by and intended for people of color working against gender-based violence in all its forms. This includes advocates working in domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and related fields.
Medea Benjamin ‘Inside Iran’ Book Talk @ Friends Meeting House (3224 N. Gordon Place), 7-8:30 p.m.
Author Medea Benjamin looks at the history and politics of Iran in her new book. This book talk will discuss why President Trump is attempting to make peace with North Korea while going on a warpath with Iran, as well as what we can do to stop another war in the Middle East.
The Accountants of Homeland Security @ The Underground Collaborative (161 W. Wisconsin Ave.), 8-10 p.m.
Chicago-based sketch comedy troupe The Accountants of Homeland Security will touch on familiar topics such as the NRA, Russian trolls and the Alt-Right at their one-night-only performance at Downtown venue The Underground Collaborative.
Saturday, June 30
Peace Action Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ The corner of National and Greenfield avenues, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action Wisconsin to protest war and, literally, “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee afterward.
Families Belong Together Day of Action @ Milwaukee Federal Building (517 E. Wisconsin Ave.), 1-2:30 p.m.
Protesters will converge all across the nation to demonstrate against family separation at the border. Milwaukee’s protest will happen at the Milwaukee Federal Building. The ACLU of Wisconsin, Voces de la Frontera, Citizen Action Wisconsin and more are all involved in the event.
Wednesday, July 4
What Does Real Freedom Look Like? @ Alice’s Garden (2136 N. 21st St.), noon-8 p.m.
“July Fourth was never a day of independence for Black Americans,” says Alice’s Garden’s Facebook page for their Wednesday, July 4, event. The community garden will offer programming that asks what real freedom looks like for African Americans in 2018.
To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to savingourdemocracy@shepex.com. Together, we can fight to minimize the damage that Donald Trump and others of his kind have planned for our great country. Comment at shepherdexpress.com.!
> County Parks continued from page 6
with “organizations like Lake Valley Camp, the Urban Ecology Center, Boys and Girls Club, PeppNation, Ramp UP MKE, Milwaukee Kickers and many others.” He also cited increasing “sponsorships that enhance parks, while supporting the bottom-line and promotion of parks and programs through digital and social media.” The Trust for Public Land has calculated the total value of volunteer hours invested in all parks within Milwaukee’s city limits at $5 million annually. McCabe says that “huge” figure reflects great civic pride and commitment. Nonetheless, Goulee stressed that volunteerism and other partnerships alone cannot possibly solve the chronic and overwhelming budgetary shortfalls. “This critical situation can only be addressed with secure, stable and dedicated parks funding,” Goulee said, adding: “We need to do better. We can’t just let our parks crumble or let this emerald necklace unravel.” Comment at shepherdexpress.com.
!"#$ %&'()*+,-.//0$ 1+2*,#+'$ 3%4(#./5$ 6('7/.'(8 Milwaukee County Parks is recognized nationally as a trailblazing park system that extended the concept of a network of linked parks and parkways throughout a county, not just a city. This planned system also preserved countywide waterways (creating environmental benefits) and reflected the native Wisconsin landscape. What many now call our “emerald necklace” dates back to what Frederick Law Olmsted—the man considered to be the “father of American parks”—designed in 1892 as a “Grand Necklace of Parks.” It included Lake Park, Riverside Park and Washington Park, plus the green spaces amid Newberry Boulevard. Charles B. Whitnall, a Socialist civic leader dubbed the “father of Milwaukee County Parks,” called Olmsted’s 1923 plan for parks and parkways encircling the county a “necklace of green.” Whitnall—and park designer Alfred Boerner—built upon the concepts of “parkways” and “park systems” that Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, first introduced in the mid-1880s. The Milwaukee County Parks System has been deemed eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, as described in the 120-page, taxpayer-funded Milwaukee County Parks and Parkways Historic Properties Management Plan. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Wisconsin’s Corrupt Gerrymandering Wins, For Now
!"# $%&# '"()*# )%&# +,# )%-*# .)# +!"# /010# 1234"5"# 6,24+# !"##$%& '!& "& ()"*($& +,& #+-./$& %,0*& 1.#(,*#.*2#& 3-"4$*56&(,--'!+&!,5.+.("5&7$--68"*9 %$-.*7&+)"+&#'!!,-+$-#&,:&%$8,(-"(6& hoped would finally lead to fairer, more honest $5$(+.,*& %.#+-.(+#& +)-,'7),'+& +)$& (,'*+-6;& <*$& tiny, positive glimmer was that, even though the high court still has a conservative majority, only the two most extreme-right justices—Clarence =),8"#& "*%& *$0& >,*"5%& =-'8!& ?'#+.($& @$.5& Gorsuch—wanted to throw out the case entirely "*%&:-$$&1.#(,*#.*&A$!'35.("*#&+,&3$&"#&,!$*56& corrupt in drawing voting districts as their un9 scrupulous, little hearts’ desire. =)$&-$"#,*&1.#(,*#.*2#&-$%.#+-.(+.*7&0"#&3$9 fore the Supreme Court in the first place was the dishonest gerrymandering by Gov. Scott Walker "*%& ).#& A$!'35.("*& 5$7.#5"+'-$& 0"#& "8,*7& +)$& 8,#+&$B+-$8$&.*&+)$&*"+.,*&.*&%.#+,-+.*7&+)$&!,9 litical intentions of the state’s voters. Here’s how it worked. Every 10 years after a new U.S. census, politicians in every state draw new boundaries for voting for legislative and
(,*7-$##.,*"5& #$"+#& .*(,-!,-"+.*7& !,!'5"+.,*& changes. In Wisconsin, Walker and Republicans had total control of the legislature after the 2010 +$"&!"-+6&8.%+$-8&3"(/5"#)&"7".*#+&+)$&$5$(+.,*& of America’s first African American president. A Republican law firm used sophisticated (,8!'+$-&#,:+0"-$&+,&(-$"+$&,*$&,:&+)$&8,#+&%.#9 torted partisan state voting maps in U.S. history. 1)$*&>$8,(-"+#&()"55$*7$%&+)$&8"!&.*&:$%$-"5& court, two members of a three-judge panel ruled +)$& $B+-$8$& 7$--68"*%$-.*7& '*(,*#+.+'+.,*"556& violated the voting rights of Wisconsin’s citizens. “Republicans would maintain a majority (in the 99-seat Assembly) under any likely voting scenario,” U.S. District Judge J.P. Stadtmueller wrote, “Indeed, they would maintain a 54-seat majority while garnering only 48% of the state9 wide vote.”
Turning Losers into Winners
Actually, Stadtmueller underestimated just ),0&(,--'!+&+)$&-$%.#+-.(+.*7&0"#;&=)$&A$!'35.9 can map was used in 2012 while the case was be9 ing appealed. The judge was right on target about
Republican turnout. Republicans won 48% of the vote statewide, but they won an even greater majority in the Assembly: 60 seats compared to 39 for the Democrats, who won 174,000 !"#$& votes statewide than the Republicans. Obviously, the losing party in the state winning a 21-vote majority in one legislative chamber is a total dis9 +,-+.,*&,:&%$8,(-"(6; =)$& 3"#.(& +"(+.(#& ,:& %.#),*$#+& !,5.+.("5& 7$-9 rymandering are “Packing and Cracking.” The opposition party’s voters are “packed” into the fewest possible districts, and the rest of their voters are “cracked”—scattered across so many different districts they can never determine the ,'+(,8$&,:&"*&$5$(+.,*; Since 2004, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—a Ronald Reagan appointee and pos9 sibly the last Republican justice to care more about democracy than partisan political advan9 tage—has expressed an interest in finding a test to define when partisan gerrymandering becomes so extreme that it violates the First Amendment rights of a minority party’s voters by punishing them for their political views. The challengers in Wisconsin believed an outrageous 21-vote As9 sembly majority won by the losing political party was extreme enough for Kennedy to finally write a landmark majority decision ending politically corrupt redistricting. Alas, not yet.
Provide the Evidence
=)$&1.#(,*#.*&("#$&*,0&-$+'-*#&+,&+)$&:$%$-"5& appeals court with a majority opinion from Chief ?'#+.($& ?,)*& A,3$-+#& .*#+-'(+.*7& ()"55$*7$-#& +,& focus on providing evidence that voting rights were violated in each individual district rather +)"*& #+"+$0.%$;& =)"+& #.8!56& (5,'%#& +)$& .##'$& #.*($&+)$&0),5$&-$"#,*&+,&(,--'!+56&8"*.!'5"+$&
district boundaries is to create a larger major9 .+6&#+"+$0.%$&:,-&,*$&!"-+6&.*&+)$&5$7.#5"+'-$&"*%& 0.+).*&+)"+&#+"+$2#&(,*7-$##.,*"5&%$5$7"+.,*; Fortunately, there is another corrupt gerry9 mandering case very similar to Wisconsin’s that could be headed for the Supreme Court as early as next year focusing squarely on individual vot9 ing districts. Like Wisconsin, North Carolina is close to a 50-50 state in major elections, but a Republican congressional map there created 10 Republican-majority districts and three Demo9 (-"+.(&%.#+-.(+#;&=)$&5$7.#5"+,-&3$).*%&+)$&8"!&#".%& the only reason it wasn’t less representative was it was impossible to draw one electing 11 Repub9 5.("*#&"*%&,*56&+0,&>$8,(-"+#;& ?'#+.($&A,3$-+#&8,(/$%&:,-8'5"#&!-,!,#$%&.*& +)$&1.#(,*#.*&("#$&+,&%$+$-8.*$&0)$*&!"-+.#"*& 7$--68"*%$-.*7&0"#&#,&$B+-$8$&"#&+,&'*(,*#+.9 tutionally deny voting rights. He called such tests “sociological gobbledygook.” But the only real test is whether the results of elections reflect the will of the voters. Elections that produce 21-vote !%&"#'('$)& :,-& +)$& *")'+,& !"-+6& (,8!5$+$56& :".5& +)"+&+$#+;&C,+$-#&.*&3,+)&!,5.+.("5&!"-+.$#&*,0&-$(9 ,7*.4$&7$--68"*%$-.*7&.#&+)$&0"6&(,--'!+&!,5.+.9 cians keep themselves in power. So far, at least seven states will vote on ballot initiatives this fall to turn redistricting over to independent, biparti9 #"*&(,88.##.,*#; In a concurring opinion, Justice Elena Kagan 0"-*$%&!'++.*7&,::&"&%$(.#.,*&.*&+)$&1.#(,*#.*& case would only delay the job of cleaning up corrupt gerrymandering. “The 2010 redistrict9 .*7& (6(5$& !-,%'($%& #,8$& ,:& +)$& 0,-#+& !"-+.#"*& gerrymandering on record,” Kagan wrote. “The technology will only get better, so the 2020 cycle will only get worse.” -"!!$+(.%(.)/$0/$#1$20#$))34"!3&n
You Think Trump’s Family Separation Policy Will Hurt Him
Last week we asked if the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border will hurt Trump and his supporters in the general election. You said: n No, this will motivate his base: 32% n Yes he’s gone too far for independents and even many Republicans: 68%
What Do You Say? Will Donald Trump’s economic policies and tariffs cause more companies to follow in HarleyDavidson’s footsteps and move jobs overseas? n Yes n No Vote online at shepherdexpress.com. We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
10 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
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For more Dining, log onto shepherdexpress.com
New in Milwaukee !"#$%"&'()%*+&,%-.*&/01.#*& %*2&1%'#34&$30*56(1!::BY LACEY MUSZYNSKI
This past month saw a flurry in openings around Milwaukee, including a vegan plant-based restaurant, Latin fusion eats and more pokē in the Third Ward. Plus, Elm Grove gains a breakfast and brunch spot.
1978 N. Farwell • 414-231-3030 • celesta.restaurant • $$
A vegan restaurant has opened in the former Jow Nai Fouquet space on the East Side. Celesta is run by Melanie Manuel, who also owns a vegan pop-up and catering company, Beatrix Foods. Like Beatrix, Celesta’s food is inspired by a variety of global cuisines and flavors. Arancini ($9) are made with lemon risotto and cauliflower ($9) is roasted with tahini, golden raisins, mint and dill. For mains, choose between a lasagna ($14) with vegan béchemel and rosemary sage sausage, a “turkey” club ($12) with seitan and tempeh, and ramen ($15) with sunflower seed broth, among other options. A full bar is available along with grab-and-go items, including the house-made meat substitutes.
Tavo’s Latin Fusion
5814 W. Bluemound Road • 414-239-8888 • tavosmke.com • $$
A new Mexican and Latin American restaurant has opened in the former Quiote space on Bluemound Road. Tavo’s serves breakfast, lunch and dinner from executive chef Gustavo Camacho who has been working in the Milwaukee service industry for more than 20 years. Appetizers include three types of guacamole ($7.99-$9.99) and sincronizadas ($4.99), a popular Mexican ham and cheese quesadilla. Gorditas, sopes, enchiladas and tacos ($12.99 each) are available with meat choices like steak, shrimp and cactus. The pineapple pastor express ($19.99), a half pineapple filled with pastor meat, and ribeye steak tacos ($17.99) are kitchen specialties.
Aloha Pokē
house when it was built in 1904. The space has been updated with modern touches and includes a large, secluded patio surrounded by greenery. The menu includes upscale bar food appetizers like a charcuterie and cheese board ($18), grilled smoked chicken wings ($12) and maple BBQ pork belly ($12). Creative flatbreads like fried chicken and jam ($14) with onion jam and smoked blue cheese, and sandwiches including a Texas burger ($13) with onion rings and smoked cheddar make up the rest of the menu.
13425 Watertown Plank Road • $$
Elm Grove has a new breakfast, brunch and lunch spot in the former Penelope’s. The owners of Zisters remodeled the space into a modern, industrial atmosphere with sleek tables and garage doors that open in summer. The menu is divided into sweet and savory brunch sections, along with omelets, apps, salads, sandwiches and flatbreads. Eggs benedict ($12) come three ways: traditional, salmon and Florentine, and you can try all three in a flight ($14). On the sweet side, pancakes can be topped with mixed berries and ricotta, bacon, or bananas and walnuts ($9). For lunch, chicken panini ($12), blackened salmon sandwich ($14) and a steak wrap ($13) are all served with fries, salad or fruit.
Aloha Pokē
220 E. Buffalo St. • 414-585-0000 • alohapokeco.com • $-$$
A new outlet of a Chicago-based pokē chain has opened in the Third Ward. Aloha Pokē lets diners customize their own Hawaiian-inspired pokē bowl ($7-$14.50) assembly-line style. You choose the size of your bowl, a base of greens or rice, marinated or plain tuna, salmon, shrimp, chicken or tofu, and your toppings and sauces. For beginners, there are pre-set topping combos to choose from, like “Aloha” with pineapple, cucumber, scallions, jalapeño, onion and sesame vinaigrette. This is the first location of the chain in Wisconsin.
Blue’s Egg Shorewood
4195 N. Oakland Ave. • 414-312-8551 • bluesegg.com • $$
Tied House
Popular breakfast, brunch and lunch spot Blue’s Egg has opened its second location on Oakland Avenue in Shorewood. The atmosphere is similar to the West Side location, with a modernized, vintage diner feel, though this location has more natural light from large windows and garage doors which can be opened. The menu is the same at both locations, save for one new item: a beef cheek benedict ($12.95). A full bar is also offered at the Shorewood location.
A new bar and restaurant has opened in the Third Ward in the former Irish Pub spot. The name of the bar, Tied House, is an homage to the building’s history as a Pabst tied
This month in closings, Likkle Jamayka on Second Street has closed, as well as the Black Rose Irish Pub on Oakland Avenue.
124 N. Water St. • tiedhousemke.com • $$
12 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
Calum Hastreiter
Chef de cuisine, Milwaukee ChopHouse 633 N. Fifth St. 414-226-2467 When Calum Hastreiter, chef de cuisine at Milwaukee ChopHouse, goes out to eat, he often heads to EE-Sane for Thai food on the East Side. Prior to moving to Milwaukee, he hadn’t had much international food, he says, but he “soon discovered how much I love spicy food” and has now been visiting EE-Sane for the better part of a decade. “It’s hard to go wrong with anything on the menu,” he says, but recommends the massaman curry with tofu or chicken, along with the spring rolls. They also have great service and usually recognize Hastreiter as a regular and ask why he’s not ordering his food as spicy as usual. “Despite how spicy one orders the food,” he says, “they do a great job of balancing the flavors and spiciness.”
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4 stores and a café in greater Milwaukee to serve you. Visit www.outpost.coop for locations and store hours. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 | 13
/0%&1*-*23451* 36*24"7#"%58 ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
The Middle East is no stranger to vegetarian and vegan fare. Among the poor, meat was often reserved for special occasions, and some religions maintain fasting rules mandating days and weeks with no animal products. Tahini & Turmeric: 101 Middle Eastern Classics Made Irresistibly Vegan, gathers more than 100 traditional vegan dishes from the region with creative twists from its Lebanese-Jewish authors. Vicky Cohen and Ruth Fox travel from breakfast through dessert with many stops along the way. The bold colors of their dishes as photographed are candy for the eye and the imagination. Tahini & Turmeric includes many handy tips, including how to peel a pomegranate.
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Trader Nick’s South Shore Inn Brings Tiki to Cudahy
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::SPORTS The Problem with Freddy Peralta’s Rapid Rise ::BY KYLE LOBNER
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Prospect Avenue High Rise is looking for a Garage Attendant. What We Look For:
We are looking for flexible, hardworking and courteous individuals who enjoy working with people and excel in a fast-paced environment.
Job Description:
• Promptly and carefully park residents’ vehicles. • Greet and open garage lobby door for all residents. • If appropriate, assist residents with groceries, packages and luggage.
• Must be able to drive vehicles with manual transmission. • Must have a valid driver’s license and insurance. Please contact Lori Ferguson at 414-326-3575 or by email at lferguson436@gmail.com for more information. You may also fill out an application in person at 1610 N. Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202.
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t’s more than a place to hang art,” says the Museum of Wisconsin Art’s executive director, Laurie Winters. Sure enough, her museum’s main current exhibition of 38 bicycles, “Joy Ride: Designing Trek,” isn’t hung from the walls but mounted on platforms. But the way MOWA installs its art is not what she’s talking about, but rather, she points to the sorts of programming surrounding “Joy Ride.” The event includes the obligatory opening night party and expected panel discussion with Trek designers discussing their craft. But MOWA’s “Summer of Cycling” also includes a bus trip to Trek’s headquarters in Waterloo, Wis.; family bike-decorating events and safety clinics; and the Beer and Bike Ride (Saturday, Aug. 4) through the Kettle Moraine. Throughout the year, regardless of what’s hanging (or otherwise displayed), MOWA’s calendar brims with workshops, family activities and “Express Talks,” a 20-minute lecture or tour conducted by curators every Thursday, noon-12:20 p.m. “I feel there’s all this interesting stuff out there—I want to connect with it in ways that are unexpected,” Winters says. “I want children’s first experience of an art museum to be one of fun and engagement. I want to make it easy for people to come back.” Bicycles are certainly fun and engaging. “Everyone has a bicycle experience or memory they can connect to,” adds MOWA’s communications and marketing director, Jessica Wildes. But “Joy Ride” is also part of a larger project to showcase the artifacts of Wisconsin industries—the designs for life blueprinted and executed by creative residents of our state.
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The idea began with last year’s exhibit, dedicated to the children’s fashion line launched in 1945 by Shorewood’s Florence Eiseman. “Before her, children’s clothing was miniature adult clothing,” Winters says. “She developed the idea of the worldly child—her advertising promoted the idea of little girls as scholars, positioning them as future leaders.” This summer Trek Bikes is the featured Wisconsin company. Like Eiseman, it began modestly and attained world recognition. Trek was founded in 1975 by Dick Burke and Bevil Hogg in a Waterloo barn. It caught the tide of cycling in the U.S. as it rose from a kid’s activity to an integral part of adult life. “The work of Trek’s designers is typically viewed from a business perspective,” says Trek’s product design director, Steve Baumann. “The MOWA exhibit is more about the art of bicycle design and its relationship to the experience of riding a bike.” As shown by the bicycles displayed in “Joy Ride,” Trek was also an innovator, leading the way from the steel-framed bikes of the 20th century to the carbon fiber bikes of today. Inspired by aerospace designs, the new generation of bikes are light as a feather but hard as steel. The exhibit also includes an idea Trek modified from its European competitors, e-bikes with electric motors that assist in pedaling—perfect for older cyclists afraid of losing stamina over a long ride— as well as a few personal bikes designed by Trek employees for their own use. Baumann explains that many hours were spent discussing what to include in “Joy Ride” based on “what’s happening in contemporary bicycling, the history of specific bikes from Trek’s collection and the ideas behind the one-of-a-kind bikes made by Trek’s designers. The bikes on display were chosen as the best representatives of those stories.” Those one-of-a-kinds are often eye-popping in appearance, painted in Scottish tartan plaid or to resemble the bark of a birch tree. Designer Kristina Bybee’s bike was inspired by the interior of a Greek restaurant with its gold plating and green marbled paint job. “We talked with Trek about the “Joy Ride: important points in their history, the Designing markers of their evolution,” Winters says. “We knew we wanted one of Trek” the first bikes they ever made so MOWA that viewers can see the differences Through between then and now. We also Aug. 5 wanted to show Trek’s support for the sport of bike racing and their adventure bikes designed for mountains or winter.” Cedarburg-born Eric Larsen rode one of the bikes on display across the Antarctic ice to the South Pole. “Like all designers, we’re trying to solve problems,” Baumann concludes. “The best design solutions are winners in everyone’s eyes. When everyone who touches a product during its lifecycle has a great experience, it’s a great design. To get there we focus on being honest, refined, dynamic and consistent in our design practices.” “Joy Ride: Designing Trek” will be on display through Aug. 5 at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, 205 Veterans Ave., West Bend. Activities at the museum this summer include the Art & Chalk Fest, July 28-29, an annual arts and crafts festival that also features chalk artists from around the nation.
J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 ! 17
Marshmello @ Miller Lite Oasis, Summerfest, 10 p.m.
Wearing a silly helmet on stage doesn’t guarantee a DJ stardom, but it doesn’t hurt, either. It’s certainly worked out well for Christopher Comstock, who performs under the pseudonym Marshmello. Since releasing his debut album, Joyride, in 2016, the masked electronic producer has worked his way into pop’s inner circle, collaborating with artists like Khalid, Selena Gomez, Annie-Marie, Migos, Juicy J and Logic— not bad for a performer whose face most listeners have never seen. He just released his sophomore album, Joyride II, this month.
Nelly @ U.S. Cellular Connection Stage, Summerfest, 10 p.m.
Nobody would make the case for Nelly as one of the great rappers, but to fans, he’s symbolic of a better time for pop music, an era when pop-rappers didn’t have to play into EDM trends in order to turn hits. Instead, Nelly won over both pop and rap radio by drawing from popular Southern sounds of the early 2000s. Though he hasn’t released an album since 2013’s M.O., his Neptunes-produced smash “Hot in Herre” remains one of that decade’s great party jams.
GoldLink @ Miller Lite Oasis, 10:15 p.m.
XXL magazine has a mixed track record with its Freshman Class picks of rappers to watch, but sometimes those lists get it right. Case in point: 2015 Freshman Class alum GoldLink, who has gone on to become one of the most successful D.C. rappers since Wale. That regional character helped distinguish his infectious 2017 commercial debut, At What Cost, which blended the sounds of his city’s native go-go music with the spirit of classic hip-hop. It featured one of last year’s catchiest rap singles, “Crew,” which was nominated for a Grammy.
Burnhearts/Pabst Street Party @ Burnhearts, noon
Like many of the city’s best street festivals, the lineup at the annual Burnhearts-Pabst Street Party is almost beside the point. Now in its 11th year, the annual Bay View street party is such an institution, and such a rite of summer, that attendees would look forward to it no matter who was headlining. Nonetheless, each year the festival puts together a distinctive lineup featuring a mix of big local draws and local cult favorites: B~Free, Buffalo Gospel, Sundial Mottos, Magnetic Minds, Taj Raiden and Luxi. In keeping with festival custom, there will also be between-set music from DJ Why B; a maker fair curated by Cortney Heimerl; food from area restaurants including Goodkind, Vanguard, Honeypie and Palomino; and specialty drinks including Korbel Brandy and Ginger Korbel Brandy Slushes.
Third Eye Blind @ Miller Lite Oasis, Summerfest, 10:15 p.m.
Halsey and Logic w/ NF @ American Family Mutual Insurance Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m.
Though the band’s hit singles, including “Semi-Charmed Life” and “Jumper,” had a satirical bite that sometimes was overshadowed by their sheer bubblegumminess, most people never considered Third Eye Blind an especially political band. Nonetheless, in recent years, band leader Stephan Jenkins has steered his alternative-pop group in a more overtly political direction, standing with the Occupy Wallstreet movement and criticizing politicians that stand in the way of LGBTQ rights. In 2016, the group released one of its most charged singles yet, “Cop vs. Phone Girl,” which touches on Black Lives Matter and a 2015 incident where a police officer violently assaulted a South Carolina high school student.
An early tour with Imagine Dragons helped put pop singer Halsey on the map, but it was her smoldering “Closer,” her 2016 collaboration with the electronic duo The Chainsmokers, that made her a bona fide star. She followed it up last year with a chart-topping album of hip-hop-influenced dance pop, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. She co-headlines this show with another artist who had a 2017 to remember: Rapper Logic, who scored the biggest hit of his career with his suicide-prevention anthem “1-800-273-8255.” This spring he released a new mixtape, Bobby Tarantino II, that showcases his lighter, less serious side.
Make a Difference Concert: “Music from My Pen” @ Marcus Center, 7:30 p.m.
Halsey 18 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
Preaching the power of music and artistic expression, The Better Project Awareness Foundation sponsors free music camps for kids age 6-16 as well as scholarships for music lessons. It’ll raise money for that cause at this fundraising concert featuring singersongwriter Christopher Crain. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the Marcus Center box office or through tbpaf.org. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Read our daily events guide, Today in Milwaukee, on shepherdexpress.com
Foster the People @ Miller Lite Oasis, 10 p.m.
When MGMT refused to fill the demand for catchy, buoyant psych-pop that they helped created with their 2007 album Oracular Spectacular and its ubiquitous hits, a bunch of other bands stepped in to capitalize on the opportunity. Among the most successful was Los Angeles’ Foster the People, which scored a big crossover hit in 2011 with the MGMT-esque “Pumped Up Kicks,” a song that helped shift alt-rock radio’s interest away from guitars and toward loose, happy grooves. Last year, the group released its third album, Sacred Hearts Club, which adds a more pronounced electronic influence but keeps the perky pop vibes.! !
The Pixies @ BMO Harris Pavilion, 9:45 p.m.
When The Pixies finally reunited in 2004, to great fanfare, they probably didn’t expect to still be on the road together 14 years later. These days, they have some new songs to play: After bassist Kim Deal left the band in 2013, they released a pair of full lengths, 2014’s uneven Indie Cindy and 2016’s much-better Head Carrier. It shouldn’t be too surprising that the new music was received with cold reviews; there was no way any new music from the band could live up to enigmatic albums like Surfer Rosa or Doolittle, flawless LPs that helped lay the groundwork for an entire generation of alternative and indie bands. Nonetheless, Head Carrier in particular is the work of a band that, at the very least, is enjoying themselves.
Kesha @ Miller Lite Oasis, Summerfest, 9:45 p.m.
Chromeo @ Miller Lite Oasis, Summerfest, 10 p.m.
For a time it seemed Kesha would never even get to release a new album. After the divisive pop singer came forward with accusations of sexual assault and emotional abuse against her longtime producer, Dr. Luke, she launched a legal campaign to free herself from her contract with Sony Music. She lost that battle but won the P.R. war: Dr. Luke has been all but blacklisted from the music industry, while Kesha was free to release a new album on her own terms, and it’s far and away her best. Nodding to classic rock ’n’ roll, soul and country and featuring guest spots from Dolly Parton, the Dap-Kings Horns and Eagles of Death Metal, her 2017 album, Rainbow, proved what an electric presence Kesha can be when given the chance to sing on her own terms. OLIVIA BEE
The electro-funk duo Chromeo once described itself as “the only successful Arab-Jewish collaboration since the beginning of time,” a statement that speaks volumes about the group’s cheeky sense of humor. The synth-rock outfit sometimes crosses the line between good-natured fun and straight-up irony—just listen to those bargain-bin synths on their breakout 2010 album Business Casual or the exaggerated throwback funk of 2014’s White Women—but jokey or not, their ’80s-inspired dance-funk throwbacks are reliable party starters. White Women featured an entertaining cast of guests including Ezra Koenig, Toro y Moi and Solange Knowles, while their new album, Head Over Heels, features an even bigger cast of guests including DRAM, The-Dream, French Montana and Raphael Saadiq.
Dave Matthews Band @ American Family Mutual Insurance Amphitheater, 8 p.m.
It’s possible nobody enjoyed Lady Bird more than Dave Matthews. Some of the most memorable scenes of Greta Gerwig’s directorial debut offered a heartfelt defense of the much maligned pop/rock band, who despite commanding a loyal audience for decades have rarely gotten much respect from critics. This year, the band put out its first album since 2012’s Away from the World, a stripped-down but agreeable album called Come Tomorrow. The band will look a little different than fans remember them on this tour: Longtime violinist Boyd Tinsley parted from the group this spring under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations. !
J. Cole w/ Trippie Redd @ American Family Mutual Insurance Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m.
J. Cole is one of the quintessential modern rap success stories. After making a name for himself on the mixtape circuit, the New York upstart signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation label, which released his 2011 debut album, Cole Wold: The Sideline Story, to tremendous commercial success. But rather than leaning into his pop instincts, Cole backed away from them on subsequent albums, which cut back on the guest features expected from big-budget rap albums to create a more introspective vibe. His fifth and latest album KOD is a heady exploration of addiction and depression. Like the four albums before it, it debuted at number one on the Billboard charts. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 | 19
Lungs is a clever and comical drama that follows a couple through the surprising lifecycle of their relationship as they contend with questions of family, change, hope, betrayal, happenstance and the awful pain that seems to only come with love. “Duncan MacMillan’s distinctive, off-kilter love story is brutally honest, funny, edgy and current,” The Guardian once described Lungs. If the basic description sounds familiar to you, it should. Sound a lot like your life, perhaps? That, of course, was exactly MacMillan’s point in penning this thoroughly relatable dramedy. MacMillan, incidentally, was the playwright for Third Avenue Playhouse’s production of Every Brilliant Thing last season. Lungs will be directed by Robert Boles and star Nick Narcisi and Elodie Senetra as the romantic couple. Narcisi recently finished playing Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire at the Tennessee Williams Festival in St. Louis and has previously appeared with the Milwaukee Repertory Theater and Renaissance Theatreworks in our neck of the woods. Senetra was seen most recently in Renaissance’s Br!NK New Play Festival and has appeared in productions by Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, the Rep and Door Shakespeare. (John Jahn) June 28-July 21 at Third Avenue Playhouse, 239 N. Third Ave., Sturgeon Bay. For tickets, call 920-743-1760 or visit thirdavenueplayhouse.com/lungs.
I’ll Eat You Last
Written by John Logan and directed by Eric Welch, I’ll Eat You Last has a title that might at first evoke some kind of horror story; it’s anything but. Marcee Doherty-Elst stars as Sue Mengers—Hollywood’s original super-agent who famously represented Barbra Streisand—in this one-woman, 75-minute comedy (and Milwaukee premiere). This will be Theater RED’s first production in collaboration with Untitled Productions, a new theatrical production company that seeks to bring rare works to the local stage. As Doherty-Elst describes the work, “I’ll Eat You Last invites you to a private suite in the early-1980s, where Sue Mengers waits to receive a fateful call from Streisand, her biggest client and most devoted friend. As she lounges in her famous caftan, indulging in illicit intoxicants and explicit gossip, the world begins to crumble around her. With the toppling of her once-mighty celebrity empire, so, too, crumbles the seemingly invincible vision of Old Hollywood.” (John Jahn). June 29-July 1 at The Kimpton Journeyman Hotel, 310 E. Chicago St. For tickets, visit theaterred.com.
Much Ado About Nothing and The Comedy of Errors
Door Shakespeare opens its 23rd season with two comedies from The Bard of Avon. William Shakespeare’s beloved Much Ado About Nothing has been transported to post-Civil War America in this production (directed by Joseph Hanreddy), with an opening scene of soldiers coming back to their homes in Door County. The world-weary Benedick will soon become reacquainted with Beatrice (played by real-life couple David Cecsarini and Deborah Staples, respectively). Much Ado’s companion piece, The Comedy of Errors (directed by Leda Hoffmann), centers on two sets of twins separated at birth. Mayhem ensues when they all find themselves in the same place and time. “This summer, we have brought together the best and the brightest actors, designers, directors and staff from Wisconsin,” says Michael Stebbins, artistic director of Door Shakespeare. “Great care was taken in assembling this talented company of 18, and we are sure that it will prove to be a most entertaining and memorable theatre-going experience. Everyone involved is excited to share the words and the wit of William Shakespeare with audiences young and old alike.” (John Jahn) June 28-Aug. 18 in the Garden at Björklunden, 1.5 miles south of Baileys Harbor on Highway 57. For tickets, call 920-839-1500 or visit doorshakespeare.com.
20 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
‘Accumulation of Acts’ PHOTO BY CHRISTA WAGNER
‘Accumulation of Acts’ Advocates for Culture, Justice and the Environment )::BY JOHN SCHNEIDER
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!"#$%$&'()*%'(+##, Free Lecture Series
Portrait Society Gallery and Sculpture Milwaukee 424 E. Wisconsin Ave. June 27
The kick-off lecture (others follow through mid-October) will be at the Pfister Hotel. Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg will discuss their sculpture, Skew, followed by Beth Sahagian-Allsopp discussing how several other works in Sculpture Milwaukee were fabricated.
Look Here! Project Opening Night Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum 2220 N. Terrace Ave. June 28
“Look Here!” is a collaboration between UW-Milwaukee’s library and art school as well as artists from RedLine Milwaukee. The project centers on works that reimagine, transform and engage with items in the university’s extensive library collections. The opening night is free and open to the public to kick off the exhibit, which runs through Sept. 16.
From China with Love Cedarburg Art Museum W63 N675 Washington Ave. June 28
The Inner Landscapes of Terrence Coffman ::BY KEVIN LYNCH
!"#$%&'&($)*$+,-.$!"#$%&#"&' ()"&*+,' -+,,+&$+' .%//0)&' #++0#' *%' 1&%23' 4+' %#*+&#"5 678'*,+)9#'"&')6#*,)$*'+:(,+#5 #"%&"#0;#'<"#*%,"$)7'0%9+,&5 "#03'=8'$%&*,)#*>'*<+'#*)*+;#'0%#*'&%*)67+'),*'*,)5 9"*"%&'#*+0#'/,%0'*<+'?,+)*'@"92+#*',+?"%&)7"#*#>' "&$7A9"&?'!"#$%&#"&;#')9%(*+9'#%&>'B%<&'C*+A),*' .A,,83'D$$%,9"&?78>'0%#*'%/'*<+'#*)*+;#'9%0"&)&*' ),*'*,+&9#'<)E+'"&*+,/)$+9'2"*<'*<+'#*)*+;#')6A&5 9)&*'&)*A,)7',+#%A,$+#>'"&$7A9"&?'*<+'),$<"*+$*A,)7' ?")&*'F,)&1'G7%89'!,"?<*3' In that sense, Coffman fits in, in a sidelong 2)83' 4+' +E+&' 9+&"+#' 9%"&?' )6#*,)$*"%&#3' 4"#' ()"&*"&?#>' %&' 9"#(7)8' )*' -%,8' F%77"),9' H)77+,8' *<,%A?<'BA78'I>',+(,+#+&*'J7)&9#$)(+#'%/'08'"&5 &+,'6+"&?>'08')**+0(*'*%'0%E+'"&*%')'?,+)*+,',+)75 "*8'K'L;0')'$%&9A"*'%/'#%,*#3'L'9%&;*'#*)&9'6+/%,+' )'#A6M+$*'*%'$%(8'"*3'L'6,+)*<+'"*'"&>'$%&#A0+'"*')&9' let it flow through me onto canvas.” -<)*'#%A&9#'?,)&9"%#+'6A*'<+;#'#*,"E"&?'/%,>' )&9'/),'6+8%&9>'*<+'"&9"?+&%A#'*+,,)"&>'#)8"&?' <+' 9,)2#' /,%0' N+&' 9"#$"(7"&+#' %/' .<"&)' )&9' L&9")3'-<+',+#A7*O'()"&*+,78'+E%$)*"%&#'%/'*<+' <"?<+#*'%,9+,3 Coffman meditatively “breathes in” aspects %/'"&*+&#+78')*0%#(<+,"$'7)&9#$)(+#>'%,'*%2&5 #$)(+#' %/' B+//+,#%&>'!"#3>' <"#' ,+#"9+&$+3'-<+' +:<)7)*"%&' +//+$*' ,+#+067+#' .)7"/%,&")' $%7%,5 field abstractionist Richard Diebenkorn who, 7"1+' .%//0)&>' +0(7%8+9' 7)&9#$)(+59+,"E+9' #A6M+$*' #+,"+#' )&9>' )*8("$)7' *%' P+2'Q%,1' )65 #*,)$*' +:(,+##"%&"#*#>' %/*+&' "&' ()#*+7#3' .%//5 SHEPHERD EXPRESS
0)&'<)#')'#"0"7),78'#*A&&"&?'?"/*'/%,'$%&MA,5 "&?'6+)A*8'*<)*'#%0+*"0+#'9"#)((+),+9'"&'*<+' 6,)2&8')6#*,)$*5+:(,+##"%&"#*'(,%$+##3 .%//0)&' 9%+#' +06,)$+' *<)*' 0%E+0+&*;#' ?,)&9' *,)9"*"%&' %/' 7),?+5#$)7+' ()"&*"&?#3' D&9' 8+*>' *<+' +8+59,%2&"&?' IR5685ST5"&$<' !"#$%&' !"()*+',-'"#'#%0+*<"&?'%/')&'+:*,+0+'J$7%#+5 up.” It recalls ab-ex pioneer Arshile Gorky’s )((,%)$<'%/'7"*+,)778'9"E"&?'<"#'/)$+')&9'&%#+' "&*%')'?),9+&>'*%'67A,'<"#'/%$A#'6A*'"&*+&#"/8'<"#' #+&#%,8'+:(+,"+&$+3'C%>'2+'#++'<+,+'*2%'?")&*' ,%#+57"1+'#*+0#')&9'67%##%0#>')&9'*<+'$)&E)#' 9"E"9+#' "&*%' *<,++' 7),?+' <%,"U%&*)7' #+?0+&*#' )1"&'*%'7)8+,#'%/'+),*<>'8+*'*<+8;,+')77'#A&7"*'"&' ()#*+7'*%&+#3'4%,"U%&*)7'#*,+)1#'+//+$*')'2+",9' #A#(+&9+9'/++7"&?3'D7%&?'2"*<'#A$<'(+,$+(*A)7' #7+"?<*'%/'<)&9>'8%A')7#%'9+*+$*'#0)77'?,)(<"*+' #$,"667+#>'#A??+#*"&?'?+,0"&)*"&?'#++9#3' -<+#+'#7"?<*'+//+$*#'<+7('9"#*"&?A"#<'.%//0)&' /,%0' *8("$)7' )6#*,)$*' +:(,+##"%&"#03' 4+' )7#%' does very small-scale paintings, demanding fine *+$<&"VA+#3'C%'+E+&'<"#'6"??+#*'$)&E)#+#',+E+)7' 0"&"#$A7+' #()**+,#' %/' ()"&*>' 7"1+' )' B)$1#%&' W%75 lock “mini-me” standing between his legs. But <+;#' &%6%98;#' 1&%$15%//3' .%//0)&' )7#%' 2"+79#' #*%,8*+77"&?'+0%*"%&)7'(%2+,'"&'<"#'*2%'.'/0+1' 2"3' 4(05' 605*' E),")*"%&#3' !<"*+' $7%A9#' $<"77' *<+'#(","*X'*<+'*+,,)"&'#++0#'7"1+'(#8$<"$'0)U+#' *<)*' 0"?<*' $",$7+' <"0' 6)$1' 2<+,+' <+' #*),*+9>' )' $7)##"$'&"?<*0),+3 Terrence Coffman, Gail’s Garden #10, Oil on Canvas, 72 x 84”
UW-Milwaukee professor emeritus David Buck will speak on “American Reactions to Daily Life in Early 20th-Century China” from 5-6 p.m. in an event that is free and open to the public. Afterward, retire to the beer garden for live music, beverages and food. Professor Buck’s lecture is part of the ongoing (through Sept. 30) exhibition at the museum, “From China with Love: Hand-colored Photographs and Letters Home, 1919-1921.”
Live Portrait Painting Two-Day Workshop
Cedarburg Cultural Center W62 N546 Washington Ave. June 29-30
Marc Anderson, Best-of-Show winner from the Cedarburg Artists Guild’s “Paint Cedarburg” Plein Air Event, will teach a special two-day workshop entitled “Live Portrait Painting,” which will focus the attention of attendees on learning to paint portraits in oil. Instruction in the fundamentals of portrait painting—drawing, anatomy, color, lighting and brushwork—will start with a three-hour demo that kicks off each session.
Home in Wauwatosa Gallery 2622 2622 N. Wauwatosa Ave. Friday, July 6
With the exhibition “Home in Wauwatosa,” you can view original paintings by Fred Bell of neighborhood scenes, painted from memory, while the artist was out on walks with his dog, Scruffy.
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What Happened to
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[ FILM CLIPS ] !Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom PG-13 Dinosaurs still roam the abandoned Jurassic World island, but their existence is threatened by imminent volcanic eruption. Tasked to rescue the reptiles, Claire and dino wrangler Owen (Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt, respectively) arrive as saviors—a job that prompts blaming one another for their failed romance. Disaster porn ensues as they, along with a handful of scientists and a military escort, are stalked by the very animals they intend to save. Owen reunites with Blue, the velociraptor he trained to follow his commands, but new dino hybrid predators seem to materialize from thin air. James Cromwell and Rafe Spall appear as wealthy businessmen planning to auction the lizards to the highest bidder, while Jeff Goldblum (the only actor-character from the original Jurassic Park) returns as the cautionary voice everyone continues to ignore at their peril. (Lisa Miller)
Sicario: Day of the Soldado R
With sicario meaning hitman and soldado meaning soldier, the title says a lot about the nature of this sequel. Insightfully scripted by Taylor Sheridan, Sicario: Day of the Soldado’s story envisions Mexican drug cartels smuggling terrorists across the U.S. border. The CIA responds by attempting to create a war between Mexican drug lords. Federal agent Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) orders Alejandro Gillick (Benicio del Toro) to kidnap one crime boss’ teenage daughter (Isabela Moner), and stash her in a remote, isolated location. Shifting objectives test Alejandro’s resolve as he and Graver struggle to calculate what ends justify what means. (L.M.) !Uncle Drew PG-13 Planning to cash in on a $100,000 grand prize, Dax (Lil Rel Howery) is determined to field a team for the annual Rucker Classic street ball tournament. He recruits old Uncle Drew (Kyrie Irving), who insists on choosing the team’s members. Drew’s shag-carpeted orange van is pressed into service for a cross-state road trip meant to pluck elderly players from nursing homes and menial jobs. To portray septuagenarians, Irving, Shaquille O’Neal, Chris Webber and others don shamelessly bad wigs, facial hair and facial prosthetics that, thankfully, don’t interfere with their game. Sadly, the seniors’ comeback aspirations are all too frequently benched in favor of Dax’s dull romantic crushes. (L.M.)
[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n A Fistful of Dollars
Although the spaghetti-western genre produced little else of note, Sergio Leone’s trilogy elevated Clint Eastwood to international stardom. His unnamed character spoke tersely and was endowed with the deadly glare that served Eastwood well in the future. In A Fistful of Dollars, he first appears with back to the camera; gradually, his unshaven visage is revealed—a face of few emotions. The downbeat yet supremely cool mood was set by Ennio Morricone’s remarkable score.
n Death Smiles on a Murderer
Klaus Kinski was feral as always as the mad physician-scientist of Death Smiles on a Murderer (1973). Directed by Aristide Massaccesi (aka Joe D’Amato), the film combines his trademark penchant for blood-spurting gore with a surreal aesthetic and a touch of horror. The loosely conceived storyline leaps and twirls from one beautifully composed scene to another, often without much regard for logic. And yes, the kind of softcore porn sensibility prevalent in D’Amato’s films can be glimpsed.
n The Bloodthirsty Trilogy
On a stormy night, a boyfriend travels to a remote mansion for the woman he loves. Her mother informs him that she died, but later that night… Toho Studios stuck the word “Dracula” on the titles of two of these films by Japan’s Michio Yamamoto, but they draw from the country’s own traditions as well as the imported gothic of Hammer Films and Edgar Alan Poe. The undead woman in The Vampire Doll is especially creepy.
n The Reincarnation of Peter Proud
Sex and the supernatural—key ingredients in ’70s drive-in movies and The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (1975) was on the high end of that spectrum. Michael Sarrazin stars as a man with nightmares—unsettling flashbacks from his previous life. Imagine his dismay as he traces the clues to the wife that murdered him (he was a cad) and falls in love with their daughter. “Freud be damned!” he tells the para-psychologist in this mind-twistingly creepy story. —David Luhrssen
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Boating on Lake Michigan
Off the Cuff with Milwaukee Sailing Center’s Holly Church ::BY SUSAN HARPT GRIMES
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Mesmerizing. Massive.
William Kentridge: More Sweetly Play the Dance June 22ñ August 19, 2018 William Kentridge, More Sweetly Play the Dance, 2015. Installation view at LUMA Arles, Parc des Ateliers, France. © William Kentridge. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation
J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 | 23
Sabers and Utopias: Visions of Latin America
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Classics: Why It Matters
Neville Morley, professor of classics at the University of Exeter, seems a bit defensive about his field of scholarship. In Classics: Why It Matters, one almost wonders at times if he concedes the irrelevance of Greece and Rome in a world where America’s president knows only of gyros and pizza. While acknowledging that knowledge of ancient Greek and Roman literature has often been the preserve of educated elites, and been used as a brickbat of conservatives, he cites Karl Marx’s classical erudition for its revolutionary potential. As he puts it, the “ideas of the past may be idealized and simplified, sometimes to an absurd degree, but they have the power to show that things could be different in the future because they have been different in the past.” In the new millennium, classical studies have been altered by new perspectives, including feminism, and an awareness of the interconnectedness of many ancient cultures. Interpretations are variable and always subject to change. (David Luhrssen) 24 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
The Nobel-winning novelist Mario Vargas Llosa has also been a prolific essayist pondering not only the meaning of literature but of culture and freedom. A collection of essays from the 1970s through the 2010s, Sabers and Utopias registers his disillusionment with the command-andcontrol socialism of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez whose example led him to embrace free market economics. But he is painfully aware that free markets can flourish under dictatorships such as that of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet. The book’s title refers to the two ill-advised paths often taken in Latin America—military dictatorship or tyrannical Utopian projects. Many of his points, however, are applicable universally, especially his description of the fear-driven reactions that give rise to authoritarianism. (David Luhrssen)
eorge Washington: the first U.S. President, commander in chief during the Revolutionary War, unanimously elected leader of the Constitutional Convention and the face of the $1 bill. Much has been written about the character and leadership of our Founding Father, but a new biography by Wisconsin-born adventure writer and best-selling author Peter Stark uncovers fresh details of the famed man’s early years by bringing clarity to the most extreme situations young Washington faced as a British soldier serving in the vast Ohio Valley. In Young Washington: How Wilderness and War Forged America’s Founding Father, Stark traces the little-known feats and escapades that the naïve, 20-something Washington encountered in the enormous American wilderness more than two decades before he rose to national prominence and demonstrates how the future leader developed his dedication to the ideals of democratic freedom. From armed conflicts and dangerous encounters in the Peter Stark most rugged places, Stark recreates Washington’s early practical education in elite military and diplomatic strategizing while simultaneously painting a broader historical portrait of our soon-to-be nation. Young Washington is an anthropological adventure as well as a discerning narrative of pre-Revolutionary America presented through the fast-paced chronicles of the lesser-known turning points in the life of an American icon. Stark is also the author of the best-selling book Astoria, which tells an equally gripping story of John Jacob Astor’s expedition to establish the first American colony on the West Coast. Stark is a graduate of Dartmouth College and UWMadison and currently makes his home in Montana. He will speak at Boswell Book Co. at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 28.
True (Red, White and) Blue, Baby I Love You!
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SOCIALCALENDAR June 29 to July 1: ‘I’ll Eat You Last’ at The Kimpton Journeyman Hotel (310 E. Chicago St.): Milwaukee’s newest theater company, Untitled Productions, makes its debut (with Theater RED) with this hilarious one-woman show about Hollywood mega agent Sue Mengers. Written by John Logan and directed by Eric Welch, the show stars local favorite Marcee Doherty-Elst in the role made famous by Bette Midler. Visit theaterred. com for $20 tickets and show times. June 29: Dining with the Divas at Hamburger Mary’s (730 S. Fifth St.): Come see why this drag show won the Best of Milwaukee award when I host both the 7:30 p.m. (all ages) and 9:30 p.m. (over 21 only) shows. Come for one or stay for both but call 414488-2555 for your reservations today. Join my guests Shannon Dupree and Betty Boop for a helluva night, followed by MaryOke Karaoke in Mary’s sports bar, “High Score.” See you there! June 29: Marvel Comix Party at D.I.X. (739 S. First St.): Described as a nerdy cosplay party, this monthly bash offers a legitimate reason to walk around in tights and a cape. A hot spot for LGBTQ bargoers, D.I.X. keeps the dance floor hopping, the drink specials flowing, the drag stage working, and this 10 p.m. party is no exception. June 30: Polish Pile Up at Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall (1920 S. 37th St.) If you didn’t shake your dupa enough at Polish Fest, then you won’t want to miss this day-long party at one of Milwaukee’s most infamous beer halls. Kick off the pile up at 10 a.m. with a classic car and cycle show, followed by live music at noon and the Miss Polish Pin-Up Princess pageant at 1 p.m. Food, beer, booze and all the polka-madness you can stand round out the smile-fetching day of Polish-lovin’ goodness. June 30: Brew City Car Wash at Kruz (354 E. National Ave.): Let the Brew City Sisters clean your car and shine your cycle during this nun-sensical fundraiser at one of the town’s favorite leather-Levi watering holes. Pull your filthy four-wheeler into the Kruz parking lot between 3-6 p.m. for a good old-fashioned scrub-a-dub scrubbing. July 4: Men’s Room Wednesday at Sidetrack Video Bar (3349 N. Halstead St., Chicago): Make a few sparks this Independence Day with a trip to Boy’s Town. This 9 p.m. party features a pop-up store of nasty naughty playwear for men from Men’s Room Chicago, as well as prizes, drag performances, dancing and more. Want to share an event with Ruthie? Need her advice? Email DearRuthie@Shepex.com and follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.
!"#$%&'()*+,& -./01&2#3*("4& /%#)5&'6$% ::BY PAUL MASTERSON
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For more MUSIC, log onto shepherdexpress.com
! #$%&!'&(!)*$$%+,!)-#$! " .$$/,!"#01-(2 ::BY JOSHUA MILLER
ummerfest’s 50th anniversary may be remembered for its marquee headliners, but it also featured some seemingly less obvious gems in the lineup. That included Greta Van Fleet, who opened for Shinedown. The band, which hails from Frankenmuth, Mich., features 21-year-old twin brothers Josh and Jake Kiszka (on vocals and guitar, respectively), as well as their younger brother, Sam Kiszka (18, bass and keyboards), and family friend Danny Wagner (19, drums). Despite only having a single EP, Black Smoke Rising, to its name at the time, the band opened eyes with an impassioned 70-minute set. When the band returns to Summerfest this year— their first time returning to any festival for the second time—they’ll have a more noticeable headliner status. The band released a double EP, From the Fires, last fall and plan to release their debut full-length later this year. They’ve spent the past year selling out many of their tour dates and have been called the next big thing by Rolling Stone and others. Rock legends Robert Plant and Elton John have also given them high praise (John even personally invited them to perform at his annual AIDS charity). “I don’t think any of us expected such an immediate response,” says Jake Kiszka. “It’s surprising and humbling to see that people are responding as much as they are. It’s a bit overwhelming as well, being as young as we are, especially for Sam and Danny who just graduated from high school. It’s been a whirlwind to have that kind of attention so immediately; it’s humbling and overwhelming at the same time. “To have people with such legendary status and
26 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
credibility sort of take notice and appreciate the music that we’re making, it’s a very humbling experience that keeps us going,” he continues. “It makes us feel like we’re doing at least something right.” The quick ascent is even more impressive considering its members started off on distinctly different paths. Josh studied theater and film at school, while Sam was into literature. “I never expected—nor did the others expect—to end up in the same band,” says Jake. “But we’re around each other constantly listening to music.” The band came together very naturally. Jake started jamming in the garage with the band’s original drummer, and Josh would slip in and start singing. They recruited Sam after he got home from school one day. Danny Wagner, a friend of Sam’s since kindergarten, joined a year after the group started. Playing with his brothers has been a rewarding experience, Jake says. “We’re sharing a lot of similar influences and similar life experiences, so we always seem to be on a very similar page.” It can maybe be just a glance and we can be on the same page,” he says. They spent much of their time growing up listening to records from their parents’ extensive vinyl collection, which included blues, folk and R&B. The Kiszka brothers also had the benefit of their father being a musician. Jake was challenged to learn different classic songs on guitar to upgrade his instrument. Each member has developed his own distinct influences. But Jake singles out one common thread. “While all our influences are very different and pretty eclectic, we share blues as common ground,” he says, noting musicians such as Albert Collins, Elmore James, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters and Lightnin’ Hopkins. Some have compared the band’s songs
to Led Zeppelin. Jake is honored by those comparisons and isn’t overly concerned about it. “What we grew up listening to is a lot of the stuff Led Zeppelin grew up listening to,” Jake says. At the same time, he’s not afraid to see the band grow and explore new sonic territory. That starts with the band’s upcoming debut album. “It’s our first time where we have the ability to have a complete thought,” says Jake. “We finally have something together that is a reflection [of] where we are musically now with all that touring. We’re pushing any limitation and trying to keep experimenting.” The Kiszka brothers still find inspiration from family trips to Michigan’s Yankee Springs, where Greta a group of family and Van Fleet friends gather to play Summerfest’s music. Briggs & Stratton “Men, women and children and people of Big Backyard different skin colors and Sunday, July 1, different opinions and 10 p.m. backgrounds. They were unified by one property,” says Jake. “Music was a bonding agent that held everyone together. There’s a sense of unity, where everyone’s together no matter what their differences are. I see the same thing when we go on stage and look out at the audience. We see some very diverse people all together sharing a very special experience. Unity and love. We’ve been given the special ability to travel around and spread that message.” Greta Van Fleet headline Summerfest’s Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard on Sunday, July 1, at 10 p.m.
shepherd ex press
2018 PROGRESS AWARDS presented by cream city foundation
!"#"$%&'& (& )*+,&-&./0 123!4$$!352&/6!52& 309 N. Water St. MKE, WI
7!82&9"3&:4%7& ;"1&5;-7;$%$< Brett Blomme & Ruthie
for more info: shepherdexpress.com/LGBTQProgress !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 ! 27
JUNE 28 | We Six JULY 5 | Sweet Sheiks JULY 12≠ 15 | Bastille Days JULY 19 | Jay Edward Blues Band
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! #$%!&! " '()*$+,! -(.!$! /0..1#!2#1*! 34()! 567.0+! 8#4+(+ ::BY MICHEL MUCKIAN
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Cool TUNES all summer long
King Ameas Presents a Tour of ‘C.R.E.A.M. City’ ::BY EVAN RYTLEWSKI
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changed, and that’s been inspiring. It definitely &(>')$ &'$ ,("5$ 52$ #2$ *(/.'/<$ )''!"#$ ,*(5$ -2;$ 7("$#(!"$!=$-2;3/'$,!++!"#$52$0;5$!"$5*'$,2/>$5*(53)$ "'7'))(/-8? +(,-'%./012'L8W8^8%8@8$L!5-'(1'1)3/0.(,-'4,' 546,789467"':)299';/'0<0(90;9/'4,'4)=/3'1)3/0.> (,-'?90)@43.1A'(,8967(,-'B(709A'5?4)(@*'0,7'%??9/' &61(8A'90)/3')=(1'16../3"
!"#$%&'(")(*+,#"),+) - ,(.""/(0&)+),12$ 66th Season
August 7-25, 2018 !"#$%&'()*+%,-./ Music Director and Conductor
Join us as we travel the globe to the great musical cities of the world!
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on right now,” he says. “It’s definitely creating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in a craggy, deliberate flow, choosing '(7*$,2/.$7(/'=;++-$,*!+'$#!6!"#$'(7*$ 6'/)'$ 0+'"5-$ 2=$ 4/'(5*!"#$ /22&8$ G*'$ /');+5$!)$("$;"*;//!'.$6!4'$)2&',*'/'$ 4'5,''"$ Q8$ L2+'$ (".$ F)(!(*$ W()*(.3)$ /'7'"5$(+4;&)8 A*!+'$%&'()$ !)"35$ \;!5'$ !"$ 5*'$ !"1 "'/$7!/7+'$2=$5*'$7!5-3)$/(0$)7'"'<$*'3)$ 7+2)'$'"2;#*<$(".$*'$+!>')$5*(5$*'$7("35$
Students and Children are JUST $10
ALL CONCERTS HELD IN THE DOOR COMMUNITY AUDITORIUM Fish Creek - 7:30 PM - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Check the website for details!
www.musicfestival.com | 920.854.4060 King Ameas
Box Office located in Green Gables Shops Nor th Ephraim J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 | 29
Forever Changes 50th Anniversary Edition (RHINO) Forever Changes was one of the greatest rock albums from the era of great albums, those short but significant years before what has since been called “classic rock” hardened into a formula. The authors of Forever Changes, an integrated Los Angeles group called Love, began as a folk-rock band—a kind of tougher, more streetwise Byrds. Like many other groups formed in the wake of The Beatles and Bob Dylan, they evolved toward psychedelia. Forever Changes was one of the best albums of its kind—thoughtful, poetic, occasionally unsettling, with an ambitious and almost orchestral sweep. The 50th Anniversary Edition includes an LP of the album and CDs of the album in stereo and mono, an unnecessary “alternate mix” disc and a DVD plus a CD of rarities and outtakes. I’ve never been good at being an audiophile, but to my ears the mono disc is the reason to own the package. As was often the case for pre-1969 albums, the music was more impactful in mono than stereo. The rarities disc includes a few charming B-sides that would have been nice inclusions of the original release. As befits a half-century milestone edition, the set is lavish with an illustrated booklet and perceptive essay. —David Luhrssen
Otis Redding Dock of the Bay Sessions (VOLT) Nothing on Dock of the Bay Sessions hasn’t been released before but the album represents the first time the tracks from Otis Redding’s final session were released together on one disc. It’s always possible that had Redding not died when his plane crashed near Madison in 1967, the great soul singer might have discarded some of the numbers assembled here or gone back and recorded additional tracks. As it stands, Dock of the Bay Sessions is plausibly the album that might have been released. Of course, it’s dominated by the posthumous hit, “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay,” a resigned shrug of disappointment at the promises of the 1960s. —David Luhrssen
THURSDAY, JUNE 28 Amelia’s, Jackson Dordel Jazz Quintet (4pm) Art*Bar, Open Mic Comedy Cactus Club, The Body w/Lingua Ignota & Cavernlight Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Colectivo’s Música del Lago County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Jazz Estate, The Anne Davis Jazz Trio Jazz in the Park (Cathedral Square Park), We Six (6pm) John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Levitt AMP Sheboygan Music Series on the City Green: The Main Squeeze w/Porky’s Groove Machine (6pm) KNE Soundstage (Grafton), Live@KNE: Good Boy Daisy (noon) Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’ Live & Local Mezcalero Restaurant, Ultimate Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Nixon Park (Hartland), Steve Meisner Band O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) Old Settler’s Park (West Bend), Music On Main: Vinyl Road (6:30pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Duo Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show The Bay Restaurant, Annie B. The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Latin Sessions: Johnny Padilla Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic
FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Ally’s Bistro (Menomonee Falls), Scotch and Soda American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), The 45’s American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Mike Eve (6:30pm) American Serb Hall, Dinner & Some Music w/Gina & Larry (5pm) Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Blu Bar & Lounge at the Pfister, Scott Napoli Quartet w/Mark Davis, Charles Ledvina & Johnathan Greenstein Cactus Club, Surgeons In Heat LP release w/Jaill, Cafe Racer & Ravi/Lola Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Dave Ramont Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: 18 Strings w/Francis Graf (8pm); DJ: Chopper & Slicer (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Friday Nite Music Series ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, WAVY V w/Pay The Devil & Jon Burks Band County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Ben Stueve Duo Frank’s Power Plant, Dial Drive w/Not The Cops & Ceteri Grant Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & Friends Jazz Estate, Match Stick (8pm), Late Night Session: Jay Anderson Trio (11:30pm) Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Blues Harp Jimmie Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) McCarty Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm)
Monument Square (Racine), Music on the Monument: Full
Dugout 54, Dugout 54 Sunday Open Jam
Flavor (11:30am)
Frank’s Power Plant, Mary Rodgers (4pm)
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Patricia Avis (9pm), In
Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Kenny Todd (3pm)
the Fire Pit: Larry Lynne Band (9pm)
Jazz Estate, The Radio Wranglers (6pm)
Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Grizzly Goat
Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong
Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk
Comedy Open Mic
The Baaree (Thiensville), Grand Opening w/The Drunkardly Bros. (6pm)
The Packing House Restaurant, Jeannine Rivers Trio
Jazz Estate, WCM Adult Combos (6pm), Jazz Estate Jam
Session (8pm)
Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Dan Harvey
Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm)
Up & Under Pub, AGNI
Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/Christopher John &
Dave Wacker The Tonic Tavern, Third Coast Blues w/Jim Liban, Reverend
7 Mile Fair (Caledonia), HouseRockin’ Blues Revue w/Mary
Raven & Craig Panosh (5pm)
Davis (12pm)
The Tonic Tavern, Rev. Raven & The Chain Smokin’ Altar Boys
Cactus Club, Awakebutstillinbed w/Tetherball, Snag & Beach
w/Westside Andy
Burial (all-ages, 3pm), Milwaukee Psych Fest Presents: Josefus
Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the
w/Doomstress, Plastic Crimewave Syndicate & DJ Christopher
Schulist (21+, 9pm) Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Paul Sanchez
Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Vanity Plate w/Antler House
Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Milwaukee Symphony
(8pm); DJ: Holiday Spirit (10pm)
Orchestra (6pm)
ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee!
Company Brewing, Summer Psych Slam w/Calliope, Lake of
Company Brewing, Jillisblack: Are You An Ally Or Is It a Lie? w/
Fire, General B & The Wiz
host Jay Anderson
Frank’s Power Plant, Duck and Cover Comedy Open Mic
Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), Dave Miller Blues Trio w/Mike
Jazz Estate, Extra Crispy Brass Band
Cascio & Hal Miller
Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm)
Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Rafael Mendez
Miramar Theatre, Tuesday Open Mic w/host Sandy Weisto
Fox & Hounds Restaurant, Larry Lynne Solo (6pm)
(sign-up 7:30pm, all-ages)
Fox Point Farmers Market, Doc Green and the Machine
Newport Shores (Port Washington), Jackie Brown Band
Parkside 23, Andrew Gelles (6pm)
Frank’s Power Plant, Ratt Trap w/DJs Steve ‘n’ Emily
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm)
Grant Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm)
Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm)
Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Vocals & Keys
The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5 w/She’s Right, I’m Left
Jazz Estate, Behn Gillece Group (8pm), Late Night Session:
Chris Newlin Trio (11:30pm)
The Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session
Lucky Chance, Big Bang Theory Reunion
Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis
Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm)
McCarty Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, The Ricochettes
Milwaukee Boat Line Dock, Concert Cruise: Max & the
American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Falcons
Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square:
Conway’s Smokin’ Bar & Grill, Open Jam w/Big Wisconsin
Karl Bergendal (2pm)
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Kirk Tatnall (9pm), In
High Dive, The Voodoohoney Pirates
the Fire Pit: Strip’d (9pm)
Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam
Revere’s Wells Street Tavern (Delafield), One Shot Wally
Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm)
The Bay Restaurant, Kit Kildahl, BillySteiner & Tom Footie
Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave
Wacker & guests
The Cheel (Thiensville), R&B Coquettes w/Robin Pluer
Port Washington Veteran’s Memorial Park Bandshell, Vinyl
The Packing House Restaurant, Jeff Stoll Solo Show (6:30pm)
Groove 60’s & 70’s (1pm)
The Rock Sports Complex, Summer Concert Series in Um-
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White
brella Bar: Totally Neon (6:30pm)
Rotary Performance Pavilion (Wauwatosa), Tosa Tonight
Up & Under Pub, Kites and Boomerangs w/American Spirits,
Summer Concert Series: Chicago Rewired* w/The Radio Rosies
Whiskey and the Devil, Tacoma Washington Weekday Club &
Scarecrow Dave
Sheridan Park, The Sensation (5pm)
Totalgame Sports Bar, Wacky Wednesdays w/host The Original Darryl Hill
7 Mile Fair (Caledonia), HouseRockin’ Blues Revue w/Mary
Westallion Brewing Company, Rick Holmes Pro Jam w/host
Davis (12pm)
Robert Allen Jr.
Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Braun’s Power House, Cadillac Pete & The Heat (6pm) Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Easy Sunrise (8pm); DJ: Trail Boss Tim Cook (10pm)
30 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
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!"#$%&'"()&*(+ “Geography Sudoku”
Solve this as you would a regular sudoku, but using the given letters instead of numbers. When you are finished, one of the rows or columns, reading forward or backward, will spell out a geographical place name. psychosudoku@gmail.com
" # " # %
DOWN 1. Ticket of a kind 2. Dismounted 3. Pedicab cousin 4. Old name for the Iberian Peninsula 5. U. of Maine’s home 6. — scholar 7. Piece 8. Dir. letters 9. Opera’s “Coq —” 10. Vegas attraction 11. Inconsistent 12. Dwell 13. American poet 14. Toughened, as steel or glass
( &
6/21 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 31 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Supermarket Shopping Solution: 31 Letters
65. Paradise 66. Old ointment 67. Christmas 68. Nasser’s successor 72. Shoe part 73. Mother of Zeus 74. Thailand neighbor 75. Gaelic 76. Connections 78. Muffling device 79. Deletions 80. Bear-paw 82. — — diminishing returns 83. Liberate 85. Catkin 87. Get out! 88. Fearful 89. Start 90. Long speech 95. Quaid or Travis 96. Right away!: Abbr. 97. Ottava — 98. Jump in skating 99. — mater 101. Bettor’s concern 102. Pipe 103. New Year’s word 105. Shelter 106. — passim 107. A Gabor 108. Coq au —
" !
15. The Beaver State 16. Make turbid 17. Competent 18. Arithmetic word 24. Hunt or Hayes 26. Darth — 28. Actuality 31. Special mental power: 2 wds. 32. Kind of Japanese soup 33. Postpone 34. Reptiles 35. “Munsters” matriarch 36. — of March 38. Orpheus’ instrument 40. Fashionable 41. Big toe 42. Goldbrick 44. Unclear, in a way 50. Coup d’— 51. Budge 52. Part of UNLV: Abbr. 53. — — of Rome 54. Fall guy 56. Harte or Maverick 57. Assignments 59. Of our feathered friends 61. As you please: 2 wds. 62. “Saving Private —” 63. Sausage 64. Memory trace
& ) (
77. Mild oath 78. Pay out 79. Put on ice 80. Wraparound garment 81. Professional org. 82. Sass 83. Stimulate 84. Covered with a woolly material 86. Pastry mold 88. Entrances 91. Prophet of note 92. Pitcher 93. Shades 94. Hardware item 96. Part of medieval Spain 99. Be too fond 100. Rescues, in a way 104. Playing card: 3 wds. 106. — — Adventist 109. You said it! 110. Uncanny 111. Like an overgrown wall 112. Frigg’s husband 113. Wan 114. Respond 115. Sweets 116. Anglo-Saxon laborer
& ' ' !
6/21 Solution: Plenty of these in Australia
! "
32 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
& $
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
ACROSS 1. Primrose — 5. Having a rounded shape 10. Mea — 15. Using speech, not writing 19. Jai — 20. A pachyderm, for short 21. Charged particle 22. Ceremonial garment 23. Revolver: Hyph. 25. Salome’s Dance of the —— 27. Allowance 28. Third prime number 29. NFL team 30. Bitter — 32. Big cat’s thatch 33. Pedestal part 34. Dress shape: Hyph. 37. A semiconductor 39. Refutations, in logic 43. Clapboard 45. Cousin to a stoa 46. — -de-lance 47. Held 48. Entreaty 49. Fashionably dated 51. Pondered 54. Pep or poison 55. Part of SSS: Abbr. 56. Swim 57. Cartridge’s contents 58. The pyinkado, a tree 59. Elaborate songs 60. Tel — 61. Legendary king 63. Birthdate of a nation: 3 wds. 68. Reason 69. A state: Abbr. 70. Not on your life!: 2 wds. 71. Marine plant 72. Employers 73. River in Germany 74. Lease
© 2018 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the coming weeks, you will have an excellent chance to dramatically decrease your Wimp Quotient. As the perilously passive parts of your niceness toughen up, I bet you will encounter brisk possibilities that were previously off-limits or invisible to you. To ensure you remain in top shape for this delightful development, I think you should avoid entertainment that stimulates fear and pessimism. Instead of watching the latest flurry of demoralizing stories on Netflix, spend quality time summoning memories of the times in your life when you were unbeatable. For extra credit, pump your fist 10 times each day as you growl, “Victory is mine!” LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It’s not so bad to temporarily lose your bearings. What’s bad is not capitalizing on the disruption that caused you to lose your bearings. So I propose that you regard the fresh commotion as a blessing. Use it as motivation to initiate radical changes. For example, escape the illusions and deceptions that caused you to lose your bearings. Explore unruly emotions that may be at the root of the superpowers you will fully develop in the future. Transform yourself into a brave self-healer who is newly receptive to a host of medicinal clues that were not previously accessible. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Here’s my list of demands: 1. Avoid hanging out with people who are unreceptive to your influence. 2. Avoid hanging out with people whose influence on you is mediocre or dispiriting. 3. Hang out with people who are receptive to your influence and whose influence on you is healthy and stimulating. 4. Influence the hell out of the people who are receptive to your influence. Be a generous catalyst for them. Nudge them to surpass the limits they would benefit from surpassing. 5. Allow yourself to be deeply moved by people whose influence on you is healthy and stimulating. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” Activist author Audre Lorde said that, and now, in accordance with your current astrological and psychological needs, I’m offering it to you. I realize it’s a flamboyant, even extreme, declaration, but in my opinion, that’s what is most likely to motivate you to do the right thing. Here’s another splashy prompt, courtesy of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre: “We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made us.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): André René Roussimoff, also known as André the Giant, was a French actor and professional wrestler. He was 7 feet, 4 inches tall and weighed 520 pounds. As you might imagine, he ate and drank extravagantly. On one festive occasion, he quaffed 119 bottles of beer in six hours. Judging from your current astrological indicators, Scorpio, I suspect you may be ready for a binge like that. JUST KIDDING! I sincerely hope you won’t indulge in such wasteful forms of “pleasure.” The coming days should be a time when you engage in a focused pursuit of uplifting and healthy modes of bliss. The point is to seek gusto and amusement that enhance your body, mind and soul. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): On her 90th birthday, my Great-Aunt Zosia told me, “The best gift you can give your ego is to make it see it’s both totally insignificant and totally important in the cosmic scheme of things.” Jenna, my girlfriend when I was 19, was perhaps touting a similar principle when, after teasing and tormenting me for two hours, she scrawled on my bathroom mirror in lipstick, “Sometimes you enjoy life better if you don’t understand it.” Then there’s my Zen punk friend Arturo, who says that life’s goodies are more likely to flow your way if you “hope for nothing and are open to everything.” According to my analysis of the astrological rhythms, these messages will help you make the most of the bewildering but succulent opportunities that are now arriving in your vicinity. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In accordance with the astrological beacons, I have selected two pieces of advice to serve as your guiding meditations during the next seven weeks. You might want to write them on a piece of paper that you will carry in your wallet or pocket.
Here’s the first, from businessman Alan Cohen: “Only those who ask for more can get more, and only those who know there is more, ask.” Here’s the second, from writer G. K. Chesterton: “We need to be happy in this wonderland without once being merely comfortable.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Ecologists in Mexico City investigated why certain sparrows and finches use humans’ discarded cigarette butts in building their nests. They found that cellulose acetate, a chemical in the butts, protects the nests by repelling parasitic mites. Is there a metaphorical lesson you might draw from the birds’ ingenious adaptation, Aquarius? Could you find good use for what might seem to be dross or debris? My analysis of the astrological omens says that this possibility is worth meditating on. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect that sometime soon you will come into possession of an enchanted potion or pixie dust or a pouch full of magic beans—or the equivalent. If and when that occurs, consider the following protocols: 1. Before you use your new treasure, say a prayer to your higher self, requesting that you will be guided to use it in such a way as to make yourself wiser and kinder. 2. When you use it, be sure it harms no one. 3. Express gratitude for it before and during and after using it. 4. Use it in such a way that it benefits at least one other person or creature in addition to you. 5. See if you can use it to generate the arrival of more pixie dust or magical beans or enchanted potion in the future. 6. When you use it, focus on wielding it to get exactly what you want, not what you sort of want or temporarily want. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your best ideas and soundest decisions will materialize as if by magic while you’re lounging around doing nothing in a worry-free environment. So please make sure you have an abundance of relaxed slack and unhurried grace. Treat yourself to record-setting levels of comfort and self-care. Do whatever’s necessary for you to feel as safe as you have ever felt. I realize these prescriptions might ostensibly clash with your fiery Aries nature. But if you meditate on them for even two minutes, I bet you’ll agree they’re exquisitely appropriate for you right now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “It is always what is under pressure in us, especially under pressure of concealment—that explodes in poetry.” Taurus poet Adrienne Rich wrote that in an essay about the poet Emily Dickinson. She was describing the process of tapping into potent but buried feelings so as to create beautiful works of literature. I’m hoping to persuade you to take a comparable approach: to give voice to what’s under pressure inside you, but in a graceful and constructive way that has positive results. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Introductory offers are expiring. The bracing thrills of novelty must ripen into the cool enjoyments of maturity. It’s time to finish the dress rehearsals so the actual show can begin. You’ve got to start turning big, bright fantasies into crisp, no-nonsense realities. In light of these shifting conditions, I suspect you can no longer use your good intentions as leverage, but must deliver more tangible signs of commitment. Please don’t take this as a criticism, but the cosmic machinery in your vicinity needs some actual oil, not just your witty stories about the oil and the cosmic machinery. Homework: Describe the tree house you would like to build for yourself one day, and what pleasures you would like to pursue there. Write: truthrooster@gmail. com.
Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
Not the Sharpest Knife
!" #$%" !&'#$%()#%'!" #&*!" &+" ,%%))./%0"1!23(!/0!"#$%!&'('$%)!**+,-#.+ /"0!1/.0#2!3#$%/2!/4!56/.2#7,!8#$!#%! %6-!6/9-!/4!#!4.:-20)!6#2(:2(!/'%!:2! %6-!;:%<6-2)!86-2!6-!7/#$%-0!%6#%!6:$! =-$%! 8#$! >$%#7+?.//4@A! 5/! ?./=-! :%)! 6-! >%//;! 6/"0! #! ;2:4-! %/! 0-9/2$%.#%-)A! B#.:2! C-"$6)! Teesside assistant coroner, testified, “and sad+ ",!.-#":D-0!:%!8#$2E%!F':%-!%6-!<#$-@A!G-%-<%:=-! Superintendent Ted Butcher also testified at 3#$%/2E$!:2F'-$%!/2!1'2-!HI!%6#%!6-!4/'20!2/! -=:0-2<-!3#$%/2!:2%-20-0!%/!6#.9!6:9$-"4!#20! 0:-0!#4%-.!>#!7/:$%-./'$!#<%@A!C-"$6!.-</.0-0! %6-!<#'$-!/4!0-#%6!#$!#!>9:$#0=-2%'.-@A
Not Quite a Refund In Putnam County, Fla., the sheriff’s office ?./=:0-$!#!8:0-!=#.:-%,!/4!$-.=:<-$@!J/)!86-2! Douglas Kelly, 49, called the office on June 12 %/!</9?"#:2!%6#%!%6-!9-%6#9?6-%#9:2-!6-!6#0! been sold was fake, officers happily offered %/!%-$%!:%!4/.!6:9@!B-"",!%/"0!0-%-<%:=-$!6-!6#0! $'44-.-0!#!>=:/"-2%!.-#<%:/2A!#4%-.!$9/;:2(!%6-! $'7$%#2<-!#20!8#2%-0!%/!$'-!%6-!0-#"-.!:4)!:2! 4#<%)!6-!6#0!7--2!$/"0!%6-!8./2(!0.'(@!K-!#.+ rived at the sheriff’s office and “handed detec+ %:=-$! #! <"-#.)! <.,$%#"+":;-! $'7$%#2<-! 8.#??-0! in aluminum foil,” the office’s Facebook ?/$%!-L?"#:2-0)!#<</.0:2(!%/! 56-!C#$6:2(%/2! M/$%. It “field-tested positive for metham+ ?6-%#9:2-)A! #20)! /2! %6-! $?/%)! B-"",! 8#$! #.+ .-$%-0! #20! <6#.(-0! 8:%6! ?/$$-$$:/2! /4! 9-%6@! The sheriff’s office Facebook page helpfully 2/%-$N!>O-9-97-.)!/'.!0-%-<%:=-$!#.-!#"8#,$! .-#0,!%/!#$$:$%!#2,/2-!86/!7-":-=-$!%6-,!8-.-! 9:$"-0!:2!%6-:.!:""-(#"!0.'(!?'.<6#$-@A
Weirdness Down Under !&$! ?#.%! /4! %6-! G#.;! P/4/!&.%! Q-$%:=#")! &'$%.#":#2! ?-.4/.9#2<-! #.%:$%! P:;-! M#..)! RS)! -2%-.-0! #! $%--"! %/97! 7-"/8! 7'$,! P#<F'#.:-! J%.--%!:2!K/7#.%!/2!1'2-!HT)!86-.-!6-!9-0:+ tated, drew and read as traffic flowed over+ 6-#0!4/.!R*!6/'.$!'2%:"!6-!8#$!.-"-#$-0@!U-$%! #2,/2-! 8/..,)! M#..! 6#0! 8#%-.! %/! 0.:2;)! #20! /L,(-2! 8#$! ?'9?-0! :2%/! %6-! 7/L@! K:$! >?-.+ 4/.9#2<-A! 8#$! ?./9/%-0! #$! #! >.-$?/2$-! %/! *V%6+<-2%'.,!%/%#":%#.:#2!=:/"-2<-)A!#<</.0:2(! %/!56-!W'#.0:#2@!>X!0/2E%!%#;-!#2,%6:2(!#8#,! 4./9!:%!#%!#"")A!$#:0!Y#./",2!Z/8-.9#2!4./9!
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`+,-#.+/"0!9#2!#??-#.-0!:2!</'.%!1'2-!H`!%/! #2$8-.! <6#.(-$! /4! $%-#":2(! %8/! 6'9#2! %/-$! 4./9! %6-! Z/0,! C/."0$! a:%#"! 3L6:7:%:/2b#! %.#=-":2(! 0:$?"#,! %6#%! 4-#%'.-$! 6'9#2! </.?$+ -$! #20! /.(#2$! ?.-$-.=-0! %6./'(6! %6-! ?./<-$$! ;2/82! #$! ?"#$%:2#%:/2@! 56-! %/-$)! =#"'-0! #%! cd)dVV!-#<6)!6#=-!7--2!.-%'.2-0!%/!%6-!-L6:7:+ %:/2)! 56-!^-8!_-#"#20!K-.#"0!.-?/.%-0@!56-! %/-!%6:-4!9#,!2/%!6#=-!%/!4//%!%6-!7:"")!7'%!6-E$! "//;:2(!#%!$-=-2!,-#.$!:2!?.:$/2!#20!%8/!,-#.$! 4/.!:2%-.4-.:2(!8:%6!#!0-#0!7/0,@
On a Chocolate High 58/!'22#9-0!-9?"/,--$!/4!%6-!X22!#%!J6-"+ 7'.2-!Q#.9$!:2!J6-"7'.2-)!a%@)!-2[/,-0!$/9-! 9#"%-0! 9:";! 7#""+%,?-! <#20:-$! "-4%! 7-6:20! 7,! ('-$%$! /2! 1'2-! HS)! 7'%! %6-,! 0:02E%! -2[/,! %6-! #4%-.9#%6@!56-!<#20:-$!8-.-!<#22#7:$!-0:7"-$)! #20!%6-!-9?"/,--$!7-<#9-!$:<;!#4%-.!</2$'9+ ing them. Police arrived to find one of them ",:2(!:2!%6-!?#.;:2(!"/%)!#20!7/%6!8-.-!%.#2$+ 4-..-0!%/!%6-!6/$?:%#")!#<</.0:2(!%/!%6-!&$$/+ <:#%-0! M.-$$@! O-<.-#%:/2#"! '$-! /4! 9#.:['#2#! 7-</9-$! "-(#"! :2! a-.9/2%! /2! 1'",! He! ?/":<-! $#:0!%6-!('-$%$!86/!"-4%!%6-!-0:7"-$!8/'"0!2/%! 7-!<6#.(-0@
Most Important Meal of the Day! X2! Y#":4/.2:#)! $/9-! 7-0+#20+7.-#;4#$%! -$+ %#7":$69-2%$!#.-!-9?"/,:2(!#!2-8!9#.;-%:2(! %8:$%b%6-!>Z'0!#20!Z.-#;4#$%@A!Q/.!-L#9?"-)! YZJ!^-8$!.-?/.%$)!3.:2!G-#2E$!&:.727!2/.%6! /4!J#<.#9-2%/!:$!.:(6%!2-L%!0//.!%/!#!<#22#7:$! 4#.9@!K-.!8-"</9-!(:4%!4/.!('-$%$!:2<"'0-$!'?! %/!/2-!/'2<-!/4!%6-!6-.7!4./9!%6-!2-:(67/.:2(! 4#.9!f#""/8#7"-!'20-.!$%#%-!"#8g@!J/!4#.)!/%6-.! 7'0+#20+7.-#;4#$%$! 6#=-! $?./'%-0! :2! M#"9! J?.:2($!#20!U#;-!5#6/-@ h! *VH`! &^GO3CJ! PYP33U! Ji^GX+ Y&5X\^ J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 | 33
Wild Blue Wander ::BY ART KUMBALEK
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on occasion, which actually might be justified ’cause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"("9$.'!.$K&BB=$Z,"",#=2$%=$97=2$'!#$B,,"$)'&.$#,!#$ by a guy with two first names, or two last names, or -'!.$.',$<&*?; A"#$ 63H,$ !1-!=)$ -&"#,0,#$ '&-$ *&%,$ .',0,$ -!)$ ",H,0$ !$ a!00,"$ I&%%())(&"$ ?("#$ &<$ *&%%())(&"$ .&$ finger a conspiracy that knocked off Robert Kennedy. 6<$.',=$-&71#3H,$'!#$&",2$6$B,.$=&7$!$B7*?$.-&+,(9'.=$ .',=$ -&71#3H,$ <&7"#$ `(*?$ ](M&"$ '&&?,#$ 78$ .&$ '()$ ,1B&-)$ ("$ .'!.$ ).,!%8(1,2$ !B)&+<&*?("9+17.,1=;$ ](M&"$ '!.,#$.',$Z,"",#=)$!"=-!=)2$817)$',$?",-$.'!.$C@Z$ -&71#3H,$*1,!",#$'()$*1&*?$B7.$9&&#$("$3ST; 5&$](M&"$-!)$,1,H!.,#$.&$.',$8,!?$&<$8&-,0$.'0&79'$ the itchy finger of a wet-behind-the-ears immigrant <0&%$ <&*?("9$ L&0#!"2$ )&%,$ ?("#$ &<$ -,!),1$ <&*?).(*?$ with two first names—Sirhan Sirhan. Wait. Two last
names? No. The same two names—for christ sakes, -'!.$.',$<&*?2$!("3!4 ](M&"$'!#$K&BB=$Z$.!?,"$&7.$!11$0(9'.2$!"#$6$*!"$ prove it. Take the name “Nixon”—switch the vowels !0&7"#$^.'!.3)$.',$D(E$!"#$.',$D&2E$<&0$.',$'&%,)*'&&1,#$ ("$.',$!7#(,"*,_$.',"$)8,11$.',$"!%,$B!*?-!0#;$a'!.$ #&$=&7$9,.4$@&*?("9$D](M&"2E$.'!.3)$-'!.;$]&-$.!?,$ D5(0'!"$5(0'!"E$!"#$)-(.*'$.',$"!%,)$!0&7"#;$a'!.$#&$ =&7$9,.4$G"&79'$)!(#; T5&3'*%1-*'5&3'2$!("3!4$K7.$B,<&0,$6$9&2$!$)!%81,$ .,).$ F7,).(&"$ <&0$ ,".0!"*,$ ,M!%$ (".&$ >07%83)$ 58!*,$ @&0*,N$Z;*[0"-*10+3?$*7+3*$+*%6*7+3*155*"*'855&*"?%5&O* D;*["%-*3&-%?*%-,1*8%=5;$K!+#("9b$3*!7),$63%$A0.$Z7%+ B!1,?$!"#$6$.&1#$=&7$)&;
34 | J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8
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Real hot chat now.
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18+ Vibeline.com FREE ! TRIAL
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2018 american family insurance amphitheater headliners: 6/27
Imagine Dragons with Grace VanderWaal
6/30 7/5
Florida Georgia Line with Bebe Rexha
Shawn Mendes with Charli XCX
6/28 7/1
James Taylor & His All≠ Star Band with Bonnie Raitt & Her Band Dave Matthews Band
Blake Shelton with Luke Combs
J. Cole with Trippie Redd
The Weeknd with Big Boi
Halsey & Logic with NF
Journey & Def Leppard
Arcade Fire with Manchester Orchestra
2018 festival headliners Marshmello ï Lil Uzi Vert ï Steven Tyler ï Kesha ï Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit ï Alesso ï The Flaming Lips ï Pixies ï Greta Van Fleet Foster the People ï Billy Currington ï Janelle Monae ï Jethro Tull ï Tory Lanez ï Kip Moore ï Kaleo ï The Neighbourhood ï Rachel Platten Louis the Child ï PHANTOGRAM ï Cheap Trick ï Grizzly Bear ï Spoon ï Bÿ RNS ï Yonder Mountain String Band ï The Fray ï Buddy Guy ï Kane Brown Slightly Stoopid ï Maze featuring Frankie Beverly Cheat Codes ï Chromeo ï O.A.R. ï Jon Batiste with The Dap≠ Kings ï GoldLink ï Machine Gun Kelly Timefl ies ï Nelly ï Brett Young ï Benjamin Booker ï Capital Cities ï Judah & The Lion ï VÌ ctor Manuelle ï George Thorogood & The Destroyers ï Social Distortion Gavin DeGraw ï Echosmith ï Rick Springfi eld ï DJ Jazzy Jeff ï Mayer Hawthorne ï Trace Adkins ï Buckcherry ï P.O.D. ï Black Violin ï Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo Party Favor ï Trampled By Turtles ï Gin Blossoms ï Hunter Hayes ï Boz Scaggs ï Bishop Briggs ï Anderson East ï Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real Sugar Hill Gang and Grandmaster Melle Mel & Scorpio Furious 5 ï Howard Jones ï Michael Franti & Spearhead ï The Soul Rebels ï The Crystal Method High Valley ï Plain White Tís ï Xavier Om‰ r ï Hurray For The Riff Raff ï Lissie ï Medasin ï The Wild Feathers ï Knox Fortune ï The Edgar Winter Group Joywave ï Phil Vassar ï Maxi Priest ï Devin Dawson ï CVBZ ï Carlie Hanson ï Candlebox ï Jonny Lang ï Great White Matthew Sweet ï Walker Hayes ï Savannah Conley ï Pop Evil ï Nick Lowe featuring Los Straitjackets ï Lynch Mob ï Welshly Arms ï The Posies ï Lit ï The James Hunter Six Molly Hatchet ï Drivin N Cryin ï Meat Puppets ï Fastball + Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers ï A Flock of Seagulls ï Cornerstones of Rock ï Chris Lane ï Under the Streetlamp Dead Horses ï Wishbone Ash ï Alien Ant Farm ï Andreas Moss ï Bay Ledges ï Jimmie Allen ï Jake Rose ï The OíMyís ï John NÈ meth ï Walter Trout ï The Wombats Liza AnneJustin Caruso ï CADE ï Men I Trust ï Soccer Mommy ï Caroline Rose ï Abby Jeanne ï Waker ï Sunfl ower Bean ï Too Many Zooz ï MILCK ï Little Feather M A L O ï Alex Guthrie ï and many more!
PROUD SUMMERFEST STAGE SPONSORS: American Family Insurance Amphitheater ï Miller Lite Oasis ï BMO Harris Pavilion ï U.S. CellularÆ Connection Stage ï ULINE Warehouse Harley≠ Davidsonô Roadhouse ï Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard ï Johnson Controls World Sound Stage ï Klementís Sausage & Beer Garden
36 !!J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8