Print Edition: July 4, 2019

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Plenty of Fire Left in Big Head Todd & the Monsters

July 4 - July 10, 2019




Madison-based Website to Track Environmentally Sound Products !!!"#$%&"(

Greenfield’s Ambitious Plans for the Future !!!"#$%&"'

Time to PLAY.








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2 ! J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

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"#$%#$&'($)%&$"" 6/25/19 9:48 AM

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PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: ;2+.*'<2%/.*'=#)/7'>?@AB GENERAL MANAGER: C#D.,'E0%&,#%'=#)/7'>?AFB' MANAGING EDITOR: G0D.&';+"%**#,'=#)/7'>?@HB EXPRESS EVENTS EDITOR: I.$'J#,2%'=#)/7'>?K@B ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR:'L2",'!1",#.&#% =#)/7'>?KMB EDITORIAL ASSISTANT & ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: L2",'L0",'=#)/7'>?@KB' N**21.0/#'O#6'(&./2%P'L#0,QE06%.#4'<#%,0,&#R N**.*/0,/'/2'/"#'E#,#%04'S0,0T#%P' U40.,#'!1"+4/R'=#)/7'>?K>B (&./2%.04'V,/#%,*P'I2*#'W0:0%0X'(/"0,'G+%0,X' E#,#D.#D#'Y0"4 CREATIVE SERVICES: ART DIRECTOR: G0D#'Z34*/%0'=#)/7'>?AKB GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER: S0TT.#'Y0+T",'=#)/7'>?@>B GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN: N,,0'O0%&'=#)/7'>?@[B


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ADV19240-ShepEx 3quarter pg Ent ad 7_4.indd 1

JULY 4, 2019 | 3 6/28/19 12:34 PM


The Green List

!"#$%&'()"%*#+,*)%$-*+-&+-."/0+ *'1$.&'2*'-"334+%&5'#+6.&#5/-% ::BY DAN SHAW teve Kokette is convinced that more people would buy products made, stored or distributed using renewable energy if they only knew what to look for. To make the choices a bit clearer, the Madison, Wis., man has had the website registered to his name and now hopes to begin using it in August to list companies that can boast about being “green” in one or more ways. As far as Kokette can tell, it’s a service that differs from everything else on offer, especially when it comes to providing the names of local companies. At a large energy fair held in June in Custer, Wis., Kokette asked around about similar endeavors. Nobody he talked to seemed to be aware of anything exactly like he was proposing, he said. And the general consensus seemed to be that his idea was a good one. “Somebody would have said, ‘Hey, somebody’s doing that already,’” Kokette says. “It was an original idea to everyone I spoke with.” To Kokette, the premise is simple. People who are concerned about the environment and climate change will use his website to learn about products that are made with renewable energy and then go out and begin buying those things with no further prompting. Companies that don’t use renewables will the see the sales advantage going to others and think a bit harder about getting into the renewable game themselves. “I much prefer to use the term ‘consumers rewarding,’” Kokette says. “I don’t want to be saying that people should not be spending their money at places that don’t use renewables. For one, there are so few places that do use renewables. So it would be foolish to take the negative tack.”

4 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

Powering the Warehouse

!"#$%&'"#()%#*+$,&-.%%#/-'+)%''#(,)%0#,1(#-'%'#'($&0#%)%023# "(#4&.%#1+'#50(6-7"'#&20%%'#'-71#&#'%08+7%#+'#)%%6%69#:-''#;$+'71<# 50%'+6%)"#(=#>&.%=0()"#?0%,%03<#0%7%)"$3#1&6#'($&0#5&)%$'#+)'"&$$%6#()# 1+'#7(45&)3@'#,&0%1(-'%#+)#:+8%0,%'"9# A1%#&00&3B,1+71#50(6-7%'#)%&0$3#CDE#(=#"1%#5(,%0#)%%6%6#"(# .%%5#"1%#/0%,%03@'#/%%0#7($6#,1+$%#+)#'"(0&2%B%&0)%6#>&.%=0()"#&# Travel Green certification from the Wisconsin Department of TourF ism. State officials use this designation to inform tourists how they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just Wisconsin. Eventually, he said, he could see his site presenting )&4%'#(=#7(45&)+%'#=(-)6#)("#()$3#"10(-21(-"#"1%#N)+"%6#G"&"%'#/-"# &$'(#+)#O&)&6&9# P+'#&4/+"+()'#&$'(#%Q"%)6#/%3()6#1&8+)2#&#,%/'+"%9#!'#;(.%""%# '&3'<#1%#7&)#'%%#1+4'%$=#,(0.+)2#()#&#7&45&+2)#"(#2%"#20(7%03#'"(0%'# "(#+6%)"+=3#,1+71#(=#"1%#50(6-7"'#()#"1%+0#'1%$8%'#,%0%#4&6%#,+"1#0%F )%,&/$%#%)%023B4-71#&'#'(4%#'1(5'#)(,#'"&"%#1(,#=&0#=((6#+"%4'# 1&6#"(#/%#'1+55%6#"(#/0+)2#"1%4#"(#4&0.%"9

Consumers Making Wise Decisions

!43#P%&0"<#&#'5(.%'5%0'()#=(0#"1%#0%)%,&/$%#&68(7&73#20(-5# !$$+&)7%#=(0#G($&0#O1(+7%<#'&+6#'1%#+'#&,&0%#(=#)(#("1%0#'%08+7%#H-+"%# like what Kokette is proposing. Whether it’s ultimately Kokette or '(4%()%#%$'%#,1(#50(8+6%'#&#0%5('+"(03#(=#+)=(04&"+()#&/(-"#50(6F -7"'#4&6%#,+"1#0%)%,&/$%#%)%023<#'-71#&#$+'"#,+$$#/%#-'%=-$<#'1%#'&3'9# IA1%0%#&0%#4(0%#7(45&)+%'#"1&"#&0%#6(+)2#"1%'%#'(0"'#(=#"1+)2'#"1&)# %8%0#/%=(0%<K#P%&0"#%Q5$&+)'9#I?-"#4(0%#+45(0"&)"$3<#+"@'#()#"1%#4+)6'# (=#7()'-4%0'<#'(#2+8+)2#5%(5$%#&#,&3#"(#4&.%#6%7+'+()'#,+"1#"1%+0# 6($$&0'#7(-$6#/%#8&$-&/$%9K The obstacles before Kokette include not just a need to find a way "(#&8(+6#I20%%),&'1+)29K#G+)7%#1%#1&'#$+""$%#+)#"1%#,&3#(=#&#/-62%"<# 1+'#5$&)'#,+$$#&$'(#6%5%)6#"(#&#20%&"#%Q"%)"#()#8($-)"%%0'9#I?-"#+"# '1(-$6)@"#/%#%Q5%)'+8%#"(#6(#"1+'<K#1%#'&3'9#I*('"#/-'+)%''%'#,(-$6# $(8%#"1%#&""%)"+()9K#P+'#$&"%'"#+6%&#+'#+)#4&)3#,&3'#&#7()"+)-&"+()#(=# '(4%"1+)2#1%#'"&0"%6#4(0%#"1&)#CD#3%&0'#&2(9#J)#RSTU<#1%#5-/$+'1%6#&# /((.#$+'"+)2#4(0%#"1&)#VDD#/-'+)%''%'#"1&"#4&6%#1(-'%1($6#50(6-7"'# 6%'+2)%6#"(#7()'%08%#%)%0239#J)#"1%#%)6<#1%#'($6#&/(-"#W<DDD#7(5+%'9 Not all of his pursuits have been so successful. When, about 10 3%&0'#&2(<#1%#1&6#/-45%0#'"+7.%0'#50+)"%6#%Q1(0"+)2#"1%#5-/$+7#"(# “Buy Products Made With Renewable Energy,” he found few takers. A1%#"0(-/$%<#1%#%Q5$&+)'<#,&'#4('"#$+.%$3#"1&"#8%03#=%,#5%(5$%#"1%)# .)%,#(=#50(6-7"'#4%%"+)2#"1&"#6%'70+5"+()9#?-"#,1%)#1%#"0+%6#"(#6+'F "0+/-"%#"1%#'&4%#'"+7.%0'#&"#"1%#%)%023#=&+0#+)#O-'"%0#+)#X-)%<#1%#4%"# ,+"1#&#'+4+$&0#$&7.#(=#+)"%0%'"9#A1%#"0(-/$%#"1+'#"+4%<#1%#'5%7-$&"%'<# ,&'#6+==%0%)"Y#Z%,%0#&)6#=%,%0#4(6%0)#7&0'#&0%#/%+)2#/-+$"#,+"1# /-45%0'9 Whatever the cause, Kokette is far from discouraged. His experiF %)7%#,+"1#/-45%0#'"+7.%0'#+'#4%0%$3#&#'+2)#"1&"#1+'#"+4%#&)6#%)%023# ,(-$6#/%#/%""%0#'5%)"#50(4("+)2#0%)%,&/$%#%)%023#+)#("1%0#,&3'9#IJ# am flying by the seat of my pants,” he says. “But also, everywhere I 2(#)(,#&)6#+)#%8%03"1+)2#"1&"#J@4#6(+)2<#J@4#$((.+)2#=(0#/-'+)%''%'# "1&"#&0%#4&.+)2#-'%#(=#0%)%,&/$%#%)%0239K !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/#n


MONEYSMARTS:: !!!!!!!!!"#$%"$&'(!)$%*'%*!+!,"-!-./


60 months term, a $72.33 difference over 5 years.

How will the rate environment affect my finances?



Rates do fluctuate, but they are still very low. Home mortgages are most people’s largest debt, so it makes sense to look at whether refinancing could save you significant money every few years. Closing costs and duration of the loan can be as important if not more important, in some cases than the rate. • If you have a 30-year loan of $200,000 at 4.5%, your monthly payment is $1,013. If rates drop to 4% and you refinance, the payment is $954 for the same 30-year period, a savings of $59 per month. If you pay closing costs of $1,500 for that refinance, it will take just over two years to recover that cost. • If you replaced your 30-year loan with a 15-year loan, which would have a lower rate, say 3.5%, your monthly payment would be $1,429, so you’d pay $416 more per month, but eliminating 15 years of payments, you’d save more than $100,000 over the life of the loan. In smaller loan amounts, interest rates are less significant. Let’s look at a car loan for example. • For a used auto loan of $17,500 with a rate of 4.79% for 5 years, your payment would be $329.27. The total interest paid would be $2,209 if you kept the loan for the full 60 months. • If the rate was 0.15% higher, your payment would be $329.91 and you would pay $2294.49 in interest over the

• If you had that same original loan at 4.79% and reduced the term by adding $50 to your monthly payment each month, you’d save $329 in interest and pay your loan off eight months early. Rates on personal loans or credit cards do not change much regardless of changes in car and mortgage rates. Let’s look at the savings side. Depending on the amount of a certificate, a difference between 0.90% and 1.00% can be very little and not worth your time, effort, or gas to chase the slightly higher rate. For a $2,000 certificate, the annual interest would be $18 at 0.90% and $20 at 1.00%. For a $10,000 certificate, the annual interest would be $90 at 0.90% and $100 at 1.00%. A money market account would be similar, and scattering your business all over town is more to keep track of. It’s a good idea to find an institution that meets all your needs. You’re likely to get good advice when you talk about your overall financial situation, not just a product. And you may save more by using multiple services; with a Summit checking account, the more you save and borrow at Summit, the more you earn toward a potential member cash payout called Cash Boomerang! which paid out $2.3 million to members last year. Here’s a true story of a member who stopped into a Summit branch to talk about consolidating her debt. She was paying interest only (no principal) on a home equity line of credit and felt like she was getting nowhere. She wanted to retire within ten years and talked about saving


more. We looked at the numbers and searched options. In evaluation, we found she could comfortably take advantage of Summit’s Express Refinance program and make room for emergencies. We devised a savings plan; every two weeks, she puts a portion of her pay into a GoSave account, a Summit savings account that restricts access. Plus, with her automatic bi-weekly payments on her new Express mortgage, she can pay that off before retiring. The financial peace of mind from taking action is priceless. Taking a more holistic look at your financial picture is ultimately more helpful than focusing on one rate here and there.


*No minimum balances are required to be eligible for the program. Any fees/charges applied to an account will reduce the account balance and result in less dividends earned. A checking account must be open as of 9/30 of year Insured by NCUA of payment to be eligible for the program. Only members in good standing at the date of the payout will receive a payout as long as the Cash Boomerang computes to $10 or more, with a maximum of $1,000. Cash Boomerang is not guaranteed. Cash Boomerang is a dividend and subject to tax reporting.

!"#$%&'()#$"*$+,-$.$/0)*"1)(2, since 2002, of Summit Credit Union, a $3.4 billion, memberowned financial cooperative with more than 188,000 members. Kim has a passion for empowering people to improve their financial well-being for a richer life. 3*4$!"#$5'60$#'()5$76)*2"'(*$ 85$)#9":"(;<$#'()5*#902*= *6##"2>0)1"26("'(?>'#

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!"#$$%$&'()*+,*'-*,$"'./012'!3-"'4,*$5*'4,$6,'7%"8'6%*54"'9%:7)#;55'<' Kinnickinnic Rivers views is waiting for you to come home! This light filled ,)=%='8)='>'=?)4%,#='@56*,,A='<'>'A)*+:5'@)"8='B5)"#*%$&'#?&*)656' fixtures, whirlpool tub & enhanced walk-in shower. Spectacular Kitchen w/ C85*A)6,*'!!'D??:%)$45='%$4:#6%$&'5:54"*%4'4,,;",?'E&)=')F)%:)+:5G/'7)::' oven & warming drawer. Fisher-Paykel Dishwasher Drawers, wine chiller & high power external vent hood sets the stage for fabulous meal creation. All Bedrooms face the river or have Lake Michigan views. Master Suite includes enormous 15x11Ft Closet w/hanging on 3-Levels. Huge Deck w/Gas, Water & Electric Hook-Ups. Boat Slip & Private 2.5 Car Garage makes this Third Ward beauty a little bit of Nirvana. $1,195,000 Monthly Condo Fee: $531 Presented By: Mary Beth Waite (414) 213-5055 J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 ! 5

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!"#"$%&&'()$*+$(%,(-"$$".)"$/ nic, the city of Greenfield es/ caped annexation by Milwau/ kee and is now Milwaukee’s third-largest suburb. !"#$% &'()%"'%*%+,-).$)%(,/%'0%12$,3)$$)$%*3+%&'2$4 ,356% 7,"&% *(1,",'2$% 89*3$% 0'.% 02"2.)% 5.'7"&% *3+%.)+)-)9'8()3": Greenfield Second District Alderman and former city police officer Bruce Bailey notes that, in the last few decades, Greenfield has become more urban than rural, although it still maintains the charm of a small community. 2010 census data puts the city’s population *"% *1'2"% ;<6===:% >,"&% *% ()+,*3% &'()% -*92)% of around $189,000 according to, Greenfield is relatively affordable compared "'% '"&).% ?,97*2@))% $212.1$:% AB'2#-)% 5'"% nice, quiet subdivisions, and we’re home to restaurants and shopping,” Bailey says. “We $",99% &*-)% "&)% $212.1*3% *"('$8&).)% 12"% *.)% close to the benefits of a big city.” Over the years, the city of Greenfield has achieved a reputation as a business-friendly community, evidenced by residential-com4 mercial developments like the $200 million 84 South, which opened about two years ago on 84th Street and Layton Avenue. The large-scale development includes upscale *8*."()3"$% *3+% (29",89)% 12$,3)$$)$% *3+% .)$4 taurants, including Fresh Thyme, Steinhafels, Café Zupas, Portillos and Kohl’s, which re4 located from Southridge Mall. 84 South also contains an Aurora Health Center. Greenfield Mayor and longtime resident Michael Neitzke, who took office in 2005, says that Layton Avenue has been revital4 ized in the last 15 years with the additions of 84 South, Konkel Park and the city’s library, which was built about a decade ago. However, the revitalization process is ongoing. “We will continue to see new and improved things on Layton Avenue in the future,” Neitzke says. Not unlike many shopping malls, South4 ridge—Wisconsin’s largest at 1.2 million square feet and for a longtime Greenfield’s retail anchor—has seen drastic changes dur4 ing the past decade. Despite a $50 million re4 6 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

development in 2012, Southridge lost Boston Store and Sears. Macy’s remains, however, and smaller stores are moving in to fill the gap, including Golf Galaxy, Dick’s Sporting Goods and TJ Maxx.

Location, Location, Location Bordering Milwaukee, Greenfield is conve4 niently located next to an extensive freeway system with connections to several other sub4 urban locations, Downtown Milwaukee and Chicago. Greenfield boasts a wide variety of 3)7% *3+% )$"*19,$&)+% 12$,3)$$)$% *3+% .)$"*24 rants, including Half Price Books, Music Go Round, El Beso Restaurante and Cantina, Genesis Jewelers, The Board Game Barrister and Stan’s Fit for Your Feet. Jim Sajdak, owner and president of Stan’s (a company founded by his father, Stan Saj4 dak, in 1950 in a storefront on Milwaukee’s South Side), enjoys being a part of the Green4 field business community. “I think the city of Greenfield is very retail friendly and business positive,” he says. Stan’s, which also has loca4 tions in Brookfield and Glendale, moved to its current 74th Street location in the early 2000s. “We like the area a lot because of its location and visibility. We feel great about doing busi4 ness here,” Sajdak says, adding that the city’s new chamber of commerce, of which he is a board member, is equally focused on business and community. The Greenfield Common Council is also re4 $8'3$,-)%"'%"&)%3))+$%'0%12$,3)$$%'73).$:%A>)% are all passionate about the city and trying to make it better,” says Neitzke. Greenfield is big on parks, gardens and green space. Konkel

AMP—the park’s recently built amphitheater. Konkel’s amenities have expanded to include walking trails, a concessions area and a new pavilion with restrooms. The city hopes to add *%8).(*3)3"%1)).%5*.+)3%,3%"&)%02"2.):% Greenfield has also entered into an agree4 ment with the City of Milwaukee to take over maintenance and operations of Kulwicki Park, 10777 W. Coldspring Road. Neitzke notes that a city with vibrant parks tends to attract more developers. For more than 25 years, the Greenfield Beautification Committee, founded by direc4 tor Joan Stevens, has enhanced the city’s im4 age by planting trees and flowers throughout the community, as well as decorating for the winter holidays. Each year, the city hosts an Arbor Day celebration in spring, in which vol4 unteers pick up litter in the Konkel Park area. In the past, the committee has sponsored the Landscape Award Contest for businesses and homes. It also organizes annual tours of re4 nowned gardener Will Radler’s Botanic Gar4 dens and Rosarium, 10020 W. Meadow Drive. C*+9).6% +)-)9'8).% '0% "&)% ".*+)(*.@)+% Knock-Out Roses, is happy to open his es4 tate to visitors: two acres of garden, gorgeous 89*3"$% *3+% 8'3+$% 7,"&% 7*").0*99$% *3+% "*()% goldfish. Tours will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, and from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20 (for more ,30'.(*",'36%-,$," Other outdoor events include the Sunday, July 21, Armenian Fest at 7825 W. Layton Ave. In addition to parks and green space, Neitz4 ke says, Greenfield is “working to make this city more walkable and rideable” by add4

OVER THE YEARS, THE CITY OF GREENFIELD HAS ACHIEVED A REPUTATION AS A BUSINESS-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY, EVIDENCED BY RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS LIKE THE $200 MILLION 84 SOUTH, WHICH OPENED ABOUT TWO YEARS AGO ON 84TH STREET AND LAYTON AVENUE Park, 5151 W. Layton Ave., has become the site for many activities, including a farmers market Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May through October, it’s an event which, according to Neitzke, draws up to 4,000 visitors each week. Jansen Fest (celebrating Greenfield na4 tive and famed speedskater Dan Jansen) is held every Memorial Day weekend. Nearby Whitnall Park (technically in Franklin and Hales Corners) features a gorgeous botani4 cal garden, permanent beer garden, summer concerts and hiking and biking trails. Konkel Park, meanwhile, hosts “Brews and Bites,” a free outdoor summer concert series, in The

ing bike trails. In the coming years, the city &'8)$%"'%,(89)()3"%.)+)-)9'8()3"%,3%$)-).*9% areas, including Spring Mall on 76th Street and Coldspring Avenue, as well as the area around 84th Street and Loomis Road, while still maintaining attractive residential areas. “I think there are real opportunities coming to fruition. We’ve been working on this a very long time,” Neitzke says. “[As mayor], my only goal is making the city better.” “We’re really doing a lot. The city has really moved forward in the last 10 years,” Bailey adds. !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/%n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


Sorting the Democratic Candidates Has Just Begun ::BY JOEL MCNALLY

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Kamala’s Moment

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More Debates to Come

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Cambridge, Wisconsin

JULY 27 & 28 Cambridge, Wisconsin

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Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin

CAMBRIDGE, WI Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin


Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin





Live art demos both days! FeLion Studios 3,000 lb hot iron pour + Atlas Barrel Company + Broadwing Clay Studio Pit Fire + Driftless Fire Tribe + Leonard Grewe FeLion Studios + IgniteGlass Studios + Isaiah Schroeder Knifeworks + Upper Midwest Blacksmith Association + Wisconsin Makers SATURDAY 7/27 @ 10AM SATURDAY 7/27 @ 9PM

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The Psychology of Patriotism



o, given the political climate on our nation’s 243rd birthday, I’m going where angels fear to tread. Let’s look at what psychology and sociology tell us about patriotism and patriots. After all, we assign those labels to the fellows who signed the Declaration of Independence, which is what this holiday is about. As an aside, more than 40% of Americans get it wrong when asked what the Fourth of July commemorates. Regardless, sociologists attribute patriotism to “tribalism.” Tribes were the initial social structures humans created to further their survival. Which is why patriotism, the modern version of tribalism, can be such an emotionally charged mindset. It’s about belonging and group identity. That’s not to say patriotism means the same thing to everyone, or that feeling patriotic requires adhering to a particular ideology, which it does not. Now, tribalism is all but universal. We are a social species that, like other ones (bees, wolves, whales, ants, elephants, etc.), tends to gather into groups of various sizes and compositions. From the few existing tribal societies that remain today to the engorged nation states with millions of residents, we are birds of a feather. At its worst, tribalism stirs the demons in the human psyche. Patriotism, in particular, can become “the virtue of the vicious” (Oscar Wilde), Nazi Germany being a horrendous but not rare example. At its best, patriotic spirit becomes a force for good, as in the generosity of the American people in responding to natural disasters across the globe (of late, we citizens do better with this than our government). As an instrument of survival, patriotic leanings have, at various times, upheld our republic, beginning with the Revolutionary War and including World War II, when democracy was under assault. Inversely, it was also the driving force in our bloody Civil War, where citizens on both sides felt a patriotic duty to fight for their different ways of life. One positive impact of patriotism is its capacity to unify people who might otherwise focus more on their differences than commonalities. From early in our nation’s history, this has been a persistent theme. Studies show that, overall, Americans exhibit more patriotic fervor than most other peoples. Why? Because we need a sense of national ego to remember what binds us together. The diversity brought about by multiple waves of immigration, beginning early in the 19th century and continuing today, challenges our ability to define what it means to be an American. So, what does it mean to be patriotic? For some, it involves unquestioned loyalty to one’s nation (“My country, right or wrong, but my country”), while, for others, it requires protesting and criticizing one’s government when it fails to uphold the common good. Usually, the dispute over who claims the mantle of patriot involves how one prioritizes core values. If one highly values personal freedom, he or she may not like flag burning, for example, but still respect the constitutional right to do it. If, instead, one strongly values tradition and loyalty, then such an act may feel disrespectful, much like a personal affront, or even treasonous. Perhaps it comes down to this. If one acts in a way that creates and upholds the good of his or her fellow citizens (country), rather than purely one’s self-interest or that of some klatch of greedy opportunists (the political-industrial complex), then that person may qualify as a patriot. As Mark Twain stated, “Loyalty to country, always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.” True patriots, then, do not serve egoism, blind nationalism or greedy self-interest. So, when those with political and economic power wield patriotic symbols, ceremonies and platitudes to divide us and turn us against our common humanity, they are not patriots. They are engaging in what George Washington called “the impostures of pretended patriotism”—feigning to be patriots in order to deceive us and further their selfish aims. Don’t buy it. For more, visit


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Joan Lunden, journalist, best≠ selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 9

::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JULY 4 - 10, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as other activities that seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to

Saturday, July 6

Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Lincoln Memorial Drive and Michigan Street, noon-1 p.m.

Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee post protest.

Laughing Liberally Milwaukee @ ComedySportz Milwaukee (420 S. First St.), 8-10 p.m.

With Donald Trump and Republican attacks on health care, immigrants, the environment and more, we need progressive laughs now more than ever. Laughing Liberally Milwaukee is a monthly progressive political comedy show featuring some of Milwaukee’s top liberal and progressive comedians. Laughing Liberally Milwaukee is hosted by comedian, cartoonist and talk radio host Matthew Filipowicz. Comedians on the July 6 bill include Jason Hillman,

Mary Collie, Marcos Lara, Jen Durbent, Brittany Tillander and sketch comedy group The Accountants of Homeland Security. In addition, Laughing Liberally Milwaukee features interviews with a local activist, journalist or political figure. This month’s guests are Leslie Fillingham and Chad Trepanier who will discuss protecting abortion access and standing up to hate at Abortion Access Front’s upcoming Garbage Fyre Festival.

Tuesday, July 9-13

90th Annual LULAC National Convention and Exposition @ the Wisconsin Center Convention Center (400 W. Wisconsin Ave.)

The League of United Latin American Citizens invites all to participate in the 90th Annual LULAC National Convention & Exposition from July 9 through July 13, 2019. Speakers include: Tony Evers, governor of Wisconsin; Mayor Tom Barrett; Bernie Sanders, U.S. senator; Marianne Williamson Author, Activist; former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro; Elizabeth Warren, U.S. senator; former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke; Senator Amy Klobuchar; Director of the United States Census Bureau Steven Dillingham; Catherine Alicia Georges EdD, RN, FAAN, AARP’s National Volunteer President; South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg; and U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore.

To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to


You Think the Gas Tax and Vehicle Fees Should Be Increased to Fund Road Work

Last week, we asked which of these options would you prefer Wisconsin’s elected officials pursue in order to fund necessary and well-overdue state road repairs. You said: n 42% Increase the gas tax. n 7% Increase vehicle fees. n 26% Increase both the gas tax and vehicle fees. n 24% Find another solution that doesn’t raise gas taxes or vehicle fees.

What Do You Say?

The Fourth of July reminds us that the U.S. was founded as a nation “with liberty and justice for all,” as the Pledge of Allegiance concludes. It is also a nation of immigrants (in absolute numbers, the U.S. has a larger immigrant population than any other country in the world). Though these have long been highly valued, since the election of Donald Trump, do you think our country has lost something of its soul in these regards? n Yes n No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.

10 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9


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We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.

!"##"$%&'()"*$+,&' -."%,&/%,' !/##/0$+$"%' /#+'1$#234),& ::BY SHEILA JULSON


ince 2007, Waukesha-based Connoils has provided bulk oils, oil powders and specialty ingredients like flaxseed or grape seed oil for human and pet nutrition, sport nutrition, dietary supplements and cosmetic products, so adding cannabidiol (CBD) to their offerings was a natural next step, says founder and CEO Stacy Peterson. “We have been playing in the CBD arena for about four years now,” says Peterson, who’s also on the board of directors for the Wisconsin Independent Learning College, a nonprofit college that serves adults with autism. “Autistic children suffer from seizures and other issues, and CBD is a very good remedy for them.” Peterson also expressed disgust over the opioid crisis and feels that CBD could be an answer for people coming off of heroin to manage pain and decrease addiction. In efforts to help people, she and her Connoils team began educating themselves about CBD, which she feels put them ahead of the game. Connoils has the capabilities to formulate CBD in customized oils or powder formats based on a customer’s needs. They also provide private labeling and packaging solutions. Connoils contracts with 27 Wisconsin hemp farmers for their CBD wholesale offerings and for the Abby Christopher products. They’ve recently built a 25,000 square-foot facility in Big Bend that will use green technology, including rooftop solar. They’ll turn their current space in Waukesha into an indoor hemp growing facility. They recently hired two chemists and two food scientists to further explore the medicinal aspects of cannabis and how people can introduce it in different formats for the beer or food industries. Connoils’ own line of CBD tinctures and balms is sold under Abby Christopher—Abby being a nod to Peterson’s daughter, and Christopher in honor of her friend and mentor, Christopher Mann, founder of the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute. Mann taught Peterson about hemp and how Wisconsin could benefit from growing hemp again. The Abby Christopher tinctures line is called Balance. “It creates a balance in the body between omega 3, 6 and 9 and provides what the body’s endocannabinoid system needs to reduce inflammation,” Peterson explains. The tincture is available in regular, Lemonolgy, Mocha Matte or Berry Bliss flavors in 600 milligrams (ml) of CBD per 30 ml bottle (20mg of CBD per serving), or 1,500 mg of CBD per bottle (50 mg of CBD per serving). They will soon add pain balms and other ailment-specific products. They even have a have a nurse on staff that specializes in CBD to answer customer questions. Peterson says a research and development challenge has been producing cannabis that’s less than the federal legal limit of 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. Cannabis seeds can run up to $1 a piece, she notes, but if mature plants test above the 0.3% THC limit, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, the state agency that issues licenses to hemp growers, requires they be destroyed. Male and female plants can also cross-pollinate, thus increasing THC levels. “It’s all about the nutrients, genetics of plants, and seed experimentation to get just the right variety or strain. It’s a lot of scientific chemistry.” Although many people are launching CBD products, Peterson believes there’s enough space for everyone to play in the sandbox together, but she emphasizes that people look for quality. “There’s a lot of snake oil out there and you should always ask for certificates of analysis. If the seller can’t prove it is batch specific to that analysis, you should be cautious. And if it’s not working for you, you should also be cautious.” For more information visit or Comment at n 12 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

House of Representatives Approves Amendment to Protect Legal Cannabis ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ


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stupid computer! We can help

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(414) 687-9650 !"#$%&'()#*+"", -."%/0!%'12*34$5%'3%6'$4*#((5%*1$"7*(#4"28%96"$5%2#5,%)"%."#$%34:$'"3% from people extremely disappointed by their first experience with CBD products that had been purchased from a random unqualified source. Some of these individuals will continue to educate themselves on the different products available, but the majority will write CBD off as nothing more than a modern day snake oil. (And who can blame them?) While we are extremely happy that society has embraced the benefits of CBD, we are very concerned about the inferior products so readily available on nearly every street corner and, more so, for the individuals that will miss out on the incredible benefits associated with CBD. To those of you who have had a bad first experience, we are respectfully asking that you give CBD a second chance. While we can’t promise that CBD will change your life, we can guarantee that once you’ve tried VERDANT CBD, you will confidently know how your body responds to a top-quality CBD product. (This is the CBD you were looking for in the first place.) But we also understand that quality CBD Oil is not cheap—and that it’s an investment you may be understandably hesitant to make again. &:G%H:4%7I/%8:*7I%:H%JKL;G%M/%64/%N/77)*O%6N)5/%1$$%9:77L/N%:H%PQ@>-RC% 2S$8O%<=>T%7I67%M)LL%9/%N:L5%!%H:4%1G%6N%)*+/*7)./'%UJKN7%8/*7):*%7I)N%L/77/4'V We stand behind our products and want nothing more than for you to be #3%;#33':1#4"%#<:*4%/0!%#3%)"%#$"8 Thank you for your time...and for second chances. We look forward to =""4'17%5:*8 Sincerely, W:K4%PQ@>-RC%<=>%D68)L;

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14 !!J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

India Garden


5. After cooling completely, cut into cubes. 6. In the meantime, make the blueberry -.*"%#0-5$(00;")-;(0%= 7. In a medium saucepan, add blueberries, maple syrup, lemon juice and water. ?08.,"#:"-"$:8)= 8. Once it boils, add vanilla and cornstarch +,-&%&##.*/'.&#)*2 1/2 cups fresh mixture. Reduce heat and let cook until $)/($(008(%1"236"4/&"&/0("'-&)("%;0/&1" mixture thickens, about 3 minutes. 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp water, 1 tsp 9. Remove from heat, slightly mash the vanilla extract, 2 tbsp cornstarch mixed blueberries with a fork and then set with 2 tbsp water aside to cool and thicken more. 01#'2%&##.*/'.&#)*2 1/2 cups fresh 10. In a separate saucepan, follow the %#0-5$(008(%1"236"4/&"&/0("'-&)("%;0/&1" same instructions for the strawberry 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp water, 1 tsp )-;(0= vanilla extract, 2 tbsp cornstarch mixed 11. Let berry fillings cool in the with 2 tbsp water refrigerator while you make the 34566&(*!#&'7)*!"26":<"4-.%"4:4:./#" whipped cream. cream chilled overnight (Use the hardened 12. Beat the coconut cream with an cream only, not the liquid), 1 tbsp maple electric mixer for a few minutes until syrup, 1 tsp vanilla extract creamy. Slowly add the syrup and vanilla while beating. 8$91#-:15"$9) 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease an 13. Assemble the trifle. Start with a layer of cornbread, then the blueberry filling, 8×8 baking dish well and set aside. In a then a layer of whipped cream, another large bowl, whisk together melted vegan layer of cubed cornbread, the strawberry $/##(0"-.*"-&&)(%-/4(=">**"'-&)("%;0/&" filling and another layer of whipped and coconut sugar, whisk to combine. cream. Top with fresh blueberries and Add flax-eggs and vegan buttermilk strawberries. Serve and enjoy! then whisk to combine. 14. This will keep well in the refrigerator 2. In a separate bowl, mix together dry but it is best served the day it’s made. 8.,0(*8(.#%= 7 !=">**"*0;"8.,0(*8(.#%"#:"5(#"8.,0(*8(.#%" To make the flax-egg, mix together 1 tbsp ,0:/.*" and mix until fully combined. flax seeds and 3 tbsp water. Let sit for 5 minutes 4. Pour mixture into prepared baking dish $(@:0("/%(= 77 then bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a To make vegan buttermilk, mix together 1 cup toothpick inserted into the center comes almond milk and 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice or apple :/#"4)(-.= cider vinegar. Let sit for 5 minutes before use.


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Little Cancun

Little Cancun Brings New Mexican Flavors to Bay View

Little Cancun’s chips and salsa are my new favorites in town; warm tortilla strips sprinkled with their secret seasoning and served with two bottles of salsa. The green salsa has the perfect amount of heat and the smooth red salsa has so much flavor I found myself scooping a combination of both and coining the phrase “worth the trip just for chip.” The antojitos (literally “little cravings”) are like Mexican street snacks. Once you’ve had them, you will crave them again and again. The loco beans are a savory dish of beans topped with steak, cilantro and onions. Given my delight over the chips, it’s no surprise that their Nachos are so on point. You can order whatever meat or a combination of meats you desire or just enjoy them with beans and cheese ($4.50-$12.95). The menu has a section dedicated to huevos (eggs) and includes four different preparations served with beans, rice and tortillas ($11). For the “platos especiales” (special combination plates), you can feel free to change the meat for a small upcharge, but if you want to switch items, you are better off creat::BY ALISA MALAVENDA ing your own from the vast a la carte menu. The other combination plates have everything you would expect and more. The enchiladas (we ordered ittle Cancun recently opened its doors in Bay View with the same great chicken and cheese and onion) had just enough flavorful sauce not to make flavors as their flagship restaurant in Franklin. Little Cancun’s renovation of them soggy and were topped with lots of gooey cheese. The tacos al pastor what was once Hector’s is as festive as it is comfortable. The purple walls and featured tender, well-seasoned meat whose onion and cilantro topping added seating are a fun backdrop for the sombreros and TVs that line the perimeter of freshness to the dish. Sizzling fajitas include a vegetarian choice ($13-$19). the room. The TVs are great to catch a game while having a casual dinner, but they Other noteworthy menu items include the Huachinango Red Snapper, are not intrusive to other diners. The original rectangular bar is also updated with comfortable seating, a row of frozen mixed cocktails and a chalkboard with all their specially seasoned and fried perfectly ($14.95); and the Camaron a la Diabla ($14.95), sweet shrimp in a spicy sauce served with potatoes. If you are an adfantastic specials give it a warm feeling. Little Cancun’s friendly barventurous diner and find yourself there on a Sunday, try the Menudo, a traditender mixes up a tasty original margarita and has a few specialty tional Mexican “sopa” made with beef tripe and hominy— cocktails added to their repertoire. it is touted as the best cure for a hangover ($9.95). Open seven days a week for lunch and Mexican pizza, pork chops and a Bistec Ranchero (sliced dinner, the daily specials are hard to beat. Little Cancun steak) can also be ordered. They don’t have a kid’s menu Monday brings an all-you-can-eat combina3040 S. Delaware Ave. but offer hamburgers and chicken strips. Good news for tion platter for $13.95 with $4.50 margaritas; 414-763-5113 • $-$$ our vegan readers: Little Cancun is working on vegan on Friday, the all-you-can-eat fish fry ($12.95) will make you menu options that will roll out shortly. They also have reimagine the traditional fish fry. Taco Tuesday is off the chart CC, FB, FF, RS, GF party trays available for your next gathering. with three beef tacos ($4.50) and domestic beer ($ 2.75). Handicap Accessible: yes


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Humility becomes Mae Velma’s Corned Beef (4115 N. 76th St.). Its signage and website claim that the takeout-only establishment has “arguably the best corned beef in the city,” which leaves room for argument. But none may be necessary. A recent walk-up visit (they have a drive- through window as well) delivered a Reuben sandwich brimming with thick, lean, moist corned beef with sauerkraut, Thousand Island dressing and Swiss cheese between toasted slices of light rye bread. The magic Mae Velma works with a Reuben may also be had in eggroll form, and plain corned beef sandwiches are likewise on offer. Beyond Mae Velma’s specialty, the menu offers a quirky take on soul food. Baked potato soup and chili share pages with perch, catfish and shrimp dinners; Italian beef and Italian sausage comes on white buns. A chicken and waffle special includes three jumbo wings alongside the grilled batter cake that has outgrown its breakfast-only status. EVAN CASEY

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16 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

Reuben from Mae Velma’s



Door County Coffee & Tea Co.

Door County Destination for Coffee & Tea ::BY SHEILA JULSON


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holidays, there’s vanilla flavored White ChristG mas or Jingle Bell Java, with flavors of toasted B3D*58.!D*2*<3;!*57!J*5&;;*@ Standard flavors include Highlander Grogg, *5!I2&8(!D23*<!)&0(!D*2*<3;.!42!V120;38!&5!*!K1B.! a chocolaty blend flavored similar to caramel Turtles candy. Those preferring non-flavored coffee can find Breakfast Blend, a medium roast of Columbian and Costa Rica-grown cofG ?33@!W53!4?!0(3&2!7*2A32!D4??338.!:3*0(L8!:442.!&8! 5*<37!*?032!0(3!B4B1;*2!X*A3!F&D(&'*5!7&J&5'! *23*!0(*0L8!?1;;!4?!8(&B)23DA8@ W0(32! 5478! 04! :442! K4150+! &5D;173! X&'(0G house Blend, a dark roast of Guatemalan and SuG <*02*5!93*58.!*57!K(322+!K2Y<3!" O&;845!8*+8! they started the company with popular flavors ;&A3!J*5&;;*8!*57!5100+!J*2&30&38.!*57!0(3+!*7737! more flavors to meet customer demand. “We inG troduce new flavors, see what floats to the top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similar to Guinness beer. HU34B;3! 804B! &5! 45! 0(3&2! )*+! 1B! 04! :442! K4150+!7380&5*0&458.!*57!0(3+!804B!&5!45!0(3!)*+! (4<3.N!O&;845!8*+8@!HIL<!B2417!4?!412!80*??.!*8! 0(323!*23!B34B;3!(323!047*+!*57!0(483!)(4!(*J3! 230&237!0(*0!23*;;+!B10!0(3&2!80*<B!45!:442!K415G 0+!K4??33@N!V(3!O&;845L8!0)4!8458.!K452*7!*57! :41';*8!Z2@.!*;84!)42A!?42!0(3!918&5388@ :442! K4150+! K4??33! &8! *J*&;*9;3! &5! F&;G )*1A33! *0! 83J32*;! 8<*;;! D*?S8.! *8! )3;;! *8! O447<*5L8.! /3502+.! /357&AL8.! U&DA! L5! /*J3! *57!U&'';+!O&'';+@ !"#$ %"#&$ '()"#%*+'"(,$ -'.'+$ /""#0"1(+20")3 )&&40"%4

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Includes mashed potatoes, stuffing and cranberry


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Featuring discounts at more than 20 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get≠ one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020.

Twisted Path Distillery Lost Whale Boone & Crockett Café Corozón Kegel's Inn

18 !!J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

Milwaukee Sail Loft ABV Social Branded Kindred on KK TAYLORS

Cocktail Trail booklets are available for purchase for $25 online at and at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective, and Beard MKE.

Ale Asylum Riverhouse Black Sheep Rumpus Room Hi Hat Lounge Casablanca

Central Standard Craft Distillery The Original The Diplomat The Wicked Hop

Club Charlies Goodkind Bittercube Crimson Club Fuel Café









‘Anastasia’ a Timeless Tale of Separation and Loss (Hope and Love) ::BY JOHN JAHN

he Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna (1901-’18) was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II—the last emperor of Russia—and his wife, Tsarina Alexandra. Anastasia had three sisters, Olga, Tatiana and Maria, and one brother, Alexei Nikolaevich, the heir apparent. But young Alexei would never become tsar; he and his entire family (the Romanovs) were murdered by Bolshevik rebels in Yekaterinburg on July 17, 1918. As one of several children of the last leader of imperial Russia, young Anastasia should, ever since that dreadful day in July more than a century ago, have become not much more than a footnote in history. Yet, likely born of wishful thinking, persistent rumors of her possible escape from the murderers began circulating soon after her death, fueled by the fact that the location of her burial remained unknown for many decades after the communists took control.


Lest there be any lingering doubt whatsoever, her survival has been conclusively disproved. Scientific analysis, including DNA testing, confirmed the remains of the imperial family, showing that all of the children were killed in 1918. Several women once falsely claimed to have been Anastasia; the best-known impostor being Anna Anderson. Her body was cremated upon her death in 1984, but DNA testing in 1994 on available pieces of Anderson’s tissue and hair showed no relation to the Romanovs. Given such facts, it might seem a redoubtable task to take such a tragic story and give it that Hollywood and Disney-ready “happily ever after” denouement. But these are the true-life events from which celebrated playwright Terrence McNally, composer Stephen Flaherty and lyricist Lynn Ahrens gleaned material for their hit musical Anastasia. McNally is the recipient of the Dramatists Guild of America Lifetime Achievement Award, Tony Awards for his plays Master Class and Love! Valour! Compassion!, his librettos for Kiss of the Spider Woman and Ragtime and an Emmy Award for Andre’s Mother. Flaherty composed the music for the Broadway shows Ragtime, Once On This Island, Seussical, Rocky, My Favorite Year and many others. Ahrens won the Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards, two Grammy nominations for Ragtime and nominated for two Academy Awards and two Golden Globes for the animated feature film Anastasia (upon which the stage musical is quite heavily based).

“A Mysterious and Determined Young Woman”

Anastasia completed its two-year Broadway run three months ago, where it played to sold-out audiences, and it has continued doing so thereafter as it has embarked upon its North American tour. Directed by Darko Tresnjak, Anastasia’s next stop on that tour is Uihlein Hall of the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts in Downtown Milwaukee. “My favorite William Shakespeare plays are his late romances: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest,” explains Tresnjak. “They tell of families torn asunder, of long and perilous voyages and of improbable yet heartbreaking reunions. They seem to encompass all of life’s joys and sorrows, and at or near the center of each one is a mysterious and determined young woman. The same is true of Anastasia. “I have come to think of it as a theatrical romance and of the title character (whose name literally means ‘resurrection’) as our Marina or Imogen,” Tresnjak continues. “I suspect that everyone—especially immigrant children like myself who come to learn about separation and loss from an early age—has a need to believe in stories like Anastasia. Since the recent DNA findings about the Romanov family, we just know Anastasia for certain what we pretty much knew all along: Uihlein Hall Anna Anderson was not Anastasia. But to me, that does not really matter. A fabrication gave birth to July 23-28 a myth, a modern romance.” “Seeing Ragtime for the first time was a life changing event in my career,” adds the production’s choreographer, Peggy Hickey. “The fusion of music, text and visuals combined to make me passionately interested in storytelling through movement. In all honesty, it is a dream come true to work with Terrence McNally, Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. I am still pinching myself.” “Anastasia spans countries, decades and movement styles using so many of the colors on my palette. I have enjoyed creating dances that range from ethnic troikas and mazurkas to jazz age Charlestons and imperial Russian ballet,” Hickey says. “My 15-year association with Tresnjak has granted us a shared vocabulary and history that allows us to work ever more closely with a mutual passion and sense of purposeful storytelling.” Ultimately, it’s that timelessly relatable, purposeful storytelling that causes a legend to be born—and to endure. At its very base, Anastasia is about a young woman searching for her family, for who she is and for her place in what she has learned, all too soon, can be a very dangerous world, yet one filled with hope and love, too. July 23-28 at Uihlein Hall, 929 N. Water St. For tickets, call 414-273-7206 or visit Comment at n

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::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit


Penny Corris— Symphony No. 1 Penny Corris is a classically trained composer with a degree in music history, theory and composition from UW-Madison. She’s studied piano and French horn and co-published a book on Wolfgang Mozart’s piano cadenzas (along with eminent pianist Paul Badura Skoda). Following the performance of her songbook as a successful fundraiser for the Fisher House in Milwaukee, Corris felt the challenge of composing a full-length symphony for large orchestra. The result of this personal challenge is her Symphony No. 1, a four-movement work scored for 36 instruments. The Milwaukee Philharmonic, founded two years ago, will perform Corris’ symphony in a free concert under the baton of conductor Matthew Makeever. Along with her new composition will be a performance of an already legendary one: Mozart’s Symphony No. 29 in A Major. Stanley Sadie, prolific British musicologist, music critic and editor, described the piece as “a landmark... personal in tone, indeed, perhaps more individual in its combination of an intimate, chamber music style with a still fiery and impulsive manner.” (John Jahn) Saturday, July 6, at 8 p.m. at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts, 19805 W. Capitol Drive. This concert is free and open to the public.


David Parr’s ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’


Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts | 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd.

“My ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ show wrapped up its year-long Chicago run in February, and I’ve been taking it on the road, with recent dates in Seattle and San Francisco. Next stop, my hometown, Milwaukee!” This is what award-winning magician David Parr said about his interesting new show. Essentially, Parr leads attendees on a guided tour through his collection of magical curiosities, artifacts and stories. Every shelf of Parr’s “Cabinet of Curiosities” offers an encounter with something weird and wonderful. Each object has a story—some strange, some spooky and some amusing. July 11-14 at the Brumder Mansion, 3046 W. Wisconsin Ave. Get your $20 tickets by visiting

F r e e | N o R e s e r v e d S e a t i n g | N o Ti c k e t i n g | M o r e I n f o : F O FA Q . o r g

JUL 14

3:00 pm pre-talk 2:00pm

JUL 18

7:30 pm pre-talk 6:30pm

Haydn String Quartet Op. 76, No. 4 Shostakovich Quartet No. 1 (1938) Dvořák String Sextet, Op 48 Mozart-Bach Five Fugues, K. 405 Rachmaninoff Quartet No. 1 Mozart Concerto for 2 pianos, No. 10 (Cliff Colnot chamber version World Premiere)

A d d i t i o n a l l i m i t e d - s e a t i n g e v e n t s a t S a i n t J o h n ’s O n T h e L a k e July 11, 3:00 pm - Listening Together | Mozart’s mastery of the piano concerto July 16, 4:00 pm - Fine Arts Quartet Open Rehearsal *July 16, 7:30 pm - Mozart Piano Concertos Nos. 9 & 17 (Ignaz Lachner chamber version) *Reservations required. Please call (414) 831-6731

Sponsored by the Friends of the Fine Arts Quartet & over 100 community donors In collaboration with Arts Wisconsin and UW-Milwaukee Peck School of the Arts

20 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

David Parr





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Marie Kohler’s ‘The Dig’ Excavates Family History



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The Dizzy Frenzy of ‘The Comedy of Errors’

APT’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’

APT’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ is Riotous Fun



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J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 21


American Dream Just Out of Reach in ‘For God and Country’ ::BY SHANE MCADAMS


native of Wisconsin, artist Rafael Francisco Salas has resided in the state continuously with the exception of a brief detour during his college years to study art. His new exhibition, “For God and Country,” (at Portrait Society Gallery through Aug. 3) explores his complex relationship with his native region, where he “experienced a kind of displacement” and “a pervasive sense of otherness” growing up. Salas notes that his otherness stems from his Mexican heritage but implies through art a still more ominous “other” lurking in the shadows of his painted landscapes. This complex spirit haunts Salas’ foreboding paintings and looms over all those marginal psychic spaces between the cultural beltways. That ghost is the rural Midwest itself. “For God and Country” is mostly a show of paintings and drawings, with occasional cameos by sculptural elements. To the right of the entrance in the largest gallery, a working turntable and a collection of records encourages viewers to amplify the show’s mood with some Dolly Parton, George Jones or Ray Charles—a well-chosen if safe soundtrack for the 40 sooty, surreal and melancholic paintings spread throughout the three galleries. In time, the works begin to weave a loose but interconnected narrative (not unlike “Jolene,” which was my soundtrack for the first two minutes and 40 seconds.) Music and landscape mix bizarrely in Salas’ work. Musician in Winter (Accordion) features a faceless suited figure twisting off a song on a scrubby patch of earth in a falling snow. The only discernable color (though Salas has a knack for teasing out the chromatic possibilities of

22 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

gray) are two small green squares in different shades in the upper right. They read a little like four-color processing test squares, but I couldn’t help but think of the green light at the end of Jay Gatsby’s dock signifying the elusive American Dream floating on a horizon just out of reach. The cumbersome landscapes in the show are buoyed by music—both depicted and actual—and by those anomalous touches of color. The strange relationships come across as profoundly personal but also outfacing and composed. “For God and Country” feels cinematic, which is also to say it feels directed and even scripted at times, in the best possible sense. Salas’ confessional visions are filtered cleanly through a filmic sensibility that allows us to inhabit his world from a critical distance. The suggestively titled I don’t stand out all night in empty fields and call your name no more for instance, with its forlorn landscape worked by four suited figures, evokes the wind-beaten sadness of a cold day in the Northern Plains as deftly as the Cohen brothers do in Fargo. Remember that aerial shot of the parking and William H. Macy’s lonely sedan? Kind of like that. The ashen, faceless men and women in the show are opposed emphatically by several colorful paintings of pixelated images. One of those works might be of a patriotic figure against an American flag bearing the show’s title.


It’s the first piece in the show as you enter the space and serves as a brilliant metaphor for the Salas’ hunt for the spirit of place. Even as I write this, I’m not sure whether the image is in fact of an individual against an American flag, or whether I was merely projecting a memory or even manifesting an aspirational vision. Maybe there’s no flag and no figure. Maybe it’s a candy cane and a stuffed beaver. The ambiguity seems to get to the point of the show. Are the colors, and symbols and mythologies of America actually there? Are they conjured fictions? Are they misty nostalgic memories? These questions are even more pressing at a time when America is so divided socially, culturally, spiritually and geographically. And yet, somehow, many of the most forsaken and neglected flyover places in the land are the ones flying the most colorful visions of the American mythos. Salas is onto something with these contradictory visions of his proud but ailing rural Midwest, the same way Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange and John Steuart Curry were before him. (left to right) Rafael Francisco Salas, I don’t wait up for days for your voice to answer to me no more, Oil on canvas, 36 x 48”, 2018; Rafael Francisco Salas, Night Singer #1, Oil on canvas, 18 x 24”, 2019; Rafael Francisco Salas, Musician in Winter (guitar), Oil on canvas, 36 x 48”, 2019

OPENING: !"#$%&'$()*(+,#(-&.%#*/( 0*(1"+)*2(34.(5&.#*+$(&*%(6#.'(78&99(:,)9%.#* Tuesdays, July 9 and 23, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Lynden Sculpture Garden • 2145 W. Brown Deer Road The 40 acres that house the Lynden collection of monumental outdoor sculpture are also home to many birds, insects, frogs, mammals and plants. Naturalist Naomi Cobb offers a nature program that explores a different theme each month taking into account the changing seasons and providing an opportunity for those with young children (ages 4 and under) to engage in outdoor play and acquire some hands-on experience with various art materials. The theme for July is “Rainbow Garden.” For more information and to register, call 414-446-8794 or visit SHEPHERD EXPRESS


[ FILM CLIPS ] Annabelle Comes Home R

Ed and Lorraine Warren are paranormal investigators whose cases are dramatized by the “Conjuring Universe” film franchise. In this third installment, the Warrens (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) secure the demonic Annabelle doll behind sacred glass in a locked room. Despite their warnings, the Warrens’ 10-year-old daughter, Judy (Mckenna Grace), and her babysitters (Madison Iseman and Katie Sarife) release Annabelle. Directed and written by Gary Dauberman, who penned the other “Annabelles,” the story tracks Judy and her babysitters’ efforts to evade the demonic entities attracted. Box office memo: 2017’s Annabelle: Creation brought in over $300 million on a $15 million budget. (Lisa Miller)

The Last Black Man in San Francisco R ‘Yesterday’

‘Yesterday’ in a World Without The Beatles ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


!"#$%&%'(&%("()"*"++$+(!,*+-( !.$*$(/.$( 0$"1+$2( %$3$*( $45 &21$-6( 7*821*"1$-( 2,%'!*&1$*( 9":#( ;"+&#( <=&>$(2.( ?"1$+@( !"#$"!% &'% ())(*+,'#+-.% /"% 0&'% )&!!%(11%2"&+3"!4%!('5!%&!%/#!%(6'7%8+%9"0(:"!% /#!%+#0;"+%+(%*#<"7 =/&+4!%+/"%)*":#!"%(1%!"#$"%&'(>%+/"%&:,!? ing new film by British director Danny Boyle @)*+,&-./ 01**1-2'1%">% 3%'12#4-$$12.A7% 8'% &% !)3"'<#<3-%"<#+"<%!"B,"'0">%+/"%3#5/+!%5(%(,+% &0*(!!% +/"% 6(*3<% 6/#3"% C&0;% )"<&3!% /(:"% +(% his parents’ house on his bike. During the DE?!"0('<%93&0;(,+>%C&0;%#!%/#+%9-%&%9,!%&'<% flung into the air. While recovering in the hos)#+&3>% /"% '(+#0"!% !(:"+/#'5% &:#!!7% F#!% 9"!+% 1*#"'<%@'(+%B,#+"%5#*31*#"'<A%G33#"%@H#3-%C&:"!A% #!% ),$$3"<% 9-% /#!% *"1"*"'0"% +(% =/"% 2"&+3"!4% “When I’m 64.” Celebrating his homecom#'5%6#+/%G33#"%&'<%1*#"'<!>%/"%9"5#'!%!#'5#'5% “Yesterday.” Their jaws drop at its brilliance. They’ve never heard anything like it. I'<%6/"'%/"%)*(+"!+!%+/&+%#+4!%'(+%/#!%!('5J it’s The Beatles!—they have no idea what he’s 5(#'5% ('% &9(,+7% K=/"% #'!"0+% 9""+3"!% (*% +/"% 0&*% Beetles?” asks Rocky (Joel Fry), the sort of 5((<?'&+,*"<>%)&*&!#+#0%<((1,!%+/&+%+"'<!%+(%/&'5% around every music scene. Later, Jack panics when he rifles through +/"%2!%#'%/#!%HL%0(33"0+#('.%H(+!%(1%2(6#">%'(% Beatles. He Googles their name and finds only +/"%#'!"0+7%F"%+*#"!%).$5/6"44"%%&'<%5"+!%&%0/#3#% pepper. John Paul George and Ringo turns up as John Paul II. And by the way, Oasis never ex#!+"<%#'%+/#!%6(*3<%"#+/"*7 L&+"3%)3&-!%+/"%*(3"%6"337%M'3-%+/"%:(:"'+&*-% hesitation when he plays “Let it Be” for the first +#:">%+/"%(00&!#('&3%!/&<(6%(1%<(,9+%('%/#!%1&0">% reveals that he’s troubled over living a lie. His career ascent is not inevitable but results from his own low-level hustling coupled with luck. A 3(0&3%*"0(*<%)*(<,0"*%@+/#!%#!%N,11(3;>%'(+%H('? don) records him and Jack gives the CD away SHEPHERD EXPRESS

to customers at his stock-boy job at the British equivalent of Costco. This leads to a spot on lo0&3%=O%6/(!"%/(!+%&''(,'0"!%/#:%&!%+/"%K!#'5? ing wholesaler.” 2,+%+/"%!/(6%#!%!""'%9-%)(),3&*%P7Q7%!#'5"*? !('56*#+"*%G<%N/""*&'>%)3&-#'5%/#:!"317%N/""*&'% +,*'!%,)%&+%C&0;4!%)&*"'+!4%<((*%&'<%(11"*!%/#:% &%0/&'0"%+(%()"'%1(*%/#!%R(!0(6%0('0"*+7%C&0;% &00")+!%&'<%;'(0;!%(,+%+/"%0*(6<%6#+/%K2&0;%#'% the U.S.S.R.” 8:)*"!!"<% 9-% C&0;4!% )"*1(*:&'0">% N/""*&'4!% high-powered manager, Debra Hammer (Kate R0Q#''('A>%),+!%/#:%#'%&'%H7I7%!+,<#(%+(%*"0(*<% “the era-defining double album that changes popular music forever.” With her nasal-flat I:"*#0&'% &00"'+>% /"*% /,:(*3"!!% 93,'+'"!!% &'<% )*(,<% <"03&*&+#('% +/&+% )"()3"% &*"% '(+/#'5% 9,+% “product” (or they’re nothing at all), she is a rec(5'#$&93"%<"'#$"'%(1%+/"%"'+"*+&#':"'+%#'<,!+*-7% Debra offers Jack the “poison chalice of money and fame.” Will Jack drink from it? He swallows his doubts even when he’s asked to change “Hey Jude” to the more affable “Hey Dude” and his album titles are rejected. ).$5/6"44"%7#/8-2"9 *(/:"'%$#/;*+</='2&/#!%+((%6(*<-7%=/"%>?1$"/@*9 <+, has “diversity issues.” And there is anxiety. What if somewhere in this familiar yet strange world (no Coca Cola on the planet, only Pepsi) !(:"('"%;'(6!%(1%=/"% Beatles? What if he’s 0&33"<% (,+% &!% /#!+(*-4!% Yesterday 5*"&+"!+%)3&5#&*#!+S Himesh Patel =/"%53(9&3%93&0;(,+>% Lily James +/"% )&*&33"3% <#:"'!#('% Directed by and even the hesitant Danny Boyle love story with Ellie 1(*:%&%+/"&+*#0&3%1*&:"? Rated PG-13 6(*;% &33(6#'5% +/"% &3? 6&-!% :,!#0?0('!0#(,!% 2(-3"% &'<% /#!% !0*""'? writer Richard Curtis (=%1&."$/A-2"#7#/B1'%(A%+(% ponder the state of pop culture. Genius has shriveled in the 21st century when a dozen creative non-entities labor over a single tuneless track on &% )3&+#',:% &39,:7% 2&0;% #'% +/"% <&->% C(/'% H"'? non and Paul McCartney turned out brilliance by the bushel in a six-year period. Boyle has a 5((<%+#:"%:(0;#'5%+/"%:&0/#'"*-%(1%:&*;"+#'5% and exploring the very British tendency to worry over rising too far and leaving behind the satisfaction of everyday life. !"#$"%&'(% !,00""<!% #'% 3"++#'5% ,!% 1""3% 6/&+% #+% might be like to hear those songs for the first time. With its look-at-me filmmaking of zooms &'<% *")"+#+#('!% &'<% !&'<)&)"*-% /,:(*>% #+4!% 0/"";-%2*#+#!/%#'%!+-3"%&'<%+('"%6#+/%'(%0('0"!? sions to the Debra Hammers of this world.

A young black girl stares up at a sanitation worker picking up trash in a HazMat suit. The street preacher mounts his podium and rails against the toxic environment, warning, “They got plans for us!” So another morning begins for Jimmie and his best friend Mont, magnetically drawn from their outlying ghetto to a Victorian house near the Golden Gate. They tend to the place like they own it—it was once owned by Jimmie’s grandfather and the loss is painful. Director Joe Talbot tells an elliptical story packed with references to San Francisco’s glorious past of segregation, gentrification, limited economic opportunities, fractured families and miscommunication between white and black. Wistful, funny and visually surreal, The Last Black Man wonders about the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive. (David Luhrssen)

Spider-Man: Far From Home PG-13

Returning as the young Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Tom Holland once again anchors a complex plot featuring multiple superheroes and villains. While searching for his proper role in the multiverse, Peter pursues romance with MJ (Zendaya), hoping to spend time as a normal 16-year-old teenager. The plan goes wrong, like any good plan does. Peter is touring Europe with friends when he’s obliged to join Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) in stopping planet-destroying “Elementals.” Alternate realities abound, but which are real? Set following Avengers: Endgame, the screenplay interlocks with that universe, managing a few surprises. Two important scenes play during and following the end credits... like we have nothing else to do. (L.M.)


In this Icelandic film, Halla is a choir director by profession and an ecowarrior by conviction. She conducts a dangerous war against polluting multi-nationals (and their Chinese owners) in a surveillance society. American satellites are on alert and every device is listening. Will her struggle for Mother Earth conflict with her bid to become a foster mom? The beautifully filmed and edited Woman at War handles its subject with a light touch of humor and surrealism.

n They Might Be Giants

Freudians roamed the Earth and involuntary commitments still occurred when They Might Be Giants (1971) was released. The cuckoo’s-nest comedy stars George C. Scott as a brilliant lawyer who thinks he’s Sherlock Holmes. He dresses the part, smokes a pipe and rattles off astute observations, spinning them into theories. Brilliant and mad, he’s turned his back on a malign world that refuses to reform. Joanne Woodward plays the exasperated psychiatrist who becomes his Dr. Watson.

n Screwball

Major League Baseball claimed to be shocked by revelations that its star players were pumped up on steroids. The baseball diamond had turned into Land of the Giants, records were shattered and no one knew? Screwball (2018) explores one facet, the micro-doping scheme run by Tony Bosch, a Floridian with an M.D. from Belize. The Mob got involved. Bosch is the entertaining storyteller whose interviews are the heart of this breezy documentary by filmmaker Billy Corben.

n The Bostonians

At least in upper-class circles, women began to assert themselves in 1870s America. In the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant-Ruth Prawer Jhabvala film The Bostonians (1984), Vanessa Redgrave stars as Olive, a well-educated Brahmin infatuated with a young activist, Verena (Madeleine Potter). Gender roles and manners, fatuousness and social codes are all in play in this tasteful, conversational adaptation of the Henry James novel. Christopher Reeves costars as a debonair Southern lawyer, skeptical over women’s rights. —David Luhrssen J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 23



Burroughs Rocks, Bernstein Jazzes Up Broadway and Zevon Finds his Werewolves ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN

William S. Burroughs and the Cult of Rock ’n’ Roll (UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS), BY CASEY RAE

!"##"$%&'(&)*++,*-./&#,,012&#"01&/,%1,314/&5+$306&*35#175,%178,72"331+&"3&."/&/3$97:+"%&.$8;&<$5018&$32&8"1(&=32&618;&/8+$3-1+&$32&%,+1&/*:>1+/">1&8.$3&$36&#,3-7.$"+12&+,50& star or nose-ringed punk, he exerted an influence on music that has seldom been properly acknowledged. David Bowie and Brian Eno cited Burroughs back in the ’70s, but it’s usually forgotten that the Beat writer’s sonic cut-and-paste anticipated sampling by decades. Casey Rae explores the byways by which the provocative author of !"#$%&'$32&()$&*'+"#,- stirred the imagination of Bob Dylan in the early ’60s (but who knew of his similar effect on Paul McCartney?) and became a touchstone of true alternative by the time Kurt Cobain discovered him. Along the way, Throbbing Gristle, heavily indebted to )*++,*-./;&"3>13812&8.1&$:+$/">1&5$5,9.,36&,?&"32*/8+"$#&%*/"5( Rae’s account is almost as fascinating as its subject, and reaches many points across a multi-dimensional reality from which Burroughs’ ideas came and where they led. Occasionally, Rae misses the end point. Burroughs foresaw the internet, anticipating the viral spread of “small units of sound and image,” which we can see, as Rae writes, in message boards “where hordes of young, mostly male raconteurs engage in ceaseless rage attacks against tolerance and reason.” The author fails to ask: Is that a good thing?

Flamenco Nation: The Construction of Spanish National Identity (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PRESS), BY SANDIE HOLGUÍN

The music and dance of flamenco became an image of Spain, iconic for encapsulating a set of ideas about the country. But its status has not gone uncontested. Like blues and other American vernacular music, flamenco originated among the poor and dispossessed and was said to embody doubtful social values. Castigated by some members of the elite, it was enjoyed and studied by others still as a source of distinctly Spanish culture. In ./)0&#,1'()2%1#, Holguín presents a dense, interpretive narrative of flamenco’s cultural history in a readable, even enjoyable form. Not unlike blues, flamenco was rooted in despised minorities—Moors, Sephardic Jews and Gypsies, and also absorbed influences from African slaves seen in Spanish ports. The genre persisted despite opposition. The Franco regime at first tried to push it aside, but later claimed it for its value to tourism.

Leonard Bernstein and the Language of Jazz (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS), BY KATHERINE BABER

Jazz was always a facet of Leonard Bernstein’s work as a composer. Katherine Baber argues that it was Bernstein’s most persistent theme, a motif that helped him find his voice as a composer as well as the source for his most popular musicals (3#'2-&'415#;&6&72'8%*&'8219:). In +&1#)9*';&9#72&%#')#*'2-&'+)#<")<&'1='!)>>, Baber locates his jazz inclinations in the identification with African American culture prevalent among a postwar Jewish intelligentsia that also included Norman Mailer and William Styron. Bernstein was never exactly a hipster in the way of Allen Ginsberg or Dizzy Gillespie, but was in dialogue with the idea of hip throughout his life. The emotional tone and melodicism derived from jazz enabled him to compose in a style that insisted on relating to popular culture as opposed to the sterility of many contemporaries (who were content to write for $&3,371@"/8138&$*2"1351A(

Nothing’s Bad Luck: The Lives of Warren Zevon (DA CAPO), BY C.M. KUSHINS

Warren Zevon was as integral to the ’70s Los Angeles scene as Jackson Browne and The Eagles, yet his songs stood apart. As C.M. Kushins remarks in his splendidly written biography, Zevon belongs to a dark stream of observation flowing from Raymond Chandler and other noir-era writers. (12-%#<?7';)*'+",$&8+$51/&"8/&/*:<1584/&21/8+*58">1& habits and enormous creativity to his Jewish mobster father. Well-read and classically trained, Zevon wrote songs permeated by “wiseass intellectualism.” Although he seemed to emerge fully formed out of nowhere with albums such as 6)99&#'@&A1# (1976) and BC,%2)D/&';1: (1978), Kushins details a long prelude that began a decade earlier. The man behind “Werewolves of London” was no novice.

Shadows of the Night: How One Man Survived the Trauma of Adoption, the Snares of the Music Business, and Found His Birthmother and Seven Sisters (ZEN ARCHER), BY D.L. BYRON

D.L. Byron had his brush with stardom when a song he wrote, “Shadows of the Night,” became a hit (and Grammy-winner) for Pat Benatar. He briefly enjoyed a major label contract and hung around the industry for years. Like many musicians drawn to rock in those days, he considered himself an outsider and carried scars from childhood into his 20s. The long subtitle of his memoir (E15'3#&'F)#G) is like the trailer that shows you how the movie will end. As he tells it, Byron managed to pass through the usual lines of cocaine and damaged egos that cling like lint to the music industry with integrity intact. What’s interesting about 8-)*157'1='2-&'(%<-2 is its paranormal inclinations and awareness of a web of connections some would call coincidence.

Where You Goin’ with that Gun in Your Hand?: The True Crime Blotter of Rock ’n’ Roll (BACKBEAT), BY KEITH ELLIOT GREENBERG

They called Jerry Lee Lewis “the Killer.” Neither Lewis nor his Sun labelmate Johnny Cash did time, they killed no one as far as we know, but some fans assumed they did. Many rock stars have projected a dangerous aura and several did get into serious trouble. TV producer Keith Elliot Greenberg tells their story in 6-&9&'H1"'I1%#?'5%2-'2-)2'I"#' %#'H1"9'E)#*J His “snapshot from the underside of rock ’n’ roll” includes the famous, the infamous and the obscure. Greenberg revisits the theory that Brian Jones was murdered (but not by his bandmates) and explores the sad climax of gun-happy Phil Spector’s career. He also ventures into Norway’s black metal creeps and the dual murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. 6-&9&'H1"'I1%#?'5%2-'2-)2'I"#'%#'H1"9'E)#*J&"/&$&:#,,26&1381+8$"3"3-&+1$2(

24 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9




like the paper, but on radio

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James Nares, Ití s Raining in Naples, 2003 (detail). Oil on linen. 47.5 × 81 in. Private collection. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.

!"#$%&&'$()*+&,"-$ .,/0'$1+&23$4,56789-$ :;<<",$=&88/6" ::BY JENNI HERRICK


bout an hour south of Milwaukee sits Delavan Lake, an almost 2,000-acre body of water that today is visited mostly by anglers but in the early years of the 20th century was a destination retreat and a popular vacation resort for wealthy Chicagoans. As turn-of-the-century Chicago heat drove affluent families to build summer “cottages” along the shores of Wisconsin lakes, famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright was also making his mark on midwestern architecture. Between 1900 and 1905, Wright was commissioned to build five private homes on Delavan Lake, the largest of which was Penwern, designed for Chicago entrepreneur Fred B. Jones. Penwern, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, offers more than 6,500 square feet of interior living space as well as more than 2,000 square feet of decks and porches, all providing grand views of Delavan Lake. At the time of its construction, Penwern boasted ambitious architectural details, from the sweeping arches above the main entrance and central porch, to the attached tower where the bachelor Jones was said to host card games for business associates and friends. The property features multiple buildings in addition to the main house, including a boathouse created with strong Japanese influences, a gatehouse highlighted by Gothic towers and a stable and greenhouse that both espouse traditional Wright design aspects. Award-winning photojournalist Mark Hertzberg’s book, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Penwern: A Summer Estate, beautifully captures the historic early days of life on Delevan Lake. Hertzberg is the author of three books about Wright and serves on the board of directors of the Frank Lloyd Wright Wisconsin Tourism Heritage Program. He will speak at the Milwaukee Public Library Central Branch (Rare Books Room) on Tuesday, July 9, at 6 p.m. in an event co-sponsored by Boswell Book Co.


A retrospective of a contemporary artist and fi lmmaker who explores gesture, motion, and time

Through October 6, 2019 J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 25


!"#$%"&'%()*)+% ,&%-.$+,#"%/,$0$'% 12+)342%5"&#$% "&'%6,78)+9 OFF THE CUFF WITH PATRICK BELLEGARDE-SMITH

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he sound of drums accompany dancers in traditional costumes when Ko-Thi Dance Company, one of Milwaukee’s treasures, performs. Comprised of artists trained in the history, mythology and art forms of the African diaspora, Ko-Thi keeps the traditions of Africa alive through classes for kids and adults, outreach programs and a full-length concert. 2019 is Ko-Thi’s 50th anniversary, which is being celebrated by a series of events, including conferences about Africa and black arts, before reaching its climax with the Juba-Lee concerts starting on Friday, Aug. 2. Patrick Bellegarde-Smith—professor emeritus of African and African Diaspora Studies at UW-Milwaukee—will lead a lecture about race on Tuesday, July 16, leading up to Ko-Thi’s 50th anniversary concert. While Ko-Thi touches on the subject through dance and music, Bellegarde-Smith puts it into words and looks at history. He discussed his presentation, “‘Race’ and ‘Color’ in Latin America and the Caribbean,” with Off the Cuff. What are African and African Diaspora Studies? I was responsible for courses on African religions—in Africa, the Caribbean states and in South America. I was also responsible for courses on Caribbean national identity, history, political economy and cultures, as well as similar courses on Latin America, with a clear emphasis on the black populations in all these countries—whose populations eclipse that of blacks residing in the U.S. Why do you think Ko-Thi has lasted 50 years? Ko-Thi Dance Company is the premier African and Afro-Caribbean dance company. Its creator, professor emerita Ferne Y. Caulker, was born and raised in the Republic of Sierra Leone in West Africa. She learned her art from the best-known African and African American legends in the field of dance, and the company is the longestsurviving such group in the U.S. Few African American organizations have had the longevity that Ko-Thi has. It has been a complicated story, with all the ups and downs that one expects from art forms that are depreciated in the United States. All cities insist on having ballet, opera, theater, symphony orchestras (even if third-rate), but no city seems to realize that a first-rate African dance company is a jewel to be cherished and nurtured. Pity! In further illustration, the Milwaukee Art Museum has one of the very best collection of Haitian art (painting and sculpture) in the world, but few know it, and most would not care. A third-rate Pablo Picasso is prized over that sublime Haitian art. African art of all kinds is exceedingly diverse because it consists of 55 nation-states and several thousand national and ethnic groups, thousands of languages and dialects and a multiplicity of “indigenous” religions. What motivated you to talk for the company’s 50th anniversary? I became a member of Ko-Thi’s board of directors in 1987. Though I left a few years ago, I never really left Ko Thi—attending all performances when done locally and supporting it in numerous

Patrick Bellegarde-Smith

ways as best I could. My dream is to become a Ko-Thi dancer when I grow up! What do you cover in your lectures? The 50th year celebration goes for 12 full months in 2019-’20. In April, in my lecture “From Here to Wakanda,” I traced the robust religious heritage and spiritual disciplines that accompanied enslaved Africans from their countries into this continent. These traditions remain vibrant and keep growing in all our countries. What distinguishes African spiritual domains from the so-called universal systems that spread through colonialism and slavery is their refusal to see the world in binaries, as “good” vs. “evil.” Gender becomes fluid. Sins do not exist. Neither does Satan. My next presentation, on Tuesday, July 16, will center on the social construct of “race,” which does not otherwise exist in science, color or social class in the Caribbean and Latin American nationstates. Blacks do not define themselves as blacks; they are assigned that status by the dominant society. These atrocities survived the national period inaugurated by the independence of these countries. But, freed from European imperial powers—the systems and institutions created by European slave powers—they have survived to this day. Why the emphasis away from the United States and toward other societies? Because Americans may become more responsive when dealing with the foibles of others instead of our own. For more information about Ko-Thi’s Juba-Lee concerts and tickets, visit Bellegarde-Smith will speak on Tuesday, July 16, at Mitchell St. Library, 906 W. Historic Mitchell St.

<':+9:+2$+=92+'' 26 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9






July 5—Ariana Grande at Fiserv Forum (111 Vel R. Phillips Ave.): Independence Day doesn’t get much hotter, glittery-er, crazier or more memorable than when Ariana Grande struts her powerhouse voice into Milwaukee with the “Sweetener World Tour.” Dance your ass off this July 4 when you pick up your tickets (starting at $100) at


Red, White and Ewww...


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July 5-6—LaCage Nightclub Re-Opening Party at LaCage Nightclub (801 S. Second St.): It’s out with new and in with old when LVL turns back into LaCage with a two-day party! Doors open at 4 p.m. both days with DJs, dancing, sexy construction workers, drink specials and more. While the event is only open to those older than 21, there’s no cover charge either day. July 6—Dining with the Divas at Hamburger Mary’s (730 S. Fifth St.): The city’s hottest, funniest, most popular drag queens hit the stage for two separate shows. Come eat, drink and be “Mary” during the all-ages 7:30 p.m. show (perfect for the college crowd) as well as separate 21-and-older show at 9:30 p.m. Come for one or stay for both, but call 414-488-2555 for reservations to guarantee you’ve got a spot. July 8—Monday Movie Matinee at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Settle in with some free popcorn, happy-hour drink specials and your favorite films on the bar’s mega screen. What movie will be shown? Come down to the Cathedral Square hot spot at 5:30 p.m. and find out! July 9—LGBTQ Yoga at Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market St.): Life coach Roy Grant gets your body moving and spirit glowing with this 6-7 p.m. class. Ideal for beginners through intermediate yoga practitioners, the class is free but donations are greatly appreciated. See for more information. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.




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7040 N. Port Washington Rd. Suite 410 Glendale, Wisconsin 53217 414-367-6337 J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 27


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!" #$%" &'!(!)" *'+," -." /0(*%" 1-!#$" 2019, there was a flurry of national and local activity. !"#$%&'%&(#%)#)*+#'+%)# ,-# .%/%)*,"# 0,&")1(# )*+# 2,3%2# 0,&")1# 4,%/5#6,)+5#789:;#),#<%''#%#/+',2&)=,"# officially declaring June as Pride Month. An opposing board member, Romey Wagner, objected, arguing recognizing the oppression of LGBTQs would be as meaningless as giving left-handed people the same honor because they, too, were once discriminated against. To be fair, Wagner has a point, but more so to indeed give lefties a day of remembrance or, at the very least, a branch of Ned Flanders’ Leftorium Express kiosk in the Wausau, Wis., mall (if there is one). After all, they, like LGBTQs, suffered indignities as well. Anyway, the fact that %# /&/%2# 3+")/%2# $='3,"'="# 3,&")1# *%'# <%''+5# %# Pride Month resolution may seem as a surprise, but it shouldn’t. In fact, in 2012 The Wausau River District Theatre produced !"#$ %&'()*'+#(# that play about the gay couple I mentioned in my previous column. Our country cousins are out, about and ,)-./ even in the wilds. Meanwhile, also in the last week of June, Elaine “forgotten-but-not-gone” Appling of the Wisconsin Family Council, bless her cold, hateful heart, apparently managed to inspire 10,000 Wisconsinites to sign her petition to remove the Rainbow Flag from the Madison capitol build-

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28 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

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ing. Gov. Tony Evers ordered the flag raised there to celebrate Pride Month earlier in June. Given Gov. Evers’ election win with 1,324,307 votes, Appling’s unbiblically proportioned effort calculates to 0.76% of that number (or .37% of the total 2,672,328 votes cast for both gubernatorial candidates), proving the historic raising of the flag was, if not embraced by all the rest, a non-issue for most. Elsewhere, Pride parades and celebrations throughout the country marked the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Aside from World Pride in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago and St. Louis among many others (including Stevens Point, Wis.), held local pride events that drew millions in recognition of the advances made in LGBTQ equality. Democratic presidential hopefuls Kamala Harris rode in San Francisco’s Pride Parade, and Pete Buttigieg appeared at New York City’s World Pride, where he accepted the endorsement of the LGBTQ Victory Fund. And, in a sign of the times, national news networks covered the festivities with gushing enthusiasm. But the current reality of the times is not all rainbows. Earlier in the month, we saw armed homophobic extremists appear at Pride events carrying Nazi flags (and that just days after the 75th Anniversary of D-Day). We also endured the banning of the rainbow flag at the Stonewall Inn itself. Now, since President Barack Obama declared the site a national monument, it is under the jurisdiction of the federal National Park Service. The current regime directed that agency not to fly the rainbow colors at its facilities. A friend of mine commented on the World Pride celebrations, saying “it’s the beginning of a new era.” It could be. Perhaps the 50th anniversary of Stonewall will motivate more activists to continue the struggle of those inadvertent revolutionaries at Stonewall. Meanwhile, however tentatively, we can celebrate our pursuit of happiness. 0-11#2&$'&$+"#,"#)/#3,)#++4*-14$n

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Big Head Todd & the Monsters

Plenty of Fire Left in Big Head Todd & the Monsters


arly in their career, Big Head Todd & the Monsters seemingly had a shot at pop radio stardom. Sister Sweetly, the group’s third album (and first for a major label) produced hit singles in “Broken Hearted Savior” and “Bittersweet” and briefly gave singer-guitarist Todd Park Mohr and his original bandmates, bassist Rob Squires and drummer Brian Nevin, a taste of the rock star life. But rather than use that success as a springboard for a bigger breakthrough hit on top 40 radio, BHTM chose instead to base their career around their live show and gradually build an audience along the way. “I sometimes wonder about that because there’s something about it in this business where you just get one shot [at major stardom] and that’s it. And then there’s a glass ceiling after that,” Mohr says. “I don’t spend too much time second guessing that. But in a way, it’s good that we’ve had the career we’ve had, I think, because it forced us to keep working really hard. If I had had really big early success, I probably wouldn’t be here.”


Thirty-plus years after forming the group, Mohr, Squires, Nevin and later addition keyboardist-multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Lawton are not only still around but are going strong and feeling there’s plenty creative fire left in their furnace. The group hasn’t had any songs that matched the radio play and success of “Broken Hearted Savior” or “Bittersweet”— although the albums that followed, Strategem (1994) and Beautiful World (1997), both went gold. But BHTM has built a loyal audience that continues to give the band the kind of career stability that isn’t easy to achieve and sustain in the music business. Big Head In not chasing radio hits, Mohr and his Todd & the bandmates have felt the creative freeMonsters dom to grow as musicians and artists. As the band’s songwriter, Mohr has exSummerfest’s panded his palate, building on the gritty Briggs melodic rock and soulful pop balladry of & Stratton the 1990s albums, deepening his ability Big Backyard to draw on blues, funk, pop and other Friday, July 5, styles within the band’s music. 4 p.m. Perhaps most notably, the group took a deep dive into traditional blues with a side project, the Big Head Blues Club, that allowed Mohr and the band to collaborate with such blues legends as Hubert Sumlin, Honeyboy Edwards, B.B. King, Charlie Musselwhite and Billy Branch and explore the music of Robert Johnson (on the 2011 album 100 Years of Robert Johnson) and Willie Dixon (on 2016’s Way Down Inside). Some of the earthy blues sound of 100 Years of Robert Johnson filtered into BHTM’s album Black Beehive. But those expecting something similar out of the band’s latest, New World Arisin’ are in for a surprise. Instead, Mohr cranked up his electric guitar and the band rocks harder than any of their previous 10 albums with songs such as the title track, “Long Coal Train,”“Trip” and “Detonator” setting the tone. Meanwhile, more measured, somewhat poppier songs like “Mind,”“Glow” and “Damaged One” play up Mohr’s more melodic sensibilities and help create a varied platter. Mohr says the band’s bluesier recent work had something to do with the shift in direction on New World Arisin’. “We were just kind of excited about having an album conceptually that was basically a guitar-rock album,” Mohr explains. “There are really not ballads on it. It is brash, but at the same time there’s a lot of songwriting depth in it, I think. So, I’m really pleased with the outcome of it.” The rocking sound of the new album translates well to the live stage. Mohr said the new songs are giving the live show a different feel than the shows BHTM had been playing over the past couple of years. The group figures to play about two hours each evening, enough time to cover plenty of musical ground from the band’s catalog, including some deep tracks. “We’re going to be playing, obviously, stuff from the new album,” Mohr says. “And also, peoples’ favorite songs. You’ve got to play those. So, what’s left is what we have fun with every day and mix it up. I have a master song list of about 160 songs, so there’s a lot to choose from. We’re pretty receptive to what people scream out in the audience or somebody Facebooks us with their request, I try to honor requests if I can.” Big Head Todd & The Monsters perform at 4 p.m. on Friday, July 5, at Summerfest’s Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard.

J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 31




Dead Man’s Carnival Summer Surprise Show @ The Miramar Theatre, 8-11 p.m.

As the house band for Dead Man’s Carnival, the Bohemian vaudeville show, Prof Pinkerton’s Irrelevant Orchestra plays pre-rock ‘n’ roll American roots music. This show will be the release of a five-song demo from Prof Pinkerton, serving as a sample of his upcoming full-length record Antiquated, At Best.

SUNDAY, JULY 7 SistaStrings EP Release Show w/ special guests Nickel&Rose @ The Jazz Estate, 7-11 p.m.

SistaStrings (violinist Chauntee Ross and cellist Monique Ross) celebrate the release of their EP Lift and the start of a North American summer tour with the widely acclaimed Milwaukee acoustic duo Nickel&Rose.

Rodrigo y Gabriela @ Uline Warehouse Stage, 9:45 p.m.

Two decades ago, Mexico City natives Rodrigo y Gabriela began blending their acoustic guitars with metal, jazz and Hispanic roots music. While their virtuosity and lightning tempos immediately grab your attention, it is their roots busking the streets of Dublin, Ireland, that developed the intimate engagement with listeners that earns them diehard fans. For all the flash and excitement, the duo provides in concert, they balance it on the current album Mettavolution with a side-length take on Pink Floyd’s “Echoes.”



Robbie Fulks

MONDAY, JULY 8 Robbie Fulks @ Lake Park Summer Stage, 6:30-8 p.m.

The wildly talented Chicago-based, singer-songwriter-guitarist kicks off the 22nd season with bluegrass and folk works rooted in the journey of the common man. Fulks is a dozen albums into a career that shows no sign of slowing down. For the jaded listener, he has been known to put a fresh, unironic spin on songs by Michael Jackson, ABBA an AC/DC.

Derek Monypeny & Jim Warchol @ ACME Records, 6-10 p.m.

Derek Monypeny is a California-based guitarist and oud player who has played in the bands Oaxacan, ALTO! and Sir Richard Bishop’s Freak of Araby Ensemble and has performed and toured with Eva Aguila/Kevin Shields. Milwaukeean Jim Warchol is an experimental guitarist, sound designer and laptop musician. Current member of Dryhouse Ruins, White Winged Crow, One Last Region & Loam. Formerly with Death Blues and Sometime Sweet Susan.


Poetry in the Park @ Juneau Park, 6:30 p.m.

Rodrigo y Gabriela

32 | J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9

Los Angeles poet Sierra-Nicole Qualles has ties to Milwaukee. Earlier this year, she toured the West Coast with our hometown poets Freddy La Force and Franklin K.R. Cline. Just out is her latest poetry book, Loose Cannon, from Milwaukee’s quality poetry publisher, Vegetarian Alcoholic Press. She’s reading along with Milwaukee’s Ed Wingard and Angela Voras Hills plus Wisconsin Poet Laureate Margaret Rozga.

Natty Nation “Stand In Love” / “Stand In Love (Version)” (NATTY NATION) Madison reggae aggregation Natty Nation have been plying roots vibes for more than two decades, and now they’re refashioning their own roots. The original version of “Stand In Love” dates from the band’s 1998 Earth Citizen album, and its sunny, slightly dubby-lovers rock iteration was already a winner. This new recording, spurred on by a friend who wanted to use it for his wedding ceremony, adds a slight injection of dance-floor oomph with a ’60s-styled rocksteady beat. The song itself is perfect for the exchange of matrimonial vows, too, being a simple affirmation of not wanting to fall in love, but rather stand in it. The skittering instrumentation over the” riddim” will remind some listeners of just how much Natty’s style of Jamaicanderived musicality mirrors the busyness of some sectors of current U.S. R&B, in case any enterprising urban-radio jocks want to bring reggae back in vogue on those airwaves. In keeping with this remake’s retro sensibility, it’s pressed on 7-inch vinyl, too. In anticipation of their forthcoming collaborative album with legendary reggae singer Errol Brown, who also mixed this gem, this is a sweet prelude. —Jamie Lee Rake Natty Nation will perform July 4 at Main Hub, 1300 N. Main St., Racine, on Thursday, July 4, at 10:30 a.m.

Stratus Luna Stratus Luna (MUSIC MAGICK) You’d never know they were from Brazil, unless you know a lot about Brazilian rhythms— and listen really close. São Paulo’s Stratus Luna is a present-day progressive rock band at the highest level, artfully employing sequencers amidst dreamy melodies and power surges of guitar and organ. Their instrumental self-titled debut album is masterful, and belies the youth of its members as it draws from challenging tempos and textures. Sitar and lap steel meld together in the flow. —Morton Shlabotnik SHEPHERD EXPRESS




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Dave Schoepke


Jerry Grillo

!"##$%&#'(()*+%!,--$% .,/"%)0%1'(2,3/"" ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


hat does Milwaukee mean to Jerry Grillo? According to his latest recording, “My Hometown Milwaukee,” it’s a city whose “museum has wings and so many things—happening through the year.” Sung with easygoing Tony Bennett swing, “My Hometown Milwaukee” even ventures to predict the Brewers will reach the World Series this year. Remarkably, Grillo wasn’t born here but arrived, fresh from college, for a teaching job with Milwaukee Public Schools. When he retired a quarter-century ago, the free time finally enabled him to study the craft of jazz singing. He never thought of leaving town. There was always just enough opportunity to entertain at jazz clubs and piano bars and just enough support for a prolific recording career with over half a dozen albums to his credit from the ’90s and ’00s. “My Hometown Milwaukee” is a rarity in his catalogue—an original song. Grillo credits the owner of the Jazz Estate on the city’s East Side with planting the seed. “‘Someone should write a song about Milwaukee,’ he told me,” Grillo recalls. “He put the bug in my ear, but it took a few things for it to happen: the Bucks, Fiserv Forum—it seemed like a Milwaukee Downtown renaissance. I don’t think there was a time during my lifetime when the city was this buzzing.” Rather than write songs, Grillo set his sights on interpreting the Great American Songbook, that remarkable pre-1950s repertoire from the pens of Cole Porter, George Gershwin and Rodgers and Hart. “I’ve always done the standards,” he says, insisting that his influences weren’t the usual suspects of Mel Tormé or Frank Sinatra. “It’s the female singers, actually—Sarah Jerry Grillo Vaughan, Carmen McRae. I identified more with them and their Transfer interpretations than the male singers of those songs. They are so Pizzeria Café in tune with the emotional interpretation of the lyrics.” July 9 “My Hometown Milwaukee” can be found on Spotify and YouTube and has been heard on WMSE. “I’ll never do another album,” Grillo insists. The new song caught some ears outside the regulars at Milwaukee’s jazz clubs. “I sent the lyrics to the mayor and he came to a show at the Jazz Estate the night I introduced the song,” Grillo recalls. “It was a very kind gesture on his part.” As for Milwaukee, the singer praises the city’s “easy to and fro situation” and a “pizzeria with live jazz twice a week. What other city has that?” Jerry Grillo performs July 9 at Transfer Pizzeria Café, 101 W. Mitchell St. J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 33

MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event


American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Whiskey Flats (12:30pm) County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Hacienda Beer Co, The Commonheart Main Hub (Racine), Natty Nation Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night On The Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Rotary Performance Pavilion, Tosa Tonight: Chicago Rewired w/Radio Radio (6pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shaker’s Cigar Bar & World Cafe, Prof. Pinkerton & the Magnificents Sheryl’s Club 175 (Slinger), Acoustic Jam w/Milwaukee Mike & Downtown Julius The Landing at Hoyt Park, Red, White & Acoustic Blu (5pm) The Rock Sports Complex, The Umbrella Bar: Detour (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic


Ally’s Bistro (Menomonee Falls), The Kaye Berigan Quartet American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Sawyer Road Band American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Tomm Lehnigk Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Blu Milwaukee, Janet O’Mahony Bremen Cafe, Rictus Grin w/The Dead Morticians & The Night Howls Camp Dundee Bar & Grill (Campbellsport), Robert Allen Jr. Band (6pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Colectivo Coffee, Friday Nite Music Series at Colectivo Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, DJ Bizzon’s The Turn UP! Yams Only Edition County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll George’s Tavern (Racine), The Bel Airs Holiday Inn (Milwaukee Riverfront), Sonic Boomers Band (6pm)

Iron Mike’s, Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Shedding w/Tontine Ensemble & Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Grey & Grayer Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Stokes & the Old Blues Boys Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Monument Square (Racine), Music on the Monument: Fourcast (4pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Tinker Boys Route 20, The Midnight Devils, the Almas, All Hallows The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live w/Más Soul (6pm) The Brickhouse, First Friday: Subtle Undertones (6:30pm) The Jazz Estate, Chicken Wire Empire The Miramar Theatre, Dead Man’s Carnival Summer Surprise Show: Prof Pinkerton’s Irrelevant Orchestra The Packing House Restaurant, Tracy Hannemann Group (6:30pm) Up & Under, MKE Music Night : Christian Porter, Graham Scott, The Sunkin Suns


Blu Milwaukee, Evan Christian Cactus Club, Jalen G release party w/Shon Mil, Eli $tones, Mykell X, Mellow97, Cronies & DJ The Jenius Coffeeville Company, Kirsten Grace Comedy Sportz, Laughing Liberally Milwaukee Eagles Club #453 (Waukesha), The B Side Band Fox Point Farmers’ Market, Carlos Adames (10am) Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Miller Time Pub, Matt MF Tyner Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square: Jimmy LeRose Band (4pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Montage Pizzeria Piccola, Texas Dave Trio (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Rudy ’N Vee Racine Brewing Company, Flat Creek Hwy Bluegrass Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts, Penny Corris’ Symphony No. 1 in A The Baaree (Thiensville), Doug Deming & The Jewel Tones (6pm) The Jazz Estate, Erin Boheme Group (8pm), Late Night Session: Matt Heilmann Trio (11:30pm) The Landing at Hoyt Park, The Blues Disciples (5pm) The Rock Sports Complex, The Umbrella Bar: Everlong (6:30pm) Up & Under, Modern Joey

Upper Lake Park (Port Washington), Beer Garden w/Midlife Oasis (4pm)


Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Bilda’s Friess Lake Pub (Hubertus), Scotch and Soda (3pm) Bremen Cafe, Ridgio w/ Parnell, YTM & JV harris Cactus Club, Squirrel Flower w/Sandor & Lady Cannon Edgewater Supper Club, Joe Kadlec (2pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Rick Pomeroy (3pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Andrew Gelles Band Regner Park (West Bend), HomeGrown Musical Festival (11am) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday w/Roxie Beane & Leah Jee (4pm) The Jazz Estate, SistaStrings EP Release Show w/special guests Nickel&Rose


ACME Records, Derek Monypeny & Jim Warchol (6pm) Cactus Club, Casual Hex Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, FTAM presents- Christopher Burns//Farm Job w/ Peter J. Woods Lake Park Summer Stage, Musical Mondays: Robbie Fulks (6:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Tom Jones (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada The Jazz Estate, Mark Davis Jazz Trio Up & Under, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers


Blu Milwaukee, OV Duo Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Cactus Club, Sarah Shook & The Disarmers w/ Big Eyes & Sunny War Humboldt Park, Browns Crew w/Cullah & The Comrades & Paul & Margie Heinrich (6pm) Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam

Kilbourn-Kadish Park, Skyline Music: De La Buena (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Red Circle Inn, Dick Eliot & Greg Shaffer (6pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Shank Hall, The Blasters w/Supersuckers, Wayne ‘The Train’ Hancock & Clownvis Presley The Jazz Estate, Funk Night w/Mythic Mystics The Rave, 311 (all-ages, 8pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Jerry Grillo the cheel, Barefoot Duo w/ Reverend Raven • Alive After 5 • the baaree


Bud Pavilion - Wisconsin State Fair Park, The Cheap Shots (6pm) Cactus Club, Haybaby w/Ruth B8r Ginsburg Deer District, Beer Garden: Joe Wray (5pm) Hubbard Park (Shorewood), Summer Sounds: Pat McCurdy (6pm) Hudson Business Lounge, Jazz at Noon: Don Linke and Friends Iron Mike’s, B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Lake Park, The MilBillies (5pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Oak Creek Community Center, Screamin’ Cucumbers w/ Milwaukee Police & Fire Pipe and Drum Band (6:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: Natty Nation (6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Richard E. Maslowski Glendale Community Park, Music in the Glen: Kay Stiefel & Jack Forbes Wilson Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Back Room at Colectivo, The Dirty Dozen Brass Band The Jazz Estate, Ellisa Sun Duo The Miramar Theatre, The Showcase: Endless Era, Exnations, 90’s Kids, August Hotel & Mario Lanza (all-ages, 12pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: Ruth B8r Ginsburg w/ David Wake & Urban Empress & The Urbanites (5pm)

7/4 No 414 Live SUMMERFEST

7/11 Coyote Brother

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Disclaimer: The Shepherd Express makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding any advertising. Due diligence is recommended before entering into any agreement with an advertiser. The Shepherd Express will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. Please check your ad the first day of publication and notify us of any changes. We are not responsible for errors in advertising after the first day. We reserve the right to edit, reject or reclassify advertisements in our sole discretion, without notice. We do not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis, or are otherwise illegal. NO REFUNDS for cancellation after deadline, no copy changes except to price or telephone number. J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 ! 35



By James Barrick

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

DOWN 1. Pack 2. Panchen — 3. Seed cover 4. Orders 5. Quite serious indeed 6. Events at Epsom Downs 7. Bustard genus 8. Relief 9. Nares 10. Cunning guy 11. Shad genus 12. Throws 13. Key on a keyboard 14. Some horizons

6/27 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 28 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Flying high




Solution: 28 Letters

& '

63. Ship of 1492 64. Belts 65. Bennies 66. “The Road Not —” 67. Of questionable merit 68. Secular 69. Risible 70. Carried 73. Gear for a jester 74. Mentioned earlier 75. Protection for a fullback: 2 wds. 77. Lesion 78. Stories 79. Affectionate 82. Group of players 84. Bluefin 86. One meter, cubed 87. Advances 88. Needing practice 89. Strikebreaker 90. — -relievo 91. Crackpot 92. Profess 93. Place in Africa 94. — dixit 95. Essayist of note 96. Burn 98. Ab — 100. CSI evidence


15. Nova — 16. Mata — 17. Likewise 18. Low area 24. Like a mechanic’s coveralls 26. Epic poet 29. Was contingent 32. Monks’ superior 33. Pinchpenny 34. Distinguishing mark 35. Neatness 36. Trick with data: 2 wds. 37. “— Irish Rose” 38. Preserved 39. Means of misleading: 2 wds. 40. Circus performer 41. Pitcher 43. Despoiler 44. Bladed tools 45. Of a wood 50. — du ventre 52. Cap 53. Source 54. Like the Sahara 55. Unwilling 57. Eyelashes 58. Grain portion 59. Certain retailer 61. Honeymooner 62. Frame over a fire


71. Go, team! 72. Wall pier 73. Back, in a way 74. Strong suit 75. NZ bird 76. Hilo’s airport code 77. Thaumaturge: Hyph. 80. Marsh plant 81. Captioned drawings 83. Merits 84. Lacking resonance 85. Neat and orderly 86. Binge 87. Shank 89. Art galleries 92. Molecule parts 93. Canada’s gendarmerie 97. Something that obfuscates: 2 wds. 99. Lump in one’s throat: 2 wds. 101. Surmounting 102. Ward off 103. Firth 104. Largest continent 105. Os 106. Openings 107. Ray flower 108. High-priced

! " #

ACROSS 1. Burrowing creature 5. Long low sound 10. Bath — 15. Carpet surface 19. — avis 20. Proportion 21. Hide 22. Poker action 23. Organic compounds: 2 wds. 25. Child’s plaything 27. Arabian Sea archipelago 28. Plait 30. Skincare essential 31. Beverages 32. Bouquet 33. Puccini role 34. Pushover 37. Put up with 38. Movie enthusiast 42. Genuine 43. Demagogue: Hyph. 46. Gaping opening 47. Appends 48. Parting word 49. One of the Olympians 50. Cupola 51. “Little Women” woman 52. French composer 53. Fraud 55. NBA player 56. Antedates 58. Tired, in a way 59. Doomed one 60. Bakes, said of clay 61. Bear 62. Common plant 63. More wan 64. Stigmatize 65. Defends 68. Lawful 69. Swoon 70. Vacation destination



5 6 6 6 6 % 7

) ) . 0 0 1 2 '


3 3 4 $ 8

8 5

6/27 Solution: On hot summer nights we eat al fresco

36 !!J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •


* +, +! "

::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian voice actor Tom Kenny has played the roles of more than 1,500 cartoon characters, including SpongeBob SquarePants, Spyro the Dragon, Jake Spidermonkey, Commander Peepers and Doctor Octopus. I propose that we make him your role model in the coming weeks. It will be a favorable time for you to show your versatility; to demonstrate how multifaceted you can be; to express various sides of your soulful personality. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo author Donald Miller reminds us that fear can have two very different purposes. On the one hand, it may be “a guide to keep us safe,” alerting us to situations that could be dangerous or abusive. On the other hand, fear may work as “a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.” After studying your astrological indicators for the coming weeks, Leo, I have come to the conclusion that fear may serve both of those functions for you. Your challenge will be to discern between them; to know which situations are genuinely risky and which situations are daunting but promising. Here’s a hint that might help: Trust your gut feelings more than your swirling fantasies. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Why do flocks of geese fly in a V-formation? Because to do so enhances the collective efficiency of their travel. Each bird generates a current that supports the bird behind it. Let’s make this phenomenon one of your power metaphors for the coming weeks. What would be the equivalent strategy for you and your tribe or group as you seek to make your collaborative efforts more dynamic and productive? Unforeseen help will augment any actions you take in this regard. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue,” mused Libra author Truman Capote. “That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.” That cynical formulation has more than a few grains of truth in it, I must admit. But I’m pleased to tell you that I suspect your experience in the coming weeks will be an exception to Capote’s rule. I think you have the potential to embark on a virtual binge of rich discussion and intriguing interplay with people who stimulate and educate and entertain you. Rise to the challenge! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In accordance with astrological rhythms, you are authorized to make the following declarations in the next two weeks: 1. “I refuse to participate further in this situation on the grounds that it might impinge on the expansiveness of my imagination.” 2. “I abstain from dealing with your skepticism on the grounds that doing so might discourage the flights of my imagination.” 3. “I reject these ideas, theories and beliefs on the grounds that they might pinch, squash or deflate my imagination.” What I’m trying to tell you, Scorpio, is that it’s crucial for you to emancipate your imagination and authorize it to play uninhibitedly in the frontiers of possibilities. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Dear Sagittarius: I invite you to make a copy of the testimonial below and give it to anyone who is in a position to support your Noble Experiment. “To Whom It May Concern: I endorse this Soulful Sagittarius for the roles of monster-tamer, fun-locator, boredom-transcender, elation-inciter and mountaintop visionary. This adroit explorer is endowed with charming zeal, disarming candor and abundant generosity. If you need help in sparking your enthusiasm or galvanizing your drive to see the big picture, call on the expansive skills of this jaunty puzzle-solver.” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Life will conspire to bring you a surge of love in the coming weeks—if you can handle it. Can you? Will you be able to deal adeptly with rumbling love and icy hot love and mostly sweet but also a bit sour love? Do you possess the resourcefulness and curiosity necessary to have fun with funny spiritual love and running-through-the-labyrinth love and unexpectedly catalytic love? Are you open-minded and open-hearted enough to make the most of brilliant shadowy love and unruly sensitive love and toughly graceful love? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I don’t endlessly champion the “no pain, no gain”

theory of personal growth. My philosophy holds that we are at least as likely to learn valuable lessons from pleasurable and joyful experiences as we are from difficult and taxing struggles. Having said that, I also think it’s true that our suffering may lead us to treasure if we know how to work with it. According to my assessment, the coming weeks will bring one such opening for you. To help you cultivate the proper spirit, keep in mind the teaching of Aquarian theologian and author Henri Nouwen. He said that life’s gifts may be “hidden in the places that hurt most.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The Japanese word “wabi-sabi” refers to an interesting or evocative imperfection in a work of art that makes it more beautiful than if it were merely perfect. “Duende” is a Spanish word referring to a work of art that gives its viewers the chills because it’s so emotionally rich and unpredictably soulful. In the coming weeks, I think that you yourself will be a work of art with an abundance of these qualities. Your wabi-sabi will give you the power to free yourself from the oppressive pressures of seeking too much precision and purity. Your duende can give you the courage you need to go further than you’ve ever dared in your quest for the love you really want. ARIES (March 21-April 19): When the universe began 13.8 billion years ago, there were only four elements: mostly hydrogen and helium, plus tiny amounts of lithium and beryllium. Now there are 118 elements, including five that are key components of your body: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. All of those were created by nuclear reactions blazing on the insides of stars that later died. So it’s literally true to say that much of your flesh and blood and bones and nerves originated at the hearts of stars. I invite you to meditate on that amazing fact. It’s a favorable time to muse on your origins and your ancestry; to ruminate about all the events that led to you being here today—including more recent decades, as well as the past 13.8 billion years.


Be Good— or Die!


pesos (about $178,000) for 27 years of housework. Newsweek reported Judge Victoria Fama reasoned that the wife, who holds a degree in economics, put her career aside for the entirety of their marriage to keep house and raise children, and by the time her husband left her in 2009, she was too old to compete in the job market. “The economic dependence of

he Behney House Hotel

wives on their husbands is one of the central

in Myerstown, Penn., was

mechanisms through which women are subor-

evacuated after police re-

dinated in society,” Judge Fama said.

sponded to a reported bomb threat there on Sunday, June

23, reported WPMT. When officers arrived,

What’s That Metallic Aftertaste?

they found David Oxenreider, 28, who lives at

A 26-year-old man identified only as Chang

the hotel, and the homemade bomb he claimed

from Guangdong, China, went out for a Fri-

to have made next to a dumpster outside the

day night of drinking with friends on Friday,

building. Oxenreider told police he made the

June 7, and returned home to find that his keys

bomb to get their attention because he was

were missing. Someone inside let him in, and

frustrated that his attempts to warn officials

he went to bed to sleep it off. The next morn-

about aliens hadn’t been taken seriously. Ac-

ing, the Chinese news site Sohu reported,

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Most American women couldn’t vote until a hundred years ago. Women in Japan, France, and Italy couldn’t vote until the 1940s. Universal suffrage has been a fundamental change in how society is structured. Similarly, same-sex marriage was opposed by vast majorities in most countries until 15 years ago, but has since become widely accepted. African American slavery lasted for hundreds of years before being delegitimized all over the Western world in the 19th century. Brazil, which hosted 40 percent of all kidnapped Africans, didn’t free its slaves until 1888. What would be the equivalent of such revolutionary transformations in your own personal life? According to my reading of the astrological omens, you have the power to make that happen during the next twelve months.

cording to the criminal complaint, Oxenreider

Chang awoke with a sharp pain in his chest

said he encountered a UFO and aliens in 2014,

and went to Dongguan Hospital, where an X-

who told him “humans need to start being

ray revealed the missing house keys lodged

good people, or else they were going to de-

deep in his esophagus. Doctors first thought

stroy Earth with a nuclear laser beam.” Police

emergency surgery would be necessary to re-

disarmed the device and arrested Oxenreider.

trieve the keys, but with the help of a muscle-

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gemini musician Paul Weller is famous in the UK, though not so much elsewhere. According to the BBC, he is one of Britain’s “most revered music writers and performers.” To which I say: revered, maybe, but mentally healthy? Not so much. He bragged that he broke up his marriage with his wife Dee C. Lee because “things were going too well, we were too happy, too comfortable, everything seemed too nice.” He was afraid that “as a writer and an artist I might lose my edge.” Don’t you dare allow yourself to get infected with that perverse way of thinking, my dear Gemini. Please capitalize on your current comfort and happiness. Use them to build your strength and resilience for the months and years to come.

Lancashire, England, lived in a 1960s horror

Homework: “Know thyself—or else! Follow your dreams—or else!” Please comment. Truthrooster@ Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes

Calling Alfred Hitchcock

873-4888 or 900-950-7700.

pull them out through his mouth.

The Ear That Needed an Oar

film for a week in June as a pair of nesting

Holmes Beach, Fla., police posted a query

herring gulls terrorized them each time they

on their Facebook page on Saturday, June 15,

emerged from their home. “If I try to go out

regarding an unusual item that had washed

of the door, the two adult birds are right there,

up on the shore and was turned in by a local

and I’ve got no chance,” Roy told the Mirror.

resident: a prosthetic ear. Social media did its

At one point, Roy was attacked so viciously

magic, and the ear and its owner were reunited

on the back of the head that he had to go to the

five days later. The Associated Press reported

hospital for treatment. Roy contacted animal

that a Beaufort, S.C., couple had been vaca-

organizations, but they offered no remedies

tioning in the Tampa Bay area, and the man

for the violent birds: It’s breeding season, and

was putting the rubber ear in his pocket for

herring gulls are protected when nesting. “The

safekeeping when a wave knocked it out of

whole thing has been terrible,” Roy lamented.

his hand. Police Sgt. Brian Hall said he would

and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877-

relaxing drug, a gastroenterologist was able to

Roy and Brenda Pickard of Knotts End,

What’s That Per Hour? Equality got a boost in Argentina in June when that country’s National Appeals Court


ordered a man to pay his ex-wife eight million

mail the ear back to its owner. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J U LY 4 , 2 0 1 9 | 37




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