Print Edition: July 11, 2019

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July 11 - July 17, 2019



The Freshwater Collaborative Hopes to Develop and Tap Water Expertise Within the UW System !!!"#$%&")

Vanguard Still King of Sausages !!!"#$%&"'(

Time to PLAY. NE












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JULY 11, 2019 | 3 ADV19240-ShepEx 3quarter pg Ent ad 7_11.indd 1

7/2/19 10:36 AM


Water Quality Task Force Holds Public Hearings The UW System is requesting almost $28 million from the state over the next six years to establish and fund the Freshwater Collaborative. The funds would require legislative approval in late 2019 or 2020. The !"#$%&'(")*#+&,"-.&/0%1$ is holding public hearings around the state to gather information about pressing water quality issues. UW-Milwaukee’s dean of the School of Freshwater Sciences, J. Val Klump, will present the collaborative’s proposal at a 2(3)*1&4$"%*56 on Thursday, July 11, at 1 p.m. at the Ives Grove Auditorium, 14200 Washington Ave. in Sturtevant. The School of Freshwater Sciences is leading the Freshwater Collaborative initiative. The Water Quality Task Force, headed by Rep. Todd Novak (R-Dodgeville), is gathering information from a diverse group of stakeholders and will make policy recommendations to better assess and improve the quality of both surface water and ground water in Wisconsin. “It is our hope the Water Quality Task Force will endorse the plan and recommend a funding mechanism when the task force completes its work sometime this fall,” says Thomas Lujak, UWM vice chancellor of university relations and communications.

‘Science is Relatively Inexpensive’

!"#$%&'()*+,-.(/* THE FRESHWATER COLLABORATIVE HOPES TO DEVELOP AND TAP WATER EXPERTISE WITHIN THE UW SYSTEM ::BY MARY SUSSMAN he University of Wisconsin System recently launched a proposal to form the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin using the collective water expertise of faculty at all 13 UW System campuses. Building on existing strengths, the UW System proposes to create the Freshwater Collaborative to allow students to pursue elite, cross-disciplinary, water-related studies at the 13 campuses. The collaborative would also bring local, regional and global research talent to Wisconsin to help meet the global, regional and local demand for a skilled water workforce that could solve water resource problems here and throughout the world. Its proponents believe that Wisconsin is a natural choice for becoming a cutting-edge global hub for freshwater education, research and industry. Bordered by the Mississippi River and two Great Lakes, Wisconsin also has 15,000 inland lakes and 44,000 miles of rivers and groundwater assets. In addition to Wisconsin’s academic and natural resources, the state’s economy is water-driven, and it is already an industry leader in water technology.

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“Our focus is training, because the industry is telling us that they are having trouble finding well-trained people,” says Klump. “There is a workforce development piece to this, and that’s what we lead with.” He adds that the water industries support the collaborative’s idea, are looking for talent and are having a difficult time finding well-trained people. Wisconsin industries are facing significant workforce shortages, and nowhere is this truer than in the water sector, according to the UW System proposal. Water is the fastest growing sector of the world’s economy (about $800 billion annually by 2035) and is fueling a growing demand for hydrologists, ecologists, engineers, modelers, data scientists, aquatic toxicologists, policy analysts, business leaders and others who can understand and anticipate water issues and problems and who can devise, implement and manage solutions. Klump says, however, the research part of the proposal is equally important because Wisconsin has significant water problems. “We are not alone in that,” he says. “Every state, every country in the world has these problems. If we can augment the existing programs with additional scientists and faculty to tackle these problems, we’ll solve them. We’ll science our way out of these issues. Science is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of the problems that we face.” He says the expanded research capacity of the collaborative would likely bring in tens of millions of dollars in federal research funding. “It has been said that for every million dollars of research, 20 jobs are created,” Klump says. “There’s an economic multiplier of just conducting the research. The bigger, longer benefit of conducting this work is to come up with solutions to water-related problems, which then morph into businesses and opportunities.” Dean Amhaus, president and CEO of The Water Council, a global center for advancing water technologies and stewardship located in Milwaukee’s Fifth Ward, supports the idea of bringing academic resources together and believes such a collaborative would result in benefits for the state. He says it is important to view funding of the collaborative as an investment. “When you look at the other side, the potential negative impact on things, if there are water issues either in quality or quantity, businesses are literally shut down because they don’t have access to the water,”


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he explains. “What is the economic cost of that? We saw that in Toledo, Ohio, a couple of years ago when the city was shut down for a couple of days because of water issues. You’ve got to be able to make the investment.” Though the Freshwater School in Milwaukee is a major player in this proposal, Klump says that it alone does not have all the expertise to deal with the vast array of water problems. “No one institution can do it all. But collectively, you look around the state—and I’ve now visited all 13 campuses—it’s impressive as all get-out,” he says. “So, if a student comes to Milwaukee and is interested in water, they should know something about agriculture and water. Well, we don’t do that here. But Platteville, for example, has a beautiful research farm. They’re doing some really cutting-edge stuff with respect to agriculture.” Klump says students in the program can go to other campuses for a couple of weeks, a semester or a summer. A requirement of the program would be that students spend some time away from their home campuses. “It would be pretty exciting for a student to enter this program because there would be so many opportunities for them to choose from,” Klump says. “Our hope is that students will see that, and that this will be a huge attractor for students from out of state who would otherwise go to school elsewhere or students who are from the state who would go elsewhere.

Wisconsin is a Global Force for Water Klump believes that Wisconsin is well-positioned to become a global force for water. Part of the whole idea about the Freshwater Collaborative is collaborating not only among the various campuses but also with the water industry in all aspects. “We strongly support the Freshwater Collaborative, because we believe it is only going to make Wisconsin stronger in the water tech industry globally,” the Water Council’s Amhaus adds. “When you start combining strong academic programs in water with one of the best industries in the world right here in Wisconsin, that’s a really powerful combination. We’re looking for Wisconsin to be the best in the world and to be that ultimate magnet

for industry as well as talent. We’re thinking that [the Freshwater Collaborative] is going to strengthen Wisconsin significantly.” Amhaus also sees benefits from the collaborative in developing new talent and in the research potential to solve problems. He says there’s a relationship between good industry practices and water stewardship and the need for trained water professionals in industry. “Industrial water users are more and more realizing that they need to have trained professionals that become great assets when it comes to their treatment of water,” he says. “You can’t shut down businesses and industries because of their water usage. It would be detrimental to the state’s economy and jobs. But at the same time, those industrial users and farmers can implement practices that can actually solve water issues and, ultimately, save them a lot of money. You’ve got to make that match and connection so that it’s good business sense to be great water stewards.” The Freshwater Collaborative’s proposal identifies 10 major water challenges faced by Wisconsin and the world that it would address by 2025. These 10 challenges are: agricultural water management, industrial water engineering and technology, water-quality safety and emerging contaminants, Great Lakes management and restoration, water infrastructure (collection, distribution and treatment), water business and finance, watershed management and restoration, water security, protection and resilience, healthy recreational and transportation water use and aquaculture-aquaponics-water food systems. The collaborative would address the challenges in multi-faceted ways through research on water systems, technology innovation, workforce development, science-driven water policy and law and sustainable management of water resources. The proposal anticipates that by 2025, the Freshwater Collaborative would have 1,400 new undergraduate and graduate water students, 100 new faculty, researchers and water professionals and 23 freshwater professorships across the UW System. Also, it anticipates that the collaborative would attract $10-15 million in new research funding from federal and private agencies, produce 23 intensive, hands-on training programs, 650 jobs and 100 internships with industry. Comment at n


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Republicans Push for New Regulations for Wireless Providers

!"#$%&#"'()"%*+)"+"','(-*.,#)/*$((,0+(*1/* (2,*!,34-%$(5),*("*40+"-,*)5%,-*6")*78* ::BY DAN SHAW


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nce again, the fight over 5G in Wisconsin is likely to be one pitting the benefits of uniformity and efficiency against (7)!;)0+*)!'#*!,#6&,!6#-(*#,= A#! 0(&()! 0)-&(#*0! A+1! B&*/)-()*! &-;! ?&*4! ?+,,)*C D)1#6*&(0!'*#1!?+,$&34))!&-;!?&;+0#-%!*)0/)6(+<),2C (7)! ,&()0(! 89! /*#/#0&,! +0! 2)(! &-#(7)*! )E&1/,)! #'! F)/35: ,+6&-! ,).+0,&(#*0! (7+-4+-.! (7)2! 4-#$! 5)(()*! (7&-! ,#6&,! #': ficials what’s best for people living in cities, villages and (#$-0=!B&*/)-()*!-#();!(7&(!?+,$&34))!7&0!&,*)&;2!1&-: aged to strike deals with five wireless providers. That’s /*##'!)-#3.7%!7)!0&+;%!(7&(!6+(2!,)&;)*0!&*)!6&/&5,)!#'!7&-: ;,+-.!(7)0)!1&(()*0!52!(7)10),<)0=!A7)!89!,).+0,&(+#-!-#$! 1&4+-.!+(0!$&2!(7*#3.7!(7)!0(&()7#30)!$#3,;!*)-;)*!(7#0)! &.*))1)-(0!1##(%!B&*/)-()*!)E/,&+-0=!GA7)!63**)-(!020()1! is working,” he says. “It’s not broken.” ?+,,)*!0&20!/*#/#-)-(0!#'!3-+'#*1+(2!&*)!1&4+-.!&*.3: 1)-(0!(7&(!5)&*!&!0(*#-.!*)0)15,&-6)!(#!(7#0)!30);!2)&*0! &.#!$7)-!6&5,)!6#1/&-+)0!$)*)!/307+-.!'#*!(7)!&;#/(+#-! #'! &! 0(&()$+;)! ,+6)-0+-.! ,&$! '#*! 6&5,)! (),)<+0+#-=! GA7)*)! $)*)! (##! 1&-2! 0+1+,&*+(+)0%H! ?+,,)*! 0&20=! G@#3! )-;);! 3/! $+(7!3.,2!6&5,)!5#E)0!+-!)I3+/1)-(!&,,!#<)*!(7)!0(&()!&-;! <)*2!,+((,)!6#-(*#,=H But so far this year, things have not been going Miller’s and Carpenter’s way. The 5G wireless bill, Senate Bill 239, was approved by a 27-to-5 vote by the Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday, June 5, and by a majority of the lawmakers in

the Assembly on Tuesday, June 18. It now only awaits Gov. Tony Evers’ signature to become law. J'! /&00);%! (7)! ,).+0,&(+#-! $#3,;! /,&6)! <&*+#30! 0#*(0! #'! checks on local governments’ authority to regulate and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past several years, federal officials have been pushing for 6#-0+0()-62!+-!(7+0!020()1!(7*#3.7#3(!(7)!6#3-(*2=

Federal Guidelines

Wisconsin’s legislation is largely modelled on guidelines (7)! L);)*&,! B#113-+6&(+#-0! B#11+00+#-! MLBBN! &;#/();! last September. Among other things, the FCC recommended that local officials be allowed to charge “no greater than a reasonable approximation of objectively reasonable costs” '#*!7&-;,+-.!&//,+6&(+#-0!&-;!1&-&.+-.!)I3+/1)-(!+-0(&,,);! in a right of way. In Wisconsin, that reasonable cost would be set at $250 a year for a small-cell node. Separately, the ,).+0,&(+#-!$#3,;!&;#/(!0(*+6(!(+1),+-)0!'#*!$7)-!,#6&,!.#<: ernments must decide to either approve or reject a 5G proj: ect. A decision would have to be made within 60 days for /*#/#0);!+-0(&,,&(+#-0!#-!3(+,+(2!/#,)0!#*!#(7)*!)E+0(+-.!0(*36: tures and within 90 days for installations on new structures. ?+--)0#(&%!J#$&%!J,,+-#+0%!?+67+.&-%!>7+#%!J-;+&-&!&-;! Kansas all have rules of this sort in place. That makes Wis: 6#-0+-! (7)! G7#,)! +-! (7)! ;#-3(%H! &0! 0(&()! F)/=! ?+4)! O3.: ,+(067%! &! F)/35,+6&-! '*#1! ")$! K)*,+-! &-;! 5+.! 03//#*()*!

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of SB 239, is fond of arguing. “Right now, Wisconsin is &(!&!6#1/)(+(+<)!;+0&;<&-(&.)%H!O3.,+(067!0&20=!GK&0+6&,,2%! (7&(!1)&-0!$)!&*)!,#0+-.!#3(!#-!1+,,+#-0!#'!+-<)0(1)-(!;#,: ,&*0=!P-;!#3*!6#-0(+(3)-(0%!$7+67!&*)!+-;+<+;3&,0!&-;!530+: -)00)0%!&*)!,#0+-.!#3(!#-!(7)!#//#*(3-+(2!'#*!1#*)!530+-)00! and capacity when you look at the Foxconn project and )<)*2(7+-.!),0)=H Meanwhile, the bill’s authors have ,managed to build a '&+*,2! ,&*.)! 6#&,+(+#-! #'! 03//#*()*0=!A7)2! +-6,3;)! -#(! #-,2! AT&T and other big wireless companies but also We Ener: gies’ parent company and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Even the League of Wisconsin Munici: /&,+(+)0!&-;!#(7)*!#//#-)-(0!#'!&!0+1+,&*!&(()1/(!'*#1!($#! 2)&*0!&.#!&*)!-#$!(&4+-.!&!-)3(*&,!0(&-6)=!Q03&,,2!0(&3-67! 03//#*()*0!#'!,#6&,!6#-(*#,%!0367!.*#3/0!7&<)!5))-!5*#3.7(! &*#3-;! +-! /&*(! 52! 6#-6)00+#-0! (7&(! &,,#$! (7)! 6&/0! 0)(! #-! 1&E+131!'))0!(#!+-6*)&0)!&3(#1&(+6&,,2!#<)*!(+1)=!J-!2)(! &-#(7)*! 6#1/*#1+0)%! ,#6&,! .#<)*-1)-(0! $#3,;! 5)! &5,)! (#! &;#/(!*3,)0!.#<)*-+-.!(7)!/,&6)1)-(!&-;!&//)&*&-6)!#'!+-: 0(&,,&(+#-0!+-!7+0(#*+6!;+0(*+6(0=

What About Recovering Costs?

That leaves Milwaukee and Madison as the only official: ,2!*).+0()*);!#//#-)-(0=!J-!()0(+1#-2!/*)0)-();!&(!&!/35,+6! hearing in late May, Brenda Wood, a lobbyist for Milwau: kee, wrote that Wisconsin’s supposed lack of consistency might be less of a hindrance than proponents of SB 239 con: tend. More than 300 small-cell nodes are already installed in the city, she noted. What’s more, Wood wrote, the fee pro: /#0);!52!(7)!,).+0,&(+#-!$#3,;!-#(!5)!7+.7!)-#3.7!(#!,)(!(7)! 6+(2!*)6#<)*!+(0!6#0(0!&00#6+&();!$+(7!01&,,:6),,!+-0(&,,&(+#-0=! The FCC’s original guidelines include a provision calling '#*!,#6&,!.#<)*-1)-(0!(#!5)!&5,)!(#!+-6*)&0)!(7)+*!'))0!+'!(7)2! 6#3,;! /*#<)! (7)! 6&/! 7&;! 5))-! 0)(! (##! ,#$! (#! 6#<)*! 6#0(0=! A7)!,).+0,&(+#-!63**)-(,2!5)'#*)!0(&()!,&$1&4)*0%!7#$)<)*%! 6#-(&+-0!-#!0367!&,,#$&-6)= “The fees specified in the bill are below our actual and ;+*)6(!6#0(0%!0#!$)!5),+)<)!(&E/&2)*0!$+,,!5)!0350+;+R+-.!(7)! build out of this wireless network,” Wood wrote in her testi: mony. Such complaints seem unlikely to stop the legislation this year, though. Beyond their concerns that Wisconsin is falling behind other Midwestern states, the bill’s authors are &,0#!/&*(+63,&*,2!)&.)*!(#!7&<)!89!-)($#*40!3/!&-;!*3--+-.! 52!(7)!(+1)!(7)!D)1#6*&(+6!"&(+#-&,!B#-<)-(+#-!(&4)0!/,&6)! +-!?+,$&34))= Skeptics will be quick to point out that few of those who attend the convention in July 2020 can be expected to have /7#-)0!(7&(!&*)!&;<&-6);!)-#3.7!'#*!89!0)*<+6)=!P-;!0),': ;*+<+-.!6&*0!&-;!(7)!G+-()*-)(!#'!(7+-.0%H!+-!1&-2!6&0)0%!&*)! 0(+,,!2)&*0!&$&2=!@)(!$+(7!(7)!/307!#-!'#*!)<)*:'&0()*!;#$-: ,#&;!0/));0%!&*.31)-(0!,+4)!(7)0)!0(&-;!,+((,)!67&-6)!#'!.)(: (+-.!1367!1#*)!(7&-!&!/##*!*)6)/(+#-= !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/!n


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Busing for Integration Worked in Milwaukee— Until It Didn’t ::BY JOEL MCNALLY


!"!#$!"%&$'$!()"'*'+,!"-#+," .+,/" 0$'$1$" 2$&&(3! "#$%& %'()'*! +,-.'-! /0"'! 1-'20*'(3! 4,'!50*'(62!,77,2030,(!3,!",8-3& ,-*'-'*! 9820()! +,-! 2"#,,%! 0(3'&

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in 1954. Federal courts finally started enforc0()!3#' *'"020,(!0(!3#'!6C>2:!983!,77,('(32!2,,(! +,8(*!('F!F$?2!3,!-'&2')-')$3'!3#,2'!2"#,,%2! through white flight and underfunding.

Magnets for Integration

E#$3!F$2!$!.$U,-!9%,F!3,!'*8"$30,(!+,-!'@'-?& ,('!0(!J1K:!9'"$82'!03!#$*!0(3')-$3'*!032!2"#,,%2! 9?! "-'$30()! #0)#&S8$%03?:! '*8"$30,($%! 27'"0$%3?! 2"#,,%2!$33-$"30@'!3,!+$.0%0'2!,+!$%%!-$"'2D!V*8"$& 3,-2!"$%%'*!3#'.!R.$)('3!2"#,,%2:T!$(*!3#$362!'W& $"3%?!#,F!3#'?!F,-<'*!+,-!,8-!)-,87!,+!2,"0$%%?! ",(2"0,82!V$23!K0*'!7$-'(32!F#,!F$(3'*!2"#,,%! 0(3')-$30,(!0(!J0%F$8<''!3,!28""''*D N3!F$2!$!",.90($30,(!,+!$%3-802.!$(*!2'%+&0(& 3'-'23D!O'!F'-'!7,%030"$%%?!7-,)-'220@'!7$-'(32! 3-?0()!3,!$228-'!7'$"'+8%:!"03?F0*'!0(3')-$30,(! $+3'-!8)%?!F#03'!-0,32!0(!,3#'-!"030'2!%0<'!5,23,(! and Louisville, Ky. We also saw the benefit of .,@0()!,8-!"#0%*-'(!$2!$!)-,87!2,!3#'?!F,8%*! 9'!$.,()!+-0'(*2!0(!3#'0-!('F!-$"0$%%?!0(3')-$3& '*!'*8"$30,($%!'(@0-,(.'(3D X+3'-! @02030()! 2'@'-$%! *0++'-'(3! 27'"0$%3?! 2"#,,%2:! F'! "#,2'! Y%,?*! K3-''3! K"#,,%:! $3!

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One-Way Busing

]'-'62! 3#'! ,3#'-! -'$2,(! 0(3')-$30()! 2"#,,%2! F$2! 2,! 0.7,-3$(3D! N! *,(63! 3#0(<! +,-! $! .0(83'! 9%$"<! 7$-'(32! F'-'! $(?! .,-'! 7%'$2'*! F03#! $! %$"<!,+!'*8"$30,($%!-'2,8-"'2!,-!7,,-!3'$"#0()! .'3#,*2! 0(! 3#'0-! 2"#,,%2! 3#$(! F'! F'-'D! 583! N! <(,F!3#02_!O#'(!F#03'!7$-'(32!-$02'*!#,%?!#'%%! over educational deficiencies, we got many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a! 9820()! +,-!9%$"<!"#0%*-'(!,+3'(!F$2!(,3D!`(%?!$!%0.03'*! (8.9'-!,+!X+-0"$(!X.'-0"$(!<0*2!F'-'!$%%,F'*! 3,!23$?!0(!3#'0-!,F(!('0)#9,-#,,*2D!E#'!-'23!F'-'! 982'*! $%%! ,@'-! 3#'! "03?:! $(*! 3#'-'! F$2! 828$%%?! (,3#0()!@,%8(3$-?!$9,83!03D!E#'!,9@0,82!0('S803?! 9'"$.'!<(,F(!$2!,('&F$?!9820()_!+,-"'*!9820()! +,-!9%$"<2:!@,%8(3$-?!9820()!+,-!F#03'2D! V@'(! F03#! $%%! 3#'! "$3'-0()! 3,! F#03'2:! F#03'! flight was dramatic. From 1975 to ’77, the years 9'+,-'! $(*! $+3'-! 0(3')-$30,(:! J1K! %,23! ('$-%?! Z>b!,+!032!F#03'!238*'(32!L$9,83!Ac:>>>MD!H'& 789%0"$(2!7-'@'(3'*!J1K!+-,.!'W7$(*0()!28"& "'22+8%%?!0(3')-$3'*!2"#,,%2!9?!*0@'-30()!'*8"$& 30,(!+8(*0()!0(3,!7-0@$3'!@,8"#'-!2"#,,%2D!J,23! -'"'(3%?:!+,-.'-!H'789%0"$(![,@D!K",33!O$%<'-! *'@$23$3'*!789%0"!2"#,,%!+8(*0()!+8-3#'-!23$3'& F0*'!F03#!*-$",(0$(!"832!,+!.,-'!3#$(!$!90%%0,(! *,%%$-2!3#-,8)#!Z>ACD!N(!ABCc:!J1K!F$2!I>b! F#03':!d=b!9%$"<!$(*!Ib!Y$30(,!$(*!,3#'-!.0& (,-030'2D!E,*$?!0362!AAb!F#03':!c=b!9%$"<:!ZCb! Y$30(,!$(*!Cb!,3#'-!.0(,-030'2D 5820()! "$(! ('@'-! $)$0(! 0(3')-$3'! 28"#! -$& "0$%%?! 0.9$%$("'*! 8-9$(! 789%0"! 2"#,,%! 2?2& 3'.2D!583!N6.!)%$*!03!*0*!,("'!$(*!3#$3!,8-!,F(! children benefitted from integrated schools to 9'",.'! 7,%030"$%%?! 7-,)-'220@'! $*8%32! 3#'.& 2'%@'2D!J?!2,(!3,%*!.'!L$2!$(!$*8%3M!#'!)-'F! 87! 9'%0'@0()! J0%F$8<''62! 0(3')-$3'*! 2"#,,%2! F'-'! 3#'! F$?! 2"#,,%2! F'-'! 2877,2'*! 3,! 9'D! E#$362!F#$3!N!9'%0'@':!3,,D !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/ n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


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Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin

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Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin

Cambridge, Wisconsin

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Rafael Mercado

!"#"$%&'$()"*+&",*& -./'&0/123&4$5$("6$& 78$&9+:$(&+#&3+;;<,=7> ::BY ERIN BLOODGOOD


itting at a park bench in Clarke Square Park, Rafael Mercado, better known as Pancho, is proud when he talks about the surrounding neighborhood where he grew up. He points to the house across the street with a smile on his face that he can’t seem to hide. “My brother owns that house there,” he says, then he points at the brick house further down. “There was a lady there named Ms. Robinson. We’d all go there, and she’d hand out candy.” Mercado describes the neighborhood as a lively melting pot where everyone knew each other when he was a boy in the ’70s. Then his expression changes and his cheerfulness fades as he begins to describe what the neighborhood has turned into. Gang violence, crime, prostitution and illegal drug activity became prevalent. Mercado got swept up in gang life and committed crimes that eventually got him sent to juvenile detention. He was a good kid until he was molested by a priest when he was between the ages of 8 and 12. It wasn’t until he worked with a psychiatrist while in federal prison that he realized how much the experience influenced him to make poor choices later on in life. “You feel like crap when you commit a crime, and you don’t know why you’re doing it,” he says. “Then you find out you’re a good person.” After making light of his own life, he began considering the many other people that have been through traumatic experiences and pondered ways to help. Once he was released from prison, Mercado returned to his neighborhood to find heroin addiction destroying the lives of relatives and friends. Within a nine-month period, he lost four cousins to the drug. To him, it seemed like no one was talking about the problem, so he took it upon himself to spread awareness and make a change in his community the only way he knew how. With friends and neighbors, Mercado began passing out pamphlets to educate people about drugs, self-defense and places to go for assistance. He leveraged the power of community by recruiting people he knew who wanted to make a difference in the places they call home. A group of volunteers and he continue to knock on doors and walk up to sex workers, proving to be friendly faces in the neighborhood that will keep coming back. “You gotta engage the community, get them involved,” explains Mercado. “You just keep coming, then they accept you.” That community service group became TEAM HAVOC, which stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Another Volunteer or Cause.” The group meets in Clarke Square Park every Saturday to clean up nearby parks. On Friday and Wednesday nights, the group of volunteers meet from 7-10 p.m. to hand out pamphlets and other safety items like condoms and gun locks. TEAM HAVOC works with existing organizations to raise awareness about the issues mentioned and to show offenders that they will be welcomed back to their neighborhoods. Mercado has learned that the most effective way to stop people from committing crimes and taking drugs is to “let them know that they are part of the community.” You can learn more about TEAM HAVOC at For more of Erin Bloodgood’s work, visit Comment at n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


Responding to Catastrophe through ‘Conflict Styles’ ::BY PHILIP CHARD


n couples counseling, therapists pay close attention to conflict styles. Why? Research strongly suggests certain approaches to conflict bode well for the long-term viability of a marriage or partnering, while certain others indicate there’s trouble and, perhaps, divorce ahead. Sandy and Evan were a case in point. Married for over a decade and with two young kids in tow, their prior efforts at couples counseling yielded little progress, leaving them mired in what seemed an intractable impasse. “We didn’t argue at all the first couple years of our marriage,” Evan explained to me. “Then, the disputes started coming fast and furious.” “It’s rare to go more than a few days without getting into it,” Sandy agreed. “I think it’s because our lives have become so complicated.” The complications in question stemmed from what Zorba the Greek called “the full catastrophe,” meaning a mortgage, children, energy-sucking jobs and the rest. The American Dream, in all its complexity, comes with many stressors, making marital spats all but inevitable. When these clashes emerge, couples discover whether their respective conflict styles support or undermine their bond. A bit of digging indicated Sandy employed a constructive conflict style, one based on calm, respectful engagement with a “we can work it out” mindset. Evan, however, brought an avoidant style characterized by defensiveness, evasion and withdrawal. Re! search shows this particular combination of styles proves particularly vexing for both parties and poses major risks to the long-term viability of the relationship. “When I try to talk with Evan about an issue between us, he gets upset and then cuts it off. That leaves me feeling like he doesn’t care enough to invest in working things out, that our relationship isn’t important to him,” Sandy explained. “She does better with conflict than I do. It upsets me. I withdraw so I can cool down, not because I don’t care,” he replied. Evan’s withdrawal, however, usually proved more than a timeout. Being conflict avoidant, he rarely sought to re-engage after his inner dust settled. And, if Sandy pres! sured him to discuss it again, the cycle repeated itself, leaving both of them frustrated. Over time, plenty of emotional baggage from unresolved conflicts piled up, meaning each new disagreement evoked feelings not only from the present situation, but also from the past. “Every argument feels like a huge deal,” Evan complained. “That’s because it is,” I replied. “The emotional backlog from past conflicts that never found resolution comes home to roost with each new disagreement, creating a tempest in a teapot.” The situation escalated due to Evan’s heightened sensitivity to conflict, which amplified his anxiety, further fueling the need to withdraw. In turn, Sandy’s quiet, in-control approach left him feeling like a child interacting with a parent rather than a husband communicating with his wife. At one point, she even defined his withdrawal as “childish.” To address their conundrum, we took several tacks. First, Evan did some individual work to lower his anxious reactivity to conflict, primarily using a method called “Brainspotting” (Google it). Next, they experimented with role reversal. During dis! agreements, Evan played the calm, cool part while Sandy acted avoidant and withdrew. While awkward, this helped them experience the dilemma from each other’s perspec! tive, fostering some empathy. As Evan’s conflict avoidance ebbed, he embraced a more constructive approach, not unlike Sandy’s but with his own style. That combination—both parties using constructive conflict resolution—is highly correlated with longstanding viability in romantic pairings. If you and your spouse or partner feel closer emotionally following a disagreement (not necessarily immediately, but soon after), then the odds are you share a construc! tive conflict style. However, if you display one of these conflict pairings—(1) one per! son constructive, the other avoidant, (2) both avoidant or (3) both nasty and destruc! tive—you have work to do. In marriage and other romantic pairings, it’s not a question of whether to disagree— you will—but, rather, how best to cross swords. !"#$%"#&'$()*)+$,-).),/-0#12/"%2


J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 11

::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JULY 11 - 17, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as other activities that seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to

Thursday, July 11

Democratic Presidential Candidate Town Hall Event @ The Wisconsin Center, Ballroom A (400 W. Wisconsin Ave.), 6 p.m.

Saturday, July 13

Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of National and Greenfield Avenues, noon-1 p.m.

Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee the protest.

Saturday, July 13-20

Garbage Fyre Festival @ various locations

Garbage Fyre Festival is the antidote to a week-long hate-fest put on by the rightwing (and utterly misnamed) “Operation Save America” (OSA). OSA is invading Milwaukee during the week of July 1320. Garbage Fyre Festival organizes rallies to let them know their messages of intolerance are not welcome in Milwaukee, or the entire state of Wisconsin, for that matter. OSA is known as one of the most influential hate groups in America. Each July, hundreds of OSA members from around the country gather in a specific city to spend a week disrupting the targeted community with public parades and rallies promoting their anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant messages. The vile imagery and chants of intolerance have inspired progressive activists from Wisconsin and around the country to gather and counter their bigotry and misogyny. Through direct action, comedy and burlesque shows, the Garbage Fyre Festival puts out a message of love and inclusion. You can find out more by visiting

Sponsored by The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), U.S. presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former U.S. Housing Secretary Julian Castro and former Rep. Beto O’ Rourke are scheduled to appear at a two-hour event.

Friday, July 12

Lights for Liberty @ Milwaukee City Hall (200 E. Wells St.) and Wauwatosa City Hall (7725 W. North Ave.), 7:45 p.m.

Lights for Liberty are vigils for ending detention camps that are scheduled to take place in 75 locations around the U.S. and the world. Activists and impacted persons will speak on the issue of camps in the U.S. Participants will light candles to shed some light upon the darkness of the Trump administration’s policies.

To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Comment at n

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You Think Our Country Has Lost Something of Its ‘Soul’ Last week, we asked if you thought the U.S. has lost something of its soul since the election of Donald Trump as a nation founded “with liberty and justice for all” and as a “nation of immigrants.” You said: Yes: 75% No: 25%

What Do You Say? If the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team— which just won the World Cup in France—is invited to the White House by Donald Trump, should they accept the invitation? Yes No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.


J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 13


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We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.

! #$$#%!&'!()**+,-.,'!"#,.! " /%+)-!0.1&2#3!4'.5!6**+$.$-'! 7+,,8!/%+)-!9+#1!(#:.-8 ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ


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Proponents Care About Health, Justice, Freedom




Listen for our new Cannabis Podcast:

The Green Light

with Rachel Landright


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Use our interactive, up-to-date guide to find stores offering CBD oil products and other cannabis-related products 14 | J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9

The first, almost unanimous reason in favor of legal marijuana is its medical uses; 86% of re/-0#(,#*/!7.#J,(!"*!+")+,/*!"#!"8-07*.#%,<!\0')+&H!2]^7(/!01!U8,7"%.#/!%'77,#*&H!+.?,!.%%,//!*0! legal medical marijuana for this reason, but not every person who could benefit from it has access *0!%.##.B"/!"#!/*.*,/!;+,7,!"*!"/!,G%&'/"?,&H!.?."&.B&,!*+70')+!8,("%.&!("/-,#/.7",/< U!7,%,#*!/*'(H:!-'B&"/+,(!"#!*+,!-,,7$7,?",;,(!$%&'()*+%,+-.#/"%)/0123+4'&5.:!10'#(!*+.*!.! 8.@07"*H!01!-,0-&,!;+0!-'7%+./,!/0$%.&&,(!P7,%7,.*"0#.&Q!8.7"@'.#.!'/,!"*!*0!/,&1$8,("%.*,<!P_M#! D0&07.(0:`!01!4:333!.('&*$'/,$0#&H!%'/*08,7!7,/-0#(,#*/:!XaZ!7,-07*,(!*.J"#)!%.##.B"/!*0!7,&",?,! -."#:!.#(!b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

Opponents Concerned About Safety

The first reason invoked by opponents of legalization is road safety. “It would increase *+,!#'8B,7!01!%.7!.%%"(,#*/!"#?0&?"#)!(7"?,7/!;+0!'/,!8.7"@'.#.:Q!.%%07("#)!*0!b[Z!01! 7,/-0#(,#*/!;+0!*+"#J!"*!"/!01!*+,!+")+,/*!"8-07*.#%,<!O+"/!B,&",1:!+0;,?,7:!)0,/!.)."#/*! -7"8.7H!(.*.!0B*."#,(!"#!D0&07.(0<! U!7,-07*!.B0'*!*+,!%0#%7,*,!"8-.%*!01!%.##.B"/!&,).&"A.*"0#!;./!7,&,./,(!BH!*+.*!/*.*,>/!)0?$ ,7#8,#*!"#!T%*0B,7!2345<!M*!(,*,78"#,(!*+.*!PEcM!%./,/!0?,7.&&!;,7,!(0;#!4aZ!1708!234Y!*0! 234b:Q!.#(!P*+,!-,7%,#*.),!01!%"*.*"0#/!;"*+!8.7"@'.#.$0#&H!"8-."78,#*!+./!/*.H,(!/*,.(H!.*! .70'#(!bZ<Q!O+,!#'8B,7!01!*7."#,(!(7')!7,%0)#"*"0#!,G-,7*/!/.;!.!XXZ!"#%7,./,!*0!8.J,!70.(/! /.1,7!.1*,7!%.##.B"/!B,%.8,!&,).&<!O+,!D0&07.(0!E"?"/"0#!01!D7"8"#.&!d'/*"%,!.((/!*+.*!P.B0'*! 43Z!01!-,0-&,!"#!*7,.*8,#*!107!.!EcM!/,&1$7,-07*,(!8.7"@'.#.!./!*+,"7!-7"8.7H!(7')!01!.B'/,:! %08-.7,(!*0!5XZ!;+0!7,-07*,(!.&%0+0&!./!*+,"7!-7"8.7H!(7')!01!.B'/,<Q!E,-,#("#)!0#!*+,!/*.*,! .#(!H,.7:!EcM!%./,/!"#?0&?"#)!8.7"@'.#.!'/,!7"/,!.#(!1.&&:!/,,8"#)&H!"#("%.*"#)!*+.*!&,).&"A.*"0#! +./!&"**&,!"8-.%*!0#!EcM!%./,/< T--0#,#*/!01!&,).&!%.##.B"/!.&/0!B,&",?,!*+.*!&,).&"A.*"0#!P;0'&(!&,.(!*0!807,!-,0-&,!'/"#)! /*70#),7!.#(!807,!.(("%*"?,!(7')/Q!.#(!P,#%0'7.),!807,!-,0-&,!*0!'/,!8.7"@'.#.<Q!O+"/!/,,8$ "#)&H!(0,/#>*!*.J,!"#*0!.%%0'#*!*+.*!70')+&H!+.&1!01!*+,!U8,7"%.#!-0-'&.*"0#!+./!.&7,.(H!*7",(! 8.7"@'.#.:!./!"*!"/!*+,!80/*!%0880#&H!'/,(!"&&"%"*!(7')<!e,).&!8.7"@'.#.!(0,/!#0*!-'/+!807,! people to try it for the first time, it simply makes an already established use legal and safer. As *+,!D0&07.(0!E"?"/"0#!01!D7"8"#.&!d'/*"%,!-'*/!"*:!PD0&07.(0!"/!#0*!,G-,7",#%"#)!.#!"#%7,./,!"#! H0'*+!'/.),!01!8.7"@'.#.<Q D08"#)!(,.(!&./*!"/!*+,!B,&",1!*+.*!*+,!'/,!01!(7')/:!"#%&'("#)!8.7"@'.#.:!"/!"8807.&:!(,/-"*,! the fact it is one of the most prominent talking points associated with the fight against legalization. 6%773(0+)0+."38"3'93:8'3..;/%7; n

Canni Hemp Still Thriving with New Products, Events ::BY SHEILA JULSON


!"#$ %&'$ (%&)*+,$ -)$ #%+$ %+./$ -),0'#12$ '-)(+$ 3"4 !-)$ 5!&)#$ "/+)+,$ 3&))-$ 6+./$ 3"7$ 89:;$ <7$ =->#%$ <#7?$#%-'$/&'#$@(#"A+1B!"#$ %&'("#)!*+,!-.//.),!01!*+,!2345!6.78!9"&&:! which reclassifies hemp for commercial use '#(,7! 1,(,7.&! &.;<! ="/%0#/"#>/! #,;! )0?$ ,7#07! "/! 7,%,-*"?,! *0! .(?.#%"#)! 8.7"@'.#.! &,).&"A.*"0#:!.#(!*+,!?0&'8,!01!%.##.B"("0&! CD9EF!7,*."&!)7,;!,G-0#,#*".&&H< Yet, I&.#*! relates it’s been extremely fulfilling to oper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of helping customers find relief from ail8,#*/!"#!.!807,!#.*'7.&!;.H< I&.#*!,#*,7,(!"#*0!.!8.#'1.%*'7"#)!.)7,,$ 8,#*! ;"*+! .! &0%.&! -70%,//07! *0! -70('%,! D.##"!K,8->/!0;#!&"#,!01!D9E!*"#%*'7,/:! ;+"%+! /01*$&.'#%+,(! "#! U-7"&<! PT'7! )0.&! was to refine and create something beyond @'/*! .! *H-"%.&! ;+"*,! &.B,&! .)7,,8,#*:Q! +,! /.H/<!P=,!/-,#*!.!&0*!01!*"8,!&,.7#"#)!.B0'*! *+,!,G*7.%*"0#!-70%,//!.#(!*,7-,#,!C.708.*$ "%!0"&/!*+.*!%0&07!%.##.B"/!?.7",*",/!.#(!)"?,! SHEPHERD EXPRESS




Stop in to be placed in the raffle for a free jar of 1000mg Gummies or 1000mg of Oil !"#$%&'()%!*%+",'++*%-."/0%'0(%&'012',#1.)(



!"#$%&'()*+,))-$.(/$01&$2$ 3'4-&56'$ 78797:;9<#72$ =+(*'4-&56'*&>>?&55@=)A Canni Hemp

them distinctive flavors) profiles. From that, we worked to build a formulation that we felt confident in.” Canni Hemp’s line includes Rest, Relax or Relief, in 600-milligram formulation, which equals 20 milligrams per dose. There’s also a line of higher concentrations in 1,200 and 2,000-milligram formulations for people who want higher dosages. Plant says they also carry 20 brands of sublingual CBD oils, as well as topicals, cosmetics and an expanding line of CBD grocery items. New products include CBD peanut butter made by a Wisconsin company. They also have a customer loyalty program. Plant notes that, although Wisconsin has established a hemp industry, for now he’s keeping the current partnerships he has with farmers and vendors. “We’re just two years into a pilot program, and it takes a little longer than that to really work out kinks and dial into the craft (of farming hemp),” he observes. Although people might be tempted to rush into the growing cannabis industry, he believes everyone needs to proceed with

caution, whether it’s farming hemp or pursuing further cannabis legalization. “If Wisconsin takes a responsible and wellthought-out approach, it can be a learning tool,” he says. “But the social justice component has not been addressed. In some states with legalization, there are men and women in jail for cannabis convictions, yet people are opening dispensaries and legal operations. That’s not fair. Illinois set themselves apart by pardoning low-level marijuana criminal convictions,” after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation, making Illinois the 11th state to legalize recreational marijuana and to also expunge criminal records for purchasing or possessing 30 grams of marijuana or less. He also expressed concerns over special interests and big enterprises dominating marijuana industries in states where it is legal. “I hope we are a little more calculated in how we are looking at some of these things.” !"#$%"#&$'()"#%*+'"(,$ -'.'+$/*(('0&%1/"2/"%. 3"%%&(+$*+$.0&10&#4&51#&..2/"%2$n


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JULY 17, 2019 5:30-8:00 PM

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J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 15




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Vanguard Still King of Sausages

Some sausages don’t come on a bun, and are served on a bed of something else, carbs or otherwise. The Curry Chameleon ($10) is served on top of fries, soaking up the spicy, Thai green curry sauce. The seared sausage is made with coarsely ground chicken and pork, tangy with tamarind. Another Southeast Asian-inspired sausage, the Hoo Kee Phed ($10), made with pork, lamb, Thai chile and galangal, comes on top of Thai green papaya salad. And the Wee-bey ($14), made with crab, corn, rice and seasoned with Old Bay, is served alongside confit red potatoes, baby corn and slaw, in a Maryland crab boil rendition. ::BY LACY MUSZYNSKI There are plenty of sausages served on buns too, though the squishy, untoasted buns have been a perplexing weak spot since the beginning. They still ot long after opening in 2014, Vanguard became hold up with everything thrown in them, at least, whether it’s the duck BLT one of Bay View’s most beloved restaurants. It was ($10) or the Guerrero ($9), a red chorizo topped with thick mole negro, copian instant hit, fitting the personality of the neighborous amounts of chopped carrot escabeche and chihuahua cheese. hood perfectly. It’s casual and irreverent, with a takeIf you want a plain old sausage, there’s 11 varieties, from good old bratus-as-we-are attitude, lots of whiskey and an obsession wurst ($6) to three different vegan styles made with seitan. Toppings like onwith theatrical, professional wrestling that’s either ironic or ions, kraut and various peppers and pickles are free, or get it topped by city— completely earnest—it’s hard to tell. think Chicago style ($1 extra) or Milwaukee ($2) with cheese curds, cheddar It also helped that Vanguard has always had a laser-like and house made cheese “whiz.” focus on its specialty: sausages. In the beginning, chef Shay The menu of sides has expanded under Joyce. Seven different types of Linkus steered the ship, until he left to open Snack Boys a poutine or loaded fries are offered, and that’s great considering the fries are couple years ago. Since then, Patrick Joyce, who worked thicker and sturdier than they used to be. The Belgian beef poutine ($6-$9) at Vanguard from the beginning, has taken the helm. He’s includes beer braised beef, smoked gouda, brown gravy and chopped apples kept the same sausage heaven heading laid down by to cut through the richness of it all. Linkus but has expanded on the concept with even more Baked Potato Balls ($6) are just as good as ever, and the smashed, seasoned unique ways of serving and pairing sausages. and deep-fried potatoes topped with all the fixings are hard to resist. They’re Joyce changes the menu up a couple times a year, shufjoined by a number of new favorites, like pan fried green beans with roasted fling out a handful of seasonal items for new ones in the “styled sausages” menu garlic, white wine, lemon and freshly grated horseradish. The fried triangles of category. The items in this category have more in common with composed restauburnt ginger tofu ($6) topped with a thick ginger glaze with lime and roasted rant plates than with the brats and dogs you slap on the Weber. I imagine that new garlic are a cult favorite, whether vegan or not. items are conceived not by wondering “what else can we do with sausage?” but by Besides a great selection of whiskey, there are eight tap cocktails, including reverse engineering a sausage from a dish that inspired it. two types of old fashioneds and a dozen tap beers, most local. In summer, The Nashville Hot Chicken Sausage ($8) is a good example. they’re all available on the cute, rustic patio out back. It The trendy fried chicken is all over the place, so how do you practically doubles the space of the restaurant and is the turn it into a sausage? The chicken sausage is flavored with first area to fill up in nice weather. Though there are no WeVanguard paprika and cayenne, then deep fried in a thin, crisp batter in sight, sausages eaten at a picnic table in a backyard 2659 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. bers shell. It’s not nearly as hot as anything you get in Nashville, but under oak trees will always feel right. 414-539-3593 • $$ the experience of eating it is just as satisfying, especially with the creamy mayo and chopped pickles on top. (pictured) Duck BLT Sausage

16 | J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9



Three Sisters Community Farm Grows Environmentally Sound Foods ::BY SHEILA JULSON


!""#$%&'!()!'#*+,#-!../#-(!"!'0#1&!# &23)*+,# *+,# 4("!# 1!*5# )!&(+,# the certified organic Three Sisters Community Farm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and farming to Wellspring, a nonprofit farm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hree Sisters Community Farm is certified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social endeavors. Many of the first CSA farms -7;7'6):A/@.4)G'B.;49ET P+;:D*+' <+7);' 3HI2' HG+;7)67;' .@A' N)7B7;' :BB7;'.'A)>7;97'.99:;<47@<':B'97.9:@.8'>7*7<., 6879'B:;'<+7);'47467;92'7>7;/<+)@*'B;:4'.;D, *D8.2' G787;/2' GDGD467;92' *.;8)G2' C.872' 87<<DG72'

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‘Daredevils’ Exhibition at Harley-Davidson Museum

‘Daredevils’ Exhibit and Wild Ones Rally !"#"$%&'()#&(*&*'+&,()-+./0(1"#23$&452+56 ::BY BLAINE SCHULTZ he dust had not yet settled, and exhibits were still being set up when Harley-Davidson Museum exhibit curator David Kreidler offered me a look behind the scenes at “Daredevils: A Century of Spine-Tingling Spectacles.” “The exhibit covers about 100 years of daredevil history. We had an Evel Knievel exhibit 10 years ago. We started talking about him again and the other things in our archives that relate to stunt work,” Kreidler says. Looking at old circus material, Kreidler realized things he’d been seeing motorcyclists do were being done in the 1800s on horseback. “I’m a historian, so I tend to get curious; ‘where did this come from?’ ‘Who started this?’” he says. “It predates Hollywood stunts, it predates BMX bikes, it even predates motors. It started with equestrian trick riders in ancient Rome doing this stuff to entertain people.” He became interested in how those trick riders approached their careers. “You can look at Evel Knievel, who is famous for Harley-Davidson, and look at Buffalo Bill. The two really don’t have anything in common other than they were both bad businessmen,” Kreidler suggests. “Buffalo Bill wasn’t even a daredevil; he just put on a show. But if you look at how they presented themselves to the public, they dressed in fancy clothes and weaved these fictional stories about themselves to draw the customers. Buffalo Bill was the most famous American in the 1890s, and Knievel was the most famous American in the 1970s. It has been fun pairing these things up.” William “Buffalo Bill” Cody was like a rock star. His posters didn’t have to show anything other than an image of himself and the date he was coming to town. “It was like Beatlemania!” Kreidler says. Cody’s rare buckskin costume is included in the exhibit.


“I spoke with a number of Knievel’s contemporaries who swear they were better riders than him. I can see their point, but it doesn’t matter. Knievel was the best at presenting himself, and everyone else was playing catch up.” Thanks to his charisma, star power and marketing skills, Knievel became a household name owing to frequent network television appearances.” Knievel’s Harley-Davidson XR-750, ridden during his famous 1975 Wembley Stadium jump, is featured in “Daredevils.” The exhibit also covers a number of other acts. The centerpiece is The Globe of Death—a metal ball that multiple riders crisscross inside the ball, successfully avoiding the others. “There is a connective tissue between these acts,” Kreidler offers. “It is not always theoretical or philosophical; sometimes it is generational.” The Urias family’s Globe of Death was constructed in 1912 in São Paulo, Brazil. Four generations of that family thrilled audiences the world over with their gravity-defying performances within the globe before it was retired in 2009. They toured the world with their Globe of Death before joining the Ringling Brothers Circus. Aside from the daredevil aspect, it is difficult to think of an object that was built in 1912 that has remained in use for 97 years. Other highlights of the “Daredevils” exhibit include a rocketpowered, custom-built motorcycle (aka The Space Cycle) that was designed to jump Niagara Falls and was outfitted with helicopter blades to aid in its flight; and a living room furniture piece that was employed by the creative—some might say mad—geniuses at Nitro Circus to attempt the world’s first “reclining sofa chair jump.”

Here Come the Wild Ones

The 12th annual Wild Ones Rally, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, coincides with the anniversary of the Harley-Davidson Museum’s opening in 2008, says Bill Rodencal, the museum’s collections lead. “It is a throwback to a 1940s motorcycle club picnic,” he explains. “At that time, you had a lot of different motorcycle organizations in Milwaukee, and they would get together to socialize. They would have a cookout and play motorcycle field games.” Throwback entertainment is on hand. “We’ve had the Globe of Death, the Wall of Death and the Wisconsin State Motorcycle Police Skills Challenge,” Rodencal says. “This year, to tie in with the exhibit, we have the Victor McLaglen Motor Corps doing their stunt show here.” As part of the Wild Ones Rally, the Knucklehead Reunion is a show organized by a club from up north with riders on pre-1975 motorcycles. Included in the Reunion, the Badger Heritage Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America runs field games of the era, such as riding a plank, whiffle ball, setting balls on cones while riding a hand-shift motorcycle and even having a motorcycle passenger trying to take a bite from a suspended, mustardDaredevils covered hot dog while riding. Riders wishing to enter the vintage Harley-Davidson field games or the bike show must Museum sign up; all proceeds go to the MakeThrough Sept. 8 A-Wish Foundation. There will also be raffle tickets sold for prizes. “We usually get 3,500 people at this family friendly event to see these rare old bikes,” Rodencal says, “Germany, Australia… people come from all over the world to see something you don’t get to see every day. We’ve had antique tractors, cars, dragsters and vintage teardrop campers. Everybody here is willing and able to talk about their bikes. You have to ride them in, so we get everything. We had a guy ride in on a 1911; I bring out our 1920 sidecar and give rides.” Daredevils: A Century of Spine-Tingling Spectacles runs through Sept. 8 at the Harley-Davidson Museum, 400 W. Canal St. For more information, call 414-287-2789 or visit

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Everybody A modern riff on the 15th-century morality play Everyman, Everybody—written by playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and directed by Ryan Quinn—will be performed by the Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s 2018-’19 Professional Training Institute company. The latter is an advanced actor training program for high school students interested in pursuing a career as professional theater artists. The Rep’s current such company boasts 16 students hailing from 10 different high schools. As The Rep says of the play: “Death tells Everybody that their time is up. But Everybody doesn’t want to greet Death alone, so Everybody seeks the company of their friends Stuff, Kinship, Friendship, Cousinship and Love to make the trip bearable.” Everybody follows its title character as he or she journeys through life’s greatest mystery: its meaning. As Jacobs-Jenkins once explained about his play: “The concept is that every night there’ll be a different Everyman, chosen by lottery, so the cast will shift a lot. This may be an insane idea. We’re assuming all these lovely actors are going to memorize the entire script.” (John Jahn) July 18-21 in the Stiemke Studio, 108 E. Wells. St. For tickets, call 414-224-9490 or visit


Wild Space’s Response to “Nares: Moves” at MAM There are two excellent reasons to spend Sunday afternoon, on July 14, at the Milwaukee Art Museum: the ground-breaking exhibition Nares: Moves and a complementary, once-exclusive Wild Space Dance Company performance in the big hall outside it. The Nares show marks museum director Marcelle Polednik’s bold debut as a curator. She’s arranged the artist’s paintings and films along a looped path that opens into “chapters” in a non-linear story. Each encounter stops you in your tracks to think, feel and connect, just as you do at a dance performance. “He has the most choreographic mind of any visual artist I know,” says Wild Space choreographer Debra Loewen. Her dancers responded to Nares’ work with movement, which Loewen then extensively shaped. She describes the exhibition as a love letter to New York City decades back when she (and Nares) lived there and “you made do with what you had” and “tackled your prejudices as you did that.” She sees it as an analysis of transformation played in slow motion. Two audience groups will face opposite directions in the hall and see terrific dancers perform three looping 20-minute sets. “You don’t have to see the whole show,” Loewen insists. “I’m hoping you’ll see part of it and then the exhibition.” (John Schneider) Wild Space performs from 2-3 p.m. Free with museum admission.

Ballet Beat

Joan Lunden, journalist, best≠ selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. 20 | J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9

Milwaukee Ballet’s four-week summer Ballet Beat program brings professional dancers into libraries, parks, community centers, senior centers and summer festivals throughout the Greater Milwaukee area. As Alyson Chavez, director of community engagement, sweetly puts it: “It’s year three of Ballet Beat and we’re pounding the pavement, dancing our way through the streets, bringing interactive workshops and performances to audiences to connect with the sunny spirit of Milwaukee in summer. Everything is free—we just want people to have a chance to experience Milwaukee Ballet in a new, fun way.” The program includes 20 events in 13 zip codes and climaxes in two full-length outdoor performances at the Marcus Center’s Peck Pavilion and the St. Ann Center’s new Indaba Band Shell. Seven of Milwaukee Ballet’s professional company dancers and two from its pre-professional MBII program will perform scenes from beloved classical ballets along with new contemporary works. “The shows also feature some of our community partners this year from Restore Arts Festival, the Lake Arts Project, Xalaat Africa Dance and Drum for Life, and our own Relevé program,” Chavez says. “We are thrilled to have these guests with us!” Come early and watch them all warm up onstage. (John Schneider) Performances Thursday, July 18, at the Marcus Center, 929 N. Water St., and Sunday, July 20, at St. Ann’s Center, 2450 W. North Ave. For the complete schedule of workshops and events, visit



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Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts | 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd. F r e e | N o R e s e r v e d S e a t i n g | N o Ti c k e t i n g | M o r e I n f o : F O FA Q . o r g

JUL 14

3:00 pm pre-talk 2:00pm

JUL 18

7:30 pm pre-talk 6:30pm


J U LY 1 3 ≠ 1 4


Haydn String Quartet Op. 76, No. 4 Shostakovich Quartet No. 1 (1938) Dvořák String Sextet, Op 48 Mozart-Bach Five Fugues, K. 405 Rachmaninoff Quartet No. 1 Mozart Concerto for 2 pianos, No. 10 (Cliff Colnot chamber version World Premiere)

A d d i t i o n a l l i m i t e d - s e a t i n g e v e n t s a t S a i n t J o h n ’s O n T h e L a k e July 11, 3:00 pm - Listening Together | Mozart’s mastery of the piano concerto July 16, 4:00 pm - Fine Arts Quartet Open Rehearsal *July 16, 7:30 pm - Mozart Piano Concertos Nos. 9 & 17 (Ignaz Lachner chamber version)

*Reservations required. Please call (414) 831-6731

Sponsored by the Friends of the Fine Arts Quartet & over 100 community donors In collaboration with Arts Wisconsin and UW-Milwaukee Peck School of the Arts !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!


J U LY 11, 2 0 1 9 ! 21



Outskirts’ ‘The Amish Project’

Tragedy and Forgiveness in Outskirts’ ‘The Amish Project’ ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ


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A Merry Shakespeare Comedy in Door County



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Role-Switching and Rugged Depth in ‘Henry V’



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Journey to the past.

Mke ammour our ≠ mon≠

bastille days 2019


James Nares, Ití s Raining in Naples, 2003 (detail). Oil on linen. 47.5 × 81 in. Private collection. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery. • • 414.273.7206 Groups 10+ SAVE! Call 414.273.7121 ext. 210

Milwaukee’s FREE French festival featuring live music, an international marketplace, chef demos and tastings, Parisian cuisine, roaming busker entertainment, a 43-ft. Eiffel Tower replica and more!

A retrospective of a contemporary artist and fi lmmaker who explores gesture, motion, and time

Through October 6, 2019 !"#$"#%&'#($%#!! J U LY 11, 2 0 1 9 ! 23



OPENING: !"#$%&'(!#$)*!$+,!#-./0 July 11-Aug. 30 The Warehouse 1635 W. St. Paul Ave.

David Harper’s ‘Mouth-Shaped’ World Fills Villa Terrace


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ornate vegetal-themed room with marble accents on the second floor. An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milk-and-chalk figural replica is breathtaking for its design, for its craft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by its maker. The contradiction begged me to reflect on the nature *?$!394%9M#$9%@3)"*+#'"4$)*$'"#$*C+$#0(O%A)$73))%9;$L)M#$3$@*)$)*$4*+5%9;$ I continued to puzzle over the subject as I left Villa Terrace, fi+3@@E$A*+#"5%9"+:$K3I"5$!394%9$)*$(%$%J03@$439)#$K9;$/*9%30,$ V"@@E$V*+F3,$V"@@"37$/*99"#$3+5$6*(%9)$W*(%9;$ (top) David R. Harper, She Drank the Water that was Meant for the Orchids (3 Parts), Wood, steel, rubber, cast dehydrated milk, industrial felt, polyurethane, leather, taxidermy bird, muslin, copper, rubber coating, glass, palm fronds, feathers, atomizers, cast acrylic, firepolished chatons, enamel, 2019 (bottom) David R. Harper, Attritio, Dehydrated milk, calcium carbonate, gum arabic, plaster, marble, wood, steel, glass, 2019

Subtitled “International Sculpture from the Permanent Collection,” this new exhibition at The Warehouse features works by 20 artists from 12 different countries. These artists include Ruth Duckworth, Truman Lowe, David Nash, Mimmo Paladino and Alejandro Santiago. The work of two of the artists—Bruno Cidra and Pamela Mei Yee Leung—has never been exhibited in the U.S. before. With a focus on material, traditional sculptural mediums like bronze, wood and stone are juxtaposed with barbed wire and houseplants, and materials found in craft, such as bamboo and ceramic, are sculpted to form complex and elegant shapes. Admission is free. For more information, call 414-252-0677 or visit

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July 11-Sept. 29 Cedarburg Art Museum W63 N675 Washington Ave. Tim Fonk makes art “because not making art would be worse,” as he explains. Fonk attended Layton School of Art from 1964 to ’68, where he focused on metal sculpture by means of lost wax casting and welding. In his mid40s, his career as a commercial welder superseded his artistic practice—that is until he retired in 2008. Informed by shape and line, this solo exhibition displays wall masks and a selection of avian studies on paper alongside the wood and steel sculptures they inspired. Fonk uses pencil, colored pencil, watercolor and acrylic on paper to design his sculptural works. For more information, call 262-377-6123 or visit SHEPHERD EXPRESS


[ FILM CLIPS ] Crawl R When a category five hurricane hits the Florida hometown of Haley (Kaya Scodelario), she refuses to leave without her missing father (Barry Pepper). Finding him seriously injured in the crawl space of his home, Haley is preparing to get him out when they realize that rising floodwaters have ushered in large, hungry alligators. Rescuers have evacuated, so their survival depends on Haley’s ability to ensure their escape. Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures made this survive-or-die epic for $17 million. Paramount is handling the theatrical release, as it did for last year’s low-budget survival film, A Quiet Place, from which it made a pile of cash. (Lisa Miller)

Spider-Man: Far From Home PG-13 Returning as the young Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Tom Holland once again anchors a complex plot featuring multiple superheroes and villains. While searching for his proper role in the multiverse, Peter pursues romance with MJ (Zendaya), hoping to spend time as a normal 16-year-old teenager. The plan goes wrong, like any good plan does. Peter is touring Europe with friends when he’s obliged to join Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) in stopping planet-destroying “Elementals.” Alternate realities abound, but which are real? Set following Avengers: Endgame, the screenplay interlocks with that universe, managing a few surprises. Two important scenes play during and following the end credits... like we have nothing else to do. (L.M.)

Stuber R ‘Midsommar’

‘Midsommar’ Rituals of Sex and Death



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Stuber pairs Vic (Dave Bautista), an aggressive cop, with Stu (Kumail Nanjiani), a mild-mannered Uber driver. The unlikely duo occurs because Vic’s Lasik surgery causes temporary blindness at a time when he also receives a tip on the whereabouts of a dangerous heroin dealer. Politically correct Stu prefers to ignore Vic’s weaponry, but that’s difficult, because nearly blind Vic requires Stu’s help to aim his guns. While Stu’s biggest concern is maintaining his five-star Uber rating, he grudgingly helps Vic and comes to respect the cop and his old-school methods. (L.M.)


Anthony Hopkins gives a surprisingly sympathetic and credible performance as Richard Nixon in this 1995 film. As with all of director Oliver Stone’s non-Vietnam historical films, it’s full of hypotheticals. And yet, the depiction of Nixon’s self-pity, awkwardness, class resentment and fear seems psychologically true. The new Blu-ray release includes the theatrical and director’s cuts plus bonus interviews and deleted scenes. Joan Allen plays Pat Nixon, and a strong supporting cast depicts all the president’s men.

n The Landlord

Beau Bridges stars as Elgar, a naïve rich kid who buys a tenement with the notion of evicting the tenants and fixing it up as his home. Many details in director Hal Ashby’s 1970 comedy haven’t aged well, but others still seem acutely pertinent: Biracial identity? Gentrification? Black lives matter? The story moves to the rhythm of Al Kooper’s music and the voices of The Staple Singers with interesting cinematography by Gordon Willis (The Godfather).

n The General / Steamboat Bill, Jr.

Unlike most silent movie comedians, Buster Keaton still seems like one of us—an ordinary person buffeted by calamity, pummeled by adversity, but still pushing on. In his greatest film, the Civil War comedy The General (1926), the poker-faced Keaton plays a railroad engineer pursuing—against all odds—a stolen train (his girlfriend is onboard). His ability to perform physical stunts remains jaw-dropping. The new Blu-ray release pairs The General with Steamboat Billy, Jr. (1928).

n Mississippi Burning

The screenplay gets a bit Hollywood, but in its best scenes, Mississippi Burning (1988) visually dramatizes the danger faced by white freedom riders and African Americans in the South as the civil rights movement gained force. Mississippi Burning benefits from costars Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe as FBI agents pursuing justice down different avenues. Frances McDormand is another bright light as the abused wife of a racist deputy. American racism’s economic roots are cited. —David Luhrssen J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 25

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Everyone has heard of Marie Curie, even people who can’t remember what she did; environmentalists surely know of Rachel Carson for uncovering the dark side of pesticides and inspiring ecological awareness. After that, outstanding women of science can be harder to name. Science writers Catherine Whitlock and Rhodri Evans cast light on their underreported accomplishments in 10 Women Who Changed Science and the World. Aside from Curie, the only winner of a Nobel Prize in both physics and chemistry, all were born in the early 20th century and left behind accomplishments often overlooked in an era when professional women were an anomaly in any field. Gertrude Elion, to name one of the 10 Women, benefitted millions of patients with her pharmaceutical research. Perhaps the best story belongs to Rita Levi-Montalcini, an Italian Jew who conducted neuro-biological research in her bedroom as Fascist antiSemitic policies were implemented and World War II swirled around her. 10 Women Who Changed Science is an entertaining introduction to a cross-section of scientists whose breakthroughs changed lives. (David Luhrssen)


!"#$%&'(&)*$+,-.& !**/0&+*,&1*#02-,0& "#&34&5#*6& 78%2&4&'%69::BY TEA KRULOS


n 1991, author Linda S. Godfrey, working for a Walworth County newspaper called The Week, began to unravel an unusual story that would change her life. People around her hometown of Elkhorn were spotting what they described as a “werewolf,” that was soon to be known as the Beast of Bray Road. Godfrey interviewed witnesses and her newspaper article eventually became a book, The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin’s Werewolf, and she became, in her words, “an accidental werewolf chronicler.” Godfrey’s desk soon became a clearing house for reports of all sorts of strange creature sightings from around the world, which she began to catalog in books like Real Wolfmen: True Encounters

Mr. Straight Arrow: The Career of John Hersey, Author of Hiroshima (FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX), BY JEREMY TREGLOWN

John Hersey was a foreign correspondent with a conscience. His 1946 account of Hiroshima after the bomb, originally published in The New Yorker, was poetic in its alertness to language, setting and characters. He was devoted to facts but, in arranging them with the storytelling devices of fiction, anticipated the New Journalism of the 1960s. He deserves to be better remembered. British biographer Jeremy Treglown recalls that Hersey accomplished several firsts, including the first novel on the Holocaust, The Wall (1950), and remained a calm voice of journalistic reason through his death in 1993. Hersey was an insider willing to look outside, a scion of the old East Coast establishment who believed a life without moral purpose wasn’t worth living. (David Luhrssen)

in Modern America, American Monsters and Monsters Among Us. In Godfrey’s latest book, I Know What I Saw: Modern Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore (Penguin/ Random House), she explores sightings of cryptids (as these mystery entities are known) that are familiar—the legendary Bigfoot is discussed, for example, including Godfrey’s own encounter. But the pages are filled with many cryptids that will probably be new to readers, such as creepy encounters with the “Deer People” or the strange case of the “Hawaiian Flying Dogman.” Just when you think things can’t get any weirder, they usually do. I Know What I Saw explores legends, myths, folklore and how real-life monster sightings blur all of this together. What people are actually seeing out there might be a matter of debate, but as in previous books, Godfrey gives her witnesses the benefit of the doubt while sharing their stories. Wisconsinites will be delighted to read reports of monster sightings close to home, including Muskego’s urban legend of Haunchyville (a secret village of angry dwarves, it is said), and a sighting of a Dire Wolf (an extinct species) in Saint Francis, among others. You’ll be able to hear about these in person from Godfrey at Boswell Book Co. on Wednesday, July 17, at 7 p.m. (full disclosure—I’ll be leading the discussion and Q and A at the event). I Know What I Saw is a fascinating account of eyewitness reports of modern-day monster sightings and will take your mind to an eerie place.

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Todd Minkin

"#$%&'()$*+$,-./'01&&2)$3*(45$!-6& Off the Cuff with Fein Brothers’ Todd Minkin ::BY LOUIS FORTIS


ince 1929, Fein Brothers (2007 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive) has been one of Milwaukee’s premier food service and equipment supply companies. Locally owned, they provide equipment for both residential and commercial kitchens. In 2009, the business was bought by cousins and Fein Brothers employees Todd and Ben Minkin. They are celebrating the company’s 90th anniversary this year through their “Twelve Months of Giving Campaign.” Off the Cuff sat down with co-owner Todd Minkin to learn more about this, as well as the benefits of owning a local business in Milwaukee. You’re a locally owned food service equipment and supply store for residential and commercial kitchens. You also design kitchens and dining areas and sell everything from dishes to a fully equipped industrial kitchen. What else should we know about your business? We’re 90 years old and really concentrate on supporting the local economy, our local customers and our local restaurant partners by having one of the most knowledgeable sales staffs. We take that very seriously. We are always making sure our staff is familiar and aware of new technology happening in food service, which is changing every day. There are always new trends in restaurant dining and how things are being served. We take a lot of pride in making sure we are educated and as knowledgeable as possible on all the things happening in our industry. We also try to create a family atmosphere. You can walk into plenty of big box stores and sort of get lost. My local hardware store, for example, there’s always four people greeting me at the door asking me if I need some help. I walk into a big box store, and I have to look at the signs above the aisles to find what I need. You have a magnificent building. Can you tell me a little bit of the history behind it? We occupy two buildings: the building to our south and the building on the corner, which was the original Schuster’s Department Store when they started business in 1884. When we bought that building around 1990, it still had a staircase SHEPHERD EXPRESS

that went from the outside into the basement—the Schuster’s bargain basement. You would enter the bargain basement from the outside. As Schuster’s grew, they built this building right here (2007 N. King Drive), and when they grew out of this, they moved up the street. We have a lot of people that come in here and ask if this was a theater at one time because of the grand staircase, the chandelier and the big marquee. But it was a department store for many, many years. You’ve been locally owned for 90 years. Why is it important for consumers to be dealing with a locally owned business? There are lots of reasons to support locally owned businesses. Number one, we’re the people spending the money in the locally owned stores and restaurants. We’re hoping people see a value to that and support us in helping supply them in what they need. The second thing is the level of service we’re able to provide. We know our customers can buy the items that we sell in many different places. The reason why our customers deal with us is due to the level of service we provide to them, which we feel is the best in the industry. We also give back to the community. For our 90th anniversary, we have a campaign going on called the “Twelve Months of Giving.” We asked our staff to come up with an organization in need we could donate to. It’s not all about donating money, it’s about donating time, donating services as well as donating goods. We are six months into that right now, and we feel it’s important to give back to the community that supported us for the last 90 years. Over the next 10 years, what changes do you foresee, if any, in your business or in the retail world? I foresee our business getting better. I see people quickly learning what the internet has to offer and some of the positives, but also some of the negatives. So we are seeing customers appreciate a local business, appreciate the services we have to offer, and consumers overall are pretty intelligent and realize it’s not always all about the bottom dollar—it’s what comes with that, what services come with that product you’re buying, and that’s why more people are buying locally. We feel so lucky to be in a city like Milwaukee that really embraces small, local businesses.

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J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 27






Trio of Troubles !"#$%&'()*"+

I went on a first date with a guy who had the worst breath in the history of human dental work (or lack there! of). Should I give him a second chance or move on?

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Icky poo poo! While putrid breath can be pretty off put! ting, tell him to put his money where his mouth is and see if a second date doesn’t clear things up. Could be the poor guy swallowed a rancid hoagie or accidentally picked his teeth with a cadaver’s toenail. If this breath could peel the skin off a potato, you might want to grab some Tic Tacs and find yourself another guy. "


I can’t believe I’m writing into an advice column, but what the hey, hey? Tell me, would you put up with a boy! friend who forgot your anniversary every year for the past 3 years? What am I doing wrong?

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What the what? He’s either lazy, stupid or just plain ol’ forgetful. Make it a point to remind him next time by taking the horse by the reins and planning a special night for the two of you. If you make anniversary plans with/for him, he’ll better remember next time and realize how im! portant the day is to you. If not, he may just be a lost cause in this area. You’ve clearly loved the guy for 3 years, so keep on loving his lazy, stupid, forgetful ass, and chalk this all up to something he’s just not that good at. Then, focus on the things he’s great at instead. Like… uhm… he’s great at forgetting things!


Why is it so hard to find true love?


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July 11—Opening Day Bastille Days at Cathedral Square (520 E. Wells St.): Ooh la la! Grab your beret, a bottle of wine and kick up your heels with the cancan because the coolest festival in Cream City is upon us once again. From the food and drinks to the shopping and entertainment, it’s one street fair that puts Milwaukee summer on the map. For more on the fest, sashay over to the events area of July 11—Drag Roulette at Hamburger Mary’s (730 S. Fifth St.): The pink and purple burger palace is at it again with this new installment to its weekly lineup. Drag performers spin the wheel to see what genre of music they must perform... and then wait as the DJ selects a song at random. Come for the burgers, stay for the audience participation and relish the craziness. Eat, drink and be “Mary” with this 7:30 p.m. show. July 12—Grand Opening After Party at Saint Kate Arts Hotel (139 E. Kilbourn Ave.): Come to Saint Kate’s to see what Milwaukee is talking about! Unlike any hotel you’ve seen before, this gorgeous space celebrates art in a sophisticated yet friendly environment that must be experienced to be fully appreciated. If you didn’t nab a ticket to the grand opening party swing by at 9 p.m. for the after-bash, free and open to the public. Live entertainment, cash bars, art tours and more make it a night to remember. Be sure to check out the gallery as well as the theater—featuring my 10 p.m. show, “A Night with Stars.” I host the free show as Joan Rivers, and spotlight incredible impersonations of Cher, Tina Turner, Lady Gaga, Divine and others. See you there! July 14—Sunday Funday on Brady Street (Brady St. and N. Arlington Place): Mix up your Sunday routine with a visit to this art and farmers market at one of the city’s favorite hot spots. Check out the produce from local growers as well as art, crafts, music and more created by Milwaukee’s best. Make an afternoon of it, because the Sunday Funday runs noon to 4 p.m. July 14—Sunday Showtunes at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Like Broadway, booze and boys? Well, this is the event for you! Swing by the popular watering hole for a 3 p.m. afternoon of songs from your favorites shows, movies and more. Karen Valentine hosts the fun with some of the friendliest bartenders in town. Ask about the drink specials because there’s always something great on tap at This Is It! July 14—Diana Ross at the Riverside Theater (116 W. Wisconsin Ave.): One of the most successful recording artists of our time brings her landmark talent to Brew City with a once-in-a-lifetime concert. See for more on the 7:30 p.m. show, including tickets that run $55 to $135. Then settle in and enjoy the history, glamor and exuberance Ms. Ross brings to the stage. July 16—Wisconsin LGBT Chamber’s Coffee Connection at Adoption Choice, Inc. (500 W. Silver Spring Drive): It’s that time of the month again! Time to meet some new folks, say hi to familiar faces and enjoy a free cup of coffee! The LGBT Chamber of Commerce hosts the monthly get-together that helps you meet like-minded business owners. Cheers! Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at dearruthie@shepex. com. Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.

Because that’s what makes it so special, honey.



The Straight World Turned Upside Down ::BY PAUL MASTERSON


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Southern Culture on the Skids

There’s No Defining Southern Culture on the Skids ::BY ANDY TURNER

outhern Culture on the Skids’ frontman Rick Miller is sorting through a stack of records as he talks on the phone. His task is familiar to record geeks everywhere: attempting better organization (alphabetical? alphabetical by genre? something more personal?), figuring out what he can live without and deciding that is certainly not Oscar Brand’s Bawdy Sea Shanties. He lists off albums by the Animals, Alan Vega, Johnny Bond and Brinsley Schwarz and cites the brilliance of Jackie Davis’ Hammond Gone Cha-Cha. As Miller talks excitedly about the artists and albums, you get the feeling slimming down his record collection is a pointless pursuit. And if you know anything about his band, which includes bassist Mary Huff and drummer Dave Hartman, the magnificent variety reflected in Miller’s record collection is most certainly engrained in the music of SCOTS, a longrunning North Carolina outfit that always seems to get genre labels a country mile long in front of their name when anyone describes them: hillbilly, garage, rockabilly, R&B, Southern rock, surf, novelty, psychedelic beach music. That inability to nail down SCOTS’ sound perplexed music executives in the band’s major label days at Geffen and TVT Records in the mid-’90s and early 2000s. “Are you rock ’n’ roll? Are you surf? Are you rockabilly?” Miller asks in the voice of a hypothetical record exec with marketing on their mind.


But that dynamic ability to blend those diverse influences into something both wild and familiar has allowed them to thrive as a live band for more than three decades. Bikers, country fans, people waiting to see Biz Markie, weirdoes, folklorists, swing dancers, prisoners (the band has played every medium- and low-security men’s and women’s prison in the Tarheel State, including several shows paired with a gospel band from Pittsburg, N.C., called Landy Void and the Void Brothers), you name it, they had fun when they saw Southern Culture on Southern the Skids perform live. Culture on Recently, when SCOTS the Skids played a venue in the OutThe Back Room er Banks for a family that @ Colectivo included members from their 70s to their teenage Thursday, years, they approached July 11, 8 p.m. Miller after the show. “They said we were the only thing they could all agree on in the car,” he says. Bringing people together and pushing them to lose their minds with delight for an hour or so while singing along to songs about banana pudding, big hair (and highballs), the irrelevance of penis size, Mexican wrestlers and, of course, fried chicken, as Miller conjures up the spirit of Slim Harpo and Link Wray from his guitar and Huff and Hartman provoke manic dancing fits, has been the band’s righteously magical mission. SCOTS has played frequently in Wisconsin and Milwaukee, including recently at Turner Hall and Shank Hall, but Miller says one of his favorite places to play was at the late Unicorn Club in the now demolished Sydney Hih Building, where he enjoyed hearing crazy stories about Unicorn owner Gus Hosseini. “He was a character, but he seemed to like us,” Miller says. “He always paid us.” Miller says he has met many cool people in Milwaukee, and he’s always especially happy to see a fan who travels from Madison each time they play here who brings the band summer sausage and green onions from his garden. Meeting people in different towns (and going to the fun stores and restaurants they often introduce them to), while also enjoying the energy of the audiences they play for, keeps the band going, Miller says. “It’s a great way to make a living,” he continues. “It’s so much easier doing something you love. It’s something I try to teach my son that being rich is not as important as being happy.” SCOTS’ most recent album, 2018’s Bootleggers Choice, offers newly recorded versions of songs from the band’s two out-of-print Geffen albums. They are working on new music currently that continues the garage and psychedelic-bend of 2016’s The Electric Pinecones, Miller says. A covers album à la 2007’s Countrypolitan Favorites is also on the horizon; the band has recently recorded versions of songs by Slim Whitman, Wilbert Harrison, Nancy Sinatra, Pretty Things and others. Southern Culture on the Skids will play at The Back Room @ Colectivo on Thursday, July 11, at 8 p.m.

J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 31




THURSDAY, JULY 11 SUNDAY, JULY 14 Bastille Days @ Cathedral Square Park, 11 a.m.

Music, food, wine and vendors take over for the 38th annual East Town neighborhood celebration of French culture. Mamou, La., native Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys perform Friday and Eunice, La., native Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie perform Saturday.

Liv Mueller–Tunes @ Noon @ 411 East Wisconsin Center, noon

Liv Mueller is a musical force of nature. Her original tunes veer from torch songs to country gothic ballads to all-out pop music. Long vacations in Nashville, Tennessee and Austin, Texas eventually led her back home to Milwaukee. Mueller’s discography is a rich catalog of haunted songs of love lost, love found and love missed by a mile.


Voot Warnings—Alive At Eight @ Circle A, 8 p.m.

With the departure of a horn section and currently operating as a trio, Milwaukee underground veteran Voot Warnings has been honing a new clutch of songs in anticipation of his next album. His rock and roll tunes reflect the human condition like few other writings today and his sartorial choices are legend. Drummer Vic Demichei works his kit like a one-man orchestra, often getting loud.

Jill Scott @ The Riverside Theater, 8 p.m.

Neo Soul, poetry and laid-back grooves are Jill Scott’s trademarks. The three-time Grammy winner offers anthems of pride and selfempowerment.

Liv Mueller

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JULY 11-12 Kids Nights @ Zoological Society-Milwaukee (10005 W. Bluemound Rd.), 5 p.m.

Spend a warm summer evening at the Zoo during the Zoological Society’s free members-only Kids Nights event, sponsored by WaterStone Bank. Family-friendly activities, live entertainment and delicious food await along with the Zoo’s animals. Local food trucks and a sweets tents include Gouda Girls, Jen’s Sweet Treats, Meat on the Street, Marco Pollo, The Rolling Cones and Streetza Pizza.

SATURDAY, JULY 13 African Cultural Festival @ Brown Deer Park (7835 N. Green Bay Road), 11 a.m.

Join the celebration of rich African cultural heritage with music, drumming, dancing, poetry and food. Free admission. Donation of non-perishable food items is encouraged and will be donated to Hunger Task Force.


Viva Washington Park! curated by Browns Crew, featuring Mariachi Monarcas @ Washington Park, 5 p.m.

Local Latin hip-hop duo Browns Crew (Sebas and Chris P.) are joined by Mariachi Monarcas, a classically trained mariachi band composed of students ages 17-19. The traditional Mexican music keeps the culture alive in an environment thousands of miles away from its roots.

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Large Print

Large Print Turns Down the Volume for ‘End Scenery’



t’s only July, but Milwaukee’s Large Print has put out a definite contender for local record of the year. End Scenery, a collection of seven songs recorded by Kevin Dixon at his Humdrum Studios, highlights what happens when indie rock is done well. Across the album, clean guitar lines played by James Brickner and Eric Risser playfully bounce off one another, while the rhythm section of Jay Joslyn (bass) and Andy Grygiel (drums) keeps things moving along by providing a catchy, jazzlike backbeat. And the melodic vocals of Grace Mitchell push these well-constructed songs into a space that can best be described as transcendent. Large Print, in other words, is a band to keep an eye on. Despite the presence of such clear individual talent, what makes End Scenery work is that it sounds like a truly collective effort. This, as Brickner notes, was a conscious choice, as the writing process for the record “started with us being more collaborative. It would start with something basic, like a guitar riff or a hook, and then we’d bring it to practice and build instrumentally around it.” Such an egalitarian approach to songwriting allowed the group to better understand the nuances of each member’s contributions to the record. This pushed the band to turn down—which wasn’t an easy decision, as members of Large Print have played in loud bands throughout their careers—and explore the dynamics of the material in new ways. While maximum volume has its place, Brickner has come to realize that “there’s no reason to drown out everything and be super-loud all the time.” The presence of a strong vocalist has also provided Large Print with the motivation to turn down. As Grygiel notes, “having the vocals be more in the forefront has not really been a priority in most bands we’ve been in. They’ve been secondary.” At the same time, Mitchell’s approach to lyric writing makes the listener want to understand what she is singing. Mitchell can be clever (as seen in the first line of “Chew”: “Jim beam me up”), but she is at her best when shifting from the abstract to the specific, often in the same song. This is evident on the standout track “Suzy,” which begins with a verse that can best be described as otherworldly: “Clash patterns / Ringed Saturn / Grey matter / For all to see.” Yet by the end of the song, Mitchell is noting that “Suzy’s smile’s gone somewhere / Beneath the paisley upholstered chair / I’ll draw your portraits with a dry marker / The ink leaves a mark so blue on Suzy.” Perhaps not surprisingly, Mitchell has a literate life outside of Large Print. “I’ve written poetry for a long time,” she says, “and I love to read poetry.” If she wants inspiration, she’ll read poet Bernadette Mayer, “or someone who drums up a lot of language.” Mitchell also admires the lyrics created by musicians like Kim Deal and bands like Pavement, who she notes are “heavy on the words.” She then draws from these influences as she works on “filling the spaces” of what her fellow band members create, “which is a really fun process.” The process seems to be producing results. End Scenery was released by Heavy Meadow Records, a Minneapolis-based label, and the band’s July 18 show at Nausicaa MKE will commence a nine-day tour throughout the Midwest, Canada, New England and the midAtlantic states. This may be your last chance to catch Large Print before they graduate to larger venues. Don’t miss out. For the location of Nausicaa MKE, check #OneMilwaukeeOneVision. SHEPHERD EXPRESS

J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 33

::ALBUMS Kill The Motherboard

The Legend of Picasso Jones

In his work as a Milwaukee firefighter, Jon Brown has seen his share of injustice and sadness in the city and his day job has influenced his art in Kill The Motherboard. The band consists of Brown and Jack Splash, a producer who has worked with hiphop/R&B luminaries including Kendrick Lamar, Solange and CeeLo Green. Their debut album, The Legend of Picasso Jones, reflects some of the dark side of the urban landscape but in a more hopeful way than much of the competition filling mainstream black pop-radio’s playlists nowadays. Although in Legend, Brown rephrases the soul’s struggle to do what is right (referring to St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans), the album isn’t gospel thematically. The breadth and occasional grittiness of Kill’s subject matter precludes it from being strictly sacred music. But the diverse musical palette Brown and Splash draw from—spanning ’80s synth pop to sprightly soca (“Soul Of Calypso”) and back to the avant-garde soul—fits well with the eclectic sounds emanating nowadays from both African American churches and clubs. Rapping by Eric Biddines on several tracks complements Brown’s warmly strident tenor singing. —Jamie Lee Rake

Yale Strom’s Broken Consort

Shimmering Lights: Hanukkah Music (ARC MUSIC)

Hanukkah music isn’t just for the holidays. That’s the obvious point of Shimmering Lights’ release date half a year away from December. The album’s larger issue is the way Yale Strom’s Broken Consort uses klezmer as a base for digressing into the other interests of its members. Shimmering Lights’ diversity echoes not only the origins of its music in Jewish traditions from the Near East as well as Eastern Europe, but its incorporation of rhythms and timbres from jazz and other music. The players are sensitive and in the moment with each other as they support the lyrics (most of them in Yiddish and Ladino). —David Luhrssen

Kalya Ramu

Living in a Dream

Kalya Ramu has a diverse resume in rock and blues, but on Living in a Dream, the Toronto singer shows her jazz side. Ramu has a warm, endearing voice that brings across lyrics from the Great American Songbook—classics like “You Go to My Head” and “What’s New.” Her own numbers are indistinguishable from that era, albeit they don’t reach the insurmountable heights Lorenz Hart or George Gershwin’s best songs. Ramu is accompanied by a nimble combo that gets the 1940s jazz club sound down right. —Morton Shlabotnik 34 | J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9

MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event


411 East Wisconsin Center, Tunes@Noon: Liv Mueller (12pm) AJ ‘s Pub (Oconomowoc), Robert Allen Jr. Band (6:30 p.m.) Bayshore Town Center, Bayshore Sounds of Summer: Panchromatic Steel (6pm) Cactus Club, 2 Ball Screwball w/Penknife & Tacoma Washington Weekday Club Charcoal Grill (Oak Creek), Pat McCurdy Colectivo Coffee, Florentine Opera at the Lake Company Brewing, Corrupt Company: A Degenerate Comedy Showcase County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Green Tree Community Garden, Rhythm & Blooms Concert Series: King Solomon (6pm) Lucky Joe’s Tosa, Matt MF Tyner Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’ Live & Local: Brecken Miles (5pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night Mezcalero Restaurant, Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Jam Band Nixon Park (Hartland), The Incorruptibles On The Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, CATL. w/The Red Flags Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Michael Sean of Bellevue Suite Riverside Theater, Jill Scott Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Saint Kate, the Arts Hotel - The ARC Theatre, Lex Allen Saloon on Calhoun with Bacon, Tangled Lines South Milwaukee Downtown Market, Prof. Pinkerton and The Magnificents (5pm) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Southern Culture on the Skids The Cheel/The Baaree (Thiensville), Greg Allan & Mike Mueller (6pm) The Jazz Estate, The Steph Lippert Quartet The Packing House, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Latin Sessions


American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), The Ricochettes American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Deputy Dan Band Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Blu Milwaukee, David Hazeltine Cactus Club, Gringo Star w/Surgeons In Heat Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Voot Warnings (8pm); DJ: The Nile (10pm) Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Charles Barber Iron Mike’s, Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Magellan’s on Main (Waukesha), Robert Allen Jr. Band (6:30pm) Mamie’s, D.J. and The Bluesers Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Larry Lynne Band Monument Square (Racine), Music on the Monument: Touch of Gray (4pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Ha Ha Tonka w/Rx Drugs & Dramatic Lovers Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Bourbon House Rotary Park (Mequon), Lee Brice St. Mary Catholic Faith Community (Hales Corners), St. Mary Parish Festival: Almighty Vinyl The Back Room @ Colectivo, The Go Rounds w/Kainalu The Cheel/The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live: One Lane Bridge (6pm) The Jazz Estate, Tommy Muellner Trio-Bill Evans Tribute (8pm), Gramma Matrix Late Night Vinyl (1pm) The Packing House, The Barbara Stephan Group (6:30pm) Timmer’s Resort (West Bend), Acoustic Blu Duo Twisted Path Distillery, Dan Whitaker & The Shinebenders Up & Under, We Killed the Lion


Blu Milwaukee, David Hazeltine Bremen Cafe, John Doe w/Marcel P. Black, Meccah Maloe, Noveliss, Rec Riddles & Taiyamo Denku Cactus Club, Hugh Masterson w/RX Drugs Charmbiance Wine Art Bar, CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Ramblin’ Deano (8pm); DJ: Sextor (10pm) Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Christopher’s Project Fox Point Farmers’ Market, Keshena Armon (10am) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Scarlet Sunshine w/Menace, High Roller & Under Hoan Lapham Peak State Park, SummerStage of Delafield SummerConcert Series: Rev. Raven & The Chain Smokin’ Altar Boys w/Westside Andy Mamie’s, Chicken Fry in July: Bootleg Bessie (12pm), Robert Allen Jr. Band (4pm) Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant and Bar, From Any Angle Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square: Full Flavor (4pm) Newport Shores (Port Washington), Max & The Invaders Pabst Theater, I’m With Her: Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz and Aoife O’Donovan Pizzeria Piccola, Texas Dave Trio (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Brecken Miles Duo Riverside Theater, JayDaYoungan , Yungeen ACE, Kamillion w/Attic Muzik & Mook G Route 20 Outhouse, Like A Storm w/Through Fire, Stitched Up Heart & Resistance (ages 18-plus, 7:30pm) St. Mary Catholic Faith Community (Hales Corners), St. Mary Parish Festival: Larry Lynne Band (2pm), The Love Monkeys w/Uncle Kenny (7pm) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Blackfoot Gypsies

The Cheel (Thiensville), Pierre “Mr. Untouchable” Lee Group at the cheel The Jazz Estate, Paul Dietrich Quintet (8pm), Late Night Session: Matt Heilmann Trio (11:30pm) The Packing House, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, the Umbrella Bar: Mt. Olive (6:30pm) Up & Under, Waiting Four Yardarm Bar and Grill (Racine), The Blues Disciples


Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Beanies Mexican Restaurant (Port Washington), Acoustic Blu Duo (5:30pm) Bremen Cafe, Ricky Steece w/Sandor & Video Dead Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Jeff Callesen, Mark E. Lee & Paul Setser (8pm); DJ: Sheppy (10pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, 6th Annual Midday Matinee Milwaukee Music Mash Up w/Blame it on Cain, H27, Line of Outcasts, The Lions Legend Park, Close Enuf Band w/’Don & Phil’ Everly Bros. Tribute (1pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Summer Concert w/Kyle Feerick (3pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Cactus Bros. (4pm) Rave / Eagles Club, The Raconteurs w/Lillie Mae (all-ages, 8pm) Riverside Theater, Diana Ross w/Rhonda Ross Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic The Back Room @ Colectivo, Tyler Hilton w/Fairview The Cheel/The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday: Colin Loman Open Jam (4pm) The Miramar Theatre, Afton Shows Presents: Viceymoo, Uncle Rick, Yay, Prynce Paul, PBE, Lil Tyrant, 6IXTY, Travis Gandy, HarveyGanG, BBN Cartier & TripTrillaa (all-ages, 6:45pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Ron Funches w/Blair Socci & Gabe Dinger


Cactus Club, American Bandit w/Armon Hassan., Math Mountain, Mario Lanza & Oriisdead Lake Park Summer Stage, Musical Mondays: Mark Davis Quartet w/Donna Woodall (6:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Ama (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada The Jazz Estate, Latin Jam Session w/Cecilio Negrón Up & Under, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers


Blu Milwaukee, OV Duo (5:30pm) Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Nwa Na Agbe w/Cache MKE (6pm) Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Kilbourn-Kadish Park, Skyline Music: Tweed Featuring Gervis Myles (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Shank Hall, Junior Brown The Cheel/The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5: Kyle Feerick & Sean Williamson (6pm) The Cooperage, CyphaDen Music Presents: Sadat X & El Da Sensi The Jazz Estate, Absinthe Minded Duo Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich


Barstow Plaza (Waukesha), Riverside Rhthyms: Robert Allen Jr. (11:30am) Bremen Cafe, Dystopian Echo w/Electric Priah & TGTG Bud Pavilion - Wisconsin State Fair Park, Wednesday Night Live: The LoveMonkeys (6pm) Cactus Club, Dos Santos w/Donoma & Evacuate the Earth Deer District, Beer Garden: Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (5pm) Hubbard Park (Shorewood), Summer Sounds: King Solomon (6pm) Hudson Business Lounge, Jazz at Noon: Don Linke and Friends Iron Mike’s, B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Evan Christian Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Paul Feyertag (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Blaine and Jake Neighborhood Duo Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: Leroy Airmaster (6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Rave / Eagles Club, Evanescence w/Of Mice & Men (all-ages, 7:30pm) Richard E. Maslowski Glendale Community Park, Music in the Glen: Eric Diamond & The Ultimate Legends Rotary Performance Pavilion, Tosa Tonight: JC Brooks w/Lex Allen (6pm) Shank Hall, Gretchen Peters Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel/The Baaree (Thiensville), Dan Dance Trio (6:30pm) The Miramar Theatre, Eminence Ensemble Summer 2019 Tour (all-ages, 9pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Red Sun Rising w/Sacred & NewVices Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: Browns Crew w/Mariachi Monarcas (5pm)





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Aliota’s Pub & Grill “Where friends meet” 261 E. Hampton Ave. Looking to hire an experienced head cook. Hiring bartenders and servers. Friendly place to work. Check us out at Call 414.617.3367 or send resume to

SERVICES SHEEHAN CONSTRUCTION Brick, Block, Stone, Stucco, Tuck pointing, Chimneys, Retaining Walls. Concrete Work. New and repair. Free Estimates. Accepts credit cards. Call John: 414-258-9838. Denied Social Security Disability? Appeal! If you’re 50+, filed for SSD and denied, our attorneys can help you get approved! No money out of pockets! Call 1-844-2187289 (AAN CAN).

HEALTH Special Touch Massage Special Touch Massages Spa. Facials, -Mud, -Herbal / Body wraps. -Massages. 414-224-7081 823 N. 2nd St. #102 Downtown Milwaukee Sheldon Jones.

Ask the Dentist Submit your questions at drmurphy@

TO BUY WANTED TO BUY Older, pull-behind Travel Trailer Camper Wanted. Call or Text 262-903-7522

SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 5 Corners Storage: 7101 S. Hwy 60. Cedarburg, WI 53012 July 26th: 9 a.m. Bidding is on complete contents of unit. Owner: Dave Montgomery Contents: Tools, Boxes, Hunting Items, Saddle, Deer Mount, Golf Clubs, Fishing Items. Disclaimer: The Shepherd Express makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding any advertising. Due diligence is recommended before entering into any agreement with an advertiser. The Shepherd Express will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. Please check your ad the first day of publication and notify us of any changes. We are not responsible for errors in advertising after the first day. We reserve the right to edit, reject or reclassify advertisements in our sole discretion, without notice. We do not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis, or are otherwise illegal. NO REFUNDS for cancellation after deadline, no copy changes except to price or telephone number.


Meet Eli, an 8-year-old pooch with the spirit of a puppy and a heart of gold! This pint-sized guy weighs in at just 18lbs of pure love and affection. Gentle, charming, and exceptionally handsome, Eli will make an incredible best friend. Like all dogs at the Wisconsin Humane Society, Eli has already been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated, so all he needs now is a loving home. Stop by the WHS Milwaukee Campus to meet him today! !

J U LY 11, 2 0 1 9 ! 35



By James Barrick

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

DOWN 1. A minor prophet 2. Bog down 3. Movie format 4. Toothed 5. Vistas 6. Mountain ridge 7. Howls 8. Saint Agnes’ — 9. Aromatic 10. Laziness 11. Went very quickly 12. Cheerful 13. Vessel for coffee 14. Stone marker

7/4 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 28 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Used cars



) (

Solution: 28 Letters


63. Pursue 64. Crusoe’s creator 65. Barkin or Burstyn 66. Grain portion 67. Mild cigar 68. Musical composition 69. Lend — — 71. Sword 72. Of a grayish color 75. Government heads 76. Coward 77. Events for early birds 79. Big ape 80. Expose 81. Beau — 83. Neighbor of Kenya 85. Regal 87. Work doggedly 88. Bracelet location 89. Perfected 90. Rips off 91. Cookie brand 92. Umpteen 94. Like a donut 95. Puzzle of a kind 96. Miss 97. — est percipi 98. Burgoo 100. Wrench part 102. — anemone


15. Nigh 16. Refection 17. Source of dye 18. Ring of light 24. Outbursts of hilarity 26. Time 29. Hollow tooth 32. Brute 34. Oust 35. Made less severe 36. Chip type 37. Notorious English pirate 38. Close encounter 40. Kind of molasses 41. Roundup 42. Many, many moons 44. Bloviate 45. Monarch’s domain 46. Begrimed 47. Greater 50. Stuffy 52. Griminess 54. Wear with pride 55. Elbow room 56. Type varieties 58. Pamphlet 59. Naval battalion member 60. Winner’s cry 62. Twist

" # $ %

74. Problem for a motorist 75. Level 76. Dallas neighbor 77. — -dieu 78. “— the land of the free...” 79. Slate 81. Persona non — 82. Lasted 84. Choir member 85. Something of worth 86. Guessing and waiting 88. Dilettantish 89. Sibilate 90. Of the Gypsies 93. Cruise ship 95. Paste-ups 99. Casino game 101. Exclude, in a way 103. Crook 104. “Bolero” composer 105. Member of the thrush family 106. Scottish Gaelic 107. A legume: Var. 108. Rutabaga 109. Like a pauper 110. Did in


ACROSS 1. In the presence of 5. Fencing weapon 10. Thrum 15. Domestic servant 19. Actor of a kind 20. Want 21. Orleans’ river 22. River in Siberia 23. Kind of pea: Hyph. 25. Threaten, in a way 27. Aids to navigation 28. Repeatedly 30. Olympian god 31. Toward shelter 32. Lifeless 33. End, per Aristotle 35. Overacts 38. Existed 39. Cause for celebration 43. Buenos — 44. Worker in a forge 48. Caviar 49. Carangid fish 50. Hard layer 51. Freeload 52. Offbeat art movement 53. Eagle 54. — from the past 55. Athletics 56. Better 57. — violet 59. Harsh feeling 60. Cousins to the conga 61. Wipe 62. Out of gas 63. Device on a door 64. Corrupt 66. Shore 67. Woman of rank 70. The chosen 71. Illegal payment 72. Strikes 73. Measure of liquid


' , . 3 3

/ ) 4

0 1 3 3 ) ) 4

) 2

7/4 Solution: Fingers are crossed for no delays

' '

36 !!J U LY 11, 2 0 1 9


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •


* +$ $ +$ %

::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY CANCER (June 21-July 22): Vantablack is a material made of carbon nanotubes. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the darkest stuff on the planet. No black is blacker than Vantablack. It reflects a mere 0.036% of the light that shines upon it. Because of its unusual quality, it’s ideal for use in the manufacture of certain sensors, cameras and scientific instruments. Unfortunately, an artist named Anish Kapoor owns exclusive rights to use it in the art world. No other artists are allowed to incorporate Vantablack into their creations. I trust you will NOT follow Kapoor’s selfish example in the coming weeks. In my astrological opinion, it’s crucial that you share your prime gifts, your special skills and your unique blessings with the whole world. Do not hoard! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Hi, my name is Rob Brezsny, and I confess that I am addicted to breathing air, eating food, drinking water, indulging in sleep and getting high on organic, freetrade, slavery-free dark chocolate. I also confess that I am powerless over these addictions. Now, I invite you to be inspired by my silly example and undertake a playful but serious effort to face up to your own fixations. The astrological omens suggest it’s a perfect moment to do so. What are you addicted to? What habits are you entranced by? What conditioned responses are you enslaved to? What traps have you agreed to be snared by? The time is right to identify these compulsions, then make an audacious break for freedom. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When cherries are nearing the end of their ripening process, they are especially vulnerable. If rain falls on them during those last few weeks, they can rot or split, rendering them unmarketable. So cherrygrowers hire helicopter pilots to hover over their trees right after it rains, using the downdraft from the blades to dry the valuable little fruits. It may seem like overkill, but it’s the method that works best. I advise you to be on the lookout for similar protective measures during the climactic phase of your personal ripening process. Your motto should be to take care of your valuables by any means necessary. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Please don’t try to relax. Don’t shy away from challenges. Don’t apologize for your holy quest or tone down your ambition or stop pushing to get better. Not now, anyway, Libra. Just the opposite, in fact. I urge you to pump up the volume on your desires. Be even bigger and bolder and braver. Take maximum advantage of the opportunities that are arising, and cash in on the benevolent conspiracies that are swirling in your vicinity. Now is one of those exceptional moments when tough competition is actually healthy for you, when the pressure to outdo your previous efforts can be tonic and inspiring. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I can’t decide whether to compare your imminent future to a platypus, kaleidoscope, patchwork quilt, or Swiss army knife. From what I can tell, your adventures could bring you random jumbles or melodic mélanges—or a blend of both. So I’m expecting provocative teases, pure flukes and multiple options. There’ll be crazy wisdom, alluring messes and unclassifiable opportunities. To ensure that your life is more of an intriguing riddle than a confusing maze, I suggest that you stay closely attuned to what you’re really feeling and thinking, and communicate that information with tactful precision. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Every year, thousands of people all over the world go to hospital emergency rooms seeking relief from kidney stones. Many of the treatments are invasive and painful. But in recent years, a benign alternative has emerged. A peer-reviewed article in a scientific journal presented evidence that many patients spontaneously pass their kidney stones simply by riding on roller coasters. I doubt that you’ll have a literal problem like kidney stones in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. But I do suspect that any psychological difficulties you encounter can be solved by embarking on thrilling adventures akin to riding on roller coasters. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In his book The Histories, ancient Greek historian Herodotus told the story of a six-year war between the armies of the Medes and the Lydians in an area


that today corresponds to Turkey. The conflict ended suddenly on a day when a solar eclipse occurred. Everyone on the battlefield got spooked as the light unexpectedly dimmed, and commanders sought an immediate cease to the hostilities. In the spirit of cosmic portents precipitating practical truces, I suggest you respond to the upcoming lunar eclipse on July 16-17 with overtures of peace and healing and amnesty. It’ll be a good time to reach out to any worthwhile person or group from whom you have been alienated. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): My astrological colleague Guru Gwen believes that right now Aquarians should get scolded and penalized unless they agree to add more rigor and discipline to their rhythms. On the other hand, my astrological colleague Maestro Madelyn feels that Aquarians need to have their backs massaged, their hands held and their problems listened to with grace and empathy. I suppose that both Gwen and Madelyn want to accomplish the same thing, which is to get you back on track. But personally, I’m more in favor of Madelyn’s approach than Gwen’s. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): As a self-taught rebel poet with few formal credentials, I may not have much credibility when I urge you to get yourself better licensed and certified and sanctioned. But according to my analysis of the astrological omens, the coming months will be a favorable time for you to make plans to get the education or training you’re lacking; to find out what it would mean to become more professional, and then become more professional; to begin pursuing the credentials that will earn you more power to fulfill your dreams. ARIES (March 21-April 19): You’re in the Land of Green Magic. That’s potentially very good news, but you must also be cautious. Why? Because in the Land of Green Magic, the seeds of extraneous follies and the seeds of important necessities both grow extra fast. Unless you are a careful weeder, useless stuff will spring up and occupy too much space. So be firm in rooting out the blooms that won’t do you any good. Be aggressive in nurturing only the very best and brightest. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Eight years ago, researchers in Kerala, India went to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple and climbed down into centuries-old vaults deep beneath the main floor. They found a disorganized mess of treasure in the form of gold and precious gems. There were hundreds of chairs made from gold, baskets full of gold coins from the ancient Roman Empire, and a four-foot-high solid statue of a god, among multitudinous other valuables. I like bringing these images to your attention, Taurus, because I have a theory that if you keep them in your awareness, you’ll be more alert than usual to undiscovered riches in your own life and in your own psyche. I suspect you are closer than ever before to unearthing those riches. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Children need to learn certain aptitudes at certain times. If they don’t, they may not be able to master those aptitudes later in life. For example, if infants don’t get the experience of being protected and cared for by adults, it will be hard for them to develop that capacity as toddlers. This is a good metaphor for a developmental phase that you Geminis are going through. In my astrological opinion, 2019 and 2020 are critical years for you to become more skilled at the arts of togetherness and collaboration; to upgrade your abilities so as to get the most out of your intimate relationships. How are you doing with this work so far? Homework: What symbol best represents your deepest desire? Testify by going to and clicking on “Email Rob.” Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes


Carrots for Carnivores


rby’s has turned the trend toward plant-based “burgers” on its head with the new Marrot: a carrot made out of meat. Vice reported that Arby’s has definitively rejected the plant-based meats movement. “(W)hat Americans really want is great, tasty meat,” said Jim Taylor, Arby’s chief marketing officer. “So, we said if others can make meat out of vegetables, why can’t we make vegetables out of meat?” The Marrot is made by rolling raw, ground, turkey breast into a carrot shape, cooking it sous-vide for an hour, covering it with a special “carrot marinade,” and then oven-roasting it for another hour.

The Litigious Society Tommy Martin, 58, of Mount Holly, N.C., hopes to see Hardee’s in federal court after a “humiliating” incident at a Belmont store in which Martin was given just two “Hash Rounds” on his breakfast plate, rather than the half-dozen or so depicted on the company’s website. Martin, who is black, told The News and Observer that he felt like he was in a scene from the segregated 1960s when he asked for more. “The manager came back and said that’s what you get. Got home with tears in my eyes,” Martin said in his handwritten lawsuit filed on Monday, June 24, in U.S. District Court in Charlotte. The cashier was prepared to give him more of the small potato roundels, Martin said, but the manager (who is white) stepped in and gave him a refund instead.

Coffin-ated Coffee A café in Bangkok, Thailand, is encouraging customers to “experience the death awareness” and reflect more on their lives by inviting patrons to get into a coffin and spend some time with the lid closed after finishing their coffee. Death Awareness Café owner Veeranut Rojanaprapa told United Press International that the practice encourages people not to be driven by greed. “When the lid of the coffin closes, they will realize that eventually they cannot take anything with them.”

and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.

It Was Just a Matter of Time A baby boy born in West Java, Indonesia, in November 2018 was given a most memo-

rable name by his parents, Andi Cahya Saputra and Ella Karin. Eight-month-old Google was so named, Saputra told Indonesian media, because “Google has a great meaning. Google is number one in the world, the site most visited by people.” The Mirror reported Saputra told his own father he hopes his son will become “a useful person” and “help” a lot of people, while also explaining that they didn’t want to “dilute the essence” of the boy’s name by giving him a middle or last name—he’s just Google.

Reese’s Road Trip Sebastian Swenson of Blaine, Minn., wanted Reese’s candy, and he wanted it now. So on the morning of Tuesday, June 11, the 4-yearold climbed into the front seat of his greatgrandfather’s Hyundai Santa Fe and drove at low speeds to a nearby gas station, where police met him. To accomplish this, according to Fox9, he had to reverse out of the driveway and navigate winding residential streets before getting onto a busy four-lane avenue in rush-hour traffic. Along the way, he dinged a few mailboxes and a tree, but he arrived safe and sound.

Mission Accomplished Michael Wardian, 45, chose the hottest day of the year so far in Washington, D.C., to tackle a longstanding goal of his: He ran all the way around the Beltway—89 miles. Wardian, of Arlington, Va., started at 1:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 29, and ran for almost 18 hours, according to Fox 5 DC. “You’re like, ‘I want to do this, but it’s never a good time,’” Wardian said. “So, I just did it when I had the time.” Temperatures on June 29 reached 96 degrees.

Epic Fail In Rybnik, Poland, a 68-year-old woman who was completing the “maneuvers” part of her driving exam struck and killed a 35-yearold driving examiner on Monday, June 24. Police believe the victim was testing another candidate at the time, the Daily Record reported. Deputy Police Commissioner Ryszard Czepczor said it was unknown how the accident happened; the woman was in a state of shock afterward, “and because of that, speaking to her would be quite difficult.” © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 37


My Way Is the Highway ::BY ART KUMBALEK


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Find things to do in the Milwaukee area with the most comprehensive events calendar in the city.


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Saturday, July 27 | 9:00–5:00 Sunday, July 28 | 10:00–4:00 This free, fine arts festival features a juried selection of !"#$ %&'()(*(+,$ -.*(/*/ and 0"#$ 1'-23$ -.*(/*/ from across the nation. Enjoy art activities for all ages, live music, food vendors, an art raffle, and free museum admission for the entire weekend.

205 Veterans Avenue, West Bend, WI |

40 ! J U LY 11, 2 0 1 9


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