July 18 - July 24, 2019 shepherdexpress.com
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AUGUST 13–17
2 ! J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
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"#$%#$&'($)%&$"" 7/9/19 3:56 PM
PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: ;2+.*'<2%/.*'=#)/7'>?@AB GENERAL MANAGER: C#D.,'E0%&,#%'=#)/7'>?AFB' MANAGING EDITOR: G0D.&';+"%**#,'=#)/7'>?@HB EXPRESS EVENTS EDITOR: I.$'J#,2%'=#)/7'>?K@B ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR:'L2",'!1",#.&#% =#)/7'>?KMB EDITORIAL ASSISTANT & ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: L2",'L0",'=#)/7'>?@KB' N**21.0/#'O#6'(&./2%P'L#0,QE06%.#4'<#%,0,&#R N**.*/0,/'/2'/"#'E#,#%04'S0,0T#%P' U40.,#'!1"+4/R'=#)/7'>?K>B (&./2%.04'V,/#%,*P'I2*#'W0:0%0X'(/"0,'G+%0,X' E#,#D.#D#'Y0"4 CREATIVE SERVICES: ART DIRECTOR: G0D#'Z34*/%0'=#)/7'>?AKB GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER: S0TT.#'Y0+T",'=#)/7'>?@>B GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN: N,,0'O0%&'=#)/7'>?@[B
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Make summer sizzle with a plate full of down-home-delicious, all-you-can-eat ribs, steaks, beef brisket and more. What’s summer without a little grilling? Grab a cold one! Casino-wide drink specials this July: $3/$6 Absolut® cocktails and $3 Beso del Sol® white sangria.
J U LY 19
J U LY 18
J U LY 20
BAR 360 • 8 P.M.
BAR 360 • 8 P.M.
BAR 360 • 9 P.M.
BAR 360 • 9 P.M.
J U LY 23 & 24 J U LY 25
BAR 360 • 7/23T 4HP.M. U R •S 7/24 8 P.M.
Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
SHEPHERD EXPRESS ADV19240-ShepEx 3quarter pg Ent ad 7_18.indd 1
JULY 18, 2019 | 3 7/11/19 5:02 PM
‘A Rebirth’
City Leaders Push to Make Milwaukee’s MLK Drive ‘Best in the Nation’ ::BY EVAN CASEY
ore than 900 streets across the U.S. bear the name of Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), including a nearly three-mile-long stretch on Milwaukee’s North Side. However, a stigma is often attached to these historic streets associated with blighted properties, crime and poverty—a stigma that has been widely debated and often debunked in recent years. But Milwaukee is doing its best to make sure business owners and citizens who live and work on their King Drive thrive and succeed. Cue businesses like Pete’s Fruit Market, Mi Casa Su Cafe, Rise and Grind Cafe, DreamBikes and Urban Beets Cafe & Juicery—all locally owned businesses that have opened on MLK Drive in the past few years. Businesses like these and many others are breathing new life into this once overlooked part of Milwaukee. Businesses are choosing to locate on King Drive because of a focus on investment and small businesses fostered by the City of Milwaukee and the Historic King Drive BID. A recent Wisconsin Main Street designation by the state, a focus on cleaning up the streets and underused buildings and the upcoming opening of the highly anticipated America’s Black Holocaust Museum is also helping King Drive make a comeback in a significant way. But mainly, it’s the citizens of Milwaukee themselves who are working hard to grow King Drive in whatever way possible. Just ask Deshea Agee, the executive director of the Historic King Drive Business Improvement District and a King Drive advocate, about his goals with the street and his answer is simple. “We’re trying to make Milwaukee’s MLK Drive the best MLK Drive in the nation,” Agee responds.
4 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
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For more News, log onto shepherdexpress.com
Old and New
Business owners on King Drive are defi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rive), a non-profit bike shop, says the evolu!
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The Grand Opening
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.'#;'"&(;(L M4"C,:D/'/802/'?@AB'-7E0'*.+7:0++3 This is a love-interest and a person, 65'"#"7/=06(=="';#6=#*'056"5;"#*N/0=0'0564"./**(==8/+"7/=06(=="06<030</#+=" 06#<3(;'(6'+)"/=("'&(0;"=#$("7/=06(=="=';#'(:0(="'&#'"7;5/:&'"'&($"=/**(==" at work to also seek out love and relationships. But when it comes to ?,F09" it’s a whole new operating system. You may be used to power, control, fast implementation and even quicker responses. Pause! Take a step back and reevaluate how you are handling personal phone calls, casual replies, #6<"06'(;#*'056="%&(6"0'"*5$(="'5"<#'06:4">(#;6"'5";(+#2"#6<"(6B5)"%&0+(" releasing expectations and outcomes. O4"GH2:I0'J8,5'2-K21+'*07:I'!"#$'/,'52E7:I'802-'/750'2:L'0JJ,8/'J,8' L2/7:I3"./**(=="<5(="06<((<"*5$("8;5$"<;03("#6<"*5$$0'$(6'4",/;;(6'+)9" )5/"$#)"7("*56=/$(<"7)"%5;E"#6<"#*N/0;06:";(=/+'=4"13(6"(2';#"'0$(":('=" filled because there isn’t a special someone to “distract” us, so we power on! I often hear, “When I find someone, I will make the time.” Wrong Answer! Start now by actually scheduling “date time” even before it happens. Leave Thursday nights open and use this time for yourself or “dating work.” You will start getting used to freeing up time for your new special someone!
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! Cambridge, Wisconsin
JULY 27 & 28 Cambridge, Wisconsin
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CAMBRIDGE, WI Cambridge, Wisconsin
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Cambridge, Wisconsin
Live art demos both days! FeLion Studios 3,000 lb hot iron pour + Atlas Barrel Company + Broadwing Clay Studio Pit Fire + Driftless Fire Tribe + Leonard Grewe FeLion Studios + IgniteGlass Studios + Isaiah Schroeder Knifeworks + Upper Midwest Blacksmith Association + Wisconsin Makers SATURDAY 7/27 @ 10AM SATURDAY 7/27 @ 9PM
Sand mould workshop Giant fire sculpture reveal
DRIFTLESS CAFE Tickets available at midwestfirefest.com
Mama Digdowní s Brass Band + The Family Business The Josh Harty Band + Oak Street Ramblers + Lou Shields + Val Sigal Power Polka + Small Blind Johnny
Info & schedule at 6 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
arquita Edwards has instructed yoga, taught university classes and worked in holistic health for 20 years, but she has volunteered eight of those years towards the King Drive Commons Gallery and Studio of African Diaspora Culture with the late Welford Sanders. She is the cofounder, director and curator of the Gallery, and this position has earned her the title of “Lady Renaissance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.”
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Marquita Edwards
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Do a day of play in Cambridge July 27 & 28 at Midwest Fire Fest, just an hour from Milwaukee! See art made with fire by folks throughout the Midwest. Amazing glass blowing, blacksmiths, coopers, knife-makers, potters and fire dancers doing live demos. Watch as 3000 lbs. of molten iron is transformed into one-ofa-kind art pieces, and the fiery reveal of the 7 foot, 1,000 lb. clay sculpture at 2300 degrees Saturday night. Exceptional art, incredible music, great food and small town hospitality, only at Midwest Fire Fest. See midwestfirefest.org for more.
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Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
JULY 27 & 28
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
ME ME THE MOST UNIQUE FESTIVAL IN THE MIDWEST! 11 LIVE FIRE DEMOS MELive art demos both days! FeLion Studios 3,000 lb hot iron pour + Atlas 7 HOT BANDS Barrel Company + Broadwing Clay Studio Pit Fire + Driftless Fire Tribe ME 7 BEERS, CIDER & WINE Leonard Grewe + FeLion Studios + IgniteGlass Studios + Isaiah Schroeder ME Knifeworks + Upper Midwest Blacksmith Association + Wisconsin Makers 7 FOOD CARTS SATURDAY 7/27 @ 10AM Sand mould workshop MESATURDAY 7/27 @ 9PM Giant fire sculpture reveal 23 FIRE-BASED ARTISTS Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Cambridge, Wisconsin
Mama Digdowní s Brass Band + The Family Business
Tickets available at midwestfirefest.com
Shields + Val Sigal Power Polka + Small Blind Johnny
A casual, fun, family atmosphere awaits you!
The Josh Harty Band + Oak Street Ramblers + Lou
Info & schedule at
214 W. Main St. Cambridge, WI 53523 920≠ 475≠ 2925 www.rubyrosegallery.com
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J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 ! 7
Those Frankenstein and Vanna White Vetoes Republicans Used to Love ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
S !
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GOP Desperate to Block Progress
X&))0G! K&((0G! 2#$! 0&#L)*! 3,(&#1! 3&)! ,! 7*$&! %-! $+*! =>>=H=>>C! 2#<;*$! 0&#! #1*<! $&! %-H 5)*,1*!,!D@EG///!,JJ)&J)%,$%&-!20!$+*!:*;%1A,H $#)*! $&! ,! (%-<H2&;;A%-;! -*F! ,JJ)&J)%,$%&-! &3! D@=>G@/EG///! 3&)! ,! 3#-<! )*%(2#)1%-;! (#-%5%H J,A%$%*1!3&)!$,O!5)*<%$1!5A,%(*<!20!A&5,A!J)&J*)$0! 8 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
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J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 ! 9
Republican Economics
!"#$%!"&$'% ("#%!)**)"&+)#$,-% *$,,%("#%,./""*, ::BY GORDON HINTZ
e are currently in the longest period of national economic expansion in U.S. history. National unemployment is low, and many communities have more jobs available than people to fill them. Yet despite this, Wisconsin lags behind its Midwestern neighbors and the country in private-sector job creation. During our state budget debate, Rep. John Nygren commented that Wisconsin needs to “live within its means.” However, the reality is the Republican majority for years has ensured the “means” available to invest in our economy are squandered. So why, despite these strong economic times, has Wisconsin failed to keep up with our surrounding states? One key factor has been the ineffective and unaccountable so-called Manufacturing and
Agriculture Credit (MAC). The MAC was first introduced in the 2011-’13 budget in a last-minute motion. Initially, the credit was estimated to cost $128 million each year when fully phased in, but the annual loss of revenue has now skyrocketed to more than $300 million. By the end of 2019, this reckless tax credit will have cost the state $1.4 billion. Not only did the MAC reduce corporate tax rates to near-zero levels, it also changed our economic tax credit incentive programs. Tax credits used to be awarded to companies to offset their tax liability in exchange for adding new jobs. With zero tax liability, tax credit incentives have now been made refundable. In other words, tax credits on top of the MAC are awarded in the form of cash payments. For example, Foxconn pays almost no corporate income tax, and their credits for employment and capital investment would result in up to $2.85 billion in tax credits (cash payments) courtesy of Wisconsin taxpayers. The generous nature of the MAC was supposed to draw in businesses. This, too, was flawed from the beginning. Republicans did not tie the credit to job creation, therefore companies are free to take this credit without creating a single job. Even manufacturers that close factories, outsource jobs and lay-off workers can receive the credit. Wisconsin actually created more manufacturing jobs in the two years before the MAC was implemented than the four years after it took effect.
Long-Term Investment Makes a State Successful This poorly designed tax credit had one clear outcome: to give huge sums of money to a small number of wildly rich individuals. The latest numbers show that in tax year 2019, 16 individuals with adjusted gross incomes of $30 million or more will each receive an average of $2.2 million using the MAC. I believe targeted, effective and accountable tax cuts can play a part in increasing the income of those who need it most, but the MAC is none of those things. As a Democrat, I believe in the long-term investments that make a state successful: public education, universities and tech colleges, roads, bridges, transit and clean water. Not coincidentally, those investments line up exactly with the things that make a place an attractive place for young, working-age people. And that is the bottom line. Each time Republicans pass knee-jerk, politically motivated tax policies like the MAC, the ability of our state to put money into the priorities of the people is diminished. Each time Republicans choose policies slanted in favor of the ultra-wealthy, our ability to invest in the quality of life for the people in our state suffers. In 2010—Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle’s final year in office—Wisconsin was 11th among the 50 U.S. states in economic growth coming out of the Great Recession. Tough decisions to raise taxes on the top 1%, expand low-income health insurance and maximize federal stimulus funding helped Wisconsin maintain crucial invest-
ments in education and health care during tough times. But in contrast, the final quarter of 2018 saw Wisconsin ranked 39th in private-sector job creation and growing jobs at roughly half the national average. This is not only a repudiation of the ineffectiveness of the MAC but damning evidence against eight years of unilateral Republican control over state government. Wisconsin Republicans have been fortunate the impact of lost revenue from refusing the Medicaid expansion and the MAC during the past eight years has been minimized because of net new revenue growth during the national economic expansion. Some programs have received increased investment, while other entities like cities, counties and the University of Wisconsin System have done their best to maintain services and programs. But what will happen when the global or national economy slows down? If Republicans underfund or even cut investment in essential programs during good economic times, what happens when there is a national recession? While the MAC is not the only poor tax policy or spending decision (see taxpayerfunded private schools) made in the past eight years, it remains an albatross each time we face down our state budget. Any policy this costly, ineffective and unaccountable needs to be reconsidered. Gordon Hintz is a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly. Comment at shepherdexpress.com. n
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Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc.
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Trust Yourself When the Path Forward Seems Unclear ::BY PHILIP CHARD
was nearing the end of eighth grade, and the nuns at my Catholic elementary school were twisting my mental arm pretty hard. “You should continue your education at our Catholic high school,” was their relentless message. My homeroom teacher kept me after school frequently to “talk some sense” into me. During these sessions, my fence sitting was clear. I simply sat obediently, listened, nodding occasionally and promised I would decide soon. When I asked my Irish Catholic mother and agnostic father what I should do, they made it clear the choice was mine. After all, my four older siblings all attended the public high school, the parochial version being a recent addition to our community. Writhing on the horns of what seemed, in my pubescent mind, a major dilemma, I sought the counsel of my elderly grandmother. All of us experience decisive junctures in our lives where the path forward seems unclear. Sometimes, we have a cacophony of voices telling us what to do, most offering advice based on their own preferences; not always a useful reference point. After all, we are all different and, therefore, face unique conundrums. At such turning points, if we are fortunate, a voice emerges that seems, somehow, to know exactly what we need to hear. As illustrated in the movie The Matrix, the protagonist (Neo) visits the Oracle, a wise elder who dispenses wisdom in pithy one liners and opaque metaphors. Later, when struggling to make sense of her cryptic advice, Neo’s mentor (Morpheus) reminds him that, “She told you exactly what you needed to hear.”
In her small living room, the ancient grandfather clock ticking away, that’s precisely what my grandmother told me; just what I needed to hear and nothing more. When I finished explaining my school choice dilemma and expressing my uncertainty and ambivalence, she paused, smiled warmly and said, “Trust your feelings.” That was it. No list comparing costs and benefits. No analytic discussion of pros and cons. No recap of previously proffered advice. Just, “Trust your feelings.” So, I did. The next day, when my teacher held me after school yet again, sitting me down in a chair next to her desk, I cut her off before the usual admonitions began. “I’m going to the public high school,” I announced. After a bit of stunned silence, she sat back, fixed her gaze on mine and asked me how I arrived at that decision. “I trusted my feelings,” I replied. That sort of trusting was not highly respected back then, so she reiterated her guidance, reminding me of my youthful lack of experience, need for direction in life and allegiance to my faith. I listened respectfully, but when she finished, I simply said, “My mind is made up.” Unrelenting, she called my mother that evening in an attempted end around. “It’s his decision,” Mom told her, and that put an end to the after-school guidance sessions, such as they were. That was long ago, but I recall my grandmother’s simple yet potent counsel vividly. Fortunately, at several other decision points in my life, I was blessed with similarly prescient advice. These psychological waypoints still shine brightly in my consciousness. At times, when struggling with a decision, I beckon them back into my awareness. They are lighthouses in times of storm and shadow. I suspect many of you can recall similar episodes, times when someone, somehow, knew precisely what you needed to hear at that moment and in that happenstance. In some instances, the wisdom dispensed by these “oracles” connects with something inside us that already knows what to do but simply needs validation. On other occasions, it plants an entirely new idea or perspective that illuminates a previously unseen way forward. Either way, what the true oracles in our lives offer is not so much guidance or advice. Rather, they provide a kind of awakening, a way of recognizing one’s own truth. Listen closely. For more, visit philipchard.com.
Visit Us: 153 N. Milwaukee St Historic Third Ward
Vintage 1929 Art Deco West Town condo offers sun-filled panoramic views from every window! 1,894SF w/N,S & E exposures, this 2 Bed/2 Bath Wisconsin Tower condo has been re-invented & offers plenty of room to spread out! Beautiful cherry stain wood floors & open concept Kitchen w/granite counters & SS appliances featuring large Dining Area great for entertaining! White woodwork adds crisp character in every room. Excellent closet space featuring in-unit Washer/Dryer. Only two units on this floor providing impeccable privacy. Building offers guest suites, roof top patio, community & fitness rooms. 1 indoor heated parking space. Easy walk to Fiserv Forum, Marquette University, Hospitals & MATC. $265,000 Presented By: Mary Beth Waite (414) 213-5055 J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 11
::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JULY 18 - 24, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as other activities that seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to savingourdemocracy@shepex.com.
Thursday, July 18
Drag Queen Story Hour: My Body, My Choice Round 2 @ Cactus Club (2496 S. Wentworth Ave.), 5:30-7:30 p.m.
This family event will include stories and songs that promote service-learning, diversity, education and creativity, as well as reading books which focus on teaching consent to small children. Whether just saying no to a hug from someone, there are a lot of ways children should be taught to have agency over their bodies and daily choices.
Bystander Intervention Training @ Bay View Community Center (1320 E .Oklahoma Ave.), 6-8 p.m.
Bystander Intervention Training will focus on ways to intervene in public instances of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other forms of oppressive interpersonal violence and harassment while considering the safety of all parties. The physical and vocal practice of various strategies is designed to change social norms and encourage people to find ways to interrupt violence and prevent further harm.
Friday, July 19
Abortion AF: The Tour @ Underground Collaborative (161 W. Wisconsin Ave., lower level below TJ Maxx), 8-10 p.m.
The live comedy and music show in support of women’s fundamental rights to control their own bodies. Featured are “Daily Show” co-creator
Lizz Winstead, Bitchuation Room podcaster Francesca Fiorentini, Aida Rodriguez from NPR’s “Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me!” New York Comedy Festival star Jaye McBride and singer-songwriter Jill Sobule.
Saturday, July 20
Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Capitol Drive and Oakland Avenue, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee after the protest.
Sunday, July 21
Drop the Needle 3 @ 88Nine Radio Milwaukee (220 E. Pittsburgh Ave.), 1 p.m.
Opioid addiction has become an overwhelming problem in our city and nationwide. This event brings awareness and understanding to the complexities involved. Join the discussion about this growing epidemic. Proceeds benefit LifePoint Needle Exchange.
Monday, July 22
Climate Change Talk: The Three Tenors of Climate Change @ Nō Studios (1037 W. McKinley Ave.), 7-9 p.m.
Learn how climate change affects us. Scientific fact is at the center of climatologist Ben Santer’s work on global warming. The esteemed scientist from Lawrence Livermore Labs will join Milwaukee-based filmmaker Chip Duncan and global health expert Hernando Garzon from California-based Kaiser Permanente for an evening of discussion about receding glaciers, global climate modeling and the long-term health consequences facing a warming world.
You Think the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team Should Pass on Trump Last week, we asked if you thought the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (which won the World Cup) should visit the White House if formally invited by Donald Trump. You said: n Yes: 30% n No: 70%
What Do You Say? Do you believe Robert Mueller’s upcoming testimony to Congress will have a major impact on public opinion concerning the evidence about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and Donald Trump’s possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power? n Yes n No Vote online at shepherdexpress.com. We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
12 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
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We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.
Common Questions About CBD Products ::BY SHEILA JULSON
ave you heard about cannabidiol (CBD) and want to try it yet are confused by the influx of CBD products and labeling? The Shepherd Express consulted with some local CBD retailers to shed light on common questions about CBD tinctures—one of the most common CBD products—and dosing.
Is there a difference between CBD tincture and CBD oil? Can you take both sublingually? Tony Davenport, who owns Verdant (2680 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.) with James Valona, notes that the terms “CBD tinctures” and “CBD oils” are often used interchangeably in the CBD realm, but they’re not exactly the same. “CBD tinctures are designed to host the benefits of CBD oil—for oral consumption only—and always include other ingredients like carrier oils or terpenes to maximize potency,” Davenport says. “CBD oil is generally more concentrated and added to coconut oil, shea butter or lotion to make balms or topicals. The main difference is the formula of ingredients in each.” What does it mean when a CBD tincture label reads 500 milligrams or 1,000 milligrams? CBD tincture is usually sold in one-ounce or 30-milliliter (ml) bottles. The number of milligrams (mg) listed on a label has to do with the concentration of CBD in the bottle. “These things should be clearly identified on the label, or these questions should be answered at the point of sale,” emphasizes Rachel Cartwright of CBD Therapeutics of Wisconsin and Landright’s Botanical Healing Center (8652 S. Market Place, Oak Creek). “If a bottle says 500 milligrams, that means there’s 500 milligrams of CBD in the entire bottle. Each dose is so many milligrams, based on the math it works out to.” Davenport adds that, generally, a 30ml bottle holds about 30 droppers full of liquid, so dividing the total milligrams in the bottle by 30 will provide the daily dose when taking a 1ml dropper full per day. For example, a 30ml bottle that reads 1,000 mg would provide 33.33 milligrams in a single 1-ml dropper; a 30ml bottle reading 1,500 mg equals 50 mg in a single 1-ml dropper. Cartwright notes that brands with marked droppers make it easier to get consistent doses, and dosing guidelines can vary by manufacturer. “You also have to consider the percentage of purity,” she says. Whether a CBD tincture is isolate (pure CBD without THC and residual cannabinoids) or full spectrum (which includes terpenes and other cannabinoids of the hemp plant), can make a difference in dosages. Zachary Rowe of Hazy Dayz (3133 S. 92nd St., and 1203 Milwaukee Ave., South Milwaukee) adds that other products such as lotions or vapors also advertise total CBD content. “However, it is difficult to break down how much CBD you’d get per dose because the size of the hit someone takes from the vapor pen will vary from person to person.” Is there a proper or average dose or recommended doses for different ailments? A daily recommended therapeutic dose of CBD that one would take for general health would be between 15 to 25 milligrams per day, Rowe advises, but anything over or below that varies on the severity of the condition. “But what’s nice about these products being all natural is that you can never overdose. An individual can keep experimenting with the dosage until they find what works best for them in finding the relief they need.” Davenport adds there’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation, and factors such as the concentration of CBD, body weight, body chemistry and the severity of the condition being treated must be considered. “The best approach is to start with a small dosage and gradually increase until you find what works for you. When in doubt, always consult your physician, especially when you have an existing medical condition.” Comment at shepherdexpress.com. n
14 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
! #$%&!'%()*+%,%!-)#.!/0! " 1#2&),#!),!30+/4!56%$#7! 8/+.9!:),.6::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ
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All shows start at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at ticketweb.com
Fri 7/19
Sat 7/20
TommyGunní s Black and White Birthday Bash 7pm $25
Chris Duarte Group $20
Sun 7/21
Popa Chubby $20
Tues 7/23
Driviní N Cryiní
Fri 7/26
Sat 7/27
Mighty Mystic And The Hard Roots Movement $12 adv / $15 dr
Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow $17
7/28 Eilen Jewell 7/30 John Mayall 7/31 Lazer Lloyd 8/1 - 8/3 Milwaukee Comedy Festival (8/1) Todd Barry (8/2) Judah Friedlander (8/3) Beth Stelling 8/7 Dan Baird and Homemade Sin 8/9 Tommy Tutone 8/10 Squirrel Nut Zippers !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
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Korean Spirits (and Fried Chicken) at Merge
a process of double frying the chicken wings so they have the crunchiest outer coating while the meat stays juicy and flavorful. The trick to a good Korean fried chicken wing is the cornstarch coating (making it gluten free). It has to be thin enough to get that crispy exterior in the double frying but also hold up to whatever sauce you choose to dip or toss them in. Merge’s KFC has all the hallmarks of the traditional Korean fried chicken wings, especially if you choose the sweet and spicy sauce. They do have other sauces to choose from, however, including soy garlic, Nashville dry rub, honey mustard and spicy volcano. You can order wings in small to party-size portions of from eight to 36 pieces ($10-$39). ::BY ALISA MALAVENDA For the vegetarian in the group, the Korean fried cauliflower is available in small or large portions, and you can choose any of the same flavors that are available ilwaukee’s first Korean Fried Chicken (KFC) bar is a with the chicken wings. We had the panko-crusted cauliflower with Nashville dry funky, urban gastropub with globally inspired food rub, and they were a little bland, but when dipped in the extra volcano sauce or and a tease of delicious Korean fare. with a spritz of lime and salt, they became addictive fried morsels. Start your Merge experience sipping on a draft or Merge has a few burgers and sandwiches on the menu, including a Korean house cocktail while looking over the menu. Merge doesn’t street burger with jalapeño omelet, Swiss cheese and secret sauce ($5). The have table service for ordering, so the bar is where you will kimchi smokehouse burger garnished with three nice-size pieces of pork make your decisions and your questions will be answered. belly, Jim Beam barbecue sauce, fried onions and, of course, kimchi sits handYou will then find yourself a cozy spot where the servers will somely on a pretzilla bun ($10). bring your food when ready. Merge has two large bar arTacos can be ordered by pieces: one for $4, two for $7 and three for $9. Choices eas and patio tables lining the front entrance, banquette include kimchi tofu, grilled Korean beef bulgogi, pork belly with pineapple salsa seating around the wall and a communal table in the or volcano chicken. All of the tacos were so different, but each had perfectly juxtaupstairs bar, making this a fun neighborhood hangout posed garnishes to bring out all the flavors. One of the popular with a relaxed atmosphere. snacks—rice cake skewers ($5)—was fun to eat and covered The drink menu is as eccentric as the murals on the wall and with sweet and spicy sauce, but we wished it was crunchy like Merge the lively music. Both draft cocktails ($16) and draft beers ($10) the chicken wings. The other snack we found to be a great accome in flights of four. Merge also offers shots of soju ($2). Soju 1932 E. Kenilworth Place companiment to our burger and wings was the Son of Elote is a Korean distilled spirit (like vodka). We were there when they 414-226-5160 ($6), a gochujang roasted corn dish topped with a scallion-lime were doing a test run of a hollowed watermelon party cocktail crema and topped with Takis crumbs for crunch. Beef-loaded or mergemke.com made with soju. The watermelon juice and fresh fruit was perkimchi-loaded fries are both served with a 5-year-aged cheddar CC, FB, OD, GF • $$ fect for a warm day and fun to share with friends. Handicap Accessible: Yes sauce ($6). These were both a meal in themselves. Merge’s claim to fame comes from its Korean fried chicken—
16 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
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::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE International morning fare remains relatively rare in Milwaukee restaurants, weekend Bavarian breakfast menu includes options served 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The gebratene bauernteller (farmer skillet) could be viewed chunks of Weissberger smoked bratwurst piled over diced potatoes, blanketed by a melted layer of muenster cheese ($11). Available seasonally, a scoop of chili becomes an option to complement the already walloping entrée, but a
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Those insistent on indulging their sweet tooth will find succor from an order cream, with Usinger bacon on the side ($11). Naturally, the beer menu is long, but if it’s too early in the day for your taste, Sprecher root beer is on tap. COURTESY OF OLD GERMAN BEER HALL
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of Belgian waffles laden with seasonal fruit, powdered sugar and whipped
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hungry? There’s a smaller pretzel, served hot with a sweet brown mustard ($2).
breakfast sandwich stuffed with a brat patty, eggs and muenster ($8). Still
You can’t go back to a McMuffin after trying the Beer Hall’s pretzel bun
house curry sauce works a sweetly tangy wonder on it as well.
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as a Teutonic hoffel poffel: scrambled eggs, green bell pepper, white onion and
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but Old German Beer Hall (1009 N. Old World Third St.) fills the gap. Their
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Includes mashed potatoes, stuffing and cranberry
Breakfast at Old German Beer Hall
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18 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
Have you ordered your Cocktail Trail craft cocktail coupon book? Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020.
Order online at shepstore.com Also available in store at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective and Beard MKE
ScratchMade Food, Cultural Heritage at Armenian Fest ::BY SHEILA JULSON
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Illustration by Scott Radke
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Quick turn around for refrets & setups
!"#$%&'($')&* Have you ordered your Cocktail Trail craft cocktail coupon book? Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020.
Order online at shepstore.com Also available in store at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective and Beard MKE
20 !!J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
Ko-Thi’s ‘JUBA-LEE’
!"#$%&'()*&+,-'.,-+/*0' 1"-"*'2%/'3,024'3*/5,*/' )"*'2%/'6727*/ ::BY JOHN SCHNEIDER
n 1969, just into her 20s, Ferne Yangyeitie Caulker won the opportunity to study with the National Dance Company of Ghana, West Africa. A native of Sierra Leone already living and studying modern dance in Milwaukee (“It’s a long story,” she says), she’d set her sights on dancing with the famed Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre in New York City. She’d even received an encouraging letter from Ailey. Then, in Ghana, she visited Elmina Castle, the most famous of the fortresses along the Ghana coast used by Americans and Europeans as holding pens for captured Africans. “You know how things happen that are meant to happen in your life?” Caulker asks. “Standing at the Door of No Return where the slaves were made to walk at low tide onto the ships—I think that was the beginning for me. After that, I sat on the beach and looked at the water and realized I wanted to do more than just become a modern dancer.” It wasn’t that she’d lost her love for modern dance. She understood she needed to tell a different story: the story of Africa, African Americans and the diaspora. She describes it as a revelation, a “crying spiritual unearthing that led me to redesign everything I thought I was going to do.” She returned to Milwaukee and started “this club” with a couple of dancers and drummers. They worked in church basements. Word spread. “The beauty is, from 1969 until today, the Ko-Thi Dance Company really does not market itself. We get gigs purely on the word, on the product. So, to me, looking back after 50 years, that is the testament,” says the passionate, ground-breaking artist that generations of dancers and musicians now call Mama Ferne.
Caulker is also professor emerita of the dance department at UW-Milwaukee’s Peck School of the Arts. She retired in 2016 after 35 years on the faculty. The teacher within her still teaches individual classes at UWM. Ko-Thi performances are big entertainments, always teaching by demonstrating the stories and values of myriad African and diasporic cultures. Caulker remains stunned, she says, at how little people know of that history. “Our history specifically is not being taught, and that’s part of the problem America is having,” she says. “Too many people have an opinion about people who don’t look like them, purely because they’re in a dark void of nothingness in terms of information. So, all they have is their inner fear.” She points to Renaissance paintings of African businessmen and tradespeople. She details the advancements made by early African societies, such as “proper indoor bathrooms,” all demolished by barbarous Europeans. “So, somebody will say to me: I’m white, how does this relate to me? Well, it relates to you because it’s the world. Wake up.” Ko-Thi Dance Company, the oldest African American arts organization in Wisconsin, will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a concert titled JUBA-LEE. The title plays on the name of the company’s breakout work, Juba, an internationally performed, white-tuxedoed mélange of African, Caribbean and American soft shoe dance created in the 1990s by Caulker and her long-time music director Dumah Saafir. It’s a veritable history of African dance and music as it developed across time and geography. It’s a challenging work that demands expertise in all the dance styles it incorporates. The company is recreating the original show for performance in 2020. JUBALEE tells the story of the learning process. The concert is entirely the creation of Ko-Thi’s current leadership: the dancer-choreographers DeMar Walker, Sonya Thompson, Tisiphani Mayfield and LePierce Eubanks; the musicians Kumasi Allen, Keon Sykes and Victor Campbell; and the designer and production manager Sarah Hamilton. It will feature adult and children’s ensembles performing side by side. “You’ll see a great mix of dances from within the diaspora,” Walker says, “from tap, jazz, traditional work from the continent. It spans six countries—Haiti, the U.S., Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Guinea Bissau. What I recognized when we started thinking of doing this was just that commonality of people within a diaspora celebrating and affirming themselves through music and dance, and just how much that spirit has transcended time. If Ko-Thi Dance there’s anything I want people Company to get from this production, it’s how much that is a part of us.” JUBA-LEE “I think one cool thing about UWM Mainstage how we’ve done it,” he continTheatre ues, “is that we’re starting close Aug. 2-4 & Aug. 9 to the present, maybe around the 1930s, and going back in time until it ends in Africa. This production is really about sankofa, an African principle meaning to honor the past in order to be present and preparing for the future. It’s about who we are and who we can be.” JUBA-LEE performances are Aug. 2-4 and Aug. 9 at the UWM Mainstage Theatre. The Ton Ko-Thi Children’s Performing Ensemble will appear with other Milwaukee groups at the Alvin Ailey Company’s pre-professional Ailey II in Nō Studios’ Dance Fest at the Sherman Phoenix building on Saturday, July 20.
J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 21
Journey to the past.
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On Golden Pond
On Golden Pond is a 1979 play by Ernest Thompson focusing on an aging couple who spend each summer at their lake home where they are visited by their daughter and her fiancé, as well as the latter’s young son. Poignantly, On Golden Pond explores the turbulent relationship between father and daughter, as well as the difficulties faced by a couple in the twilight years of a long marriage. Perhaps most famously, the play was adapted for the big screen by Thompson in 1981, starring Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn and Jane Fonda. It was an enormous success as was the original play, which ran for 126 performances on Broadway and won several prizess, including a Tony Award and Drama Desk Award. Summerstage of Delafield’s production will be directed by Kelly Goeller. (John Jahn) July 18-Aug. 3 in Summerstage’s Lapham Peak unit, W329 N846 County Highway C, Delafield. For tickets, call 262-337-1560 or visit summerstageofdelafield.org.
The Endurance of Light
BEGINS TUESDAY JULY 23 - 28 • MARCUS CENTER MarcusCenter.org • Ticketmaster.com • 414.273.7206 Groups 10+ SAVE! Call 414.273.7121 ext. 210
Three days. 275 miles.
One goal TO END AIDS!
Erin Nicole Eggers directs a whimsical story about a woman searching for answers in Amanda Petefish-Schrag’s The Endurance of Light. The central character of the play is a scientist and professor who has suffered multiple miscarriages. Struggling with her lot in life, she refuses to leave her home, where she steadily digests books by Hildegard von Bingen, Albert Einstein and Ernest Shackleton. She begins to imagine conversations with all three, from whom she gains some sense of hope. Bryant Mason, who plays Shackleton, explains that the play “tells of loss, grief, faith and love. It tells the struggle between science and faith to explain the unexplainable or to alleviate suffering. It is about letting go and moving on, and the human capacity to endure. It is smart and tender, humorous when it needs to be, powerful and direct when it needs to be, seductive and beautiful when it needs to be. I think the journey of the central protagonist is rendered with great humanity and soul—relatable, touching, moving and truthful to the human spirit in all its colors and range of emotions.” (John Jahn) July 19-28 at Acacia Theatre Company, 12800 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon. For tickets, visit acaciatheatre.com.
Nō Studios’ Inaugural Dance Fest Kick-Off
The Dance Fest itself is completely sold out, but the prior evening’s kick-off on Friday, July 19, is free and open to the public. Enjoy live interviews with the six very different Milwaukee dance companies that will perform in the Fest: Danceworks Performance Company, Ton Ko-Thi Children’s Performing Ensemble, The Milwaukee Irish Dance Performance Company, Signature Dance Company, Water Street Dance Milwaukee and WoLF Studios—along with live music and a special appearance by the Fest’s special guests, the Ailey II Company of New York’s famed Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. It’s also a chance to check out Nō Studios, the appealing multi-arts complex at 1037 W. McKinley Ave. (John Schneider) The event begins at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, July 19. For more information, visit nostudios.com.
aidsridewis.org PRODUCED BY
22 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
All proceeds from AIDS Ride Wisconsin 2019 stay in Wisconsin for the fight against AIDS.
Each summer, the nationally respected UW-Milwaukee Peck School of the Arts Dance Program presents a concert of new works by its MFA students. These serious choreographers come from across the U.S. and sometimes further. Often, they’ve worked professionally but now want to further their studies. They’re encouraged to make the most of the opportunity this concert offers, to take chances, to show what they’re thinking and who they now are as artists. It makes for a good dance concert, and it’s also an exciting opportunity to catch a glimpse of what’s happening in the field in a broad sense. There are eight choreographers this year. Daniel Burkholder—now a UWM faculty member and a tirelessly innovative independent Milwaukee choreographer—is the artistic director. I saw him first in a beautiful dance theatre piece he made for the Dancemakers concert when he was a grad student some summers back. This year’s concert features “an eclectic blend of choreography, including tap and body percussion, concert dance and postmodern experimentation—something for everyone,” Burkholder says. (John Schneider) July 19-20 at UWM’s Mitchell Hall Studio 254, 3203 N. Downer. Visit uwm.edu/arts/events for more information. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Featuring discounts at more than 20 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get≠ one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020.
Twisted Path Distillery Lost Whale Boone & Crockett Café Corozón Kegel's Inn
Milwaukee Sail Loft ABV Social Branded Kindred on KK TAYLORS
Cocktail Trail booklets are available for purchase for $25 online at shepstore.com and at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective, and Beard MKE.
Ale Asylum Riverhouse Black Sheep Rumpus Room Hi Hat Lounge Casablanca
Central Standard Craft Distillery The Original The Diplomat The Wicked Hop
Club Charlies Goodkind Bittercube Crimson Club Fuel Café
J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 ! 23
A Range of Visual Conversations at the Haggerty’s ‘Mary L. Nohl Fund Fellowships’ Exhibit
OPENING: !"#$%&'$()* +,-.(&.'/.01* 2'*3'0.(&450* +,$#&'$6&4'7 July 19-Aug. 30 Grove Gallery 832 S. Fifth St.
t’s almost as difficult to review The Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Mary L. Nohl Fund Fellowships for Individual Artists 2018 as it is to say it. !"#$#%"&'&(&)*$&+$&*$&(+$+#,)*-$.#/0$/($("#$ 1/22#0(.$34+#45$)6$70($/*-$04*+$("0)42"$7428$ 4. It features five fellows from the tri-county area—two “established” and three “emerging.” The work is chosen based on$ individual 5#0&($ rather than interrelationships, so we see five very different solo shows that create a range of conversations across the galleries. Some conversations are more productive than others. The “established” fellows are Chris Cornelius and Keith Nelson. Cornelius is an architect by training who sources his Oneida identity and contemporary design for his show. He makes great use of the high ceilings at the Haggerty to display a soaring teepee-like structure which emerged from an assiduous process of drawing, three-dimensional sketching and finally constructing a full-scale monumental and enveloping environmental experience. The gnarly and irregular branch and wire mesh construction is embedded with antlers and other embellishments that speak to things natural, cultural, technological and personal. His wonderful conceptual dwelling conspicuously straddles a network of clean geometric linework on the floor underneath that forces a collision between divergent histories. Cornelius’ imaginative juxtapositions are amplified by the cross-gallery conversation with Nelson’s selection of specific objects. If Cornelius is deconstructing modern art history against a personal history, Nelson is consolidating material and circling right back into the canon8$ 1&+$ work is strongly indebted to artists like Carl Andre and Don Judd from the late 1960s, though he updates the story for a 21st-century public more interested in the social implications of industrial and, in his case, post-industrial materials. Nelson’s utopian vocabulary, unlike his forebears, begins with stained sheets, discarded mattresses and grimy ceramic toilet tank tops arranged with purpose and precision. His manicured works simultaneously disguise and confront the nastiness of their impoverished circumstances and empha24 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
size the lifespan of the massproduced junk our culture consumes and discards with alarming ease. I’ve heard gripes that the Nohl, like many artist awards c. 2019, is forced to grapple with inclusivity to the point of self-consciousness, trying to impossibly resolve cultural pressures and quality given a limited number of awards. The Nohl for established artists, however, is blindly selected by three non-local ,40/()0+8$9*$("#$,/+#$)6$("#+#$ two grantees, the incongruity of their works forms a productive and improbable relationship a more orthodox curatorial program might not have. The “emerging” fellows have their own notable individual merits, though they don’t achieve the same level of cross-pollination. Self-taught artist Rosemary Ollison’s stitched and colored forms on black are as effervescent and generous as the artist who made them. Anyone who’s met her can attest. Her colorful and patchy sewn tapestries in the show feel only a little upstaged by the surprise of a large shaggy tower of accumulated leather and fabric rising to the rafters in the gallery. It stands as a soaring font of creativity that reflects Ollison’s practice and attitude perfectly. Makeal Flammini’s contribution, irreverently titled !"#$%&"'($)$*+($,"', features a salon-style arrangement of several dozen equally irreverent and informal drawings pinned frameless on the south wall of the museum. Next to that stack of drawings is a vibrant, 10-foot-high, mountainshaped patchwork image obsessively executed in crayon. They play strangely with the wild range of declarative textual “notes” and rendered images adjacent to them, but ultimately, they build to a funky personal narrative with oddly formal preoccupations. The deliberate composition, with its informal and somewhat comically abject components, gives the show a Mission School
kind of insouciance; a little vulnerable, a little edgy. Identity and making are woven literally into a single practice in Nazlı Dinçel’s work, which combines performance, video and fiber arts. As part of the exhibition, she is regularly engaging in performances at the Haggerty that has her weaving impressions of her body on a large loom in the gallery. Her exhibition truly requires live viewing, which vitally ,)**#,(+$4+$()$"#08$9*$"#0$/'sence, though, the space feels trespassed upon and slightly unsettling. Some very involved, diaristic text and tape-based collages accompany the in-process social sculpture, but in the end they only force one to consider how much personal material one is willing to sift through without an invitation. Without her presence, Dinçel’s piece underscores a significant issue descending on the current art world, where we seem to be experiencing a growing schism between depersonalized Instagram-driven delectations and hyperpersonalized, diaristic and identity-based art. Neither is illegitimate even in its most pronounced instance, as expression is a glorious thing most of the time. However, when a work of art presumes to be a form of communication, we hope it will create revelations outside itself. We hope it will create conversations between itself and others and between its audiences. It’s a tall order in a fellowship show like this one, full of private and disparate stories, all destined for the public. In this particular case, the circumstances allow us to see both the disadvantages and the surprising advantages of such an inherently diversified selection of work. (top) Nazlı Dinçel, Untitled (detail), from Alterations of a Body, 2019; (bottom) Rosemary Ollison, Sperm and Egg, #2, Repurposed second-hand leather garments, 2018
Local artist Demitra Copoulos’ multi-decade career spans several themes. She’s perhaps best known for her large-scale sculptures and installations strongly suggestive of tension and confusion, as well as her current, more curious investigations on paper. In this new exhibition, energetic and intimate works on paper and large-scale, three-dimensional renderings on acrylic will occupy the gallery walls and courtyard. Copoulos’ interwoven and interconnected imagery emerges on paper to resemble phenomena of the natural world. For more information, visit gallerygrove.com.
!89464%($-9)*:(&47 July 19-Oct. 11 The Renaissance Gallery 309 N. Water St.
Three nationally recognized fine art photographers—Eddee Daniel, William F. Lemke and Lawrence W. Oliverson—are featured in this exhibition in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward. Daniel, Lemke and Oliverson share a personal friendship and have worked for decades in the photographic medium. The exhibition presents current works by all three photographers in this group exhibition. Daniel is a Milwaukeebased photographer and writer; he has a master’s degree in art education from UW-Milwaukee and has worked for many years as an art educator. Lemke developed his life-long passion for photographing landscapes at a young age and studied with legendary landscape and national parks photographer Ansel Adams. Oliverson left a career as an environmental engineer in 1979 to devote himself to photography; his work is influenced by Latin cultures and the work of contemporary architects. For more information, call 414-303-9389. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
[ FILM CLIPS ] The Art of Self-Defense R Wrapped in satire, this twisty drama explores themes of ultimate masculinity. After Casey (Jesse Eisenberg) is mugged and beaten, he takes karate classes at his neighborhood dojo. He is welcomed by owner-instructor Sensei (Alessandro Nivola) and mentored by star pupil Anna (Imogen Poots). To project stronger masculinity, Sensei advises Casey to listen to heavy metal music and to study German. However, as Casey’s involvement with Sensei grows, he begins to question his instructor’s philosophy. (Lisa Miller)
Crawl R When a category five hurricane hits the Florida hometown of Haley (Kaya Scodelario), she refuses to leave without her missing father (Barry Pepper). Finding him seriously injured in the crawl space of his home, Haley is preparing to get him out when they realize that rising floodwaters have ushered in large, hungry alligators. Rescuers have evacuated, so their survival depends on Haley’s ability to ensure their escape. Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures made this survive-or-die epic for $17 million. Paramount is handling the theatrical release, as it did for last year’s low-budget survival film, A Quiet Place, from which it made a pile of cash. (.M.)
The Lion King PG Lion cub Simba flees Pride Rock after his evil Uncle Scar (voiced by Chiwetel Ejiofor) kills Simba’s father, lion king Mufasa (James Earl Jones). Buddying up with warthog Pumbaa (Seth Rogen) and meerkat Timon (Billy Eichner), Simba (Donald Glover) must grow up and formulate a plan to regain his father’s throne. While a live-action remake of the animated classic ‘Maiden’
Documentary Follows ‘Maiden’ Voyage by Women’s Sailing Crew ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
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wasn’t possible, Disney’s photo-realistic reboot uses CGI to startling effect. The disconnect results from talking animals that lack facial expressions. But when the animals are injured or die, the harm inflicted seems real. While the CGI fascinates, director Jon Favreau’s decisions frequently diminish the story. (L.M.)
[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n “Space: 1999—The Complete Series”
1999 seemed a long way off in 1975 when “Space: 1999” debuted. It envisioned a lunar base with shuttle service to Earth, ray guns—a considerably more advanced space infrastructure than possible even today. The plastic model special effects look cheesy now and the pre-Star Wars aesthetic shows a future sterile, shiny and spotless. The plot device is clever: the moon is a dumping ground for nuclear waste (there’s an idea!) and—in episode one—the radioactive material ignites, sending the moon careening into deep space. “Space: 1999” is an Anglo-Italian coproduction with an international cast and a pair of American stars. Martin Landau and Barbara Bain, costars of the original “Mission Impossible” and married in real life, play the lead roles as the lunar base-cum-wandering star ship proceeds on a space odyssey. The Blu-ray/DVD release includes all 48 episodes plus a disc of interviews and other bonus features.
n The Illusionist
Edward Norton stars as Eisenheim, an illusionist of unusual gifts in circa 1900 Vienna. When his love interest Sophie (Jessica Biel) is slated to marry the sadistic crown prince, the political intrigue thickens. Paul Giamatti plays the police inspector caught in the middle. Elegantly composed by writer-director Neil Burger with tinted frames, The Illusionist (2006) suggests an early film produced with contemporary technology. The magic of stage conjurers is linked to the illusions of cinema.
n Felix Austria!
This strange but intriguing 2013 documentary delves into the life of a young Californian who becomes absorbed in the culture of early 20th-century Vienna and a correspondent of the heir to Austria’s vacant throne, Otto von Habsburg. Felix Austria! follows Felix Pfeifle’s aesthetic quest and his meeting with Habsburg, an amiable old gentleman. They travel together to Sarajevo where the assassination of Habsburg’s ancestor sparked World War I. Identity and reinvention form the film’s subtext. —David Luhrssen J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 25
Are We There Yet?: The American Automobile Past, Present, and Driverless (W.W. NORTON), BY DAN ALBERT In 1900, the electric car was the most popular automobile on the American road but soon fell behind internal-combustion models among customers. As Dan Albert points out in Are We There Yet?, the early electrics could travel 40 miles on a single charge and attain (but not sustain) high speeds. Another startling fact from that era: one electric car company leased and rented vehicles and even offered a pay-by-the-mile plan. But with Henry Ford behind the wheel and Model Ts rolling off his assembly line, electric cars, according to Albert, provided “neither the thrill nor danger” of internal combustion engines or the greasy thrill of getting under the hood. Have we gotten past that level of evolution? In his chapter “Kids Today,” Albert records the younger generation’s declining interest in owning cars. With the wit characterizing Are We There Yet?, Albert wonders whether kids today “have less interest in the original mobile device”— the car—“because they feel transported by their new mobile devices.” Let’s check back in 10 years. (David Luhrssen)
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It’s one of history’s great ironies: the successors of Pharaoh Akhenaten sought to obliterate all traces of his reign and yet, more has been written on Akhenaten than on any other ancient Egyptian. University of Melbourne history professor Ronald T. Ridley’s study of Akhenaten sounds a cautionary note (a whole concert?) against anyone making claims on the distant past. He recounts dozens of conflicting theories on the ruler (supposedly the world’s first monotheist) and dispenses with most of them. Akhenaten has been called a great idealist and a ruthless totalitarian, a pacifist and a mass murderer—all of those assumptions culled from fragmentary evidence that dissolves on close inspection. He has been subjected to amateur psychoanalysis; the worries and hopes of the present have been projected onto a man dead 3,000 years. And Akhenaten is far from the only example of fantasy presented as historical fact. (David Luhrssen) SHEPHERD EXPRESS
!"#$%&'()*+%,'-#./' 0#.1&$*2'$*',34%'5676 ::BY JENNI HERRICK
rock-star lifestyle appears extraordinarily glamorous, and in the 1960s and ’70s, nothing was more so than the high-flying life of sex, drugs and rock and roll found in the L.A. music scene. For Daisy Jones, the serendipitous chance to join the rock band The Six brings with it a meteoric rise to fame and all the exhilaration you’d expect from being a part of a legendary touring rock band. The provocative story of the fictional band’s superstardom and the fate of its enigmatic lead singer is captured in The New York Times bestselling novel, Daisy Jones & The Six. Evoking the hard-partying stuff of legend, this galvanizing tale gives readers a front-row seat to the music, the energy and the perils of fame. L.A.-based writer Taylor Jenkins Reid, the author of five previous novels including The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and One True Loves, lyrically recreates an era when rock stars were the supreme representations of cool. Join other book enthusiasts in the elegant Pfister Hotel to discuss the book, Daisy Jones & The Six, on Thursday, July 18 from 7-9 p.m. The Pfister has been a premier Downtown Milwaukee hotel for well over a century, and the hotel’s on-going book club discussions allow local residents to experience the hotel’s alluring ambiance and enjoy thoughtful discussion. A $15 ticket includes one glass of wine, beer, or soda and a specially created dessert.
Visit MIAD for Summer Gallery Night & Day in the Third Ward! July 19, 5 – 9 p.m. July 20, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. On View Now: 2019 Juried Senior Exhibition This annual exhibition showcases the best art and design works of MIAD seniors, selected by MIAD faculty. Body of Work Large≠ scale works by women artists engage the community in a conversation about the relationship between the body and artmaking. Free admission. Open to the public. 273 E. Erie St.
Artwork: “Rhin$tone Cowboi” by LaNia Sproles, “Body of Work”
James Nares, Ití s Raining in Naples, 2003 (detail). Oil on linen. 47.5 × 81 in. Private collection. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.
BOOK|HAPPENING !"#$%&'()*+,-*+.)/%010%23+)%+.#"&4%01# His prose is as rhythmic as mid-tempo rock and the situations he conceives are intriguing through the final beat. Chuck Klosterman defines Raised in Captivity, his latest story collection, as “fictional nonfiction.” One can only hope they weren’t based too closely on true stories. Imagine opening the door to an airliner restroom and finding a puma on the toilet seat, “looking back with an empty intensity” that matched the protagonist’s own state of mind. Raised in Captivity includes many moments when strangeness intrudes into the banality of contemporary existence. The stories are less surreal than photo realistic and are rendered with ironic cynicism. “What’s the upside of meeting interesting people if you’re already married,” wonders the husband in “Fluke.” (David Luhrssen) An Evening with Chuck Klosterman takes place at The Back Room @ Colectivo, 2211 N. Prospect Ave. on Thursday, July 18, at 7 p.m.
A retrospective of a contemporary artist and fi lmmaker who explores gesture, motion, and time
Through October 6, 2019
mam.org/moves J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 27
Making Art with Fire
Off the Cuff with Midwest Fire Fest’s Mark Skudlarek ::BY GENEVIEVE VAHL
assionate about tradition and authenticity, Mark Skudlarek employs ancient processes and designs in his pottery, setting himself apart from contemporary potters. Using a massive wood burning kiln, not electric or gas, he adheres to the ancient Asian and European traditions that inspire him most. Skudlarek helped start the Midwest Fire Fest, a weekend-long art festival celebrating all art made with fire. Pottery, glass blowing, iron pours, fire dancing, culinary art—you name it, Fire Fest has it. Off the Cuff visited Cambridge, Wis., the pottery capital of the state, to talk with Skudlarek about his pottery and Midwest Fire Fest.
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What inspires you? I took an Asian art history class and my professor handed us a little shard of pottery. We got a chance to pass it around and touch it. She said it was made by a potter approximately 12,000 years ago. I was really blown away by that—that someone actually, 12,000 years ago, dug up clay, made this pot, fired it in a pit and used it. It was like I was having a conversation with a 12,000-year-old potter. It really opened my eyes to different traditions. Wood firing is ancient, correct? Yes. Potters typically established themselves in a location with clay and fuel. Clay was really what was needed; but then again, you need to fire the pots, so most ancient traditions, up until about 2,000 years ago, would be pit firing. The result is hard to predict. Every firing is different, no two pots are the same. But that is really what I like about it, an inescapable randomness to the process. How do you limit imperfections? Well, what do you define as an imperfection? We have been trained in our society to see everything the same and perfect. The Japanese call it a wabi-sabi, a happy accident; those are the things that really make the pots interesting—that randomness. When you unpack the kiln and you see something for the first time, that’s what I really enjoy. You put all this time and energy into making pots, and then to put it into an electric or gas kiln and walk away didn’t make any sense to me. So, I fired with wood. That’s when the entire cycle is complete. And I really like the fact that it’s usable art. On a daily basis, you develop a relationship with these objects. That is what is really kind of precious and special for me. How does Fire Fest impact the Cambridge community? That weekend brings a lot of people, so it has an economic impact. If you get artists to come to a community and produce, that’s basically a tourist draw. At one point in the ’90s, Cambridge was definitely a destination for pottery, shopping and restaurants. When that declined, there were some businesses that closed and storefronts that went empty. So, it’s trying to regain that excitement. The great thing is that people get a chance to actually see art being made. It’s not your typical art fair, where you come and see the finished product. Here, you
Mark Skudlarek
really experience the full impact of seeing the work being made on a grand scale and in all different disciplines inspired by fire. People can even participate in it. Because it is so niche, those artists, I would think, would want to be a part of a community they identify by. Yes, right. Everybody works with the common language of fire. Whether it is welding, forging, pouring, sculpting. The whole aspect of fire brings everybody together. Like a campfire. Why fire? As long as we have had civilization, fire has been incredibly important to humanity. Preparing food, keeping warm, ceremonies; it was the first television. People gathered around campfires at night and told stories. As far as the arts are concerned, there are so many disciplines that need fire to achieve whatever it is that they are doing, whether it’s glass, iron or clay. To bring all those disciplines together in one location where people can witness the art being made, that is fantastic. It’s all inspired by passion. For more information, visit midwestfirefest.com.
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!"##$%&&'()'*# ! Weí re paid by our partner communities
A Place for Mom has helped over a million families fi nd senior living solutions that meet their unique needs. Our Advisors are trusted, local experts who can help you understand your options.
!"#"$%&''&&()*&+,"$768.4&#!&&&&&& 567.4&)(.&&&&&& Joan Lunden, journalist, best≠ selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 ! 29
Break Time! !"#$%&'()*"+ I’m in my late 50s and a widow of five years. My heart has always been open to loving men and women; but it is a woman now whom I seek. People tell me I have to put myself out there, in order to find a companion again. In the last five years, I’ve tried about a dozen ways to do so. I’ve attended community events, only to find myself in a sea of people talking to each other. I’ve gone to an LGBTQ din! ner group. The gay man sitting next to me told me I’ll never find someone because the hosting organization is for losers. I’ve participated in other groups, but nothing fit. I’ve done volunteer work and attended classes, but there the focus is understandably on work, not socializing. I don’t enjoy going to bars. I’ve visited several churches, but I am not a religious person. I’ve contacted people with whom I’ve lost touch, but they’ve moved on. I’ve reached out to new people, but they have their friendship slots filled. Friends tell me they don’t know any single people. Any lesbian they know is already coupled. I’m a quiet person, who enjoys listening to others. I’m not pretty, I am just me. I met my husband by chance. He was a very good man. Perhaps I have to wait for “chance” again.
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!"#$%,--.*/0+ Wow... what haven’t you done? You hardly sound lonely, sugar. In fact, you sound like the busiest social butterfly I know! You go, girl. And by that, I mean, go... to sleep. Hit the sheets, honey, you must be exhausted! It sounds to me like you’ve really given it your all and that’s wonderful, but perhaps it’s time for a break. I know your heart is aching for a partner, but let cupid do some of the work while you put your feet up for a bit. Relax those tootsies and maybe love will find you. You said you met your husband “by chance.” Well, it’s time to take a chance again and let the universe send love your way. I’m not saying that you need to sit back and wait for the rest of your life, but maybe take some time out for yourself. Take a small break where it comes to aggressively looking for love but keep your heart open to who the universe might send your way. Sometimes, love finds you when you’re not looking, so take a break for a bit. Once you’ve had a chance to relax and you feel ready to look for love again, head back out there with all the pas! sion you’ve previously held. Love is out there for you, just give it a chance to find you.
::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR July 17—Art Tour at Saint Kate Arts Hotel (139 E. Kilbourn Ave.): Enjoy a relaxing, informative and fascinating 45-minute tour at Milwaukee’s latest artsy hot spot. The docent-led tour features paintings, photography, sculpture and more. The tour is limited to the first 15 guests, so arrive early for the 10 a.m. fun. Meet at Big Piney—the horse sculpture in the hotel’s lobby. Can’t make it? No worry! There’s a tour every Wednesday morning as well as every Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. July 19—Gallery Night in Downtown Milwaukee (various locations): The biggest, baddest and best gallery night of the city is back with this 5 p.m. walking tour. Don’t miss the excitement the Third Ward has to offer as trendy galleries, shops, bars and eateries host a great time all night long. If you’re more of a “day person” (that means you’re getting older), check out Gallery Day starting at 2 p.m. on July 20. Regardless, swing by the “Experience” area of historicthirdward. org for more. July 20—Smith-Nelson Project at Harbor Room (117 E. Greenfield Ave.): Celebrate the 19th anniversary of one of Milwaukee’s favorite Levi-Leather bars with a live performance from Smith-Nelson Project. The band hits the stage at 9 p.m., so arrive early to get a spot on the dance floor. As always, men without shirts drink for less! Happy anniversary, team! July 22—Monday Movie Matinee at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Stop by this landmark bar after work (5:30 p.m.) for a free movie, free popcorn and two-for-one drink specials! That’s right! You can enjoy a surprise film on the bar’s mega-screen while you take advantage of happy-hour pricing, friendly faces and more. July 23—Summer Social at South Shore Terrace (2900 S. Shore Drive): The Cream City Foundation hosts this annual sunny soiree featuring all the things that make summer in Brew Town a smash. From cold beer to hot food, you don’t want to miss this 6 p.m. gathering. Enjoy raffles and more during the party that’s free and open to the public. July 24—Pride Rides Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s (730 S. Fifth St.): Join the team of Pride Rides Wisconsin motorcycle social club as they host a night of bawdy bingo, beer and burgers. The craziness starts at 7:30 p.m. with hilarious drag performances, prizes and more. Best of all? Bingo is free! Call 414-488-2555 and hold your spot today. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at dearruthie@ shepex.com. Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.
shepherdexpress.com/cbdshop 30 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
!"#$%&'(# )*++,-# .,/01"2#$134 ::BY PAUL MASTERSON
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sin. The first of two volumes, which begins with #7'!)'5()#"-1!(-!#7'!M%+*)!I",2'!#)"*,%!(.!NOPQ>! +7)(-"+,'%!#7'!2'+*2'%!#7)(017!R'-<!G('!F+?*)B #7/$%!J*9'-2')!R+*)'!(.!#7'!NPQS%!#(!#7'!NPTP! R#(-'C*,,!H"(#%U!I*1-')$%!C',,!)'%'*)+7'2!%#02/! )'+(0-#%!#7'!#"&'%!(.!1*/!%055)'%%"(-!*-2!#7'!)'B %"%#*-+'!(.!"-2"9"20*,%!#(!"#!#7*#!C(0,2!'9'-#0*,,/! lead to Stonewall. Among Wisconsin’s first out politicians, Wagner served in various offices and (-! -0&')(0%! +(&&"##''%! *-2! 3(*)2%! "-! V*-'! ?(0-#/! *-2! F*2"%(->! *,,(C"-1! 7"&! *! 5').'+#!
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5')%5'+#"9'! *-2! 0-2')%#*-2"-1! (.! #7'! %5")"#! (.! JK6=L!)'%"%#*-+'< Turning to fiction, local writer David S. Ped')%(-! 7*%! W0%#! 503,"%7'2! 7"%! ,*#'%#! (.! .(0)! 1*/! &0)2')! &/%#')"'%>! ?$7'(% @7-$.% 7% ;)A<! R'#! "-! *! #7'*#')>! V'#'+#"9'! X'*#7! 6*))"-1#(-! 50)%0'%! 9*)"(0%! %0%5'+#%! C7",'! )(&*-#"+! "-#)"10'! "-#')B 9'-'%!#(!+(&5,"+*#'!#7'!+*%'<!6(%C',,!6((;!?(<! hosts Pederson for a reading and book signing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n
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Harry Wayne
‘FEELING YOU!’ KC AND THE SUNSHINE BAND IS BACK! !"#$%&'()*+,(&-.(/0&1%230,(40,.&(5.&%2&3& ::BY ALAN SCULLEY n the 1970s, one artist who surely seemed to have his finger on the pulse of what type of songs would be hits at Top 40 radio was Harry Wayne Casey. The man who would become known to millions as KC of KC and the Sunshine Band enjoyed some minor success with a pair of early singles, “Blow Your Whistle” in 1973 and “Sound Your Funky Horn” in 1974 on the Miami-based label, TK Records, before making the group’s 1975 self-titled debut album. And when he came up with a song he was calling “Get Down Tonight,” Casey knew he had a game-changing tune for the album. “I even remember a story. It came on Billboard at No. 98 one week and the next week it fell off. I went to the owner of the record company, who was Henry Stone at the time. I said ‘Henry, what’s happening? I have a smash record,’” Casey recalls. “He says, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ And six weeks later it was No. 1.” Between 1975 and 1977, the group notched three more No. 1 hits—“That’s the Way (I Like It”), “(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty,” “I’m Your Boogie Man” and a No. 2 single in “Keep It Comin’ Love.” Another chart topper, “Please Don’t Go,” arrived in 1979. Casey says he knew every one of those songs was going to be a hit.
“I always had a feeling when I was writing the song and when I was in the studio, I could kind of feel this really mysterious aura happen during the recording of some of the songs,” he says. But the huge success during the 1970s wasn’t all fun and games for Casey, especially on tour. “I can only describe it with one word—lonely,” Casey says. “I was on top of the world, but the loneliest person I think I knew on the planet at the time.” The reason for the isolation was his popularity. Casey spent many days on the road holed up alone in his hotel room with a pair of guards stationed outside the door, while throngs of fans gathered at the hotels hoping to see or meet him. “Sometimes I could just catch a commercial flight home after the show and sleep in my own bed and then get on another plane and go back to the show the next day,” Casey recalls. “I didn’t have to have a private jet because commercial planes flew every hour on the hour from practically anywhere we were. And when they didn’t, I just stayed in the room. I don’t remember much of what I did during the day.” The glory days for KC and the Sunshine Band came to an end as punk/new wave became the next hot trend as the 1970s turned to the 1980s. Casey had one more top 5 hit, “Yes, I’m Ready,” a duet with Teri DeSario, in 1980, but the new decade yielded only one more modest hit single with “Give It Up” in 1984. The next year, Casey quit the music business. “I was sort of done, frustrated with the whole political part of it all and I just wanted out,” Casey explains. “I found myself wanting to run away from something that I loved more than anything in the world.” Casey spent the next decade out of the spotlight, but the 1990s brought a renewed interest in the ’70s, including disco. Eventually, Casey was enticed to get back into the music business. “For the 10 years that I laid around and partied and did stuff, my friends were always saying ‘Why don’t you get back out there? Are you listening to the radio? Everybody’s emulating you,’” Casey said. “I just kept laughing it off, and it wasn’t until Arsenio Hall did his TV show, and I got a call from a friend of mine, ‘Did you see Arsenio Hall? He wants to do a reunion of the KC band on his show.’ And I thought ‘Mayand the be I’ll go do that.’ So I called him, made Sunshine all the arrangements, put a group together and went out and did the TV Band show and bells started going off in my Festa Italiana head. I started realizing you know what, Saturday, I miss doing this.” July 20, Casey and the current version of KC 9 p.m. and the Sunshine Band—15 musicians, singers and dancers strong—have been touring ever since. The live show, of course, features the hits of the ’70s, a smattering of other original songs and covers of hit songs by other acts from the 1960s that KC and the Sunshine Band recorded on their 2015 album, Feeling You! The 60s. The set list figures to evolve later in the year, thanks to some new KC and the Sunshine Band music. A new single, “Give Me Some More (Aye Yai Yai)”—co-written with Tony Moran and Nile Rodgers of Chic fame—has been released and a double album of original material should arrive later this year. KC and the Sunshine Band perform at Festa Italiana on Saturday, July 20, at 9 p.m.
J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 33
Better than Ever, Drivin N Cryin’s ‘Live the Love Beautiful’ ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
!"#$%&' ()*$+,#' Off-Kilter Americana ::BY JOSHUA MILLER
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it’s perfectly fine to feel that way.” F(8*,!#+&!&-'"-.!%'1*!)'!)*,1&!"$)#!)#*!+-G bum’s place in his career. He views his fifth solo '()<()!+&!1',*!'7!+!:<$*%*!'7!8$'6,+<#.!)#+)!"+&! /*%*&&+,.!7',!)#*!)$1*2@ F*! *0<-+$/&! )#+)! !""#$"%! $&! 1'&)-.! +8'()! love—“attempts to affirm it; feeling it slipping away; and in a very real way, eventually truly losing it; and then further accepting its loss. It ,*<,*&*/)&!+!<*,$'4!'7!1.!-$7*!)#+)!=!"$&#!/')#G $/6!1',*!)#+/!)'!1'?*!'/!7,'15!"#$%#!%+(&*&!+! &),+/6*!4./+1$%!'7!<,'(4-.!4$&<-+.$/6!/*"!1(G &$%!"#$-*!4'$/6!+--!.'(!%+/!)'!1'?*!8*.'/4!$)2@ K(%#!'7!&'/6",$)$/6!$/&<$,+)$'/!%'1*&!7,'1! '-4!<'*)&2!A'5!$)>&!-$))-*!&(,<,$&*!)#+)!#*!+4+<)*4! J292!L*+)&>!<'*1!:M#*!J$-4!A"+/&!+)!D''-*@! 7',!+!&'/62!F*!$/$)$+--.!),$*4!)'!",$)*!#$&!'"/!&'/6! */?$&$'/$/6!:&'1*!&',)!'7!1$6,+)',.!8$,4!$/!J$&G 34 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
consin as a sort of metaphor for love flying away +/4! -*+?$/6@! )#*! 1+$/! %#+,+%)*,! +-'/*2! 9()! #*! */4*4!(<!6'$/6!"$)#!)#*!<'*1!&$/%*!)#*!1*-'4.! fit the poem’s rhythm and pentameter. “I sometimes question: Do I have more influG */%*!$/!1.!",$)$/6!7,'1!&'/6",$)*,&!+/4!-.,$%$&)&! ',!1',*!-$E*-.!)#*!&)(77!)#+)!=>1!,*+4$/6!'7!'-45! 4*+4!<'*)&N@!#*!&+.&2!:=!%'(-4!<,'8+8-.!&+.!)#*! latter has more influence on where my writing ideas come from, and things that I enjoy riffing '/!$&!(&(+--.!,*+4$/6!&'1*!'7!)#*1!+/4!+))*1<)G $/6!)'!,$77!'/!$)!1.&*-72@ 3/! )#*! +-8(1>&! )$)-*! ),+%E5! "#$%#! '<*/&! )#*! +-8(15!F(8*,!&$/6&!+8'()!:<'&$)$?*-.!*18,+%$/6! )#$&!&',)!'7!+!-$7*&).-*!)#+)>&!&',)! '7! )'<&.G)(,?.! +/4!+--!'?*,!)#*!<-+%*!+&!+!1(&$%$+/!+/4!+!),+?G *-*,5!+!<*,&'/!"#'!$&!6'/*!+!-')5!+/4!H(&)!4'*&/>)! #+?*!+!-')!'7!8+-+/%*2!=!"+&!H(&)!)#$/E$/6!1',*! +8'()!+!<*,&'/!#'"-$/6!+)!)#*!1''/!+/4!E$/4!'7! -'&$/6!)#*$,!&*-75!$)>&!&',)!'7!+!,*7*,*/%*!)'!)#+)!(/G )+1*4!-$7*&).-*5@!#*!&+.&2 F*!*/?$&$'/*4!)#*!&'/6!+&!)#*!&)+,)!)'!&'1*G )#$/6!1',*!-$6#)#*+,)*4!)#+/!#$&!<,*?$'(&!+-8(15! OPQR>&!&'()*+,,(-.#%)*/0%(1!9()!<*,&'/+-!%$,%(1G &)+/%*&!%#+/6*4!)#*!4$,*%)$'/!'7!)#*!+-8(12 “That first song is essentially embracing it in &',)!'7!+!<'&$)$?*!-$6#)5!+/4!=!"'(-4!&+.!+-1'&)! +--!'7!)#*!,*&)!'7!)#*!+-8(1!$&!+!&-'"!)"$&)!'/!)#+)! &(8H*%)! )#+)! +%)(+--.! $&! 4$77*,*/)! ?+,$'(&! &'8*,G $/6!)+E*&!'/!)#+)!-$7*&).-*!)#+)! &#'"!)#*!1',*!/*6+)$?*!),()#&! '7! "#+)! %'1*&! "$)#! )#+)5! Joseph *?*/)(+--.! -*+4$/6! )'! -'&&5@! Huber &+.&!F(8*,2!:A'5!.'(!%'(-4!+-G Anodyne 1'&)!&+.!)#+)!)#*!+-8(1!6'*&! Coffee from truly from the first song Thursday, )'!)#*!-+&)!&'/65!7,'1!S!)'!T2 :=! 1*+/! /')! %'1<-*)*-.5! Aug. 1, )#*,*>&!+!%'(<-*!%(,?*!8+--&!$/! 8 p.m. )#*,*!)#+)!+,*!'77!)'<$%2!9()!7',! )#*!1'&)!<+,)5!$)!E$/4!'7!6'*&! 7,'1!S!)'!T!'7!*18,+%$/6!)#*!-$7*&).-*!<'&$)$?*-.! +/4!)#*/!&-'"-.!#+?$/6!)#*!')#*,!/*6+)$?*!),()#&! '7!)#+)!-$7*&).-*!&$/E!$/2@ F(8*,!<-+/&!)'!E**<!'/!"',E$/6!'/!/*"!1(G &$%5!"#$%#!%'(-4!8*!'()!+&!*+,-.!+&!/*0)!.*+,2!9()! 7',! /'"5! #*>&! *0%$)*4! )'! 6'! '/! #$&! -'/6*&)! )'(,! $/!*$6#)!.*+,&!+/4!,*(/$)*!"$)#!#$&!7',1*,!2UVR! String Band bandmate Billy Cook, who is flying '()!7,'1!3,*6'/!)'!<-+.!"$)#!#$12 2"3(4') 5+6(-) 47083) 0#) 076+9) -(7(03() 3'":) :./');-.<(:08)&'-.,/$:(77(-3)0/)=#"$8#()>",,(() ?"03/.#%) >"1) .#) @07A(-B3) C".#/D) EEF) @1) G-+H() */1D)"#)&'+-3$08D)=+%1)ID)0/)J)4191
Joseph Huber
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`$--+6*!7'-E$*!$/!)#*!1$0! a[$//*.!#+&!*/H'.*4!+!&'-'!%+,**,!+-'/6&$4*!#$&!8+/4b!+/4!'/!:A)*<!8.!A)*<5@!cRP&!A'()#*,/! rock is an audible influence. K'&)!'7!+--5!K.<()/'()K"<()/'()G(0+/.,+7 flows like a classic rock album. It’s fully coherent as opposed to a menu of disjointed downloads, and it benefits from tight rhythms by drumG 1*,!W+?*!`2!^'#/&'/5!8+&&$&)!M$1!X$*-&*/!+/4!<'"*,7(-!6($)+,!<-+.$/6!8.!d+(,!^'+1*)&2 :=!)#$/E!?$/.-!H(&)!&'(/4&!,$%#*,5@![$//*.!*0<-+$/&5!+-)#'(6#!)#*!+-8(1!$&!+-&'!+?+$-+8-*!+&! +!DW2!:=>?*!6'/*!8+%E!)'!<-+.$/6!+-8(1&!+/4!=!,*+--.!-'?*!,*1*18*,$/6!)#*!7**-$/6!'7!)(,/G $/6!)#*!,*%',4!'?*,2!=!,*1*18*,!"#*/!=!8'(6#)!;0-A#(33)"#)/'()L$%()",)&":#2!=!H(&)!<-+.*4! side one for a couple days and then finally played side two. We are encouraging people to -$&)*/!)'!)#$&!'/*!eK.<()/'()K"<(f!'/!+!<#'/'6,+<#!,*%',4!<-+.*,2!S/4! #$/)5!#$/)g.'(!1$6#)!"+/)!)'!8(.!+/!ZG),+%E!7',!'(,!/*0)!'/*h@ S-)#'(6#![$//*.!4$&%-+$1&!+/.!)#*1+)$%!$/)*/)$'/&!8*#$/4!K.<()/'() Drivin K"<()G(0+/.,+7, many of the lyrics reflect on memories. There is prickly N Cryin /'&)+-6$+!$/!:=!i&*4!)'!d$?*!S,'(/4!F*,*5@!"#$-*!:J#+)>&!J,'/6!J$)#! Shank Hall 9*$/6!F+<<.@!$&!/'&)+-6$%!7',!+!?$&$'/!'7!+!1',*!8*/$6/!&'%$*).2![$/G /*.!$&!/'&)+-6$%!7',!#$&!'"/!<+&)!'/!:3?*,!+/4!3?*,@!+&!#*!,*%'(/)&!)#*! Tuesday, 1*1',.5!:&'!&$1<-*!+/4!.'(/65@!&)$,,*4!"#*/!<-+.$/6!+!),+%E!:+8'()!+! July 23, girl” from his first album. However, the enigmatic “Spies” is a call to 8 p.m. )#$/E!)#,'(6#!)#*!7+-&*!%'/&%$'(&/*&&!'7!/'"+4+.&!a:=!E/'"!.'(!6*)!+--! .'(,!)#'(6#)&!7,'1!)#*!,+4$'@b!+/4!)#*!+-8(1>&!)$)-*!&'/6!"',,$*&!+8'()! :)#*!"',-4!*0<+/4$/6@!+/4!:4$6/$).!%'--+<&$/62@ :=)>&!E$/4!'7!-$E*!)#+)!1+6$%!UGW!1+6$%!*.*!<(II-*!$/!)#*!<+<*,2!=!)#$/E!+7)*,!$)>&!&*;(*/%*4! +/4!=!&)+,*!+)!$)!+"#$-*5!$)>&!*+&$*,!)'!+/&"*,!)#+)!;(*&)$'/5@![$//*.!&+.&5!,*7*,,$/6!)'!K.<()/'() K"<(B3!<+))*,/&!'7!1*+/$/62 M#*!+-8(1!"+&!<,'4(%*4!8.!:$/4$*!7'-E@!&$/6*,G&'/6",$)*,!S+,'/!d**!M+&H+/5!"#'!+%G %'1<+/$*4![$//*.!'/!6($)+,!4(,$/6!#$&!X*"!L',E!&'H'(,/2!:S!6''4!<,'4(%*,!$&!-$E*!+!6''4! film director. He gets the best out of his actors, interprets the screenwriting, selects the angles of the film, the black and white or the color, the focus,” Kinney says. “It’s a lot of mental <&.%#$%!"',E2!=)>&!'?*,"#*-1$/6!)'!1*!+/4!=!,+,*-.!4'!$)2!=!)#$/E!#*!4$4!+!7+/)+&)$%!H'82@ W,$?$/!X!D,.$/!"*,*!'/%*!'/!_*77*/!+/4!=&-+/4!8()!#+?*!-'/6!&$/%*!,*)(,/*4!)'!)#*$,!W=L5! &*-7G,*-*+&*4!,'')&2!:=!+1!<,'(4!'7!"#+)!"*>?*!4'/*5@![$//*.!&+.&2!:A'1*)$1*&!=!"'/4*,! #'"!1+/.!+-8(1&!+/4!)'(,&!8+/4&!-$E*!)#*!]*4!F')!D#$-$!C*<<*,&!',!iO!"'(-4!#+?*!,*G -*+&*4!$7!)#*.>4!8**/!4,'<<*4!8.!)#*$,!,*%',4!-+8*-!OV!.*+,&!+6'2@ ;-.<.#)M)>-8.#)4(-,"-93)J)4191)"#)&+(3$08D)2+78)EN)0/)*'0#A)5077D)IFNF)M1)O0-:(77)=<(1
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J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 ! 35
Jill Scott Brought High Energy, Personal Rapport to the Riverside ::BY HARRY CHERKINIAN
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voice soaring high (she’s actually a soprano) and swooping into a fierce growl. It was a rare appearance by the singer-songwriter who refuses to be defined by any one musi; +'(&%)"0)=&H"*&$/'"8&%,,*")11&5,0&$/'$=&A/)&5,6%/$&5,0&)#)0.&",$)&'"*&)'0")*&!$&9!$/& /)0&17'0$:&IE;2!)+)&4'"*&)"%'%!"%&'&/!%/(.&)"$/61!'1$!+&+0,9*&+,"$!"6,61(.&1!"%!"%& '(,"%G-61$&,")&4!%&/'22.&?5'7!(.&0)6"!,"=B J'#!"%&1$'0$)*&,6$&'1&'&12,8)";9,0*&'0$!1$:&A+,$$&)'1!(.&'"*&F6!+8(.&)1$'4(!1/)*&'& 2)01,"'(&0'22,0$:&$'(8!"%&$,&$/)&+0,9*&'1&!5&$/).&9)0)&,")&9!$/&/)0=&A,"%1&(!8)&?>/)& Way” invited the audience to follow her as she wondered about the path to finding love. >)"*)0&!"&,")&7,7)"$:&$,6%/&!"&$/)&")<$:&A+,$$&40!*%)*&$/)&761!+'(&!"$)0(6*)1&9!$/&0)'(& (!5)&9,6"*1=&A/)&6($!7'$)(.&1$0)11)*&5)7'()&)72,9)07)"$:&'++,72'"!)*&4.&1622,0$!#)& +/))01&50,7&$/)&'6*!)"+)= >/!1&!1&'&2)05,07)0&9/,&+)()40'$)1&'((&5'+)$1&,5&(!#!"%K&$/)&%,,*:&$/)&4'*:&$/)&!"&4); $9))"=&A,"%1&(!8)&?L'"M$&C'!$:B&'"$!+!2'$!"%&'&(,#)0:&9)0)&2)05)+$(.&-6<$'2,1)*&'%'!"1$& $/)&16**)"&1/,+8&,5&4)!"%&()5$&'(,")&!"&?N6!+8=B&J)0&/)'0$5)($&#,+'(1&0)'+/)*&,6$&'"*& connected to her fans as within herself. Scott was fiercely determined to wring out ev; )0.&1!"%()&)7,$!,"&!"&/)0&1,"%1&$,&0)!"5,0+)&/)0&'4!(!$.&$,&+,"")+$&$,&'((&9/,&/)'0*&/)0& !72'11!,")*&#,+'(1= O6$&A+,$$&!1&'"&6($!7'$)&$06)&4)(!)#)0&!"&(,#)&'1&9!$")11)*&9!$/&$/)&1())8:&17,,$/& jazz-inflected “He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat).” A gorgeous ballad full of sensuous 1."$/&7,#)1&'"*&%)"$():&19'.!"%&0/.$/71:&A+,$$&*)7,"1$0'$)*&$/)&2,9)0&,5&(,#)&1$!((& '++,72'"!)1&/)0&9/)0)#)0&1/)&%,)1=&H((&9)&"))*&$,&*,&!1&$,&1$,2G'"*&(!1$)"=
Jill Scott
36 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
Smooth Hound Smith
THURSDAY, JULY 18 Smooth Hound Smith @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.
Hailing from East Nashville, Tenn., Zack Smith (guitars, vocals, foot drums, harmonicas and banjo) and Caitlin Doyle-Smith’s (vocals and percussion) play a mix of folk, garage and blues that suggests the beautiful mess that American music really is.
Festa Italiana @ Henry Maier Festival Park, 3 p.m.-Midnight
There’s food, entertainment and a Roman Catholic mass, but Festa also means bocce ball, fireworks, music, magicians and ventriloquists. Musical headliners include The Voices with Angelo Venuto, Phil Vassar and The Sicilian Tenors featuring Aaron Caruso, Sam Vitale and Elio Scaccio. Buffalo Gospel, Keith Pulvermacher and the Liam Ford Band are among the local artists performing. Festa Italiana runs through July 21.
The Hatchets’ Album Release Show w/ NeoCaveman and The Oxleys @ Company Brewing, 10 p.m.
This is a release show for The Hatchets’ album The Uncounted Blue Jillions, “a concept album of sorts about the porous borders between past and present, both personal and political. The songs deal with despair, aimlessness and loss of identity—all observed through the lens of the life and work of Woody Guthrie.” With NeoCaveman, a band that blends “math-rock elements, emo-friendly vocal delivery and sociological lyricism,” and folk duo The Oxleys.
SATURDAY, JULY 20 Garfield Avenue Festival @ Garfield Avenue Between Fourth and Seventh Streets, Noon-8 p.m.
The Garfield Avenue Blues, Jazz, Gospel & Arts Festival was founded in 1997 by local businessmen Evertte “Bobbie” Moore, Attorney Tom Jacobson and LaMarr Franklin as a way to show appreciation for their loyal customers. What started out as a half-day, twoblock festival now covers six blocks, showcases over 150 vendors, hosts over 16 local bands and attracts over 20,000 people every year.
Port Fish Day @ Harbor, Upper and Lower Lake Park in Port Washington, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
With four stages of live music, helicopter rides, a car show, a parade, a race and “the world’s largest one-day outdoor fish fry,” Port Washington becomes the center of the fish fry universe one day each year.
J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 37
::ALBUMS Hank Williams
The Complete Health & Happiness Recordings (BMG) “The old lovesick blues boy,” Hank Williams, was the star of “The Health & Happiness Show.” The 1949 Nashville radio program was designed to promote a snake oil product, the vitamin-alcohol potion called Hadacol, but devoted most of its airtime to Williams. He was mournful on “Wedding Bells,” yodeling on “Lovesick Blues” and harmonized Appalachian style with wife Audrey on “Where the Soul of Man Never Dies.” Backing him was the string bass, fiddle and electric guitar of the Drifting Cowboys. Williams was right neighborly in presentation and picked up the high spirits of the enthusiastic studio audience. The audio quality is high and “the singin’ sensation” seldom sounded better. Alas, only eight episodes of the show exist, spread across these two CDs. “The Health & Happiness Show” was cancelled less than two years before Williams’ life was cancelled. The music preserved here caught him in some of his finest moments. —David Luhrssen
Jack Spann
Propaganda Man (BIG BOO RECORDS) Jack Spann lives in New York City, but — thanks to his work with prolific Milwaukee producer Gary Tanin over the course of three captivating albums—his connection to Brew City is palpable. The in-demand keyboardist played on the demos for David Bowie’s final record, Blackstar, which boosted his profile and heavily influenced his second album, 2017’s Beautiful Man From Mars. On Propaganda Man, Spann’s most invigorating, melodic and diverse album, you can still hear traces of Bowie (“Dead Man’s Clothes”), but also vintage Steve Winwood (“Sing Your Own Song”) and Joe Jackson (“When Joe Sings”), and the keyboards no longer dominate as they did on his first two records. The singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist plays everything but drums and also doesn’t shy away from thorny issues. On the title track, Spann sings, “Who will be my next little Hitler? / Who will be the one I push on? / Who will preach the words I teach to the wide world beyond?” —Michael Popke
38 | J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to shepherdexpress.com/events and click submit an event
411 East Wisconsin Center, Tunes@Noon: Brett Newski and the No Tomorrow (12pm) Bayshore Town Center, Bayshore Sounds of Summer: GrooveLine (6pm) Caroline’s Jazz Club, Ryan Meisel Jazz Quartet Cathedral Square Park, Jazz in the Park: Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Musica del Lago Company Brewing, Spare Change Trio w/Baccano & Conscious Pilot County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd East Troy Brewery, Matt MF Tyner Green Tree Community Garden, Rhythm & Blooms Concert Series: Esquires II (6pm) Harley-Davidson Museum, Bike Night: Altered Five Blues Band (6pm) Jazz Estate, Barry Velleman Trio Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Open Jam: Roadhouse Rave Up Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’ Live & Local: Marr’lo Parada (5pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On The Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, TGTG w/The Rogue Electrics & Horace Greene Pabst Theater, The Gipsy Kings w/Simi Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Matt & Karla Acoustic Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shank Hall, Smooth Hound Smith Sheryl’s Club 175 (Slinger), Acoustic Jam w/Milwaukee Mike & Downtown Julius The Landing at Hoyt Park, Paul Rebek (6pm) The Packing House, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Latin Sessions: Cecilio Negron, Jr
American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Our House American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Sound Therapy 2 Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Cactus Club, Beach Burial record release w/Snag & Entrana Camp Dundee Bar & Grill (Campbellsport), Jude and The Dude Caroline’s Jazz Club, Donna Woodall Group Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Mike Sodnik Band (8pm); DJ: DJ Dolls (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, The Hatchets album release show w/Neocaveman & The Oxleys County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Cudahy Park, Sweet Applewood Festival: Larry Lynne Revue (4:30pm) Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Ali & Doug Duo Iron Mike’s, Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Estate, Frank Catalano Group (8pm), Gramma Matrix Late Nght V (11pm)inyl Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, The Unheard Of w/Primitive Broadcast Service Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Bristlehead Mamie’s, Harvey Westmoreland Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Don Middlebrook (5pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Drive With Horns Monument Square (Racine), Music on the Monument: Sentinels (4pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, The Rocketz w/The Grovelers Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Woodland Groove Racine Brewing Company, Dennis O’Hagan Rave / Eagles Club, Dwight Yoakam w/Clayton Anderson (all-ages, 8pm) Saint Kate, the Arts Hotel, Jack Grassel Solo (5pm) Salty Toad (Waukesha), Friday Night Live: Robert Allen Jr. Band (6:30pm) Shank Hall, TommyGunn’s Black and White Birthday Bash Tally’s Tap & Eatery, Rebecca and the Grey Notes The Back Room @ Colectivo, Mike Love The Cheel (Thiensville), Milwaukee Hot Club (6pm) The Landing at Hoyt Park, The MilBillies (5pm) The Miramar Theatre, Aristocrats w/Travis Larson Band (all-ages, 9pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & The Carmen Sutra Trio (6:30pm)
The Underground Collaborative, Abortion AF: The Tour Turner Hall Ballroom, Snail Mail w/Sasami Up & Under, Loverboy Shawty
Cactus Club, PONCÉ w/Saebra & Carlyle Jazz Estate, Misha Siegfried’s Blues Night Lake Park Summer Stage, Musical Mondays: Kevin Gordon Trio (6:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Michael Angelo (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Cactus Club, MKExpanded Anniversary Showcase: KGz, Peez, Paper- Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Pabst Theater, The Psychedelic Furs w/James (6:30pm) Stacks, Supah Cash, Smokey Jonez & Troy Tyler Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Caroline’s Jazz Club, Paul Spencer Band Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Victims Of Symmetry w/Saxxy Cass (8pm); Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Up & Under, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers DJ: WarLock (10pm) Club Garibaldi’s, MKE Music Night: The Sunkin Suns, Cullah & the Comrades, Hoppers’ Luck & Coyote Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Anodyne Coffee, Harmonica Masters: James Harman & Friends w/Jim Company Brewing, Fiya-Water Music Fest 2 Liban Combo & Madison Slim Crush Wine Bar (Muskego), Dave Miller Trio w/Mike Cascio & Hal Miller Blu Milwaukee, OV Duo (5:30pm) Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David Fox Point Farmers’ Market, Holly Haebig & Jeff Bray (10am) “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Garfields 502, Garfield Avenue Festival Cactus Club, Jackie Venson Return Tour Jazz Estate, Jimmy Bennington Colour and Sound (8pm), Late Night Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Vincent Van Great w/Funk Summit Session: Matt Heilmann Trio (11:30pm) Bass Team & Milwaukee Rep performs West Side Story selections (6pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, When The Sun Sets w/Order To Jazz Estate, Vinyl & Voice w/Dj Avets & Eric Blowtorch Chaos, Acyuta & Eden Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Kokopelli’s, Robert Allen Jr. Band w/Cadillac Pete (3pm) Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Freddy & the Blifftones Kilbourn-Kadish Park, Skyline Music: The Screamin’ Cucumbers MATC - Mequon Campus, Scenic Shore 150: Acoustic Blu (10:45am) (5:30pm) Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square: Veteran’s Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Outreach Day - Blues/Rock (4pm) Pabst Theater, Guster w/Mikaela Davis Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Marc Alan w/Dylan Disaster Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) (7pm), Hughes Family Band w/Minor Moon & WAVY V (9pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Sad Summer Festival: State Champs, Mayday Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Jypsy Parade, The Maine, The Wonder Years Mom Jeans, Stand Atlantic, Just Rave / Eagles Club, Born Of Osiris w/Bad Omens, Spite & Kingdom Of Friends & Ashland (all-ages, 2:30pm) Giants (all-ages, 7pm) Red Circle Inn, Dick Eliot & Greg Shaffer (6pm) Red, White and Brews, Robert Allen Jr. Band (10pm) Shank Hall, Drivin’ N Cryin’ w/Go Go Slow Saint Kate, the Arts Hotel, Jack and Jill Jazz: Jack Grassel & Jill Jensen The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5: String Along Band (5pm) (6pm) Shank Hall, Chris Duarte Group Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich Slinger House Pub (Slinger), Joe Kadlec The Back Room @ Colectivo, The Posies w/Big Mother Gig & Cabin Essence Beachside Oasis (Racine), Jack and Jill Jazz: Jack Grassel & Jill Jensen The Cheel (Thiensville), Sainted Patrons (6pm) The Cooperage, Paper Holland vinyl release w/Immortal Girlfriend & Bremen Cafe, Hoppers’ Luck w/Pleads, Other Suns & Deep Femme Shle Berry Bud Pavilion - Wisconsin State Fair Park, Wednesday Night Live: The The Lincoln Pub (Waukesha), Indigo Dog Crisis (6pm) The Packing House, Lem Banks & Top Shelf (6:30pm) Cactus Club, Have a Good Season w/Cream Vellum & Dogbad The Rock Sports Complex, In the Umbrella Bar: Cherry Pie (6:30pm) Colectivo Coffee, Florentine Opera at the Lake Twisted Fisherman, Gizzae Reggae Deer District, Beer Garden: Jake Warne (5pm) Up & Under, Jesse-TBD Hubbard Park (Shorewood), Summer Sounds: Command Performance X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), Betraying the Martyrs w/Entheos, Within Big Band (6pm) Destruction, Sentinels & Defying Decay Hudson Business Lounge, Jazz at Noon: Don Linke and Friends
Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Beanies Mexican Restaurant (Port Washington), Joe Kadlec (5:30pm) Cactus Club, Loose Koozies w/Long Line Riders & Hot Dog! Classic Country Record Spin Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Derek Pritzl & Friends (8pm); DJ: Holiday Spirit (10pm) Company Brewing, Clem w/Bum Alum, Man Random & Zaq Baker Quartet J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Benefit for Madison Slim w/The Blues Disciples (2pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Dean Richard (3pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Route 20 Outhouse, Them Evils w/The Black Moods (ages 18-plus, 7:30pm) Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Larry Lynne Solo (4pm) Shank Hall, Popa Chubby South Milwaukee American Legion Post 27, Drive With Horns (12pm), Carole & the DV8’s (4pm) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Los Coast w/Young Revelators The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday: Marr’Lo w/ Nicolette & Jones (4pm)
Iron Mike’s, B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, MRS. FUN “Headhunters” Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Hiyan (signup 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Oak Creek Community Center, Oak Creek Center Summer Concert: Mt. Olive Pabst Theater, Jake Shimabukuro Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: Cigarette Break (6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Racine Zoo, Animal Crackers Concert Series: Lin Rountree Rave / Eagles Club, I Don’t Know How But They Found Me w/Twin XL (all-ages, 7:30pm) Richard E. Maslowski Glendale Community Park, Music in the Glen: Pat McCurdy Rotary Performance Pavilion, Tosa Tonight: The Foxies, with guests Brett Newski and The No Tomorrow (6pm) Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel (Thiensville), Smith and Binder Jazz Trio (6:30pm) The Cooperage, Legendary Shack Shakers w/Bleed, Beaumont James & The Wild Claims The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: Klassik w/Aram Feriants, No Seatbelts and Immortal Girlfriend (5pm) SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Sweet Edwin was found living on the streets and quickly won the hearts of staff at the Wisconsin Humane Society Milwaukee Campus. This 2-year-old is a gentle, mellow guy who can be shy at first, but has so much love to give. He may need some time to adjust to his new environment, but once he does come out of his shell, you’ll have a best friend for life. Like all cats at WHS, Edwin has been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated, plus you get to name your own adoption fee, so stop by the Milwaukee Campus to meet him today! J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 39
HOUSE RULE By James Barrick
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
DOWN 1. Insincere talk 2. Nautical term 3. Rhapsodize 4. Wobbled 5. Grew less 6. Diametric 7. Hot streak 8. Lennon’s widow 9. Source of front-page info 10. Games 11. Wall hanging 12. Garden plant 13. Chinese chairman 14. Uncivil 15. French composer 16. Queen in Disney’s “Frozen”
7/11 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 23 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
It's roundup time
Solution: 23 Letters
68. More chill 69. Nouveau — 70. Finalize 73. Japanese pottery 74. “... form — — perfect union” 75. Sulks 76. Arab monarchs 79. Kind of sale 83. Liqueur flavoring 84. Crooked 85. Pile for burning 86. Disloyal one 88. Canopies 89. Workroom 90. As soon as 91. Suffuse with color 94. Very 96. Prop 97. Waterloo resident 98. German pistol 99. Actor — Malek 100. Name in Arthurian legend 101. Ocular receptor cell 102. Jazz style 103. Anatomical loop 104. Bait 105. Quiche ingredient 106. Attempt 109. That boy 111. Verse form
17. Lean 18. Split 24. Oarsman 29. Soft mineral 31. Pro — 33. — -chef 34. Unforeseen 35. Inspiring scorn 36. Sister in Greek myth 37. Farewell! 38. Even chance 39. Stuff 40. Noted designer of chairs 41. Weather prediction 42. Blackboard 44. Simple plaything 45. Throw 46. A pronoun 48. Room in a concert hall 52. Data storage unit 53. Shrew 54. Mythical creature 56. Melville’s “Billy —” 57. Made new, in a way 60. French river 61. Speck 64. “Pagliacci” role 65. Wind from Asian deserts 67. Swim
" # $ % &
83. Early game console maker 84. Radial part 86. Sun hat 87. Part 5 of quip: 4 wds. 91. More confident 92. Formerly 93. Abuse 94. Play up 95. Racetrack distance 96. Blockade 98. Cash advance 99. Set of directions 102. Strap 103. Heart chambers 107. Before long 108. Bewilder 110. End of the quip: 2 wds. 112. Chinese dynasty 113. Diadem cousin 114. Fifties flop 115. Jason’s vessel 116. — of March 117. German seaport 118. Darling 119. Hard shell
ACROSS 1. Transport 5. Stage area 10. Pheasant ragout 15. Hit 19. — nasi 20. American folk hero 21. Troy’s last king 22. Hodgepodge 23. Start of a quip by Fran Lebowitz: 2 wds. 25. Lowest deck 26. Defunct alliance 27. Complete 28. Roving 30. Flat at the poles 32. Spouted vessel 33. Wallops 34. Sour fruit 35. Cooked a certain way 38. Labor 39. Famed brewery 43. Dictate 44. Part 2 of quip: 4 wds. 47. SWAT action 48. Moat 49. Work by Chopin 50. — culpa 51. Course: Abbr. 52. “The — From Brazil” 53. Celerity 54. Dogs 55. Part 3 of quip: 3 wds. 58. Salutation 59. Greeting in India 62. Sporty truck 63. Seabirds 66. Promise of a kind 67. Wildlife enthusiasts 71. “Be- — -A-Lula” 72. Part 4 of quip: 2 wds. 77. Caustic 78. Tropical tree 80. Big cat’s thatch 81. “Serial —” 82. A twitching
1 1 1 1 1 1
( / / / / ' ' 0 0 0
2 3 3 3
7/11 Solution: It’s good to remember ‘buyer beware’
3 ( (
40 !!J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY CANCER (June 21-July 22): What would you say if I asked you to tell me who you truly are? I wouldn’t want to hear so much about your titles and awards. I’d be curious about your sacred mysteries, not your literal history. I’d want to know the treasured secrets you talk about with yourself before you fall asleep. I’d ask you to sing the songs you love and describe the allies who make you feel real. I’d urge you to riff on the future possibilities that both scare you and thrill you. What else? What are some other ways you might show me core truths about your irrepressible soul? Now is a good time to meditate on these riddles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Isaac Asimov wrote a science fiction story about a physicist who masters time travel and summons William Shakespeare into the present time. The Bard enrolls in a night school class about his own plays—and proceeds to flunk the course. Modern ideas and modes of discourse are simply too disorienting to him. He is unable to grasp the theories that centuries’ worth of critics have developed about his work. With this as a cautionary tale, I invite you to time-travel not four centuries into the future, but just 10 years. From that vantage point, look back at the life you’re living now. How would you evaluate and understand it? Do you have any constructive criticism to offer? Any insights that could help you plan better for your long-term future? VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to buy yourself toys, change your image for no rational reason and indulge in an interesting pleasure that you have been denying yourself for no good reason. In addition, I hope you will engage in at least two heart-to-heart talks with yourself, preferably using funny voices and comical body language. You could also align yourself gracefully with cosmic rhythms by dancing more than usual, and by goofing off more than usual, and by wandering in the wilderness and seeking to recapture your lost innocence more than usual. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Although you’ll never find an advertisement for Toyota or Coca Cola or Apple within my horoscope column, you will find hype for spiritual commodities like creativity, love and freedom. Like everyone else, I’m a huckster. My flackery may be more ethical and uplifting than others’, but the fact is that I still try to persuade you to “buy” my ideas. The moral of the story: Everyone, even the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, is selling something. I hope that what I’m saying here purges any reluctance you might have about presenting yourself and your ideas in the most favorable light. It’s high time for you to hone your sales pitch; to explain why your approach to life is so wise; to be a forceful spokesperson and role model for the values you hold dear. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You are growing almost too fast, but that won’t necessarily be a problem—as long as you don’t expect everyone around you to grow as fast as you. I suspect that you also know almost too much—but I don’t anticipate that will spawn envy and resistance as long as you cultivate a bit of humility. I have an additional duty to report that you’re on the verge of being too attractive for your own good—although you have not yet actually reached the tipping point, so maybe your hyper-attractiveness will serve you rather than undermine you. In conclusion, Scorpio, I invite you to celebrate your abundance, but don’t flaunt it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The snow leopards of Central Asia crave a lot of room to wander. Zoologists say that each male prefers its territory to be about 84 square miles, and each female likes to have 44 square miles. I don’t think you’ll require quite that vast a turf in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. But on the other hand, it will be important not to underestimate the spaciousness you’ll need in order to thrive. Give yourself permission to be expansive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “I want to do things so wild with you that I don’t know how to say them.” Author Anaïs Nin wrote that in a letter to her Capricorn lover Henry Miller. Is there anyone you could or should or want to say something like that to? If your answer is yes, now is a good time to
be so candid and bold. If the answer is no, now would be a good time to scout around for a person to whom you could or should or want to say such a thing. And if you’d like to throw in a bit more enticement, here’s another seductive lyric from Anaïs: “Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Did you hear the story about the California mom who started a series of forest fires so as to boost her son’s career as a firefighter? She is an apt role model for behavior you should diligently avoid in the coming weeks. It’s unwise and unprofitable for you and yours to stir up a certain kind of trouble simply because it’s trouble that you and yours have become skilled at solving. So how should you use your problem-solving energy, which I suspect will be at a peak? I suggest you go hunting for some very interesting and potentially productive trouble that you haven’t wrangled with before—some rousing challenge that will make you even smarter than you already are. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The heroine of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass is curious, adventurous and brave. First she follows a well-dressed rabbit down a rabbit hole into an alternate universe. Later, she slips through a mirror into yet another parallel reality. Both times, with great composure, she navigates her way through many odd, paranormal and unpredictable events. She enjoys herself immensely as she deals with a series of unusual characters and unfamiliar situations. I’m going to speculate that Alice is a Pisces. Are you ready for your very own Alice-in-Wonderland phase? Here it comes! ARIES (March 21-April 19): An Aries reader sent me a boisterous email. “I was afraid I was getting too bogged down by my duties,” he said, “too hypnotized by routine, too serious about my problems. So I took drastic action.” He then described the ways he broke out of his slump. Here’s an excerpt: “I gave laughing lessons to a cat. I ate a spider. I conducted a sneezing contest. I smashed an alarm clock with a hammer. Whenever an elderly woman walked by, I called out ‘Hail to the Queen!’ and did a backflip. I gave names to my spoon (Hortense), the table (Beatrice), a fly that was buzzing around (Fallon), and a toothpick (Arturo).” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Aries, you’d be wise to stage a comparable uprising. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Welcome home, homegirls and homeboys. After observing all your homesteading in homes away from home, I’m pleased to see you getting curious about the real home brew again. I wonder how many times I’ll say the word “home” before you register the message that it’s high time for you to home in on some homemade, homegrown homework? Now here’s a special note to any of you who may be feeling psychologically homeless or exiled from your spiritual home: the coming weeks will be a favorable time to address that ache and remedy that problem. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The world is full of eternally restless people who seethe with confused desires they don’t understand. Fueled by such unfathomable urges, they are driven in unknown directions to accomplish fuzzy goals. They may be obsessed in ways that make them appear to be highly focused, but the objects of their obsession are impossible to attain or unite with. Those objects don’t truly exist! I have described this phenomenon in detail, Gemini, because the coming months will offer you all the help and support you could ever need to make sure you’re forever free of any inclination to be like that. Homework: Name something you could change about yourself that might enhance your love life. Testify at freewillastrology.com. Go to realastrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.
New Low: Banned From Walmart
n unnamed woman pulled a stunt in a Wichita Falls, Texas, Walmart on Tuesday, June 25, that got her banned from the store. According to NBC News, Police Sgt. Harold McClure said a store employee reported that the woman had eaten half a cake from the bakery, then attempted to buy the other half (for halfprice), saying she found the cake in that condition. While Walmart did not want to press charges, they did prohibit her from shopping at the store in the future—a policy they’ve invoked before following an incident in January at another Wichita Falls Walmart. In that case, a woman rode an electric cart around the store’s parking lot while guzzling purloined Walmart wine from a can of Pringles.
Wolfe Gets Crane’s Goat Serina Wolfe, 24, was seriously angry with her boyfriend, Michael Crane, for his refusal to buy her an airplane ticket for a trip to New York, the Tampa Bay Times reported. So, she used his credit card to pay for an expensive breakfast at Clear Sky Beachside Café in Clearwater, Fla., on Thursday, June 27—expensive in that she left her server a $5,000 tip! Initially, Wolfe told Crane the charge wasn’t hers, and thus he reported it as fraudulent. But the restaurant had already paid the server the $5,000. Wolfe, of Buffalo, N.Y., was charged with grand theft after admitting that she was the ticked-off tipper.
A Tad Too Much Koffi An Independence Day holiday in Bodega Harbor, Calif., went terribly wrong for a group of six friends who rented a house there. On Thursday, July 4, 32-year-old Betai Koffi of San Francisco indulged heavily in LSD, taking four doses over the course of the afternoon. He became delusional and violent with his friends, who were trying to prevent him from leaving the home. After assaulting several of his housemates and wrecking a rental car, he took off on foot. Koffi plucked a landscape light out of the ground, Sonoma County
Sheriff’s Sgt. Spencer Crum told KTVU, “and stabbed a security guard with the metal end of it,” knocking the guard to the ground. Koffi then stole the guard’s pickup truck and ran down two different couples as they enjoyed an evening walk. Finally, sheriff’s and highway patrol officers arrived, and Koffi aimed the truck at them and accelerated. A CHP officer fired his gun, striking Koffi three times. “If this guy had kept going, who knows what he could have done to other people,” Crum said. Eight people were injured, but all are expected to recover.
Pranks for the Memories A homeowner in Crestview, Fla., allowed one Matthew Morrison, 44, to bunk on the property as a favor to someone down on his luck. But things went south on Saturday, July 6, when Morrison entered the home without permission and threw lighted firecrackers under a sleeping 9-year-old girl’s bed. The homeowner chased Morrison out of the house with a stick. Morrison told Okaloosa County Sheriff’s deputies it was a “prank gone wrong,” but the little girl was left terrified. Lt. Todd Watkins told Fox News: “I’m not sure what he was trying to accomplish. The prank thing didn’t really sound like it was a legitimate reason.” Well, maybe this had something to do with it: When Morrison was arrested, officers found two grams of methamphetamine in his pocket. Morrison has a prior criminal history, including drug charges; he was charged with burglary and possession of methamphetamine.
Brotherly Love On Saturday, July 6, Okaloosa County, Fla., sheriff’s deputies responded to a 911 call after a 13-year-old boy stabbed his 15-year-old brother in the arm three times with a multitool. The boys, from Clarksville, Tenn., were sitting in a parked car in Crestview, Fla., when the incident occurred. Lt. Todd Watkins told Fox News that the younger boy was “tired of his brother picking on him,” and he told officers he’d “rather be in jail than eight hours in the car with him.” “I stabbed him, and I don’t care about going back to jail,” he said. While the 15-year-old was in the back of an ambulance being treated, he was overheard calling some of his friends to retaliate against his younger brother. The 13-year-old was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J U LY 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 | 41
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