Print Edition: Aug. 15, 2019

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Abele’s Inexplicable Decision

Aug. 15 - Aug. 21, 2019




Adventurous theatre, music, dance and visual art fills the Marcus Center indoors and out.


3456738%9:%8;<7%:9=> *+,-./0#,$12*




9/16-20 ON SALE NOON 8/16!

TONY! TONI! TON… ! 10/11









ALL-4-ONE 9/26


WANT MORE? See all shows on


2 ! AUGUST 15 , 2019


PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: ;2+.*'<2%/.*'=#)/7'>?@AB GENERAL MANAGER: C#D.,'E0%&,#%'=#)/7'>?AFB' MANAGING EDITOR: G0D.&';+"%**#,'=#)/7'>?@HB EXPRESS EVENTS EDITOR: I.$'J#,2%'=#)/7'>?K@B ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR:'L2",'!1",#.&#% =#)/7'>?KMB EDITORIAL ASSISTANT & ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: L2",'L0",'=#)/7'>?@KB' ASSOCIATE WEB EDITORN'L#0,OE06%.#4'<#%,0,&#P ASSISTANT TO THE GENERAL MANAGERN' Q40.,#'!1"+4/P'=#)/7'>?K>B EVENT COORDINATOR: R0%%.#'<.*"#%'=>?A>B (&./2%.04'S,/#%,*N'I2*#'R0:0%0T'(/"0,'G+%0,T' E#,#D.#D#'U0"4

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CREATIVE SERVICES: ART DIRECTOR: G0D#'V34*/%0'=#)/7'>?AKB GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER: W0XX.#'U0+X",'=#)/7'>?@>B GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN: Y,,0'Z0%&'=#)/7'>?@[B ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES:''Q%.&X#//#'Y%&'=#)/7'>?KKB' G#,.*#';0,X*/2,'=#)/7'>?@?BT'Y4#)'W.#49#'=>?@[B G2,,0'Z0X,#%'=#)/7'>?KFB' ()#1+/.D#'Y**.*/0,/'/2'/"#'!04#*'G.%#1/2%' 0,&'\+64.*"#%N'L019.#'Q+/P4#%'=#)/7'>?KHB BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERN'R"+19'].44'=#)/7'>?AAB In Memory of Dusti Ferguson (October 18, 1971 – November 20, 2007) WEB PUBLISHER: R24#'U0,&#%:0+*# =#)/7'>?@MB WEB EDITOR: (D0,'R0*#3 BUSINESS MANAGER:'\#XX3'G#6,0:'=#)/7'>?>AB ASSISTANT TO THE BUSINESS MANAGER: Sherri Hanson '=#)/7'>?K^B CIRCULATION COORDINATOR:'Q40.,#'!1"+4/P'=#)/7'>?K>B CIRCULATION: CONNIE ANDERSON, JOSEF BIENEK, BRIAN BRUNO, WILLIE COLE, PEG DYER, GARY GORLEWSKI, MIKE HOULEHEN, TOWNSEND HUNT, LARRY JONES, BRENDA LEWIS, FRANCIS MULVEY, TODD PEARSON, JENNIFER SCHMID, DANIEL SURGES, GREG TOMASETTI, RICHARD VAN WIERINGEN, SEAN ZANDER, DANIEL ZOLLNER DISTRIBUTION: !"#$"#%&'()$%#**'.*'0D0.4064#'5%##'25' 1"0%X#7'J"#'!"#$"#%&'()$%#**':03'6#'&.*/%.6+/#&' 2,43'63'0+/"2%.P#&'&.*/%.6+/2%*7'_2'$#%*2,':03T' -./"2+/'$%.2%'-%.//#,'$#%:.**.2,'25'/"#'!"#$"#%&' ()$%#**T'/09#':2%#'/"0,'2,#'12$3'25'#01"'-##943' .**+#7'W0.4'*+6*1%.$/.2,*'0%#'0D0.4064#7'_2'%#5+,&*'52%' #0%43'10,1#440/.2,*7 8,#'3#0%'=FA'.**+#*B'D.0'<.%*/'R40**':0.4N'`KAF7@@ !.)':2,/"*'=A['.**+#*B'D.0'<.%*/'R40**':0.4N'`M@7@@

SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Turn up the fun on this special Sunday with 5X slot points—just for playing your favorite games. Simply play with your Club card 6 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. to really amp up August!



A@M'(7'Q+55042'!/7T'!+./#'HK@T'W.4-0+9##T'ZS'F>A@A Phone'HKHaAM[OAAAA'Fax'HKHaAM[O>>KA' Advertising Inquiries: e-mail:'.,52b*"#$#)712: URL: *"#$"#%&#)$%#**712: Shepherd Express makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, regarding any advertising. Due diligence is recommended before entering into any agreement with an advertiser. Shepherd Express will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. Please check your ad the first day of publication and notify us of any changes. We are not responsible for errors in advertising after the first day. We reserve the right to edit, reject or reclassify advertisements at our sole discretion, without notice. We do not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis, or are otherwise illegal. NO REFUNDS for cancellation after deadline, no copy changes except to price or telephone number.

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BAR 360 • 8 P.M.

BAR 360 • 8 P.M.



AUG 6 & 7






BAR 360 • 9 P.M.

BAR 360 • 9 P.M.

BAR 360 • 8/6 T4 HP.M. U R• S8/7 8 P.M.

BAR 360 • 8 P.M.


Association of Alternative Newsweeklies




AUGUST 15, 2019 | 3 ADV19240-ShepEx 3quarter pg Ent ad 8_1.indd 1

7/24/19 4:55 PM


Making Sure All of Milwaukee Benefits From the 2020 DNC


e all know the numbers floating around the 2020 Democratic National Convention by now. Fifty thousand people are expected. Economic impact estimated at around $200 million. About 1,500 events in and around the city. But what remains uncertain is the direct impact on some of Milwaukee’s underrepresented communities, especially parts of Milwaukee’s North and South sides. Although Fiserv Forum, the site for the convention, is just miles from these areas, leaders and citizens in these communities occasionally feel unheard when it comes to matters such as new development occurring Downtown. However, host committee members, the City of Milwaukee and local activists are doing their due diligence in making sure these communities are heard. That’s the job of Jim Milner—chief diversity and intentional inclusion adviser of the Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee. He said he wants all of Milwaukee to reap the benefits of the convention, which will be held July 13-16, 2020. “What we’ve discovered, especially from the local level, is that when opportunities come to this community, they are late coming to certain parts of the community,” Milner said. “At the end of the day, we’re really talking about a body of people working together to demonstrate the great work happening in this town.” Milner said the host committee and he will be intentional about including people in conversations that will bring diversity and inclusion to the convention. He added that his goal is to make sure diversity “flows and permeates all through the DNC.”

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‘A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity’

Making Lasting Change

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4 | AUGUST 15, 2019

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1434 N FARWELL AVE ï 276-7288 ï www.SHANKHALL.COM ï all shows 21+

All shows start at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at

Fri 8/16

Sat 8/17

The Producers $25

Lady Cannon, Band of Dust, Fuzzysurf 9pm $8

Sun 8/18

Tues 8/20


Lindsay Beaver $20

!"#$%%"&'"(#$)#*#%*+$,*-# ./&-(#/0#$--1%$)*2$/)#*)(#'""# 3-4&$,5#6*&(")'#$)#*#.5/-"# )".#-$+52#*02"&#(*&78 9"*21&$)+#$)2"&*,2$:"# $)'2*--*2$/)';#:$("/# %*<<$)+;#)"/)#-$+52';# *)(#%/&"8#



Wed 8/21

WeD 8/28

Albert Castiglia $15

Jocelyn & Chris Arndt $12 adv/ $15 dr



9/6 Jagged Little Pill, Doní t Speak 9/7 Stephane Wrembel Band 9/11 Guida 9/12 Alice Peacock, Chely Wright 9/13 Pundamonium 9/14 The Wigs 9/15 Kristin Hersh Electric Trio 9/17 Emily Wolfe 9/19 Roger Clyne Acoustic


7411 N. BOYD WAY, FOX POINT 3 BED/2.5 RANCH RENTAL M&2&%)N2O) J@<)P?)D&(3#$A"")E% Q&2%,*&0)81&*.)R#*.



!"#$%&'$()*"+,-#%".)/#+01)&2)3#&%&+4)',*)5,$)%,)0,6")1,6"7)81&2) 9,:) ;,&+%) <) !".*,,6=>?@) !#%1) 1,6") ,''"*2) #) (,-"(5) 3,,.".) 2"%%&+4)3&%1)<)."0A2B)"+01#+%&+4)',$+%#&+)#+.)C"*"++&#()4#*."+2?) Great Room w/cathedral ceiling, wood floors and gas fireplace. D#2%"*)E$&%"),''"*2)($20&,$2)F#%1)&+0($.&+4)2%,+")G)4(#22)21,3"*) 3=F,.5)2C*#52B).""C)2,#A&+4)%$F)G).,$F(")2&+A2?)H$"2%)!".*,,62) 1#-")#6C(")0(,2"%)2C#0"?)I%%#01".)J?@)0#*)H#*#4")3&%1)#..&%&,+#() .*&-"3#5)C#*A&+4)#+.)'$(()!#2"6"+%)',*)#..".)2%,*#4"?)E%"C2)%,) E%,*6,+%1)E01,,();#*AB)K0")/&+A)G)8"++&2)L,$*%?))))$2,300/Month Presented By: Mary Beth Waite (414) 213-5055 AUGUST 15 , 2 0 19 ! 5




!"#$%&"'$()!*$+"$*,"-'!,./()%&" ,&0$(&"!*"-.0+)/"-!+)/1")22.&23" 4&"*&&,"$"0$2&"!5"5$/(2"(#$("$++" 2),&2" /$*" $6'&&" !*7! "#$! %#&! '(##)*! +#! ,-+*./.*+! +(*! 01'+)! ,)! &/!+#!%#&2!3&+!$,+(#&+!14.**56&/#-!01'+)2!$*! 1.*!,-!.*17!+.#&37*8!9-!#&.!'&..*-+!(,4(7%!/#7,+,6 ',:*5!)+1+*!1-5!'#&-+.%2!+(*.*!1.*!0*$!,-)+,+&6 +,#-)!+(1+!1.*!+.&)+*5!3%!177!),5*)!+#!3*!13#&+! 1)! #3;*'+,<*! 1)! (&=1-7%! /#)),37*2! 1-5! +(*! Wisconsin Policy Forum (WPF) is definitely 1+!+(*!+#/!#0!+(*!7,)+8!!>#$2!+(*!?@A!,)!*B/1-56 ,-4!$(1+!,+!,)!#00*.,-4!+#!&)8! C-+,7!.*'*-+7%2!,-D&,.,-4!',+,:*-)!$*.*!,-!0#.! D&,+*!1!3,+!#0!.*)*1.'(!,0!+(*%!$1-+*5!+#!E-#$! ,0!F,7$1&E**!)/*-5)!=#.*!/*.!'1/,+1!#-!/#7,'*! and fire services than other places. The same $1)!+.&*!,0!+(*%!$*.*!,-+*.*)+*5!,-!7*1.-,-4!(#$! F,7$1&E**G)! /.#/*.+%! +1B! .1+*)! '#=/1.*! $,+(! +(#)*! #0! -*1.3%! =&-,',/17,+,*)! #.! ,0! +(*! ',+%G)! 5*3+!3&.5*-!,)!&-&)&177%!(,4(8 H#=*!#0!+(*!1-)$*.)!'#&75!3*!0#&-5!#-!+(*! ,-+*.-*+! 3%! <,),+,-4! <1.,#&)! $*3),+*)I! #+(*.)! might require going to government offices

A Close Look at the City and County Budgets

Take, as an example, the yearly analyses the ?@A!5#*)!#0!+(*!F,7$1&E**!V#&-+%!1-5!V,+%! of Milwaukee budgets. “Typically, whenever %#&! (1<*! 3&54*+! 5,)'&)),#-)2! %#&! 4*+! 1! 7#+! #0! conflict in the news media,” Henken says. “That’s true whether you are talking about $(**7!+1B*)2!/.#/#)17)!+#!'(1.4*!0#.!/1.E,-4!1+! /1.E)!#.!)/*-5,-4!'&+)!1-5!+(*!-1+&.*!#0!+(#)*! '&+)8!?*!0**7!+(1+!+(*.*!,)!<17&*!,-!(1<,-4!156 5,+,#-17!'#-+*B+2!)(#$,-4!+.*-5!1-17%),)!1-5!+(*! 01'+#.)!+(1+!'.*1+*!+(*!-**5!0#.!-*$!.*<*-&*!1-5! )/*-5,-4!'&+)8R The task that the WPF has set itself is by no =*1-)!1-!*1)%!#-*2!*)/*',177%!1)!/&37,'!/#7,'%! 3*'#=*)!*<*.!=#.*!'#=/7*B8!J*,-4!1!.*)/#-6 ),37*! ',+,:*-! -#! 7#-4*.! ),=/7%! =*1-)! E**/,-4! +.1'E!#0!(#$!)+1+*!1-5!7#'17!/#7,+,',1-)!<#+*!#-! +(*! 0*$! 3,44*)+! ,))&*)! #0! +(*! =#=*-+8! @*#/7*! 1.*!-#$!'#-0.#-+*5!17=#)+!51,7%!$,+(!13)+.1'6 tions such as TIF (Tax Increment Financing) 5,)+.,'+)!1-5!+1B!7*<,*)8 To help ease that burden, the Wisconsin @#7,'%!A#.&=!(1)!4#-*!+#!)#=*! *B+.1#.5,-1.%! 7*-4+()I!+(*!F&-,',/17!Q1+1+##7!,)!;&)+!#-*!*B6 ample. The forum also takes great care to en6 )&.*!,+)!=1,-!/.#5&'+)W+(*!.*)*1.'(!.*/#.+)!,+!

S h epher d Expre ss Annual

Fall Arts Guide c o m i n g

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September 5 issue 6 | AUGUST 15, 2019

.*7*1)*)! +(.#&4(#&+! +(*! '#&.)*! #0! 1! %*1.W1.*! /.*)*-+*5!,-!1!$1%!=*1-+!+#!1//*17!+#!+(*!3.#156 *)+!4.#&/!#0!/*#/7*!/#)),37*8 To that end, the forum’s findings are pub6 7,)(*5!3#+(!,-!+(*,.!0&7767*-4+(!0#.=!1-5!,-!1'6 '#=/1-%,-4! )&==1.,*)! 1-5! /.*))! .*7*1)*)8! Take, for instance, the forum’s recent “Picking Up the Pieces” report. This final installment in a five-part series looking at the need to repair and .*/71'*!/&37,'!3&,75,-4)!1-5!#+(*.!,-0.1)+.&'+&.*! ,-!F,7$1&E**!N3#+(!',+%!1-5!'#&-+%O!'#-'7&5*5! that local officials—in addition to looking at -*$!)#&.'*)!#0!.*<*-&*W=,4(+!1+!7*1)+!(1<*!+#! '#-),5*.!)*77,-4!)#=*!1))*+)8! A#.!+(#)*!$,+(!=#.*!#0!1!/1)),-4!,-+*.*)+!,-! the findings, there are both a two-page release 1-5!1!+(.**6=,-&+*!<,5*#!)&==1.%8!A#.!1-%#-*! $1-+,-4!+#!4#!1!3,+!5**/*.2!+(*.*G)!1-!*,4(+6/14*! P.*/#.+!3.,*08R!A,-177%2!+(*.*G)!+(*!.*/#.+!,+)*708! U+!XM!/14*)!7#-42!,+!4#*)!,-+#!+(*!5*+1,7!-**5*5! +#! 15*D&1+*7%! '#<*.! 1! )&3;*'+! 1)! 01.6.*1'(,-4! 1-5!'#=/7*B!1)!/&37,'!,-0.1)+.&'+&.*2!%*+!,+G)!#.6 41-,:*5!,-!$1%!+(1+!=1E*)!,+!*1)%!0#.!.*15*.)!+#! skip around to specific subjects of interest.

No ‘Preconceived Notions’

The WPF develops its research agenda not ;&)+! 0.#=! +(*! 15<,'*! #0! "*-E*-! 1-5! )+100! .*6 )*1.'(*.)!3&+!17)#!+(*!<1.,#&)!*-+,+,*)!+(1+!(1<*! 4,<*-!+(*!4.#&/!=#-*+1.%!1-5!#.41-,:1+,#-17! )&//#.+2! ,-'7&5,-4! 7#'17! 4#<*.-=*-+)2! 3&),6 nesses and nonprofit foundations. Wauwatosa F1%#.!Y1+(%!Z(7*%!)1%)!+(*.*G)!-#!#-*!*7)*!,-! ?,)'#-),-!5#,-4!D&,+*!+(*!)1=*!)#.+!#0!$#.E8! “They don’t come at it from preconceived no6 +,#-)2R! )(*! )1%)2! P1-5! +(*%! *B/71,-! +(*! 01'+)! 1-5!=1E*!)&44*)+,#-)2!3&+!+(*%!5#!-#+!4*+!,-6 <#7<*5!,-!+(*!/#7,+,')!#0!+(,-4)8!U-5!+(1+G)!+(*! $1%!,+!)(#&75!3*8R The Wisconsin Policy Forum has received its share of official praise throughout the years. "*-E*-2! (,=)*702! $1)! -1=*5! +(*! S#+1.%! V7&3! #0!F,7$1&E**G)!P[LM\!@*.)#-!#0!+(*!]*1.R!;&)+! 71)+!=#-+(8!"*-E*-W1-!Z1)+!V#1)+!-1+,<*!$(#! first came to Milwaukee nearly 25 years ago to 15<#'1+*!0#.!7,4(+!.1,7!7*15,-4!1!4.#&/!'177*5!+(*! Alliance for Future Transit—said perhaps his 3,44*)+!4#17!),-'*!+1E,-4!+(*!(*7=!1+!+(*!?@A! (1)!3**-!+#!.*+&.-!,+!+#!,+)!.*)*1.'(!.##+)8! Research on municipal finance was, in fact, +(*!0#.&=G)!=1,-!/.,#.,+%!$(*-!,+!$1)!#.,4,-177%! 0#&-5*5!1)!+(*!F,7$1&E**!V,+,:*-)G!J&.*1&!#0! Municipal Efficiency in 1913. In the ensuing

5*'15*)2! +(*! #.41-,:1+,#-G)!)'#/*!*B/1-5*5!+#! county and school finances even as its name was changed first to the Citizens’ Governmental S*)*1.'(!J&.*1&!1-5!+(*-!+#!+(*!@&37,'!@#7,'%! A#.&=8! J%! +(*! +,=*! "*-E*-! 1..,<*5! ,-! [LL^2! though, research on government finance had 3*4&-!+#!5.,0+!+#!+(*!),5*8 "*-E*-G)!1++*=/+)!+#!/&+!+(*!?@A!31'E!#-! ,+)! #.,4,-17! '#&.)*! (1<*! '#=*! ,-! /1.+! +(.#&4(! hiring. The organization now has six full-time .*)*1.'(*.)! $#.E,-4! 0#.! ,+! ,-! F,7$1&E**! 1-5! +(.**! ,-! F15,)#-8! U-#+(*.! /&)(! (1)! '#=*! ,-! +(*! 5,.*'+,#-! #0! +(*! .*)*1.'(! ,+)*708! ?,+(,-! +(*! first year after Henken took over, the forum $1)!/&37,)(,-4!3.,*0)!#-!F,7$1&E**G)!',+%!1-5! '#&-+%!3&54*+)I!3%![LM_2!,+!$1)!5#,-4!+(*!)1=*! 0#.!F,7$1&E**!@&37,'!H'(##7)8

Analyzing State Government


!"#$%& '"#& (")*+*,./012-

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enken, WPF president. “This is by no means =*1-+! #-7%! +#! )*.<*! 1)! 1! +##7! 0#.! /*#/7*! $(#! +*-5!+#!7##E!1)E1-'*!1+!(,4(!)/*-5,-4!1=#&-+)8! 9+!17)#!177#$)!&)!+#!)**!$(*.*!)/*-5,-4!(1)!5,6 =,-,)(*5!#<*.!+,=*8R!9+G)!177!/.*)*-+*5!,-!1!$1%! +(1+G)!1''*)),37*!+#!*<*-!+(*!=#)+!'1)&17!#0!,-6 D&,.*.)!3&+!)+,77!.,'(!*-#&4(!,-!5*+1,7!+#!1//*17! +#!)*.,#&)!/#7,'%!$#-E)8!"*-E*-!)1%)!+(1+G)!+(*! *B1'+!3171-'*!+(1+!(*!1-5!(,)!0*77#$!.*)*1.'(*.)! +.%!+#!)+.,E*!,-!*<*.%+(,-4!+(*%!5#8

@*.(1/)! +(*! 3,44*)+! *<*-+! ,-! +(*! ?@AG)! .*'*-+! (,)+#.%! (1)! 3**-! ,+)! =*.4*.! N,-! *1.7%! 2018) with the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. U7#-4!$,+(!15#/+,#-!#0!+(*!?,)'#-),-!@#7,'%! A#.&=! '&..*-+! -1=*2! +(,)! '#=3,-1+,#-! 17)#! 3.#&4(+! ,-! +#$! 1! -*$! .*)/#-),3,7,+%`! 1-17%:6 ,-4!)+1+*!4#<*.-=*-+8 The forum has approached this new task in ,+)!&)&17!$1%2!+.%,-4!+#!)+.,E*!1!3171-'*!3*+$**-! 5*+1,7!1-5!1''*)),3,7,+%8!U$1.*!+(1+!)+1+*!4#<*.-6 =*-+!17.*15%!(1)!,+)!#$-!-#-/1.+,)1-!a*4,)716 +,<*!A,)'17!J&.*1&!+(1+!'1-!3*!+.&)+*5!+#!/.#<,5*! #3;*'+,<*!1-17%),)!#0!)+1+*!3&54*+)2!"*-E*-!1-5! #+(*.)!1+!+(*!?@A!(1<*!+.,*5!+#!5,)+,-4&,)(!+(*,.! $#.E!3%!+1E,-4!&/!+#/,')!+(1+!=,4(+!#+(*.$,)*! .*'*,<*!7,++7*!1++*-+,#-8!A#.!*B1=/7*2!#-*!.*'*-+! report looked at the ramifications of Wiscon6 ),-G)!5*',),#-!+#!'#77*'+!1-!*B',)*!+1B!#-!)17*)!#0! e-cigarette fluid. Another considered the state’s /#7,',*)! #-! =1.,;&1-1! 1-5! .*'*-+! /.#/#)17)! +#! *,+(*.!7*417,:*!#.!5*'.,=,-17,:*!+(*!5.&48 With its ever-broadening field of research, the ?,)'#-),-! @#7,'%! A#.&=G)! .*)/#-),3,7,+,*)! '1-! -#!5#&3+!)**=!*-57*))!1+!+,=*)2!3&+!+#!"*-E*-2! ,0! +(*! $#.E! (*7/)! *<*.%#-*! 0.#=! +(*! '#==#-! voter to influential officeholders make informed 5*',),#-)2!,+G)!$*77!$#.+(!5#,-48!P?*!5#!$1-+! #&.!/.#5&'+)!+#!(*7/!5.,<*!/#7,'%!1-5!5*',),#-6 =1E,-42R!(*!)1%)8!P?*!17)#!$1-+!+(*=!+#!3*!&-6 5*.)+1-5137*!+#!',+,:*-)!#&+),5*!#0!4#<*.-=*-+8! But we do want to cover topics sufficiently so $*!$,77!17)#!3*!,-0#.=1+,<*!+#!/#7,'%=1E*.)8R !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/'n

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2CDEF2G)HI)G5JF)IHK; adventurous theatre, music, dance and visual art fills the Marcus Center indoors and out.




AUGUST 15 , 2 0 19 ! 7


Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ::BY JOEL MCNALLY

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!"#$%&'()!$*('+'),-($.-%"/('.+0' *$1-' (#!2$%&' 3)' "!' )!(-' 4!,' (5$*$%&6'"#$%&'($)!)#*"*!'#**"'! +"!"#,!"-*!.+",'"!/%,012+3!21"1,'! ,%*"1*3+..4!501,6135!*6,0!-,,7( end mass murders to find most of the people are 13! '$2#! +! &+8! %**8! "#,4! 8*39"! ,6,3! -+3"! 4*$! 13!"#,10!"*-3:!;*&*84!#+8!"*!",..!<*3+.8!=0$%)! twice. He got the hell out of those ungrateful cit( ies of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, on his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, spewing 13'$."135!"-,,"'!&,#138!#1%!+"!.*2+.!<,%*20+"12! officials. So many community leaders made it 2.,+0! =0$%)! -+'39"! -,.2*%,! 3*! )$&.12! ,6,3"'! -,0,!'2#,8$.,8!"*!+6*18!+34!,%&+00+''135!1321( 8,3"'!,1"#,0!&4!)0*",'",0'!*0!&4!=0$%): The White House denied access for media coverage of Trump’s interactions at hospitals in Dayton or El Paso for fear of similar humilia( "1*3':!>"!.+",0!0,.,+',8!1"'!*-3!)#*"*50+)#'!+38! a video focusing on Trump smiling and shaking #+38'!"*!+!"01$%)#+3"!*02#,'"0+.!'*$38"0+27:!>3( cluded was a disturbing photograph of the smil( ing first lady holding a baby like a prize at the fair with Trump beaming and giving a thumbsup. The life of the orphaned two-month-old was '+6,8! &4! #1'! ?+"13*! )+0,3"'! -#*! -,0,! 71..,8! shielding his tiny body from the El Paso shooter. Think of it as extreme family separation. Objections to Trump’s visit were particularly raw in the bicultural border town of El Paso, where other survivors of the worst mass shooting of Latinos in U.S. history refused to meet with #1%:!=#,!@+.%+0"! %+''! '#**",0! #+8! )*'",8! +3! online manifesto declaring his intention to kill Mexicans to stop what both he and Trump call a Mexican “invasion” of the U.S. Trump also describes Latino immigrants as an “infestation.” Infestations require exterminators.

Trump’s Hate Rallies

At his hate rally in Panama City Beach, Fla., in May, Trump referred to Latino immigrants, asking, “How do you stop these people?” When "#*$'+38'! 2#,,0,8! +! '$))*0",0! -#*! '#*$",8! 13! response, “Shoot them!” Trump chuckled and said, “Only in the Panhandle can you get away with that statement.” And only at a Trump rally. =0$%)!1'!1320,+'135!#1'!*),3.4!0+21'"!0#,"*012!"*! 513!$)!A,)$&.12+3!'$))*0"!+%*35!-#1",!'$)0,%( 8 | AUGUST 15, 2019

acists for 2020. He tells people of color—includ( ing U.S.-born congressional representatives—to go back where they came from and declares African Americans living in city neighborhoods +0,39"!,6,3!#$%+3!&,135': Those who’ve warned about Trump inflam( 135! 8+35,0*$'! 0+21+.! 8161'1*3'! 13! /%,012+! #,! couldn’t control now have fresh evidence how 8,+8.4! "#+"! 2+3! &,! 13! "#,! *3.4! 2*$3"04! -#,0,! %1.1"+04('"4.,! -,+)*3'! 8,'153,8! "*! 71..! #$%+3! beings in large numbers are sold legally. The El Paso mass murder killing 22 people and wound( ing 26 others was followed within hours by the Dayton mass murder killing 9 and injuring 27. The most consistent features of Trump’s )0,'18,324!#+6,!&,,3!#1'!610$.,3"!0+21'%!+38!+! constant stream of public lies. !"#$ %&'"()*+,)$ -,'+’s running tally of Trump’s falsehoods just passed 12,000. His biggest whopper yet: Trump 8,31,'! #1'! 0+21'"! 0#,"*012! 1'! 81618135! /%,012+:! “My rhetoric. . . brings people together.” Well, it 8*,'!&0135!0+21'"'!"*5,"#,0:

More False Promises

The subcategory of false promises following %+''! '#**"135'! '#*$.8! 132.$8,!=0$%)9'! 0,2,3"! claims about Republicans supporting “very meaningful background checks.” Senate Major( ity Leader Mitch McConnell, who has refused to allow a Senate vote on House legislation closing background check loopholes, is “totally on board,” Trump said. “I think Republicans are going to be great and lead the charge.” No surprise, but none of those statements are true. McConnell, up for re-election in 2020 in Ken( "$274!-#,0,!#1'!+))0*6+.!0+"135'!+0,!$38,0-+( ter, quickly rushed out a public statement that he #+'39"!,38*0',8!+34!.,51'.+"1*3!*3!&+2750*$38! checks. Nasty rightwing Republicans, includ( ing Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, oppose back( ground checks. By the time the Senate’s sum( mer vacation ends in September, Republicans think the heat will be off, so they can do what "#,496,!+.-+4'!8*3,!"*!0,8$2,!%+''!'#**"135'! in America: nothing. By then, Trump will forget the thought ever crossed his squirming, chaotic mind. It happened after Parkland. Trump held a televised meeting with Parkland students and parents bragging #,!#+8!"#,!2*$0+5,!"*!20*''!"#,!;A/!+38!0,2( ommend a variety of gun safety measures. But after meeting with the NRA, the only proposal Trump could remember was arming teachers, which not even Republicans were crazy enough to pass. Besides, with mass shootings increas( ing, the bare minimum of universal background checks should be just the beginning. After the two most recent mass shootings, 70% of Ameri( cans—including 55% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats—support banning military-style assault weapons, according to a Politico/Morn( ing Consult poll. Clearly, the only way to slow our country’s frightening descent into racial division and deadly violence is to defeat both Trump and the Senate’s Republican majority in Novem( ber 2020. Otherwise, decent Americans desir( ing peaceful lives and safe communities will be the ones experiencing terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days. .,//#)+$&+$'"#0"#12#301#''45,/4!n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


!"#$%#&$'(# %)#*+,,# %-(#*,+.# )/#%-(# 0)+%+1(2 ::BY LOUIS FORTIS


!"#$%& !%& '(()& '%*+#,(& -.(#/& '(0(*+1&2(+*'&+,3/&!"#$%&'(() *+&,-.) -++') /(01%/2) "-2) 3+2-) 4%#&%5#() /"(6() +7) 0(%#) (2-%-() +,) -1() #%'(70+,-8) %60+22) 70+3) -1() $+0#9:7%3+&2) *%#%-0%4%8) %,9) 2+#9) "-) 7+0) #(22)-1%,);<=)+7)"-2)4%#&()-+)%)9(4(#+/(0)$1+) 3%,.)0(%#)(2-%-()/0+7(22"+,%#2)7(#-)#%6'(9)-1() 0(2+&06(2)-+)6+3/#(-()-1()*+&-&0()/0+>(6-? @"9,A-) "-) %#2+) 2((3) 2-0%,B() -1%-) !"#$%&: '(()*+&,-.)CD(6&-"4()*10"2)E5(#()/(02+,%##.) /&21(9)4(0.)1%09)-+)B(-)-1"2)/%0-"6&#%0)/0+>(6-) -10+&B1)-1()6+&,-.)5+%09)9(2/"-()3%,.)",9": 4"9&%#2)F&(2-"+,",B)1+$)-1"2)/%0-"6&#%0)9(4(#: oper was chosen by Abele in the first place? G1(,8)$()2%$)E5(#()5&.)-$+),($)6+,9+2)",) %,)(%0#"(0)/0+>(6-)70+3)-1%-)2%3()9(4(#+/(0H I%2,A-)"-)+99)7+0)E5(#()-+)&2()%)4(0.)F&(2: -"+,%5#(8)3&61)#(22)-0%,2/%0(,-)/0+6(22)6%##(9) %)0(F&(2-)7+0)",-(0(2-)70+3)9(4(#+/(028)B"4",B) him more flexibility to select a particular de: 4(#+/(0)0%-1(0)-1%,)-1()&2&%#)0(F&(2-)7+0)/0+: /+2%#2)JKLMN8)$"-1)"-2)/&5#"6)",/&-8)$1(,)-1"2) 1"B1#.)4%#&%5#()/0+>(6-)$%2)","-"%##.)%$%09(9? O2,A-) "-) %#2+) 2-0%,B() -1%-8) %7-(0) 2(4(,) .(%02) 1%4()/%22(98)-1()6+&,-.)(D(6&-"4()2-"##)2-%,92) ;<<=) 5(1",9) -1() 9(4(#+/(08) $1+) "2) -0.",B) to heavily finance this high-end project with /&5#"6)3+,(.)%,9)/&5#"6)#+%,)B&%0%,-((2)%,9) 1%2)3"22(9),&3(0+&2)9(%9#",(2? I1(,)9+(2)PF&(2-"+,%5#()>&9B3(,-Q)+,)-1() part of a public official cross over into corrup: -"+,)+0)5#%-%,-)60+,."23?

-+)-1()0(26&()%,9)/0+/+2(9)-1%-)-1()9(4(#+/(0) 0(9(2"B,)-1()/0+>(6-)-+)",6#&9()%)6+,6+&02()7+0) 5&2(2) %,9) -1() 2-0((-6%0) $1"61) $+&#9) 2%-"27.) -1()LGE)0(F&"0(3(,-2)%,9)%4+"9)-1()TUHV)3"#: #"+,)0(/%.3(,-H G+) 7&0-1(0) 6+3/#"6%-() 3%--(028) "7) -1() #%'(: 70+,-)Y+/)(D-(,2"+,)"2),+-)6+3/#(-(9)5.)@(: 6(35(0) Z;8) R<R<8) %,9) "7) -1() LGE) 9+(2) ,+-) (D-(,9)-1()9(%9#",(8)!"#$%&'(()$"##)1%4()-+) 0(/%.) -1() T;[) 3"##"+,) 9+##%0) B0%,-) 70+3) -1() FTA that was given to the city to finance the #%'()(D-(,2"+,H

What Abele Chose Not to Do

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The Background Story

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Four convenient locations - Milwaukee ï Bay View ï Wauwatosa ï Mequon AUGUST 15, 2019 | 9


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Burnout or Moral Injury ::BY PHILIP CHARD


!"#$%&!"$'()"(*"$+",,$-(.$+%&+$-(./#"$'.00"#1*2$0#()$ 34.#*(.+56 Well, Joel did. A primary care physician in a busy outpatient clinic, like many of his colleagues, he found himself increasingly exhausted, both mentally and emotionally. But he felt the burnout label misleading and, at some level, offensive. By definition, burnout consists of feelings of energy depletion, mental distancing from one’s work, negativity or cynicism about one’s job and diminished effectiveness. Not only does it undermine one’s satisfaction with work, but it also spills over into an individual’s personal life and relationships. Bad as that can be, for Joel, his malady was more than burnout. “It’s part of the whole industrial medicine thing where you end up dealing more with the logistics of patient care than the patients themselves, and that’s not why we got into this profession,” he maintained. “So, it’s not just about too much to do and not enough time. It’s more than that.” His healthcare organization did not turn a blind eye to his distress or that of his co-workers. They listened, consulted with experts, and then developed a program to address what they and their consultants labeled as “burnout.” This initiative focused on providing staff with self-care techniques to help them better manage their stress. “It’s good stuff in its own right,” Joel explained. “But it misses the target. The problem isn’t just with us, the people. It’s the messed-up system of care, and how it sucks the life out of your spirit.” If you toil in a high-stress environment like health care, customer service, competitive sales or the like, the term “burnout” gets bantered about frequently. In fact, in many organizations, there are programs and services designed to address this affliction among employees. Usually, the underlying message is that burned-out workers need to learn new ways to enhance personal resilience so they can better handle stress, frustration, task overload and disappointment. However, too often, these approaches, while well-meaning and sometimes palliative, are a disservice to folks like Joel. Why? Because they place too much—sometimes all— responsibility on the employees themselves while ignoring the workplace conditions and processes that contribute to or, in some instances, create the problem. Some mental health professionals have labeled this deflection “gaslighting,” which occurs when we characterize someone or their situation in a way that leaves them questioning their sanity. And that’s how Joel felt. “I know the powers that be don’t mean it this way, but it feels like they’re saying it’s all about us, our coping skills or lack thereof. The idea is that, if we were better at self-care, this wouldn’t be a problem,” he explained. Granted, some of us handle stress better than others. But even individuals who demonstrate considerable resilience can fall victim to a condition beyond burnout, one called “moral injury.” This type of wounding resides in the spiritual realm as much or more than the psychological one. Moral injury occurs when one’s work diminishes or violates one’s basic values or sense of purpose. In Joel’s case, he believed strongly in understanding his patients, developing empathetic relationships with them and serving as a partner in their health challenges. The more the logistics of his work situation removed him from serving this purpose, the greater the moral injury he sustained. “The time allotted to patient visits shrinks. It feels more like a transaction than a relationship. Mostly, the patients take a backseat to the logistics,” he explained. Regardless of the nature of the work in question, when it leaves one feeling disingenuous, lacking in integrity or disloyal to one’s core beliefs and sense of purpose, then what is “burning out” is not one’s psyche, but one’s soul. Regarding this condition simply as a deficit in one’s resilience and self-care acumen is a disservice. Doing so inflicts one more moral injury on top of another. For more, visit


VIP ACCESS: MILWAUKEE OKTOBERFEST VIP access includes: unlimited samples, free pretzel from Milwaukee Pretzel Company, commemorative stein, single releases, and delicious beers. VIP sampling including special releases and single barrel varietals will be first come first serve while supplies last. VIP ACCESS




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A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 ! 11

::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( AUG. 15 - 21, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against the discriminatory, racist, sexist and homophobic actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as highlights activities that promote social, economic and environmental justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to

Friday, Aug. 16

GarveyFest @ Wisconsin African American Women’s Center (3020 W. Vliet St.), 6 p.m. Friday (and 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17)

Bernie Sanders Watch Party with Wisconsin Working Families Party @ Bounce Milwaukee (2801 S. Fifth Court)

Watch a live interview with presidential candidate Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Working Families Party (WFP) members across the country are participating in live online interviews with each of the six candidates. They will answer questions from WFP activists about their vision, values and records.

The Big Clean MKE @ Fondy Food Center (2200 W. Fond du Lac Ave.), 9 a.m.

Participate in the 30th annual celebration of Marcus Garvey’s Pan-Africanist ideals through positive work in the community. Conscious music, an African marketplace, cultural showcase and an African attire fashion show are all part of the experience.

Clean-up volunteers, residents and local neighborhood organizations are working together across 11 aldermanic districts for the Big Clean MKE in memory of Milwaukee city worker Greg “Ziggy” Zyszkiewicz. All supplies will be provided, and volunteers will receive a free “Big Clean MKE” t-shirt. Things will kick off with a press conference at Fondy Food Center starting at 9 a.m., followed by The Big Clean citywide clean up from 9:30 a.m.-noon.

Saturday, Aug. 17

Monday, Aug. 19

Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Lincoln Memorial Drive and Michigan Street, noon-1 p.m.

Milwaukee County 2020 Budget Open House @ Washington Park Senior Center (4420 W. Vliet St.), 6 p.m.

Listen to and ask questions of Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee County Supervisor Marcelia Nicholson and others concerning the county’s 2020 budget priorities. Learn about county services and ask questions of department leaders and elected officials.

Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee the protest.

To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Comment at n

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Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get≠ one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020. Cocktail Trail booklets are available for purchase for $25 online at and at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective, and Beard MKE. Twisted Path Distillery Lost Whale Boone & Crockett Café Corozón Kegel's Inn Milwaukee Sail Loft

12 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

ABV Social Branded at the Iron Horse Hotel Kindred on KK TAYLORS Ale Asylum Riverhouse Black Sheep

Rumpus Room Hi Hat Lounge Casablanca Central Standard Craft Distillery The Original The Diplomat

The Wicked Hop Club Charlies Goodkind Bittercube Crimson Club Fuel Café



You Think Trump Bears Responsibility for the El Paso Shooting Last week, we asked if you thought Donald Trump, given his many racist statements, bears personal responsibility for the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, where Latinos were specifically targeted by the gunman. You said: Yes: 65% No: 35%

What Do You Say?

In the wake of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide, Attorney General William Barr says that “any co-conspirators should not rest easy. The victims deserve justice, and they will get it.” Will any of Epstein’s alleged co-conspirators ever actually face charges in relation to the crimes associated with Epstein? Yes No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.

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A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 13


We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.

!"#$%&#'()*+&* !","#"+&*-("&.#* /'&&'0"1"+2*3$4"+&#* 4+*5'#4*6(+) ::BY SHEILA JULSON


everages and edibles containing cannabidiol (CBD) have been a fast-growing segment of the legal cannabis arena. Jessica Peterburs saw that CBD-infused versions of her LoveBootch Kombucha quickly outsold her standard varieties at some retail outlets, so she took her business to the next level and opened Dispensary on Division (2075 Division St., East Troy) in February. The retail store and kombucha tap room also contains a Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection-licensed commercial kitchen for fermenting, processing and packaging. The kombucha on tap are Peterburs’ original formulas, sans CBD, and just before purchase she asks customers if they wanted it added. “That way, I can measure how much CBD is going into their drink. That’s a grey area with edibles— how much are you really getting in that muffin or in that chocolate bar? I add it right before each individualized serving, so customers know exactly what they’re getting,” she affirms. A 12-ounce serving will typically have 4.1 milligrams of CBD. Peterburs also uses three other methods for adding CBD to kombucha that’s bottled and sold grab-and-go. She also offers 64-ounce growlers, with an option for a grocery tote that holds four refillable growler bottles, with a discount of $5 off each one. Standard flavors include lime, cucumber and ginger; hibiscus and spearmint; elderberry and blueberry; and lavender and Earl Grey. Other CBD items for purchase include tinctures manufactured by Wisconsin’s own Partnered Process and WI Hemp Scientific. She also offers CBD flower from Turtle Creek Gardens, also in Wisconsin. Her CBD hard candy and suckers are made in the store’s licensed commercial kitchen. She buys CBD gummies wholesale and repackages them for resale. Pet parents can find Koi CBD pet treats, and Peterburs also carries gift items like shirts, hats and tote bags. While CBD has been getting most of the limelight lately, cannabigerol (CBG), another non-psychoactive cannabinoid abundant in hemp believed to react with cannabinoid receptors in the brain, has been known to fight inflammation, pain and nausea. Dispensary on Division carries CBG tinctures. Peterburs uses a wheel chart to match customers’ symptoms with the best hemp remedy. “In East Troy, a lot of people come in with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because they were in the military, so they have trouble sleeping, or they’re anxious,” she explains. “So, we look at that wheel and match a lab value and suggest to customers whether they should use CBG instead of CBD.” In effort to educate people about CBD and other cannabis derivatives, Peterburs will also verify lab work for products purchased elsewhere. In some brands, she’s says she’s found small amounts of lead, acetone and butane. She also offers guidance on dosing and advises people to start with low doses and gradually increase as needed. She also hopes to have Dispensary on Division serve as a resource for others in the industry and is currently looking for employees to train and mentor. Regarding furthering cannabis legalization, Peterburs believes Wisconsin is wise to slightly hold off and let other states around us go first to see what to do and avoid so our state can roll out a program effectively. She sees the cannabis industry as a good opportunity to further creativity in business market. For more information, visit or Comment at n

14 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

Cream City Wellness

Small Batches, Locally Grown Hemp at Cream City Wellness



!"# $%"&'(%)*# +# !,-(# +./# -(!# 01")(# -%,(./)2# %(0(.&13# 4"&# &"5 4(&'(%# &"# "--(%# 6,1!+78((9)# 0+..+$,/,"1# :;<=> aficionados high-quality, seed-to-shelf products. Cream City Wellness is a hemp farm just outside of Milwaukee, as well as a brick-and-mortar store where flower, topicals, full-spectrum hemp extracts, pet care, bath and body care products are sold. The store (327 N. Broadway) can be hard to find, as the entrance is in an alley adjacent to Colectivo Coffee, across the street from the Public Market—keep your eyes peeled for a somewhat-discreet chalkboard sign. Within, a warm atmosphere and cream-colored bricks welcome visitors, hinting at the fact this is a company that celebrates all things Wisconsin. “We really love Wisconsin, and we want to embrace that,” said Alli Gengembre, whose husband, Alex, is one of the head growers and co-owner of

Cream City Wellness. Unlike other hemp stores in Milwaukee, this one boasts the fact it is entirely local and products aren’t imported. “We are happy to be able to monitor and control the entire process from start to finish. There are companies that have to outsource their flower or processing, but we are able to do everything in house.” To ensure full control over the quality of their products, the owners of Cream City Wellness leave nothing to third parties, except for independent lab testing. “We are a seed-to-shelf company, so we want to focus on the quality of the hemp that we are growing, because that is what goes into all of our products,” Gengembre said. “We want to make sure we can see that whole process through; that’s why we’re vertically integrated— we do the growing, the processing, the packaging, everything.” They make small batches, but customers can be assured every single product sold in the shop has been carefully made. The choice to grow hemp was made when the state debuted the hemp pilot program. Alex Gengembre owned a landscaping company prior to Cream City Wellness; he used this experience with plants to grow hemp. He was helped along the way by his brother, who had experience growing medical marijuana out of state. Besides just growing hemp, they wanted to be able to educate the community on the subject. “We grew about two acres and 11 different varieties just to try it out and see how they did in the climate here in Wisconsin,” Alli Gengembre explained. “Since then, we have kept moving forward and trying to increase our acreage and increase production.” Their fields now encompass 70 acres. “We make small batches of oil through ethanol extraction, then we infuse the oil into the products,” she continued. “We don’t do mass production, and we only make products as we need it. For us, what really matters is the quality of each product, and we know what exactly we are putting into it.” !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/ n SHEPHERD EXPRESS



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Banh Mi and Pho from Pho L’Amour Cafe

Comforting if Commonplace Vietnamese Dishes at Pho L’Amour Cafe

sliced eye of round steak in the pho combo ($10.95). There are also options to upgrade the bowl size and get extra meat or noodles. Though it was served piping hot, the beef pho broth lacked depth. The aromatic flavors of anise, cinnamon and ginger were there, but it needed more fish sauce to round it out (unfortunately, there’s no fish sauce on the tables here). Garnishes like bean sprouts and jalapeño slices were fresh, but there was no cilantro on the garnish plate, only Thai basil. Pho is one of those things, though, where even if it’s not the greatest you’ve ever had, it’s still pretty good, and the generous bowl of rice noodles and broth was still fulfilling, especially after a hefty squeeze of lime and some of the chile paste from the jar on the table. Bun—the salad bowls of rice noodles, veggies and toppings—are called “dried rice noodles” ($8.95-$10.95) here. Though the lettuce was just iceberg, it’s a large portion of rice vermicelli, shredded carrots, cucumber batons, crushed peanuts and green onions. Each comes topped with a chopped egg roll and ::BY LACEY MUSZYNSKI grilled beef, pork or shrimp. The dressing, served on the side, needed more oomph to be noticeable once it coated the salad. or some reason, most of the Vietnamese resA “special” section of the menu is where you’ll find some more unique items, many taurants in Milwaukee are pretty similar. They of which illustrate the strong French influence on the food in Vietnam during the have “pho” in their name, practically identical colonial period. Chicken coq au vin ($12.95) is a pretty classic rendition with bacon, menus and a cafeteria-like feel and aesthetic. potatoes and mushrooms, as is the beef bourguignon ($12.95). A spicy chicken curry The newest spot in town, Pho L’Amour Cafe in ($12.95) is saucy and served in a bowl with carrots, potatoes and broccoli. Brookfield, comes from the same mold. This section is where you’ll also find the lemongrass grilled pork chops You know immediately you’re in a Vietnam($10.95), a classic served with rice topped with two crispy fried eggs, and Hueese restaurant when you walk in the strip mall style spicy beef and pork noodle soup ($12.95) which is their version of bun bo doors, and that’s only partially because you can smell pho broth hue, a spicy beef broth-based soup. simmering in the kitchen. The maroon vinyl booths, banquet Banh mi ($8.95) are large enough to be shared at 12 inches. A meat combo tables and chairs, IKEA lamps (those Death Star ones) and with pork loaf, ham and steamed pork, grilled beef or grilled pork are served on plants, both living and plastic, are dead giveaways. But despite a just-crusty-enough soft baguette. There are also American-style subs made the wood veneer and mood lighting, big windows bathe the space in with ham and cheese, roast beef and turkey. Also good for sharing are the fresh sunlight, making it all appear welcoming. spring rolls ($5.95) rolled with plump shrimp and the crispy The menu is also pretty cookie cutter, save a few battered grandfather chicken wings ($7.95). surprises. Pho is the centerpiece and comes in four Bright orange Thai tea ($3.50) is sweeter than spiced, but tasty different combinations of beef along with chicken Pho L’Amour Cafe as always. Smoothies ($5.50) and slushies ($4.50) come in a va($9.95), shrimp ($12.95) and vegetable varieties 16960 W. Greenfield Ave, riety of flavors, from avocado to “passion combo” with peaches, ($9.95). At the top of the list is the pho tenderloin Brookfield mango and lychee. They’re great as a refreshing end to a meal ($14.95) that comes with braised brisket, short ribs, meatballs and 262-202-8018 • $$ shaved tenderloin. In place of the tenderloin, you can get thinly that, while not amazing, is still familiar and comforting.


A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 17


!"##$$%&'(% )&'(*+!,$) -.&/0$%12% *&.3$/4)%5"+'6% ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


The Arts@Large Café (1100 E. Fifth St.) is an inviting, airy—and yes, artful—addition to Walker’s Point. Operating under the roof of the Arts@Large cultural incubator, the Café is a pleasant place for breakfast and lunch with a vibe that feels more family business than institutional. The sandwiches are prepared fresh behind the counter, the cook working in plain view beneath a lovely mosaic suggesting colorful fish undulating in a flowing stream. The grilled cheese is a melted tasty mess with provolone, cheddar, gouda and tomatoes served on ciabatta ($8.50). The menu has a small selection of soups and salads (plus daily specials); the Café serves yogurt parfait, quiche and baked French toast for breakfast. Strong Anodyne coffee is only one of the beverages available. Added attraction: you can stroll through open doors from the Café into the Arts@Large gallery. (David Luhrssen)

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(414) 687-9650 Lost Whale’s Jenny From the Block Cocktail

Lost Whale a Whimsical Anchor of Bay View’s North End ::BY SHEILA JULSON


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Sustainability in a Playful Way

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Illustration by Scott Radke

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rish Fest is to Milwaukee like the pot o’ gold is to the end of the rainbow. It’s an incredible journey well worth undertaking based on what you just might find when you get there: 17 stages with more than 100 entertainment acts billed as “the world’s largest celebration of Irish music and culture.” With this being the 39th annual Milwaukee Irish Fest, it’s clear that it’s taken a whole lot more than the luck o’ the Irish to keep the green going and flowing. While we can expect the traditional fiddles and bodhrans (hand drums) of Gaelic Storm and the bagpipes and electric guitars from the Red Hot Chilli Pipers (that’s Pipers, not Peppers!), this year’s music line-up has something for every musical taste, be it Americana, Indie folk, Celtic rock or, in the Pipers’ case, “Bagrock.” (Note: The “men in kilts” know how to rock it! Check out their Queen and AC/DC covers.) While Irish Fest has plenty of music and Irish food to choose from (this year features a Sunday high tea, which sold out quickly), 2019 honors Ireland, of course, and a very special group of people, according to Mike Mitchell, executive director of CelticMKE, which presents the festival. “We’re showcasing Galway, Ireland, to make people aware of their upcoming Galway 2020 celebration. They were selected as the “European Capitol of Culture” for 2020, and celebrations and exhibitions will be taking place all year,” says Mitchell. With Galway being the focus this year, the Music and Cultural Showcase will include a Galway Historic Maps exhibit from the Royal Irish Academy, as well as a Maps of Connemara exhibit from the National University of Ireland-Galway, says Cathy Ward, director of festival operations. For boaters and sailors of the “high seas” (that’s Lake Michigan for us Wisconsinites), Ward explains that there’s an area featuring currach boats (wooden frames with animal skins traditionally stretched over them), with an exhibit on The Galway Hooker sail boats and a 3D map of Galway Bay. “Last but not least, Callens Celtic Kitchen will be hosting Chef Martin O’Donnell from the Twelve Hotel in Galway,” Ward emphasizes, should you need a good Galway bite or two after all that walking.


And, of course, there’s also the music imported from Galway. There are five Galway acts that play the Lakefront-McGourthy Family Stage: The Kane Sisters, The Whileaways, We Banjo 3 and Leo Moran & Padraig Stevens. Irish Fest has become renowned for booking major Irish and Celtic music over the years, from traditional bands such as The Chieftains and Tommy Makem to the more contemporary sounds of Black 47 and School of Fish, among many others. “Milwaukee Irish Fest is known over in Ireland as ‘Milwaukee Fest,’” explains Melissa Ward, the festival’s entertainment committee and marketing director. As new acts and artists emerge in Ireland and other Celtic nations (as well as in Canada), they look to the U.S. for performance venues—specifically Milwaukee—and will arrange their tours around the festival.” CelticMKE travels to festivals and conferences through Milwaukee Ireland, Scotland and Canada to scout talent, according to Irish Fest Melissa Ward, and for those Irish Fest devotees keeping track, Henry Maier The Red Hot Chilli Pipers played their first U.S. show at Irish Festival Park Fest in our city in 2009. And We Banjo 3, which will make its Aug. 15-18 U.S. debut this year at Irish Fest, is one of the latest in bands to attend that melds genres. “We Banjo 3 merges Celtic with bluegrass and dubs their music as ‘Celtgrass,’ Ward explains. As another example, Seo Linn infuses traditional Irish music with indie folk sounds.” There’s plenty to choose from regardless of taste, music, food or otherwise. Irish Fest is also honoring first responders with a ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 17, on the Miller Stage “to recognize 10 families who lost loved ones in the last year while in the line of duty,” Mitchell says. For Mitchell, there’s a very easy way to tell that Milwaukee Irish Fest is a success. “By the smiles on our patrons faces and the joy in the heart of our volunteers,” he says, adding, “In a divisive world, this presents a four-day period where people can set aside their worries and just have a good time while listening to great music.” Milwaukee Irish Fest runs Aug. 15-18 at the Henry Maier Festival Park (the Summerfest Grounds). For more information, visit

A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 21




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Danceworks’ ‘Tap Talk’

::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit


A.C.T. Summer Showcase Waukesha Civic Theatre’s Academy at Civic Theatre (A.C.T.) offers arts education programs for kids ages 4 and up. The A.C.T. program offers classes in improvisation, comedy, character development, dance and acting. These take place after school hours, on weekends and, more at present, throughout the summer. The program is accessible to all students, regardless of financial circumstances. As they explain it, “Students who are flexing their creative muscles in the present also are developing into a population of citizens with a heightened sense of cultural literacy. These same students will be future participants in the theater, patrons, donors, volunteers and ambassadors for the arts.” After participating in the A.C.T.’s after-school and summer classes, students who’ve studied the multiple disciplines of performing arts in the program are ready to show what they know: “Students of all ages sing, dance, act and improvise their way through a fun-filled variety show,” Waukesha Civic explains. (John Jahn) Saturday, Aug. 17 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Waukesha Civic Theatre, 264 W. Main St. For tickets, call 262-547-0708 or visit 22 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9


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Danceworks’ ‘Tap Talk’ Is Fun to See and Hear

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s ‘Unnecessary Farce’

‘Unnecessary Farce’ Showcases Outrageous Accents, Midwestern Friendliness



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A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 ! 23



OPENINGS: !"#$%&'('$)%*+,%-'#% &(.#%+/%(%&0$12#%3#,4#5 Aug. 16-Dec. 15 Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University 1234 W. Tory Hill St.

A Walking Tour of ‘Sculpture Milwaukee’ ::BY SHANE MCADAMS


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(right) Haas Brothers, Handy Warhol and Handy Darling, 2019 cast bronze, solar light fixtures, 36 x 27 ½ x 27 ½ inches

“For the Sake of a Single Verse” is a portfolio of 24 lithographs from the Haggerty Museum of Art’s collection created by artist Ben Shahn. The prints illustrate a passage from Rainer Maria Rilke’s only novel—The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge—published in 1910. This semi-autobiographic novel tells the story of a destitute college student from an aristocratic Danish family living in Paris in the early 1900s. The book made a profound and lasting impression on Shahn who, though having read Rilke’s book while visiting Paris in the 1920s, didn’t create the illustrations until 1968, a year before his death. For more information, call 414-288-1669 or visit


Aug. 16-Dec. 15 Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University 1234 W. Tory Hill St. The Ariel Poems are a series of chapbooks (small booklets). There are a total of 46 poems that were published between 1927 and 1954 in two series. Conceived as a collaboration between poets and artists, each chapbook was authored and illustrated by different individuals. While many of the poets are well-known today, perhaps the most significant of these is T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). For more information, call 414-288-1669 or visit


Aug. 17-Sept. 20 Northwestern Mutual Art Gallery, Cardinal Stritch University 6801 N. Yates Road This juried exhibition (by the League of Milwaukee Artists) features more than 30 artists and 80 artworks in a wide variety of styles and mediums. During the reception (5-8 p.m. on the exhibition’s opening day), awards will be given by Cardinal Stritch jurists (and professors) Tim Abler and Steve Sellars. The reception is also an opportunity to meet the artists. See the exhibition on weekday afternoons between noon and 4 p.m. The Northwestern Mutual Art Gallery is located in the Joan Steele Stein Center for Communication Studies/Fine Arts on campus. For more information, send an email to LMA at srs1979@



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August 16 – December 15, 2019

The Ariel Poems Word and Image <':+9:+2$+=92+'' !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!

Free Admission | Open Daily |

(left) Ben Shahn, American, 1898–1969, For the Sake of a Single Verse . . . from the Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke, 1968, Portfolio of 24 lithographs on Velin d’Arches paper, Edition 767/950, Published by Atelier Mourlot, New York, Typography by The Spiral Press,–24, Gift of an Anonymous Donor, Collection of the Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University. (right) Illustration by Robin Jacques from Ariel Poem New Series The Winnowing Dream, 1954, by Walter de la Mare, Faber and Faber, Jesse Broad and Co., Rare Books Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, Raynor Memorial Libraries, Marquette University. A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 ! 25


Remembering Leonard Cohen’s Muse, ‘Marianne’

47 Meters Down: Uncaged PG-13

While traveling in Brazil, four teen girls (Corinne Foxx, Sophie Nélisse, Brianne Tju and Sylvester Stallone’s daughter, Sistine Rose) scuba-dive to search for underwater ruins. Exploring a site of claustrophobic caves connected by eerie tunnels, the girls soon discover they’ve inadvertently stumbled into haunting grounds of the great white shark. With their air supplies dwindling fast, the divers have little time to evade the sharks while finding an exit from their hellish nightmare. Now becoming a familiar trope, this sequel joins a growing list of films that feature beautiful young women escaping a fearsome predator. (Lisa Miller)



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‘Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love’

-25:8%!;.*#0)!-25:%)2C$3!"#$!5+9$-8%!,20-&/$! to find an audience led him to songwriting 25:L2%!/$)2--$:!'.!#0%!;&%0)2-!;$5*+/A! Judy Collins—a reluctant pivot to perform05B3!I))+/:05B!*+!#$/A!7+#$5!12%!5$2/-.! paralyzed by stage fright when she introDirected :&)$:!#0;!2*!2!M$1!N+/?!,+-?!,$%*092-3! by Nick "#$!:+)&;$5*2/.!2-%+!/$9$2-%!2!B++:! Broomfield :$2-!2'+&*!6#-$5!'&*A!,2)$!0*A!7+#$5!12%!*#$! Rated R %*2/!25:!%#$!12%A!,+/!;0--0+5%!+,!-0%*$5$/%A!25! image in a song. The film includes Cohen’s own late-life musings on his wandering past 2%!*#$.!/$-2*$!*+!6#-$5!25:!@.:/2O!PQ9$5!0,!*#$!%0*&2*0+5!-++?$:!B++:A! I had to escape.” He realized, “It was a selfish life”—that romance of 2/*0%*!25:!;&%$A!2!*+1$/05B!*/+C$!+,!R=*#!)$5*&/. ;+:$/50%;A!2%!12%!*#$!$925$%)$5*!0--&%0+5!+,!,/$$!-+9$3 !"#$"%%&'(')&*%"#+!05)-&:$%!7+#$58%!R=J<!9+0)$!;$%%2B$!*+! 6#-$5!1#$5!#$!-$2/5$:!%#$!12%!%&))&;'05B!*+!-$&?$;023!PQ5:-$%%! -+9$!25:!B/2*0*&:$AS!#$!%20:3!7+#$5!%&/909$:!#$/!+5-.!2!%#+/*!*0;$A! dying three months later after completing a final world tour as the B/$.!$;05$5)$!+,!05*0;2).!B&2/:$:!'.!C+$*/.3

Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché

Alice Guy saw the Lumière brothers demonstrate their motion picture projector (1895). As secretary for Leon Gaumont, soon to found France’s premier film studio, the resourceful woman was well positioned for an extraordinary—and largely forgotten—career in cinema. Be Natural follows the life of the first female filmmaker and, perhaps, the first director to tell stories with the new medium. Directed by Pamela B. Green, Be Natural reassembles the scattered record of Guy’s career, She wrote, edited, directed and owned one of America’s early studios in Fort Lee, N.J. and—based on the clips seen in the documentary—was masterful at composition and willing to take on any theme from cowboys to feminism. During her U.S. sojourn, she directed the first all African American cast. Bankruptcy and divorce sent her home to France where she was forgotten. However, Alfred Hitchcock and Sergei Eisenstein were inspired as children by her films.

n“The Buster Keaton Collection Volume 2: Sherlock Jr. and The Navigator”

His face as imperturbable as stone, Buster Keaton played the everyman moving unblinkingly into headwinds of absurdity and adversity. Along with his comedic gifts, he was one of silent Hollywood’s great directors. In Sherlock Jr. (1924), he plays a movie projectionist whose fantasy life assumes the form of movies unspooling in his imagination. The best compliment: Many scenes remain laugh-out-loud funny through gestures and words unheard. Sherlock is paired on the Blu-ray with The Navigator (1924).

n Body at Brighton Rock

Body at Brighton Rock (2019) starts as a light Millennial comedy: Wendy is an irresponsible park guide with an unserious attitude toward her job. “It’s just a walk in the woods. How hard can that be?” she says. But then the music gets eerie, she loses her way, finds a dead person and—worst of all!—her cellphone dies. Hapless Wendy is trapped in the woods and someone else is out there. Will she survive? —David Luhrssen 26 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

The Angry Birds Movie 2 PG

This imaginative sequel zips along with clever puns and slapstick comedy. Spawned by the 2009 video game, this second feature film virtually ignores its origins beyond the well-loved characters and settings. And so, it is that residents of Bird and Pig Islands must reluctantly team up to repel the purple-plumed villain, Zeta (voiced by Leslie Jones), who seeks a tropical refuge from her ice-bound, Arctic Circle isle. She attacks their islands with glacier-bomb attacks. Seeking to ruin her launcher, the birds and pigs infiltrate her frosty island disguised as a large, awkward eagle. Colorful animation borders on overwhelming, but an off-the-charts cuteness factor includes baby bird voicework by hatchlings, Faith and Sunday Kidman-Urban. (L.M.)

Good Boys R

Max, Thor and Lucas (Jacob Tremblay, Brady Noon and Keith Williams) are 12-year-old best friends excited to attend their first “kissing party.” Using a drone belonging to Max’s dad, the boys attempt to pick up pointers by spying on the teens next door. But, when the teens take their drone hostage, the boys steal the neighbor’s purse, unaware it contains illegal drugs. While scheming to reacquire the drone, the boys’ kissing research leads to the discovery of their parents’ sex toy stash. Their legions of bad decisions keep the story moving while giving parents and future parents the opportunity to ponder why adults believe they can hide anything from their kids. (L.M.)

Blinded By the Light PG-13

Born of Pakistani immigrants, high schooler Javed (Viveik Kalra) and his family live in Luton, England. It’s 1987 when Javed’s dictatorial father labors at the British GM factory but insists his family conduct their lives in traditional Pakistani manner. Immigrant-haters bully Javed, who feels isolated at school and alienated at home. Javed writes poetry to express his feelings, but he truly comes alive after discovering Bruce Springsteen, whose powerful lyrics clarify Javed’s thoughts. With The Boss in his headphones, Javed dates a girl (Nell Williams) from his literature class and enters writing contests. To fully meld his Eastern and Western identities, Javed seeks a means of pleasing his family while also pursuing his dreams. (L.M.)

Where’d You Go Bernadette? PG-13

This film adaptation of Maria Semple’s best-selling 2012 novel casts Cate Blanchett as Bernadette. Secretly agoraphobic, the thought of a planned family vacation makes her queasy. Equally upsetting, her ongoing feud with a neighbor (Kristen Wiig) has drawn interest from the Feds. Soon after the FBI arrives, Bernadette disappears. Her husband, Elgie (Billy Crudup), feels helpless while her daughter Bee (Emma Nelson) receives a little help investigating Bernadette’s past, which she finds hold surprises. Exploring the boundaries of what constitutes our identity, this lighthearted mystery looks at the unintended consequences of our choices. (L.M.) SHEPHERD EXPRESS





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James Nares, ItĂ­ s Raining in Naples, 2003 (detail). Oil on linen. 47.5 Ă— 81 in. Private collection. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.


A retrospective of a contemporary artist and fi lmmaker who explores gesture, motion, and time

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!"#$%&'()* +,'-$./*+0$()/1* $.*2#3$(*4%5,5)6* +/(./# ::BY JENNI HERRICK


e know that climate change is happening, but is it happening here? And once we see evidence of our changing natural world, is there anything we can do? Ground Truth: A Guide to Tracking Climate Change at Home provides answers to these and other climate-related questions in a practical guidebook with a very literal title. For author Mark L. Hineline, the truth about our changing climate can be seen in the very ground under our feet. In his enlightening and accessible book, Hineline implores readers to study their everyday interactions with nature and to track observations by keeping keen written records of what we see, hear, touch and feel. By blending personal stories, hard scientific research and the words of some of history’s best nature writers, Hineline encourages us to use our senses to gain a greater knowledge of our natural surroundings.

Ben Yella

Starring in Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s ‘Unnecessary Farce’ !""#$%&#'(""#)*$%#+'$!,#!"#$%"&' ::BY ETHAN DURAN


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Instead of focusing on the usual climate culprits like carbon emissions or global warming, this book looks at climate through the lens of phenology, which is the study and timing of natural events, and in so doing, argues that developing a greater awareness of the foliage and fauna in our neighborhoods can lead to a heightened understanding of how individual actions impact our environment. In Ground Truth, Hineline, who teaches interdisciplinary courses at Michigan State University, has written a practical and conversational guide filled with exercises you can try in any environment. Mark L. Hineline will appear at the Urban Ecology Center at Riverside Park, 1500 E. Park Place, on Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m. This event is co-sponsored by Boswell Book Co.

28 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

Is this your first big role for a production company in Milwaukee? C!)%>-$!"&"<!&'-#!C!&"(!GH!9+%)!0.,&"12--!/%!0.##-(%/"A! /%!/'-!I!%9!0!4-9%+-!C!$+%77-$!%1/!"#$!(/"+/-$!)"2.#=!&-.+$!"+/! (/199!.#!"4"#$%#-$!41.,$.#=(:!5'-#!C!8")-!4"82!.#!JKGJA!(%!C6>-! 4--#!'-+-!",)%(/!(->-#!<-"+(!"(!"#!"$1,/:!C6>-!&%+2-$!&./'!"!/%#! %9!8%)7"#.-(!.#!/%&#A!41/!C6$!("<!/'-!3'")4-+!5'-"/+-!.(!)<! ,"+=-(/!8%#/+"8/!/%!$"/-:!C/6(!/'-!4.==-(/!(/"=-!C6>-!4--#!%#:!C6>-! "8/1",,<!&%+2-$!%#!/'-!3"4%/!@/"=-!"/!/'-!L+%"$&"<!5'-"/+-! Center before, but this is my first time with a company directly affiliated with that building. What is your background in Milwaukee theatre? M/! )<! 8%)7"#<! N1"(.)%#$%! ;'<(.8",! 5'-"/+-A! &-! )"2-! %+.=.#",!/'-"/-+!.#(7.+-$!4<!(%1+8-!)"/-+.",:!O%+!-P")7,-A!&-! $.$! "#! "$"7/"/.%#! %9! +",-&.) *&'-! (->-+",! <-"+(! "/! "! 9"+)! .#! Greenfield. I’m a founding member and I started that company (->-#!<-"+(!"=%!&'-#!C!8")-!4"82!9+%)!0.,&"12--QC!8%)-! 9+%)! /'"/! 2.#$! %9! 71#2! /'-"/+-! "-(/'-/.8:! BCDA! $%! ./! <%1+(-,9A! <%1!&"#/!/%!)"2-!/'-"/+-A!,-/6(!$%!./:!R%!41$=-/S!T'%!8"+-(S! T-6+-!8+-"/.>-!7-%7,-!"#$!C!"77+-8."/-!.#/-+$.(8.7,.#"+<!&%+2:! L1/!%>-+!/'-!<-"+(!C6>-!=%//-#!/%!2#%&!)%+-!7-%7,-!.#!/'-!8./<A! "#$!C6)!.#!,%>-!&./'!/'-!"+/!9%+):!C!,%>-!->-+</'.#=!/'"/!'"(!/%! =%!.#/%!/'-"/+-A!"#$!C!,%>-!",,!"(7-8/(!%9!./:!L-!./!(/+".='/!7,"<(!"/!

/'-!U-7!%+!4-!./!&-.+$!"+/!"/!"4"#$%#-$!41.,$.#=(!,.2-!C!$.$!",,! /'%(-!<-"+(!"=%: What got you interested in performing in ;""!5!((&+7# <&+5!? C! /'.#2! ->-+<! 7+%*-8/! <%1! $%! .(! "#! %77%+/1#./<! /%! -$18"/-! yourself. I want to expand my vision and experience with peo7,-!.#!/'-!8./<!"#$!=-/!/%!&%+2!&./'!")"V.#=!8%)7"#.-(!,.2-!/'-! Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. So, I auditioned for them in Sep/-)4-+:!0<!=%%$!9+.-#$!U<"#!@8'"4"8'A!&'%!$.+-8/-$!/'-!7,"<A! &%+2(!"/!W"2-9+%#/!L+-&-+<:!T-6+-!4%/'!/%1+!=1.$-(!/'-+-:!C!)-/! him five years ago when I started working there, and we’ve had $--7!8%#>-+("/.%#(!"4%1/!/'-"/-+!%>-+!/'-!<-"+(A!(%!'-!"(2-$!)-! /%!8%)-!"1$./.%#!9%+!'.):!C6)!.#8+-$.4,<!9%+/1#"/-!/%!4-!'-+-:! I’m mostly self-educated when it comes to theater, and a lot of /'-(-!7-%7,-!C6)!&%+2.#=!&./'!'">-!(/%+.-$!'.(/%+.-(!&./'!/'-! /'-"/-+!8%))1#./<!"#$!'">-!"!,%/!%9!(&"<A!"!,%/!%9!71,,!"#$!"!,%/! %9!-P7-+.-#8-:!L-.#=!"4,-!/%!&%+2!.#!/'-!)-$.1)!/'-<!&%+2!.#!"/! /'-!3'")4-+!5'-"/-+A!C6)!>-+<!'1)4,-$!/%!4-!/'-+-: Tell me about your past project, 1419. You said you were doing “weird art stuff in abandoned buildings,” at the time, what does that entail exactly? T-!&-+-!"#!.#/-+$.(8.7,.#"+<!"+/!8%,,-8/.>-!/'"/!C!(/"+/-$!&'-#! C!&"(!GX!%+!JK!&./'!"!41#8'!%9!)<!9+.-#$(!9+%)!8%,,-=-:!5'-! .$-"!&"(!/%!(/"+/!"!(7"8-!9%+!",,!"+/.(/(A!+-="+$,-((!%9!/'-.+!"+/.(/.8! discipline, to commune and create work outside of the univer(./<!(<(/-):!T-!9%1#$!/'.(!,"#$,%+$!&'%!'"$!/'.(!=."#/!41.,$.#=A! three or four stories, and he gave us these great deals on apartments inside. We cleaned up the building and started programming. We had visual artists, we had dancers, we had avant-garde /'-"/-+!"+/.(/(A!&-!'"$!"!4+%"$!(7-8/+1)!%9!7-%7,-!/'"/!8")-!.#:! It was totally underground, and it became one of the most popu,"+!1#$-+=+%1#$!>-#1-(!.#!0.##-"7%,.(!"/!/'"/!/.)-:!T-!'"$!/'-! opportunity to feel comfortable making work without the pres(1+-(!%9!4-.#=!1#$-+!"!8%#/+"8/!%+!1#$-+!"!=+"$-: SHEPHERD EXPRESS


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::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR Aug. 14—NEWaukee’s Night Market at West Wisconsin Avenue (between Plankinton and Vel R. Phillips avenues): Spend a fun, family friendly summer night in Downtown Milwaukee with this monthly street market. The 5 p.m. event includes local vendors, music, food, s’mores and, well, more! Check it out before summer passes you by. Aug. 16—‘Measure for Measure’ at Hawthorne Coffee Roasters (4177 S. Howard Ave.): The goofy gang at Boozy Bard Productions serves up another side-splitting send-up of a William Shakespeare great with this 7 p.m. show. How does it work? The cast shows up shortly before the show, pulls character names from a hat, and it’s curtain time! Toss in some alcohol for hilarious onstage results. Cocktails are available for purchase, so you can drink along with the cast! The silly, change-of-pace date night includes a $10 door charge.


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Aug. 17—Pup and Leatherfolk Takeover at Bristol Renaissance Faire (12550 120th Ave., Kenosha): Don your favorite leather-pup gear and hit the road for a day at the Ren Faire. Experience the incredible sights, sounds, flavors and joy of the turn-back-time festival... with all your leather friends! The Faire opens at 10 a.m. (closes at 7 p.m.) with the Milwaukee leather contingent meeting at The Pig & Whistle Tavern at noon, close to the Faire’s entrance. Tickets are $29.95 at the gate. Aug. 17—Bearracuda Block Party at WOOFS (114 King St., Madison): Dairyland bears, unite! Hit up the King Street pride party from 4 p.m. to midnight hosted by the state’s popular bear-focused bar. Food, beer, bears... oh, my! Grab the end of summer by the hairy ’nads and make the trip to Mad City for a furry night of fun. See for more. Aug. 18—Outreach Magic Festival Pride Celebration at Warner Park (3110 N. Sherman Ave., Madison): One of the great things about living in Cream City is the fact that our state’s capitol city is only a hop, skip and a jump away. Join the Madison LGBTQ community for one of the last pride parties of the season. Join the 1-6 p.m. good time with food, booze, shopping and entertainment. It’s Madison pride, everyone! Show your support! Want to learn more? Swing by Aug. 19—Musical Happy Hour at DIX (739 S. First St.): Join hostess Miss Birdee as she soothes your Monday blues with this 4 p.m. tribute to the Great White Way. Ditch the workplace and hit the bar where you can sing along to Broadway’s best, try your luck with musical trivia and take advantage of happyhour drink specials. Just can’t get enough show tunes? Stick around for the 8 p.m. drag show. Aug. 20—‘Help Me, I’m Dying!’ Katya Comedy Tour at Pabst Theater (144 E. Wells St.): The darling of “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” sets her sights on Brew Town with this hilarious show that takes a look at what it means to be a woman... from a man who dresses like a woman. Visit for tickets (starting at $25) to the 8 p.m. Katya concert. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Watch, like, subscribe to and share her reality show, Camp Wannakiki, Season Two, on YouTube today! Comment at n

A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 29

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!"#$%&'($)*& +(,(-".)#/0& !"#$%&1"#2( ::BY PAUL MASTERSON


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30 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9



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From Galway With Love: BackWest Build on Irish Traditions ::BY JOSHUA MILLER

here’s a lot of linkage between music and where we come from,” says Maureen Browne, singer and fiddle player for Galway, Ireland-based band BackWest. “We look in-depth at how the music relates to us, and that in turn informs on how we arrange it.” For BackWest and other traditional-leaning Irish musicians, heritage and tradition are at the heart of what they do. Browne recalls going with her brother Brendan, who plays button accordion, as children to join in communal performances with veteran Irish musicians such as Máirtín O’Connor and Johnny “Ringo” McDonough and getting exposed to a wealth of musical knowledge and history. “We always looked at it as they were passing the history down to us, but they had their own take on it,” Browne says. “Being surrounded by such a rich environment of music and story and history, it really shapes us as musicians. We’re very much deep rooted within the tradition. But I suppose like every generation, you’re going to have a newer sort of a take on it as well.” The band also features Fabian Joyce (guitars and vocals), Peter Vickers (dances and plays bodhrán and percussion) and Shane McGowan (guitarist and vocals). Together they build upon past traditions, incorporating even more genres of music while staying true to their roots. “It’s broadening your scale as a musician as well, to weld into all these different genres,” Browne says. “But then coming right back to where you came from and where you’re proud of coming from.” It’s evident on BackWest’s latest album, Heritage Hall, released earlier this year, and the various musical arrangements chosen. That includes reels, jigs, songs and polkas. The band’s time in America has also rubbed off on several pieces of music. The album features their unique spin on Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Early Morning Rain,” as well as “Captain Captain,” which previously was performed by both Crooked Still and Rebecca King Jones. Browne relates to the latter since she’s spent her whole life growing up by the sea. To add even more oomph to the music, they worked on capturing their vibrant


live energy while recording. “From day one, we felt that we always wanted to have albums as if they were live,” says Browne. “To get that live element into the album, so… that you went home, and when you put that album on, you went straight back to the live performance. That it brought you on that journey that you go on.” The album features a jig influenced by their Uber rides in America. “Every time I play the jig, ‘Maggie’s Uber Mile,’ [from Heritage Hall] I see myself on the bus,” Browne says. “I didn’t know what an Uber was until I landed in America last year. And I must have been in about 30 of them by the time I’d left, so me and the Uber had very good relationships.” Browne is thankful for her time in America. “We had so many fantastic times when we were over, and we met some fabulous people. Huge open arms,” she says. “We had loads of funny stories. Flight getting canceled. Going from Chicago down to Boston and having to make alternative arrangements. There’s loads of stories there for the next album.” The extensive resumes of each of the band’s members has led many in Ireland to call them a super group. “I think every BackWest band is a super group in their own way,” Browne says. “The biggest thing for us is that you go out and you do what you love Milwaukee to do, and you make people happy. Every time you turn on Irish Fest the news, it was down, down, down. One thing that our music Aug. 15-18 seemed to do was just let them escape for that little bit of time. “If you find an artist that gives you that, then it’s a real special thing. I have that gift to allow somebody to just clear their minds for, be it a half an hour, two hours, whatever it is. To give them a little bit of joy, and to make them feel alive.” BackWest is excited about playing their first Milwaukee Irish Fest and being one of five bands representing Galway. “It’s fantastic to be part of that line-up, to represent the hometown,” Browne says. “There will be plenty of spontaneity over there. I think it’s going to be a fantastic festival. It’s going to be definitely one that there’ll be plenty of tunes written after.” BackWest performs at Milwaukee Irish Fest, Aug. 15-18. For times and stages visit

A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 31




Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr. @ Racine Theatre Guild, 6 p.m. The Emmy Award-winning Saturday morning educational cartoon series and pop culture phenomenon is now a musical. A young schoolteacher is nervous about his first day of teaching. He tries to relax by watching TV, when various characters representing facets of his personality emerge from the set and show him how to win his students over with imagination and music. Memorable songs such as “Just a Bill,”“Lolly, Lolly, Lolly” and “Conjunction Junction” bring his lesson plans vividly to life.



OKAN w/ Raine Stern @ John Michael Kohler Arts Center, 6 p.m.

Taking its name from the word for ”heart” or “soul” in the Afro-Cuban religion of Santeria, OKAN fuses Afro-Cuban and other global rhythms with jazz, folk and classical forms to deliver their own contemporary Afro-Cuban roots music. OKAN embraces genres and roles that have historically been dominated by men: coleaders, composers and multi-instrumentalists. Elizabeth Rodriguez and Magdelys Savigne bring a fresh perspective to Latin and world jazz fusion through their powerful vocals, incredible musicianship and potent lyrical content.

International Guitar Festival @ Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts

This three-day festival includes semi-final and final competition rounds in five genres (blues, classical, fingerstyle, jazz and rock) featuring 61 competitors from 50 cities competing for $40,000 in cash prizes. There are also free masterclasses in all five genres, including a jazz masterclass led by John Scofield. Three free concerts featuring Ireland’s fingerstyle legend Shane Hennessy, Milwaukee’s own award-winning classical guitarist Rene Izquierdo and the Troy Stetina Project. The John Scofield Trio featuring Steve Swallow and Bill Stewart headline on Saturday.

Orquesta Salsa Power @ Colectivo Lakefront, 7 p.m.

Enjoy the last event in the 15th season of Colectivo Coffee and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UW-Milwaukee’s Música del Lago concert series featuring Latin music.

Rebel Rampage @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.

Los Angeles protest rock power trio, Rebel Rampage arrives armed with words and music to resist oppression by the government and inspire change for equality and justice. The goal is to galvanize the public to engage in the democratic process by upholding civil and constitutional rights and enforce accountability for the actions of those in power. The ever-expanding list of topical issues addressed range from immigration and women’s rights to free press, climate change and the failings of the U.S. health care system. 32 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 IndiaFest @ Humboldt Park

IndiaFest has been bringing communities together beyond borders, boundaries, language, religion and region since 2013, observing India’s Independence Day providing a platform that brings an essence of India to the community for education, collaboration and cultural immersion.

Chris Haise Band, Yum Yum Cult, Amanda Huff and Rose of the West @ Ayre in the Square, Catalano Square, 4 p.m. Here is a small feast in the land of fests—a quartet of great local musicians in this gem of a park in the Third Ward.


Stray Cats’ Slim Jim Phantom @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.

Slim Jim Phantom may be best known as drummer for American rockabilly band Stray Cats. In the MTV era, the band’s sound and image were the perfect antidote to the less-than-substantial music that took over the airwaves, with Phantom’s stand-up drumming leading the charge. Dig a little deeper and you will find that Phantom drummed in the band Top Cat with Motörhead’s Lemmy Kilmister. To witness that band play songs by Jimmy Reed and Buddy Holly was rock ’n’ roll’s Halley’s Comet.



Aggressive Metal Night at Club Garibaldi ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE


!"#$%"&''(")'*'+$,"-'$+)").(/'" 0'!$,"12.(!'!"3$4"5,$-'%"6.,7 8$29'':"!"#$%&$'()#*'+,-$' (,.$'*+$'+$,/*#'01'$2*/$($' music aficionados grow fonder as the band brought an enthusiastic, attentive crowd to Club Garibaldi on Thursday, Aug. 8. Zao, whose name translates from New Testament Greek roughly as “life,” executed a compelling show of rhythmic and melodic complexity. They were fronted by Dan Weyandt’s pointedly strained, gruff vocals alongside Scott Mellinger, who supplies the act’s clean vocals (that is, those that are actually sung). Mellinger also plays guitar in dual rhythm with Russ Codgell. Sometimes interlocking, overlapping at others, the two guitarists sustained a fierce attack with plenty of nuance over Zao’s roughly hour-long, encore-free set. Drummer Jeff Gretz and bassist Martin Lunn propelled musical energy and raw textures. Mellinger acted as Zao’s mouthpiece for what little between-song interaction they allowed themselves. A couple of compelling bands opened the night. Michigan’s Hollow Earth gave the headliners a run for their money in terms of stage presence and atmospheric sound; amidst a perma-cloud of dry ice fog, the foursome’s nearly seamless set combined epic lurches with majestic use of drone-in sound that ought to top marquees soon. Vocalist Steve Muczynski almost chided the crowd for their minimal physical action during his band’s set but acknowledged they might be conserving their headbanging for Zao. Wolf King, relative neophytes from Northern California, harnessed their dual assault of higher and lower register Cookie Monster vocalizing to a sound that weds the relentless chug of hardcore to death metal’s instrumental wizardry.



!"#$%"#$&'( !"#)*+,-.( "/(01))."2( $%.( !,2,3$3,"% ::BY BLAINE SCHULTZ



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Jazz Guitar (and Lots More!) at Villa Terrace Concert ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


Jack Grassel

hen he was in high school, Garrett Waite’s guitar teacher finally gave up—in a good way. “He was more of a finger-style blues player and he took me as far as he could go,” Waite recalls. “He sent me to the go-to guy for jazz guitar. The guy to go to was Jack Grassel, and now the former master and apprentice are collaborating as a duo. And not just a guitar duo, but a two-man multiinstrumental ensemble whose repertoire spans the musical spectrum. Along with his patented triple-neck guitar, which can play the role of electric guitar, bass and mandolin, Grassel will pick up banjo, melodica and wooden flute in the course of the concert. Waite will play triple-neck guitar and melodica. “We are 50 years apart in age, but when we play together it’s like we’re the same age,” Grassel says. Seasoned but as youthful as someone half his age, Grassel has a long history in Milwaukee jazz as an educator (Hal Leonard is publishing his latest manual this month), performer and recording artist. He has released more than 20 albums and evolved as a composer from the initial inspiration of Thelonious Monk to embrace an even wider world. He handled jazz-rock fusion easily enough and eventually drew sustenance from Latin American and Indian music. At their concert this Sunday, the duo will play three compositions by Grassel and two by Waite. They will explore the work Jack by Monk, Wayne Shorter, Cedar Walton, Jerome Kern, J.S. Bach Grassel and John Cage. And one suspects spontaneous fires will light up and Garrett along the way, taking the concert in unexpected directions. “Improvisation will tie it together,” Grassel explains. Much Waite beloved by jazz musicians, Bach provides a feast for inventive Villa Terrace interpretations. Cage’s “Dreams” was originally conceived to Decorative accompany the fluid movements of a Merce Cunningham Arts Museum dance concert. Sunday, Waite cites Wayne Shorter as a compositional model and Aug. 18, Steely Dan for setting a high bar. “If I’m writing a pop song, I’ll in10:30 a.m. clude jazz elements. If it’s a jazz-oriented composition, I’ll include 12:30 p.m. rock elements,” he says. Waite is a student at Boston’s Berklee College of Music. When he’s in Milwaukee, he plays in an eclectic jazz-funk-rock combo with drummer Jeremy Reutebuch and keyboardist Joshua Catania and also collaborates with alt hip-hop artists. Grassel has played in one lineup or another for decades at the venue of Sunday’s concert, Villa Terrace. “We could not get away with this in a club—it’s a concert setting,” he says. Waite adds, “A big thing Jack imparted on me is the importance of playing whatever you want. We play the music we’re excited about. There’s no concept behind the choices for the concert except that they are tunes we like.” Jack Grassel and Garrett Waite perform at Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, 2220 N. Terrace Ave., on Sunday, Aug. 18, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 33

MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event


411 East Wisconsin Center, Tunes@Noon: Donna Woodall (12pm) Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co., Blind Fiction “Overlook” vinyl release Bayshore Town Center, Bayshore Sounds of Summer: Mixtape (6pm) Bilda’s Friess Lake Pub (Hubertus), Retrograde (6pm) Caroline’s Jazz Club, Ryan Meisel Quartet Charcoal Grill (Oak Creek), Pat McCurdy Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Ginni & JoAnna Marie (6pm) Colectivo Lakefront, Orquesta Salsa Power County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Green Tree Community Garden, Rhythm & Blooms Concert Series: Extra Crispy Brass Band (6pm) Harley-Davidson Museum, Bike Night: Rebel Grace (5pm) Jazz Estate, Johannes Wallmann / Dennis Mitcheltree Quartet Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Open Jam: Roadhouse Rave Up Marcus Center For The Performing Arts, Live @ Peck Pavilion: Chris Crain (12pm) Marcus Center For The Performing Arts, Live @ Peck Pavilion: Heartache Tonight – A Tribute to the Eagles! (7pm) Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’ Live & Local: Alyssia Dominguez (5pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night Mezcalero Restaurant, Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Jam Band O’Donoghue’s Irish Pub, The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On The Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Hambo & The Meemops Red Rock Saloon, SNC Knight Out Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Sanger House Gardens, Jack and Jill Jazz: Jack Grassel & Jill Jensen (6pm) Shank Hall, Rebel Rampage Sheryl’s Club 175 (Slinger), Acoustic Jam w/Milwaukee Mike & Downtown Julius Smoke Shack at the Mayfair Collection, Matt MF Tyner (5pm) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Trout Steak Revival The Packing House, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Thiensville Village Park, Simply id Transfer Pizzeria Café, Latin Sessions: Cecilio Negron, Jr Turner Hall Ballroom, The Alarm w/Modern English, Gene Loves Jezebel (6pm) Up & Under, No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic Nite X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), People In Trouble w/Jab Jugular & Nuclear Family!


American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The B Side Band Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Black Husky Brewing, The MilBillies Blu Milwaukee, Mark Davis Bremen Cafe, DubNDoom Cactus Club, Casey James Prestwood & The Burning Angels w/JP Cyr and the Midnightmen Caroline’s Jazz Club, Donna Woodall Group Charmbiance Wine Art Bar, Matt MF Tyner Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: 2 Ball Screwball w/Smart Alecs & Bad Year (8pm); DJ: French Connection (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Club Garibaldi’s, Mercyful Mike Presents: Psycho Milwaukee! Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, SistaStrings w/Flora & Ammorelle County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session

Fire On Water, Sweet Delta Dawn Fiserv Forum Plaza, The Great American Lobster Fest: Altered Five Blues Band Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Ronny Starr Motown Experience Greenfield Park, Traveling Beer Garden: Memory Makers (5pm) Iron Mike’s, Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Ivanhoe Pub & Eatery (Racine), Naomi Marie (6pm) Jazz Estate, Nineteen Thirteen record release (8pm), Late Night Session: Gramma Matrix Late Night Vinyl (11:30pm) Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Ravi/Lola Neighborhood Daydream album release show w/Wavy V & The Old Northwest Mamie’s, Kenny J. & The Shadows Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, K T Music Express Milwaukee Boat Line Dock, MKE Boat Line presents: The Grovelers & The Mighty Deerlick Okauchee Legion Post #399, The Hit-Men Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Gina Marie Pabst Theater, Leslie Jones Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Christopher’s Project Rave / Eagles Club, Flatbush Zombies and Joey Bada$$ w/The Underachievers, Kirk Knight, Nyck Caution, Powers Pleasant & CJ Fly (all-ages, 7pm), The Mighty Mighty Bosstones w/Bedouin Soundclash & 5 O’Clock Charlie (all-ages, 8pm) Red Rock Saloon, Zac Matthews Riverside Theater, Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals w/Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue & Jessy Wilson Shank Hall, The Producers w/Spud Bucket The Back Room @ Colectivo, Mason Jennings The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live: Mannish Boys & Stephen Hull (6pm) The Cooperage, The Hooten Hallers w/Wood Chickens The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & The Carmen Sutra Trio (6:30pm) Twisted Fisherman, Unity Reggae Up & Under, Haunted Harlots X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), Day Tvvo w/Armon Hassan, Mario Betancourt Lanza, Fearjoy, Mexico City is Sinking


Atonement Lutheran Church (Muskego), The Ricochettes (2pm) Blu Milwaukee, Evan Christian Cactus Club, Gauche w/L’Resorts & Dogs in Ecstasy Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Andy Spadafora, Michael Ritter & Aaron Gardner Catalano Square, Ayre in the Square: Chris Haise Band w/Yum Yum Cult, Amanda Huff and Rose of the West (4pm) Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Video Dead w/Mestozi (8pm); DJ: The WarLock Challenge (10pm) Club Garibaldi’s, Bj’s Stupid Birthday: Ratbatspider w/Sexual Atrocities, Crap Factory, N.S.O.A. & SEH Comedy Sportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Crafty Cow MKE, FAT Fest: Lorde Fredd33 (6:40pm) w/ No No Yeah Okay (5:10pm), NO/NO (3:55pm), Saebra & Carlyle (2:40pm), Rexxx (1:30pm) Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), The Dave Miller Trio w/Mike Cascio & Hal Miller Curly’s Waterfront Pub & Grill (Pewaukee), Hard to Handle Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Rafael Mendez Foolery’s Liquid Therapy, The Brew City Rockers (5pm) Fox Point Farmers’ Market, Milwaukee Hot Club (10am) Greenfield Park, Traveling Beer Garden: Vern and the Originals (5pm)

Jazz Estate, David Bixler/Russ Johnson Quartet (8pm), Late Night Session: Jesse Montijo Group (11:30pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, The Taxmen Lapham Peak State Park, SummerStage of Delafield Summer Concert Series: 76 Juliet Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Pineboy w/Jesus Villa & Howard Bishop Ellis Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) McCarty Park, Traveling Beer Garden: Dobie the Concertina Man (5pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Scattered Band Milwaukee Ale House, Grimm Brothers Mo’s Irish Pub (Wauwatosa), Matt MF Tyner Nō Studios, Dave Schoepke and Kitty Cisler Music and Art Show Pabst Theater, Little River Band Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Amber & Adam Racine Brewing Company, Mueller & Hill Route 20, The Iron Maidens w/Master of Puppets (ages 18-plus, 8pm) Saint Kate, the Arts Hotel, Jack and Jill Jazz w/Jack Grassel & Jill Jensen (5pm) Shank Hall, Lady Cannon w/Band of Dust & Fuzzysurf St. Joseph Center, Sister Water Beer Garden: Kaleidoscope (5pm) St. Louis Catholic Church (Caledonia), Parish Festival: Larry Lynne Revue (6pm) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Over the Rhine The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), That’s What She Said The Lincoln Pub (Waukesha), Indigo Dog The Packing House, Lem Banks & Top Shelf (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, In the Umbrella Bar: Eddie Butts (6:30pm) Twisted Fisherman, King Solomon Reggae Band Up & Under, Hour 22 Witt’s End (Caledonia), Jude and The Dudes


Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Bremen Cafe, Soul Abode w/Fressure Point & Hoppers Luck Cactus Club, There and Back Tour Hometown Stop: King Myles, Yogie B & Keez Eddie Jame$, Trashman Shunny, Mo’City, Mayyh3m, Jaecar & Max Traffic Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: John Sieger & Ramblin’ Deano (8pm); DJ: John Riepenhoff & Sara Caron (10pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Mystery Loves Company Little Red Store (Wauwatosa), The Lakeside Ramblers (3pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Summer Concert w/Phil Norby (3pm) Mitchell Park Amphitheater/Stage (near S. 24th & W. Pierce St., Abraxes w/Browns Crew (3pm) Riverside Theater, Shakey Graves and Dr. Dog w/Caroline Rose Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Larry Lynne Solo (4pm) Shank Hall, Lindsay Beaver St. Louis Catholic Church (Caledonia), Parish Festival: Steve Meisner Band (11am) The Back Room @ Colectivo, Matt Wertz The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday: Stella & Me (4pm) Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Café Sopra Mare: Jack Grassel and Garrett Waite (10:30am)


Bremen Cafe, Comedy Open Mic (8pm), Music Open Mic (10pm) Lake Park Summer Stage, Musical Mondays: Extra Crispy Brass Band (6:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Stephen Kalmar II (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm)


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Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Lovanova w/Strangelander & K-Stamp (6pm) Jazz Estate, Funk Night w/Jack Reed Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Kilbourn-Kadish Park, Skyline Music: King Solomon (5:30pm) Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Full Band Open Jam w/Robert Allen Jr. Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Pabst Theater, Katya Postman Square, Postman’s Porch Unplugged: Jim Madritsch Duet (5pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Red Circle Inn, Dick Eliot & Greg Shaffer (6pm) Shank Hall, Stray Cats’ Slim Jim Phantom w/Bruce Humphries and the Rockabilly Rebels The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5: String Along Band (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Transfer House Band w/Vicki Provencher X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), The Last Ten Seconds of Life w/No Zodiac, Kaonashi, VCTMS, Returning Reckless and Apollyon Scowl (6pm)


Bud Pavilion - Wisconsin State Fair Park, Wednesday Night Live: The Now (6pm) Café Hollander (Tosa Village), The Oxleys (5pm) Callen Construction’s Muskego Showroom, Diverse Menu and Auctions Part of Refashion for Life Charity Fashion Show Caroline’s Jazz Club, Cody Longreen Trio w/We’re Having a Good Time Deer District, Beer Garden: Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (5pm) Deer District, Beer Garden: Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (5pm) Hubbard Park (Shorewood), Summer Sounds: Gin Mill Jubilee (6pm) Iron Mike’s, B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, The Anne Davis Group Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Lexington Heritage, Hub’s Hoedown: Dobie the Concertina Man (4pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Jeanne & Lidia (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: De La Buena (6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Racine Zoo, Animal Crackers Concert Series: Nick Colionne Red, White and Brews, Open Acoustic Sessions w/Ricky Orta Jr. Rotary Performance Pavilion, Tosa Tonight: Scott Mulvahill w/Paper Holland (6pm) Shank Hall, Albert Castiglia South Shore Terrace, Bay View Beats: Ethan Keller (5pm) Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Spike & April Duo (6:30pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: Linqua Franqa w/ Devin Drobka and Barry Paul Clark (5pm) X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), Kendra Amalie w/Rose Winston, Hot Science & CRLSS

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Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Up & Under, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers X-Ray Arcade (Cudahy), Bar Stool Preachers w/Raging Nathan sand Radio Hate


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34 | A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

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A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 ! 35



By James Barrick

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

DOWN 1. Grain sorghum 2. Shortly 3. Hoarfrost 4. Solid, liquid or gas 5. Clink 6. “The Way We —” 7. News bit 8. Woodland creature 9. Cooked in water 10. Fetor 11. Patient on a couch

8/8 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 30 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Stay safe


! +




Solution: 30 Letters


74. Processes ores 75. Give 76. Dance party enthusiast 77. “Ab Fab” role 80. Western Indian 81. Fireplace 82. “Hello” singer 85. Vessel 86. Put off course 87. Glory 89. Algonquian chief 91. Spear for fishing 95. Gray wolf 97. Aneles 98. Cut of beef 100. Jack-tar: 2 wds. 103. Earned as profit 105. Wool-bearing animal 107. Sphere 110. So —! 112. Eliot’s Marner 114. Plant of the agave family 115. Be sullen 116. River in Belgium 117. Old flames 118. Male animals 119. Little-used pronoun 120. Anarchical event 121. Way to go 122. Blessed 123. Hobbit — Gamgee


12. Mature 13. Arranges hair 14. Sign in a shop window: 2 wds. 15. Place for landings 16. Type var. 17. Optimistic 18. Print measures 28. Laid up 29. Window box plant 30. Kind of liquor 34. Proficient 35. Lunar valley 36. Make looser 38. Eats a snack 39. Whole: Prefix 41. Kind of marshal 43. Reduced 44. Eastern rulers 45. Wear with pride 47. City in Ohio 49. Camera name 51. Pickled fish 54. French painter 56. Fur 58. 3-legged stand 61. Stylish 62. Come to terms 63. Japanese mushroom 65. Comic book creatures 70. A flowing 73. Ad — per aspera

# $ % & '

84. Abbr. in recipes 86. Part 3 of quip: 3 wds. 88. Rara — 90. Jellystone Park denizen 92. Spoken 93. Swell 94. Of a kidney 96. Kind of bore or basin 99. — -relievo 101. Tumbling feat 102. Creature of legend 104. Liguria’s capital 106. Kristiania, currently 108. Born 109. Further 111. Drudges 113. Wine quality 115. End of the quip: 4 wds. 123. Average: Hyph. 124. Austinite 125. Welcoming word 126. Word at parting 127. Mimic 128. Put up 129. Caravan animal 130. Helix 131. Nothing more than 132. Escritoires 133. Something of worth 134. ABA mem.


ACROSS 1. Fourth rock from the sun 5. Emmentaler, a cheese 10. Andretti or Rubio 15. Charter 19. First: Abbr. 20. “—, c’est moi” 21. Charged particle 22. School jacket 23. — Linda, CA 24. Rocky ridge 25. — lazuli 26. Gal 27. Start of a quip by Rodney Dangerfield: 5 wds. 31. Woody plant 32. Slender 33. Insult 34. Abbr. in itineraries 37. Imparted 40. Scum 42. Decamps with another 46. Conked out 48. Castle, alternatively 50. Decelerate 52. “Lady and the —” 53. Raines and Fitzgerald 55. Short stay 57. Cousin to “non” and “nein” 59. Triad 60. Part 2 of quip: 3 wds. 64. Guitarist — Paul 66. Stray 67. Fabric quality 68. Seaweed 69. Among 71. Raw materials 72. Cosmic “payback” 74. Twirled 75. Contest venues 78. Turns to the right side 79. Opiate drug 83. Packet


0 '

1 !

( ' '

( 6

, ! , 2 ! 3 4 1 4 4 4 4 1

' 6

+ + 6 )


8/8 Solution: Imagining if we actually beat the odds

7 !


36 !!A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9





Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •

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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Moray eels have two sets of jaws. The front set does their chewing. The second set, normally located behind the first, can be launched forward to snag prey they want to eat. In invoking this aggressive strategy to serve as a metaphor for you in the coming weeks, I want to suggest that you be very dynamic and enterprising as you go after what you want and need. Don’t be rude and invasive, of course, but consider the possibility of being audacious and zealous. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It’s relatively rare, but now and then people receive money or gifts from donors they don’t know. Relatives they’ve never met may bequeath them diamond tiaras or alpaca farms or bundles of cash. I don’t think that’s exactly what will occur for you in the coming weeks, but I do suspect that you’ll garner blessings or help from unexpected sources. To help ensure the best possible versions of these acts of grace, I suggest that you be as generous as possible in the kindness and attention you offer. Remember this verse from the Bible: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libra-born Ronald McNair was an African American who grew up in a racist town in South Carolina in the 1950s. The bigotry cramped his freedom, but he rebelled. When he was 9 years old, he refused to leave a segregated library, which prompted authorities to summon the police. Years later, McNair earned a Ph.D. in physics from MIT and became renowned for his research on laser physics. Eventually, NASA chose him to be an astronaut from a pool of 10,000 candidates. That library in South Carolina? It’s now named after him. I suspect that you, too, will soon receive some vindication, Libra: a reward or blessing or consecration that will reconfigure your past. SCORPIO (Oct. 3-Nov. 21): Scorpio author Zadie Smith wrote, “In the end, your past is not my past and your truth is not my truth and your solution—is not my solution.” I think it will be perfectly fine if sometime soon you speak those words to a person you care about. In delivering such a message, you won’t be angry or dismissive. Rather, you will be establishing good boundaries between you and your ally; you will be acknowledging the fact that the two of you are different people with different approaches to life. And I bet that will ultimately make you closer. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Nothing fruitful ever comes when plants are forced to flower in the wrong season,” wrote author and activist Bette Bao Lord. That’s not entirely true. For example, skilled and meticulous gardeners can compel tulip and hyacinth bulbs to flower before they would naturally be able to. But as a metaphor, Lord’s insight is largely accurate. And I think you’ll be wise to keep it in mind during the coming weeks. So my advice is: don’t try to make people and processes ripen before they are ready. But here’s a caveat: you might have modest success working to render them a bit more ready. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “For though we often need to be restored to the small, concrete, limited, and certain, we as often need to be reminded of the large, vague, unlimited, unknown.” Poet A. R. Ammons formulated that shiny burst of wisdom, and now I’m passing it on to you. As I think you know, you tend to have more skill at, and a greater inclination, toward the small, concrete, limited, and certain. That’s why, in my opinion, it’s rejuvenating for you to periodically exult in and explore what’s large, vague, unlimited, unknown. Now is one of those times. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Look into my eyes. Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.” Poet Sylvia Plath wrote that, and now, in accordance with astrological omens, I’m authorizing you to say something similar to anyone who is interested in you but would benefit from gazing more deeply into your soul and entering into a more profound relationship with your mysteries. In other words, you have cosmic permission to be more forthcoming in showing people your beauty and value.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In his AntiMemoirs, author André Malraux quotes a tough-minded priest who served in the French Resistance during World War II. He spent his adult life hearing his parishioners’ confessions. “The fundamental fact is that there’s no such thing as a grown-up person,” the priest declared. Even if that’s mostly true, Pisces, my sense is that it is less true about you right now than it has ever been. In the past months, you have been doing good work to become more of a fully realized version of yourself. I expect that the deepening and maturation process is reaching a culmination. Don’t underestimate your success! Celebrate it! ARIES (March 21-April 19): How did sound technicians create the signature roar of the fictional monster Godzilla? They slathered pine-tar resin on a leather glove and stroked it against the strings of a double bass. How about the famous howl of the fictional character Tarzan? Sonic artists blended a hyena’s screech played backwards, a dog’s growl, a soprano singer’s fluttered intonation slowed down and an actor’s yell. Karen O, lead singer of the band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, periodically unleashes very long screams that may make the hair stand up on the back of her listeners’ necks. In accordance with astrological omens, I’d love to see you experiment with creating your own personal Yowl or Laugh or Whisper of Power in the coming weeks: a unique sound that would boost your wild confidence and help give you full access to your primal lust for life. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough,” said Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, ex-president of Liberia. In accordance with astrological imperatives, I propose that we make that your watchword for the foreseeable future. From what I can tell, you’re due to upgrade your long-term goals. You have the courage and vision necessary to dare yourself toward an even more fulfilling destiny than you’ve been willing or ready to imagine up until now. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): How did our ancestors ever figure out that the calendula flower can be used as healing medicine for irritated and inflamed skin? It must have been a very long process of trial and error. (Or did the plant somehow “communicate” to indigenous herbalists, informing them of its use?) In any case, this curative herb is only one of hundreds of plants that people somehow came to adjudge as having healing properties. “Miraculous” is not too strong a word to describe such discoveries. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Gemini, you now have the patience and perspicacity to engage in a comparable process: to find useful resources through experiment and close observation—with a hardy assist from your intuition. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Today the city of Timbuktu in Mali is poor and in the throes of desertification. But from the 14th to 17th centuries, it was one of the great cultural centers of the world. Its libraries filled up with thousands of influential books, which remained intact until fairly recently. In 2012, Al Qaeda jihadists conceived a plan to destroy the vast trove of learning and scholarship. One man foiled them. Abba al-Hadi, an illiterate guard who had worked at one of the libraries, smuggled out many of the books in empty rice sacks. By the time the jihadists started burning, most of the treasure had been relocated. I don’t think the problem in your sphere is anywhere near as dire as this, Cancerian. But I do hope you will be proactive about saving and preserving valuable resources before they’re at risk of being diluted, compromised or neglected. Homework: The Japanese poet Ikkyū said, “To all I care about, here’s a friendly tip: enlightenment is gaffe upon error upon blooper.” Do you agree?

Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.


Seeing Double


n Thursday, Aug. 1, identical twin brothers Andy and Chad Baker of Nashville, Tenn., were on their way to the annual Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, in their identical blue Tesla Model 3s, when an Ohio state trooper pulled them both over for having identical license plates, reading “SUBJ TO.” The brothers patiently explained to the officer that the plates are, in fact, different: In one, “TO” is spelled with a zero, and in the other, it’s spelled with a capital letter O. “Nobody likes getting pulled over by police; we were both nervous, but it’s a great story, and we will tell it all weekend,” Andy told Fox8.

In the Heat of the Moment It’s been a hot summer in Europe. Among those suffering was an unnamed 66-year-old military veteran in the small southeastern French town of Les Arcs-sur-Argens, who had been complaining for several weeks to his landlady, Maryse Malin, 71, about the lack of air conditioning in his villa. That may have been why, the Local reported, he shot the “sweet, kind and caring lady” three times, killing her. Malin had agreed to install air conditioning but told the tenant it couldn’t be done until October.

Hot Pursuit Two men in Antwerp, Belgium, felt the heat on Wednesday, July 24, when they accidentally got locked in a shipping container full of cocaine in the huge port there, reported AFP. That day, temperatures reached a record high of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, stifling the 24- and 25-year-olds who had entered the container “to remove the drugs,” according to prosecutors. As the mercury rose, they desperately called a police emergency number, and when police finally found them two hours later, they gratefully gave themselves up. Port workers were videoed pouring water over the pair to try to lower their body temperatures.

The Unkindest Cut of All Alex Bonilla, 49, took revenge to an extreme on the man he told police he had caught cheating with his wife in May, according to WCJB. On Sunday, July 14, Gilchrist County, Fla., sheriff’s deputies said Bonilla entered a house in the town of Bell, firing a gunshot and forcing a man inside into a bedroom, where he tied the man up and, using scissors, cut off his…, which he then ran away with. Later that

day, deputies arrested Bonilla at his place of employment; his bond was set at $1.25 million. The family of the victim declined to comment, but said through the sheriff’s office the victim was doing well medically.

Cold Dog In a product expansion move that inspires one to shout, “Stay in your lane!” Oscar Meyer announced on Thursday, Aug. 1, that it is entering the dessert category with the Ice Dog Sandwich—an ice cream sandwich with cookie “buns” surrounding bits of candied hot dog meat and spicy mustard ice cream. UPI reported that the company partnered with a New York ice cream company to create the confectionary treat. Not to be outflanked, French’s has announced that it’s coming out with its own mustard-flavored dessert together with Coolhaus (an ice cream maker).

Just Too Easy Police in Sydney, Australia, had a drug bust land in their laps on Monday, July 22, when an unnamed man slammed a van loaded with 600 pounds of methamphetamines into a patrol car parked outside a suburban police station. The car was empty at the time of the collision, Reuters reported. The van sped away from the scene, but police caught up with the 28-yearold driver an hour later and charged him with drug supply and negligent driving. The drugs had an estimated street value of about $140 million.

Just Too Easy II Michael Harrell, 54, strolled into a U.S. Bank in Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, July 29, with a note demanding cash from a teller: “This is a robbery. Don’t get nobody hurt.” Unfortunately for the robber, according to WJW, he wrote the note on the back of a document he had received from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, which included his full name and address. The teller gave Harrell $206 and summoned police, who later arrested him.

Just Too Easy III A man in Spain who is a serial mocker of recycling efforts was fined 45,000 euros ($50,000) and ordered to retrieve a refrigerator he tossed down a hillside in July. Spain’s Guardia Civil identified the man from a Twitter video he had proudly posted of his refrigerator dumping, which included video coverage of the truck he used, registered to a houseclearing company, and its license plate, clearly visible behind him, The Local reported. (He could be seen in a different video throwing a washing machine into the ravine in the same area.) He was fired from his job, fined, and officers later posted a video of the man struggling to bring the refrigerator back up the hill. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION A U G U S T 1 5 , 2 0 1 9 | 37


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