Sept. 6 - Sept. 12, 2018
#CloseMSDF Campaign Aims to Reduce Wisconsin Incarceration!"""!#$%&!'
Present Music Faces the Future without Kevin Stalheim """!#$%&!()
Time to PLAY. W NE
ON SALE 9/7!
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"#$%#$&'($)%&$"" 8/29/18 12:09 PM
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PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: ;2+.*'<2%/.*'=#)/7'>?@AB GENERAL MANAGER: C#D.,'E0%&,#%'=#)/7'>?AFB' MANAGING EDITOR: G0D.&';+"%**#,'=#)/7'>?@HB EXPRESS EVENTS EDITOR: I.$'J#,2%'=#)/7'>?K@B ASSISTANT A&E EDITOR/MUSIC EDITOR: (D0,'I3/4#-*9.'=#)/7'>?K?B A&E EDITOR:'L2",'!1",#.&#% =#)/7'>?KMB EDITORIAL ASSISTANT & ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: L2",'L0",'=#)/7'>?@KB' N**.*/0,/'/2'/"#'E#,#%04'O0,0P#%Q' R40.,#'!1"+4/S'=#)/7'>?K>B
CREATIVE SERVICES: ART DIRECTOR: G0D#'T34*/%0'=#)/7'>?AKB GRAPHIC DESIGNER: O#4.**0';##'L2",*2,'=#)/7'>?>?B GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER: O0PP.#'U0+P",' =#)/7'>?@>B ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES:''R%.&P#//#'N%&'=#)/7'>?KKB' G#,.*#';0,P*/2,'=#)/7'>?@?BV'L0:#*'86#%4#'=#)/7' >?>KB'!/#$"0,.#'I240,&'=#)/7'>?KWB G2,,0'X0P,#%'=#)/7'>?KFB' ()#1+/.D#'N**.*/0,/'/2'/"#'!04#*'G.%#1/2%'0,&' Y+64.*"#%Q'L019.#'R+/S4#%'=#)/7'>?KHB BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERQ'Z"+19'[.44'=#)/7'>?AAB In Memory of Dusti Ferguson (October 18, 1971 – November 20, 2007)
EVENT COORDINATOR:'I01"#4'I#$#//.'=#)/7'>?A>B EVENTS ASSISTANT:'R#/"0,3'<2%*#/"'=#)/7'>?KAB WEB PUBLISHER: Z24#'U0,&#%:0+*# =#)/7'>?@MB WEB EDITOR: I26'[+44+: =#)/7'>?@WB BUSINESS MANAGER:'Y#PP3'G#6,0:'=#)/7'>?>AB CIRCULATION COORDINATOR:'R40.,#'!1"+4/S'=#)/7'>?K>B CIRCULATION: CONNIE ANDERSON, JOSEF BIENEK, BRIAN BRUNO, PEG DYER, GARY GORLEWSKI, MIKE HOULEHEN, TOWNSEND HUNT, LARRY JONES, BRENDA LEWIS, MIKE KIERALDO, FRANCIS MULVEY, TODD PEARSON, MICHAEL POLLACK, SAMMI REED, JENNIFER SCHMID, DANIEL SURGES, GREG TOMASETTI, MIKE WALDOCH, RICHARD VAN WIERINGEN, DANIEL ZOLLNER DISTRIBUTION: !"#$"#%&'()$%#**'.*'0D0.4064#'5%##'25' 1"0%P#7'J"#'!"#$"#%&'()$%#**':03'6#'&.*/%.6+/#&' 2,43'63'0+/"2%.S#&'&.*/%.6+/2%*7'\2'$#%*2,':03V' -./"2+/'$%.2%'-%.//#,'$#%:.**.2,'25'/"#'!"#$"#%&' ()$%#**V'/09#':2%#'/"0,'2,#'12$3'25'#01"'-##943' .**+#7'O0.4'*+6*1%.$/.2,*'0%#'0D0.4064#7'\2'%#5+,&*'52%' #0%43'10,1#440/.2,*7 8,#'3#0%'=FA'.**+#*B'D.0'<.%*/'Z40**':0.4Q']KAF7@@ !.)':2,/"*'=AW'.**+#*B'D.0'<.%*/'Z40**':0.4Q']M@7@@ A@M'(7'R+55042'!/7V'!+./#'HK@V'O.4-0+9##V'X^'F>A@A Phone'HKH_AMW`AAAA'Fax'HKH_AMW`>>KA' Advertising Inquiries: e-mail:'.,52a*"#$#)712: URL: *"#$"#%&#)$%#**712: Shepherd Express makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, regarding any advertising. Due diligence is recommended before entering into any agreement with an advertiser. Shepherd Express will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. Please check your ad the first day of publication and notify us of any changes. We are not responsible for errors in advertising after the first day. We reserve the right to edit, reject or reclassify advertisements at our sole discretion, without notice. We do not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis, or are otherwise illegal. NO REFUNDS for cancellation after deadline, no copy changes except to price or telephone number.
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SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 | 3 8/30/18 2:59 PM
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Ending ‘Crimeless Revocation’
‘Shut it Down Now!’ !"#$%&'()*+,-./-012+-0.%+3$+ 4&56,&+70%,$2%02+02,-4,&4-30$2+ ::BY ALISON HENDERSON ince Tuesday, Aug. 21, incarcerated people have been participating in work stoppages, hunger and sit-down strikes and commissary boycotts to end prison slavery and demand systemic reform. As prisoners in more than 17 states and, most recently, people detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) participate in what is expected to be the country’s largest prison strike to date, one local campaign aims to entirely shut down a Wisconsin facility in hopes of keeping thousands of people out of the system. Chanting “Shut it down now!” members of the #CloseMSDF coalition stood outside the high-rise, medium-security Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF) in Downtown Milwaukee on Thursday, Aug. 2. The demonstration was part of a daylong event to raise awareness for both the national strike— sparked by a riot in South Carolina’s Lee Correctional Institution that cost seven lives—and to voice their concerns about MSDF, which opened in 2001 to house people who allegedly violated rules of supervision. The #CloseMSDF campaign, which launched in 2017, is saying MSDF is contributing to mass incarceration through crimeless revocation of people on parole and probation and keeping them in inhumane conditions. “This is not the pathway to the future; this is a pathway to destruction and continued oppression of the people who are more susceptible to being locked up and arrested by the police,” said Caliph Muab-El. Now in his late-30s, Muab-El said he has been on probation and parole in the state since he was 12 and hasn’t committed a crime in the community since he was 15.
4 | SEPTEMBER 6, 2018
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and the easiest to start with. When you invest in a mutual fund, the fund’s managers pool your dollars with money 9)'6"'&3,)"*%+,(&')(:"$%0"./7"$")$%-,"'9"$((,&(4";'/"-,&" diversification, so you avoid putting all your “eggs in one basket”. You want to avoid putting too much of your money into something that might have a big drop in value. Some mutual funds are extremely diversified, investing across stocks and bonds worldwide. Others diversify within a (012!-345 specific market—for example, they might focus on investing !"#$%&"&'"(&$)&"*%+,(&*%-"./&"0'%1&"2%'#"#3,),"&'"(&$)&4" in stocks of U.S. companies that operate in some particular 56"!"&''"7'/%-"&'".,"&3*%2*%-"$.'/&"&3*(8"!9"%'&:"3'#"0'"!" industry like health care. -,&"(&$)&,08 One place to learn more about the balance of funds and !6.78020980:!.7;098<2 the risks involved is through your workplace retirement plan. And about that: be sure you are investing in your (012!.78020980:!.7;098<25 employer’s retirement plan at least up to the amount The answer to your first question is almost certainly no, matched by your employer. 7'/"$),"%'&"&''"7'/%-"&'".,"&3*%2*%-"$.'/&"*%+,(&*%-4";'/" • When choosing mutual funds, look at fees. A fund that may or may not be ready to actually invest; if you don’t have charges lower fees will put more of your investment dollars an emergency fund and some savings cushion, for example, to work for you. And look at the fund’s track record for it’s probably too soon to invest, but even then, it’s not too generating income and gains over the long run – some funds soon to think about investing and to start asking questions. can be volatile, so doing really well in the most recent year <3$%2"7'/"9')"$(2*%-"3'#"&'"-,&"(&$)&,04"=%,"'9"&3,".*--,(&" doesn’t mean the next year will go well. mistakes people make when it comes to investing is doing • Some people like investing in particular stocks, instead of nothing because they don’t know how to start and, for some mutual funds. Researching the company can be interesting, reason, feel that they “should” know. Approaching money and you might want to support a local company or a company management from a learner’s viewpoint is very wise and pays whose mission you believe in. Investing in a local stock can off in added confidence and added dollars. be a great learning opportunity and fun for your kids, too. >,),"$),"('6,"'9"67"(/--,(&*'%(?" But buying stock in particular companies isn’t necessary • Start with a small amount of money that you do not for most investors – you’ll pay more to buy and sell stocks think you’ll need for at least a few years. And ask yourself, than it would cost to invest in mutual funds, you’ll be less in the worst case scenario, can you afford to lose it? diversified, and you’re taking 100% of the responsibility for • Mutual funds are the best option for most investors deciding how your money is invested.
• Start small, learn and have fun. You do not need a lot of 6'%,7"&'".,-*%"*%+,(&*%-4 • And always keep your savings account for all the expenses, including the unexpected, that life brings. There is plenty of information about investing out there. And there are people who can help you sort through it. Thanks for starting the conversation by reaching here. Keep the conversation going with family, friends or the professionals at Summit Credit Union to help you get started. The bottom line, is, you do not need all the answers, or even all the questions to start. Just experiment. Dipping your toe *%&'"*%+,(&*%-"*("$"-),$&"#$7"&'"(&$)&4
!"#$%&'()#$"*$ +,-$.$/0)*"1)(2:" since 2002, of Summit Credit Union, a $3.1 billion, 6,6.,)@'#%,0" financial cooperative #*&3"6'),"&3$%" 178,000 members. Kim has a passion for empowering people to improve their financial well-being for a richer life. 3*4$!"#$5'60$#'()5$ 76)*2"'(*$85$)#9":"(;<$ #'()5*#902*= *6##"2>0)1"26("'(?>'#
234'!,''%!"''2%5! 6$*"!$7!#$"*"!$%! 78)',$$9!8,$0*! $26:#0662%5!8%(! 1$;!5$$(!2*!2"! 7$&!-$0&!*''*1.! 2"!*12"!*&0'< !"#$%&$$'%()*&$%#$+,%&-.$%/*&(&%-'01%,*2"+$%+34)(1%*356/2553'4% 3&%#$+,%/*/25-+%+34)(%'*78%9&%73()%.-',%'-(2+-5%+$.$03$&1% there is a shortage of reliable, long-term scientific studies to either prove or disprove it’s efficacy. Most of the ads that I’ve &$$'%&244$&(%&73&)3'4%-%)34)%:2-53(,%*35%3'%,*2+%.*2()%;*+% 20 minutes, the most common one seems to be coconut oil. I have heard the benefits range from tooth whitening, to plaque reduction to the prevention of cavities.
Here is the official stance of the American Dental 9&&*<3-(3*'=% “Currently, there are no reliable scientific studies (*%&)*7%()-(%*35%/2553'4%+$02<$&%<-#3(3$&1%7)3($'&% teeth or improves oral health and well-being. Based on the lack of scientific evidence, the American Dental Association does not recommend oil pulling as a dental hygiene practice. The ADA continues (*%+$<*..$'0%()-(%(*%.-3'(-3'%4**0%0$'(-5%)$-5()% you brush twice a day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste and floss between your teeth once a day and don’t use tobacco.” My two cents on oil-pulling is this; from a purely dental /$+&/$<(3#$1%&73&)3'4%-',()3'4%3'%,*2+%.*2()%;*+%>?%.3'2($&% 7*250%3'<+$-&$%&-53#-%-'0%0352($%()$%/5-:2$%-'0%-<30%/+$&$'(% in your mouth. And it is true that this would benefit the health of your teeth. However, there really is no substitute for the mechanical removal of plaque with brushing and flossing. @)35$%()$+$%-+$%'*%3'03<-(3*'&%()-(%*35%/2553'4%3&%)-+.;25%;*+% ,*2+%($$()1%73()%()$%53.3($0%-.*2'(%*;%(3.$%$-<)%*;%)-&%3'%*'$% 0-,1%>?%.3'2($&%&$$.&%53A$%-%5*(%(*%0$03<-($%(*%&*.$()3'4%()-(% may/may not be beneficial. I think that taking 5 minutes, twice each day, to brush and floss thoroughly would likely result in better oral health and even greater benefits. For comparisons sake, the average American spends only 45-70 seconds per day *'%*+-5%<-+$8
Dr. Murphy was 0+-7'%(*%()$%)-'0&6 on field of dentistry ;*+%3(&%-+(3&(3<%-'0% aesthetic elements. B)$%7*+A$0%-&%-% 0$'(-5%-&&*<3-($%3'% ()$%C*+()%B)*+$% for five years, then $&(-D53&)$0%)$+%*7'% practice in 2010. A <*..3(($0%&2//*+(% &(-;;%-30&%)$+%3'% /+*#303'4%:2-53(,1% <*./+$)$'&3#$% *+-5%)$-5()%<-+$%(*% /$*/5$%*;%-55%-4$&1% ;+*.%(*005$+&%(*% senior citizens.
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Best of Milwaukee 2016 WINNER
SEPTEMBER 6 , 2 0 18 ! 5
NEWS&VIEWS::FEATURE > #CloseMSDF continued from page 4
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September 8, 2018
Saints Peter & Paul Parish
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12:00 noon to 9:30 pm FREE N ADMISSIO
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Stray Voltage 5:30 ñ 9:30 pm Texas Dave Trio 1:00 ñ 4:00 pm
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!"#$% 1434 N FARWELL AVE ï
276-7288 ï
all shows 21+
All shows at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at Thurs 9/6
Fri 9/7
Sat 9/8
$10 adv/ $15 dr
Frederick The Younger $10 adv/ $12 dr
Heavy Nova, Brian Wurch Band, Pearhead $9
Wed 9/12
Thurs 9/13
Fri 9/14
Naughty Professor $10
James Lee Stanley $15
Blues Beatles $20
sat 9/15
Wed 9/19
Thurs 9/20
Lucy Spraggan
Terry Bozzio REALITY TOUR $35
Liz Vice, Propaganda $10 adv/ $12 dr
Tues 9/25
Thurs 9/27
Lydia Loveless $15
Hadden Sayers $12 adv/ $15 dr
Sat 9/29
Thurs 10/4
PHUN 10 pm $10 adv/ $15 dr
Shawn Mullins $25
$10 adv/ $12 dr sat 9/22
Tallan Noble Latz $12 adv/ $15 dr Fri 9/28
$20 adv/ $25 dr Fri 10/5
Foriegner 4 Ever $12
Sat 10/6
!"#$%& $'$(!#")& !"#$%&'#%() *+,,%-./.
Tickets on sale September 10.
Mon 10/8 !"#$#%&$'(&
10/11 JW-Jones 10/12 Big Bang Baby, Ten, Super Unknown 10/13 Think Floyd USA 10/16 Mo Lowda & the Humble 10/17 Lindsay Beaver 10/18 Reina del Cid 10/19 Steven Page Trio 10/20 Davina and the Vagabonds 10/21 Emily Kinney 10/22 Soft Machine 10/24 Polyrhythmics 10/25 Matt Hires, JD Eicher, Dan Rodriguez 10/26 Thunderstruck 10/27 Maria Muldaur 10/28 Passafire 11/1 Adrian Legg 11/2 Local H 11/3 3rd annual All Synths Day 11/8 The Bottle Rockets 11/9 Nicki Bluhm 11/10 Tweed featuring Gervis Myles,Craig Baumann and The Story 11/14 El Ten Eleven 11/16 Bel Airs 11/17 Damaged Justice 11/19 David Sancious & Will Calhoun 11/21 The Last Waltz & Beyond: A Midwest Musiciansí Tribute to The Band 11/23 and 11/24 R and B Cadets 11/26 BAND OF FRIENDS 11/29 Reverend Horton Heat with Big Sandy, Junior Brown, The Blasters 11/30 Howard Levy 12/1 Sprecher presents: Koch Marshall Trio 12/2 Savoy Brown 12/6 Kingí s X 12/7 Rich Trueman and the 22nd Street Horn Band 12/8 Southbound 12/9 Brand X 12/14 Altererd Five Blues Band, Steve Cohen !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
SEPTEMBER 6 , 2 0 18 ! 7
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n fall 2017, the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) held its inaugural Performing Arts Awareness Campaign, which shifted the organization’s emphasis on fundraising for local arts groups to raising public awareness of the performing arts in general throughout the greater Milwaukee area. Due to the success of that effort, UPAF has branded September 2018 “Performing Arts Month,” and, in so doing, continues its efforts to both create and cultivate an affinity for performing arts in our region. “Not only do we want to celebrate the arts lovers who know and appreciate the great number of performing arts options in Milwaukee,” says UPAF’s public relations and social media coordinator Katie Korek, “but we also want to reach those who may not be attending performing arts shows but are predisposed to liking the arts, culture and all things Milwaukee.” Last year, UPAF inaugurated a four-episode podcast titled MKE Arts Live. They’re continuing this effort with three 30-minute episodes on consecutive Mondays (Sept. 10, 17 and 24). Each podcast—presented in conjunction with 88Nine Radio Milwaukee— consists of a blend of arts and cultural guests and live performances taped in front of a studio audience and streamed live. In addition to this series, Korek states, UPAF’s Performing Arts Month campaign offers “live performances in the Northwestern Mutual Tower at Doors Open Milwaukee, refinements to our existing microsite and more, all of which continue our theme of ‘Home is Where the Arts is.’”
Not Just Another Fundraiser For those who might think that the Performing Arts Month campaign is simply a means to the end of putting more money into the organization’s coffers, UPAF chief marketing officer David Fantle begs to differ. “For many years, UPAF has conducted its extensive fundraising campaign during a 15-week period starting in March. That will not change,” he says. “But it has long been the desire of our 14 8 | SEPTEMBER 6, 2018
member groups and UPAF to conduct some type of formalized awareness campaign as the performing arts season begins in earnest right after Labor Day. During the spring campaign, UPAF, itself, takes center stage; in September, however, the spotlight is on our performing arts groups.” Helping to raise the curtain on the 2018-’19 performing arts season in Milwaukee is the aforementioned MKE Arts Live podcast—a series of variety shows featuring interviews, panel discussions, live performances and audience interaction with local raconteur Adam Carr serving as host and guide. The September podcast tapings (all of which held at the 88Nine Radio Milwaukee Performance Space, 220 E. Pittsburgh Ave.) are free and open to the public. Guests include such notables as May Adrales (Milwaukee Rep), Linda Edelstein (Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra), Christine Flasch (Southwestern Suburban Symphony), Julia Glawe (Milwaukee Ballet), the Shepherd Express’ own John Schneider and Raj Saha, general manager of the brand-new home of the Milwaukee Bucks NBA team, the Fiserv Forum. The weekend of Sept. 22-23 is Doors Open Milwaukee, to which UPAF is contributing mightily. Doors Open Milwaukee is a twoday public celebration of Milwaukee-area art, architecture, culture and history. It offers behind-the-scenes tours of more than 170 buildings throughout Downtown Milwaukee and surrounding neighborhoods and more than 30 ticketed tours led by community leaders. UPAF has assembled something of a “greatest hits” collection of performing arts groups for shows in the Northwestern Mutual Commons and Tower, 805 E. Mason St. UPAF-sponsored live performances by the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, Florentine Opera Company, Danceworks, First Stage and the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra take place at the building between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
‘Home is Where the Arts is’ “As the summer outdoor season winds down, the region’s performing arts groups heat up,” says UPAF president and CEO Deanna Tillisch. “While UPAF raises dollars to support these groups financially, we’re using the month of September to really put the spotlight on our great performing arts assets. “Nothing beats a live performance, and the Milwaukee area is home to a superb quality of theatre, music and dance—all accessible and affordable,” Tillisch continues. “We encourage people of all ages to attend one or more of our podcasts, come to our Doors Open Milwaukee event at the Northwestern Mutual building and taste a free sample of what’s all in store for this coming season.” For more information about UPAF, call 414-273-8723, email or visit !"#$%&'(. For more information about Doors Open Milwaukee, call 414-277-7795, email Grace Fuhr (Historic Milwaukee, Inc.) at, or visit )&&'*&"+,-./0#!1++%&'(. Comment at *2+"2+')+3"'+**%4&-. n SHEPHERD EXPRESS
L*10%?*10%)*%)"0%"0.+)%*=%)"0%<#),%E%+0#/K0/)%,*8+$02=G%(>0<).<82.+% 3%4056%3AN%4.)"%@.)0+=+*/)%<*/5*%9#)"%OPQRC!S%&AN%<.+%J.+.J0%E% OPQRC!S%4*.)%(2#>G%@.22$%*=%J2.$$%*K0+%-#29.8B00%P#K0+6%$*.+#/J% 10’ 10’’ Russian timber ceilings. Custom Kitchen cabinetry with Stainless Steel appliances featuring island w/seating for 6! Marble Baths include walk in shower & whirlpool tub. Large Laundry Rm, huge deck w/gas, water & electric. Impeccable construction & acoustical separation. Just over the bridge from the 3rd Ward! $459,900
!"#$%&'()*+,%-.+#/0%!0+1#/.2%3%4056%&%7822%4.)"%9:%;0/%<*/5*%#$%.)%)"0 "0.+)%*=%)"0%"#>%?#$)*+#<%!"#+5%@.+5A%@.2B%)*%4#$)+*$6%C+)%D.220+#0$% E%4*8)#F80$G%36HHI%(FA7)%*=%8>J+.505%020J./<0%J#K0$%,*8%>20/),%*=% $>.<0%)*%$)+0)<"%*8)A%L8$)*1%<2*$0)$%)"+*8J"*8)%B00>%0K0+,)"#/J% organized! Den/Home Office keeps work out of the bedroom! Large walls of glass, Gas Fireplace and set back terrace add to this unit’s glamour! Pet Friendly Bldg, Low Condo Fee & Heated parking make )"#$%28M8+,%<*/5*%.%9*/50+=82%>.<0%)*%+0#/K0/)%,*8+$02=G%%$424,900
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SEPTEMBER 6 , 2 0 18 ! 9
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::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( SEPT. 6 - SEPT. 12, 2018 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as others who seek to thwart social justice. We will publicize and promote actions, demonstrations, planning meetings, teach-ins, party-building meetings, drinking-discussion get-togethers and any other actions that are directed toward fighting back to preserve our liberal democratic system.
Thursday, Sept. 6
Canvass and Phone Bank for Democrats @ Tom Palzewicz Campaign Headquarters (12201 W. Burleigh St., Suite 7), 4-8 p.m.
Tom Palzewicz, Julie Henszey and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will host a weekly canvass and phone bank every Thursday from 4-8 p.m. until the Tuesday, Nov. 6, election. Volunteer opportunities include canvassing, phone banking and more.
Across the Red & Blue Divide: Reforming Criminal Justice @ The Bavarian Bierhaus (700 W. Lexington Blvd.), 6:30-9 p.m.
This panel discussion will be moderated by WUWM’s Mitch Teich and the Journal Sentinel’s Erin Richards. Panelists include Judge Jane Carroll and Jerome Dillard, state director of EXPO (EX-Incarcerated People Organizing). Community discussion circles will follow the panel. Participants must register beforehand at Space is limited.
2(3#(14(-567.#58569-: Wisconsin Center 400 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203
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2019 Milwaukee County Budget Open House @ Urban Ecology Center Washington Park (1859 N. 40th St.), 5-7 p.m.
Anyone who lives, works or visits Milwaukee County is invited to learn more about the budget by attending this open house. There will be a brief presentation on Milwaukee County finances at 6 p.m., followed by an opportunity for public comment. County Executive Chris Abele and several Milwaukee County supervisors will be in attendance.
Saturday, Sept. 8
Peace Action Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ The corner of Vel R. Phillips Avenue and Michigan Street, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action Wisconsin to protest war and, literally, “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged
to stick around for conversation and coffee afterward.
Southeast Wisconsin’s People’s Climate March @ Zeidler Union Square (301 W. Michigan St.), 1-4 p.m.
The People’s Climate Movement will bring tens of thousands of people nationwide into the streets to demand action on climate, jobs and justice. Milwaukee’s march will begin at Zeidler Union Square and end at City Hall, where there will be a demonstration and voter registration.
Laughing Liberally @ ComedySportz Milwaukee (420 S. First St.), 8-10 p.m.
Laughing Liberally Milwaukee is a monthly progressive political comedy show hosted by comedian, satirist and progressive talk radio host Matthew Filipowicz. This month’s show features Chastity Washington, Jacob D. Bach, Dana Ehrmann, Vanessa Pants, Deon Green and sketch comedy group The Accountants Of Homeland Security.
Wednesday, Sept. 12
Women and Justice Luncheon @ Italian Community Center (631 E. Chicago St.), 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
The main topic at this luncheon is “what might happen if we addressed street prostitution as a public health issue meriting treatment and support instead of as a crime warranting punishment?” Deon Haywood, an expert in the intersection of economic injustice and health disparities, will speak about positive advances for sex workers in New Orleans.
Behind the Headlines: #MeToo—What Now? @ Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health (1240 N. 10th St.), 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
As women continue to come forward with their experiences of sexual harassment and abuse as a part of the #MeToo movement, the Milwaukee Press Club will present a panel discussion on how the movement has impacted the workplace. Panelists include Jen Dirks, CEO and president of TEMPO Milwaukee; Michael Hyatt, director of government affairs at MRA Human Resources; Katie Mullen, partner and creative director at Black Paint; and Amy Scarr, attorney at Amy F. Scarr, S.C. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Together, we can fight to minimize the damage that Donald Trump and others of his kind have planned for our great country. Comment at SHEPHERD EXPRESS
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 ! 11
The Catholic War Against the Pope ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
S !
!"#$%& '(!)$*+(,& -.*/.0& */!& 1+2 3$0& 4$*/+%.5& 4/#(5/& "#$%&! '()%&! $*! +#,-./&0! "'%! +$1&/&.! )2! *$/!.&+'.&%!(3!'!+#)/+#!#,&/'/+#3! 4#'4! +'/&.! 5$/&! '($)4! 2/$4&+4,06! ,4%&-*! 4#'0! 2/$4&+4,06! +#,-./&0! /&5',0%! $0&! $*! the most horrific scandals in our lifetime. The .'5'6&! 4$! 4#&! +#)/+#7%! 5$/'-! ')4#$/,43! "'%! well-earned. Major changes in the world out8 %,.&!4#&!+#)/+#!'-%$!5'.&!5'03!$*!,4%!/,6,.9!,08 tolerant teachings much less relevant. Many of 4#$%&!+#'06&%!/&-'4&.!4$!#)5'0!%&:)'-,439!'0!'/&'! "#&/&!4#&!;'4#$-,+!;#)/+#7%!+/&.,(,-,43!'-/&'.3! had been shattered. An overwhelming majority of Catholic "$5&0!/&6)-'/-3!)%&!(,/4#!+$04/$-!4$!+#$$%&!!"#$ %&'()'*+')!#$"!5'03!+#,-./&0!4$!#'1&!,0%4&'.!$*! 5&+#'0,+'--3! +#)/0,06! $)4! &0$/5$)%! ;'4#$-,+! families. The other dramatic social transforma8 4,$0!"'%!4#&!'++&24'0+&!$*!6'3!5&0!'0.!"$5&0! '%!$/.,0'/3!#)5'0!(&,06%!",4#!4#&!%'5&!/,6#4%! against discrimination as anyone else. As more
people came out, many realized for the first time 4#&3!'-/&'.3!<0&"!2&/*&+4-3!.&+&04!6'3!#)5'0! beings. Not everyone, though. There are always deadenders fighting furiously against a changing world. The more the world keeps changing any8 way, the more furious they become. That’s ex8 2-$.&.!,04$!'0!$2&0!+,1,-!"'/!",4#,0!4#&!;'4#$-,+! ;#)/+#!-&.!(3!'!6/$)2!$*!&:4/&5&!+$0%&/1'4,1&%! '44'+<,06!=$2&!>/'0+,%!#,5%&-*!*$/!&0+$)/'6,06! &:+&%%,1&!+$52'%%,$09!)0.&/%4'0.,06!'0.!?6$$.! Lord!) even love toward LGBTQ Catholics.
A Massive Church Coverup
@#$/4-3!'*4&/!(&+$5,06!2$2&9!>/'0+,%!(&6'0! 2/$5$4,06! '! 2$%,4,1&! 6$%2&-! $*! +$52'%%,$0! '0.!-$1&!,0%4&'.!$*!-&'.,06!4#&!+#)/+#!,04$!-$%8 ,06! %$+,'-! ('44-&%! '6',0%4! /&2/$.)+4,1&! /,6#4%! or marriage equality. Francis alarmed church #'/.8-,0&/%! %,52-3! (3! &:2/&%%,06! +$52'%8 sion and understanding toward gay priests. “If %$5&$0&!,%!6'39!'0.!#&!%&'/+#&%!*$/!4#&!A$/.! and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis once told reporters. B,4#! 4#$%&! *&"! "$/.%9! >/'0+,%! 5$1&.! 4#&! +#)/+#!-,6#43&'/%!(&3$0.!#,%!2/&.&+&%%$/9!=$2&! Benedict XVI, who had always been quick to judge, denouncing homosexuality as “an in8 trinsic moral evil.” To those who want to un8 .&/5,0&!4#&!<,0.&/9!6&04-&/!2'2'+3!$*!>/'0+,%9! those were the days. That, of course, conve8 0,&04-3!-&'1&%!$)4!4#&!5'%%,1&!+#)/+#!+$1&/)2! $*!%&:)'-!'%%')-4!4#'4!"&04!$0!*$/!.&+'.&%!)0.&/! Pope Benedict and his predecessors.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former Vatican ambassador to Washington, D.C., well <0$"0! *$/! 2/$5$4,06! /,6#4",06! +')%&%9! ,%! openly calling on Francis to resign. Francis fired Viganò after an incident many may remember. During a papal visit to the U.S. in 2015, Viganò (/$)6#4! C,5! D'1,%9! '! 0$08;'4#$-,+9! &1'06&-,8 cal Kentucky county clerk who went to jail for /&*)%,06!4$!,%%)&!%'5&8%&:!5'//,'6&!-,+&0%&%9!4$! meet Pope Francis. Francis said he didn’t who Davis was. She just said hello and then used him *$/!2)(-,+,439!*'-%&-3!+-',5,06!>/'0+,%!4$-.!#&/!4$! “Stay strong.” Viganò accuses Francis of failing to enforce %'0+4,$0%! #&! +-',5%! E&0&.,+4! %&+/&4-3! ,%%)&.! '6',0%4! ;'/.,0'-! '0.! *$/5&/!B'%#,064$0!F/+#8 bishop Theodore McCarrick for allegedly sexu8 ally harassing young priests and seminarians. Those sanctions must have been really secret, (&+')%&!4#&!B'%#,064$0!'/+#.,$+&%&!%'3%!,4!0&18 er received them. An accusing letter by Viganò (-'5&.!4#&!+$1&/)2!$*!.&+'.&%!$*!+#,-.!'()%&!$0! “homosexual networks” and demanded that “the %&/,$)%0&%%!$*!#$5$%&:)'-!(&#'1,$/!5)%4!(&!.&8 nounced.”
Rightwing Conspiracy
That kind of sweeping hatred of gays and sus8 picion of gay conspiracies is a better definition of homophobia than any kind of moral high ground. The fact is that LGBTQ men and women aren’t '03!5$/&!-,<&-3!4$!'%%')-4!+#,-./&0!4#'0!#&4&/$8 sexuals are. Those horrific acts are committed (3!'0!)0#&'-4#3!5,0$/,43G/&6'/.-&%%!$*!%&:)'-!
orientation. Secrecy within the church is what enabled crimes against children to continue. When asked about Viganò’s charges, once '6',0! >/'0+,%! +#$%&! 4$! 5$.&-! +$52'%%,$0! $0! the subject of human sexuality. Francis said he "$)-.!4&--!'03!2'/&04!"#$%&!+#,-.!+'5&!$)4!'%! gay: “Don’t condemn. Dialogue. Understand. I’ll never say that silence is a remedy. To ignore a %$0!$/!.')6#4&/!",4#!#$5$%&:)'-!4&0.&0+,&%!,%!'! lack of paternity and maternity. You are my son, you are my daughter as you are! I’m your father, mother. Let’s talk!” That really shouldn’t seem -,<&!%)+#!'!/'.,+'-!/&*$/5!,0!'!+#)/+#!4#'4!,%!%)28 2$%&.-3!('%&.!$0!-$1&9!'0.!'++&24'0+&!$*!6'3%!,%! continuing to happen within the church just as it is in the world outside. A'%4!D&+&5(&/9!>'4#&/!H/&6$/3!H/&,4&0!%4$$.! before his congregation at St. Bernadette Catho8 lic Church in Milwaukee to “break the silence and emerge free from the shackles of shame” and announce he was gay. He said because of the toxic shaming of gays within the church, “there '/&! 0$! ')4#&04,+! /$-&! 5$.&-%! $*! #&'-4#39! "&--8 ('-'0+&.9!6'39!+&-,('4&!2/,&%4%!4$!(&!'0!&:'52-&! *$/!4#$%&9!3$)06!'0.!$-.9!"#$!'/&!%4/)66-,06!4$! come to terms with their sexual orientation.” H/&,4&0!'%<&.!#,%!+$06/&6'4,$0!'0.!#,%!+#)/+#I! “How different, affirming and welcoming would $)/! ;'4#$-,+! ;#)/+#! 4/)-3! (&+$5&! (3! %,52-3! '+<0$"-&.6,069! '++&24,06! '0.! %)22$/4,06! &'+#! '0.!&1&/3!6'3!2/,&%4!'0.!/&-,6,$)%!2&/%$0!,0!4#&,/! midst?” His congregation, which he continues to lead, answered with a standing ovation. ,"(('-%$.%$)&'/&'#0'1/#'))23"(2!n
You Think There Should Be an Education Requirement to Be Governor of Wisconsin Last week, we asked if you think there should be a minimum education requirement to be governor of Wisconsin. You said: n Yes: 69% n No: 31%
What Do You Say? There are minimum education requirements for many jobs. Should there be an education requirement to be governor of Wisconsin? n Yes n No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
12 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
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Learn how from industry pros. 5he popular Essentials of Voice Over course begins 0DUPCFS OE at a top commercial recording studio. Email to hold your spot in front of UIF NJD
GB(<=C9(DI9E>:B(K;==LCBIE>MB( =<D?9D(<J:(:BCN?9D(IBD<>I( 9J(<==(FI<J:C(9K(M9OD;?BICP !"##$%&'%()*+,-.%/0'% 1!1234523564 7289%!$):2;*:% <),9%!$):24*:
Circulation Drivers NEEDED !"#$!"#$"#%&'()$%#**%$&'()*+,##-.$/#.0$1#).%$ *20.$*13$#10#20*'14#10$5+/('6*0'71%$"*.$*$1##3$872$ !"#$%&'(")*+,#"-.#/. The qualified candidate must "*9#$*$:773$32'9'1:$2#6723%$*1$*552752'*0#$9#"'6(#$ with insurance, be reasonably physically fit, and *9*'(*/(#$#9#2;$<#31#.3*;$/#:'11'1:$'1$0"#$4721'1:=$ !"#$!"#$"#%&'()$%#**$'.$*$:2#*0$5(*6#$07$)72,$*13$ "*.$/##1$2#67:1'>#3$/;$!"#$?+.'1#..$@7+21*($*.$71#$ 78$&'()*+,##-.$!75$<72,5(*6#.=$ To apply for the position, contact Josef at 414-264-2537
14 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
Marcela â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Xelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Garcia
!"#$%&"'()%&"*'+"#$,"' "-.'/0%'123%#'24'5#/',-' 6"&7%#*8'12,-/ ::BY ERIN BLOODGOOD
!"#$%!&'($%!)&*!"#+!&,"$-&./&!00$12+1,&!"0&#%!33$3&!0&04$&5!%6$"73&89+10& Center for the Arts (WPCA), a non-profit arts center that provided op: portunities for her that she couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find in other places. The center 4$%/$2&4$"&,"9-&!12&.12$"30!12&4$"&/%!#$&+1&!&#.%0."$&04!0&-!3&1$-&09& her. Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, Garciaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s native language was Span: ish. When she came to the United States at a young age, she stood out. Because of her differ: ent language and customs, Garcia questioned where she belonged in her new environment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had very supportive parents that instilled the power of my culture and my identity. I really found refuge in that, especially in the arts,â&#x20AC;? she explains. Art allowed her to ask those questions, helping her make sense of the world around her. Garcia uses her childhood les: sons as a driving force to show others that art can transform lives and neighborhoods. So, in ;<=>?&-4$1&04$&executive director position opened at the WPCA, Garcia decided to join the team and merge her goals with those of the organization. Since the inception of the WPCA in 1987, the mission of the organization has been pro: viding accessibility to the arts for youth and underrepresented people in the Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point neighborhood. The WPCA invites artists from around Milwaukee and around the world into its gallery to participate in arts education programming. With the varying ideas and experi: ences of the artists, the WPCA can incorporate vastly different cultural perspectives into their programs. One of the many ways the WPCA represents the traditions of the people who have lived in the Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point neighborhood is through events like their 26th annual DĂa de los Muer: tos exhibition. The exhibit, opening on Friday, Oct. 19, challenges the viewers to consider their ancestral connections and the meaning of death in communities. Local artists are in: vited to create altars that explore the theme of tradition, family, life and death. The WPCA is a safe space for people to start a dialogue, which is why it has been seen as an anchor in the Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point neighborhood for the last 31 years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have what we need as a community, and oftentimes we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realize that,â&#x20AC;? states Garcia. The organization uses artist talks, exhibitions and community events to talk about relevant issues, such as immigra: tion, gentrification and segregation. Through art, people are able to express how they feel about such issues, giving them a platform to explore solutions when they wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t otherwise have one. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At an early age, I saw the power the arts had in building confidence, pursuing leadership and finding a voice when you sometimes didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like you had one; in doing it in your own way, and in your own terms,â&#x20AC;? Garcia says. The first step to helping youth and under: served community members succeed is by opening doors that allow them to explore their creativity. !"#$%"#&$"'$()&$*+,-&#.$/"'($0&'(&#$1"#$()&$2#(.3$45.5($678+9%5,6+:-&&;"#<;!"#$%"#&$"1$ =#5'$>,""?<""?@.$6"#-3$45.5($A,""?<""?1"(";8"%; 0"%%&'($+($.)&7)&#?&B7#&..;8"%;$n SHEPHERD EXPRESS
A New Kind of Sex Pill Beats Generic Viagra to the Market A patented pill costing less than $1 a dose stands to help millions of men with failing sex lives; no prescription will be required By Ray Wilson Associated Health Press AHP− A new sex pill is set to take the spotlight with the Viagra patent about to expire. But unlike the former, it won’t require a prescription and is priced just under a $1 a dose. The new pill called Vesele is part of a new class of performance enhancers for men, which work instantaneously on the body and mind triggering arousal and firmer, harder erections. Formulated with a special compound known as an “accelerator”, Vesele can transport its active ingredients faster and more efficiently into the blood stream, where it begins to work its magic. The patented ingredient blend initiates a process known as vasodilation, which causes arteries and vessels throughout the body to expand. This allows blood to flow directly to penis and genitals, resulting in harder erections which last longer. Cialis and Viagra are based around a simlilar concept. But what makes Vesele so remarkable, and what these other sex pills can’t do, is that also directs a small portion of this blood flow to the brain, which creates feelings of intense arousal. In laymen’s terms, users become incredibly excited and turned on. This is why the makers of Vesele say their pill has worked so effectively in clinical trials. It stimulates the two most important organs for great sex, the penis and the brain.
The Brain Erection Connection Until now, medical researchers did not fully understand the brain-erection connection. It has now been made clear with Vesele. When both are supplied with a constant blood flow, men are harder and firmer for longer...and have unbelievable sex drives. “Most of the research and treatment methods for men’s sexual failures have focused on physiological factors and have neglected the emotional ones. For the leading sex drugs to work, like Cialis and Viagra, you need visual stimulation” explains Dr. Henry Esber, the creator of Vesele. “And although they work for some men, the majority experience absolutely no fulfillment during sex. According to research published by the National Institute of Health, 50% of men taking these drugs stop responding or can’t tolerate their side effects...and on top of that they spend $50 per pill and it doesn’t even work half the time. This is what makes Vesele so different and effective. It floods the blood stream with key ingredients which cause arteries all over the body to expand. The patented accelerator speeds up this process even more.
The result is a rush of blood flow to the penis and brain, helping to create an impressive erection and a surging desire for sex. Often, this is all men need to get going. And when taken regularly, many men say they are energized and aroused all day.”
Great Sex At Any Age With the conclusion of their latest human clinical use survey trial, Dr. Esber and his team are now offering Vesele in the US. And regardless of the market, its sales are exploding. Men across the country are eager to get their hands on the new pill and according to the research, they should be. In the trial above, as compared to baseline, men taking Vesele saw a staggering 85% improvement in erection hardness over a four-month period. Their erections also lasted twice as long. These same men also experienced an astounding 82% increase in the desire for sex (libido/sex drive) and an even greater improvement in overall satisfaction and ability to satisfy their partners. Many men taking Vesele described feeling horny and aroused through the day. The anticipation before sex was amazing. They were also easily turned on. Their moods were more upbeat and positive, too.
Faster Absorption into the Blood Stream Vesele is made up of three specialized ingredients: two clinical strength vasodilators and a patented absorption enhancer often called an accelerator. According to an enormous amount of clinical data, each is very safe. Research shows that with age, many men lose their desire and interest in sex. They also struggle to produce an erection firm enough for penetration. And although there are many theories as to why this happens (including a loss in testosterone) one thing is certain, inadequate blood flow is virtually always to blame. That’s why sex drug manufacturers focus on blood flow, it makes your erection hard. But what’s more surprising, and what these manufacturers have failed to consider, is that lack of blood flow can also kill your sex drive. That’s because blood supplies energy for the brain. This energy is required for creating brainwaves that cause excitability and arousal. Studies show the Vesele stimulates the entire cardiovascular system, including the arteries that lead to both the brain and penis. The extreme concentration of the ingredients combined with the accelerator ensures that this process starts quickly. The sexual benefits of Vesele are also multiplied as its ingredients build up in the system over time. This is why many men take it every single day.
Expiring Patent Opens the Door to a New Sex Pill: Vesele is a new pill that cost just $1 a dose does not require a prescription. It works on both body and mind to increase arousal and erection hardness. Recent Studies Show Positive Effects on Women In the same study referenced throughout, Vesele was also shown to have an amazing (and somewhat surprising) effect on women too. That’s because the same arteries and vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the brain and genitals are the same in men and women. “In our most recent study, women taking Vesele saw a stunning 52% improvement in arousal and sex drive. Perhaps more impressive, they also experienced a 57% improvement in lubrication. You can imagine why some couples are taking Vesele together. Everything feels better. Everything works better. Everyone performs better. It’s truly amazing.”
A New Frontier of Non-Prescription Sex Pills With daily use, Vesele is helping men (and women) restore failing sex lives and overcome sexual lets downs without side effect or expense. Through a patented absorption enhancer, the Vesele formula hits the bloodstream quickly, resulting in phenomenal improvements in erection firmness and hardness. By boosting blood flow to the brain, users also experience sexual urges and arousal they often haven’t felt in years.
Where to Find Vesele This is the official release of Vesele in Wisconsin. As such, the company is offering a special discounted supply to anyone who calls within the next 48 hours. A special hotline number and discounted pricing has been created for all Wisconsin residents. Discounts will be available starting today at 6:00AM and will automatically be applied to all callers. Your Toll-Free Hotline number is 1-800-304-9596 and will only be open for the next 48 hours. Only a limited discounted supply of Vesele is currently available in your region.
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 ! 15
Fauntleroy is Très Magnifique!
thoughtfully put together with imaginative yet well balanced flavors. There are five hors d’oeuvres ($2), little snacks “outside” the meal to enjoy with a cocktail: escargot cromesqui, chicken liver éclair, gruyere gougere, a radish and a chorizo stuffed olive. These are one bite tastes to stir up your appetite and that they did. You can “have it all”—one bite of each for $9 per person and elegantly presented on a beautiful hand crafted three-tier stand. The six appetizers ($9-$16) achieved perfection. The melon tartare intrigued me with the addition of feta, olives and shaved fennel and was an ideal com::BY ALISA MALAVENDA bination of sweet and salty. The crab salad with a crunchy chip, avocado and cucumber was light and fresh. The pate du jour was a short rib combination xpectations were high for Fauntleroy when it with a wonderful texture and lovely with the tartness from the mostardo and took residence in the spot where Coquette had crunchy baguette. The sweet breads with crawfish and maitake onions was served French food for many years. Fauntleroy another wonderful combination of flavors. They also offer a caviar service at does not disappoint, and I haven’t been this market price and a bread service ($5) excited about flavor combinations for many The soup and salad section included the traditional French onion soup ($8) years. The culinary talent at Fauntleroy is nothwith gruyere and baguette and had a wonderful full flavor from the umami ing short of très magnifique! mushroom broth. It’s a wonderful dish for vegetarians. The Lyonnaise salad French restaurants have often been associated ($10) with pork belly was everything I expected and hoped for and was lightly with a quiet and almost uncomfortable perfectossed with a shallot vinaigrette. tion—with white tablecloth elegance and special The entrees consisted of the steak frites ($25); scallops with a summer fricoccasions—but the genius of Fauntleroy includes asse and pistou ($24); and a mostly boneless half chicken covered with crispy offering great French food in an approachable and skin ($22). There is a slow-cooked salmon ($24) and the traditional trout Veroplayful casual atmosphere. nique ($24) with grapes but also a wonderful cauliflower The décor is as vibrant and entrée with brown butter, capers and golden raisins ($18). fun as the menu, with big Fauntleroy Don’t pass up the pastry chef’s creations. Both of our colorful murals depicting desserts, one labeled “chocolate” and the other “strawber316 N. Milwaukee St. everything from pop culture, ry,” were beautifully presented with every component on 414-269-9908 the Eiffel Tower and rock and the dish an homage to the ingredient. The strawberry sor$$-$$$ roll but retains a splash of French fine dining with chanbet, with pickled strawberries and little piped meringues, deliers and other accents. The ’70s music was perfect. Handicap Accessible: Yes was one of those desserts you talk about a week later and adding to the whole dining experience. CC, FB, RS crave as if the first strawberries of the season. The well-crafted menu shows off the classically trained French cuisine and its paradigm of techniques have Hours: Tuesday chefs’ techniques and embraces French traditions, long set a high standard against which other cuisines are – Saturday 5-10pm especially in the foie gras torchon ($16) and the signameasured. Fauntleroy takes it to new levels. ture duck a l’orange for two ($65). All the food was so
16 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
For more Dining, log onto
Ashley’s Bar-B-Que (1501 W. Center St.) has been serving its signature smoked meats, fried fish, sandwiches and fixings solely on a take-out basis since opening for business in the late ’60s. Recently, Ashley’s added a Friday-Sunday take-out soul food buffet, spooned up from behind a plexiglass partition. The offerings vary week to week. On a recent visit, rib tips were the star attraction—the uniquely sweet, hot and vinegary taste of Ashley’s own barbecue sauce on the meaty tips held up well under the heat lamps. Such wasn’t quite the case for the somewhat dried red sauce atop a nonetheless fulsome and flavorful slice of meatloaf. Green beans were served with miniature medallions of white potato. Sweet potatoes, collard greens and the customary corn bread pancake rounded out the meal. It might be intriguing to see a similar buffet set-up at Ashley’s Walker’s Point sports bar operation, Ashley’s Que. But the family’s original location gives diners on the go a convenient way to enjoy African American soul food favorites. SHEPHERD STAFF
1832 E. North Ave. | Milwaukee, WI | 414.273.6477 |
Ashley’s Bar-B-Que
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 17
On the Bus
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f you’re anything like me, you probably bought an abundance of watermelon this summer. If that’s the case, I have the perfect solution for you! Whenever my fridge is overflowing with fruit, my go-to move is to turn it into salsa! And that’s how this beautiful Watermelon Cantaloupe Salsa recipe came to :*<"?"%4*2"'1()"?"1(2"./"1(/20"'13$1"'(4@"'()*+,*-./0"$(/)(-.%&*0",3/)0" $3-(/)+."(/2"-3,*"A%3$*<"B"&*+8*$)"+*$3&*"8.+"4.,*"4*+3.%4"2*-3$3.%4"4(-4(<"C.'*>*+0" I think I’ll throw in some hot peppers for heat and possibly some jicama for texture and extra flavor next time! Although, this recipe is truly so satisfying as is. Perfect for people who don’t like heat in their salsa.
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• 1 tbsp fresh cilantro, finely chopped !"7%3$*"8+.,"1(-8"("-3,* !"('$*+'!,"() 9.,:3/*"(--".8")1*"3/;+*23*/)4").;*)1*+"3/" (":.'-"(/2"4)3+")."$.,:3/*2<"=*+>*"'3)1" chips or tacos and enjoy!
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!"#$%& !"%'()"*& +),!"& -)(.'-(/ ::BY SHEILA JULSON
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Northgate Taste !"#$%%&%#'(%&"!" !")*+*&"!" !"#,'&&*#"-./+0&"! !"#$%"&'()*"!"&'()*+,*--"!" !".)%"&'()*"!" !"/-()0")01"23'4-0+,*--"! 1223"+4"5267"&64"8923" :" 393;<9=;<>31 6?@6A4BCD67E?6AF?GGH@?4ICF
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S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 " 19
::SPORTS !"##$%&'( )*+(,-"".+&( /%)*(01)23( 4.)%#&5 ::BY KYLE LOBNER
!"# $%$&'!($# )*+$,# -./!&# 0$.12$# 3.,$4.))5,# &2)$,# &$6 1.&7*(1# &!,"$&# ,*8$,# *(# 9$:6 "$;4$&<# !"#$ #%&$ '()*+",&&$ -.&*&./$+.&$0&.#+(1)2$34(13$#4$ #+,&$ +56+1#+3&$ 47$ #%&89$ :.48$;<.()$ #%.4"3%$ ;"3"/#=$ #&+8/$ +.&$ )(8(#&5$ #4$ >?$ <)+2&./$ 41$ #%&(.$+0#(6&$.4/#&.$+<+.#$7.48$#%&$5+2/$47$54"@ !)&%&+5&./=$*%&1$#%&2A.&$+))4*&5$>B9$C1$D+#@ ".5+2=$D&<#9$E=$*(#%$#%&$8(14.$)&+3"&$/&+/41$ *(15(13$54*1=$#&+8/$0+1$0+))$"<$+12$<)+2&.$ on their 40-man roster and flood their bullpens +15$!&10%&/$*(#%$&F#.+$4<#(41/9$G%(/$2&+.=$#%&$ -.&*&./$*&1#$7.48$>?$<)+2&./$41$:.(5+2$#4$HI$ 8&8!&./$ 47$ #%&$ +0#(6&$ .4/#&.$ 41$ #%&$ D"15+2$
!&74.&$J+!4.$K+2=$*(#%$84.&$+1#(0(<+#&5$410&$ AAA Colorado Springs finishes their postsea@ /41$."19 G%4/&$ +55(#(41/$ (10)"5&$ #%&$ 1&*&/#$ -.&*@ ers—outfielder Curtis Granderson and pitch@ ers Xavier Cedeño and Gio Gonzalez—who *&.&$+0L"(.&5$(1$#%.&&$/&<+.+#&$#.+5&/$:.(5+29$ M#$ +)/4$ (10)"5&/$ /&6&.+)$ )413#(8&$ -.&*&./$ *%4$*&.&$*+(#(13$74.$D&<#&8!&.$(1$#%&$8(14.$ leagues: outfielders Keon Broxton and Do@ mingo Santana and pitchers Corey Knebel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son with (at most) five position players on his !&10%=$ P4"1/&))$ *())$ 14*$ %+6&$ +#$ )&+/#$ 1(1&$ 141@/#+.#&./$ +6+()+!)&$ 84/#$ 5+2/9$ W&.&$ +.&$ some of the ways he can use that flexibility.
#=&.7*(1#>??$(,$#?!&#@$?$(,$ :4))4*(13$#%&$+55(#(41/$47$'(,&$'4"/#+,+/$ +15$ S41+#%+1$ D0%44<$ &+.)(&.$ #%(/$ /&+/41=$ #%&$ -.&*&./$ /%4*&5$ /48&$ *())(131&//$ #4$ <"#$ +$ strong offensive lineup on the field while sac@ rificing some defense, playing Travis Shaw at second base for the first time in his profes@ /(41+)$ 0+.&&.$ +15$ D0%44<$ +#$ /%4.#/#4<9$ O(#%$ newfound roster flexibility, Counsell could %+6&$(#$!4#%$*+2/$(1$#%&$/+8&$3+8&U$W&$04")5$ /#+.#$D%+*$+#$/&0415=$D0%44<$+#$/%4.#$+15$X.(0$ Thames in the outfield, for example, but swap #%&$#%.&&$4"#$74.$-.4F#41=$C.)+154$;.0(+$+15$ Hernan Perez to help the pitching staff protect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randerson, Thames, Shaw and Christian Z&)(0%$/*(13(13$7.48$#%&$)&7#$/(5&9
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Kevin Stalheim
‘Kevin’s Last Season Opener’ !"#$#%&'()$*+',-+#$'&.#',)&)"# /*&.0)&'*&$',0)%1#" ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
urprise greeted Present Music’s first press release for the season. The lifted eyebrows had nothing to do with the concert program, which followed Present Music’s usual dedication to works by living (“present”) composers. It was the concert’s title, “Kevin’s Last Season Opener,” that caught readers on the chin. Kevin, of course, could only be Present Music’s founder and artistic director, Kevin Stalheim. He has been inseparable from the ensemble as it grew from an ad hoc cadre of musicians into an institution. Stalheim has always been Present Music’s visionary and public face. And now, so the concert title says, he’s leaving. “It’s my last season,” he confirms. “The problem with why is that it’s a complicated answer and I’m not sure everyone would be interested to know about it. In one way, I’ve been doing this a long time”—37 years—“and it takes a lot of energy to keep it at a level that’s exciting. I’m not the guy to do it anymore.” Along the way, Present Music became a world class presenter, commissioning world premiers of work in the field that some have oxymoronically called contemporary classical music. A trumpet player by training, Stahlheim emerged at a time—the early 1980s—when a rising generation of conservatory-educated composers and musicians had tired of the aesthetic rigidity that characterized much of the “serious” music that followed World War II. Culture was about to turn eclectic and postmodernism offered relief from the burdens of recent history. Stalheim and his cohorts weren’t content to play from music stands in dusty rooms to an audience of 12 aficionados. They wanted to reach the public. And they wanted to party.
Although Present Music toured the U.S., Turkey, Japan and China, Milwaukee was more than the ensemble’s home base. In some ways the city was its raison d’etre. They brought concert music of the 20th and 21st centuries to Turner Hall, the Wherehouse and other unconventional venues. They performed site specific concerts at Discovery World, the Lynden Sculpture Garden and the Milwaukee Public Museum. “The audience went from one exhibit to another in different groups hearing different things at different times,” Stalheim recalls. “I was in the diorama next to the dinosaur.” Present Music collaborated with everyone from Wild Space Dance Company to a gaggle of 99 percussionists and the children of the United Community Center. Their annual Thanksgiving concert at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist included performances by Bucks Native American Singing and Drumming Group, concert organist Karen Beaumont, chorales from local high schools and the Milwaukee Opera Theatre, among many others. Before “multi-cultural” was heard of in Milwaukee, Present Music were doing it, weaving elements of African, Irish, Latin American and Asian music into their concerts. Asked about his fondest memories of Present Music, Stalheim answers without hesitation: their 10th anniversary concert at Renaissance Place on Milwaukee’s East Side. “We wanted to highlight our collaborators,” he recalls. “We had dancers, we had performance artist Mark Anderson, we had Sigmund SnoPresent pek and Paul Cebar. We did a piece Music by John Cage and a piece with ping-pong balls. We threw balKevin’s Last loons into the audience. It was a Season Opener happening, not just a concert, but Helene Zelazo it included some very serious muCenter for the sic.” The point was to draw “people Performing Arts who would never go to a new muSept. 8 sic concert.” Through his years at the helm, Stalheim was determined to collaborate with the Milwaukee community as much possible, with its social organizations as well as its artists. “We were trying to do things that weren’t being done in Milwaukee in ways that were accessible, as opposed to that old attitude—‘If you don’t like it, go someplace else.’ We wanted to balance challenging music with fun, beautiful, crazy.” Even so, Present Music’ accessibility wasn’t enough for donors who think that a night of Star Wars themes performed by a symphony orchestra counts as a bracing cultural experience. By contrast, “Kevin’s Last Season Opener” will include a few pieces previously performed by Present Music but mostly music that has never been played on a Milwaukee stage. Pointedly, the program includes work by contemporary women composers such as Joan Tower and Eve Beglarian, African-influenced music by Alhaji Bai Konte and Irishflavored electronica by Emma O’Halloran. A rising young musician, David Bloom from New York’s Contemporaneous, will serve as guest conductor for most of the concert. “I can’t say anything definite,” Stalheim says of Present Music post-himself. “I think keeping it going is the goal but you need a lot of support—a lot of hard work.” Kevin’s Last Season Opener takes place 7:30 p.m., Sept. 8 at the Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts, 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd. For tickets, visits
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 21
::THISWEEKINMILWAUKEE THURSDAY, SEPT. 6 American Idol: Live! w/ Forever in Your Mind @ The Riverside Theater, 8 p.m.
It couldn’t help but feel anticlimactic when ABC launched a reboot of “American Idol” just a few years after the once-iconic singing competition finished its 15-season run on Fox. “American Idol” had already been running on fumes for a half decade, and ABC’s reboot with hosts Katy Perry, Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie wasn’t able to recapture the buzz the show had in its early years, when it was a bona fide phenomenon. Nonetheless, the show has been renewed for another season and, just like in the good old days, is celebrating the end of its most recent season with a tour featuring its finalists, including winner Maddie Poppe. Season eight winner Kris Allen will also perform.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 7 Indian Summer @ Summerfest Grounds
Each year Indian Summer wraps up Milwaukee’s summer run of outdoor ethnic festivals with by celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Great Lakes Native American communities. Along with the daily pow-wows, attractions include Native American arts and craft demonstrations, storytelling demonstrations, amateur boxing, an array of dance performances, a tribal farmers market, yoga, and lacrosse games, all of which are best enjoyed while snacking on some fry bread or other traditional foods like bison, walleye, wild rice and hominy soup. And for those who didn’t get their fill this summer, there will be a fireworks display Saturday night at 10 p.m. (Through Sunday, Sept. 9.)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar @ Marcus Center, 8 p.m.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar needs to introduction, especially here in Milwaukee where he was the face of the Milwaukee Bucks. Over his 20 seasons in the NBA, the towering player broke seemingly every record there was to break, retiring in 1989 as the league’s alltime leader in points scored, games played, blocked shots and defensive rebounds at the time. In this program, titled Becoming Kareem after the book of the same name, AbdulJabbar will discuss his legendary career, his love of music and his long involvement in social justice with Emmy-winning sports commentator Roy Firestone. 22 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
Bob Forrest
FRIDAY, SEPT. 7 Don’t Die Wisconsin: “A Night with Bob” @ Todd Wehr Conference Center, 7 p.m.
One of the most important ways to combat the opioid epidemic is simply by talking about it in order to erase the stigma of addiction. That’s the approach taken by “Don’t Die Wisconsin,” a weekly podcast about the heroin and opioid epidemic. The podcast hosts two events this weekend: A Friday night conversation with Thelonious Monster singer and “Celebrity Rehab” alum Bob Forrest at MSOE’s Todd Wehr Conference Center featuring Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin spokesperson Mat Hazelberg and alderman Michael Murphy. They’ll discuss the city’s effort to combat addiction and the spread of hepatitis C and HIV among Milwaukee drug users. Then on Saturday Club Garibaldi will host a benefit concert for the Aids Resource Center featuring music from Liv Mueller, Bob Forrest and Xposed 4-Heads. The Aids Resource Center will provide Narcan training at the event.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 8 Silver City International Festival @ National Avenue, noon-5 p.m.
National Avenue is one of the most ethnically diverse and culturally rich stretches of Milwaukee, featuring restaurants and businesses representing the art and cuisine of countries from all over the globe. The annual Silver City International Festival on National Avenue from 33rd to 35th Streets showcases what the neighborhood has to offer. In addition to global cuisine, the event features live art, music, children’s activities and dance performances from Salsa Power, Escamilla Entertainment, Sindoolaa and Salsabrosa Dance Company.
Harbor Fest and Riverkeeper Boat Parade @ UWM School of Freshwater Sciences, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
For years Milwaukee’s harbor was one of those parts of the city that people instinctively avoided, but the city’s non-profit Harbor District, along with some business and community leaders, has been making a big push to turn the area into an inviting public plaza. As part of the push to reintroduce the city to the harbor, the organization is hosting this free, family-friendly festival outside of UWM’s School of Freshwater Sciences (600 E. Greenfield Ave.) featuring a boat parade, paddling lessons, fishing lessons, a bike tour, games, music and refreshments. If you haven’t been to the harbor recently, you’re likely to be surprised by how inviting it has become. The boat parade begins at noon and will feature large floats from local artists, which will include snails, sea monsters and a giant, beer-devouring robot. The parade will be viewable from Harbor Fest as well as many riverfront bars and restaurants, some of which will be hosting viewing parties. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Read our daily events guide, Today in Milwaukee, on
Third Ward Art Festival @ Historic Third Ward, 10 a.m.
The Third Ward is Milwaukee’s most arts-dense district. For the seventh year in a row, the neighborhood will celebrate that reputation with the Third Ward Art Festival along Broadway Street between St. Paul and Menomonee Streets. The free, two-day juried festival will showcase more than 140 artists, including three dozen from Wisconsin, covering nearly every medium imaginable, from painting, drawing, photography, print-making and furniture to glass, fiber and ceramics. Attendees will be able to purchase work and chat with the artists. There will also be youth activities, crepes and live music. (Through Sunday, Sept. 9.)
Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band @ BMO Harris Pavilion, 8 p.m.
The most approachable member of The Beatles, Ringo Starr balanced out a band with a larger-than-life reputation with his down-to-earth presence. Like the rest of the Fab Four, Starr has released his share of solo albums, and even saw some chart success with singles like “It Don’t Come Easy” and “Back Off Boogaloo,” but his most enduring project has been his All Starr Band, a rotating cast of musicians he’s toured off and on with since the late ’80s. This year’s cast includes Colin Hay of Men at Work, Steve Lukather of Toto (whose hit “Africa” is currently enjoying a resurgence thanks to a viral Weezer cover), Gregg Rolie of Santana and Journey, Graham Gouldman of 10cc, Warren Ham and Gregg Bissonette. Expect to hear a sampling of songs from each musicians’ discography, as well as a heap of Beatles favorites.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11 Dinosaur Jr. @ Turner Hall Ballroom, 8 p.m.
The bad news: Mastodon’s tour with Dinosaur Jr., which was to include a Milwaukee stop on this date, has been canceled due to an unspecified “critical situation with a member of the Mastodon family.” The good news: Dinosaur Jr. is going to keep touring anyway, hence this short-notice concert at Turner Hall Ballroom. After a famously acrimonious split between frontman J Mascis and bassist Lou Barlow, the band’s original lineup reunited and made up for lost time on their roiling 2007 comeback album Beyond, which they followed with a remarkable trio of albums that were even better, including 2009’s Farm and 2016’s Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not. Farm in particular stands up to the band’s heyday work, which is high praise indeed. All alt-rock reunions should be as fruitful as this one.
Dinosaur Jr.
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 23
Cabaret Milwaukee’s ‘Jealous Revolver’ Delivers Pulpy Thrills and Hot Jazz
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::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Stephen Trask and John Cameron Mitchell’s engaging Hedwig and the Angry Inch opened in 1998, winning the Obie Award and Outer Critics Circle Award for Best OffBroadway Musical. After its inaugural two-year run, the hit show made its way throughout the first decade of the 2000s to many U.S. cities, as well as London and Vienna. It opened on Broadway in 2014, winning that year’s Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical. This success story is well deserved; many have found its music—steeped in the heady androgyny of ‘70s glam rock al la David Bowie—quite infectious. Hedwig and the Angry Inch is a rock musical about a fictitious East German transgender musician named Hedwig Robinson and her band. The plot revolves around her music career and personal life (the latter involving a botched sex-change operation). “We’re excited to bring this powerhouse show to Milwaukee, where it has rarely been staged,” says All In Productions’ artistic director Robby McGhee. “We hope to tell Hedwig’s story in a genuine way, while transporting audiences into an energetic rock show.” (John Jahn) Sept. 6-15 at Next Act Theatre, 255 S. Water St. For tickets, call 414-278-0768 or visit nextact. org/rental-events/hedwig.
Songs for Nobodies
Joanna Murray-Smith’s Songs for Nobodies is the opening show of the Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s 65th season and, despite its title, is precisely the opposite, reminding us that everybody has a story (and a song) worth hearing. Interspersed with some of the great classics of song made all the more famous by their interpreters—Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, Edith Piaf, Billie Holiday and Maria Callas— Songs for Nobodies unleashes the magical power of music. Featuring such timeless songs as “Come Rain or Come Shine,”“Amazing Grace,”“Vissi d’arte” and “Non, je ne regrette rien,” a production of Songs for Nobodies might be cause for a large cast, but it is, in fact, a powerhouse of a one-woman show. That woman is Bethany Thomas, who’s appeared in numerous theatrical productions around the U.S. and, for the Rep, in The Color Purple, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Ragtime, Man of La Mancha and A Christmas Carol. (John Jahn) Sept. 7-Nov. 4 in the Milwaukee Rep’s newly renovated Stackner Cabaret, 108 E. Wells St. For tickets, call 414-224-9040 or visit
Blithe Spirit
Talk with Robert Cozzolino D)'.(2)E/$D&<'&F@&($A#$3$!G""HIG""
Join Robert Cozzolino—Curator of Paintings at the Minneapolis Institute of Art—as he explores Joseph Friebert’s work and American modernism.
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24 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
Skeptical novelist Charles Condomine (Mark Neufang) invites a self-proclaimed medium named Madam Arcati (Beth Perry) to his home to investigate what a séance is really all about. Of course, he expects to find it all a ruse, but Arcati is actually successful; in fact, she accidentally conjures the ghost of Charles’ late wife, Elvira (Alyssa Falvey), much to the displeasure of his current (and very much alive) wife, Ruth (Anne Mollerskov). What results is an amusing yarn spun by the great Noël Coward, wherein two women, corporeal and noncorporeal, do battle. Coward’s Blithe Spirit premiered in London’s West End in 1941, creating a new long-run record for non-musical British plays with just shy of 2,000 performances. Later that year, it opened on Broadway, there running for some 657 performances. As with many successful stage works, Blithe Spirit has been adapted for feature film and television. No truer words have been written than those Coward jotted in a letter to an actress friend shortly after writing the work: “I knew it was witty, I knew it was well constructed, and I also knew that it would be a success.” (John Jahn) Sept. 14-30 at Racine Theatre Guild, 2519 Northwestern Ave., Racine. For tickets, call 262633-4218 or visit
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 ! 25
OPENINGS: !"#$%&'"(&)*+
Sept. 7-Oct. 6 RedLine Milwaukee, 1422 N. Vel Phillips Ave.
Environmental art activist Melanie Ariens curates “Water Works,” an exhibition on all we demand of the Earth’s most abundant substance on Earth—water. Those of us living in the Great Lakes basin are on the edge of 20% of the world’s accessible fresh water. Water is why we are here, literally. For more information, call 414502-7641 or visit
Kohler Art Center’s Gorgeously Eclectic ‘Live/Work’ ::BY SHANE MCADAMS
early as significant as any question about what art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dian of many of Wisconsin’s site-specific visionary art works and grottos, they’ve taken a leading role in considering how the place of 1'&(,"+)!'&.(,&#!,+!,%&!#",&!+7!'&1&4,"+)!()*!%+$!,+!4'&#&'2&!)+,!@-#,! ,%&!+/@&1,!/-,!,%&!&),"'&!1'&(,"2&!1+),&A,!+7!(',"#,"1!4'+*-1,"+)5! >)+,%&'! (0/","+-#8! 0-.,":4(',! &A%"/","+)! 131.&! &),",.&*! BD"2&G Work” is now underway at the center, aiming to examine the role of ,%&!(',"#,H#!#,-*"+!")!1+),&04+'('3!(',!4'(1,"1&5!F)!"#$%!#&$!'(&&%)*+ %$,!7(,%&'!()*!*(-9%,&'!I('3!()*!J&993!K+.()*!&)9(9&!")!(!4'+*-1: ,"2&!1+..(/+'(,"+)!,%(,!(**'&##&#!,%&!1'&(,"2&!1'-1"/.&!+7!,%&!%+-#&: %+.*!()*!&2&)!/"+.+93!",#&.75!L)#-'4'"#")9.38!,%&"'!2"#-(.!.()9-(9&#! '&.(,&!,+!+)&!()+,%&'5!J&993!"#!(!7(#%"+)!*&#"9)&'!$%+#&!+0)"2+'+-#! process leans toward the sculptural; Garry is a sculptor whose work occasionally flirts with 2D design, pattern and geometry. Their mu: ,-(.!#&)#"/".","&#!(0+-),!,+!(!#&(0.&##!&A4.+#"+)!+7!'($8!"),&'(1,"2&! 4'+*-1,"2",3!")!,%&!1+''"*+'!9(..&'3!(,!=+%.&'8!0"A")9!")7+'0(.!0(: teriality with punky, formal eccentricity. The final installation begs 2"&$&'#!,+!"0(9")&!,%&!'(-1+-#!&A4.+#"+)!+7!7(0"."(.!1'&(,"2",3!,%(,! 9&)&'(,&*!",5! 26 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
C&1&),!>',#!()*!F)*-#,'3!M&..+$!;+&.!N,,&'#+)H#!1+),'"/-,"+)!,+! the “Live/Work” program, -#./! "#**%.8! &A4.+'&#! "*&),",3! (9(")#,! (!2('"&,3!+7!.+(*&*!4'+*-1,"2&!%"#,+'"&#!7'+0!O-".,")9!,+!9".*")9!,+! ceramics. It makes for a gorgeously eclectic show, with hanging tex: ,".&#8!%()*0(*&!,(/.&#G4."),%#!()*!0&,(.!-')#!/&('")9!"),'"1(,&!2&9&,(.! ornament. The final installation is a spirited and oxymoronic domes: tic arrangement covered in the maker’s symbolic fingerprints. F,! "#! $+',%! )+,")9! %&'&! ,%(,! ,%&'&! %(#! /&&)! (! '&1&),! ,&)*&)13! ,+! connect contemporary art works to traditional productive histories to inflate their social significance. The old art adage applies that a 0&()")9.&##!#%+$!"#)H,!,%&!#(0&!(#!(!#%+$!#0(1*!0&()")9.&##)&##5! P"04.3!-#")9!(!1&',(")!7+'0!"#)H,!()!(-,+0(,"1!1+00&),('3!(&!+'!(! 1+))&1,"+)!*(!,%(,!7+'0H#!#+1"(.!%"#,+'35!N,,&'#+)8!,%+-9%8!%(#!/&&)! working with these strategies and idioms very fruitfully for decades ()*!#%+-.*)H,!/&!,%'+$)!+-,!$",%!,%&!'&1&),.3!#+".&*!/(,%$(,&'5!K&2: &',%&.&##8!",H#!()!"##-&!,%(,!)&&*#!,+!/&!(**'&##&*5! The final two parts of the show open soon. Virgil Marti’s 2(*3(14%! $"..!/&!+4&)!/3!,%&!,"0&!3+-!'&(*!,%"#5!"#/%4356*, the final act in the four-part series, will open with an event-filled reception on Saturday, Sept. 22. Curated by Michelle Grabner, the exhibition will feature some of contemporary art’s most high-profile and generous practitio: ners, including Trenton Doyle Hancock, Brad Kahlhamer and Jessica Jackson Hutchins, who will collaborate with local artist John Riepen: %+77!7+'!(!+)&:)"9%,!4&'7+'0()1&!(,!,%&!+4&)")95!"#/%4356*!$"..!#%&*! &2&)!0+'&!2(.-(/.&!."9%,!+)!,%&!#-/@&1,!+7!,%&!1+),&04+'('3!#,-*"+! 4'(1,"1&5! It has been more than 50 years since Brian O’Doherty published %"#!#&0")(.!1+..&1,"+)!+7!&##(3#8!7&45$%!*3%!835*%!'10%9!*3%!7$%(:(;<! (6!*3%!=#::%.<!>?#)%, announcing the deficiencies of traditional sites +7! $%",&$(#%&*! 4'+*-1,"+)! ()*! '&1&4,"+)5! Q"#1+)#")8! ()*! =+%.&'! specifically, finds itself in a unique position: having a historic re: lationship to both visionary work produced in and for unorthodox environments and to a more insular, contemporary, fine-art tradition $%"1%!%(#!0+'&!$"..7-..3!1%(..&)9&*!,'(*","+)(.!%"#,+'"&#!+7!'&1&4,"+)! ()*!4'+*-1,"+)5! P+8!$%&'&!*+&#!,%&!-.,"0(,&!7-')(1&!+7!1'&(,"2",3!()*!")#4"'(,"+)! ."&R!F)!,%&!0")*R!F)!,%&!4'+1&##R!F)!(!0(9"1(.!0(,&'"(.!1+)#-00(: tion of media and material? “Live/Work” gets at all these impossible O-&#,"+)#!/3!#-99&#,")9!,%(,!,%&!#,-*"+8!$%(,&2&'!,%(,!0&()#!,+!()3! individual artist, is the primary ecosystem of art making. And all $".*."7&8!")1.-*")9!,%+#&!+7!,%&!1-.,-'(.!()*!(',"#,"1!4&'#-(#"+)#8!('&! /&#,!+/#&'2&*!")8!+'!$",%!1+)1&')!7+'8!,%&"'!0+#,!)(,-'(.!%(/",(,#5! (left) Garry Noland, Surface Treatment (detail), cardboard, flashe, sand, talc, and contact paper; 39 x 63 in, 2018. (right) Peggy Noland, Good Job (detail), polystyrene, wood, paint, and chains, 2018
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Sept. 8 Milwaukee River
Fresh Perspective Art Collective (FPAC), a group of black artists from Milwaukee, is one of eight local artist groups participating in the Second Annual Milwaukee Riverkeeper Boat Parade—a Waterkeeper Alliance SPLASH Series event featuring an FPAC-built replica of the first iron bridge over Wisconsin Avenue. The parade begins in the Milwaukee Mooring Basin, viewable from Harbor Fest (600 E. Greenfield Ave.), and travels up and down the Milwaukee River. For more information, call 414-287-0207 or visit
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Sept. 8 and 9 Historic Third Ward
In addition to artwork, this festival features live music, food and art activities for children. With an array of restaurants, pubs, theaters, galleries showcasing work of more than 140 juried artists and unique shopping experiences surrounding this free festival, guests are guaranteed a day full of art, culture and fun. For more information, visit
Evan P. and Marion Helfaer Theatre
Sept. 27 - Oct. 7
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Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Last Season Opener !"#$%&'(
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Order tickets by phone: 414.288.7504, or online at
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Thousands of works. At least one youĂ ll love. All sorts of art for every sort of taste. Kehinde Wiley, St. Dionysus, 2006. Oil on canvas with carved and painted frame. Gift of the African American Art Alliance in honor of their 15th Anniversary, with additional support from Valerie A. Childrey, MD, and Sande Robinson M2006.16. Photo by John R. Glembin.
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 ! 27
Milwaukee Short Film Festival Turns 20
Pierre Morel repeats his winning formula from Taken, directing Jennifer Garner as vigilante Riley North. She seeks justice denied when a drive-by shooting takes the lives of Riley’s husband and young daughter. Unwilling to either take a bribe or to accept the judge’s ruling of “insufficient evidence,” Riley disappears to learn and train in an array of killing skills. Five years later, Riley resurfaces to exact her revenge. As for Garner, before marrying Ben Affleck, having three children and making credit card commercials, the actress cut her teeth as a kick-ass punisher on TV’s “Alias.” Here, she returns to her roots and still appears to have the chops. (L.M.)
The Nun R
50 MOVIES THIS WEEKEND AT FOX BAY CINEMA ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN !"#$ "#%$ &'&()*+!",$ '-$ ."+%*/!012$ !"#$ %&!&'#$ (%$ )(*+#,(+-,$ )+,"!$ .#$ )('#$ *+'!&/0$ !"/-$ 1"23+4 5/06$7&!$/3$!"#$8+09/&:##$ ;"('!$ <+0)$ <#3!+*/0$ )/':3$ +!3$ =>!"$ /--+*#'4 3/'2$ !"+3$ 9##:#-?@$ +!A3$ 9('!"$ (.3#'*+-,$ !"/!$ !"#$#*#-!$.#,/-$*+'!&/002B/3$/$.'(/?5/3!$(-$ 8+09/&:##$C'#/$D/.0#$C55#33B/-?$#*#-!&4 /002$ )+,'/!#?$ !($ .+,$ 35'##-3$ +-$ %'(-!$ (%$ 0+*#$ /&?+#-5#36 E"+3$2#/'@$8;<<A3$3#5(-?$/!$!"#$<(F$7/2$ Cinema Grill, the festival will feature 50 films /-?$!9($1/-#0$?+35&33+(-3$(*#'$!9($?/236$GH!$ 0((:3$0+:#$!"#$<(F$7/2$9+00$.#$(&'$"()#$&-!+0$ 9#$ ?#5+?#$ 9#A'#$ ?(-#@I$ 3/23$ 8;<<$ %(&-?#'$ J(33$7+,0#26$<('$!"#$!"#/!#'@$8;<<$1'#3#-!3$ an opportunity to fill time slots and seats during a slack period for first release films and %('$8;<<@$!"#$"+3!('+5$-#+,".('"((?$5+-#)/$ K5()10#!#$ 9+!"$ ./'$ /-?$ %((?$ 3#'*+5#L$ +3$ /$ 5"/-5#$ !($ ?($ 9"/!$ %#3!+*/03$ ?($ .#3!B,/!"#'$ !(,#!"#'$ 1#(10#$ 9+!"$ 5())(-$ +-!#'#3!3$ %('$ !"(&,"!41'(*(:+-,$#F1#'+#-5#3$+-$/$5(-*+*+/0$ 3#!!+-,6 GM#,/52$ +3$ !"#$ !"#)#@I$ 7+,0#2$ 3/23$ (%$ MSFF 2018. “We have lots of returning film)/:#'3$9+!"$-#9$9(':6$H$/03($'#/5"#?$(&!$!($ past festival award winners to rescreen films.” Among them, the first movie broadcast in the %#3!+*/0A3$ (1#-+-,$ 2#/'@$ 8/':$ N6O6A3$ GE"#$ P"/-!()$M+).6I 7+,0#2$ 9/3$ (-$ !"#$ 0#/?+-,$ #?,#$ 9"#-$ "#$ 5(-5#+*#?$/$%#3!+*/0$?#?+5/!#?$(-02$!($3"('!36$ ;+-5#$8;<<$.#,/-@$)/-2$3+)+0/'$#*#-!3$"/*#$ 1(11#?$ &1$ /5'(33$ !"#$ 9('0?6$ H-$ !"#$ 1/3!$ ?#4
cade, short films have increasingly grown 3"('!#'6$GE"#$!'#-?$+3$-(!$)('#$!"/-$QR$)+-4 &!#3@I$ 7+,0#2$ #F10/+-36$ E"#$ 3"+%!$ "/3$ .##-$ )(!+*/!#?$+-$1/'!$.2$!+5:#!$3/0#36$GE"#$)('#$ films you show the more people will come,” "#$5(-!+-&#36$ But other programming changes reflect 3(5+/0$/-?$5&0!&'/0$?#*#0(1)#-!36$S-!+0$'#0/4 tively recently, indie filmmaking—whether the films were short or long—was largely the 1&'3&+!$ (%$ =>3()#!"+-,$ 9"+!#$ ,&236$ GT#$ ,#!$ /$0(!$)('#$3&.)+33+(-3$%'()$%#)/0#$?+'#5!('3$ !"/-$ #*#'$ .#%('#B/$ '#)/':/.0#$ +-5'#/3#@I$ 7+,0#2$3/236$G8('#$1#(10#$%##0$!"#$-##?$!($!#00$ !"#+'$(9-$3!('2I$31&''#?$.2$!"#$/%%('?/.+0+!2$ (%$ ?+,+!/06$ E"#)#3$ /-?$ 3!20#3$ /'#$ /03($ )('#$ */'+#?$!"/-$9"#-$8;<<$.#,/-6$GT#A'#$3##+-,$ MN7EU@$.0/5:@$C3+/-$/-?$M/!+-($?+'#5!('3B /$,'#/!#'$'/-,#$(%$?+*#'3+!2$!"/-$#*#'6I E"+3$ 2#/'A3$ 1/-#03$ +-50&?#$ ?+35&33+(-3$ (-$ filmmaking and film festival submissions. 8;<<$ .#3!(93$ 3#*#'/0$ /9/'?3@$ +-50&?+-,$ %('$ /&?+#-5#$ /11'#5+/!+(-@$ /$ 7#3!$ 8+09/&4 :##$<+0)$1'+V#$/-?$!"#$P/5#43#!!#'$C9/'?$%('$ G(&!3!/-?+-,$ 0#/?#'3"+1$ !($ !"#$ 8+09/&:##$ film community.” (Full disclosure: I am a past '#5+1+#-!L6$ E"+3$ 2#/'$ !"#$ P/5#43#!!#'$ 9+00$ ,($ !($ O'+5$ M#*+-@$ 9"($ (1#'/!#?$ !"#$C*/0(-$ /-?$ E+)#3$5+-#)/3$/-?$)/-/,#?$!"#$W'+#-!/0$%('$ )/-2$ 2#/'3$ &-!+0$ !"#$ *#-&#A3$ !/:#(*#'$ !"+3$ 3&))#'$.2$8+09/&:##$<+0)6 !"#$ %&'()*+##$ ,"-./$ 0&'1$ 0#2/&3)'$ .*42$ ,#5/6$789$)/$0-:$;)<$=&4#1)$>.&''?$@@A$B6$,&'8 3#.$,5.&4C$D.&3#6$0-.$1-.#$&4E-.1)/&-4?$3&2&/$ milwaukeeindependentfilmsociety.org6
Peppermint R
The Wife R
Joan (Glenn Close) is the organizer and facilitator behind her famous husband, Joe Castleman (Jonathan Pryce). They are in Stockholm, where he is about to receive the Nobel Prize for literature as a “master stylist” whose stories are populated by “intensely real” characters. She has turned a tolerant eye to his many affairs, but a nosy, unauthorized biographer threatens to reveal the big secret: She has seen his covert coauthor, a situation born from love and the 1960s literary milieu where “lady writers” were still accorded little respect. The Wife is an emotionally complicated story where love is inseparable from resentment, complicity and comfort. Close is radiant and charming, and Pryce plays it “intensely real.” (David Luhrssen)
This fifth entry into the “Conjuring” series is a spin-off featuring a demonic nun from earlier chapters. The film stars Taissa Farmiga as Sister Irene, notable because Taissa is the real-life sister of Vera Farmiga, who appears as the mother in The Conjuring. Despite years of nightmares featuring a demonic nun, Irene becomes a novitiate nun. Then, she accompanies Father Burke (Demian Bichir) to investigate a nun’s suicide at a monastery located near the Vatican. Extra shocks should result from filming in the IMAX format. Irene’s reasons for, first, becoming a nun, and second, for prowling ancient, dank, corridors where bad things have happened, are questions I’m counting on this horror series to address. (L.M.)
God Blessed the Broken Road PG
Young mother Amber Hill (Lindsay Pulsipher), suffers a crisis of faith (and financial hardship) following the death of her soldier husband in Afghanistan. This film’s official synopsis claims to “combine elements of faith, country music and stock car racing while paying tribute to those who serve in the U.S. military.” Could it be this targeted check list represents four major groups that writers Jennifer Dornbush and Harold Cronk hope to reach? It’s their job to create compelling realities, but if they can do it four times in one film, they are a powerhouse. (Lisa Miller)
Decades before joining the U.S. Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued precedent-setting cases before the tribunal—and usually won. A child of immigrants, serious but with a sense of humor, Ginsburg graduated from Harvard Law School back when women were rare at the bar. Balancing the professional and the personal, Ginsburg raised a family at the same time that she was changing history. This summer’s surprise hit, the documentary RBG, is out on DVD and offers many glimpses of Ginsburg’s happy marriage but focuses on the law. She believed in moving inch by inch, laying the stepping stones that led to the far horizon. Her greatest accomplishments concerned the status of men and women, placing the genders on a level legal field. Her nomination was approved 96-3 in the U.S. Senate in a less divisive time before the calm voice of consensus was drowned in the shrill whining of narcissism.
n Revolution: New Art for a New World
Despite opening with a history lesson that could have been cribbed from late Soviet textbooks, this documentary comes alive when interviews with contemporary Russian scholars and artists complicate the picture of the fluorescence of art in the first years of Bolshevik Russia. Revolution explores artists who weren’t trying to paint a better world— they thought they were constructing it. Many of the best moments are filled with the art itself, including paintings unseen in the West.
n “Hawaii Five-O: The Eighth Season”
Most attempts to resuscitate popular TV shows from the ’60s have ended in failure. And yet, season eight of the revamped “Hawaii Five-O” has been released on a six-disc collection. While the setting and the theme music remain the same, this “Five-O” is entirely contemporary: Fast, quippy, ironic, it stars terse-talking Alex O’Loughlin and Scott Caan as McGarrett and Danno. They break a few rules as they battle hackers, apocalyptic fires and hard-faced berserker psychopaths. —David Luhrssen
28 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around the World
!"#$%&'()*+#%(,-.%/* 0123%-*,2*43,-5#6*055'6* 0-2*716#1&*::BY JENNI HERRICK
Ironically for a genre that often explores communication with aliens, most American science fiction fans know little of authors writing in languages other than English. Lingua Cosmica is evidence that ignorance of the terrestrial “other” in U.S. SF circles is beginning to diminish. The essay collection investigates the work of 12 authors from 11 nations. Russia is represented by the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, who did their characteristic work under Soviet censorship. The Russian essay’s author, Yvonne Howell, makes the interesting point that the Soviet Union was essentially “science fictional” for imposing a futuristic utopian project on a premodern society. The Strugatsky writings prefigured James Cameron’s Avatar and are used in Russia to support a variety of political perspectives. Also of interest is Mingwei Song’s essay on China’s Liu Cixin whose winning of the prestigious Hugo Award points to the emergence of non-Anglophone SF in America’s consciousness. Liu’s universe is “a place that remains largely alien to human understanding,” lofty and sublime, where human agency continues to exist in a cosmos whose other entities regard the survival of our species as inconsequential. (David Luhrssen)
Reading Walker Percy’s Novels
Walker Percy (1916-1990) had a message, but he was a storyteller, not a preacher, and his novels alluded rather than stated. An old-school Southerner who opposed segregation, he was a satirist who found humor in the commercialization of Dixie (his car salesmen wear Confederate uniforms) and sadness in the commercialization of human values and the homogenization of everywhere. Jessica Hooten Wilson provides an entertaining exegesis of Percy’s novels and finds his literary ancestors in The Odyssey, Don Quixote and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. One doesn’t have to accept Percy’s Roman Catholicism to concur with him on the banality of consumerism, the danger of far-right conspiracy mongering and the splitting of reality into a set of binary this-thats, yes-nos. The protagonist of Percy’s first novel, The Moviegoer (1961), realizes that the mediated reality of film has limited his engagement with the world. What would he make of the virtual reality of 2018? (David Luhrssen)
eonardo da Vinci was a true polymath of the Renaissance era. Even 500 years after his death, he remains universally renowned for his emblematic paintings (Mona Lisa, The Last Supper), technological inventions (flying machines, armored war vehicles, parachutes), scientific advances (metallurgy and engineering, among others), and highly detailed drawings (the Vitruvian Man, most notably). In Mike Lankford’s biography Becoming Leonardo: An Exploded View of the Life of Leonardo Da Vinci, origin stories of Leonardo’s timeless achievements as well as the peculiarities of his private life underscore both the brilliance and the humanity of this timeless person. Despite his worldwide acclaim, there is still much about Leonardo’s life that remains shrouded in mystery. Drawing on a trove of research as well as well-founded speculation, Lankford has created a dynamic portrait of one of history’s preeminent enlightened men, while also providing a passionate biographical account of Leonardo’s lasting contributions to society. Lankford is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and author of the book Life in Double Time: Confessions of an American Drummer, a debut that was recognized as the best music book of the year by numerous publications. His latest book, Becoming Leonardo: An Exploded View of the Life of Leonardo Da Vinci, was honored as a Wall Street Journal best nonfiction book of 2017 and is a finalist for the Oregon Book Awards. Lankford will appear at the Charles Allis Art Museum at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 7, in co-sponsorship with Boswell Book Co.
BOOK|HAPPENING !"#$%&'()'$*#'!+%,
6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 11 Juneau Park, 900 N. Prospect Ave. For his latest collection of poems, UW-Milwaukee Honors College instructor David Southward chose as his topic one of history’s—and mythology’s—most significant figures, Jesus. His Apocrypha is (perhaps after William Carlos Williams?) a seamless convergence of the dignified and the vernacular, rhythmic in its quick storytelling. And those stories are familiar, yet the perspectives are sometimes unusual. Mary Magdalene complains about the words men put into her mouth and Judas argues that “without the likes of me, his tortured faith would have no poetry.” Also reading-performing are the trio of Steve Pump, Chris Austin and Paul Enea, plus Lilo Allen and Nina Szarka.
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 29
::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR Sept. 6—Opening Night of Hedwig and the Angry Inch at Next Act Theatre (255 S. Water St.): Don’t miss the groundbreaking musical that smashes the fourth wall with a heartfelt mixture of angst, comedy, desire, loneliness and love. The team at All In Productions tackles John Cameron Mitchell and Stephen Trask’s rock opera, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, with an eight-show run. Seats go for $25 with discounts available for students, seniors and veterans. See for tickets, show times and more. Sept. 8—The Great Fall Rummage Sale and Flea Market at Art*Bar (722 E. Burleigh St.): One girl’s trash is another girl’s treasure! Whether you’re trashy or not, you’ll find lots of treasures at this mega street sale that runs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Riverwest.
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Sept. 8—Costume and Vintage Super Sale at Miller and Campbell Costume Service (907 S. First St.): Get a jump-start on Halloween when you search the vaults of Milwaukee’s most famous costume shop. From colorful capes and crazy cloaks to whacky wigs and whimsical wear, you’ll find dramatic, one-of-a-kind pieces at this popular 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. sale. Sept. 8—Grease Night at Miller Park (1 Brewers Way): Grease is the word when Miller Park steps back into the ’50s as the Brew Crew takes on the Giants. This night at the ball park includes a ticket to the game and a blue T-Bird shirt or a Pink Lady top. See for tickets for this fun ’50s-themed night. Sept. 8—Here & Queer Pride Prom at Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market St.): The gang at Project Q Youth Services happily announce their premier prom! A safe place for all, the 6-10 p.m. event includes dancing, snacks and an 8 p.m. lip-sync battle. Email or atucker@mkelgbt. org for tickets. Sept. 8—Lesbian Pop-Up Bar at Burnhearts (2599 S. Logan Ave.): Make some new friends when you hit up this one-night-only party for women. The 8 p.m. evening includes drink specials and plenty of mixing and mingling. Who could ask for anything more? Sept. 8 and 9—Third Ward Art Festival (throughout the Third Ward): Enjoy Milwaukee’s historic Third Ward in a new way when you stroll the streets, checking out artists, makers, crafters and other vendors displaying and selling their finest. The art fest run 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Bring the whole family as kid-friendly activities are scattered throughout. Sept. 9—Skimpy Cowboys Party at Kruz (354 E. National Ave.): Celebrate the close of summer with cowhands in their undies as the Castaways Leather/Levi social group hosts another Sunday Funday. Enjoy the friendly guys, incredible beer garden, beer bust and raffles before Jack Frost takes over. Come dressed as a “skimpy cowboy,” and you’ll receive five free raffle tickets at the 3-7 p.m. good time. Sept. 10—“Camp Wannakiki” Preview Party at Mary’s Arcade Bar (734 S. Fifth St.): “Hello campers!” Join me and a few of the contestants from the new drag reality show, “Camp Wannakiki,” during this free 7 p.m. preview party. Complimentary snacks, two-for-one drink specials and more make this a great way to beat the Monday blues. Plus, you’ll get to see the latest episode before it goes national! Food and “Wannakiki” merchandise available for purchase. See you there! Want to share an event with Ruthie? Email and follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Don’t miss Ruthie’s new reality show, “Camp Wannakiki” on YouTube. Comment at
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S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 31
For more MUSIC, log onto
!"##"$%&#' ()'!"*(+,' !(-."/*%%0)' !1)$'2+)"+%' 3"4'!/)(5 ::BY EVAN RYTLEWSKI
he most memorable rap collaborations tend to be the unlikeliest ones, the projects that pair artists whose work seems to exist in almost entirely different worlds. That conventional wisdom proved true this spring when one of Milwaukee’s most broadly popular rap stars, IshDARR, released a collaborative EP called Ali Boys with Marratedr, a rapper and producer whose own music, to put it gently, isn’t nearly so accessible. For IshDARR fans being exposed to Marratedr for the first time, there was a good chance they didn’t like what they heard. Between his groggy voice, terse wordplay and dank, disjointed beats, Marratedr is one of the Milwaukee rap scene’s great acquired tastes. His songs are all bone and gristle. Most clock in around two minutes—many well under—and few offer anything that could be considered a chorus. At its most approachable his music is odd, and at its most avant-garde it can be outright distressing. Like most rappers these days, Marratedr works fast. Each month he posts new tracks to his Soundcloud page, some as standalone curios, others bundled as EPs. Some songs are so brief and abstract they almost feel incomplete, but there’s a sense of humor at work—the more you listen, the more his extreme minimalism begins to feel like a joke, each song’s abrupt end a kind of punchline. The best ones leave you wondering what the hell you just listened to. As Marratedr sees it, there are two paths for rappers who want to build an audience, play to the masses or play to a base. He’s opted for the path that involves the least compromise. “I just want to make the dopest shit, the cold-
32 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
est shit,” he says. “Some people fuck with it. Others are whatever.” Marratedr began rapping in high school during the early 2010s, the era when the internet was leaving its first real mark on hip-hop, encouraging everweirder and more adventurous styles. He devoured releases by acts like Odd Future and A$AP Rocky, and listened to his fair share of Travis Scott, too, which may be where some of his music’s darker edge comes from, but he raps with an orneriness and brevity that’s all his own. Travis Scott never recorded anything quite so outside the box. With its vaporous synths, one early standout on his Soundcloud page, “HO I WOKE UP INA DREAM,” plays like the score to a horror movie that’s become tangled in a VHS player. On “DEAD***,” a track from this winter, Marratedr raps in a grim, crypt-keeper rasp over bass that sounds like it’d been filtered through an asylum’s padded walls. And even his hookier recent tracks, like “FLEXXX***” from this summer’s kinetic MUDD*** EP, play like he’s toying with the listener’s synapses. That EP, along with its sequel THIS YEAR*** EP from August, show that Marratedr has some real pop instincts—loopy pop instincts, but pop instincts nonetheless. IshDARR returns to cameo on THIS YEAR***’s opening track, “GRID***,” and it’s surprising how seamlessly the two lock into the same wavelength. The track suggests that the two rapper’s worlds may not be all that far apart after all, and Marratedr says that although his music may tend toward the more iconoclastic end of the spectrum right now, that doesn’t mean it always will. “That’s what’s crazy; I could make that stuff, too,” he says, pointing to IshDARR’s more accessible, party-ready style of rap. “I don’t give myself boundaries, so you might be surprised. I might switch it up one day and make the craziest radio hit! I could make it clean. I could do all that stuff, depending on how I’m feeling.” Marratedr’s music is streaming at
The Diaspora Arkestra Delivered a Unifying Celebration of Black Music ::BY THOMAS MICHALSKI
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Devils Teeth
!"#$%&'(""()' *%"+!'&,-. /-012'-$..&' 3+!'2,+4 /.,'()-$%%&' 0+'5&,2$' 632$')0(78 ::BY ANDY TURNER
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MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to events and click submit an event
Amelia’s, Jackson Dordel Jazz Quintet (4pm) Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), The New Pioneers Caroline’s Jazz Club, Manty Ellis Trio Quartet County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Frank’s Power Plant, Whiskey & The Devil w/The Rogue Electrics & Youth & Canvas Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Ultimate Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Miramar Theatre, Pre Fest w/host w/host Play Mando (all-ages, 10pm) O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Keith Pulvermacher Rave / Eagles Club, Riley Green w/Trea Landon (all-ages, 8pm) Riverside Theater, American Idol: Live! 2018 w/Forever In Your Mind Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shaker’s Cigar Bar, Prof. Pinkerton & the Magnificents Shank Hall, Satsang w/Spare Change The Back Room at Colectivo, SALES w/Hana Vu The Bay Restaurant, Ian Gould
The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) The Underground Collaborative, Nate Craig Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic
Alley Cat Lounge (Five O’Clock Steakhouse), Christopher’s Project Ally’s Bistro (Menomonee Falls), The Kaye Berigan 4Tet American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Bobby Way & JJ Brooks Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Anodyne Coffee , The Moth Storyslam: Education Art*Bar, River Water Tribe Cactus Club, Subhumans U.K. w/Assault and Battery & Curbsitter Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Johnsmith Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Michael Ritter, Aaron Gardner & Greg Garcia Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: New Rocket Union w/Floor Model (8pm); DJ: Seedy (10pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, TTYL Release Party w/ host Marshen Alex McClinton County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Frank’s Power Plant, Buddahlicious w/Wild Age Harbor Lite Yacht Club (Racine), Big Al Dorn & The Blues Howlers Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & Friends Jazz Estate, The Geoffrey Keezer Trio (8pm), Late Night Session: Devin Drobka Trio (11:30pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Wall of Rock Show: Poison Darts, Magnetic Minds, Black Frost, & Dead//Beat Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Signal Daddy w/Rocket Cat & Dear Karma Mamie’s, Stokes & the Old Blues Boys Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Miramar Theatre, Dead Man’s Carnival w/Prof. Pinkerton & The Magnificents O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), Generation Gap w/CP & Tom Anderson (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Jim & Mike from Element 13 (9pm), In the Fire Pit: The Carpetbaggers (9pm) Racine Brewing Co., Grey & Grayer Shank Hall, Frederick The Younger The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live: Keith Pulvermacher (6pm) The Back Room at Colectivo, Amanda Shires w/Leah Blevins The Bay Restaurant, Rick Aaron & The Men in Black Trio The Landing at Hoyt Park, Scotch and Soda (5pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & The Carmen Sutra Trio (6:30pm) Timmer’s Resort (West Bend), Acoustic Blu Duo TosaFest (Wauwatosa), Altered Five Blues Band Up & Under Pub, False Flag Renaissance Urban Harvest Brewing Company, Book Club w/Hasenpfeffer
American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Ricochettes Art*Bar, The Wallens BMO Harris Pavilion, Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band Cactus Club, Munch Lauren’s Lets Make A Hit Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Mandy Fer & Dave McGraw Camp Dundee Bar & Grill (Campbellsport), The Incorruptibles (4pm)
Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Michael Ritter & Jonathan Greenstein Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Primitive Broadcast Service w/Matt Cook (8pm); DJ: Return of Mil-DewJays (10pm) City Lights Building, Jonny T-Bird & the MPs ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, SoGreedy x DJBizzon: Timbaland Just Blaze v Swizz Beatz Pharrell Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), Dave Miller Blues Trio w/Mike Cascio & Hal Miller Fire On Water, Cactii Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Fox Point Farmers Market, Lil Rev (10am) Frank’s Power Plant, High Gallows w/El Wrongo & DJs Mike Gamm, Jason Ellis, Brian Theisen, and A Guy Named Kevin Havana Lounge & Cigar, Andrew Gelles Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Vocals & Keys Jazz Estate, Mike Kubicki Quartet (8pm), Late Night Session: Sam Neufeld Group (11:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, DeWook Presents Mix’d w/Dropbear Collective, DJ Duo Shadow People & Bryon Cherry Mainstream Bar & Grill (Waukesha), Joe Kadlec Mamie’s, Silver CityInternational Festival: The Squeezettes (1pm Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Miramar Theatre, Panda Eyes (all-ages, 9pm) Muskego Moose Lodge 1057, Tomm Lehnigk Pabst Theater, Capitol Steps: “Orange is the New Barack” Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Katie Mack & The Moan (9pm), In the Fire Pit: Miles Nielsen & The Rusted Hearts (9:30pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Justin Moore w/Scott Stevens (all-ages, 8pm) Rock Country, Jude and The Dudes Shank Hall, Heavy Nova w/Brian Wurch Band & Pearhead Silver Spring House, Big Al Dorn & Rick Holmes Blues Duo The 024 (Grafton), Matt MF Tyner (6pm) The Back Room at Colectivo, S. Carey w/Collections of Colonies of Bees The Cheel (Thiensville), Lou Menchaca’s Jazz Express The Landing Food & Spirits, Larry Lynne Solo The Local/Club Anything, Bit Brigade w/Awkward Terrible & Subspace The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, Summer Concert Series in Umbrella Bar: Oil Can Harry (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, As Above Upper Lake Park (Port Washington), Vinyl Groove ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s (4pm) Walnut Way, Harvest Day 2018 w/SistaStrings, CNJ Latin Jazz Band, K-Stamp, Still Waters Collective & C-Millz (12pm)
Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Cactus Club, Milwaukee Record Halftime Show: Bad Wig Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Paul Setser & Dan Marjenka, and Blaine Schultz (8pm); DJ: Sheppy (10pm) Dopp’s Bar & Grill, CCMC Open Jam w/host RnR (3pm) Dugout 54, Dugout 54 Sunday Open Jam Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Kenny Todd (3pm) Lakefront Brewery, Keg Stand Up Pabst Theater, Hasan Minhaj: Before The Storm
Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Larry Lynne Solo (4pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday w/Listening Party (4pm)
Jazz Estate, Mark Davis Trio Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Jess Harrison (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/Christopher John & Dave Wacker Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers
Frank’s Power Plant, Duck and Cover Comedy Open Mic Jazz Estate, Sweet Sheiks Landmark Lanes, Voyager Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Nicholas Raymond w/Walt Hamburger & Ian Olvera Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Stokes Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Upon A Burning Body w/Nekrogoblikon, Buried Above Ground & Adrift on River Styx (all-ages, 5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Tuesday Open Mic w/host Sandy Weisto (sign-up 7:30pm, all-ages) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Mastodon w/Dinosaur Jr & Netherlands (all-ages, 7:30pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session The Baaree (Thiensville), Matt MF Tyner (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich Turner Hall Ballroom, Dinosaur Jr.
Cactus Club, King Buffalo w/Old Prospectors & Killer Moon Caroline’s Jazz Club, Jimi Schutte American Blues Conway’s Smokin’ Bar & Grill, Open Jam w/Big Wisconsin Johnson High Dive, The Voodoohoney Pirates Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Jerry Grillo 50 Years Of Entertainment Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature N. Regent (sign-up 8:30pm, start 9pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Delta Bombers w/The Grovelers Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Sanger House Gardens, Jack and Jill Jazz w/Jack Grassel & Jill Jensen (6pm) Shank Hall, Naughty Professor Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Westallion Brewing Company, Rick Holmes Pro Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr. Zeidler Union Square, Westown Farmers Market: Ian Gould (11:45am)
9/6 Devilí s Teeth 9/13 Rue the Poet 34 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
Something bugging you? Find out what the Shrink thinks !"#$%&'$()*+
Can you help me figure out how to be less of a worrier?!"!#$$%!%&'$!"()!)*+$!,-./ &*01!23,-!,!4-*+),%5!6$+1*-!7*0%8!9$!,9*02! 23&-:1;! <=! )*23$+! &1! ,! +$,%%=! &-2$-1$! 7*+/ +&$+;!>&8!"!&-3$+&2!)=!3=6$+/,-.&$2=!#+*)!3$+?! @3$(1!+$,%%=!12+0::%$8!&-!%&#$!9$A,01$!*#!&2B!,-8! "!7,-2!2*!:$2!)=!*7-!,-.&$2=!0-8$+!A*-2+*%!1*! "!8*-(2!+$6$,2!3$+!6,22$+-1;!!
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S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 35
By James Barrick
!"#$%&'"()&*(+ “Greater-Than Sudoku”
For this “Greater-Than Sudoku,” I’m not givin’ you ANY numbers to start off with!! Adjoining squares in the grid’s 3x3 boxes have a greater-than sign (>) telling you which of the two numbers in those squares is larger. Fill in every square with a number from 1-9 using the greater-than signs as a guide. When you’re done, as with a normal Sudoku, every row, column, and 3x3 box will contain the numbers 1-9 exactly one time. (Solving hint: try to look for the 1’s and 9’s in each box first, then move on to the 2’s and 8’s, and so on).
36 | S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8
DOWN 1. Silvery fabric 2. Warrior in the “Iliad” 3. Vendition 4. Farm vehicles 5. Rawboned animal 6. Thanks — —! 7. Drugs 8. — Jima 9. Corps de ballet 10. Body: Prefix 11. Green gem 12. Seagirt region 13. Certain barrier 14. Extinction
8/30 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 23 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 23 Letters
66. Helps in wrongdoing 67. Where Apia is 68. Kind of boom 69. Fawn 70. “For Whom the Bell —” 71. Upright slab 73. Old Greek wrestling school 74. Diving bird 78. Convey 79. Very sad 81. — Polo 82. — poetica 83. Light shade 85. Letter before iota 87. Made frost-free 91. Ball 92. Rose oil 93. Small brook 94. Schisms 95. Love personified 96. Flavoring plant 97. Entreaty 99. Be abundant 101. — -do-well 102. Gudrun’s husband 103. Big volume 104. Ages 106. Hen-peck 108. Black cuckoo
15. Electrical unit 16. Mouthful 17. Made empty of fluid 18. Circular current 24. Cut back 26. Defense surveillance system 29. Puerto — 33. Manila hemp 35. — de Javelle 36. Had food and drink 37. — acid 38. Curse 40. Gussy up 41. Glitch 42. Toward the stern 43. Makes tractable 45. Gift 46. Emporium 47. Be false to 48. Express a belief 52. Affectation 54. Fencing sword: Var. 56. Fanatic 57. Hits 58. — and desist 60. Address on arrival 61. Protective 62. Plant exudations 64. Honeydew 65. Occupation
. / 012
75. Toddler 76. Exude 77. Before very long 78. Woodenware 79. Roofing piece 80. Overly 81. Goof-off of a kind 84. Saunter 86. Incense ingredient 88. Driver’s place 89. Medieval guild 90. Scottish Gaelic 91. Dragonfly 94. Rule: Abbr. 95. Savory jelly 98. — quo ante 100. Kick off 105. Grumbler 107. Wrongdoer 109. Pointed arch 110. Betel palm 111. Fjord 112. — mater 113. Interpret 114. Computer-fun devotee 115. Rows 116. Rests
( ) + 1 2 0 & + & " ) + + " & 2
( ( ( ) (
" #
" !
$ $ % % % !
& ' ' ' '
( ( * * ! * * + + + + ! + ,
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
8/30 Solution: Past champions of the game - %
© 2018 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
ACROSS 1. Form used by cordwainers 5. — Hawkins Day 10. Steeple 15. French cleric 19. Unclosed 20. Merry-andrew 21. Tweety Bird prototype 22. Bland 23. Inopportunely 25. Poorly suited 27. Denounce 28. Effaced 30. Like some lawns 31. Harbor vessel 32. Old silk fabric 34. Ursine creature 36. Friend to Pythias 39. Eng. network 40. Table item: 2 wds. 44. Turkish inn 46. Fetid 49. Org. for lawyers 50. Rock’s — Lofgren 51. Swiftly 53. Monumental 54. Criticize 55. Dir. letters 56. Region’s plant life 57. Steal 58. — latte 59. Most unreliable 61. Dull heavy sound 62. Controverts 63. Peace goddess 64. Bea Arthur role 65. Memorize 66. Climb 68. Twilled fabric 69. Takes apart 72. With — breath 73. Old Greek city-state 74. Magical spirit
3 ( " 0 2 * - # $ + 9 + 6 + 5 & + 2
" # # $ % & " ' + ! $ ( - $ . + / 0 & * 2 ! 4 0 " 6 ) , * 5 1 & ' 2 " 2 ( 0 + & 7 % * " ' 6 $ 8 1 + 1 7 $ + % + : 1 # 6 + 2 # 6 2 0 $ # $ + 6 0 # )
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): By volume, the Amazon is the largest river in the world. But where does it originate? Scientists have squabbled about that issue for over 300 years. Everyone agrees the source is in southwestern Peru. But is it the Apurímac River? The Marañón? The Mantaro? There are good arguments in favor of each. Let’s use this question as a poetic subtext as we wonder and meditate about the origin of your life force, Virgo. As is the case for the Amazon, your source has long been mysterious. But I suspect that’s going to change during the next 14 months. And the clarification process begins soon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When Warsan Shire was a child, she immigrated to the UK with her Somalian parents. Now she’s a renowned poet who writes vividly about refugees, immigrants, and other marginalized people. To provide support and inspiration for the part of you that feels like an exile or fugitive or displaced person, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I offer you two quotes by Shire: “I belong deeply to myself.” and “Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself—what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing. Recreate and repeat.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Once in a while came a moment when everything seemed to have something to say to you.” So says a character in Alice Munro’s short story “Jakarta.” Now I’m using that message as the key theme of your horoscope. Why? Because you’re at the peak of your ability to be reached, to be touched, to be communicated with. You’re willing to be keenly receptive. You’re strong enough to be deeply influenced. Is it because you’re so firmly anchored in your understanding and acceptance of who you are? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1928, novelist Virginia Woolf wrote a letter to her friend Saxon Sidney Turner. “I am reading six books at once, the only way of reading,” she confided, “since one book is only a single unaccompanied note, and to get the full sound, one needs ten others at the same time.” My usual inclination is to counsel you Sagittarians to focus on one or two important matters rather than on a multitude of semi-important matters. But in accordance with current astrological omens, I’m departing from tradition to suggest you adopt Woolf’s approach to books as your approach to everything. Your life in the coming weeks should be less like an acoustic ballad and more like a symphony for 35 instruments. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Not many goats can climb trees, but there are daredevils in Morocco that do. They go in quest of the delicious olive-like berries that grow on argan trees. The branches on which they perch may be 30 feet off the ground. I’m naming them as your power creature for the coming weeks. I think you’re ready to ascend higher in search of goodies. You have the soulful agility necessary to transcend your previous level of accomplishment. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): From 49-45 BC, civil war wracked the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar led forces representing the common people against armies fighting for the aristocracy’s interests. In 45 BC, Caesar brought a contingent of soldiers to Roman territory in North Africa, intent on launching a campaign against the enemy. As the general disembarked from his ship, he accidentally slipped and fell. Thinking fast, he exclaimed, “Africa, I have tight told of you!” and clasped the ground, thus implying he had lowered himself on purpose in a ritual gesture of conquest. In this way, he converted an apparent bad omen into a positive one. And indeed, he won the ensuing battle, which was the turning point that led to ultimate victory and the war’s end. That’s good role modeling for you right now. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Below are sweet words I’ve borrowed from poets I love. I invite you to use them to communicate with anyone who is primed to become more lyrically intimate with you. The time is right for you to reach out! “You look like a sea of gems.” - Qahar Aasi; “I love you with what in me is unfinished.” - Robert Bly; “Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born.” - E. E. Cummings; “Tell me the most exquisite truths you know.” - Barry
Hannah; “It’s very rare to know you, very strange and wonderful.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald; “When you smile like that you are as beautiful as all my secrets.” - Anne Carson; Everything you say is “like a secret voice speaking straight out of my own bones.” - Sylvia Plath. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Now is an excellent time to feel and explore and understand and even appreciate your sadness. To get you in the mood, here’s a list of sadnesses from novelist Jonathan Safran Foer: sadness of the couldhave-been; sadness of being misunderstood; sadness of having too many options; sadness of being smart; sadness of awkward conversations; sadness of feeling the need to create beautiful things; sadness of going unnoticed; sadness of domesticated birds; sadness of arousal being an unordinary physical state; sadness of wanting sadness. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do you have any feral qualities lurking deep down inside you? Have you ever felt a mad yearning to communicate using howls and yips instead of words? When you’re alone, do you sometimes dispense with your utensils and scoop the food off your plate with your fingers? Have you dreamed of running through a damp meadow under the full moon for the sheer ecstasy of it? Do you on occasion experience such strong erotic urges that you feel like you could weave your body and soul together with the color green or the sound of a rain-soaked river or the moon rising over the hills? I ask these questions, Taurus, because now is an excellent time to draw on the instinctual wisdom of your feral qualities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Close some doors today,” writes novelist Paulo Coelho. “Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.” I endorse his advice for your use, Gemini. In my astrological opinion, you’ll be wise to practice the rough but fine art of saying “NO”. It’s time for you to make crisp decisions about where you belong and where you don’t; about where your future fulfillment is likely to thrive and where it won’t; about which relationships deserve your sage intimacy and which tend to push you in the direction of mediocrity. CANCER (June 21-July 22): To casual observers you may seem to be an amorphous hodgepodge, or a simmering mess of semiinteresting confusion, or an amiable dabbler headed in too many directions at once. But in my opinion, casual observers would be wrong in that assessment. What’s closer to the symbolic truth about you is an image described by poet Carolyn Forché: grapes that are ripening in the fog. Here’s another image that resonates with your current state: sea turtle eggs gestating beneath the sand on a misty ocean beach. One further metaphor for you: the bright yellow flowers of the evening primrose plant, which only bloom at night. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I want to make sure that the groove you’re in doesn’t devolve into a rut, so I’ll ask you unexpected questions to spur your imagination in unpredictable directions. Ready? How would you describe the untapped riches in the shadowy part of your personality? Is there a rare object you’d like to own because it would foster your feeling that the world has magic and miracles? Imagine the perfect party you’d love to attend and how it might change your life for the better. What bird most reminds you of yourself? What’s your most evocative and inspiring taboo daydream? In your past, were there ever experiences that made you cry for joy in ways that felt almost orgasmic? How might you attract or induce a catharsis like that sometime soon? Homework: What good old thing could you give up in order to attract a great new thing into your life? Testify at
Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
The Streets of San Francisco
he public works department in San Francisco gets, on average, 65 calls every day with complaints about feces on sidewalks. Public works director Mohammed Nuru and the city’s mayor, London Breed, put their heads together and came up with a solution: the Poop Patrol. In midSeptember, five public works employees with a steam cleaner will begin scouring poop “hot spots,” such as the Civic Center, Tenderloin and South of Market neighborhoods, during the afternoons to clean up what Nature left behind. (Another team also cleans overnight.) Officials told the San Francisco Chronicle that the waste comes from dogs and people, and the mayor recently allotted about $1 million for new public restrooms. “I just want the city to be clean,” Breed said, “and I want to make sure we’re providing the resources so that it can be.”
Fiendish Plot (Epic Fail) As his trial got underway on Aug. 22, Chinese University of Hong Kong associate professor Khaw Kim-sun pleaded not guilty to a breathtaking murder plot. Prosecutors say that in 2015, Khaw filled a yoga ball with carbon monoxide, then left it in the trunk of his wife’s car, where it slowly leaked the noxious gas and killed his wife and their 16-year-old daughter. The BBC reported that Khaw was angry because his wife wouldn’t divorce him so that he could be with a student with whom he was having an affair. When colleagues caught Khaw filling the ball, he said he was going to use it to kill rabbits, but in his statement to police, he said the gas was to kill rats in his home. He is charged with two counts of murder.
Impressive Plot (Epic Fail) A man named Tang from Sichuan Province, China, promised his girlfriend, Yang, that he would buy an expensive luxury car for her. The only problem was that he didn’t have the money. So, he cooked up a scheme, inviting Yang and her brothers to the Chengdu car dealership on Aug. 16, where he had allegedly put down a 10,000-yuan payment. Tang
asked the group to wait there while he went to get the cash, but instead, according to Shanghaiist, he went to a supermarket and bought a fruit knife. Outside, he found a secluded spot and cut up his own arms, then called Yang and said he had been robbed at knifepoint of the 750,000 yuan he had supposedly withdrawn for the car. While her brothers took Tang to the hospital, Yang waited for police, who eventually excised the story from Tang. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail and a 500yuan fine.
From UFO to GOP On Aug. 20, the Miami Herald endorsed Republican Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, who was running to replace Rep. Ileana RosLehtinen to represent a district that includes parts of Miami and Miami Beach. Rodriguez Aguilera has been a city official and a business executive, the Herald noted, but conceded: “We realize that Rodriguez Aguilera is an unusual candidate.” Before she was a candidate, Rodriguez Aguilera appeared on Spanish-language TV programs to talk about her experience of being abducted by aliens when she was 7-years-old. Three beings, two women and a man who reminded her of Jesus Christ, spoke to her “telepathically” and took her aboard their spaceship. Inside, she saw “round seats and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship,” and she said she has communicated with them several times ever since. However, editorial page editor Nancy Ancrum didn’t think Rodriguez Aguilera’s beliefs or past experiences compromised her as an effective public servant. “Here’s why we chose her: She’s not crazy,” Ancrum told The Washington Post. “I don’t think we went off the rails here.” Rodriguez Aguilera lost her primary bid on Aug. 28.
Wisconsinites Understand Mason Tackett of Floyd County, Ky., told WYMT that neighbors called him on Aug. 26 to say his cousin, Phillip Hagans, was carrying items out of Tackett’s house. When Tackett returned home, he said, “It looked like he was packing up for a yard sale when he come out.” Hagans was “lying, throwing his hands, saying stuff like, ‘I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it!’ He did pull a gun on me,” Tackett said. But, what he really couldn’t understand was Hagans’ choice of items to steal: a cheese grater, an empty Lysol bottle and soap. “Who steals a cheese grater!?” Tackett asked. Hagans was charged with receiving stolen property and being a convicted felon with a firearm… no, not the cheesegrater. © 2018 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 8 | 37
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