LGBTQ Hear Us Out Special Issue: Nov. 8, 2018

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Fighting for social justice for the LGBTQ community has be* come more important now than it has been in the past few decades. Unfortunately, the Trump administration is working to seriously reverse the gains of the past few decades with executive orders, appointments of federal judges who share the president’s reaction* ary agenda and by giving a green light to violent homophobes by labeling white nationalists in Charlottesville “fine people.” Getting accurate information and news about the LGBTQ community and the message of fairness, respect and social justice out to the broader community cannot be more important. Looking back over the past few decades, we were pleased to see great progress on many LGBTQ issues. However, we are also see* ing an erosion of those gains and what appears to be a green light given to homophobes from the highest levels of our government. Responsible media like the +,-#..# and the !"#$"#%& certainly rose to the occasion and helped bring a number of LGBTQ issues out of the closet by rationally reporting on these issues and defending them against attack. Same-sex marriage was a great example. Back in 2006, the Republicans in the state Capitol were quite 2 | NOVEMBER 8, 2018

transparent about using an anti-same-sex marriage constitutional amendment to drive their extreme conservative base out to vote. In Wisconsin, there has to be a final public vote before a state constitu* tional amendment can become part of our constitution. The Repub* licans, who controlled the legislature, strategically put the final vote on the November midterm ballot, where it drove out more conser* vative voters and passed decisively.

The LGBTQ Community Fights Back

Members of the LGBTQ community in Wisconsin and the na* tion began to build support for same-sex marriage arguing the is* sues of fairness and social justice regarding the right to marry who we love. Progressive and honest media played a big role in this effort. Also, more members of the LGBTQ community came out to their families, and the families had to do some serious soul searching. They also pursued a legal challenge to such anti-same-sex marriage bans throughout the country, which ul* timately made it to the U.S. Supreme Court. In June 2015, the Supreme Court justices, seeing the changes going on in the world, decided it was time to take up this issue, rul* ing that same-sex marriage is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution which, of course, voided the Wisconsin’s constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. The rapidity of this change was virtually unprecedented in recent American history. In less than a decade, there was a sea change on a very controversial wedge issue. After the Supreme Court had spoken, the opinion polls began to clearly reflect a change in the public’s view on this issue. A large number of Americans became more tolerant and open-minded and changed from be* ing strongly anti-same-sex marriage to pro-equality and fair* ness when it comes to whom an individual may want to marry, completely reversing an inflammatory wedge issue. This change gave many people hope that America was definitely moving for* ward.

Fighting Back in the Trump Era

Our current president’s efforts to demonize various non-main* stream groups and divide America using hate and fear has again put the LGBTQ community on the defensive. He is talking about legally redefining gender by making it determined by the genita* lia at birth. Essentially, he is trying to wipe out the entire trans* gender community. He may think this is good for getting the hateful and reactionary part of his base out to vote, but we must make it very clear that this is both totally unacceptable and to* tally un-American. We have to understand that there will always be blow back when progress is made. For example, perhaps the most popular policy in the U.S. according to the pollsters, Social Security, was a major wedge issue 80 years ago. After it was passed, the Republi* cans strongly ran against Social Security in the next three elections, and, of course, labeled it socialism. However, with honest media coverage, the public grew to understand that if this was socialism, they wanted more of it. Eventually, the Republicans realized that attacking Social Se* curity was not smart politics. Today, we are seeing a reaction to the attacks on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as people begin to appreciate its benefits. Opposing it can now put you at risk of getting voted out of office. Progressive and honest media certainly played a big role in explaining exactly what changes the Affordable Care Act brought to our health care system and why voters began to change their views on health care. We are truly at a pivotal time in American history where we have a president attacking our democratic institutions, including the FBI and the intelligence agencies. He is also targeting the LGBTQ com* munity and its supporters. We will get past this if we keep ourselves informed, involved and active in our civic life. A courageous and honest media is critical. This is why, with your help, the !"#$"#%&' ()$%#** is proud to help be a voice in the fight for social justice for the LGBTQ community.

Louis Fortis Publisher/Editor Shepherd Express

!""#$%&'$()*+,$ -./&0123#3 For the past several years, Hear Me Out, the Shepherd Express’ LGBTQ section, has included two weekly columns “Dear Ruthie” and “My LGBTQ POV,” both written by familiar names in the community. Ruthie is a beloved entertainer and organizer of events in the LGBTQ community who served as Grand Marshal in the Pride Parade and is now hosting her own web series, “Camp Wannakiki.”“POV’s” Paul Masterson is a long-time contributor to the Milwaukee media and has served on the boards of Milwaukee Pride, Gay Athletic Milwaukee Metro Association (GAMMA), the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center and other local organizations. As part of our expanded coverage of LGBTQ issues, the Shepherd Express will add two new columns to be published in rotation. This week, Nov. 8, marks the debut of “I Like It Like That” by Carmen Murguia. A respected poet and activist, Murguia is the recipient of PrideFest Milwaukee’s Stonewall Leadership Award, a Milwaukee County Art Futures Fellowship Award and the Charles D. Productions, Inc. HIV/AIDS Minority Communities Outreach Award. The following week, Nov. 15, Christopher Walton will introduce his column, “Black, Blue and Rainbow.” His activism on behalf of progressive political candidates led to his current position as chairman of the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County, the first openly LGBTQ person to hold that office. Our four LGBTQ columnists will provide our readers with a uniquely broad perspective on issues facing the community. (from top to bottom) Ruthie, Paul Masterson, Carmen Murguia and Christopher Walton





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!0$)0&$-0$-1./&"1,6 If so, I would like to ask your opinion on a “whistling” problem with an upper denture. From what I have looked into, the problem is not in “training your speech pattern to the denture” (as my dentist has said), but rather it is the fault of a properly made denture that conforms to the mouth. This is something I cannot live with as I need to speak publicly, and a “whistle” (mainly in pronouncing “sh” and “ch” words) is a real concern.



Thank you for writing! I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have this problem. It is true that there is an


adjustment period with any new dental appliance. A full upper denture, especially, requires that your tongue “relearn” where it needs to be to pronounce certain words and sounds. Sibilants (sharp sounds such as “ch” and “sh”) can certainly result in a whistle if an adjustment needs to be made, either to the denture itself or some portion of your mouth during speech. I would explain to your dentist that you have given it time, and your speech with these words is not improving. I would be specific about which letters are an issue, because that gives us clues as to what is happening and what we might be able to change. Our goal as dentists is to provide a patient with something that is esthetically pleasing and that functions well. However, dentistry is a challenging profession, and it is impossible to be an expert at everything! If you were my patient and I was unable to explain or correct this problem, I would likely refer you to a prosthodontist. In fact, I have encountered baffling situations with appliances, and this is precisely what I have done. Prosthodontics is an area of dental specialty that is devoted to the replacement of teeth with artificial appliances, and prosthodontists undergo years of additional training in this field. The good news is that I do think that your issue is one that can be corrected, either by your dentist or possibly by a specialist in dentures.


/''*!(&.!/0&#1!"#$%&"'()$*+,$ -"+*.$/0$/(1$(+.-,2 on field of dentistry for its artistic and aesthetic elements. 3(1$*0"41-$+,$+$ dental associate in /(1$50"/($3(0"1$ for five years, then established her own practice in 2010. A committed support staff aids her in providing quality, comprehensive oral health care to people of all ages, from toddlers to senior citizens.

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SOCIALCALENDAR Nov. 9—Castaways MC Anniversary Party at Kruz (354 E. National Ave.): Join the crew of the city’s most popular Levi/Leather social club in celebrating their 39th anniversary. These boys always host a good time, so kick off your weekend with them during the 9 p.m. party. Nov. 9—WREX Night at D.I.X. (739 S. First St.): Join hostess T Rex as she takes some of Milwaukee’s favorite performers from wrecks to wrex! Not sure what that means? Check out the 10 p.m. event and find out! Drag performances, drink specials, a DJ, dancing and a special appearance from “Camp Wannakiki” winner Alexis P. Bevels will make it a Friday night to remember. Nov. 11—Kweens 4 Kids at Lakefront Brewery (1872 N. Commerce St.): Your $10 cover charge helps Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin while you enjoy a hilarious drag show from some of the funniest gals in Cream City. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the show starting at 6:30 p.m. Cash bar and food will be available for ordering. Sorry, kids, this show is only for those 21 and over. Nov. 12—Spirit of Inclusion: Transgender Awareness Discussion at Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church (5505 W. Lloyd St.): Learn about transgender issues during this free 6-8 p.m. discussion that’s open to the public. Learn how to promote inclusiveness in our community, become a better ally and widen your circle of understanding and compassion. Call 414-476-3189 for more information. Nov. 13—Coffee Connection at 88Nine Radio Milwaukee (220 E. Pittsburgh Ave.): The Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce hosts this 8-9 a.m. coffee klatch, giving you a chance to gab and go before you start your day. Network with likeminded business owners and make new connections during this monthly mingle. Nov. 14—RuFFDRAFT Party at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Can’t wait until the next RuFFHouse party? Now you don’t have to! The gang at This Is It! gets your blood pumping with this 10 p.m. mid-month bash. Expect a DJ and $1 drinks (yes, you read that right). RuFFDRAFT Bombs help chase away your Hump Day blues. Ask Ruthie a question and share your events at Follow her on Instagram @ ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Listen to Ruthie every Friday on Energy 106.9 at 10:05 a.m. SHEPHERD EXPRESS




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NOVEMBER 8, 2018 | 5


‘Is it Family Friendly?’ !"#$%$&'$()*$%+&',-"% (.%/01!2%-"&'-&, ::BY PAUL MASTERSON


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Mark Bucher to the Rescue!

There is, however, a gay play in the offing opening on Friday, Nov. 16. Mark Bucher’s

@/,1)7&+4# =()&"+)# 0$# %+/4,*0':# =)++&'*)# McNally’s acclaimed masterpiece, &*".#1,% ')<%!*),=%&$%&#*/'*)+"#+)&40':#&"#"()#Y12-/,"(# D(,+*(# /'# "()# *0"2B$# ,%%)+# K&$"# ?04)8# !"B$# "()# 1&")$"# 0'# @,*()+B$# ^^A$)&$/'A1/':# (0$"/+2# /.# HG@=I#%+/4,*"0/'$8#9&'2#&+)#</+"(#&#-)'"0/'8 !'# OPPP;% @,*()+# $"&:)4# -.#'"1#% >+,"1+?"% 32# M0*(&+4# _+&-)+=# &# *(&+-0':# %0)*)# %+)$)'"0':# &# %/<)+.,1# 3,"# '/+-&1# $&-)A$)6# +)1&"0/'$(0%8# Bucher even flew in the playwright for talkbacks 40$*,$$0':#<(&"#0"B$#105)#"/#3)#&#:&2#%1&2<+0:("8# E"#"()#"0-);#4)$%0")#"()#0-%/+"&'*)#/.#"()#<+0")+;# @,*()+# */,14# '/"# :)"# &'# 0'")+70)<# 0'# "()# 1/*&1# press. The play later opened in New York City <0"(#:+)&"#$,**)$$8 E3/,"# &# 4)*&4)# 1&")+;# @,*()+B$# &11A-&1)# *&$"# 7)+$0/'#/.#9/10)+)B$#-.#%&+,')".1*5#%7)'",+)4# 0'"/# "()# +)&1-# /.# Q`"(A*)'",+2# Z+)'*(# "()&")+# 3,"# $)"# 0'# &# OQ$"A*)'",+2# &+"# :&11)+28# M)%1&*0':# "()# %1&2B$# +/-&'"0*# 42'&-0*$# <0"(# $&-)A$)6# +)1&"0/'$(0%$# ,'4)+$*/+)4# "()# ,'07)+$&10"2# /.# human foibles. The cast, identified largely as :&2# &'4# 30$)6,&1;# 0'*1,4)4# T)&+# M,"(0)# L9&+5# Hagen) in a rare “trouser role.” More recently, "()# @/,1)7&+4# (&$# &44+)$$)4# *,++)'"# "()-)$# 105)#"()#"+&'$:)'4)+#$"+,::1)#<0"(#!@'$$%-.+)(,# 32#)$"&310$()4;#/,";#HG@=I#%1&2<+0:("#T&'0)1# 9*!7/+8#=()#%0)*)#(&'41)4#"()#0$$,)$#/.#$)6,&10"2# and gender identification. But, rather than focus /'# "()# "+&'$# *(&+&*")+# L&# 2/,':)+# %)+$/'# <(/# 0$# ')7)+# $))'N;# 0"# 0'$")&4# %+)$)'")4# "()# 0$$,)# "(+/,:(#"()#)2)$#&'4#)-/"0/'$#/.#"()#/14)+#&'4# <0$)+#:+&'4-/"()+#<(/#*/'70'*)$#()+#4&,:(")+# "/#&**)%"#()+#"+&'$#*(0148 J"()+# %&$"# @/,1)7&+4# %+/4,*"0/'$;# -&'2# /.# <(0*(# <)+)# +):0/'&1# %+)-0)+)$# L&$# 0$# &*".#1,% ')<% !*),A=# 0'*1,4)# K7&'# ?-0"(B$# B#@#<+'$% C)($+,.D#?)"#0'#&#(0:(#$*(//1;#0"#)6%1/+)$#&#$&-)A $)6#*+,$(#3)"<))'#$",4)'"$#<0"(#&:)A&%%+/%+0&")# actors, most of whom identified as gay. The %+/7/*&"07)# E+<+*)F,% G)*"# 32# X/(''&# E4&-$;# &# %1&2# &3/,"# 3,1120':;# $,0*04)# &'4# (0)+&+*(0*&1# ")++/+0$-;# &:&0'# %,$()4# &,40)'*)$# 0'"/# .&*0':# "()# ,'*/-./+"&31)# +)&10"0)$# /.# OQ$"A*)'",+2# 10.)# in America. The list goes on. But, suffice it to $&2;#@,*()+B$#-0$$0/'#*/'"0',)$#"/#3)#"/#*/'.+/'"# "/4&2B$#0$$,)$#"(+/,:(#"()#1)'$#/.#"(/,:(".,1#&'4# "(/,:("A%+/7/50':#')<#"()&")+8# !'# $)7)+&1# +)*)'"# */'7)+$&"0/'$# !# (&4# <0"(# @,*()+;#<)#40$*,$$)4#(0$#+&"0/'&1)#./+#%+/4,*0':# "()#%1&2$#()#4/)$#&'4;#0'#%&+"0*,1&+;#"()#,%*/-0':# &*".#1,%')<%!*),8#J370/,$12;#"()+)#&+)#&#1/"#/.#

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hether you find yourself clapping to the original “I Like It Like That” 1968 boogaloo version by Pete Rodriguez, !"#$% Cardi B’s English-Spanish rap mix or find yourself somewhere in between (like me dancing salsa to Tito Nieves’ 1997 hit), the song makes me move and groove. And that’s what this LGBTQ/yours/mine/our column is about: movin’ and groovin’ through life’s ups and downs and all those feelings in between. My “I Like It Like That!” column will cover topics I’m at least a little familiar with. Coming out to yourself, to the world or to a higher being like I did; being in, like, crushin’, hanging out, sexting and texting, soulmates and sensualidad and loving yourself and others deeply. A good-hair-and-I’m-gonna-own-it day, or an I-reallycan’t-get-out-of-bed/I’m-so-sad day. I’ve been there, and I’m going to keep on. “I Like It Like That!” is my way of sharing a weekly peek at life through my lenses with you—the perspective of a Mexican American, woman loving women—a poet born in the Chinese year of the horse who is based in the U.S. My name is Carmen. You might be saying to yourself, “Well, who is Carmen?” Some of you may have marched alongside me for LGBTQ rights, partied with me at the YP back in the day (way back) or have seen me on stage doing a poetry set, worked with me over the years or simply know my name from around the way. After all, at 52, I’ve earned the title “around-the-way girl.” I’m a person like you, navigating an ever-evolving life. %Noviembre/November The first few weeks of November symbolize a hard time and a time of hope for me. All at once, I find myself missing my best friend, Juana Gloria Vega, and facing a city on the verge of greatness. 2018 marks the 17th anniversary of the gruesome hate crime murder of Juana Vega, which took place on Nov. 11, 2001—the Sunday of the Na& tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force Conference in Milwaukee. Her murder happened in the early morning hours in the South Side Milwaukee barrio of 25th and Scott streets. She was shot eight times in her face and body at point-blank range by Pablo Parilla—the brother of her ex-girlfriend, Melodia Parilla. Parilla is currently serving a life sentence. At that time, District Attorney E. Michael McCann never wanted to have her mur& der tried as a hate crime—he didn’t want that on his books in Milwaukee County. He disregarded the fact that Pablo was heard by witnesses saying, “I’m going to kill you because you’re gay, and you turned my sister gay,” and that he fired shots at her once before. However, it was Judge Martin Joseph Donald in his sentencing who said in his first breath after hitting the gavel to give order in the courtroom, “I am appalled that this was not tried as a hate crime.” Those words rung true, and tears came down my face, and now it is marked in history in court documents. There, I wrote it, aloud. Each time I write or say that my best friend was murdered at the hands of someone who hated her for being a lesbian and bisexual, strong and gorgeous inside and out, tenacious, generous, funny and loving woman, it gets a little easier, just like coming out does. Revealing Juana’s horrific !"#$%%'("'$!)%*$%+"%,-#$% &'(")back to her by making sure people know about our city’s protections and all that’s being done to make Milwaukee an easier place in which to live. In fact, one amazing symbol of our LGBTQ equality, safety and history that was unveiled on a beautiful fall November morning was the rainbow crosswalk Downtown on North Jefferson and East Wells streets. It was spearheaded by the City of Milwau& kee’s Equal Rights Commission, whose acting chair is Chez Ordonez, George and Michael, owners of This Is It! bar and leaders from Milwaukee Pride, East Town As& sociation and 13 LGBTQ organizations. Coming out in the cold to celebrate our com& munity and the diversity within our LGBTQ people is something that makes me say, I like it like that!


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he Northwestern Mutual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies (LGBTA) employee resource group (ERG) celebrated its 5th anniversary this year. In those five years, the ERG has made a positive impact at the company by promoting a culture where LGBT employees and allies can feel safe, valued and comfortable being their authentic selves at work. Here are some key drivers that can help other company leaders and employees develop and enhance a diverse and inclusive mindset and workplace:

Form an ERG



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Employee resource groups are voluntary, employee-led groups formed to connect traditionally underrepresented members and supportive allies who share a common ethnicity, gender, nationality, identity or sexual orientation. ERGs are a valuable resource to help develop and apply best practices regarding diversity and inclusion. They also advance the company’s business goals and members’ individual development by providing opportunities for personal and professional enrichment.

Be Visible

Partner with LGBT organizations in the community to build awareness and recognition while providing support. Northwestern Mutual participates as a team in AIDS Walk Wisconsin and has won the ERG corporate fundraising challenge five years in a row. We are a proud PrideFest sponsor and have a strong presence in the Milwaukee Pride Parade, which is great fun rain or shine! Something as simple as rainbow lanyards for ID badges have made visibility at work a huge success. When you see fellow employees wearing one, you know that you’re in a safe space and there is recognition and visible support.

Strive for Equality

A record number of the nation’s major companies are advancing vital policies and practices to protect LGBT workers. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT employees. Our ERG has played a vital role in helping Northwestern Mutual achieve a perfect 100% score on the Corporate Equality Index four consecutive years. This is an honor we share with several other Wisconsin based companies and you can find your company’s score by accessing the full report on the HRC website.

Look for Opportunities

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Everyone is at a different place on their diversity and inclusion journey and there are many opportunities for professional growth and education in the LGBT space through local and national conferences. The Northwestern Mutual ERG has been a proud sponsor of Diverse & Resilient’s annual Wisconsin LGBTQ Summit and we’ve had several members attend the national Out & Equal Workplace Summit over the last five years. Start by organizing a lunch and learn where LGBT and ally employees can share their stories, ask questions and make connections that will form a uniting force for change. Happy expansion, Hear Me Out! It’s great that you’re getting louder! Daniel Tessler is Project Manager for Practices, Groups and Teams at Northwestern Mutual. ! SHEPHERD EXPRESS

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In addition, Mayor Barrett is very proud to announce that through hard work and partnerships with great advocacy groups in the city, Milwaukee has recently received a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign. “ I N M I LW A U K E E W E F I G H T T O M A K E S U R E T H AT Y O U C A N TA K E P R I D E I N W H O Y O U A R E A N D K N O W T H AT T H I S C I T Y S U P P O R T S Y O U . ”


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Saturday, November 17th $3 Admission (12 & over) Newly Expanded to Both Pavilion & Ziegler Buildings hand≠ made crafts! 262.677.5060 3000 HWY PV West Bend, WI

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Dear Ruthie says,

ìHear Me Out!î





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Four BIG Events in 2019

• Bucks Gay Night Out • Sports Zone at Pridefest • • Brewers Gay Night Out •

For more information and dates: SHEPHERD EXPRESS

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16 | N O V E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 8


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