Dec. 12 - Dec. 18, 2019
Fire and Police Commission Please Do the Right Thing Reappoint Chief Alfonso Morales
Lockdowns Plague Wisconsin’s Overcrowded Columbia Correctional Institution !!!"#$%&"'
Hot Tuna’s Jorma Kaukonen Tells his Life Story !!!"#$%&"()
12/19 & 20
FM106.1 CLASS OF 2020 1/18 GINUWINE 2/13
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2 ! D E C E M B E R 12 , 2 0 1 9
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Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
DECEMBER 12, 2019 | 3
Lockdowns Plague Wisconsin’s Overcrowded Columbia Correctional Institution !::BY BEN TURK
olumbia Correctional Institution (CCI) has had off-andon lockdowns in recent weeks due to conflicts with staff members. CCI is operating at 150% of its design capacity. This unnecessary and avoidable overcrowding due to our “mass incarceration,” which is condemned by both conservative and liberals, is just one cause of these problems in this and other Department of Corrections (DOC) facilities. The tension and “psychological warfare” inmates argue is brought about by the CCI’s guards seems to be escalating, while incarcerated people and the guards need new structures to interrupt cycles of violence. The following is the view of some of those incarcerated at our correction facilities. The DOC has confirmed a series of three vio! lent incidents leading to facility lockdowns. Our incarcerated contacts sent us detailed reports about these incidents, which conflict with what DOC officials were told by their staff. "#! "$%&! ''(! A sergeant called a black man “boy.” The man responded by attacking the of! ficer, leaving him “severely beaten.” The facility went on lockdown until Oct 25. "#!"$%&!')(!Four days after coming off lock! down, another guard provoked another black man by calling him the n-word. He was also assaulted, but less severely. The facility went on lockdown again until Nov 5. "#! *+,&! -(! A guard was stabbed during pro! gram services. The facility has been on lockdown, which means that all of the people inside are de! prived of their basic rights and fundamentals of human dignity, from Nov. 8 to the date of this writing (Dec. 8). This is obviously a form of “col! lective punishment.” On Nov. 19, Makda Fessahaye, the head of the DOC’s Division of Adult Institutions (DAI), spoke on a panel at Marquette University. After the panel, she told me she was investigating these incidents but had been told that all three staff members “were blindsided.” However, prisoner advocates insist “nobody is just randomly assaulting staff” and argue that, given Wisconsin DOC’s history of taking abusive guards’ words at face value, however unbeliev! able, they are demanding thorough investigations.
4 | DECEMBER 12, 2019
Forum For Understanding Prisons (FFUP), an in! mate advocacy organization, has also filed open records requests for shift logs and any “inmate complaints” filed over the last month in an effort to contact the people most directly involved. One of our main sources is an incarcerated art! ist and advocate named Nate Lindell, whose work can be found on Facebook @PrometheusWrites. He says he attempted to send more detailed infor! mation, but CorrLinks (the institutional email sys! tem) flagged his emails, and staff blocked them. He then was issued a conduct report to punish him for writing about the incidents. Lindell appealed the conduct report and filed a complaint about censorship of his emails. In the emails that did get through, Lindell described the officer stabbed on Nov. 8 as “notoriously foul mouthed, yells at prisoners, follows them around to make sure their shirts are tucked in. I saw him stare at a prisoner insultingly, aggressively, with contempt, for more than a minute.” Lindell said that the other officers also go out of their way to exacerbate situations that harm inmates held at CCI, stating, “Both had rude, insulting, lazy attitudes, as do many staff here.” He said these guards frequently “delayed letting us out of our cells for passes, didn’t let us out to use the phone, didn’t pass out our mail.” The above conduct violates standards of train! ing to which correctional officers are supposed to be held. The advocates for the incarcerated argue that the routine violence of captivity and basic deprivation of human agency such as attacking
a guard who engages in verbal abuse and harassment should be considered an act of self-defense. At the very least, DOC officials should recognize that these guards were not blindsided without reason.
Collective Punishment
FFUP has long documented a culture of abuse and vio! lence at CCI. Guards often target certain inmates with relentless harassment to provoke a violent response, which they then use to justify a lockdown and collective punishment against everyone in the prison. In the context of the lockdown, the violence against inmates escalates. Other people incarcerated at CCI describe the situation as psychological warfare and collective punishment. In this instance, from Nov. 8 to the time of this writing, collective punishment took the following forms: No hot food. Instead, three times a day people get “the same bag meal... a small bag of chips, one sand! wich of one very thinly sliced piece of meat, one slice of processed cheese, piece of fruit, carrots and a cookie or other small bakery item.” On that diet, people are rapidly losing weight. No commissary. People are not allowed to purchase food to supplement the bagged meals. No clean clothes. Laundry service is suspended, and new clothes cannot be purchased. No showers. Nov. 17, nine days into the lockdown, was the first time inmates were allowed to take a shower. Property ordered from the commissary prior to the lockdown is not delivered. No recreation. No phone calls. No visitation. No supplies, including complaint forms, state-is! sued soap and toothpaste. On top of those deprivations, staff is reducing already negligent medical and health treatment. Medically pre! scribed showers and medical and psychological treat! ment request forms are being denied. Lindell reported that, on Oct. 9, a sergeant denied everyone on his range medications because one person didn’t stand for count. Others refused to stand for the next count. Many people at CCI are taking serious psychological medications, and missing a dose can have powerfully negative effects, es! pecially under the stressful circumstance of a lockdown. The Restrictive Housing Unit (RHU) at CCI hous! es people who have been in solitary confinement for months, years or even decades. These people have suf! fered great trauma, and many developed severe psycho! logical disorders. Under normal prison operations, every day is a potential crisis for such people. The additional restrictions imposed during lockdown can increase dis! tress to catastrophic levels. According to a memo from Warden Susan Novak (transcribed by Theodore Oswald, incarcerated at CCO), television channels have also been limited due to an an! tenna replacement project that won’t be completed until sometime this month. Also, the institution information channel is inexplicably broken. During this lockdown, people have been additionally deprived of a conduit for information about the institution and the outside world, as well as a means to pass time while trapped in their cells. Novak’s memo said she was “tentatively review! ing the possibility of restoring visits beginning Monday, Nov. 25.”
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Collective Agency and Reconciliation
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DECEMBER 12, 2019 | 5
!"#$"%&'"( )'(*+&$,-. New shops, restaurants build on foundation of schools, parks ::BY CATHERINE JOZWIK
nce considered to be a sleepy Milwaukee suburb, Wauwatosa has undergone a significant transformation over the last decade. “The last eight years have been tremendous in growth and evolution,” says Wauwatosa Mayor Kathy Ehley, who was elected to office in 2012. Ehley grew up in Brookfield but has been a Wauwatosa resident for years. “It’s an incredible location [that has] become a truly desirable place to live.”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and Brookfield, 8#"4#&,)#(%)(,.3(,2(5%$4#"K33U)($#>03)&()"PF ">P)@(:,43<3>7(8#"4#&,)#(=#%.&#%.)(#(*$,)3FK.%&7(*,==".%&'(
6 | DECEMBER 12, 2019
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Diversity a Major Asset to Thriving Community
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Jacobus Park
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Wauwatosa Village
Our Kids Are Telling Us What to Do About Guns ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
isconsin had another frightening reminder last week !"#!$ %!$ %&$ '()#!*+$ %,$ !"*$ -,%!*+$ .!#!*&$ (/$01*23 %)#4$5#)63!(37#)6$&"((!%,8&$ over two days by police officers wounding two students they said threatened them with a pellet gun and “an edged weapon” in high schools in Waukesha and Oshkosh were just the beginning. These shootings unleashed a surge of other reports about threats of gun violence at schools in Milwaukee, Madison, Waukesha, West Bend, Germantown and Sparta. Suddenly, the state was consumed with fear about gun violence threatening the lives of school children, but even that wasn’t enough to persuade Wisconsin’s Republican legislative leaders there was any reason to do anything to reduce easy access to guns in the state. A month ago, Gov. Tony Evers called a special session of the Legislature to discuss rational ways to reduce gun violence in Wisconsin. Republicans simply gaveled the sessions in both )"#17*2&$(9*,$#,+$)'(&*+$:%!"%,$&*)(,+&$:%!"3 out even discussing the mildest possible proposals for universal background checks or allowing judges to remove deadly weapons from those deemed a danger to themselves or others. Evers told a Madison television station he still supports such laws—which were also favored by 80% of Wisconsinites in a recent Marquette University poll—but he added: “I’m a realist also. I witnessed what happened last time around. But if the Legislature wants to take them up, I’ll be more than happy to help get them passed.” Fat chance of that. Instead of doing anything to protect school children from gun violence, many Republicans support their president’s demented proposal to put more deadly :*#9(,&$ %,!($ )'#&&2((1&$ 7;$ #21%,8$ !*#)"*2&4$ <*#)"*2&$ :%''$ ,*=*2$ 7*$ #&$ :*''3!2#%,*+$ #&$ '#:$ enforcement officers in the use of firearms around human beings in extreme situations and that can be dangerous enough. There are still questions about trained officers shooting the two Wisconsin students who had a pellet gun and “an edged weapon.” An unarmed special education teacher in Waukesha was credited with breaking up a threat to another student by the boy with the pellet gun. The teacher then restrained the student as everyone else cleared the classroom until the officer arrived.
‘Young Enough to Know Better’
in America is to develop a sudden interest in !2*#!%,8$1*,!#'$%'',*&&4 “Republicans have led the way in expanding mental health treatment opportunities in schools over the past several budgets,” said Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Well, not really. Republicans approved about $25 million for children’s mental health programs over the next two years—far short of the $116 million requested by Evers in his budget. They also cut tens of millions of dollars from other requests by the governor to hire additional school counselors, psychologists and nurses and to train school resource officers how to de-escalate confrontations with troubled students. Republicans were far more interested in “hardening” school security than in providing necessary human services. “Parents don’t want to send their kids to schools that look like prisons,” Evers said. That’s why he is ready to call Republicans on
their dubious claim that they really care about the mental health needs of the state, which they’ve always underfunded. “I don’t view this mental health funding as something that is going to take care of gun safety issues, but it’s important,” Evers said. “It’s darn important.” The reason Republicans can’t imagine themselves crouching in classroom closets listening to hundreds of shots being fired outside in school hallways is they’re not today’s teenagers. Ever since the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting in February 2018 killed 14 students and three adults and injured 17 others, the Parkland kids, along with our own kids, have been trying to tell us what we should be doing for them. They’ve marched for their lives and led spontaneous school walkouts in Wisconsin and across the country to protest everything adults haven’t been doing to protect their lives. They don’t think
it’s too much to ask of us to ban from civilian use military assault weapons created for the battlefield and high-capacity ammunition magazines capable of shooting hundreds of 9*(9'*$:%!"%,$&*)(,+&4$ “Old enough to know better” is a meaningless cliché in today’s politics. It’s been superseded by “young enough to know better.” Young 9*(9'*$!(+#;$:#!)"$%,$+%&7*'%*/$#&$%22*&9(,&%7'*$ legislators callously refuse to even consider urgent legislation benefitting everyone. They know adult inaction on gun violence—or environmental destruction of the planet—directly threatens their future. More of those politically active Parkland kids, and their successors in Wisconsin, reach voting age every year. That’s bad news for the survival of every elected Republican who puts short-term partisan politics over our children’s futures. !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/ n
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Despite school districts throughout the state facing threats of gun violence, Republican legislators can’t even bring themselves to utter the G-word out loud anymore. Republicans "#=*$'*#2,*+$!"*$7*&!$:#;$!($#=(%+$+(%,8$#,;3 thing about guns after every mass shooting SHEPHERD EXPRESS
DECEMBER 12, 2019 | 7
8 | DECEMBER 12, 2019
e need to take our hands off the trigger and put them in the soil, because if your hands are in the soil, you can’t have them on the trigger of a gun,” says Andre Lee Ellis. With a background in theater, Ellis never expected to be in the business of gardening, but a series of events led him to start the organization called We Got This. The program provides support and guidance for African American boys through gardening. Since its inception in 2011, We Got This has grown tremendously because of community support and has changed the lives of many young men. Ellis and his wife moved to Ninth and Ring streets in 2011. Within their first week at their new home, they heard six gunshots outside their front door. His wife ran from the kitchen to find a young man lying dead in the street. There was a lot of bad activity on that street corner, Ellis explains, but on that same corner was a small plot of land with raised beds. One day, he asked a young girl playing in the street what the raised beds were. She responded with an attitude and said, “It’s supposed to be a garden, but don’t nobody grow nothing.” Ellis thought that should be changed. With the idea stirring in his head, he was approached one day by a worried mother from the neighborhood. Her 11-year-old son had committed an offense and was being held at the police station. Ellis went with her to the station to convince the officers not to arrest the boy because the boy was participating in a program with Ellis that coming Saturday. He made it up on the spot, and when the officers asked the name of the program, Ellis said the same thing he kept repeating to the worried mother: “We got this.” That Saturday, the boy showed up to the small plot of land across from Ellis’ house at 8 a.m. sharp. With the promise of $20, the boy worked with Ellis to start the garden. The next Saturday, the boy came back with five friends, promising them $20 each. Unprepared, Ellis told the boys that he didn’t have the money. Instead, he told them to raise their fists in the air and pose for a picture. He posted that picture to his network on Facebook asking five other black men to come to the garden and support the boys. By noon, seven men showed up. Each week, more boys would come to the garden, and with them came more people from around the city willing to fund their efforts. The program has empowered young boys to make an honest income and provide for themselves. With close to 90% of them not knowing their father, Ellis and other men in the community are showing up to be that father figure and offer guidance that they haven’t had before. That mentorship is helping the boys find new confidence and imagining new possibilities for their futures. These efforts are taking place in the heart of the 53206 zip code. Ellis recalls the negative articles that cite facts about incarceration, claiming that the area is one of the worst places to raise a black child. But he lives there, he explains, and he sees the good that’s happening every day. What those articles are missing are the people who live in those communities who support their neighbors and build up their youth. Those facts completely gloss over the capabilities these young boys have and the possibility for change in this city. Just like any other person in this country, these young men have the potential to grow up and become loving fathers, caring neighbors or anyone else they can dream of. It’s time we start paying attention to the neighborhood’s potential, not its statistics. Learn more at For more of Erin Bloodgood’s work, visit Comment at n
::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( DEC. 12 - DEC. 18, 2019 ) Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary, racist, homophobic and authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as those of others who likewise seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to
Thursday, Dec. 12
Maximus Job Fair @ Community Advocates, 728 N. James Lovell St., 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
“Bring your resume and come dressed for success,” says their event page. Maximus is a monthly job fair at Community Advocates, which gives attendees a chance to meet employers who are looking to hire. All are welcome to come to the event.
Saturday, Dec. 14
Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of South 76th Street and West Layton Avenue, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon to 1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee after the protest.
Laughing Liberally Milwaukee’s War On X-mas Comedy Extravaganza @ Comedy Sportz Milwaukee, 420 S. First St., 8-10 p.m.
“December is a special time. A time where Donald Trump and conservatives on Fox News pretend there is a War on Christmas,” says their website. Laughing Liberally Milwaukee is making this ‘war’ a reality with their annual War On X-mas Comedy Extravaganza. Audiences will be treated to performances by comedians like Ton Johnson, Mary Collie, Bob Rok, Jen Durbent, Raegan Niemela and the sketch comedy troupe The Accountants of Homeland Security. Milwaukee writer and historian John Gurda will be the guest for the show.
Sunday, Dec. 15
Education is Power Summit/Educacion es Poder @ Neighborhood House of Milwaukee 2819 W. Richardson Place, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Education is Power is an informational event led by teachers and counselors of color, which focuses on helping students pursue higher education opportunities by providing relevant and timely resources that address the unique challenges that minority students face. This year, in addition to connecting students and their families with educational institutions and community, Education is Power/Educacion es Poder will also host a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewal workshop led by Milwaukee attorney Michelle Velazquez.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Friends of Lakeshore State Park Annual Meeting @ 500 N. Harbor Drive, 5-7 p.m.
Lakeshore Park is one of Milwaukee’s year-round gems, the urban lakefront destination for environmental and freshwater education, conservation and recreation. The non-profit Friends of Lakeshore park raise funds for and participate in educational programming, events, infrastructure and marketing. Through these efforts, they hope to build memberships and strategic alliances to succeed in their goals. If you want to attend, make sure to RSVP for this event.
Transportation Consumer Advocacy Team @ Independence First, 540 S. First St., 1-2:30 p.m.
The Transportation Advocacy Team (TCAT) works to create sustainable, accessible, affordable and reliable transportation options for people with disabilities. The team meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Comment at n SHEPHERD EXPRESS
DECEMBER 12, 2019 | 9
'()"*#$$+,-.!#./*/-#.*012134(01 1434 N FARWELL AVE ï 276-7288 ï www.SHANKHALL.COM ï all shows 21+
All shows start at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at
Fri 12/13
Sat 12/14
$12 adv/$15 DR
Mon 12/16
Fri 12/20
The Sleighriders
Pat McCurdy $6
Sat 12/21
Fri 12/27
Koch Marshall Trio $15
The Cash Box Kings $15
12/28 SistaStrings 1/3 Albert Lee 1/4 Miles Nielsen & The Rusted Hearts 1/10 Pundamonium 1/11 Steve Forbert 1/14 Keys for a Cause: A Rick Wakeman Tribute 1/17 Lilí Ed and the Blues Imperials 1/18 Animation, In The Flesh 1/24 PHUN
• Must be able to work independently • Be highly motivated and like to win • Have strong communication and diplomatic skills • Be organized and have the ability to meet deadlines in a high paced environment
• Enjoy developing creative solutions for clients • Preferably a minimum of two years Sales Experience
• Consult with businesses and nonprofit organizations to develop creative solutions for their advertising needs • Sell an array of advertising and marketing services from print and digital (web site, e-newsletters, social media and mobile) to event participations and sponsorships
• Develop advertising proposals and campaigns for clients • Conduct meetings with clients to present developed materials • Prospect for new business clients • Ability to close sales
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alking remains the most popular form of communication, although the competition from texting and email is fierce. The question is: What do we most like to talk about? As you might expect, social scientists have inquired within. Do we use conversation primarily to gather information, understand other points of view, learn new ideas and facts? None of the above. Far and away, we mostly enjoy talking about ourselves. A Harvard study shows, on average, each of us spends 60% of our “airtime” speaking about the happenings in our lives, our opinions on matters great and small and who we are as a person. This is an average, of course, so there are many who do nothing but talk about themselves and, inversely, lots who listen much more than speak. Nonetheless, if you put two 60%-ers together, there must be a fierce battle of tongues. As a side note, the researchers found that electronic communication on social platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, was focused on the sender more than 80% of the time. Apparently, being connected in real time rather than online does a bit better at tempering the propensity to talk about ourselves. So, why do we so relish self-disclosure? Are we simply egotists who believe ourselves at the center of the universe? Does the term “narcissist” apply? In some instances, clearly yes. However, neuroscientists offer an alternative explanation. When they examine the brains of folks while they are talking about themselves, they see certain pleasure centers light up. In fact, these are the same reward centers that activate when stimulated by sex, certain psychoactive drugs and good food. So, the simple explanation is that talking about ourselves feels good.
Therapeutic Benefit
This explains, in part, the therapeutic benefit of talk therapy. Few other venues offer so much freedom and encouragement to verbalize about one’s self, which proves inherently rewarding. Also, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find good listeners in our “I share, therefore I am” world. Having someone’s undivided attention and genuine interest is a healing combination. Curiously, talking about one’s self proves rewarding even if no one is listening. In the research, the absence of a listener made this activity somewhat less pleasurable than when one was present, but not substantially. When we talk about ourselves out loud to an empty room or the proverbial fence post, this, too, activates those pleasure centers in the brain. This finding refutes the tired old myth that associates talking to one’s self out loud with being mentally unbalanced. In fact, self-disclosing speech in the absence of a listener turns out to be a bona fide self-care approach. On a less positive note, this phenomenon may exacerbate emotional dysfunction in persons who have learned, through painful experience, not to self-disclose to others. If, as a child, one was punished or ridiculed for talking openly about one’s emotions and thoughts, doing so as an adult may feel dangerous. Often, such folks avoid talking about themselves for fear of rejection, depriving themselves of the pleasurable feelings that come with self-disclosure in an emotionally safe environment. These persons can still benefit by talking out loud in the absence of a listener, but those sufficiently traumatized may find even that to be difficult. However, the impetus to make one’s self the topic in a conversation is driven by more than brain chemistry. The other catalyst is story. Our lives are narratives, stories woven in space and time, populated with personal history, memorable experiences and lessons. So, talking about ourselves is storytelling, and that mode of communication is what the psyche prefers. The brain is not so much an information processor as a story processor. Whether interesting to others or not, one’s stories still constitute a life narrative, a unique accounting of “what it’s like to be me.” So, provided we don’t overdo it, talking about ourselves is just fine. As the actress Ruth Gordon once put it, “Everyone has to have someone to tell it to.” For more, visit!n
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Last week, we asked our readers to check in on how their holiday season shopping was going thus far. Here’s what they told us: 33% Bah humbug! 15% Have a list but still checking it twice 27% Making progress 26% Mission accomplished!
What Do You Say? Who do you think is, overall, the better NBA player: LeBron James or Giannis Antetokounmpo? LeBron James Giannis Antetokounmpo Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
12 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.
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put together,” he says. Their products are also third-party tested. In addition to CBD tinctures and capsules, they also carry body butter, lotion, gummies, pet treats and pain cream. Also popular is the custom oil blends bar, which features Shawna’s ready-made concoctions, or blends and sprays she can make on the spot, with or without CBD. The store will host a yoga class Saturday, Dec. 14, and Shawna plans to add more wellness offerings.
everal circumstances converged to lead Matt and Shawna Falk to form Good Vibes Oil, (1500 Underwood Ave., Wauwatosa), a holistic living store specializing in cannabidiol products. The couple began exploring the cannabis industry five years ago while living in Michigan, when they were investors in that state’s medical cannabis market. Shawna had also experienced health problems after giving birth to the couple’s second daughter. Having grown up in a household where her mother used holistic remedies, Shawna researched her ailments and found the common denominator was inflammation. “Cannabidiol (CBD) was the strongest anti-inflammatory agent I could find, and after taking it, I felt better,” she says. The couple had lived in California for a year while Matt worked in the tech industry, and Shawna was a personal trainer. Matt grew tired of his field, and the couple eventually returned to their home state of Wisconsin to find an emerging hemp industry. With that, they saw an opportunity to merge Shawna’s interest in holistic wellness with a growing market. They formed Good Vibes Oil this past January. In October, they opened a retail space in The Village of Wauwatosa. Good Vibes Oil has a boutique ambiance with repurposed furniture and shelving, which ties into their sustainability goals. They also wanted to avoid mistakes they saw in the CBD industry. “We didn’t go into this telling people that CBD cures everything, because it does not cure everything! It helps with inflammation,” Shawna emphasizes. “I
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The Falks source some CBD from their own cannabis grown by Earl Humphrey on a farm in Delavan, Wis. They experimented with growing seeds and plants, and after a successful first crop, they’re ready to scale up. “This is an industry that Matt and Shawna Falk of Good Vibes Oil was created by outlaws who grew plants in their closets or in a park, so there wasn’t a lot of good, consistent think there’s a lot of misinformation out there.” growing data out there,” Matt explains. Matt also points out that a lot of people are curious Because Wisconsin is behind the curve compared to canabout CBD but might be intimidated by a head shop amnabis markets in other states, if and when the state finally lebiance or by information overload. Good Vibes just carries galizes all cannabis, Matt notes there’s a possibility that large their own product line formulated for three specific uses: out-of-state companies could swoop in, leaving Wisconsin “calm,”“soothe” and “alive.” Good Vibes Calm, one of their farmers behind. But he has ideas to avoid that scenario: popular CBD formulas, is available in capsule or tincture “With the cannabis industry still being federally illegal, form and has melatonin, valerian root and a blend of terstates can make their own rules. If Wisconsin legalizes it, penes including delta 3 carene to naturally promote sleep. we can require it to be only Wisconsin grown, or we could Their Elite line is broad spectrum, which contains terpenes, pass legislation for fair wages in the industry. This is an uncannabinoids, flavonoids and fatty acids found in hemp, touched market where we could make all the rules. With but without tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). the beating farmers have taken in Wisconsin, we should Matt adds that Good Vibes products are made in a Food take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime boom to make and Drug Administration (FDA) registered facility. “Cannafarming a staple in Wisconsin again.” bidiol has not passed any kind of FDA clearance at all, but For more information, visit there are food grade FDA facilities where our products are Comment at
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“L !
ook at Prohibition. [...] If you don’t give it to them, it’s going to come here illegally. They’re going to make them. "#$!%&'$()*!+,!-(.&+/*'!+0!1##/2 /(3%$%4)$(!5+46)&%('24)7%&3!'+4($8%&3! $8)$!%'!'),(9!$8(.!)0(!3+%&3!$+!:(!'(//%&3!'$#,,!+&!'$0(($!5+0&(0'! $8)$!5+#/*!:(!8+00%:/(;!<8)$!%'!$8(!+&(!60+:/(4!=!5)&>$!'((4!$+! ,+03($;!?+#!@#'$!8)A(!$+!/++7!)$!$8(!8%'$+0.!+,!%$;!B+C9!%&'$()*!+,! having a flavor that’s at least safe, they’re going to be having a flavor that’s poison. That’s a big problem.” D#060%'%&3/.! (&+#389! $8(! 60+E/(3)/%F)$%+&! )03#4(&$! ):+A(! C)'! 4)*(! :.! &+&(! +$8(0! $8)&! G0('%*(&$! H+&)/*!<0#46! )$! )! 4(($%&3!):+#$!A)6%&3;!"#$!/($>'!%3&+0(!C8+!')%*!$8%'!)&*!,+5#'! +&!$8(2A(0.!3++*26+%&$!$8)$!C)'!4)*(!8(0(; !
Black Market Products Can Be Deadly
I8(&!4)0%@#)&)9!+0!)&.!+$8(0!60+*#5$9!%'!%//(3)/9!$8(!+&/.! +6$%+&!$+!+:$)%&!%$!%'!$80+#38!$8(!:/)57!4)07($;!<8(!6)0)//(/! C%$8!G0+8%:%$%+&E(0)!)/5+8+/!%'!+:A%+#';!I8%/(!C(!5)&!(&E joy safe liqueurs with a million twists in flavors and exotic %&30(*%(&$'2'#58!)'!J%/7!K!L+&(.>'!50()4!/%M#(#09!4)*(! C%$8! *)$(! 8+&(.! %46+0$(*! ,0+4! $8(! D()! +,! N)/%/((2+#0! 30)&*,)$8(0'!8)*!&+!58+%5(!:#$!$+!*0%&7!4++&'8%&(!)&*!0%'7! 4($8)&+/!6+%'+&%&39!:/%&*&(''!)&*!(A(&!*()$8;!O&!)0$%5/(! 6#:/%'8(*! %&! PQRR! %&! !"#$ %#&$ '()*$ !+,#-$ ('$%4)$(*! $8)$! PST!O4(0%5)&'!*%(*!)&*!RR!C(0(!0(&*(0(*!:/%&*!,0+4!:++$E leg alcohol in the six months prior. <8(!')4(!8+/*'!$0#(!,+0!4)0%@#)&);!I8(&!$8(!+&/.!)A)%/):/(! 60+*#5$'!)0(!#&$('$(*9!#&/):(/(*9!+,!#&7&+C&!60+A(&)&5(!)&*! :+#38$!#&*(0!$8(!$):/(!,0+4!)!*()/(0!C%$8!&+!+A(0'%38$9!$8(0(!%'! &+!$(//%&3!C8)$!$8(!6#058)'(*!60+*#5$!5+&$)%&';! UV)5%&3! %'! )! A(0.! 5+44+&! 60)5$%5(! ,+0! '+4(! *0#3'9! W;;;X! *0#3'! $8)$! )0(! '+/*! :.! C(%38$! 4).! :(! /)5(*! C%$8! +$8(0! '#:E '$)&5('! %&! +0*(0! $+! )**! C(%38$! +0! :#/7! $8(4! #6! $+! (&8)&5(! their profitability,” according to the American Addiction CenE $(0';!D+4(!+,!$8(!60+*#5$'!'$0(($!C((*!5)&!:(!/)5(*!C%$8!%&E 5/#*(!embalming fluid9!0)$!6+%'+&!)&*!/()*9!C8%58!5)&!$#0&!)! mellow, after-work relaxant into a much more dangerous subE '$)&5(!C%$8+#$!$8(!#'(0>'!7&+C/(*3(; O&+$8(0! *)&3(0! ,+0! $8(! #&*(0E%&,+04(*! 4)0%@#)&)! #'(0! %'! '.&$8($%5! 5)&&):%&+%*'9! C8%58! )0(! 8#4)&E4)*(! )/$(0&)$%A('! $+!4)0%@#)&);!U<8(.!)0(!+,$(&!4)07($(*!)'!'),(9!/(3)/!)/$(0&)E $%A('!$+!$8)$!*0#3;!=&!,)5$9!$8(.!)0(!&+$!'),(!)&*!4).!),,(5$!$8(! :0)%&!4#58!4+0(!6+C(0,#//.!$8)&!4)0%@#)&)Y!$8(%0!)5$#)/!(,E ,(5$'!5)&!:(!#&60(*%5$):/(!)&*9!%&!'+4(!5)'('9!4+0(!*)&3(0+#'! or even life-threatening,” $8(!B)$%+&)/!=&'$%$#$(!+&!H0#3!O:#'(! ZB=HO[!C)0&'. To avoid the minefield that is the marijuana black market, many tend to find one trustworthy dealer and '$%57!C%$8!$8(4;!"#$!&(C!#'(0'2%&!6)0$%5#/)0!$((&)3(0'!)&*! .+#&3!)*#/$'2)0(!*%'60+6+0$%+&)$(/.!)$!0%'7!+,!:(%&3!8)04(*! :.!60(*)$+0.!*()/(0'!)&*!/+CEM#)/%$.!60+*#5$'; !
at New York University’s Department of Emergency MediE 5%&(9!$+/*!.()/#-;!U<8%'!4()&'!$8)$!#'(0'!)0(!4+0(!/%7(/.!$+! consume excessive doses, leading to adverse clinical effects.” L+C(A(09! /(3)/%F)$%+&! C+#/*! 4)&*)$(! $0)&'6)0(&5.9! )'! 30+C(0'9!'(//(0'!)&*!$('$(0'!5+#/*!:(!8(/*!)55+#&$):/(!,+0!$8(%0! 60+*#5$'!)&*!:(!,+05(*!$+!3%A(!)&!)55#0)$(9!0(A%(C(*!)55+#&$! +,!$8(%0!6+$(&5.;!O'!)!0('#/$9!C(!5)&!)/0()*.!'((!'$+0('!Z%&!/(E 3)/!'$)$('[!C8(0(!4)0%@#)&)!60+*#5$'!)0(!)55+46)&%(*!:.!$8(%0! exact chemical makeup—their precise THC and cannabidiol (CBD) composition—which allows clients to make informed *(5%'%+&'!):+#$!$8(!&)$#0(!+,!$8(!8%38!$8(.!C)&$!$+!)58%(A(; <0)&'6)0(&5.! )&*! '),($.! )0(! &+$! $8(! +&/.! ,)5$+0'! $8)$! %4E 60+A(!C%$8!/(3)/%F)$%+&Y!M#)/%$.!*+('9!$++9!4%00+0%&3!)/5+8+/;! =&'$()*!+,!'4+7%&3!)&.$8%&3!,+0!$8(!8%38!+,!%$9!%$!:(5+4('!)&! activity of connoisseurs, like enjoying a fine wine or a craft :((0;!.()/#-!C0%$(0!J%7(!O*)4' tells of his experience seeing legalization in real time. Before the first state legalized it, marE ijuana “was usually some trash grass from Mexico or some 4+*(0)$(/.! +7(.E*+7(.! 8+4(30+C&! '$#,,! 4)&#,)5$#0(*! :.! the redneck reefer farmers in the Midwest,” he recalls. “But ever since Colorado and Washington became the first states to go fully legal six years ago, the variety of cannabis products on the black market has improved big time. So much that MexiE 5)&! *0#3! 5)0$(/'! 0()//.! *+&>$! (A(&! :+$8(0! $0.%&3! $+! '(//! $8(%0! '#:6)0!:0%57!C((*!$+!O4(0%5)&'!)&.4+0(;!L(0(!%&!'+#$8(0&! =&*%)&)9!C8(0(!4.!@+#0&)/%'$%5!5+46+#&*!%'!/+5)$(*9!C(!&(A(0! see Mexican marijuana—only pot smuggled in from places like Colorado, California and Illinois. Occasionally, some deE 5(&$!C((*!,0+4!c(&$#57.!C%//!5+4(!)50+''!$8(!$):/(9!:#$!$8)$>'! about as foreign as it gets around here.” B+C)*).'9!4#58!+,!$8(!:/)57E4)07($!5)&&):%'!%&!'$)$('! C8(0(! %$! %'! %//(3)/! %'9! $8)&7,#//.9! '#66/%(*! :.! $8(! ')4(9! 8%38EM#)/%$.!60+*#5$'!,0+4!$8(!'$)$('!C8(0(!%$>'!/(3)/;!<8(! times of smuggled Mexican brick weed are behind us, for $8(!4+'$!6)0$;!"#$!$8%'!0(A%$)/%F)$%+&!+,!$8(!4)0%@#)&)!4)0E ket is just the first step; only nationwide legalization can '.'$(4)$%F(!%$!,+0!(A(0.!O4(0%5)&; !0(,,#12$32$-"#4"#)5#64)#--78(,7! $
Why Legal Marijuana Is Safer
4)0%@#)&)!%&!RTP\9!)&*!4+0(!$8)&!PT]!(&@+.(*!'+4(!6+$!)$! /()'$! '(4%E0(3#/)0/.;! ^+0! $8('(! 4%//%+&'! +,!O4(0%5)&'9! /(3)/E %F%&3!4)0%@#)&)!/()*'!*%0(5$/.!$+!)!'),(0!)&*!4+0(!(&@+.):/(! 4)0%@#)&)!4)07($9!C%$8!5+46($%$%+&!*0%A%&3!60%5('!*+C&!)&*! M#)/%$.!#69!)&*9!4+0(!%46+0$)&$/.9!0(3#/)$%+&'!)&*!+A(0'%38$; <8(! 0(5(&$! +#$:0()7! +,! C8)$! 8)'! :((&! *#::(*! UA)6%&3! illness” perfectly illustrates this. Many people across the 5+#&$0.!8)A(!:((&!A%5$%4'!+,!'%4%/)0!'.46$+4'!),$(0!A)6E ing. After a swift investigation, the Centers for Disease ConE trol and Prevention (CDC) identified vitamin E acetate as the culprit; vitamin E acetate is a thickening agent popular in THC-containing vaping products in particular. The CDC announced its findings on Thursday, Nov. 21, )&*9!)/4+'$!%44(*%)$(/.9!)5$%+&'!C(0(!$)7(&!$+!60+$(5$!A)6%&3! aficionados, and the chemical compound was banned in sevE (0)/!'$)$('!C%$8%&!*).'2C8%58!%'!$8(!')4(!(A(&$!$8)$!/(*!$+!$8(! <0#46!M#+$(!'8)0(*!)$!$8(!:(3%&&%&3!+,!$8%'!)0$%5/(;!=&!6/)5('! C8(0(!A)6%&3!4)0%@#)&)!%'!'$%//!%//(3)/9!8+C(A(09!#'(0'!5)&!+&/.! #'(!%//%5%$!)&*!#&0(3#/)$(*!60+*#5$'!$8)$!4).!'$%//!5+&$)%&!A%$)E min E acetate, thus gravely endangering their lives. When marijuana is legal, products go through an extenE '%A(!$('$%&3!60+5(''!$+!(&'#0(!$8(%0!5+46+'%$%+&9!'),($.!)&*! 6+$(&5.!)0(!)//!%&!/%&(!C%$8!0(3#/)$%+&';!In Colorado9!,+0!%&E '$)&5(9!)//!4)0%@#)&)!0($)%/!60+*#5$'!4#'$!3+!$80+#38!$8('(! $('$'!)&*!:(!5/()0/.!/):(/(*!%&!)55+0*)&5(!C%$8!$8(!/)C!$+! (&'#0(! $8(0(! )0(! &+! &)'$.! '#060%'('! ,+0! 5#'$+4(0';!<8(! /(E 3)/%$.!+,!%$!(&):/('!'$)$('!$+!8)A(!/%5(&'(*!4)0%@#)&)!$('$%&3! labs that meet standards agreed upon by industry experts, with qualified, educated employees, quality control, secuE 0%$.9!')46/(!$0)57%&3!)&*!4)''%A(!+A(0'%38$; <8%'!/%&7'!:)57!$+!)&!%''#(!$8)$!%'!+,$(&!5%$(*9!%0+&%5)//.9! :.!+66+&(&$'!+,!/(3)/%F)$%+&_!$8(!0%'%&3!6+$(&5.!+,!4)0%E @#)&);!=$!%'!)!C(//E*+5#4(&$(*!68(&+4(&+&!$8)$!4)0%@#)&)! that was available decades ago was significantly weaker $8)&!$8(!'$0(($!C((*!C(!'((!$+*).;! U=&! $8(! ()0/.! PQQT'9! $8(! )A(0)3(! $($0)8.*0+5)&&):%&+/! (THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis) content in confiscated cannabis samples was roughly S;`]!,+0!4)0%@#)&)!)&*!`;a]!,+0!'%&'(4%//)! Z)! 8%38(0E6+$(&5.! 4)0%@#)&)! ,0+4! '6(E 5%)//.!$(&*(*!,(4)/(!6/)&$'[;!=&!RTPS9! %$!C)'!Q;b]!,+0!4)0%@#)&)!)&*!Pb]! for sinsemilla,” NIDA explains;! O4+&3! $8(! )&$%E4)0%@#)&)! 50+C*9! $8%'! :0((*'! ,()0! $8)$! $8(! *0#3! %'! :(5+4%&3! 4+0(! 6+C(0,#/9! ('6(5%)//.! '%&5(! %$! %'! %46+''%:/(! $+! *($(04%&(! $8(! 6+$(&5.! +,! )! 5(0$)%&! 6/)&$!C%$8+#$!$0.%&3!%$2%,!%$!8)'!:((&! 6#058)'(*! +,,! $8(! '$0(($;! D4+7%&3! C((*!:(5+4('!)!3)4:/(;! UO/$8+#38!$8(!0%'(!%&!$8(!5+&E centration of THC is not a 5+&5(0&! 6(0! '(9! $8(! A)0%E ):%/%$.!4)7('!%$!4+0(!*%,E ficult to titrate the dose to the correct effect,” V(C%'! B(/'+&9! 60+,('E '+0! )&*! A%5(! 58)%0! ,+0! )5)*(4%5! ),,)%0'!
Legalization Means Safety, Transparency, Quality
The rate of marijuana consumption is not significantly lowE (0!C8(&!$8(!'#:'$)&5(!%'!%//(3)/!)'!+66+'(*!$+!C8(&!%$!%'!/(3)/;! B()0/.!8)/,!+,!$8(!O4(0%5)&!6+6#/)$%+&!)*4%$$(*!$+!8)A(!#'(*! 14 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
FEBRUARY 8, 2020
Featuring over 100 exhibitors and a variety of presentations from the leading
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Lima Fries & Ramen from Celesta
Compassionate Comfort Food at Celesta
ables” section of the menu. (It also comes as a side with the Southern Plate—along with seitan drummies, garlicky green beans and baked beans.) The generous serving of creamy, mildly nutty flavored mac and cheese, topped with browned Panko (bread) crumbs, easily served two. We had to stop ourselves and push the spoon aside so we wouldn’t get too full for the main entrées. Moving on to the mains, my omnivore husband immediately chose the Chicago Italian “beef” sandwich ($12). He was impressed by the French roll loaded with wellseasoned, simmered soy curls, topped with slices of jalapeño and green peppers, onions and giardiniera—a tangy Italian vegetable relish. Side choices included kale caesar salad or the soup of the day. That day’s offering was Mexican quinoa, ::BY SHEILA JULSON a robust, chili-like concoction featuring black beans, quinoa, tomato chunks, corn tortilla strips and diced avocado. HETHER YOU CHOOSE A PLANT-BASED DIET I tried the buffalo seitan “chicken” sandwich ($14)—a thick, crispy-coated seitan FOR ETHICAL, health-related or environmental patty slathered with spicy buffalo sauce, served on a bun with lettuce, pickles, reasons, options abound throughout Milwaukee onion and veganaise, which nicely complemented the mild heat. I tried the kale for delicious vegan-vegetarian fare. According to caesar salad on the side, which is also available as a stand-alone dish. This kale WalletHub’s report published on Monday, Sept. 30, salad went above and beyond other such salads I’ve tried, with creative additions titled “Most Vegetarian & Vegan-Friendly Cities,” Milof golden raisins, cukes and carrots, along with the standard tomatoes, onions and waukee ranked among the top 20. One of the reasons croutons. It could have used just a bit more of that tasty dressing, but after the Milwaukee made the grade could be Celesta—brainmeal, I noticed that you could order extra sides and sauces. child of vegan chef and caterer Melanie Manuel. We were too full to try desserts like the salted chocolate tart, but we’ll be sure to Celesta’s inviting, intimate space has seating for seven save room next time. The beverage menu has unique choices like Blue Sky soda, at the bar, a group-seating area and a Abu’s Rosewater Lemonade or Brew City Booch kombucha for few tables for two. Reservations are recnon-drinkers; house cocktails like the East Side Old Fashioned Celesta ommended, especially during peak dining or The Throwback, both featuring Wisconsin ingredients; lotimes. Daily specials are posted on a deco1978 N. Farwell Ave. cal beers and cider; and a wine list with reds, whites, rosé and rative chalkboard above the bar. The seasonal menu currently 414-231-3030 champagne. Celesta offers a Sunday brunch that features seitan features all the comfort foods we crave during blustery winter chicken and waffles, bay biscuits and gravy, tofu benedict and months: mac and cheese, made with plant-based cheese sauce other hearty choices, as well as lighter brunch fare. Tu-Sa 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; ($8); lasagna, featuring almond ricotta and rosemary seitan (a Considering how laborious it can be to make plant-based Su 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; hearty mock meat made with wheat gluten) sausage ($14); and seitan or cheese from scratch (I’ve tried achieving both in my closed Mondays sandwiches. There’s also lighter fare like salads, available in half home kitchen, with mixed results), the prices are very reasonCC, GF, RS • $$ or full portions ($6-12). able. Celesta will easily please vegans and vegetarians and will Handicap accessible: yes also woo omnivores looking to expand their palates. We started with the mac and cheese, located under the “Shar-
16 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
!"#$"%&'&#() *&''")!" +,-./"#) *,0-#&1 ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE The efficiency exhibited in the pizza-making process at Sauce & Spice (3536 W. Fond du Lac
Gift Certificates to Orenda make the perfect stocking stuffer.
Food is the best gift of all! !"#$%&'()(*+,%&'(-&.(/(01.( 2&3"+%&'()(2"4%&'(-&.(/(51. 5678(9:(;&3,<4&=(>?#:(@,=A&"B##( 878)C7C)D6E5( <+#4%&F&G#:<+H
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Ave.) translates into a novel, tasty approach to the Italian pies created there for take-out or
cated. Pre-pressed 12-inch crusts get topped with piquant tomato sauce, 100% Mozzarella cheese and a diner’s choice of up to five toppings. My recent meat-
plaza where the pizzeria is lo-
eating in the Sherman Phoenix
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less order featuring basil, garlic, mushroom, red bell pepper and pineapple took less than nine minutes before it was out of the oven; watching your food being made can make it more fun to
Transfer Pizzeria Cafe's Haven Room is the perfect, casual setting for private gatherings up to 50.
dig into it, and Sauce & Spice’s compact confines and windows (414) 763 - 0438
allow for that fun. The crispness of the wafer-thin crust makes an ideal palette to absorb some of the sauce and the uniform covering of cheese and other toppings. And nary a millimeter of that crust remains untopped. Sauce & Splice strikes a tantalizing balance between proficient production and loving creation of a favorite food that’s ready for franchising. For the time being, however, it remains a local treasure to savor. Eaters seeking a bigger carb load may choose to have what they would have on a pizza instead placed on an order of garlic bread, too.
Located in the Country Inn & Suites • 350 E Seven Hills Rd • Port Washington (414) 803-5177 • Food & Beverage Specials | Made from Scratch Pub Favorites Live Entertainment & Karaoke | Famous Friday Night Fish Fry
350 E Seven Hills Rd • Port Washington • (262) 284-4691 D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 17
Use our interactive, up-to-date guide to find stores offering CBD oil products and other cannabis-related products Packer fans at The Newport PHOTO BY ANDI LOPPNOW
Lively Packer Parties and More at The Newport ::BY SHEILA JULSON
here’s plenty of thirst to go around in Milwaukee for craft cocktail lounges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and that helps on slower nights; then the bar fills 32!5&%!-&!.&&0!%(+,&-/M!H%((0!,+7,; X)-#-.! +! )(664(,*+'6#,1(0! '+%! 1+,! '((-! +! 6&*!&5!53-/!H%((0!,+7,/!+-0!*1(7!0%+)!+!0#K(%,(! $%&)0;!L<(!1+K(!+!.%(+*!0+7!'3,#-(,,/!)#*1!0+7! 0%#->(%,/! $&-*%+$*&%,! +-0! ,&"(! %(*#%(0! 2(&26(/M! 1(!,+7,;!LY*!Q!2;";/!)(!1+K(!+!,1#5*!$1+-.(/!+-0! it’s like you flipped a switch. Then, we get peo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`(--#5(%!G,2(-,$1#(0!1(%,(65! #,!#-!*1(%(a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out on the patio for overflow. =+-7!$3,*&"(%,!+6,&!$&"(!*&!K#,#*!H%((0/! )1&! #,! 26(+,+-*/! ,&5*4,2&>(-! +-0! b3#$>! )#*1! +! b3#2;! H%((0! )+,! *1(! .3(,*! &5! 1&-&%! *1#,! 2+,*! Y2%#6! +*! I3.+%! =+26(?,! +--3+6! H(6('4 %#*7! c&+,*/! )1#$1! 1&-&%,! )(664>-&)-! 2(&26(! throughout Bay View. “It was flattering that *1(7! $1&,(! "(/M! H%((0! ,+7,;! B1(! 6#K(67! +54 *(%-&&-!#-$630(0!+!2+%+0(!5%&"!I3.+%!=+26(! '+$>!*&!B1(!C()2&%*!+5*(%!*1(!(K(-*; !"#$ %"#&$ '()"#%*+'"(,$ -'.'+$ )*/&0""12/"%3 45&6&78"#+9*:;'&72 SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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a trip to Madison to drink beer & eat cheese . !"#$%&'('&)'*$+$"#$,-''*'./0'&*$+$1)2'$.3*), !""#$%&'($#%)&*+,(-#+)*%.%$(,#-/.0*%)1#23#4((5#6#&7((-(#8#9+:#/$#%-$7.+-4((5&7((-(;&2.
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A&:-;,<",'&+161<2.&'%"21&<")-%18&(#&B",%/& Milwaukee where you can find that one of a *(#8&;-,;<1&.",2&/1-2%&81'(21'F&B%"21&"6#127& V/2('&f1#'1#7&/-'&6"#&#,912",'&<")-<&-#8& #-%("#-<&81'(0#&-6-28'&:"2&/('&,#(D,1&+161<2.& )21-%("#'F&g('&1]512%&'%-::&6(<<&5,%&.",&-%&1-'1& -'&%/1.&-''('%&.",&(#&)21-%(#0&-&'51)(-<&+163 1<2.&5(1)1&%/-%&.",&)-#&%21-',21&:"2&-&<(:1%(91F !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
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!.'/0+&. Wisconsin’s first fair trade hemp grower "24%5)'/$,,$).%-0+,%;$-$)"2%'12$4%<(,+2$,,% sources its hemp locally from a farm that has been owned and continuously farmed by the same family since 1902, with a bootlegging history linked to Al Capone! With 250 tillable acres, the hemp is grown with as much care as any crop that has been grown '2%-0$%*"24=1+-0%)$,5$/-%-'%0$)+-"3$:%>**% 5)'4(/-%+,%-0+)4%5")-&%-$,-$4%"-%?9%@")#,+4$:% Buy flowers or whole plant direct—by the '(2/$%')%-0$%5'(24A
1$%!"2+#3+#4%)5(#$+&6 Fischberger’s Variety, a one-of-a-kind gift shop masquerading as an old-time variety store, aims to have the finest and freshest build-your-own $20 gifts for all ages. You’ll find unique, thoughtful gifts including a large selection of books, quality toys, home goods, &")2%"24%6(2=/''*%,-(66%3(")"2-$$4A
()!"$0-#+*4%)2..7)8)10(%"9)() 0.%&)2:&)1.:*-)%&.#6 Need a unique gift for the youngsters in your life? Do you love animals and sup5')-+23%*'/"*%")-+,-,B%C''#%2'%6()-0$)%-0"2% /0+*4)$2D,%<''#%!"#$%&'(')*$+',-+'!*-./' 0+*12—a heartwarming tale about farm life, animal welfare and more, beautifully writ-$2%"24%+**(,-)"-$4%<&%9+,/'2,+2D,%'12%!")&% Lynn Kluss. Find and review this book on Amazon; a portion of proceeds will benefit the Humane Society.
"(//6)"(#0+6)-(6%)(&)&"+) ";-)':%+:' Come celebrate the holiday season with fun-filled Saturdays at the H-D Museum on Dec 7, Dec 14 & Dec 21. Take a tour through the museum with your Family Fun Guide or <''#%"%7+30*+30-,%8'()%"24%E'()2$&%-0)'(30% the history of Harley-Davidson. They’ll have entertainment throughout the campus, Breakfast with Santa and holiday shopping. Bonus: enter to win a $500 Holiday Shopping Spree at the H-D Museum Shop!
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1994 Disney film. 3%4')5*.'65.7%+,%-0$%,-')&% of a young lion prince living in the flour+,0+23%>6)+/"2%@)+4$%C"24,%10$2%-)"3$4&% strikes. He flees, leaving the life he knew <$0+24:%90$2%-0$%1$+30-%'6%)$,5'2,+<+*+-&% comes to find the adult prince, he must take on a formidable enemy, and fulfill his destiny -'%<$%#+23:%3%4')5*.'65.7 is a story of love and redemption that nobody should miss. February 5-March 1, 2020.
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D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 ! 23
Racine Theatre Guild’s ‘The Wizard of Oz’
!"##"$%&'(%)(##"$% *+,-.%/"012&"%/0-,3( RACINE THEATRE GUILD RETURNS TO ‘OZ’ ::BY JOHN JAHN ounded in 1938, Racine Theatre Guild (RTG) has grown in reputation throughout the decades. Today, with many devoted volunteers and a professional staff, RTG annually produces eight mainstage plays and musicals—in addition to a wide variety of shows under the auspices of Racine Children’s Theatre, Jean’s Jazz Series, Comedy Tonight and the Signature Spotlight Concert Series. It also offers theater classes for children and adults. For three years in a row (1995-’97), Racine Theatre Guild put on a live production of The Wizard of Oz based upon the beloved 1939 classic of the silver screen. Those shows were directed by Norman McPhee, who served as RTG’s managing and artistic director for 32 years before retiring in 2001. RTG’s leader in those capacities since, Douglas Instenes, was new to the company at the time of those Oz productions. He recalls that those RTG takes on the film strayed somewhat from its well-known orthodoxy. “It had the Wicked Witch and two other evil witches who were her friends and a skeleton called Tibia that served the witch. It didn’t have a dog, either. It was very different from the movie, except all the major songs were included.” Racine Theatre Guild hasn’t returned to the wonderful land of Oz since 1997, but that’s all about to change. This month, the company is producing The Wizard of Oz in a version that is much more faithful to the film. “The adaptation we are doing is the Royal Shakespeare Company version, which is extremely similar to the movie. Its credits state that its music and lyrics are from the MGM motion picture score by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg, with background music by Herbert Stothart and book adaptation by John Kane from the motion picture screenplay,” Instenes explains. Certainly, there must be challenges to putting on a show that virtually everyone has seen in its familiar original form. In this case, the audience—even many of the children—can be expected to know practically every word and every scene. Suffice it to say that any theater company tackling The Wizard of Oz has some very big ruby red slippers to fill, indeed.
24 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
Bringing a Legend of the Silver Screen to the Live Stage DAVE ZYLSTRA
“At our first meeting, I talked to the cast and crew about honoring the movie and people’s expectations, but also having some creative freedom,” Instenes says. “If people want to see the movie, they can just watch it at home. It needs to be a little different. There will be a few surprises along the way. There are a few things that were cut from the movie. Do the monkeys really have to be in masks and the witch totally in black? What should the talking trees look like? The issue, of course, is to take the spirit of the big-budget movie and create the magic on stage with a limited budget. That requires some creativity.” “There are new parts of our musical that you didn’t see in the original film, which I think sets it apart and gives it some surprise,” says Jenna Zeihen—Dorothy in the production—who’s been with the company since she was 10 years old. Her previous roles in RTG productions include those of Susan Walker in Miracle on 34th Street (2009, 2010); The Ghost of Christmas Past in A Christmas Carol—The Musical (2017, 2018); and Molly Aster in Peter and the Starcatcher last season. Now, she’s taking on Judy Garland’s most memorable role. “Judy Garland herself—one of my lifelong idols—embodies the essence of Dorothy so perfectly,” Zeihen explains. “Wearing those ruby slippers feels like an honor. Our entire cast and crew is so kind and patient with me. I really have the most amazing family to perform this with. Ten-year-old Jenna used to look at the photos of RTG’s Wizard of Oz production from the ’90s that hang on the wall in the Green Room, and I remember asking if the show would ever be done again. I’m so thankful it is. I hope everyone that sees it can truly feel the love and magic this story brings and walk away carrying that love with them.” There are so many characters in The Wizard of Oz to love (or love to hate… or fear); but, next to that of Dorothy, the other one that truly has to work on all levels for the show to come off right is the actress incarnating her nemesis: the Wicked Witch of the West, so legendarily, so terrifyingly embodied in the film by Margaret Hamilton. RTG’s Jamie Johnson—whose first engagement with the company was in a 2002 production of Annie—is excited about this opportunity to play a character so unremittingly evil. “I’m having so much fun with this role! I don’t normally get to play the villain,” Johnson says. “Compared to my last major role on this stage as Mary Poppins, it’s completely on the other end of the spectrum, so it’s really making me think and stretch my acting ability. As with Mary, I want to be sure to stay true to the core of how she lives in the audience’s minds; but at the same time, I want to put my own stamp on her. I get to do some really fun things with special effects and wear a fantastic costume, which always helps when you are trying Racine to develop a character. Roles like the Wicked Theatre Witch of the West certainly come with big Guild expectations, but I’m excited for the challenge, grateful for the opportunity and really look The Wizard forward to bringing her to life on our stage.” of Oz And, yes, this production includes a real live Dec. 13-22 Toto. “This play does require a real dog, so that has been fun but challenging,” Instenes says. “As long as you have a treat, you are good to go, but we will see what happens when we get an audience.” “My longtime friend has two sweet little dogs [Vixy and, serendipitously enough, Ruby]. She texted me before our first rehearsal that they would be playing Toto,” Zeihen adds. “Working with a live dog and building that connection is so special. I know the audience will immediately fall in love with Toto, and I think it’s so unique that Katelyn [the dogs’ owner and a cast member] has worked so closely with them to do this show; I can’t wait for you all to see them!” Dec. 13-22 at Racine Theatre Guild, 2519 Northwestern Ave., Racine. For tickets, call 262-633-4218 or visit
::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit
!"#$%&'()*&+",(-,.*/.&$,0*,. ::BY JOHN JAHN
’Twas the Month Before Christmas
Milwaukee playwright and actor Doug Jarecki delivers a humorous holiday treat with this unique look at the Bible’s Joseph and Mary, the three kings, the innkeeper, as well as “other” stories that embellish the traditional take on that book’s account of all things Bethlehem. Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Schauer Arts Center, 147 N. Rural St., Hartford. For tickets, call 262-670-0560 or visit
Vivaldi’s Gloria
The Suburban Singers Community Choir, a mixed choir (in terms of both gender and age) that has been presenting beautiful music to Milwaukee-area audiences for more than three decades, performs Antonio Vivaldi’s beloved Gloria, as well as seasonal and symphonic music (the latter played by WAWM Sinfonia). Dec. 13 and Dec. 20 at Liberace Auditorium, West Milwaukee Intermediate School, 5104 W. Greenfield Ave. For tickets, visit the event’s Facebook page.
“Home for the Holidays”
The Florentine Opera’s Baumgartner Studio artists perform songs from across styles and genres with one thing in common: They sing the praises of the holiday season. The artists raising their voices in song will be soprano Kathryn Henry, mezzo-soprano Meghan Folkerts, tenor Luke Selker and baritone Samuel James Dewese. Dec. 13-22 at the Wayne and Kristine Lueders Opera Center, 930 E. Burleigh St. For tickets, call 414-291-5700 or visit
Christmas Alive!
Morning Star Productions bills this as a “totally interactive, dramatic experience where you play a part in the wonder of the first Christmas.” Interestingly, this participatory show takes place outdoors! Dec. 13-22 on the wooded trail behind Wooded Hills Church, 777 Highway 164, Colgate. For tickets, call 414-228-5220 or visit
“Lessons and Carols”
The Waukesha Choral Union, which has been musically active in its community for more than 60 years, presents a holiday season-themed concert in two different (though both certainly most apropos) locations. Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha; and Sunday, Dec. 15, at 4 p.m. at All Saints Lutheran, 705 W. Tomlin Road, Wales. For tickets, visit
The Story of the Nutcracker
The Studio of Classical Dance Arts performs the beloved ballet The Story of the Nutcracker; set to Peter Tchaikovsky’s glorious score, it’s a holiday season masterpiece filled with dancing dolls, glittering snowflakes, beautiful flowers and a cannon that fires cheese. This production features 75 dancers, more than 150 costumes, 300 lbs. of dry ice and falling snow. Dec. 14 and 15 at The Rita, UW-Parkside, 2745 Chicory Road, Racine. For tickets, call 262-633-4450 or visit
“Holiday in Brass”
Milwaukee Festival Brass—now in its 35th year as the city’s only British-style brass band—performs unique takes on holiday classics, including several jazz-influenced interpretations of such chestnuts as “Greensleeves,” “All I Want for Christmas” and “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town.” The talents of Carroll University’s Brett Keating will be on display in the euphonium feature, “Ding Dong, Merrily on High,” and more. Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m. at St. Sebastian Parish, 5400 W. Washington Blvd. For tickets, visit
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Chorus and guest soloists soprano Mireille Asselin, mezzo-soprano Sofia Selowsky, tenor James Way and baritone Christòpheren Nomura, perform one of the Baroque era’s epic masterpieces: Messiah, HWV 56, the great English-language oratorio composed in 1741 by George Frideric Handel, with a scriptural text from the King James Bible. Dec. 19-22 at The Basilica of St. Josaphat, 2333 S. Sixth St. For tickets, call 414-291-7605 or visit
The Great Scrooge Disaster
Off the Wall Theatre’s Dale Gutzman presents A Christmas Carol. Unfortunately, the flu starts hitting the cast one by one, resulting in only half of the originally cast actors available to do the show. The result is completely inappropriate recasting, mayhem and a play-within-a-play that will turn your holiday season upside down. Dec. 18-31 at Off the Wall Theatre, 127 E. Wells St. For tickets, call 262-509-0945 or visit
“Italian Christmas”
The Bach Chamber Choir, accompanied by a chamber orchestra, performs holiday choral pieces from Italy, the highlight being Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria, RV 589, a familiar and popular piece from the Baroque master composed about 1715. Sunday, Jan. 5, at 3 p.m. in St. Joseph Chapel, 1501 S. Layton Blvd. For tickets, visit
Leaving and Coming Back
Peter Stathas, a Hales Corners native and dance artist with international credits, will present the Milwaukee premiere of “Leaving and Coming Back,” a program of original works first assembled for a New York City premiere last June. The grandson of a Milwaukee welterweight boxing champion and an avid childhood athlete, he began his dance career at UW-Stevens Point, then left Wisconsin to study in New York City with such great choreographers as Mark Morris, Lar Lubovitch and his mentor, Maggie Black. He went on to dance internationally with the José Limón Dance Company. Thirty years ago, he came back and parlayed his training into Freedom Physical Therapy Services, which has four locations in greater Milwaukee. He missed dance, though, and so in 2016 he created Peter Stathas Dance to share his decades of experience with young people. According to his publicist, he wants to bridge the gap between millennials and boomers and is dedicated to ensuring that young performers are compensated fairly and treated with respect. “Leaving and Coming Back” includes Stathas’ works from 1985-2019 and shows his choreographic and personal evolution. The performers are Joe Fransee, Andrew McShea, Paulina Menesis, Jesse Obremski, Emilee Pratt, Sasha Rydizky and Lauren Twomley. (John Schneider) Performances are Dec. 13-14 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 15 at 1 p.m. at UWMilwaukee’s Mitchell Hall 254, 3203 N. Downer Ave. Call 414-229-4308 or visit
Fieldwork Showcase
The Field Milwaukee is the organization’s name. Fieldwork is its work. Participants meet weekly to share works-in-progress and exchange peer feedback, guided by an experienced facilitator. In the case of a showcase like this one, the public is invited. As dance artist Zach Schorsch writes, “Having built a community through critical feedback and lack of hierarchy, artists of The Field Milwaukee invite audiences for a chance to see their works-in-progress and participate in Fieldwork feedback in a relaxed and open setting.” That setting is the new 53212 Presents performance space above Company Brewing in Riverwest. The presenting artists include Schorsch with dance artist collaborator Andrea Burkholder, dance artist Betty Salamun with poet collaborator Cy Ozgood, musician Joe Riggenbach, theatre artist Kirk Thompson and performance artist Chad Piechocki with rapper Sieze the Emcee. All are Milwaukee artists of stature accustomed to risk-taking. Burkholder will perform an early look at Schorsch’s experimental dance work-in-progress, tentatively titled Thunder Domestic. Inspired by open-world video games, it’s “a live dance theatre choose-your-own-adventure,” Schorsch says, “with each performer portraying a fluid myriad of roles and timelines shaped by a range of choices. Andrea has started that process with the solo we are presenting, jumping between two different yet fundamentally tied adolescent characters.” (John Schneider) Friday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. at Company Brewing, 731 E. Center St. Visit
“Catherine Galasso: Get Dancing”
This performance is an adaptation of get dancing—a program that Catherine Galasso created with Andy de Groat for New York Citybased Danspace Project four years ago. The program is composed of one original work by Galasso, notes on de groat, as well as Get Wreck and Fan Dance, two de Groat works that will feature Sheboygan community members. Get Dancing’s program also includes a showing of the 1987 film, Rope Dance, in which two men, each holding one end of a rope, perform an intricate dance on, in and through a square figure. (John Jahn) Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, 608 New York Ave., Sheboygan. For tickets, call 920-458-6144 or visit
D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 25
Early Music Now Concert a Highpoint of the Holiday Season ::BY RICK WALTERS
Milwaukee Ballet’s ‘The Nutcracker’
Milwaukee Ballet’s Sublime, Inspired ‘Nutcracker’
ome performances are inspired. Maybe Milwaukee Ballet’s 50th anniversary!,6-!&:7!3$#;,6/5%!#$E7!&$!2&%!67+!',6-#,*(!:$#7!26!&:7!9:2*-! Ward brought fresh focus to !"#$%&'()*(+#) this year. Maybe the energy of an unusually large number of first-time performers and the excitement of newer company members in bigger roles helped. Certainly the freedom given to long-standing company members to make every use of the knowledge they’ve acquired through years of performing characters and choreography they’ve helped to define was another reason. Certainly the fact that conductor Pasquale Laurino has made this greatest of all ballet scores part of his DNA—as evidenced by the sublime perD formances of the Milwaukee Ballet Orchestra and the Milwaukee Children’s Choir— helped make this year’s opening matinee the most moving, for me, of the many iteraD &2$6%!$)!023:,7'!J26(5%!:$'2-,/!#,%&7*;2737!&:,&!"5E7!A776!:$6$*7-!&$!*7E27+8 The storytelling was crystal clear. Every moment led to the next as in an actual dream. 0,/A7!&:7!),3&!&:,&!J26(!:2#%7')!;',/7-!&:7!&$/#,(7*?!K*$%%7'#7/7*?!)$*!$67!;7*)$*D mance last year re-inspired his choreographic imagination. Perhaps also contributing +,%!&:7!),3&!&:,&!J,&*23(!N$+7''?!+:$!-,637-!K*$%%7'#7/7*!%$!A7,1&2)1''/!26!&:2%!/7,*5%! opening, is a new first-time father. In any case, Drosselmeyer was present and alive in this performance as never before, holding the show in his hands like a true magician. Davit Hovhannisyan, the other longtime company dancer who, like Howell, has given audiences so much pleasure for many years, was at his most graceful, buoyant and musically sensitive. As always, his partner, Marize Fumero, executed every imposD sible balance, lift and leg extension with profound composure, as if she ,#)#!&:7!#$E7D ment. Rising stars Barry Molina and Alana Griffith were fiery, funny and virtuosic in turn. Other standouts were Lizzie Tripp and Ransom Wilkes-Davis as Arabian Dolls; Itzel Hernandez as the Shepherdess; Parker Brasser-Vos, Harold Cueto and Benjamin Simoens as the Jacks; and Annia Hidalgo’s joyous, spinning Snow Queen. They’ll trade *$'7%!+2&:!$&:7*%!,%!&:7!*16!;*$377-%8 It’s a tale of giving gifts to open up imaginations. Watching all the many child perD formers, I imagined how dancing to Peter Tchaikovsky played live would change their lives. Parents, bring your children. When they encounter !"#$%&'()*(+#)!26!',&7*!/7,*%?! it may bring them to their deepest selves, as this did for me. It’s a place beyond words. It’s why music and dance exist. !")-&."$/#(0$12$*'$'"#$3*)(&4$5#6'#)$7-)$'"#$8#)7-)9:6.$;)'4<$=1=$%0$>*'#)$?'0
26 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
f all the holiday music events in town each December,!"!#$%&!'$$(!)$*+,*-! &$!.,*'/!01%23!4$+5%!3$637*&8! 9:,&! +,%! 7%;732,''/! &*17! &:2%! /7,*! +2&:! &:7! *7&1*6! $)!<667!<=>#,?! $67! $)! the most prominent figures in the field. She +,%!@$267-!A/!%$'$2%&%!$)!&:7!B$%&$6!C,#7*,&,! 26! &+$! 3$637*&%! &:2%! +77(76-! ,&! &:7! *7#,*(D able St. Joseph Chapel at the School Sisters of St. Francis. I attended the Sunday afternoon ;7*)$*#,6378 The first half of the program featured EuD ropean Medieval selections, including GregoD *2,6!3:,6&%?!$6!&:7#7%!$)!,-E76&8!9:2%!+,%!,*&D fully put together, with a flow that propelled
persistent interest. Besides a cappella singing, #,6/! %7'73&2$6%! +7*7! -7'232$1%'/! ,33$#;,D 627-!A/!E,*2$1%!26%&*1#76&%8!B73,1%7!#1%23,'! 6$&,&2$6!$)!&:,&!;7*2$-!+,%!'2#2&7-?!7,3:!;2737! is an educated guess at all aspects of the style, *:/&:#?! &7#;$?! -/6,#23%! ,6-! 26%&*1#76&,D tion. The fascinating arrangements throughD out the program showed highly evolved knowledge, creativity and taste. <)&7*!26&7*#2%%2$6!3,#7!,6!266$E,&2E7!*76D dering of the Christmas story told in Medieval ,6-! 7,*'/! F76,2%%,637! #1%23! )*$#! G7%&7*6! .1*$;78! 9:7! #1%23! +,%! $)&76! %;7''7-! +2&:! readings delivered with captivating elocution A/! 7,3:! $)! &:7! %;7,(7*%8! 9:7! ,1-27637! +,%! 3,''7-! $6! &$! @$26! 26! ,! *$A1%&! ,33$16&! $)! H"6! -1'32!@1A2'$8I This was a performance of the highest, +$*'-D3',%%!%&,6-,*-8!G:,&!%7&%!<=>#,!,;,*&! as an artist is her theatrical flair, combined with the purist of voices. She commands &:7! *$$#! +2&:! &:7! ,1&:$*2&,&2E7! ;*7%7637! $)! ,! #,%&7*! ,3&*7%%8! <=>#,! +,%! @$267-! A/! &:7! 3'7,*! %$;*,6$! $)! C,#2',! J,*2,%! ,6-! &:7! *23:?! *$16-!&$67!$)!#7==$D%$;*,6$!K7A$*,:!F76&=D 0$$*78! .,3:! E$237! +,%! 26-2E2-1,''/! -2%&263D &2E7! A1&! 26! 3$#A26,&2$6! +7*7! ,! %$;:2%&23,&7-! blend of ensemble. All the singers have unD usually good breath control, allowing for exD traordinarily long phrases. The exceptional ,3$1%&23%!$)!&:7!3:,;7'!-7'2E7*7-!,!3$#A26,D &2$6!$)!+,*#&:!,6-!3',*2&/!26!&:7!%$16-8 <''2%$6! 0$6*$7! ;',/7-! &:7! E27''7%! L7,*'/! violins) with grace and imagination. Christa Patton showed immense versatility and experD tise on harp, bagpipes, recorders and shawm L,! &*1#;7&D'2(7! 7,*'/! $A$7M8! 9:7! 3$6&261,''/! changing diversity of masterfully played inD struments was an indispensable ingredient of &:7!;7*)$*#,6378
Mystery and Comedy in Sunset Playhouse’s ‘The Game’s Afoot’
unset Playhouse presents Ken Ludwig’s whodunnit comedy The Game’s Afoot.! The dynamic energy absent )*$#! &:7! %3*2;&! $)! &:2%! %$#7D what tangled murder mystery doesn’t stop &:7! %:$+5%! -2*73&$*?! C,*$'! K$';:26?! ,6-! :7*! ensemble from having a reasonably good &2#7!+2&:!,6!,'&7*6,&2E7!&$!&*,-2&2$6,'!C:*2%&D #,%!%:$+%8! 9:7! %:$+! 2%! %7&! 26! OPQR8! <! ;$2%7-! J,1'! G72*! plays successful stage actor William Gillette, injured in an attempted murder at the closing of his latest Sherlock Holmes %:$+8!N7!:,%!26E2&7-!,!61#A7*!$)!;7$;'7!&$! ,!%73'1-7-!7%&,&7!26!$*-7*!&$!%$'E7!&:7!#/%D tery of who tried to take his life. Joan End brings reserved, stately poise to the role of
his mother, Martha, there to greet the guests from the theatrical world, including ingenue Aggie Wheeler, played with subtle intricacy by Emma Losey. When one of the guests is killed, real-life Police Inspector Goring arrives to help solve the murder. Susan Zuem! '76-%! 3$#23! ,;;7,'! to the show in the role of Goring, but by the &2#7!%:7!%:$+%!1;?!2&5%!,'*7,-/!&$$!',&78!9:7! ensemble manages some moments of comedy as a group of passionate actors trying to deal with a very real crisis, but Ludwig doesn’t '2E7!1;!&$!&:7!;$&76&2,'!$)!&:7!;*7#2%78!472&:7*! the actors in the script, nor the actors playing those actors onstage, are given much of an opD ;$*&162&/!&$!#,(7!#13:!$)!&:7!%2&1,&2$68! !")-&."$ /#(0$ 11$ *'$ @&)A*6$ ;&B:'-):&9<$ CDD$>*AA$?'0<$EA9$F)-G#0$ SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Faith, Folksy Charm in Village Playhouse’s ‘Lilies of the Field’ ::BY RUSS BICKERSTAFF
small drama assembles on a humble stage this month as Village Playhouse presents The Lilies of the Field.!C$71$##&R;&F-$4 7/6+)"&./7H3-*+&2/#)+5&.($-%&"7&0(*&-/#*&/2& =/%*-&'%"0(9&$&0-$:*#"78&6/-)*-9&6(/&/22*-+& ("+&+*-:".*+&0/&$&+%$##&8-/3,&/2&<*-%$7&737+& #*1& @5& S/0(*-& S$-"$& S$-0(*& JS$-5& Q577& B*-6*-1$9& 6(/& 6"*#1+& +0**#5& -*+"#"*7.*& "7& the role). The faith and confidence Ferwerda @-"78+&0/&0(*&+0$8*&+*-:*+&$+&$&+0$-)&./70-$+0& 0/& 0(*& *$-0(5& (3%$7"05& F-$7/6+)"& .$--"*+& 6"0(&("%&$+&=/%*-;& Homer initially intends to simply fix the 737+>&-//2;&N+&+(*&"+&.*-0$"7&(*&($+&@**7&+*70& @5& </1& 0/& (*#,& 0(*%& @3"#1& $& .($,*#9& S/0(*-&
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
Mystery and Merriment in ‘Case of the Christmas Goose’
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
hotel robbery. A stolen precious gem.&N&%"++"78&E(-"+04 %$+& 8//+*U6"0(& 0(*& 8*%& +0322*1& 1/67& "0+& 0(-/$0;& N##& ,*-2*.0& (/#"1$5& "78-*1"*70+& 2/-&S"#6$3)**&M70*-0$"7%*70&<-/3,>+&D*"$H 8+/I&!+8C">&3#6&4*"&73>"&+J&4*"&7*$:>4C3>& K++>";&=/#"1$5&-*:*#*-+&#//)"78&0/&$11&+/%*& %5+0*-5&$71&%*--"%*70&$+&6*&./370&1/67&0/& the 25th will enjoy this wintry chase as the 2$%/3+&1*0*.0":*&$71&("+&$++"+0$709&O-;&!$04 +/79& 0-$.)& 1/67& 0(*& H*6*#& 0("*2& 0(-/38(& 0(*& +0-**0+&/2&Q/71/7; ?7+,"-*1&@5&N-0(3-&E/7$7&O/5#*>+&)*"&?6H SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Voices Found’s ‘Henry V’
Youthful, Energetic ‘Henry V’ at Underground Collaborative
n Henry V, !"##"$%&'($)*+,*$-*&./%,#*0*1&("+&2/3-4,#$5&("+0/-5&.5.#*&6"0(&0(*& -*03-7&/2&0(*&)"78&$+&$&%$03-*19&./70*%,#$0":*&%$7;&</7*&$-*&0(*&1$5+&/2&=*7-5>+& wild, undisciplined youth as played out in the first three plays. ?7&0(*&.3--*70&6*##4+0$8*1&,-/13.0"/7&/2&!"#$%&'&@5&A/".*+&B/371&C*,*-0/-59& “youth” plays front and center with a cast of young actors that fill the tiny space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irector Alec Lachman has assembled a fine cast of 12 actors (11 in dual roles). It’s a 0"8(0#5&)7"0&*7+*%@#*&"7&$&0"8(0*-&+,$.*9&$71&Q$.(%$7&%$)*+&"0&$,,*$-&6"1*&$71&*I,$74 +":*&6"0(&#"00#*&+.*7*-5&@30&,#*705&/2&"%$8"7$0"/7;&N.0/-&E/77/-&G#$7)*7+(",&1/3@#*+&$+& the fight choreographer, and the fight scenes are well executed and intricately choreo4 graphed, making the battlefields “come alive.” F(*&$.0/-+&0(*%+*#:*+&"%,-*++9&+0$-0"78&6"0(&R$)*&F(/%,+/7>+&+0*$1"*1&1*%*$7/-&$+& =*7-59&("+&5/378"+(&$,,*$-$7.*&6*##4+3"0*1&0/&0(*&-/#*&/2&0(*&5/30(23#&%/7$-.(;&F(/%$+& Sebald jumps easily from the military official, Fluellen, to a funny yet realistic turn as P$0(*-"7*>+&$++"+0$709&N#".*;&F(*&@$.)4$7142/-0(&6"0(&E$-/#"7*&B/++3%>+&P$0(*-"7*&$-*& among the play’s very funny and lighter moments. By play’s end, Henry the king is fi4 7$##5&+*00#"78&1/679&$71&"7&!"#$%&'(&6*&+**&6(5&"0>+&8//1&0/&@*&0(*&)"78; )*$+,-*&."/0&12&34&5#6"$-$+,#6&7+8839+$34:;"(&1<1&=0&=:>/+#>:#&?;"(&:#&4*"&8+@"$&8";"80& D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 27
Milwaukee Artist Paints a Splash of Summer Color
nthony Pazos didn’t hone his skill for drawing the human figure in art school. !"#$"%&'(#)'*+"&,(#)'#-",).&/#*.011/#&*#&'#)//2*+3&+13#401#41'#&4&3,*#513#)//2*+3&+)'%# clinical textbooks. Pazos continues to work in that field while applying his skill to a different medium: painting. Seven of his oils are on display at Landmarks Gallery in an exhibition called “Colors of Summer: Brighter Than Nature.” The show title is apt. Five of the seven paintings are set outside and depict children or entire families at play—often with kites. The two paintings of the artist seated and at work in his studio (on canvases depicting the outdoors) are done in a similarly vibrant palette. The outdoor scenes are ultraimpressionistic, with sunlight at play in an explosion of color whose shapes are brighter than nature. Pazos’ sandy beaches are periwinkle, and his grass glows in lime green; the kites and clothing are fuchsia, fire-alarm red and noonday yellow. His training as a medical illustrator is detectable in the expressively lifelike faces of his subjects. However, the individuals in the paintings are less the subject than the activities with which they are engaged and the ambience of unguarded fun on a warm, carefree day. “Colors of Summer” is a tonic in this gloomy December, its beaches and parks a reminder that Milwaukee isn’t dark and cold all year round. Colors of Summer: Brighter Than Nature!"#!$%!&"'(!)*+$,-*!./%0!12!/)!3/%45/+6#!7/88'+9:! ;12!<0!=>)*!?)0
Anthony Pazos, Kids On Beach, Oil on canvas, 30 x 38 inches
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‘Dark Waters’
‘Dark Waters’ Shows That Persistence Against Injustice Pays Off
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30 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
[ FILM CLIPS ] Black Christmas PG-13 Made for a quaint $5 million, this slasher is the second loose remake of the original Canadian film (1974). As the holiday break looms at their college, a group of sorority girls are targeted by a ruthless killer. When unbelieving campus police ignore the girls’ pleas for help, the sorority sisters unite in an effort to fight back. Directed and co-written by Sophia Takal, this holidayseason counter-programming is timed to coincide with Friday the 13th. All hype aside, this horror film also points out that young women might want to consider the wisdom of accruing college debt. (Lisa Miller)
Jumanji: The Next Level PG-13 The previous Jumanji players find themselves back in the game, along with several new players. This time the settings are different, but the real gimmick has most Jumanji players returning as different avatars than those they previously assumed. Now inhabited by a pair of warring grandpas, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart attempt to convey their player’s voices and attitudes, with varying results. Hit-and-miss juvenile humor does little to compliment imaginative set pieces that come close to making the grade. (L.M.)
Richard Jewell R This screenplay, adapted from an investigative essay, observes the folly of failing to fully investigate. It’s the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, when security guard Richard Jewell (Paul Walter Hauser) spots an abandoned backpack and evacuates the area just prior to a bomb explosion. Given his outcast status (i.e. living with his mom, played by Kathy Bates) and desire to be in law enforcement, FBI agent Tom Shaw (Jon Hamm) concludes Jewell planted the bomb to play the hero. Shaw’s suspicions become fodder for reporter Kathy Scruggs (Olivia Wilde), whose ambitions include bringing home the big scoop. Enter attorney Watson Bryant (Sam Rockwell), committed to clearing Jewell’s name. Excellently cast, the film delivers the right mix of backstory, action and well-drawn characters that allows the story to speak for itself. (L.M.)
[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n Yesterday Was a Lie (INDIEPIX) Picture Philip K. Dick gone film noir. The ambitious 2009 production, shot for $200,000 in lustrous black and white by writer-director James Kerwin, cuts between now and an indefinite then—a quasi-1940s world with a fedora-wearing woman detective (Kipleigh Brown) gumshoeing in a shadowland of murder and mystery. The literate screenplay references Carl Jung and T.S. Eliot, and the visuals nod to classic noir. The 10th-anniversary Blu-ray edition features audio commentary by Kerwin. n Candy (SHOUT! FACTORY)
Heath Ledger will forever be remembered as The Joker, but was excellent in smaller, human-scale roles such as Dan in Candy (2006). He’s hooked on heroin along with his lover (Abbie Cornish). Both give powerful performances in several emotional keys as the degradation spirals downward. Geoffrey Rush is also superb as their enabler. Candy captures the warm numbness as well as the physical agony of heroin and provides an astute exploration into the chemistry of addiction.
n Chuck Berry: Hail! Hail! Rock ’n’ Roll
(Collector’s Edition) (SHOUT! FACTORY) Chuck Berry was notorious in his later years for perfunctory performances with pick-up bands. But for this 1987 documentary, Berry was in top form, eagerly duckwalking and bending the blues into his distinct sound. The film’s 60th birthday concert brings together Eric Clapton, Keith Richards and others for music and testimonial. Bruce Springsteen recalls the night when he was Berry’s pick-up band. Special features include a making-of documentary and nearly an hour of concert rehearsal footage.
n Cold Case Hammarskjöld
(MAGNOLIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT) Rumors surrounding the death of U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld could fill an Oliver Stone screenplay. Danish documentarian Mads Brügger states that he doesn’t care about Hammarskjöld—he’s only a convenient topic for a movie that leads into dark passageways inhabited by the CIA, MI6 and apartheid South Africans seeking to kill blacks by spreading AIDS. Cold Case is interesting for grappling with the slippery texture of truth but glib in its handling of the subject. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Gifts that Glisten Find creative gifts for everyone on your list. Ornament $24/$21.60 Member D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 31
Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS), BY ROSEMARY LÉVY ZUMWALT
Anthropology was a young discipline when Franz Boas (1858-1942) began his fieldwork among the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest. The German-educated scholar was convinced that it was necessary to learn the languages and eat the foods of the peoples he studied. He heard the ticking clock that spurred the development of anthropology—the anxiety that native cultures throughout the world were disappearing through violence or assimilation. Boas spoke out against the prevailing presumption of white supremacy even if, as biographer Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt points out, he wasn’t entirely free of the era’s racist theories. Zumwalt makes a strong case that Boas was responsible for significant strides forward in understanding our world. (David Luhrssen)
Crucible: The Long End of the Great War & the Birth of a New World, 1917-1924 (PUBLICAFFAIRS), BY CHARLES EMMERSON
The last year of World War I and the early years that followed were molten with the collapse of societies, even civilizations. The period was the crucible from which came the misshapen world that fostered World War II and the Holocaust. In Crucible, British historian Charles Emmerson assembled a 700-page chronicle of people and events, flipping from Washington to Berlin, London to Ankara, Paris to Petrograd. It’s a monumental piece of scholarly reconstruction with finely wrought succinct character sketches of major figures; he has a gift for summarizing complexity with a few well-selected sentences. Crucible is enjoyable to read and informative, especially on lesser known aspects (such as the Kaiser’s Dutch exile). However, anyone looking for the big picture through the forest of events might be frustrated. (David Luhrssen) 32 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
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INDFULNESS MEDITATION HAS BEEN STEADILY INCREASING IN POPULARITY AMONG AMERICANS OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS, growing more than threefold between 2012 and 2017, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One of the fastest growing areas of meditation research is focused on how combat veterans may benefit from the practice to help them heal from PTSD and the moral injuries of war. Like so many soldiers who carry both physical and mental wounds of war off the battlefield, Milwaukeean Tom Voss struggled in his attempts to reintegrate back into American society. After returning from his deployment, Voss, who served as an infantryman in a scout-sniper platoon in Mosul, Iraq, dropped into a dangerous depression before he and a military friend made the life-changing decision to walk 2,700 miles from Milwaukee to the Pacific Ocean. It was on this quest that Voss discovered meditation and so began an intensive study of the practice. His complete transformation is documented in the memoir Where War Ends: A Combat Veteran’s 2,700-Mile Journey to Heal―Recovering from PTSD and Moral Injury through Meditation, which he co-authored with his sister Rebecca Ann Nguyen. His journey (the literal cross-country walking as well as the spiritual transformation) was also documented in the Emmy-nominated 2016 documentary, Almost Sunrise. Voss has shared his inspirational story of survival and healing in presentations at Google, Aspen Ideas Festival, The Harvard Club of New York City, New York University and the U.S. Congress. On Thursday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m., Voss and Nguyen will discuss their book, Where War Ends, at Boswell Book Co.
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Tickets Flex Passes Gift Certificates 010213324056$$7$$&8(*.#!"#8!&#2+&) D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 33
Dec. 12—Milwaukee Chamber On Tap: Holiday Edition at Company Brewing (735 E. Center St.): Don’t be a scrooge! Come enjoy this holiday happy hour where you can mix and mingle with likeminded business owners. The Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce hosts the 5:30-7:30 p.m. bash that’s open to everyone 21 and older. Enjoy a cash bar and a bit of networking, yuletide style. Dec. 12—‘All I Want for Christmas Is Attention’ at Turner Hall Ballroom (1040 N. Fourth St.): “Drag Race” funny ladies Jinx Monsoon and BenDeLaCreme visit Cream City for a 7:30 p.m. holiday show sure to give you the giggles. Part musical, part stand-up and all around fabulous, the sugar-and-spice duo promises to make your Christmas merry and bright. Find tickets at Dec. 13—Sylvia Nyxx’s Hallmark Holiday at DIX (739 S. First St.): “Camp Wannakiki” favorite Sylvia Nyxx hosts this holiday jam with help from gal pal (and Ru Paul honey) Jaymes Mansfield. Get ready to deck your halls at the 10 p.m. party with a DJ, dancing, drink specials, drag show and more festivities than you can shake a candy cane at.
like the paper, but on radio
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Dec. 13-15—Customer Appreciation Party at Harbor Room (117 E. Greenfield Ave.): The guys at Harbor Room are cranking up the heat for this holiday party. Enjoy three nights of karaoke, a leather marketplace, free buffets and more. Stop in and check out the manly man fun!
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34 | D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9
Dec. 14—Whisker Bash VII at Falcon Bowl (801 E. Clarke St.): The Brew City Beard Alliance hosts this annual nod to beards, mustaches and more. The party starts at 7 p.m. with a 5:30 p.m. registration call. Put your facial hair to the test in one of 10 categories, including the Santa Beard, Partial Beard and Kids Creative Beard (a $15 entrance fee is necessary to compete). Dec. 14 and 15—Pfister Holiday Marketplace at the Pfister Hotel (424 E. Wisconsin Ave.): Visit the Pfister Hotel for dozens of vendors selling everything from pottery and jewelry to chocolates and pottery. Don’t miss the 15 guest rooms transformed into pop-up shops during the 10 a.m.-5 p.m. shop-a-thon. What a great way to cross a few names off your Xmas list! Dec. 14 and 15—‘Searching for the Light’ Holiday Concert at Plymouth Church (2717 E. Hampshire Ave.): The City of Festivals Men’s Chorus hosts two heartwarming concerts, taking place Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Sometimes touching, sometimes funny but always memorable, these concerts are a must for anyone looking to make the most of the holidays. Swing by for your $15 tickets (they’re $20 at the door). Dec. 15—Holiday Extravaganza at Fluid Bar (819 S. Second St.): You can’t beat a holiday sing-along, particularly when it’s paired with a few frosty beverages. Join the gang at Fluid for a few merry morsels while Karen Valentine and “Just Gino” hit the (key)boards. Be there at 5 p.m. to nab a good seat. Dec. 18—‘The Great Scrooge Disaster’ Opening Night at Off the Wall Theatre (127 E. Wells St.): What happens when a production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol goes terribly wrong? You get this laugh-out-loud play-within-aplay at Off the Wall Theatre! Hilarious takes on holiday songs, merry mayhem and a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun make this one holiday season show you’ll be talking about for years. Written and directed by the legendary Dale Gutzman, this wonderfully original show must be seen to be believed. Nab your tickets at offthewallmke. com, but hurry—the show closes on New Year’s Eve! Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Comment at n
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!"#$%&'()$ *'+,-".))$ Offers a /&0()#1$&2$ /-+3'04$ 5-#3&06$ -07$ Seasonal Reflection ::BY PAUL MASTERSON
ilwaukee’s LGBTQ choral scene represents a relatively brief but integral part of the city’s cultural history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Hot Tuna’s Jorma Kaukonen Tells His Life Story
n light of the spate of music biopics and memoirs that have come out, anyone expecting lots of hot dishing when they crack open Been So Long: My Life and Music, Jorma Kaukonen’s 2018 autobiography, is advised to look elsewhere. Despite the fact that the Jefferson Airplane founding member experienced his first dalliance with fame during the group’s halcyon late-’60s Haight-Ashbury days, it’s more of an intriguing and straightforward account of Kaukonen’s life path. It’s a big reason why he decided to pass on a project like this when he was first approached about doing it a decade or so ago. “In the mid to early 2000s, I had an offer to do a book with somebody else as a co-writer. It was somebody that I liked, and I hadn’t really thought about it. At the time, the idea of a co-writer made sense to me because I had never really done any writing of that magnitude,” Kaukonen recalls. “But it became apparent that the publishing company that we had been discussing things with wanted all that salacious stuff we talked about that I don’t have in my book. As soon as I realized that they wanted me to dish dirt on people that were more famous than myself, I thought I didn’t want to do that. So, I just shelved the whole idea. The same thing happened when I didn’t make the cut for the ‘Janis: Little Girl Blue’ PBS special because Janis and I never had sex or did drugs together. We just played music.” Born in Washington, D.C., to Beatrice Love (née Levine) and Jorma Ludwik Kaukonen Sr., the younger Kaukonen boasts Finnish lineage through his paternal grandparents and Russian Jewish ancestry on his mother’s side. Given that his father was a State Department employee, quite a bit of traveling framed the future Rock and Roll Hall of Famer’s life. In experiencing living in far-flung locales like Pakistan and the Philippines, Kaukonen took to keeping a diary, a habit that carried into adulthood and was an enormous boon in detailing the finite detail that flows through Been So Long. “Here’s the thing, even as a kid, I liked typing because I couldn’t read my own handwriting. For lack of a better term, I always journaled stuff when I was a kid. Back in the late ’90s, I started a website. It wasn’t interactive like the ones are today. Before there was blogging, I was still journaling. I just always enjoyed doing that,” he said. “For the book, I let the process be my inspiration. So, once I sat down, I would start out by knowing that I had to spend three hours that day writing. I’d sit down and maybe the first few minutes, it would be labored. But once I got into the flow, I found that I could do it.”
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Other Hot Bands
The book’s narrative thread is wrapped in a straightforward honesty about Kaukonen’s journey, with self-examination that touches on his addiction and self-recovery, his troubled first marriage and still-thriving current one, his musical journey, the creation of the Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp and the joy of fatherhood. Sprinkled throughout are lyrics that provide handy narrative bridges. Of course, the memoir deals with his bands, most notably Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna. The Airplane was already a well-established band with several hit songs to its credit (“White Rabbit,”“Somebody to Love”) when Kaukonen and Airplane bandmate, bassist Jack Casady, formed Hot Tuna as a side project in 1969. And in a sense, Hot Tuna was born before it was even Hot Tuna. The seeds were planted during a Jefferson Airplane gig at the Fillmore East when Paul Kanter asked Kaukonen and Casady to “... go play an acoustic tune.” In Been So Long, Kaukonen reflects on the musical freedom he found with Hot Tuna, which came to include a revolving cast of other musicians that played both in acoustic and electric settings. “The financial success of the Airplane allowed Jack and me the wiggle room to nurse our young band through its infancy without financial constraints,” Kaukonen wrote. “It was fun and a real relief to be able to just get together with friends and play music without it being a ‘career move’!” Hot Tuna stayed active during the 1970s, releasing eight albums before a hiatus that lasted until 1986. Kaukonen and Casady have kept the group together since then, adding a pair of studio albums and several live releases to the Hot Tuna catalog. Hot Tuna avoids the trap of being an oldies act. As someone who started learning finger picking while at Antioch College and subsequently worshipped at the altar of the storied blues/gospel singer Reverend Gary Davis, Kaukonen’s performances are filled not only with songs from the Hot Tuna catalog, but material from greats associated with the Americana canon. Fans can expect to hear a set list populated with gems from the likes of Jelly Roll Morton, Blind Willie Hot Tuna Johnson, Jimmy Cox and Davis. And there may even be nuggets Sunday, plucked from the Jefferson AirDec. 15, plane catalogue. 8 p.m. With his memoir behind him, Turner Hall Kaukonen says the biggest gift that Ballroom came out of the project was his ability to hone his narrative craft. “When you’re blogging, you blather and let your mind run free. And that’s OK. But in a book, it’s not OK. I found that I was utterly un-self-conscious about telling my story, which would not have been true four years ago. I really enjoyed the process and when you think about writing a memoir and put down the last period, what do you do? Drop dead? I was just thinking this morning that I might want to write something else. I don’t know what it’s going to be about—I’ve already told that story, so I can’t go back. But we’ll see.” Hot Tuna performs at Turner Hall Ballroom, 1040 Vel R. Phillips Ave., on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. For tickets, visit
Amplified Artist Series w/ Kashinn Thurow, RJ Halstead and Anja Elise Music. Headliners Bruce Humphries and the Rockabilly Rebels @ Saloon on Calhoun, 7 p.m.
Songwriters performing original material in the round include Smile with Kashinn Thurow, RJ Halstead and Anja Elise Music. Headliners Bruce Humphries and the Rockabilly Rebels will follow with a set of originals—their recent CD again shows why rockabilly can’t be underestimated. Hidden among the tongue-in-cheek humor is the tune “Automobile,” humming along with a dark, driving, blues energy. You can also catch Bruce Humphries and the Rockabilly Rebels Saturday at Gallery 2622 in Wauwatosa for “A Rockabilly Christmas,” benefitting Civic Music MKE.
Polka Christmas Party @ Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, 6 p.m.
Andy Kochanski’s place has evolved as a music venue to include a variety of sounds, but listeners can always count on polka. One of the few remaining polka bars in an area that was once dotted with them, Kochanski’s offers and event that promises classics like you may have never heard them before.
Panalure w/ Bootleg Bessie @Anodyne (Walker’s Point), 8 p.m.
Among Panalure’s recently recorded material is “God’s Work,” a musical indictment of the current sitting president’s administration. Bassist Ken Hanson calls it “cathartic.” The rollicking, gospeltinged tune features slide guitar, Bob Jennings’ B-3 organ and Susan Nicholson’s gliding f-bomb fiddle. Daily newscasts suggest we are truly going to hell in a handbasket. The song’s Ralph Steadman-inspired artwork is apropos for a house-rocking soundtrack for these strange times.
Rory Makem: A Christmas Tradition @ Irish Cultural and Heritage Center, 7:30 p.m.
Rory Makem comes from a long lineage of Irish musicians. His grandmother, Sarah, was sought after for her vast collection of Irish songs. A seasoned performer with more than 29 years on the road, Rory has toured extensively with The Makem and Spain Brothers and for 17 years played guitar with his father, Tommy.
Peter Mulvey Lamplighter Sessions w/Pieta Brown and Jeffrey Foucault @ Café Carpe, Fort Atkinson, 8:30 p.m.
Milwaukee ex-patriate Peter Mulvey returns every year to host a series of shows at this fantastic listening room where he is joined by top-shelf songwriters. This year’s lineup also includes SistaStrings, Jeff Stehr, Chris Porterfield, Jon Langford, Bill Camplin, Erik Koskinen, David Huckfelt, Nickel&Rose, Tommi Zender, Katie Dahl and Paul Cebar. Also Dec. 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22.
Sleepersound: Blank Fest XIII @ McAuliffe’s Pub, Racine, 8 p.m.
Blank Fest Wisconsin is an event to help stock and maintain our local shelters. The annual event includes great live music. The cover charge is $10 or a donation of items for the shelters (bottled water, hats and gloves, socks, coffee, protein or granola bars, blankets, hygiene products, toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc.). Shelters include HALO, The Women’s Resource Center, Hopes Center of Racine, Inc., Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin and the Hospitality Center.
Radio Milwaukee Music Awards featuring Backline Class of 2019 @ Turner Hall Ballroom, 6:30 p.m.
Celebrate a great year of Milwaukee music at the 2019 Radio Milwaukee Music Awards. This year’s awards features performances from the Backline Class—REYNA, WebsterX, Klassik, Immortal Girlfriend, Kaylee Crossfire and Bravo—and will toast the amazing, diverse talent in our city.
The Sleighriders @ Shank Hall, 7 p.m.
For more than three decades, this holiday event hosted by Bad Boy has collected a stage full of musicians for charity. Sigmund Snopek, Xeno, Steve Grimm, Steve Cohen, Eddie Butts, Warren Wiegratz and Joe Hite take part in this year’s holiday. Black Belt Theatre will open the night.
38th Annual or
Electronic music producer and artist Joel Zimmerman (aka deadmau5) debuted the original cube at Coachella in April 2010. Cubev3 is the most complex production he has ever presented, changing positions from 90 degrees to 45 degrees and rotating 360 degrees with mind-bending content.
Deadmau5 Cubev3 Tour w/ Chris Lake, Mad Zach and Gue5t Vox from Lights @ The Wisconsin Center, 7:30 p.m.
r e n í s Va r i e t y o
sc f Wi
Monday, December 16 ï 7 PM ï Doors open at 6:30 pm Tickets $20 at the door or at | Must be 21 or older | Charity Auction
Opening Act: Black Belt Theater FEATU RI N G AN ALL STAR LI N E U P Xeno Char Fiore Tom Burgermeister Steve Grimm Deirore Fellner Craig Evans Steve Cohen Annie Denison Sigmund Snopek Eddie Butts Tony Brice Joe Hite Warren Wiegratz Randy Strumberger Kris Crow Paul Millane Eric Hervey Mike Derose Brooke St. James
Chris Hanson Mark Kreuger Brian Bruendl Joe Ketchum Scott Cook Gina Wood
Peter Nuemer Derrick Procell Greg Garcia David Hall Jim Kazmerak Dan Zaffrann
D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 37
!"#$%&'(&#)*+, -.#,/0"+1,2%+3, 4*3#560)*&,$7%$, 809,:0"67 ::BY CHRIS PARKER
ock has receded from the cultural landscape nearly as quickly as videotape or landlines, leaving country as the last commercial refuge of the guitar. In another age, a catchy, tuneful, moderately rocking act like the Eli Young Band might’ve been heard on the local album-rock station alongside Foreigner and Night Ranger. The Denton, Texas, quartet knows their way around a hook like they’d spent their life as bait, and they possess a sly wit, exemplified by last year’s unexpected hit, “Love Ain’t,” the solitary fresh track on their greatest-hits album. The singer observes that he may not know what love is, but the example offered by her boyfriend is surely what love ain’t. It’s a quick turnaround after their last record failed to seriously dent the charts. Eli Young burst onto the scene with 2011’s Life at Best and 2014’s chart-topping 10,000 Towns. When 2017’s Fingerprints peaked at 17, their six-year reign as a top act seemed at its end, and the band felt the pressure. In a moment of high symbolism, their tour bus caught fire. “We just really didn’t know where we were going or what the next step was. We didn’t know if we wanted to keep trying to do what we had done in the past or move into something different or take time off,” says drummer Chris Thompson. “All these things were in the air and everyone was having kids, life was changing at home and all this kind of stuff. It was an adjustment period, I guess.” It could’ve been a seven-year itch. After all, they won the American Country Music Awards’ Breakthrough Artist in 2011. But they’d been at it for more than a decade at that point, it’s just that nobody had heard of them outside Texas. “We’ve had the shortest 20-year career that you can imagine,” Thompson jokes. Eli Young The quartet of Thompson, Mike Eli, James Band Young and Jon Jones formed while attending University of North Texas around 2000, aided in Wednesday, large measure by kismet: The four were paired as Dec. 18, roommates their freshman year and became close 8 p.m. friends before they ever made music together. The Rave “It just so happened we had a drummer, bassist, guitar player and singer, and it just so happened that we all liked making music. So, we had a lot of coincidence. And also, when we started the band, it was an outlet. It wasn’t a career goal,” Thompson says. This helped when things got tense. “We could say, ‘Hey man, I don’t like the way we’re doing this’ and we would respect each other’s opinions.” The success of the single has helped reignite their passions and move pass the figurative smoke-stench of the last few years. “Here, we’re coming into our 20th year and it just feels like we’re rejuvenated. With our new single breaking, and that song really kind of tells in a between-the-lines way that story,” Thompson says. “When you think something’s kind of coming to an end or, you know, you’ve just been there for long enough or whatever, but like you push through and stick with it. And it gets better.” The Eli Young Band plays The Rave, 2401 W. Wisconsin Ave., on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 8 p.m.
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The Joy Formidable
The Joy Formidable Explores Their Welsh Roots
elsh alt-rock band The Joy Formidable has packed this decade full of excellent recordings and live performances. !"#$%&#'()*+#,' #&#+$' $#-+' ./01#' 23435' 6/("' *7' ()' five tours per year, and recorded four studio albums since 2011 with the promise of another in 2020. Now the band celebrates the 10th anniversary of!"!#$%%&&'! ($%%)*! +&$','- (their first extended play released in 2008) with the release of an eponymous double album. After touring in the United Kingdom, the noisy rockers will touch down in the United States and make their way to The Back Room at Colectivo on Friday, Dec. 13. The band plays upbeat rock music slathered with guitar distortion and feedback that runs through a mess of pedals and oversized amps. Some might call what they play “dream pop” or “shoegazing” because of the dreamy, wall-of-sound quality to their music. Ritzy Bryan, frontwoman of the band, plays guitar and sings. Rhydian Dafydd plays bass and provides backup vocals, while Matt Thomas plays the drums. As in their performances, the trio has worked tirelessly and without a break, living in the moments between the next recording studio or venue. The 10th-anniversary LP has 16 songs that come in two flavors: The first eight original songs from "!#$%. %&&'!($%%)*!+&$','-, remastered in the band’s familiar shoegazing style, and the second eight are acoustic versions of those songs with Welsh lyrics. The acoustic versions aren’t added solely for the purpose of extending sound time, but they’re a display of the band’s versatility, with each song having its own unique identity. Welsh was also a driving force when the band chose
to record this new LP, and the language is expected to carry on to their future work. “The inspiration came from wanting to do a larger body of Welsh material,” says Bryan. “That has definitely been pulling at us creatively. It’s my second language, and it’s reaching the first.” Bryan is still trying to find comfort in her lyrical voice in Welsh, and she’s less shy about finding it now as audiences react positively to hearing it. “We’ve been really touched by how interested a lot of our international audience has been in [the Welsh language],” Bryan says. “Most of our live sets—even before this release—featured Welsh songs. We felt like the interest was there, which is an exciting thing because we love where we come from.” “The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade” is a heavy, droning opening song with rhythmic, chirping guitars and pounding drums. “Y Golau Mwyaf yw’r Cysgod Mwyaf,” a direct translation of the first song, replaces the looming electric guitar with an orchestral string section. “Crud” keeps the punchy energy of its sister song, “Cradle,” while delivering an indulgent, homey melody. Bryan, no matter what language she’s singing in, carries each track with her breathy, angelic voice. “I really like to create a connection between us and the audience,” Bryan says about playing. “I don’t ever feel like we’re playing in a bubble.” She describes her goals on stage as to have a “conversation” with the audience and to provide an escape for the people who attend her shows. “Sometimes, some songs in the set are emotive for me, so I don’t The Joy mind people feeling emoFormidable tional, too.” After playing at ColecFriday, Dec. 13, tivo, The Joy Formidable 8 p.m. will play across the counThe Back Room try for the rest of the year @ Colectivo and take a short hiatus. During their break, the band will work on its next album. “It’s very demo-formed at the moment,” Bryan says. “We haven’t completely decided how we want to record it, but the demos are very rough.” Most of the details are still undetermined. Bryan says they haven’t yet decided where to record the album, however, she’s excited about seeing how it will develop. “It can go in a lot of directions, to be honest.” /0)! 1&2! 3&45,*$6%)! 7%$28! /0)! #$9:! ;&&5! <! (&%)9=,>&! ?,=0! 87)9,$%! -@)8=8! /?)'! &'! 34,*$2A! B)9C!DEA!$=!F!7C5C! SHEPHERD EXPRESS
MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event
Cactus Club, Common Holly (Barsuk) w/OQ & Haunter Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), New Pioneers Company Brewing, Economy Superstar w/pure SHIFTER & CRLSS County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/ Barry Dodd Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Christmas Party (6pm) Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square (Racine), Open Mic Night Mezcalero Restaurant, Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Jam Band O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), All-Star SuperBand (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Geoff Landon & Friends Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Saloon On Calhoun with Bacon, Amplified Artist Series: Bruce Humphries and the Rockabilly Rebels w/ Kashinn Thurow, RJ Halstead and Anja Elise Music Sazzy B (Kenosha), Gypsy Jazz The Hidden Barrel (South Milwaukee), Pajama Thursday: Joel Plewa & Patrick Klaybor The Miramar Theatre, Djay Mando The Packing House, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Martini Jazz Lounge: Scott Hlavenka Hot Club Thursday Turner Hall Ballroom, BenDeLaCreme & Jinkx Monsoon Up & Under, No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic Nite
Ally’s Bistro, J. Ryan Trio American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Chris Vesche Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co. (Walker’s Point), Panalure w/Bootleg Bessie Art Bar, Jonny T-Bird & Big Dad Bremen Cafe, John Doe w/Mistaloo Meff, Taiyamo Denku, Scar, The Monsterr & The Abnorm Cactus Club, WYLDLIFE w/Rexxx, Criminal Kids & Dirty Revolver Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Nineteen Thirteen (8pm), DJ: The Nile (10pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, Never Have I Ever: An Improvised Show Compass Bar (Cedarburg), Matt MF Tyner County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Friday Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Lake Lawn Resort, Brian Fictum Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Stone Jam Band Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), Blank Fest w/Shot’s and Ladders & Fall Hazard Mo’s Irish Pub, Acoustic Night: The Beautiful Collide Nō Studios, The Unwind Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Tammi Savoy & Chris Casello Trio w/The Hungry Williams Holiday Show Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Saddlebrook Trio Red Rock Saloon, Nick Lynch Riverside Theater, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™ in Concert Route 20 (Sturtevant), Holiday Dance Party w/Brett and The Dandys & The Whiskeybelles Shank Hall, KICK - The INXS Experience The Alley Cat Lounge (Five O’Clock Steakhouse), Ali & Doug Duo SHEPHERD EXPRESS
The Back Room @ Colectivo, The Joy Formidable w/ TWEN & Bryde The Knick, 5 Card Studs The Miramar Theatre, Steez album release party The Packing House, The Barbara Stephan Group (6:30pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Dirt Monkey w/Conrank, ZiA & HENNESSEY Sound Design Unitarian Church North (Mequon), Wisconsin Singer/Songwriter Series presents: Anne Hills Up & Under, Modern Joey w/Ugly Sweater Christmas
American Legion Post # 449 (Brookfield), The Ricochettes Art Bar, Mas Soul BlondiePop (West Bend), Crank the Radio Bremen Cafe, Texas Dave Trio Cactus Club, Little Fevers Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Corky Siegel & Howard Levy Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Beach Patrol w/The Mighty Deerlick (8pm), DJ: Quixotic Control (10pm) ComedySportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Pub & Inn, Frogwater Cue Club of Wisconsin (Waukesha), Block Party Delavan Lake Store, Jenny Hundt Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Havana Lounge & Cigar, The Mighty Ms. Erica and The Sound Production Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Kelly’s Bleachers (Big Bend), Mt. Olive Lake Lawn Resort, Terry Sweet (6pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, The Rogue Electrics w/ Horace Greene & Band of Dust Mamie’s, Christmas w/The Squeezettes Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), Blank Fest w/Donoma, Ghost Machines & Sleepersound Milwaukee Ale House, The Jimmy’s Motor Bar & Restaurant, Bulleit Bourbon Presents BBQ & Blues: Robert Allen Jr. Band (5:30pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Magnetic Minds w/BLEED & Indonesian Junk Pistol Pete’s, Georgia Overdrive Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Tinker Boys Rave / Eagles Club, FM 106.1 presents: Hardy w/ Lainey Wilson (all-ages, 8pm)
Riverside Theater, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™ in Concert Rock Country MKE, Slay Bells w/Addiction & Thrasher Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel, MY WAY - A Trbute to Elvis, Sinatra and Marilyn! Shank Hall, Southbound (Allman Brothers tribute) w/ The Ryann Lyn Band Stock House Brewing Co., Matt MF Tyner The Back Room @ Colectivo, Chris Porterfield of Field Report w/Boy Bjorn The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Marvelous Mack & Friends The Packing House, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) Turner Hall, 2019 Radio Milwaukee Music Awards w/Backline Class of 2019 Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Brent Mitchell (3pm) Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Empty Bottle Boys & 1 Shot Jane Up & Under, Panoptics Wisconsin Memorial Park, The Knightwind Ensemble Performs Annual Holiday Concert
Cactus Club, Milwaukee Record Halftime Show: Green Day Packers (12pm), Marvelous Mack Christmas Jam (6pm) Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Theremin Christmas Show (8pm), DJ: John Riepenhoff & Sara Caron (10pm) Dandy - Midventurous Modern, Carmen Morales Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Sunday Jam w/Rockbound (4pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Ukulele Sunshine Band (6pm) Riverside Theater, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™ in Concert Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic The Back Room @ Colectivo, Hockey Dad w/DZ Deathrays & Horror My Friend Turner Hall Ballroom, Hot Tuna w/Hot Tuna, Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Cy’s Piano Jam (4pm)
Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists
Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader David Southward (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Shank Hall, The Sleighriders w/Black Belt Theatre Up & Under, Open Mic
Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Lamplighter: Peter Mulvey, Chris Porterfield & Jon Langford JC’S Pub, Open Mic w/host Audio is Rehab Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s (Racine), The Parkside Reunion Big Band Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, 11th annual Transfer House Band Xmas Show
Bubs Irish Pub (Germantown), St. Jude’s Blues Benefit: Reverend Raven & Chain Smokin’ Altar Boys w/Westside Andy (6pm) Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Lamplighter: Peter Mulvey, Bill Camplin & SistaStrings County Clare Inn & Pub, Jeff Hamilton Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, A Charlie Brown Christmas w/The Commercialists Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/ feature (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/ Dave Wacker & guests Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. Band The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Patrick Van Bibber (6:30pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Open Mic with host Mark Paffrath
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D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 39
85 ACROSS! By James Barrick
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
40 !!D E C E M B E R 12 , 2 0 1 9
DOWN 1. Ex — facto 2. Hoarfrost 3. Great eskers 4. Like some knives 5. Spooked 6. Powell or Firth 7. District 8. Varnish ingredient 9. Battery type 10. Agreement 11. Lights 12. — du jour 13. Aromatic plant
14. Pismire 15. Prepare yesterday’s eats 16. Scent 17. Something on the small side 18. To — — 24. Domesticated 26. Army chaplain 29. Hamlet, for example 32. Dummies 34. Disney chipmunk 35. Truehearted 36. Rapidly 37. Wise, in a way: Hyph. 38. Dressed 39. Rivulet 40. Know-it-all: Hyph. 41. Source of down 42. Liking 44. Spassky’s game 45. — Domingo 48. That ship 49. Restrains 50. Pope’s striped scarf 52. Avoids (with “away”) 53. Water lily 54. — -cornered 56. Small glass container 57. Mythical giant 61. Follower of a Chinese leader
62. Bias 63. Framework for plants 65. Disguised, for short 66. Ranee’s garment: Var. 69. — contra 70. Angry 71. Bandaged 73. Place for meetings 74. Bit of color 75. Pindarics 78. Kind of ski lift: Hyph. 79. Races 80. Fatty fishes 82. Catkin 83. Lane of “Superman” 84. Sierra — 86. Wine from Spain 87. — of London 88. Worker on a train 90. Arab VIP: Var. 91. Trunk 92. Peak in Thessaly 93. Eros counterpart 94. Tight 96. Wall pier 97. Bend out of shape 98. Birthright seller 99. Trick 100. Went fast 102. L-P link 104. — culpa
12/5 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 22 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Trip to Tassie Solution: 22 Letters
© 2019 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
76. Macaw genus 77. Ending for Dixie or pluto 78. Labors 79. Fruity beverage 80. Break of a sudden 81. Poet’s preposition 82. Humble 83. Standoffish one 84. Not shiny 85. ‘60s TV hit: 2 wds. 87. Yearns 88. Analyzed syntactically 89. Crowd 90. The cream 91. Mary — Lincoln 92. Of a grain 95. Having branches 97. Fearful ones 101. The knowledgeable bettors: 2 wds. 103. Makes spruce: 2 wds. 105. Acidic 106. Eminent 107. Not at all wordy 108. Facilitate 109. Like a dilettante 110. Sharif and Bradley 111. Flavor 112. Took to court
Avoca Bay Boyer Burial Church Cold Conservation Cygnet Derwent Devil Don Fish Ghosts Gretna Guards Heat
Heka Heritage Hythe Latrobe Lilydale Linda Luina Magra Miena Moonah Nala Neika Nile Oaks Orford
Ouse Penna Perth Richmond Rokeby Ross Site Snug Sorell Strahan Targa Temma Water Wet Whip
12/5 Solution: Getting your sugar fix
Solution: Hobart is a beautiful town
ACROSS 1. Mavens 5. Milan’s Teatro alla — 10. First of a series 15. City on the Tevere 19. French department 20. Pinkish 21. Gallery 22. Use a blue pencil 23. Wisenheimer: 2 wds. 25. Mobile device 27. Vivaria relatives 28. Experts 30. Nest 31. Word of agreement 32. Septs 33. Old Norse poems 35. Endured 38. Black or Eastwood 39. The in-crowd: 2 wds. 43. Chose 44. Copy of a kind 45. Set of steps 46. Farrow or Wasikowska 47. Open area 48. Nuance 49. Chili con — 50. Nine days’ wonders 51. Tennis serve 52. Molts 53. Small moon 54. Insert indicator 55. Freeloaders 57. Trunk artery 58. Cave 59. Number prefix 60. Guided munition: 2 wds. 64. Small dog 65. Matter at hand 67. Breed of beef cattle 68. Mine type: Hyph. 72. Handles 73. Fake 74. — of London
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
!"#$"#%&'#($%#!! Date: 12/12/19
::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): How did humans figure out that a luxurious fabric could be made from the cocoons of insect larvae? Ancient Chinese sage Confucius told the following story: One day in 2460 BC, 14-year-old Chinese princess Xi Ling Shi was sitting under a mulberry tree sipping tea. A silkworm’s cocoon fell off a branch and landed in her drink. She was curious, not bothered. She unrolled the delicate structure and got the idea of using the threads to weave a fabric. The rest is history. I foresee a silk-worm’s-cocoon-falling-in-yourcup-of-tea type of event in your future, Sagittarius. Be alert for it. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own desires,” wrote Capricorn author Rebecca West. “It must abandon itself to its master passion.” That’s a high standard to live up to! But then you Capricorns have substantial potential to do just that: become the champions of devoting practical commitment to righteous causes. With that in mind, I’ll ask you: How are you doing in your work to embody the ideal that Rebecca West articulated? Is your soul loyal to its deepest desires? Has it abandoned itself to its master passion? Take inventory—and make any corrections, if necessary. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I would never try to talk you into downplaying or denying your suffering. I would never try to convince you that the pain you have experienced is mild or tolerable or eminently manageable. Who among us has the wisdom to judge the severity or intractability of anyone else’s afflictions? Not I. But in the coming months, I will ask you to consider the possibility that you have the power—perhaps more than you realize—to diminish your primal aches and angst. I will encourage you to dream of healing yourself in ways that you have previously imagined to be impossible. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “You owe it to us all to get on with what you’re good at,” wrote Piscean poet W. H. Auden. In other words, you have a responsibility to develop your potential and figure out how to offer your best gifts. It’s not just a selfish act for you to fulfill your promise; it’s a generous act of service to your fellow humans. So how are you doing with that assignment, Pisces? According to my analysis, you should be right in the middle of raising your efforts to a higher octave; you should be discovering the key to activating the next phase of your success—which also happens to be the next phase of your ability to bestow blessings on others. ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Nobody knows really what they’re doing,” says Aries comedian Conan O’Brien. “And there are two ways to go with that information,” he continues. “One is to be afraid, and the other is to be liberated, and I choose to be liberated by it.” I hope you’ll be inspired by O’Brien’s example in the coming weeks, Aries. I suspect that if you shed your worries about the uncertainty you feel, you’ll trigger an influx of genius. Declaring your relaxed independence from the temptation to be a know-it-all will bless you with expansive new perspectives and freedom to move. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Creativity expert Roger von Oech tells us, “Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day.” Here’s what I’ll add to his advice: If your risk muscle is flabby right now, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to whip it into better shape. Start with small, modest risks and gradually work your way up to bigger and braver ones. And what should you do if your risk muscle is already well-toned? Dream and scheme about embarking on a major, long-term venture that is the robust embodiment of a smart gamble. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Many people engage in laughably feeble attempts to appear witty by being cynical—as if by exuding sardonic irony and sneering pessimism they could prove their mettle as brilliant observers of modern culture. An example is this lame wisecrack from humorist David Sedaris: “If you’re looking for sympathy you’ll find it between s--- and syphilis in the dictionary.” I bring this to your attention in the hope of coaxing you to avoid indulging in gratuitous pessimism during the coming weeks. For the sake of your good health, it’s
important for you to be as open-minded and generous-spirited as possible. And besides that, pessimism will be unwarranted. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “You can shop online and find whatever you’re looking for,” writes pundit Paul Krugman, “but bookstores are where you find what you weren’t looking for.” That’s a good principle to apply in every area of your life. It’s always smart to know exactly what you need and want, but sometimes—like now—it’s important that you put yourself in position to encounter what you need and want but don’t realize that you need and want. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Bachianas Brasileiras is a nine-part piece of music that blends Brazilian folk music with the compositional style of Johann Sebastian Bach. The poet Anne Sexton relied on it, letting it re-play ceaselessly during her long writing sessions. My painter friend Robin sometimes follows a similar method with Leonard Cohen’s album Ten New Songs, allowing it to cycle for hours as she works on her latest masterpiece. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to select a new theme song or collection of theme songs to inspire your intense efforts in behalf of your labors of love in the coming weeks. It’s a favorable time to explore the generative power of joyous, lyrical obsession. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “I’ve spent my life butting my head against other people’s lack of imagination,” mourned Virgo musician Nick Cave, who’s renowned for his original approach to his craft. I’m bringing this to your attention because I suspect you will be endowed with an extra fertile imagination in the coming weeks. And I would hate for you to waste time and energy trying to make full use of it in the presence of influences that would resist and discourage you. Therefore, I’ll cheer you on as you seek out people and situations that enhance your freedom to express your imagination in its expansive glory. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A scholar counted how often the Bible delivers the command “Fear not!” and “Don’t be afraid!” and similar advice. The number was 145. I don’t think that approach to regulating behavior works very well. To be constantly thinking about what you’re not supposed to do and say and think about tends to strengthen and reinforce what you’re not supposed to do and say and think about. I prefer author Elizabeth Gilbert’s strategy. She writes, “I don’t try to kill off my fear. I make all that space for it. Heaps of space. I allow my fear to live and breathe and stretch out its legs comfortably. It seems to me the less I fight my fear, the less it fights back.” That’s the method I recommend for you, Libra—especially in the coming weeks. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Isaac Newton (1642–1726) was one of history’s most influential scientists and a key contributor to physics, astronomy, mathematics and optics. His mastery of the nuances of human relationships was less developed, however. He had one close friendship with a Swiss mathematician, though he broke it off abruptly after four years. And his biographers agree that he never had sex with another person. What I find most curious, however, is the fact that he refused to even meet the brilliant French philosopher Voltaire, who reached out to him and asked to get together. I trust you won’t do anything like that in the coming weeks, Scorpio. In fact, I urge you to be extra receptive to making new acquaintances, accepting invitations and expanding your circle of influence. Homework: Resolved: The answer to a pressing question will come within 72 hours after you do a ritual in which you ask for clarity.
Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.
Steak ’n’ Shakedown
entarias Gowans, 20, of Flowery Branch, Ga., came up with a novel way of celebrating Thanksgiving this year. He was scheduled to work at the Steak ’n’ Shake in Oakwood that day, but called in sick, and said he wouldn’t be in. But around 10 p.m. that evening, Gowans arrived at the restaurant with a handgun, which he held to another employee’s head while demanding money, the Gainesville Times reported. Multiple employees and customers called 911, and police arrived to see Gowans exiting the restaurant with his gun. He briefly raised the weapon, officers reported, but then dropped it, and he was taken into custody after a brief struggle.
Things That Go “Boeing!” As Stephanie Leguia of Milton, Mass., and her neighbor, Wenhan Huang, chatted in Huang’s yard on Sunday, Dec. 1, an unusual object slammed to the ground just feet from where they stood. Their backs were turned when what looked like a “giant silver tarp” crashed down, reported the Boston Herald. On its way to the ground, it had lopped off four tree branches. “If it had hit us, we would have been dead,” Leguia said. Turns out the object was an uninflated silver evacuation slide that fell some thousands of feet from a Delta passenger airliner that was arriving in Boston from Paris. The FAA confirmed that the pilot had heard a loud noise as the Boeing jet aircraft approached Logan International Airport, but didn’t know what it was, and the plane landed without incident.
Hands Up, Honey Callie Carswell of Morganton, N.C., and her fiancé, Clarence Moore III, allegedly staged an elaborate crime in the name of love just before Thanksgiving. Around 10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25, while Carswell worked at the Big Daddy convenience store, Moore entered the store carrying an ornamental sword and wearing a hat and bandanna to disguise his identity. He “demanded” money from Carswell, leaving with $2,960, the Morganton Department of Public Safety told The News Herald. When the “robber” left the store, she called 911. Police went on to work the case overnight; meanwhile, the loving couple made an early morning stop at Walmart to buy a ring and get engaged on the spot, documenting the big event on Facebook. But details of Carswell’s story didn’t add up, and investigators found evidence in her car and at their home that led them to arrest the crooked couple. Moore confessed to the crime, but Carswell was less contrite, shouting at reporters
as she entered the courthouse: “I will assault you! I didn’t do it. Watch the fucking video, and you’ll see that I was fucking terrified! I wasn’t involved!” The couple’s been charged with armed robbery, misuse of 911 and filing a false police report.
Scandalous (Size: XL) In The Hague, Netherlands, management at supermarket chain Albert Heijn is walking back a request that employees send in a photo of themselves in their underwear, in order to work out sizes for new uniforms. Workers were asked to use an “innovative mobile app” to submit the photos, AFP reported, but the company backed down after the complaints started rolling in. “The manager told us that if we don’t do it, we can’t be in the store anymore, because we don’t have the right corporate clothing,” said one 17-year-old employee who works at the Nijmegen branch. A spokesperson for the chain said that, “although [the] pictures were not visible to management, this should never have happened. We apologize to all involved.”
Cyr-ious Paranoia Ronald Cyr, 65, of Van Buren, Maine, became the victim of his own trap on Thanksgiving Day when he was shot by a handgun that he had rigged to fire whenever someone opened his front door. Cyr was able to call 911 and say that he had been shot, WAGM reported, but he later died. When officers of the Van Buren Police Department arrived, they found that, along with the home’s front-door booby trap, other devices were set up in and around Cyr’s home, prompting them to call the Maine State Police bomb squad. (Homemade security devices that use weapons are illegal in the United States.)
Dueling Lithuanians At her early December murder trial at Kingston Crown Court in Kingston, England, 35-year-old Asta Juskauskiene of Dartford was accused of arranging a duel between her estranged husband, Giedruis Juskaukus, 42, and her lover, 25-year-old Mantas Kvedaras. As the story goes, according to the Telegraph, the woman had left her husband and become acquainted with Kvedaras, who was serving time in a Lithuanian prison. He was released in May, and after his arrival in England, both men claimed Juskauskiene as their own. So, logically, she decided they should fight to the death in an alleyway on Monday, June 17—a duel which Juskaukus did not survive. He was found with 35 stab wounds to his body and neck, and Kvedaras confessed to the attack. The prosecutor, Hugh Davies, contends that Juskauskiene manipulated the two men, harbored Kvedaras after the incident and repeatedly lied to police. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 41
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’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world, ain’a?!"#!$%&'()*!'+#,-+! .(!/(!0'%&!&123452562/5257##)%!21%6&'!6(345 %)-!'+(!+2$$&!.%'+!12%6&!2051%$4%)-!2)6!$#76&! 2058#34%)-5$(29%)-*!#)!1:!+#)#7!;!1,&'!/7%)-! :#,!)(.&!-7(2'(7!'+2)!#7!(<,2$!'#!2!$,19!#8!/%',1%5 )#,&! 2'! '+(! /#''#1! #8! :#,7! -#6621)! &'#34%)-*! .+2'! '+(!8#34= "26$:*!;!1,&'!7(9#7'!'+2'!'+%&!&(2&#)*!#)3(!2-2%)*!'+(! &#,>()%7!?7'!@,1/2$(4!A%&'$('#(!B($'!B,34$(!.%$$!)#'! /(!2>2%$2/$(!8#7!+#$%62:!9,73+2&(*!2)6!;0$$!'($$!:#,!.+:=! B234!%)!82$$*!;06!/(()!6%34(7%)-!.%'+!2!82/7%32'%#)!#,'5 fit I heard of situated just outside Bangkok in ol’ Siam 32$$(6!"2)'20&!".(2'&+#9=!;!'+#,-+'!.(!+26!2!6(2$=!A7=! B%-!#>(7!'+(7(!2&&,7(6!1(!'+2'!'+(:!3#,$6!9,19!#,'!2! 3#,9$(!'+#,&2)6!#8!'+#&(!/2/%(&!2)6!+2>(!'+(1!%)!1:! +#'! +2)6&! '+(! 62:! /(8#7(! C+2)4&-%>%)-*! )#! 8#34%)-! &.(2'=!".($$D&#!;!'+#,-+'= E(2+*!'+(:!&()'!#>(7!/:! 1(!'+(!929(7.#74!3#)'723'! &#0&!;!3#,$6!'+7#.!6#.)!1:! F#+)! G2)3#34! 2)6! &%)3(! ;!+26!2!$%''$(!'%1(!'#!4%$$*!;! '+#,-+'! ;06! '24(! 2! <,%34! gander at the fine print, 032,&(! '+2'0&! '+(! 4%)6! #8! guy I am. And jeez louise, %)!97%)'!&#!'%):!;!+26!'#!97235 '%32$$:!/,&'!2)!(:(/2$$!,9#)! 9(7,&2$*!%'!299(27(6!'+2'!'+(! .#,$65/(! ?&%2)! ($>(&*! '+(! #)(&!9(78#71%)-!'+(!23',2$! +2)6&5#)! &.(2'%)-*! .#,$6! /(! 9,$$%)-! 6#.)D-('! '+%&D)(27$:! 2! .+#99%)-! '()! 3()'&! (23+! 2)6! (>(7:! +#,7!#8!'+(%7!8#,7'(()58#345 %)-5+#,7!62:*!;!4%6!:#,!)#'=! H($$!&%7*!)2',72$$:!;!3#,$6! )#'!2$$#.!'+%&!'#!&'2)6=!A:! -##6! )21(! .#,$6! /(! #)! '+%&!97#6,3'*!.+%3+*!/:!'+(! /:(*!2&!827!2&!1%&'$('#(!/($'! /,34$(&! -#*! ;! +26! 3#)3(95 tualized to be much more '+2)! 2! 8#34%)-! &'#34%)-5 &',88(7!-2-!-%8'*!:#,!/('=!A:! /($'! /,34$(! .2&! 6(&%-)(6! '#!/(!3#192'%/$(!.%'+!#)$:! '+(!?7'!@,1/2$(4!B%-!B#:! B($'*!1#6($(6!#)!B2'12)0&! ,'%$%':! /($'*! 2)6! 2>2%$2/$(! 8#7!2)!266%'%#)2$!/,34!'.#5 (%-+':!#7!'+7((=!C+(7(06!/(! 3$%9&*!$##9&!2)6!2$$!4%)6!#8! 6##5626&!'#!+#$6!%'(1&!$%4(! 32)&!#8!/((7*!2!B#.%(!4)%8(*! ChapStick, flask, carton of I2$$!A2$$&*!2)!(J'72!92%7!#8! &#34&D2$$! &#0&! :#,! 3#,$6! 327'! '+%&! &',88! 27#,)6! '+(! '#.)!.%'+!233(&&%/$(!3#)>()%()3(*!'+2)4!:#,= ?):.2:&*! .%'+! 1:! -##6! )21(! #)! '+(! 97#6,3'*! ;! 3#,$6)0'! 288#76! '#! +2>(! '+(&(! 9(#9$(! 124%)-! 2! 6%1(! 9(7! +#,7! 8#7! 3+7%&'! &24(&=! "#! ;! $##4(6! $#)-! 2)6! +276! ($&(.+(7(&!8#7!&#1(.+(7(&!'+(!$2/#7(7!.#,$6!$2/#7!8#7! $(&&K!'+,&!3+#9!1:!3#&'!#8!6#%)-!/,&%)(&&!2)6!72%&(!'+(! 7##8!#)!1:!12):!+299:!7(',7)&!032,&(!.+()!:#,07(!
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