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Why Shopping Local Matters
WHY SHOPPING LOCAL MATTERS Off the Cuff with Local First Milwaukee’s Nancy Quinn
What is Local First Milwaukee? We’re a business alliance made up of over nearly 175 truly local businesses in the Greater Milwaukee Area—businesses created and owned by your neighbors for our community. We started in 2006, when a small group of independently owned businesses got together to discuss how to showcase the businesses that make Milwaukee the place where we love to work, live and play. Among those around the table were Outpost Natural Foods, Lakefront Brewery, the Pabst Theater and Schwartz Bookshops, where I worked at the time.
We’ve been working hard since then to both support our member businesses and to educate Milwaukeeans about the importance of thinking local first.
Why does supporting and shopping local matter? Local businesses create a more sustainable community. Studies show that independent retailers respend two to three times more of each sales dollar locally than chains, resulting in more jobs and other community benefits. Our members are engaged in their community on a deep level. They are also more likely to choose local providers in the daily running of their businesses. They’re truly expanding the multiplier effect, which results in a stronger local economy.
How do you help your member businesses? One of the benefits that members seem to appreciate most is the network of fellow local business owners and the authenticity of that network. They know that when they have questions about how to approach an issue in their business, they can call up another Local First member because that person understands what it means to run a small business. Member businesses are quick to share solutions. We love to see each other grow and succeed.
In-person events provide opportunities to engage and learn and are vital to our organization. So, this is something we have all been missing the last year and can’t wait to get back to! Fortunately, our informal member coffee and conversations have continued to take place over Zoom. Our February event, "When Women Lead", was started to support and strengthen our local, women-owned businesses. While we couldn’t host the event in 2021, anyone interested in utilizing women-led businesses can find a resource guide on our website.
The member directory on our website and social media pages help the community learn about our members—I encourage your readers to think local first and to visit these pages. We also like to have fun! We hosted signature events that showcase our member events to the community, like Food Fright—a food-tasting event complete with a costume contest—and our Buy Local Gift Fair at the holidays.
How has the pandemic affected your members? It varies among our members, for sure. But it is safe to say that it has been a challenge. Some have seen a substantial loss in revenue and have had to lay off staff. Some were able to get support to stem the losses. But of course, our members are entrepreneurial in nature, which has helped them during this time. Many have created new business models and new products that they will continue to implement and offer after the pandemic. The change in your publication is a great example—I love your colorful, glossy monthly magazine and website redesign!
Fortunately, many businesses that had reduced staff are beginning to rehire as they anticipate a more normal summer.
What’s ahead for Local First? As we begin to transition out of this pandemic, I am excited about our future and how we can support and help grow Milwaukee’s local businesses. I think that this pandemic has allowed people to pause and think about what matters to them. That includes their favorite places that they can’t wait to visit, as well as a vibrant community.
As an organization, we’re ready for our members to see each other in person again, whether that is at our morning get-togethers, our events, or in each other’s businesses.
Something new for us is a local business online gift card auction that will take place April 8-14. During this time, anyone can log on and bid for gift cards to a variety of local businesses including Beans & Barley, Funky Fresh and Milwaukee Kayak Company, to name just a few. We’re launching a new podcast series, Milwaukee Together, with our board member Elzie Flenard of Podcast Town, which will feature members’ businesses. We’re also working with the BIPOC community and inviting their businesses to be part of Local First, so that our organization reflects all of Milwaukee.
So, as you can see, we’re looking forward to helping our member businesses flourish in the coming year, knowing that independent businesses give communities economic strength and stronger civic connections.
How can our readers get in touch with you? The easiest way is to visit localfirstmilwaukee.com and use the Contact Us form. We’ll be sure get back to you quickly. Our membership is open to any independent, local business or nonprofit.