1 minute read



The year just started, and it already sucks! Shortly after ringing in the New Year, my cat died, my dad landed in the hospital, my girlfriend dumped me, I totaled my car, my rent increased and I lost my job.


I feel like a black cloud is hanging over me. I thought about going to a few psychics for help, but I don’t have the money. Any other ideas to help me get through this shit storm?

GONNA GET WORSE, Helpless Helena


That’s a shit storm for sure! I’m sorry about the loss of your cat, and I truly hope your dad is all right. As for the rest, all you can do is take a deep breath and stop these problems from getting the best of you.

Start by focusing on your greater power, whether that be God, the universe or whatnot. Concentrate on your higher power, meditate/pray and know things will change, ultimately leading to happiness.

Tackle your problems with gusto. Proactively look for a new job, go on a date, seek out a smarter living arrangement. Aggressively addressing your problems offers a feeling of control.

If things still feel overwhelming, consider seeing a therapist. A professional can teach you new coping tools. Save the psychic money and don’t let 2023’s early issues get you down. There’s plenty of joy and success to be had this year. XXOO

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