SHEPPARD’S IRISH AUCTION HOUSE AT T I C 2 A U C T I O N 30 January 2018 VIEwINg TIMES & LOCATION The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 Fn88 27 January 2018, 10:00 - 17:00 GMT 28 January 2018, 10:00 - 17:00 GMT 29 January 2018, 10:00 - 17:00 GMT
ORDER OF SALE The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 Fn88 30 January 2018, 10:30-17:30 GMT, LoTS 1 - 711
REMOVAL OF gOODS iTeMS MuST be CoLLeCTeD or arranGeMenTS MaDe For CoLLeCTion no LaTer Than 16:00 GMT 7 February 2018. iTeMS noT CoLLeCTeD by ThiS TiMe wiLL enTer a SToraGe FaCiLiTy. SToraGe CharGeS oF €3 per iTeM per Day wiLL appLy. where iTeMS reMain in SToraGe For LonGer Than Two workinG weekS They May be re-SoLD by pubLiC auCTion or priVaTeLy wiThouT noTiCe To The buyer.
ONLINE BIDDINg abSenTee anD TeLephone biDDinG biDDinG FaCiLiTieS are aVaiLabLe Via LiVe onLine biDDinG aVaiLabLe Via www.The-SaLerooM.CoM, www.LiVeauCTioneerS.CoM, anD/or www.inVaLuabLe.CoM.
CONTACT DETAILS The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 Fn88, ireLanD • phone: +353 (0)57 874 0000 • Fax: +353 (0)57 873 6546 • eMaiL: • • • • pSra no. 003183
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
2 PAKISTAN RUg 204 x 126 cm.
3 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 183 x 124 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
4 AFgHAN RUg 163 x 118 cm.
5 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 94 x 61 cm.
6 PAKISTAN BOKHARA RUg 197 x 132 cm.
€200 - 300
€100 - 150
€200 - 300
1 LARgE PERSIAN RUNNER, CIRCA 1880 510 x 196 cm. €200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
7 CHINESE RUg 331 x 211 cm.
8 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 224 x 137 cm.
9 TURKISH RUg 317 x 230 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
10 TURKISH RUg 100 x 95 cm.
11 SHIRAZ RUg 124 x 87 cm.
12 AFgHAN BALUCH RUg 148 x 76 cm.
€80 - 120
€80 - 120
€80 - 120
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
15 HAMADAN RUg 200 x 145 cm.
€150 - 250
€80 - 120
16 HAMADAN RUg 145 x 72 cm.
17 AFgHAN RUg 140 x 75 cm.
18 AFgHAN RUg 85 x 65 cm.
€200 - 300
€80 - 120
€80 - 120
€200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
19 AFgHAN RUg 85 x 65 cm.
20 AFgHAN RUg 150 x 90 cm.
21 HAMADAN RUg 130 x 105 cm.
€80 - 120
€150 - 250
€150 - 250
22 HAMADAN RUg 200 x 120 cm.
23 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 185 x 135 cm.
24 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 265 x 145 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
25 HAMADAN RUg 222 x 130 cm.
26 PAKISTAN RUg 192 x 133 cm.
27 CHINESE RUg 202 x 147 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
28 HAMADAN RUNNER 306 x 82 cm.
29 PAKISTAN RUNNER 480 x 63 cm.
30 HAMADAN RUNNER 283 x 79 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
31 INDIAN SILK RUg 202 x 124 cm.
32 TURKISH RUg 266 x 125 cm.
33 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 164 x 90 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
34 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 294 x 84 cm.
36 35 NINETEENTH-CENTURY PERSIAN TURKISH RUg 305 x 185 cm. RUg 210 x 155 cm. €200 - 300 €200 - 300
€200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
37 THREE AFgHAN MATS 75 x 55 cm. and smaller
38 THREE AFgHAN MATS 73 x 83 cm. and smaller
€80 - 120
€80 - 120
39 FOUR PAKISTAN AND AFgHAN MATS 70 x 70 cm. and smaller €80 - 120
40 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 308 x 198 cm.
41 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 274 x 189 cm.
42 NORTHwEST PERSIAN RUg 242 x 176 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
46 NORTHwEST PERSIAN MAHAL RUg 253 x 160 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
43 TURKISH RUg 218 x 125 cm. €200 - 300
S h e p pa r D ’ S i r i S h a u C T i o n h o u S e :
49 INDIAN RUg 330 x 214 cm.
50 TURKISH RUg 220 x 124 cm.
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
54 53 AEStHEtic REViVAL PERioD MAHoGAnY PAiR oF AVon, BRAZiL BEER MuGS each with raised moulded decoration, below a pewter MEtAMoRPHic LiBRARY StEPS Open: 88 cm. high; 42 cm. wide; 62 cm. deep lid 23 cm. high; 14 cm. wide; 11 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500 €30 - 50
56 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn PAintED BEDSiDE PEDEStALS each with a serpentine fronted top above an open shelf and drawer, raised on cabriole legs 60 cm. high; 50 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep (2)
55 cHARLES JAMES MccALL, Roi, nEAc (SCOTTISH, 1907-89) Jill. Portrait of a young girl Pastel Enclosed in a glazed frame 38 x 30.5 cm.
€200 - 300 €100 - 150 Provenance: The Collectors Gallery, Worcestershire
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
57 BESWicK cAt 16 cm. high; 19 cm. wide; 6 cm. deep €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
58 EDWARDiAn PERioD SAtinWooD AnD PAintED WinDoW SEAt the oval upholstered panelled back, centred by a painted cartouche, above an inset panelled seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 94 cm. high; 105 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep €300 - 500
59 JoSEPH MALAcHY KAVAnAGH, RHA (IRISH, 1856-1918) Portrait of a young man Oil on canvas Signed ‘JMKavanagh’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt frame 51 x 41 cm.
60 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY DutcH MARQuEtRY SiDE cHAiRS each with a tall armorial back above a drop in seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore, terminating on claw and ball feet 114 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep (2) €400 - 600
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
61 ARt PottERY FiGuRE oF FoALS 11 cm. high; 11 cm. wide; 5.5 cm. deep €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
62 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE cEREMoniAL cHAiRS each with a lily carved back and seat, raised on scroll legs to the fore 115 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep (2) €200 - 300
63 PAuL MoSSE (KILKENNY) Abstract scene Mixed media on board Signed and dated ‘Paul Mosse ‘71’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 24 x 63 cm.
64 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY occASionAL cHAiRS each with a striped upholstered seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 89 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep (2) €100 - 150
€100 - 150 Provenance: La Galerie, Cork City
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
65 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRonZE BuSt 31 cm. high; 19 cm. wide; 11 cm. deep €200 - 300
Attic 2 Auction
66 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD AnD uPHoLStERED WinDoW SEAt raised on cabriole legs 66 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 49 cm. deep €200 - 300
67 LiZ ADAMS, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Ball game Etching Signed and dated ‘Liz Adams ‘71’, lower-right Enclosed in a wood and glazed frame 39 x 26 cm.
68 cASED GRouP oF WooDEn WinD inStRuMEntS Case: 99 x 40 cm. €100 - 150
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
69 FiGuRE MountED PottERY MuG Shields Bros., Longton 12 cm. high; 12 cm. wide; 9 cm. deep
Attic 2 Auction
70 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY MuSic cHESt of five drawers, furnished with oval brass handles, raised on tapered legs 93 cm. high; 58 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
€20 - 30 €200 - 300
71 WRiGHt, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Abstract harbour scene Acrylic on board Signed ‘Wright’, lower-right Enclosed in a black painted frame 21 x 34 cm.
72 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LouiS XV StYLE ELBoW cHAiRS each with an armorial shaped back and loose cushioned seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 85 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
73 RoYAL DouLton cHARActER JuG Apothecary 18 cm. high; 16 cm. wide; 11 cm. deep €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
74 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD EnVELoPE cARD tABLE the segmented square shaped top , opening to a baize lined interior, above an open shelf and drawer, raised on cabriole legs Closed: 75 cm. high; 55 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep €400 - 600
75 PEtER VEntoYD Donkey in a landscape Oil on canvas Signed and dated, lower-left Enclosed in a wood and glazed frame 38 x 32.5 cm.
76 PAiR oF ARt DEco SAtin WALnut BEDSiDE PEDEStALS each with a drawer above a panelled door 66 cm. high; 35 cm. wide; 32 cm. deep (2) €200 - 300
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
77 PAiR cHinESE cLoiSonnÉ JARS AnD coVERS each of bulbous form 15 cm. high; 13 cm. diameter (2) €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
78 REGEncY PERioD PAintED WAtERFALL BooKcASE the upper section of two open shelves. The base with a panelled door, raised on turned legs 118 cm. high; 51 cm. wide; 27 cm. deep €500 - 800
79 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Portrait of a woman Oil on board Enclosed in a gilt frame 14.5 x 11 cm.
80 REGEncY PERioD LoW BooKcASE the upper section with two brass grilled panelled doors, the projecting base with two similar doors raised on turned legs 78 cm. high; 110 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
81 MiD-tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY ARt GLASS VASE of flared trumpet form, raised on a circular stem and foot 16 cm. high; 15.5 cm. diameter €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
82 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD StRinG inLAiD DRinKS tABLE, CIRCA 1790 the cross banded D-shaped top, below a brass gallery rail, above a conforming frieze, raised on square tapered legs 110 cm. high; 145 cm. wide; 63 cm. deep (including rail) €500 - 800
83 iRiSH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Still life of flowers Watercolour Indistinctly signed, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 28 x 31 cm.
84 QuEEn AnnE StYLE WALnut DRinKS cABinEt the D-shaped top, above two central panelled doors, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 80 cm. high; 100 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep €300 - 500
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
85 MooRcRoFt VASE of bulbous form with raised polychrome leaf and floral decoration 9 cm. high; 9 cm. diameter €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
86 PAiR oF LouiS XV StYLE cARVED GiLt WooD FRAMED ARMcHAiRS each with a damask armorial shaped back and serpentine fronted seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 106 cm. high; 70 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500
87 continEntAL ScHooL Crucifixion Oil on canvas Enclosed in a gilt frame 36 x 26 cm.
88 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WALnut AnD uPHoLStERED LiBRARY cHAiR the raised square panelled upholstered back, above scroll fronted arms and a padded seat, raised on scroll legs to the fore, joined by stretcher rails 118 cm. high; 64 cm. high; 72 cm. deep
€200 - 300 €150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
89 EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt with inside depiction of fish 8.5 cm. high; 9 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
90 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY oAK LiBRARY tABLE the rectangular shaped top with D-shaped ends, raised on turned pillar and scroll ends, joined by a turned stretcher rail 73 cm. high; 117 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep
€30 - 50 €300 - 500
91 iRiSH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY House and garden Watercolour Enclosed in a glazed frame 25 x 35 cm.
92 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD SiDEBoARD the inverted serpentine fronted top, above a series of real and faux drawers, raised on square tapered legs 83 cm. high; 184 cm. wide; 57 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
93 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt Caithness / Snowflake / Scotland 6.5 cm. high; 7.5 cm. diameter €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
94 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY WRitinG tABLE the rectangular top, with a serpentine breakfront, below a series of drawers over two frieze drawers, raised on square tapered legs 97 cm. high; 88 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep €200 - 300
95 uKRAiniAn ScHooL, MID TWENTIETH-CENTURY Wooded landscape and seascape Oil on board Signed ‘Tchemissov’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 35 x 49.5 cm.
96 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD StRinG inLAiD WASH StAnD the rectangular rouge royale marble top, below a raised back, over two panelled doors, raised on square tapered legs, terminating on castors 102 cm. high; 76 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
97 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt depicting gold a fish in a bowl 4 cm. high; 8 cm. wide; 8 cm. deep €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
98 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD cRoSS BAnDED BoW FRontED cHESt of two short and three long drawers, furnished with brass knobs, raised on bracket feet 108 cm. high; 107 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €500 - 800
99 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Maidens in a landscape Coloured engraving Enclosed in a glazed frame 19 x 15 cm.
100 EDWARDiAn PERioD RoSEWooD AnD MARQuEtRY BEDSiDE PEDEStAL the square top, with a pediment back, above a profusely inlaid panelled door, raised on a square plinth 84 cm. high; 40 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
101 Lot oF SiX ARt PottERY cHARActER JuGS including two Weiss figures 12 cm. high; 12 cm. wide; 11 cm. deep and smaller
102 VictoRiAn PERioD BRASS AnD MEtAL SticK StAnD 64 cm. high; 40 cm. wide; 24 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€80 - 120
103 AFTER JoHn LEEcH (1817-64) No consequence A friendly mount Don’t move there, we shall clear you! The noble science Each a print Each enclosed in a glazed frame 21.5 x 19.5 cm. (4) €120 - 180
104 REGEncY PERioD BRASS FiRE FEnDER with pierced filigree bow front 21 cm. high; 108 cm. wide; 26 cm. deep €100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
105 H. WAtKin LAWton cHinA FiGuRinE New Gloves 19 cm. high; 11 cm. wide; 10 cm. deep
106 tWo LARGE VintAGE tRAVELLinG tRunKS 55 cm. high; 99 cm. wide; 61 cm. deep and 55 cm. high; 99 cm. wide; 64 cm. deep
€30 - 50
€100 - 150
107 KiLKEnnY intERESt An election scene at Kilkenny Chalk Sunday in the county of Kilkenny, Ireland Each taken from The Illustrated London News Each a print Each enclosed in a glazed frame 23 x 36 cm. and 37 x 26 cm.
108 VictoRiAn PERioD cARVED MAHoGAnY DiSPLAY cABinEt the rectangular bow front top, below a low mirrored back, over a frieze drawer and glazed panelled door, raised on cabriole legs 145 cm. high; 61 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep €200 - 300
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
109 PAiR oF Pot LiDS each depicting a scene after Murillo 11.5 cm. diameter (2) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
110 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD cRoSS BAnDED occASionAL tABLE the square top, above a conforming frieze, raised on square tapered legs, joined by stretcher rails 70 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep €100 - 150
111 AFTER FREDERicK MoRGAn (ENGLISH, B. 1856) The sweethearts Pears Soap Co. chromolithograph Enclosed in glazed Mulvany Bros., Dublin 2 frame 63 x 47 cm.
112 PAiR oF LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PoLLARD oAK BEDSiDE PEDEStALS each with a square top above a panelled door and drawer 76 cm. high; 64 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep (2)
€50 - 80
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
113 Lot oF tHREE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE cAntonESE BoWLS AnD JARS each with all over figural polychrome decoration 11 cm. high; 9.5 cm. diameter and smaller €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
114 GEoRGE iii StYLE MAHoGAnY WAtERFALL BooKcASE the superstructure with a series of open shelves; the projecting base a series of drawers and panelled doors, below a brushing slide, raised on bracket feet 133 cm. high; 105 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep €400 - 600
115 coLin KiRBY-GREEn (ENGLISH) Landscape Watercolour Signed ‘Colin Kirby Green’, lower-left 24 x 32 cm.
116 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LouiS XVi StYLE GiLt FRAMED ARMcHAiRS each with an oval upholstered back and shaped seat, raised on turned and fluted legs to the fore 95 cm. high; 62 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep (2)
€80 - 120
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
117 SEt oF tHREE cHinESE GRADuAtED cLoiSonnÉ BoWLS each of circular form, two with all over dragon decoration 20 cm. diameter and smaller
Attic 2 Auction
118 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WAtERFALL BooKcASE of four shelves, raised on brass bun feet 114 cm. high; 59 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep €300 - 500
€80 - 120
119 PAtRiciA KELLY (IRISH) Garden treasury... Oil on canvas Signed ‘PKelly’, lower-right Unframed 59.5 x 50.5 cm.
120 EDWARDiAn PAintED AnD PARcEL GiLt StAnDARD LAMP complete with shade 186 cm. high (with shade) €100 - 150
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
121 SEt oF tHREE AVon, BRAZiL BEER MuGS each with raised moulded decoration 13.5 cm. high; 9 cm. wide and smaller €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
122 LARGE MAHoGAnY AnD uPHoLStERED StooL the expansive rectangular shaped seat, raised on acanthus leaf carved cabriole legs, terminating on claw and ball feet 51 cm. high; 110 cm. wide; 77 cm. deep €400 - 600
123 FOLLOWER OF WiLLiAM SHAYER (ENGLISH, 1787-1879) Figure in a boat beside the sea Oil on board Enclosed in a Kensington Art Framers, London W8 frame 15.5 x 24 cm.
124 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY PEDEStAL WRitinG DESK the rectangular tooled leather inset top, above a series of nine drawers, furnished with turned wooden knobs, supported on square plinths 70 cm. high; 122 cm. wide; 69 cm. deep €400 - 600
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
125 PAiR oF SEAtED oRiEntAL StYLE cHinA FiGuRinES each white glazed with blue ribbon decoration 13 cm. high; 8 cm. wide; 5 cm. deep (2) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
126 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD WALnut AnD cRoSS BAnDED KnEE HoLE DESK, CIRCA 1730 the rectangular cross banded top, above a series of three drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 72 cm. high; 86 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep €500 - 800
127 AFTER MYLES BiRKEt FoStER (ENGLISH, 1825-99) Children playing by a stream Print Enclosed in a gilt frame 24 x 36 cm.
128 LARGE AntiQuE MEtAL BounD PinE LoG BARREL of oval shape, furnished with lug handles 44 cm. high; 74 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €200 - 300
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
129 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt featuring dolphins in flight 5 cm. high; 5.5 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
130 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY WinE tABLE the circular top, raised on a fluted turned stem and scroll legged pod 73 cm. high; 35 cm. diameter
€40 - 60 €120 - 180
131 D.M. PAttERSon Tucket and Pooter Artist’s proof Signed ‘D.M.Patterson’, lower-right Enclosed in wood frame, non-glazed 50 x 45 cm.
132 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD EBonY StRinG inLAiD tEA tABLE the rectangular shaped top with rounded corners to the fore, opening to a polished interior, above a conforming frieze, raised on turned fluted legs, terminating on brass cup castors 74 cm. high; 91 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
133 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt featuring a polychrome flower 8 cm. high; 7 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
134 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY oRMoLu MountED WALnut AnD MARQuEtRY tWo tiER tABLE raised on cabriole legs 61 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €500 - 800
135 cHRiStiAn AtKinSon Mother and child Oil on canvas Signed ‘Christian Atkinson’, lower-right 60 x 50 cm.
136 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD MAHoGAnY BAcHELoR’S cHESt the rectangular caddy moulded top, over two short and three long drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles, raised on bracket feet 75 cm. high; 81 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
€150 - 250 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
137 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE iMARi BoWLS each of circular serpentine ribbed form, with all over floral decoration 8 cm. high; 21 cm. wide (2)
Attic 2 Auction
138 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PinE PEW the planked seat, below a latted back, raised on panelled ends 95 cm. high; 168 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €200 - 300
€50 - 80
139 iRiSH ScHooL Still life of flowers in a vase Oil on panel Enclosed in a hand finished Darren McKenna frame 40 x 32 cm.
140 EDWARDiAn KinGWooD AnD MARQuEtRY DRinKS cABinEt the rectangular shaped top, with canted corners to the fore, over two profusely inlaid panelled doors, raised on cabriole legs 85 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep
€150 - 250 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
141 Lot oF FiVE ARt PottERY BEER MuGS each with raised moulded decoration 13 cm. high; 13 cm. diameter and smaller
Attic 2 Auction
142 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY cHESt of six graduated drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on bracket feet 88 cm. high; 78 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €500 - 800
143 JoHn MoRRiS Cloudy day, Ballinskelligs Beach, Ring of Kerry Oil on board, circa 2003 Signed ‘JMorris’, lower-right 46 x 46 cm. €200 - 300
144 LARGE EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY AMBoYnA DiSPLAY cABinEt-on-cHESt, CIRCA 1730 the superstructure with a double arched moulded pediment, above two bevelled glazed serpentine arched doors, enclosing shelves. The base of two short and two long drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles and escutcheons 210 cm. high; 164 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €500 - 800 33
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
145 FREncH BRonZE ScuLPtuRE Young girl holding a mandolin 43 cm. high; 14 cm. diameter €150 - 250
Attic 2 Auction
146 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY BooKcASE/DiSPLAY cABinEt the superstructure with a moulded crown above two paterae glazed doors, enclosing shelves. The base with two panelled doors, raised on bracket feet 217 cm. high; 132 cm. wide; 48 cm. deep €500 - 800
147 EnGLiSH ScHooL Seaside town Oil on canvas Indistinctly signed, lower-left Enclosed in a wood frame 41 x 51 cm. €150 - 250
148 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD inLAiD SHERAton DiSPLAY cABinEt the moulded crown above a central glazed panelled door, flanked by a curved glazed panel on either side, enclosing shelves, raised on square tapered legs, joined by an under shelf, terminating on spade feet 183 cm. high; 130 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep €500 - 800 34
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
149 DouLton FiGuRE The Seafarer 22 cm. high; 14 cm. wide; 12 cm. deep
Attic 2 Auction
150 cHinESE EBonY PictoRiAL LoW tABLE the rectangular figure decorated top, raised on square scroll legs 46 cm. high; 102 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep
€30 - 50 €200 - 300
151 ABStRAct ScHooL Three men conversing Oil on canvas Enclosed in a silver painted frame 31 x 41 cm.
152 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY RoSEWooD AnD PARcEL GiLt LoW BooKcASE the rectangular serpentine fronted top, above a series of three shelves, between turned pillars, raised on a bobbin moulded serpentine plinth 92 cm. high; 126 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep
€100 - 150 €400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
153 VictoRiAn SEPiA PictoRiAL JuG depicting a homestead by a river 14 cm. high; 12 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
154 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY EBonY AnD BRASS inLAiD tHREE tiER ÉtAGÈRE of circular form, raised on scroll legs 80 cm. high; 37 cm. diameter
€20 - 30 €200 - 300
155 A. tHoRnton Castle grounds in a seascape Watercolour Signed lower-right 13.5 x 25 cm.
156 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY HALL tABLE the serpentine top above a fluted frieze, raised on square tapered legs, with ankle socks 77 cm. high; 93 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep €200 - 300
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
157 GRouP oF FiVE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE iMARi PLAtES each of circular serpentine form 22 cm. diameter (5) €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
158 WiLLiAM iV PERioD RoSEWooD cARD tABLE the rectangular shaped top with rounded corners to the fore, opening to a baize lined interior, above a bateau shaped frieze, raised on chamfered Ionic column and platform base, terminating on bun feet 75 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep €500 - 800
159 MuRiEL MoRFin Blue indigo Oil on board 61 x 91 cm.
160 PAiR oF cARVED oAK BEDSiDE PEDEStALS each with an elongated rectangular shaped top, above two arched panelled doors, raised on turned legs, joined by stretcher rails 76 cm. high; 77 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep (2)
€80 - 120 €400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
162 161 coLLEction oF 35 (APPRoX.) cHinA tHiMBLES LARGE EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD coFFEE tABLE each decorated on a white ground the oval shaped top, above a conforming frieze, 3 cm. high and smaller raised on square tapered legs 55 cm. high; 138 cm. wide; 107 cm. deep €50 - 80 €400 - 600
163 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Figures and boats in a seascape Oil on canvas Unframed 33 x 45 cm.
164 EDWARDiAn cARVED GiLt WooD FRAMED SinGLE BED the bergère panelled top and bottom, raised on turned and fluted legs Headboard: 127 x 121 cm.
€80 - 120
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
165 PAiR oF SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED cAnDLESticKS each with a spiral turned stem and shaped circular base 15 cm. high; 10 cm. diameter (2)
Attic 2 Auction
166 REGEncY PERioD PAintED AnD PARcEL GiLt DWARF oPEn BooKcASE the rectangular breakfront top, above a conforming frieze, above a series of shelves, supported on a moulded edged platform base 89 cm. high; 162 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep
€80 - 120 €800 - 1,200
167 F. nASH, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Sailing ships Oil on canvas Signed in red ‘F.Nash’, lower-right 40 x 60 cm.
168 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD REVoLVinG BooKcASE the circular shaped top, above four open book sections, raised on a turned stem and scroll legged pod 66 cm. high; 45 cm. diameter
€150 - 250 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
169 LAtE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY ARt PottERY VASE of ovoid form, with incised Classical figural decoration 31 cm. high; 16 cm. diameter
170 MiD-tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY SAtinWooD DESiGnER coFFEE tABLE the rectangular segmented top, with curved ends, raised on a shaped block base 47 cm. high; 128 cm. wide; 68 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€300 - 500
171 EnGLiSH ScHooL Full length portrait of a young girl Print Enclosed in a glazed frame 13 x 8.5 cm.
172 EDWARDiAn PERioD SAtinWooD WoRK BoX on StAnD the sarcophagus shaped lid, opening to a lined interior, above a simple body, raised on square tapered legs 75 cm. high; 33 cm. wide; 25 cm. deep
€20 - 30 €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
173 tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY cHinA GRouP Young girl with geese 19 cm. high; 21 cm. wide €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
174 VictoRiAn WALnut AnD MARQuEtRY coAL BoX the square top, above a profusely inlaid drop front, furnished with a metal lined interior 64 cm. high; 38 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep €200 - 300
175 FREDERicK FLocKton, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Still life of dead birds by a nest Watercolour Signed ‘FFlockton’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 17 x 25 cm.
176 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY coAL BoX the square top, above a profusely inlaid drop front, furnished with a metal liner 58 cm. high; 41 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep €200 - 300
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
177 GERMAn ARMoRiAL ARt PottERY EWER with raised flower head and moulded mask decoration 18 cm. high; 12 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
178 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LAcQuERED LoG Bin the rectangular shaped top, opening to a storage interior, above a Chinoiserie decorated body, raised on scroll legs 50 cm. high; 59 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €200 - 300
179 c. FitZGERALD Figures in a boat in a river landscape Print Signed ‘C.Fitzgerald’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 25 x 33 cm.
180 PAiR oF REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY ARMoRiAL BAcKED HALL cHAiRS each with a disk shield back and a curvaceous panelled seat, raised on out-swept tapered legs to the fore 81 cm. high; 38 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep (2)
€20 - 30
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
181 Lot oF FiVE FAiR GRounD BRASSES each of oval form 7.5 cm. high; 10 cm. wide and smaller €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
182 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD FRAMED ARMcHAiR the oval upholstered panelled back, above a serpentine fronted seat, between scroll fronted arms, raised on cabriole legs to the fore, terminating on castors 94 cm. high; 54 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €200 - 300
183 RoY PERRY Golfing Print, limited edition Signed ‘Roy Perry’, lower-right Enclosed in a frame, non-glazed 35 x 49 cm.
184 VictoRiAn WALnut tHREE-tiER StAnD raised on turned pillars, terminating on castors 75 cm. high; 51 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep €200 - 300
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
185 EARLY AFRicAn HARDWooD tRiBAL ScuLPtuRE Mother and child 31 cm. high; 13 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
186 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY ELBoW cHAiR the shoulder arched back, above a pierced splat and upholstered seat, between scroll fronted arms, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 87 cm. high; 54 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€80 - 120 €100 - 150
187 EnGLiSH ScHooL, CIRCA 1919 River landscape Watercolour Indistinctly signed and dated, lower-left Enclosed in a glazed frame 14 x 21 cm.
188 VictoRiAn RoSEWooD tHREE-tiER StAnD raised on spiral turned pillars, terminating on castors 80 cm. high; 56 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep €200 - 300
€20 - 30
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
189 PAiR oF oLDcouRt LuStRE WARE VASES each of tulip form 18.5 cm. high (2) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
190 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY SutHERLAnD tABLE the rectangular elongated top, with serpentine drop leaves, raised on tapered out-swept ends, joined by an undershelf 64 cm. high; 69 cm. wide; 20 cm. deep €200 - 300
191 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Figures in a river and mountain landscape Oil on board Enclosed in a glazed frame 44 x 66 cm.
192 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD cRoSS BAnDED cEntRE tABLE the square shaped top with chamfered corners, raised on a turned stem and sabre legged pod, terminating on brass feet and castors 73 cm. high; 93 cm. wide; 75 cm. deep
€80 - 120 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
193 MiD tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY ARt GLASS BoWL of abstract form 10 cm. high; 21 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
194 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY LoW tABLE the circular moulded edged top, raised on a turned stem and scroll legged pod 52 cm. high; 77 cm. diameter
€50 - 80 €200 - 300
195 MicHAEL J. WHitEHAnD Thermopylae Oil on canvas Signed ‘M.J. Whitehead’, lower-left 51 x 76 cm.
196 PAiR oF EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE FRuitWooD BEDSiDE cABinEtS each with an elongated rectangular shaped top, above a series of drawers and panelled doors, raised on bun feet 65 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep (2)
€100 - 150 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
197 AntiQuE SHEFFiELD PLAtED coFFEE Pot of tapered form, with engraved decoration 20 cm. high; 15 cm. wide €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
198 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY HEPPLEWHitE ARMcHAiRS each with a square crest rail, above a pierced splat, and stuff-over seat, between scrolling arms, raised on square tapered legs, terminating and spade feet 86 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep (2) €200 - 300
199 KEn DonFiELD Impressionist study of a female nude Oil on canvas Signed and dated ‘Ken Donfield 1989’, lower-left Enclosed in a painted frame 75 x 59 cm.
200 PAiR oF EARLY tWEntiEtH -cEntuRY cHinESE HARDWooD HALL cHAiRS each with a carved panelled back and tapered panelled seat, raised on square scroll legs to the fore 96 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500
€120 - 180
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
201 EDinBuRGH cRYStAL cASED MiLLEnniuM cLocK 6 cm. high; 12 cm. wide €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
202 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY SAtinWooD LiBRARY cEntRE tABLE the square marble inset top, above a series of real and faux drawers, furnished with turned wooded knobs raised on a chamfered stem and platform base, terminating on bun feet 74 cm. high; 53 cm. wide; 53 cm. deep €400 - 600
203 LAJoS SZALAY Man carrying rocks Print, limited edition 8/101 Signed and dated ‘Szalay 66’, upper-left Enclosed in a glazed frame 41 x 33 cm.
204 EDWARDiAn PERioD LAcQuERED HALL tABLE the rectangular shaped top with curved ends to the fore, above a green palmette decorated frieze, raised on turned legs joined by stretcher rails 80 cm. high; 114 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €300 - 500
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
205 coPELAnD SPoDE coRonAtion PottERY DEcAntER with coronet finial 25 cm. high; 10 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
206 REGEncY PERioD RoSEWooD LiBRARY tABLE the rectangular tooled leather inset top, below a brass gallery rail, above a frieze drawer, raised on panelled and platform ends, terminating on bun feet 75 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 58 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €300 - 500
207 KAtE HEnnESSY (IRISH) Sinarades, Corfu Oil on board Signed and dated and titled, lower-left 42 x 29 cm.
208 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY cHiPPEnDALE StYLE coFFEE tABLE the rectangular top, above a conforming frieze, and profusely carved apron, raised on cabriole legs 47 cm. high; 95 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€100 - 150 Provenance: The Barbara Stanley Gallery
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
209 LARGE HEAVY cRYStAL cut GLASS BoWL of square form, with raised trellis pattern decoration 10 cm. high; 21 cm. wide; 21 cm. deep €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
210 EDWARDiAn WALnut AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD BEDSiDE PEDEStAL the square serpentine fronted top, above a frieze drawer and two shelves, raised on scroll legs to the fore 64 cm. high; 44 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep €100 - 150
211 PAiR oF PEARS PRintS Monks sampling food Monks reading Each enclosed in a gilt frame 48 x 58 cm. (2)
212 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY nESt oF FouR tABLES each with a rectangular shaped top raised on turned legs, joined by stretcher rails 74 cm. high; 61 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep and smaller
€100 - 150
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
213 SEt oF FouR RoYAL DouLton cHARActER PLAtES Dickens Ware 26 cm. diameter (4) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
214 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD toRcHERES each with a circular dished top, raised on a turned stem, and tripod platform pod, terminating on scroll legs 129 cm. high (2) €150 - 250
215 EnGLiSH ScHooL Figure and cattle in a river and mountain landscape Print Enclosed in a painted and glazed frame 16 x 24 cm. €20 - 30
216 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY SPiDER LEGGED SutHERLAnD tABLE the elongated rectangular shaped top with square drop leaves, raised on turned pillar ends and out-swept scroll legs, joined by stretcher rails, terminating on pad feet 69 cm. high; 58 cm. wide; 23 cm. deep €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
217 cHinESE cARVED JADE BouLDER depicting exotic birds, amongst blossoms 22 cm. high; 34 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
218 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE HARDWooD AnD MotHER o’PEARL inLAiD StooL of open work barrel shape 50 cm. high; 40 cm. diameter
€100 - 150 €300 - 500
219 MoDERn iRiSH ScHooL Poetry Dublin Watercolour Enclosed in a glazed frame 48 x 78 cm.
220 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY PiER MiRRoR the oval plate with a shield shaped frame surmounted by a broken arched swan necked pediment 86 cm. high; 46 cm. wide
€150 - 250 €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
221 SiLVER PLAtED tAnKARD inscribed: Bob Monkhouse the king of quip and counter quip 9.5 cm. high; 11 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
222 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PAintED DoLL’S HouSE 73 cm. high; 78 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep €150 - 250
€50 - 80
223 EnGLiSH ScHooL Stormy seas Oil on board Signed with initials ‘BSJ’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt frame 40 x 48 cm.
224 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY DuMBWAitER of three shelves, above a drawer, raised on turned pillars 120 cm. high; 35 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep €300 - 500
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
225 tHREE PiEcE SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED tEA SERVicE each of oval form, with a ribbed body 13 cm. high; 15 cm. wide; 10 cm. deep; 9 cm. high; 14 cm. wide; 8 cm. deep; and 10.5 cm. high; 19 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
226 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LAcQuERED PAPiER MAcHE ScREEn raised on a turned stem and scroll legged pod 157 cm. high; 40 cm. wide €200 - 300
€100 - 150
227 FRAncES FRY Horses in a landscape Watercolour Signed ‘Frances Fry’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 52 x 75 cm.
228 VictoRiAn BRASS AnD LEADED GLASS FiRE ScREEn of arched form, raised on scroll ends 77 cm. high; 53 cm. wide €300 - 500
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
229 PAiR oF SiLVER PLAtED conDiMEntS each of vase shape with a domed lid 13 cm. high (2) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
230 SEt oF SiX REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD coRK DininG cHAiRS Comprising: two elbow chairs and four side chairs Carvers: 89 cm. high; 58 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep (2); Chairs: 88 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep (4) €500 - 800
231 DAViD GooD Boat race Acrylic on board Signed ‘David Good’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed box frame 39 x 53 cm.
232 WiLLiAM iV PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD HiDEuPHoLStERED RELininG LiBRARY cHAiR the deep buttoned back, above a panelled seat, between scroll fronted arms, raised on turned anthemion carved legs to the fore, terminating on castors 112 cm. high; 69 cm. wide; 70 cm. deep
€100 - 150 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
233 tWo MALinG, nEWcAStLE-on-tYnE PottERY PLAtES each of lozenge form 21 cm. high; 29 cm. wide (2) €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
234 PAiR oF WiLLiAM AnD MARY StYLE WALnut cHAiRS each with a tall inverted arched back, centred by a vase shaped splat, above a stuff over seat, raised on cabriole legs, joined by stretcher rails 109 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep €150 - 250
235 JoHn MuRPHY Winter woodland Lithograph Signed ‘John Murphy’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 31 x 46 cm.
236 EDWARDiAn PERioD WiLLiAM AnD MARY StYLE MAHoGAnY cHAiRS with a tall inverted arched back, centred by a vase shaped splat, above a stuff over seat, raised on cabriole legs, joined by stretcher rails 107 cm. high; 50 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
237 GERMAnY GLAZED PottERY coW 12 cm. high; 18 cm. wide; 5 cm. deep €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
238 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD HALL SEttEE the serpentine crest rail, above a series of rectangular splats, above a stuff over seat, between scroll fronted arms, raised on cabriole legs to the fore, terminating on castors 95 cm. high; 133 cm. wide; 53 cm. deep €300 - 500
239 JEREMY KinG River scene Lithograph Enclosed in a glazed frame 35 x 47 cm.
240 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SHERAton BonHEuR Du JouR the rectangular serpentine sided top, below a series of small drawers and open shelves, above a frieze drawer, raised on out-swept square tapered legs 99 cm. high; 93 cm. wide; 53 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
241 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt the inside depicting floating molecules 5.5 cm. high; 5.5 cm. diameter €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
242 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SHERAton DiSPLAY cABinEt a series of four glazed doors, enclosing shelves, raised on square tapered legs 184 cm. high; 138 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €500 - 800
243 EnGLiSH ScHooL River landscape Oil on canvas Indistinctly signed, lower-left Enclosed in a gilt frame 30 x 47 cm.
244 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY BooKcASE the moulded crown above two geometrically glazed doors enclosing shelves, raised on cabriole legs 183 cm. high; 141 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep €400 - 600
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
245 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt the inside depicting floral shapes 4.5 cm. high; 5.5 cm. diameter €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
246 VictoRiAn WALnut AnD MARQuEtRY cARD tABLE the rectangular shaped top with curved ends, opening to a baize lined interior, above a conforming frieze, raised on turned pillar and scroll ends, joined by a turned stretcher rail Closed: 70 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €500 - 800
248 247 EDWARDiAn PERioD coMBinAtion GAMES JoHn GiLLinGHAM tABLE AnD BooK tRouGH Abstract scene the rectangular satinwood inlaid top, opening to a Oil on board Signed and dated ‘John Gillingham 1969’, lower-right baize lined interior, above a conforming frieze, raised on out swept square tapered ends, joined by a 55 x 75 cm. trough 74 cm. high; 61 cm. wide; 31 cm. deep €50 - 80 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
249 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt the inside depicting a bright yellow flower 5 cm. high; 5.5 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
250 GEoRGE iii PERioD SAtinWooD HALL tABLE the segmented D-shaped top, above a conforming frieze, raised on square tapered legs 77 cm. high; 108 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep
€80 - 120 €500 - 800
251 SEt oF tHREE PRintS Each depicting a Continental landscape scene Each enclosed in a glazed frame 18 x 27 cm. (3)
252 VictoRiAn WALnut occASionAL tABLE the rectangular gadrooned edged top, with curved serpentine ends, above a conforming frieze, raised on turned and fluted legs, joined by stretcher rails 68 cm. high; 100 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
253 PAiR oF SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED cAnDLESticKS each with a turned stem and shaped circular base 11.5 cm. high (2)
Attic 2 Auction
254 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY oAK Joint StooL the square panelled top above a conforming frieze, raised on out swept turned legs, joined by stretcher rails 54 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 27 cm. deep
€80 - 120 €200 - 300
255 SEt oF tHREE PRintS Each depicting a still life of flowers Each enclosed in a glazed frame 25 x 20 cm. and smaller
256 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY YAcHt tABLE the rectangular shaped top, with butterfly wing drop leaves, raised on pierced vase shaped panelled and scroll ends, joined by a stretcher rail Closed: 65 cm. high; 66 cm. wide; 19 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
257 ARt GLASS PAPERWEiGHt of turquoise colour 3.5 cm. high; 12.5 cm. wide; 12.5 cm. deep €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
258 SEt oF FouR ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY SHERAton DininG cHAiRS each with a satinwood centred rectangular crest rail, above a stuff over seat, raised on square tapered legs to the fore, joined by stretcher rails 85 cm. high; 43 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep (5) €300 - 500
259 ADAM KoS Still life Oil on board Signed ‘Adam Kos’, upper-left Enclosed in a gilt frame 19 x 29 cm.
260 EDWARDiAn BRASS coAL BoX of circular pierced form, below a domed lid and turned finial 46 cm. high; 36 cm. wide; 28 cm. deep €100 - 150
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
261 PAiR oF cHARActER ARt PottERY nAPKin RinG HoLDERS 9 cm. high (2) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
262 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS MountED EBonY LiBRARY tABLE the rectangular tooled leather inset top, with curved serpentine ends, above a frieze drawer, raised on turned legs, joined by stretcher rails 76 cm. high; 140 cm. wide; 81 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
263 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Figures by the sea Watercolour Enclosed in a gilt frame 9 x 13 cm.
264 EDWARDiAn PERioD SAtinWooD LADiES DRESSinG tABLE the kidney shaped top, above a series of drawers, raised on square tapered legs 75 cm. high; 110 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
265 PAiR oF cHinESE EnGRAVED HoRnS each mounted on a wooden stand 41 cm. high; 22 cm. wide; 8 cm. deep (2) €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
266 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY tEA tABLE, CIRCA 1790 the rich serpentine fronted top, opening to a polished interior, above a conforming frieze, raised on square tapered legs Closed: 75 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
267 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Horse and wagon in a landscape Watercolour Enclosed in a gilt frame 9 x 13 cm.
268 WiLLiAM iV PERioD RoSEWooD cARD tABLE the serpentine top above a bateau shaped frieze, raised on a turned stem and platform base 75 cm. high; 91 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
269 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE BRonZE VASE of bottle shape, with elephant trunk scroll handles and raised figural decoration 31 cm. high; 16 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
270 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY oAK MEtAL BounD SiLVER tRunK of square form, furnished with inset lug handles 63 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €200 - 300
€80 - 120
271 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Figure by a river Oil on panel Enclosed in a decorative frame 37 x 57 cm.
272 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD SiDE tABLE the D-shaped top, above a conforming frieze, fitted with a drawer, raised on square tapered legs 74 cm. high; 117 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
273 LARGE SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED WinE cooLER of vase shape raised on a turned stem and circular foot 10 cm. high
Attic 2 Auction
274 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY oAK AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD BLAnKEt cHESt on StAnD the moulded crown, above panelled doors. The base of four drawers, furnished with pierced brass handles, raised on cabriole legs 195 cm. high; 121 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep
€100 - 150 €400 - 600
275 MARiE cARRoLL Figures approaching a hotel Oil on board Signed, lower-right Enclosed in a painted gold frame 70 x 85.5 cm. €200 - 300 Provenance: The Apollo Gallery, Dublin
276 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD StRinG inLAiD BREAKFRont BooKcASE the superstructure with a moulded crown, above four geometrically glazed doors enclosing shelves. The projecting base with a fitted secretaire drawer and two outer drawers, over four panelled doors, raised on a moulded plinth 215 cm. high; 186 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €1,000 - 1,500 66
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
277 1960S cASED BinocuLARS 11 cm. wide €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
278 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY MuSic cABinEt the rectangular top above two profusely carved panelled doors, over a glazed door, supported on bracket feet 108 cm. high; 56 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep €300 - 500
279 oRnitHoLoGicAL intERESt, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Hand-coloured print Enclosed in a glazed frame 33 x 21 cm.
280 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY HALL tABLE, CIRCA 1820 the rectangular shaped top with rounded corners to the fore, above two frieze drawers furnished with brass knobs, raised on turned legs 66 cm. high; 99 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
281 WEDGWooD GREEn FoLiAtE PLAtE 22 cm. high; 30 cm. wide €10 - 15
Attic 2 Auction
282 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY WAtERFALL oPEn BooKcASE of two shelves, above two drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles, raised on bracket feet 95 cm. high; 112 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep €500 - 800
283 SEt oF FouR HuntinG PRintS, NINETEENTHCENTURY Loss of the Chaplain A Leicestershire burst Bagging the fox The victory of the obtaining brush 29 x 35 cm. (4)
284 DESiGnER HiDE uPHoLStERED SEttEE with loose cushions 68 cm. high; 167 cm. wide; 86 cm. deep €200 - 300
€120 - 180
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
285 cHinESE SAncAi PoLYcHRoME FiGuRE 10 cm. high €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
286 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY EnVELoPE cARD tABLE the square segmented top, opening to a baize lined interior, above a frieze drawer, raised on cabriole legs, joined by stretcher rails Closed: 73 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep €300 - 500
287 GEoRGE AnDERSon SHoRt (1856-1945) Duck shooting Watercolour Signed and dated ‘G A Short 44’, lower-left Enclosed in a glazed frame 26 x 37 cm.
288 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY oAK MEtAMoRPHic PRiE-DiEu 75 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep €150 - 250
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
289 EDWARDiAn SiLVER BAcKED VAnitY MiRRoR 28 cm. long €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
290 EDWARDiAn PERioD cARVED cHiPPEnDALE oVER MAntLE MiRRoR the oval plate within a profusely carved openwork frame 72 cm. high; 86 cm. wide €300 - 500
291 continEntAL ScHooL Mother and father with newborn Red chalk on paper Enclosed in a glazed frame 12.5 x 19 cm.
292 PAiR oF LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY SPELtER FiGuRES 96 cm. high (2) €100 - 150
€100 - 150 Provenance: Freddie Schnelder, NY
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
293 ALABAStER ScuLPtuRE of a reclining goddess 13 cm. high; 20 cm. wide €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
294 PAiR oF VictoRiAn WALnut occASionAL cHAiRS each with a gently arched crest, above a vase shaped splat and velvet upholstered seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 95 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep (2) €100 - 150
295 SEt oF FouR EnGRAVinGS, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Each depicting a famous fountain 30 x 20 cm. (4)
296 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY occASionAL tABLE the moulded edged octagonal shaped top, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 69 cm. high; 86 cm. wide; 85 cm. deep
€120 - 180 €100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
297 GiBSon’S LuStRE MuG decorated with a sailing ship at full mast 11 cm. high; 13 cm. wide €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
298 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY coFFEE tABLE the rectangular shaped top, above a conforming frieze, fitted with an end drawer, raised on a scroll legged pod, terminating on claw feet 52 cm. high; 106 cm. wide; 59 cm. deep €500 - 800
299 AFTER ALAn MALEY The balloon seller Print Enclosed in a ebonized and glazed frame 19 x 24 cm. €40 - 60
300 GEoRGE ii PERioD RED WALnut GAMES tABLE, CIRCA 1750 the rectangular shaped top with eared corners to the fore, opening to a welled and baize lined interior, above a conforming frieze with fitted drawer, raised on proud cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 72 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep €1,000 - 1,500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
301 LARGE SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED SERVinG tRAY of rectangular serpentine form, with leaf scroll handles 41 cm. high; 70 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
302 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY GiLt oPEn SHELVES each raised on turned pillars 77 cm. high; 85 cm. wide; 24 cm. deep (2) €500 - 800
€100 - 150
303 E. B. HERBERtE Set of six hunting scenes Each a watercolour Framed as one 10 x 15 cm. (6) €50 - 80
304 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD cHiPPEnDALE WRitinG BuREAu, CIRCA 1760 the rectangular shaped top above a fall front, opening to a fitted writing interior, above a frieze drawer furnished with armorial brass handles, raised on square chamfered legs, headed by pierced fretwork brackets 95 cm. high; 61 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep €800 - 1,200 73
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
305 BuRLEiGH WARE, WiLLoW PAttERn BiScuit BARREL of cylindrical form, with turned handles 13 cm. high; 16 cm. wide
306 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY cHESt of two short and three long drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on square legs 106 cm. high; 116 cm. wide; 54 cm. deep
€40 - 60
€200 - 300
307 SEt oF FouR EtcHinGS, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY from Middleton’s ‘Complete System of Geography’ Each enclosed in a glazed frame 30 x 18 cm. (4)
308 EDWARDiAn PERioD cHiPPEnDALE LiBRARY tABLE the expansive rectangular top above two frieze drawers raised on dramatic leaf carved legs, terminating on claw and ball feet 70 cm. high; 112 cm. wide; 65 cm. deep
€120 - 180 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
309 SEt oF EiGHt cHinA PLAtES Marty Bell: The English Country Cottages Plate Collection 21.5 cm. diameter (8)
Attic 2 Auction
310 EDWARDiAn PERioD cHiPPEnDALE cHESt of four drawers furnished with brass scroll handles, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on claw and ball feet 94 cm. high; 67 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep
€20 - 30 €300 - 500
311 cHinESE SiLK EMBRoiDERED EMBELLiSHMEnt Enclosed in a gilt frame 40 x 23 cm. €20 - 30
312 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD MAHoGAnY BAcHELoR’S cHESt the rectangular caddy moulded top, over two short and three long drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles, raised on bracket feet 91 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
313 SEt oF ELEVEn oF cHinA PLAtES Wavecrest Studios 20.5 cm. diameter (11) €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
314 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD EBonY StRinG inLAiD DRoP LEAF tABLE the elongated rectangular shaped top, with drop leaves, raised on turned pillar and sabre legs, terminating on brass feet and castors Closed: 71 cm. high; 101 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
315 EnGRAVinG, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Enclosed in a contemporary gilt frame 18 x 24 cm. €40 - 60
316 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY EBonY AnD AMBoYnA inLAiD BoX ottoMAn the rectangular upholstered seat, opening to a storage interior, above a panelled inlaid body 47 cm. high; 94 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
317 WooD & SonS PARt cHinA tEA SEt Four cups and four saucers Saucers: 12 cm. diameter €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
318 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD HAnGinG BooKSHELF the moulded crown above two glazed doors, enclosing shelves 76 cm. high; 91 cm. wide; 23 cm. deep €300 - 500
319 EnGRAVinG, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Enclosed in a contemporary gilt frame 24 x 18 cm.
320 GiLt FRAMED PiER MiRRoR the rectangular plate, within a moulded frame 116 cm. high; 37 cm. wide
€40 - 60
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
321 VictoRiAn LuStREWARE tEA Pot with painted floral decoration 17 cm. high; 23 cm. wide; 14 cm. deep €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
322 ARt DEco PERioD BRASS FRAMED oVER MAntLE MiRRoR the Oriental serpentine arched plate, within a round over moulded frame 135 cm. high; 116 cm. wide €300 - 500
323 AFTER AuGuStE RoDin (FRENCH, 1840-1917) Study of a female nude Study of a female nude Each a print Each enclosed in a glazed frame 28 x 18 cm. (2)
324 SEt oF SiX REGEncY PERioD LADDER BAcK AnD HiDE uPHoLStERED DininG cHAiRS, CIRCA 1810 each raised on turned legs to the fore 85 cm. high; 49 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep (6) €800 - 1,200
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
325 EDWARDiAn SiLVER PLAtED MAntLE cLocK of arched form, with cherub decoration 23 cm. high; 28 cm. wide
326 FouR-FoLD ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE ScREEn 173 cm. high; 164 cm. wide
€100 - 150
€200 - 300
327 F. BoucKAERt Tree lined river landscape Oil on canvas Signed in red ‘F. Bouckaert’, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative frame 63 x 79 cm.
328 EDWARDiAn PERioD cHinESE cHiPPEnDALE MAHoGAnY oPEn BooK SHELF of four shelves, between open fret work panels 106 cm. high; 39 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep €300 - 500
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
329 cHinESE QinG PERioD VASE of baluster form, with warrior decoration 31 cm. high
330 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD HAnGinG BooKSHELF 55 cm. high; 71 cm. wide; 22 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€100 - 150
331 PEtER GREEn Sun beacon Artist’s proof Signed and titled Enclosed in a glazed box frame 82 x 62 cm.
332 PAiR oF DESiGnER X-FRAMED occASionAL tABLES 59 cm. high; 62 cm. wide; 62 cm. deep (2) €200 - 300
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
333 EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY FiGuRE with a basket 46 cm. high; 20 cm. wide; 21 cm. deep €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
334 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY HALL tABLE the rectangular serpentine fronted top, above a shaped drawer, furnished with brass handles, raised on acanthus leaf carved cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 64 cm. high; 82 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep €200 - 300
335 EnGLiSH ScHooL Seaside town Oil on board Enclosed in a wood frame 65 x 48 cm.
336 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY SiLVER tABLE the rectangular dished top, above a frieze drawer, furnished with oval brass handles, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 72 cm. high; 65 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
337 FiVE MASon’S iRonStonE PLAtES Mandarin pattern 22.5 cm. diameter (5)
Attic 2 Auction
338 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY HALL SEttEE the upholstered and carved back above a serpentine fronted seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 91 cm. high; 107 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep
€20 - 30 €300 - 500
339 continEntAL ScHooL Water fountain, near Istanbul Oil on canvas Indistinctly signed, possibly ‘J. Sefi’, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative gilt frame 65 x 50 cm.
340 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY LiBRARY tABLE the rectangular shaped top with rounded corners, above a conforming frieze, raised on pierced panelled and platform ends, joined by a turned stretcher rail, terminating on bun feet 75 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
341 cHinESE JADE FiGuRE oF A MonKEY 30 cm. high; 16 cm. wide; 7 cm. deep €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
342 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY RoSEWooD AnD uPHoLStERED BALLoon BAcK ARMcHAiR raised on cabriole legs to the fore, terminating on castors 100 cm. high; 62 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep €200 - 300
343 S. G. MoRLEY Fisherman in a boat in a river landscape Oil on canvas Signed ‘S.G.Morley’, lower-left Enclosed in a decorative frame 51 x 77 cm.
344 PAiR oF MiD-cEntuRY DESiGnER HiDE uPHoLStERED cHAiRS with open hooped supports 88 cm. high; 75 cm. wide; 75 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
345 cRoWn DucAL WARE tEA Pot decorated with a bird amongst blossoms 17 cm. high; 12 cm. wide €10 - 15
Attic 2 Auction
346 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY cutLERY tABLE the rectangular lift up top, opening to a fitted interior, above a drawer, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on square tapered legs, terminating on spade feet 74 cm. high; 50 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €120 - 180
347 AFTER SiR JoSHuA REYnoLDS Portrait of a woman Stipple engraving Enclosed in a moulded frame Note: Plaque to the fore, inscribed 2 June 1915 48 x 38 cm.
348 WiLLiAM iV PERioD MAHoGAnY occASionAL tABLE the rectangular shaped top, with chamfered corners, above a conforming frieze, with drawer ,raised on reeded pillar and platform ends, terminating on bun feet 69 cm. high; 58 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
349 AMEtHYSt cAtHEDRAL GEoDE 14 cm. high; 12.5 cm. wide; 10 cm. deep €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
350 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD StRinG inLAiD DuMBWAitER of three oval tiers, raised on out swept square tapered legs 77 cm. high; 59 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €200 - 300
351 cARRiE BYRnE West of Ireland landscape Mixed media on board Signed ‘Carrie Byrne’, lower-left 30 x 47 cm.
352 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY WinE tABLE the circular serpentine shaped top with a pie crust border, raised on a turned stem and inverted sabre legged pod 70 cm. high; 41 cm. diameter
€120 - 180
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
353 tWo ARt cRYStAL VASES 15 cm. high and smaller €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
354 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD StRinG inLAiD DiSPLAY cABinEt the moulded crown above a geometrically glazed and panelled door, enclosing shelves, raised on square tapered legs 168 cm. high; 80 cm. wide; 34 cm. deep €500 - 800
355 SEt oF tHREE oRiEntAL ScHooL ScEnES Boats in a river landscape Boats in a river landscape Boats in a river landscape Each mixed media on board Each enclosed in an ebonized frame 15 x 47 cm. and smaller
356 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY BLAnKEt cHESt the superstructure with a moulded crown above two panelled doors. The base with two short and two long drawers, raised on bracket feet 205 cm. high; 125 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep €500 - 800
€120 - 180 Provenance: W. Eaden Lillely & Co., Cambridge 86
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
357 SHEFFiELD PLAtED cREAM JuG AnD SuGAR BoWL each of oval form, raised on cabriole legs 9 cm. high; 16 cm. wide and smaller €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
358 REGEncY PERioD PARcEL GiLt coRoMAnDEL PiER cABinEt the rectangular shaped top above a conforming frieze, over a brass trellis panelled door, supported on a square plinth 90 cm. high; 78 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
359 tWo inDiAn SiLK EMBRoiDERED EMBELLiSHMEntS Three bids Two women carrying water Mixed media Each enclosed in a gilt frame 21 x 15.5 cm. (2)
360 EDWARDiAn PERioD cHiPPEnDALE LiBRARY tABLE the expansive rectangular top above two frieze drawers raised on dramatic leaf carved legs, terminating on claw and ball feet 77 cm. high; 140 cm. wide; 80 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
361 SHEFFiELD PLAtED cREAM JuG AnD SuGAR BoWL each of circular form, with a repousse band, raised on claw feet 11.5 cm. high; 20 cm. wide and smaller
362 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY cHESt of three short and one long drawer, over two panelled doors, furnished with brass handles, raised on square legs 84 cm. high; 82 cm. wide; 49 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€200 - 300
363 EnGLiSH ScHooL, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Portrait of a man in armour Oil on canvas Enclosed in a gilt frame 76 x 62 cm.
364 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY SiDEBoARD the rectangular shaped top, above two faux panelled doors, furnished with brass knobs, raised on turned legs 91 cm. high; 95 cm. wide; 48 cm. deep
€400 - 600
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
365 SHEFFiELD PLAtED coFFEE Pot AnD SuGAR BoWL each of vase form 15 cm. high; 17 cm. wide and smaller €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
366 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD iRiSH GAtE LEG tABLE the elongated rectangular shaped top, with D-shaped drop leaves, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on slippered feet Closed: 71 cm. high; 91 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
367 AFTER JAcK B. YEAtS (IRISH, 1871-1957) Man crossing a street Print Enclosed in a lime green painted frame 11.5 x 7 cm.
368 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY HALL tABLE the serpentine fronted top, above a conforming frieze, supported on a scroll pillar to the fore, terminating on a platform base 75 cm. high; 106 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep
€20 - 30
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
369 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cREAM WARE PEWtER MountED JuG with raised moulded decoration 22 cm. high €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
370 nAPoLEon iii MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS MountED cHESt on StAnD the rectangular lift-up top, opening to a vanity interior, above a series of real and faux drawers raised on square chamfered legs Closed: 55 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €500 - 800
371 EnGLiSH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Hunting scene Oil on canvas Signed with initials, lower-right Unframed 40.5 x 51 cm.
372 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY BooKcASE/DiSPLAY cABinEt the moulded crown, above a glazed door and three panelled doors, raised on cabriole legs 153 cm. high; 127 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep €500 - 800
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
373 VictoRiAn StAFFoRDSHiRE DoG 28 cm. high; 22 cm. wide; 12 cm. deep €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
374 EDWARDiAn PERioD RoSEWooD AnD MARQuEtRY inLAiD HALL SEttEE the upholstered and profusely inlaid back, between turned pillared arms, raised on turned legs to the fore 81 cm. high; 136 cm. wide; 62 cm. deep €300 - 500
375 EnGLiSH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Still life of a rose Watercolour Signed Enclosed in a glazed frame 34 x 29 cm.
376 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD DuEt StooL the upholstered lift-up seat, opening to a storage interior, raised on square tapered legs, terminating on spade feet 52 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
377 MASon’S cHinA BoWL 6 cm. high; 15 cm. wide; 13 cm. deep €10 - 15
Attic 2 Auction
378 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY PEMBRoKE tABLE, CIRCA 1790 the rectangular shaped top, with curved ends and Dshaped drop leaves, above an end drawer, raised on square tapered legs 71 cm. high; 94 cm. wide; 56 cm. deep €400 - 600
379 DutcH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Still life of fruit Oil on canvas Enclosed in a decorative frame 52 x 43 cm.
380 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LouiS XV StYLE ELBoW cHAiRS each with an armorial back and serpentine shaped seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore, terminating on scroll feet 84 cm. high; 68 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep (2)
€120 - 180 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
381 PAiR oF WEDGWooD cHinA cuPS AnD SAucERS each with parcel gilt and painted decoration Saucers: 14.5 cm. diameter €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
382 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SiDE cABinEt of two glaze panelled doors, flanking two curved profusely inlaid doors, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on scroll feet 94 cm. high; 136 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €500 - 800
383 SEt oF FiVE oRiEntAL ScHooL ScEnES Children playing / Children blowing kisses / Children praying / Children playing a board game / Children playing with wool Each a mixed media on card Each enclosed in a glazed frame 30 x 40 cm. (5)
384 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD SiDE cABinEt the rectangular shaped top, with chamfered corners to the fore, above a series of six drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on square tapered legs 80 cm. high; 86 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep
€150 - 250
€500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
385 HEAVY ARMoRiAL BRASS PLAtE 10 cm. diameter €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
386 LARGE AntiQuE MAHoGAnY coFFEE tABLE the expansive rectangular shaped top above a conforming frieze, raised on square chamfered legs 53 cm. high; 124 cm. wide; 71 cm. deep €400 - 600
387 iRiSH ScHooL Cottage in a river and mountain landscape Watercolour Signed, lower-left Enclosed in a glazed frame 23 x 34 cm.
388 VictoRiAn MAHoGAnY BEDSiDE PEDEStAL the square marble top with rounded corners to the fore, above a serpentine arched panelled door, supported on a shaped plinth 92 cm. high; 50 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep €120 - 180
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
389 SHEFFiELD PLAtED cREAM JuG AnD SuGAR BoWL each of circular form, raised on a circular foot 6.5 cm. high; 14 cm. wide (2)
Attic 2 Auction
390 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD PRoVinciAL coRnER cHAiR, CIRCA 1780 a series of vase shaped splats, above a panelled seat, raised on square chamfered legs 107 cm. high; 63 cm. wide; 66 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €300 - 500
391 iRiSH ScHooL Still life of roses Oil on board Signed, lower-left Enclosed in a gilt frame 25 x 45 cm.
392 SEt oF FouR ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE LAcQuERED AnD PiEtRA DuRA MountED PAnELS with figural decoration 97 cm. high; 30 cm. wide (4) €300 - 500
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
393 EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAnDELABRA of two scroll arms, raised on a turned stem and circular foot 37 cm. high; 32 cm. wide
394 EDWARDiAn BRASS FiRE FEnDER the moulded rail, above a series of scallop shell finials, supported on a moulded base 22 cm. high; 146 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep
€120 - 180
€200 - 300
395 EnGLiSH ScHooL Front: Portrait of a girl Verso: Portrait of a girl drinking tea Each a pastel Enclosed as one in glazed frame 34 x 25.5 cm.
396 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY AnD cHEQuERED inLAiD WinE cELLEREttE the square lift-up top, opening to a storage interior, above a simple body, raised on square tapered legs 63 cm. high; 42 cm. wide; 28 cm. deep €300 - 500
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
397 SHEFFiELD PLAtED tEA Pot of circular form 11 cm. high; 25 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
398 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY BooK tRouGH 70 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 21 cm. deep €150 - 250
€50 - 80
399 SEt oF FouR PRintS Spanish man Persian man Spanish woman Persian woman Enclosed as two in glazed frame 24 x 18 cm. (4)
400 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS LADiES DRESSinG tABLE the painted rectangular shaped top, below a raised brass gallery rail, above a frieze drawer, raised on turned brass out swept legs, joined by stretcher rails 109 cm. high; 76 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €200 - 300
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
401 tWo ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE iMARi cHARGERS each of circular form 34 cm. diameter (2) €50 - 80
403 MicHAEL cARLo Winter Screenprint, circa 1982 Titled, signed and numbered Enclosed in a glazed frame Note: Certified by Christie’s Contemporary Art 25 x 37 cm.
404 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE cARVED occASionAL tABLE the profusely decorated dished top, raised on pronounced scroll legs, joined by an undershelf 68 cm. high; 87 cm. wide; 57 cm. deep €300 - 500
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
405 EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY AFRicAn tRiBAL ScuLPtuRE of a seated figure, holding weapons 49 cm. high €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
406 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD inLAiD ELBoW cHAiR the upholstered and railed back, above a shaped upholstered inset seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 105 cm. high; 56 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep €150 - 250
407 AFTER SiR tHoMAS LAWREncE PRA, FRS (ENGLISH, 1769-1830) The Countess of Blessington Print Enclosed in a gilt frame 37 x 25 cm. (oval)
408 EDWARDiAn RoSEWooD AnD MARQuEtRY occASionAL cHAiR the profusely inlaid back, above an upholstered seat, raised on tapered legs to the fore, terminating on spade feet 86 cm. high; 46 cm.wide; 48 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
409 cHinESE PoLYcHRoME FiGuRE a sage with a young Buddha on his shoulder 53 cm. high
Attic 2 Auction
410 EDWARDiAn WALnut BERGERE PAnELLED SEttEE with loose feather and down cushions 88 cm. high; 164 cm. wide; 96 cm. deep
€100 - 150 €100 - 150
411 AFTER SiR tHoMAS LAWREncE PRA, FRS (ENGLISH, 1769-1830) Rosamond Hester Elizabeth (née Croker), Lady Barrow (1810-1906) Print Enclosed in a gilt frame 37 x 25 cm. (oval)
412 coLLEction oF SEVEn ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY coPPER itEMS Bed warmer: 113 cm. long €80 - 120
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
413 LARGE SHEFFiELD PLAtED cEntRE PiEcE of circular serpentine form with rich repousse leaf scroll decoration 35 cm. diameter
414 coLLEction oF FouR PiEcES oF cRYStAL GLASS 17 cm. high; 19 cm. wide; 13 cm. deep and smaller (4)
€120 - 180
€20 - 30
415 SPAniSH ScHooL Street scene with figures Watercolour Signed ‘Diaz’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 66 x 47 cm.
416 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn HEPPLEWHitE MAHoGAnY ELBoW cHAiRS each with a paterae headed pierced back above a stuff over seat, raised on square chamfered legs to the fore, joined by stretcher rails 96 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep (2)
€40 - 60
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
417 SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAKE BASKEt with engraved decoration and swing handle 21 cm. high (with handle up); 26 cm. diameter €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
418 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD MAHoGAnY SiLVER tABLE the rectangular dished top above a conforming frieze, raised on fretwork headed square chamfered legs, joined by X stretchers 72 cm. high; 80 cm. wide; 48 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
419 SEt oF FiVE PRintS White owl Short-eared owl Hawk owl Little owl Snow owl Each enclosed in a glazed frame 17.5 x 11.5 cm. (5)
420 EDWARDiAn PAintED AnD PARcEL GiLt WinDoW SEAt with deep buttoned upholstered seat, between scroll ends, raised on panelled square tapered legs, terminating on spade feet 57 cm. high; 116 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €200 - 300
€50 - 80 102
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
421 PAiR oF coPPER AnD BRASS ARMoRiAL MuGS 11 cm. high; 12 cm. wide; 8 cm. deep (6) €30 - 50
Attic 2 Auction
422 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY DEEP ButtonED uPHoLStERED ARMcHAiRS each with a scroll back and shaped seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 96 cm. high; 68 cm. wide; 84 cm. deep (2) €400 - 600
423 FREncH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Dwellings by the sea Oil on board Enclosed in an ebonized frame 25 x 32 cm.
424 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD MAHoGAnY LoW tABLE the rectangular top above a conforming frieze, raised on fretwork headed square chamfered legs 53 cm. high; 128 cm. wide; 78 cm. deep
€40 - 60
€800 - 1,200
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
425 tHREE PiEcE SHEFFiELD PLAtED tEA SERVicE each of circular form, raised on cabriole legs 14 cm. high; 21 cm. wide and smaller €150 - 250
Attic 2 Auction
426 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS BounD tRunK the rectangular lift up lid, opening to a storage interior, above a simple body, with sunken brass corners and armorial handles 41 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 56 cm. deep €400 - 600
427 tHoMAS EDWin MoStYn (ENGLISH, 1864-1930) On the Samule, Longpree Oil on canvas (unlined) Signed ‘Tom Mostyn’, lower-left Enclosed in a decorative frame 51 x 88.5 cm.
428 AntiQuE WALnut AnD cHEQuERED inLAiD GAMES tABLE the square top, above a conforming frieze, raised on a chamfered stem and platform base, terminating on bun feet 73 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep
€200 - 300
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
429 nAo FiGuRinE young girl holding her slippers 28 cm. high
Attic 2 Auction
430 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PinE SADDLE RAcK 106 cm. high €150 - 250
€30 - 50
431 AFTER DoRotHY HARDY Pair of nineteenth-century steeplechase prints Each enclosed in an ebonized and glazed frame 27 x 70 cm. (2) €80 - 120
432 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY WRitinG BuREAu the rectangular top, above a fall front, opening to a fitted writing interior, over three drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on bracket feet 99 cm. high; 69 cm. wide; 45 cm. deep €300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
433 tHREE PiEcE SHEFFiELD PLAtED tEA SERVicE each of baluster form, raised on scroll legs 22 cm. high; 20 cm. wide and smaller €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
434 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY occASionAL tABLE the oval shaped top, raised on turned pillar and sabre ends, joined by a stretcher rail 73 cm. high; 69 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €200 - 300
435 BiLLinGSGAtE EnGRAVinG Signed and dated ‘Whistler 1859’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt wood and glazed frame 20 x 22 cm.
436 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SERVinG tRAY of kidney shape, furnished with a brass gallery rail and scroll handles 74 cm. wide
€100 - 150 €100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
437 PAiR oF VictoRiAn BRonZED FiGuRES each raised on a marble base 27 cm. high; 10 cm. wide (2) €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
438 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD cELLAREttE of hexagonal form, furnished with brass handles, raised on out swept square chamfered legs 68 cm. high; 44 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €300 - 500
439 EnGLiSH ScHooL Dwelling alongside a river Oil on board Enclosed in a decorative frame 36 x 27 cm.
440 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY tRunK the rectangular lift up top opening to a storage interior above a simple body 61 cm. high; 126 cm. wide; 53 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
441 LARGE SHEFFiELD PLAtED cEntRE PiEcE of circular form with rich repousse leaf scroll decoration 34 cm. wide
442 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED oRiEntAL tEA tABLE the hexagonal shaped top, raised on splayed panels 71 cm. high; 75 cm. wide; 75 cm. deep
€120 - 180
€100 - 150
443 EnGLiSH ScHooL, MID TWENTIETH-CENTURY Portrait of a racehorse Oil on canvas Signed, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative frame 61 x 51 cm.
444 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED HARDWooD oRiEntAL PAnEL of hexagonal form 60 x 60 cm. €100 - 150
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
445 cHinESE LAcQuERED BoX AnD coVER with leaf and floral decoration 24 cm. diameter
446 EDWARDiAn LAcQuERED StAnDARD LAMP with Chinoiserie decoration 178 cm. high
€100 - 150
€100 - 150
447 FOLLOWER OF SEBAStiAn PEtHER (ENGLISH, 1790-1844) Castle in a river landscape under moonlight Oil on canvas Enclosed in a decorative frame 50.5 x 62 cm.
448 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY conSoLE tABLE the rectangular shaped top, above a conforming frieze, raised on scroll legs to the fore 80 cm. high; 112 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
449 DE KoREMAER, ScHiEDAM BLuE AnD WHitE MuSicAL JuG 24 cm. high €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
450 EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY coFFEE tABLE the square top, with drop leaves, above real and opposing faux drawers, raised on a sabre legged pod 51 cm. high; 59 cm. wide; 66 cm. deep €200 - 300
451 oRiEntAL ScHooL Bird on a tree branch with pink flowers Print Enclosed in an ebonized and glazed frame 24 x 26.5 cm.
452 EDWARDiAn PERioD SHERAton SAtinWooD AnD cRoSS BAnDED HALL tABLE the elongated D-shaped top, above a conforming frieze, raised on square pillars, joined by an undershelf, terminating on tapered legs 78 cm. high; 110 cm. wide; 34 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €800 - 1,200
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
453 cARVED cHinESE BouLDER depicting urns amongst foliage 24 cm. high; 26 cm. wide €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
454 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LAcQuERED PAPiER MAcHE tRAY on StAnD of oval foliate form, with Chinoiserie decoration, raised on a turned pillared stand, joined by stretcher rails 51 cm. high; 79 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep €300 - 500
455 EnGLiSH ScHooL Study of a mother and child Chalk on paper Signed with initials lower-right, ‘TR’ Enclosed in a gilt and glazed frame 36 x 25 cm.
456 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY FoLD-oVER tEA tABLE the D-shaped top, opening to a polished interior, above two frieze drawers, raised on inverted tapered legs, terminating on padded feet 71 cm. high; 75 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
458 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS MountED EBonY AnD AMBoYnA tWo-tiER occASionAL tABLE of rectangular form, raised on turned pillar and scroll ends, joined by a turned stretcher rail 79 cm. high; 80 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
457 ScuLPtuRE oF An AnGEL playing a flute 30 cm. high €80 - 120
€400 - 600
459 inDo-PERSiAn ScHooL, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Figures in a landscape Figures in a landscape Each a pen and ink and watercolour Each enclosed in a glazed frame 17 x 11 cm. (2)
460 EDWARDiAn cARVED GiLt WooD StAnDARD LAMP with a turned and scroll tri-part stem 147 cm. high €100 - 150
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
461 SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED PuncH BoWL of circular form, with a gadrooned edge and spiral ribbed body 19 cm. high; 24 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
462 PAiR oF REGEncY MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS inLAiD occASionAL cHAiRS each with a scroll back, above a drop-in seat, raised on sabre legs to the fore 80 cm. high; 44 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep (2)
€150 - 250 €150 - 250
463 PAiR oF PRintS, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Cactus Dahlia Two lilies Each a print 17 x 21.5 cm. (2)
464 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY AnD cARVED GiLt WooD occASionAL tABLE the oval shaped top, raised on a turned stem and sabre legged pod, terminating on bun feet 57 cm. high; 65 cm. wide 50 cm. deep
€100 - 150 Provenance: The Crescent Moon, Colchester
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
465 LARGE SHEFFiELD PLAtED SERVinG tRAY of circular form, with a leaf and scroll entwined border 31 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
466 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD BEDSiDE cABinEt 75 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep €200 - 300
€80 - 120
467 P. RAnDALL View of ruins Oil on board Signed, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative frame 39 x 47 cm.
468 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY occASionAL cHAiR, CIRCA 1900 92 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep €50 - 80
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
469 LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY SHEFFiELD PLAtED SERVinG tRAY of rectangular serpentine form, with a pie crust border 60 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
470 EDWARDiAn PERioD PiAno StooL with lift-up upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs 70 cm. high; 60 cm. wide; 36 cm. deep €50 - 80
€150 - 250
471 GERALDinE KREtScH (IRISH) Still life of flowers and vases Oil on board Signed ‘Kretsch’, lower-right Enclosed in a painted and glazed frame 35 x 45 cm.
472 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY ADAM SiDE tABLE the rectangular top, above a carved and fluted frieze, raised on square chamfered legs, terminating on block feet 80 cm. high; 134 cm. wide; 63 cm. deep
€80 - 120 Provenance: Oisín Gallery, Dublin 2
€500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
473 tWo inDiAn BRonZE DEitiES 12.5 cm. high and smaller
474 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cASED DioRAMA 57 cm. high; 68 cm. wide; 31 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€80 - 120
475 SEt oF FouR EnGRAVinGS, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Each depicting multiple tombs Each enclosed in a glazed frame 21.5 x 19.5 cm. (2)
476 BRonZED MALE toRSo on StAnD 59 cm. high; 40 cm. wide; 20 cm. deep €150 - 250
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
477 Minton cHinA cABAREt SEt Comprising: tea pot; sugar bowl; two cups ; two saucers and a tray 27 cm. high (2)
478 SEt oF tHREE LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY FRAMED EMBRoiDERED PAnELS each depicting birds amongst blossoms 192 cm. high; 66 cm. wide (3)
€100 - 150
€150 - 250
480 479 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD B. DuncAn Homage to ‘AE’ Theosophist. Limited edition cartoon SAtinWooD inLAiD BooKcASE the waterfall open shelves above two panelled of George William Russell (AE). No. 3 paterae centred doors, raised on out-swept brack Print feet Signed in pencil 141 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 34 cm. deep Enclosed in a glazed frame 17.5 x 25.5 cm. €400 - 600 €80 - 120 Provenance: John Magee, Belfast 117
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
481 PAiR oF GEoRGE iii SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAnDLE SticKS each with a turned stem, below a gadrooned rim 24 cm. high (2)
Attic 2 Auction
482 REGEncY MAHoGAnY AnD uPHoLStERED SinGLE BED HEAD 110 cm. high; 95 cm. wide €100 - 150
€150 - 250
483 coLouRED PRint, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Thomas Winter, Spring Enclosed in a glazed frame 31 x 19.5 cm.
484 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY SiLVER tABLE the rectangular dished top, above a frieze drawer, furnished with asymmetrical brass scroll handles and escutcheons, raised on cabriole legs 71 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€20 - 30 €800 - 1,200
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
485 SHEFFiELD PLAtED WAtER JuG of vase shape, with a ribbed body 23 cm. high
Attic 2 Auction
486 JAQuES oF LonDon, cRoQuEt SEt Case: 110 cm. wide €100 - 150
€80 - 120
487 PAiR oF SHootinG PRintS, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Each enclosed in original bird’s eye maple frame 28 x 44 cm. (2) €120 - 180
488 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY EBonY AnD PARcEL GiLt PiER MiRRoR the rectangular plate within a beaded and ribbon entwined frame below a broken arched swan necked pediment, centred by an urn 137 cm. high; 85 cm. wide €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
489 SHEFFiELD PLAtED coFFEE Pot of tapered circular form, with a domed lid 16 cm. high €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
490 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY LiBRARY tABLE the rectangular tooled leather inset top, with gently rounded ends, above a conforming frieze with drawer, raised on turned pillar and scroll ends 73 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 61 cm. deep €500 - 800
492 491 PAiR oF J. c. SADLER coLouRED EnGRAVinGS, GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD uPHoLStERED WinDoW SEAt EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY the rectangular stuff-over seat, raised on square Each depicting a harbour scene chamfered legs to the fore, joined by stretcher rails Each enclosed in a Hogarth frame 49 cm. high; 81 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep 30 x 40 cm. (2) €120 - 180
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
493 SHEFFiELD PLAtED BiScuit BARREL AnD coVER of cylindrical form with a pierced open work body, raised on scroll legs 23 cm. high
494 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS cAKE StAnD of foliate form, raised on out swept sabre legs, joined by stretcher rails, furnished with a brass ring handle 90 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€200 - 300
495 HEnRY MooRE Landscape with animals Engraving Signed in pencil ‘Henry Moore’, lower-right Enclosed in a ebonized and glazed frame 14 x 22 cm.
496 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD PAintED MAHoGAnY LADiES KnEE HoLE DRESSinG tABLE the D-shaped top, above a series of drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on square tapered legs, terminating on castors 77 cm. high; 101 cm. wide; 57 cm. deep
€40 - 60 Provenance: Crannage & Dentith, Dudley
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
497 cHinESE PoLYcHRoME VASE decorated with exotic birds 40 cm. high €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
498 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY occASionAL tABLE the rectangular top, above a conforming frieze, raised on lyre and scroll ends, joined by a stretcher rail 61 cm. high; 61 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep €300 - 500
499 BRiAn P. WALSH Blue bugbear Mixed media Signed and dated ‘Brian Walsh 2000’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 27 x 17 cm.
500 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD PiAno StooL the rectangular upholstered seat, between scrolling ends 68 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep €150 - 250
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
501 JAPAnESE PoRcELAin tEA Pot AnD SuGAR BoWL with parcel gilt and painted decoration 14 cm. high; 14 cm. wide and smaller €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
502 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY cHiPPEnDALE conSoLE tABLE the rectangular top, above a fretwork carved frieze, raised on pierced fretwork square legs, terminating on block feet 80 cm. high; 104 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep €500 - 800
503 FRAncES BiGGS Women at the tomb Pastel Signed ‘F.Biggs’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed box frame 49 x 28 cm.
504 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD tWo-tiER oVAL DuMBWAitER raised on out-swept square tapered legs, joined by X-stretchers 79 cm. high; 76 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
505 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY StAtionERY BoX with a slope front, opening to a fitted interior 27 cm. high; 29 cm. wide; 14 cm. deep €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
506 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY cHiPPEnDALE coFFEE tABLE the rectangular top, above a conforming frieze, raised on square legs, terminating on block feet 54 cm. high; 104 cm. wide; 69 cm. deep €400 - 600
507 HARRY WAtERHouSE Portrait of a woman Oil on canvas Signed in red ‘Harry Waterhouse’, lower-left Enclosed in a decorative frame 120 x 77 cm.
508 PAiR oF REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS inLAiD cHAiRS each with a scroll back and stuff over seat, raised on turned legs to the fore 83 cm. high; 49 cm. wide; 49 cm. deep (2) €150 - 250
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
509 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BiSQuE BuSt of a young girl 57 cm. high; 36 cm. wide €150 - 250
Attic 2 Auction
510 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY RoSEWooD conSoLE tABLE the moulded edged D shaped top, above a carved conforming frieze, raised on a scroll leg to the fore 73 cm. high; 108 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep €300 - 500
511 continEntAL ScHooL Crashing waves Oil on canvas Signed, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative frame 61 x 122 cm.
512 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD cHESt of five graduated drawers, furnished with turned wooded knobs, raised on square tapered legs 132 cm. high; 112 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep €300 - 500
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
514 GEoRGE iii MAHoGAnY tHREE tiER BEDSiDE PEDEStAL of square form, with pierced fretwork panels, raised on square pillars 76 cm. high; 32 cm. wide; 32 cm. deep
513 SiGnAL coRPS, uS ARMY FiELD GLASSES enclosed in a leather case 15 cm. wide €40 - 60
€150 - 250
515 REuBEn BuSSEY (ENGLISH, 1818-93) John, Earl of Clare, England, and Denzil Holles and his son in St. Mary’s Church, Nottingham Oil on canvas Signed and dated ‘Reuben Bussey 1880’, lower-right Enclosed in a decorative frame 92 x 71 cm.
516 PAiR oF EARLY tWEntiEtH -cEntuRY cHinESE HARDWooD HALL cHAiRS each with a carved panelled back and tapered panelled seat, raised on square scroll legs to the fore 98 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep (2) €300 - 500
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
517 tWo EARLY AFRicAn tRiBAL ScuLPtuRES 30 cm. high and smaller €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
518 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY DiSPLAY cABinEt the rectangular top, above a geometrically glazed door, enclosing shelves, raised on out swept square tapered legs 101 cm. high; 62 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €120 - 180
519 PiFER Still life of a jug, bowl and basket of fruit Oil on canvas Signed and dated ‘62 Pifer’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt frame 50 x 55 cm.
520 GEoRGE iii MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD tHREE tiER BEDSiDE PEDEStAL of square form, raised on square pillars 79 cm. high; 32 cm. wide; 32 cm. deep €200 - 300
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
521 SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAKE BASKEt of rectangular form, with engraved and raised leaf scroll decoration 43 cm. wide
522 GEoRGE iii MAHoGAnY BEDSiDE PEDEStAL the square dished top above a series of panelled doors, raised on bracket feet 68 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€200 - 300
523 PEtER HAYWARD (AMERICAN, 1905-93) New York street scene Print Enclosed in a painted frame 105 x 64 cm.
524 PAiR oF EARLY tWEntiEtH-cEntuRY PAintED StEPPED BEDSiDE PEDEStALS 73 cm. high; 41 cm. wide; 57 cm. deep (2) €200 - 300
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
525 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY FREncH PoRcELAin JARDiniÈRE of circular form, with floral decoration on a pink ground 17 cm. high; 18 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
526 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY oRiEntAL cARVED WooD AnD iVoRY DEcoRAtED cABinEt 170 cm. high; 106 cm. wide; 32 cm. deep €500 - 800
€50 - 80
527 EnGLiSH ScHooL, MID TWENTIETH-CENTURY Fishing boats Watercolour Signed and dated, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 37 x 53 cm.
528 EiGHt BRAncH cHRoME ScRoLL ARM cHAnDELiER 65 cm. high; 85 cm. diameter €200 - 300
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
529 LARGE VictoRiAn SEPiA MEAt PLAttER 40 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
530 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD SiX-BRAncH cHAnDELiER 86 cm. high; 76 cm. diameter
€30 - 50 €200 - 300
531 AFTER LionEL EDWARDS Hunting countries Print Enclosed in a glazed frame 33 x 49 cm. €40 - 60 Provenance: George Davis, Oxford
532 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE LAcQuERED WoRK tABLE the rectangular raised lid, opening to a fitted mother o’pearl inlaid interior, raised on turned pillar and dragon scroll ends, joined by a turned stretcher rail 71 cm. high; 65 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep €400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
533 FREncH PRoVinciAL QuiMPER PoRcELAin PLAtE with figural decoration 25 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
534 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS MountED SLoPE FRont coAL BucKEt 34 cm. high; 57 cm. wide; 34 cm. deep €100 - 150
€30 - 50
535 RAY WAtSon Ralph resting II. Two nudes resting in the woods Artist’s proof Signed and dated in pencil ‘Ray Watson 91’, lowerright Enclosed in a glazed frame 38 x 51 cm.
536 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY SiLVER cHESt the rectangular top with rounded corners to the fore, opening to a storage interior, above a series of faux drawers, raised on turned legs, terminating on castors 73 cm. high; 73 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep €300 - 500
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
537 VictoRiAn cHinA cREAM JuG AnD LiDDED SuGAR BoWL each of oval form, with floral decoration 15 cm. high; 18 cm. wide and smaller €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
538 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY FoLD oVER tEA tABLE the rectangular shaped top, opening to a polished interior, above a frieze drawer, furnished with brass handles, raised on square tapered legs Closed: 72 cm. high; 94 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep €200 - 300
539 DEREK MYnott Winter gardens Lithograph, limited edition 48/240 Signed in pencil ‘Derek Mynott’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 40 x 51 cm.
540 PAiR oF REGEncY MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS inLAiD occASionAL cHAiRS each with a scroll back, above a bergere panelled seat, raised on sabre legs to the fore 87 cm. high; 38 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep (2) €150 - 250
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
541 PAiR oF HEAVY ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE BRASS VASES each of baluster form, with raised ornithological decoration 35 cm. high (2)
542 EDWARDiAn HEPPLEWHitE MAHoGAnY ELBoW cHAiR with a pierced vase shaped splat, above a stuff over seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 98 cm. high; 57 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep
€150 - 250
€120 - 180
543 GERALDinE KREtScH (IRISH) Still life of fruit and a jug Still life of vegetables and a jug Each an oil on board Each signed ‘Kretsch’, lower-right Each enclosed in a wood and glazed frame 34 x 43 cm.
544 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY SiDE tABLE the rectangular serpentine sided dished top, above two frieze drawers, raised on proud cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 75 cm. high; 125 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep €500 - 800
€120 - 180 Provenance: Oisín Gallery, Dublin 2 133
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
545 EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAnDELABRA of two scroll arms, raised on a turned stem and circular foot 32 cm. high; 35 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
546 EDWARDiAn HAnGinG coRnER cABinEt 55 cm. high; 57 cm. wide; 31 cm. deep €80 - 120
€100 - 150
547 EnGLiSH ScHooL Portrait of a woman Oil on canvas Enclosed in a decorative frame 38 x 31 cm.
548 LAtE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS BounD LoG BARREL of circular form, raised on square feet 23 cm. high; 62 cm. diameter €150 - 250
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
550 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY WRitinG BuREAu the rectangular top, above a fall front, opening to a fitted writing interior, over three drawers, furnished with brass ring handles, raised on bracket feet 93 cm. high; 76 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
549 SEt oF tHREE MASon’S BLuE AnD WHitE PLAtES 24 cm. diameter (3) €50 - 80
€200 - 300
551 coLouRED EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Depicting a hunting scene in India Enclosed in a glazed frame 29 x 42 cm.
552 REGEncY PERioD SAtinWooD AnD PARcEL GiLt BooKcASE the superstructure with two open shelves, above a series of four drawers, raised on turned legs 111 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 31 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €800 - 1,200
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
553 554 SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED oVAL SERVinG DiSH PAiR oF EDWARDiAn HEPPLEWHitE MAHoGAnY 33 cm. diameter cHAiR with a pierced vase shaped splat, above a stuff over seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore, joined €30 - 50 90 cm. high; 45 cm. wide; 51 cm. deep (2) €80 - 120
555 coLouRED EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Depicting a hunting scene in India Enclosed in a glazed frame 29 x 42 cm. €50 - 80
556 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD BuREAu BooKcASE the superstructure with three open shelves. The base with a fall front opening to a fitted writing interior, over a drawer and panelled door, raised on a cut out square base 190 cm. high; 55 cm. wide; 37 cm. deep €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
557 GEoRGiAn BRASS PRESERVinG PAn 42 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
558 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY BooKcASE the superstructure, a series of open shelves. The base with two frieze drawers, over two panelled doors, raised on turned legs 145 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep
€40 - 60
€800 - 1,200
559 coLouRED EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Depicting a hunting scene in India Enclosed in a glazed frame 29 x 42 cm.
560 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD inLAiD DiSPLAY cABinEt the rectangular top, above a geometrically glazed door, enclosing shelves 120 cm. high; 67 cm. wide; 28 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
561 cHinESE GLAZED PottERY VASE StEMMED tABLE LAMP with raised figural decoration, in a lake and mountain landscape 55 cm. high; 27 cm. wide
562 PAiR oF EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD oAK PRoVinciAL HALL cHAiRS each with a tall back, above a panelled seat, raised on turned legs, joined by stretcher rails 92 cm. high; 51 cm. wide; 41 cm. deep (2)
€150 - 250
€200 - 300
563 coLouRED EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Depicting a hunting scene in India Enclosed in a glazed frame 29 x 42 cm.
564 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WALnut PLintH the square top, raised on a turned stem, and square moulded plinth 102 cm. high; 24 cm. wide; 24 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
565 PAiR oF EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS cAnDLESticKS each with a turned stem and oval foot 16 cm. high; 10 cm. wide (2) €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
566 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD conSoLE tABLES each with a breccia marble top, above a paterae and fluted frieze, raised on square tapered pillars to the fore 82 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 31 cm. deep (2) €1,000 - 1,500
567 cHinESE EMBRoiDERY 49 x 24 cm.
568 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED WooD cHiMnEY PiEcE 149 cm. high; 183 cm. wide; 25 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
569 tWo ARt DEco GLASS PHoto FRAMES each of rectangular form 30 cm. high; 25 cm. wide (2) €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
570 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY tWo-tiER occASionAL tABLE of square form, raised on out-swept square tapered legs 65 cm. high; 38 cm. wide; 38 cm. deep €100 - 150
571 GERALD DAViS (IRISH, 1938-2005) Alone Oil on canvas Signed and dated ‘Davis73,75’, lower-left Titled, signed and further annotated verso Enclosed in a painted frame 49 x 59 cm.
572 FREncH EMPiRE PERioD MAHoGAnY cHESt of three drawers, between Ionic pillars, furnished with oval brass handles, raised on block feet 82 cm. high; 65 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep €400 - 600
€120 - 180
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
573 GLASS AnD PEWtER cLAREt JuG 30 cm. high; 18 cm. wide €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
574 WiLLiAM iV PERioD MAHoGAnY PiER cABinEt the rectangular top, above a frieze drawer, and two panelled doors, between Ionic turned pillars, raised on turned legs 85 cm. high; 97 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €500 - 800
575 EnGLiSH ScHooL Portrait of a woman Oil on panel Enclosed in a gilt frame 25.5 x 21.5 cm.
576 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD inLAiD cHESt of three long drawers, furnished with brass handles, raised on square tapered legs 86 cm. high; 92 cm. wide; 52 cm. deep €400 - 600
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
577 PAiR oF SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED EntREE DiSHES Each of oval form 33 cm. wide (2) €80 - 120
Attic 2 Auction
578 PAiR oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD conSoLE tABLES each with a white marble top, above a serpentine carved frieze, raised on turned and fluted legs to the fore, joined by a stretcher rail 78 cm. high; 134 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep (2) €1,000 - 1,500
579 P. WiLKES Windmill scene Oil on panel Enclosed in a gilt frame 21 x 41 cm.
580 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD conSoLE tABLE with a white marble top, above a serpentine carved frieze, raised on a scroll leg to the fore 78 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 34 cm. deep
€80 - 120
€500 - 800
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
581 HEAVY ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE BRASS VASE of baluster form, with raised botanical decoration 38 cm. high €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
582 ADAM StYLE cARVED PAintED WooD conSoLE tABLE the marble D-shaped top, above a fluted and urn decorated frieze, raised on square tapered legs, terminating on spade feet 75 cm. high; 68 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep €200 - 300
583 continEntAL ScHooL Figures and animals in a river landscape Print laid on panel Enclosed in a decorative gilt frame 27 x 38 cm.
584 cHinESE JunK 94 cm. high; 86 cm. wide; 30 cm. deep €100 - 150
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
585 SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED SPiRit KEttLE on StAnD of oval serpentine form, raised on cabriole legs 32 cm. high; 24 cm. wide €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
586 iRiSH GEoRGE ii PERioD MAHoGAnY GAMES tABLE the rectangular top, opening to a baize lined interior, above a conforming frieze, enclosing a drawer, raised on tapered turned legs, terminating on pad feet Open: 68 cm. high; 85 cm. wide; 89 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
587 EnGLiSH ScHooL Still life of flowers Oil on board Enclosed in a decorative gilt frame 46 x 36 cm.
588 coLoniAL MAHoGAnY HALL tABLE the elongated rectangular top, above a conforming reeded frieze with metal corner straps, supported on turned legs 75 cm. high; 120 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
589 PAiR oF oRnAtE VictoRiAn BRASS cAnDLESticKS each with a square stem and base 19 cm. high (2) €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
590 REGEncY PARcEL GiLt AnD EBonY ELBoW cHAiR the upholstered square back, above an upholstered inset seat, between open curved arms, supported on turned legs to the fore 85 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep €200 - 300
591 EnGLiSH ScHooL Figures and animals at a campsite Oil on panel Unframed 43.5 x 54 cm.
592 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MEtAL BounD PinE ButtER cHuRn on stand 120 cm. high; 90 cm. wide; 67 cm. deep €100 - 150
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
593 EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAnDELABRA of two scroll arms, raised on a turned stem and circular foot 32 cm. high; 32 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
594 BRASS MountED Rococo cASt iRon FiRE BASKEt 74 cm. high; 55 cm. wide; 25 cm. deep €300 - 500
€80 - 120
595 LiLY WALKER Figures walking in an Autumnal streetscape Oil on panel Signed ‘L.Walker’, lower-left Enclosed in a painted frame 42 x 31 cm.
596 EDWARDiAn oAK KnEE HoLE LADiES DESK the rectangular top, above a series of drawers, furnished with tear drop brass handles, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on raised pad feet 75 cm. high; 81 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep €150 - 250
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
597 cARLton WARE PoRcELAin BoWL red ground with gilded oriental decoration 7 cm. high; 21 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
598 ARt DEco PERioD SAtin WALnut AnD uPHoLStERED StooL of bateau form, raised on square tapered legs 52 cm. high; 82 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep
€100 - 150 €200 - 300
599 continEntAL ScHooL Religious scene Oil on copper Enclosed in a frame 22 x 18 cm.
600 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY EBonY, BoXWooD inLAiD AnD PARcEL GiLt BoX ottoMAn the silk upholstered lift up seat, opening to a storage interior, above a panelled inlaid body 40 cm. high; 117 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep
€50 - 80
€300 - 500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
601 LARGE SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED WinE cooLER of Warwick vase form 25 cm. high; 25 cm. diameter
Attic 2 Auction
602 ARt DEco LiMED oAK tiERED DRESSinG tABLE raised on hooped arms, joined by a platform base 74 cm. high; 80 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €300 - 500
€100 - 150
603 EnGRAVinG, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Figures exploring ruins Enclosed in a glazed frame 31 x 24 cm.
604 EDWARDiAn FiVE BRAncH SiLVER GiLt cHAnDELiER 46 cm. high; 40 cm. diameter €100 - 200
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
605 RoYAL WoRcEStER FiGuRinE Grandmother’s Dress 17 cm. high; 11 cm. wide €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
606 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY GiLt FRAMED oVER MAntLE MiRRoR the rectangular plate, within a moulded frame, below a mask centred pediment, draped with swags 100 cm. high; 96 cm. wide €500 - 800
607 PRint, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Strawberry flowers Enclosed in a glazed frame 35 x 24 cm. €20 - 30
608 iRiSH EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD tEA tABLE, CIRCA 1750 the rectangular shaped top, opening to a polished interior, above a conforming frieze with drawer, furnished with lion mask handles, raised on scallop shell headed cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 72 cm. high; 82 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep €1,000 - 1,500
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
609 LARGE SHEFFiELD PLAtED ARMoRiAL SERVinG DiSH AnD coVER of circular form, with a gadrooned rim and domed cover, surmounted by a canine finial 38 cm. wide
610 PAiR oF REGEncY StYLE MAHoGAnY HALL cHAiRS each with a trellis panelled back above a bergere panelled seat, raised on sabre legs to the fore 86 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 44 cm. deep (2)
€200 - 300
€400 - 600
611 EnGRAVinG, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Warriors Enclosed in a glazed frame 26 x 15 cm.
612 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD PiER tABLE the D shaped top, above a conforming frieze, raised on square tapered legs to the fore 78 cm. high; 93 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
€40 - 60 €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
613 GRouP oF FiVE WiLLoW PAttERn BLuE AnD WHitE PLAtES each with Chinoiserie decoration 25 cm. diameter (5)
Attic 2 Auction
614 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY GiLt FRAMED PiER MiRRoR the rectangular plate with rounded corners, within an engraved round over moulded frame 88 x 58 cm.
€50 - 80 €300 - 500
615 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Figures on a bridge in a river and mountain landscape Watercolour Enclosed in a gilt frame 41 x 34 cm.
616 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SPEciMEn tABLE the profusely inlaid rectangular shaped top, raised on turned pillars, supported on a scroll legged pod 71 cm. high; 84 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €500 - 800
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
617 SHEFFiELD PLAtED FiGuRE StEMMED cEntREPiEcE raised on a circular foot 36 cm. high €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
618 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY cARVED GiLt WooD FRAMED PiER MiRRoR the asymmetrical shaped plate within a moulded leaf decorated frame, below a stylized scallop shell pediment amongst foliage 112 x 65 cm. €500 - 800
619 iRiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Portrait of a young girl Pencil and pastel Enclosed in an ornate gilt frame 41 x 31 cm. (oval)
620 tWEntY PiEcE SALiSBuRY cRoWn cHinA tEA SEt Larger dishes: 23 cm. diameter €50 - 80
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
621 GRouP oF ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY StAFFoRDSHiRE cottAGES 18 cm. high; 15 cm. wide and smaller €40 - 60
Attic 2 Auction
622 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY, BoXWooD AnD SAtinWooD inLAiD KnEE HoLE WRitinG DESK the rectangular top, above a series of seven drawers, framing a central paterae inlaid door, raised on bracket feet 80 cm. high; 70 cm. wide; 60 cm. deep €800 - 1,200
623 tHE Hon. GRAcE MARY tREncH Rural Irish scene Watercolour Signed ‘Grace Trench’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 26 x 36 cm. €80 - 120
624 ninEtY PiEcE ADDERLEY WARE PARcEL GiLt tEA AnD DinnER SERVicE Comprising: 1 tea pot, 10 tea cups, 12 saucers, 12 plates of 19 cm. diameter, 12 plates of 18 cm. diameter, 2 plates of 17 cm. diameter, 9 plates of 26 cm. diameter, 11 plates of 24 cm. diameter, 5 dishes of 11 cm. diameter, 6 soup plates, 5 espresso cups, 1 sugar bowl, 1 milk jug, 6 serving dishes of various sizes, four tureens (only two with lids) (97, approx.) (a.f.); Teapot: 20 cm. high
€200 - 300 153
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
625 SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED SPiRit KEttLE on StAnD of circular serpentine form with a spiral wave body, raised on cabriole legs 24 cm. high; 20 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
626 MARBLE SPEciMEn cHESS BoARD 41 x 41 cm. €150 - 250
€120 - 180
627 SEt oF FouR EnGLiSH ScHooL WAtERcoLouRS Each a military parade Each signed, lower-right Each enclosed in a glazed frame 34 x 49 cm. (4)
628 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS BounD StAtionERY BoX 16 cm. high; 29 cm. wide; 24 cm. deep €100 - 150
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
629 JAPAnESE PARcEL GiLt AnD FiGuRE DEcoRAtED VASE of urn form, raised on a square plinth 36 cm. high; 28 cm. diameter
630 PAiR oF LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY FAiEncE JARDiniÈRES with mask decoration 32 cm. high; 36 cm. diameter (2)
€50 - 80
€200 - 300
631 JuLiA KRAKoWiAn Still life of flowers Mixed media Signed and dated, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 44 x 44 cm.
632 REGEncY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD EBonY StRinG inLAiD DWARF SiDE cABinEt the rectangular top above two panelled doors, between tapered pillars, raised on sabre legs 82 cm. high; 124 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep €400 - 600
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
634 633 PAiR oF toLEWARE cADDY StEMMED tABLE PAiR oF EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED LAMPS cAnDELABRA each of two scroll arms, raised on a turned stem and each with Chinoiserie decoration With shade: 60 cm. high (2) circular foot 20 cm. high; 27 cm. wide (2) €200 - 300 €120 - 180
635 continEntAL ScHooL Still life of furs, jewellery and a monkey Oil on canvas Enclosed in a painted frame 61 x 51 cm.
636 REGEncY MAHoGAnY PiER MiRRoR the elongated rectangular plate, within a simple short grained frame, below a serpentine arched pediment, centred by a lion mask 116 x 41 cm.
€50 - 80
€400 - 600
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
637 cHinESE PoLYcHRoME FiGuRE StEMMED tABLE LAMP raised on a hardwood scroll base 36 cm. high
638 LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY JAPAnESE cHAMPLEVÉ EnAMELLED BRonZE JARDiniÈRE of baluster form, raised on a circular foot 30 cm. high; 40 cm. diameter
€50 - 80
€200 - 300
639 SEt oF SiX JoHn LEEcH HuntinG PRintS Each enclosed in a glazed frame 40 x 60 cm. (6)
640 SEt oF FouR ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY SiGnED JAPAnESE WooDBLocK PRintS 35 x 25 cm. (4)
€200 - 300
€100 - 150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
641 EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED cAnDELABRA of two scroll arms, raised on a turned stem and circular foot 19 cm. high; 34 cm. wide
Attic 2 Auction
642 REGEncY PERioD cHinoiSERiE RED LAcQuERED FRAMED MiRRoR, CIRCA 1820 44 cm. high; 44 cm. wide €200 - 300
€100 - 150
643 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Waves approaching Watercolour Enclosed in a glazed frame 19 x 27 cm.
644 oRiEntAL HARDWooD AnD MARQuEtRY JEWELLERY BoX 14 cm. high; 34 cm. wide; 18 cm. deep €50 - 80
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
645 tWo EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY cHinESE PLAtES an Imari pattern plate and a blue and white plate 14 cm. diameter (2) €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
646 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SERVinG tRAY the profusely inlaid body, below a gallery rail, furnished with brass handles 45 x 67 cm. €150 - 250
647 PAiR oF EnGRAVinGS, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY After Gio Cafsini Veduta della porta salara Veduta della porta angelica Each enclosed in a glazed frame 18 x 27 cm. (2)
648 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY BottLE StAnD of six sections 10 cm. high; 43 cm. wide; 32.5 cm. deep €200 - 300
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
649 PAiR oF LARGE SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED WinE cooLERS each of vase shape raised on a turned stem and circular foot 20 cm. high; 22 cm. diameter (2)
650 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD MARQuEtRY SERVinG tRAY the profusely inlaid body, furnished with brass handles 39 x 60 cm.
€200 - 300
€100 - 150
651 M. BEnDito Portrait of a lady Oil on canvas Signed ‘M.Bendito’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt frame Further inscribed verso ‘Lolilta 1919’ 50 x 40 cm.
652 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY tRunK furnished with brass handles 29 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep €200 - 300
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
653 ViEnnA PoRcELAin PLAQuE with Angelica Kaufmann figural cartouche 34 cm. diameter
654 LARGE cHinESE PoLYcHRoME EWER with raised moulded dragon decoration 52 cm. high
€50 - 80
€200 - 300
655 EnGLiSH ScHooL, EARLY TWENTIETH-CENTURY Old temple and bell, Peitacho, China Watercolour Signed with initials and dated ‘E.R.K. 1930’, lowerright Enclosed in a glazed frame 17 x 24 cm.
656 PAiR oF BRASS cARRiAGE LAMPS each of tapered hexagonal form, surmounted by an eagle 70 cm. high; 20 cm. wide €200 - 300
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
657 SHEFFiELD SiLVER PLAtED SPiRit KEttLE on StAnD of oval serpentine form with a ribbed body, raised on cabriole legs 32 cm. high; 22 cm. wide
658 EnGLiSH ScHooL, TWENTIETH-CENTURY Still life of flowers Oil on canvas Enclosed in a decorative frame 51 x 76 cm.
€120 - 180
€20 - 30
659 MoDERn BRitiSH ScHooL Portrait of a woman Oil on canvas Possibly signed verso Enclosed in a frame 89 x 60 cm.
660 EDWARDiAn PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD BoXWooD inLAiD cASED AnERoiD BARoMEtER of banjo shape 93 cm. high; 27 cm. wide €100 - 150
€80 - 120
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
661 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WALKinG SticK with mask decorated Kutch silver knob 93 cm. long
Attic 2 Auction
662 cASED VioLin Body length: 35 cm. €100 - 150
€50 - 80
663 EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Maubeche tachetee Enclosed in a glazed frame 22 x 17 cm.
664 cASED VioLin Body length: 37 cm. €100 - 150
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
665 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WALKinG SticK with silver knob 80 cm. long
Attic 2 Auction
666 cASED VioLin Body length: 37 cm. €100 - 150
€50 - 80
667 GRouP oF FouR coLouRED EnGRAVinGS, EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY Each depicting a goose Presented as two in a glazed frame 12 x 15 cm. (4)
668 EDWARDiAn BRASS coMPAnion SEt mounted on two paterae headed stands Stands: 85 cm. high €200 - 300
€40 - 60
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
670 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY LEAtHER GLADStonE VAnitY BAG 25 cm. high; 37 cm. wide; 27 cm. deep
669 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY HARDWooD WALKinG SticK with canine handle 89 cm. long
€50 - 80 €50 - 80
671 EnGLiSH ScHooL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Portrait of a man Watercolour Signed and dated, possibly ‘Ronald Campbell 1858’, lower-right Enclosed in a glazed frame 35 x 28 cm.
672 VintAGE LEAtHER SuitcASE 16 cm. high; 72 cm. wide; 40 cm. deep €40 - 60
€40 - 60 165
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
673 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY WALKinG SticK with initialled silver knob 89 cm. long
Attic 2 Auction
674 JAQuES BADMinton SEt in cASE Case: 17 cm. high; 89 cm. wide; 26 cm. deep €80 - 120
€50 - 80
675 EnGRAVinG, NINETEENTH-CENTURY Botany Enclosed in a glazed frame 26 x 19 cm.
676 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY DutcH DRoP DiAL WALL cLocK enclosed in a mahogany case 100 cm. high; 32 cm. wide; 17 cm. deep
€20 - 30
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
677 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY inDo- PERSiAn WALKinG SticK with silver knob, depicting a figure on horseback 81 cm. long
Attic 2 Auction
678 PAintED HAnGinG PAPER BASKEt 33 cm. high; 19 cm. diameter €30 - 50
€50 - 80
679 PAiR oF AniMALiA EnGRAVinGS The Bald Uakari Geoffroy’s Tamarin Each enclosed in a glazed frame 16 x 12 cm. (2)
680 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY StYLE WALnut AnD PARcEL GiLt FREtWoRK FRAMED PiER MiRRoR the rectangular plate, below a painted arched panel, depicting a still life of flowers, surmounted by a scallop centred serpentine arched pediment 108 cm. high; 44 cm. wide
€20 - 30 €200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
681 GRouP oF tHREE HEAVY cRYStAL cut GLASS DEcAntERS 38 cm. high and smaller €50 - 80
Attic 2 Auction
682 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY GiLt FRAMED PiER MiRRoR the elongated rectangular plate, within a simple moulded frame, below a draped pediment 73 cm. high; 36 cm. wide €120 - 180
683 SEt oF FouR JAPAnESE WooDBLocK PRintS The series Genji Monogatari (Tales of Prince Genji) by Kunisada II (1823-1880) Each enclosed in a gilt and glazed frame 31 x 22 cm. (4)
684 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY BRASS BounD LoG BARREL of circular form, raised on square feet 35 cm. high; 70 cm. diameter €300 - 500
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
685 EDWARDiAn SHEFFiELD PLAtED AnD cRYStAL cRuEt SEt of three decanters and a salt cellar, mounted on a stand 20 cm. high; 23 cm. wide
686 LARGE ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY MAHoGAnY tRunK the rectangular lift up top opening to a storage interior above a simple body 61 cm. high; 114 cm. wide; 65 cm. deep
€100 - 150
€400 - 600
687 M. REnE Boats in a Mediterranean harbour Print Enclosed in a glazed and gilt frame 50 x 70 cm.
688 GEoRGE iii StYLE WALnut SERPEntinE cHESt oF FouR DRAWERS furnished with brass ring handles, raised on bracket feet 84 cm. high; 78 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep
€20 - 30
€200 - 300
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
689 tWo PoLYcHRoME PLAtES each with floral decoration 26.5 cm. diameter (2)
Attic 2 Auction
690 GEoRGE iii StYLE WALnut cHESt on cHESt of six drawers, furnished with armorial brass handles and escutcheons, raised on bracket feet 135 cm. high; 58 cm. wide; 42 cm. deep
€50 - 80 €300 - 500
691 J. JoYcE Horse and jockey Oil on board Signed ‘J.Joyce’, lower-left Enclosed in a gilt frame 51 x 54 cm.
692 LouiS XV StYLE WALnut AnD BRASS MountED BuREAu PLAt raised on cabriole legs 80 cm. high; 100 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep €300 - 500
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
693 PAiR oF RoYAL DouLton DicKEnSon cHARActER PLAtES Falstaff and Mr. Pickwick 21 cm. diameter and smaller
Attic 2 Auction
694 LARGE BRASS FEnDER 15 cm. high; 154 cm. wide; 55 cm. deep €80 - 120
€50 - 80
695 J. H. BEnSon The hunt Oil on canvas Signed and dated ‘J.H.Benson 1919’ Enclosed in a gilt frame 46 x 66 cm.
696 EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD BRASS BounD SLoPE FRont coAL BoX 38 cm. high; 35 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €80 - 120
€50 - 80
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
697 ninEtEEntH-cEntuRY PAPiER MAcHE PAnEL with Chinoiserie decoration 31 cm. high; 38 cm. wide €100 - 150
Attic 2 Auction
698 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD LouiX XVi PERioD ARMcHAiR with upholstered spoon back with ribbon tied show frame, raised on turned and leaf carved legs to the fore 90 cm. high; 68 cm. wide; 80 cm. deep €300 - 500
699 AFTER StAnHoPE ALEXAnDER FoRBES, RA (IRISH, 1857-1947) Fruit and vegetable market Oil on canvas Signed ‘R.Gorge’, lower-right Enclosed in a gilt frame 51 x 61 cm.
700 EiGHtEEntH-cEntuRY PERioD MAHoGAnY AnD tAPEStRY uPHoLStERED cHAiR the circular upholstered back, above a saddle shaped seat, raised on square tapered legs to the fore, joined by stretcher rails 87 cm. high; 52 cm. wide; 50 cm. deep €150 - 250
€150 - 250
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
701 tWo LEAtHER RiDinG SADDLES 18 inches (2) €20 - 30
Attic 2 Auction
702 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn MAHoGAnY AnD cHEQuERED inLAiD BEDSiDE cHEStS each of four drawers, furnished with brass handles 70 cm. high; 37 cm. wide; 39 cm. deep (2) €500-800
703 EWARDiAn MAHoGAnY StooL the square upholstered seat, above a moulded apron, raised on turned and reeded legs 42 cm. high; 46 cm. wide; 46 cm. deep
704 PAiR oF EWARDiAn MAHoGAnY StooLS each with a square upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on claw and ball feet 20 cm. high; 48 cm. wide; 32 cm. deep (2)
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
706 GEoRGE iii PERioD MAHoGAnY BEDSiDE tABLE the square top above an open shelf and drawer, raised on square chamfered legs joined by an under shelf 77 cm. high; 33 cm. wide; 33 cm. deep
705 PAiR oF MAHoGAnY StooLS each with a square upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet 27 cm. high; 35 cm. wide; 35 cm. deep (2) €100-150
707 PAiR oF EDWARDiAn HEPPLEWHitE SHiELD BAcK cHAiRS each with deep buttoned upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs to the fore 89 cm. high; 47 cm. wide; 47 cm. deep
708 DEEP ButtonED RoLL BAcK SEttEE 65 cm. high; 204 cm. wide; 90 cm. deep €100-150
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
709 SEt oF FouR REGEncY StYLE MAHoGAnY RAiL BAcK DininG cHAiRS 83 cm. high; 43 cm. wide; 43 cm. deep (4) €50-80
710 PAiR oF MotHER o’PEARL cASED oPERA GLASSES 4 cm. high; 10 cm. wide; 8 cm. deep
711 tWEntY-ninE PiEcE coLLEction oF AntiQuE StEM GLASSES 17 cm. high and smaller
S H E P PA R D ’ S I R I S H A U C T I O N H O U S E :
Attic 2 Auction
CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Definitions in these ConDitions, shepparD’s, who aCt only as auCtioneers anD agents for the venDor, are CalleD ‘the auCtioneers’ anD the representatives of shepparD’s ConDuCting the auCtion is CalleD ‘the auCtioneer’. 2. general: whilst shepparD’s make every effort to ensure the aCCuraCy of their Catalogue anD the DesCripton of any lot. (a) eaCh lot as set out in the Catalogue or as DiviDeD or CombineD with any other lot or lots is solD by the venDor with all faults, imperfeCtions anD errors of DesCriptions. (b) shepparD’s Do not aCCept responsibility for the authentiCity, attribution, genuineness, origin, authorship, Date, age, perioD, ConDition or quality of any lot, unless they have been instruCteD in writing by the venDor so to Certify, anD in suCh Case the auCtioneers Do so as agents of the venDor are not themselves responsible for suCh Claims. (C) all statements, whether printeD in the Catalogue or maDe orally, as to any of the matters set out in (b) above are statements of opinion only anD are not to be taken as being or implying any warranties or representations of faCt by shepparD’s, unless they have been instruCteD in writing by the venDor so to Certify anD in suCh Case the auCtioneers Do so as agents of the venDor anD are not themselves responsible for suCh Claims. 3. the auCtion: (a) the auCtioneer has absolute DisCretion to DiviDe any lot, to Combine any two or more lots or to withDraw any lot or lots from the sale, to refuse biDs, regular biDDing or CanCel the sale without in any Case giving any reason or without previous notiCe. he may biD on behalf of the venDor for all gooDs whiCh are being offereD subjeCt to reserve or at the auCtioneer’s DisCretion. (b) the highest biDDer shall be the buyer exCept in the Case of a Dispute. if During the auCtion the auCtioneer ConsiDers that a Dispute has arisen, he has absolute DisCretion to settle it or re-offer the lot. the auCtioneer may at his sole DisCretion Determine the aDvanCe of biDDing or refuse a biD. (C) all ConDitions, notiCes, DesCriptions, statements anD other matters in the Catalogue anD elsewhere ConCerning any lot are subjeCt to any statements moDifying or affeCting the same maDe by the auCtioneer from the rostrum prior to any biD being aCCepteD for the lot. 4. reCission: notwithstanDing any other forms of these ConDitions. if within fourteen Days after the sale shepparD’s have reCeiveD from the buyer of any lot notiCe in writing that in his view the lot is a Deliberate forgery anD within twenty-one Days after suCh notifiCation the buyer returns the same to shepparD’s in the same ConDition as at the time of sale anD by proDuCing eviDenCe, the burDen of proof to be upon the buyer, satisfies shepparD’s that ConsiDereD in the light of the entry in the Catalogue the lot is a Deliberate forgery then the sale of the lot will be resCinDeD anD the purChase priCe of the same refunDeD. 5. Default: shepparD’s DisClaim responsibility for Default by either the buyer or the venDor beCause they aCt as agents for the venDor only anD therefore Do not pay out to the venDor until payment is reCeiveD from the buyer. instruCtions given by telephone are aCCepteD at the senDer’s risk anD must be ConfirmeD in writing forthwith. 6. in the event of a sale by private treaty both the venDor anD the buyer agree to be bounD by the general anD any speCial ConDitions of sale. 7. inspeCtion: eaCh buyer by making a biD for a lot aCknowleDges that he has satisfieD himsellf fully before biDDing by inspeCtion or otherwise as to all the sale ConDitions the physiCal ConDition of anD DesCription of the lot inCluDing but not restriCteD to whether the lot is DamageD or has been repaireD or restoreD. 8. property anD risk legal title will not pass to the buyer until the lot(s) has been paiD for in full anD the auCtioneers shall he entitleD to a lien on any lot solD until the purChase priCe (as DefineD in 11 below) is paiD in full but eaCh lot is at the sole risk of the buyer from the fall of the hammer. eaCh buyer shall forthwith give his full names anD permanent aDDress anD if CalleD upon to Do so by the auCtioneer shall forthwith pay to shepparD’s suCh proportion of the purChase priCe as the auCtioneer may require. if the buyer fails to Do so, the lot may at the auCtioneer’s sole DisCretion be put up again anD re-solD. 9. every biDDer shall be DeemeD to aCt as prinCipal unless there is in forCe a written aCknowleDgment by shepparD’s that he aCts as agent on behalf of a nameD prinCipal. 10. removal of gooDs. (a) no purChase shall be ClaimeD until it has been paiD for anD the sale has been ConCluDeD. all purChases shall be paiD for anD removeD at the buyer’s risk anD expense, failing whiCh the auCtioneer shall not be responsible if the same are lost, stolen, DamageD, or DestroyeD anD all lots not so removeD shall remain at the risk of the buyer anD subjeCt to a minimum warehousing Charge of €5 per item per Day. if they are not paiD for anD removeD within seven Days of the sale the auCtioneer may re-sell them by auCtion or privately without notiCe to the buyer. any liability whiCh there may be on the part of the auCtioneer in respeCt of any loss shall be restriCteD to a maximum of the priCe paiD by the buyer of the lot. (b) in the event of any failure of the buyers to Comply with any of the ConDitions the Damages reCoverable by the seller or the auCtioneers from the Defaulter shall inCluDe any loss arising on any re-sale of the lot, together with the Charges anD expenses in respeCt of both sales, anD any money DepositeD in part payment shall be helD by the auCtioneers on aCCount of any liability of the Defaulter to them or to the seller. the auCtioneers are unable to aCCept payment from suCCessful biDDers other than in Cash or by the biDDer’s own Cheque. Cheques Drawn by thirD parties whether in the auCtioneer’s favour or requiring enDorsement, Cannot be aCCepteD. 11. purChase priCe: the purChaser shall pay the hammer priCe together with a premium of 20%+ vat at stanDarD rate. the premium attraCts vat at the stanDarD rate anD is payable by all purChasers. the venDor authorises the auCtioneer to DeDuCt Commission anD expenses at the stateD rates from the hammer priCe anD aCknowleDges the auCtioneer’s right to retain the premium payable by the purChaser. payment by Cash or guaranteeD Cheque. Although every effort is mAde to report dAmAge And restorAtion to lots in this cAtAlogue, Absence of condition does not imply A lot is free from dAmAge, And prospective purchAsers must in All cAses be responsible for determining condition themselves. Commission biDs: if instruCteD we will exeCute biDs anD aDvise intenDing purChasers. the serviCe is free. lots will always be bought as Cheaply as is alloweD by other biDs anD reserves. biDs, when plaCeD by telephone, are aCCepteD only at the senDer’s risk, anD must be ConfirmeD by letter. imperfeCtions not stateD speCial ConDition: all purChases to be paiD for the evening of sale. explanation of Cataloguing praCtiCe: a work CatalogueD with the name(s) or reCogniseD Designation of an artist, without any qualifiCation, is, in our opinion, a work by the artist in other Cases, the following expressions, with the following meanings are useD: “attributeD to . . .’’ in our opinion probably work by the artist in whole or in part. “stuDio of . . .” in our opinion a work exeCuteD in the stuDion or workshop of the artist, possibly unDer his supervision. “CirCle of . . .’’ in our opinion a work of the perioD of the artist anD showing his influenCe. “follower of . . . ” in our opinion a work exeCuteD in the artist’s style but not neCessarily by a pupil. “manner of . . . ’’ in our opinion a work exeCuteD in the artist’s style but of a later Date. “after . . .’’ in our opinion a Copy (of any Date) of a work of the artist. “signeD . . .’’ in our opinion the work has been signeD/DateD/insCribeD by the artist. “with signature . . ’’ in our opinion the signature/Date/insCription is by a hanD other than that of the artist. “with Date . . .’’ “with insCription . . .’’