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Snug Duty

Prep time is 7.00pm to 9.00pm each day. It is up to you to use this time wisely but you must respect it as a quiet time. You should be doing something productive, not watching TV.

Two people are on Snug Duty every day. This means you’ll only do duty once or twice per term.

You also have study periods. These are for working in. If you treat the school day like a working day and only break in the break times, you will be amazed at how much you can achieve.

When on duty, you should ensure the snug is clean and tidy at the end of the night. On a weekday or Sunday this should be completed at 10.00pm. It involves closing windows, tidying cushions and throws, wiping down the sides and washing up any cups, plates and cutlery. It shouldn’t take too long, as it is everyone’s responsibility to tidy up after themselves. On a Saturday, the last few people to say goodnight complete the duty. You can choose to leave Snug Duty until Sunday morning but it must be completed by noon. The duty rota can be found on the noticeboard in the snug and in the matrons’ office, and will be updated daily. If you are going to be away on the day that you are on duty, you must agree a swap with somebody and alter the rota. 29

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