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tha helps sea the deal
When buying a home it apparently takes no more than eight seconds for potentia buyers to decide whether or not they like a particular house - that’s about the time qu ck readers have spent on th s page!
But f there s one thing hat we have earned over he years about Timber Windows customers it s that whilst they really care about how their homes look they are just as concerned about how they are made
It s not difficult to find properties, even in your own street, where the rep acement windows and doors rea ly do not su the original ook of the house This s often exacerbated by he choice of man-made mater als, as much as their design stunning of their own - perhaps by pairing beautifu sash windows with a contemporar y front door or by opening up a l ving room to garden with bi-fo d or french doors
Whichever route you choose, Timber Windows will provide des gns and layouts that enhance the facade of your home, give you a host of co our and fin shes to choose from, all comb ned with exceptional leve s of timber per formance
Choos ng we l should be at the heart of any decision to replace windows and doors
Many of our customers ask us to fa thfu ly copy the design of the or g nal timber w ndows and doors, even providing archive photographs as source materia Other customers sense the opportun ty to use our portfo io o products to crea e something
Sash windows grace some of the most beautifu homes in the countryand replac ng these origina s when the time comes, s a Timber Windows special ty
Our unique co lection of sash windows faithfu ly replicate these t me ess designs down to the finest detai s and includes the slimmest trad tional box sash available in the UK as well as more spec alised solut ons for isted bu ld ngs and conser vation areas.
Glor ous to beho d, easy to sl de and constructed to del ver the highest standards of insulation security and longevity, our Sash W ndows are ava lable w th trad tional chains, cords or a hidden spring mechanism
Browse the fo lowing pages to see how sensit vely replaced Sash W ndows can add real character to a property
Our sliding sashes are hung on chains or pre-tensioned sash cords, retaining the LO N G P R O V E N R E L I A B I L I T Y of simple counterbalance weights
Passers-by and neighbours have been asking where the windows came from They are now using Timber Windows as well!
“the new windows had an instant impact; we live next to a fairly busy road and the noise was reduced significantly. Insulation was considerably improved too; ours is an old house and we noticed this straight away
The Timber Windows range of sash windows s amongst the most comprehensive avai able in the UK. We are a special st n the sensitive replacement of sash windows, with experience n restor ng properties from a l of the key historica periods