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Looking through this brochure you cannot help but not ce the sheer number of di ferent colours that our customers have chosen for the r new mber w ndows and doors including a differentiat on between them Colour choices for windows tend to stick to a fairly safe neutral palette, whereas w th doors you have free rein and much w der scope for crea vity Reassuringly whites o al shades remain ever popular and continue to be one of our mos ordered colours
So how do you dec de on the co ours or the timber w ndows and doors of your home? As they wi l be a asting feature o your property t is often recommended no to be too “on-trend” Inevitably tastes change over the years - and whi st our w ndows and doors can be repa nted in a different colour windows and doors can be repainted in a different colour t makes sense to choose a colour scheme you are confident w ll stand the test of time
Location geography and the surrounding property s yles all have an nfluence on the colours our customers choose The mater als used in the cons ruction of your home is generally a good starting point. Whether br ck, stone, slate, tile or render home is general y a good start ng po nt all offer visual clues as to which colours might work To this end we o fer a standard co our pa ette that includes many popular tradit onal shades across a w de spectrumwh lst we can a so match to any standard RAL co our
Being ab e to offer a range of colours that complement those from we l-known paint brands such as the Farrow & Bal and Fired Earth ranges has broadened the options available - but to shades that our customers trust to add the v sual impact they are look ng for
As you can see in these pages the colours chosen are not espec ally strong or br ght Bright colours can look even brighter in daylight especial y when sunlight boosts n day ight, espec ally when sunlight boosts the contrast with the surround ng co our o the property
Turning to doors for a moment, we ver y often receive orders where the front door s a d fferent colour from the window frames w th many often choosing to blend the two together Whi st some enjoy the simple contrast hat such a choice brings for others t simp y helps to signpost the main entrance to the property - particularly where this would not be immediately obvious
Our colour ser vice opens up a world of possib ities and a lows the careful coord nation of windows and doors to the wider interior colour scheme It s worth keep ng in mind tha dual colour s also poss b e – with the opt on for both w ndows and doors to be fin shed in different shades interna ly and externally
Ul imately t me spent discuss ng he co our options w th your local Timber Windows spec al st wi l he p your th nking - w th pa n samples and showroom d splays helping to add focus See pa n colour & f nishes n our CHOICES brochure