Andy Hastie, Yeovil Cinematheque
t the time of writing this (the beginning of August), Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer to the Government, has just announced that in order to fully open up schools in September, we have probably gone as far as is possible in easing the lockdown for now. Whilst completely understanding the need to keep everyone safe, it does suggest that the date when cinemas, theatres and concert venues can open meaningfully is disappearing into an unknown future black hole. Our film society, Cinematheque, is caught up in this limbo land, so we will have to wait until it is possible for large groups of people to collect 18 | Sherborne Times | September 2020
inside, without fear of contracting Coronavirus. After being involved with a variety of film societies for nearly 50 years, it is a strange feeling to be ‘on hold’, and not actively researching, watching, and programming a season of films with others. In 1971, I left school after my A-levels and wanted some experience of life before further education. I joined the Maudsley Psychiatric Hospital in Camberwell as a porter. On the same site is the Institute of Psychiatry. These were the days when Hans Eysenck was Professor of Psychology there, and it was the world-leading psychiatric centre.