Sherborne Times September 2020

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No. 22: Claudia Gunton, Meander, oil and acrylic on wood panel, 50 x 30cm


aking art is not an external process; it is an expression of my inner heart and soul the need and desire to bring ‘out’ what is ‘in’. Over many years, I have walked my two lurcher hounds, immersing myself in the living passion of nature, near where I live in south Somerset. I have an especial love of trees; it inspires my art and I paint to express that personal vision. In the same way the seasons change colours and shapes from spring through to winter, so my art work has morphed from one style of expression to a new and more emotionally honest style of expression - growing and changing with each new painting, developing skills to bring more of the ‘in’, ‘out’. I paint primarily for my own fulfilment, yet also for the viewer – the one who stands in front of a canvas of mine, lighting up with ‘Oh yes! Now I know the spirit of what you felt; I know where you walked and what you saw because I can see and feel it too!’ I invite you to share my lovely places of visions and colour, as we are richer because of them. @claudiaguntonartist Meander is available to purchase for £170. Claudia will be taking part in this year’s Somerset Open Studios event, 19th September - 4th October.

20 | Sherborne Times | September 2020

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