6 minute read


Welcome to The Sherborne Market! What brings you here?
Sherborne is a beautiful market town, conveniently close by to where I live. Its beautiful surroundings are a perfect setting to hold a street market.
Where have you travelled from?
Gillingham, on the border of Wiltshire and Somerset.
Tell us about what you’re selling?
We bring along our artisan doughnuts that are made, filled and glazed by hand, using locally-sourced ingredients. Our packaging is recyclable and designed and printed by Blackmore Press Shaftesbury; where possible, we have used local businesses.
Where and when did it all begin?
The idea was formed around the kitchen table over a cup of tea. After the first lockdown, I decided not to return to work in our local pub as a chef; my mother, who is 91, lives with us and as I care for her I worried about bringing Covid home. I am never able to sit still for long and the idea of selling from markets seemed the perfect solution.
What do you enjoy most about selling at markets?
The atmosphere, meeting and chatting to people – everyone has an interesting tale to tell. Market traders are always so friendly and helpful; there is always a good laugh to be had!
If you get the chance, which fellow stallholders here at Sherborne would you like to visit?
I love flea markets and you can always find me rummaging through stalls. All the fellow stallholders are so talented and it’s lovely to purchase unique gifts and goods while supporting small businesses.
Where can people find you on market day?
You’ll find me on Half Moon Street.

Steve Shield, Town Clerk, Sherborne Town Council
Spring is on its way and with it brings renewed hope for better things to come. Covid vaccinations are pushing forward well, thanks to the wonderful work of our local health provision and volunteers. The Digby Hall, once again, proving to be an excellent facility to accommodate these vaccinations.
Sherborne Town Council is busy with plans to help give the town’s businesses and independent shops a boost. The Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership has provided 12 months funding for a scheme called ShopAppy.com, which aims to provide a one-stop local online shop. This facility works by enabling local independent shops and businesses to show information, products and services they have for sale in one place online. Implementing click and collect, and a single delivery service, making it easier than ever for people to support their local economy and their favourite businesses; this will be a great way to preserve the uniqueness and character of our town.
You may have noticed that we now have a new website and are actively engaged on social media. This is all with the aim of communicating quicker and more effectively with the town, sharing news and information, to keep you up-to-date with what is going on. We’ll of course continue our communications via printed media and on noticeboards around the town.
We’ve recently added two important topics to our website: the Dorset Council Local Plan Consultation, where you can comment on proposals up until 15th March 2021 on future plans for Sherborne and Dorset, and the Census 2021.
Dorset Council has produced a draft Local Plan, containing proposals for guiding future development in the Dorset Council area up to 2038. The plan outlines the strategy for meeting the needs of the area such as housing, employment, and community services including schools, retail, leisure and community facilities. It directs development to the most suitable locations near to existing facilities, and detailed policies promote high quality development that respects and enhances the
Image: Cliff Baker @ceejbeephotos

character of each area. The plan also protects Dorset’s natural environment and contributes towards the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
For more information, and to have your say, visit sherborne-tc.gov.uk, where there are various links to information from Dorset Council or if you would prefer a paper copy, please ask at your local library.
The Town Council have held a series of working groups on this subject. An extraordinary virtual meeting of the Town Council has also been scheduled for Monday 8th March 2021, commencing at 6.45pm, which consists of a single item agenda focussing on the Local Plan and our response to Dorset Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend virtually and make any comments during the 30-minute public session at the beginning of this meeting. Please contact our Civic Administrator, Sue Woodford, at s.woodford@sherborne-tc.gov.uk to receive an invitation to this meeting.
Now, to the Census 2021. This is a ten-yearly survey that gives the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, except for 1941. For the first time, the Census will be run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter, including a unique access code, to complete the questionnaire on a computer, phone, or tablet. Residents who are unable to complete the Census digitally will be supported by a phone helpline, a network of Census support centres or by ordering a paper Census. Census day is 21st March 2021 and by taking part you help to make sure your community gets what it needs. Visit our website for further details.
Looking a little further forward, we are currently in the initial stages of the creation of a promotional video to showcase Sherborne town; this will include its historic and modern culture, those who live here, our green spaces, and industrious, eco-minded businesses.
The Town Council hopes that, by producing this film, it will encourage tourism into the town as well as being a source of visual information for people looking to relocate to the area. There will be content on the local schools and infrastructure as well as the town’s more leisure-centric attractions. The film will be showcased on the Sherborne town website, as well as social media channels.
A budget seminar was held late last year, where the Town Council initially discussed the implications of the next budget commencing in April 2021. These discussions resulted in the council approving an increase in the budget by 2.66%, meaning Band D charge would increase by £5.86 per annum. The Town Council are keen to promote the way in which the council spends its funds, so that residents are aware of the work being done now, and in the future, within the local community.
The Town Council is also looking to progress several other projects within the community once the current lockdown begins to ease, which include the introduction of new water features and pond enhancement within Pageants Gardens, along with the potential introduction of both a community fridge and a microsite, specifically for Sherborne, linked to the Visit Dorset website. We will also see the introduction of a newly approved Environment Committee, with an inaugural meeting planned later this month.
sherborne-tc.gov.uk @SherborneTownCl