Sherborne Times February 2022

Page 6

Art & Culture


No.39: Peter Thomas, Yew Bowls, approx. 22 x 16 cm


spent my working life as a farmer, always in close contact with Nature in all her forms. After retiring my interest in and love of trees grew, leading to a fascination with woodturning that became an obsession. I now work as a woodturner and stick dresser. I realised that the diverse nature of our local trees is largely ignored, with much attention given to ‘exotic’ timbers from abroad, often from non-sustainable sources, i.e. rain forests. Whereas timber from local, sustainably sourced trees is often undervalued and under-utilised. My woodturning has subsequently developed into a mission, to promote what our countryside and in particular our trees and their timber have to offer,

6 | Sherborne Times | February 2022

using only wood sustainably sourced from dead or storm-damaged trees. The excitement of finding beauty hidden within the tree never ceases. Once on my lathe I reveal different colours, varied grain patterns, growth rings and features that give an insight into the whole history of the tree, knowing that every single piece will be unique. Peter will be taking part in Dorset Art Weeks 14th - 29th May 2022

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