Rrcon2014magazine vol 15 n

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Vol. 15 Racial Recconciliation Conference 2014

MISSION Reaching Out To People To Reconstruct Relationships

Educating And Developing Conferring With Others To Find Ways To Understand Our Differences

Ongoing Dialogue Networking To Bridge Gaps That Separate Us Collaborating With Others Initiating Ways To Communicate Learning About Cultural Differences Identifying Problems And Working Out Solutions

Acknowledging A Need To Know Persons Of A Different Culture

Taking Time To Interact With Others Investing In Others Overall Improved Relationships Never Giving Up 3


VOL. 15 His Grace Magazine June 2014

Published by Sunshine Training Center Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Network

His Grace Magazine is distributed in printed format in conjunction with the Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Conference . His Grace Magazine is the free , quarterly Christian publication of RRCON and Sunshine Training Center. Your comments are welcome - write to : RRCON c/o Sunshine Ministries , 2145 South Sahuara Avenue , Tucson , AZ 85711. We reserve the right to reject and/or edit any material submitted for publication , for any reason. Submitting commentary , letters or email automatically authorizes your permission to print your comments in future issues without your express permission. The views expressed by writers in His Grace Magazine are not necessarily the views of the staff , management or ownership of His Grace Magazine, or its advertisers. Advertisements and event listings are not considered an endorsement of His Grace Magazine. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole , or in part, without prior permission. Š2014 His Grace Magazine .

Editor in Chief Martha T. Wills Magazine Design Sheree Carradine Antwan Beaden-Leach SARAH Magazine Contributing Writers All Articles Production Staff SARAH Magazine mysarahmagazine@gmail.com Conference Coordinator William O. Wills, Sr Martha T. Wills

For more information . contact: RRCON c/o Sunshine Ministries 2145 South Sahuara Avenue Tucson . AZ 85711 Phone : (520) 790-0866 Email: RRCON20@aol.com Website : www .tucsonrrcon .org 4


23. Reconciliation Guide 25. This Generation In Technology- By Ruth Montgomery 29. Mentoring Generation Next 30. Song- We Are United In Love 31. Breakfast With Tye Tribbet 32. Pastor Mike Molina 34. Guest Workshop Facilitator- Beverly O. Thompson 36. Roving Reporter- Interview With Martha T. Wills 38. Song- Were Gonna Take The City 39. Reconciliation Now More Than EverBy William O. Wills, Jr. 40. Song- Reconciliation 41. Reconstructing Relationships- By Candace R. Wills 42. Sarah Magazine 44. Special Thanks 45. Song- Destiny 46. Reconciliation ’14 Questionnaire 47. Time To Make That Change 48. In Loving Memory

3. Mission Statement 4. His Grace 6. LULAC 7. A Transitional Period 8. Schedule Of Events 9. Time To Make That Change 10. Our New CEO 11. Why The White Church Needs To Repent For Black Slavery- By The Late Bishop John L. Meares 14. Jewish Community Relations Council, Mama Luisa’s, Suddath, Sunshine Band 15. Al’s Barber Shop, Sam And Deidre Dickerson, The Living Word Christian Center, Community Fall Festival 16. But What If- By Lee Escobedo 18. Grace Temple Church 19. A Prayer For Reconciliation-By Felice Stewart, Women’s Pregnancy Centers 20. Changing Our World By Changing Ourselves- By Bishop William O. Wills, Jr. 22. The Law Office Of Rubin SALTER, JR. 5

28th Annual Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Conference

Congratulates Sunshine Ministries, Inc. for 28 years of leadership




room at approximately 11:45 pm on May 12, 2014, thinking about what had transpired earlier that day. I was pricked in my heart as the Lord told me to write an article for “His Grace Magazine.” I said Lord I can’t write an article. All kinds of excuses came to mind. The day had been hectic, to say the least. The Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Network (RRCON) meeting that was held earlier did not go as well as planned, and at this time of night, I was just tired. The 28th Annual conference, “The Awakening Ill” was only one month away (to be exact) and the deadline was approaching. Last year, May 26, 2013, our beloved son, pastor, founder, CEO, and friend went to be with the Lord a few days prior to the 27th Annual Conference. Before he left, he said “Mom, I believe the Lord is calling me into another phase (area) of ministry, but you have the Nuts and Bolts for this ministry.” I told him to do whatever God was calling him to do. A few weeks from that, he left suddenly to his eternal home. Every year, the Lord would give him a specific word for what God wanted us as a ministry to do for that year . January 2013, the Lord said there would be challenges and changes, Joshua 1:1-6 and Acts 1:7-9. Along with the word for the year, there would also be a confession: FATHER, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR GOODNESS TOWARD US. WE THANK YOU THAT WE OVERCOME IN EVERY SITUATION. WE APPRECIATE THE TIMES THAT WE LIVE IN. WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD OF US AND OUR FUTURE WILL BE ESTABLISHED FOR OUR GROWTH. WE REALIZE THAT IN ORDER TO GROW, WE MUST CHANGE AND IN ORDER TO CHANGE, WE WILL FACE GREAT CHALLENGES. CHALLENGES AND CHANGES ARE GOOD FOR US, WE MUST OVER COME THE CHALLENGE IN ORDER FOR US TO BENEFIT FROM THE CHANGE. As I look back on the message that came from the word for year and the confession, I can understand that the man of God was telling us to prepare for things that lie ahead. This year has been a challenge for us at Sunshine Training Center. As I thought about the theme, I asked the question, what change? The answer I received was “Time to connect and reconnect!”

Elder Martha T. Wills, CEO Sunshine Training Center 7

Saturday, June 14th @ 9-11 am, Workshop

Theme: “Time To Make That Change”

Presenter: Mrs. Beverly O. Thompson, Administrator/Principal, Firm Foundation Christian School, Tucson, AZ

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11

Topic: Leading Your Child To Excellence In This Technological Age.


Thursday, June 12th @ 7pm

Saturday, June 14th 12-2 pm, Workshop

Grand Opening Night

Presenter: Minister Ruth Montgomery, Youth Pastor, United Christian Fellowship Church, Millington, TN

Testimonies Drama Keynote Speaker – Senior Pastor Eli Lopez, The Well Worship Center, Tucson, AZ

Topic: This Generation and Technology.

Saturday, June 14th @ 6 pm

Friday, June 13th @ 7pm

MTW Banquet featuring the WOW Jr. Breaking Down Walls Diversity Awards

Multi-Cultural Fine Arts Festival featuring dancers, singers, musicians, choirs, rappers and others

Welcome: Mayor Jonathan Rothschild Keynote Speaker: Pastor Mike Molina, Corona Baptist Church, Chandler, AZ


FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (520) 790-0866 EMAIL: wwills1@cox.net or visit www.TucsonRRCON.com



Our New CEO!

Martha Wills is the Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Network (RRCON) Conference Coordinator. Martha has been instrumental in mobilizing city wide, state-wide, even country wide support for every conference since its inception twenty years ago. Through her tireless efforts, we have been able to experience the many blessings of God as we gather together to do the work of the Lord in the area of Reconciliation.

Training Center.

Martha was educated in the public schools of Memphis , Tennessee and also attended Lemoyne Owen College. She served our country as a member of the United States Air Force and also has worked as a nurse in several community hospitals . Raised in a Christian home, Martha received the Lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit at the tender age of 10 in a home meeting. She is the loving wife of William 0. Wills and the mother of three lovely children; William 0. Wills, Jr. (Pastor), Regina A. Wills, and Constance E. Wills. She is also a grandmother to Candace R. Wills and great-grandmother to Jaylin and Joelle. She has been affiliated with the church in some capacity all of her life. She's taught Sunday school and is also a respected conference speaker.

A woman of prayer, Martha Wills is tireless in her efforts to ensure, that whatever the conference needs are, they will be met. She simply believes God will supply and thus goes after the resources to make it happen . If its people, she gets them . If its money, she gets it. Whatever the need , Martha firmly believes that God will provide. She boldly acts upon the Having experienced racism first hand, Martha belief that if you ask, you shall receive. is a strong advocate for Racial Reconciliation. Martha is always working diligently to ensure Martha, as Conference Coordinator, has been a that the Racial Reconciliation Conferences are travel agent, (Planes, Trains and Automobiles) a great success! While we understand that she , has set up hotel accommodations , and has hasn't done it alone, we are grateful for her worked with rental agencies to accommodate twenty years of unselfish service to the cause of our guest. She has worked tirelessly with Racial Reconciliation in the Body of Christ. catering to ensure the conference banquets are always a joy to partake. Thank you Mrs. Martha for being steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of Martha is a woman of dignity. She is filled with the Lord. Know that your work is not in vain, poise and confidence with the knowledge that in the Lord! through Jesus Christ, she can do all things. She is founder of the Eve's Ministry (Mothers of Life) and is the leader of the Intercessory Prayer Group (Prayer Warriors) of Sunshine

We Love you!









But What If ... ? Lee Escobedo So, there I am thinking to myself, “why bother? What difference is it going to make anyway? I mean, is one life, one relationship, that important?�

Maybe you've had a similar conversation with yourself. We have every good intention-a genuine desire-to do what's right, because "we love Jesus." We're not ignorant of what to do. After all, we know John 13: 34, 35, we learned it in Sunday school. In fact I remember how proud I was when my teacher put a little purple star next to my name as a reward. "Love each other, just as I have loved you ... your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." But that was then and this is now, innocence through years of assault has been nearly forgotten. What do you suppose Jesus was thinking when he said John 13:34, 35? Did he actually believe that it was possible to make good on what he was asking of us? Of course I want John 13:34, 35 to be my reality, but instead, my reality seems closer to, "I don 't trust 'em. I hate white people. I hate black people." And what's even worse, the truth is, my human nature is suspicious of everyone and it doesn't make any difference which sex, denomination, or handicap they're afflicted with, I don't like them. At its worst human nature even has an inclination to suggest, "I don't mind ethnic cleansing, a little less of them is a good thing." Have you felt this way? Yet in better moments I declare, "this time desire is going to be satisfied. This time I mean business, this time I'm really going to do it, this time I'm not playing games, this time I'm going to follow through." And, what happens? I start out well but then for whatever reason, I don't follow through. How come? Why is it so difficult to make good on honest-to-God desire?


In his June 1963 speech made in Detroit, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live." Where I am now, at this place in my life, I agree with Reverend King. I am convinced this is it, in fact, I suggest our desire to do what Jesus has commanded lacks passion, it's shallow, it doesn't truly embrace anything worth living for, never mind willing to die for. Our desire is hot air in a paper bag. Nothing finally gets accomplished because we are not really willing to do what we know we have to do to change. Our desire vs. our reality, what's up with this? Of course the short answer is that our human nature gets in the way of our authentic spiritual desire. Our fallen tendency is to continue to practice the lie. Our human nature says (and we hear it whispering to us all the time), "White/black people cannot be trusted. Do not risk friendship with black/white people, you'll just get burnt. Stick with your own kind." Isn't this close to the predicament that has become our experience? It is unfortunate. Human nature, being candid, has contempt for everything and everyone ... except maybe itself. Such is the arrogance, the defiance and self centeredness of human temperament. It declares willfully and without shame, "I'm a genius and you're an idiot!" And if you've experienced this too, then, why are we surprised that reconciliation of any kind forget about racial reconciliation-is difficult to move into our reality? The manipulating part of our human character may say it desires to reconcile but the fact is its very make up undermines every attempt at reconciliation, thus meaningful change doesn't happen. It's not a black thing. It's not a white thing. It's not a (whatever-you-are) thing. It's a human thing. This thing attaches itself to each of us. So then, I ask how do we change? How do we make our reality match our desire? It isn't complicated. Jesus knew the possibilities. And, you and I know the answer. To solve the dilemma we need to first admit that we have been seed sown among thorns, our life choked, we've produced pitiful fruit. We've permitted the lie to persevere. We believe the lie and do nothing because it means we don't have to risk change. Our current reality is uncomfortably comfortable. But what if we stop believing and practicing the lie? Because inside the answer is wrapped God's Holy Spirit longing for each of us to experience the passion we'd be willing to die for. And, it can happen. It begins as we pray asking Jesus to empower us, and further, control our desire for change, and then, at last, we must cooperate with divine grace and take action to eliminate racial thinking and action from our behavior. It must become our daily cause, a part of the cross we take up daily. The opportunity is ever before us. Look around you now, isn't there someone nearby on whom you can practice the change you say you long for? Yes, it may be a challenge' to make the first move, but what if you do it anyway? But What If//LRE Mr. Lee Escobedo is General Station Manager of KFLT, Family Life Radio, 830 AM 17 Tucson, Arizona. (Reprinted Copy)

Congratulations to The 2014 Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Network


A PRAYER FOR RECONCILIATION: Heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the opportunity to be involved in the process of reconciliation. We ask that you send your Holy Spirit to convict us of our sins against you, in not loving our brothers and sisters of other races as we love ourselves.

We confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and in deed, and we humbly ask your forgiveness. We desire to be conduits of your love, and we ask your help to do this. Give us hearts to hear you and to see the woundedness of these your people. We ask your forgiveness for the times our hearts have been cold toward their pain. We are sorry for all the times they have been wounded because of their race and because of their work for reconciliation, and especially for the times they have been wounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. Please give us compassion and courage and help us to respond in the way we have been shown by your son, Jesus. I believe the reconciliations I have experienced in other areas of my life are due at least in part to this process. I pray for these same blessings and more for you as you enjoy as you enjoy this conference and in the future. Love in Christ,

Felice Stewart Felice Stewart.


Changing Our World by Changing Ourselves by Bishop William 0. Wills, Jr.

"The world is waiting for a change. Things will get better after while-after while," sang the New York Community Choir in the mid-seventies. However, as we look around our world today we do not see things getting better; instead, we see things getting progressively worse . Actually, since our world is made up by people, we could correctly say that people are getting progressively worse. Then, in reality, we know that people get worse because of their very real sin nature, so then we can finally say that sin is making people get progressively worse. Indeed, the world is still waiting for change and that change won 't happen unless people change. We've got to change in order for things to get better. If we don't change, the things we now hear about and see will seem minute in regards to the things that will soon appear. There is really only one agent that is capable of making the necessary changes in us that need to be made. In other words, we need to change; but the process of making the change must be initiated and propelled by a power greater than us. Once change has been implemented, it must be permanent. PERMANENT GODLY STANDARDS ALWAYS AFFECT SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS IN POSITIVE, WHOLESOME WAYS! There are three steps that I believe one can take in order to make necessary changes. These steps are: GROWTH, SACRIFICE, AND SURRENDER (or yieldedness). In the book of Romans, chapter 5, verses 1-5, the Apostle Paul gives us a pattern of change. This pattern of change was very evident in his life because as Paul continued in ministry we see stable growth as a result of his works. The pattern is simply this: tribulation, patience, experience, hope, boldness, growth. Many people won’t to grow and change in a right manner , however, they are not willing to go through the necessary steps in order to get to that change. The first part of change or growth is tribulation (tests or trials). If what you presently have is godly, if what you've been taught in the scriptures is true, if what you are currently doing is righteous, then IT MUST BE TESTED! ALL PROPER GROWTH REQUIRES SOME AMOUNT OF DIFFICULTY! After one has been tested, one becomes patient, and after one has acquired patience , then one can have experience. Experience in this sense simply is: having the wisdom to properly apply knowledge to effectively enhance or change on event. Most of our experts


today really don't hove the proper experience in dealing with o thing because the

knowledge they hove has not been tested even in their own lives.

Once we hove experience then we can have hope (a favorable outlook) and once we've obtained hope then we con be bold because we are no longer concerned about the outcome, for we know that it will all work out for our benefit. In other words, WE HAVE GROWN FROM ONE STAGE TO ANOTHER; WE HAVE CHANGED! Secondly, there is another part of change that requires sacrifice. Think about this following statement! I WILL NOT SACRIFICE UNTIL I KNOW I AM RESPONSIBLE {and I will not take responsibility until I know I accountable)! In order to change the world, we are going to have to be accountable and take responsibility for the mess that it is in. Great Biblical Heroes such as Nehemiah (the wall builder) and Jeremiah (the prophet) took responsibility for the sins of the people in order to complete their work. Sacrifice also involves a giving up, or letting go of something that is valuable to oneself in order to benefit someone else. St. John 3:16 lets us know that God so loved the world that he sacrificed (gave) his only begotten son for the benefit of the whole world (whosoever believes). God did not sacrifice second handed material; he gave the best that he had! We need to ask ourselves this question: ARE WE WILLING TO SACRIFICE THE BEST THAT WE HAVE IN ORDER TO CHANGE OUR WORLD? 路 Finally, in order to change our world we must surrender. We must surrender or be yielded to the will of God in order for corrected change to come. A biblical synonym for the word "yielded" is meek. The Bible says that meekness is part of the fruit of a born-again spirit and also that the meek shall inherit the earth. Meekness is not weakness, but it is self-willed unconditional surrender to God's best for one's life. Meekness is always expressed best in love and love is the avenue that the meek ride upon. People, right now we live in an ugly world that desperately needs change. Change can only come when we change. WILL WE STAND UP NOW AND MAKE THE NECESSARY CHANGES OR WILL WE DO NOTHING AND ALLOW OUR WORLD TO BECOME EVEN WORSE? WHAT WILL WE DECIDE?

Wills, Jr., William 0. "Changing Our World by Changing Ourselves. Rpt in HIS GRACE. Vol. 2, No. l. June 9-12,1999.6-7. 21





change, an exchange; to bring into agreement; restore to friendship; to change from one condition to another, so as to remove all enmity and leave no impediment to unity and peace (Ephesians 2:16), to effect an alternation, to exchange, and hence, to reconcile, in cases of mutual hostility yielding to mutual concession. Reconcilers go beyond the normal barriers nationalism, racism, culture, traditions, and assumptions. Our society wants us to feel or consider ourselves better or worse, inferior or superior. However, reconciled people will always stick together because we are held together by and living together in the love of Jesus Christ - and our life in His love makes all the difference in the world.


he act of replacing something that has been taken away, lost, or stolen



This Generation in Technology I've been in ministry for about 10 years. During this time I have found that Youth today are very unique individuals. They seem to lack some of the boundaries and limits that previous generations possessed. Although I am now only in my early thirties, there is a vast difference between my 15 year old self and the 15 year old of today.

I believe that one of the greatest differences for Youth these days, is the

advanced Technology and their seemingly unlimited access to it. The bible tells us in 2 Tim 3:1-9 what to expect in the last days. Men will become lovers of themselves and their money, children will be disobedient and ungrateful towards their parents, and men will slander one another and have no selfcontrol.

These are actions that we see played out on the television, in movie theaters, on video games

and sadly in our own Living Rooms. Don't get me wrong, technology communicate

is a wonderful

and transfer information.

about people and a host oftopics

tool and has helped mankind to advance in the way we

It has also given us access to a greater wealth of knowledge

related to just about everything.

And herein lies the problem with

Technology and the YOuth of today. Technology gives them access to information monitored,

could lead them down a path of unrighteousness

and ultimately

that if not properly

destroy them.

We know-that we have only one enemy and that is Satan. We understand that he is the Prince of the Air and so he uses technology to propagate himself. Television, movies, music and videos today no longer flashes the simplicities of life, but exaggerates everything to make it more appealing to our Youth. So when I began to look at this issue, the first thing that came to mind was the obsession that the world has with SEX. We see it everywhere.

It speaks out on just about every TV show, including the commercials

that advertise some of everything with a sexual undertone. What was once cartoons for kids, have now become cartoons for adults, with content that should be censored.

But because it's animated, our

Youth are drawn to it. Same issues with movies and music videos where the lyrics are sexual and the music is driven to cause one's body to move in a sexual way. And let's not forget about Fashion today. It's fleshier today than it is covering up. Our female youth are no longer taking pride in their bodies and preserving what God has created for their future mates, they are using it to attract any and everything not realizing the dangers involved.

And technology encourages this.

Sex is literally a part of every facet of the World system. This led me to really wanting to take a closer look at the tactics that the enemy is using against our Youth. So I went back to the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. I examined their first encounter with the enemy and realized that Satan is using the same tactic today, just a different vehicle. If you read Genesis 2:2:16 God tells Adam ... You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you eat its fruit you are surely to die. So God has given instruction

to Adam pertaining to a specific tree in the Garden that he has created. While down in

Genesis 3, the Serpent shows up on the scene and he goes to Eve and begins to speak to her. Now the part I found interesting as I reflect on this reading is the fact that it doesn't seem Eve is really focused or concerned about that specific tree. She is going on with life and enjoying a whole garden full of trees


God has created that she could eat. It is the Serpent who brings her attention

to the forbidden tree of

which she is not supposed to eat. Then he begins to lie and convince her that eating would not harm her and she certainly would not die. Satan uses this same tactic today when it comes to technology. things that they wouldn't

He brings to the attention

of the Youth

have otherwise thought about and suggests to them how it's not going to hurt

them. He tries to convince them that God's word means nothing and what they do won't kill them.


implies things like "You don't need to be married, you don't have to wait, it won't hurt you, you won't die, and marriage is old-fashion, YOLO - You Only Live Once." That is so far from the truth.

Looking at

SEXfrom the beginning, it was created by God as an act to be enjoyed in the confines of Marriage. Everything God created was good and two becoming one flesh and twining (Sex) is a good thing and was meant to populate this earth. Well, here comes the Devil, using technology to exploit, pervert, suggest, degrade and devalue something that God created to be sacred and beautiful. Our Youth are being slaughtered by technology prematurely

because it is bringing their attention

to things

and they are not equipped to fight against the on slot of images and words that are pushed

at them daily. All of these things are drilled into them on a regular basis and so the limits and boundaries of what was and is acceptable have now disappeared.

The Youth rule of the day is

everything is fair game. Technology allows our Youth to find information

on anything and everything

arid all of it seeks to deny the truth about Jesus Christ and the standards of Godliness that has been set forth by God. As men and.women of God it is our responsibility the effects oftechnology,

to talk to our Youth and engage with them concerning

helping them to understand that although technology

is helpful it can be

harmful as well. We need to teach our youth that everything we see, hear and read is not gospel and help them to learn how to separate fact from fiction. understanding

how important

We need to instill in them self-control,

it is in keeping them safe. Stress to them the importance

of boundaries

not being applied to. stop them from enjoying life, but it can keep them from going into places that are harmful for them. We have to be led by the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit), for He will lead us into all truth and He will assist us with the upbringing of our Youth. We can't be afraid to get in with them and find out where they are and what they are entertaining where sex is being brought to their attention generation.

in their minds. Please be mindful of our young ones,

very early and it is having a devastating impact on this

Be mindful of how children as early as 2 years old have access to technology and if not

properly monitored,

can find things by accident that can be detrimental

to them. Satan is the same

cunning serpent as before and he really wants to destroy this generation,

but we know that Greater is

HE that is in us (People of GOD) than he that is in the World and because of these we can overcome the perils of this time. The Youth of Today are our greatest assets and greatest responsibility. what's captivating their attention,

So it is imperative that fight for

triggering their thought process and redirecting their mindset to the

things of God. We cannot do it in a way that is religious, but in a way that is personal, real, down to earth, and more importantly

full of love and tenderness. I have found that this generation

is fearless and

if they are given the right weapons and tools, they can achieve whatever they desire. We have to equip


them for the fight. Our Youth today, when given the tools to overcome will choose to be an overcomer of whatever they set out to do. They need to know that they have a God that loves them and has set boundaries for their lives so they can be successful and have everything that they desire. When they are in line with His word, there is nothing that He will withhold from them. And then they will see the true power of God working in their lives, that they will see miracle, signs, and wonders happening in their daily walk, if they surrender to him and truly allow him to be their Lord and Savior. Technology can be a destructive tool for this Generation or it can be a Saving Grace, It is up to US to decide ...

Ruth Montgomery


MENTORING GENERATION NEXT Every year dunng the first week of June for the last twenty years. we have gathered at different city venues in order to hold a conference. Our conference is different than most conferences in that we deal with a somewhat touchy subject -RACE RELATIONS. Our first responsibility is reminding the Body of Christ that we are reconciled, even racially and culturally, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Then our responsibility is to the rest of the world -to show how people should respond to and treat one another. Also, every year God gives us a theme, a definitive word or phrase applicable to our time and position. This year's theme is: MENTORING GENERATION NEXT. How does this theme, one might ask, relate to the overall nature of this conference? Our present generation has not handled racial and culture differences well. We have done a little bit better than previous generations, but not as well as we need to. We must learn how to handle differences, racially and culturally, in a proper manner because our world is forever changing and a lot of unnecessary conflicts happen when we do not handle them well. Commitment, intentionality, sincerity, sensitivity, inter-dependance, sacrifice, and empowerment are keys to reconciliation that we are still learning about in this generation. We must learn them well and teach another generation about them also. We must learn to be the Body of Christ instead of just appearing as though we are. We must be more practical than theoretical and we must be more spiritual than political. In order to mentor the next generation on the finer points of racial reconciliation, we have to start seeing all citizens of the Kingdom of God (those that are born again) as equals in the Kingdom and respecting leadership as it is given. We need to teach the Word of God with an historial and culture relevance as well as a spiritual one. GENERATION NEXT is not hung upon GENERATION PRESENT’s idiosyncrasies; therefore, some of our present traditions must be excluded within the mentoring process. If we model PURE LOVE, RESPECT, and HONOR, we have set a wonderful standard for the­ next generation to follow. If they can take these principles to the next level, then we can be proud of the job we have done.

William O. Wills, Jr. Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach. Network Chairman & Founder 29


Tye Tribbett & the Greater Annointing After the free concert, Tye Tribbet has breakfast with Martha Wills at the iHop Restaurant in Tucson, Arizona on June 13, 2008.











Dr. Jefferson D. Edwards, Jr. Make us one with each other, One to be free, One in your love, Perfecting unity. One in heart, One in our needs, Regardless of race or of creed. (Chorus) Reconciliation, reconciliation, Is, O Lord, our heart’s plea. Reconciliation, reconciliation, Is, O Lord, this hour’s need. Make us right in relation, Right through your blood, Right in your covenant, Right in family love. Right in our vision, Right in our beliefs, Regardless of race or of creed.


His Grace Magazine, Vol. 4, “Celebrating New Life Changes in the Desert�, 2002 41

We had the honor of designing the Racial Reconciliation Magazine for the 2014 Conference. William Sr. and Martha Wills ( I call them Mom and Pop) approached us and asked if we would assist them in producing their magazine. Of course I said yes. I have known the Wills family for many years; they are my second family. It grieved my heart to know that Bishop Wills had passed. Whatever my staff and I could step up and help with, we were honored to do so. I love this great family and pray for nothing but the best for them. Sarah magazine is a Christian based magazine that has something for everyone. We are not limited to only Christians, if you have a business you would like to advertise or have something that would Help/Encourage or Inspire someone else, we welcome you. We Do Not Put Anything In The Magazine That Is Contrary To God’s Word. I Created Sarah Magazine In 2011. God gave me the vision and I ran with it. The magazine is named after Sarah in the bible. I was going through a tough time in my life and felt that it was too late to start over again because of my age. God reminded me of Sarah in the bible and how she birthed a child at ninety years old. He spoke to me and said “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!” That’s when I began my journey to create this magazine. This magazine reminds people that it’s never too late to start that business, write that book, go back to school, whatever your dreams may be we encourage you to go forward and not to let anything stop you. When people see the name Sarah they think it’s just for women. NO! It’s for everyone. Sarah has something for men, women and young people. The magazine is an online magazine and it comes in hard copies as well. It comes out on the first of every month. We are seen in over 30 states as well as Africa, Canada and the United Kingdom. Sarah caters to all types of budgets. We operate by donations; we request a minimum of $10.00 per page. However if God leads you to give more, please do so. This keeps the magazine coming to you every month. If you would like to be on our mailing list/ purchase or subscribe to our magazine, contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. To make a donation visit my web site. God bless Sheree Carradine Creator/ Editor-In-Chief mysarahmagazine@gmail.com , shereecarradine@yahoo.com www.personalizeitsc.com 42


Special Thanks Pastor Bill Evans Dennis Freeman Jacqui Murray William Wills Pastor Dan Johnson Martha T. Wills Pastor Ken Kemp Pastor Eli Lopez Pastor Cheryl Lopez Ron Thompson Beverly Thompson Constance Wills Regina Wills Steve Wright Barney H. Murray 44


‘14 ‘14 ‘14



In Loving Memory

Bishop William O. Wills, Jr. July 1954- May 2013

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