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Welcome to another edition of Sarah magazine! Can you believe it…as of last month August 2024, Sarah magazine was rebirthed a year ago!! I also celebrated my birthday on the 24th of August. THANK YOU JESUS ..I MADE IT TO SEE ANOTHER YEAR!

It has been some challenges trying to keep this magazine coming to you, so many times I have thought about letting it go, but God keeps giving me

the strength to keep going. Believe me, it is a lot of work that goes into this magazine, I pray that the articles and cover stories encourage you to do what God has called you to do no matter how many obstacles the devil throws in your path.

God is truly blessing this magazine to thrive and minister to so many people worldwide. My prayer is that it continues to reach people both young and old.

Did you see the April edition of Sarah? We had our first man to be on the cover since the rebirth. If you haven’t read his story, please take some time to read it. People often look at the name of the magazine and think it is only for women, but now you see it is for men as well. When someone reads or sees the magazine for the first time, the first question asked is, why is it called Sarah? The short of the long story is that God gave me this name many years ago. I thought that I was too old and that it was too late for me to reach my goals in life. God led me to the

book of Genesis and reminded me that Sarah birthed a baby at 90 years old, so what's stopping you from birthing your dreams and reaching your goals? He told me if Sarah did it 90, you can do it at any age. This is the purpose of the magazine, to remind you that it is never too late. Every story/article is here to inspire and encourage you to keep going.

This month’s issue is speaking on mental health as well as physical health. When you watch the news, we see so many young people dealing with mental issues, some to the point of committing suicide or trying to do so. We all think that once you get a certain age (senior citizen) your days are numbered on this earth. Not anymore, the elders are out living the young people. Parents, please keep a close watch over your children! this world is so corrupt, that the only role models they have are us. We are the ones who will lead them to Christ, He is the answer to all our problems.

In closing: we have a lot of great books that have come out in 2024. Please take the time to order copies of these books. This edition is jampacked with a lot of great articles and we have some new published authors! Last but not least…our cover story, TEAM TATE MINISTRIES. They talk about family, ministry, and so much more. It is an awesome story. I could say more but I want you to read and be encouraged. The one thing I

will say about their story is that they were walking on the path that God had told them to, through that they met each other. When you are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, just follow the path God is leading you on, he or she might be right in front of you, but you’re looking everywhere and not trusting God. Stay faithful and trust Him. He will come through right on time.

Thank you all for taking the time to read Sarah magazine. I would love to hear from you.

Parents, please make sure that you are sharing the young people’s section with your children. Y.P.W.P. will minister to your children. Naomi Martin is the head writer and every month she leaves me in amazement of how on fire for God she is. She brings on board with her so many other anointed young people. Parents instead of focusing on the negatives of our young people, read about these anointed young people and share it with your children.

If Sarah has been a blessing to you, reach out and let our writers know. You can reach out to them directly or send it to the email provided We will address it in the next issue. Enjoy…

God bless,

If you have questions/comments for our contributors, please feel free to contact them personally or send them to or

We would love your feedback and will post your comments/answers to in the next issue of Sarah.

Note: We are a Christian based magazine but not limited to only Christians. BUT… we will not publish anything that is contrary to our beliefs, such as profanity or promotion of your sexual preferences.

In Loving Memory In Loving Memory

Veronica Louise

Veronica Louise

Stewart Beaden

Stewart Beaden

Sunrise: October 29, 1936

Sunrise: October 29, 1936

Sunset: June 26, 2024

Sunset: June 26, 2024

Onthe morning of June 26, 2024, I received a phone call from my sister stating that our mother, Veronica Beaden, had transitioned during the night. My father and one of my brothers were with her until she was picked up by the funeral home. My first thought was how my father was doing, as in another 4 days, they would have celebrated 68 years of marriage. Immediately, I prepared to go home to Pennsylvania so he would not be alone.

While preparing for her homegoing service, I told my sister that I would speak during the “family reflection” portion of the service. I wanted people to know who my mother was, as this was a celebration of her life. No one could ever describe a person’s life in a few minutes, but there were some important characteristics of my mother I wanted people to know. This is what I said:

We were raised in a Christian home, with Mom and Pop as living examples. We went to Sunday School and church services every Sunday here at Mt Zion. We would sit in the 4th row from the back. Everyone knew that’s the Beaden’s pew! They both taught us what they knew about the Bible and their understanding of its application into our lives.

Our Mother was one of a kind. As children, we would look to her with our questions and she always seemed to have answers. She defended us when needed, she supported us in our various endeavors, and encouraged

us to be the best that we can be. She always told us to not be like everyone else, be different! When she smiled, she confirmed our success!

Mom was given the gift of creativity. When we were young, she would make our clothes. When we had a homework project in school, she would help. My fourth-grade report on Mississippi was epic! And for Mother’s Day, she would make pink and white carnations out of tissues and put perfume in them so they would smell nice.

As a stay-at-home Mom, she had the toughest job…raising 5 children with various personalities and gifts. She has seen us grow and become the individuals that we are today. She has seen our successes and failures and how we grew from the experiences. She even lived long enough to see 4 out of 5 of her children become senior citizens!

But the greatest gift that she gave us was to teach us kids to be close. She would say that if anything ever happened to her or Pop, we needed to be able to lean and depend on each other. It is natural for us to call or text each other just to check in or share an important event in our lives. Sometimes, those text had pictures, so since Mom & Pop were left out, we starting sending pictures to CVS for printing so they would know what’s going on, too. From the good times of graduations and weddings to sad times of ill health and death, we come together. We are in

various parts of the country, I’m from Arizona, Andrea from South Carolina, Cornelius from Virginia, Stewart from Pennsylvania, and Claude, from Florida. The distance doesn’t stop us from getting together during those special times. Mommy could see that her efforts did not go in vain.

We love you, Mommy. Rest now…

<a href="">Image by tohamina</a> on Freepik

Free 2 Serve

We’re on the Open Road, Not the Lonesome Road Seven Ways We Combat Loneliness on the Road

For seven months of the year, we travel. During that time, it’s just us, Keith and Mary Lou, traveling volunteers. No other family and no close friends. We are always looking for the next adventure and ensuing service gig. Most people would agree, we are alone out here.

Last summer we met a couple who had just started their nomadic lifestyle. Her question to us was, “How do you keep from becoming lonely and missing your people back home?” It’s a valid

question. We have met other people who did miss their family, friends and familiar surroundings enough to park the RV and return home to stay.

No one is immune from loneliness. It’s not exclusive to full-time travelers! Recently a friend gave his testimony. He discussed how alone he was while living on the streets. His loneliness kept him in his addiction. The dependence directed his mind away from the seclusion. Any widow, widower, foster child or person who’s moved to start a new life across

the country, will tell you, “Lonesomeness is real.” It is a longing to feel connected, needed and known by people who “get” them. Without their people close by, they are missing someone to whom they can pour out themselves. For some, this loneliness happens occasionally. For others, it’s a constant companion. So what is the remedy? We can’t even pretend to know the answer to every case. We do, however, feel we have discovered what steps we need to take to keep us out of the doldrums.

A relationship with God can never be severed by distance or absence

“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow –not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 NLT

First, we turn to a relationship we have no matter where we roam. It’s our connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Every hole, resulting from leaving someone or something behind, ached for a while. But we rearranged our priorities and discovered we needed to give God more of ourselves. As our faith in Jesus became stronger and we practiced relying on the Holy Spirit, those holes started to fill with Him and heal. Worship and praise ease the pain. Our love of the Lord can never be severed by distance and absence.

“God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts.

Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10 NLT

Serving other people with greater needs than ours, is probably the number one way (after a chat with our Lord) to beat loneliness. Meeting people, listening to their stories, helping them with their problems, putting a smile on their faces, or praying over them, does more to wipe away loneliness than anything else. Getting outside of ourselves by using our God-given gifts, is the best prescription for a lot that ails us.

“…encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another…”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 TPT

Communication between the two of us is important. Keeping track of what feelings each of us is struggling through at any given time, opens the lines of support and encouragement. We can’t stay cheerful without support from God and each other.


“And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 AMPC

Sometimes meeting new people is hard. Always putting on a smile and being ready to put our best foot forward doesn’t come naturally. But early on, we decided this would be our outlook on facing a single unknown person or a whole crowd of them. It requires setting our minds and keeping them set. Awise man told us to “make

the decision before you have to make the decision.” In other words, we decided before we started this adventure six years ago, that we would do everything we could to experience new people and different cultures. We draw upon that decision, and the strength of the Lord, every Sunday we step into an unfamiliar church. As we have business conversations with people whom we’ve never worked before, we rely on our God to give us that pleasant demeanor we’ve resolved to project! Do we miss our Tucson church and the people with whom we’ve always done business? Sure! But we’ve decided to be friendly in the face of loneliness. Alone we could not do it. We are so glad we have the Holy Spirit constantly pushing us and whispering in our ears! “But people who wait for the Lord to help them will receive new strength. They will rise up high, as if they have the wings of eagles. They will run and they will not become tired. They will walk and they will not become weak.”

Isaiah 40:31 Easy Version

Keeping a balance of quiet time, adventure seeking and volunteering helps combat the heartache of being separated from loved ones at important times of the year. An active schedule is great until it’s

Redwood National Park

too much! Then exhaustion settles in. Things always look bleaker when we are tired. The ache hurts more. Some quiet time at home to catch up on responsibilities or simply sit in the Presence of God, fills our cup and applies salve on the wounds caused from missing yet another holiday with our people.

“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV

Say what you may about phones, texting and social media, but we have found them to be our lifeline to friends all over the country. Gone are the days of having to wait for a letter or an expensive long-distance phone call. We can daily pick up our phones and see what everyone, from our best friends to casual acquaintances, are doing. Sure, sometimes we wish we were there with them. But again, this is the decision we made: “be happy for them while remaining happy for us.” When

momentous events happen in their lives, we can still celebrate it with them. It just means it’s time for a good meal to celebrate a birth in Tucson, a graduation in Iowa or a life well lived in Alabama. Loneliness can’t overpower us when we are joined with others, no matter the distance.

“For where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 RSV

Finally, the best remedy is a hug. We intentionally make a point to meet up with friends from our “previous life” as we pass through where they are. Sometimes it’s someone one of us has known since kindergarten. Other times we only met them a few months ago but our paths have crossed again. Sitting down with them for a few hours over good food and conversation soothes the raw edges of isolation. We never overlook the opportunity to get together with people and laugh and pray.

As this summer counts down, we are finishing up two months in Washington. This will be the first year we’ve not gone back to Iowa to at least check in with our people for a couple of weeks. But as we lived these months away, we made sure to follow our seven guides.

✓ We intentionally planned our route this spring to attend a wedding that filled us with warm fuzzies. We made new friends who also travel, and met up with them a second time when our journeys intersected again.

✓ We are never far from the phone checking on our loved ones.

✓ We’ve had a lot of weekends when we just stayed home to rest

✓ We’ve attended church meals when invited, instead of being shy and stand-offish.

✓ We take walks around campgrounds together and keep those lines of communication open.

✓ We’ve served as asked at SalvationArmy, trying to spread smiles wherever we can.

But most importantly, we are carving out time to spend with Jesus, our Lord and Father, asking Him to sooth any ache that sneaks in and to strengthen us for the long road back home.

Wedding in Fresno California
Volunteering at the Salvation Army
Beautiful Sunset
Keith and Mary Lou Norris
Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco California
Half Dome in Yosemite
Quartzite Sunset

Know Your Value

Whatare we really worth? Are we only as valuable as the world says we are or aren’t? Is our value found in the possessions we acquire, how many investment accounts we have, by the job we have or the ability to live the “American dream”? None of those things actually prove our value or self-worth, although there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those. The challenge is, if those are the only things we use to define our value, we are missing the mark. Our value cannot be assessed by external sources because if our value is tied to those things, then the second one of them falters, or someone says something negative then our value shrivels up like a plant without water. And the only way to keep our value where it needs to be, is to constantly be watered by one or more of those external substances. That is not sustainable. Let me be clear, I am no expert on this subject, however, I do have experience overcoming this mindset and it is a continuous journey.

After hearing the theme of this publication as being mental and physical health awareness, I decided this would be an opportune time to talk about my struggle with self worth and how I overcame it. Time will not permit me to share my story in its entirety because it goes back a long way with many twists and turns. However, I can share enough to paint a good picture for you. When I was much younger growing up in Flint, Michigan, I truly struggled with selfworth and even my value as a person. As I grew up, I questioned why that was, thinking to myself, I had a really good childhood, I grew up in church, and had parents who loved me. Yes, we struggled but we stuck together through the difficult times. That should not have impacted my self-worth. What I discovered as I began digging internally more and more is that I had been blessed (or cursed) with the gift to forget painful memories. It’s as though they would fall out of my brain, like nothing ever happened. However, the more I dug the

more I uncovered the root that revealed the source of why I didn’t believe I was worth much. I remembered back to the late 1970’s when making the transition from elementary to middle school, my neighborhood was selected to be a part of the new bussing initiative. Well in my neighborhood, there were groups of kids that we avoided because they had reputations for not being the nicest. During that time on the bus, we were all confined to that space for the duration of the ride to the new school across town. That was a prime opportunity for them to inflict pain on those of us who were “weaker” than them and they did just that. As I mentioned before, our family didn’t have much, so that was used as ammunition for them to gang up and call me names and laugh at me. My crime in their eyes was being quiet, or Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. That caused me to retreat inside myself, and try not to be noticed. I just wanted to be invisible.

Fast forward to my young adult life (early 20’s) when I tried to fix the problem on my own and severely overcompensated. I transformed myself from shy and introverted, to arrogant and egotistical. Which is equally unhealthy and came with all sorts of

negative consequences, causing me to hurt people as well as myself. I came to realize that living superficially only led to emptiness inside. I was the most important thing in my world and although I never stopped going to church, it was clear that God was no longer sitting on the throne of my life, I was, and that is a dangerous place to be. I had become the prodigal son who had hit rock bottom. That’s when I totally surrendered my life back to God and really got committed to serving him. I got connected with a group of young people who also had a hunger to grow and find purpose and we held each other accountable. God began to teach me how to have a healthy self-worth based on whose I am rather than who I am. I opened up the word of God and He began to speak the truth about who I am. I opened to the book of Genesis and realized that God made us from the dust of the ground in his image. He formed us with his own hands and breathed his deity into our nostrils (Genesis 1:27-28). God revealed to me that I was worth infinitely more than I could have ever imagined because of the one who lives inside of me. He reminded me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) I was put on this earth on purpose, with purpose and for a specific purpose. My purpose is to work with young people who share similar struggles as mine and help them find worth and a path to success. I now work as an educator, teaching these principles

to my students who have been bullied or have failed on every turn, who don’t have stable home lives.

So let me encourage all who are reading this. No matter what you have been through in your life, no matter what mistakes you have made or what people have said about you, no matter what lies you have been saying to yourself, none of that defines you. We are who God says we are. If you are here on this planet, it’s because God has a purpose that demands your presence. It is time to stand up and say yes to God. I guarantee when you find your purpose and walk in it, you will begin to see yourself how God sees you. There will be nothing anyone can say or do to shake your confidence. Know that you are valuable to God! You’re so valuable to Him that he sent his only son to die for you, even before you gave your heart to him. Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrated his own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Know your value and move forward in your purpose and you will be unstoppable.

Min. Kelvin Strozier

Mental Awareness Blends:

What is the Fate of Your Family Pet After They Die?

I’m Still Here

I’m the first bright blossom you’ll see in the spring, The first warm raindrop that April will bring.

I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, and you’ll see that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there’s no one to love you, you can talk to me through the Lord above you.

I’ll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees, and you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.

I’m the hot salty tears that flow when you weep and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.

I’m the smile you see on a baby’s face.

PBSS coping with loss for adults and children

Coping with the loss of a pet ?

A support guide for adults and children

Grieving for the loss of a pet, whether through death or enforced separation, can be a very sad and difficult experience. Life, once filled with the love and friendship of a pet, may suddenly seem very empty.

Feelings of despair, loneliness and even depression can be overwhelming. There may also be a strong sense of guilt and self-doubt, particularly when a decision has been taken to euthanase or rehome a much loved pet. These feelings are normal and a testimony to the special bond between people and their pets. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this grief and it can be a very lonely and isolating experience.

In this guide, created with more than 25 years experience working within this area, we offer support, tips and advice sections for adults, seniors and children coping with pet loss.

We all respond to loss differently, the level of grief we experience will often depend on factors such as our age and personality, the age of our pet, and the circumstances of their loss. Generally, the more significant our pet is to us, the more intense the emotional pain we feel. If we live alone, often pets are our only companion and coming to terms with their loss can be even harder.

Remember there is no time limit on grief – our experience is different to each of us.

Support for you

Many of us share an incredible bond with our pets, they are an integral part of the family. They provide companionship, bring happiness and for some even provide a sense of purpose. So, when a pet passes awayor goes missing or is stolen - it can trigger all sorts of painful emotions. Life can suddenly feel very empty.

Here are some useful things to remember:

You are normal - Some may not understand how upsetting the loss of a pet can be, and can make you feel you’re overreacting. You should not feel ashamed of your emotions, and the grieving process can’t be forced or sped along. Be patient with yourself. Understand that what and how you are feeling is perfectly normal.

Don’t ignore pain - bottling up your feelings will only make matters worse in the long run. To heal you need to actively face your grief. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions.

It’s okay to cry or feel angry After all you have lost someone very special and dear to you. Don’t be hard on yourself, if some days are more difficult than others. There will be events that trigger your grief. This can be places you often went to, or the date of your pet’s arrival or their birthday. Support from others will help, and when you are ready, make these days a celebration of that unconditional love you shared.

PBSS coping with loss for adults and children

• Open up - talking about your feelings and your pet can really help. Don’t be afraid to speak to family and friends, especially if they knew your pet, as they can support you. You may also find putting pen to paper provides comfort. If a pet is lost or stolen, then there is often no closure and this can be very difficult. One thing we suggest, is writing down how you feel and what you would have said to your pet before they left. This can work for any form of loss.

• Seek help - finally, if you find that your grief is severely impacting your ability to function in day to day life, seek professional help as you might be suffering from depression.

• Practice self-care - losing a beloved pet can be very stressful, often throwing your normal routine into havoc. It is important to make sure you continue to care for any other animals in your home and of course, yourself. Look after yourself physically as well as emotionally. Make sure you eat, sleep and spend time with those that care about you. If you can, try exercising regularly too, as this will release endorphins that will help boost your mood.

Support for senior adults

Throughout life, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, these can include, the loss of beloved friends, family and pets. The death of a pet can hit retired seniors even harder than younger adults, who may be able to draw on the comfort of close family or distract themselves with work.

If you’re an older adult living alone, your pet was probably your sole companion and taking care of the animal provided you with a sense of purpose and routine.

Following the loss of your pet, it is normal to grieve and feel sad, but it is equally important to recognise signs of depression. Caring for a pet will have previously occupied a lot of your time as well as boosting your morale and optimism. Feeling depressed can cause you to feel worn out, lonely and isolated.

Here are some useful things to remember:

• A change to your daily routine can help – it’s a good idea to try to fill your time with activities you enjoy. Picking up a long-neglected hobby, taking a class, helping friends, rescue groups or animal charities to care for their animals can all help

• Share your feelings with friends and family who understand how deep your loss feels. If you feel uncomfortable talking to friends, call our Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Line – don’t keep your grief to yourself.

• Accept offers of help and support even if you don’t feel like talking to anyone. Friends, family and Support Volunteers will offer comfort and help you remember your pet fondly and process your grief.

• Adjusting to life without a pet can be hard especially if your pet provided a sense of purpose as well as companionship. Volunteering to help pets in need can be a good way to decide if you’re ready to become a pet owner again.

PBSS coping with loss for adults and children

Support for children

When a pet dies, or isn’t there anymore, it is often a child or young person’s first experience of the death or loss of something close to them. They may feel that they have lost their best friend, an important member of their family and they may feel very sad and lonely. Feelings of numbness, disbelief and denial may be common. Sometimes anger or guilt may also be felt for something they did or said that makes them think they contributed to the death or loss. The way in which children, young people and those around them deal with pet loss may lay the foundation for how they cope with other losses later in their life.

Children’s reaction to the lo ss of a pet at different age stages

Most children form strong and special bonds with their pets and they are an important member of the family. The death or loss of a pet may be particularly painful if:

• the pet was very special, such as a first pet.

• there have been other losses in the child’s life, for example the death of a grandparent, loss of friends.

• a lot of disruption such as having recently changed schools, or suffered a break-up of parents or other family members.

• The age of the child and their concept of death may also influence how they react to the loss of a pet.

• Children up to two years of age have little concept of death, but may miss the presence of an animal and will be aware of tensions in the family if others are grieving.

• Two to four-year-olds have difficulty grasping that death is permanent and may commonly ask: “Where is Sammie going? Why isn’t he moving?”

• Five to ten-year-olds may ask: “Why don’t their eyes close? What happens to him when he goes in the ground? Will my other pets be lonely?”

• By the age of nine onwards most children are aware of the biological finality of death and they may be curious about the aspects surrounding death, such as post-mortem or burial.

• Adolescence is a time of high emotions and adolescents may be less willing to share feelings or talk about real issues. In fact they may feel closer to their pet than with other members of their family.

Here are some useful things that may help when supporting a child:

• Consider other possible losses that the child may be experiencing which may be influencing their grief.

• Make sure the child doesn’t hear about the pet’s death from someone they don’t know.

• Always be honest about the circumstances – don’t pretend that the pet has ‘gone missing’ if, in fact, it has died.

• Include the child when discussing options or making decisions about the pet.

PBSS coping with loss for adults and children

• Don’t underestimate their feelings. Encourage the child to talk about their pet and express their emotions; writing a story or poem or drawing a picture of their pet can be helpful.

• Try to understand the importance of the animal and what the child has lost, don’t trivialise or minimise their grief.

• Use language that the child will understand – straightforward words such as “dead” or “died” are more appropriate than “put to sleep”, which may cause some confusion and anxiety for younger children.

• Be prepared to talk about how the animal died, but don’t include distressing details.

• Inform their teacher if the child is very upset, but do so discreetly.

• Don’t be afraid to share your own feelings of sadness.

• If children are having other difficulties in their lives, a pet’s death may be the last straw and particular care must be taken to understand their problem; professional help may be needed.

Saying Goodbye

Although this is hard, planning ways to say goodbye and to remember a pet can be helpful and comforting for both adults and children of all ages. Whether you choose burial or cremation, it’s a good idea to involve all members of the family.

Rituals and Burial

Holding a funeral for your pet can help you and your family openly express how you are feeling. This can be particularly helpful for children to process the loss – but only include little ones in the ceremony if they want to be involved.


• Remember, it is your decision if you decide on cremation as to who you instruct to carry out your final wishes. Never feel rushed as it is an important decision that has to be right for you and your pet. You may want to keep the ashes in a special casket or bury them in a special place.

• Ashes can be scattered on favourite walks and special places in the garden.


Memorialising our pets is an important part of the grieving process. Here are some popular ways to remember and celebrate their lives by:

• Writing poems or letters to your pet

• Painting pictures and making models

• Making a scrapbook with photographs or a memory box

• Creating a memorial on the Blue Cross website

• Volunteering or sponsoring in your pets memory

PBSS coping with loss for adults and children

Introducing another pet – when is the right time?

After the loss of a cherished pet it might be tempting to fill the void with another furry companion. But, this is an entirely individual choice and from our experience generally, it’s best to mourn your old pet first, and wait until you are emotionally ready to welcome a new animal into your home.

The decision of when to do this is a very personal one. Volunteering at an animal shelter, or spending time caring for a friend or family member’s pet might help you figure out if you’re ready or not.

When the time is right, don’t feel guilty for taking a new pet into your life. Remember, it will have its own personality and love for you. But we always keep a place in our hearts for those we have loved and lost.

Free confidential helpline and email support service

Blue Cross’s Pet Bereavement Support Service is here to support everyone young and old through their loss and help you come to terms with it. We provide a phone support service which is open every day of the year, including bank holidays.

To make contact call: FREEPHONE 0800 096 6606

The confidential support line is open everyday 8.30am-8.30pm. For those who prefer to write we also have an email service.

Expect a response from this within a 48 hour period.

Webchat (8.30am-8.30pm)

For further copies of this leaflet, please contact: Pet Bereavement Support Service

Blue Cross, Shilton Road, Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4PF

Tel: 01993 867216


We are excited to announce a significant update to Sarah Magazine's pricing model! In our commitment to making advertising accessible to everyone, we have transitioned from fixed submission fees to a donation-based system.

Previously, set fees could be a barrier for some of our valued contributors, especially those on a budget. To better serve our community and continue our mission of affordable advertising, we are now inviting donations to support our magazine.

Here's how it works:

• Donate $10 or more: Your contribution allows you to advertise in Sarah Magazine.

• Donate $20 or more: Enjoy a complimentary hard copy of the magazine delivered right to your door. The more you donate, the more copies you receive!

Please keep in mind that producing and maintaining the magazine requires substantial resources. While we appreciate every donation, we ask for your understanding that contributions directly impact the scope of your submission. For instance, a $10 donation will not cover a five-page article, but it will help support your presence in our magazine.

Your support is crucial to our mission, and we are grateful for your generosity. We value your feedback and look forward to working together to create something exceptional.

Thank you for being a vital part of Sarah Magazine!

Celebrate Sickle Cell Warriors in September

What can you do to get involved?

Akilah Gilbert

September is recognized as Sickle Cell Awareness Month in the United States.

A month dedicated to raising awareness about Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), a genetic blood disorder that affects millions worldwide. As a Community Health Worker for the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona part of my job is to raise awareness about the disease. This article delves into the history, current statistics, and the importance of awareness surrounding this oftenmisunderstood condition.

Sickle Cell Disease was first identified in 1910 by Dr. James B. Herrick, who observed abnormal, sickleshaped red blood cells in a patient of African descent. It wasn't until the 1940s that the genetic basis of the disease was discovered by Dr. Linus Pauling and colleagues, who found that SCD is caused by a mutation in the gene that instructs the body to make hemoglobin—the protein in red blood

cells that carries oxygen.

SCD primarily affects individuals of African, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian ancestry, though it can occur in people from any ethnicity. The genetic mutation causes red blood cells to become rigid and "sickle" shaped, hindering blood flow, leading to a host of complications including severe pain episodes, organ damage, stroke and an increased risk of infections.

In the United States:

- It is estimated that Sickle Cell Disease affects approximately 100,000 Americans.

- About 1 in every 365 African American babies is born with SCD.

- SCD trait occurs in about 1 out of every 13 African American babies born in the United States.

- The disease also affects Hispanic

Americans, particularly those of Caribbean ancestry, and people whose ancestors come from countries in South and Central America, the Mediterranean region (such as Turkey, Greece, and Italy), India, and Saudi Arabia.

Living with SCD presents numerous challenges, including:

- Chronic pain and fatigue

- Increased susceptibility to infections

- Strokes and other neurological complications

- Organ damage, particularly to the spleen, kidneys, liver and brain

- Limited treatment options and access to specialized care

In my position as a Community Health Worker at the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona, nothing warms my heart more than to be able to help families with young children navigate this disease. They are often fighting against misinformation, biases, stigma, and a medical system that sees their children as unimportant - so they are overlooked. I am there to show them that not only are their children (and loved ones) Warriors, but they are all a force to

be reckoned with. I want to give them a new perspective. A new reality to walk and thrive in. I also want them to know that they are NOT alone. And the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona is determined to raise awareness, educate those in the SCD community and advocate for everyone that must walk this arduous, yet rewarding, journey.

Raising awareness about Sickle Cell Disease is important for several reasons: awareness contributes to the education and advocacy efforts needed to improve access to comprehensive care and treatments. Understanding the condition and how the disease works throughout the body is a valuable asset. Patients educating themselves, their friends and family about the disease helps reduce stigma and misconceptions. And with tools like newborn screening, early detection and awareness can lead to better outcomes and management.

As we observe Sickle Cell Awareness Month, it is important to remember the individuals and families affected by this challenging disease. It is also important to find a way to get involved. Whether that means giving blood, hosting a blood drive in your community, volunteering at a local SCD organization or downloading the 360 SCD Hub app to learn more about the disease. Increased awareness, research funding, and support for healthcare

infrastructure are essential steps toward improving the quality of life for those living with SCD. By understanding the history, current statistics, and challenges faced by individuals with SCD, we can work together to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

For More Information:

Download the 360 SCD Hub app in the App Store or Google Play – or visit

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Sickle Cell Disease https:// html

National Institutes of Health - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute https://

**Together, let’s raise awareness and support those affected by Sickle Cell Disease**

Bio of Author: Akilah Gilbert is a Sickle Cell Warrior that works as a Community Health Worker for the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona (SCFA). Her 2.5 years in this role have been spent building relationships with the families she

serves in Tucson and Phoenix. She is dedicated to advocating, educating and empowering those families living with SCD. Her hope is to support them as they live the best lives they can. Knowing that Sickle Cell is not a stumbling block but a steppingstone, gives them all a new perspective and attitude to overcome and thrive the tough things they will face in their lives. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact her at akilah.

Dr. Gregory and Maisha Tate are a dynamic ministry duo whose origins began on the campus of the University ofArizona at a Bible study in 2001.


Dr. Gregory Tate was born in southern California and was raised in the church as a Preacher’s Kid “PK”. From his earliest of memories, he remembers constantly being in the house of God as his parents were heavily involved in leadership of church, and as a result, spent a great deal of time in and among the church. It wasn’t until the young age of 9 that he accepted Christ as his personal Savior and began his comprehension of Him. Shortly later at the age of 12, he gave his first public sermon, and knew the gravity of the situation and began to feel a pull into a deeper relationship with God.

Fast forward multiple years through many trials and triumphs he found himself on the University ofArizona campus both in pursuit of academics

and athletics, but like most young adults at that age he was grappling with the convolutions of life and purpose, this chapter of his life was one of self-discovery. It wasn’t until the meeting of one influential professor that moved beyond the sphere of influence but set ablaze an inferno of his intellect to not merely walk with purpose but create space for it because it is already living from within.

This giant in his eyes was the Professor/Reverend Elwood McDowell and it was his risk he took on then-young Gregory to invite him to his Bible study on campus which led to the detachment of unhealthy discourse, and align himself with his very own anointing. This is where young Gregory refers to his “burning bush” encounter, as he will later gain a father-in-law, as he also gains a relationship that will and has forever added to his anointing in meeting his future wife, Maisha. It was this relationship that has blossomed into something that only God himself can orchestrate.


Maisha was born inAlbuquerque, New Mexico, and later grew up in Tucson,AZ.As a Pastor’s Kid, and the youngest of five children. Maisha, quickly learned the challenges of being in the public eye, and the

unforeseen expectations people try to place on those called to lead the church. With a very loving and supportive family, Maisha received Biblical guidance and training. Her parents cultivated the leader within her by placing her in various community organizations, and extracurricular activities. Maisha’s parents encouraged her and her siblings to be high achievers in school, and it led to her getting accepted into The University ofArizona.Although, this was an exciting time in her life, Maisha began to encounter some painful trials. She struggled with depression and two relationships that changed her life forever. These relationships, created space for Maisha to encounter Jesus up close and personal. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior at 9 years old. However, the process of transformation began in her young adult years. Through this dark season, Maisha

answered the call to ministry and has not looked back since. Consequently, Gregory and Maisha began ministry training at the same time under the leadership of Rev. McDowell at Trinity Missionary Baptist Church.

God and His handiwork, orchestrated the genesis of Dr. Greggory & Maisha’s relationship. They actively participated in the campus ministry, and developed and strong friendship. This friendship was unique for them, because it was a safe space for them to be authentic with each other. Their friendship continued for four years, and they were being activated and used by God at Trinity simultaneously.

It was during this time period that God not only elevated both Gregory and Maisha individually but we saw the authorship of God’s union between the two. Gregory recounts the very day that he was asked to preach for Rev. Elwood McDowell in the house of Trinity and God was not merely present, but He moved with great intentionality and with might. During the altar call of this service Gregory began to pray

for the many that came up for prayer,

and in the near conclusion of this this began to show immanent signs of fatigue. It was this very moment that Maisha came and began to minister beside and in stride with him, speaking the very words of life that Gregory was attempting to verbalize. He knew at this holy collision that this was God showing him his wife, the very one that was hewed from greatness called to sojourner their lives and calling together. Not too long after they began to start dating. With their love for one another blossoming into something that both didn’t conceive as imaginable, after two years they were engaged and married in 2007. Maisha was the mother of two amazing sons, and she and Gregory were now a blended family. No family is perfect, and it takes a lot of prayerful work to build a family that is strong and a loving environment for the members to grow. Dr. Gregory and Maisha both came from great families, and therefore valued family. This core value became the avenue for the family to flourish.

They became parents of four children, and count it an honor to train them up in the Lord.

Years later Dr. Gregory and Maisha received a prophetic word to leave Arizona and move to Texas to start their ministry and plant a church. Team Tate Ministries LLC was officially birthed and established in 2020. The mission and vision of the ministry is to share Jesus with the world from an out-of-the-box perspective. To break the parameters and confines of the human-made walls of religion, and show Jesus from a relational actuality. Within this

ministry, they have followed the call of God to produce multi-media platforms that include but are not exclusive to: online services, YouTube

channel, a website, television show on a Christian cable network, a published book(s) and a new women’s ministry called “Flourish” that is primarily online. God, has recently opened Global doors of opportunity for Dr. Gregory and Maisha to share the gospel in many nations such as, Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda, and India. With unwavering faith and determination, Team Tate Ministries is committed to advancing the Kingdom for Jesus Christ. We believe the Lord has commissioned us to specifically, minister to hurting and broken families. Family was created by God in the book of Genesis, and it is the first institution that God created even before the church was birthed inActs chapter 2.As believers, we have been given the privilege of belonging to our Kingdom family.

As Dr. Gregory believes that as the man, husband, and father of the household it is his God-given responsibility to be the priest, protector, and provider for his family. Before the small groups, and before the congregations big and small, family will always be his first ministry. Maisha on one accord

relishes the opportunity to be used by God to be the co-equal, the woman, the grace multiplier and the prophetic voice for her family. They both understand that magnitude of family as it relates not only in the biblical writings, as Jesus referred to God as Father every time, except for once, (while He was on the cross), and it is family and in family that one can receive their greatest healing and blessing. The family that we all belong to has a Father that delights in the concept of family. He moves in family, speaks in family, heals in family, blesses in family, changes the course of history through family… it is imperative to comprehend that when God does the calling, it is not the mere individual who is called; but the call is to the entire family to enter into a space of designed destiny and destination.

It is with this revelation that God has consumed the hearts of Dr. Gregory and Maisha Tate to plant a church in the Dallas area called N.O.A.H. (Nation OnAHill) with the vision of “Re-Uniting the family under the banner of God’s love.” It is by His

loving grace Dr. Gregory and Maisha Tate, faithfully engage the calling of God on their lives, as Kingdom cultural architects they are building up the body of Christ by impacting the family unit.

As fellow ministers of the Gospel, we would like to encourage every person who has been called to start a ministry. In Mark 3:14(NIV), we find a very empowering Word that says, “He appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.” The initial portion of the verse is often overlooked at first glance, but before we are sent by Him, we are called to be with Him.

Our ministerial journey, is a pilgrimage through life's ups and downs, joys and sorrows, can sometimes consume us. In these moments, we encourage you to find refreshment simply by being with Him. In and with Him, there is fullness of joy; in and with Him, there are pleasures forevermore; in and with Him, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. Having served on the field of battle for over 20 years as

a couple, and even longer individually, we understand that this consecrated life can be both meticulous and monotonous. Yet, in and with Him, it produces the miraculous. The Scriptures remind us that before they were sent out to do the work, they were first called to be with Him.

We implore you to delight in His presence before exercising the discipline of the call.

If you are interested in getting connected with their ministry you can visit their website @, subscribe to their YouTube channel @ Team Tate Ministries, or follow them on social media

FB-@Team Tate Ministries IG-@teamtateministries.

“It was a little over 6 years ago that I stepped into a psychiatric clinic for the first time. I was...not okay. In the office my heart rate exceeded 100 bpm resting. I had a difficult time forming thoughts or words. I remember asking if Trish could come into the office with me, and was told no, which gave me a further sense of dread.

I brought in a notebook with me that Trish had helped me to write, pages of symptoms, those both recent and over our 13 years together. I read them out loud to the doctor and said little else in that meeting. I was so depressed, but also frozen by fear, and buried beneath shame. I don’t think I looked him in the eye once.

Today, I’ll get on a zoom call with my doctor. We’ll talk to each other as naturally as can be. He’ll ask me about my recent symptoms, and I’ll let him know I’m doing great (not always the case, today it is) and he’ll renew my prescriptions, and say goodbye. Fifteen minutes of the easiest thing I do every 3 months.”

We are Jared and Patricia Carter of Tucson, Arizona. As husband and wife for 18 years, and parents of three amazing boys, we’re also Christians who live with mental illnesses. Jared,

who was quoted above, lives with the symptoms of Bipolar Type 1. And Trish has suffered from years of abdominal panic attacks triggered by social anxiety as well as major depression. We make a rad couple. We are so happy to share openly a bit of our story with Sarah Magazine.

During our first 12 years of marriage, we didn’t understand what was happening with our emotions and behaviors and were overwhelmed with shame. We had been actively a part of our church, serving and teaching for a decade, and meeting and worshiping with other believers twice a week. At the core, we thought we were such a mess because we didn’t have enough faith. No other Christians were struggling the way we were.

But over the years God continually made his presence known, pouring out his mercy and grace. Little by little we were able to see what we were up against. We stepped in each other’s gaps; making the phone calls, getting the courage for the appointments, and praying for each other when we didn’t have words. Eventually we started to feel better. A lot better. Our major symptoms started to fade. I

(Trish) began to laugh again! Jared’s hallucinations happened less and less often. We wondered why it had taken us so long to start getting this help. And we realized it was because we both felt our weakness and our need. We looked for other Christians with similar stories and struggled to find them.

Then we felt God call us to promote hope for mental health. We resisted this calling for a few years, but God wouldn’t let it be ignored. So last year, in the spring of 2023, we launched Bless This Brain mental health ministry. A financially sponsored program of Fiscal Sponsorship Allies which gives us nonprofit status so that we can offer all our programs for free.

It’s been a joy to do this work (and do it together)! Bless This Brain’s mission is that “No Christian Should Have to Face Mental Health Challenges Alone”. Since we’ve begun our own healing journeys, we have received professional care individually and as a family. It has taken patience and perseverance to find medical support, to speak vulnerably, and learn skills to get our symptoms into remission.

Bless This Brain reduces the stigma and silence through the programs we create. Through networking with local mental health providers, through storytelling, and offering peer-support with others, Christians can better understand and talk about their own difficult mental health symptoms. We are so privileged to share

our stories because it has allowed others to feel safe to share their own.

Using our own journeys through loneliness, fear and pain of mental affliction has motivated us to do whatever we can to make an easier path for others. When someone is ill, they just don’t have the energy or capacity to find the care that they need. They simply can’t be expected to navigate their health insurance, narrow the lists of mental health professionals to get into an appointment, and they often don’t know who to talk to about the pain they are experiencing during it all. Each of us also benefit from building strong

spiritual disciplines or healthy bodily habits but mental illness can make these so difficult.

Our prayer is that each of our programs would help church communities to be equipped to recognize mental health affliction and to walk with people through the start towards healing. Mental illness is like any other illness that should invite casseroles and encouragement but so often people want to hide this painful part of their

lives which deepens their suffering. The truth is that people weren’t created to face challenges alone, but to face them together. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 What the world needs to see in the Church is not rugged individualism but our love for one another as displayed by our mutual burden sharing. When it comes to mental health recovery, you don’t have to go alone. In fact, you shouldn’t.

Thank you so much for reading. Lastly, as Fred Rogers said “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”




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1. If you would like to submit an ad, write an article, share your story, have a recipe etc.

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3.We will contact you with details and add you to our mailing list so that you will be one of the first to know when it’s time to get your submissions in.

An Event To Remember!

On August 3rd, 2024, Tucson had the extraordinary privilege of hosting Prophetess Amara, who traveled all the way from Germany to deliver a profound message from God. The atmosphere was electric with the presence of the Holy Spirit, as women gathered in worship and praise, deeply moved by the experience. The event featured inspiring fellowship and a delicious meal, but the true highlight was the dynamic sermon delivered by Prophetess Amara. Her powerful preaching left an indelible impact on all who attended.

In the following pages, you’ll find captivating photos from this remarkable event and gain insights into Prophetess Amara’s ministry. If you missed this incredible conference, don’t worry I’ll provide you with details on how you can invite her to speak at your church or women's gatherings.

GRACIOUS HOPEINGOD LIVING MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL emerged in the year 2017 on the 1st day of September through revelation. The name of this ministry GRACIOUS HOPEINGOD LIVING MINISTRIES

INTERNATIONAL was also given through prophesy, it's a prophetic name.

The vision bearer of this great commission Prophetess Amara HopeinGod Uwaoma had an encounter with God who spoke to her and gave her a divine mandate to go into the world and give hope to the hopeless. This mandate was given to a great anointed woman known as Pastor Mrs. Amara HopeinGod Uwaoma. The ministry came into force after series of test the founder had. Pain Gives Birth To Purpose.

Gracious HopeinGod Ministry has operated successfully for 6 years with members all over the continents of the world and headquarters in Leichlingen Germany. It is a Prophetic, healing & deliverance ministry PHD which is proclaiming good news to the poor, touching lives, bringing freedom to the captives, above all giving hope to the hopeless and brokenhearted with its core value, which is love.

We welcome every race, tribe, color, gender, and status with an open hand. Our core value is LOVE. All we do here centers on LOVE. Our teachings centers on LOVE, PURITY and LIVING A LIFE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In 2020 the ministry opened its foundation in Nigeria ‘PROPHETESS AMARA FOUNDATION’ with a divine mandate to give hope to the less privileged ones, Widows, Motherless babies, Fatherless Children, Orphans, afflicted etc.


Finally, the ministry is an optimistic ministry blessed with ladies and gentlemen who are kingdom-minded; teaches and inspires people to be kingdom-minded and through the power of Christ in them gives HOPE to the HOPELESS.

Celebrating her 7th year Anniversary as of the 1st of September. Pastor Amara will not only be celebrating the anniversary of her ministry, but it will also be her birthday! This big celebration will take place on the 19th of October, 2024 in Germany.

If you would like to donate to her ministry, the contact information follows. Pastor Amara is also available for speaking engagements, for women, youth and men as well, in any part of the world.

Contact information:

Phone number in Germany: ±4917623854446

USA phone number: +1 470-530-7937

You can also reach her on WhatsApp

If you would like to know more about Pastor Amara, she will be sharing her full story about her life, the death of her husband and so much more… she will share her story right here in the November/December issue of Sarah. Mark your calendars…she has a powerful story to share.

Stay tuned….

No More Procrastination. Let’s Do This!

Keep momentum and press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

God still has purpose for your life. You are somebody. You have a lot to offer because of your life experiences: Nurturing, overcoming difficulties in this world, growing in the knowledge of our lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18 -But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. Disciples are learned ones. The Hebrew word for disciple is Talmid is the Hebrew word for a disciple;

Talmidim is the Hebrew word for a group of disciples. Peter was a Talmid of Jesus. Mature women make up a Talmidim because God wants to use you to teach others what you have learned. You become his mature ones. The whole point of being a disciple is that you live exactly like Him– you treat people like Him, you make the same choices as Him, you love and befriend people like Him, you live fearless and bold like Him you bear fruit like Him. The Talmid would live with their rabbi so they could literally know how to live in every single situation. They memorized his teachings, so they could then go and teach others.

These Talmudic were not there to observe they were there to become so close to the rabbi that they lived exactly like him in every situation. (Impartial Christian Ministries).

God has chosen, and selected you. Jesus said I have chosen you. St. John 15:16-You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. As I am writing this. The Holy Spirit is letting me know that this call is for those whom He has selected. You know who you are! You are standing on a sure foundation (2 Timothy 2:19).

We must have good character traits or as written in Proverbs 31; we are referred to as Virtuous Women (Proverbs 31:17, 20, 25). As mature women we have developed strong character traits, most referred to as Fruit Of The Spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and SelfControl (Galatians 5:22-23).

Jesus Christ is manifested in our lives through the fruit of the Spirit and He lives in us and we in Him. So, what character traits are present in a spiritually mature woman or man:

1. Resting in the Lord- St. Matthew 11:28. This really means taking time for others, being bold in our convictions, Ephesians 4:14- That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with

every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.

2.Boldness- to stand firm on what is righteous and true, our faith speaks against difficulties, storms trials and tribulations.

3.Submission to one another is an act of love, Ephesians 5:17-21-Therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.

4. Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit. Strong’s Hebrew(anvah) means mildness -royal. The Proverbs 31 woman is of Royalty. Anvah also means gentleness, and meekness., 1 Peter 3:4-But let it be the hidden man of the heart which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price.

5.Humility - The Hebrew word anavah is what we translate as “humility,” but the literal definition of anavah is to occupy your Godgivenspace in the world to not overestimate yourself or your abilities, but to not underestimate

them either. The Word of God tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we should.

6.Knowing scripture is germane to our walk with God. We must be immersed in the scriptures of God because His Word brings to life his wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Jesus said, I am the truth and the life.

7. Justice and Mercy- Psalm 89:14Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face. Psalms 85:10, 13 reminds us that, Loving devotion and faithfulness have joined together; righteousness and peace will go before Him to prepare the way for His steps. As mature godly women we must demonstrate righteousness, justice, and mercy. Micah 6:8- He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?

8. Having a love for God’s church, although we know the church is flawed and we all strive for perfection, but we still love the house of God. Psalm 27:10- One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.

David said, Psalm 84:10- For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather [a] be a doorkeeper in

the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

I have discovered that a true saint has a love for God’s house.

9. We are accepted in the beloved; we have a heart for those who do not know God. God has given us the opportunity to share the Gospel with others. How we reach out to the lost may vary according to our own directions from God.

10. We are dependent on God for He is our life and the length of our days. Proverbs 16:9- In their heart’s humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 3 :5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 19:11-Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. We are bought with a price and we are not our own.

These are snippets from various sources as to what is the role of the mature godly women or as called by some church mothers. Sometimes mature godly women are referred to as Church Mothers. “According to (Ligonier Ministries, 2016), church mothers nurture the helpless and weak to maturity and strength. She helps the young believer to nurse on milk of the Word, faithfully teaching basic doctrine and modeling the fruit of the spirit.”

(,2007) notes” that the church mother leads with their wisdom and knowledge. A church mother knows that in the sight of God-and in the sight of her fellow church members -she must be a woman led by the Holy Spirit and full of character wisdom, and qualities that didn’t come overnight” In many, if not most, traditional African American churches there is an esteemed group of womenwomen who are distinguished by their age, by their knowledge and by their leadership.”

anymore, but the calling is still there! God has churches without walls.

Before I finally close, I just heard the Holy Spirit say God is bringing ‘Church Mothers’’ back to the church.

Glory Hallelujah!

I hear this scripture”

Isaiah 60:1-Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Willie Mae Rivers was the General Supervisor of the Church of God In Christ (COGIC) Women’s Department for 60 years stated that “The most important quality of a church mother is that she loves Christ.” (Rooted, 2019) posits that, “Spiritual mothering is an aspect of living with an eternal perspective, focusing on the three eternal things: God, His Word and people’s souls.

I am aware that most churches do not honor the aged church mother

*All scripture is from the New King James Version (NKJV).

Reference List -role-and -evolution-of-churchmothers.

Donahue, C., (2017). 10 traits of a spiritually mature woman. ship-the-talmid/.

Ligonier Ministries, 2016, 2007.

Rooted Ministries, 2019.

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend

So, you’re tired of being single. You’re a Christian and you want to meet other Christian singles that are sincere about their faith, love the Lord and have a strong relationship with Him. You want to share your faith interests and not be afraid to say that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. A single that wants to keep your temple clean and unblemished.

Are you just tired of being the third wheel? Sometimes, don’t you want to go out with likeminded people and not have to worry about feeling out of place? If you can identify with the above questions…let me tell you about ISICS.

WE ARE a Christian ministry that gives Christian singles a chance to network, meet/create new friendships, represent Christ and just have fun.

WE ARE NOT… another dating site/ dating meeting place. We are here to uplift each other and have fun. If GOD shows you your wife or husband through this ministry, we can’t stop that. But…Do Not Join with the idea of this being a place to find dates.

WHAT WE EXPECT; that you represent Jesus at all times. We are here to draw/win souls through our lives, we don’t want to misrepresent God. That means…no profanities, no drinking, no smoking, etc. If the word of God says it’s wrong, then it will not be accepted in our group.

The ages excepted are from 19 on up Divorced, never married, separated, widowed, single parent…all are welcome. We will meet bi-weekly, the day and time will be determined by everyone’s availability.

If you would like more detail on Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Singles contact us at: or

Founders: Sheree Carradine

Gerald Smith Jr.

Donzella Berry

Keeping Christian singles clean in a not so clean world.

We are here to impact one another. We don’t want to be dull and useless, we are here to change, shape and encourage each other.

Y. P. W. P.

Hello everyone, it’s Naomi, representing Y.P.W.P (Young Person With Purpose).

I am back again with some more questions and answers. I have invited more friends to share their thoughts on this topic.

I pray that our conversations and interviews inspire and encourage you. If you have a story or a topic, you’d like us to discuss, please contact me at It is our ministry to help other young people. I am looking forward to hearing from you!



1. We know that God is a cleaner. More specifically the cleaner of our hearts. He is an ongoing organizer who is shifting and cleansing out the dirt: whether from sin, past mistakes, or from old lifestyles. (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

God is doing his part, but are you?

In what ways are you participating in your journey to head in the right direction of a new and clean heart that Jesus desires of us?

My Answer: I will admit there are definitely days in my life when I slack off and get tired. I began to stop doing my part. When I think of “my part”, I think of reading my bible and praying consistently, being vulnerable before God and allowing His word to transform my life. Oftentimes I find myself going through a block where it gets increasingly difficult to do any of these things. I used to think it was all spiritual warfare and I just needed to get stronger. I was wrong, it wasn't just the devil trying to slip me up, but it was because my heart was too full for God to enter in.

Recently in my life I have found that in order for God to come in and do the cleaning process, it's important that I do my part and

make a home for God.

In John 15:4-9, Jesus tells us that if we remain in him, He will remain in us. When I hear the word remain, my home comes to mind and I think to myself is my heart a home for God? Or is there a whole bunch of stuff in there that is actively against Him and pushing Him out. I realized the things I was consuming in my life was what was stopping me from doing my part. 1 John 2:15-17 discusses the difference between the world and God and why God's path is better: (“15Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in

Our achievements and possessions. These are not from this world. 17 and this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. NLT”).

Through reading this scripture I found that I was indulging too much in the things the world had to offer. Certain movies, songs, books, TV shows, etc that didn't necessarily seem bad were

So, I came to the conclusion that cutting these things out of my life and talking with God about what was healthy for me personally and what wasn't was how I could clean out my heart. This could allow me to welcome God in so He can begin the process and continue to do it. I like to think of it like this… I have a best friend who has a big dog, and when the dog is energetic, he loves to pounce on people and bark loudly. I am really

actually tainting my heart. So much violence is shown in the content of this world today as well as hints of concepts that cause identity confusion amongst the youth. I realized that what I was consuming and allowing into my heart was nothing more than what 1 John 2:15-17 was saying; “For the world offers only a craving of physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the father, but are from this world.”

afraid of her big dog when behaves like this. So, when I come over, she makes sure he is either really calm or puts him in another room. She does what is necessary to make me feel welcome in her home. Home is where the heart is, and we should do what we need to do to make God feel welcome in where He should be staying in our lives. I suggest you start to clean out the clutter in your heart so God can do His good work within you.

Elia’s Answer: By sacrificing temporary feelings for Christ, you are able to truly give up your old lifestyle and ways. Through sacrifice, you are able to get on the path God has created for you. Through your love for Christ, you are able to sacrifice your fleshly ways. For example, you don’t want to read your Bible but you do it anyway because you love God so much you sacrifice your time. You don’t want to give up cursing but you do it anyway because you love God and are willing to

sacrifice it for Him. You don’t want to get up early and go to church but you do it anyway because you love your Father and are willing to give up your time and effort because you know it will make you better in every way. By loving the Lord you’re able to sacrifice your old ways, therefore heading on the path God has made for you.

2. Do you think your mental and physical health tie into your spiritual health? If not, how has God helped you balance the three throughout your life? If you say yes, explain how they are all connected to one another.

My Answer: I think the three of them do tie in with one another, but I believe that it is drastically different for each and every single one of us. I often see that when I really get a good word from my bible study for the day, my mood is significantly better than usual. Or maybe one day I will feel far from

God, maybe a bit confused spiritually and it genuinely makes my day much worse. When I try to read my bible (usually in my room) while my room is messy, I feel overwhelmed and unorganized, but once I clean it, I find it much easier to focus and get started on the study because my physical

area is clean. Its moments like these in my life that make me believe the three are intertwined along with God using the connection to make a point. The point being that without inviting God into all areas of our life, especially these 3, it is impossible to keep them in the best shape possible.

Let’s look at Hebrews 3:3-6.

“But Jesus deserves far more glory than Moses, just as a person who builds a house deserves more praise than the house itself. For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God. Moses was certainly faithful in God’s house as a servant. His work was an illustration of the truths God would reveal later. But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s entire house. And we are God’s house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.”(NLT)

There are two points I took from these verses;

1. We need God in every part of our lives. Verse four states every house has a builder but it is the Lord who has built everything. It’s

true, we may have implanted certain hobbies, activities, methods, etc. into our lives in order to improve our spiritual, physical and mental health. We can have certain tactics and routines that help us build ourselves up to create a better version of who we are, but we must remember we are not the main builders. God is. He is the one who gave us our spirit, our body, and our mind. He knows how it works and everything about it. He knows you more than you know yourself.

Psalms 139:1, “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.” and Psalms 139:16 “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

So, if God knows so much, why do we try to control certain aspects of our lives, refusing to give them to God (the original builder) who can make them the best they have ever been?

2. Jesus makes everything complete. In my bible when I get

to Hebrews chapter 3, I get a subtitle that states “Jesus is greater than Moses”.

Verse 3 makes a point that all though Moses did good things Jesus deserves way more glory because the one who builds the house is greater than the house himself. Moses is a respectable figure in the Bible. He began to lead God's people out of slavery and received the 10 commandments of God. He stood up and accepted the difficult and frightening task of freeing God's children from Egypt showing amazing faith. These commandments were good but as humans, we always fell short and that’s why we needed Jesus. You

Ella’s Answers: Yes, I believe all three are connected because without your mental and physical health, you can’t make up for your spiritual health. Mental health is important to keeping you strong when it comes to spiritual warfare and if your mental health is weak or you are constantly stressed out you won’t be able to connect with yourself spiritually because you're

see Jesus was the missing link that made everything whole. The commandments in Moses' time were great, just like our desire to make our spiritual, physical, and mental life better is great but Jesus is the missing piece. Without Jesus, no one in the entire world would be able to be seen right before God. He is the reason why everything fits together. If we want our physical, mental, and spiritual life to fit together it’s a necessity we give it over to our Savior so He can get the job done we couldn’t do by ourselves!

so worried about the mental side of you. Mental health is important as well because if you are neglecting yourself and your mental health you can be controlled by fear and stress. Your physical health is tied to your spiritual health because your body is your temple and God has created a vessel for your spirit to work through in your body, and if

you are constantly neglecting your body how do you expect your spirit to grow as well? I think of all three of these things as puzzle pieces, if you are missing one you are incomplete.

Don’t forget to send us your feedback. See you next time…

Y.P. W. P.

When my parents divorced, I felt like I had no Voice or jurisdiction to say anything. I kept my feelings Bottled Up inside of me trying to please my parents.

The young, old, girl, boy, men, women, all ethnicities.

As a child of divorce, I never realized how it affected me from childhood to adulthood. Relationships, feeling insecure, all these things followed me because I was never able to share my feelings. We don’t realize that unresolved issues remain Bottled Up and end up causing us to do negative things. My prayer is that this book helps you as I share my story.

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This book is a must read!

It is beneficial to perform a wellness check on ourselves at least once a month. The following questions are ones that inspire reflection and the answers will help us gather insight on our mental and physical wellbeing.

Five Mental Wellness Check Questions

1. How have I been feeling emotionally over the past few weeks?

• Reflect on your mood and emotions. Consider if you have felt persistently sad, anxious, irritable, or overly stressed.

2. How well am I sleeping and how rested do I feel upon waking?

• Assess the quality and duration of your sleep. Poor sleep can be a sign of mental health issues and can also aggravate existing conditions.

3. Am I able to manage daily tasks and responsibilities effectively?

• Consider your ability to handle work, school, and personal responsibilities. Struggling to manage these tasks can indicate mental health challenges.

4. How is my appetite and physical health?

• Reflect on any changes in your appetite, weight, or overall physical health. Mental health issues often manifest physically, affecting eating habits and physical well-being.

5. Do I feel connected to others, and do I have a support system?

• Evaluate your relationships and social interactions. Feeling isolated or lacking a support network can significantly impact mental health.

Five Physical Wellness Check Questions

1. Am I getting regular physical activity, and how do I feel during and after exercise?

Consider your level of physical activity. Regular exercise is crucial for physical health, and how you feel during and after can indicate your fitness level and overall health.

2. How balanced and nutritious is my diet?

Reflect on your eating habits. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is essential for maintaining physical health.

3. Am I experiencing any persistent pain or discomfort?

Assess whether you have any ongoing pain or physical discomfort. Persistent pain can be a sign of underlying health issues that need attention.

4. How often do I have routine check-ups and screenings?

Consider the frequency of your medical check-ups and health screenings. Regular visits to healthcare providers are important for early detection and prevention of potential health problems.

5. How is my energy level throughout the day?

Evaluate your energy levels. Consistently low energy or fatigue can indicate physical health issues, poor sleep quality, or inadequate nutrition.

Regularity in the Restroom

Our regularity is also an indicator of how we are taking care of our bodies. Yes, our bowel movements still matter. Grandmas of previous generations used to take a spoonful of castor oil after every meal. I never understood that, but I do now. It was a digestive aid and a popular remedy for constipation. It was believed to be a detoxifier and helped reduce gas and bloating. Castor oil also has anti-inflammatory properties. So, I’m certain that it had something to do with their bowels and was a way that their generation maintained good gut health. It still works.

Our caretakers paid careful attention to the texture, color, odor, and frequency of our BM’s when we were younger. They even had special remedies to keep it from being too loose (rice) and not loose enough (prunes). Sadly, some of those ways didn’t get passed down to us or we chose not to apply them to our lives.

As adults, we are responsible for monitoring that part of our lives. Taking probiotics and prebiotics is one way that we can restore and maintain balance in our gut. Castor oil is still available, so you can go that route too. A few natural probiotics include sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kefir. Other foods like garlic, onions and bananas, are known prebiotics. They feed the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Both probiotics and prebiotics come in capsule forms. You can get them in most grocery stores and buy them from

online retailers too. Optimal Health Systems (OHS) or Opti-Nutrient Formulas are two sources that offer quality supplements. I’m sure there are others too.

If our gut is balanced, then we’ll have healthy and regular bowel movements. It is ideal that we have one after each meal. For sure, we should be having one on a daily basis. A healthy bowel movement typically has the following characteristics:

1. Shape: smooth, soft, and sausage-like shape is ideal. It should be easy to pass without straining.

2. Size: Bowel movements can vary in size, but generally, they should be consistent for you. Large stools that are difficult to pass might indicate a need for more fiber, while very small, pellet-like stools can indicate dehydration or a lack of fiber.

3. Color: The color can range from medium to dark brown, which is considered normal. Variations can occur based on diet, but drastic color changes can be a sign of potential issues. For example:

• Black stools might indicate bleeding in the upper part of your stomach.

• Red stools could suggest bleeding in the lower part of your stomach or be a result of eating certain foods like beets.

• Pale or clay-colored stools might indicate a problem with the bile ducts or liver.

• Green stools can occur due to a high intake of leafy vegetables or food coloring, or if stool passes through the intestines too quickly.

If you experience persistent changes in bowel movements, it's important to consult a healthcare professional.

Tip: Keep a little step stool in the restroom and prop your feet on it while you are sitting on the throne. The stool puts your body in a better position for easier bowel movements.

As believers we strive to be balanced in every area of our lives. We use the Bible to guide us and shape us more into the image of Christ. One way we do that is by reading the Word but a more beneficial way is to meditate on it. Biblical meditation is a practice rooted in the scriptures of the Bible. It focuses on reflecting upon and internalizing God's Word. It is a way to achieve the balance that we seek.

Did you know that humans spend half of their time thinking about the past or worrying about the future? Very little of our time is spent in the present, unless we are children.

They know how to maximize the present like nobody else. Part of that is because most of them don't have much of a past and the furthest they consider in the future is usually something fun like their next birthday or the next holiday. Needless to say, what we think about affects our mind, body, and spirit. Unlike other forms of meditation that emphasize emptying the mind, biblical meditation involves filling the mind with divine truths and letting these truths transform one's heart, mind, and actions.

Understanding Biblical Meditation

Biblical meditation implies a continuous and thoughtful engagement with scripture, where one might softly repeat verses to oneself, pondering their meaning and application.

In Psalm 1:2-3, it is said that a blessed person delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on it day and night. This form of meditation is not about detachment but is about a profound engagement with God's Word. This engagement aims to align one's thoughts and actions with divine will.

The Process of Biblical Meditation

1. Select a Passage: Choose a specific passage or verse from the Bible that you feel drawn to or that addresses an area of your life where you seek growth or understanding.

2. Find a Quiet Space: Settle in a quiet place where you can focus without interruptions.

3. Pray for Understanding: Begin with prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to the truths in the scripture.

4. Read and Reflect: Read the passage slowly, several times, and reflect on its meaning. Pay attention to words or phrases that stand out. Draw pictures and symbols in your mind that will help you commit it to memory.

5. Personalize the Scripture: Consider how the passage applies to your life. Insert your name into the passage. Think about specific circumstances or decisions where these truths might provide guidance.

6. Memorize: Committing verses to memory can deepen their impact, allowing you to recall and reflect on them throughout your day.

7. Respond in Prayer: Conclude with prayer, thanking God for His Word and asking for strength to live out its teachings.

Benefits for the Mind

1. Clarity and Focus: Regular meditation on scripture can help clear mental clutter and provide focus. It encourages a disciplined thought life, guiding the mind to dwell on positive, truthful, and pure things (Philippians 4:8).

2. Peace of Mind: Biblical meditation can reduce anxiety and stress. By focusing on God's promises and His sovereignty, believers can experience a peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).

3. Renewed Mind: Romans 12:2 speaks of being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Biblical meditation plays a crucial role in this transformation, helping to reshape thought patterns to reflect God’s perspective rather than worldly views.

4. Wisdom and Discernment: Meditating on God's Word equips the mind with divine wisdom and discernment, enabling better decision-making and a deeper understanding of life’s challenges (Psalm 119:99).

Benefits for the Body

1. Stress Reduction: The peace that comes from meditating on scripture can lower stress levels, which in turn can have a positive impact on physical health. Stress is known to exacerbate various health issues, and reducing stress can help mitigate these risks.

2. Improved Sleep: Focusing on God's Word before bed can calm the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep. Scriptures that speak of God’s protection and provision can be particularly comforting and conducive to relaxation.

3. Enhanced Immunity: Reduced stress levels contribute to a stronger immune system. A peaceful mind fosters a healthy body, as the two are intricately connected.

4. Overall Well-being: Engaging in regular biblical meditation promotes a holistic approach to health. The integration of mind, body, and spirit enhances overall wellbeing, leading to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Benefits for the Spirit

1. Deepened Relationship with God: Meditation on scripture fosters a closer relationship with God. By spending time in His Word, believers come to know His character, promises, and will more intimately (Joshua 1:8).

2. Spiritual Growth: Regular meditation encourages spiritual growth and maturity. It allows for deeper insights into God’s truths and helps believers to grow in their faith and obedience (Colossians 3:16).

3. Strengthened Faith: Reflecting on God’s past faithfulness and promises strengthens one’s faith. It reminds believers of God’s unchanging nature and His ability to fulfill His promises (Hebrews 11:1).

4. Inner Transformation: The transformative power of God’s Word, internalized through meditation, leads to a changed heart and life. It produces the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

5. Guidance and Direction: God’s Word is a lamp to the feet and a light to the path (Psalm 119:105). Through meditation, believers can seek and receive divine guidance for their lives, ensuring that their steps are in alignment with God’s plan.

Practical Tips for Biblical Meditation

1. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to experiencing its full benefits.

2. Journal: Writing down insights and reflections can deepen your meditation practice. It helps to articulate thoughts and can be a record of spiritual growth.

3. Community: Engaging in group meditation or discussion about scripture with others can provide additional insights and encouragement.

4. Resources: Utilize resources such as commentaries, devotionals, and Bible study guides to enrich your meditation practice.

5. Application: Aim to apply the truths you meditate on in your daily life. Let them inform your actions, decisions, and interactions with others.

Biblical meditation is a practice that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. By engaging deeply with God's Word, believers can experience mental clarity, reduced stress, spiritual growth, and overall well-being. It is a holistic discipline that integrates faith with daily living, ensuring that one's thoughts and actions are grounded in divine truth. As believers meditate on scripture, they draw closer to God, gain wisdom, and are transformed into the likeness of Christ, and begin to display the peace, love, and joy that come from a life centered on Him.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Grant me the wisdom to find balance in all aspects of my life. Help me to nurture my body, mind, and spirit, and to make choices that support my overall well-being. Guide me in moments of stress and uncertainty, reminding me to take time for rest and reflection. May I find harmony and peace, and live each day with gratitude and grace. Amen.

My Disclaimer: We have strong black men who were taught to love black women, but I must address the black men who disrespect black females and why they behave the way they do.

So you want a boyfriend? Learn early black princess! The way you represent yourself to your peers and to the public can be used as a disadvantage or advantage for you!

children, who he really rarely respects or marries.

What will they see? What can they interpret about you? Are you a lady? Are you their Princess, their baby mama, their good thing? Are you their b****? You will be able to tell what they think of you by how they treat you.

Black males tend to like rap music and they see black females through the eyes of their favorite artist lyrics. They call you divas. A diva is a woman who is considered to be difficult or high maintenance. They call you a gold digger, that’s a woman who trades sexual favors for a basic necessity and leave men bankrupt. Then you have the freak, she’s a sexual powerhouse, and the gangster b****, the tough girl; and the baby mama, the mother of a man’s

Black boys are not getting proper training on how to treat girls. They don’t have role models in their homes. They only see black males in the entertainment world who they can emulate. We lost many of our black fathers due to the Vietnam War in the 1970s and later the drug culture. Getting our civil rights was a wonderful achievement, but we, as a people did not gain our true freedom, it only put the icing on the cake to cover up the same mess we

encountered since the first day we set foot on this American soil as enslaved people.

If you don’t love yourself, you have no confidence or self-esteem. You will be sending out a signal to the male species that you are ready to be taken advantage of. Males keep their X-ray glasses on 24/7, figuratively speaking. They are like dogs, always sniffing around a skirt.

Men can be predators and you need to know how they hunt. They can be wolves and sheep clothing and come bearing gifts. They can be ruthless and feel they can use you anyway they want to. You cannot trust them. They will make love to you and the next second murder you. Their minds are like a ticking time bond. You never know when they will explode!

There is an old saying, “You can’t live with them and you can’t do without them”. Some women don’t mind being beaten night and day just to say they have a man. What a price to pay to be someone’s “bae or carry his last name.

You need to be strong. It starts right now, while you are young. You may not see too many strong women out there, because of your environment, but they are out there. Black women have always had to carry the load for the family, so, when you do see Black woman, observe her mannerisms, her character, and how she walks and holds her head. The weak woman doesn’t last long, if she does most of the time, she is mentally unstable and ill. However, there have been many black women who were mistreated but were able to rebound and become very successful.

Please check out my book on Amazon.

This book was written to help our black girls understand their plight! Why they behave the way they do! This book provides raw information for our Black Girls. Our Black girls need to be aware of the devil’s tricks so they won’t become victims of society’s traps. The language in my book may be offensive, but it is factual!

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