Sarah christmas dec 2013

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Breast Cancer Survival

Min. LaNita Price

Welcome to our Christmas edition of Sarah magazine. It’s hard to believe that we are end of the year. How was your Thanksgiving? I hope that you had a great time with family and friends and that enjoyed that good turkey and all the fixings. Did you enjoy last month’s issue? Wasn’t Reverend Foster’s featured story powerful! Wow we got a lot of good feedback on her story. My sister tells it like it is! We always like to hear from you tell us what you think of these cover stories. Here we are in December and this is the season to be jolly! If you have made it through another year, PRAISE GOD for his goodness and mercy! There are so many that didn’t make it. We must remember to keep their families lifted in prayer. You find that there are so many people that become deeply depressed. Some are missing a loved one; another has no family at all. Whatever the case may be the holidays can make people do some drastic things. I remember growing up we were very poor, and sometimes we got nothing at all for Christmas. We would be sad for a moment but we would find something and create fun, before you knew it, all the kids in the neighborhood would be over playing with our homemade toys, even though they had new stuff. I shared that to say this.. we have taken our focus off of the true meaning of Christmas. We put so much emphasis on things. Have we forgotten what and why we are

celebrating? When I was growing up it didn’t take much to make us as children happy. I think if we went back to having a heart of a child, the holiday season would be so joyous and it would be less crime. Christmas is time of celebration!! This is the day that our savior was born!! Just to know that you are a child of the king is a reason to celebrate. Let’s not forget that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Take your focus off of the gifts, take a minute or maybe even two and tell God Thank you for the greatest gift of all, HIS SON JESUS. I would like say first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! I would also like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Labriel Leach (December 10th) he is the son of my Graphic Designer and co-editor. Last but not least a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my son Gerald Smith Jr. Born on Christmas day. 31 years ago you know where I was on Christmas day. Lol. To all those who have birthdays in this month HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I would like to personally say MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! Thank you so much for reading Sarah magazine every month. If you noticed that Sarah is a little thicker than normal, it’s because our cover/feature story is so powerful and so uplifting that we couldn’t help but let her flow. Her story is here to educate both men and women. Normally we put our feature story in the middle of the magazine. This time we put it towards the end, so that after reading all the other pages you can get a cup of coffee or tea and sit down and read this powerful story. Please send us your feedback. Get ready for next year we have more powerful stories coming your way!! Did I mention that you can order Sarah in paper format and have it delivered to your door every month? Visit my web site and purchase your copy. Remember Sarah runs strictly by donations, to keep it coming to you every month your donations are appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief editor or ,

Contents Welcome Encouragement Coastal Vacations Women N Power Ministries Soul Shaping Publications The Awakening Women’s conference Overcoming My Biggest Hurdles Rising Star designs & communications Living Fearless in Rwanda Coastal Vacations Rise & Pray IPAN- Meet and Greet Cooking with J.C D’Signs Digital Art The Birthing Hour Coastal Vacations I Know Where You Are A Beautiful Mind The Perfect Gift

OUR FEATURED STORY Coming Next Month CONGRATULATIONS!! Single?? Your Vacations Is Waiting! MERRY CHRISTMAS

COASTAL VACATIONS Barbara, Kim, & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985/(909) 277-1767

The Birth of Jesus

2 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register. 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. 8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” 15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” 16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had Luke 2:1-20 been told. New International Version (NIV)



ast month, during Thanksgiving, we celebrated everything we are thankful for. As for me, I spent the day with my husband, both my sons, and close friends. I was truly blessed, as my oldest son is currently serving in the military, and my youngest is preparing to embark on a new chapter in his life. It was a memorable day, filled with love, fun and lots of food. During this month, we celebrate the gift of giving. The definition of a gift, per Wikipedia, is “an object given without the expectation of payment. Although gift-giving might involve an expectation of reciprocity, a gift is meant to be free.” Hmmm…. Just this morning, the day after Thanksgiving, besides football games, are commercials for “Black Friday”, officially the first day of the holiday shopping. All of the stores are advertising tremendous deals on their products and services. People are lining up outside of the stores to purchase a “good deal”. People are driving place-to-place thinking about the next store, without paying attention to how they are driving. I am sure you are probably thinking just how materialistic this season has become. Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth. This is God’s greatest gift to man, His son, Jesus! This gift was given to us, not as a present wrapped in pretty paper with a bow, but a baby swaddled in a blanket. The baby didn’t lie under a tree, but in a manger, a trough where animals get their food. This special gift didn’t come from a jolly old man who slid down a chimney, but from our loving and sacrificing God. Have you ever given a gift to someone, and they not appreciate it, didn’t like it, or even not accept it? In my opinion, God’s gift has been mask under the guise of giving and getting presents. What about God’s present to you? What have you done to accept this gift or share this gift with someone who has nothing? Well, you can start by stopping what you are doing right now and saying, with a genuine and sincere heart, that you thank God for the gift He gave you and accept it, lovingly and without reservation. Nothing fancy, just “Thank you, God!” This month’s encouragement is not to beat you up regarding how your life should be or where you need to go, trying to fix the things you feel are wrong in your life, but to explain that mercy is there for you. Just take it! God knows what you are thinking before you think it; knows what you are going to do before you do it. In fact, He knows when you will ask for His mercy before you do. How amazing it that? Will He push you towards it? No. Will He threaten you with it? No. What He will do is give you gifts, mercy and grace, hoping that you will see the gift and know from whom it came from. My prayer for this season is that you accept God’s gift and share it with someone. Share words of encouragement to those who need it. Share your bounty with someone has nothing. Share YOU because you, too, ARE a great gift!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

INTRODUCTION Coastal Vacations is a group of like-minded professionals promoting exception opportunities for travel, affluence and well-being. Coastal Vacations is a club membership you can use for the rest of your life. A combination of discount travel services and condo & resort services with years of exerience created Coast Club Vacations. It is the most exciting and flexible leisure vacation club ever imagined. It provides a wide selection of travel and lodging options at the industry’s lowest rates. Packages similar to these are usually only sold by resort properties and retail for $2500 or more. They use it as an alternative product for their vacation club prospects who were not interested in a timeshare purchase at that particular time at their resort. These beautiful resort properties, including those in our condo rental program, are properties from across the country and around the world. Rather than have the unsold and unused units remain vacant and unproductive, we are able to provide them to our members at huge savings.

Soul Shaping Publications Pastor Teirrah McNair is the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) for Soul Shaping Publications. A dedicated people builder who has been writing for stage, video and publications for over 20 years. Contact or visit her websites to order these great books.

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Pastor Teirrah McNair

The Greatest Gift Ever Given...


Overcoming My Biggest Hurdle Growing up as a little boy I dreamed about making Team USA and wearing the Red, White and Blue on my back while representing my country at the Olympics and other worldwide competitions. Twenty-four years later, I am still continuing on my quest to achieve this goal. Though I am taking a break this year from collegiate Track and Field, I am vigorously training, day in and day out, for a chance at making Team USA 2014 for Bowling. This is my 4th try at making the team. I now realize that making the Team is one of the hardest tasks I have ever faced. Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to my sports, I am very competitive; once I have my mind set on achieving something, 99.9% of the time I achieve it. From winning 20 City Titles to winning the Prestigious Harry Hansen Bowler of the Year 5 times, if I wanted it, I usually got it. Going into my first try at making the team back in 2011, I was in the midst of finishing off an amazing Junior Bowler Career when I decided to give it a shot at making the Junior Team USA team at the Trials they held every year. Sitting here writing this, I look at how naive and bigheaded I was. Little did I know what I had in store for myself at the tournament. I was always use to being one of the stars whatever tournament I was at, but for the first time I was, well, I was a nobody, in a field with bowlers who had achieved much more then I had ever could dream of. After a long week of bowling, I finished 46th overall in the field of 150 bowlers and 9th in the Junior

Division, missing out on the Junior Team by 4 spots. I was disappointed in myself because that was the first time that I didn’t achieve my goal. But I vowed that I would work my butt off to fix the mistakes I made during the week and come back the following year and make the team. My second try, I finished 61st in the field of 175 bowlers. Though I had learned from my previous mistakes, I made new ones. Again I sat after another long week of bowling frustrated because for yet another year I hadn’t achieved my goal. This past season, my 3rd try, had mixed results. I had took a 7 month break from bowling (another long story) and only had able 3 weeks to prepare for the tournament. After having what I believed was the worse day of bowling I have ever had on Day 1, I came back the last 4 days and bowled amazingly. Though I again I didn’t make the team finishing 80th, I learned more about myself then I had at the previous two tournaments. Each year after these tournaments, I would be asked how I felt about how I bowled. And every year I gave the same answer: I BOWLED TERRIBLE; I HATE BOWLING; WHY DO I BOWL? Now I look back and realize even though I couldn’t see it then, these

past struggles have actually made me a much stronger and focused bowler. January 2014, I will again make the trip to Las Vegas with a greater understanding of not only my strengths, but my past weakness. There lies why the years TEAM USA Trials will be unlike any of the other, and hopefully that means coming home with the coveted RED, WHITE, and BLUE on my shoulders.

~Labriel Leach

Do you have a business idea that you need to get off the ground? Do you have a book in you? I can help shift your ideas into reality!

About me My name is RenĂŠe Purdie and I'm first and foremost a Christian. I love God. I am grateful for the gifts that He has bestowed on me and I do my best to use those gifts for the betterment of the Kingdom of God and my clients (sometimes one in the same). Those gifts include being a writer, an editor, a designer and a strategic marketer.

Visit and let’s work on getting it together. Together.

ReneePurdie Renée Purdie was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona and has over 18 years of professional writing, editing, design and marketing experience on two continents: Australia and the US. Renée was blessed to have lived and worked in Melbourne, Australia, for 12 years. As you’ll be able to tell from her website, she is a Christian who loves God and is dedicated to following the path that God has set down before her. One of the gifts she’s been given is the ability to communicate people’s stories and transform them into something that’s both beautiful and transformative. So if you have a book inside you, Renée will be able to help you bring it to the world. Another one of her fortés is the ability to use her design, writing, editing and marketing experience to assist small businesses with creating their own brands and, more importantly, improving their bottom line. She also provides services for small businesses, including merchant services (credit card processing) and computer support. For more information, visit her website: or email her on info@reneepurdie. Even at an early age, com.

Renee showed her love of conducting business

Holidays Abroad Here we are in December-the season of cheer, loveshowering, gift-giving, and good food-eating. I just love the holiday season and how it brings families all over the world together. In America, feuding brothers and sisters come together to say "I'm sorry" so their mother can smile as her one Christmas wish comes true--all of her children are under one roof and getting along. In Rwanda, smiling faces move all around to the beat of a drum, in a village church, dancing the day away and giving thanks to the God who has brought them full circle, to yet another holiday season. Here in Rwanda it's not about the gift giving, rather it's about showing your love to the Lord and giving Him the one gift of the season that doesn't cost a single thing--praise. Holidays in the States are something like a big deal; even as an American living abroad, you get excited just thinking about them. As August creeps on by, you prematurely begin to muse at how you'll do this or that, eat this and that, and video chat with family and friends from back home. However when you make it about one week into January, you begin to feel as if the holidays have passed you by-Christmas had come and gone in a speedy blur and New Year barely made an announcement as the first sun of the year set and the first moon rose. You even find that you're still writing the date of last year on all your papers! Lucky for me, my sister was able to visit during my first holiday season abroad and it made being away much more bearable. We visited my host family, about 4 hours away from my house, then traveled to Tanzania to ring in the New Year. Both events were a blast, and though the days weren't quite long enough, the time spent with my sister was

invaluable. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, the holidays can be as lonely or as friend-filled as you allow them to be. Since we are living in villages, have learned to speak the local language, and are here long enough to build meaningful relationships, we are able to experience the holiday culture as if Dametreea with older sister Natasha and host family on Christmas Day-2012

we were natives of the country. Some of the holidays celebrated here are the same as those celebrated in the States (Christmas and New Year) and some are unique to Rwanda (Boxing Day and Genocide Memorial Day). The US-observed holidays give us a chance to remember home and reflect on our lives prior to moving away; and the Rwanda-observed holidays teach us to appreciate our time abroad and help us to become a part of our local communities. Keep reading for interesting facts about each Rwandan Holiday and how they are celebrated among us village folks! Holiday Culture Just as I was typing this article, one of the teachers from my community school came

Labor Day work party plate. Stewed goat meat, pasta salad, and roasted potatoes. May 2013

in to pay me a visit; and since he was here, I decided to pick his brain about Christmas. After asking a few questions of my own, he started in on me with his: "Will you be in Rwanda for the holiday?" which was quickly followed by "What will you eat?" It surprised me a bit that one of the first two questions he asked about my holiday plans was what I will eat. Though I am definitely a foodie and that is one of the things I am looking forward to the most, as a typical American, I would have expected for his question to be more along the lines of "What did you ask for?" or "What will your parents send you?" It’s a beautiful thing to be in a place where the people focus more on each other during the holiday season than what others will wrap up and give to them in a box. It's also a nice change to see that things aren't the source of holiday cheer, rather it is the presence of loved ones, glorifying God, and of course FOOD! Though the holidays are plentiful, it is rare that you will see a family celebrating every one. Typically, there is enough money to celebrate just one or two of the bigger days with food and drinks and the others are celebrated by simply going to church, dancing, and visiting family. When money is scarce around Christmas time, the family will save the big celebration for the New Year; however if the money is there as December approaches, they will celebrate Christmas and forego the New Year festivities. With that being said, celebrations can be seen as seasonal; they fall in line with the planting seasons when families will have the most money from crop sales. Memorial day at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Center. Roses laid above coffins in memory of the lives lost. 2012

When it comes to hosting a party in Rwanda, as with everything else, appearance is everything. Even if there is no food, the host will have Fanta at the least--it is bad culture to host visitors and have them leave without receiving anything. No matter how poor a family may be, you will almost always

New Year January 1 Hero's Day February 1

Rwanda Celebrated Holidays Celebrate the New Year

Sweeties Day February 14 Good Friday Variable

Resurrection Day March/April Genocide Memorial Day April 7

Week of Mourning April 7-14

Labor Day May 1 Independence Day July 1 Liberation Day July 4

Assumption Day August 15 Eid ul-Fitr Variable Christmas December 25 Boxing Day December 26

Honor the heroic figures and soldiers who fought to protect Rwandans during the genocide; survivors take flowers to the graves of the deceased to pay respect Celebrated similar to how we celebrate in the US--chocolate, flowers, and/or a date night with your sweetie Celebrated widely by Catholics by attending church, not eating meat, & reflecting on the death of Jesus/what it means for their lives Celebrate the resurrection of Christ A day dedicated to remembering the many lives that were lost during the genocide--offices and businesses shut down for the entire day and community meetings take place to support genocide survivors and offer words of encouragement The week following Genocide Memorial Day is reserved for those who suffered a great deal during the genocide--the entire month is reserved for mourning and coping, however during this week, businesses are allowed to shut down and people are not expected to work Appreciation day for community and government workers Celebrate Rwanda's independence from Belgium Celebrate the end of the genocide--This is the day that the RPF (Rwanda Patriotic Front) gained control from the rebels and began to bring things back to order A Catholic holiday celebrating Mary's ascension into heaven after the death of Jesus A Muslim holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan Known by Rwandans as Noheli, celebrates the birth of Jesus AKA Gifting Day--Reserved for opening the gifts that were received on Christmas. This day is rarely celebrated since gifting is not a big part of Christmas culture

find that they are able to scrape up enough money to have Fanta for the most important holiday guests. When funds are not so limited, the celebration menu can consist of meat (goat or cow), rice, fries (my personal favorite), and other foods deemed expensive. To compliment the meal, the host will bring out bottle after bottle of Fanta and beer-banana beer, the local draft, pineapple beer, sorghum beer--soooo much beer! Other Events and Celebrations

lake/body of water to take part in this precious ceremony. Afterward, the family of the person being baptized will have a small celebration at their house with song, dance, Fanta, and food, depending on the amount of money the family has. Birthdays You would think that birthdays are a big deal in Rwanda, after all, birthdays are a big deal everywhere, right? Wrong. Most times when I ask a child, or even an adult, when his/her birthday is, they cannot give me an exact date. For the sake of not saying "I don't know," many people will tell you that their birthday is January 1st. It is also very common for a person to not know their age. I have seen two ID cards for the same person, one said he was 31 and another said 33. However when I asked him his age, he looked down and responded "31," unsure of which one is correct.

Baby Naming Ceremonies On more than one occasion, I have visited community members who just had a baby, and in between oohs and ahhs at how cute the little bugger is, I'll ask, Church "What's his name?" The mother Every Sunday is a par-tay! I don't always looks at me and says, "He know a single Rwandan who doesn't have one yet." This used doesn't look forward to the day of to sound very strange to me. I the week when they can go to sing would think, What?? Your baby and dance, literally, all day long. I doesn't have a NAME?? But this sat in church for about 6 hours is in fact very common in once, before I told myself it was Rwandan culture. Babies are not time to go. Meanwhile, the rest of named until one to two weeks the congregation was still partying after their birth, when the mother hardy! Seeing how Americans like has a baby naming ceremony. In to party (outside of church), I used the ceremony, the mother, father, to ask my village friends if they and close friends look at the baby, liked to dance. The answer was discuss the family, any always a bubbly and excited, complications during the Bride and groom during Dowry wedding "YES!!" Assuming there are no ceremony. Mach 2013 pregnancy and give suggestions night clubs in the village, I would for appropriate names. For then ask, "Well where do you dance?" The answer example, one woman from my church had never was always accompanied by this dumbfounded, been able to have children and never understood you-don't-know-where-we-dance look, "We dance why. Finally at age 51, she was blessed with a in church." You've probably guessed by now that I healthy baby boy and because of the stopped asking this stupid question; the answer is circumstances, the baby left the ceremony with the always the same (accompanied by that same name "Lucky." dumbfounded look). When you want to dance, you go to church. The way they see it, if you're going to Baptisms do it, it may as well be for God. Baptisms are another time that call for a big celebration. Oftentimes nearly half of the church Weddings body will travel 30+ minutes to the nearest

Weddings are a celebration all in themselves; one of the most popular village events attended by the entire village. A Rwandan wedding consists of three ceremonies. A dowry, or gift giving ceremony where gifts are given, not to the bride and groom, but to the family of the bride and groom. Each family will try to one up the other with gifts of hand woven baskets, large bottles of Fanta, cows, goats, and cultivating tools (hoes, shovels, etc). The second ceremony is the religious ceremony which takes place in the church with the bride replacing her cultural attire with a fluffy white gown to march down the aisle. This ceremony is similar to that of the traditional wedding ceremony in America, with the exception of the milk drinking portion--The bride and groom drink fresh cow's milk from locally made pots to will good health and fortune into their new life together. The third and final ceremony is the political ceremony where the couple goes to the sector office to sign the paperwork for their beautiful union and become registered with the government as a married couple. Depending on a family's fortune, all three ceremonies can take place on the same day, or they can take place years apart. After the first ceremony, the bride wears a ring on the Bride and groom during religious ceremony middle finger milk ritual. March 2013 of her left hand; once all three ceremonies have been completed, the bride receives another ring to wear on her ring finger-she always wears both rings. Umuganda The last Saturday of every month is a national day for community service, titled "Umuganda" or community work. Rwanda is one of the cleanest countries you will find in Africa, and that is partly because the people (both city and village folks alike) care deeply about not only their personal appearance, but also the country's appearance as a whole. This day is used to clean the streets of the city, build homes for the homeless, and dig up new

roads in the village. Every last Friday of the month at about 5am, you are awoken (angrily, might I add) out of a deep sleep to the sound of someone parading through the village with a loud speaker, stating the location of the next day's umuganda and what the work for the day will be. Participation is required by every household and in many villages, if a valid reason is not given to the village chief for why a family cannot participate, that family can be fined. Also, businesses must shut down during the hours of umuganda and cars are not allowed to drive on the roads--again, violators are fined. As you can see, when it come to keeping this country clean, Rwanda means business! Visitors Aside from going to church, I can't think of one thing a Rwandan likes more than hosting a visitor. It is very common for people to visit one another in the village, after all, what else is there to do? Because visits are so often (daily or even hourly), they don't really call for a celebration; but when someone comes from out of town or has been gone a while, the host is bringing out their finest tea cups, their juiciest gossip, and in some cases, their newest DVDs of Rwandan and American music videos. To get a visitor is a great honor and as culture has it, when someone visits you, you must return the favor and visit them back in the near future. In this way, it is customary to never be alone in your house. If you are ever caught alone, something must be wrong--very wrong. Say It Isn't So‌ That's it for now! I'm just burning up to answer questions for the "Say It Isn't So‌" section so if there is anything you want to know--ANYTHING-shoot it my way and I will answer it in next month's article. Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea

Coastal Vacations Call us! Barbara, Kim & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985 909-277-1767

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purposefully affect the church (Body of Christ), government (Politics), sports (Athletics), education (Collegiate), media (Entertainment), the marketplace (Business), medicine (Medical Field) and law (Judicial System) through the various anointing’s, gifts, wisdom and skill of those who are sent from this prophetic arsenal. Through in the Kingdom of God and thus positioned to change the Kingdoms of this world!

Hattie Cunningham is a licensed minister of the gospel with a prophetic anointing on her life. Hattie has been ministering in dance for over 25 years and has a Liturgical Dance Ministry Melodies of Majestic Praise, where she is the founder and director. She has birthed many ministries throughout her walk with God. Hattie Cunningham sits on the board of directors for the Harrington Group, where we are positioned to care for and assist homeless men, women, youth and Veterans in the greater Phoenix Arizona area and abroad. Hattie Cunningham is the AZ. State Overseer for the International Prophetic Arsenal Network (IPAN). The vision of IPAN is to strategically gather and send an arsenal of anointed men and women chosen and handpicked by God to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in the kingdoms of this world. It is IPAN’S goal to intentionally and

IPAN provides spiritual covering, mentoring, counsel, licensing, ordination and fellowship to churches, ministries and ministers. We also spiritually cover Christian entertainers, athletes, doctors, educators, lawyers, politicians and entrepreneurs. We are men and women who adhere to what is right and live by the principles and standards set forth in the word of God. We comply and submit to the order and rule of the Kingdom of God. We experience and live in the blessing, approval, support and advancement of God. For more information regarding the International Prophetic Arsenal Network (IPAN) you can reach State Overseer, Min Hattie Cunningham at By phone 404-645-3499.

J.C’s CHRISTMAS HOT POT 1 cup of water 1 quart chicken stock 5 chicken thighs (skinned) 1 green bell pepper (chopped) 1 yellow onion (chopped) 1 lg. can of stewed tomatoes 1 lg. can of tomato sauce 1 tsp. of each- onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, and cayenne pepper.

1 package of white rice (cook according to package directions) Serve the hot pot mixture over your rice. Some may call this Gumbo, but J.C. calls it her Christmas Hot Pot.

Place all ingredients in a large pot, cook on low heat about 1 hour or until chicken is done.

Add to the cooked mixture, 1 large chicken sausage cut into bite sized pieces. 1 cup chopped okra (you can add more if you like) 1 ½ cups of medium shrimp (deveined) 1 ½ 1bs. Crab legs Cook on low until all ingredients are done.

Jalapeño corn bread 1 box of jiffy corn bread mix ½ cup yellow corn bread ½ cup bisquick 1sm. Can Ortega jalapeno peppers 2 eggs ½ cup buttermilk ¼ cup water ½ stick of butter (melted)

Continued previous page‌. In a large bowl mix all ingredients together, pour into a lightly oiled square pan. Bake in oven at 375 until golden brown. While bread is still hot rub the other half of the butter on the top of it.

(Pictures shown are not the actual recipes)

Connect with J.C facebook Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw JC+4

Two crust easy cherry pie Purchase, 1 graham cracker pie crust 1 regular pie crust 1 can cherry pie filling Pour into graham cracker crust Top with regular crust (seal edges) bake in oven at 325 until top crust is golden brown. Let pie cool and top with whip cream or serve hot with Ice cream. If you don’t feel like cooking the traditional Christmas meal, J.C suggest that you try delicious simple meal and serve with some sweet tea or your favorite drink.

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Coastal Vacations

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e r e w u o y ! h s s i u l W l a C

Barbara, Kim, & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985 909-277-1767

I Know Where You Are

In Memory of Evelyn Faye Carradine Sunrise: December 26, 1946 Sunset: February 19, 2003 I know Where You Are You are where you are supposed to be Sitting amongst royalty. I had a vision of you sitting above the clouds Regal like a lioness, royal as you always were Your beautiful hair lay around your shoulders And a crown adorned your head I Know Where You Are You are in the midst of all of the great ones, Sharing the stories of your life, shedding yourself of the Secrets that living here wouldn’t allow you to express. You are asking the questions that throughout your life You’ve pondered, and debating the reasons why. I know Where You Are You are amongst the King The man you lived each day for, You are in a land called “free” better off than All of us, I can hear you now saying,

“ya’ll don’t cry for me!” I know Where You Are You are in my heart, my mind and in my dreams giving me Great recollections of the memories that have shaped me into the Woman I am today. I Know Where You Are! I Know Where You Are! You are where you should be. Sitting above the clouds, Regal like a lioness, Royal just as you always were, Your beautiful hair lay around your shoulders And a crown adorns you head. I Know Where You Are! Written by Shevonna Blackshire

A Beautiful Mind In Memory of Stanley Lynell Blackshire Sunrise: December 10, 1972 Sunset: December 23, 2009

Brother, you were always the quiet one. The gentle breeze that blows in after the storm. The silent strength that comforts without saying a word. I used to scream at the top of my lungs at you just to get your reaction, I always Knew that there was more going in your head than the quietness that Defined you. You always kept your emotions bottled up so tightly Until one day it burst and out came this amazing voice and words of wisdom Beyond your years.

You spoke about the visions and the beautiful thoughts Going on in your mind. Much like the apostle Paul you Wanted to spread the word of love, peace, kindness, goodness and faithfulness, all of the gifts that your spirit had been blessed with. Your quote were reminiscent of parables and discovering the Meaning and the purpose of life was like a jigsaw puzzle to you and somehow you

Had most of it figured out.

You were blessed with a sensitivity that is rare among men. You loved unconditionally and your words of wisdom about love and forgiveness, Believe me They didn’t fall upon deaf ears and will forever stand out in my mind. I didn’t realize that your gifts were more than just the beauty of your voice it was also the beauty of your mind. Your overflowing of words were the fruition Of God’s work in you. I pray that your gifts and spirit lives on throughout every person you’ve Touched. Brother, you have a beautiful soul, a beautiful heart And a beautiful mind. Shevonna Blackshire January 7, 2010

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him with gifts of gold and of incense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:10-11)

CHRISTmas is a special day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Family and friends from near and far come together. This holiday brings more joy like no other. People are smiling, shopping, singing and full of joy. The bible tells us that God gave us a great gift and his name is Jesus Christ. As you shop for the perfect gift for a friend, love one or a gift to that person in need, please remember there would be no CHRISTmas day if Christ wasn’t born. Giving gifts to others is a great way to show love and gratitude. The above scripture refers to the magi (wise men) giving gifts to Jesus. Please don’t focus on your gift being small, large, expensive, or if it will compare to the gift of a friend or relative. Instead ask yourself a question, is my FOCUS on the gift or on the Gift Giver? For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders and his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace” Isaiah 9:6 (revised standard)

Thank God for giving you life, peace and joy. God loved you so much he gave you a Perfect Gift and his name is JESUS. Jesus, which is a Greek form of Joshua, means “the Lord saves” One of the greatest gifts you can ever receive is salvation. Every time I see a candy cane. I look at the white stripe as it reminds me of all my sins being washed away. I look at the red stripe and think about how I am covered in the blood of Jesus. This is the season to be filled with unspeakable joy! Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights” James 1:17 (NIV) I PRAY THAT YOU ARE BLESSED DURING THIS CHRISTmas season. God bless

Evangelist Debra Ramsey

I met LaNita Price a few years ago. From the moment we met, our spirits connected as Sisters-inChrist. I knew this was and is a true woman of God. She is very quiet, but so powerful when it comes to the things of God. When she was diagnosed with cancer, it amazed me to see her continue doing what she needed to do in her spiritual walk and her personal life. The devil thought he would break her, but he lost that battle! I would watch and admire her for her strength. WHAT AN INSPIRATION TO SO MANY WOMEN! When you hear the big C word (cancer) we instantly think that our life is over. Not my sister LaNita, she kept right on going and she never stopped smiling. No matter what was going on, she still smiled. I love her for her beautiful spirit and her strength. I had a few cancers scares and I panicked! Watching her and what she had to go through, made me stronger. I was trying to think of what to say to best describe her, and these are the words that came into my spirit. BEAUTIFUL, in stature and in spirit. STRONG, she went through so much and still smiled in spite of her inner pain. INSPIRATION to so many women. POWERFUL this is a true woman of God. FAITHFUL from what I could see, her faith in God did not waiver, she continued to praise him whenever you’d see her in church on Sunday. It is an honor to feature her in Sarah magazine. She is sharing her story to educate and encourage everyone. Sometimes people are very guarded when it comes to their illnesses, not Minister LaNita. When I approached her and asked her to be the cover story, she instantly said yes. My next question was, how much do you want to tell and what are your boundaries? Her answer was. ‘” I HAVE NO BOUNDARIES”, she was willing to tell her story and not hold back. We ALL need to be educated on this subject. I pray that by her being transparent in telling her story, it will help us all to realize that what may seem like the worst time in our life is going to be a testimony. This beautiful woman survived it and now she is sharing her story to help people that may be going through the same thing. God bless you Minister LaNita for allowing us to put your story in Sarah magazine. LOVE YOU MY SISTER-IN-CHRIST! After reading this story, contact us, we’d like to hear from you. NOW OUR FEATURED STORY……..

Minister Sheree Carradine

Our Feature Story

Minister LaNita Price Having Faith in the Midst of Adversity

LaNita Price is a native of Lakeland, Florida, born to Charles and Barbara Sanders. She retired from the United States Air Force while stationed at Keesler AFB, Mississippi in May 2007 and moved to Tucson Arizona to be with her husband of six years, Vaughn Price who is also retired Air Force and their dog Neko. She has one daughter, Brittne’y N. Facey and one grandson, Noel E. McConn. LaNita graduated from Park University with a Bachelors of Science in Social Psychology in May 2010 and then received her Master of Science in Addiction Counseling from Grand Canyon University in May 2012. She began her career in the counseling field in October 2012 and was diagnosed with Stage II Breast Cancer in November 2012. In March 2013, she had to stop working due to complications from chemotherapy and is now a homemaker working on her first book. LaNita completed her minister’s class through her church, Lighthouse Church International, with Pastor Terry and Lady Nancy West. She is now a licensed Minister as of November 2013. She plans to use her licensure and her degrees to help provide counseling to others in need of support and peaking to women about personal and spiritual health. Questions from Minister Carradine- Sarah Magazine S.M- Tell me about your military career and how you came about joining the military. How long were you in the military? LaNita- I have an uncle on my mom’s side (Willard Link) who was in the United States Air Force. Growing up, I can remember the times he’d come home on leave with his family and being fascinated by his military service. I can remember taking a family trip

in the 1970’s to Minot, North Dakota where he and his family were stationed. Our families took a trip across the Canadian border to Manitoba, Canada where we spent the day at a park there having a family picnic/outing. This really fueled my fascination with the military. There were times when he and his family would come home to Florida and share their experiences overseas. When I graduated from high school in 1984, I attended Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana and would visit my uncle and his family while they were stationed at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi. There was something so patriotic and intriguing about the military lifestyle and I thought it was such an honorable job that I imagined myself joining once I’d finished college. I didn’t finish college in New Orleans because I became homesick and at the end of 1985 I transferred to Bethune-Cookman College, now known as Bethune Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida. I never forgot the military lifestyle and while in my second year of college, I fell in love with a young man who was in the United States Marines Corp. We married in 1987 and I dropped out of college to become a military spouse. Unfortunately, he was discharged 6 months after we married. While my hopes of being affiliated with the military were cut short, I decided that I would be a great candidate to fulfill my dream. I lost 30 pounds and joined the Air Force in 1988. We had one daughter Brittne’y and were married for almost 7 years. My career was a great experience. I met many people from all walks of life and was exposed to many cultures and traditions that I wouldn’t have otherwise been afforded the opportunity to enjoy. My career began in 1988

and ended in 2007, when I was medically retired due to complications from a motor vehicle accident I’d experienced in 1990. I had my intestines re-sectioned due to tears and lacerations. The scar tissue from the re-sectioning had become so widespread that my intestines were fusing to the walls of my stomach and other organs, thereby causing multiple bowel obstructions that progressively got worse over time. The military considered my condition a “non-deployable” one and because my abilities were handicapped by random obstructions, I was no longer an asset to Uncle Sam.

in the hospital and very ill. She mentioned that normally when you ask people to pray, they don’t, but she knew that she could count on the two of us to lift them up in prayer. I didn’t know the couple and at the time I didn’t know their last name. I remember praying While I would have loved to have stayed beyond 20 fervently for them, years, I was blessed to make it to what the military for God to heal and considers sanctuary (18 year mark) and afforded a restore her body and give her husband peace through medical review board to determine my fate. The board it all. After a few days of praying, the prayer shifted had the choice of allowing me to retire at a set date to one of praying for him that God’s will be done and that they would establish and establishing a disability that God would surround him with people who would rating for me or retiring me with no rating. The board support, encourage and minister to him. Not long took so much longer than it should have taken because after that, my friend emailed us to tell us she passed. I had so many people (physicians, commanders) fight- I still continued praying for him for a few more days. ing for me to stay in and receive all of the care they The prayers were mainly about the people God would felt I needed for the board to make a valid decision. So place around him who would be able to understand his when the board convened and decided I was retired at grief and even when it seemed like he should be done 19 years, 6 months and a few days. grieving, there would be those who would hear him and allow him to process it all. S.M- How did you meet Vaughn? Sometime in late 2005, I received a call from Lisa on LaNita- Although we met through a mutual friend, a Saturday morning. She began talking about a friend I must say that it was of hers named Vaughn who’d lost his wife in Nov a divinely orchestrated 2004 and how she woke up with him on her mind. meeting. God did it! My Immediately afterwards, my name popped up. She husband and I were introsaid she felt that meant she should try to connect us, duced through a mutual although she didn’t know why and wanted to know if friend (Lisa) who we’d I was okay with that. Initially I was, because I didn’t both been stationed with remember his name even though I’d prayed for him at different times in our and his wife the year before. Later that evening, I military career. Vaughn had second thoughts about the introduction because I was stationed with her didn’t want to appear that I was trying to sneak in and at Osan Air Base, Korea, prey on someone grieving over a loss. first and then she and I were stationed at Goodfellow Air Force Base in San I called Lisa the next day and she told me that she Angelo, Texas. She left Goodfellow for Langley, Vir- wasn’t looking for me to try to hook up and reminded ginia and I left for Keesler AFB, Mississippi. During me of all of the times I’d been a listening ear and supour time together at Goodfellow, I never knew of her port to her and others and asked if I could be that for friend Vaughn and his then wife Yolanda. him. Then she chuckled and said “besides, I already emailed him.” It took him a month to respond to her, While assigned to Keesler, Lisa contacted me and anbut he was receptive to the introduction. I began bomother friend via email in 2004. She shared with us that barding heaven with prayers that I would not become she had a dear friend Vaughn, whose wife Yolanda was attached to him and that I would be a friend. I knew

that for us as women we are emotional and we connect on a personal level, so when we talk openly with a man, we become attached. I did not want to appear that I was going in for the kill on someone so vulnerable. When I first started talking with him, via email, it was really comfortable and I felt no pressure. He shared about his day and more importantly how he was feeling, how he felt about others around him and how they were relating to him. He talked about worship a lot and how God had become his source of strength. He shared how he has always had a heart for worship, but during this season in his life, worship had now become his life source. We chatted for about a month, via email, and then we began chatting via telephone. God honored my prayer and I would always pray after we talked, for him and his heart because I didn’t want him becoming lonely and needy and transferring emotions to me that were just him feeling lonely. I also prayed for his healing, his peace and for me that I would remain a friend who could hear his heart and direct him in the right path, if that was a part of my assignment. We talked about everything about his wife and I even went out and purchased a book on grieving to better understand what he was dealing with. I found myself asking him some questions about her over and over again to help him process his feeling. After we’d been talking and emailing for 3 months, he mentioned one night that it would be nice to see what each other looked like. So we scanned and emailed pictures. Three months after seeing what one another looked like, I took a trip back to San Angelo, Texas, to visit my friend Georgia, (the other person who was asked to pray for his wife) and her family. He was currently living in Arizona and was going to be in San Antonio at a conference hosted by his spiritual parents, Bishop David M. & Claudette Copeland. He wanted to drive from San

Antonio to San Angelo and meet me, Brittney and the dog, Neko. He arrived and the dog, that had a hard time with any males he encountered, went right up to him and jumped up on him! We were all amazed at how he greeted him! He spent the rest of the day there in town. We went out for lunch and I showed him around town. Everything was peaceful and there was no pressure. He stayed overnight in my friends guest room and left the next day, returning to San Antonio and the rest is history. S.M- Tell me about your education and degrees you received. LaNita-Associate in Applied Science, Occupational Instructor, Community College of the Air Force September 2005; Associate in Applied Science, Test and Objectives, Community College of the Air Force March 2003; Associate in Applied Science, Basic Instructor Course, Community College of the Air Force August 2003; Associate in Applied Science, HR Administration, Community College of the Air Force February 1996; Bachelor of Science, Social Psychology, Park University, Parkville MO June 2010; Master of Addiction Counseling, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix AZ May 2012.

On this page, we decided to incorporate some of LaNita’s friends. It seems we all had the same questions, so welcome to our round table Discussion… S.M/ LISA- How did you discover the cancer? LaNita-I never felt a lump, but I have been consistent about getting mammograms since my late 30’s while still on active duty. I had a mammogram in 2011 via the Southern Arizona VA Healthcare system and have been seen by them since I retired in 2007. The mammogram in 2011 showed a small spot. However, they had nothing to compare it to, so they had an ultrasound done. The doctor concluded that it was insignificant and decided to watch it and check me again a year later. I was screened again in November 2012. The spot was still there and had changed in shape and size, so another ultrasound was done and this time they followed up with a biopsy. The biopsy came back as Stage II breast cancer and the surgeons wanted to operate immediately. LaNita- my initial thoughts at the prognosis: I never thought about death. But I did think about how I was going to tell my husband, who has been through cancer and treatment with his first wife, that his second wife is now going to go through it as well. I thought about losing my hair, getting sick from chemo, radiation and what type of surgeries I’d have to go through. I said to myself “Me?” and I questioned internally if they were sure. Tears streamed at the news and as the doctor hugged me and asked if I wanted someone to come in and provide counseling, I knew I needed to leave, gather my thoughts and then follow up with them. S.M/LISA-How did you tell your family? LaNita- I called my mother, then my sister, and with each conversation I was surprised at their reaction. In times

past, they would have been a lot more worried and I even expected there to be a tone of fear or uncertainty. But in both instances, their faith kicked into gear and they reassured me that we would get through this. I remember sharing with both of them to have “faith, no fear.” After I talked with them, I called my husband. I told him the news and he told me that we would get through this and it would be alright. That evening when he came home from work, I was in the room and he came in. We talked and I asked him again how he really felt. He shared that initially he was confident about it all and then it hit him a few hours later and he had to take a walk and talk to God about how he has another wife going through cancer. He poured his heart out to God and he found comfort at some point. He said he knew it wasn’t unto death and that we have something big we are supposed to be doing through this all. He also said he knew that God had not done this, so He wasn’t placing any blame on Him. He asked me again how I felt and I began to weep. I wept harder than I had all day and he reminded me that it is okay and I don’t have to be strong all the time. Once I stopped crying I told him “give me tonight to cry and tomorrow I will fight.” Our daughter Brittney was the last to know because she is single and had been wrestling with telling us she was pregnant. She had just given us the news a few weeks earlier and was so surprised at our love and encouragement that she felt a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I know how hard she can be on herself, so I wanted to wait a few days to tell her. I called her on a Thursday and she wept. I had to remind her that God has never left us nor has He forsaken us. He wouldn’t this time either, so she must have “faith, no fear.”

S.M/LISA- How did you handle the good days of faith and the bad days of doubt? Surprisingly enough, I had a whole lot more good days than I did bad days. I really believe God prepared me for this through many other life experiences throughout most of my life. I also believe he strengthened my faith a few months prior to the diagnosis. In fact, for two months prior to me having the mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy and diagnosis, the Lord had begun waking me up every morning at 2 a.m. I heard from a minister once that if you wake up in the middle of the night or early morning and you don’t have a cause for being up, then you are supposed to pray. So I did just that, I prayed for family, friends, my church and self. I did all of that because I didn’t know what or who the prayers were for and then about two weeks before I had my mammogram, the Lord reminded me of many other occasions that He had brought me through and how He’d been there with me. On my good days, I read my word, pray, watch Christian television, other shows and slept on and off. I found myself checking in on others who I hadn’t shared the news with, helping them through crisis. Then I would share my story with them and they were amazed that I wasn’t down in the dumps about it. On my bad days when I had no strength, I slept. S.M- Did you ever feel like not fighting? LaNita- Yes, there were many days when I wanted to pray, I wanted to get up and do something, do anything but I couldn’t. I’d say “Jesus” and that was all I muster up the strength to say. I have a dear friend, Carol Herbert from my hometown, who found out through my mom and she would text and

call me. During one of our conversations, she said something that touched my heart. She said “on those days when you can’t fight for yourself, just know you have friends and family here who are standing in the gap praying you through.” S.M/LISA-How did this strengthen your faith and your desire to reach out more and make a difference? LaNita- I was still working at the time and I found myself delving more into my work and looking for even more ways to encourage my clients who were dealing with personal, financial and mental health issues. When the news got out to them through me, I told them I wasn’t looking for pity but I wanted them to use me as an example that no matter what life hands you, you have a choice - lie down and die or get up and fight. I now have a desire to share my story with other women, remind them that our faith is only words until pressure forces you to prove it. Meaning, you can say all the faith filled statements you want until you have nothing to stand on but those words, like the song says “whose report will you believe?” You now have a choice to believe God at His word that He won’t leave or forsake you or you can ball up and get pummeled. I chose the latter. S.M/ROSIE- Where do you go for peace and solitude when you need to really call out to the Lord? LaNita- I like to sit out on my patio in one of the reclining chairs and listen. I take time to listen to the birds, the wind, the cars passing by and whatever else is going on. Once I have done that, then I just talk. I talk as if the Lord is sitting right there with me and I pour out my heart. S.M-What brought you the most comfort(s)? LaNita- Being able to talk with

my husband daily about what I was experiencing in my body and his calm reassurance that “this too shall pass; it is only a temporary setback.” I also loved hearing from my daughter and mother often and the fact that they were/are walking in faith. S.M/ROSIE- Are there times you don’t feel like talking about it and if so how do you tell the person that is asking you questions without hurting their feelings or making them feel uncomfortable? LaNita- I felt like that during the first 3-4 weeks before the first surgery. I only felt like that because I had shared with some people who I’d known for many years and oddly enough they fell silent. So I began to wonder if those I have known for less time than them wouldn’t be interested in hearing about it. For those instances when I did, I asked them to give me some time to think about everything that would be going on. I didn’t want to get choked up trying to share it with them and would get back with them. S.M/ROSIE- How or what ways has your husband given you strength or helped since he’s experienced being in this situation before? LaNita-He reminded me that it is okay to cry and I don’t have to be strong every day. He prays over or with me at night. He was candid in sharing some of the things his first wife Yolanda experienced with treatment. He encourages me to rest and take it easy when I am tired. During chemo, he did everything around the house and wouldn’t let me lift a finger to do anything. In a marriage, we should have a servant’s heart towards one another. I can truly say that he has shown me what it is like to selflessly serve another without murmuring or complaining. S.M- What was your greatest peace? LaNita- Knowing that this wasn’t to death. I can remember going to praise and worship rehearsal at my church one Saturday and the presence of the Lord was so thick that we never had an opportunity to practice. We spent our time worshiping and I heard the Lord

speak two different things to me: “I am in the fire, but you must go into it to know that I am there with you” and “I am giving you a limp.” I also remember the Sunday before I received the diagnosis, we had a Bishop at our church (Carr) who ministered on remaining in the presence of the Lord. He did a normal altar call and I remember going down and he laid his hands on my head and said “complete healing,” and as I leaned slightly back he said “you feel that? The Lord says to lean back and rest in Him.” I hung on to all of those promises throughout it all along with the scriptures on healing that I have been praying over myself. S.M/ROSIE- What was it like seeing and holding your grandchild for the first time? LaNita- I had not been sick since I started chemo in March and a week before I was to leave out to see her and the baby in April, I became very sick. I was so sick, my mom felt I should forfeit my ticket and not go so I wouldn’t get the newborn sick. It was my daughter’s boyfriend Reuben who told her that he didn’t think I should cancel and the baby would be fine. I took a mask, hand sanitizer and gloves with me. The first few days I didn’t hold him, but after that I did and it was such a joy to hold that tiny bundle. Looking at him reminded me of how I was in awe of his mom when I gave birth to her and held her for the first time. One of the most precious pictures I have is one of me in a mask and I am holding him before we left for church. S.M/ROSIE- How do you really feel about your new hairdo? I am sincere when I say you still look beautiful, but how do you feel? LaNita- I didn’t realize how vain I was about having hair until the day I realized

mine was falling out. I was at work and I’d begun to notice some shedding, I went home that night and I ran my hands through my hair and it was shedding still. The next morning I woke up and try to brush up my hair before putting on a wig for work and my hair started coming out. I began taking my braids out to see and that is when it began coming out in clumps. I called my job crying and stayed home. A dear friend of mine named Sherrie called to check on me and when she heard me crying she immediately came over. She hugged me, I showed her the pile of hair I’d already combed out, she told me it would be okay and then made me get my husband’s clippers out and she shaved the hair that didn’t fall out. She told me that if I’d let it remain, I would remain defeated as it fell out and then she replied “momma you look beautiful.”


A spa weekend at a wellness retreat

I looked in the mirror and I had to admit I didn’t look as hideous as I’d expected. I chose not to wear a wig during treatment and I grew accustomed to not having hair. What amazed me the most during the bald season was how God placed so many random people in my path who had no problem coming up to me and telling me just how beautiful I looked with no hair.

S.M- What advice would you give to a newly diagnosed woman?

S.M/ROSIE- Is there something on your Bucket List that you’d like to share with your friends? May be it’s something we could all be involved in and make happen. a. Go to Israel sightseeing b. Go on a cruise c. Trip to Washington, DC to sightsee d. A trip to New York sightseeing e. Take a train ride across country f. A trip to Los Angeles to the garment district

I heard a saying from Creflo Dollar some 20 years ago that “What you do today for the sake of today is a debt, and what you do today for the sake of tomorrow is an investment.” So when life hands you a struggle, you must find ways to invest in you. The trouble may last for a long time, but at some point it will subside, so you have a choice to live in the midst of it and find ways to prepare you for the day you come out of it.

S.M/ROSIE- Outside of family, who was the first person you wanted to share your condition with and why that person? Georgia, I consider her a sister and she also has experience in counseling, so I thought she would be a great source of support. S.M- So are you cancer free? LaNita- As far we know, yes I am. I have had my follow-up MRI, CAT Scans and X-rays and there is nothing new going on in my body, which means there are no signs that anything has metastasized.

LaNita- Pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding as you go through the process. Rest in the promises of God from His word. Reach out and develop a support system and remind S.M/ROSIE- Is it true that the texture of your hair them that you are not lookchanges when it grows back? ing for them to fix anything, you just need them LaNita- Oh yes that is. I’d heard that and it wasn’t to be there to help with until my peach fuzz came in that I noticed how soft it things you won’t be able was. I found myself rubbing my head all throughout to do for yourself at times. Educate yourself because the day in amazement. Now that I have more hair, it is there are so many options for medical treatment, hostill soft but baby curls. listic approaches, eating habits, genetics and lifestyle. The more you know, the better your decisions will be S.M/ROSIE- Is there family history of breast cancer? as you go through the process. It is never a bad thing, either, to get a second opinion LaNita- No there isn’t. On my father’s side I had an uncle who had cancer and an aunt with throat and S.M- What encouraging words can you leave to those stomach cancer, but no breast cancer. who are yet struggling?

I began reading everything I could on breast cancer

from all of the reputable cancer websites. I found books that talked about beating cancer and living a full and productive life. I educated myself on things I needed to cut out of my diet and lifestyle and I gave myself permission to cry, but I didn’t not give myself permission to become a victim and live in a perpetual pity party. Also, connect with people of like faith who don’t feel sorry for you but genuinely support you. In closing I would like to share a portion of a presentation that I gave to the women of my church on the importance of knowing and understanding your body and how breast cancer impacts you. Please keep in mind that so much of this information may be geared to women it is just as important for men to be aware of their breast health too. For the presentation, I titled it “What to do When Your Clothes Fall Off.” While the title of the message sounds absolutely absurd to say, it makes perfect sense when faced with opposition that has your back against the wall and you have one of two choices. 1. Stand flat footed with your fist raised and fight; 2. Stand helplessly and let the circumstance beat you down. For each of us we get up every day of our lives and get dressed in these tightly woven pieces of fabric that do such an excellent job of covering all of our scars and imperfections in plain sight. But when sickness, disease, lack or any other test or trial comes that it is so powerful that it cannot be hidden from those around us, I call that our day of exposure, hence the title. Although we know all the right scriptures to quote, it is not until THAT time when what we are dealing with is open and on display with others watching and saying “what are they going to do now?”

Oftentimes, many who say it are NOT saying it with genuine care and concern but they are mockingly saying “I’ve heard them quote the word and they’ve had so much to say to others in their time of crisis, now what are they going to do?” It is at this time that we must call to our remembrance those words we’ve laid, hold to in our hearts and stand on them in faith with no fear. I’ve heard over and over again that the teacher is always silent during the test. As funny as that sounds, it really is true. We’ve been in the class of Christianity and Faith and we’ve heard, repeated, and read so many scriptures that testify to the goodness of God and all that He can and does do for those He calls His own. There are scriptures that remind us that what we are going through is not meant to kill us but to strengthen us. Such as: 1 Peter 1:7 These (trials) have come so that your faith–of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire–may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 5:10 King James Version (KJV) But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. How many of us really believe them? In the case of me, I’ve had so many life lessons and past opportunities to trust God that when the diagnosis of cancer came, it was almost baffling to me how much peace I had in the midst of this storm. So, think about it, what do you do when faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer or any other life altering predicament? For me I found (1) remaining in constant contact

with the Father through prayer, praise & worship, and His word (2) tighten your circle of influence because not everyone can handle the news and in this dire time in your life, you need those of faith who don’t have the scent of fear (3) make lifestyle changes that will improve your situation even if it does not stop you from having to go through it and for me, that was educating myself on what breast cancer is, what my best treatment options are and what could I do to assist in lengthening my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BELIEVING IN ME AND CHOOSING ME FOR YOUR MAGAZINE!!! LOVE YOU TO LIFE!!!

BREAST CANCER 1. What is Breast Cancer? a. Tumor Formation i. Tumors start in the cells of the breast and can be either benign or malignant. ii. In the case of breast cancer they are growing malignant cells that replicate and depending on the grade and stage they may remain self-encapsulated in one location or they can be fast growing iii. When these cells to other locations they are known as metastatic breast cancer because the cells have broken off and are found in other locations of the body such as the liver, kidneys, brain or spine iv. For most women it is the ducts which are tiny tubes that carry milk from our lobules which are tiny milk producing glands to the nipple where most cancers begin. This is known as Ductal Carcinoma and in other instances this localized form of cancer in the duct can spread to other areas of the body known as Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. v. In most instances when the cancer has travelled outside the breast tissue it is done so via our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made of up bean shaped cells connected to vessels found in the breast, chest and under the armpits that are used for fighting off infections by transferring specific properties through our system. vi. Stages of Breast Cancer are determined by how large the cancer is and whether or not it has spread outside of the breast. Stages 1 – 4 are assigned. They are progressively more life threatening the higher the stage and grade of the tumor. Stage 1 would be the

size of a peanut without the shell and Stage 4 would be not limited to the breast and more than likely in the lung, liver, lymph nodes, bone, and sometimes the brain. vii. Grades of Breast Cancer defines how abnormal the cells are and how the tumor tissue looks under a microscope and how quickly it is likely to grow 2. ABC of Early Detection a. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer outside of skin cancer In a woman’s lifetime the American Cancer Society estimates that in 2013, an estimated 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed among US women, as well as an estimated 64,640 additional cases of In situ (situated naturally: in its natural or original place) breast cancer. • In the case of myself I am one of the women impacted with invasive breast cancer because the cells did not remain in its natural origin, but it was also found in my lymphatic system and the tissue surrounding the original tumor b. Age is not a factor even though it is more often diagnosed in women after the age of 40 • I was 46 when I was diagnosed c. If caught in the early stages the chances for a positive outcome from treatment are good. 3. Importance of Mammograms a. It is recommended at age 40 but studies are proving that if you have a family history you should insist and begin at age 30 b. On average 2-4 of every 1,000 mammograms leads to breast cancer c. On average 1 out of 10 women (10%) need additional more tests 4. Importance of Self-Exams. a. Along with mammograms every woman should do a self-check 1x a month as a gift to yourself b. You should take the time to become familiar with the way your breast look standing with your hands to your side, also bending at the waist and examining their shape and size c. Become familiar with how your breast tissue feels normally d. Report all changes in shape, size, feel and temperature to your OB/GYN or Physician immediately 5.

Importance of taking care of you

a. Diet i. While everyone is not intended to be super thin, I am a firm believer that you must become the healthiest you possible and this is done through maintaining a healthy diet. ii. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein in healthy portions iii. Drink plenty of fresh water iv. There are some foods that I have found in my research that have excellent cancer fighting properties 1. Examples: Bananas (preferably ones with dark spots), Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, soursop, turmeric, green tea, lemons and berries to name a few b. Exercise c. Foods to avoid i. Excessive amounts of charred meat ii. Meat with hormones iii. Refined white Sugar iv. GMO foods d. Remove/Relieve stress i. Develop ways to reduce stress because it produces cortisol’s which demands sugar and sugar has been found to feeds cancer cells e. Vitamins to include in your diet especially for women i. D because most women who are diagnosed with cancer are identified as having a deficiency in this vitamin ii. C is known to help keep the immune system at its maximum level and a healthy immune system helps to fight off things that can contaminate the system making you more susceptible to diseases 6. Become educated a. Learn to take care of you now not later, but also remember that no matter how healthy you are or how clean you eat that does not exempt you from getting cancer. It does however help you in the fight against it b. You are the captain of your own ship (this body) and you steer it in the direction you want it to go (a healthy you or a weaker version) 7. I am also including some recommended reading material and even though some of them have the word cancer in them, they are great resources for incorporate into a healthier lifestyle a. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired – Jessie Lynn Hanley, M.D. and Nancy Deville

b. Fight Now – Aaron Tabor M.D. c. Anti Cancer a New Way of Life – David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D d. Breast Cancer 50 Essential Things You Can Do – Greg Anderson e. Words – Kenneth E. Hagin REMEMBER: God does not put sickness and disease on you that is the enemy. Because we live in these temporal bodies, I do believe that there will be times in our lives when we will be authorized to endure a test (read Job). So it is in this time of going through that, we become an example of who God is, just how powerful He is, how true He is to His word and just how much He loves us. The word says “many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”(Psalm 34:19 KJV), so no matter what it is that we endure the Father has already made a way of escape, but it is what you do until the escape that matters. People who will never step foot inside of a church are watching what we do in our day of adversity to see if what we have been saying out of our mouths lines up with what we believe. So remember that “Faith is only words until pressure forces you to prove it!”

LaNita’s Family Mother – Barbara J. L. Roundtree (divorced father remarried) Father – Charles E. Sanders (divorced mother, remarried, died 2yrs ago) Brother – Charlton E. Sanders (2nd oldest) Sister – Stephanie D. Sanders (baby)

On these last pages we’ve asked some family and friends of LaNita’s to share how her journey of walking in faith has affected, encouraged, and enriched their lives. Only The Strong Survive As LaNita’s Mom, I must admit, I was a bit shocked when she called to inform me that she had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Most of the time, just the word itself causes us to think of a negative outcome. However, I could tell from her call that they had already decided what steps to take next and to follow through with the necessary treatments. From that moment to now, she and I have walked this very challenging experience, together by phone and mail. She has kept me informed of every physical challenge she was going through along, with every difficulty and every pain she felt. Together, we have stood on The Word Of God and trusted in Him for her healing. During this time, my daughter Stephanie and I flew out to be with her and her husband Vaughn for a week and I am so glad we did. The experience of sharing time with my two daughters was truly a blessing, especially during a season like this when one of them needed the love and support of her Mother (in person). They really needed us and I am glad we were able to go and spend some quality time together. At times, her challenges were overwhelming, but through it all, she remained strong, she persevered and kept the faith, believing that God would see her through. I am so very proud of her relentless spirit. She never gave up on what God could do with her situation. As a result of her belief, she gained the strength, the will and the determination to survive as she pressed her way through those extremely difficult times. I am proud to say that my daughter LaNita is truly a courageous, Spirit filled Woman of God, a Breast Cancer Survivor and a living witness as to what God can and will do.

We had faith and believed God was going to turn her situation around for the better and He has done just that. All I can say is, “To God Be The Glory For The Marvelous Things He Has Done” In My Daughter’s Life. From: Mrs. Barbara L. Roundtree My Journey with LaNita Price Elder Vaughn W. Price What can I say about my wife and her journey of victory over Breast Cancer that probably has not already been said? ”To God be the Glory” seems to be the prevailing thought. LaNita never gave up and though she cried sometimes (which is okay by the way) she pressed on day by day, sometimes hour by hour. When she told me what the doctors said, I knew God had a purpose in it and she would be all right. My confidence was not in the doctors or the treatments they would use, but rather in the God we serve. He did it before and I knew He would do it again. What amazes me is that she was more concerned how about me than herself when she got the news. I had gone through a cancer battle with my first wife, Yolanda, back in 1996, and while it was difficult, our confidence then was in God just like now. Throughout her treatments she was concerned about me and wanted to make sure I was alright. I reassured her I was fine and like her mother said early on in this, “I was made for this.” Not to say I looked forward to this at all, but I did not rely on my own strength and I encouraged her to trust God. LaNita trusted God, and God has and is blessing her. She was recently licensed as a minister and I am so very proud of her. She is working on a book and I just believe she is about to step into a new realm of ministry and counseling.

When I had hernia surgery, she took care of me, even though she was dealing with the effects of chemotherapy herself. In the midst of her pain and weariness, she still managed to counsel people and encourage people. If you have never gone through chemotherapy and or radiation treatments, or were a caregiver for someone who has, then you will never understand what it does your body. To watch her minister to others whether on the phone or the computer was simply amazing; it was nothing but the power of God flowing through her. We knew it was a set up almost from the beginning and though we both have asked several times, “How did we get here?” I don’t believe we ever asked God why? When you have implicit faith in the Lord, you don’t have to ask why, you just say “Your will be done Lord” and watch Him work. And work He did! LaNita had one of the best surgeons and team at the VA and one of the city’s leading oncologists working her case. The love and support from our church, Lighthouse Church International has been outstanding. (Nothing like the saints of God seeing about you and praying for you.) When complications arose, what the Lord did not take care of on the spot, He ensured the right person was available to see LaNita’s needs. This was a hard journey for both of us, but what I had to deal with did not compare to what she did, and saying I am proud of her is inadequate and really does not do justice to how I feel about her. It was and is my honor to serve her, pray for her, hold her, love her and make her laugh through this journey. I thank the Lord for my wife, she has taught me about persevering with grace. I am humbled and privileged to have been able to walk this journey with her. She was never a victim of Cancer, but a VICTOR over it, though it was a hard test; she has a solid testimony of what God can and will do.

When I first found out my mom had Breast Cancer I was very upset. I didn’t know how to feel. I was confused, scared and even a little mad. Not too long before my mom told me, I had found

out I was pregnant and carrying my first child. All I kept thinking about and asking was why didn’t she just tell me sooner? Why her? What would happen? How does my dad feel? Why does he have to do this again? See, at the time I had been keeping up with one of my Facebook friends and would constantly see her posting about her mother’s battle with Breast Cancer. Some weeks were good and others were bad, it was like a constant roller coaster of praises and happiness and then worrying and prayer requests. Her mother, for a while, had been doing great and looked like she was on the upside then the dreaded post came her mother started not doing too well and passed just a few months ago. Sitting there watching another woman’s struggle and watching her family’s struggle made me even more worried about all the possibilities that could happen. If it had not been for my mother and her faith and her constantly pressing us to have faith and pray, this probably would have been a different experience. Anytime I talked to her she just kept reassuring me that everything will be alright and that she is doing fine. Even though she is my mama I worry about her as if she were my baby. I know what we have been through and hate to see her in pain or know that anything is wrong. I’m thankful for this experience, though, because I already knew she was a strong woman. This here just proved even more how strong she is physically and more importantly spiritually. My mother is my motivation and inspiration to do better in life and I’m so thankful for her. Brittne’y Facey

LaNita Price is not only my sister, but she is a friend. She is a caring woman who has been there for me through the good and the bad times. Through her bouts with cancer, she still found the time to listen and minister to me and others. That’s why I wasn’t really shocked when she recently graduated from a ministerial class. It was destiny and another opportunity for God to shine through this woman who he created to serve Him. Her testimony is off the charts and it continues to grow.

When her biopsy results came up positive for cancer, it really floored me to hear that about someone I love so dearly. I really didn’t even believe the words that she was saying to me. It was like I was caught up in time and time had stopped. After a moment it didn’t matter what was wrong, all I knew was that this is my sister and no matter what, I will help her get through it. Not long. I truly mean not long after this day had passed, her mind and motivation kicked into fight or flight mode. We watched her go through the treatments and the pain that resulted from chemotherapy and radiation. Her faith grew stronger as the demands on her body grew tougher. From one day to the next things changed so drastically she didn’t even have time to plan for the adjustments. With every treatment and every change she has stood firm with her husband by her side and a faithful dog like no other. Taking each step in stride, she has been the epitome of strength, faith and courage. Definitely a winner, definitely a believer and God has been blessing her hand over fist through it all. One day she’s hurting, the next day she’s cooking. One day she is sleeping, the next day she is taking pictures. One day she’s sick, the next day she is cooking dinner for herself and Vaughn. The strength of this woman is unmatched and something to be admired. All in all that’s my sister and I am extremely proud of her. She is an over comer. Oh yeah and one thing I can say is she looked darn cute with that bald head, just like an African Queen. Stephanie D. Sanders Love my Sissypoodlehop (LaNita R. Price) I am happy that you are writing an article on LaNita Price, or Momma, as I affectionately call her. I have known and loved momma for 16 years. She was one of my first supervisors when I joined the U.S. Air Force. Being in fear of the unknown many years ago, she offered peace, reassurance and knowledge during an unsure time in my life. I was in a group of young ladies that looked to her for guidance and she never failed to deliver and to keep us on the right path. She took us in as her own; cooked for us, offered us a place to stay when the dorms became claustropho-

bic, prayed for and with us, and always kept it real. I contribute my current accomplishments to her because I honestly do not believe I would have made it this far in my military career if it had not been for her influence at such a critical stage in my life. I was truly saddened when I heard she was going through cancer, but my spirit calmed because it was just that--going through. This status in her life is not a permanent residence, she is just passing through. I read a quote today that said “God doesn’t always do what is “fair” for our lives; He does what is best for our lives.” I have faith that she will overcome this and continue to prosper in life, health and love because this is a journey she must take to be a testament for someone else. She is truly a blessing to everyone she meets and I can attest to that. I see her as a Proverbs 31 woman: a woman of strength, wisdom, mercy, dedication, hardwork, unselfishness and bravery. Her strong faith in God has kept her thus far and will continue to keep her as she travels on this road of life. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with others how wonderful she is. She truly is a mother to me. Nakesha N. Snipes, MSgt, USAF

I have had the great pleasure of knowing LaNita for over 17 years! We have prayed together, believed God together and sang on the Praise Team together. She was always strong in spirit, but quiet in the natural. When I found out of her cancer diagnosis, it rocked me! I didn’t know what to say or do, I just cried for weeks. As I watched her go through chemo and everything else, she had so much strength and grace! She was no longer just strong in the spirit. God had made her strong in the natural! I am so proud and blessed to call her my sister and friend. She beat cancer and can beat anything that comes against her! Love you LaNita, be blessed! In Him, Theresa Cooper Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

LaNita has always had a calm, determined and nurturing way about her. Throughout the five years I was at Davis Monthan Air Force Base as active duty and as a coworker, I only got to really know her when I actually worked with her. During that time, she became a great influence to always be calm and positive through everything in life. Also, to continue with school because, she too, was attending school. She told me that she was diagnosed with cancer and she would soon be going through treatment. At that moment, my heart sank, and questions of “why” made its way in. But, I knew that she would overcome and beat it, because her faith in her church would give her the strength to fight it. Before I moved away, because of a reassignment, I gave her gift. The gift was a vet Native American Hopi Kachina doll that is depicted as a warrior woman, which is exactly who she is. I’m at the Navajo tribe and even though I do not go to church, I believe in my own traditional ways; which has many gods. The Kachina is part of the Hopi Tribe, but because it’s spiritual to both tribes, I prayed for it to keep her focused, strong and encourage her to keep fighting. She has great will power along with the never-ending sought and belief of this too shall pass. Rooting her on from across the country was all that I can do along with my own prayers for her. She is the great inspiration of what a warrior woman really is. I love her. Trisha Tsinigine When LaNita first told me about her battle with cancer, I knew she was frightened, not only for her own life, but how it would affect her husband, who had lost his first wife during her battle with cancer. I knew that it would be a hard road ahead for the both of them. With LaNita and Vaughn both being retired military, I knew they could handle the challenge ahead of them. Of course I was not with her day and night, as Vaughn was. However, it was heart breaking to see LaNita struggle with her surgeries and treatment. Though I saw her in pain after her mastectomy, I thought what was truly painful was when she began to see the effect of the chemo on her energy and her esthetic features. Her hair began to fall out, her nails darkened, and her loss of all flavor in her tasting. At first these side effects took their toll on her self-esteem, but as her treat-

ment went on she began a rebirth. She began to see what she once viewed as tarnish on her beauty, were in fact trophies of a survivor. Ahmanda Diaz When she first told me about her diagnosis, the first thing I conveyed to her was that she should not fear no matter what she had to face. For you cannot have faith and fear at the same time. I must say I have not met a stronger person who has experienced such a devastating diagnosis. Even when she was in obvious pain and her strength was low, she would come to church and praise God. Her faith has brought her through this journey. She drew from the word of God, which is obviously in her inward parts. I’m sure she had said as David, thy word have I hid in my heart, for your word is life. As we walk through this time of sickness, I could see her walking through the word. Proverbs 3:5-8 states,”Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.” Her trust in the Lord was so deep that it radiated through her. As Proverbs said it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones. This was the healing power of God. Just as I sing the song; ”I may have some scars, but I’m healed,” I’m sure she has been singing that same song. What strength, what faith, what power that she has exemplified. This is how I define the word cancer: Courage, According to, Newness in, Christ by his, Everlasting, Righteousness. We stand complete and healed by the righteousness of God. Minister Lanita Price is such an amazing woman of God. If you didn’t have strength, you can look on her and draw strength from her. She has allowed the Lord to carry her thus far and He is continuing to lead her through this journey. I praise God for her and for her courage. May the blessings of God be yours at Jesus’ expense Pastor Irene Chaney Lighthouse Church International

When I first heard that my friend LaNita had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I was taken back a bit, even though I work at The Arizona Cancer Center. When this happens to your close friends or family it is hard to take. However, I knew LaNita is a woman of faith. Her faith in God, I knew, would see her through even the toughest times! When I found out that her doctor would be Dr. Maria Bishop, I knew God was in this because Dr. Bishop is one of the best oncologists in the state. I knew God’s hand was in this and upon LaNita. It was my honor to take LaNita to her first chemo treatment and while we were there, someone “coded” and in all the hustle of alarms and people running here and there, I looked over at LaNita and she was praying for that person who was in trouble and not for herself. During the treatment and all those thereafter, she was a real trooper. When it really started getting hard pain and her hair falling out, LaNita never wavered in her faith! What a grand testimony for our Lord, her faith, patience and courage was and is so inspiring to those of us who know her. I have been truly blessed and encouraged personally in being a witness to observe her in her victorious recovery. LaNita Price is a true hero of the faith! Respectfully Submitted, Nancy West

I pray that this was inspiring and educational.

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