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Ma y2014

Dr .Cal v i ni aWi l l i ams Lo v i ngGo dWhi l eLi v i ng Wi t hLupus .

Nat i onal Pr aye rDay May1,2014 HAPPYMOTHERSDAY Spe c i alTr i b ut et oOurMot he r s

Greetings everyone; Welcome to another edition of Sarah. In case you didn’t know, May 1st is National Prayer Day. I pray that we take time out of our busy schedules to pray for the chaos in the world today. I hope that you are praying everyday instead of the month of May. We have a few other important days in May: Mother’s Day is May 11th. If your mother is still alive make sure you treat her special! Throughout this issue we have special tributes to Mothers. For World Lupus Day, our cover story is educating you on Lupus. Speaking of our cover story… We have a powerful woman of God, who is going to educate you on Lupus, an auto immune disease. Her testimony reveals that you can still function with Lupus. See how her struggles help to open new avenues for like herself. Because her testimony is so powerful, we gave her ample space to tell her story. So my greeting will brief and to the point, because we want you to enjoy reading this month’s issue. In closing my staff and I would remind to take time to stop and pray and enjoy Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and if you would like to be on our mailing list contact us at the address below. Hope you enjoy…

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor-

Contents 70. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr.

8. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-Leach

68. HEAVENLY SWEETS- A Real Mothers Love- Helena Price

12. LIVING FEARLESS IN RWANDA-A Mothers Love- By Dametreea Carr

85. NUGGETS THAT NURTURE- The Purpose Of The Church – Vaughn Price


Getting Started With Social Media -? By Renee’ Purdie

29. SISTA GURL- One Act Play- By Minister Sheree Casey

19. Gathering Nations 4 Christ14. Working On Being Retirement Ready? By Renee’ Purdie



pt.2 By Oma Edoja

Rev. Sharon Sylvester

4. National Prayer Day- May 1st 3. World Lupus Day-May 10th 15. Class of 2014- Brianna Parker

18. Text4Biz-Juanna 32. Whouter! 40. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw

Contents Continued 82. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS WITH URFAVSTYLIST – By Dianna Grissette

72. GETTING IN SHAPE – By John Williams

30. Celebrity Hair ExtensionsBrigandis Inc. Health Courage And Love- Calvinia Williams

11. I Miss You-By Wonderful Davidson 20. Oh Jesus How I Love Calling Your Name –By Darlene Thompson

38. My Mother-By Dianna Grissette Mom – By Shevonna Blackshire


78. Accept His Plan- By Evangelist Debra Ramsey

20. I Miss You-By Wonderful Davidson 20. A Special Tribute To A Lady We Call Mom, Mommy And Bigmom-By Minister Sheree Carradine

22. Kenya’s Missing Book-By Patrice Sanford

5. Welcome 11. CHARITY CHANGE- Charles Campbell 36. This Could Be You 67. Coming Next Month! 37. Interviewing 28. Subscribe 101. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine Charles Campbell

During the month of May, flowers bloom, birds return home; a rejuvenation of God’s creations. This rejuvenation is also incorporated in this month’s Encouragement. May is also a month where we honor our Mothers. This honor usually comes in the form of reverence and love, specifically on that day, to hold them in special esteem. Encouragement for this month will showcase three women in my life that have influenced me: my Mother, my sister, and my daughterin-law. These three women show that faith is an integral part of their lives and have brought them out of situations that could have destroyed them. Hence, the acknowledgement and encouragement of these three women. My Mother, Veronica Beaden, is the matriarch of my family! As my mother, she has always supported and encouraged me. There are times that we don’t agree, but that doesn’t change the love we have for each other. I will pick up the phone and call her, talking like we live in the same town. I am very blessed that I still have my mother. Mom has had a few health challenges in the last couple of years. She has come through each challenge without any complications. She gets tired and weak sometimes, but she is healthy. Her greatest challenge was breast cancer, not quite two years ago. During her last doctor visit, she was given a clean-bill of health! Mom has had God’s hand on her shoulder during each and every health chal-

lenge. I want to encourage my mother to continue her fight for a healthy mind and body. You are very valuable gift from God and I have learned a lifetime of lessons from you. I love you! My sister, Pastor Andrea Foster, is a mighty leader in God’s Army! Pastor Foster was showcased in SARAH Magazine in the November 2013 issue. This Woman of God demonstrates that “…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 KJV) She is a powerful preacher, counselor, and teacher. She, too, is a mother of 5 grown children. Her love and guidance have given them the knowledge that God lives in their lives and have specific purpose for them. As they live and grow in the individual directions, she is always there to encourage them into their ordained purpose. She is human and sometimes her load gets heavy. Being the founder and senior pastor of a church, as well as wife and mother takes its toll. I want to encourage her to hold on tight to God’s hand. He is leading you through territory that you are not familiar with for a reason. Because of who you are, you are being groomed for a position elevated from where you are now! I am extremely proud of you, as my spiritual teacher and mentor, as well as a very special and loved sister! My daughter-in-law, Sondra Drummond, is a women with great strength and faith. She is married to my eldest son, who is serving in the military. Being a military wife carries a heavy load, as there will be times when my

son will deploy to defend our country, leaving her to maintain home. She balances a job, school, and maintain a home with four children. There are times when things get really hard for her, but she fights to continue to move forward. She is not one that gives up easily, but sometimes her fight leads to pain, frustration and exhaustion. I am very proud of her and what she is doing in her life. She graduated from college “with honors”. She also know that God is the head of her house. I want to encourage her to continue to let God lead her house and lay some of what she carries with Him. Don’t try and handle everything herself, but let God carry it for her. Things will not always work out the way she wants it, but God will work it out in His time and His way! Each of these women are very special to me. I pray that they have a very blessed Mother’s day! I love you all!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

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I just wanted to write you and let you know that I really miss you. Life for me has not been the same since you departed earth on March 23, 2013. Mom! I really enjoyed our special times we shared together. We prayed together, we sang together, we walked together; we breathed the same air together, we ate together, we went to church together, we celebrated birthdays together, we celebrated the birth of your grandchildren and grate grandchildren. I miss your smile and laughter. Sometimes, I laugh when I think about you and I in the kitchen making homemade biscuits. Mom, the holidays are not the same.. You know I don’t like to cook, so this Christmas, there was no Peach Cobbler, no Coconut Cake, no chocolate pie and the dishes were not on the table. Moreover, this Christmas day, I thought about you, cried a fear of tears and listened to some good holiday music. Before, you left me, you told me to pray and continue to be a nice young lady. Well Mom! I am on the battle field for the Lord and loving every moment of it. My faith in the lord has grown stronger. The life you lived before me was a holy life and the love you had for humanity has been recorded in Heaven. I thank you for the tough love you gave me. This special attribute you had, helped me to become the woman I am today. In Closing; I Want To Thank You For Naming Me “Wonderful Grace Sharon” I Love My Name. Happy Mother’s Day By Wonderful Davidson

(Picture of my mom in her younger days.)

Evelyn Marie Crawford

A Mother's Love

seen her cry, and I have seen the remains of a heart that had been scattered and shattered beyond repair. However in the midst of all her pain, never once did she push me or my sister to the side. She remained strong for us, she remained open with us, and she did what only a mother can do once she's reached her lowest point and rising back up seems impossible, she gave us all the love she had left-the love that most

Here we go again. Another Mother's Day alone in the far reaches of Rwanda. This year marks my third Mother's Day away from the one person who loves me more than life; she carried me for nine months as I stole all of her food and energy, only to birth me and help me through what has been 25 years of a beautiful life. This same woman withstood 14 hours of pain as she pushed and cried and praised the Lord for her little bundled blessing that she, today, still Photos from my mother 's visit to Rwanda. Large photo and pushes, cries and bottom right: my mother at two restaurants in Kigali; Top praises the Lord for. I right: my mother with my colleague's child; Bottom center: myself and my mother celebrating my birthday at a small have been blessed village restaurant. November 2013. beyond reason as God's grace pours down on me without measure. At times I feel undeserving of such genuine affections, but even still, I get on my knees, fold my hands, close my eyes, and I pray, "Thank you Jesus for blessing me with such a wonderful mother!" I've heard people say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I must admit the first time I heard the phrase I wondered how this could be so. However in the two plus years that I've been in Rwanda, I have found that in the midst of being away, time, space, and distance have harnessed a closeness between myself and my mother that I can't wait to get back to build upon. When you have two years of time--literally T.I.M.E.--you begin to think and ponder, again and again, over the events and people that have impacted your life and made intentional contributions to who you are today. My mother for me is that person. I have seen her struggle, I have

people keep on reserve for themselves when all other sources of it seem to have been expended. For this though, I feel like myself and my sister were able to learn a very valuable lesson. Apart from God's love for His children, there is no greater love than that which flows from a mother to her children. Yes all women suffer and struggle in some way, but it's what they take from life's seemingly unfair attacks that sets them apart from others.

I recently asked my mom what three words define who she is today and this was her response: faith, family, and love. Imagine that. After all she has endured, she never lost her faith in God nor herself; after all of the emotional tugging, pushing, and pulling from our functional-dysfunctional family, she has never given up on us; and after feeling unloved and under-appreciated, she has never once stopped loving herself nor others. And this is what I love about my mother. Her heart is unmatched, her smile unmirrored, and her soul is genuinely pure. She's everything I could want in a mother and a best friend and what I aspire to be for the children that I, too, will one day push, cry, and praise the Lord for.

A Mother's Fondness Mothers have a special way of making anyone feel right at home, don't they? Upon my arrival to Rwanda, I stayed with a host family during my first two months and I feel so blessed to be able to say that my host mother took me in as if I was the 9th child she carried inside her womb. I was like a child again when I stepped off of the plane at Kigali International Airport--I didn't quite understand my purpose in this country and I didn't know the simplest of things--how to communicate, cook for myself, how to use a latrine--I was literally a big kid 1


all over again! I was a scared and shaken mess, however those feelings of fear fled when I met my host mother; she met me with the strongest, most sincere embrace, and I immediately knew that everything would be okay. As time passed from week one to week two, and from month one to month two, I had the opportunity to see in my host mother some of the same qualities that I value in my real mother--a genuine heart and a selfless spirit. My host mother was patient with me as she taught me to cook and hand wash my clothes in a bucket with minimal amounts of water and somehow still have them come out clean. She taught me to mop my floor with a mere squeegee, and somehow the concrete floors would end up shining as if I was down scrubbing on my hands and knees; she taught me to bucket bathe, how to speak in the local language, how to peel a tomato with a machete (that really happened), and how to laugh at myself when I trip at a wedding in the village center and all eyes are on me. My host mother's kind and patient nature has done wonders for me during my time in this country. And for the blessing that she has been in my life, I would like to reciprocate something back to her. I return home to the US in July of this year and I am working to get her a Visa to come 3




1. Myself, host mother, and youngest host brother at a wedding ceremony, 2013; 2. My biological sister, host mother and two host siblings, 2012; 3. My host mother with her first granddaughter, 2013; 4. Myself and host mother at Peace Corps swear-in ceremony, 2012; 5. Myself and my biological mother visiting my host mother in Kamonyi, Rwanda, 2013; 6. My biological sister, host mother, and host siblings, 2012.

back with me for a short visit. It's my host mother's lifelong dream to see America and if I can, I would like to repay her for all she's done by making that dream come true. With that being said, cross your fingers and wish us luck! If anyone deserves to visit the "second heaven" as Rwandan's call it, it's definitely this lady right here!

A Mother's Appreciation God has blessed me with not one, not two, but three women who look out for me and have my best interest at heart. The third woman I would like to talk about is my next door neighbor. Rwandans have a funny way of taking strangers under their wings and making sure they are safe, well-fed, and comfortable with their surroundings; and my village mother, as I like to call her, is no different. Ever since I moved into my village, not a day has gone by that she hasn't stopped to check on me, making sure I've had enough to eat for the day and making sure the village men don't give me too much of a hard time. I remember at one point, I had begun to lose a bit of weight and every time my village mother saw me she would look at me with curious eyes and say in her soft motherly voice, "Have you eaten today? You are getting small." It tickles me that her first words weren't "hello" or "how are you?" Rather they were words of concern, showing that she cares for me and my well-being. From this point on, whenever I visited her house she would make sure to give me a huge--and I mean HUGE--plate of whatever it was that she was cooking at the time. And don't let me pull the "I'm full" card (there's no such thing as full in Rwanda), she would just pile another mountain of food right onto my plate! On the days that I purposefully visited her home before

she finished cooking dinner, she would shove a rice sack or small bucket into my hands before I left, filled with beans, corn, name it. And she was not taking no for an answer! Two years later and near the end of my service, my village mother has not only fattened me up, but has also proven to be one of the few people in my village who sees me as just another person. She appreciates me for who I am and treats me as another one of her many children. When I first moved next door, she saw a scared American girl who left everyone and everything she had ever known to move to a foreign land and somehow leave a mark on the people there. I have said this numerous times, but it won't hurt to say it again: I initially came to Rwanda to impact the people and leave my footprint on Rwanda's rich, red soil. However as I near the end of this journey, I am beginning to see that Rwanda has impacted me and left its mark on my rich, red heart. I am nearly at the end of this journey and I have God, the greatest mother in the world, and two angels that God sent down to watch over Left: my village mother in her home, peeling me to thank for potatoes for dinner. Right: my village that. A mother's two youngest children playing in my mother's love, backyard. 2014 a mother's fondness, and a mother's appreciation can never be matched…and I have been lucky enough to experience all of the above times three! Thank you Jesus for my mother, my two angels, and all mothers across the world.

Have a blessed and happy Mother's Day! Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea

Brianna Venee Parker Bachelor’s of Arts, Psychology Place: Sleep Train Area, Sacramento California Date: May 24, 2014 Time: 12:00 pm


By Renée Purdie First of all, WHY should you wade into the social media seas? The short answer is, chances are, it’s where your target market is. Also, people are GRAVITATING TOWARDS social media because it’s, well, social and most people are sociable creatures. Apart from the grace of God, being social is how we survived from caveman days until now. Yep, instead of sitting around a roaring fire with bits of meat on a stick, we’re now tweeting … and poking each other (on Facebook)! Some things never change … If you need any more convincing, read these two statistics: 66% of online adults in the U.S. use social media more than 9 million small businesses are using Facebook Frequently Asked Question #1: How do I get started with social media? 1. Create your profiles. 2. Think about your target market and start creating and/or sharing information THEY want to know about. 3. Follow and engage with people. 4. Repeat step 2. Frequently Asked Question #2: There are so many social media platforms so which ones should I start with? I recommend that you start with:  LinkedIn  Facebook  Twitter

Pinterest is also great for people with products or highly visual services and blogging is something I recommend for pretty much all business owners so you can start sharing your own content and driving traffic to your website. At the end of the day, the best way to start is to … START … so get in there and start tweeting, posting, poking, joining groups and basically ENGAGING. Connect with me on: For the first five SARAH magazine readers who follow me on Twitter with the tag #SARAH_risingstars, I will provide a 15-minute consultation to help you set up your Twitter account.

Renée Purdie is a writer, editor, designer and strategic marketing advisor with over 20 years of professional experience on two continents (the U.S. and Australia). She’s been on the internet since about 1987 with semi-frequent breaks to take naps, travel, eat and go to church. Contact her today to have her help you BUILD your business on Find out more about Renée on her website:

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One Of The Greatest Mothers Ever Born When You Left We Were Very Torn. You Walked The Walk Not Just Talked The Talk. You Showed Us Jesus In The Way You Live The Way Your Love Would Always Give. You Left Us An Example to always go by To Lift Our Heads Up And Don't ever be shy. We Knew The Lord Knew What Was Best That's Why He Sent You To Your Sweet Rest. Words Can't explain how deeply we miss you So we just have to realize What God Had to do. So rest on my Dear Mother You Already passed your test. Now It's Up To Us To Stand In Line Next. Love Forever, Your Daughter Darlene

Annie Powell Our Mother

Your Daughters; Pasty, Geraldine, Maxine, Jackie Darlene, Debbie, Melinda

Patrice Sanford got caught doing something good. This beautiful young lady is a published author! What an inspiration! Read our interview with Patrice. S.M- How Did You Get Started Writing? P.S- I started writing a lot in fourth grade. My teacher gave us the best do now’s ever. We had to write however much we could in thirty minutes to a prompt on the board. I would do like, four pages. I then started getting compliments from my teacher and classmates. That was when I thought that maybe I should try out writing. Before then, I was just an advanced reader. I read all the time. But, then this idea of free writing came up, and it was love at first prompt.

S.M- Do You Remember The Very First Story You Ever Wrote? What Age Were You When You Wrote It? P.S- The first story I remember writing was about the three little pigs. We wrote about what would have happened if the Big Bad Wolf had been nicer to the pigs. I was probably four or five. I was in pre-k. The story was in my scrapbook. S.M- Have You Always Wanted To Be A Writer? P.S- I actually haven’t always wanted to be a writer. I used to want to be a news anchor when I was in first grade. In second grade, I wanted to be a singer, then in third grade, I wanted to be an actress. Once fourth grade came around, I wanted to own a non-profit organization that was like a resort and rehab center for homeless, and people who just got out of jail. It would teach them in a career, and then test how they live on their own. If they passed the course after, I think four years, then my organization would by them an apartment to help them, and they would leave the center with a job, career, and a sober new self. S.M -What Are Your Best And Worst Experiences As A Writer? P.S- My best experiences as a writer are when I have a great idea and I go on with a great plot for a long time. My worst experience is writers block. I hate it! The most surprising thing that has happened in my writing career was actually getting accepted by Golden Butterfly Publishing. S.M- Which Venture Came First, Writing Or Publishing? Which Do You Enjoy More?

P.S- Writing came before publishing, actually. I was always a writer, so my mother got in contact with her sorority sister, who happened to own a publishing company, and sent her one of my pieces. It all went uphill from there. S.M-What are your favorite books? P.S- My favorite books are anything by Cecily von Ziegesar, L. Devine or John Green. I also love Divergent and Catching Fire. My favorite authors are S.E Hinton, Cecily von Ziegesar, Suzan Collins, Veronica Roth, and Christopher Paul Curtis. My favorite books are The Watsons Go to Birmingham, Divergent, Catching Fire, The Outsiders, After, After 2, After 3, Heartbeat, the whole Drama High, and the whole Gossip Girl series. The most influencing book in my life would be The Bible of course, but also, I think that for my writing style, if that were what you were looking for, it would definitely be the whole Drama High series and the whole Gossip Girl Series. I didn’t get really serious about writing until I read those. S.M- I understand you support different charities through the sales of your book. Tell me about those. P.S-I want part of my earnings to go towards finding the cure to cancer and making sick and poor children’s dreams come true. The charity to find a cure to cancer pretty much describes itself. It is called CURE Childhood Cancer. They are raising money to help in their research. Make A Wish America is a charity that grants underprivileged and children with life-threatening medical conditions wishes. It is really sweet, and I really want to help out. I soon want to donate money to Africa so a school can be built. That would be really nice.

S.M- What are three things readers don’t know about you? P.S- I used to be VERY shy. I used to not like to read my stories to people. I have terrible stage fright. S.M- How do you handle negative reviews? P.S- I handle negative reviews is by having an open mind, and ask someone who KNOWS what they’re talking about. Therefore, I would ask someone like my English Teacher, or email my publisher, Ms. Tiffany Flowers. S.M- If you could create a perfect day, what would it consist of? P.S- If I could create the perfect day, it would consist of me not being tired all day long. I would be wide-awake for a whole 24 hours, and I would have a huge bowl of Cheese Itz, a big bowl of Oreos, a big tub of Chocolate Ice Cream, and multiple 2-liters Orange Crush. I would have after updated, all the way, Psychotic updated all the way, I’d have The Fault in Our Stars, and One Direction would serenade me in a bunch of songs. They would take me to England, and Ireland, Scotland, and Italy, where I would eat any Italian food I see. We then would go to see Little Mix. After that, 5 Seconds of Summer would come, and I would be backstage with One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Little Mix. Ed Sheeran would come strolling in with Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens. Hunter Hayes would come in, and we’d all be sitting, eating Nando’s. After that yummy meal, we would go and watch One Direction perform all their songs, then 5SOS would perform all their songs, and Luke Hemming would dedicate Good Girls are Bad Girls to me. I would probably cry from happiness, and then, One Direction, 5SOS, and Little Mix would do a collaboration of Alive, Move, and She Looks SO Perfect. They would call it She’s Alive, So

Move, by: One Little Summer. I would cry again. That is my idea of a perfect day. S.M- Do You Have Any Advice For Aspiring Writers/Authors? P.S- My advice for aspiring authors or writers, would probably to have fun with your writing and don’t worry about what others have to say about it. I mean, yeah, you want them to read it, but for every reader, there’s a reader. If they don’t like your work, it’s not because you suck, but because your work just isn’t for them. Stay strong and stay creative. I would tell them that they should write for themselves and I’m not sure if this is cheating, but I would say to read more and watch more movies, this way, you can get more ideas…I guess. Then, I’d suggest that they daydream, and think about the “impossible.” This way, they can expand their imagination. BY PATRICE SANFORD I hope you enjoyed our interview with Patrice Sanford. She is our spot light child who got caught doing something good. Please support this young author by purchasing her book.

“Enhancing Children’s Unique Creativity” For Immediate Release: Teen Breaks into Ebook Publishing Contact: Tiffany A. Flowers –

Patrice Sanford is a newly published teen author at Golden Butterfly Publishing. She is a California resident that loves writing. Her dream is to be a film producer, director, and screenwriter. Her writing influences include Suzan Collins, S.E. Hinton, and Christopher Paul Curtis. Patrice is an avid reader of Realistic and Historical Fiction. Her love of reading is what made her desire to become a writer. Over the years, Patrice has written many short stories. However, her first published work is entitled, Kenya’s Missing Book. It is a children’s book promoting teamwork and compromising. Without teamwork, Kenya J. Thomas wouldn’t have found her book. Kenya and her friends look everywhere to find her book, and had to change their technique multiple times. Read this work to see if Kenya finds her favorite book.

“We are truly excited to provide talented teens like Patrice Sanford with the opportunity to become published authors.” -Tiffany A. Flowers, Owner, Golden Butterfly Publishing Fans can find out more about Patrice’s work by logging on to In order to purchase her book, readers can find her ebook wherever ebooks are sold. Please support this buddying author Patrice Sanford. You can view her book trailer here: Kenya’s Missing Book Trailer You can download her book by clicking here: Amazon Smashwords

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Whouter (website address is a microblogging website that values user’s Free Speech and Privacy. People are becoming afraid to use social media because of government spying and employers monitoring their employees, firings them or not hiring potential employees because of what they say on social media. Whouter Values Your Privacy! Mobile Apps are available on the App Store for IPhones and iPads and Google Play Store for Android Phones and Tablets. iPhone App Android App is a microblogging web application similar to Twitter. Users can create a free profile and whout (post) a 280 character text message with a photo. Users can also upgrade for $1.98 to add a 10 second audio and 15 second video whoutering (posting). Whouter was created because of government spying on social media users and companies are viewing employee’s social media post and firing them for their post. They are also viewing potential employee’s social media account and making a hiring decision based on what they find. This is wrong, unethical and illegal. Social Media companies also provided the NSA with a backdoor to monitor social media users. This is a violation of Free Speech and privacy rights under the US Constitutions. Whouter does not require a user’s real name or email address or any personal identifying information, nor do we store what is posted. Whouter is realtime and only the last six posts repeat. When a new whout is submitted, the oldest whout is automatically deleted. The goal is to restore Free Speech and Privacy Rights to everyone who is afraid of using social media because of what our and other governments and employers are now doing.

Hello teen friends; This Leah Alexis coming to you once again. I hope that you are as excited as I am! SUMMER VACATION IS COMING REAL SOON! I am also exciting because I am down to 3 weeks and then I will be a high school graduate. May 22nd is my graduation day. I also have my prom in the month of May so this is going to be a busy and exciting time for me. My grandmother, godmother, and I went shopping and found the fabric for my dress. Then we made appointments to get my hair and nails done for both events. I don’t have a date for my prom, so my cousin Tanisha is going with me. We are going to have so much fun! Guess what else exciting happened for me?? I got my drivers permit! Everything is coming together for me. THANK GOD! I can’t wait to get my own car. I don’t think I’m ready for a new car right now; I will get a used car for now.

In June I will be leaving for Missouri to get ready for college. These are some of the questions that have been sent to me; Q. What if you get to the college in Missouri and find out that you don’t like it, are you going stay or transfer? A. I am sure I will like it. My mom lives in Missouri and I have other family and friends there also. Even if I don’t like it, the best thing to do is stick with it and finish. Q. Will you ever come back to Arizona? A. Yes on spring break and other holidays. Q. Are you going to find a job when you get there? A. Yes, I am going to work and go to school. I like having my own money, so I can buy the things I like. This is a question from my god mom, the Creator/ Chief Editor of Sarah…she asked me did I want to give up teen talk and pass the mantle to someone else now that I am going to be a college student. This is what I said… NO! why? Because I can still write while I’m in college. She said, “What would we call it”? Well friends I guess you won’t find that out until the next magazine comes out. Wow, the next time I write to you, I will be living in Missouri. That’s going to be a big change for me. I have gotten used to Arizona. Now I will be sharing my journey with you about college and everything from Missouri. Well friends that’s all for now. Pray for me as I transition to my new life. I want to say, remember to stay focused and don’t get off track. If you have questions for me, send them to . Until next time…this is Leah Alexis, JUST KEEPING IT REAL!




November 2013



ingdom oupleFeeding YOU

Spiritually and Physically!

Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster


MARCH 2014

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What God has for You! Helena and Isaac Price



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SARAH Magazine would like to hear from you! We are looking for candidates for the front cover, starting in September. Do you have a testimony that you would like to share with the world? Submit a BRIEF biography of your accomplishment. Tell us how you overcame a hurdle, learned from an experience, or encouraging words that you would like to share. Please keep it brief, as we will be interviewing many submissions. Send your biography to

My mother is my greatest motivator outside of God! I purposely named my hair salon after her to keep myself inspired after her transition in 2012. She is still a very important motivator in my life. I thank God for allowing me to know such a sweet, funny and forgiving woman. Lady Melvira and I had our mother daughter issues but I’m blessed to have realized that my mother was my friend and she supported and loved me unconditionally. She taught me how to be positive and comfortable in my own skin. I will always miss her! Happy Mother s Day Dianna Urfavstylist

Mommy you are truly an earth angel. That is what I and Stan always said about you. You are the most beautiful and compassionate person I have ever known. I have learned that there is something to be said about being a woman of few words. You have always had the ability to say the right thing at the right time and never impose your opinions on us. You always allowed me to be myself and learn from my own mistakes and I love you for allowing me to do that. Everything that I achieve in life, it is all to make you proud. When I look at what all you have been through in the last few years and you are still able to remain the beautiful and compassionate person that you are, it makes me stronger. You are living proof of the verse in the bible that says, " NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER". I love you with all of my heart and soul. Happy Mother’s Day Shevonna Blackshire

COOKING WITH J.C JAZZED UP TUNA CASSEROLE A Simple Dish For Summer 2 boxes of tuna helper 5 cans of tuna in oil 2 cans Ortega green chilies (not hot) 1 ½ cup shredded American cheese 1 ½ cup Monterey jack cheese 1 ½ Tbsp. Lemon pepper ½ Tsp. Salt 1 Tbsp. Onion powder Boil noodles until tender. Drain, rinse and pour into a large bowl. Pour in seasoning packets that comes in the box of tuna helper. Drain, and add your cans of tuna. (Make sure you get tuna in oil, it has a better taste to it) Drain and add in the green chilies. Add 1 cup of both cheeses. Add the lemon pepper, onion powder and salt. Mix all ingredients together. Pour into a large casserole dish. You might need two dishes to prevent overflow. Sprinkle the remainder of the cheese on top of your casserole.

Cover with foil (make foil like a tent when covering the casserole so cheese doesn’t stick to it). Bake in oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Remove foil, turn oven to broil, cook casserole about 5 minutes under broiler until cheese browns. KEEP AN EYE ON IT, IT BROWNS FAST! This serves about 6-8 people.

Serve this with a nice green salad, dessert, and lemonade. Recipe on the next page…… (pictures shown are not the actual recipe)

Green salad 1 head of Ice berg lettuce

1 bunch of fresh Spinach 2 large Tomatoes (sliced) 1 large Cucumber (sliced) ½ Red Onion (sliced in rings) Toss all ingredients together and top with your favorite salad dressing.

Strawberry sandwich dessert Purchase 6 Croissant Rolls. 1pint of fresh Strawberries 3 Tbsps. Sugar Cool whip in the can or tub. Wash, drain and slice strawberries. Put in a bowl. Add sugar and mix together. Slice open the croissants, on bottom half, fill with the strawberries. Put cool whip on top of strawberries. Put the other half of croissant on top. Chill in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat it. THIS IS SOOO GOOD! GOOD OLE lemonade

French bread 1 Loaf of French bread, sliced, or you can slice it yourself. Spread real butter on it and top with parmesan cheese in the can, toast and serve with your tuna casserole.

Make 1 gallon of lemonade, you can make it fresh or make it from lemon juice. Sweeten it to your liking. Pour some of the lemonade in an ice tray. Add fresh raspberries and a small slice of lemon to each square. Chill until you have ice cubes filled with raspberries and lemon. Add these cubes to your glass of lemonade.

Connect With J.C On Facebook

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4




Lupus patients relate to the butterfly symbol because of the shaped rash that appears on the face of many lupus patients. Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly wings. As butterflies emerge from there dark cocoons, and transforms into a beautiful array of spring colors a new birth has begun. just as a Lupus survivor locked up in our bodies unable to emerge until the lupus flare has run its course.

filled with laughter and a house full of relatives frying fish, and mama making the best potato salad in the Mid-West.

My Journey Begins It‟s always hard to write about you, but my journey has been one of many challenges. Growing up in Kansas City Missouri attending catholic school from elementary to the 12th grade was one of my carefree happy moments. Those were the good old days in the 70‟s, funloving honest and keeping it real! Our family and community really cared about “YOU.” I can remember the weekends were

Their evening consisted of a card game called Bid Whist and boy, did they take the game serious. In those days we stayed in our place with respect for our elders. We were ready to leap from their grasp when we heard them say “Don‟t you children have someplace to be? Like outside! And that‟s all we needed to hear…. our time…. family and neighbor friends gathered on the porch to decide what games we would play. No adults, no rules just play until you drop. Kansas City still is a beautiful scenic paradise. A few years ago, I took my son back to my birth place; He could not believe the large areas of land where families lived. My son commented “Mom these people are friendly they don‟t even know me and they invited me to play baseball with them.” I replied “this is home, we have it like that.”

Both my parents were determined to give my twin, baby bother and myself a good education. I can hear my parents say „Education is the key to success; you can be the best because you are the best.” My Mothers profession was a nurse, she received her licenses in the early 50‟s My Father, had his own construction company. We didn‟t know any bad times, but I do recall my mother boiled two potatoes cut them in pieces placed them on our plates at the table. I asked Mother “where is your plate?” My Mother said “Don‟t worry about our meal you enjoy your dinner.” After our meal we prepared for our bath then went to bed. They both worked hard and gave all they could to give us a better life. I will love them until the end of time. Both my parents had always believed in giving back. My dad would always say” God placed us here to love one another and care for those that are less fortunate.” To this day I remember both my parents meeting with a family that had lost everything in a house fire.

Since my father had his own construction company and owned homes he singed over a four bedroom home with two fireplaces one in the living room and the other in the master bedroom. I asked “Hey mom and daddy, I thought that house would be given to me when I finished college.” My parents replied “God wanted us, to give them that home; he has blessed us; so now we can be a blessing to another family.” According to; Deuteronomy 15:7 | If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: (KJB)

Our families came from humble beginnings and they were determined to whisper the right thoughts in our mind. The rules we followed were; love God, tell the truth, be honest, and live right. Whenever we would go out and see other children acting up my mother would always say “don‟t let me catch you acting up in public, because I can really show

you crazy.” According to Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. And believe me until this day that is one of my favorite scriptures.(KJB)

I also can recall a dark time as a child my mother and my younger brother had a serious car accident. Both were not expected to survive, the priest had read my mother‟s last rights three times. My father had to continue to work to pay the bills but he was hurting and confused. How could my father overcome this emotional damage? Being told that his wife and young son were at death‟s door. As he walked in the shadow of death, my dad was pulled in many directions. What was he going to do with my twin brother and me? Where was he going to find a place that would care for his children while he was at work? My grandmother on my mother‟s side suggested that her friend who happened to be my younger brother‟s godparent had a foster home.

She spoke with my dad and persuaded him to leave us with them while my mother was in the hospital. My dad did so. Not knowing when my brother or mother would return home my twin and I were scared. A few weeks passed, and we started to fit in the foster home, my father would visit three times a week and every Saturday. I could remember looking into my daddy eyes he was worried, lonely and hurt. When my dad would visit he always gave me the biggest bear hug that was special to me, because he was all I had. Those were the times that I enjoyed; my dad‟s visits were followed by questions; what did you do this week? Let me see your homework? Soon I am going to take you home, just give me some time to see if your mother and brother will be released from the hospital. At night I would fall on my knees‟ and say: “Oh Jesus please, let my mother and baby brother live, I promise I will be the perfect little girl.”

One morning while eating oatmeal there happened to be an extra bowl that was not eaten. The daughter of the Foster Mom asked everyone at the table “Who left their food?” you know we can‟t waste.” She questioned and continued on placing fear in our young minds. Eventually, fingers pointed at me. My twin was the only one who said “that‟s not my sister‟s,” she ate her oatmeal.” Well that response was not good enough; this was the same women that would stare at me constantly. She grabbed that large oatmeal bowl and snatched me into the bathroom and made me eat it; with no milk just plain. Then in the same bathroom she ran cold water in the bathtub took my school clothes off, placed me in the tub rubbed cold water on my body then took an extension cord and beat me! I screamed for help, no one came. I thought, I was going to die but didn‟t. Why was this happening to me? “I told you the truth I ate my oatmeal.” Please don‟t hit me, stop, please stop!” She shouted “if

you scream again, I will continue to beat you”! She then told me; “get out of the tub, dry the blood off, and put your clothes on so you can go to school.” Make sure you put on an extra-long sleeve blouse so no one will notice the bleeding.” “If you tell your dad or the catholic school official‟s, I will kill you and your twin brother.” “You will never see your Daddy again.” On the way to school my brother and I were both silent. I loved being at school because I was protected and loved. My fear caught up with me at the end of the school day. Not knowing what you did wrong is a terrifying experience especially in the eyes of a young child. There many more times, I had brutal beatings, but I could not tell a soul. I prayed to God “please help me, what I did so badly? Jesus, I will be good, please let my daddy take me and my brother home.” Thank God, that prayer was about to be granted.

According to Psalm 107:19,20 ….they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

A few weeks later, my dad came to take us home. As my brother and I were getting our bags packed we could hear my dad telling what they were not going to do to his kids. But, the final outcome, my dad told us “get your things, and let‟s get out of here now!” They were trying to take us from my dad. But you see God, had another plan. I know it

My Destiny I have always loved to read, write and learn about everything on this earth. My parents gave me and my brother‟s the opportunity to excel in all areas in life. Many have asked me why I received so many different credential‟s I really can‟t answer that because God‟s plan for me was already predestined. According to; 1 Chronicles 28:20 NLT. Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”

While I spent my time studying the word of God, I do know the Holy Spirit convicted me. As I plunged deep into the scriptures the holy-spirit taught as I listened. As I turn the pages in the bible I fall deeper in love with God. According to: Jeremiah 17:5-8 New International Version (NIV)5 This is what the LORD says:

was the blood on Calvary that moved.

“Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.


That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. 7

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

I have an ultimate satisfaction of peace through the Holy Spirit. Have you let God take over your mind? I challenge you to ask God, what can I do to help make this world a better place? Can you come forth and take your place before the altar of God?

Dealing With A Loss My mother passed in 1997, which was on Passover and my parents the 40th Wedding Anniversary. I remember that day my son and I were participating in the resurrection play at church. Hours prior, to her death she spoke with me on the phone. She

told me “I am proud of you, you have come a long way, baby.” Then she asked if she could speak to her grandson. He was told, “Be a good boy for your mother, and I will see you later in the day.” I wondered about the tone of her voice, but I just dismissed it. That night I entered into the hospital, the impact of losing my mother was devastating. The damage of that day is still painful. I remember my childhood days, in the early hours of the morning preparing for our festive family events. I would always fuss as to why I had to wake up at 4:00 am, help my mom and clean up. I silently thought; it‟s not fair, my brothers remain in the bed while I slaved in the wee hours. But now, I know I had been blessed. Those were moments that I would cherish as she taught me the ways of life. The thought of my mother will always warm my heart and my spirit.


My Ministries

My song is the same tune as most of us single parents. We did what was needed to feed our child. Times were hard but God did not leave me, his protection was a light unto my path. I have raised a strong and righteous young man, my son Emil, knows Jesus is Lord. And when disappointment comes his way he knows the cover is Jesus.

I have been blessed to have had opportunity to work with so many at-risk youth. I can recall, a young man entered my office he was in trouble, confused, and meanspirited. After, he calmed himself down, he explained he had no food, job or any others resources.

Set aside a day, name that day after your children. My son is 21 years old, and he will always have that special day. Our children want to communicate when we listen. Those special days are teachable moments. Joel 2:28 KJV “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

When he left my office I contacted some employment sites, he went to the interview and was hired. The only obstacle was lack of appropriate clothing. I contacted the young man asked him to return to my office, I took him to get the appropriate employment clothing. He replied “I have no money to buy anything,” I answered this is what I need to do. In part, my mentors took a leap of faith, when they recognized something in me. They offered me a chance they called it

reach- one-teach one. I can recall, around Christmas my parents would give us money to buy what we wanted around the holiday season. When my parents asked me; “what are you going to do with your Christmas money? I replied “I want to have a big Christmas party for battered children” I would like to give my money and some of your money for this event. I need everyone in the family to participate.” We gathered the cooperation, of volunteers, the Black Firefighters, Churches, and Women Axillaries. The elected leaders and our Oakland California Community rallied around the event. We used the NAACP Offices in Oakland, prepared the food and handed out the gifts, that moment in time was priceless. So many countless moments those days were good and real. My dad used to say before his recent death, “As we age the only things we can… hold onto is our memories.” That statement is so true.

Let me not forget, another opportunity of love. Continuing my quest working with at-risk youth my staff prepared a trip to Los Angeles, California; to visit the Los Angeles Museum of Holocaust. Twelve youth were chosen from their essays; the essays reflected individuals/groups/religious that were unfairly profiled. The qualifications comprised of the following question; what changes in world would you champion as leaders in the future? The winners that were taken to Los Angeles a number of those youth had never boarded a plane nor stayed at a hotel. Upon their arrival we had another surprise, stipends were given for their fun snacks and we had tickets to attend the NAACP Image Awards. While traveling with our students I had an opportunity to find out more about their life styles. One in particular stood out she stuck to me like glue; she asked me “would I be her mentor,” I replied; “I am honored and blessed to do

so. This same young lady shared her story, and it was heart breaking; her entire family had been diagnosed with HIV due to drug use. She was the only one that had not contracted the disease. She told us; “she went to school then had to take care of everyone in the home.” If she only knew her light, encouraged and strengthened my journey. My mentors were the best. They were insightful and visionaries their communications changed the course in history. One of my fond memories I recall working in the NAACP Regional Office in San Francisco, Cesar Chavez would call the Regional Director, she asked me to talk to him until she finished her meeting. He was a kind man. He encouraged me to continue in my studies; he would say “Stay focused and determined and you will succeed.” I realize now, those words were moments with a great leader who would have a positive effect later on in life.

Living With Lupus As the years passed, I was diagnosed in 2001 with SLE Lupus which is (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) 

Lupus is an Autoimmune Disease. This means that the body's natural defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissues instead of attacking only things like bacteria and viruses. This causes inflammation. Lupus Symptoms

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Painful or swollen joints and muscle pain Unexplained fever Red rashes, most commonly on the face Chest pain upon deep breathing Unusual loss of hair Pale or purple fingers or toes from cold or stress (Raynaud's phenomenon) Sensitivity to the sun Swelling (edema) in legs or around eyes Mouth ulcers Swollen glands Extreme fatigue

The loss of my vision came about when my physician diagnosed me with the Pinkeye in my left eye. A few days later my right had the same symptom. The Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen. (Information from WebMD) They were puzzled as to my condition-, more tests were order and finally, the diagnosis was conclusive. It was Lupus! As I stood in that examination room it reminded of Sam Cooke‟s song “A Change is Gonna Come.” Was I ready to face a fatal illness? How much time did I have before departing from this world? How was I going to talk to God when he allowed this disease in my body? Terrified, outraged and afraid to live, darkness was my existence. How could I take care of a seven year-old son, and a dad who was 76 years old? I was the only income earner in the household. Disappointment and insecurity molded me into a mess. My vision returned three months later, by the hand of God and gifted physicians. They continued

to research my diagnoses as they searched for answers. Yes, they had a plan and it was to bring me back from the hole of no return. According to Mark 11:23 King James Version (KJV)23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Years later, my family moved to Las Vegas Nevada. One of my dearest friends persuaded me to visit Las Vegas, in 2003. Property at that time was at buyers‟ market, on the third day, my single story home was found. Since that time, I have never looked back my spirit moved forward with God directing my path.

Once again, I was locked into my disease Lupus. My dad, who was living at the time, said “you should help people with Lupus. “ Use your expertise.” I accepted his advice as a blessing, but this was going to be a difficult job. That night, I knelt on my knees asking Jesus “I need you to show me the way.” Matthew 4:23(KJV) 23

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

I want a ministry honoring you? Jesus you gave me hope and love in my hour of darkness let me set an example for others? Show me who to contact, lead me by the hand and place thoughts in my mind to do your will. The next day, I contacted friends in Northern California for answers. They referred me to The Lupus

Foundation of America. Eagerly, waiting for the return call the phone rang. The response received was not encouraging at all. The Chapter Development representative stated; Las Vegas Nevada was not a priority. The representative also stated; “they were focusing on New York and the Los Angeles area.” The only information I received from the Foundation was a binder with lupus information and a note saying good luck! Ephesians 6:11-18; King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;


And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.


And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Hunger set in and more protection scriptures passed through my mind; Philippians 4:13 New King James

Version (NKJV) 13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me

My quest began when my son developed my first Lupus flyer. I had only enough money for 30 copies, the store Manager at the copy store approached me and I explained my situation. She walked me over to the copy department and said “from this day forward I will contribute free copies, and 500 hundred sheets of paper to Lupus of Nevada.”

My next blessing was my distribution of Lupus materials. My son and I worked out of the trunk of my 1995 Cougar; My son, and dad folded flyers that were distributed to churches, homes, community agencies, Hospitals, recreational centers, homeless shelters, universities and to our elected officials. Thus, Lupus of Nevada was birthed reaching out into the community. I thank my dad who was our major contributor he pasted three years ago. He pushed the envelope; I can hear him say “If not you then who?” My son is my jewel he has a spiritual light that God has bestowed on him. God‟s hand will protect and guide him throughout his life. I thank Jesus for allowing me to raise this wonderful son, intelligent, honest, kind but most of all he knows the Lord. Lupus of Nevada, Inc., is a 501c3; A Place of Hope, Courage, and Determination. Our mission is Educational Awareness and Advocacy. Every fourth Saturday of the month, we host our Lupus Support Group Meetings. Topics consists of; Life with Lupus, Inflammatory Process and

Autoimmunity, The Cause of Complex Disorder, Environmental Factors, Exposure to Chemicals, Socioeconomic Consequences, Joint Muscle, Bone Complications, Central Nervous System Complications, Lung Complications, Kidney Nephritis, and Heart Circulation. Updates on Social Security, Medicare, Medical Remotes, Behavior issues, Health Fairs, Housing, Shelters, etc. In 2007, I had a dream I was out at sea, hearing someone calling, “Help Me.” The next day I received a call from a gentleman he requested assistance. His sister was dying of lupus in East Africa, he stated; “he called the Lupus Foundation of America but they said; they could not help.” “The Foundation referred me to you.” Lupus of Nevada did not hesitate. His sister had been diagnosed with a severe form of Lupus. Unable to receive appropriate diagnoses and manage the disease

(note: no medical facilities equipped in Eritrea) physicians recommended that she go abroad to the US for medical treatment. I was able through my agency Lupus of Nevada to contact various elected officials and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the compelling evidence was overwhelming. Over a period of 2 years of constant appeals the young lady arrived at the Las Vegas airport on December 23, 2009. Lupus of Nevada reached across the seas and captured a life worth living.

Most recently, I authored a book entitled, “Loving God While Living with Lupus” As a Christian author; I prepared an inspirational notation of love

through Christ. As a survivor with lupus, my dream was to extend a loving touch to those who are bound with guilt and confusion. This is my first book dedicated to the love of God while living with lupus. WORDS FROM MY EDITOR Laura; “this is an important work of love, inspiration, and hope for those living with lupus. That this author has continued to find meaning and purpose in her life given the circumstances is truly inspiring." Last year, I was asked to model for ECCOCI ANNEX, at their Boulevard Mall location in Las Vegas, Nevada. I enjoy the atmosphere and the wonderful staff. Since I am a people person it‟s great to share with many the information about Lupus. In the Sarah

Christian magazine I am wearing a per se a Satin Blue –two piece suit.

A year ago, I had a Lupus Flare, this caused great concern with my son. I was going downhill fast. My weight was a factor; not eating correctly, nausea, dizziness, lots of inflammation everything was out of control. My son, Emil really sat me down and made a plan for my weight loss and daily exercise “Mother I don’t want to lose you; you’re all the family I have.” Emil‟s plan was The VI Challenge, lose 10lbs

and earn a chance to win $1000 dollars. Every morning my breakfast is the crunch cereal and the shake in the afternoon.. I exercise on my tread mill and my NordicTrack every day I feel healthier and loving life. To date I went from wearing a size 26 to size 12, NOW THAT‟S IMPRESSIVE! Lots of hard work and thanking God for his abundant love and presence in my life.

This year Lupus of Nevada will host “A Day of Healing.” So many in the lupus community are spiritually drained and devastated

by the disease. May 10th, this day will give us time to reflect on the blessings that are from within. Lupus groups around the world have united to sponsor the Ninth World Lupus Day observance on May 10, 2014. At least five million people worldwide have Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that strikes mostly young women of childbearing age. World Lupus Day will focus on the need for heightened public awareness, improved patient healthcare services, increased research into the causes of and a cure for lupus, enhanced physician diagnosis and treatment of lupus, and better epidemiological data on lupus globally. The following materials provide background information about lupus and its impact. Several months ago I was introduced to Global Touch Enterprise by; Zuriel Gibson, founder & lupus survivor of the Gibson Lupus Resource Center. The resource center is designed to assist our lupus community build a strong healthy life style through education & support;

Global Touch Enterprise assist businesses across the country to build the online audience by designing social pages for their business which is connecting them to their website, driving more traffic to your business. Lupus of Nevada, Inc., would like to express a warm thanks to Global Touch Enterprise. Please visit our website at; Support our cause purchase a TShirt we need your financial support.

Without the referral from Global Touch Enterprise Lupus of Nevada would not have had the introduction to Minister Sheree Carradine, Creator and Chief Editor of SARAH Magazine. Her Magazine is an excellent vehicle to promote and expand networks across the globe and unlock the doors to opportunity. Make that connection Sarah Magazine is waiting!

Special Thanks; To my Director of Volunteer, Ms. Linda James, you have been amazing gathering the lupus members to attend and support group meetings. Organizing many of our events, God Bless you forever. Also, Dolores Goldstein, the Mother of Alisa Goldstein who passed last year. Dolores is an inspiration to us all as she volunteers when needed. She has been instrumental in positioning Alisaâ€&#x;s Art Exhibitions.

Keyotta Wilson-Porche, Thank you for making many copies of our brochures/ information as needed for the meetings.. Keyotta is an LPN and one of the top Lupus Volunteers. She recently left her position due to Lupus. Iris Watts, you have been my friend, since I have been here in Las Vegas, Nevada. I want the world to know you are the best. Jenise Maye, Your support and assistance through has been a blessing.

Professional photos were taken by Queen Moweta Vivian you also have been supportive from the beginning participating at many of our lupus events. Keep running those world marathons. If I have left anyone out please forgive so many have contributed to the cause I have

appreciation to all of the Lupus family, and friends.

Closing Remarks Lupus is not a death sentence, enjoy life take care of you. Push yourself, every day to help change the world for the better. The anger and depression will come and go but the joy of being able to live is such a remarkable payback. In the middle of the night I can hear the wind whistling through the palm trees, in Las Vegas. The sounds of the wind are words from my heavenly father. As I listen as is speaking to me Matthew 1:29 NIV “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. REMEMBER, ONE OF A KIND HAND PICKED, MADE BY GOD. There is no other like you. Challenge yourself take that leap of faith and change lives. Set an example for others that are confused and newly diagnosed. Physical Joint pain comes with the territory, so get up and move those bones. Join a gym, find Lupus support groups so you can be educated and well informed on your disease. I understand it’s not easy, but stay strong in your

journey. Speak life into your body mind and soul. “ I Will Live And Not Die. God crafted me in His image through His love. Speak to Him, let Him know when the road is hard He’s there to make it right. Remember you control your peace. Live healthy and well and let God do the rest. 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is ... And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

Lupus of Nevada‟s programming is well on its way, we are currently asking for financial assistance for office space and much needed equipment. In house support groups areas for meetings/events intakes and counseling areas for assessments. Seminars set up for medical professionals, opportunities for community support meetings on our website for in-home members unable to attend monthly meetings. These measures of operation will cost our agency $100,000. Please join us as we celebrate Lupus Awareness Month. Your donation will impact a life! All donations are taxdeductible.

Many Blessings, In the name of; El ELYON (God Most HIGH) Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. Motivational Speaker / Author /Civic & Community Leader Founder/ President, Lupus of Nevada, Inc. Website: 702-595-0313

Accomplished Motivational Speaker / Author /Civic & Community Leader Offering experience of 30 years’ in Non-Profit and Public Relations background with the ability to inspire and energize individuals to excel to reach for one common goal; resulting in positive change among divergent groups. Doctrine in Divinity Triune Biblical University, Kelso WA (2011) Masters of Divinity Golden State School of Theology, Stockton, CA (2001) Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice Cal-State Hayward, Hayward, CA (1979) Administration of Justice Merritt College, Oakland, CA (1977) Honors and Awards Senatorial Recognition from Dean Heller United States Senator for expertise as a panelist at the National Health Council’s Putting Patients First Seminar. Stanford Who’s Who Black Book inclusion limited to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership or achievement. (2011-2012) Proclamation from State of Nevada presented to Lupus Of Nevada, Inc., by Assemblywomen Mastroluca Chair of Health /Human Services. (2011) Recipient of the David Chow Humanitarian Foundation Award for extraordinary humanitarian services to people diagnosed with autoimmune disease lupus. (2010) Recipient of Nevada Community Partners for Better Health- Health Advocate Award (2010) Certificate of Commendation form Senator Harry Reid –Health Advocate Award (2010) Proclamation from Office of Mayor Oscar Goodman, City of Las Vegas Lupus of Nevada, Inc., Official Grand Opening of location (2008) Proclamation from State of Nevada, presented to co-founder of the first Martin Luther King Teen Summit. (2008) Recipient of “Woman of the Year” from Omicron Chapter Beta Sigma Phi Las Vegas Nevada. (2006-2007) Certificate of Appointment - Human Rights Commission Alameda County Board of Supervisors. (2002-2005) Website: Email :

How is lupus diagnosed? A patient’s medical history, physical examination and results of laboratory tests -- certain blood tests in particular -- can help diagnose lupus. Biopsies also may reveal changes that are characteristic of lupus. Yet, diagnosis of lupus is difficult because there is no one set of symptoms that affect every person. To make diagnosis more complicated, many of the symptoms of lupus are found in other diseases. The physician’s examination and laboratory tests will reveal possible involvement of blood, kidney and other organs

How is lupus treated? Since the cause of lupus is unknown, there is no cure, though a knowledgeable physician can keep the disease under control. The most important point to remember is that each patient’s symptoms are different, and methods of treatment may vary. Treatment is centered on less stress, prevention of infection and staying healthy. Eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables and whole grains is recommended. There are some foods people with high blood pressure, kidney and gastrointestinal problems cannot, or should not, eat. It is also better to avoid foods that may make lupus symptoms worse. You should get plenty of rest, avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen whenever you are outside. All medications should be taken under a physician’s supervision, and no medication should be discontinued unless you and your physicians agree that it is in your best interest. If you plan to add herbs, dietary supplements or vitamins to your diet, you should discuss your decision with your doctor. This is especially important, as herbs or supplements may interact with medications used to treat lupus. Herbs or supplements should never be used to replace medications prescribed to control symptoms of lupus or a medication’s side effects.

Encouragement It is our goal, as God gives each one of us the strength, to help one another receive the education and medical attention we need. We will continue to pray for one another and fight the good fight together.

Lupus of Nevada Inc. Courage and Determination

Lupus of Nevada Inc. wishes to provide a place of hope, courage and determination for a better way of life as we embark together on this journey of knowledge, education and support. If you are interested in attending one of our support group meetings and learning more about lupus, email or call 702-595-0313.

If you are interested in donating to Lupus of Nevada Inc., donations can be sent to: Lupus of Nevada, Inc. 5534 Logan Court North Las Vegas, NV 89031 Phone: 702-595-0313 Email:

A Place of Hope, Courage and

Determination for a Better Way of Life

What is Lupus?

What are the symptoms?

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects connective tissue; it can attack the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, lungs, heart, blood, immune system or any combination thereof. Lupus can present itself in varying degrees of severity, from mild to severe. It is more prevalent in women of childbearing years; however, it has been found in women and men of all ages. Most people with lupus have episodes called

Lupus can affect any part of the body and, for that reason, involves a variety of possible symptoms. The most common symptoms are:

“flares,” where the signs and symptoms worsen. An onset of symptoms can be caused by infection, medications or too much exposure to the sun. Once a flare is under control, the symptoms eventually improve and can even disappear. Some cases, such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), the most severe form of the disease, may lead to death.

What causes lupus? Unfortunately the cause(s) of lupus are unknown at this time. Current research suggests lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that forms antibodies against one’s own tissues and appears to attack foreign substances such as viruses and bacterial infection. Medical researchers are working to learn how lupus develops. It is believed that genetics and the environment are contributing factors. Doctors also believe that, even if people have a predisposition to lupus, they may only develop the disease if they come in contact with something that triggers it.

• Fatigue, stress, anxiety • Joint pain and inflammation • Chest pain • Unexplained low grade fever (100 degrees) • Red skin rash -- often a butterfly shaped rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks or coin sized lesions frequently occurring after sun exposure • Sores in your mouth or nose that last more than five days • Abnormal hair loss • Blanching of fingers or toes exposed to cold • Anemia, low white blood cell count or a low platelet count • Seizure • Blood clot • Heart attack • Stroke • Miscarriage • Unexplained confusion • Protein in urine While many lupus patients have more than one of these symptoms, some will go to their physicians with very vague symptoms; they don’t feel well and can’t put their finger on one specific problem.

Different types of lupus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) This is the most severe form of lupus and an affect almost any part of the body such as skin, joints, kidneys, brain, lungs, heart, blood and immune system. SLE an be life threatening and should be continuously monitored by a physician.

Discoid (Cutaneous) Lupus

This form of lupus is usually found on the skin, though some cases develop into Sinto SLE.. It can be identified by a rash that appears on the face, neck and scalp, and upper chest. It has also appeared on the back, legs, arms, hands, etc. It may cause raised, coin-shaped scaly areas on the skin that are sensitive to sunlight and may appear in the face in the shape of a butterfly.

Drug-induced Lupus

Drug-induced lupus can be brought on by prescription drugs used to treat high blood pressure, hypertension or irregular heart rhythms and tuberculosis. This type of lupus tends to be more common in men, as they are prescribed these drugs more often. The symptoms of lupus usually fade when the medications are discovered.

Neonatal Lupus

A woman who has a predisposition to an autoimmune disease such as lupus can pass this on to her unborn child, even if she has never experienced symptoms. After delivery, the child may develop a rash that can last up to six months before disappearing.

Connective Tissue Disorder

The majority of people with lupus have lupus alone, but 5 to 30 percent of people with lupus report having symptoms that overlap. There are several well-recognized overlaps that may affect people with lupus. They are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), polymyositis and dermatomyositis (PM-DM), systemi sclerosis (SSC or scleroderma). Sjoren’s syndrome (SS) and various forms of vasculitis.

Lupus Vulgaris

Lupus vulgaris, also known as tuberculosis luposa, are painful cutaneous tuberculosis skin lesions with nodular appearance, most often on the face around nose, eyelids, lips, cheeks and ears.

Lupus Pernio

Lupus pernio is a chronic raised indurated (hardened) lesion of skin, often purplish in color, it resembles frostbite as it is seen on ears, cheeks, lips, nose, hands, fingers and forehead.

Coming next month...


Branded - “No One Can Hold You Back Unless You Let Them”

Being label as “retard” at an early age had a major impact on my life. I experienced so much pain, frustration, self-piety and low self-esteem. I carried a ton of elephant weight around every day. I saw myself as a monster whenever I looked in the mirror. I didn’t feel I was a retard, but I was given that title. Therefore, I began to act out as a mentally challenged person. In reality, being by branded by someone can have a psychological effect on them. If God does not intervene in a child’s or adult’s life, they are on a journey of self-destruction. If it was not for my Mother having a strong conviction in the Lord, I would be dead or in prison today. I believe!

Heavenly Sweets With Helena Price

Sweets For Your Soul remember her ever spanking me. Yes, my dad did the fussing and spanking. I wasn’t perfect and I did get some spankings, but thank God for it all. It made me the person I am today. Psalm 113: 9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise Ye The Lord! I was born out of a woman named Joan Hargett. After having three girls already, here comes number four. I thank God that she didn’t abort or give me away. She is a very sweet and loving woman. In my childhood days, my mother didn’t fuss at me. She was very soft spoken and I don’t

My mother loves cooking, cleaning and making things. I learned all of that from her. Our holidays were very tasteful and our house was clean. Our spring break was not how it is nowadays, you take your family on a trip or you send your children on a trip. I remember our spring break was the time when my mother decided that she was going to turn the house inside out. Yes, we cleaned the whole house inside and out. I was not happy when spring break came, but it taught me a good lesson.

Don’t wait to spring break to give your house a good cleaning; you should always keep your house clean. So when spring break or the summer time comes, you can spend that time on a vacation. As a mother you can make your house a happy home or you can make your house a sad home. Believe it, it is your choice. It’s the same thing with your children. You can raise them the right way or you can let them raise themselves and turn out to be bad and doing all the wrong things. So please don’t take that chance, because God is holding you responsible. Remember our children didn’t ask to come into this world. Let’s do our job the right way. In today’s world there are girls and ladies aborting, killing or giving their baby away. Let’s be for real, why lay there and do what it takes to get pregnant and then you don’t want it. I am not talking about if you were raped; I am talking about not being married and not using protection.

Then you find yourself unable to take care of the baby. Even though I wasn’t planed, my mother accepted me and birthed me into the world and took care of me. That’s A Real Mother! A Real Mother’s Love will do what it takes to make sure that she takes care of herself and her baby. That’s My Mother! A Real Mother’s Love will love you in spite of your wrong decisions. That’s My Mother! A Real Mother’s Love will listen to her daughter and correct her when she is wrong. That’s My Mother! A Real Mothers Love will make sure her children have food to eat and clothes and shoes to wear. That’s My Mother! Being a mother is a serious job and it gets dangerous at times. Birthing a baby into this world is not easy. It is painful, but it is a happy moment. Raising a child is not easy but all you need to do is your best and live by what the bible says in Proverbs 22: 6

train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Please pray for them and don’t stop. It is very important that you as a mother live your life right before your children. Believe me, they are watching you. If you are living life on the rough side of the road, don’t expect your children to do anything different. They will do or try to do what they see you do. Mary the mother of Jesus was the perfect mother. She loved her son. She birthed him into this world in spite of people talking about her. Because she wasn’t married yet, but she was chosen by God. She was on a mission from God. I thank Mary for being obedient to God. I love my mother and I thank God for you. I want to try and do my best to be the best daughter I can be. She did her best to raise me up in the right way and now I want to do my best help her in every way that I possibly can. If you still have a mother, do your best to be there for her. If you are a

mother, let’s do our best to raise our children in the right way. Listen to them, support them, be understanding and love them. I Love You Mother And God Loves You Too!

Min Helena E. Price

By Gerald W Smith Jr.

(520)-982-5977 To see more, check out my brochure or visit my website Beautiful 11x17 canvas art designs

If you are elderly, you should strength train. This means lift weights. Elderly women especially, should lift a weight, which is quite literally, training for strength. I am a certified personal trainer and I have trained plenty of elderly male and females. They too can vouch for me by saying all of us need to be exercising or getting into the gym as much as possible. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life! These Are The Best Strength Training Routines For The Elderly. 1. Standing up from a chair and sitting down. 10 -20 times in a row. Don’t plop down, lower into the chair with control every time. 2. Push-ups- modified to your level, such as knees on the floor, or standing pushup in which you’re pushing off a wall or railing.

3. Squats- with light hand placement on secure object for balance. Another good strength exercise for the elderly is the Row. At the gym are machines in which you sit, and then pull handles towards your chest against resistance. A Rowing Machine targets middle back muscles, plus some shoulder and arm muscles. Stretching exercises can give you more freedom of movement, which will allow you to be more active during your senior years. Stretching exercises alone will not improve your endurance or strength. Continued…

ACTIVITY- Walking, jogging, swimming, biking, and even raking leaves- that will increase your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. Build up your endurance gradually, starting with as little as 5 minutes of endurance activities at a time.

NUTRITION FACTS- Fitness consists of 4 main components; the body’s ability to use oxygen as a source of energy, muscular strength, endurance flexibility and boy composition. Since your brain is distracted by what you are hearing, when you listen to music, you don’t concentrate on what you are lifting.

This causes you to lift more weight. Exercise is more effective at increasing your energy levels than caffeine. It takes about 12 weeks after beginning to exercise to see measurable changes in your body. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. Seafood is a nutrient rich food that is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Eating breakfast regularly will also help keep weight off because it gets your metabolism going. One can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. Something you need to think about the next time you open that can of soda.. 916-470-1132 Certs , NASM Certified ISSA Certified, CPR/ AED Certified Group Training Certified Contact me if you need a personal trainer or have any questions

Is Working at Home for Me?

The Pros and Cons of Running Your Business From Home Is Working at Home for Me? Pros Cons Running your Business from PlusThe How toand Make ItofWork Home Plus How to Make It Work In Part One of this series, we explored the option of self-employment. In Part Two, we will explore the option of working from home. There are different reasons why people choose to work from home. Some of these are: 1.

Having young children or family members that need care and therefore leaving the home for long periods is not practical;


The desire to cut out the daily commute to work, eliminating expensive and stressful travel;


Avoiding the cost of business accommodation, saving the cost of travel to work, clothing, eating out etc;


Not staying in one place very long, such as military or diplomatic spouses and so the need arises for a more mobile work option;


Disability or health issues that make going out to work impractical;


Choosing a lifestyle that makes reporting to an office every day impossible e.g. people who love to travel and also work;


When your choice of where to live makes going to work every day not feasible e.g. an accountant who prefers to live in the countryside but has clients in the city or a person who moves to the seaside for health reasons but whose customers are further inland;


The desire for flexibility.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to work from home, you are not alone. Millions of employed and self-employed people around the world are opting for the same thing too. In the UK, the 2013 Trades Union Congress reports say that 4 million people usually work from home and many more millions home work occasionally 1. Also in the UK, the 2012 TUC reports say that workers over the age of 55 are the most likely age group to work from home2, possibly due to having the space at home and now being free from early years child care commitments. According to, 30 million Americans work from a home office at least once a week with this number expected to rise by 63% in the next five years. In fact, estimates that three million American professionals never step foot in an office outside their home and 54% say they prefer to keep it this way! 3 In Australia, the trend is similar. The Australian Bureau of statistics says that 1 in 12 Australians work more from home than outside it.4

The Pros of Working from Home


More personal and family time as the long commute to work is eliminated;


Savings on transportation, work-related clothing, dry cleaning, parking, lunching away from home, office accommodation etc. You may still spend money on these and may require an investment to set up a home office, however, it can still work out a less expensive option in the long run;


Convenience as your home office or work space is easily accessible at any time of the day or night.


More time to get work done as you eliminate the daily commute to and from work.


Less obstacles to work; home workers often work through sickness and are not kept off work by extreme weather.


The freedom of choice – you can fit work with your life style, for instance in the case of people with disabilities or health conditions, those who love to work and travel or those who love work that is not location-specific


Being able to avoid obnoxious colleagues; you only work with the people you want to!

The Cons of Working from Home 1.

Distraction: Discipline and focus are required or you could end up watching TV, doing housework, “straying� online or procrastinating over work;


Family and friends may not think you really have a job so they may drop in, call or (horror of horrors) ask you to baby-sit!


Isolation: Without work colleagues, it can get quite lonely working from home. Those with children may miss adult company and those without children or family members could feel completely isolated. Even when we do have family members, we may have to isolate ourselves from them to get work done;


Boundaries: It can be difficult to separate work and home or to maintain work/life balance. Many report working far into the night or being tempted to do housework, answer personal calls or getting lost on social media!


Regulations: There are regulations to comply with when you work from home such as insurance, tax, building regulations and planning permission, tenancy or mortgage agreements, insurance and health and safety.


Some jobs are just not suited to working from home.

10 Tips to Make Working at Home Work for You 1.

Family support: Get your family or significant other on board, so they can understand your business and support you; a divided house will not stand and

this can negatively impact your business. However, together, everyone achieves more! 2.

Accountability: Get a coach, mentor or business buddy to check in with and help you stay on track with your goals;


Discipline: Resolve not to answer the door to friends, take personal phone calls or answer personal emails during working hours, keep work within working hours;


Training: Your coach or mentor can spot skills-gaps and recommend skill updates for you;


Personal and professional isolation: Schedule regular professional and social networking activities; work at a business hub with others, one or two days a week; join or start a mastermind group and meet up regularly


Routine and schedule: Find a daily routine that works for you and stick with it. Use all the help you can get with scheduling, diarizing and keeping appointments. Use scheduling software, e-calendars, CRM systems and even a virtual assistant or virtual business manager if you can afford to.


Organization and advance planning: Work from a To Do list; install systems for the way things are done; keep everything in its place; with advance planning you can save time, money and effort and increase your productivity up to 25%!


Professionalism: Maintain a professional image at all times. Don’t let your children answer the door or the phone; make sure there are no children screaming or dogs barking when you answer the phone or join a webinar; keep your stationary and literature away from children to avoid finger marks, food stains and rough handling; answer your phone professionally.


Take care of yourself. Schedule breaks and holidays and observe them. Pay attention to your health and well-being. Attend regular health checks. Get all the sleep you need. Spend some time outside the home on a regular basis. Take walks among nature. Make time for hobbies and socializing.

10. Get support: Outsource the aspects of your business that are outside your expertise. Get help with legal, tax, accounting, IT etc. Yes, as business owners, we do wear many hats but you certainly don’t need to wear them all!

Working from home may not suit everyone or every kind of work. Research your business idea and industry and consider your options carefully. Talk with others who work from home, especially those in your line of work. And if you do decide to run a home-based business, know that you are not alone. There are millions around the world who are making it work and you can too! I hope you are enjoying this 4-part business start-up series. Look out for Part 3 in the next issue of Sarah, “11 Bootstrapping Ideas to Start Up or Expand Your Business.” In it, I share 11 ways to make or find money to start up and invest in your business. By the end of this series, you will have no more excuses for not pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams!

CopyrightŠ2014 Oma Edoja



3 4.

Oma Edoja is the founder of Women Thriving in Business International, a global support community for women entrepreneurs. She is a dynamic and inspirational speaker, author, business columnist, and international women’s business mentor and is a fiery advocate for the empowerment of women. Oma is also the host of her own talk radio show for women entrepreneurs, Your Business, Your Heart! She invites all aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs to find out more and join Women Thriving in Business International, the one-stop empowerment shop for women in business at

Accept His Plans For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

Greetings beloved; This is your season to accept God‟s plans. For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5 KJV) The bible is full of women we can learn from as we go through different situations in life. Jochebed for instance .Pharaoh ordered that all the Hebrew boy babies were to be thrown into the Nile when he was born. I am sure this created great tension in the lives of the Hebrew parents.

Jochebed gave birth to a baby boy. She did not throw him into the Nile. As a mother she just couldn't do that. She hid him for three months. (Exodus 2:2) Now if you are a mother or babysitter you know how hard it is to keep a baby quiet for 30 minutes. So you know it had to be very hard for Jochebed to hide her baby boy for three months. Remember, all the people were under Pharaoh‟s decree. She had to have had some good help to do this. How did she cover his cries? How did she answer the questions from those that knew she was pregnant? Can you imagine the sleepless nights, the long fretful days; she went thru to protect her son? Now I didn't read where her husband was involved just the mother. As Mother‟s we all have had to endure some situation with our children. It could be from simply

going to a celebration where they are being recognized for outstanding service, a high school graduation, college ceremony or placing them in time out or visiting them in prison or jail. Some mothers have out lived their children. Don‟t be discouraged because God has a plan for you and your child/ children. He will strengthen you. He will comfort you and your family. After three months Jochebed had to make a very hard decision, she couldn't keep her son in hiding any longer. Imagine the hurt that was in her heart at this time. But she wove the basket that would cradle her son. She bundle her son, placed him in the basket and set him out to sail on the river. How many times have you had to make a choice that was very hard to make in regards to your children? These choices are made with the child‟s best interest at heart. Motherhood is one job that does not come with instruction. If you read God„s word you will find out how to raise your children. His word is full of promises.

Jochebed was hoping for a miracle for her son. Everyone in the kingdom was under Pharaoh‟s decree to throw every boy child into the Nile. So she was hopeful that someone would find her son and take care of him. As a mother we should be hoping for the best in our children‟s lives. Pharaoh‟s daughter was the one who rescued Jochebed‟s son. She knew the decree very well. She sent her slave girls to get the basket she spotted on the water. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and that touched her heart. She knew it was a Hebrew baby. (Exodus 2:6) Mothers we never want to hear our children cry. It touches our heart to a level that some can‟t understand. But God can. I was told when I was young that someone is always watching you. I thought about that statement as Miriam, his big sister was watching the basket float down the Nile. Miriam saw the princess and her slave girls who had come to bathe in the river. She was

nervous and thought about stepping out from hiding and the trouble it could cause her family. Fear didn't stop her from stepping out and she asked the princess, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” I am sure a lot of thoughts went thru the princess„s mind. Nevertheless Pharaoh‟s daughter agreed to Miriam‟s suggestions, and the girl ran off and got her mother. Jochebed stood before the princess, the next words that was spoken to her was incredible breath taking. “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you” Pharaoh’s daughter told her. (Exodus 2:9) These three ladies had no idea that little baby would be one of the founders of our faith. How he would change their world someday. To the single mother, divorced mother, married mother, adopted mother or foster mother and my very own mother D. Johnson. God has a plan for you and your children. You have endured some good times and some trying times

but know in your heart that your labor is not in vain. You have gone without so your children can have their needs met. Some mothers have experience what the enemy would call Devastation. Take a moment right now and thank God .And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) You have gone from Devastation to Destiny! Your children have gone from Devastation to Destiny! You have prayed, fasted and stood in the gap for your children as well as your neighbor‟s children. I like to believe that Moses would be grateful for what his mother did just for him. On this Mother‟s Day please treasure the gift of life that your mother gave you and all she has done for you. Mothers you have raised some intelligent children. Accept the plans that God has for you and your children. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not

harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) Come on and give God some praise for accepting his plans. To my Mother Dorothy Johnson, I am truly grateful for you raising me up to be who God has called me to be. You labored hard as a single mom to make sure we didn't go without. I will forever hold the memory of the day you walked into Lexington Elementary School with a brand new violin just for me. After all these years this memory still brings me joy. You instill great work ethics into my life as well as integrity. You have prayed for me and with me. You used to tell me during a trying time in my life to Look Up because that is where my help comes from, The Lord. Thank you mom for all you have done and may

Godâ€&#x;s blessing continue to fall upon your life. I Love you! God Bless

Evangelist D. Ramsey

Telephone rings.

Stylist: Hello thank you for calling Melvira’s Hair Studio. Potential Client: Hi, I would like to make an appointment to get my hair done.


No problem. What service are you looking to have done


Potential Client: I would like to have a texturizer to soften my hair a bit.


Okay. Let me make sure I understand correctly. You want a

texturizer because you’re looking to make your hair softer and more manageable??

Potential Client:

Yes. I have been trying to go natural but my hair is

just too much for me to deal with on my own. I don’t have the time or

patience to deal with my natural hair. I think a texturizer helps. That’s what my old hairstylist used to do.

Stylist: Before I commit myself to doing a chemical service to your hair I would like you to come in for a consultation. Together, we will devise a plan of action to get your hair where you want it to be. How’s Wednesday at 3pm sound??

Potential Client:

I kind of wanted my hair done now or

tomorrow…………why do we need to do a consultation?? Don’t you do texturizers? And how much is that??

Stylist: I’m prepared to answer any hair questions you have ma’am.


can tell you don’t have a lot of time to waste. A consultation will help you save time. In this process, we assess the current state of your hair, how it got there and map out the best way to get to your desired results. Your consultation will help us dodge any potential setbacks before they occur and help you feel comfortable about choosing me as your new hair stylist. Currently, it is a free service offered to all potential clients but some hair salons do charge for their time. Your consultation will make us both confident about what decisions we decide together and will give me proper time to prepare for your MHS experience.

Potential Client:

Well since you put it that way. Put me down for

Wednesday at 3pm. I’ll keep working with this wig until then!

END. Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic


SAVE $$$ Mention this article and receive $20 off your visit at Melvira's Hair Studio.

Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Melvira’s Hair Studio 7090 North Oracle Rd. Suite 80, Studio 6 Tucson, AZ 85704 520.409.8837 Dianna Urfavstylist & Mary Kay Consultant

With Elder V.William Price LaNita Price’s Husband Is Writing Nuggets That Nurture This Month. Enjoy…

stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. (NLT) In verse 11 we see him resting, the church is to be a place of rest. The church should be the place where we can rest from the cares of the world, get our focus back on God and receive strength. Unfortunately some think that when we need rest we should stay away from church. That is the opposite of what God intends, to get rest we go where He is, so that we can lie down in green pastures at His feet, in His presence where there is peace. 12

Have you ever wondered, what is the purpose of the church? Why do we go Sunday after Sunday? If we were to talk to Jacob after his encounter with God we just might gain some insight. Jacob’s encounter with God had such an impact on him that he called the place Beth-el. Bethel translated is House of God. Let’s look at Genesis 28:11-19 and see what happened to Jacob. 11 At sundown he (Jacob) arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a

As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down the stairway. 13 At the top of the stairway stood the LORD, and he said, “I am the LORD, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. 14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed

through you and your descendants. 15 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.” (NLT) In verses 12-15 we see a dream being giving, a vision is being poured into Jacob. In the church, the House of God we should be receiving vision and direction from God for our personal lives as well as the corporate vision for the local church. When we come to the House of God we should be listening for and hearing God’s voice. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” (John 10:27, KJV) 16

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”(NLT) It saddens me to experience the presence of God in worship and look around to see people oblivious to God’s presence. I am not saying everyone has to worship the same way, praise the same way, or do I what I do, but when God is moving in a service everyone should be experience something. However too many times we are distracted by other things and people and like Jacob many are in the presence of God and did not know it. 17

But he was also afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!” (NLT)

After God has spoken to him, Jacob (v.17) realizes that this place is a revered place, a hallowed place, a place of reverence and though he was there just as he was, he left that place differently. Jacob had respect for the place of God and honored it. We need to honor our House of God and treat it as the place where God is, because He is there. I do not think if you were to go to the White House to meet the President you would be chewing gum, or carrying on like we do in the church. You would carry yourself as a person respecting the office of the President. How much more for the King of Kings? So why is it when we go into the House of the Lord in the presence of I Am we are busy looking at our I-phones or I-pads instead of looking for Him? 18 The next morning Jacob got up very early. He took the stone he had rested his head against, and he set it upright as a memorial pillar. Then he poured olive oil over it. 19 He named that place Bethel (which means “house of God”), although it was previously called Luz. (NLT) In verse 18 the pouring of oil is symbolic of the anointing of God, in the church where the spirit of the Lord is free to move the anointing is poured out on us. Where the anointing is yokes are broken and destroyed. The church is where those things that are holding back, holding down and limiting the people of God can be broken off and destroyed! We find Jacob entering into covenant with

God and in His house we too should be in covenant with Him. If you are born again you are in covenant with God and we should be leading, urging, and helping others get into covenant with Him. The church is the one place in the world where you find relief from man’s biggest problem; sin and death. In the church you find Christ who conquered sin and death at the cross of Calvary. In the church you find Christ who is and who gives everlasting life and life more abundantly. So put on your clothes dust off the Bible and go to church! New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyrightŠ 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Il. Elder V. William Price is an ordained minister serving at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Terry West and Apostolic covering of Apostle Jesse West II. He currently serves as the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International providing vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. He is also the Pastor of the DavisMonthan Air Force Base Gospel Service. He has a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and a Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University. He has a vision and is

driven to be a blessing to the body of Christ. He strives to encourage, edify, and challenge the body of Christ to worship, live, think, and prosper as the Bible says we can and should through anointed teaching, preaching, and by being a living example of scriptural truths.

Health, Courage & Love According to John 3 1:2 (KJB) 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayst prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. As we prepare for Mother’s Day, Mothers around the world are like children in a candy store. Our anticipation for a gift, calls, emails, or a visit from our children is one of our golden rules. My mother always told me; “A mother’s love is a gift from God; it’s one of the strongest bonds, which can never be broken.” As we gather with our families this holiday remember take a moment to say “I thank Jesus for allowing me to have a praying mama. I can remember the courage and love my mother displayed throughout her life. She endured, great sadness from the loss of two children, but, she knew through it all, Jesus would be waiting with open arms. Our Mothers represent the circle of life their teachings are so real and honest we are imitators of their experiences in the world. So thank her for her nurturing spirit her courage, inspiration, and her love. So have a blessed Mother’s day while uplifting the world of mothers around you. If your mother has passed, appreciate those that are near for they will also share that glimmer of joy. Stay in his Blessings Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D.


Before starting to work with RWO Financial, Inc. as their Marketing Coordinator, I knew pretty much zip about financial planning so tax-deferred; ROTH IRAs and required minimum distributions were not part of my lingo. However, since I’m almost the big 44, when I saw this book at work, I asked the owner of the company, Ron Oxman, if I could borrow it. He was gracious enough to give it to me so I may donate it to the Gideon Baptist Church library as the information in there needs to be read and shared. As Kingdom builders, we have a responsibility not only to tithe, but to be an overall good shepherd of all of the resources that the Lord has entrusted to us, including: time and money. Reading TaxFree Retirement gave me some amazing insights that I want to share as they should help you be a better money manager. Before I get too far along, I must say that I am NOT professionally qualified to give tax, financial or legal advice. This information is not intended to be used as the basis for investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the particular needs of an individual investor. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, advice or other content. OK, I hope you’re still with me as boy are there some eye-openers in this book!

The age at which people think about planning for retirement varies widely, but the bottom line is, the sooner you think about it (or rather DO something about it), the better prepared you will be. Time and the related power of compound interest are the biggest things on your side (or against it, if you leave it too late). Also, debt reduction, saving and learning to forego or delay some of the things we want (This is a difficult one for me, but the Holy Spirit is working on me!) were spelled out in black and white. Some of the specific advice the author gave are:      

Set a goal. Pay yourself first. Start today and be consistent. Spend less than you earn. Don’t buy on impulse. Resist your desire for instant gratification.

What probably floored me most while reading this book is learning what taxdeferred really means. It is actually pretty literal … paying taxes is deferred … but I never knew the ramifications. Paying taxes on tax-qualified plans, including: IRAs, 401(k)s and 403(b)s means you’ll be paying taxes on the ENTIRE amount in the account at the time of distribution at whatever the tax rate is. Contrast this to paying taxes on the contributions before they are put into your account … before they have the benefit of increasing courtesy of compound interest. In Chapter 13, Retirement Trap #1—The Tax Trap, the author shows the difference using the following example: If someone were to contribute only $100 a month over a 30-year period, that person would have contributed $36,000. If we project 10% growth, that $36,000 would grow into $226,049. If that person is contributing into a tax-deferred plan, they would have been able to deduct the tax delayed amount from their taxes. Assuming a 20% tax rate, they would have a total tax deferral of $7,200 = $36,000 x 0.2. Fast-forwarding to retirement, using that same 20% tax rate, the tax liability is $45,209.80! That’s the entire amount in the accumulated account, $226,049, multiplied by

whatever the tax rate is at the time of the withdrawal. We used the same 20% here, but the rate could be lower or, more likely, higher.

My jaw dropped after I read that example. I wanted to call people: the news, CNN, everyone! So, as if paying taxes on everything you’ve accumulated if you defer paying taxes, you’ll probably also no longer have deductions like children or your mortgage. While it’s on my mind, you probably don’t even want to read Chapter 16, Retirement Trap #4—The Death Trap. Actually, you do if you’d like to pass on what you’ve built up to your kids rather than donating a huge portion of it to the IRS. As I slowly recovered from my shock, I remembered Ron asking me, “Would you rather pay tax on the seed or the harvest?” I can definitely say after reading this book that I’d opt for paying taxes on the SEED every time! In a practical sense, if I had a 401(k) plan, I’d definitely be exploring some other options for where to put any additional money above the employee + matched contribution by employers (Free money is free money!) such as Roth IRAs, etc. Now, I can understand if your head is spinning a little as I’ve relayed at least one concept from this book that is probably new to you, but I am absolutely thrilled to know

this now rather than later! April is actually National Financial Literacy month so hopefully you, too, will embark on the financial education empowerment journey with me. Wherever you are on the road towards attaining a better financial picture for you and your family, I strongly encourage you to read this book and then find a reputable financial planner who understands these concepts so they can help you successfully navigate your financial future.

By ReneĂŠ Purdie

Let me tell you about this woman. She is a single mother of ten children, she raised all ten of them by herself. Eight girls and two boys. She taught them about God. Even though times got tough she continued to trust God and do the right thing. When all her children were grown, she went back to school to become an Attorney. So many people respect and look up to her. Some call her mom, some call her mommy, and some call her bigmom. Her name is Beatrice Minor and she is the most beautiful, energetic woman of God I know. I know this woman personally, I call her mommy. Yes Beatrice Minor is my mommy. She stands about five feet tall, and I dare not say her weight or a age, I might get a whoopin!!  In every one’s eyes she is a giant that everyone looks up to. She is a strong praying woman. My memory as child would be “When Mommy Prayed Things Happened! “ Things would get tough; she would go in her room, fall on her knees and cry out to God. He would always come through. Her words of wisdom are “Always Strive To Do Your Very Best.” One of her favorite scriptures is, Proverbs 3:6, “In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.” If you want to meet a Virtuous Woman, I would definitely introduce her in six words.. Beatrice Minor Woman Of Strong Faith. My mom is still in business as an Attorney. Through sickness, and all kinds of adversity, she is still going. . When I went through some of the toughest times in my life, I would always think of mom and how she made it with ten children all by herself. It would encourage me to keep going and to trust God. That is the way she raised us all, to always acknowledge God in everything we do. I am so thankful for a mother that is still alive and in her right mind. And I must say The Woman Is Still Sharp!! I Love You So Much Mommie! You are my inspiration. I thank God for making you my mom; you are my She-Ro.

Happy Mothers Day Your Middle Child Sheree Carradine Mom Mommy Big Mom, That’s What They Call You. I call you mom; I am your third to oldest. Surviving the storms of life, I remember mom being a praying woman. I have her boldness. In spite of her fears, she had to stand and be bold. She could take anything and make a meal out of it. You taught me all your skills in cooking. As a child I loved to watch and learn from you. She has a strong sense of family. She always taught us to stick together. Now days it seems we don’t have the unity of family anymore and I think that bothers her sometimes. But through it all she is a survivor. Thank you so much for always being there. I love you so much mom. Happy Mothers Day By Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw Mom I want you to know how much you inspire me by being around you all the time. if you ever met a virtuous woman, that’s my mom. You had ten kids of your and own. You have adopted so many children and loved them like they were own. Thinking back; As a child walking in the house seeing you ironing and singing. You always loved singing and I loved to hear you sing. You were always there for us and always had things prepared. You always made a way out of no way. I have nothing but admiration for you. I hope I can be as great a woman as you are. My love grows more and more each day for you mom. I love you and Happy Mother’s Day! Your Fourth Daughter Yvonne Carradine Mom.. Phenomenal Women! I have been by your side a lot. When facing very hard times, you would take it like a pro. You would always say God is your strength; you never lost your faith in God. That’s the women of faith I love so much. My mom is the best mom in the World! :) I Love you Mommy.. Child # 9 Bridgette Carradine

Bigmom, I have always admired you not only as a mother/ grandmother but as a business woman, entrepreneur, counselor, mentor, spiritual advisor and you are so much more all rolled up into one. You are the person who taught me about work ethic and hard work and I have carried everything that I have learned and watched from you into my career. I am always proud to say that, there are very few people who can say, "my grandmother is a legal representative and started her own business after raising 10 kids". When you hear that being said out loud, you realize just how Amazing and rare that truly is. I have an extraordinary grandmother and if I become even half of the woman you are I will be great! I love you always!! One of your many grandchildren… Shevonna Blackshire

Bigmom, if it wasn’t for you and my mom Sheree Carradine I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Even though I was label to never succeed, you and my mom continued to love, pray, and discipline me when I needed it, and I thank you and love you both for believing in me. Happy Mother’s Day Your Grandson Gerald W. Smith Jr.

Sheree Carradine Mommy and me….

Welcome to the third month of the single section of Sarah. We are still getting feedback on the first article we posted in the March edition called…HOW WOULD YOU RATE ME? I will share with you some of the comments that are still coming in on that topic as well as share with you last month’s topic on SINGLE-HOW WILL I KNOW. We are getting some great feedback on the articles, but we would like to hear from more singles and married people as well. . If you missed any of the singles articles, go back to our previous issues and read them. I would like to start off this page with last month’s question and the responses we received. We would like your feedback every month. Some people choose to be anonymous. The choice is yours. Singles continue to send us your questions. LAST MONTH’S QUESTION I have been single for the past two years and have made an active effort to keep things that way because I wanted to use this time to grow both mentally and spiritually, without the distraction of a man in the way. I had a boyfriend all through college, and being single now has been tough. I've been away from everyone and everything I have ever known for the past two years and while it would have been nice to have someone here to cling to and talk to, I preferred to cling to and talk to God. I am a very affectionate person though; like any other girl I like hugs, compliments, flowers, and other simple displays of affection. My spiritual journey has been great, however I miss the affection that comes with having someone physically here.


Dear young lady, I assume you are young as your entry suggests that you are in the prime of your life. I'm single as well and as I read your story. You seemed to describe the same thoughts that run through my head on a regular basis. Your current situation though a little frustrating at times is bearable. I often wonder when God will send my helpmate/ Prince Charming /head of my household/ husband /father of my future children etcetera etcetera! I'm sure God has not sent our husbands our way yet for a perfectly good reason. I like to believe that he is still preparing him. I'm a lot of woman and it is gonna take more than an average man to handle my sassiness! WEAK ONES NEED NOT APPLY! Strong, reasonable, and handsome men are not easy to come by. However, When God does send him I'm positive it will have been worth the wait. Be patient my sista! God has not forgot! Now I'm goin to take heed to my own advice and wait patiently because what other choice do I have .{ in my impatient voice ;)} Signed , I FEEL YO PAIN GIRL!!!

Sister, I know that LONLEY is difficult. I’m there. But I also know that yoking up with the wrong person will be the most destructive thing you can do to yourself. Here are the things I’d look for and do. The first thing I would do is to PRAY and stay in prayer. The only entity that knows if the man is heaven sent is God. Your friends don’t know. And you don’t know as the heart can be deceitful. The second thing I would do is to read Sheree’s book because wolves are often covered in sheep’s clothing and things that look fair can often be foul. The next thing I would do would be to WAIT and be WATCHFUL to see if the fruit the man is bearing is of God because if I were to have a potential husband candidate in my life, the first criteria would be that they would be

a FAITHFUL man of God. By faithful, that means going to church regularly, reading the Word Of God regularly, FOLLOWING the Word Of God ALWAYS and helping others become citizens of the Kingdom of God. Let me also be frank. While this process is going on, do NOT give in to the urgings of the flesh. The one thing that will cloud your mind fastest is allowing yourself to become physically yoked with the person before deciding if he IS the one. SAVE yourself for the one who deserves it and the only one is your God-sent husband. Let your wedding day be something special and to be remembered. A man who is of God will wait on his Proverbs 31 woman and will NOT want to do something that is against God’s Will. One more thing….while you’re seeing whether this person is the man God wants for you, work on making sure that you’re the woman of God that God wants for a man of God. Use the time to prune your life of anything that isn’t of God. Become that Proverbs 31 woman. I hope this has helped you and pray that the Lord will give you the desires of your heart that line up with His PURPOSE for you and His Will. Signed,Anonymous 

Ms. Lonely; After reading your story I was inspired to write this… I ain't mad, just sad, for the way it had to go. I guess you didn't realize how I loved you so. I will keep you in prayer, wherever your journey leads. I hope that in the memory of our love, there are still some fruitful seeds. My journey went a very long way to take me back to where I started ... and on some days, I wish we'd never parted. But I'm learning to trust in God's PURPOSE and WILL and am allowing the Lord of my Life to let destructive thoughts be killed. Signed, Just My Thoughts 

Responses to HOW WOULD YOU RATE ME? While in the salon I was reading Sarah magazine. I brought up the singles article on page 83 in the March edition. Some of the clients were very entertained by it. The conversation was complexed or should I say it was disagreements between two clients. The young man in the salon noted that there were not enough details given to figure out why she was single. He suggested that maybe she should think about having sex before marriage because of her age. He said this simply because if she's meeting guys her age more than likely someone at the age of 55 is not trying to wait on average a year to get married in order to become intimate. The young lady in the salon found the article very interesting and entertaining. She agreed that not enough facts were given to properly assess the situation. She also felt like maybe the lady should definitely find different friends to hang around that motivate her and make her feel good about who she is or has become. This client has been single for a while herself she felt like she could relate to the lady’s situation. I am the person that wrote HOW WOULD YOU RATE ME? In response to some of the comments, this is what I am saying: I’m single, I date, I have fun with my friends. Some of my friends are married, some are divorced. I have a very healthy single life. The reason I thought of How Would You Rate Me, is because sometimes people treat you like a credit score. If you are married your credit score is great! If you have been married and now divorced or widowed, your score is still good! When you have never been married and have no children, it seems like the world and some church folk say negative things about you. In every situation people give you ratings, but when it comes to my situation, I wonder what my rating would be. That’s how I thought of a credit rate. Now let’s start scoring... what would my score be…400 being the lowest 800 being the highest , will it be high or low??? Let’s see who will come out with the best credit.

SINGLE, MARRIED, OR DIVORCED, ..hope everyone be will honest.... (For the full article read the March edition Pg. 83) This Month’s Questions; SAVED OR UNSAVED…WRONG OR RIGHT? I am a single Christian woman. Like most of us single women I am looking or should I say waiting for Mr. Right. I consider myself to be attractive and very successful. My thing is that, being single and Christian, it’s hard to meet a good Christian man. So I have been dating men that are saved and not saved. I recently met a gentleman that I really like but he is not saved. I’m sure he likes me a lot as well. He treats me good and doesn’t have a problem with me going to church. He goes with me sometimes. I could see this relationship going to the next level, like marriage. The thing I struggle with is that other Christian friends and family are saying that it is wrong for me to be with a man that is not saved. I know about the scripture being unequally yoked. My question is…. Why Is It Wrong If This Man Is Treating Me Like A Queen? He respects me as a Christian, but he’s just not ready. If I continue as a Christian, won’t he eventually get saved by watching my life? Why is it so wrong if you have a man that is doing all the right things? Someone answer my questions, PLEASE! Signed, Saved With The Unsaved WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR RESPONSES.. Let’s keep the conversation going on all these questions. If you have a question, please send it to us. Remember you can remain anonymous.

Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

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