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Also Inside... Taking a Stand Against Bullying!

Pastor Terry and Lady Nancy West Restoration...Pass it Forward! Also featuring Mr. Keith & Mrs. Dorothy C. Collins Breast cancer awareness goes far beyond the month of October!


WERE BAAAACK!! Hello everyone; WERE BAAACK, after a well needed vacation and being able to spend time with my mom was Awesome! I got to see friends and family that I hadn’t seen in years. It was so much fun; it made it hard to get motivated to come back to work. My co-editor went on vacation to visit family and friends as well. We are rejuvenated and are coming at you full speed ahead! What a difference a vacation can make!  Did you enjoy our anniversary issue in August! Not meaning to toot my own horn, but I think that we did pretty good!! Did you take time to read all the inspiring featured stories? I pray that the articles encouraged you to move forward in whatever you’ve been struggling with. This is the purpose of Sarah of magazine, to show you that IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! As you read this month’s issue , you will see that we have a lot of new faces. Some of our regulars have taken some time off to take care of some things in their personal lives, nothing tragic it’s all good. Our wonderful writer Dameetrea Carr is now back in America after living in Africa for two years. She is taking time to readjust, but will be back in January. Renee Purdie took some time off as well, but will be back soon with her great business articles. Look forward to it, they will be back. I would like to take this time to welcome aboard some of our new faces, if I forget to mention your name, please forgive me. Just know that I am so elated to have you on board. In this issue we have young people speaking out against bullying. Demario Carr and Tianna Walker are two

Phenomenal young people, you must read their stories on how they are taking a stand against bullying. We also have Michelle Coe who is a parent taking a stand against bullying. We have Mr. and Mrs. Collins speaking on Breast Cancer. We have Psalmist Doris Stokes Knight who will be gracing our pages with her beautiful Black Pearls Articles. LaNette Kincaid this is a woman with many talents. People I could go on and on about all the new faces in Sarah. But before I stop I want my young people to know that we have two teens doing teen talk now. We know have on board Lady Zee who will be writing from Texas and of course will still have our very own Alexys who is writing from Tucson. Sarah magazine is full this month with a little something for everyone. In closing, I would like to tell you a little about the beautiful couple on the cover. They are my pastors, and I love them dearly. These two represent what a Pastor and first lady should be. As you read their story you will see. I wanted them to write more  but they shared enough to let you know that they practice what they preach. As we all know, October is breast cancer awareness month. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t wait until it’s too late to get yourself check out. As you read this edition of Sarah, please take time to contact the people and let them know what you thought of their articles. Last thing…coming in December, we are featuring Young people doing extraordinary things. We have some Awesome young men and ladies that will be featured in Sarah. If you have a child or know someone that is doing something great, let us know and we will put them in Sarah. Our title will be.. I AM NOT TOO YOUNG TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE!

I hope you enjoy all that we have to offer. Thank you to all of you who continue to read and support Sarah magazine. I appreciate you!

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

22. HARVEST FESTIVAL 2014 Sunshine Ministries


90. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr.

IS NOW- Dr. Ethel James


COMMUNITY BAR-B-QUELighthouse Church International



11. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-Leach

16. BLACK PEARLS- Psalmist D.

with Dr. James





26. NUGGETS THAT NUTURE – Elder Vaughn Price


48. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw


64. WHAT NOT TO WEAR – LaNette Kincaid


30. JASMINE THOMAS- Brigandis Inc.

42. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS -With Dianna Urfavstylist



Charles Campbell

47. R.I.P 88. WHOUTER!

44. HEALTH COURAGE & LOVE –By Calvinia Williams

69. Brigandis







4. Welcome 9. Breast Cancer 31. Subscribe 87. Coming In December! 92. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine 93. Together Breast Cancer

Encouragement Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

This month’s Encouragement will be a testimony from a friend of mine. I met her a couple of years ago at a beauty school here in town. She was a teacher who instructed student’s practicing on clients, of which I was one. I always looked at her as being spunky and full of life. Every time I would see her, she would give me a big smile and we would embrace. During her transition at the beauty school, we would talk a little before my appointment. I noticed that the big smile was not there anymore. She was unhappy, so our embrace would lead to encouraging words and another embrace before my appointment. This very special lady has a big testimony that I wanted to share with the readers of SARAH. What she endured is nothing new because we have all experienced it at one time or another. But her dark days taught her so much that the big smile is coming back! God has led her to this point where she cannot contain her new light! This beacon’s name is Renee, which in Latin means “rebirth.” Her “rebirth” is this month’s Encouragement. I love you Renee and you keep shining your light for everyone to see!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

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Kingdom Pastor * Worship Arts Educator * Worship Leader * Psalmist * Author * National Recording Artist * Anointed Preacher/ Speaker of the Gospel

in order to be as effective for the Lord’s use as possible. Helping students to study the history of the music ministry was introduced initially through her ONLINE Worship Arts Workshop classes.

Her popular ONLINE Worship Arts Workshops are now being presented DORIS STOKES in book format through the “Praise & KNIGHT is the Worship Unleashed” Book Series as a Founder, President means to continue furthering the Kingdom’s & CEO of Black advancement in the area of worship arts Pearl Enterprises by reaching the masses through written & 1 Voice Music Ministries and Doris publication as well as diverse media outlets worldwide. “It is my purpose and prayer Stokes Knight Ministries. Psalmist Doris (as she is known) is an Ordained Kingdom to help those serving in the worship arts to know in order for them to be effective in what Pastor, Anointed Psalmist, National they do, they MUST BE Anointed and called Recording Artist, Gifted Songwriter/ into their area of service and they must have Producer, Gospel Stage Play Actress, basic Biblical knowledge of the area they Playwright, Gospel Publication Columnist are serving in. This will make them to be a and BEST SELLING INSPIRATIONAL greater asset to their local assemblies and Author with over 20 years ministry Pastor.” experience to her credit. Psalmist Doris is a 2010 SIX TIME I Hear Music in the Throughout her ministerial career, Psalmist Air Conference “People’s Choice Award Doris has been blessed to share stages Winner” for her “live” CD project, “Praise with some of the Gospel industry’s finest & Worship Unleashed!” including: Israel Houghton, Marvin Sapp, Her passion as a Kingdom Educator is to the late Dr. Charles Fold, Karen Clark Sheard, empower and enlighten those that serve in Cece Winans, Mom Winans, Vickie Winans, diverse areas of the worship arts ministry Elder Carnell Murrell, Bishop Rance Allen, in their local assemblies, by helping them Father Hayes, J. Moss, Deitrick Hadden, to know and understand their craft, operate Men of Standard, Fred Hammond, Minister in it in excellence and integrity and fully Earl Bynum, Phillip Carter, Apostle Ronnie comprehend the ministry in which they serve “Diamond” Hoard as well as many others and has served as background vocalist for

Mainstream Recording Artists: Dorinda Clark Cole, Byron Cage and Karen Clark Sheard. She previously served as Worship Leader for the annual I Hear Music in the Air Conference for five (5) consecutive years, is a member of the National Praise Team for the GMWA (Gospel Music Workshop of America Convention) and has facilitated over 60 Worship Arts Workshops in service to helping those that serve in the music ministries of their local church. She currently sits on a weekly Worship Leaders’ Roundtable panel ONLINE (hosted by music industry insider Larry W. Robinson) with other prominent Worship Leaders from around the country where they help develop, assist and empower those that serve in any area of the Worship Arts Ministry. This BEST SELLING INSPIRATIONAL AUTHOR for her “Dynamic Duo” Book Series has been featured on the 31st Season of “Bobby Jones Gospel” on the BET Network, the “Dorinda” Show with Hostess, Dorinda Clark Cole, “I’m Just Sayin’ with Pastor Dan Willis (BOTH featured on the TCT Network), “Bobby Jones Presents...” when it aired on The Word Network now seen on the Impact Network and on the TBN Network’s “Backstage Pass” and “The Allstate Gospel Super Fest” as well as the “The Dr. Belinda Scott Show” on the WORD Network in promotions of her “Dynamic Duo” Book Series release. She is currently serving as Hostess for a local television program in the Cincinnati area called: The Praise Television Ministry Hour presents…“Another Way to Praise” where she showcases local ministries and minority owned small businesses in the area. Pastor Doris also authors a column entitled “Black Pearls” that is currently being carried

in several popular Gospel publications where she encourages her readers to “LIVE THE LIFE” of praise and worship instead of viewing this ministry from the perspective of a specific time shared weekly at their local assembly (church). “It’s important to teach the Body of Christ the importance of living or walking out in our daily lives what we are professing through the songs we sing and the instruments we play.” Psalmist attended Wilberforce University earning her under graduate secular studies in Organizational Management. She holds both a Master’s Degree in Christian Education & Church Administration from International Apostolic University as well as a Doctorate of Worship Arts & Sacred Music. Pastor Doris was Ordained as a Kingdom Pastor under the Anointed ministry of the late Apostle Eunique Collier, of Christ Image Church in Cincinnati, Ohio and now serves under Apostle Jerome McIntosh, Sr. Pastor of God’s Vision Kingdom Ministries of Cincinnati, OH. She is a Mother and happily married to music industry veteran Bruce Knight who serves as her best friend, confidant and Manager. For Bookings, Interviews and Personal Appearances, please Contact: Bruce Knight, Management for Pastor (Psalmist) Doris Stokes Knight Email: Phone: (313) 207-5786 (Office)

Black Pearls by

Psalmist Doris Stokes Knight “What’s Reflecting In YOUR Mirror?” While I understand that we all have our faults and DO fall short in different areas in our lives, do any of us even think about anymore that our lives are to be a REFLECTION of Christ so others may see it? We are to be “living epistles” according to scripture of what we say we believe. In other words, the lives we live in public should be the SAME LIFE that is reflected in private by the God we say we serve. Even Christ Himself, when He walked in his ministry on earth, He was careful not to do ANYTHING that would cast a distortion on Who His Father was that sent Him. He prayed to the Father about EVERYTHING and followed His lead. Although it’s unfortunate, I expect unsavory behavior from those who may not know Christ or haven’t accepted Him as their Savior; that’s understandable to me. The issue I’m having is with those

that are supposed to be holding up the banner for Christ. A lot of times people feel as if they’re not interested in giving their life to the Lord because they will lose out on having any fun in their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is NOTHING Biblically that states we as Believers can’t incorporate fun into our lives; as long as it’s clean and doesn’t bring reproach. I think what the question becomes is: “What are we calling FUN?” Social media has definitely broadened our world and allowed us to see a different aspect of people’s lives. It’s like a window that has been opened where there are those that absolutely use a foolish “No Holds Barred” approach to letting everybody in on all of their personal business. This is VERY unwise and immature. Learn how to use some Holy Ghost restraint when it comes to utilizing the conveniences of online sharing. I think most (including myself) enjoy sharing wedding pictures, their children’s accomplishments, their own accomplishments, family reunion pics, new babies being born, etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and

WHO doesn’t celebrate those events?....we ALL do. But when it comes to some of the conversations, pictures, activities and behaviors I’ve been witnessing (especially as of late) it’s a wonder if ANYONE will take us seriously who are “all in” for the cause of Christ.

be reflective of the God you are “saying” you serve. Is running others reputations down considered “fun” to you? Is making others the back end of jokes behind their backs “fun”? How about telling others “off”, cursing others out, lying, telling others business…is this now supposed to be considered the NEW standard of “FUN” of this generation? None of these are characteristic of God in any way and satan is sitting back having a GREAT laugh at how he’s using some people with a technology that could be so useful to us, AGAINST US through the pure ignorance of misuse and in some cases… abuse. Only YOU are responsible for your own actions and behaviors. The reason our children are so out of control on social media is because they see the adults acting no wiser, no better and no more mature. So in their minds, they must think, “it’s o.k. to do”

To me, social media is kind of like a mirror into the lives of others. What you post is a reflection of who you are. This isn’t to say everything you share has to be a scripture or a sermon, that’s not it either and is unrealistic. But what is important is what your pictures, statuses and conversations ARE saying to others. You know, my Mom use to always say to me, “Be careful because people are watching and paying attention to you even if you THINK they aren’t.” And she is absolutely RIGHT. The platform of social media makes the “watching” even more apparent because you yourself are the one putting your personal information on “front street.” You can’t quote scriptures in one status and cuss out How do you know that the courage you everyone in the next expecting others to show NOT joining in with the “circus” to take you and your faith seriously. help destroy another’s reputation online may be the very thing someone needs to You can’t say how much you love Jesus see in order for them to KNOW you’re in one status but the last pictures you different than everyone else. It may be the posted you were drunk, dancing on bar little push they need in order to be led to tops half naked and “twerking”. You the Lord. It may be the encouragement CANCEL OUT your own witness by they seek to be a little better than they allowing the tool of social media to speak may have been previously. Remember for you in a negative manner. Please be this: EXAMPLES STAND OUT among mindful, especially those of us that say we the crowd (good or bad); you decide are representatives of the Body of Christ which one you want to be. of what you’re sharing. As a reminder: social media platforms are for public I know it’s tight but it’s right and if this view and consumption and how they can only help ONE PERSON, then I feel may be perceived or received may not what God has asked me to write will have

done its work to try and help make us all better. The things you willfully place on social media are there to STAY, forever. So a record about you is being made whether you’re aware of that or not. God loves you and His desire for all of us that claim Him is to be BETTER and more effective witnesses for the Kingdom. Not a reproach or a joke that hinders others from finding out Who He truly is. The Book of Acts is a powerful written record/account of the ascension of Christ into Heaven and the entrance of The Holy Spirit into the earth realm as He was released to empower God’s people. It references stories from the lives and ministries of the Apostle Paul and the Disciples. The Book of Acts has 28 Chapters in it. When your life is all said and done, what will your “Acts 29th Chapter” say about you? REFLECTION…~Selah I’m lovin’ you to life! Pastor (Psalmist) Doris Stokes Knight is: President & CEO of Doris Stokes Knight Ministries. An Ordained Kingdom Pastor, Author, Psalmist, Worship Leader, Worship Arts Workshop Facilitator, Recording Artist, Songwriter & Gospel Stage Play Actress Email: Websites: (On Twitter) DorisStokesKnightMinistriesPage (On Facebook) © Copyright Protected: BPE Word Publishing No part of this article may be copied or used without express written permission from its owner.


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Sunshine Ministries, Inc. 2145 South Sahuara Avenue Tucson, Arizona 85711

Approximately twenty-eight (28) years ago, Constance Wills started an activity for kids in her parents’ backyard when her daughter was one year old. The event was called the Fall Pinata and Costume Party. Two years later, the party outgrew the back yard and had to be moved to a larger facility. Over the years, the Tucson Fire Department, Pima County Public Health Nursing, Arizona National Guard, KARE (Kinship and Adoption Resource and Education), the Red Cross, Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Tucson, and others have hosted booths providing health and safety information. The late Bishop William O. Wills, Jr., served as the event announcer and disc jockey, playing popular Christian tunes, acknowledging the community donors, and announcing the numerous festival activities, which include pinata breaking, kiddie train rides, jumping castle, games, face painting, guest artists, and local clowns who twist balloon sculptures. He encouraged the participants to visit all of the public service information booths. Elder Martha Wills is the event coordinator and is responsible for linking the local businesses, non-profit groups, and on-site events into a cohesive, smooth running exercise by bringing all of the various pieces together.

Festival Activities Coordinator Constance Wills sets the schedule of activities (e.g. train rides, face painting, pinata breaking,, jumping castle, games) according to age groups, ensures that all participants receive candy, and distributes letters for volunteers who wish to earn credit for community hours served. The Fall Festival Costume and Pinata Party is a Christian outreach geared to make positive changes in the lives of our youth.

“Investing in People, One Life at a Time” October 1, 2014 Twenty-eight (28) years ago, Connie, our daughter, started an activity in our backyard, when her daughter was one year old. This event is called the Annual Community Outreach Fall Festival Pinata and Costume Party, and is held each October around Halloween. The purpose is to provide a safe environment for children to have fun and to receive goodies without having to go out into the streets and from house to house. After two (2) years, the party out grew the backyard and had to be moved to a larger facility. That new facility is Sunshine Training Center. The pinata party has now grown to a carnival atmosphere, which has attracted the attention of businesses, county and city officials, educators and friends, who provide some resources. This year’s event will be held October 26, 2014, from 3:00-7:00 pm, at Sunshine Training Center, 2145 South Sahuara Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85711. We expect to exceed the more than 800 that attended last year. All the activities including rides, games, and food are free. I hope you will be able to assist us with this event. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at (520) 790-0866 or email Martha T. Wills Event Coordinator

Nuggets That Nurture The R.E.A.L. Change We Can Believe In Elder V. William Price Malachi 3:6 – Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and for ever (KJV) Jesus Christ, the Messiah [is always] the same yesterday, today, [yes] and forever --to the ages (AMP) Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. (NKJV) In the world today we have so many fake and imitation things, people, politicians, foods, drinks and so call reality television shows that do not represent “reality” by no stretch of the imagination. We have synthetic or artificial diamonds, cubic zirconium which looks like a diamond, but cost a fraction of a real diamond. What about artificial sweeteners? When I was a child all we knew was white sugar and brown sugar, now you have all kinds of artificial sweeteners that are supposed to be good for you, but it turns out they are worse than sugar. Back in the day we who could not afford a real leather jacket, wore pleather jackets; it looked like leather but was made of plastic. Yet we settle for the imitation because the real deal is too hard to find, or too difficult to hold on to. I have found one thing in this world to be real for me and that is Jesus!

Jesus has not, cannot, and will not change with the wind. He still saves, He still heals, and YES He still loves us. What or who can separate us from the Love of God? Nothing and no one! Not even ourselves. No matter what you did twenty years ago, twenty days ago, twenty minutes ago HE STILL LOVES YOU! (Romans 8:35-39) Let’s look at the acronym R.E.A.L.

RELEVANT Many people think the Bible is out of touch with the world we live in, but the human condition is found in the Bible. Technology has changed over the centuries, but the Bible is still the same for mankind. For every problem we face the Bible has an answer. Man has two problems: sin and death, and Jesus is the answer for both. He died for our sins so that we would live for all eternity with Him and our Heavenly Father. Need money? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills – Psalm 50:10 The Earth is the Lord’s – Psalm 24:1; 1 Corinthians 10:16 He will supply our needs according to His riches in glory – Philippians 4:19 Need hope? Christ is the hope of glory - Colossians 1:27 Need Love? God so loved you He gave His only Begotten son – John: 3:16 He loves us with an everlasting love, a love that will never change and there is

nothing NO THING that can separate us from His Love - Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:36-37 Are you lonely? He said he would never leave you nor forsake you – Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:15 He said call on me and I will answer you - Psalm 91:15 Need rest? He will give you rest, He will lift your burdens – Matthew 11:28 You can rest in Him – Psalm 3:5; Psalm 37:3 Need peace? He is the Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6 He will give you perfect peace – Isaiah 26:3 He gives peace, not as the world does – John 14:27 We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus – Romans 5:1 Are you hungry or thirsty? And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst – John 6:35

ETERNAL / EVERLASTING Whoever believes on Him shall live have everlasting life - John 3:16 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day – John 6:54 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him - John 3:36 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that

believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live - John 11:25 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? John 11:26 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent – John 17:3 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord – Romans 6:23 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life – 1 John 2:25

ARTICULABLE This means we can talk about the reality of Jesus in our lives. Doubters and non-believers can and will argue theology and religion all day, BUT they cannot talk you out of your testimony!! Articulable is a VERB – it means to utter clearly and distinctly; pronounce with clarity. In other words; the ability to articulate or talk plainly and simply. You ought to be telling somebody about the change Jesus made in your life. You have been tested, you have a testimony. Your life has been a mess, now Jesus has cleaned it and you up and YOU have a message. You were a wreck and your life was totaled and you have been recreated, restored, made new by the creator. I always enjoyed the television show Pimp My Ride where they would take beat up cars, vans, and trucks and restore them and make them better than they were originally. Guess what! Jesus did the same thing for us when we said yes to Him and asked Him to come into our lives!! He has made us better than we were before we met Him.

Peter declares that, “We should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” – 1 Peter 2:9 Let’s take a look at Psalm 63:3-5, the Psalmist says, “My lips shall praise thee” (V3), “Thus I will bless you while I live, I will lift up my hands in your name” (V4) “My mouth shall praise you with joyful lips” (V5) He is not necessarily talking about singing a praise, but rather speaking a praise. When you have time look at the following scriptures in Psalms and study them and see what they say to you. Psalms 66:8 & 17, 71:8, 71:24, 75:1, 79:13, 84:4, 109:30, 111:1, 145:27,10,11,21.

LIFE IMPROVING Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! A freed life is indeed a better life! Christ paid our debt. [Paid off car] Freedom is being released from servitude to life of enjoyment and satisfaction. We are freed from sin and death in Christ to live a life that is enjoyable, satisfying and pleasing to God. Christ came that we would live life more abundantly (Greek) PER-IS-SOS (over and above, more than is necessary, superadded) John 10:10 The people who know God shall be strong (Hebrew) KHAW-ZAK (courageous, be firm, be resolute) and do (Hebrew) AAW-SAW (accomplish, to acquire (property), to appoint, ordain, to attend to, put in order, to institute) exploits - Daniel 11:32 Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly PER-IS-SOS (something further, more, superior, extraordinary, surpassing), above all

that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us - Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) Jesus improved our lives and made us overcomers! We are overcomers and we overcome by blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony! Revelations 12:11. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? – 1 John 5:5 I know life and the world throws all kinds of things at us to wear us down: situations, problems, issues and trouble but God’s Word reminds us that we overcome them. It may not “feel” like it all the time but we have. The enemy of our souls keeps trying us because he has not gotten the memo that says WE WIN!! Remember what John said, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 Greater is the Jesus in you than the hell bound devil coming against you! In him (Christ) was life; and the life was the light of men (John 1:4). In Christ we have Life, R.E.A.L. and genuine, a life that is active and vigorously devoted to God, blessed, and that will last forever. So the next time the haters and doubters get in your face, just quote John P. Kee and tell them, “Jesus is R.EA.L. I know the Lord is R.E.A.L. to me!!” Jesus is Relevant, Eternal, Articulable and Life Improving to ME!!

Elder V. William Price is an ordained minister serving at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Terry West and Apostolic covering of Apostle Jesse West II. He currently serves as the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International providing vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. He is also the Pastor of the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Gospel Service. He has a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and a Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University. He has a vision and is driven to be a blessing to the body of Christ. He strives to encourage, edify, and challenge the body of Christ to worship, live, think, and prosper as the Bible says we can and should through anointed teaching, preaching, and by being a living example of scriptural truths.

Elder Vaughn Price

Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

An Introduction to our Featured Story... Our cover story is the Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona. Senior Pastor Terry West and First Lady Nancy West are the church leadership of the staff of SARAH Magazine. This man and woman of God have been chosen as the cover story because of their love and dedication to The Kingdom. They show their agape love to anyone and everyone they meet. They are easy to talk to and transparent in their lives. Their demeanor is not one of superiority, but one of humbleness and servitude. Church titles and positions are not as important as your dependability and performance in excellence. The Light of God shines on their faces and they want His light to shine brighter in each of us! With great pride and love, SARAH Magazine presents‌

Pastor Terry and First Lady Nancy West

And finally fall in love with God and His people. Ministry is like an iceberg, what everyone sees is just the tip, but hidden underneath the surface is what it’s all about.

: y r o t S d e r u t a e F Our

SARAH Magazine: What encouraging words would you say to that woman who is about to be a First Lady.

Lady Nancy: Love your people and just be yourself!

Pastor Terry and First Lady Nancy West

Reconciliation Pastor Terry E. West

2 Corinthians 5:17-19 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have 18 become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given 19 us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.


hen we read this passage of scripture, we are comforted. We think about how we once were lost and now found. We are inspired by this passage to tell the lost that they too can find God’s amazing grace and be saved. The word reconciliation in the Greek is ‎katallage (kat-al-lag-ay’); exchange i.e. restoration to (the divine) favor: atonement, reconciliation (-ing). It carries the idea of being brought back to an original state or to be restored back to its original intent. We know that man was made perfect and that man was originally made to fellowship

and to serve his creator. We all accept and appreciate that through God’s free gift of grace is afforded by the Cross of Calvary. Where our Lord Jesus the Christ gave Himself the only sacrifice acceptable to God the Father and thus bringing a “reconciling” for those who believe back to covenant relation with God and His Kingdom. But what about the fallen saint? What about the Minister, Pastor, Teacher, Warrior who, because of an attack, has become wounded in this warfare? He/she has been alienated behind enemy lines, wounded with adultery, wounded with corruption, wounded with sin of some kind. Once a mighty warrior, now left as a shadow of his or her formal self; once revered and loved, now shunned and cast aside as a worn out garment no longer loved, appreciated or even wanted… They are fully aware of the sin, the failure, and the temptation and through their own choice, took a bite of the forbidden fruit. They are fully aware of the lives hurt, disappointed, and betrayed. They are fully aware of the pain they caused to the innocent and to themselves. Hating themselves for what they

did, but cannot find a way back to safety.

reconciliation” is given to?

Yes, I ask the question… What about those people?

But you don’t know what they have done; true I do not, nor do I know what you have done, but God does. The scripture says in 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us,* not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

It is so easy to sit back in our chair of condemnation and look down at them and say, well it was their decision, and they get what they deserve! They made their bed, now they can sleep in it! After all, they preached to others, they knew better, they should have just made better choices. So we close our eyes to the need. After all, are there not those who have never knew the love of God that we should be more concerned about? 18

Let’s look at the scripture again… Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given 19 us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

The word “longsuffering” in the Greek is ‎makrothumeo (mak-roth-oo-meh’-o); to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: - bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure. It carries the idea of patiently waiting, non- condemningly while waiting for one to come to the truth or change. And are we not glad that God is longsuffering toward us! Amen and Amen.

The problem is that we have categorized sin and have chosen what sins are more Let’s look at it in the Amplified version – palatable than others. But in 18 But all things are from God, Who through God’s eyes, sin Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received is sin. Let’s us into favor, brought us into harmony with look at some Himself] and gave to us the ministry of scripture for perspective… reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Proverbs 6:16-20 These six things the Lord Him]. 19 It was God [personally present] in hates, Christ, reconciling and restoring the world Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: to favor with Himself, not counting up and 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, holding against [men] their trespasses [but Hands that shed innocent blood, cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, favor). 19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. So who are we to choose who the “word of

Yep, 80% of the regular church folk fall into pride, lying, evil or wicked desires, feet swiftly running into wrong, false witness (gossip) and discord, the old he said she said stuff… 1 Samuel 15:22-23 Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. We will point the self righteous finger at the fallen preacher and all the while being disobedient to God, His Word and our Leaders that God has put to watch over our souls. God sees it as our willful participation in witchcraft. Wow! But remember, He is longsuffering toward us… not the evil fallen preacher… Pretty clear isn’t it… And one more… John 8:7-8 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up* and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

so fulfill the law of Christ. The word restore in the Greek is k ‎ atartizo (kat-ar-tid’-zo); to complete thoroughly, i.e. repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: - fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect (-ly join together), prepare, restore. Again the idea is to repair, as to set a broken bone, to mend, to be a part of the healing process, with the goal of getting them back to their former stature, place or position. Many denominations have a “so-called” restoration program which makes the fallen person have to be humiliated and pay some form of penance in order to show their repentance and then if the fall wasn’t to bad i.e. divorce, they can be placed back into a semblance of the ministry. But of course disqualified from any high position because, after all, we can no longer trust them. And still others have no program that leaves the fallen to grovel and never be restored. Still others just overlook the sin and the person doesn’t even have to be sorry for the act, but only for getting caught and no true repentance and no true restoration will take place.

Let me be clear. In order for any true restoration to take place, there has to be true Godly sorrow that leads to true repentance. Which, in turn, will cause to fallen to come Ok, so we get the point. What do I do with the to a place of humility before God and man, fallen warrior? What does the scriptures say thus allowing the regarding the one who once was strong and Holy Spirit and the now fallen? Church to receive them back and 1 Galatians 6:1-2 Brethren, if a man is start the recovery overtaken in any trespass, you who are process. How long? I spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of believe it is different gentleness, considering yourself lest you also for every person. 2 be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and Remember, God

works on and the Holy Spirit works in us to bring restoration. If it takes a year so be it. If it takes longer, so be it. Also let us remember not every person has to be removed from their post, some do, but some do not. For me, after my fall and divorce, it took 8 almost 9 years to be restored. In my church upbringing, once you divorced you were totally disqualified from service. The reasons it took so long was that and the struggle I had forgiving myself. Honestly, if it was not for my Pastor, Apostle Jesse West II, I would not be here today. But through his love for me and his longsuffering with me, slowly reconciliation took place. When the time came, he turned the church over to me and my wife, Nancy.


hat a mighty God we serve! Praise Him! Glorify His Holy Name! So now it is my calling, it is my desire, as the first born in this ministry, so to speak. It is my hunger to bring reconciliation and restoration to every fallen pastor, preacher, teacher, to every fallen warrior God will allow me to help. I cry out from the roof tops, to all the ministers that are wandering in a place of shame, a place of torment, a place of self loathing, the place of despair. God’s call is still in effect and He says let My Spirit, let My Light, let My Love bring you back, back to the place you were and are called to be! It’s time for you to come home! Welcome home! Let’s get you well, let’s get you

healed, and let’s get you restored! Don’t let it take as long as it was for me. Remember God is a miracle worker! Amen.

By Pastor Terry E. West Senior Pastor Lighthouse Church International Tucson, Arizona

SARAH Magazine: Pastor Terry, where were you born and raised? Pastor Terry: I was born in Santa Monica, California. One of five boys, no sisters, we were quite rambunctious and a challenge to our parents. We moved to Santa Ana in Orange County when I was in 4th grade and grew up there. My parents both worked several jobs in order for us to live in a nice house, so we were latch key kids. It wasn’t until I was grown that I recognized the great sacrifices’ my parents made for us. SARAH Magazine: And Lady Nancy, where were you born and raised? Lady Nancy: I was born and raised in Tucson, Az. SARAH Magazine: Pastor Terry, how was God introduced into your life by your parents? Pastor Terry: My Dad got saved in our living room one summer night when Mom was at work and all us kids were spending the night at a friends house. My Dad had stomach problems and surgery was eminent. He started reading the Bible and told the Lord that night that if He would heal him, he would serve Christ the rest of his life. God took him up on that offer and he was instantly healed! My father fell on his face before the Lord and was marvelously saved. Later that morning, my Mom came home from work and my dad told her what happened. She in turn accepted Christ as well. It was through the bus ministry at the Westminster Church of God coming to our house (that next morning) we started going to church and the rest is as they say, history! SARAH Magazine: How did that introduction affect your life? Pastor Terry: When we started going to

church, I got involved in the youth ministry, Sunday School and it wasn’t long before I gave my heart to the Lord. SARAH Magazine: As a child, Lady Nancy, were you raised in the church? If so, what influences did it have on your life today? Lady Nancy: I was confirmed a Roman Catholic, but was not practicing. I really did not know the Lord until I married my husband and dedicated my life when we came to LCI. SARAH Magazine: How did you meet Pastor Terry? Lady Nancy: We met at work in California. SARAH Magazine: What are some personal struggles that you endured and overcame? Lady Nancy: We had blended family issues and ageing parents. SARAH Magazine: Ok, back to you, Pastor Terry. When did you know that God called you into the ministry? Pastor Terry: We had several Holy Ghost revivals at the church that introduced me to the anointing and power of God. At 15 years old, I began to feel the tug in my heart. I preached my first sermon to adults at 16 years of age. SARAH Magazine: What area of ministry are you most passionate about?

Pastor Terry: Of course we should all be passionate about winning souls to Christ! The second area has always been encouraging ministers. I have a burden to reach hurting and fallen ministers for reconciliation and restoration. SARAH Magazine: As the new First Lady of Lighthouse Church International, are there any ministries that are special to you? Lady Nancy: The feeding ministry and greeters ministries I love. I believe the greatest thing is just being a servant to our Lord! SARAH Magazine: How long were you a member of Lighthouse Church International before you were “pushed out” to leadership? Pastor Terry: We were members here for about one year until God pressured me to help, so I felt I would be safe to usher and that’s all! However, God’s plan always supersedes ours. Three years later, my pastor, Apostle Jesse West, asked me to enroll in our ministers training program and, after completion, he appointed me a staff pastor of the church! SARAH Magazine: As the newly installed Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Church International, what do you proposed is the mission or direction you are leading the church towards? Pastor Terry: I believe it is my mandate by scripture

to do as it is proclaimed in Ephesians 4:1113 “ 11And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, 12 and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of 13 Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; It is my obligation to train and equip Gods children to be and to do His ministry. Not just pulpit ministry, but out in the world, in the streets, at the PTA, in the grocery store. Ministry is to be God’s hands at work to win the lost and encourage the saints. SARAH Magazine: The theme for Lighthouse is based on Matthew 9:38, “2014 A Year of Harvest”. What does this mean to you? Lady Nancy: I realize more every day that people are lost and hurting. We have to reach them at all costs! SARAH Magazine: What would you say to that young man or woman that feels they have been called into the ministry? Pastor Terry: If you feel the call, get busy! Clean the church, scrub toilets, cut the grass, be available for anything asked of you no matter how small. Ministry is serving and if we can’t serve, we can’t minister. Develop a good prayer life, read the Bible and be faithful to church attendance as well as paying your tithe. “Gotta have skin in the game!” Don’t promote yourself because God will promote you.

Pastor Terry’s Installation Service as Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Church International

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Elder Vaughn Price

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist

By Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette

Beyoncé's honey blonde hair is always beautiful! As beautiful as it may be I'm sure her hairstylist (Kim Kimble) takes many things into consideration before risking the integrity of her hair. It is crucial that when considering a lighter hair color you weigh out your options carefully and with much thought. You must be aware that most chemical services take away from the strength of your hair and weakens it. How weak are you willing to make your hair to achieve your Beyoncé blonde? Here are some interesting considerations that should be taken before coloring your hair. A. It is always best to seek out the help of a professional hairstylist when considering hair color. Store-bought color does a great job of giving instructions but every box doesn't give the same results to everyone. At the least get a consultation so you know what to expect. B. After a haircolor there is no room for slackers! It is mandatory to have a regular hair regimen that keeps your hair hydrated and healthy. Regular deep conditions and protecting your hair is going to be a must. C. Remember hair color is a chemical that may weaken your hair.

Gentleness is required after a color service. That means minimizing the use of heat tools and wrapping your hair up at night. If you feel comfortable enough to rock Beyoncé blonde I say go for it! As a consequence of your new hair color, you may have to put a little more time and effort into your hair care. You may have to get creative with styling your hair to avoid heated tools. You may need to deep condition your hair every other week. You may spend more time and money with your hairstylist for maintenance every 4 to 8 weeks. You may have to change your lifestyle if it will protect your hair. If you’re up to the challenge, you now have the knowledge that it takes to take care of blonde colored hair. If you have the willingness to do what it takes to maintain this tone then more power to you! If not then I suggest you just try a blonde weave! Get your hair color or weave at Melvira's Hair Studio in Tucson Arizona. Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic. SPECIAL OFFER!! SAVE $$$ Mention this article and receive $20 off your visit at Melvira's Hair Studio. NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY!!

Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Melvira’s Hair Studio 7090 North Oracle Rd. Suite 80, Studio 6 Tucson, Az. 85704 520.409.8837 Dianna Urfavstylist & Mary Kay Consultant

Community Outreach Bar-B-Que

FREE CLOTHES, FREE SHOES, FREE FOOD Hamburgers, Hot dogs, chips, drinks and dessert Time: 10:30 am Everyone is welcome, free for all Any questions or for more details. Contact Dorothy Dixon at 520-867-1275

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH INTERNATIONAL 2568 N. Palo Verde Blvd Tucson, AZ 85747 Terry E. West, Senior Pastor

It seems our society has forgotten the cure; Matthew 5:1-12; now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, 2and He began to teach them, saying: 3

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Life brings a variety of pitfalls some good some bad. How do you have the courage to continue when you are empty? Your mind sets the tone for confusion with limited amount of correct thoughts. The game of repeat the same scene is played 24/7. Where is God in all of this? Who do I trust when the doctors bring back the news that you may not want to hear. Where is the hope in fear? Unable to confirm right from wrong we just exist. As a child we played the star game “the first star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. We truly believed that wishes come true. But the deeper source of the wishing game is a greater foundation called God.


Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled. 7

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy. 8

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Why is it that all hate and lies are being fabricated every second just to make the issue seem real? Is unrighteous part of the constitution? It seems we as God’s children should understand that our beloved father in heaven gave his only begotten son for our salvation. If we would all take a minute of our day to say thank you father for all you have given me the healing would begin. Every month I ask God for the right words to share with our readers around the globe give me the insight to say print the right words of encouragement. Take time to be there for someone this month! Stay In Love

Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/ Founder Lupus of Nevada, Inc.

Rest In Peace R.I.P. App for Andriod Smartphones

Allows users to create a memory reminder of a family member, friend or even a pet who has died. Users can upload a photo, voice recording or song and a video of the person or pet. Set a specific date (A Favorite Holiday, Date of Birth or Date of Death) to get a reminder notification and on that day, the Rest In Peace App will display the a picture, play a song or recording or a video. We all have lost someone very dear to us and for just $1.99, you can honor and cherrish their memory forever.

COOKING WITH J.C Pulled pork tacos with black beans 3-4 lbs. Pork Shoulder Roast Roast RUB 1 tbsp. Olive Oil Rub all over your pork roast. In a bowl add…. 1 tsp. Paprika 1 Package of Taco Seasoning mix 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 tsp. Onion Powder ½ tsp. Salt 1 can Black Beans Mix all seasonings together. Rub your mixture on your Roast. DO NOT ADD BLACK BEANS YET! Place the Roast in a roast pan, add 2 ½ cups of water, Cover with foil and let cook for 2 hours. Once done, let roast cool. Once your roast has cooled pull it apart. It should be tender and the meat should separate easily. Continue until the meat is shredded. Drain and add the black beans to your shredded meat.

Cont. Purchase a pack of Corn Tortillas In a large skillet add ¼ cup of oil and heat over medium heat. Fill your corn tortillas with your shredded meat mixture. Add shredded cheddar cheese place your tacos in the hot oil and fry on both sides. Place on paper towels to get rid of excess oil. While still hot, Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, top with your favorite Salsa and fresh cilantro. (note: the black beans are optional, you can serve them on the side instead of in the meat.

COOKING WITH J.C cont. Cont. Spanish rice 2 tsp. of Olive or Canola Oil. In a large skillet. Pour in 1 cup of White Rice. Fry until light brown. Add in … 1 ½ cup of water 1tbsp. Tomato Paste 1 package of Taco Seasoning mix Put all ingredients in, cover, cook until done. Orange orange kool aide I pitcher of water 1package Orange Kool Aide 2 oranges Sugar- according to package directions Squeeze the juice of one of the oranges in the Kool Aide. Wash and slice the other orange and add them to your drink. Easy dessert Whatever fresh fruits are in season cut them up place them in a bowl, chill and top with Whip Cream or Ice Cream

(Pictures shown are not actual recipe)

Another yummy meal to serve your family…..

Connect With J.C On Facebook

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4

Mr. Keith & Mrs. Dorothy C. Collins

Breast cancer awareness goes far beyond the month of October. Mr. Collins and his wife Dorothy C. Collins will be in Sarah magazine on a monthly basis to educate both women and men on how important it is to perform monthly Breast Self-Exams and have regular yearly Breast Health exams, Mammograms, MRI. Ultrasound, Thermography. Read the interview that was done by PATRICIA RIVERA OF BRONZE MAGAZINE IN 2010. Mr. Collins shares his journey when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. We reposted the actual interview.

Interview with Keith Collins: A Husband’s Unconditional Love and Support

Keith and Dorothy Collins

Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. was founded by SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA, on behalf of his beautiful ‘SHERO’, Mrs. Dorothy C. Collins. This organization was founded as a support group in January, 2007, after his wife completed her treatment for Stage II Breast Cancer. After the first week in existence, the group had 40 family members, six months later it grew to over 700. Exactly one year later, the group was blessed to grow to over 1100 family members. Today, this organization now has representation on Facebook as fan page and a support group. The fan page has over 8900 fans from all over the world and the support group has over 1080 family members. Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. was deemed an official non-profit corporation by the State of Virginia on February 18, 2010 and is now pending 501c3 status. Mr. Collins just completed a 28 and half year career in the U.S. Army. He holds a Masters of Business Administration degree in Management from Strayer University and is a board member for Saving Our Youth. Patricia : After your wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, what were her emotions like as well as yours? Keith: Well, as you can imagine, it came as quite a shock to my wife. She thought that by going to have her Mammogram at age 40, like she had been always instructed to do, she would be fine. She was asked to return a couple of weeks after her first Mammogram to do an additional one and in the same visit, was asked to do an Ultrasound as well. A few moments later, I was asked to come back and when I entered the room, the water running down her face told me all I needed to know. I suppressed a lot of my emotions to reassure my wife that we would get through this ordeal. Most of the fear of losing my wife to this disease was kept inside for the first two to three years after her diagnosis. She was very upset and very worried because we had two young children and she wanted to be there for them. Patricia: Was there a history of breast cancer in her family? Did your wife have any signs or was it discovered during a routine check up? Keith: She had a history of Breast Cancer in her immediate family on her Father’s side. Her Father also died of Lung Cancer. Prior to my wife going to have her first Mammogram, she always did Breast Self-Exams. She never felt a lump or had any type of pain or discharge from her Breasts. Patricia : Women need to know that not all Breast cancer is detected by a lump in our breast.

Patricia: You have said you had gone to every single one of your wife’s appointments with her? How does a family member going through this stay strong for the patient Keith: If I could have gone through the treatments for her, I surely would have. Unfortunately, I was not the one diagnosed, so I had to be strong for my wife. Being positive and being around positive people is the key to beating this disease. This will also test your faith in whatever religion you belong to as well. My wife rededicated herself to God and the rest is history. The first blessing we received was that the Breast Cancer was caught in Stage II, so after my wife’s biopsy, they removed 90% of her Cancer. Her second surgery removed the remaining tissue and they also checked her Lymph Nodes to ensure it hadn’t spread. I wanted her to focus on her Chemo/Radiation. I took care of researching what she was taking and the possible side-effects, etc. Patricia: There are so many men out there that don’t know what to do and some decide to leave their wives but you have been on this mission to support your wife and educate others by starting a Non Profit Called Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors Inc. Why do you think some men aren’t as supportive as you and choose to move on? Keith: The very first thing that should occur if you find yourself in our situation is to pray immediately. If you’re not a religious person, find solace in whatever brings you and your significant other peace. When you take your vow of marriage, it specifically says for better or for worse. Then you have to ask yourself as the Man of the House, “What do I have to do to ensure that my wife /significant other beat this most terrible disease?” If you’re scared, it’s okay. I was as well, but you are the best support system that she will have. By you being positive give your wife/significant other the drive and the motivation to fight this disease with

their entire might. If you’re worried about her losing her breasts or something cosmetic, then you really never loved your wife. If that’s your reason for leaving, then you are a COWARD in every since of the word and you will have to answer for those choices at the end of the day. Our organization came from forming a support group for my wife. We never thought that it would become the organization that it is today. I just wanted my wife to be able to speak with those that were battling or had battled this most terrible disease. Patricia: So let’s talk about Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors Inc., what is your Mission? Keith: A Non-Profit Corporation that supports all women and men who have or are battling Breast Cancer and any other Cancer related illness. We educate and provide assistance for those that require it. We raise funding and participate in other organization functions that support this great cause as well and we forever honor those who were not successful in their fight! We celebrate those who are currently SURVIVORS! Vision-Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. was deemed an official state corporation in Virginia on February 18, 2010. This organization was formed from a Breast Cancer support group with just 40 people and after six months, the group grew to over 700. By the end of 2008, this group had grown to over 900 people and by the middle of 2009; the group surpassed 1,000 family member marks. Today, this group still has well over 1130 family members on, over 1095 family members in the support group on Facebook and over 9,000 fans on Facebook as well. The organization is led by the Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Mr. K. (K.C.) Andrew Collins and has a five member Board of Directors. Mrs. Dorothy C. Collins is the organization’s Ambassador. This is a new and innovative non-profit organization whose primary mission is to raise funding to provide free Mammograms for women and supporting care for men, that are unemployed or without adequate medical insurance in Central Virginia and beyond. We also do referrals to other organizations, so that our clients can benefit from a wealth of resources and information. We want to ensure that if someone is diagnosed with this most terrible disease, that we provide assistance, resources and information for not just Breast Cancer, but all types of Cancer. This is crucial, so that their caregivers and other friends and family can make sound medical decisions and so we continue to grow our family of Survivors/Sheros’/Heros’ for years to come or until God blesses us with a cure!

Patricia: Do you see that there are a lot of women out there that don’t get the support they should from their significant others? Keith: Yes, unfortunately I do. Out of the first 40 women that joined our support group, over 50% of them had a spouse/significant other walk out on them when they found out about the diagnosis of Breast Cancer. However, that percentage continued to rise when they’re spouse/significant other was told that they would lose one or both of their breasts! I was commended on several occasions for staying with my wife, when all the while; I thought this is what I was supposed to do in the first place. It was very disappointing to know that all of these women had to endure this battle alone. Some of them didn’t even have immediate family to turn to. Patricia: You said GOD plays a big role in your commitment to each other as well as how you live your life. Do you believe that GOD does answer prayers and that’s one of the things that kept your wife so positive? Keith: After returning home from having her second surgery to remove the rest of the Cancer in her left breast, my wife showed a lot of anxiety and worry. I immediately helped her into bed and asked her to say a longer prayer than usual. When I finally went to bed that night, I also did the same. When my wife awoke the next morning, she looked like a huge boulder had been lifted from her and she looked as if she had never been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She rolled over to me and said the she was not going down without a fight and that the Lord told her not to worry from that point on. Nevertheless, she did just that and went through three months of Chemotherapy and seven straight weeks of Radiation. She went through it all like the Champion she truly is and is why I will always call her my ‘SHERO’! God is Great!

Patricia: Tell us about some of the events you have, for those that would love to learn more. Keith: In September 2010, we had our first ever fundraiser called a ‘Wig Luncheon’. We had one of the local radio personalities as Master of Ceremonies and we had a Silent Auction, as well as great entertainment. We asked those that attend to bring gently used and new wigs and we donated them to the Massey Cancer Center at VCU. The Massey Wig Salon was the recipient of our donation of over 80 wigs to assist women who were battling all types of Cancer. We chose this organization because this is where my wife was treated for Breast Cancer. We really didn’t make a profit, but it was a wonderful event. This event was held in Richmond, Virginia. In March 2011, we had an event in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan. This was our inaugural “An Afternoon of Pink Awareness”. This event was just a way to show those at home what our mission entailed. Our event stylist, Ms. Stephanie Watson, did a magnificent job and proceeds raise were donated to the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit. You can view pictures/videos of these events at Patricia: What can we do to support a woman who just discovered she has breast cancer? Keith: Even though you may have heard the statistics, know that one in eight American women will hear those words at some point in her lifetime, you probably never thought it would be you. The odds are good that you do not have a family history of this illness. You may well have always taken good enough care of yourself, paid attention to your diet and to exercise, and thought you were in excellent health. The truth is that although your overall good health will help you get through these next months, you cannot protect yourself from developing this disease. You did not develop breast cancer because of anything you did or failed to do. This did not happen to you

because in some way you did not take good enough care of yourself. it is not because of where you live, what you eat, the wine you might enjoy occasionally, the exercise you did not do, or the stress of your job or family life. Breast cancer just happens. It is the result of a series of complex biological events that you could not control. No one yet understands what triggers the abnormal cell growth that becomes cancer. But you are not responsible and we will be here for you!

Patricia: How important is it to be proactive with our health and staying positive? Keith: There are so many things to consider such as what to eat to stay healthy or, what foods to eat staying healthy. Parents are asking, how can teens stay healthy, and how can my young children stay healthy, they are really looking for answers such as what is the definition of wellness or how many people stay healthy. Be Proactive – Stay well rather then get well with the utilization of the cellular health plan We are now living in conditions that are far different from that we were designed to live in. The significance of the environmental pollution and toxins that never existed before the year 1930. This pollution causes free radicals into the countless tens of thousands of hits per cell per day in your body and you have billions of cells in your body. The bottom line is your body is not designed to cope with the amount of pollution and toxins and we have to compensate for this in today’s world. Today were getting more free radicals in our bodies can cope with. Women, as well as men, must check themselves monthly or bi-monthly for anything abnormal around their breast tissue. Schedule your yearly Clinical Breast Exams, Mammograms, MRI or Ultrasound and take a family member or friend with you. Exercises regularly, drink in moderation and most importantly, don’t smoke!

Patricia: Where would you like to see your non-profit 5 years from now? Keith: We would like to see our social media presence grow to over 50,000 family members and would also like to purchase a Mobile Mammogram Office that we could send into low-income neighborhoods to perform free Mammograms, or even assist those who are unemployed or uninsured with additional medical assistance. Just so you know, one of these equipped units cost over one million dollars! Patricia: Keith Thank you so much for what you do and I am so happy your wife is doing well. You both are very lucky to have each other and we look forward to following you and seeing all the great things Families Supporting Families are doing To Learn more about Patricia you can contact her @ or

Final Words From Mr. Collins Please don't wait until October to find out that you that you needed support in January, because the support and the resources are available to you now! Just remember that in the year of 2012 alone, over 40,000 women were expected to die from this terrible disease! This is our life's mission until I no longer have air to breathe and just because you don't have a history of this disease in your family, doesn't mean that it won't affect someone you love or work with! Please support any group that promotes Breast, Brain, Cervical, Colon, and any other cancerous disease! Remember this, "BEING AWARE SHOULD MAKE US BEWARE!" May God bless each and every one of you and I wish you abundant health throughout 2014! Additional topics you will see in Sarah magazine in the upcoming months are as follows: 1. Why did your Spouse/Significant Other leave after your diagnosis? 2. Is there life after Breast Cancer for you and your family? 3. Can you still be sexy as a Breast Cancer Survivor? 4. Why do women fail to get a Mammogram, even after a family member or close friend's diagnosis?

5. Why prayer is a number one factor of defeating this disease? 6. What to do if you can't afford a Mammogram or related medical procedure. We hope their story will encourage, inspire and strengthen you. Contact them if you have questions or would just like to encourage or support what they are doing. They will be back next month to remind you that breast cancer awareness goes far beyond the month of October. SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM Ambassador Dorothy C. Collins Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. Founder/CEO

"One Team/One Fight!"


Media Contact: Till Management

803-270-5930 Presents (STRONGER)Advice to strengthen our sister’s

Panelists Available For Colleges & Church Conferences September 10, 2014 – Imagine the power of love and positive betrayal and how it makes an impact on a small scale and then picture how it can make a greater impact through a love-centered movement involving more people. This is the mission that mega-talents Kimberly Thomas and ihearthatgirl. com in conjunction with onfiya mentoring a Columbia SC base mentoring group are embarking upon. Utilizing their platform of advising women, the partners demonstrate their kind intentions to those in need of a helping hand. The less fortunate, the sick, the downtrodden and those who’ve experienced setbacks are aided by the kindness demonstrations made by these partners. Their works are numerous, mentoring, virtual media, life-enhancing websites, events, workshops and more. They are embarking upon a college tour with premium panelists, where they can share with youth at college campuses how to live triumphantly. The panelists selected for the conferences include advocates and thought-leaders on several fronts. The discussions slated for each venue include Media and Other Mainstream Portrayals of Black Women in Society, HIV/AIDS and our Sisters, Domestic Violence in Many Forms and the Importance of Education. Both youth and adults in the audiences will gain insight into key issues and come away with information that will enhance their lives. The tour will begin in October 2014 and last through the Spring of September 2015. Scheduling a visit is simple. Interested parties are encouraged to call 803-270-5930 to get on the tour schedule. ###

Heavenly Sweets Sweets For Your Soul

Philippians 2:1-4 1. If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort in love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels of mercies. 2. Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory: but in lowliness of mind let each esteem of her better than themselves. 4. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Have you ever thought about why some people are hating on you, why people get mad at you, why people stop talking to you or why people get

an attitude with you. Yes, we do think about that and we even say it is for no reason. We rack our brain trying to figure out what you said or did to the people and you come up with nothing. God is LOVE and we that are trying to live right, we try to love and get along with everybody, and that is all you can do. That’s all God want us to do. Life is short and we don’t know if we are going to be here in the next minute. So let’s just try to do right live right, love each other and try to get along. No one is perfect and we are no better than the next person. Let’s love like God loves us, at least try. If I have hurt anyone feelings or did you wrong unknowingly, please forgive me. The best thing to do when someone has done or said something wrong to you, he or she should go to that person and let them know, so they can get it right with

them so you both can make it into heaven. Remember God loves us all and he has no respect of person. 2 Chronicles 19:7- Wherefore now let the fear of the lord be upon you; take heed and do it; for there is no iniquity with the lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts. God made us all and has a plan for us. Matthew 5:45- That ye may be the children of our Father which is in heaven: for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. We need to live and let live. We need to love and show love (without conditions) to each other. If we can’t get along down here, we will not get along in Heaven. Much love and have a blessed day.

Min. Helena E. Price

LaNette Kincaid is Marine wife and mother of two. She is the Chief Executive Officer to Just Pearlz, a fashion and jewelry company and of Vendor’s Preferred, a business consultant company. LaNette founded both Vendors Preferred and Just Pearlz shortly after graduation from Texas Wesleyan University after receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology with emphasis Criminal Justice. In addition to being an entrepreneur and a volunteer, LaNette is an author, motivational speaker, business and fashion expert. Currently a member of Sigma Kappa Delta, Alpha Kappa Delta and Omega CHI , she is a strong advocate of religion, high education and family and has been recognized for the following skills: Public speaking, writing, business planning, business management, creativity, event planning, social media, sales and marketing. LaNette Kincaid recently received the “Pearl” award from Perfected Magazine and was noted as the best blogger of the year by (2012) In her spare time loves to attend church, cooking for her family and shopping for shoes. LaNette states that the best way to inspire others is to live by example. She believes that life can be hard but it's even harder when you don't have a positive attitude. Her goal in life is to leave a positive footprint on earth. Tell us about your business: I currently have three companies but I don't really look at them as companies or ways to just make money per say, I look at them more so as a foundation to help and inspire others. I use my life as an example. "Vendors Preferred" is a company that provides clients with business consulting, virtual personal assistants, public relations/marketing and many more resources. The biggest fear some of my clients have is, they haven't been taught how to effectively run their business and when their business die they will feel like they have failed. "Women with Gifts" is not a business, but a ministry, highlighting things women go through on a daily basis and stirring up the gifts in them. People don't notice our tagline, 'Growing roses with a briefcase' but the tagline of the business say more about women then you know. As women, we attempt to make every situation perfect, "like roses" but still having to work and be mom and

everything else that everyone wants us to be. So everything outside of family is done on the fly or rush for women so it's done on the go mostly from the "briefcase". The whole purpose of the organization/network is to assist women in being bold with their spiritual gifts that God has given them. Romans 12:6-8 6. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

"Just Pearlz" started as a retail business and as time went on people wanted to know how to accessorize our products with their outfits and I became a Fashion Consultant/Stylist. After becoming a fashion stylist/consultant, I was given the opportunity to share fashion tips with national magazines and radio stations. Which also gave me the ability to incorporate our jewelry/accessories with our client’s wardrobe. I personally like to think of Just Pearlz as a mobile fashion store because we are vendors for conferences, fashion shows and girl night out events and we host ONLINE jewelry/accessory parties and we will travel to style our clients for upcoming photo/video shoots and performances. Are there any final words you have for our readers? Yes! Don't be afraid of exploring the ideas you have. You never know how your dreams or ideas may change or impact someone's life. Never give up! Don't underestimate your gifts and skills. The reason I say this is, there are others that have gone through, who will be there to help those getting started. The ultimate goal for our existence is to create change not create drama. With that being said, WOMEN it's always being said that we cannot get along and we cannot do anything productive together. Let's prove everyone wrong. Let's collaborate and build together!

LaNette Kincaid

Church Fashion What Not To Wear Fashion and what people wear to church is definitely a very fine line between love and hate. Because church trends are somewhat of a taboo type subject no one really discusses the do's and don’ts of church attire. Regardless of your religious preference it's time to uncover what not to wear to church. This article will cover the most common fashion no no's seen at church. Let's Talk Pantyhose We've all seen fishnet pantyhose in the house of the Lord and regardless of how fashionable it is it's somewhat disrespect. First remember the reason why we attend church. Wearing pantyhose with sandals is another pantyhose no no, but it's just a simple flaw that can be easily fixed. Actually wearing pantyhose and sandals shouldn't be worn in any setting, but for now I will stick with the subject of church. Trying to decide what shoes to wear may be a little tricky, but remember if you are wearing sandals then don't wear the pantyhose. Also if you are wearing an opened-toe shoe, known as the peep toe shoe then do not wear regular stockings. Please do everyone at church a favor and wear pantyhose that has a sheer toe made for peep toe shoes. When in doubt please visit L'eggs.This is not a real biggie, but I wanted to mention nail polish in addition to pantyhose. If wearing sandals or shoes that reveal the toes, please wear nail polish. If in a rush and unable to paint the toes then please remove the chipped nail polish. Tight Fitting Or Too Little Clothing Do not wear tight fitting or too short clothing to church. Church is a place of worship and it's where lives are being changed and people are being saved. Wearing too tight and too short skirts and dresses are a true distraction in the church. This type of attire is similar to what people wear to clubs. With that being noted, leave the club wear at the club. Out of respect for church, if wearing a dress or skirt it should at least be knee length. Please also refrain from long skirts with splits that may show your essentials.

Undergarment Rules Ladies, please wear the correct undergarments. If wearing white garments, please wear undergarments that match your skin tone. So no loud colors under white outfits. Rule of thumb for fashions, pretend everyone has X-ray vision. If that thought makes you feel uncomfortable then go with a second choice outfit. Moisturize, Moisturize And Moisturize Ashy feet and elbows is a true sin in church, at work or any other location. Here's a big fashion tip about skin- moisturize. A beauty tip for really dry skin is mixing your favorite lotion with a big squeeze of Johnson & Johnson baby oil or my favorite is olive oil. Olive oil is as natural as it gets. In addition, olive oil doesn't have a harsh odor. Not only does this help with dry skin, but it leaves the skin soft as a baby's bottom. General Tips About Church Do's And Don'ts Unless you have issues with your eyes, please remove your shades. You are not a celebrity. Wearing shades while anyone in authority speaks is rude and disrespectful. Please lightly spray your cologne or perfume. The congregation should not smell your fragrance from the parking lot of the church. If you smoke please refrain from spraying perfume or cologne to cover the smoke smell it only makes matters worse. Smokers should use body spray or mists rather than perfumes or colognes to disguise the smoke smell. Mints also help with the smoke aroma. Most men do pretty well when it comes to church and business environments, but the next few fashion tips are for men. When wearing a new suit, please remove all tags and threading. For example, suits with designer's tags on the arms of the suit is only for in store purposes. Please remove these tags from the sleeves of your suits before attending church service. The threading on the lower part of the jacket should also be removed. Suits have a lot of styles and fashions, so please make sure you are choosing your suit colors wisely. A man wearing a suit should not look like they are Easter egg hunting every Sunday. Last but certainly not least, please make sure all socks worn are clean and hole and fur ball free. These tips are just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to church and fashion. But with any fashion when in doubt-DON'T.

By LaNette Kincaid

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April 11, 2014

Meet DeMario Mr. Mime Carr, An accomplished dancer, actor, and choreographer that has broken down the barriers and changed the face of mime ministry as we know it today. While traveling across the country ministering, teaching, and proclaiming the Word of the Lord through Dance Ministry he has now been labeled The New Era Of Mime Ministry. Mr. Mime has set forth to captivate the world with his dynamic dance style and genuine personality that has won over the hearts of countless individuals. With his trade mark style, elaborate attire, electrifying photographs, and anointed stage presentations... the world has yet to see the full manifestation of the man behind Generation 7 Mime Ministry. During 2013-2014 DeMario toured up and down the east coast spreading the word about his antibullying campaign which has its own spinoff stage play entitled The BoomBox Live. The Generation 7 Dance Company has been traveling extensively throughout Eastern North Carolina with the dazzling presentation of “The Boombox Live!” This production combines the excitement and showmanship of a Broadway production with the dynamic storytelling and dialogue found in a Tyler Perry or David E Talbert stage production. The BoomBox Live is unlike anything you have ever witnessed before, with highly intense, elaborately choreographed production, it will revolutionize your life. Within the production you will meet a fictional character by the name of Mr. Stereo. He intervenes and helps transform tragic situations that the actors and dancers portray, through practical principles and Biblical teachings. Bullying, the war overseas and family struggles are situations that are depicted, challenged and overcome through the art of mime, dance, and song. Approaching everyday life situations that our youth are faced with has caused rave reviews from fans and supporters of The BoomBox Live. With a solid story line, elaborate wardrobe, and intricately placed music, by the end you’ll be on your feet celebrating the gift of Love!!

My Take On Bullying: Often times we shun out the fact that children actually are being bullied in our schools and in our inner city neighborhoods.... Until tragedy strikes in the form of suicide or attempts at suicide. As we read in the news daily of children being beaten up in bathrooms across the world. We must take a stand and protect our young people. Many look at the bully as the bad guy but most bully's act out of retaliation of In fact being bullied themselves. In some cases we are dealing with victims on both ends of the spectrum. We must learn to lend an ear to those who are safe at risk of being bullied and those who have encountered bullying at some point in their life. The bible speaks of the people overcoming their struggles by listening to the testimony of others. Let us begin to uplift and encourage our NOW GENERATION. They are In fact the future of this world and should not have to deal with tribulations such as bullying. Encouraging Words: At this very moment it may seem as though no one is listening..and that no one cares about you or what you are going through. But please trust that if you tell someone about your struggle you can become free. Stand tall in know who you are and who in which you belong to. Never underestimate the power within you. You have the power and the ability to stand strong and be all that God has called you to be. Never should you feel alone in this world, we are all God’s children.

Meet Tianna Walker author of the book TEARS OF A TEEN. Tianna Walker is a graduate of Brookland Cayce High School. She is currently a student at Midlands Technical College. As an active member of Brookland Baptist church; Tianna uses her passion for children by working with young children within the Children’s Ministry. In addition to being a published author of Tears of a Teen, some of Tianna previous experiences include serving on the Youth and Teens Day Committee (2013) and Girl Scouts. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, serving others and being a responsible role model to her peers. Tianna wrote her book, because she has personally dealt with bullying. She decided to take a stand against bullying by writing a book to share her story with other teens that may be going through the same experience. Sarah magazine had the honor of interviewing this beautiful young lady. 1. S.M - What inspired you to write a book about bullying? Tianna - I was inspired by a young boy from a video on YouTube. His name was Jonah Mowray and he, also like me was going through bullying. He uploaded a video called “What’s going on...” It was about himself speaking about how he was verbally bullied at his school for being homosexual. The inspiring outcome of his story was one simple sentence he had written on a notecard that said,” I have a million reasons to be

here…”When I read those words, it was as if the words on that paper , were for me and me only. All to say, the reason I wrote this book, was so I could inspire others to speak up against bullying, like he inspired me. 2. S.M- When did the bullying start with you? Tianna -My bullying started when I was in kindergarten and continued all the way up to 12th grade in high school. Sometimes even now I get picked on from time to time. 3. S.M- What would you say to that young person that is being bullied to the point of suicide? Tianna- I would like to tell them: DON’T DO IT! You have too much greatness ahead for you to end it like this. Your just getting started in this world, don’t end it so fast. Know that God has soo many blessings for you and that you’re better than that. You know the truth about yourself, and so do I. Don’t let them steal your joy and live your life to the fullest. 4. S.M- what kept you strong? Tianna-What kept me strong was my faith, family and friends. Without them, I wouldn’t have made it to where I am now. They were my support and comfort in my time of need. I thank God for them and their kind loving spirits. 5. S.M - How can other teens reach you if they wanted to talk to you or order your book? Tianna- They can get in touch with me at, and search TWalker . that’s where you can connect with me socially everywhere. Also you can buy my book at Search TEARS OF A TEEN by Tianna Walker for only $10.00. 6. S.M- Would you be willing to be in Sarah magazine on a monthly basis to answer questions of other young people that are being bullied? Tianna- I would love to do that! I want to hopefully help a child or someone who’s going through bullying so That my words can hopefully help them and inspire them to stand up and speak out.

We have the honor of Tianna Walker being in Sarah magazine on a monthly basis. Young people send your questions to or contact Tianna at and she will answer your questions in the next edition of Sarah.


Michelle Coe, a native of Darlington, South Carolina, graduated from Mayo High School in 1989 and re-located to Columbia, SC in 1989 to begin her studies as a business major at Benedict College. Michelle’s professional resume includes the United States Postal Service, and numerous years of employment with the financial service institutions, First Citizens Bank and Wachovia Bank (presently Wells Fargo). Currently, she works in administration for the South Carolina Unemployment Commission. Personally, Michelle is an active member of Brookland Baptist Church where the Reverend Charles B. Jackson, Sr. is the pastor. At Brookland Baptist, Michelle works diligently with the Christian Education Department as the Chair for Vacation Bible School for Seven consecutive years. Michelle has Co-chaired and is currently on the homeless ministry, served on the 2009 Women’s Day Committee as well as on the 2012 College Ministry Committee. Michelle truly believes in community and self-less service for those in need. Michelle is the mother of 19 year old author and speaker Tianna Walker and they live in Columbia, SC.

When children are being bullied, we seldom take the time to interview the parents to see how they felt. Sometimes we as parents are not aware that our children are being bullied. They hold it in and try to handle it themselves thinking that it will go away. Unfortunately that child will not say anything until they have gotten to the point of trying to take their own life or retaliating in ways that they go after the bully(s) with a gun with the intent to kill. In some cases we catch it before it gets to that point. On a more severe note, the child that is being bullied will commit suicide or kill the person that is bullying them. It’s happening every day! PARENTS LET’S TAKE A STAND AGAINST BULLYING! We had the honor of interviewing Tianna’s mom and she shared with us how she felt when she found out that her daughter was being bullied. S.M - How did it make you feel when you found out your child was being bullied? Michelle-When Tianna told me of these happenings my heart truly crumbled, I was hurt, sad, in disbelief, angry, mad all of this and so much more, so many mixed emotions. I remember crying from only imaging what she had been going thru for so long and never letting on that she was going thru this horrible time in her life. S.M-From a mom’s standpoint, please tell me what you would like to say to bullies as well as those being bullied? Michelle-What would I like to say to those who are the Bully? Bullying is a very serious matter bullying just doesn’t hurt the bullied but it hurts the bullied parents, friends and anyone that loves the person you are bullying. When you bully you’re stealing a part of someone’s life someone’s individuality, someone’s uniqueness. Everyone is designed in their own way, some may have a little more of this or not enough of that but at the end of the day we are all created in God’s image. So I would say to the Bullies and the Bullied.. love yourself look in the mirror everyday and tell

yourself that you are created in God’s image that you are wonderful made by God’s hands. To the bullied PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell someone rather it’s your mom, dad, grandparents, a teacher, or a janitor but tell someone so that you can get the help that you need to put a stop to it.

Tianna Walker And Her Mom Michelle Coe

Hi everyone, it’s Alexys! Welcome to Teen Talk Real Talk! So how have all of you been? I am fantastic! Every day I wake up and pray, thanking God for letting me see the sun another day. So this month’s subject is about bullying. This is a major problem in our world. If you are someone who bullies people I am not going to give you a lecture, (I’m pretty sure we’ve all had enough of those!) but I am going to tell you that before you think about saying an insult or throwing a punch, to breathe. Stop, breathe, pray and then walk away. When I get upset this is what I do. It helps a lot. You know what’s better? Pray as soon as you start getting upset. If you are someone who just loves to hurt people…. Pray! Prayer is always the solution.

People all over the world are being bullied and threatened. Other people are reporting this, but we, as Christians, need to do a better job of helping victims.

We need to be an example for everyone else. We need to be there for people. We want people to look up to us for help. As Christians we want everyone to see the Jesus in us. Wouldn’t it feel good to walk through the school hall and hear people say, “Maybe we should act like them? They get the best grades and are respected by people.” Christian Teenagers, I understand how you feel that it may be hard to talk about God, so why talk? All you need to do is show it. When I say show that you are a Christian, I mean that you need to pray and always walk with God. He will provide for us and keep us together. He will make our life complete and we will be blessed. People will wonder why you get so many things and why your life is so amazing. All you need to say is, “My father, My Lord, blesses me.” Another thing that I’ve noticed when I talk to people about a being a Christian teen is that they are afraid to pray in public. I have two words…… DON’T BE!!!! It may seem embarrassing at first, but why should we be embarrassed to thank God for something like our lunch? If you’re at school or work and you’re day isn’t going too well then pray. There are times when all we need to do is pray and if you need to talk to God, then don’t hide it! Sometimes God is telling you, “Talk to me! Talk to me!” Do not ignore your father! Talk to him; tell him what’s going on! Ask him to carry you on throughout the day. He will! If you need to worship, go ahead! Speak in tongues for all I care. If you need to worship God, do it. Do not be afraid, people may look at you crazy

but then they’ll realize why things are going so great for you and why you are always blessed. So did that help anyone? It may be a little hard to stand up for our religion or to pray by your friends but we shouldn’t be scared or embarrassed. Now talking about God or the bible is different. When someone is having issues or someone comes to you because of their problems, then help. Don’t turn them down. They need help and we want to support them any way we can. Another thing that we really want to do is lead people to Christianity and get them saved. Help them pray and give their heart, soul, mind and life to Christ! Being a teen Christian is hard sometimes, but we can always change that! I have some questions to ask you guys! 1.) Have you reported bullying or prayed with a victim of bullying since the last time I spoke to you? 2.) Have you prayed in public before? Where were you? Were you scared? 3.) Have you led anyone to Christ before? When was it? How did you lead them to Christ? 4.) As Christian Teenagers what could we do that would make people look up to and respect us? 5.) Why do we need to pray for us and other people? Why does it help? 6.) Was there any situation that you went through with someone or people based on what we talked about today? So email your responses to and I’d love to respond to your answers! Don’t forget to write your name and age! Don’t Forget To Love God And Pray Every Day!

Hello. My name is Zee. I am 12 years old and I love to read, write and cook. I also love to sing and learn other languages. This year I am learning Spanish, so I may use a Spanish word or two in my writings. I’m a Texas girl that loves to receive awards. So far I’ve received the A-Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Student of the Month and Student of the Year. My writing and my community efforts has been featured in our local Green Sheet and I was once featured in Examiner. I hope you enjoy my writing; I will be blogging about my experience as a TEEN! Oh yea, I’m also a cheerleader!

The purpose of Lady Zee's Teen Talk is to not only connect with girls that don't fit in. It's for girls that have a lot to say but only feel comfortable talking to other teens. The ultimate goal with this program is to prevent teen obesity, provide sexual abuse awareness and decrease teen suicides.

If You Have Questions For Lady Zee You Can Send Them To Mysarahmagazine@Gmail.Com Or Info@Womenwithgifts.Com Welcome To Sarah Magazine Lady Zee!

Coming in December... “I’m Not Too Young to Live a Holy Life!” Do you know a child that is using their gifts for The Kingdom? The December issue of SARAH Magazine will be showcasing young people and what they are doing with their gifts. If you know a child that is using their gifts and we can share their lives with others, please email the SARAH Magazine staff at mysarahmagazine@

Whouter (website address is a microblogging website that values user’s Free Speech and Privacy. People are becoming afraid to use social media because of government spying and employers monitoring their employees, firings them or not hiring potential employees because of what they say on social media. Whouter Values Your Privacy! Mobile Apps are available on the App Store for IPhones and iPads and Google Play Store for Android Phones and Tablets.

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The goal is to restore Free Speech and Privacy Rights to everyone who is afraid of using social media because of what our and other governments and employers are now doing.

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Are You In A Relationship That You’re Not Sure About? In Need Of Some Advice? This Is Book Is For You. It’s Not A Male Bashing Book! Its True Stories Of What We As Single Women Face When We Get Into A Relationship With The Wrong Man. Contact Me, Let’s Talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS!


Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


SARAH This could be YOU!

Do you have a SARAH story that you would like to share? Maybe you have a message that will minister to others? Contact SARAH Magazine at My

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