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Cynthia “Chinue X” Cornelius

July 2016

Young People With Purpose Magazine

WELCOME to our fourth edition of Y.P.W.P! I would like to say thank you to all our supporters. I hope that your summer is going well and everyone had a great Fourth of July with family and friends. It was so beautiful seeing all the families in the neighborhood sitting outside together popping fireworks. Watching that made me miss all of my family members. Watching all the families let me know how important family is. I’ve noticed that a big percentage of this world don't take family time serious anymore. My prayer is that God will bring families back together. We need to bring back the fun simple things that kids use to do like Jump Rope, Jacks, Skates, Bike Rides, Slip And Slide, and family games together. We all need to take a little time off the computers and take at least an hour out of the day for family time. We also need to bring prayer back into the homes and schools. We need to take some time for prayer. God has been teaching me to have more Faith in Him and not in man. My Faith has been tested since the last time I launched this magazine. I was questioning was this what I am supposed to do. Through it all God has come through for me. He just wants us, His children to trust Him and to love with a pure heart. My mom always taught me to have the church in me, not to just be in the church. God is with us were ever we go, you can’t hide anything from God! ď Š He is Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness and always waiting to bless you, just tell Him your heart desires.

Always pray and ask God to show you how to be a blessing to others. Remember the greatest thing in life is to love. 1Corinthians 13:13. Always read the Bible with your mom and dad. I hope you all enjoy this month’s cover story and all the beautiful articles. These stories and articles will inspire and make you want to do something to make a difference in this world. We are honored to have you all as a part of our magazine. Make sure you purchase copies and share with your friends and family. We took a break for a while to change some things, we are so glad to be back! We put in some articles from our previous issues, just in case you didn’t get a chance to read them. Y.P.W.P is back and we hope that you enjoy reading it. Remember there is a spot waiting for your child in the month’s to come. Contact us and stay tuned for next month, your child’s face might be in this magazine. We’re getting better and better, with God on our side. ENJOY…

Bridgette Carradine Creator/CEO www.brigandisinc.com ypwp916@gmail.com

Sheree Carradine Co-Creator/Editor, Graphic Designer www.personalizeitsc.com mysarahmagazine@gmail.com

I Believe In A Nation Without Discrimination When You Are Treated Equal Whether You’re Black Or Caucasian. I Believe In A Nation Full Of Trusting Faces Regardless Of The Races. Welcomed With Open Arms In Any And All Places. I Believe In Dr. King's Dream And As Hard As It Seems It Hasn't Come To Past. We've Come From Slavery But The Spirit Of Freedom Did Not Last. Because They Tried To Belittle Us By Making Us The Outcast But I Believe In Dr. King’s Dream Of Equality I Believe We'll Rise Above And Make His Dream A Reality. Despite Any Casualties We Will Defeat The Enemy And They Will Acknowledge Our Entity. I Believe That Mankind Will Blend Into A Beautiful Swirl So That The World Will Turn Into A Lovely World.

By Damoneice Yiggins

My name is Kamryn Doty. I'm 13 years old. I've dedicated all of my time to basketball for the past 2 years. I play for LEAD Athletics as a guard. I take school very seriously and I've maintained a 3.7 GPA throughout all my school years. My #1 goal is to play division 1 basketball and get my college paid for. God motivates me to chase my dreams. One thing I’ve always kept in mind is that God uses problems to correct you and perfect you. To help my community, I've held a canned food drive for families in need during Thanksgiving. I've also cloned trees from long ago in the Mission Garden here in Tucson with my school. I always motivate people around me to strive for the best. God tells us to love one another and I use that to fuel my passion for caring about people. I'm very generous to everybody and I'm always willing to lend a helping hand whether it's on or off the court. God tells us not to rejoice when our enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles. I always have good sportsmanship. He also tells us to be humble in our attitude and I know that being humble will make me a better player and person.

Hi, It’s been a little while since we talked to each other but I’m glad to be back. Well it’s SUMMER TIME which means we made it through one more year of school! So how did you do?? I did really well, I received district honor roll 3 times! So I’m going into the 5th grade feeling pretty proud. I did real well on the track team! Both my cousin and I got Gold Medals taking first in the 100 and 200 meter races! WE WERE MOVIN! I also had some trouble cause I’m not always perfect.  lol!

I had to sit on the bench a couple of times for

being too competitive with the tether ball, and of course some arguments with some girls, but we good now. Summer so far is incredible! I am having so much fun, hanging out at the pool, going to raging waters with huge water slides. I am working as a day care aide in training with the cutest babies ever! Shopping at the malls! Well.. more of looking around at the malls, you know how moms’ can be…smh!  I love being with my friends and cousins. Anyway I’m glad to be back with you guys hit me up on email let me know what’s up? Also if you are African American like me don’t get

discouraged about all the hate ok? GOD is gonna take care of us plus haters gonna hate in any color! We got this… everybody who is good no matter what color you are, you just gotta keep your head up, you know look to GOD, and like mommy says; “ Make Sure You Are Doing The Right Thing.” Enjoy a few of pictures below and send me some too. Bye For Now, Love Spairo

Enjoying My Summer With Friends And Family

Cynthia "Chinue X" Cornelius The Chinue X Project, Inc. (TCXPI) CEO and Founder My name is Cynthia Chinue X Cornelius. I am an African American seeking transformation to my African Self. As a recipient of a Bachelors in Africana Studies (2008) and a Master’s in Education - Equity and Social Justice in Education (2013) both from San Francisco State University, I have transformed my worldview of how I and my people of African descent are viewed by society. Through this transformation, I wrote my master thesis on "Afrocentric Education Children and Youth, and its Necessity in the Education and Development of African Children and Youth". I realized at an early age that my African Ness was not being represented in an equitable and justified manner through my educational instruction. As a witness to the disparities of the Oakland community, the activism of the Black Panther Party movement and the unrest over the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I recognized early on that Africans in America were at a considerable disadvantage, mentally, economically, socially and educationally. While studying at Merritt College Community College, under the instruction of Professor Manu Ampim, and other Black History Professors, such as Dr. Melvin Newton, Dr. Cecilia Harrington, Dr. Chriss Foster, and others, my Afrocentric learning would solidify my view that there was more to my existence than the Eurocentric worldview imposed on myself and all others of African heritage. The education which I had received and forced to conformed to - courtesy of the Oakland Unified School District and the United States educational system - had portrayed a negative and degrading representation of African ancestors in the textbooks, in the

media, and in society. It had been distorted, omitted, and deemphasized. My realization and higher learning at SFSU led me to personal and extensive study and research of African heritage that would uncover a proud and dignified heritage of African and African American contributions to World and Human civilization. As the CEO and Founder of TCXPI, my vision and goal for TCXPI is to create an Afrocentric Online Educational Resource Service that centers on African and African American History. By providing TRUE knowledge and facts to Africans and African Americans globally, I hope to empower and uplift a people to their greatest potential in society. Since 2011, I have shared Daily Black History Facts on Facebook and other social media outlets. It has been such an Education and Awareness for me to learn about the many significant contributions my African/Black Ancestors made to world and human civilization AND to share it with the world and my social circles. I am so grateful to have had the ability to create daily images of people, places, and events in Black History and to have been able to share with the masses. I have gained a true following, those hungry for knowledge of where they come from, who they are, and how they fit in society and the world. My daily ritual to awake and research Black History Facts in order to present to my Fb family, friends, and acquaintances has become something that I look forward to each morning. On some days, I will spend most free days reading and researching Our Story and the many contributions made by people of African descent to world and human civilization. Through my sharing of "On This Day In TCXPI History", I had a "Vision" to create a Saturday School Program for our Children and Youth in the Oakland Community.

In January 2016, I created my vision, TCXPI Free Afrocentric Young Scholars Saturday School Program for our young scholars ages 5-14, in Oakland, California. Our program includes facilitated education that focuses on African/Black History from Ancient African Civilization to current day events. Activities include group discussions, coursework, walking tours, community events, and guest speakers. Our future leaders deserve awareness of their African heritage and culture. They deserve to know they are victors and subjects in their existence. "If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated." Dr. Carter G. Woodson

The Chinue X Project, Inc. (TCXPI), is an organization that was created as an Afrocentric Online Educational Resource Service by Cynthia D. Cornelius. As CEO and Founder, a native of Oakland, California, a product of the 1960's. This free program is offered as a nontraditional school program to children of all ages and consist of a variety of Afrocentric activities and discussions that directly relate to the African heritage and culture beginning with Kemet (better known as Egypt) and ending with today. Activities include field trips of nearby libraries, museums, local events, and studentbased projects. All of the activities

will acknowledge the contributions of Africans and Blacks to World and Human civilization. By studying and discussing these contributions of the Ancestors, our goal is to bring about a Spirit of Self-Love, Self-Respect, and Self-Love within each student, and to develop in each student a need to seek and research independently Black History. The Saturday School Program runs for 6 weeks, meeting each Saturday from 9-12pm. The first session will began Saturday, January 16th at Impact Hub Oakland. Each subsequent session will begin in April, July, and October. In addition to the aforementioned activities, there will also be guest speakers who will present on various subject matters. Each activity will be engaging for all involved. "Know Your Self Worth and Live Your Life Each Day With Respect, Value, and Love."

TCXPI Afrocentric Children and Youth Saturday School Program First Session 01.16.2016

In the Spirit of Giving, please donate to The Chinue X Project, Inc. (TCXPI) Free Afrocentric Saturday School Program. TCXPI is creating the Free Afrocentric Children and Youth Saturday School Program in Oakland, CA, to ensure our future leaders learn that their heritage is rich in history, a history filled with significant contributions to world and human civilization. TCXPI believes that knowing their history will foster Self-Pride, Self-Love, and Self-Worth. They Deserve The Truth! No Donation Too Small! Donate Today! https://www.gofundme.com/tcxpi “Our scholars and future Black leaders deserve to be centered in their education.� , Founder The Chinue X Project, Inc.(TCXPI) TCXPI Free Afrocentric Children and Youth Saturday School Program, Oakland, CA.



Aujané Luckey is a star student, a praise team member, and a talented athlete. Aujané has maintained her position on the honor roll and top athlete with her team. The Los Angeles Jets and USATF accepted Aujané three years ago in 2012, where she has attended the Junior Olympics and Hershey Championships bringing home Gold medals in all of her events. In 2015 Aujané was crowned track queen and team MVR (Most Valuable Runner); Aujané is a rising star. GREAT JOB AUJANÉ!!

Hi, I'M BACK! JOURNALIST JAELAH; I really missed sharing my stories with you all. I would like to share with you how much summer fun I’m having so far. I have been spending time with my cousins and friends. We went to the beach, shopping in the mall, actually two malls, one here in Sacramento and another in the Bay Area. I went to the Water Park, and I have a lot more fun events coming up!

I was picked as one of the best readers in the class and was able to go to a college for gifted children. The program will add credits to my college when I graduate high school. Me and my cousin had fun today we had a fun model photo shoot and our photos came out Beautiful! ď Š I was so sad when I heard about the African American men that got killed and the officer's that lost their lives. I feel all lives should matter and all race of people should come together. THE ANSWER IS GOD! We need to S.A.P (Stop And Pray) to bring peace on this earth. All Things Are Possible With God!!!! Please write to me on some of these topics.

I would love to hear your stories and feelings. I would love to meet you, so write to me. Love And Kisses, FROM: JOURNALIST JAELAH YPWP916@GMAIL.COM

This is a time that parents and their children can get together and research the answers. We will provide the answers on one of the last pages of the magazine. But let’s see how much you know without peeking at the answers. HAVE FUN…

This Is Nina Keys Featured Getting An Award For Reading. Nina Is In The First Grade But Reads At 4th Grade Level. She Will Be Home Schooled Because She Is Over Excellent In School. GOOD JOB NINA!

This Lastasia Keys Receiving An Award For Reading. She Has Been Jumped From 3rd To 4th Grade And Reading At An 8th Grade Level. She Will Be Home Schooled Soon Because She Is Excelling Faster Than Her Peers. GOOD JOB LASTASIA!


Little Black Girls, if I told you that your essence is your beauty, would you believe me and let your light shine? Little Black Girls, if I told you that you are a Pearl and a Diamond in the rough, would you believe me and let your light shine? Little Black Girls, if I told you that your Melanin is the reflection of your inner soul, would you believe me and let your light shine? Little Black Girls if I told you that your hair is like a hive of honey bees and it’s your Queenly Glory, would you believe me and let your light shine? Little Black Girls, Harriet Tubman said “Every great dream begins with a dreamer and always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.” Maya Angelou said “You are a phenomenal woman, phenomenally that’s you. Furthermore you are fierce, resilient, beautiful, unique and brilliant. Do you believe this and will you let your light shine?

Little BLACK GIRLS, I’m talking to you, if I was to tell you your light is your passage to reclaim that which was lost, would you believe me and let your light shine? Sojourner Truth said that Truth is Power and will prevail, so little Black Girls let your truth be heard and listen to these powerful words. Let your light Shine today, not tomorrow and BE THE UNSTOPPABLE PERSON THAT THE CREATER CREATED YOU TO BE AND KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Black Girls Rock!

By Shonna McDaniels sojomuseum@gmail.com

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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