President Dennis Peters MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR (586) 536-5411 home (586) 752-4150 office
John Rubel WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR (810) 931-7399 cell
President Elect George Peterman SPECIAL PROJECTS & SILENT AUCTION DIRECTOR MIC REPRESENTATIVE (810) 347-5005 Secretary Lewis Duncan (810) 516-2975 cell
Matt Bluntzer BOARD MEMBER SCIF SABLES DIRECTOR (734) 589-7352 Past President Dennis Gepfrey (810) 625-7965 cell
Nick Peters BOARD MEMBER (586) 453-4943 CJ Merriman BOARD MEMBER (810) 441-0444 Zack Goodheart BOARD MEMBER (810) 240-6944
Treasurer Mike Dickerson HUNT DONOR DIRECTOR (810) 691-8850 cell Executive Director John Kupiec AWARDS & PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR (810) 240-0443 cell Administrative Assistant Joy Martinbianco (810) 569-5623 cell
INTERNATIONAL SCI Deputy President Elect Scott Chapman Legislative Representative Robert Eastman (810) 733-6360
Region 20 Representative Neal Porter 1082 Key West Ct. Lake Orion, MI 48360 (248) 343-3648 cell
Sheri Harvey Newsletter, Website Designer and Cover Photo
President’s Message Dear Fellow Flint Regional Chapter Members: I am very passionate about SCI Flint Chapter, and SCI International. SCI has been instrumental in wildlife conservation across the United States and the world and it is the hunter’s money that protects the animals. The more members we can get the louder our voice! It’s all about numbers in the political arena to create and pass laws to protect our right to hunt. It is an honor to serve you as your president and the principles for which these institutions stand for. This helps me to work harder to improve the way some people think about hunters. We have to share the truth which can be done thru social media, “SHOW THE PRIDE”. The largest SCI Convention to be held in Reno is considered one of the largest exhibits of wildlife art in the world including paintings, sculptures and ceramics. The taxidermy work is world class. There is no question that the SCI Annual Hunters Convention is the Greatest Hunting Show on Earth. The 2020 show will be held on February 5th thru the 8th in Reno, Nevada. This is something I highly recommend attending. You won’t be disappointed! Representing the Flint Chapter this year will be myself, George Peterman, Carl Griffin and Mike Dickerson. We will be working this entire trip, talking to outfitters and getting hunts donated for our fundraiser and attending various meetings learning how to best serve our club Please join us at the 38th Flint SCI Chapter Auction and Fundraiser. I promise you some of the best hunts you will find at any chapter fundraiser. The Flint Chapter takes pride in only bringing quality items to our fundraiser. The board along with Mike Dickerson’s leadership as Hunt Donor Coordinator work diligently to procure some of the best hunts in the world to be auctioned off at our show. We are presently busy making all the arrangements for our show. Outfitters night is Friday March 13, 2020 at the Dort Federal Event Center (new location) and the Auction/ Fundraiser will be held Saturday March 14, 2020 at Dort Federal Event Center in Flint (formally known as Perani’s). Please visit our website at for a list of auction items in preparation for our upcoming Outfitter Expo and 38th Annual Auction/Fundraiser. Hope to see you there! If anyone would like to provide an email address that hasn’t already done so, I occasionally send out reminders and important information in a group message. Just send me an email to from the email address you would like me to include in the future. Show the Pride! Dennis Ray Peters Flint Regional Chapter President
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SCI-Flint Regional Chapter
2020 MEMBERSHIP MEETING Tuesday, February 11, 2020 NEW LOCATION Grand Blanc Huntsman’s Club 9046 Irish Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439 810-636-7261
$15.00 per person 5:30 PM Social Hour – 7:00 PM Dinner ANNUAL CHAPTER FINANCIAL REPORT Join us for a great meeting, food, fun and fellowship. Updates will be given on our financials, programs and awards. Please be sure to attend this special event. Enjoy an evening of great food prepared by Handcrafted Culinary. RSVP by Jan. 19 to George Peterman (810) 347-5005 or 4 Fall 2019 | if
Quarterly Legislative-Policy Update Fourth Quarter 2019
The 3 R’s As youngsters we were sent to school to learn the 3 R’s. This meant Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. Maybe we should have started with spelling but today the 3 R’s have taken on a whole new meaning that is vitally important to us as hunters and sportsmen. The 3 R’s now stand for Recruit, Retain and Reactivate hunters. 3 R or R 3 efforts are critical at this point in history because we have seen a sharp decline in hunters over the last 10 to 12 years. The numbers are staggering. From 2006 to 2016 hunters fell by 2.2 million, big game license sales fell 20%, and spending on hunting equipment was off 18%. From a political standpoint this is terrible because fewer voters involved in and supporting hunting and conservation makes it easier for the antihunters to get their candidates elected. The financial side of this trend is just as bad. We know that it is the hunter who has traditionally footed the bill for wildlife conservation and the enforcement of our game laws. This is done with the 11% excise tax on guns and ammunition which goes to the US Fish and Wildlife Service for conservation. Our license fees pay for state game departments and game wardens. With fewer dollars to work with the important programs that maintain the North American Model of Wildlife Management will suffer. There are a number of factors responsible for hunter decline. Increased urbanization of our population and changing attitudes of our young people are important. Most experts agree though that the single biggest reason people stop hunting is the lack of a good place to hunt. This is where our legislators, policy makers and organizations like SCI, National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever and a host of others are making a difference by sponsoring and promoting R 3 efforts. At the Federal level great strides have been made by the US Fish and Wildlife service to make hunting land more accessible to sportsmen. Unlike prior administrations whose policies seemed to be to restrict and inhibit access we currently are seeing policies that allow and encourage hunting. This is most visible in the West with its huge Federal land holdings. There is also a bill in Congress called Modernizing the Pittman-Robertson Trust for Tomorrow’s Needs. When passed this law will allow state game departments to use the $800 million dollars generated annually by Pittman-Robertson in new innovative ways that will Recruit, Retain and Reactivate hunters.
Michigan is very active in the R 3 effort as well. Under the Marketing and Outreach Department the DNR has appointed Dennis Fox as the Section Manager for Recruitment and Retention. There is an R 3 Coordinating Committee which meets every 2 weeks and is funded with a grant from the DNR along with contributions from the various member organizations. This committee is attended by many of the well known hunting organizations as well a representative from the Michigan United Conservation Clubs. The purpose of the committee is to combine the effort and resources of the DNR and the various organizations to promote hunting to the general public. Examples of this include mentored hunts, youth involvement events, learn to shoot sessions and special recruitment events like the 2 pheasant hunts to be held at the Allegan and Shiawassee State Game Areas this year. Over 600 rooster pheasants will be released at these 2 hunting events. More information about all these activities can be found on the websites of the hunting organizations or the DNR website. As important as the Federal and State programs are the real work involved in recruiting, retaining and reactivating hunters will need to be done by us as hunters. When you think back on how you learned to hunt it was probably as a young person being taught by a relative or close friend. Somebody you had a personal relationship with. This seems to work best. So, we should all make an effort to reach out to non-hunters. You can do it as part of one of the organized events mention above or by volunteering to help the organization of your choice. Or, you can do it on your own. All will work. Here are some ideas on where to start. If you take your children or grandchildren hunting why not see if one of their friends would like to come along? Young people seem to be more inclined to get involved when they are with others from their age group. Neighbors and coworkers might be the first source of candidates to introduce to hunting but there are other groups to consider. How about “Foodies”, people who have made a hobby out of high-level food and it’s preparation. They might enjoy bringing wild game into their menus and it’s natural that they consider getting involved in getting the “raw” material to prepare. Finally, there are probably tens of thousands of senior citizens out there who hunted when they were younger but because the don’t have a place to go or someone to go with have stopped hunting. They could be like the 80 year old man who had not hunted in 30 years that told our R 3 group he would be happy if he could shoot just one more pheasant before he died. We took him out and helped him get his wish. Your support of SCI and the other conservation organizations is a great first step in helping to preserve our hunting heritage but please consider taking the important next step, introduce someone new to hunting. www.scif | F all 2019 5
Hunts*Special Raffles*Live Auction*Silent Auction Outfitters Night will be held at New Location Dort Federal Event Center Friday, March 13, 2020 1-9 p.m.
MORE EXIBITS AND MORE DONATED ITEMS THAN LAST YEARS RECORD TURNOUT! Buy your next hunt at this extravaganza*Spectacular Wildlife Display*Guides and Outfitters Door Prizes and Raffles*International Hunts*Ladies Items*Furs & Jewelry*North American Hunts
AUCTION * RAFFLE North American Hunt Trips*Fishing Trips*African Hunts Custom Rifles and Shotguns*Fur Coats*Taxidermy Custom Jewelry* Artwork*Silent Auction
Doors open at 2:30PM * Cash Bar opens at 3:00PM Dinner starts at 5:30PM * Live Auction starts at 7:00PM
Package #1: $75.00 – (1) Wild Game Dinner Ticket & (1) Outfitter’s Expo Ticket Package #2: $175.00 – (1) Wild Game Dinner Ticket (1) Outfitter’s Expo Ticket & Early Bird Special Bucket Raffle Ticket Table Sponsor: $1,000.00- (10) Tickets * (1) Special Gun Drawing * Listing in Program * Recognition at Event Dort Federal Event Center (formerly Peranis Arena) * 3501 Lapeer Road * Flint Michigan All Sales and prizes are subject to State and Federal Taxes
A $100.00 ticket purchase will buy $150.00 worth of In-House Bucket Raffle Tickets and Weatherby Shotgn SA08 plus a nice surprise gift. (1) Early Bird Special ticket for a drawing on a Ruger American 450 Bushmaster. This Package will not be available at the door Drawing for the In-House Bucket Raffle held at Fundraiser on Saturday March 14, 2020 Package#1____ x $75.00=____ Package#2____ x $175.00=____ Table Sponsor____ x $1,000.00=____ Total $ ____ Payment Options:
Check enclosed
Visa, Mastercard PayPal
Name:____________________________________________________ Phone (w/area code)________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________________
Make Checks Payable to: SCI Flint Mail to: SCI Flint * PO Box 639 * Davison, MI 48423 Questions? Call Megan Somers 810.429.9157 email:
6 Fall 2019 | if
The SCI Flint 2020 Auction/Fundraiser Tickets are now available, bring your friends and support the future of our hunting heritage!
Join the fun and then gather round the table to swap tales of hunting adventures and best wild game dinners in Michigan. This is the #1 SCI Auction/Fundraiser Dinner and promises to be a night that allows good friends to gather and enjoy discussions of past hunts, plan for upcoming hunts and dreams of that “hunt of a lifetime” yet to come!
38TH Annual Action
Wild Game Dinner
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Outfitters’ Expo: Friday, March 13, 2020
How to Register
□ For tickets and table availability contact Megan Somers 810.429.9157
Mail the registration form from page 6 and indicate payment type to SCI Flint, PO Box 639 Davison, Mi 48423
The Event
You’re invited to attend the 38th annual Auction/Fundraiser and Wild Game Dinner hosted by the Safari Club International Flint Regional Chapter. This is your opportunity to buy your next African or American hunting trip, view tremendous wildlife displays, talk with guides and out fitters, win raffles and door prizes, and shop hundreds of items from fur coats and jewelry to the latest hunting equipment. And the best part is, it all benefits the Safari Club International and their mission to conserve wildlife and wilderness lands; to educate youth and the general public and to promote and protect the rights and interests of hunters worldwide.
Fundraiser/Dinner Saturday Night Door Prize
During the dinner hour, one table number will be drawn for the Door Prize Bucket. Everyone seated at the table and holding a ticket for that table will win a quality rifle or shotgun. Anyone at the table not able to pass a “Nix” check will be given a cash award in lieu of a gun. Minors seated at the table must make other arrangements with FFL Dealer. Make certain you put your ticket sub in the Door Prize Bucket for the drawing and retain your admittance portion of the ticket.
Saturday, March 14th, 2020 Doors open at 2:30pm Dinner starts at 5:30pm Live Auction starts at 7:00pm Dort Federal Event Center 3501 Lapeer Road, Flint, Michigan
Outfitters’ Expo
Friday March 13th, 2020 1:00pm-9:00pm
New Location
Dort Federal Event Center 3501 Lapeer Road, Flint, Michigan
Ticket Package $75.00
(1) Wild Game Dinner Ticket (1) Outfitters’ Expo Ticket
Early Bird Special
Get our tickets early and for each $100 ticket purchase you’ll get $150 worth of In-House Bucket Raffle Tickets and (1) Early Bird Special Ticket for a quality rifle or shotgun.
Ticket Package $175.00
(1) Wild Game Dinner Ticket (1) Outfitters’ Expo Ticket (1) Early Bird Bucket Raffle Ticket
Table Sponsor $1,000.00 (10) Tickets ( l ) Special Gun Drawing (1) Listing in Program (1) Recognition at Event
www.scif | F all 2019 7
Mexican Dove Duck Hunting Outfitters are the rock stars of the hunting community; they live the lives we wish we could: they get to hunt a lot, their workplace is outdoors in beautiful places, they eat well, and spend a lot of time entertaining clients. For me spending time with an outfitter is a treat because they have so many great stories. So when Betty and Curly Warren from Stoney River Lodge Alaska invited me to join them on a Mexican dove and duck I didn’t hesitate. Since Betty and Curly are Outfitters, they’re typically the ones doling out good service, so watching them trying to be clients was entertaining; they had to fight off the urge to lend a hand with whatever we were doing. So I trained them vigorously in the art of relaxing. And relaxing is not difficult at Muy Grande Outfitting. SCI-Flint Donating Outfitter Sergio Estrella from Muy Grande runs a great lodge located just outside of Hermosillo, Mexico. I cannot say enough about the spacious accommodations, staff service, gourmet food, heavy handed bar pours, and of course the bird hunting is OUTSTANDING. Betty, Curly, and I enjoyed two mornings of glorious duck hunting ( one morning spent on the Sea of Cortez waterfowl hunting ) and four different dove shoots. Between the three of us we shot 2,000 rounds of shells over four days. Between bird shoots there was ALWAYS amazing food prepared by Sergio’s French Chef and in the evenings we enjoyed dining outdoors and visiting with other guests over refreshing cocktails. I can’t thank Betty and Curly for inviting me on their adventure. Marc Somers 8 Fall 2019 | if
Keeping The Tradition Alive
Back in the early ’90s I was fortunate enough to hunt British Columbia with my father several times. My Dad loved BC. If you’ve ever been to BC you know what I mean: it’s enchanting, it gets in your blood, and possesses you to go back again and again. Over the last 20 years I’ve been to British Columbia twelve times, so for my thirteenth trip I wanted to take my daughter – just like my father had taken me. I wanted my Daughter Megan to harvest a BC Black Bear so choosing my Outfitter was a no-brainer. I’ve known Todd Bunnage and Tenaka River Outfitters for fifteen years, he’s a noBS straight shooter and all-around good guy. Plus the area Todd hunts, Fort Nelson, BC, is very near where my Dad and I hunted. To say Tenaka River is a good Black Bear hunting area would be a monumental understatement. Todd had Megan on a shooter less than three hours after picking us at the airport but she wanted to wait. Even with the unseasonably warm weather in Ft Nelson we saw over 150 bears in the first four days. On the third day Megan
harvested her trophy Bruin, all of 350 lbs. Megan and I tend to be a bit competitive when hunting and we both knew her bear would be hard for me to beat. On the fourth day I finally harvested a dandy 250 lb Blacky, I was very happy. Harvesting trophy Black bears with Tenaka River outfitters is a great memory but sharing my Dad’s old BC stomping grounds with my daughter was priceless. Marc Somers www.scif | F all 2019 9
Dear Flint Safari Club International Members,
I am writing to express my deepest and heartfelt thank you and immense gratitude for your sponsorship of my American Wilderness Leadership School training this summer. The experience that I had in Wyoming, training with some of the finest educators and outdoors people our world has to offer, has been truly life changing. I have grown as an educator, a father and husband. The amount of time away from all the comforts of society left me an abundant time to reflect on where my priorities lie in my life. Specifically, as an educator, I’ve always strived to be an engaging figure. The course work at AWLS has shown me how to take what were just ideas that I’ve been tossing around in my head for years and to make them reality for my students. When I teach my students about the Westward Expansion of America I now have firsthand experience in what the American west is really like to help shape my students understanding. When we study the Lewis and Clark expedition I will be able to engage my students in an outdoor shelter building activity inspired by one of the AWLS classes. When I teach my students about the Mountain Men and their yearly fur trading rendezvous in the Teton Mountain Range I will be able to share all of the pictures that I took from our field trip to Pinedale. I was inspired to create a lesson on trapping during this time that my students are going to love. There are really countless other inspirations that are going to make me a more effective educator, but more so an educator more aware of my ability to bring the outdoors and the idea of conservation to my students. I have shared my experiences with my fellow staff members at Oxford Middle School and several have expressed interest in attending AWLS next summer. You will be proud to know that the lessons instilled in me through my training will be reflected back out to my coworkers and students over the course of my lifetime and reflected hundreds of times over through them. Thank you all so much for your generous sponsorship. As I close, I am reminded of the saying; from those to whom much is given, much is expected. I will carry the torch and spread the fire. Sincerely, Brian Cisneros Oxford Middle School 8th Grade U.S. History Teacher 10 Fall 2019 | www.scif
Michigan Youth Hunt ALLEGAN, Mich. — The Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative hosted a youth hunt Saturday as an effort to continue toward its mission. The initiative was created to recruit and retain hunters in Michigan. The organization held a pheasant youth hunt at the Allegan State Game Area on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019, where News channel 3’s Reporter Tarvarious Haywood mentored young hunters. Nearly 30 children attended the event. They learned to clean, cook and continue on the tradition of hunting. Nick Green with Michigan United Conservation Club said it is important to keep the youth interested in hunting. “Youth are vital to carrying on conservation in North America so in our North America model of conservation we depend on hunting and angling license dollars to fund conservation,” he said. Several organizations partnered to release over 500 birds to help bring back a bird that was one prevalent in the area, during the event. In the last 10 years, Michigan has lost 50% of its small game hunters. The state gave $260,000 to the organization to put hunters back in the field.
Tarvarious Haywood about 2 months ago So grateful for the opportunity to mentor first time pheasant hunters today. Hunting changed my life. Where I’m from many people don’t make it out alive but my grandparents showed me there was another way out. I hope today changed lives as well! @pheasants4ever @NWTF_official I represented us at this Allegan State Game Area event yesterday. It mad the Grand Rapids TV News. Lots of young and some old hunters were introduced to pheasant hunting. Several of our friends from the R3 Coordinating Committee were the and did the bulk of the work setting this up. Same group that will come to the March 13th Expo event. Carl.
Volunteers Needed
To help at our Expo and fundraiser on March 13 & 14, 2020 We are looking for people interested in helping with setup, take down, running silent auction tables, collecting tickets at the door, etc. If you are interested in joining the fundraiser team please contact: Lewis Duncan: or (810) 516-2975 www.scif | F all 2019 11
12 Fall 2019 | www.scif
www.scif | F all 2019 13
I worked at the deer donation for Sportsmen Against Hunger at Jays Sporting Goods. We took in 29 deer in addition to 13 that were donated on Saturday for a total of 42 for the two days. Here is a photo of Kyle Nash (and his sister) who with some help from dad harvested and donated his very first deer to Sportsmen Against Hunger. What a great learning experience for Kyle and a great example of dad getting his son interested early and setting a great example. This helps restore my faith in the future of hunting. Thank You! CJ Merriman
“Chapter member Carl Griffin shot Sporting Clays at the Grand Blanc Huntsman Club with State Representative John Cherry. Former Lieutenant Governor John Cherry Sr. was there to join in the fun.”
14 Fall 2019 | www.scif
“Chapter Member Carl Griffin hunted Lapeer County for geese with friends in early November resulting in a nice 3 person limit of greaters.�
Chapter member Sheri Harvey with her first hunt and first deer.
Member Matt Young shows off a triple Lake St Clair Muskie with Medicine Man Charters.
This Can Be Your Trophy Picture In The Next Issue! Please email photos with captions to Megan Somers or Joy Peterman or
www.scif | F all 2019 15
How to Warm More Than One Heart at a Time By Dennis Peters How to warm more than one heart at one time. Go on a hunt with a handicap person. Knowing that after almost two years in several different hospitals, along with countless hours in rehab and not knowing if he would ever be able to move any part of his body. With Modern Technology, many Doctor visits, and support from his wife Diane and family, Mark was able to get some control over his body movements. My son Nick and I went to the hospital to see Mark, who was in a coma, I recall saying to Mark “Buddy, when you get better, we’ll go deer hunting!” That’s when Nick pointed out that Mark’s toes were moving. It was like a dream come true knowing that there was hope that Mark and I would be able to take that hunting trip together. Thanks to the SCI Flint Chapter, all the members, those who come to the Flint Fundraisers, purchase raffle tickets and participate in the silent auctions, we are able to raise money to help those in need live their hunting dreams. A 3-day hunt was arranged in Ohio with Xtreme White Tails for Mark. On the first day, Ron pulled up to the lodge with a 6-seater Polaris and with some help we were able to get Mark in the front seat. The real challenge started when we pulled up to a deluxe tower blind. The tower blind has a stairway with hand rails leading to the top. Physically Mark was not able to climb the stairs on his own, so with some help lifting his feet into place on each step and someone on each side to provide extra balance we were able to get him into the blind. Mark was in his glory, just sitting and watching deer, but the buck of a lifetime Mark dreamed of never appeared. After seeing a lot of deer, Ron thought we should move to a different location. Great move! Within a few hours Mark saw a monster 17-point buck give him a good shot opportunity. He took the shot, hit his target, and was all smiles. Ron asked Mark “is that the biggest buck you ever shot?” and Mark smiled again and replied, “that’s the first buck I’ve ever shot.” Our excitement was priceless. The next challenge we faced was how to get Mark into position for pictures. It made me think about how many little things in life we take for granted. After the high fives and pictures, it was time get Mark back in the Polaris. Ron asked Mark if he had someone to mount the deer and Mark said he did not. Ron had his taxidermist come to the ranch so Mark was able to choose how he wanted his trophy deer mounted. Mark was almost brought to tears when Ron told Mark that he was paying to have the deer mounted. My hat goes off to Ron for going the extra mile to make Mark’s time as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This experience truly warms the heart! 16 Fall 2019 | www.scif
rs is Pete n n e D r Dea
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I Flint SC d n a is n n. en r happe both D e v k e n n a h d l t wou ent. like to figured ic accid I h I d truly p l g o u r in o t h s t w e ta o, I me som suffered a ca oma in Chicag g in iv g had c for my life om my , 2017 I r w 12 f e n e p k n u u I ack e On J lly wok on, but to get b a g n t in h fi g o g I fi good When t was ndous ow wha a treme le. One day a as n e k v a t ’ h n d ib did w ul nting and wo was even poss in Chicago, it was hu uld be h ic h t n changed a a w y h e love al if t irley R at it wo to norm wed up at Sh about stuff w ly dreamed th on d ho al friend s e sat and talke t that time I I Annu C S A e w h , . t man. Dennis nt to always a gentle r, I we ing like ither. y e e h t b a s l o d fi d e r t a d s e o e an or me t rned home a y was gre ith him. I wa t f I e l w ib o s h u gh w s pos ally ret I thou ed the a hunt n r d e fi n n t o a n I e g y n in s I Whe d his gu be go Flint. A know t p and explaine would n e v e t ’ Show in ed me that I the u n se I did ennis showed t SCI gave me rm u o a f c in e b e H do lin n D ise from F n. The to ever y surpr taken b e wrong perso with the help uldn’t be able o th 3 he had . Dennis I figured I w e m hio for o t O g g f in in o h h s t t every some itetail Karen nity to ass Wh d by Ron and l u t ! C r G o d l N p r p I o e o T is t O HUN treme W ere gree ed us h again. G would be at X I arrived we w ride and show we took a a e d nt The hu en my wife an n took us for s. From ther s! And I n h o e as days. W the owners. R s to breeding p n was first cl , en eratio Douglas from infant p six . on’s op R . old all ld bring n a h u e io r o t o a a t w r g e h in p seen w g t o o tomorr blind. Big enou w. I think I the hun t f a o h r w u o I to der ge sh in a hu nly won rted to y range. could o day we set up the bucks sta cks were in m t r he bu The nex ithin one hou . I ne of t o n t W u hunt. ternoon uch B . f n a . o s t o a k n c h r of us t e s huge bu the aft create rselves a dozen ve to wait for nt blind by ou e he knew to first buck y ha ledg fere would ooting m TRUE in a dif Ron, the know h t s a s p u I E d M COM ould en Ron and pressed with A w E R I D n im oo WAS A ing was so ! That aftern 2. IT 16 g for mak e in is I r d o C a r c S a s p f p o a u apter t ended Flint Ch e ever. I h t d ers an nis Pet n e D r u o Thank Y en p p a h this www.scif | F all 2019 17
AWLS Adventure
Carl, I just got back from AWLS and what an amazing experience! I have not been able to shut my mouth about it since I got back. I have already begun encouraging staff members to check it out for next summer. I can’t say enough great things about it! Thank you so much for the opportunity to experience it and I hope to continue your investment by not only recruiting more staff to check it out but also by passing on what I have learned to my students. Please pass on my thanks to your chapter of SCI. Thanks again.....Greg Irwin
18 Fall 2019 | www.scif
Legislative Outdoor Day Contact Nick Buggia, Upper Midwestern States Manager
of this year’s campaign with the tag line “Funded by Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Not Tax Dollars”
On May 21, the Michigan Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and the Michigan Advisory Council hosted its annual Legislative Outdoor Day event at the Capitol Area Sportsmen’s League in Lansing.
Rep. Cole and Sen. Bumstead discussed the importance of making hunting and fishing a family activity and exposing new people to the sport. Rep. Love, who is relatively new to hunting and angling, talked about her recent walleye fishing trip on the Detroit River and her plans to run bear this fall with the Michigan Hunting Dog Federation and the Michigan Bear Hunters Association.
This event started out as an opportunity for legislators to learn more about the world of hunting, fishing and recreational shooting. It has grown into the largest event hosted by the Michigan Caucus, with attendees including legislators and staffers, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Director and staff, representatives from the Governor’s office, and conservation partners. All four Caucus Co-Chairs were in attendance: Representatives Triston Cole and Leslie Love, and Senators Jon Bumstead and Adam Hollier. Activities included trap, five stand, archery, fly casting, and a turkey hunting tutorial. There were also booths on trapping, quality deer management, duck hunting and waterfowl habitat, dog training, and sensory safari. After the outdoor activates concluded, a presentation was given by the Michigan Wildlife Council (MWC). The MWC runs a public education campaign with the purpose of increasing the general public’s knowledge of the important role sportsmen and women play in conservation. The MWC used the opportunity to update legislators on their mission and the results of the last few years of the campaign. They also gave a sneak peak
After the wild game dinner a raffle was held and all the elected officials won prizes. SCI Flint provided 30 of the prizes which included Browning hunting knives, thermoses and camo tote bags. All of these items had the SCI logo printed on them. This event was organized by The Michigan Advisory Council, whose members include: Ducks Unlimited, Michigan BASS Nation, Michigan Bear Hunters Association, Michigan Hunting Dog Federation, Michigan Steelhead and Salmon Fishers Association, Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, National Rifle Association, Pheasants Forever, Quality Deer Management Association, Safari Club International, Trout Unlimited, U.P. Bear Houndsman Association, U.P. Sportsmen’s Alliance, and Zero Day. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and The Hal and Jean Glasson Memorial Foundation serve as ex-officio members.
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20 Fall 2019 | www.scif
Texas Hunt
The SCI Mission Statement talks about us protecting the freedom to hunt and to promote wildlife conservation through education and hunting. I would like to share a couple experiences that touch on this last part - hunting. My first experience going after big game was in southeastern part of New York State on state land. I was hunting with a childhood friend using a borrowed single shot 12-gauge shotgun loaded with a slug. Snow fell most of the day and I was cold as hell but was closer to heaven than living people can get. At one point when the snow was really coming down, I thought I saw a deer. To this day I don’t know if a deer is what I saw, because it happened too fast to even consider taking a shot; but left me wanting more. That short introduction to hunting by my friend would lead to many hunts to follow. Fast forward a few years and I land in Michigan after college. As fate would have it, not too far from family on my mothers’ side. I was reunited with my uncle and cousins who to me were and will always be, “the real thing.” They were hard core hunters. Each year making the trek to Seney National Wildlife Refuge in the Upper Peninsula. Prior to opening day, a tent camp would be setup on forestland outside the refuge. The tent was heated by wood burning stoves and lit by gas lanterns. We remained for about a week and a half. Each day we would walk miles into the refuge to try for a buck. My Uncle and Cousins generally taking some real nice deer out of Seney where deer were often few and far between. Due to the low number of deer, hunter pressure was light which meant one could walk for hours and not bump into any other hunters. Sometimes you would get called upon to help drag someone’s deer across a swamp. It took me many years to take my first buck out of there, but I did - a fork horn. My cousin and stepson helped drag it out. These were awesome times that I will never forget. In more recent times much of my time spent hunting has been spent in Texas where my fathers’ side of the family is from. One morning this past December, I found myself getting up before light with a mission to get a buck for my father as I had already filled my tag. Earlier in the trip, I had seen a very nice buck just before dawn. I did not have time to judge its size and take a shot, before it decided to move off. This buck became the mission for the day. On this day my father
and I would be accompanied by my oldest brother, Dan, who would act as an observer. Before dawn we settled down in brush on the side of the field positioned where the wind was favorable looking over this bucks last known trail. This morning fog settled in and light was later to arrive. The first sounds we heard were Rio Grande Turkeys. A large flock flew in from nearby trees creating a loud racket overhead. Some landing within 25 yards of our location. As this is not what we were looking for we had to remain extremely still not to alarm the first visitors to the field. As the turkeys fed across the field away from us, through the misty fog I could make out the shape of a doe some 50 yards out. We watched this deer slowly feeding away from us for the next half hour to the point where the sun peaked over the trees in the east. At that point we felt that we would be exposed soon, and our morning hunt would be over. With the buck as a no show we decided that this doe would be good as any to take to make sausage. With a bark from Dad’s 25-06 and a short tracking job this part of the hunt was over allowing us to fill a doe tag. This Texas hunt will be remembered like the others above, not only for the doe that was taken nor for the buck that never resurfaced, but for the sharing of experiences with friends and family that nature provided. Yes – we are about conservation, education, and hunters’ rights, but we are also about family and friends. I wish you all a morning like this one, Matt Bluntzer www.scif | F all 2019 21
MICHIGAN PHEASANT HUNTING INITIATIVE Brings Hunting Opportunities to All Hunters flocked to public lands in southern Michigan this fall in pursuit of pheasant hunting opportunities made possible by the Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative. An activity rooted in companionship, pheasant hunting has remained a legacy throughout Michigan’s rich hunting heritage. However, as landscapes have changed and become more cultivated over time, wild pheasant habitat and populations have waned. Despite these limiting factors, the excitement surrounding pheasant hunting prevails. This year, a dedicated group of pheasant hunting enthusiasts banded together to bring opportunities back to Michigan hunters. In 2018 the Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative, a grassroots coalition, advocated for legislation that would increase pheasant hunting and recruitment, retention and reactivation opportunities in the state. As a result of these efforts, the Michigan Legislature appropriated $260,000 from the General Fund for a pheasant release program during fall 2019 and 2020. “Hunters have long enjoyed the opportunity to hunt pheasants in Michigan. We will continue to work with partners to keep this a lasting tradition,” Al Stewart, Department of Natural Resources upland game bird specialist, said. “Pheasants are a game bird that everyone can enjoy pursuing in the fall. These beautiful birds are challenging yet rewarding to hunt and make for excellent table fare.” The Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative came to fruition when founder Ken Dalton brought forward his idea and a resolution to Michigan United Conservation Clubs and advocated for its passage at the organization’s annual convention. Through the member-driven policy, MUCC was able to work with the Legislature to help appropriate the money for the 2019 and 2020 pilot program. 22 Fall 2019 | www.scif
“I’m so pleased with all the dedicated work our partners have done to make this program successful”, said Ken Dalton, president of the Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative coalition. In partnership with the Michigan Association of Game Breeders, rooster pheasants were released weekly throughout the October and December hunting seasons on 11 state game areas across southeast and southwest Michigan. In addition to the releases, Learn to Hunt events were held at Allegan and Shiawassee River state game areas. Geared toward hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation, also known as R3, these events provided more than 80 participants a memorable day of mentorship and pheasant hunting. “The events recruited new hunters that had never been out before and reactivated those who hadn’t hunted pheasants in over 40 years,” Dennis Fox, DNR Recruitment and Retention manager, said. “The two hunts provided a great opportunity for a wide range of hunters to enjoy hunting pheasants.” New and novice hunters of all ages came out for a day of learning and fellowship. The Learn to Hunt events offered firearm safety courses, target practice and field-dressing lessons. Small groups of hunters were paired with a mentor, dog and dog handler before embarking on a guided hunt. “MPHI truly represents the member-driven policy process that Michigan United Conservation Clubs is founded upon,” Amy Trotter, MUCC executive director, said. “Ideas like these that invoke R3 events are vital to helping sustain Michigan’s conservation and outdoor heritage legacy.” To identify the number of pheasant and sharp-tailed grouse hunters in Michigan, hunters were required to obtain a free pheasant/sharp-tailed grouse endorsement on their hunting license this year. A DNR survey will be issued to a sample of these hunters, allowing them the opportunity to provide input about pheasant management and possible changes for the 2020 release strategy.
“Crown Jewel” Raffle Bigger and Better! This year the “Crown Jewel” raffle becomes twice as awesome. We have 2 “Crown Jewel” raffles. The winners of these raffles will get to choose 1 item off the live auction before it begins! Please note: There are only 100 tickets sold @ $100.00 each for these drawings and some hunts in the auction are excluded.
“Crown Jewel” Raffle TICKETS ARE $100.OO EACH ONLY 200 TICKETS SOLD!
Winner will have their choice of
ANY SINGLE ITEM ON THE LIVE AUCTION LIST! (Some hunt excluded from this Raffle)
Drawing March 14, 2020
2019 Winners
Hunts • Special Raffle • Live Auction • Silent Auction Outfitters Open House at our New Location Dort Federal Event Center Friday, March 13, 2020 1-9 p.m.
Safari Club International Flint Regional Chapter
more exhibits and more donated items than last years record turnout! Buy your next hunt at this extravaganza • Tremendous Wildlife Display • Guides and Outfitters Door Prizes and Raffles • African Hunts • Ladies Items • Furs and Jewelry • North American Hunts .
North American Hunt Trips • Fishing Trips • African Hunts Custom Rifles and Shotguns • Fur Coats • Taxidermy Custom Jewelry • Silent Auction • Artwork
TIMES FOR THIS YEARS EVENT Doors open at 2:30pm • Cash Bar opens at 3:00pm Dinner starts at 5:30pm • Live Auction starting at 7:00pm
VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR HUNTS & DONATIONS: Outfitters and hunt descriptions are available for review. Check monthly for updates! “Thank You and see you at the Fundraiser”
www.scif | F all 2019 23
Christmas 2019 A Spectacular Evening On December 13, 2019, over 250 SCI-Flint Chapter members including guests gathered together at Woodfield Country Club to celebrate the Christmas Season. This year our party was held the second Friday which allowed more of our hunting friends to hunt the first week and return with their trophies.
The SCI-Flint Annual Christmas Party was once again a huge success because so many members took time from their busy schedules to celebrate another successful year of hunting and friendship. The festivities began at 6:00pm with cocktails, appetizers and a fantastic silent auction. A fabulous buffet dinner of prime rib, salmon, green beans with almonds, salad, rolls and SCI decorated cakes, as dessert, were enjoyed by all. Many members and guests participated in our raffles and silent auction. Great guns, auction items and of course the 50/50 raffle cash guaranteed a very merry Christmas to all. Thank you for making this Christmas Party a wonderful way to commemorate another year together! Blessings for a prosperous 2020! Mark your calendar for next year’s event if you missed this one! 24 Fall 2019 | www.scif
Ultimate Sportsman Market Returns to Reno in 2020!
2020 SCI Convention – Sables Events During the convention we will be raising most of the funds that will be used in the coming year that support our Mission programs. The Mission, to further the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creation and support of wildlife and conservation educational programs that are consistent with the educational mission and purposes of SCI and SCI Foundation. After you register, be sure to stop in at the Sables Booth where you can shop for clothes for yourself or the kids. You can also get information about the Education programs including the American Wilderness Leadership School. Sables Memberships can be purchased at the membership booth and during the luncheon. Be sure to also check out and bid on the handmade custom knife that was made and donated by Flint Regional Chapter member, Otto Bluntzer. This item is part of the 4-day silent auction and will be displayed at the Sables booth. Also available at the booth will be Benefit Awards tickets featuring a limited-edition bronze sculpture by Bud Berger, 18K Gold Earrings donated by Appleby’s Animals, and a Kimber Mountain Ascent Rifle. On Wednesday, February 5 is the Sables General membership meeting at the Atlantis Casino and Resort open to all Sables members. You will not want to miss the Sables Luncheon on Friday February 7 with doors opening at 10:15am. This event that might be the highlight of your trip where you can sip champagne when listening to the entertainment by Artie Dean Harris and
Bourbontown. Live and Silent auctions will be running during the event. Wrapping up the convention will be the Saturday evening dinner. The Dream Hunt supporting education programs this year was donated by Coastal Alaska Adventures, a 7-day Alaska Luxury Yacht Based Sitka Black-Tailed Deer Hunt with Donald Trump Jr. Be sure to check out these events supporting the Sables, and if you haven’t joined yet, I encourage you to jump on board. www.scif | F all 2019 25
I want to thank all of our board members and others who have contributed in helping put together another great list of donations and hunts for our 2019 Fundraiser Dinner. Please make every effort to give them consideration when planning your next hunting trip since they have donated their time and services to help make our event such a success. Please visit our website: to see pictures and write ups. Listed below are the donations from 2019. DONATION Hunt of a Lifetime, Gun for a Cause Veterans Humanitarian Fund Mountain Lion African Crocodile Hunt Mozambique Garnet and Diamond Ring New Zealand 5-Day Silver Package
OUTFITTER Cardrona Outfitters De Wet Hunting Safaris Ashnola Guide Outfitter ESP Hunting Safaris Jewel Craft Cardrona Outfitters
VALUE Priceless $12,500.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $4,000.00 $18,000.00
Mexico Dove Hunt
Muy Grande Outfitters
Rambo Electric Bike
Bad Ass Outdoor Gear, Russ Kocherhans Ghost Holler Whitetails Cascade Furs Nootka Island Lodge Buck Country Outfitters John Bull/York Trappers JR Wetlands Outfitters Josh White Lonetree Outfitters Safari Unlimited Blue Reef Adventure Monarch Rivers Double Deuce Ranch & Wild Wildebeest Safaris KB Outdoors Inc. Crosshairs Outfitters LLC Impondo Safaris/Lures & Lead Prohunt Spain MI-HI Fishing Charters Verdigris Valley Outfitters Tiny Bubbles Charters Jewel Craft Pine Hill Plantation Cardrona Outfitters Triple M Outfitters Unlimited
(801) 201-1130
$3,200.00 $1,500.00 $2,249.00 $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00
(270) 978-9972 (616) 957-4936 (604) 909-4155 (780) 870-6510 (407) 782-3690 (289) 683-7922
$10,000.00 $5,995.00
(801) 319-3226 (573) 544-2041
$7,000.00 $13,750.00
(602) 332-9889 (608) 572-2389
$5,000.00 $28,800.00 $15,000.00 $11,000.00 $650.00 $3,500.00 $525.00 $5,000.00 $14,000.00 $2,800.00 $3,500.00
(719) 640-3888 (907) 394-2924 (941) 960-5140 34-91-431-7070 (248) 879-0825 (719) 368-9188 (231) 383-1500 (248) 344-4400 (404) 310-2737 001 022 088 0341 (321) 863-2985 or www.
Northern Alberta Outfitters De Wet Hunting Safaris SCI-Flint Chapter Big Cove Whitetail Trophy Hunts Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters Milliron T.J. Outfitting Inc Muy Grande Outfitters
$4,000.00 $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $7,500.00
(780) 305-4588 +27769479569
$26,500.00 $2,500.00 $9,500.00
(250) 791-8340 (307) 631-8107 (208) 805-8854
Cascade Furs
(616) 957-4936
Monarch Rivers African Field Sports Stoney River Lodge Inc Cardrona Outfitters Hilde Hunting Service
$1,200.00 $12,000.00 $14,000.00 $2,000.00 $800.00
(602) 332-9889 +27 48-881-3816 (907) 244-9938 001-022-088-0341 (248) 909-1512
3 Day 4 Night Kentucky Whitetail Deer Hunt Natural sheared Beaver vest 4-Day British Columbia Fishing Trip 3-day Saskatchewan Waterfowl Hunt for 2 people Trophy Alligator Hunt (10’+) 2 Day Ontario Waterfowl for 4 people 9-Day Utah Mule Deer Hunt 6-Day Belize Snorkeling, Fishing & Diving Trip for 2 people 5-Day Illinois Rut Archery Whitetail Deer Hunt 8-Day Missouri/South Africa Combo Hunt Colorado Bull Elk Hunt Alaskan Brown Bear/Black Bear Combo Trophy Bull Elephant 5-Day Spain Red Deer & Ibex Hunt Michigan Walleye Fishing Trip Kansas Whitetail Archery Hunt Michigan Salmon Fishing Trip Diamond Band Ring 2-Day Vintage Georgia Quail Hunt for 4 people 3-Day New Zealand Alpine Goat Hunt Trophy Florida Alligator Hunt 7-Day Alberta Wolf Hunt South African Plains Game Hunt SCI International Life Membership 3-4 Day Pennsylvania Whitetail Hunting Trip Northwest Territory Dall Sheep Hunt 3-Day Wyoming Antelope Hunt Desert Mule Deer Hunt Black dyed sheared mink sections reversible jacket Illinois 3-Day semi-guided Turkey Hunt 5-Day Vita Dart of a White Rhino Hunt 6-Day Daily fly-out Alaska Fishing Adventure 3-Day Southern Alps Ram Hunt 1-Day Southeastern Michigan Goose Hunt for 4
26 Fall 2019 | www.scif
PHONE 001-022-088-0341 +27769479569 (250) 292-8779 +27719256823 (248) 344-4400 001-022-088-0341
(717) 816-0893
WEBSITE mx www.triplemoutfittersunlimited. com mx
These Hunts are Subject to Change 5-Day Colorado Elk Hunt Late Season Whitetail Bow Hunt 3- Day Texas Aoudad Arizona 4-Day Coues Deer Hunt Alaska Fishing Trip for 2 people Sasketchewan Whitetail New Zealand Chamois Hunt Saginaw Bay Walleye Charter
Bookcliff Outfitters Monarch Rivers Action Outdoor Adventures Rincon Outfitters Bear Lake Lodge Alaska Mike’s Hunting Adventures Cardrona Outfitters Reel Rumors Sport Fishing Charters Tactical Hearing Nature Blinds Zulu Nyala Duck Creek Outfitters Northeast Missouri Outfitters Accurate Range in Clarkston Oldaker Outfitting Matewetwe Safaris
$7,995.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,500.00 $8,900.00 $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $500.00
(970) 327-4787 (602) 332-9889 (210) 827-0053 (520) 349-6497 (907) 398-1335 (306) 560-0305 001 022 088 0341 (989) 915-3312
$4,000.00 $4,395.00 $5,950.00 $4,900.00 $2,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 $14,000.00
(801) 822-6888 (830) 928-9777 (616) 566-4365 (541) 771-4976 (989) 277-3502 (248) 625-1045 (308) 631-3461 27-82-922-8397
Conquest Cardrona Outfitters Hunt Conexion Mexico BC Trophy Outfitters
Priceless $8,000.00 $5,250.00 $5,500.00
001 022 088 0341 +5218787000384 (800) 215-0913
Moose and Grizzly Hunt 3-day, 4 night hunt for two Ohio Northeastern whitetail deer 60 bird Pheasant Hunt for 6 hunters 3-Day Trophy Pronghorn Hunt
Yukon Big Game Outfitters Briarwood Sporting Club
$28,000.00 $4,000.00
(250) 264-2512 (937) 593-8045 www.bctrophymountainoutfitters. com
Muzzy Pheasant Farm Wyoming Professional Hunters
$1,730.00 $2,475.00
(810) 577-1779 (307) 247-6226
Ohio Whitetail Deer Hunt
(248) 890-4500
Hawaiian Trophy Goat Hunt Spring Turkey 2 Bird Hunt for 1 Hunter Sturgeon Fishing Trip
Xtreme World Class Whitetails of Ohio Maui Hunting Safari Oldaker Outfitting BT Outfitters
$2,250.00 $2,175.00 $500.00
(808) 573-8426 (308) 631-3461 (810) 300-1601
Alaska Fishing Trip for 4 anglers
Gone Again Charters
(573) 544-2041
10-Day South Africa Safari New Zealand Red Stag 300 to 366 SCI 6-Hour Michigan Trolling Musky Charter Crushed Opal and Tanzanite Jewelry Set Taxidermy Gift Certificate 3 -Day/2 nights fishing trip for up to 8 people 4-Day British Columbia Fishing Trip Natural Ranch mink coat trimmed in silver fox Michigan Bobcat Hunt Handmade Wilderness Quilt 106 x 106 France Bronze Mouflon or Fallow Deer SCI VIP Fundraiser Table 2020 NRA Lifetime Membership 2-Day 3-Night Montana Float Fishing Trip for 2 people Argentina Big Game Sheep Hunt for 2 hunters Ireland Sika Stag Hunt for 1 hunter Dog Portrait Hunting Credit Michigan Combo Coyote & Turkey 3 Day Balkan Chamois Hunt Holland’s Shooting School
Limcroma Safaris Cardrona Outfitters Medicine Man Charters Jewel Craft Taxidermy by Dourlain Briarwood Sporting Club Nootka Island Lodge Cascade Furs Jim Shepherd Kathy Scott France Safaris SCI-Flint Chapter SCI-Flint Chapter Iron Wheel Guest Ranch
$14,000.00 $7,000.00 $850.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,249.00 $3,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,340.00
(817) 271-9858 001-022-088-0341 (734) 709-2766 (248) 344-4400 (517) 304-5840 (937) 593-8045 (604) 909-4155 (616) 957-4936 (989) 306-1143 (519) 864-4967 +330676854819
(406) 494-2960
Quebrachal Ranch Celtic Field Sports - Ireland Kathy Krupa Action Outdoors Adventures Hilde Hunting Service Safari Season Ltd. Holland’s Shooting Supply
$12,500 $7,000.00 $410.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $6,900.00 $2,000.00
‘5491135743631 281-823-2026
210-827-0053 248-909-1512 ‘+359899812590 541-439-5155
Tactical Hearing Custom-fit T-4-16-HD Tree Trunk Hunting Blind African Photo Safaris Saskatchewan Duck & Goose Hunt 5-Day Missouri Archery Whitetail Hunt Private LIVE-FIRE Simulator Range Party Nebraska Whitetail Deer Rut Hunt to come 7-Day South African Plains Game Hunt 2 hunters and 2 Observers CONQUEST SCENTS MEGA PACKAGE New Zealand 3-Day Bull Tahr Hunt Carmen Mt. or Mexican Whitetail Deer Hunt British Columbia Choice Hunt Facebook-Rods A Poppin Charter Service www.safariunlimitedworldwide. com
www.scif | F all 2019 27
360 South Outer Drive Saginaw, MI 48601
3400 St. Joseph Lansing, MI 48917
1069 O’Rourke Boulevard Gaylord, MI 49735
50771 Design Lane Shelby Twp, MI 48315
1755 Mayflower Road Niles, MI 49120
1006 West Front Street Statesville, NC 28677
26475 SouthPoint Road Perrysburg, OH 43551
28 Fall 2019 | www.scif
Phone: 989.753.3492 Fax: 989.753.3435 Phone: 517.482.2200 Fax: 517.482.2276 Phone: 989.732.3265 Fax: 989.732.8097 Phone: 586.254.0123 Fax: 586.254.2326 Phone: 269.695.0123 Fax: 269.695.0125 Phone: 704.872.9546 Fax: 704.878.9211 Phone: 567.336.4567 Fax: 567.336.4577
www.scif | F all 2019 29
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