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Volume No. 1 | April 2023 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR REDEEMER 30 Duke’s Road, Singapore 268912. Tel: 6466-4500. Email:
Visit to Sabah Find out about how LCS is supporting PCS HOPE of Christ Read about the reason for the season CAMP is back! Don’t miss your chance to take a vacation and refresh your soul . . . Focus on Christ A closer look at our Liturgy The GOODNEWS | April 2023 2 Blessed Easter 2 Contents 4 Proclaiming Christ through HOPE 6 Knowing John 101 8 Focusing on Christ through the Divine Service 7 Church Camp is back! 12 Serving in the Boy’s Brigade Ministry 13 My Confirmation 14 Visit to Protestant Church in Sabah 17 Biblical Perspectives on Wealth Management 18 A Crafty Christmas Celebration 20 Women in Church and Society (WICAS) 22 Kairos Reflections

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

HE takes good care of you

As we move forward in the post-COVID era, it is important that we continue to proclaim Christ to the world around us. In these times of uncertainty and fear, people are looking for hope and guidance, and we have the answer in Jesus Christ.

Let us remember that our proclamation of Christ is not just through our words, but also through our actions. In James 2:17, we read that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” Let us live out our faith in tangible ways, showing the love of Christ to those around us through our actions and service.

As we navigate these uncertain times, may we be a light in the darkness, proclaiming Christ to all who will listen.

Hope you enjoy reading as much as we had fun putting this together.


Proclaiming Christ through HOPE

Our theme for 2023 is “Proclaiming Christ.” In Acts 5:42, we learn that the Apostles did not cease teaching and proclaiming Jesus as the Christ. They did this every day in the temple and from house to house. This is what God had called them to do.

We too want to Proclaim Christ by the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our friends, colleagues and neighbors need to hear the wonderful mercy and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through faith in Christ Jesus, they can receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

We can learn from the example of our Master Evangelist, our Lord Jesus Christ. In John chapter 4, our Lord Jesus shares the gospel with the Samaritan woman. Our Lord Jesus is passing through Samaria to go to Galilee. Jews did not use this route because they despised the Samaritans. I summarize the sharing of the gospel by our Lord with the acronym, HOPE.

ACTS 5:42

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

His for ‘hear’. Firstly, our Lord Jesus heard the lady. He asked the lady a question and then heard the lady. A good way to start a gospel conversation is to ask a question. Our Lord Jesus started the conversation by asking the lady, “Give me a drink.” Our Lord Jesus’ thirst and the lady’s work of drawing water provided the common ground for conversation. If you hear them out then they will also hear you when you share the gospel.

HOPE The GOODNEWS | April 2023 4

How can we do this?

Ois for ‘offer’. Secondly our Lord Jesus offered her living water. Our Lord Jesus offered the lady the gospel. God offers everyone His Son and the Holy Spirit. The living water is the life that the Holy Spirit produces in us as we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Offer the Gospel to them.

Pis for ‘pray’. Thirdly, pray that they will want the gospel. The lady pleads for the living water. She says, “Sir give me this water so that I will not get thirsty.” She wants what the Lord Jesus has to offer. Pray that those you share the gospel with will plead for the living water. The Lord also proclaims the Law to her. P also reminds us to ‘proclaim’ the law. The Lord showed her, her sin. She was living with a man who was not her husband. God’s law is that we should not commit adultery. She acknowledged her sin.

Eis for ‘encourage’. Finally, encourage them to receive the Lord. The Samaritan woman received the Lord Jesus as her Messiah. The Lord showed her that He was the Messiah and the woman believed and received. The Lord Jesus quenched her thirst for love by forgiving her sin and filling her with love, joy and peace.

So let us proclaim Christ as we have seen our Lord Jesus proclaim Himself as the Christ. Let us proclaim Christ through H.O.P.E. Hear the person out as you ask a question. Offer the Lord Jesus as the Savior to them. Pray for them to want the Lord’s salvation from sin. Proclaim the law to them. Encourage them to believe in the Lord and receive the Lord. As many as received Him, He gave them the right to become the children of God.

May we like the Apostles, Proclaim Christ. You can do it by the HOPE way. May the Holy Spirit enable us to do this. Amen.


Knowing John 101

What brought you to LCOR as a Parish Worker?

A deep interest and an opened door. Since 2019, I have been studying again the basics of Christian Theology, particularly from the Lutheran perspective at my alma mater, Trinity Theological College.

This was deeply invigorating and after a couple of years of learning, I desired more and more to be involved in church life so that Theology can be lived out in a community.

When you are not working, where could one find you?

About once a week, I would be in my living room, building and painting a scale model of an aircraft or a tank or a sci-fi robot with my primary school friend who shares the same passion. Twice a week, I would be at the Aikido class in Toa Payoh, throwing or being thrown onto the floor.

Some days I would be jamming on my saxophone alone or with friends or family at a music studio or KTV place. And some days, perhaps mostly, I am at home catching up with mundane household or administrative chores.

Is there a movie or TV series that you have watched more than 10 times – and why?

There is Apocalypse Now! (1979), there is Blade Runner (1982), Band of Brothers (2001); but currently (i.e. in recent years), I have been re-watching episodes of an American crime series called Columbo. It was originally screened from 1968 to 2003 and stars Peter Falk as the crime solving Lieutenant Columbo, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department.

I like the cinematography and designs of the 1960s and 70s; and also Peter Falk’s acting with the light-hearted, thick-skinned persistence that he portrays in his character. In that sense, he is a comfortable role model for a not-so-young adult like me.

What’s been your biggest joy in ministry?

There are several “biggest joy” in ministry at LCOR. It includes having the privilege to work with Pastor Nick and Pastor Richard who have provided me with a very nurturing environment. In particular, they have been significant examples to me in terms of their demeanor and experience in ministry, in preaching, teaching and relating to people. We often share openly and candidly about ministry and other stuff. Hence, I feel part of a ministry team and relish the camaraderie. I think the opposite would be loneliness and isolation in ministry, and that usually does not have a happy ending.

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I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
JOHN 15:5

Church Camp is back!


Sharing Christ

Our church camp offers a time away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives to refresh our mind, body and spirit. We make new friends and bond through games, immerse ourselves in God’s word and find rest as we minister to one another to seek God’s direction for our lives. There will be Interest Group Workshops that cater to the needs of the different age groups too. The camp is great for kids, youths, adults and seniors. Your friends are welcome too. Do join the camp for a refreshing time.

11-14 June

Double Tree Hotel, Johore Bahru

Ban Seng’s ministry passion is in engaging fellow Christians for faithful living at the workplace. He is the Managing Director of KAPPS Consulting, and a former Partner of a Big Four accounting & advisory firm. Ban Seng is an elder at The House of Prayer. He received his Master of Arts (Theological Studies) from Regent College Vancouver, and is the author of a book, Worship @ Work

Nigel has a passion for sowing God’s word in the hearts of children through worship. He is from Anesti Ministry, an organization that specialises in writing Christian music for kids. An experienced facilitator for children’s programmes, he has organised many children’s workshops and camps for local churches.

Information on cost per person, ordering of T-shirt and transport can be found on the registration form directly. For questions on registration and rooming, kindly contact Ms Alicia Lee at 98432499.

For interested participants who need financial assistance, subsidies are available. Please approach your cell group leaders, pastors or Mrs Joyce Yeo at 97355154.

Mr Neo Ban Seng Mr Nigel Goh SCAN FOR CAMP

This year’s theme set by Ps Nick is “Proclaiming Christ”. When we think of proclaiming Christ, we think of non-Christians, we think of outreach, evangelism, and witnessing. Many may not see the Sunday Divine Service as a means and platform for the proclamation of Jesus Christ.

The Augsburg Confession, Article VII says: “The Church is the congregation of saints in which the Gospel is purely taught, and the Sacraments are correctly administered.” In other words, God has established his church for the purpose of proclamation. This is clearly stated in Article V of the Augsburg Confession, which says, “So that we may obtain this faith, the ministry of teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments was instituted. Through the Word and Sacraments, as through instruments, the Holy Spirit is given [John 20:22]. He works faith, when and where it pleases God [John 3:8], in those who hear the good news that God justifies those who believe that they are received into grace for Christ’s sake.”

In this article, I want to briefly survey our Sunday Liturgy and highlight to you how all the various components of the liturgy are focused on Christ and His work for sinners like you and me.

A Closer Look at Our Liturgy

Procession and Entrance Hymn

We begin the Divine Service with the Procession and the Entrance Hymn. The entourage wearing white, marching in with a lighted candle (some churches include a processional cross and a big Bible) proclaims the presence of Christ, underscored with the singing of an appropriate Entrance Hymn.

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The Invocation in our Liturgy involves the pastor reciting the name of the Triune God. Along with the words, “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” the sign of the cross is often made. This invocation proclaims the identity of the God who is present, and the making of the sign of the cross proclaims in bold letters, so to speak, what this God has done for humanity in Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity.

Confession and Absolution

As humans gather in the presence of a holy God, they realize their sinful state and their need for pardon. The Absolution which the pastor speaks from Scripture is a proclamation of forgiveness that Christ has won for all humanity through his death on the cross.

Kyrie And Hymn of Praise

Having heard the proclamation of Christ forgiveness in the Absolution, the congregation now proceeds to pray to the Triune God for mercy and then praises the Holy Trinity highlighting their unique personhood and their role in the salvation of all mankind. A contemporary addition to the traditional Gloria Patri is the song. “This Is the Feast.” This song brings us to the book of Revelation where the theme of the eschatological feast of the Lamb is recalled.

Prayer of the Day

Also called the Collect, this prayer focuses on the theme of the church for the year as well as the scriptural text for that week. It is addressed to the Father and ends in the name of Jesus, who is invoked as the mediator through whom the believer is able to have access to the Father


in prayer.

Scripture Reading

In John 5:39 Jesus says that the scriptures testify concerning him. In Luke 24, Jesus beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, interpreted to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, in all Scriptures the things concerning himself. So, with this lens, the Old Testament is read in the congregation to proclaim the coming of Jesus the Messiah. The Psalms are read responsively to express our patience in waiting as we experience daily trials and troubles. The Epistle lesson is read to guide our lives as we wait for the coming of Christ. And finally, all stand to acknowledge by faith the arrival of Christ in the reading of the Gospel.


Lutheran sermons proclaim both law and gospel. The Law is declared to convict and to prepare hearers for the comforting promises of the gospel, the gospel which means the good news of Jesus’ work and promise for sinful humanity.


If the Scripture testifies concerning Christ, then the creeds summarize what the Scripture says concerning Jesus. One can easily see and hear the Christological emphasis in the three ecumenical creeds used in the Liturgy at different seasons of the church calendar.

Prayer and Offering

Having been strengthened in faith through the proclamation of Christ’s words and promises, the church stands to proclaim that faith in Christ in prayer and in the offering of their financial gifts.

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Holy Communion

Holy Communion is conducted differently in different churches, but all orthodox churches will surely incorporate two things: the Words of Institution and the Lord’s Prayer. The Words of Institution are the very words of Jesus spoken at the Passover Meal, spoken and instituted on the night in which Jesus was betrayed. And the Lord’s Prayer is the very prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray.

Benediction, Closing Song, and Recessional

Like the Invocation at the beginning of the Divine Service, the Benediction sends God’s people out into the world in the name of the Triune God, marked with the sign of the cross to encourage them to learn from their Saviour to carry their cross in the stations that God has placed them in. The closing song, for one final time, reminds the gathered, of their identity in Christ and the recessional visually reminds the congregation that Christ leads them into the world to live as His disciples.


So we see that in the Divine Service, through the liturgy, Christ is proclaimed. And so one simple way to evangelize and share Christ with family and friends is to simply invite them to church; and the Word of God that goes out will not come back void. (Is 55:11)

1 Paul Timothy McCain, ed., Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2005), 34.

2 Paul Timothy McCain, ed., Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2005), 33.


Serving in the Boys’ Brigade

Serving in a uniform group is not new to me. I grew up in a uniform group during my teenage years. I was with the St. John Ambulance. However, serving in the Boys’ Brigade (BB) is a whole new experience. In the second half of 2022, Ps Richard shared with me that BB is a uniform group based on christian values, with opportunities to evangelise and mentor teenagers who are non-believers. I didn’t give much thought to it at first but after some coaxing, I agreed to partner with Ps Richard in the BB ministry and thus my journey began.

To serve in the ministry, I need to first attend the Officer Cadet Orientation (OCO) and thereafter, the Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC). The OCO was a one-day session on zoom and the BOTC was over three Saturdays. The OCO introduces the founding of BB by Sir William Alexander Smith. The BOTC shares that being an officer means being a mentor to the boys. For me, this was my first time being a mentor to someone. From the two courses, I found out that investing in a person’s life is very valuable. So as the days passed, I am better equipped to be a mentor with the skills gained.

In a blink of an eye, 2023 came and I was tasked to be the officer-in-charge to the secondary one students. In these three months, being a regular attendee of the weekly parades, I have grown, both as an officer and also as an elder whom they can rely on. In every parade, I would try to train the boys and also build friendship with them after the parades. Still, as a new officer, I take heart that God is with me and I look to Him for wisdom. As I continue this journey, I pray that God will use me to shine His light and show the right path to the boys. To God be the glory. Amen.

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Confirmation was overall an interesting experience, and as I look back, I have many things to be grateful for. As Confirmation classes are held before church service, I had to be disciplined and come to church earlier. Though it was a bit tiring and meant having to wake up earlier, it was rewarding as I managed to learn more about Christ and strengthen my faith.

The lessons were well-planned and the teachers put in a lot of work with slides and worksheets to educate us interactively and engage us . They were very patient and good-natured as well especially when we asked questions. By encouraging us, they managed to get us to step out of our comfort zones and be open about learning more about the Christian faith.

On the day of Confirmation, I was quite nervous. On the one hand, it seemed that by being confirmed meant that I take full responsibility in my faith and I have to put in effort to do my best and keep going. However, I soon realized that being confirmed was also about entrusting my life to God, remembering and giving thanks and praise to God that I am who I am today. It also allowed me to reflect on the many things God has given me and made me closer to God.

And hence, with the teachers guiding and helping me along this path to Confirmation, I have grown in my knowledge and have also learnt to trust and lean on God for providence and strength. It has not been an easy road, through Sunday School all the way to where I am now (11 years!) I have grown and developed a lot through the support of the church. I would like to thank all my teachers for aiding me in this journey.

C 13 YOUTH My Confirmation
By Yap Wynn Ern

Visit to Protestant Church in Sabah

Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) has been supporting the preschool works in Sabah since 2018. However due to the Covid pandemic, we were not able to make any trip to Sabah until the country’s border reopened.

LCS decided to arrange a trip to Sabah in August 2022 and since LCOR has been supporting the works, LCOR mission committee decided to join LCS to explore the Sabah Preschool ministry.

The purpose of the visit was to ascertain the work that LCS has been supporting from 2018-2022 and to establish a partnership if LCS congregations continue to be supportive of the ministry. The trip also enabled us to understand more about the work and the area of needs.

The LCOR team comprised of Wai Leong, Chris How, Kris Tan, Mark Lim and Bock Chin. The trip was led by Pearl (JCC congregation representative to LCS mission committee).

The Protestant Church in Sabah (PCS) is a member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF – a global communion of

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01 - Five and six year old kids with their balloons and gifts 03 -Children’s uniform sewn by their parents! 02 - Wooden hut used as preschool

Lutheran churches). PCS’ membership is primarily made up of the indigenous people of the different tribes from the rural interior of Sabah, such as the Rungus, Tobonuvo, Kimaragang, Garo and others. In recent years, the Malaysian government had started many preschools and kindergartens even in the rural interior of Sabah. With the funding from the government, many perks were also provided to encourage families to send their children to these schools. With the lack of Christian preschools within their reach, many PCS members had no choice but to send their children to these government schools as well. However, they were dismayed when their children came back influenced by the schools’ religious practices. They had appealed to the church to run preschools for their children to attend instead of the government schools.

In Singapore you can find preschools or kindergartens around the neighborhood. However, that’s not the case here. It is really challenging for the villagers to find Christian preschools within their villages. As such, the church members appealed to the local churches to run the preschools. Hence during our visit, we observed that almost all the preschools were located beside a local church or within the church premises (eg. shared with Sunday school premise), having only one teacher and one assistant to cater to the children from its members and the community.

The physical condition of the preschools and kindergartens vary, from concrete structure to simple wooden hut. Some

04 -
05 - Turfed area will be upgraded with corporate CSR sponsorship 06 - One of the only two officially registered preschools

were also in need of repairs. As most of the preschools were not properly built, only 2 out of the 17 centres have successfully registered as a ‘Tadika’ (kindergarten) with the government. Being a non-registered kindergarten posed problems for kindergarteners’ - applications to primary schools, as primary schools can only admit students from registered kindergartens. However, thanks be to God that some primary schools do not enforce this policy as they recognise the higher quality of kindergarteners from PCS centers compared to those from the main stream public kindergartens.

The team visited 9 of the 12 centres that LCS supported in 2022 with 6 centers located in the rural villages separated by hills and muddy roads. The other 3 are near or within Kudat but still hours away from the city Kota Kinabalu. The inner locality makes procurement of resources difficult and expensive. Within Kudat, there are limited or no options for purchasing education materials, that is why they need to print their own materials. For example, one challenging centre was Kg. Lumikog. The teacher, Esther, rides a motorbike. To buy resources in bulk, she had to hire a car. A round trip alone costs RM80, when the monthly

disbursement for materials is RM150. She is unable to keep the materials or even the printer in the hut as they get bitten by rats. There was a termite infestation in the school even though the hut was just about 5 years old. During a recent flood, the toilet was washed away. Due to its location in a flood prone area, the centre had to be built on stilts.

Despite all the challenges, we observed that the teachers were committed and dedicated in their roles. Some teachers have also made attempts to be creative with their teaching materials. The quality of the teachers varies from centre to centre. Some teachers were already trained in early childhood at the point of employment, while some were pursuing their diplomas. But most of them were trained on-the-job or they learnt through online resources together. Most of the teachers are members of the parish where the centre is located.

During the trip, Pearl and Wai Leong met up with PCS Sabah Management Committee to listen to their future plans for the PCS preschools and kindergarten. With limited resources, and the difficulty in getting more kindergartens registered with the government, PCS is studying the possibility of converting the kindergartens to PCS Children Learning Centre, which covers a wider range of activities that may include after-school care and tuition centre.

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07 - Upper level of wooden hut used as preschool

Biblical Perspectives on Wealth Management

According to Sondra Wheeler, the Cultural Mandate of wealth is based on Creation Mandate. Hunter Beaumont develops Money Theology following the storyline of God’s kingdom: it is created, fallen and can be redeemed. Wong and Rae comment that work is a fulfilment of the Creation Mandate (Genesis 1:26; 2:7,15,26) and also a service to God in the transformation of the world into the New Creation (the city of Revelation) . Work generates wealth.

Wealth is not narrowly defined as a blessing or an evil. It all depends on circumstance. There is no correlation between physical wealth/poverty with spiritual wealth/poverty.

Sondra Wheeler elaborates that we are only stewards of material things, even when one has worked for them and earned them in one sense. Wealth is a gift from God and it is subsequently for Him. We should be good stewards (Luke 16:1-13) and must not have the wrong attitude of “Mammonism” (1 John 2:15; 1 Timothy 6:10; Luke 12:16-21). We should seek first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness (Matthew 6:31-33).

The true security is only to be found in God’s provision. We must have the right attitude by focusing on Christ through storing up heavenly treasure (Matthew 19:21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19) and tie the right use of riches to discipleship by serving the Lord, His mission and His people.

Wealth management is an investment advisory service that combines other financial services to address the needs of High Net-Worth clients. It is important to engage a reputable and wise wealth manager who has high integrity and professionalism (Proverbs 15:22). Wealth managers should not be tempted by financial reward for themselves that they commit fraud and be non-compliant.

A wealth manager has responsibilities to ascertain source of wealth of the clients, invest in ESG (Environment Social Governance) related products, have fair dealing and meet investment criterion of clients (performance return, risk profile, loss tolerance, liquidity, diversification, leverage and legacy planning).

Christian Advisors must manage the clients’ risk profile to achieve good performance return, as in the “Parable of the Talents” (Matthew 25:1430). Christians also need to put aside some liquidity to feed our families (1 Timothy 5:8), care for brothers and sisters in difficulty (James 2:16), being generous (Galatians 6:10), pay taxes, save for retirement (1 Thessalonians 4:12), fund gospel work such as church (Galatians 6:6) and missions (3 John 6), and enjoy His goodness through His good gifts with thanksgiving (1 Timothy 4:4).

Christian Advisors can encourage Christian clients to be better participate in God’s redemptive mission. The clients can do philanthropy in the church’s cross-cultural mission (Philippians 4:14–20; 2 Corinthians 8 and 9) and help the poor (Matthew 25:35-40; Luke 11:41, 6:20-23; Proverbs 19:17; Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-19; Leviticus 25:35-38). Giving is the essence of philanthropy. It fulfills the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37,39).

1Wong, Kenman L. and Rae, Scott B, Business for the Common Good – A Christian Vision for the Marketplace. (Christian Worldview Integration Series: 2011) 2Ellul, J., Money and Power. (Marshall Pickering, 1986, page 105)

A Crafty Christmas Celebration

Christmas Outreach 2022

On 17 Dec 2022, the English congregation partnered with Green Pastures Child Centre ministry group to organise a “Crafty Christmas Celebration” for children in our preschool, Sunday school and members of public. We simply wanted to let the children enjoy a time of togetherness where we share warmth and joy with family and our community. As Christmas is a time where we celebrate giving and God’s sacrificial love, the event was also made free, sponsored by the church.

We had craft stations, story-telling sessions and a mini-concert of Dance and Ukulele. Imagine 50 children with their parents in tow, flitting from booth to booth, interacting with volunteers and attempting the craft activities together as a family. They tried their hands at decorating Christmas trees made of ice-cream sticks, and greeting cards to send to their loved ones. Kids were invited to join dancers onstage to dance in time with them, making it a spontaneous and enjoyable atmosphere.

There were messages behind each activity: in snowman crafting, it taught them to stick as a family to find joy and cheer despite cold and difficult times; the star at the top of tree represents the star that led the wise men to Jesus, which is the church’s hope that kids also be led to Jesus.

The storytelling segment was from a book “Just Teddy” by author Emily Lim-Leh about a teddy bear that didn’t fit in with other toys. The story is based on Psalm 139:14 - “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” He was eventually taken home by a girl with a birthmark, who remarked that he was surely oneof-a-kind. The storyteller was my sister, Su-Lynn Chua, who chose the book as she herself had gone through 2 surgeries just to

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remove a birthmark, having been bullied when she was younger. Her personal testimony reiterated that we are all born uniquely and wonderfully made by God. (You can check out Emily’s blog post about her encounter with SuLynn - She hoped it would be an inspiring story of how God uses his own special ways to heal people of their hurts.)

For myself, organising the event taught me to trust God more. I was very concerned about manpower as most in the Ministry Group couldn’t come on the actual day, having made other plans. Some volunteers who agreed to help had to back out at short notice. However, Debbie Phang reminded me that “If God wills, he will provide”. In the end, God indeed provided just enough people to help, with talents fitting into the right areas that had most need, like the ushering, food and PA crew.

I hope the families felt the warmth and cheer of our community and will come back to be with us again.”


Women in Church and Society

Experiencing God’s love for seafarers through the International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM)

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.

The Lutheran Church in Singapore - Sisters’ Fellowship (LCS SF) was rebranded as LCS - Women in Church and Society (WICAS) in 2021. It continues its commitment to encourage Christian women to grow in faith, be active in service and passionate in mission. On a regular basis, the WICAS working group organises outreach activities to worship and serve God.

Last September, the WICAS working group organised an excursion to the Jurong Fishery Port to experience the mission work of the International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM) in Singapore – an affiliate of the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS). Held over two weekends (3rd and 10th September), we were blessed to have 26 participants, young and old, join us on this mission trip to witness God’s work through the unwavering services of Rev. Andreas Latz and Mr Yuen Ho Tian.

As we enjoyed the warm hospitality they extended to us and munched on the delicious snacks that Rev Latz had prepared for us, we learned about how they reach out, care for and support seafarers and fishermen, who are often away from their homes and families for extended periods of time. We

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MATTHEW 25 : 35-36, 40

also came to know of the many challenges faced by seamen – isolation, lack of support, and limited access to basic necessities. In addition to their physical and material needs, many of them suffered emotionally and spiritually while they endured the harsh and long hours at sea, for months together.

It was heartening to hear Rev Latz and Mr Yuen graciously share about their work and how God uses them to show care and compassion towards the seamen – offering them hope and comfort regardless of their religious faith. In general, they have limited time to interact with the seafarers (as most boats or ships don’t dock for long or the seamen are not permitted to get off their vessel), so they often prepare all the essential supplies, such as food and personal care items, ahead of time. This includes running errands to buy specific items requested by the seafarers. Whenever seafarers are allowed to get off the vessel, the Seafarers’ Welfare Centre serves as a welcome retreat for them to rest and relax, access free Wi-Fi to contact their loved ones, or pick fresh shoes and clothing. Occasionally, the chaplains are allowed to board the vessel and speak to seamen – moments that pave way for prayers and sharing of God’s message of love.

Thankfully, we also had the opportunity to briefly interact with the seafarers and hand out some supplies. Despite the language barrier, we could see the joy in their faces when we attempted to chat with them. It was a touching and heart-warming experience for all involved.

As we prepared to depart from the Jurong Fishery Port, we reflected on the good work of Rev Latz and Mr Yuen and most importantly, God’s love, grace and mercy. As children of God, we are blessed that Christ lives in us. We pray that

through ILSM, Christ will also find a way to dwell in the hearts of the seafarers.

Kairos runs Multiple Courses

Equipping Christian and Churches through General and Specialised Courses and activities to connect the community of Mobilizers.

Living a life on mission with God

It was a great eye-opener to realise the crucial importance and emphasis on mission for Christians in the Bible. Though I have been a Christian for many years, it did not occur to me that as a disciple of Christ, I need to actively share the gospel instead of just living life as per normal and share when I feel like. I feel that this course is necessary for all Christians to go through once in their life so that they are made aware of their purpose as a Christian and ways that they can go about doing it. I attended the Kairos course which lasted 9 weeks (once a week on every Tue) from 1Mar 2022 to 30Apr 2022. The course was mind boggling at first but it gets easier and more interesting as the week goes by.

The Kairos course has given me a big picture of God, His mission and His passion for the world. I have learned of the true meaning of the Great Commission in MATTHEW 8:19

It’s God’s desire to gather to Himself a people from all the nations of the world through a redeemed people. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. God’s mission is to redeem the world from sin, death and the devil and renew his whole creation. I now realized that mission is the basis of the Bible. As followers of Christ, we are part of the mission to share the good news, the blessings and the obligation to be involved in cross-cultural ministry. The Great Commission is like a double bonus, not only do the unreached benefit, so do the reached. The unreached get reached and the reached get perfected.

I have also learned of Mission Movements, the types of Strategy in Mission, forms and structures, understanding cultures, cross-cultural evangelism and their challenges. A church must place at the heart of its ministry agenda, God’s heart for the lost world, in order for it to be considered a ‘biblical church’. Whatever ministry we are involved in, we must not lose sight of bringing the gospel to the unreached people. Likewise, we must aim to be Biblical Christians with the right perspective in worldview, beliefs, values and behavior. The highlights of the course were the videos. I found them very interesting and helpful to further understand the relevant topics we learned. I would encourage all believers to attend this Kairos course. It will open up a whole new perspective and understanding on God’s Mission and His redemptive plan. My heartfelt thanks to the Kairos organizers, trainers and facilitators for their time and effort in conducting the Kairos course. Their dedication, support and encouragement are exemplary.

The GOODNEWS | April 2023 22 KAIROS reflections
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Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Persis Lim

This Kairos Course brought me back to the memory lanes of my experiences in mission fields and mission trips. Sweet and sour memories.

I enjoyed the videos very much. I am much emboldened and inspired by them. Thank God for rekindling my hope and confidence in Him for future missions. Some of these videos are old ones and sometimes, I wonder what happened to the long-forgotten missionary labours. I find comfort as I come to know or read of how God preserved the fruits of His faithful servants. Long-term or shortterm mission works, we may never guess how our work will last. In a way it is good because it is God’s mission, and he is behind everything we planted in faith. Strategies without partnership with God but done in the flesh do not bring about lasting fruits. Though I do not particularly enjoy the course on zoom which ‘killed’ much connection within the big group, I was glad to know some new young friends from my small group. I am sure that if it is on site, there will be much more life lessons I can learn from interacting with other experienced participants. Perhaps, it will be livelier too, with contribution and responses from the participants. Below are some sharing from my new younger friends from Woodlands Evangelical Free Church.

Gabriel Loh, Woodlands EFC

It was a great eye-opener to realise the crucial importance and emphasis on mission for Christians in the Bible. Though I have been a Christian for many years, it did not occur to me that as a disciple of Christ, I need to actively share the gospel instead of just living life as per normal and share when I feel like. I feel that this course is necessary for all Christians to go through once in their life so that they are made aware of their purpose as a Christian and ways that they can go about doing it.

Ng Kai Ern, Woodlands EFC

Kairos is a great introductory course for anyone who has no idea what missions is about or what existing mission fields look like now.

I learnt how missions fitted in with God’s plan, how far we have come and also how much further the church needs to commit and go to reach all nations in the world. Calling all young people and youths to see where and how missions can be part of your life and walk with God now! Don’t wait until there is “a calling” but come just as you are to answer Jesus’ Great Commission!

Jess Loo, Woodlands EFC

The Kairos course opened a lot of perspectives about mission for me. It is interesting to learn about the strategies for mission work. One session that I benefited from was “what is the type of arrow am I”. It reminds me that I need to be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to be more intentional to the ministry that I am serving. Kairos affirmed my calling to go where I need to.



Blessed Easter



Rev.How Chin Yong


Rev.Nick Singh

Rev.Richard Chiu



Contemporary English Service Tamil Service

Baptism classes are conducted on ad-hoc basis. Please check with the Pastors for details.

Dr. Colin Yeo [Chairman]

Mr. Phua Kok Yang Paul [Vice Chairman]

Assoc. Prof. Goh Wooi Boon [Secretary]

Lanny Widjaja [Treasurer]

Rev. Nick Singh

Rev. Richard Chiu

Rev. How Chin Yong

Mr. Lau Chee Wee


John Sihoe

Pasang N.Lama


Mok Swee Kin

Sharon Tan

Ms. Lu Zengying Gloria

Mr. Charles Vincent

Dr. Paul Tambyah

Mr. Low Wan Thiam

Mr. Yeong Wai Leong

Ms. Wong Swee Lin Sophia

The GOODNEWS | April 2023 24
Chiu |
| Wai Leong |
Chia | Yap Wynn Ern | Lanny Widjaja | Joyce Chua |
| Ng
GOOD NEWS TEAM contributors Rev Nick Singh | Rev Richard
John Sihoe
Andrea | Hilda Mok
Persis Lim
Gabriel Loh
Kai Ern | Jess Loo editor June Yap design Sherlin Roshni
AM 06:00 PM Liturgical English Service Mandarin Service
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