Final Grant Report-RMC for Bassett High School

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Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School


In Process

Pre-construction photo of grass area around sports field removed to create bioswale and nature trail.

California Conservation Corps members install rain boxes to maximize rain water capture and infiltration of each bioswale.

In Process: Temple Avenue Bioswale

In Process: Habitat Restoration Area around Stadium

The implementation of green infrastructure is a learning opportunity for local high school students to understand local watersheds and ecological functions.

Local students and community volunteers help to improve the habitat garden with a large plant out.

Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School

In Process

In Process

Planting the perimeter of the Temple Ave Bioswale.

Creating a bioswale around the perimeter of the sports field: native plant habitat in and around bioswale helps improve soil and attracts local pollinators.

In Process

Post-grass removal process photo of the edge of track field and South West corner of the school.

In Process

Constructing a decomposed granite nature trail and habitat area along the perimeter of the stadium.

Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School

Emerald Necklace Watershed Stewards:

California Conservation Corps Team:

This project provides community engagement around water conservation and a hands-on educational opportunity for local high school and college students.

California Conservation Corps team members helped to install and establish this project.

After: Bioswale Habitat Area

After: Bioswale in Bloom

The bioswale habitat area harvests storm water, prevents runoff, and protects natural resources.

Habitat rain garden with native shrubs and trees along nature trail.

Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School

After: Native Plant Restoration Area


Native shrubs around stadium provide habitat and food for native birds and pollinators.

Interpretive signage installed along decomposed granite trail and bioswale.



Interpretive signage along the bioswale trail explains the function of bioswales.

Interpretive signage along nature trail creates outdoor educational opportunities for Bassett High School students.

Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School



Ardilla Ave bioswale and nature trail along edge of sports field.

Foothill penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus) adds interest to the bioswale and habitat area while attracting hummingbirds.



Native wildflower blooms draw attention and appreciation to the habitat garden as well as provide for native pollinators.

Interpretative signage along the perimeter bioswale nature trail habitat area provides an experiential outdoor learning experience.

Grant #: RMC17005

Report Date: 04-27-20

Organization: Amigos de los Rios

Reporting Period: 01-01-17 to 12-31-19

Project Name: Bassett High School


Ardilla Ave bioswale extends along edge of school campus.


Habitat restoration area around stadium was formerly a stretch of lawn.


Native plantings in and around the Ardilla Ave bioswale help to decrease runoff and conserve water.


Decomposed granite nature trail winds through the habitat gardens and bioswale along Ardilla Ave.

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