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Sherri Rosen
I consider myself a New Yorker even though I grew up in New England. I am a publicist, writer, performer, singer, interfaith minister, mom, lover of life. I have had my own publicity business for over ll years in NYC. I have published 2 eBooks and I am in the process of having another book published regarding all of the inspirational blogs that I have written. Due to come out sometime in 2012. Sherri Rosen Publicity http://www.sherrirosen.com/ Over 20 years of Publicity/Public Relations experience specializing in on line and off line publicity getting your voice and message heard through various media platforms such as national television, national radio, cable television, Blog Talk Radio, magazines, bloggers, podcasters and many more mediums. We have extensive knowledge and experience preparing seasoned clients as well as clients who have never been on television or radio making sure they are fully prepared for their guest appearance. We also provide video, website, ghostwriting, manuscript development