The cat history 2016

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Issue 453




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contents 4 MEWS ROUND






What’s been happening in the cat world?

A new class of cat foods from Bern Pet Foods

8 WONDERS OF ANTIBIOTICS Antibiotics are a valuable asset in the treatment of feline illnesses


The cats - and dog- help with a spot of DIY


There are many ways in which you can help a charity

14 LIONS ARRIVE ‘HOME’ Born Free delivers two lions from Bulgaria to South Africa


The dedication of pet carer Mike Sladen

A growing call for a UK ban on wild animals in circuses

Tales from a busy veterinary surgery


Understanding the feline senses - part one

Start preparing for a happy, stress-free Christmas now

An extract from the latest book by Malcom Welshman


More puzzles and teasers for you





The inspiration behind Butterfly Cat Jackets

A true celebrity feline superstar

30 KEEP CALM: BE MORE CAT Lorraine Schofiled thinks we could all learn a thing or two from our unphased felines


Get Christmas shopping all wrapped up with these cat-themed present ideas

A breed profile of the lively, loveable Siberian

One of the most common and successfully treatable feline diseases


The latest results from Carole Kemp


Forthcoming shows around the UK and Ireland


Britain’s leading breed-by-breed guide to kittens for sale

76 BREEDERS DIRECTORY The UK leading directory of pedigree cat breeders

79 STUD DIRECTORY Find a suitable stud, together with details of parentage 2


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welcome 60 KIM’S WORLD

Christmas shopping and a massage - Kim or the cats?

63 MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE Adopting a cat from a rescue centre

64 ASK THE EXPERTS More worries and concerns addressed by our experts


Laney has both cats under Litter Box Watch this month

68 WELL, THAT’S A LITTLE ODD A funny five minutes or something more serious?


Cats are born snoozers - but there is good reason

BY THE time you are reading this, the clocks will have gone back and the Christmas countdown will have begun (I know many shops start it early - far too early, if you ask me!) The festive season can be really wonderful for many people but for some, they are left lonely and alone. We have a heartwarming story about someone who is determined one such lady enjoys her Christmas day, every year, no matter what - a real Christmas angel. Our Christmas gift guide has lots of ideas to take the stress out of Christmas shopping and there is a seven-step plan to help your felines be stress free over the festive period too. But if it’s still too early for you to think about the December holiday, there’s plenty more to enjoy in this issue. We look at how you can help your favourite animal charity; and don’t miss the feature about a gorgeous Selkirk Rex called Joshy, who is helping a charity in his own way. He’s a real cutie! I’ll let you discover the rest at your own pace - draw the curtains, settle down for a kitty cuddle and a good read. Till next month

82 PHOTO FINISH Editor Jill Mundy Media Consultant Maria Fitzgerald Designer: Wendy Crosthwaite

Contributors: Alison Logan, Inga MacKellar, Sonja K Steiner, Elaine Mead, Lorraine Schofield, Katy Edge, Kim Rogers, Emily Fowler, Kim Houston, Yolanda Wessels and Clare Wells Carole Kemp - Show Reporter

UK office: PO Box 2258, PULBOROUGH RH20 9BA Great Britain Tel: (01903) 884988


1 year (12 issues): UK £42.99 iMAG £43 Add the iMag Digital Library to your subscription for only an extra £38 per year. Printed in the UK Distributed to the newstrade by Comag



Jill Mundy, Editor •

Write for Cat World We’re always looking for new writers to join our talented team of contributors. So if you have a talent for writing, and a passion for cats, we’d love to hear from you. We especially want to expand our team of specialist writers, with an in-depth knowledge of particular areas. So if you think you fit the bill email richard@ashdown.c

All editorial contributions in the form of articles, letters and photographs (b/w or colour print or transparencies) are welcomed by Cat World but cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. In any event the publisher can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to contributions. All material accepted solely on the basis that the author accepts the assessment of the publisher as to its commercial value. All material submitted to the magazine is accepted on the basis that copyright in the work will be vested in the Publisher who assumes all rights world-wide, in all forms and media.

© Copyright NOVEMBER 2013

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21/10/2015 12:56


Interactive App from Vets Now

Winter? Bring it on! Temperatures may be dropping but Dora knows how to stay cosy and snug.

Joining the jet-set There was a stowaway in the hold of a plane landing at Birmingham airport - a cute ginger kitten was spotted by staff unloading an aircraft that had just landed from Cairo. The female kitten, estimated to be six weeks old, had survived the 3,000 mile journey very well. She was immediately taken into quarantine facilities and was kept under observation. The management of Emirates Airline agreed to fund a further three and a half months of quarantine, after which the kitten will be transferred to a rescue centre where she will be cared for until she can be put up for adoption. Hopefully there will be a new loving owner just waiting to take her home when she is ready.

Vets Now has launched a new interactive App aimed at helping pet owners locate their nearest vet in an emergency. The App features a GPS powered navigation tool which will direct UK pet owners to their nearest local vet when their pet needs a vet right away, offering reassurance and peace of mind for pet owners day and night, and also when they are away from home and not close to their registered vet. The App also enables pet owners to keep a note of important information including local vet details, pet insurance, microchip details and even their pet’s birthday. Further features include helpful tips and advice to help owners keep their pet safe, happy and healthy. The App also features stories of the brave pets who have previously been treated by Vets Now, with users also able to share their own stories. Vets Now founder and chairman Richard Dixon said: “The App demonstrates our continued ongoing commitment to provide the best emergency vet experience to both pet owners and the wider vet profession.”

Cat found in snare Dog walkers in Brecon, Wales recently made a shocking discovery when they came across a cat found dead in a snare. It was one of several snares found at Brecon Cemetery. When informed of this by the RSPCA, the council who run the cemetery were completely shocked. Sadly the cat wasn’t microchipped so the owners were unable to be notified. Traps are usually set to catch foxes or rabbits but their victims can include badgers, cats or dogs. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 governs the use of snares in England and Wales and while it is illegal to set snares for badgers, birds and deer, the snares are unable to prevent other animals becoming caught in their mechanisms. Legislation is minimal and the RSPCA would prefer all traps to be banned.



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Strictly Fever comes to Battersea With sequins and glitter balls all over BBC tv every weekend, there are some perfect pairs at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home just waiting to be adopted. Hoping a loving new owner will quick step their way to adopt them as a pair are youngsters Bonnie and Berty, both originally from Portugal, and Tigger and Fritzy, an older partnership.

Cats and dogs at European Parliament

Fashion collar warning Animal charities and welfare experts are warning of the dangers that can arise from cats wearing ‘fashion’ collars studded with diamantes or similar. Many of these collars have a buckle fastening, meaning they will not come off easily and a cat can suffer serious injury as a result of the collar getting caught on a branch, for example. While it is a legal requirement that a dog should wear a collar and ID tag, there is no such legislation for cats, meaning a cat that wears a collar does so at owner’s choice. In some instances a collar can be a good choice for a cat - a reflective collar will give the cat more chance or being detected near a busy road during hours of darkness. If you do choose to put a collar on your cat, make sure it is one of the quick release style collars that snap open instantly if it gets caught on anything. As a guide, two fingers should fit snugly between the collar and the cat’s neck.

The EU Dog & Cat Alliance held its first event in the European Parliament on the 22nd of September. Throughout the day, members of the Alliance also had in-depth meetings with MEPs. The event saw over 30 MEPs and 11 dog and cat welfare organisations from across the EU come together to lobby the EU to introduce welfare legislation for dogs and cats, particularly in relation to commercial practices. Currently, national legislation varies greatly across EU member states, with strict legislation in some countries, and very little in others. The situation can have serious consequences for animal welfare, but also for animal health, human health, consumer protection and the functioning of the internal market. There are an estimated 61 million owned dogs and 66 million owned cats in the EU but there is very little EU legislation to protect their welfare. UK organisations attending the event included Dogs Trust, Blue Cross and Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. Paula Boyden, chair of the EU Dog & Cat Alliance said: “We were delighted to see so many MEPs from all across the EU, join us to collectively call for EU action to better protect the welfare of dogs and cats.” The EU Dog & Cat Alliance will be working with MEPs to put pressure on the European Commission to take action on the findings of a study, to be released in November. Since the Alliance was launched in 2014, they have already worked with MEPs to table several Parliamentary Questions on dog and cat issues. MEPs were asked to choose to have their photograph taken at the event with a Team Dog or Team Cat paddle, to show their support for EU action. At the end of the evening there wasn’t a clear winner between Team Dog and Team Cat, suggesting that both dog and cat welfare is important in the eyes of MEPs.

Help for young entrepreneurs Pets Corner recently announced it would be donating £50,000 to the Peter Jones Foundation to help budding young entrepreneurs succeed in business. The family run business and ethical pet retailer is no stranger to entrepreneurial spirit. Managing Director, Dean Richmond, started out making bird feeders in his bedroom as a teenager then bought the business from his parents in 1998 when it consisted of seven stores. The company now has over 100 shops, employs more than 650 staff and has developed a range of innovative and market leading products. Dean Richmond said: “I strongly believe that there are many young people out there who have the potential to achieve something great, but because they are at a huge financial disadvantage or lack support they consequently struggle to get the backing they need in order to flourish. By working with the Peter Jones Foundation I hope to be able to channel my own success into enabling others to create theirs.” DECEMBER 2015

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22/10/2015 11:17



A new class of cat foods to mirror your cat’s evolutionary diet! Your cat will love it.


our cat is a natural predatory hunter evolved to survive on a diet of a variety of fresh whole meats. The physical structure of their teeth, jaws and digestive system scientifically classifies them as carnivores, adapted for a diet rich in meat and protein. ACANA Regionals cat foods adopt the Biologically Appropriate™ concept which mirrors the quantity, freshness and variety a cat would naturally hunt in the wild. Consider the variation of your cat’s natural diet from eggs today, a duck or goose the next and maybe a fish on the


following day. A rich variety of authentically fresh poultry, fish and meats is the foundation of ACANA’s Biologically Appropriate™ foods. Worlds away from conventional cat foods, ACANA not only features exceptionally high and various inclusions of fresh whole meats but also excludes highglycaemic grains and vegetable proteins that don’t belong in their diet. ACANA features a diversity of cagefree poultry, free-range red meats and wild-caught fish, all delivered fresh to the kitchens of Champion Petfoods where they are prepared. In fact, ACANA is loaded with 70% meat which is up to

three times as much meat as in most cat foods available. Just take a look at the ingredients and you will see the difference! Your cat’s natural diet would contain very few carbohydrates and no cereal grain. That’s why ACANA replaces cereal grains and high glycaemic carbohydrates, such as potatoes and rice, with regionally sourced fruit and vegetables which provide fibre and antioxidants in natural form. ACANA cat foods are prepared with nourishing botanicals which boost metabolism, strengthen organs and help cleanse the body of toxins. Champion Petfoods have been preparing ACANA in their award-winning kitchens for over a quarter of a century. They prepare every recipe themselves, in their own kitchens where they perform every detail of food production from where and how the ingredients are sourced, to every cooking, packaging and quality process.


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When you choose to feed your cat ACANA, you can be sure that their food has been made with the same authentically fresh ingredients, care and attention as a home-cooked meal. It’s guaranteed! ACANA Regionals are available in three flavours; ACANA Wild Prairie, ACANA Pacifica and ACANA Grasslands. ACANA Wild Prairie is bursting with cage-free chicken, turkey and nest-laid eggs from Prairie Farms, local

to the kitchens of Champion Petfoods, plus wild-caught perch from the cold Northern lakes of Canada, all delivered fresh each day. ACANA Pacifica is packed with 100% wild-caught fish, including herring, flounder and hake, all delivered fresh from Vancouver Island. ACANA Grasslands is prepared with ranch-raised lamb, cage-free duck, wildcaught fish and nest-laid eggs – all raised or fished local to Champion Petfoods and

delivered to their kitchens fresh each day. For a pure and natural taste, ACANA cat foods are infused with freeze-dried meats and liver which are highly palatable and which cats absolutely love. Surprisingly, feeding your cat ACANA comes at a very reasonable price. Based on the recommended feeding guide for an average activity cat weighing 4kg, it costs just 34 pence per day to feed your cat ACANA Wild Prairie! ACANA Regional Cat Foods are only available in pet speciality stores. To find your local stockist, or for more information, please visit www.AcanaPetFoods. For offers and competitions, you can also follow ACANA UK on Facebook. We think you will love ACANA. More importantly, we think your cat will too. DECEMBER 2015

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Used sensibly and only when absolutely necessary, antibiotics are a valuable asset in the treatment of feline illnesses By Steve Eldridge P O L IC Y A D V IS O R O N A N T IB IO T IC R E S IS T A N C E V E T E R IN A R Y M


as your cat ever been prescribed antibiotics? If so, you may have seen how, in a few days, she went from feeling very poorly back to her usual self. However, have you ever wondered what actually happened inside your cat to cause this transformation? If your cat has been prescribed antibiotics by your vet it will be to treat an infection suspected to be caused by ‘bad’ bacteria (most bacteria are ‘good’ and are needed for good health). Inside your 8


cat, these ‘bad’ bacteria have multiplied enough to cause unpleasant symptoms which, if left alone, could cause her condition to worsen or even die. Because the structure of the bacteria and how they multiply varies, the way they need to be attacked also varies. This is why there are different classes of antibiotics, each designed to attack specific types of bacteria in the most effective way. Some will break apart the cell walls of the bacteria, killing them. Others stop

the bacteria from reproducing, leaving your cat’s natural defences to fight off the ones that remain. To help your cat get better your vet will decide which bacteria are likely to be causing the illness and prescribe an appropriate antibiotic. Because not all antibiotics are the same, it is important you only ever use them as prescribed for your cat and for that illness. Don’t be tempted to keep them for another time, or pass them to a friend for their pet, as


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giving an inappropriate antibiotic could make your cat more unwell. On occasions the antibiotics prescribed may not make your cat better. This could be for a number of reasons: for example, it may be that a different antibiotic is needed, or that the illness is not caused by bacteria, but by a virus (against which antibiotics don’t work). To help find out what is causing your cat to be ill, your vet may want to take a sample to send off for testing. Although not seeing your cat get better quickly can be distressing, please don’t expect that antibiotics will always be appropriate, and do allow your vet time to correctly identify what is causing the problem. Antibiotics are very important and necessary in treating animals and people. You may also be aware that antibiotics are losing their ability to treat infections. Bacteria have many tactics to naturally evolve and find new ways to become resistant to attacks from antibiotics that would normally stop them. Using antibiotics encourages this; every time your cat takes an antibiotic there is a chance the bacteria inside her will develop resistance to it. The more we use antibiotics, the higher the risk that bacteria will develop resistance to them. One way you can help reduce the

spread of resistance is to make sure you give your cat the correct dose and full course of antibiotics as prescribed by your vet. When your cat starts the antibiotics they will set about doing their job, attacking the bacteria. The more bacteria that are destroyed or stopped, the better your cat will feel and symptoms will start to disappear. However, if your cat seems much better before you have finished the course, it does not mean all the bacteria have been destroyed. If you stop the antibiotics too soon, you risk leaving the bacteria which haven’t yet been destroyed to grow again and cause the infection to come back. If some of these bacteria have become resistant, it may be harder to treat the infection the second time round. The Government’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) authorises all veterinary antibiotics available in the UK and as part of that process evaluates scientific data to determine the correct quantity and duration of antibiotic needed to be effective against the

intended bacteria. You can also help reduce resistance by keeping your cat as healthy as possible. Providing good nutrition, appropriate vaccination, suitable accommodation and regular veterinary health checks will help maintain good health, which will make your cat less susceptible to infection and less likely to need antibiotics.

• Every 18 November marks European Antibiotics Awareness Day (EAAD). The day is an opportunity to raise awareness around the importance of antibiotics and the issue of resistance. The Antibiotic Guardian campaign is an easy way for you to play a part in keeping antibiotics working. To become an antibiotic guardian simply go to and from the ‘Member of the Public’ box select ‘Pet Owner’. This will then give you a number of pledge options from which to choose.

If your cat seems much better before you have finished the course of antibiotics, it does not mean all the bacteria have been destroyed. DECEMBER 2015

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20/10/2015 14:47


Redecorating a home can test the best of us and when several furry felines and a dog are involved, there’s a lot in the mix - literally


hings I have learned about doing DIY while owning cats: Cats are not interested in paint, plastering powder or white spirit – but a person painting a wall, plastering a hole or cleaning paintbrushes in white spirit is THE MOST INTERESTING THING EVER. If you hide anything in the cat food cupboard so that the cats can’t get to it, it becomes THE MOST INTERESTING THING EVER. If you paint anything, cat hairs are mysteriously drawn to that thing before the paint has dried, even if the cats have never been in the room or are unaware of the room’s existence (ahem, not that I would hide an entire room from my cats. Who would do that? Someone very insecure and very bothered about their surfaces drying hair-free, that’s who). And naturally, in this scenario, the room takes on the allure of THE MOST INTERESTING THING EVER. Things I have learned about doing DIY while owning dogs: (1) Dogs will attempt to eat paint, plaster, white spirit, walls, and cats covered in paint, given half a chance. So yes, this

month has been…educational. Since buying our first house a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I have been making some, erm, improvements. We got as much of the work done as possible before moving the pets in but, inevitably, we couldn’t finish everything and some jobs have generated more jobs. Our trio of cats have watched their normally calm and collected owners transform into brush-wielding, scraperusing workaholics, who crawl home from their day jobs only to begin the much more daunting task of making our new home habitable. Of course, the cats do not understand our apparent compulsion to be busy. Cats are professional layabouts. Even when they’re in the middle of doing something, they have a way of making it look like they’re expending minimum effort. It’s hard not to feel resentful of your own workload when you’re manoeuvring heavy bookcases around felines who are lying spreadeagled on the stairs, dislodging the kitty who is sunbathing on your wallpaper stripper or explaining to your darling pussycat that you need the paint swatches back and you don’t care whether his tail is Ocean Grey or Laid Back Blue. Cats can achieve great things – and attain an expert level of obstruction – while giving the impression of barely moving. And this is really saying something, considering that cats are renowned for going out of their way to make humans’ lives difficult. “Hey, kicking a load of litter out of the tray after I’ve used it is going above and beyond but someone’s gotta do it,” I can picture Charlie grumbling to himself. “You think I drag the jelly out of my bowl and eat it off the floor because I want to?” Widget grizzles. And Happee would never

admit it but dragging herself from the bed to the kitchen counter, to the laundry basket, to the top of the fish tank, just to be as much of an obstacle as possible, actually takes up a significant portion of her schedule. I’ve decided that, instead of doing DIY despite my cats, I’m going to do it in a way that celebrates them. I’m going to embrace the ginger hairs stuck to my windowsill. I’m going to pretend the Ocean Grey pawprints across the counter are deliberate. I might even make a feature of the claw marks on the skirting board. Well, it’s their home too, so they should probably have a say in the décor.

10 DECEMBER 2015

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Top cats deserve Premier cover Our new Premier pet insurance offers your cat long-term cover with our highest level of vet fees available. No wonder it’s Defaqto 5 Star rated.

online mobile |

Tesco Bank Pet Insurance is arranged, administered and underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc. Defaqto is an independent researcher of financial products. Pets must be at least 8 weeks old when cover starts. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered and certain breeds of cats and dogs are also not covered. Full policy details are online at

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19/10/2015 12:34

Charity focus: the gift of giving Thousands of cats in the UK owe their lives to the dedication and hard work of the numerous animal charities who need your help and support


t’s that time of year when we start thinking about present lists and choosing gifts for friends and family, including the furry members, of course. Many of us feel more charitable around Christmas time as the festive spirit takes over and the season of good will arrives. As pet owners or just cat lovers, animal charities are bound to be high on our list of worthy causes, for which they are all extremely grateful. The number of animals that arrive at rescue charities each year is around a staggering 250,000. Some may need veterinary care, microchipping and possibly socialising before they are able to be offered for adoption and found a new loving home. Yes, dropping some loose change in a collection box is always appreciated but there are many more ways in which you can help.

Shopping Let’s go back to where we started,

with present lists. Most of the main animal charities have online shops where you can purchase gifts and other items for your cat, friends, family and home. The variety of items you can purchase is quite incredible: For humans there are cushions, pens, aprons, bottle openers, hankies, mugs, even accessories to make your party go with a swing. If it’s cat gifts you want, there are toys in abundance plus scratchers, beds, bowls and much, much more. There really is something to suit every budget and you will know a percentage of what you spend will go to the charity’s funds. But let’s not forget the high street. Most towns are host to numerous charity shops and at least one of these will be for the benefit of animals. Browse the many items on display, which includes some great Christmas cards and wrapping paper, or have a winter clear-out and donate some of your unwanted goods for them to sell. If you have some spare time on your hands, why not ask about volunteering at your local animal charity shop? It’s a great way of meeting people and need only be for a morning or afternoon a week if that’s all you can manage.

Collection points Many supermarket car parks, amenity tips and community sites these days have at least one charity collection bank where you can deposit unwanted clothing, shoes or books. Ask around the area or perhaps at your local library to see if anyone knows of one specifically for an animal charity.

Monetary donations There are various ways in which you can donate money directly to your chosen charity. Sponsorship: Most of the larger charities operate a sponsorship scheme where you set up a direct debit with your bank for a fixed amount to be transferred to the charity each month. You are given or asked to choose a particular cat that your money will help. It is likely that you will receive an email from your sponsored pet with a photo and a little background profile about them. You can also receive monthly updates and will be notified when they are rehomed. At this point you will be asked to select another cat to become your new sponsored pet. One-off donation: It can be fun to organise or take part in a fundraising event, knowing that you will be able to donate a single sum, large or small, to the charity of your choice. Take a look at the charity websites for ideas of things you can do to raise money, from tea parties to bike rides; sky dives to sponsored knit-ins. Gift Aid: By allowing the charity to include gift aid on your donation means that they can claim back the amount of tax that will have been deducted from the money you have donated. There is usually a box to tick to show that you are willing for them to do this. Wills: It’s an incredible figure but around 50% of a charity’s funds are believed to come from legacies left in wills. If you haven’t made a will yet, just make your intentions clear when you do so. If you have already made a will, don’t worry. Did you know that you can make a simple change to your will by adding a Codicil? This is a written amendment to a will and it must be signed, witnessed

12 DECEMBER 2015

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Support If you’re considering giving support to an animal charity or charities, how can you be sure that the one you have chosen is reputable? The Association of Dog and Cat Homes (ADCH) maintains a register of animal rescue shelters that comply with their code of practice and have been approved after a visit to the premises. Membership is voluntary but this is one way to ensure the charity is reputable and that it maintains good standards regarding animal welfare. The charities vary in size from the large, nationally well-known ones to those that are perhaps more localised or much smaller concerns. The ADCH states on their website that: ‘Whilst in the care of our members we expect all animals to receive the best possible attention including exercise, enrichment and appropriate basic training. Through the commitment and dedicated hard work of our members we hope to educate the public so that those considering a new family dog or cat will take on a rescue pet or purchase through an accredited breeder. The alternative is to support the irresponsible and unnecessary breeding of animals which simply increases the number of dogs and cats awaiting rehoming from rescue centres.’ You will find a list of current members plus contact details on their website; members are situated throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. You may also like to contact one of the many breed clubs in the UK if you would like to rehome a pedigree cat. Some of the clubs have a Welfare page on their website where you will find details of cats who, for various reasons, may be seeking a new home.

and dated. There is no charge for adding a Codicil.

Time All charities owe an awful lot to the generosity of its volunteer helpers, whether they work at the rescue centre or in one of the shops. Perhaps you have a few hours to spare and would be happy to stand with a collection box at your local

supermarket or go to the rescue centre to help with routine jobs. Take a look online at the charity websites as most will have a list of volunteering opportunities and you can always call them for more information.

Fostering The high number of cats being taken to rescue centres for rehoming often means that there isn’t room for them all. Rather than turn an animal away, the charity will have a network of foster carers who are able to look after a cat or kitten in their own home. If you think this might be something you could do, be prepared to look after them for just a short period of time and that you may have to nurse them, give medication and be withh them to build up their confidence. Parting with a cat or kitten you have been caring for can be hard but you will know that you have given them the best possible start to a new life with a lov-

ing new owner. However you decide you can help, each and every charity will be very thankful for your donation, no matter what size and in what form. Without the help and support of animal lovers, they would be unable to give the care to animals so desperately in need and who knows what would happen to them then?

Rehoming Of course, offering a rescue cat a loving home is a great way in which you can help an animal charity. Think carefully first as the costs of rehoming a cat can be quite significant: disinfectants to prevent the spread of germs and diseases, veterinary treatment, insurance, food, bedding and litter all add up. However, once you have made the decision to go ahead, and the rest of your family approve, you will not only have a new companion for life but will be helping to ease the burden on the rescue centre too. DECEMBER 2015

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20/10/2015 14:48

Rescued lions arrive ‘home’

Two lions rescued by The Born Free Foundation have been on a 10,500 mile journey from Bulgaria to South Africa via the UK


nternational wildlife charity The Born Free Foundation confirmed that Jora and Black, the two ex-circus lions rescued from Bulgaria, have safely arrived to begin a new life in their ancestral home of Africa. The two seven-year-old brothers were rescued by Born Free in July this year, with the assistance of animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS, and an appeal was launched to aid their transfer ‘home’. Launching the appeal, Coronation Street actress, Helen Worth, said: “It is truly incredible that these majestic animals have spent their lives from being small cubs cooped up in a circus trailer. I am so excited to be part of this incredible venture to rehome them to the wonderful Shamwari Game Reserve. The public response has been heart-warming and to see them set foot on African soil

will be most rewarding.” The first leg of the journey was a flight from Bourgas airport to London Gatwick, courtesy of Thomson Airways. Born Free Foundation Co-Founder and legendary actress, Virginia McKenna OBE, met them on arrival at Gatwick and said: “Born Free has successfully moved many captive animals but each occasion is unique in its own way. I am really happy to have seen these two lions at Gatwick before they headed to their African homeland. I hope their story will inspire people to treat wild animals with respect and understanding, and never subject them to totally inappropriate existences in captivity. Jora and Black are flagship animals for the ending of all wild animals in circuses. Let all countries follow Bulgaria’s example.” From Gatwick, Jora and Black travelled by road to Heathrow in an approved quarantine vehicle where they then embarked on the longest part of their journey, flying from Heathrow to Johannesburg. On arrival in South Africa the two lions were transported by a convoy of Land Rover Discovery vehicles and trailers to their new home at the (Continued on page 21)

14 DECEMBER 2015

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20/10/2015 14:51


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Eco-litter that answers the call of nature.

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ÖkoPlus - the UK’s top selling natural clumping eco-litter14/08/2015 Absorbs odour totally Very easy to scoop It’s soft on paws 100% natural organic fibre Light to carry Economical-lasts 3 times longer So easy to dispose-100% biodegradable 10 & 30 Litre sizes


Buy online Call 0870 24 22 437 Pick up ÖkoPlus from Jollyes, Pets at Home and all good pet retailers. DECEMBER 2015

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14/10/2015 10:29



Mike Sladen’s role of pet carer extends to his two-legged friends, even over the festive season By Melanie Whitehouse


very Christmas Day, Mike Sladen visits Thelma Holmes at her home in Rhyl, North Wales, just as he does every other day of the year. He cleans out her cats’ litter trays, feeds them – and then he makes Thelma’s lunch, prepares her tea and does any other little jobs that need doing. Thelma, 75, has severe arthritis and has been bedridden for the past four years. She originally employed Mike as her pet carer when she became too ill to walk her sheepdogs, Misty and Shep. After the second of the pair died last September, Mike realised how lonely Thelma would be with no other living creature in the house. “She was considering another dog but as she’s unable to go for a walk, I

suggested a couple of cats,” said Mike, 62. “I went to the local rescue centre, videoed some cats that were up for rehoming and showed Thelma. There was a ginger tom called Tigger and a dark tortoiseshell called Pickles. She loved them immediately and said she’d take them. They moved in with her a few days later and she finds them great company. “As well as going in every day to feed them, I take them to the vet for their boosters and I always make Thelma her tea. On Christmas Day last year I made her soup and she had a special Christmas pork pie and a truffle cake. She can’t eat a lot, so she doesn’t go for a traditional lunch. And I always prepare fruit for her breakfast the following morning. “Strictly speaking I’m only supposed

to be there for an hour but it’s always longer. She’s even had me vacuuming and emptying the washing machine! I never thought this would be part of my job as a pet carer but I do it because I like her.” Until he was 55 Mike was a store manager for Halfords but in 2008 he and his wife Jenny, 46, went to Crufts and came across Animals At Home, who sold franchises. “We’d always had dogs and cats and my daughter had horses. I thought, ‘This is for me’ and applied. It cost £15,000 but for that you get everything: the backing of a great national company, an area to operate in, a good website which brings in business - and their expertise. You get contacts and the managerial experience, and training in animal first aid and animal handling. “With their help, I set up my client list by visiting local vets, grooming parlours and anywhere there was potential business. This was just as the recession was kicking in but if you can survive in those conditions, it stands you in good stead. In the last seven years we’ve taken on about six new customers a month and now have 500-plus. I work seven days a week and Jenny – who works as a data inputter - helps me out when I’m really busy. “I’m so happy; becoming a pet sitter for Animals At Home is the best thing I’ve ever done - and I haven’t had a single cold in seven years!” Thelma has nothing but praise for Mike. “He organises my breakfast and

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Knit one for Battersea

B lunch every day including Christmas Day, and also makes my tea,” she said. “It’s above and beyond being a pet carer. He was brilliant when my dogs were ill – Shep had leukaemia and Misty had kidney failure – and in helping me get Tigger and Pickles, who’re about six years old. “He does everything for me and I can’t speak highly enough of him. You have to love animals to do what Mike’s doing and it’s worth every penny I pay him. Whoever started Animals At Home has done a good job – they’re well worth employing.”

• To find a pet sitter in your area, or to become one yourself, go to or ring 08701 126613. Franchises start from £12,500 plus VAT.

attersea Dogs & Cats Home have re-launched their knitting clubs to encourage cat-loving knitters to spend time with feline friends and create don-knit-tions for the charity’s homeless moggies. Needles will be clicking to make blankets, toys and knitted mice – or simply their own project. The creative donations will be used to keep the 220 cats looking for new homes across its three centres warm and entertained, including lovely Lolo who has just marked his 200th day at the centre. Ruth Dongray, Battersea Brands Hatch Manager, said: “With the colder months fast approaching, our countryside cats are in need of warm supplies and knitted mice to keep them entertained. What better way to build up their winter wardrobe essentials than inviting the public in to lend a helping paw! “We have lots of supporters who like to knit and thought this would be a great way to bring everyone together to share a mutual love of knitting and kitties. Knitters can join us at our London and Windsor sites and actually see some of the cats they are helping ” For more information about dates for the Knittin’ Kittens club event, please visit If you can’t join one of the clubs in person, the Home would still welcome your donations of knitted blankets and knitted mice for their cats to enjoy while they wait for new homes. There are patterns for a knitted blanket and knitted mice available to download from the website. They can be crocheted blankets but knitted ones are preferred as these are less likely to get tangled in little cat claws. DECEMBER 2015

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20/10/2015 14:53

Last Bulgarian circus tiger rescued There is a growing call for a UK ban on wild animals in circuses as charity FOUR PAWS rescues the last Bulgarian circus tiger


n January 2015, Bulgaria introduced a ban on wild animals in circuses. In September, The Netherlands followed suit, leading to renewed calls for the UK Government to do the same. The UK Circus Bill has been blocked time and time again, despite promises from the Prime Minister. This September, international animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS was celebrating the rescue of Bulgaria’s last circus tiger, after a successful transfer to its big cat centre in Germany. Varvara, the twelve year old tigress, had spent her whole life in captivity and was forced to perform tricks in front of noisy audiences for most it. In January 2015, Bulgaria became one of a growing number of countries that have woken up to the cruelty of using wild animals in circuses when it introduced a ban on the practice. Since then, despite no longer having to perform, Varvara continued to live in squalid conditions in a tiny cage. That was until FOUR PAWS, a charity which has extensive experience of rescuing big cats from similar situations, was able to negotiate Varvara’s rescue with her owner and former

animal trainer. The tiger was handed over to the FOUR PAWS team and after a thorough veterinary check, she began her life-changing journey to the FOUR PAWS big cat centre at Tierart in Germany. Having arrived at the centre, Varvara was first moved into a small indoor enclosure to ensure she was comfortable with her surroundings, having spent most of her life in small enclosed spaces. Ahead of schedule, she was then able to

be released into her large outdoor enclosure, which she will now call home. For the first time in her life, she will be able to experience a life appropriate to her species. Amid the success of the transfer, FOUR PAWS UK said that the ban on using wild animals in circuses in Bulgaria was yet another sign that the UK Government should finally bring in a ban of its own. Varvara, Bulgaria’s last circus tiger, is settling in well at her new home. FOUR PAWS will continue to campaign for a ban on wild animals in circuses in countries which are yet to bring their legislation up to date.

About the FOUR PAWS Big Cat Centre at TIERART The new big cat centre, constructed on a 14 hectare site on a former military area, provides formerly captive big cats, rescued from circuses and private keeping, a species-appropriate home much closer to what they would experience in the wild. FOUR PAWS funded the construction of the centre and is responsible for the care and maintenance of the animals. At the moment, besides Varvara, there are two other tigers from Germany and one from Italy living at the FOUR PAWS Big Cat Centre, all three of them rescued from private captivity. The new FOUR PAWS Big Cat Centre at TIERART can be visited upon prior consultation.

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By cat people, for cat people Treat your cat this Christmas. Big and little gifts for your favourite feline. Chequer Trees House, Heathfield, TN21 0NG 01435 865105


Synthetic Wood Cat Pens •Eco-friendly •No Maintenance 

Pet Insurance Provided by Allianz Insurance plc

12 months for 9 online* Introductory offer for new Pet Insurance customers who take out a new policy online.

at Sainsbury's for 2 years† With a Premier or Premier Plus policy Call 0330 100 7995 Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm Saturday. Calls are charged at local rates from landline and mobiles. Calls may be monitored and recorded. *12 months for 9 is an introductory offer available to new Pet Insurance customers who buy online. The discounted premium is paid in 12 monthly instalments. Sainsbury’s Bank reserves the right to alter, cancel or withdraw the offer without prior notice. †Introductory offer for customers with a Nectar card who buy a new Pet Insurance Premier or Premier Plus policy directly from Sainsbury’s Bank website or on the phone. Policy must be renewed at first renewal for double points to continue. Sainsbury’s Pet Insurance is sold, underwritten and administered by Allianz Insurance plc. Available to cats & dogs over 8 weeks but under 9 years. Once purchased cover can continue to any age if existing policy renewed. For full details please visit LGB-060 10/2015


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20/10/2015 13:22



In this month’s tales from a veterinary surgery we meet two plucky feline characters who were determined not to let their injuries get the better of them By Clare Wells


ats never cease to amaze me. Their ability to heal is incredible. They can have four to five teeth removed and be happily tucking into their normal food the next day. Whereas us humans would be off work, wallowing on the sofa, drinking soup, lapping ice-cream and feeling sorry for ourselves for at least a week. Even when battling serious injury a lot of cats cope unbelievably well, purring and limping their way through what surely must be excruciating pain and discomfort. I guess they are not affected by the psychological baggage that hinders us, they just get on with it. They know what hurts and what doesn’t and that’s all they need to know.

Of course some of the worst injuries we see are sustained on the roads. A lot of cats as they grow older seem to develop a degree of road sense. I’m sure I’ve seen my old 18 year old girl look left and right before crossing our road to greet me on my return from work. She learnt early that cars are to be respected and avoided. Sadly her brother didn’t live long enough to learn this lesson and I lost him when he was just 17 months old. It is the risk we take when seduced into cat ownership.

Nice as Pye One little chap who is most certainly honing his survival skills is Pye

Stephenson, a two year old who was brought to us as an emergency in July of this year minus most of his right hind leg and all of his tail. No-one saw what happened but the most probable explanation is that he was hit by a car. On first examination we had to give a very guarded prognosis because it didn’t seem possible that this little cat would survive such horrendous injuries but he made it through the first 24 hours and then we started the long journey of surgical repair, dressings and laser therapy. What was left of the tail stump healed very well but the wounds where his leg had been took a lot longer. Pye was with us for a couple of weeks so we could

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monitor and treat the wounds on a daily basis. By the time he went home he was well on the way to recovery and the wounds had reduced in size and looked very healthy. Thereafter we just saw him every few days until we signed him off at the start of September. Throughout this whole process it was Pye’s personality which shone through. He is an amazing little cat and he let us do whatever we needed to do. Every morning he was standing at the front of his cage impatiently awaiting his food, adapting to his very much reduced hind end balance and stability very well. He never fell over and towards the end of his hospitalisation he was almost trying to jump up onto the food preparation area, such was his eagerness for food. During the post-operative period he only needed the lightest of sedatives and towards the end of his treatment he didn’t even need this and he happily came in for laser therapy and saline flushes without turning a whisker. The only thing he did object to was being put back into his basket when it was time to go home. You would think he’d be desperate to get away from us but he certainly didn’t seem to bear us any grudges. He lapped up all the attention and has become a firm favourite.

Firemen to the rescue Another very lucky little boy we treated this year was Currant Sanderson. During a busy evening surgery I answered the phone to Malvern’s Fire Brigade. They were attending a house fire and had found a cat trapped in the house unable to get out. They were giving it oxygen therapy and asked if they could bring him to us. Minutes later the engine drew up with five firemen and one very small, almost unconscious cat. He was in a very sad state. Badly burnt pads, all his whiskers singed away and an ulcerated mouth and tongue. He was struggling to breathe

and covered in ash and debris. An unattended washing machine had been the culprit. Again we treated for shock, gave him intensive fluid and oxygen therapy and kept everything crossed that he would make it through the night. He did. When we opened the cattery door the next morning the whole room smelt of smoke. Currant was sitting on his blanket looking like a badly singed log just removed from a fire. But he gave us a little wheezy miaow and wobbled to his feet which was quite an achievement considering how sore they must have been. He’d even managed to use his litter tray. We hadn’t put litter in it as that would have been far too uncomfortable for him but he was still able to get around, albeit slowly and carefully. Soon after opening the next morning, the reception door opened to reveal five tired looking firemen. The heroes from the evening before were just finishing their shift and before going home wanted to check on little Currant. Our Receptionist was very flushed and excited as she came down into the Prep Room with the firemen in tow. They all trooped down to the cattery and it was one of the most touching scenes I have witnessed at work. Five burley firefighters all gathering around this little cat, checking he had survived the night and very happy that their veterinary first aid efforts hadn’t been in vain. These were just two of many cases of cats that have battled through despite the odds. By rights they shouldn’t have survived - but they did. It was almost as though they put their pain and discomfort in one part of the brain and refused to let it interfere with the day to day business of eating, sleeping and being spoilt and fussed by humans. It’s now business as usual for them both, none the worse for wear for their near death experiences and hopefully they’ll stay out of trouble and we shan’t have cause to see them before their annual boosters!

(Continued from page 14)

Born Free Jean Byrd Education and Rescue Centre, in the award-winning Shamwari Game Reserve, just outside of Port Elizabeth. Shamwari Group Head of Wildlife and Veterinarian, Dr Johan Joubert, and Born Free’s Big Cat Specialist, Tony Wiles, have travelled with Jora and Black throughout their journey, making regular health checks. Dr Joubert said: “I am delighted we have been able to take these animals and offer them a permanent home in the African Bush. It is a stark contrast from the trucks in which they were first found. These animals have travelled well and show every sign of settling in and re-establishing some of their natural behavior.” Jora and Black’s new lives in their spacious, safe and enriching accommodation will be a world away from the circumstances in which they were rescued by Born Free and FOUR PAWS. Taken in as small cubs, the brothers were originally part of a circus act touring Eastern Europe and Turkey. Following the Bulgarian government’s much welcomed ban on the use of wild mammals in circuses, the lions had been left to languish in a stifling beast wagon since the summer of 2014 until the owners agreed to re-home them with Born Free earlier this year. They will remain at Shamwari for the rest of their lives, surrounded by the sights and sounds of Africa. You can make donations to help care for Jora and Black from as little as £3 by texting LIONS to 70007 (one day’s good food provision for both lions costs around £20).

• Visit for more information. DECEMBER 2015

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By sensing and understanding the feline senses, you will have a better idea of how your cat can be a pet by day, killing machine by night By Yolanda Wessels


n the first of a two part series, we find out how our cats see, hear, smell, touch and taste and what is special about those areas of their body that allow them to do this so efficiently. Cats can hear sounds that we cannot hear, see things that we cannot see and smell and feel the world around us in ways that we can never grasp. We know that their remarkable abilities are part of the evolutionary adaptation to the role of a solitary nocturnal hunter. Learning about cats’ senses can help us see the world the way they do and so understand their behaviour better.

Sight Cats have a variety of eye colours but the most common colours are gold, green and orange. Blue eyes are normally associated with Siamese cats, white cats and kittens. White cats with blue eyes have a higher incidence to genetic deafness. Cats do not need to blink to keep their eyes moist. The eyes face forward, causing the fields of vision to overlap. This makes the cat extremely accurate in judging distances for jumping and pouncing while hunting. The cat has a third eyelid, known as the nictitating membrane or haw. This is a sheet of pale tissue situ-

ated in the inner corner of each eye and normally tucked away out of sight. It moves sideways across the eyes to protect them or to lubricate the corneal surface with tears. The haw is not normally visible, unless the cat is in poor health or undernourished. The appearance of the haw is often taken to be an early warning of disease in the cat. Cats have excellent night vision due to the ability of the pupils to expand and contract, therefore controlling the amount of light available. They can see much better than us, even in a badly lit environment, though they cannot see in total darkness. In dim light conditions the iris becomes relaxed and the pupil dilates. The light passes through the transparent, curved cornea and lens to the retina at the back of the eye, to be reflected by a special layer of iridescent cells called the tapetum lucidum (meaning bright carpet). This causes the familiar effect of

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Learning about cats’ senses can help us see the world the way they do and so understand their behaviour better. the cat’s eyes shining yellow, green or red at night. The delicate mechanisms in the back of the eye are shielded from strong light during the day-time by the contraction of the iris. This special ability, so useful for the nocturnal predator, comes at the expense of daytime vision. In fact, cats are relatively shortsighted and during daytime tend to rely more than us on their senses of smell and sound – which they can pick up on just 40 metres away! Cats are not colour blind as first thought in the first half of the 20th century. With more sophisticated equipment it has been proven that cats can distinguish between different colours but not to the degree that we do. Scientific tests indicate that cats can recognise at least some of the colours that we do.

Sound The hearing of the cat is exceptionally well developed and the cat can pick up the high pitched sounds of its prey, as well as many other noises quite inaudible to the human ear. The cat’s ear is capable of registering frequencies 1.6 octaves higher than can be managed by the human ear but it is less sensitive to the lower frequencies. The ears are fairly large, relatively to the cat’s head, and have the ability to pivot at 180 degrees so that sound can be captured more accurately. They have 30 muscles in each

ear and use twelve or more muscles to control their ear movement. Cats use this ability to locate the source of the sound. The ear of the cat consists of three sections. Outside, the pinna, or ear-flap, is naturally erect and forward-pointing. It is flexible enough to move forwards, sideways or back, in order to catch the slightest sound and to pinpoint the direction of its source. The sound waves are collected by the pinna, which acts as a funnel leading down to the eardrum, which is tautly stretched across the ear-canal. In the middle ear, three small bones transmit the sound waves to the cochlea of the inner ear. Here they are analysed and converted into nerve impulses which are passed along the acoustic nerve to the auditory cortex of the brain. The signals are decoded and recognised by comparison with stored sounds in the memory bank. Acuity of hearing may diminish with age. So know we know all about sight and sound through the eyes and ears of a cat. Next time we will examine the remaining three senses of touch, taste and smell.

Cleaner teeth with Johnson’s Veterinary Products


ohnson’s announce the introduction of a specially designed toothbrush to add to their dental range. The new style Fresh Breath Toothbrush has a special easy to use design which fits comfortably on a finger and, due to its special shape, is easy to use around a pet’s mouth to help make regular cleaning of the teeth much easier than with a conventional shape of brush. Regular brushing of pet’s teeth to remove plaque and tartar is an essential part of good oral care and helps to prevent serious dental problems in the future. Regular use with Johnson’s Triple Action Toothpaste and Johnson’s Anti-Plaque Dental Rinse in pet’s drinking water is recommended for maxium benefit. This will help to promote fresh breath and prevent the build up of plaque and tartar which can cause unpleasant breath and gum disease, leading to painful loss of teeth. A veterinary surgeon should be consulted periodically for a dental check but regular dental care at home is helpful to prevent dental disease. A pet’s diet should also include roughage and crunchy material to help keep teeth and gums clean and healthy.

• Johnson’s Fresh Breath

Toothbrush. Code A064 - RRP £2.99 Johnson’s Veterinary Products Ltd., Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. B75 7DF Telephone: 0121 378 1684 Fax: 0121 311 1758 Email: Website: DECEMBER 2015 23

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The Wren Infra Red Heat Lamp Exclusive to


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SNUGGLESAFE Snugglesafe™ (a 210mm round disc) is a microwave heatpad for your pet’s bed. Simply heat Snuggle Safe™ in your microwave, then slip it under your pet’s bedding for all night warmth. Contains non-toxic, environmentally friendly, Thermapol™. New advanced technology, designed for microwave use. No dangerous electric wires. Use Snuggle Safe™ anywhere indoors or out, even in the car.

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The above has been treated with red cedar wood preservative - this is an additional cost.



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Healthy teeth make happy cats Just like humans, cats need to have regular oral examinations to check for plaque build-up and gum disease. By keeping an eye on things, you can keep your cat’s teeth in tip-top condition. Checking your cat’s teeth and gums weekly is the best way to prevent problems. If you notice any signs of bleeding or inflamed gums, it might be time to make an appointment for a dental check-up. Any nasty ‘bad breath’ smells may also be a sign of underlying gum disease. The good news is, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your cat’s oral hygiene. There are several brands of treats on the market that are designed to reduce plaque. And, if your cat will not tolerate tooth-brushing, there are oral hygiene gels, dental treats, and dry food diets that can help.

will cover the cost of any work that is required as a result of the check-up. The new Premier cover is designed to offer long-term peace of mind with the highest level of vet fee cover available from Tesco Bank Pet Insurance, with an annually re-instated vet fee limit of up to £10,000 when you renew your policy each year. It’s Defaqto 5 Star rated, too. Monetary limits, excesses and exclusions apply – for full details please refer to the policy documents online. To find out more, visit

Tesco Bank Pet Insurance Premier cover includes dental cover as standard. As long as your pet has an annual dental examination, and any treatment required in that check-up is carried out, your policy

Pet Insurance

Advice from the experts

A guide to feline dental care from Whiskas® Good oral health starts with good nutrition. It’s vital to feed your cat the correct diet for their life-stage to ensure they get the best nutrition for the healthy development and maintenance of bones, teeth and gums. Just like human teeth, your cat’s teeth need daily home dental care and regular professional cleaning to prevent serious oral disease. The best way to care for your cat’s teeth is to brush them daily, but we all know this can be difficult! The texture of some feeds can actually have a ‘brushing’ effect, which could be helpful if your cat refuses to have her teeth brushed. For more information about caring for your pet, please consult your veterinary surgeon. 0345 246 3824 First dial 18001 Lines are open Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 10am-5pm

Tesco Bank Pet Insurance is arranged, administered and underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc. Defaqto is an independent researcher of financial products. Terms and conditions: Pets must be at least eight weeks old when cover starts. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered and certain breeds of cats and dogs are also not covered. Full policy details are online at

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19/10/2015 12:35


Bengals and butterflies Butterfly Cat Jackets all started with the arrival of a Seal Lynx Bengal cat called Jimmy By Clare Brereton


e’ve always had a cat...or three, but had also been researching the Bengal Breed for quite a few years. We learnt that they are quite unlike any other cat we’d ever been owned by before; more dog-like to a certain degree, full of energy, highly inquisitive and very clever, whilst lacking in common sense. Due to this, it’s best that they are predominantly house cats. As soon as Jimmy arrived he settled straight in. We had a harness ready and waiting for him to enable us to leash train him. Harness training not only keeps them fit and healthy, which of course is a very important aspect to consider with any domestic feline, but it also eliminates boredom when perfected, whilst stimulating their natural senses. The added bonus is that after a nice long walk and a spot of tree climbing, they sleep for hours. As Jimmy continued to grow and gain muscle weight it became apparent that a regular strap type harness wasn’t strong enough to contain him and keep him safe. We looked, and bought, other fuller harnesses and also jacket type ones too.

Jimmy is a bit of an Houdini and for one reason or another, these also weren’t right for him. That’s not to say that they aren’t very good harnesses of course, they were just not right for Jimmy. Based on that, I took all the good points from various harnesses and devised a pattern especially for him. Being completely in love with him, I created a Facebook page to show him off in his ever-growing collection of jackets. We’d record video footage of him in the woods, climbing trees and playing in streams. The page began to gain followers at speed, with questions of “Where can I get a jacket?” from time to time. I would explain that I made them myself and if anyone wanted one, to just message me. I gave quite a lot away in the beginning...and still do! Via the Facebook page, I’d been paying attention to the vast amount of shelters there are in the US. I began contacting these on a regular basis to make donations of jackets for raffle prizes etc. They were greatly accepted, a nice feeling in itself to be able to help those in need. Quite a few centres have also had jackets before re-homing socialised feral kittens, born in their care. This ultimately means

that they can enjoy happy house cat adornment and the great outdoors, safely. I donate regularly to UK shelters too. After a while I realised that I was sewing more and more on a daily basis, far more often than I was doing the housework! In 2013 I decided to turn my hobby into a business and Butterfly Cat Jackets was born. Butterfly symbolising ‘New Life’ and ‘New Beginnings’, not just on a personal level, but also because so many people and cats I’d helped said they felt like I’d changed their lives. Having helped give them the freedom to open doors and windows during the warm summer months, their cats can now sit on the veranda with them and enjoy the sun puddles. Some people were happy because they’d received a jacket for an overweight cat and, as well as helping the cat, it had also helped them with their own fitness and wellbeing - let’s not forget, all cats like to chase a butterfly in all it’s splendour. I set up an Ecwid Facebook to begin with, followed by a shop on Etsy and a shop on Ebay, all the while maintaining my own website www.butterflycatjackets. com with my contact information, for the special ‘custom’ jackets that people request. From Greek Togas to Battlestar Galactica and football shirts, I’ve made all sorts of funky jackets, which is great fun. I ship worldwide and currently stock over 70 different patterned fabric designs, and also plain colours. There really is something for everyone! Within the listing are the size guides for both sizes of jacket; although both sizes are fully adjustable, it’s always best to measure your cat to ensure you’re selecting the correct size, for safety reasons. If you’re still unsure, you can email me at

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Dorwest launch rebrand and reveal their fresh new look


All the jackets are made by hand, by myself, so a typical day involves me waking around 6am and feeding the now four Bengals. I then get my husband and two teenage boys out of the door for school and work, after which, I enjoy that first coffee and catch-up on the Facebook page, answer questions and respond to emails. By 9am my phone and PC are off and I’m sewing away. I have to do this because during the summer months it gets really busy. I try my best to tend to my family, especially the boys when they get home from school. More often than not, my evenings are spent in my dining room sewing, book keeping and responding to questions. I can honestly say, I’ve never worked so hard over so many hours yet been so happy doing so. I really do, whole heartedly, do what I love and love what I do! The added feel good bonus of helping others and changing the lives of so many cats and people alike is an amazing feeling too. One thing I am certain of, is that even before Butterfly Cat Jackets was born, with the love of cats, I’ve made some amazing, life-long friends all over the world. This in itself is worth more to me than anything.

• Butterfly Cat Jackets

orset based company Dorwest Herbs has now revealed the company’s new logo, branding and visual identity which follows on from an extensive brand review. Dorwest is recognised as the leading provider in herbal pet care, for almost 70 years they have been applying their knowledge of herbal medicines to ‘dogs’ and ‘cats’ health and nutritional needs. The new logo reflects Dorwest’s strong heritage and evolution over the decades yet also looks to a bright future. The new colour palette is fresh, clean and vibrant, much like their dedicated team that work tirelessly every step of the way to ensure customers and more importantly their pets, receive only the very best care. This value runs through Dorwest, from the selection of the herbs that must meet their own stringent quality standards, to their team of expert advisors. Their new tagline ‘Experts in herbal pet care’ stems directly from their loyal customers’ description of the company. Dorwest is the UK’s only manufacturer of herbal medicines authorised by the VMD. Their medicines and supplements can be found in independent UK pet shops and veterinary practices and in over 20 countries worldwide. Also available from their trade stand, mail-order advice line and newly designed website. Whilst the new logo, eye-catching packaging and tagline have evolved to better represent the company, Dorwest values are exactly the same; products that customers can really trust, stringent pharmaceutical standards, trained advisors who love dogs and cats as much as their customers do, and the same family business now in its third generation. Managing Director Jo Boughton-White said: “This has been such an exciting time for Dorwest, our new branding and logo really reflect the whole Dorwest team’s enthusiasm and professionalism in ensuring we bring only the very best products and service to our customers.”

Bella visits gnomes’ home Bella has ben very busy meeting more than 1,000 colourful little people in North Devon. She’s been to a Gnome Reserve where she was fascinated by their strange little hats. There are a few pixies too…and Bella enjoyed spending time with them all. We’re just about to eat”, said a friendly gnome. “Won’t you join us outside for some some cake and jelly”. Hmmm, thought Bella, why not. “I don’t think I’ve tried jelly before. So I sat at the table with my new friends to enjoy a lovely sweet picnic.” Whatever next Bella…we can’t wait to find out. DECEMBER 2015 27

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Joshy, the fundraising cat

Raising funds for charity and winning awards at cat shows - now that sounds like a true celebrity superstar By Carole Kemp


or most people showing a cat is fun and a great day out but for a certain cat, there is more to it than that. Not only does he do very well at shows but he also raises money for a charity that is very close to his owners’ hearts. Read on about the lovely curly cat called Joshy to his family, friends and fans! Joshy (pedigree name Crinkles Reed) is a familiar face at many North and Midlands GCCF cat shows, where he competes in the pet section due to a fault with his bite that, whilst not of any detriment to his health and well-being, nonetheless precludes him from competing as a pedigree. Over the years he has built

up a large following of fans who come to see him at the shows for ‘Joshy cuddles’. Despite having a generally miserable/ frowning expression, Joshy is actually the most loving, happy, laid back cat – in fact, Joshy is Britain’s answer to the famous ‘Grumpy Cat’ as, like Grumpy Cat, his gentle and loving, happy and purring nature belies his outward appearance. There is nothing he loves more than lying on his back in people’s arms, having a cuddle, and at shows his expression brings a smile to so many faces that he is an absolute joy to show, regardless of whether he does well or not. His popularity extends to social media

and he even has a fan group page on Facebook (The Bathmat Teddy Bear Cuddlesome Curly Cat Fanpage – named after several of the affectionate nicknames given him by his fans and general public), with fans from literally all over the world – Australia, America, Spain etc, and, of course, the UK. This is where the fundraising comes in. When South Ribble Pet Cat Club was operational it used to put together a club calendar that members could buy to raise funds for its associated charity, The SRPCC Cat Welfare Trust (Reg Ch 1049984). The charity funds emergency treatment for strays, such as from RTAs, at several local vets and also offers financial assistance through one local vet for pensioners struggling to pay their bills. Upon the club’s demise it was thought that perhaps a calendar of Joshy images might go down well with his fans. The response was amazing and the 2013 calendar was an instant success. The 4th

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People’s Postcode Lottery helps rehome cats and dogs

‘Cuddlesome Curly Cat Calendar’ for 2016 went on sale in September 2015 and within minutes of announcing that it would be available, orders started coming in. Each calendar features a Joshy photograph and ‘Joshy says...’ quote per month plus, and as a special treat, each one is ‘purrsonally pawtographed’ and dedicated to the recipient – yes, he actually DOES ‘sign’ each one with a muddy pawprint preserved with clear tape afterwards. As well as the calendar, Christmas cards in two designs were added in 2014 and they also sold like hot cakes. Due to popular demand other items such as keyrings, mugs, coasters, mousemats, fridge magnets etc have now been added to the ‘Joshy Purrchandise’ range. Over the three years Joshy has been selling his purrchandise, he has raised at least £400 for the charity and it is hoped that he can continue to add to this amazing amount in future years. At home, despite being a charity supurrstar and cat show icon, Joshy is just the same as any other cat. He is loving and affectionate, playful, naughty at times and simply adorable. Who would ever have guessed, when he first

arrived home as a small kitten, that he would end up being such a star!

• Joshy is an eight year old longhaired

Selkirk Rex cat, bred by Kelly Dove of the ‘Crinkles’ prefix (sadly no longer breeding) and is owned and adored by Pat Creaton and Carol Walker. He also has his own website at www. and his own email address (! He is a member of the Selkirk Rex Cat Club (www. and competes at shows run by the GCCF (www. The charity can be found on Facebook and at club/page3.html

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has been awarded £25,000 by the generous players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The amount is a small part of the total £1.575million awarded by the organisation to long-term supported charities. Battersea know that this fantastic sum will allow them to continue to care for dogs and cats, like Lolo, Simba and Kitty, all long-stays at the Home. Liz Tait, Battersea’s Director of Funding, said: “This incredible funding will allow Battersea to continue with its hard work and dedication to improve the lives of society’s most vulnerable cats and dogs. We’re very grateful to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for their generosity and for helping us make a real difference.” Clara Govier, Head of Charities for People’s Postcode Lottery added: “We are very proud that our players can continue to support the development of these fantastic causes.” Since the first ever draw, 10 years ago, the People’s Postcode Lottery has provided vital funding for numerous charities, including Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. If you think you can give any of these long term residents the loving home they deserve, please contact Battersea Dogs & Cats Home on 0843 509 4444 or visit

Top: Simba Below left: Kitty Below right: Lolo DECEMBER 2015 29

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Keep calm: be more cat When it comes to relaxing and being stressfree, we could all learn a thing or two from our unphased felines and just live in the moment By Lorraine Schofield


ne of the traits that I most admire in cats is their laid back attitude and the way that they live their lives absolutely in the present moment. Indeed, with regard to my own cats, Tibbles, Toby and Mia, their day to day lives involve little anxiety, providing their immediate needs of food, comfort and warmth are met. Thus, their daily routine primarily consists of: breakfast, nap, the odd stroll outside, another bite to eat and perhaps some play, followed by more napping. It really is a charmed life that they lead and I often long to trade places with them! In fact, as I leave the house to start work, I will frequently say, tongue in cheek, to Tibbles: “Don’t strain yourself boy!”, giving him an affectionate pat in farewell while he enjoys his postbreakfast snooze. Certainly, I would not

mind trading places with him, even if was just for one day! Therefore, although we humans are obviously more intelligent than cats or, at least, certainly use our brains much more productively, the price that we pay for our greater brain power is worry and anxiety, especially as we are always looking ahead and anticipating problems. This begs the question of whether we humans really have evolved to a point that suits our species, given that so many people suffer from stress and anxiety in the modern world. Perhaps then it is our feline friends who have evolved to the correct extent, because although they are certainly less intelligent than us, this nonetheless equips them to live simpler and therefore less

stressful and anxious lives than ourselves. The term ‘ignorance is bliss’ certainly springs to mind.

The right attitude Dr R L Leahy, a psychologist and the author of a book entitled ‘The Worry Cure’, highlighted in an article that I came across on the web (How to Think More like a cat and Overcome your Worries) that the cat has all the right attitudes to equip it for a stress-free life. Thus, whereas people tend to worry and ruminate about situations, leading to more worry, a cat in contrast does neither of these and so in fact not only has the right attitude but also has in-built protection from anxiety and stress. Therefore a cat thinks only about its present situation and how it feels, never focusing beyond this point, meaning that anxiety and stress are not an integral

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part of its normal day to day existence. Certainly if you think about all the things that people worry about, such as money, relationships and what other people think about them, it must be truly liberating to be a contented cat who quite frankly does not give a damn!

Simple pleasures In fact as I write, Tibbles is stretched out in front of my roaring gas fire in a state of contented bliss and is certainly not concerned that he is not only running up my gas bill, nor that his comfort means wasting a precious resource! Instead, although it is hardly cold in my lounge, I worry that Tibbles will be unhappy if I switch it off and also that my next gas bill will be huge. Conversely, Tibbles has the luxury of being worryfree, warm and comfortable as well as benefiting from my anxiety regarding his well being. For Tibbles, it really is a win, win situation all round! However, rather than envy our cats and their stress-free lives, perhaps we should take note of their day to day behaviours and take a leaf out of their book! Indeed, one of the latest trends for helping with anxiety and stress is the concept of mindfulness, a process by which we are told to focus on the present moment in order to help conquer anxiety, whether about the past or the future. Thus, by paying attention to your surroundings and your present feelings, mindfulness teaches us how to

Cats really are marvellous teachers and have an inner wisdom and astuteness that belies their calm and relaxed approach to life. put both the past and the future on hold. This is essentially what our cats do each and every day so that if they are hungry, they solve it with a meaningful meow so that they get fed. Conversely, if they are uncomfortable or feel threatened, then they will move to a more comfortable and safer spot. It really is that simple and by focusing on their immediate concerns they do not over-complicate situations as people are so prone to do. Thus, essentially then, as Dr Leahy advocates, the cat is a perfect example of a hedonist in which the pursuit of pleasure is the highest and foremost goal.

while soaking up the rays for most of the day. Yet who can really blame him? His logic is sound. Indeed, I have frequently stopped to admire him and to take in the tranquillity of the moment, rather than rushing around as usual, becoming aware that I too should be more consciously savouring the last of the good weather before the chill of autumn and winter irrevocably sets in. Therefore as cat owners, we really are fortunate that we have, right under our very noses, a wonderful living example of how to relax, let go and live in the moment, putting both the future and the past to one side. Cats really are marvellous teachers and have an inner wisdom and astuteness that belies their calm and relaxed approach to life. Indeed, as Dr Leahy also said, should even Buddha choose to evolve, then he might very well come back as a cat. Calm, contented and carefree, cats certainly have the perfect recipe and temperament for a happy, stress-free life.

Perfect examples Certainly from observing my own cats I can see that in terms of relaxation and de-stressing they really do have the right attitude. I only have to watch any of them asleep to see how utterly relaxed they are, with their paws completely flopped and with no signs of tension apparent in their body language. Even Mia, who is more anxious than my other cats, relaxes completely when Tibbles and Toby are not around, as demonstrated by her very loud purr. Toby meanwhile, has been revelling in the warmth of the late summer sunshine, contentedly rolling on the path DECEMBER 2015

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GIFT GUIDE Get your Christmas shopping all wrapped up with these cat-themed present ideas for humans and for your feline friends


don’t know about you but I really enjoy picking out a gift for someone that I think they will love and really appreciate. It’s so frustrating when you can’t find the right gift or if bad weather prevents you getting to the shops. So to help you solve that problem this Christmas, here are a few present suggestions for the people who mean the most to you. And when you’ve purchased them all, choose cards and gift wrap from the great ranges available from some of the animal charities this year. You’ll be helping to increase their funds too, enabling them to continue the great work they do all year round.

For original, unique gifts, try Tattypuss

Tattypuss is an independent family business that is just that little bit different. Their aim is to seek out the original, the unusual and the beautiful, with one additional requirement - FELINICITY. It’s not a word - but it should be! Working closely with local artists and small businesses, Tattypuss are able to offer a unique range of cat-themed gifts, jewellery, scarves, art and much more. Here are some of our favourites. Tiny flowers are cultivated, hand-picked and set in resin; then encased in beautiful 925 silver to make these fabulous pendants. The silver chain is adjustable and adorned with a tiny heart. Each pendant comes in a cute jewellery box. Awesome. Don’t let the cat out of the bag! This gorgeous satchel with a peek-a-boo black cat will get all your friends talking. Made by Disaster Designs, it oozes quality but it is one of those accessories that just works - the straps, pockets and all the bits and bobs are properly thought-out. And who could resist these gorgeously soft and stylish winter warmers? You’ll find scarves and hats in the same cosy lambswool mix.

• Definition: FELINICITY - relating to cats -

• Find a great selection of greetings cards and wrapping paper in the Cats Protection online shop

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GIFT GUIDE Stunning choice from Erin House

Gifts and cat toys from Mad About Cats Many cat toys are now designed not only to entertain your cats but to keep them healthy by providing both exercise and stimulation. The Cats Garden Box Activity Game priced at £24.99 has five different modules. Just put some treats into the different areas and your cats will soon learn how to retrieve them. A booklet is provided with the game suggesting tips and tricks for designing optimal training. This is just one of a range of activity games now available. The Magnificent Moggies Cat Cushion is a linen mix cushion priced at £16.99 and comes complete with inner pad. The removable cover has a zip on the bottom edge. It features three cats on the front and a small mouse on the back of the cushion.

Erin House, a family business established 17 years ago, offers a stunning and varied range of cat related gift ideas this Christmas. From limited edition cat pictures to feline figurines, from cat mugs to cat books, there is something for everyone, whatever their choice and budget. Erin House specialise in the cat pictures of Linda Jane Smith, with a large range of pictures for you to choose from and prices ranging from £5.99. On their website you will find other great cat artists, all with their own unique style for you to consider. Their feline figurine range includes Comic and Curious Cats, 4D Art Contemporary Cats, Kitten Tales, Frith Sculptures, My Pedigree Pals and Govinder Cats. Each category on the Erin House website, whether Pictures, Figures or Gift Ideas, has a Special Offer section for those special bargains. As a reader of Cat World, Erin House offer you a 10% discount on any purchase you make (excluding carriage charges.) Please quote Promotional Code: CATW88 on the check-out page online or mention it when ordering by phone.

• Visit today or call 01757 270484

• These gifts, together with a large range of many other gifts for cat lovers and their cats, can be found at or Tel: 01942 717667.

• See more at

• Battersea

Dogs & Cats Home also has a great selection of cards and gifts. DECEMBER 2015 33

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Whether for yourself or a gift for a loved one, a fabulous feline design or kit from Heritage Crafts will provide some relaxing stitching


elaxing, rewarding, therapeutic - that’s counted cross stitch, and Heritage Crafts has something for everyone. Whether you are an experienced stitcher or a beginner, male, female, young or not so young, we have lots of wonderful designs which will keep you happy - and we bring out new ones all the time! We have been producing cross stitch designs since 1987 when managing director, Susan Ryder, gave up her job as a primary school teacher to turn her hobby of counted cross stitch into a business. We love producing designs and kits and our enthusiasm and care are very obvious in everything we do. We work with several wonderfully talented artists whose work we convert to cross stitch,

paying a lot of attention to detail and colour. Our designs are absorbing to stitch - it is sometimes very difficult to stop stitching! We have lots of designs of cats because our artists and most of our staff here love cats and have cats of their own. Peter Underhill is our ‘Cat Man’! A wonderfully talented artist, Peter is a joy to work with. Ideas for his designs come from both Peter and Susan. Susan can be checking emails and find a pencil sketch from Peter, usually with a very clever title and accompanied by a very funny email. We have loads of ideas too, and Peter and Susan have very enthusiastic and hilarious telephone conversations discussing them. We get back pencil sketches, often within minutes, and after more discussion we get an email of a painting. Peter also comes up with titles. He is brilliant at putting words together. ‘Home is Where the Cat is’ is one of our favourite designs and is so interesting and rewarding to stitch. Just looking at this picture gives a lovely feeling of peace and relaxation. All three cats are asleep and you can hear them breathing and perhaps snoring if your try! ‘All You Need is Love…..and a Cat’

speaks for itself. The little girl and her cat are happy in each other’s company, something that most ‘cat people’ can relate to. Christmas has been the inspiration for several of Peter’s designs and this year is no exception. The ginger cat in ‘I Love Xmas’ is really in the mood for Christmas, with his reindeer antlers and the snowflake on his collar. ‘Sleigh Belle’ shows a very happy cat wearing a collar adorned with bells and wherever she goes, the sound of sleigh bells will be heard. We just couldn’t resist ‘I Hate Christmas’ when we saw Peter’s sketch. The expression on this cat’s face is perfect, and we can see that he will be glad when Christmas is over. All of us know that if we put a box on the floor, the cat is in it straight away, even if it was asleep in another room a few seconds earlier! The kitten in ‘Cat in Box’ fits perfectly in its box and looks very endearing peeping out. Susan’s designs ‘Black and White Kitten’ and ‘Tabby Kitten’ are now available as coaster kits, as well as basic kits. These are quick to do and make perfect gifts.

• For more information and the full range of designs and kits, visit Tel: 01889 575256

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High Quality Cat Themed Gifts for Cat Lovers High Quality Cat Themed Gifts for Cat Lovers and their Cats


Homewares • Jewellery • Collectables Jewellery Catnip toys • Ticklers &•Teasers GREAT Yeowww Toys and much more. • Bags & Accessories GIFT 100’s of quality products. IDEAS F Excellent service and fast delivery. O CHRIS


Tel: 01942 717667

Cat Toys and Accessories. • • • •

Catnip Toys Teasers & Ticklers Cat Beds Grooming Products

100’s of Quality Products. Always Something New! Secure Online Ordering. Erin House Excellent Service & Fast Delivery. Gifts for Cat Lovers

Tel : 01942 717667

Tel 01757 270484

Dog is a cat, except he doesn’t act like one. He yaps like a puppy when he’s excited and wags his tail when he is happy. Something must be done!! A Cat called Dog is a great fun book suitable for children and cat lovers of all ages. The perfect Christmas gift! ‘A lovely, sweet, heartwarming book.’ (The Bookbag) ‘By far one of the best animal books written to date. Pure genius’ ( blog) ‘I enjoyed it right to the end’ (David Bellamy) ‘Huge fun’ (Jilly Cooper)

Available from Amazon £6.99. ISBN: 9781784559595 DECEMBER 2015 35

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The Old, The Mad and The Wobbly by Heather Cook

Another wonderful book - true stories based on real cats


eather has spent over 30 years as the homing officer for the Woking branch of Cats Protection and this has afforded her a unique experience of cats. This book is about very real, special cats that can be described as old, mad, wobbly, and sometimes all three, who have taken up residence at Tresta Towers with Heather, over the years. The stories are all true and feature many amusing incidents that have happened along the way. Heather has a lovely writing style, which enables you to feel the myriad of emotions that her stories bring. We meet cats that have had to be re-homed due to their elderly owners being no longer in a position to look after them. You identify with the sad-

ness of an elderly gentleman who, finding himself having to go into a group home, loved his cat enough to part with him so he could be safe in a new home. We meet cats that have been unwanted and suffered severe neglect. This section is the hardest and our hearts must go out to the RSPCA officers that deal with these situations on a daily basis. We also hear of Stumpy Malone again, who many of you will recognise from Heather’s previous book, Purrs for Thought. He is four years old now and as naughty as ever. He still doesn’t appreciate that he has a disability and still behaves like a kitten. He is an inspiration and an endless source of joy, which is actually a perfect way to describe this book. Available from Amazon or

A Cat Called Dog By Jem Vanston

This is a fun book, suitable for children and cat lovers of all ages


og is a cat. The only problem is, he doesn’t behave like one. Instead he wags his tail when happy, sticks out his tongue when confused and yaps just like a puppy whenever he gets excited. Dog’s adventures begin when he meets an old ginger tom called George. George decides to take on the task of teaching the kitten how to behave like a proper cat. After all, the pride of the species is at stake. With the help of cheeky stray Eric, the mysterious François and the beautiful Miss Fifi, George gives Dog lessons in cat manners and life-long friendships are formed. Dog’s character and antics are very like a child’s and the story deals with issues of loyalty, betrayal, trust and friendship. Various illustrations appear throughout the book and add to this really enjoyable read. Priced at £6.99, the book is available from Amazon and most UK bookshops. ISBN: 9 781784559595.

‘Huge fun’ (Jilly Cooper) ‘Some very funny jokes...Brilliant’ (David Nobbs) ‘I enjoyed it right to the end’ (David Bellamy)

Purring Angels - ‘the book for cat-lovers’ By Marguerite Vlielander

Cats are wonderful. We can learn so much from them


n the first part of ‘Purring Angels’ you will read all about Marguerite’s seven kitties: Daimke and Catje, who have had such a difficult start in their lives; Chummy, her golden eyed British gentleman; Puddie, the eldest, who writes beautiful letters with much wisdom to his pen friends; Donsje, the sweetest cat on earth, who becomes a real film star; Mickje who was thrown over the gate, thin and injured, who learned how it is to be loved; Tommeke, her ‘wild’ Belgian Forest Cat who joins Marguerite later and loves her with all his heart and Luckje, who stayed only for a year. Marguerite tells us about stray cats and the good work the people who take care of them do. Just read what happened to Ophelia. There are also wonderful poems and stories throughout the book - the ones about the Rainbow Bridge give so much comfort. In the second part of the book, Marguerite talks about her own battle with anorexia and how her animals saved her by urging her to fight and eat. The next chapters deal with the upbringing of cats and include many interesting facts about them. Order directly from Trafford:

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For details on the promotional opportunities available through Purring Angels: The book for cat-lovers! Read the lovely, often hilarious stories about seven cats and a dog. Including other cat stories, poems, info, cats and religion and so much more! Two books in one! Part of the proceeds will go to cats in distress. Order directly from Trafford: Site: Donsje wants to tell you something.. Prrrr

Catworld please contact Maria Fitzgerald on 01903 884988 or email:

The Old, the Mad and the Wobbly By Heather Cook

are best known for whimsical catnip toys but also handmade beautiful safety cat collars, felt ball cat toys and luxurious pet blankets. There is something to suit every stylish pet - why not treat yours this Christmas!

Some cats are born wobbly, some achieve wobbliness and some have wobbliness thrust upon them, by illness or accident. All of the cats featured in this book are very real and could variously be described as ‘past their sell-by date’, ‘off-the-wall’ or ‘damaged’. All cats, regardless of their problems, are humorous and there are many amusing incidents to enjoy in this book of true stories. Price £7.99 ISBN: 978-1-78462-490-3 Available from Amazon or Also by Heather Cook

Visit or call 01275 370 935 DECEMBER 2015 37

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Follow these seven steps to stress reduction and make Christmas a happy time for all the family, including the feline members By Kim Houston BSc (Hons), Dip (AS) CABC, CCAB P H O T O G R A P H S B Y M


A T T H O S K I N S F R O M F U R L I N E D ( A N D H I S C A T ,L

hristmas will soon be upon us and during the weeks leading up to the festivities it will be a time for shopping, decorating the house, parties and all of the fun associated with the festive season. But let’s not forget that Christmas can be stressful, not only for us but also for our furry feline friends. From a cat’s perspective, it is a chaotic time of noise and disrupted routines, with often no place to escape the bedlam. Cats are creatures of habit, do not like disruption to their routine, and are extremely sensitive to change. Depending on how well (or not) your cat adapts to changes in routine and environment during the Christmas period, e.g., strange decorations, unfamiliar house guests and loud noises for example, the festive season may lead to certain medical and behavioral problems. For instance, urinary tract infections are a common manifestation of stress. Additionally, behavior problems such as inappropriate toileting,

O K I)

indoor urine marking and over-grooming can become more prevalent during times of stress.

Seasonal Pressures: There’s a wealth of challenges and changes your cat will face leading up to Christmas and during the festive period: • Increased noise - Christmas is a time of fun and parties, which is often associated with loud music and raised voices. All of this extra, unfamiliar noise can cause a great deal of unrest to the cat. • A constant stream of unfamiliar people - Friendly and confident cats may enjoy meeting new people but shy and fearful cats will see their once safe haven overrun with strangers. • Changes to your cat’s feeding, toileting and sleeping areas - Often extra houseguests, plus the obligatory Christmas tree and decorations, will require your cat’s feeding, sleeping and toileting areas to be moved.

• Disruptions to regular feeding times

- During the hectic days ahead, your feline’s usual feeding times may become very disordered. • Seasonal décor - A branch-climbing cat will think their dreams have come true the moment you erect that Christmas tree. But remember, Christmas trees are adorned with hazards; cats love playing with ribbon, string and tinsel but those decorations can twist up in their intestines and cause serious medical problems.

7-Steps to stress reduction My clients often ask me what they can do prior to the Christmas holidays to limit the stress imposed upon the family cat. I usually advise that by taking a cat’s eye view and anticipating the potential problems, you can help your cat to have a stress free festive season. Take a look at the 7-steps to stress reduction below to ensure your feline friend stays happy and stress-free. 1. Firstly, you should consider how your cat’s daily routine, social interactions and environment could change over the Christmas period. Then, you can institute the necessary changes gradually and well in advance of the festivities, so your cat can get used to this change of routine. 2. Unless your cat is the resident party animal, you will need to create a safe 38 DECEMBER 2015

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Cats are creatures of habit, and changes to their routine can cause an immense amount of stress.

haven. This is an area that your cat can retreat to whenever she feels anxious. A room in a quieter part of the house should be reserved for this purpose. If your cat is unfamiliar with this room, let her spend several nights there as Christmas draws closer. 3. Place familiar items and essential resources in the new safe haven; items such as your cat’s bed, food, water, litter tray, scratch post and toys, will all help create familiarity in this location. It will also help your cat’s sense of security if you can create some high up resting places and some hiding places. Most cats love cardboard boxes. Try placing a few boxes in the room with an item of clothing that has been worn by a family member. The communal scent of the family will further help to reassure your cat of her territory. Then, if the festivities become a little too stressful for her, she can relocate to a safe, secure and comfortable retreat.

4. To help your cat relax and settle

into her new environment, try plugging in a pheromone diffuser beside her resting place in her new safe haven, containing a natural product that mimics pheromones produced by cats. This promotes relaxation and calm behavior and will increase your cat’s sense of security and familiarity in her quiet area. 5. Cats are creatures of habit, and changes to their routine can cause an immense amount of stress. It is vitally important that you try to maintain your cat’s normal routine and feeding schedule as much as possible. Try to stay consistent with food types and amounts, and maintain regular feeding times. Use their normal food bowls and ensure all feeding occurs in the safety her new quiet area. Please ensure that your cat cannot gain access to toxic foods such as chocolate, grapes, garlic or onions; these can be extremely dangerous. Keep your cat away

Kim Houston BSc (Hons), Dip (AS) CABC, CCAB Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist

from any alcoholic drinks – some people think that it’s funny to allow a cat to drink alcohol but it is very dangerous and can be fatal. 6. Attention from people is a very important part of many cat’s lives. It is very easy to overlook your cat’s needs when you’re busy shopping, cooking and entertaining. But during stressful times, extra love and attention is especially important to comfort your cat and increase her confidence. Try to set aside some quality time everyday to give your cat some extra special TLC e.g. grooming sessions, cuddles and play. Two or three interactive play sessions of 10-15minutes each can prove very helpful. Use simple feathered toys or even scrunched up paper or foil to stimulate your cat. 7. Finally, a house filled with unfamiliar people is very stressful to your cat. The best solution is to move your cat into the safe haven prior to the arrival of your guests. Close the door and put a sign outside politely requesting that guests keep the door closed during their visit. Hopefully, by putting these simple measures in place, your cat will have a happy and stress-free Christmas and you will also have one less thing to worry about! DECEMBER 2015 39

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Pets Aplenty: fixing Felix In this extract from Pets Aplenty by Malcolm Welshman we follow vet Paul Mitchell for a further six months of hilarious escapades at Prospect House Veterinary Hospital


ith Christmas fast approaching, several clients were getting in the festive season when they came in for appointments with their pets. One lady had tied her poodle’s top knot with red ribbons and bells. The poor dog had an ear infection which was making her shake her head and tinkle at the same time as well. Several cat carriers appeared, their bars interwoven with ribbons and tinsel. I thought nothing could have surprised me. But I was to be proved wrong by what confronted me when I marched into my waiting room that afternoon in early December. The chatter of voices emanating from it stopped abruptly as I ground to a halt self-consciously. Eight little faces peered up at me from the circle that surrounded Mrs Jennings, a teacher from the nearby primary school. It was a very seasonal looking circle. Five lads were in dressing gowns, with red-checked tea towels wrapped round their heads. A couple of girls had white cardboard wings attached to their backs. And the remaining lad was virtually invisible, swamped by an oversized sheepskin coat, inside out, with its sleeves hanging down to his knees and the collar over his head - shepherd or one of his flock I couldn’t quite decide. “We’ve just been doing a dress rehearsal for our nativity play,” said Mrs Jennings, by way of explanation. “I’m one of the five wise men,” said a tea-towelled boy proudly, peering up at me through heavy black-rimmed pebble glasses. “Five?” I queried, looking at Mrs Jennings. She shrugged. “We had difficulty in finding parts for everyone.” The boy with the glasses turned to one of the angels who was holding a wicker

cat basket, both hands firmly clenched over the handle. “Well go on, Emma,” he said, pushing her forward, crushing her wings, “Let the vet have a look at Felix.” “Shove off Gavin,” said the girl, pushing him back with her elbow in a very un-angelic fashion. Mrs Jennings hastily intervened. “Now ... Now ... Behave yourselves, you two.” “Er ... let’s go through to the consulting room, shall we?” I said. “Can we all come?” said a muffled voice from the depths of the sheepskin. “Only if everyone’s on their best behaviour. Understand?” said Mrs Jennings. Tea towels nodded, angel wings flapped and the sheepskin coat wagged its sleeves, as their teacher ushered them through, Emma elbowing her way to the front with the cat basket. She swung it on to the consulting table and seven anxious faces and a headless coat clustered round as I cautiously slid the cane fastener out and lifted the lid. Inside, hunched up on a towel was a black and white cat. Gavin stood on tip-toe and peered into the box, his pebble spectacles, sliding down his nose as he exclaimed, “His name’s Felix.”

“He’s very poorly,” said Emma. “That’s why we’ve brought him in,” said Gavin. “See if you can make him better.” He gave me a hard stare. “You can make him better, can’t you?” he added. “Otherwise he’ll snuff it.” “Don’t say that, Gavin,” said Emma, tears glistening in her eyes while Gavin pushed his spectacles back up his nose. “Now, now, children,” said Mrs Jennings. “Let Mr Welshman take a look and see what’s wrong.” “I know what’s wrong,” said Gavin. “Felix can’t pee.” Mrs Jennings explained that the children had noticed Felix crouched in his litter tray, straining. “He had his willie sticking out,” said Gavin, matter-offactly. The lamb-skin coat tittered. “Can you do anything for him?” sobbed Emma, sniffing back a tear. “Should do, he’s a vet,” said Gavin gruffly, giving the cat basket a poke as I gently lifted Felix out and lowered him on to the consulting table. The cat sat there, hunched up, looking thoroughly miserable. I eased my hands over his flanks, noticing the distension of his abdomen. No surprise when I cautiously palpated it to discover an overextended bladder. “I think Felix has got a blockage, stopping him from peeing,” I said. “Is something stuck in his willie then?” asked Gavin, his eyes widening behind his goggle-spectacles. “Well, actually, yes, that’s the most likely explanation,” I said, somewhat taken back by Gavin’s perceptiveness. I turned to Mrs Jennings. “I’ll have to admit Felix as a matter of urgency and get his

Tea towels nodded, angel wings a ed and the shee s in coat a ed its sleeves, as their teacher ushered them throu h, mma elbo in her ay to the front ith the cat bas et.

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bladder unblocked.” “He’ll stick something up his willie,” said Gavin, turning to Emma. “My dad once got kidney stones. They stuck a tube up his.” “Gross,” exclaimed Emma, with a shudder. “Yes … well …okay children,” said Mrs Jennings. “I suggest we all go home now and let Mr Welshman do what’s best for Felix.” “My dad had a tube up his willie for weeks,” said Gavin, as he was bundled out. Once the children had trooped out, I took Felix down to the prep room. Mandy was the duty nurse that afternoon and she bustled in, her starched green uniform crackling. “Urinary obstruction,” I explained. With her customary efficiency, she drew up a shot of Ketamine for me to sedate Felix; and as he slipped into unconsciousness, she sorted out a cat catheter ready for me to flush Felix’s urethra. Least I hoped that would be the case. If there was a stone lodged there, it might mean it got forced back into the bladder which might then require me to perform a cystotomy, opening the bladder to remove the calculus and any other stones that could be present. “Fingers crossed,” I muttered as I gently extruded the cat’s penis and slid the tip of the catheter in. There was a little resistance as I gradually eased the tube further and further up Felix’s urethra. But then the catheter suddenly jammed. No further movement. Had I hit a lodged stone? I cautiously rolled the catheter between the fingers of my left hand while continuing to anchor the cat’s penis with my right hand. Still no movement. I eased the catheter back a little, then pushed it forward again, muttering under my breath, ‘Come on Felix. Give way.’ “Seems your prayers have been answered,” said Mandy, peering over the cat’s back as he lay stretched out between us. Yellow cloudy urine, flecked with blood had begun seeping out of the end of the catheter. More spurted out as the tube began to slide in easier until the length of it disappeared, meaning it had reached the bladder. Holding the end of the tube in place, I cupped my hand round Felix’s abdomen and felt his bladder contracting rapidly, accompanied by a stream of urine now pouring out of the catheter. “Phew, what a relief,” I said.

“Especially for Felix,” said Mandy, a grin on her face. I now had to make sure there were no stones in his bladder which might cause another blockage. An X ray revealed there were none. The obstruction had just been due to build up of sediment. Nevertheless, Felix was kept in the hospital for three days with the urinary catheter kept in place to ensure any urethral swelling had subsided and that he was able to urinate freely. Felix was collected by a delighted delegation, devoid of their nativity wear, three days later. Instructions were given to Mrs Jennings on dietary changes for Felix and the use of vitamin C to keep his urine acidic and so help prevent any possible stone formation. “You unblocked his willie okay then?,” observed Gavin, pushing his spectacles up his nose, as he peered into the cat’s basket. A week later, two weeks before Christmas, my receptionist flapped a large brown envelope in my face. “From the school, addressed to you,” she declared. Intrigued, I tore open the envelope. Inside were 18 hand-made Christmas cards from all the pupils in Mrs Jennings’ class. Lumpy smudged-red Father Christmasses with bulging sacks on their backs jostled with bendy-sticklegged reindeer. There was also a forest of Christmas trees and plenty of silver stars. One card in particular made me smile. It was a crayon drawing of a black and white cat which I guessed was meant to be Felix. It was asleep in a crib with a large silver star above it. Below was written” ‘Dear Mr Vet, Thank you for saving Felix. He’s using his willie well. I was very worried he might have died or something worse might have happened. Happy Christmas from Gavin.’ PETS APLENTY Malcolm D. Welshman ISBN: 9781849639965 Paperback Price: £7.99/$13.95

‘… brings a smile to your face.’ Sir Terry Wogan ‘… paints a vivid picture of many fascinating characters.’ Jim Wight, son of James Herriot ‘…hilarious stories straight from a vet’s own will keep you chuckling.’ Stella Whitelaw ‘Your story is a corker.’ Richard Madeley

• Malcolm D. Welshman is author

of Pets Aplenty published by Austin Macauley Publishers 0207 038 8212 at £7.99 Kindle version £0.99.

• Malcolm Welshman is a retired

vet who was a consultant dealing with exotics. He has written for The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail and magazines such as The Lady, and was the My Weekly vet for fifteen years. He is a BBC Radio panellist and a guest speaker worldwide on cruise ships. DECEMBER 2015

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Come and meet us at the TICA shows

Happy Christmas and New Year from Rosevalley Australian Mists



Wordsearch This month’s word search has a Christmas theme and is just for fun. Which one of the eleven words listed below doesn’t appear in the grid.


Spot the difference

Can you find 6 things in the picture at the bottom that are missing.



Answers from last months fun pages The answers to spot the difference.

The answers to the Criss Cross puzzle. Across: 4. November; 5. Birmingham Down: 1. Fireworks, 2. Cornish, 3. Tenikwa, 6. Glucose, 7. Austin 44 DECEMBER 2015

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Energetic bundles with caring souls The lively, loveable Siberian will enjoy having fun with you by day then just as happily curl up with you for a cuddle and a snooze come the evening By Eleanor Leonard-Smith and Mark Harris of the Siberian Cat Club


he Siberian has now been in the UK since 2002. Its stunning good looks and friendly, playful personality means the Siberian Cat has grown immensely in popularity over the years and has captured the hearts of many.

Siberian history The Siberian is a natural breed and is one of three recognised forest cats, the other two being the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat. The Siberian originates from the Taiga in Siberia which is found throughout the high northern Latitudes of Russia and is also known as the Boreal Forest. The Taiga is the largest

forested region on the Earth, experiencing extremes in its climate from as low as -54 right up to +30 deg C. With these extremes, it produced a very adaptable cat with a rich, full, triple-layered, very distinctive weatherproof coat in the winter and a shorter, less dense coat in the summer. As the Siberian is the national cat of Russia it has a rich and vibrant history dating back at least a thousand years. The Siberian has been found characterised in Russian folklore as protectors living in monasteries with monks. Shopkeepers and farmers used to keep Siberians to control vermin and due to their substantial size,

combined with their agility, they made exceptional hunters. It is said that of all cat breeds, the Siberian is most reminiscent to the Scottish Wild Cat and other wild cats of northern Europe.

Type The Siberian falls under the Semi Long Hair category. They are a large cat with a cobby body and definite ‘heft’ when you pick them up for a cuddle. Unlike their cousins the Norwegian Forest Cat and the Maine Coon, which are characterised by triangles and rectangles respectively, the Siberian has a much more moderate type with an overall appearance of curves and

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BREED PROFILE rounded contours. The Siberian cat’s head is described as a short, broad wedge with rounded contours. The cheekbones are low set and very broad and connected by a gentle line to the slightly rounded muzzle and chin. The Siberian has large, slightly oval shaped eyes that are bright and would have contributed to their hunting ability in the wild. Another reflection of the breed’s natural heritage is its distinctive weatherproof coat which consists of a very soft, dense undercoat to ensure they stay nice and warm in the snowy forest and a much coarser, waxy top coat to keep off the rain. They also develop a lion-like mane in winter known as a ‘ruff ’ and have furry tufts between their toes to keep their paws warm. The Siberian cat is a very strong and agile breed. It has a rectangular body shape which is heavily built and well mus-

cled. Their legs are in proportion with the body, with substantial bone structure and strength allowing them to jump long distances and climb trees easily. For balance the Siberian has a medium length tail which is well furnished and tapers slightly towards the tip. The Siberian comes in three main patterns: Solids, Tabbies and Colourpoints. The Colourpoint is sometimes referred to as ‘Neva Masquerade’ which is a nickname based on the area in Russia it is believed to have originated from, by the River Neva in St Petersburg. However it is not a separate breed and shares all the same characteristics as Solid and Tabby Siberians. Within each pattern there is a wide variety of possible colours including Solid White, Black, Brown, Blue, Red, Cream and Tortoiseshell, as well as Smoke and Silver varieties, and all of these colours

can be with or without white. This gives a grand total of 124 different combinations of recognised colours and patterns in the Siberian! The Siberian matures slowly; full development of the cat can take four to five years.

Hypoallergenic Siberians are said to produce less Fel D1 in their saliva, making them Hypoallergenic. Fel D1 is a protein which is deposited on cats’ fur while grooming and is the cause of many people’s cat allergies. Because Siberians’ produce less of this protein some people who would not normally be able to have a cat may be able to live happily with a Siberian. However this has not been proved scientifically and, depending largely on the type and severity of the allergy, each person will react differently. It is worth finding a breeder who is prepared to do an allergy sitting with you for a couple of hours before you commit to purchasing a kitten. Personality In contrast to their wild heritage, Siberians are actually a very friendly and affectionate breed that get on well with DECEMBER 2015 47

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BREED PROFILE Breed Features

• Friendly & affectionate • Fairly quiet – small chirping sound, loud purr • Loves to play fetch • Very intelligent • Very loyal & devoted, hangs out with you • Very active & playful • Exceptionally agile jumper • Natural cat, hardy • Very social • Photogenic, show offs • Love water, especially playing in it • Non-aggressive, good with other animals & children • Hypoallergenic, dependent on your severity • Semi long hair coat, easy to look after • Average life span 12 – 15 years • Average Weight: Females 4.5kg, Males 6.5kg

children and other animals. Often likened to dogs for their loyalty, Siberians love being around people and will habitually follow their owner from room to room to make sure they are getting enough attention! Siberian kittens are fluffy bundles with boundless energy that love to run around and play and even the adults cats can be found batting a ball around the room or ‘killing’ the curtain cord every once in a while. Several owners have reported that their Siberians enjoy playing a game of fetch and one Siberian female has even been known to love playing hide and seek! Being very intelligent cats, Siberians need plenty of stimulation to keep them amused, particularly if they are being kept as indoor only cats. They are extremely inquisitive; they like to be involved in the day to day activities of the home and are very willing to lend a paw – playing with the bubbles in the washing up bowl, catching the ‘mouse’ as you work at the computer or just lying across the newspaper you were trying to read! They are particularly fascinated by water and often you’ll find them enthralled by a dripping tap or nonchalantly strolling inside soaking wet, after they fell in the fish pond! Siberians really enjoy being out-

side, climbing trees and feeling the wind in their whiskers. However, they are very adventurous animals so it is advisable only to let them outside if you have a secure pen or garden for them to play in where they are not in danger from any traffic or other animals. For safety reasons some breeders will only sell kittens to indoor only homes. Despite having huge reserves of energy, Siberians are really quite caring, gentle souls who never have a bad word to say about anyone. They like lots of cuddles and strokes and after a long day of playing around the house and they enjoy a quiet evening curled up on the sofa as much as you do. Siberian cats have a sweet chirruping voice and an impressive purr.

Health and Welfare Being a natural breed, Siberian cats are generally very robust animals and there have been no known health problems reported in the breed. However, many breeders are taking precautions to screen for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and Feline Hypertronic Cardiomyopathy (HMC). In addition, Siberian Cat Club members are continuing to work with other Siberian breeders worldwide and are exchanging health data on the breed. When it comes to coat care, Siberians do not require a great deal of grooming. However, they do have seasonal moults in spring and

Left: GCCF Champion & Premier, FIFE Champion Vesna Sibirskaya’s Liliya. She is a brown mackerel tortie tabby with white. 48 DECEMBER 2015

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autumn. A good comb once a week, or more often during moults, will prevent knotting and hairballs.

Buying a Siberian kitten Start looking for a reputable breeder through the Siberian Cat Club or other cat clubs. All breeders should be registered with either the GCCF, TICA or FIFE. All kittens should come with their registration documents, a four generation pedigree, vaccination card, indicating that they have had a complete course of vaccinations, and a health check from a qualified vet. Kittens will be ready to go at 13 weeks of age (not before!). When choosing a kitten, check that they look healthy and playful; you should be able to handle the kitten and meet the mother of the litter. They should be wormed and free from fleas or any other parasites. Be prepared to be patient as there will be a waiting list for certain coat patterns & colours. If you have an allergy, make sure you have spent enough time in the household with both kitten and mother to see if there are any adverse reactions. Then visit your kitten as often as possible to form a bond and enjoy watching your kitten develop and grow till the day of collection. Showing your Siberian When buying a kitten, if you are interested in showing, you will need to discuss this with your breeder as the cat will need to meet the standards set by the governing council that they are registered with: GCCF, TICA, or FIFE. The GCCF standard of points states that: “The Siberian Cat is a medium to large semilonghaired cat, solid with “heft” rather than rangy. The most important features are head type and coat quality. The overall impression should be of a cat with substance and rounded contours. Larger

animals are preferred, though females will be somewhat smaller than males, but overall type is the overriding factor. The Siberian has a very distinctive weatherproof coat unique to the breed, and, as the breed originated as a natural outdoor cat in Russia, the overall appearance of the Siberian Cat should reflect this natural heritage. The cat should have an alert expression, be in good general condition and well presented.” The Siberian breed has now achieved full Championship Status within GCCF and we have a number of titled cats within the breed who have regularly competed for Best in Show.’ If you own a Siberian and are interested in showing with the GCCF for the first time, please get in contact with the club who will arrange a ‘buddy’ to help you through your first Show Day.

ing or prominent when viewed in profile. CHEEKBONES: The cheekbones are the determining factor in the head type of a Siberian. The direction of the cheekbone arch extends to the outer ear base.

Standard of points HEAD: Should be in good proportion to the body. It should form a short, broad wedge with rounded contours, with a slightly rounded muzzle and chin. The lower forehead should be slightly domed. The profile line should show a slight concave curve at the bridge with a nose of a harmonious length. Nose should be of uniform width when viewed from the front. Whisker pads should be moderately well developed and form a gentle, rounded line with the chin which should be slightly rounded, neither DECEMBER 2015 49

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21/10/2015 10:46

BREED PROFILE Scale of Points Head Cheeks Ears Eyes Body Coat Overall condition Total

Above left: GCCF Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Champion, TICA Triple Grand Champion, FIFE Grand International Champion and CFA Champion Lyndongraey Grigori. He is a brown classic tabby.

Cheekbones should be low set, very broad and connected by a gentle, rounded line to the whisker pads and chin, which produces the desired impression. EARS: Of medium size, rounded at the tip, set wide apart, the width of an ear or more between the ears. A cat with higher ear set but a broad rounded head is preferred to a cat with wide set ears but a narrow head. Ears should be well furnished. EYES: Large, slightly oval shaped but with a rounded lower line, set slightly oblique and wide apart. Any shade is allowed except that blue and odd eyed colours are allowed in white and van patterned Siberians and only blue allowed in colour pointed Siberians. The colour should be clear and bright as an indication of good health. BODY: The body is rectangular in format but not too long. The cat should be medium to large, well muscled and heavily built with a broad chest. The neck should be short and substantial. LEGS AND FEET: Legs should be in pro-

portion to the body, of medium length with substantial bone structure and strength. The legs should be felt to estimate bone structure. Paws large, with toes carried close, rounded and with welldeveloped tufts. A medium sized female with balanced bone structure and proportions should be preferred to a giant male whose legs are too long. TAIL: Should be broad at the base, of proportionate length and slightly tapering towards the tip. It should reach the shoulder blade. The tail should be well furnished. COAT: The texture and structure of the coat are important features of the breed. However, allowance should be made for kittens that may have softer fur, and for the seasonal moult. The coat is of medium length, with a very dense undercoat that is soft, fine and somewhat ‘springy’, covered by a coarser, more substantial topcoat. The fur over the shoulders is shorter. Hair is firm to the touch and waterproof. Smoothly flowing guard hairs cover the back, flanks and upper side of the tail. The underside of the body and breeches have only undercoat which is shorter than the covering topcoat. It should be dense and plentiful. It may be lighter in the summer but should still be present. One should feel the resilience of the dense undercoat when a hand is placed on the coat. A longer, plentiful ruff is preferred. COLOUR AND PATTERN: The Siberian is recognised in a wide variety of colours and patterns, including colour pointed. Chocolate, Cinnamon, Caramel and the according dilute colours (Lilac, Fawn and Apricot) are not accepted in any pattern combinations (solid, bi-colour, tri-colour,

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tabby or colour pointed). Burmese or Tonkinese colour restriction are also not accepted. Any amount of white is allowed, (ie. white on paws, chest, belly, blaze, locket, etc) on all patterns and colours including the colour pointed variety. (The colour pointed variety can be called Neva Masquerade). Allowance should be made for belly spots and shading on colour points. DECEMBER 2015

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..and blue, black or white they’re all beautiful Front_445.indd 4

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When your cat is diagnosed with a disease it can be a worrying time but this is one of the most common and successfully treatable By Sonja K Steiner


yperthyroidism, otherwise known as an ‘overactive thyroid’, is a very common disease of the endocrine system caused by an increase in production of thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands. The majority of cases seen are in mature and geriatric cats and it is rare to see it in a cat of less than seven years old. Cats between 11-14 years are classified as senior and cats over 15 years are classified as geriatric. Males and females are equally affected. This is caused by abnormal changes or tumours in the gland; although functional benign (non-cancerous) enlargement (adenoma) is the most common, a small percentage are caused by a malignant tumour known as an adenocarcinoma. The underlying cause of this change is currently unknown. The thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormone thyroxine and is divided into two lobes which are situated on either side of the windpipe in your cat’s neck. It usually affects middle aged and older cats and in the majority of cases both glands are affected, causing them to become enlarged, although one gland maybe more severely affected than the other. In normal cats the gland cannot be felt; however a small proportion of cats may have

ectopic tissue within the chest. Hyperthyroidism is a gradual condition with a slow onset that becomes more obvious with time. Initially the symptoms are subtle but as the disease progresses they become more severe and noticeable. As this condition mainly occurs in older cats, they may have other conditions causing complications and even mask some of the clinical signs, which is why it so important that your feline friend is taken to see a vet for a thorough health check. Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating many body processes and when too much thyroxine is produced the clinical signs displayed by the cat can be very noticeable and they can become seriously ill. Thyroid hormones have an important role in controlling the metabolic rate but when there are excess levels of the hormone produced it can cause a range of symptoms. The more thyroxine produced, the higher the metabolic rate and the more calories your cat burns, resulting in weight loss despite an increase in appetite and food intake. As a cat gets older it is not unusual for their body condition to start deteriorating and this can be incorrectly attributed to the normal signs of ageing.

Function of the thyroid gland In adult cats the hormone produced by the thyroid gland is involved in a variety of functions: • Controls the metabolism • Effects the heart rate • Helps control the breakdown of fatty tissues • Involved in the production of red blood cells • In young animals it is essential for normal growth of the skeleton and brain.

Diagnosis The veterinary surgeon will usually detect a lump during the examination. In order to confirm a diagnosis your vet will take a blood sample to measure the levels of thyroid hormone (T4) concentration circulating in the blood and to also check your cat’s general health. Even if hyperthyroidism is strongly suspected, based on the clinical signs, sometimes the blood tests may reveal a normal T4 level. There are different reasons for this, such as the cat being at a very early stage of the condition. Thyroid hormone levels can fluctuate and have been known to be normal at certain times, even in cats with hyperthyroidism, and other conditions can affect the hormone levels. Therefore a

What are the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism?

• Increased appetite (polyphagia) and thirst (polydipsia) • Weight loss • Poor coat condition • Rapid heart rate (tachycardia) • Anxiety, nervousness, irritable, feeling agitated • Breathing difficulties • Lump in the neck (goitre) • Diarrhoea • Vomiting • Being more vocal More prominent in advanced cases

• Weakness • Lethargy • Lack of appetite.

Not all of the above symptoms will occur in every cat diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. DECEMBER 2015 53

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Medication is by far the most common treatment for hyperthyroidism but it does not cure the tumour, it simply blocks the effect of the secreted hormone so the tumour will continue to grow.

2) Diet – iodine restricted This could be an option in a single cat household but would be more difficult to manage in a multi-cat household. With cats being the fussy eaters that they are, they may initially like the diet but go off it after a few weeks and, in order to manage the condition, the cat would need to be on the diet long term with no other added food. The diet may not be suitable if your cat has other health problems such as diabetes. As with medication, this diet would simply be blocking the thyroid hormone secretion and is not treating the tumour itself, so it will continue to grow. repeat blood test will be required and this is usually done after 1-2 weeks. Other tests are usually performed to rule out any other condition such as renal failure. Once a diagnosis has been made and where possible, the blood pressure should be checked and if secondary heart disease is suspected then an electrocardiogram ‘ECG’ and a chest x-ray or ultrasound may be beneficial.

Treatment and prognosis Owners will be relieved to know that cats usually respond very well to treatment. As with any disease it is always better to try and catch it early and whilst every cat is different in how they react, the outcome is generally positive. If hyperthyroidism is left untreated, cats in the latter stage of the condition may have more secondary conditions making the disease more difficult and complicated to treat. There are four options to manage hyperthyroidism and as with any types of treatment, there are advantages and disadvantages. Your veterinary surgeon can advise you on the best option for your cat: 1) Medication – drug therapy Anti-thyroid drugs in tablet form are available. Felimazole (contains methimazole) is given twice a day, although once stabilised it is possible for cats to have their dose reduced to once a day. Vidalta contains carbimazole which is a slow release medication that only needs to be

administered once a day but the tablets must be given whole and not broken or crushed. These drugs act by reducing the production and release of the thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland; however they are not a cure and your cat would require medication for the rest of its life. As with any medication there are potential side effects such as a reduction in appetite, lethargy and vomiting. These symptoms may ease after the first few weeks of treatment but if they continue, your vet may decide to reduce the dosage. You would expect to see a reduction in the thyroid hormone concentration within 2-4 weeks and depending on your cat’s response, the dosage can be adjusted accordingly. Treatment will be for the rest of your cat’s life. Blood tests are normally done about three weeks after starting therapy, then after each dose adjustment and then every 6-12 months once the patient is stable. The amount of blood tests taken is variable. Although less common, more serious problems may arise so your cat will require regular check-ups including blood tests to monitor for any complications and the effectiveness of the therapy. One of the disadvantages of drug therapy is that cats can sometimes be very difficult to give tablets to, especially when required on a regular basis. Another option would be to apply a transdermal cream to the ear; the owner would need to use disposable gloves in order to do this.

3) Surgery (Thyroidectomy) The risk associated with anaesthesia for surgical thyroidectomy has to be considered and blood tests are required prior to surgery. However surgical thyroidectomy can be quick and curative. Owners can discuss with their vet whether surgery is the best option for their cat and any risks associated with it. For those who have decided to go ahead with a thyroidectomy, their cat would likely require anti-thyroid medication for 2-3 weeks prior to surgery. With thyroidectomies there is a risk of parathyroid gland damage and the possibility of the cat developing low calcium levels following surgery, requiring medication. This can be monitored with blood tests and your vet can decide how long they need to be treated for this. In some veterinary hospitals, technetium scanning may be used to locate hyperfunctional thyroid tissue. This is where a very small dose of technetium is injected into the cat’s vein and is used to locate where the abnormal tissue is and confirm that the tissue is taking up the technetium. Locating the thyroid tissue can be helpful if surgery is being planned, to ensure that all the thyroid tissue is all accessible at surgery, but it can also be used to determine if radioiodine is a treatment option for cats with thyroid carcinomas. Over 98% of hyperthyroid cats have a benign tumour called an ‘adenoma’, whilst the whilst the rest have a thyroid carcinoma. Should the thyroid tumour be

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As with any medication there are potential side e ects such as a reduction in appetite, lethargy and vomiting. identified as a ‘carcinoma’, surgery alone may not have provided a cure. It can be difficult to differentiate between disease affecting one or both thyroid glands at surgery. If only one is removed then the gland that has been left in place is likely to become enlarged at a later date, requiring repeat surgery. The parathyroid gland is important in controlling the distribution of calcium in the body. The parathyroid gland is very small and sits right next to the thyroid gland. It is very easy to damage the parathyroid gland during the thyroidectomy. If both parathyroid glands end up being removed/damaged inadvertently then the amount of calcium in the body can become very low which may lead to symptoms such as muscle twitching and convulsions; this however, can be treated. Surgery can also occasionally be associated with other problems such as damage to the nerve that controls the larynx.

4) Radioactive Iodine Although there are now quite a few specialised veterinary hospitals in the UK who are able to administer radioactive iodine, this treatment is not available as standard treatment in veterinary practices due to the special licenses required to handle a radioactive substance. Your cat will require a thorough health assessment to ensure there are no significant concurrent health conditions, or complications that have arisen out of the hyperthyroidism. One of the advantages of radioactive iodine is that is cures the majority of hyperthyroid cases with no serious side effects and rarely are additional treatments required; there is also no risk of damage to the parathyroid glands. Depending on dose of radioactive iodine

given, it can take around 2-6 weeks for the thyroid levels to return to normal although in some cases it can take much longer and a small percentage of cats may require a second treatment. Occasionally a permanent reduction in the thyroid hormone results (hypothyroidism - underactive thyroid), requiring medication. Radioactive iodine can be administered as a single injection under the skin. The iodine is taken up by the abnormal thyroid tissue and the radiation destroys the affected abnormal thyroid tissue, thus minimising damage to surrounding tissues or the parathyroid glands. Once your cat has been treated they have to remain at the hospital for a defined period of time that varies between the hospitals and generally owners will not be able to visit their cats. The Feline Centre at Langford Veterinary Services in Bristol is one of the treatment centres offering radioactive iodine. In order to cater for the cat’s needs, the radioiodine treatment ward is similar to a cattery, with large catterystyle pens with various shelves so that cats can climb, stretch their legs and do some exercise if they wish. They also provide hide away boxes and forts, cosy beds, scratching posts, a radio and toys etc. They make it as much home from home as they can to keep the cats happy during their stay and they can feed whatever diet your cat is on. Radioactive iodine can also be used to treat some thyroid carcinomas but the dosage given is far higher than for adenomas (Extended survival is commonly achieved (BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology, 4th Ed. p109)). It is advisable to discuss the options available carefully with your vet; if your

cat gets stressed when medication is being administered then perhaps it is worth considering radioactive iodine. Cats with hyperthyroidism are on medication for life whereas radioactive iodine may provide a cure. This is why having ‘cover for life’ pet insurance is so important for cat owners. I had the privilege of speaking to Dr Severine Tasker of The Feline Centre, Langford, (, about hyperthyroidism in cats and asked her for her opinion on the treatment options: “Treatment of feline hyperthyroidism needs to be tailored to each individual cat with consideration of several factors, including the age of the cat, concurrent diseases and treatment costs. Definitive treatment with either surgical thyroidectomy or radioiodine is recommended in many cases, especially in cats expected to live more than 12 months, as these offer ‘curative’ outcomes. Radioiodine eliminates any risks associated with surgery and anaesthesia, and the thyroid tumour cells causing the hyperthyroidism are specifically targeted by the radioiodine, helping to limit side effects; this is the treatment of choice for most hyperthyroid human and feline patients.”

• My sincere thanks to Dr Severine

Tasker, BSc BVSc (Hons) PhD DSAM DipECVIM-CA FHEA MRCVS / RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine / European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine / Reader in Feline Medicine and to Mark Buxton, BVetMed, MRCVS for giving me their time and invaluable help in compiling this article. DECEMBER 2015 55

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Egyptian Mau Club

Saturday 3rd October 2015 BEST IN SHOW OVERALL BEST IN SHOW: UK & IGRPR Santillo Jasmin (MAU ns 24) BEST PEDIGREE PET: GR MC Tsarena Anastasia BEST NON PEDIGREE PET: MC Shadow BEST OF VARIETY: Egyptian Mau Adult GR CH Husani Ziggy Obsidiaan (IMP) (MAU ns 24) Egyptian Mau Kitten Geniemau Samira (MAU n 24) Egyptian Mau Neuter UK & IGRPR Santillo Jasmin (MAU ns 24)

Maine Coon Breed Society Saturday 3rd October 2015

BEST IN SHOW OVERALL BEST EXHIBIT: UK OB IGP & SUP Kitten Isadoryou Mr Bojangles (MCO n 03 22) BEST ADULT MALE AND BEST OVERALL ADULT: Gr Ch Isadoryou Dear Darlin (MCO n 03 22) BEST ADULT FEMALE AND BEST OPPOSITE SEX: I Gr Ch Isadoryou Florence (MCO ds 03 22) BEST MALE KITTEN AND BEST OVERALL KITTEN IN SHOW: Mabalakat Jesse Pinkman (MCO ns 03) BEST FEMALE KITTEN: Coonflakes KikiDee (MCO d 22) BEST MALE NEUTER AND BEST NEUTER IN SHOW: UK OB IGP & SUP Kitten Isadoryou Mr Bojangles (MCO n 03 22) BEST FEMALE NEUTER: Gr Pr Coonflakes Summer Breeze (MCO f 03) BEST HOUSEHOLD PET: IGMC Little Teddy

Norsk Skogkatt Society Saturday 3rd October 2015

BEST IN SHOW BEST IN SHOW EXHIBIT: IGC & Pr Kattjewels Tinkerbell (NFO gs 21) BEST ADULT: Gr Ch Skovenns Tomas (NFO ns 09 21) BEST KITTEN: Coscathas Aloiki (NFO n 22) BEST NEUTER: IGC & Pr Kattjewels Tinkerbell (NFO gs 21) BEST HOUSEHOLD PET: OBIGMC Rita

Have a go - show your cat


howing your cat can be a most enjoyable experience and many cat owners travel around their local area to attend various shows. You don’t need to have a pedigree breed to show either as most shows now include categories for Household Pets. This is broken down further into Pedigree Pet and non-Pedigree Pet. So what’s the difference? Under GCCF rules, a Pedigree Pet is a cat with the look of a pedigree and with known or unknown, full or half pedigree background. A non-Pedigree Pet is for those cats with a more traditional moggy appearance. The classes are split further into long hair and semi- longhair, then by colour and pattern - which means there are good chances that your cat could be placed in the top three. All breeds go through the same procedure before a show, with the exception of grooming, as this will depend on the requirements of each particular breed.

You will need some equipment before you are able to show your cat. Pens all have to look the same, with no breeder identification, to keep everything anonymous to ensure fair judging. The pens are usually provided by the club hosting the show. Equipment can be purchased from various places for approximately £20 and should be as follows:

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NORTH WEST CAT CLUB - BEST OF VARIETY & BEST IN SHOW Show Reporter: Heather Bradley Show Date: 26 September 2015






GCCF shows White litter tray and white cat litter White water bowl White food bowl Cat food White blankets Cat carrier (colour not specific) Inoculation card

TICA & Felis Britannica shows Litter tray and cat litter Water bowl Food bowl Cat food Blankets and/or bed Cat carrier Inoculation card

A grooming glove is useful for last minute preparation, along with a litter shovel and empty plastic bags plus unscented baby wipes to ensure eyes, nose and ears are clear. The GCCF do not allow food or toys in the pens until after all cats have been judged but clean water must be provided for the cat at all times.

Grooming before a show Always check the rules with the appropriate organisation for the show concerned (GCCF, TICA or F.B.) as requirements may differ. However, as a general rule, your cat’s claws should be trimmed and you should make sure their bottom is clean too. Ensure the chin, nose and mouth area are clean and have no signs of food. Clean the ears gently (no poking!), making sure no wax is visible. Eyes should also be clean, with no ‘sleepy dust’. Brush the cat as you would normally do, before leaving home. Then once checked in at the show, a brush with a grooming glove will remove any shedding hair and give their coat a nice healthy looking sheen. Of course, this is the part of preparing for a show that you cat will enjoy the most. Many people showing their cats have made firm friends with other owners attending the shows and often turn the event into a social weekend, even if only to meet together for breakfast (it seems bacon butties are quite often on the menu!) and chat together while judging is taking place. If showing your cat is something that interests you, more details can be found on the websites of the GCCF, F.B. and TICA. It’s a great idea to contact one of the many cat clubs around the UK as most will be only too happy to invite you to their next show, where you can see for yourself what goes on before trying your luck with your own pet.













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Cat World magazine is now available to read on your favourite device, including the iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Samsung Galaxy Tab. Buy the latest issue anywhere in the world at a fraction of the cost of the paper edition. Download your FREE App today. Simply search for ‘Cat World Magazine’ in the Apple App store or Android Market.

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GCCF NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 07 Bengal Cat Club Cricklade Town Hall, High St, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 6AE Blue Persian Cat Society Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Bilford Road, Worcester WR3 8DX Central Longhair and Semi Longhair Cat Club Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Bilford Road, Worcester WR3 8DX Caledonian Long Haired Cat Club The Lomond Centre, Woodside Way, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 5RA The British Ragdoll Cat Club Winecote Community Leisure Centre, Tinkers Green Road, Winecote, Tamworth B77 5LF National Pet Show The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT

NOVEMBER 14 North of Britain Long Hair & Semi LH Cat Club The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN4 7PD Yorkshire County Cat Club The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN4 7PD British Shorthair Cat Club The Dome, Doncaster Lakeside, Bawtry Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN4 7PD

NOVEMBER 21 Cheshire Area Cat Club Northgate Arena Leisure Centre, Northgate Arena, Victoria Road, Chester CH2 1AU

Ulster Siamese & All Breeds Cat Club Bangor Aurora Aquatic & Leisure Complex, 3 Valentine Road, Bangor BT20 4UT

NOVEMBER 22 Chinchilla, Silver Tabby & Smoke Cat Society The Town Hall, High Street, Hungerford, West Berkshire RG17 0NB Red Cream & Tortie Society The Town Hall, High Street, Hungerford, West Berkshire RG17 0NB

NOVEMBER 28 Birman Cat Club Lutterworth Sports Centre, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4RB Colourpoint, Rex-Coated & AOV Club Cannock Chase Leisure Centre Stafford Road, Cannock WS11 4AL

DECEMBER DECEMBER 05 Russian & Abyssinian Cat Club of Scotland The Victoria Halls Complex, Downie’s Wynd, Annan DG12 6EE Trans Pennine Oriental & Siamese Cat Club Stockport Masonic Guildhall 169-171 Wellington Road South, Stockport SK1 3UA West of Scotland Cat Club Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility 1 O’Donnell Way, Motherwell ML1 2TZ Scottish Cat Club Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility 1 O’Donnell Way, Motherwell ML1 2TZ

DECEMBER 12 Sphynx Cat Association Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, Bracknell RG12 9SE Colourpoint Society of Great Britain Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, Bracknell RG12 9SE

DECEMBER 19 Maidstone & Medway Cat Club Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, Bracknell RG12 9SE JANUARY 2016 JANUARY ??? Capital Long Hair Cat Association Wodson Park Leisure Centre Wadesmill Road, Ware SG12 0UQ Eastern Long Hair & Semi Long Hair Cat Club Wodson Park Leisure Centre Wadesmill Road, Ware SG12 0UQ Colourpoint Cat Club Ettington Community Centre, Rogers Lane, Ettington CV37 7SX Exotic Cat Society Tydd St Giles Community Centre Broad Drove East, Wisbech PE13 5LN

TICA NOVEMBER 07/08 Celticat - Dublin NOVEMBER 14/15 Cattica - Newbury DECEMBER 11-13 SpoTICAt - Coventry JANUARY 9/10 Londoncats - Leatherhead DECEMBER 2015 59

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Kim relishes the thought of Christmas shopping, Tipp’s takes a photo and Cyril gets a massage - which we could all do with after Christmas shopping!


t will soon be Christmas which is my absolute favourite time of the year. I love December and the run up to the big day. Shopping at this time of year is a joy instead of a bind. The towns are lit up and there is Christmas music in every store. I never get bored of it. I use it as the perfect time of year to catch up with old friends as we can sit outside cafes with a hot chocolate, listening to carol singers whilst having a good old natter. The cats enjoy the festive period but perhaps not in the same way as I do. Tipps’ enjoyment usually revolves around food but for Cyril, a good toy or an empty box will be just as good. I usually end up getting them more presents than anyone else, mainly because they have a stocking each and it takes quite a lot of little toys and nibbles to fill it. They also love it when I get the decorations out of the loft. They probably smell a bit musty which interests them and as each box is opened they sit inquisitively by, waiting to see what each box will surprise them with. Some baubles will go awry thanks to them batting them across the room, as will bits of tinsel, and a cat will end up in one of the boxes by

the time I am finished. Tipp’s will then sit under the fully decorated tree; he sits under the conifer hedge outside every day as it’s the perfect place to watch the birds, so perhaps he thinks the same applies indoors. I’m not sure what he thinks he can catch but he seems happy enough. Actually, he does jump out on his brother from time to time so he is obviously applying the same methods as outdoors. Tipp’s has been in a funny mood lately - one minute he is racing around the house full pelt, playing with anything that moves and the next he is crashed out in the most unlikely places. It seems that wherever he is at the time he will just collapse and have a quick cat nap to regain his energy. He has a new toy which he likes to play with daily but I keep finding different toys of theirs all over the house. Halfway down the stairs is a frequent place, so is the bathroom. Once he crashes out asleep he will be out for the count for a good couple of hours. Cyril and I have to put up with his snoring if he happens to be in the same room as us, which has definitely gotten louder as he’s got older.

I think I found Tippies taking a selfie on my bed the other morning. I had left my i-Pad on the bed beside him and the picture I found certainly looks like he’d taken it himself. My friends’ son sent me a lovely photo of himself and his cat Molly. I have to say it’s the perfect picture, they both look so happy. I have tried for years to take a good picture of me and one of the cats but they never come out well. They are either blurry, too dark, I look a mess or the cat is looking the other way. I don’t know how he did it but it’s wonderful. Kids these days can do anything involving technology; it’s amazing really. I have no clue about it and haven’t the time or inclination to keep up, although I suppose we all should to a certain extent. It’s exhausting though isn’t it? I think I preferred the days when we had no mobile phones, internet or social media. It was so much simpler and everyone was less stressed in their daily life. I think although technology is supposed to help us with daily tasks, its main flaw is that it stops working, breaks or runs out of battery. It’s just so annoying and each thing is also so heavy! My handbag weighs me down with all the bits and pieces I have to carry about with me. Some days I just leave it all at home and it feels as though I have a bag full of air; pure bliss!

It seems that wherever he is at the time he will just collapse and have a quick cat nap to regain his energy.

In the picture Have any of you joined the Selfie craze? Children love taking selfies at the moment and not just children; many of my friends seem to like to upload a selfie to their Facebook account or to send to one another. It’s not for me I’m afraid, I’m too old and don’t have the time in the day to stop and take pictures of myself. Not sure I would want to anyway; I already know what I look like!

Ins and outs I have been trying to make an outdoor cat flap for the cats to come back into the garden from the lane but I don’t want them going out the same way. I think I will have to resort to buying a proper cat

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Groan or giggle? It wouldn’t be December without a few good Christmas crackers and the jokes inside them. Here are a few feline funnies to make you smile.

• Why did the cat put oil on the mouse? Because it squeaked.

• Why did the cat run away from the tree? Because it was afraid of the bark!

• “Why is your cat so small?”

“He only drinks condensed milk”

• What is a cat’s

favourite colour? Purrrrrrrple!

flap with a lock one way and fit that into the fence panel. I just hope that other animals don’t work out how to come through. There are badgers that go up and down the lane each night and I don’t want them squeezing through and then being stuck in my garden, digging up all my flowers and vegetables. I don’t think they can get through but it’s a risk I’m going to have to take as Cyril has to currently jump up the 7ft high fence, which he struggles with. He has already got a bit of a limp; I think this is from when he has jumped down onto the gravel. I try to get to him before he jumps as he will climb onto my shoulder with ease but I don’t always see him on the fence to rescue him. My neighbour gave him a massage and that seemed to help his limp. I will have to get her back round again for another go. He may well be faking the pain as he seemed to really enjoy the massage!

• What does a cat like to eat on a hot day? A mice cream cone.

• Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs. • What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot? A carrot • What’s a cat’s favourite type of theatre show? A mewsical. • What’s white, sugary, has whiskers and floats on the sea? A catameringue

Big boned Bumble


tubby tabby cat has been learning to jump through hoops in a bid to slim down while he waits to find a new home at the Blue Cross rehoming centre in Torbay. Big-boned feline Bumble is carrying a few extra pounds and has been working on shifting his weight with his new hobby of agility, a sport usually reserved for dogs. Laura Boyle, Rehoming Centre Manager for Blue Cross in Torbay said: “Agility is quite unusual for cats but Bumble learned to jump through his hoop really quickly and hopefully it will help him to reduce his weight a bit as he is on the large side. It’s difficult for cats to get a lot of exercise while they are here at the centre, so this is great way of getting him to move around a bit more. Hopefully this lovely cat will soon be in a new home where he will be able to go outside and get all the exercise he needs.” This friendly boy, who likes a fuss and to be in the company of people, is actually a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to other felines, so it is hoped a home will be found for him in an area where he won’t meet too many other cats. Bumble is also on a special high fibre diet of three small meals a day to help him in his weight-loss efforts so his new owners must help him continue his weight loss plan. He does love to explore though, so he will need access to the great outdoors. If you think you could offer Bumble or another cat the happy, active new home he’s been waiting for, please contact Blue Cross Torbay on 0300 777 1550 or visit www. for more information. DECEMBER 2015

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Making the right choice If you have decided to adopt a cat from a rescue centre, take time to consider those you like and choose or let your cat choose you


o you want to give a home to a cat from an animal shelter? Great idea! Although there are several things you need to think about before choosing one First of all, improved veterinary care means cats are living longer and your cat could live for as many as 15-20 years. This means if you adopt a kitten or young cat, you need to be prepared to make a long term commitment to them; through financially difficult times, through house moves, through changes of social activity and through periods of sickness. If you can promise all this, then you’ll be richly rewarded by love and companionship.

Personality When you go to look at the cats available for rehoming at the rescue centre, just keep an open mind and watch the cats and kittens for a while. Notice how active they are and what their attitude is like. It might sound harsh but be careful about cats that seem lethargic and uninterested; they may be poorly and could either run up big vets bills, or pass on illness to other pets. Consider whether you want a cat that is alert, curious and playful with lots of energy, or a cat that is sociable and affectionate but is happy to doze on a nearby lap. Watch the cat’s activity levels and ask the rescue centre staff about the background of the cats you are interested in. Basic health After you have shortlisted several cats you can ask to see them up close. Look at their

eyes to make sure they are bright and clear. There should be no discharge or runny eyes, as both are signs of illness. Make sure the nose is clean and slightly moist. Look into the ears and check there is no discharge and that there are no ear mites. You also need to look in the cat’s fur for signs of dirt and fleas. Ideally the coat should be in good condition and with a healthy shine.

Listening Listen to the cats for coughs, sneezes or chesty breathing as these are signs of illness. In contrast it is a good sign if, while you are handling a cat, it starts to purr. If a cat meows it could be a good sign that the cat is chatting to you but if it howls or is aggressive when you touch a certain part of their body, it could indicate pain or injury. Playtime Once you have ticked the boxes for the previous points, you can afford to indulge in a little playtime with the cat you like. See how the cat interacts with people and other nearby cats. The cat might already have a toy in their pen that you could use. Of course not all cats are playful, especially if they are no longer a spring chicken! This is fine – you are just looking for ‘social’ skills and a happy disposition. You choose Take your time looking at the cats available and ask

the rescue centre staff lots of questions about them. Some people prefer to go for the under-dog, as it were; perhaps a cat who has a declared health problem or disability, or is an oldie but goodie. It has been said so often that a cat chooses its owner rather than the other way around, so be prepared to have your mind changed completely and be charmed by a cat that wasn’t necessarily your first choice. There is a lot to be said for first sight attraction and gut feeling but, by considering all of these factors as a checklist, you will arm yourself with knowledge and the confidence to help you to reach a good decision. After all, if you find a cat who is quite happy, even at being in a rescue centre, then you can be reasonably confident that they will make a loving and well balanced pet.

It’s only natural If you are taking on an animal to live in your house then you must be prepared to accept a cat’s natural behaviour. This may include scratching to mark territory (so provide scratching posts), bringing up hairballs (cats eat grass to aid digestion and induce vomiting - this is natural and grass in tubs can be grown specifically for indoor cats - grooming also helps), hunting prey (which they bring to you as a gift), and urinating (so provide a litter tray or allow outdoor access). Remember that the cat you will bring home from the rescue centre may be confused for a while as he has most likely been through a tough time before getting used to life at the rescue centre. Now you are asking him to get used to living with you, so be patient and loving and allow him to settle in to your home at his own pace. DECEMBER 2015 63

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If you are worried about your cat’s health, our panel of experts will try to help. Here are some answers to your questions He misses his tray


My two year old cat Buster is not very good at using his litter tray. He sort of stands in it but won’t put his bottom over the tray but happily poos outside it. Then he tries to cover it up but just paws at the sides of his litter tray. Why do you think he does this? With colder weather arriving, I would really like to resolve the problem as he will be inside a lot more.


I suspect that Buster isn’t very keen on the type of litter you are using. Cats that spend a lot of time indoors can have very soft paw pads and the large-grain or pellet litters can feel to a cat like walking on shingle or small pebbles does to us not very pleasant. Try changing very gradually to a softer or fine-grain litter. Perhaps one of the clumping varieties that are widely available may suit him better. If he is comfortable then he will hopefully be happier to do what he needs to do completely inside the tray. You could also try offering him a covered tray so that he has to go inside - paws, bottom and tail.

Do cats get age spots?


Well it’s not a spot exactly more like a line, across my cat’s nose. Ella is around 16 years old (we got her as a young rescue cat) and recently a dark line has appeared along the top of her nose (which has always been a healthy pink). It looks a little bit like dried blood but I have tried wipes and it won’t budge. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it and seems to be quite healthy generally - do you think it is something I should be worried about?


It sounds as if Ella is healthy enough so this may just be one of those unexplained age-related occurrences. You say you have tried to wash the mark off without success. It is easy to mistake a nasal discharge for a change in pigment as the bacteria living around the nostril will react with the discharge from the nostril and turn it a brown colour. There are some reasons to be concerned about a nasal discharge, such as an allergy or upper respiratory infection, so I would try to wash the mark again, just to be sure. If it still

stays put and Ella continues to be in good health, then it is likely to be just a mark as a result of ageing.

Kitten has a heart murmur


My mum’s kitten has something called a heart murmur. She has been told that it is quite common and may even go away by itself by the time the kitten is about five months old. She is worrying about it though, so I wanted to ask you to explain what it is please.


A heart murmur is generally picked up initially while listening to the heart through a stethoscope. A heart normally beats with a characteristically clear ‘du-dub’ sound. When there is a murmur, one or both of these parts sound blurred and is a sign of turbulence in the flow of blood through the heart chambers. One possible cause for this could be a leaky valve. With a kitten, another common cause of a heart murmur is a fault in the development of the heart while in the womb, where the kitten breaths via the umbilical cord. Once born, the heart and lungs begin to work together, the heart pumping the blood flow to the lungs, ensuring they develop properly. This happens with a series of shunts which should close down at, or shortly after, birth. If one remains, it can lead to abnormal blood flow, which is picked up as a murmur. It may disappear naturally as the kitten matures

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but it will depend on the exact nature of the defect. If the kitten remains healthy and active, gaining weight normally, then I am sure all will be well. Many humans are walking around unaware that they have a heart murmur as they are otherwise fit and healthy. It is only when the underlying cause of the heart murmur compromises the flow of blood that clinical signs will be seen. If your mum is going to have her kitten neutered then she should mention her concerns to her vet before the kitten is given a general anaesthetic and certainly if she is worried about the kitten’s general health or activity levels.

Why is he so tired?


We recently adopted a very cute kitten who we have named Charlie. He’s 17 weeks old and, like any kitten, enjoys running around playing and chasing toys. However, afterwards he seems really short of breath and lies down, panting like a dog. Do you think there is something wrong?


It is very unusual for a kitten to be so exhausted after playtime. I wonder how well developed he was compared with the rest of the litter. I really would recommend asking your vet to give Charlie a thorough examination. It sounds possible that he could have some sort of cardiac defect that means his heart is unable to meet the increased demands of exercise. This would cause him to need a longer recovery period than normal. For example, congenital heart problems

Cystitis is a recurring problem


My cat has had several bouts of cystitis recently and I am currently feeding her dried food containing cranberries and I try to make sure she drinks plenty of water. My vet has advised me to change to a wet food diet but she refuses to eat it. Please can you suggest something that might help.


It is definitely better to feed a wet diet to any cat with bladder problems as it helps dilute the urine and flush out any crystals and toxins. It also soothes the bladder. Changing a diet must be done gradually though. Unfortunately, urinary problems are very common in cats. The first time you try to feed wet food, you should only put down a small amount in a separate bowl, next to the cat’s usual food. If the cat will eat the wet food, the amounts of each type of food can gradually be adjusted until you are only feeding the wet food. However, the process of being asked to eat the wet food if the cat dislikes it can, in itself, cause stress which then exacerbates some types of cystitis. It is possible to obtain prescription-type foods that are designed to soothe the bladder as they contain essential fatty acids and are low in crystal-forming minerals. These are available in both wet and dry form. Some cats will eat dry food to which water has been added - start with a small amount and gradually increase it. Well done for trying to ensure your cat drinks sufficient water. It may be helpful to leave additional water bowls around or close to the house and make sure fresh water is provided every day and the bowls are kept clean.

often result in poor growth, a kitten falling behind its siblings in size and perhaps spending more time than you would expect lying down or sleeping. I would certainly mention your concerns before Charlie needs to be anaesthetised, either for routine surgery such as spaying or in an emergency situation. Your vet may decide that blood tests and detailed investigations are required

which could involve radiography, ultrasonography, blood pressure and ECG. I’m sorry that you have reason to be worried about Charlie - this should be an enjoyable time for anyone with a new kitten. Hopefully a trip to the vet will find and treat the problem, if indeed one exists, or put your fears at rest.

•If your cat’s problem requires urgent attention, please seek advice from your veterinary surgeon without delay. DECEMBER 2015 65

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It’s been a bit of a month and both cats have been the subject of Litter Box Watch followed by a big clean up operation


s a family we live with Gordy and share his funny quirks, mischievous ways and entertaining stories of his daily life on social media but the reality of living with a cat with brain damage and special needs can be very challenging and not always the fun life I portray when telling of Gordy’s latest adventure. Straight after writing the last ‘tail’ for Cat World I started on Gordy’s next adventure. I rarely have to wait long for something to happen! That article is still only half written as events took over in our house and we had a crisis with Gordy. Without the benefit of sharing the scents and noises of those days I will try to conjure up good descriptions to set the scene. I have had the pleasure of living with a collection of cats over the years, all of which have been street wise and independent until Gordy and just recently Teeko came to live with us, both of whom are neither independent nor street wise. Their idea of hunting their prey is

stalking out the fridge and larder until someone trips over them and realises they want something! Teeko will meow for attention but Gordy does prefer the more stealthy ‘sneak and trip’ technique. Unlike most cats Gordy can forget to eat if he didn’t have a set routine. This is one that has become established around the meal times of Izabel and Defi, the dogs; 7am is breakfast, 5.30pm is tea time. I rather like this time as all four of the animals will treat me as if I am the most wonderful person on the planet; the dogs will smile, tongue lolling and sit with wiggly bums as their tails swish backwards and forwards, usually catching Gordy and toppling him over on days when he isn’t paying full attention. On other days I have known him catch an errant tail with claws and teeth, hang on for dear life whilst being wagged right and left until I catch and untangle him, apologising on his behalf to the poor dog that has suffered the indignity of the ‘catch and grab fluffy tail’ game. Cats, by their very nature are total fuss pots and will refuse to eat what was last week’s favourite meal, giving you that ‘I really don’t think that is quite what I am wanting for supper tonight’ look before walking away, tail erect and waving, giving the feline equivalent of a rather rude salute. Teeko is an expert in this particular means of communication. I am beginning to think that Birman cats really are rather haughty. My husband, being the shopper in the house, buys all the food for the human residents and the four pawed ones. Being a cat lover he pays particular attention to the cat food aisle in the supermarket, bringing home something that would be a change and a treat to Gordy and Teeko’s meals so they don’t get bored... occasionally I get a treat in

the shopping bag too! As a consequence our larder has a generously stocked cat food shelf. Tins of salmon in jelly – the current favourite - amongst other flavours, small tins of tuna – the human kind but these are specifically for the cats, little tinfoil square trays of something guaranteed to be delicious to felines as well as boxes of dried biscuits for the older more refined cat, with Teeko’s age of 14 in mind. And the fact that Gordy doesn’t like dried biscuits unless they are in Teeko’s bowl, which does annoy Teeko, due to the fact that once Gordy has dribbled on them they are no longer crunchy - in fact they are quite soggy. When Teeko first came to live with us I had to take him to the vets because he was suffering with a case of constipation. Talking to the vet, I found out that Birman cats, especially older males like Teeko, are prone to this for various reasons; one being a small pelvis. My vet has a female Birman and has to give regular enemas, something poor old Teeko endured that day to great success. Since that fateful visit I have had on stand by, issued by the vet, a small container of lactose. Should Teeko not ‘perform’, within a couple of days I can give him a small dose of the sticky liquid and wait for a ‘performance’ in the litter box. So far one dose is enough to make him regular and on that I am happy, Teeko... not so much. With Gordy, when he disappears into himself on the days which are dribbly, I have noticed over the time he has lived with us that a poo is missing from the box and have come to realise that no poo = dribby days. Without realising, I was

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even managing to bring Gordy out of his catatonic stage by encouraging him with food and water, gently pushing small morsels of soft cat food up that sticky out tongue and massaging his throat and chest until he swallowed. I would do this throughout the day until he finally remembered he was hungry and after eating for himself he would very quickly disappear into the litter box. Once the deed was done he would be back to his normal self within hours. We now had another situation. We had to both solve the mystery of why it was happening and, last but not least, the immediate problem was stemming the flow. Gordy had diarrhoea but the problem was, he wasn’t unwell. In fact he was still jumping on chairs, playing with Defi and stalking Teeko. Gordy was as bouncy and cat-like as he could possibly be. I gave less food in the bowls at mealtimes, I changed the menu, I stopped giving tuna just in case that was the cause of the upset and when the flow was not staunched after 24 hours, I contacted Faith, Gordy’s breeder and my friend. With Gordy I am reluctant to contact a vet as I know he has problems but he ‘works’ as he is, he isn’t in pain and although he has ‘quirks’, for Gordy this is his normal. Should he ever be in pain or serious trouble then the vet is always the first place I, or anyone, should go. I chatted with Faith as I had a theory on why this was happening. ‘Do cats over eat?’ I typed to Faith; she answered me with, ‘No, cat’s don’t over eat.’ Gordy has never failed to get to his litter box, only this time the explosions were both heard and smelt and from another room. Although he managed to reach the box, he didn’t manage to not get covered and bathing a cat is no easy task; even our Gordy with his love of fishing in the washing up bowl knows the difference between playing with ripples and being dunked tail first in a bowl of warm water. It’s a two woman men offer to help at this point of animal care in our house! It is also not a job for the faint hearted but, bless his little furry paws, he didn’t struggle and let both me and my daughter thoroughly sponge him clean. I was a bit miffed that my daughter got the job of cuddling him dry in a towel whilst I started scrubbing litter boxes and replacing the soiled contents with fresh new grit. For 24 hours I removed all wet food and left only a few dried biscuits

and water out for both cats - you can imagine the looks I received from the pair! Both sets of eyes accusing me of starving them and I am sure they were breathing in each and every time I walked past them by, so their ribs stuck out, their forlorn little faces watching Iz and Defi through the glass door of the kitchen as they ate their meals. Gordy’s tongue pressed up against the glass, smearing it with dribble. I also gave both cats some live yoghurt. Gordy had his to try and balance the bacteria in his tummy and Teeko to try and loosen up his bowels and soften his poo. Gordy was delighted and with whiskers deep in the bowl, he splashed yoghurt up the walls and down ‘his’ bookcase feeding area. Teeko haughtily stalked back upstairs, his yoghurt untouched as he had planned a helping of salmon for tea and quite honestly, those baby blue eyes told me, live yoghurt doesn’t do it. I was still talking with Faith on the theory of over eating and keeping a firm eye on Gordy, documenting his habits with his meals. The frequent trips to the litter box had reduced and although we were not ‘normal’ he was definitely getting back to his more regular habit. Being so eager to learn, on good days, it is a joy to watch him come when he sees Teeko coming down stairs and pretending that he too is arriving because I am calling but really, he is following Teeko just in case he misses out on anything. With four hungry animals milling around my legs I put out equal, but small amounts of cat food in two bowls and fill Iz and Defi’s bowls with dried food and a bit of warm water to activate the gravy flavours. Taking both cat bowls into the hall way, Teeko runs ahead of me and has started jumping up on to the bookcase for his dinner. Gordy is happy to eat where his bowl is; he really isn’t bothered if he has the top shelf or the floor. He makes a mess where ever he is and feed-

ing him on the floor means that Defi will come in after and do the ‘clean up’ much better than the hoover. I close the connecting door to kitchen and feed the dogs, then I watch through the glass as Gordy quickly eats his bowl of food and then sits behind Teeko until he walks away, at which point Gordy goes in and gobbles up what is left. The problem is when Teeko is a bit ‘bunged up’. Unfortunately Teeko still wants to eat and goes through all the motions of coming when called and meowing for his favourite dish of the week. He even waits until his bowl is placed in front of him and sniffs the food as normal, but he then leaves it, or when Gordy finishes his and comes behind him, Teeko is quick to move off, leaving an almost, if not, full bowl. This is where Gordy is stuffing his face, his big amber eyes so much bigger than his tummy and the result... Litter Box Days. Thankfully both cats have a separate litter tray. Teeko is upstairs and Gordy is down stairs next to Gordy Towers. Teeko will not use Gordy’s litter box but Gordy quite happily goes and wee’s in Teeko’s box, especially on new litter days when the box is fresh and nice. I am sure he does it on purpose to annoy Teeko. At least this way I know who has poo’ed, how much, the colour, substance and frequency... I am always on Poo Watch! When Teeko is a bit bunged up I know to give him some of his lactose and to reduce what I put in his bowl, at the same time reducing what I put in Gordy’s so that he is only getting one meal not two. That way I get two cats poo’ing happily. There really is more to having house cats than most people think. And Gordy? I am pleased to report we are back to once a day, around 8am, soft, firm and perfectly formed. DECEMBER 2015 67

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Well, that’s a little odd Funny five minutes or something more serious? Unusual behaviour could mean your cat is dealing with a medical problem or stressful situation, says Inga MacKellar


ost cat owners normally seek my advice because their cat is spraying or soiling in the home, or perhaps displaying aggression. But there are a number of other cat behaviour problems which are less commonly recognised by owners. In some cases, owners may find some of these behaviour problems amusing but they can be problematic and potentially pose a long-term welfare problem for the cat.

Over-grooming This condition, which is also known as psychogenic alopecia, results in the cat literally over-grooming itself. It will lick

itself, sometimes pulling out and chewing on its fur to such an extent that the targeted area results in spiky fur, rather than the smooth fur that is normally seen in cats. Typically, the cat will over-groom around its belly and inner thighs but I have come across cats that have also over-groomed in other areas of the body, such as the back. Over-grooming can be a compulsive disorder, that is, the cat is displaying this behaviour in response to and as a means of coping with stressors in the environment. However, frustration and motivational conflict can also result in over-grooming.

FLUTD AND FIC When dealing with over-grooming cats it is also vital to be aware that the overgrooming may be in relation to the cat being in pain or discomfort. Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) probably occur much more frequently than owners realise. FIC can be particularly painful for the cat, as it involves a complex relationship

between the bladder and the nerves supplying it. Because of the pain, cats may start to over-groom their bellies and inner thighs. Both male and female cats can suffer from these conditions and it has been found to be more prevalent in Persians and in black and white cats. Whilst the physical problem can be addressed with veterinary help, it is known that FLUTD and FIC can be related to stress and cats that have anxious personalities appear to be more susceptible to these conditions. Therefore, unless potential stress factors are identified, the condition is likely to re-occur.

Self-mutilation Whilst self-mutilation may be stressrelated, again it is vital to be aware of any possible links with pain and disease. A fairly recently recognised disorder, that of feline orofacial pain syndrome, has been seen mainly in Burmese cats but can also affect other breeds, as well as common domestic short haired cats. These cats will typically claw at their mouths and lick and chew in an exaggerated manner. Veterinary help needs to be sought. Hyperaesthesia Cats suffering from this condition will seem to almost be temporarily hallucinating whilst their skin ‘ripples’ and ‘twitches’. They may suddenly freeze, with their tail swishing and then suddenly turn, with darting movements. However, it is important not to confuse this with normal cat play behaviour. The condition is not well understood but appears to

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Cats have been known to munch their way through wool jumpers left lying about, creating big holes.

make some cats less tolerant of play with other cats in the home or of the owner stroking them. Because the behaviour appears to be related to the touch sensation, it is important that owners do not attempt to stroke or pick up a cat that is displaying a bout of hyperaesthesia.

However, many cat owners can start to help their cat by ensuring that if, for instance, he is in a multi-cat household, the cats have plenty of ‘space’ with a variety of sleeping, eating and watering areas. Environmental enrichment is nearly

always recommended in cases of compulsive disorders, as if the cat has plenty of other exciting activities to occupy it, it is less likely to over-groom, etc. As with all behaviour problems, however, the first port of call has to be a thorough veterinary examination. If the cat is suffering from FIC, for example, it requires medical treatment to overcome the cystitis but it is important that the potential triggers for the condition be identified, such as the cat being stressed by a new puppy or a recent house move, so that these issues can also be addressed to minimise the chance of FIC re-occurring. Cats can provide hours of amusement to owners, especially as they play and have a ‘mad’ chase about the house. However, not all behaviour may be ‘normal’ and it is important that cat owners are also aware of some of these bizarre behaviours that can occur and that their cat may need help.

Pica Another less well understood behaviour is that of pica - the chewing of apparently non-nutritional items. Cats have been known to munch their way through wool jumpers left lying about, creating big holes. The behaviour is normally targeted at wool items but other materials chewed can include other fabrics, rubber, cardboard and plastic carrier bags (at 5p per bag now!). This behaviour is far more common in the oriental breeds. Whilst many cats may just chew at a material, in some cases cats will also eat the material which, dependent on the material being eaten, may or may not be a risk to the cat. Initial solutions With these complex, compulsive behaviours the situation can be helped by gaining a good understanding of cat behaviour and assessing what stressors or frustrations, etc. the cat is having to cope with. A behaviourist will take time to observe the cat and what is occurring before offering advice on the best route of action to take. DECEMBER 2015 69

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Cats are born snoozers - but rather than being lazy, there is good reason why they have got napping down to a fine art


ave you ever watched your cat and been fascinated by how much she sleeps during the day, especially now the central heating’s on? Well the term ‘cat-nap’ had to come from somewhere! If you go out to work then it can be a comfort to think that she’s sleeping the long, lonely hours away while you’re away from home - or at least it can certainly help us not to feel so guilty about not being there. But the truth is, your cat will sleep whether you’re in or not. Like me, you’ve probably stayed in at the weekend, looking forward to some feline cuddle time, only to see her curl up in her favourite spot and snooze the evening away. Sound familiar? At this time of year, there is a positive to all this sleeping - at least if she’s tucked up in bed then she’s not out on a road or trapped somewhere! It’s no secret that cats are rather fond of a nap or two. If it’s not your own cat curled up asleep on your freshly laundered washing, then you will surely recognise the stereotype of the cat curled

up in the window, by the fire, in the garden – just about anywhere they can balance in fact.

How do they do it? Cats eat a high protein diet which helps in allowing more time to sleep, as opposed to larger animals whose more vegetarian diet means they have to keep eating and therefore, barely get a wink of sleep. Historically the cat is a loner. It does not belong to a pack or have a fellow cat to watch over it while it sleeps, so although a cat needs to doze, it can just as easily be awake at the slightest sound and be ready for action. While at home you may have noticed your cat, supposedly fast asleep, peering at you though a half-open eye. This is because cats have a third eyelid that is like a translucent membrane and is sensitive to changes in shadow that pass before it, alerting it to anything approaching. As a lone hunter, a cat will naturally be more awake at night when it would

be out searching for prey. Small mammals forage for food after dark and our cats forage for small mammals! Therefore, our furry felines spend a large chunk of daytime hours sleeping to build up, or conserve, their energy; approximately 16 out of 24 hours. The cat enters a stage of light sleep, followed by deep sleep, then alternates between the two, being in the ratio of 70 per cent light and 30 per cent deep sleep. It’s great to watch your cat in a period of deep sleep when her paws, ears and even her mouth twitch as she dreams. What does she dream about I wonder? Chasing a mouse perhaps; doing battle with a neighbourhood cat or having a great game with her human? Well, we can dream... So a cat’s rapid eye movement and body twitching is just the same as it is for humans in dreaming. But what about their body posture? The image of a cosy cat curled up in a chair may actually be the means to an end - cats curled up with their legs and tail tucked under them may in fact be trying to conserve heat and therefore be feeling the cold. Add a blanket or towel to their favourite napping place for extra warmth. Those more relaxed or feeling warm may stretch out and lay on their side to let a bit of heat out. Some cats also prefer a degree of cover when they sleep and you might find that your cat prefers being on an airing cupboard shelf, under the bed or the descreet shelter of garden foliage in which to have an undisturbed snooze. Cats are great time-wasters to watch but be reassured that even if you’re not watching, they’ll still be spending time sleeping. But it won’t be wasted time. Not at all.

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20/10/2015 08:42



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Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

ELFENTANZ NORWEGIAN FOREST Kittens available now: 4 white kittens and 1 black. At other times we have Brown Tabby, White and Black kittens available

FROM THE APP STORE Can a cat be mighty yet gentle at the same time? You bet! See our full breed profile covers all angles on this handsome feline. Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

What a sweetheart! Read our Korat breed profile and fall in love with the little cat with the heart-shaped face. Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

AMORAMIST MAINE COONS Colourpoint and Persians. Champion lines. Enquiries always welcome. Mareen. 01326-240907. mareenholdenritchie@yahoo.

ONLY £5.99

An overview of breed type, coat colours and temperament, for those who love the timeless appeal of the chilled out Persian. Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

Buying a Kitten Now available in the app store is Buying a Kitten, just one of our brand new apps for cat lovers and breeders. We have everything you need to know about welcoming a new kitten into your home, from picking your breed to introducing your little one to the family. Complete with interactive galleries, videos and more, this is the only app you’ll need. At only £5.99, you’d be mad to miss it!


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AMIGAMIA RAGDOLL. Blue, Tabby & Seal in all three patterns. Multi-champion lines. Mid-Cheshire 01606-883528.

SPHYNX BREED PROFILE Online digital download

SIAMESE SIAMESE BREED PROFILE Online digital download A fascinating insight into the Pixie-Bob and a definite must for anyone who likes their cats with dog-like traits! Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.


Stylish, svelte, sexy, sassy – it must be the every popular Siamese cat. Make sure you know all about the feline with superstar status.

UK RagaMuffin Cat Society

Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

For Authentic RagaMuffin kittens Phone 01730 300692



WOOZLES SPHYNX. Reg/ Vacc. Happy outgoing personalities. 01621 815769 (Essex).


Read all about the background and characteristics of this unique, cuddly breed and find out how they got their unusual name. Visit and download this article from the Online Store for just £1.99.

EMERISLE KITTENS. Ragdolls from breeder of the year 11yrs running, Tiffanies, Scottish Fold, British Shorthair. 07774-650217/01943-461852


Possibly the most unusual-looking cat breed; the Sphynx is a cat that can really get under your skin – and this feature reveals all!

KITTENS FOR SALE in a display box and include a full colour photograph. Call Maria on 01903 884988 or email for more information

ALNAKEED WORLD Champion babies to loving indoor homes. Kittens often available. Reg/Vacc/Ins. 01383-721311/07939-116861. Find me on Facebook under Carole Langham

VARIOUS EMERISLE KITTENS. Ragdolls from breeder of the year 11yrs running, Tiffanies, Scottish Fold, British Shorthair. 07774-650217/01943-461852

Useful addresses THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE CAT FANCY, 5 King’s Castle Business Park, The Drove, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4AG. Tel: 01278 427 575 FELISBRITANNICA Office of the General Secretary 63 Fingal Street Greenwich, London SE10 0JL Tel: 0208 858 5318 Email: FELINE ADVISORY BUREAU Taeselbury High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6LD Tel: 0870 742 2278 Fax: 01747 871873 Email: THE INTERNATIONAL CAT ASSOCIATION Phil Cornwell, Regional Director 31 Louthe Way, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire PE28 5TR Tel: 01487 800014 CATS PROTECTION National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 7TT. Tel: 08707 099 099 Fax: 08707 708265 Helpline: 0300 12 12 12 BLUE CROSS The Animal Hospital, Sheppard House, High Street, Victoria, London SW1V 1QQ. Tel: 020 7834 1128 BATTERSEA DOGS & CATS HOME Tel: 020 7622 3626 LOST DOGS & CATS LINE: Tel: 0901 477 8477 (calls cost 60p per minute) BEHAVIOUR ADVICE LINE: Tel: 0905 020 0222 (calls cost 25p per minute) EVERYCAT UK 41 Randolph Road, Gillingham Kent ME7 4PP. Tel: 01634 575278 ASSOCIATION OF PET BEHAVIOUR COUNSELLORS For details of a behaviour counsellor in your area, send a SAE to: PO Box 46, Worcester WR8 9YS. Tel: 01386 751151 PETSEARCH UK Nationwide network of free helplines and register for lost and found animals. 851 Old Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands. Tel: 0121 743 4133 THE BLUE CROSS ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY Shilton Road, Burford, Oxon OX18 4PF Tel: 01993 822651 THE PET BEREAVEMENT SERVICE Run jointly by the Society of Animal Studies and the Blue Cross. Freephone: 0800 096 6606, (between 8.30am and 5.30pm)


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CAT CLASSIFIED BOOK YOUR ADVERT OR SEARCH FOR KITTENS ONLINE AT WWW.CATWORLD.CO.UK Web directory More free words Search by breed Link your website Add a photo Add births Even better value One easy package


on’t miss our exciting Find-a-Kitten section, which o˜ ers breeders even wider coverage and even better value for money. To make things simple, we’ve created one supersize Breeder Package that fulfils all your needs – and at the right price. When you book with Cat World, not only do you get a host of extras in the UK’s leading magazine directory, you also appear on our fabulous, designed Find-a-Kitten online directory. The Cat World website is the most popular cat site in the UK, and regularly tops the search lists in Google. We have always attracted thousands of keen kitten buyers, but our site boasts many improvements that are certain to bring even more people searching for a new kitten.

Find-a-Kitten makes it easy for kitten buyers to fi find you. So make sure you’re listed in the UK’s top directory.

Here’s what you get when you book a Breeder Package


On the Cat World website, in the Find-a-Kitten section: A listing in the online Breeders Directory. Approx 40 words free. An advert in Kittens For Sale. Approx 40 words free. Free links to your own website. Change the number of kittens available every month Add Date of Birth to your advert when you want Tell buyers the number of boys and girls you have available Your advert will be searchable by breed Add a photo to your Kitten for Sale advert for only £5 extra a month A chance to link to a video of your kittens (coming soon) Special reduced rate in Stud Directory.



In the UK’s favourite cat magazine: An advert in the Breeders’ Directory. 40 words free. An advert in Kittens For Sale. Approx. 40 words free. Semi-display style in bold at no extra charge Special reduced rate in the Stud Directory.


le £150 for a who year’s entry.

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BOOK YOUR ADVERT OR SEARCH FOR KITTENS ONLINE AT WWW.CATWORLD.CO.UK *indicates ownership of a stud cat of the given breed/colour



ROSE VALLEY. Australian Mist kittens. New breed to the UK. Claimed to be the perfect family cat. Special price to promote the breed. Spotted or marbelled in six colours. Tel 0118 9811109. Also Burmese kittens

Alison Newman. OAKMERE HALL AMIGAMIA BENGALS AND RAGDOLLS. Family reared indoors, well socialised, affectionate from multi champion lines. GCCF/TICA ref TBRCC/PBRCC VACC/INS. MidCheshire 01606-883528.

KATSACUTE BURMESE, most colours. Bred for temperament, substance and quality. House reared with children and dogs. Fully Vacc/Ins/Reg. Responsible homes only. Tel 0118-9811109. Hants/Berks.border.

CORNWALL Maureen Holden Ritchie AMORAMIST MAINE COONS breeding solid whites, tabbies with and without white, and solids. Champion lines. Persians and colourpoints. (winner of Supreme). All PKD

iamese S fact file


negative and reared underfoot 01326 240907 mareenholdenritchie@yahoo.

ESSEX Mrs Sue Bloxham, Colchester. WOOZLES. Sphynx - Happy outgoing personalities. Indoor homes. Various colours. 01621 815769

FIFE ALNAKEED SPHYNX world Champion babies to loving indoor homes. Kittens often available. All colours including Lilac. Tel: 01383-721311/07939 116861. Find me on Facebook under Carole Langham. Mrs Elinor M B Herbert Kirkcaldy ELFENTANZ. Norwegian Forest Cats Brown Tabby, White and Black kittens 01592 267002


Origin: Thailand Size: Medium, but long and slender Coat Length: Short (long = Balinese) Grooming: Easy

Vocal: Highly!

Energy: Lots of it!

Average Litter Size: 4-6

Temperament: Outgoing, extrovert and can be extremely noisy. They demand attention and to be part of the family so a Siamese is not an ideal cat for someone out at work all day. Compatibility: Medium compatibility with children and other pets.

GAZZELLA. Burmillas & Asian Smokes - Experienced breeder. Cats tested PKD negative Home reared, vaccinated and micro-chipped kittens sometimes available. See website for current details. Gloucester 07507 649294.

Always see a kitten in its own home. It should not be brought to you to view

TIPS GREATER LONDON Cornish Rex, various colours, home reared, well socialised and used to dogs. This unusual breed makes fun loving, affectionate family pets. GCCF Reg/Vacc/Insurance/ Flea & Wormed/Microchipped. Enquiries welcome, contact: 0208 641 5695 or email: cthompson1@blueyonder.

HERTFORDSHIRE Ms Marjorie Davidson-Smith, Hatfield. Ootha. *Siamese, Foreign White & Oriental SH. Kittens sometimes available. 01707 264450 Leahsblues. British Shorthair Blues, Blue Points, Chocolates, Maine Coons - Silvers, Blues, Torties & Reds. Reg/Vacc/Ins. 01442 236860/07866 266477. johnbaxter@leahsblues.fsnet. web:

Call Elizabeth on 01903 884988 or email or see page 75 more details

CAT Do not accept a poorly kitten. It should be bright and alert with clean skin and coat. No sneezing or runny eyes.



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It is recommended that kittens should be at least 13 weeks of age before going to a new home

TIPS Here at Cat World we take every care to ensure that all those represented in our pages are reputable breeders. However, to help ensure you are buying your precious kitten from the best possible home, there are several important points you should be aware of:

•The GCCF recommend that all kittens are house-trained, vaccinated and in good health before being placed in new homes. If a kitten doesn’t look healthy don’t buy it, no matter how cute it seems.




LINCOLNSHIRE Mrs P A Pallister, Sleaford. PENWYNKATZ BURMESE. Cream*, Chocolate*, all colours possible. Home reared with children and dogs. 01529 302236

KOORAHK KORATS often have kittens available. Home reared with love. Registered, Vaccinated, Insured, Microchipped. Own stud. Tel 0161 281 6482. Email: koorahk_korats34@ Web: www.koorahkkorats

Mrs Betty Williams Pontypool CROWVALLEY. F.A.B. Listed cattery breeder of British Shorthair Silver Tabby/Spotted and Black Smoke. All kittens are home reared with Ped/ Reg/Vac/Ins.flea & worm treated. Parents can be seen. 01495 785546

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Mrs Jean Brown Aldwincle LUNARIS. Maine Coons - Quality home reared kittens sometimes available to approved homes. 01832 720359

SUFFOLK Mrs Ann V C Mott Bury St Edmunds JANDOUGLEN. *Birmans - Seals, Blues, Chocolates, Lilacs, Reds. Also Tabbies in these colours. 01359 221200


British Shorthair

•Beware of buying underage kittens. No reputable breeder will sell a kitten under 13 weeks of age. •Your kitten’s pedigree should show at least four generations. You can ask to see the pedigree at the outset, and make sure you get a copy when you collect your new kitten. •Ensure you are also given registration documents, a transfer of ownership form, and vaccination certificates. •You should also collect a diet sheet outlining the types of food the kitten is used to, and the appropriate times of feeding. •Most importantly, be sure to check that your kitten’s paperwork is in order at the time of purchase, and check that you fully understand the conditions of sale.

Breed profile - January issue 454 To advertise your BSH call Maria now on 01903 884988 or email


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BOOK YOUR ADVERT OR SEARCH FOR KITTENS ONLINE AT WWW.CATWORLD.CO.UK SURREY CATBALU BRITISH, Selkirk Rex, Scottish Fold. Self, Bi-Colour, Tortie, Chocolate, Lilac, Cinnamon. 01932-886728 email: web:

WEST MIDLANDS KERNMERE BRITISH BLUES, Creams, Silvers, Colourpoints, Lilacs, Torties. Tel: 02476 681335 Mobile: 07519972046 Email: jeanette.Knapp@ Web: LARNIKAT. British Shorthairs kittens, Colourpoints in all colours, + Tabby Colourpoints, selfs in Blues and Lilacs, sometimes Spotties and Tabbies. Reg/Vacc/Ins. Home-reared. PKDnegative tested. 01922-620505.W.Midlands.

YORKSHIRE Mrs Jeanette Fitzpatrick EMERISLE CATS. Ragdolls all patterns & colours. *Seal Colourpoint, *Seal Tabby Colourpoint, *Blue Bi-Colour, *Cream, *Seal Mitted, *Blue Mitted. *Tiffanies. *Scottish Fold. *British Shorthair . TBRCC or PRBCC Breeder of the year 1999- 2011. TBRCC breeder of the top Ragdoll 1993, 1995/96. Best Opposite Sex 1995/96. Breeder of Supreme Show 1999 Top Ragdoll & sire of the first Ragdoll to win the UK Grand Title 2003. Breeder of the Best kitten, adult & neuter 1999-2003. Established 27 years - our beautiful cats feature on ‘Its a Cats Life’ video, appeared on Granada Live TV and photographs regularly feature in all cat magazines. 01943 461852 07774 650217

CAT Do not bring a new kitten into a home where family routine is about to be disrupted


BEGINNING CAT BREEDING Now available from the app store is our brand new app Beginning Cat Breeding, perfect for cat lovers everywhere looking to take their first steps into the exciting world of breeding. Complete with interactive galleries and videos, we’ve got everything you’ll need to get started, from selecting your breed right up to birth.

fitzpatrick.jeanette@googlemail. com

At only £5.99 you’d be made to miss it!

Kindle users need not be disappointed. We’re available on Amazon.

FACTS ABOUT CATS 1. A cat’s collar bone is not connected to any other bones, which is what helps them squeeze into all those tight spots! 2. Cats respond most readily to names that end in an ‘ee’ sound. 3. The largest breed of cat is the Ragdoll; the males weigh in at around 20 pounds. The smallest breed is the Munchkin; (left), and the male weighs 7-9 pounds. 4. The most popular cat breeds in the UK are British Shorthairs, Siamese, Bengals and Persians. 5. A cat cannot see directly under its nose, which is why it may have a hard time finding tiny treats on the floor right in front of it.

6. In general, cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four on the back paws, unless they are polydactyl. 7. A cat has a total of 24 whiskers, with 4 rows of whiskers on each side. The upper two rows can move independently of the bottom two rows. As you know, a cat uses its whiskers for measuring distances and gaps. 8. Due to cat’s nocturnal nature, they are often known to enter a period of increased hyperactivity and playfulness during the evening, dubbed the ‘evening crazies’, or ‘mad half hour’. 9. Cats have much better noses than humans. A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells - a human has 5 to 20 million.

10. The first year of a cat’s life equals (in terms of development) the first 15 years of a human life. After its second year, a cat is 25 in human years. After that, each year of a cat’s life is equal to about 7 human years. 11. The hearing of the average cat is at least five times keener than that of a human adult. Careful what you say! 12. Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (compared to human’s 6 muscles each). 13. A cat can rotate its ears independently 180 degrees, and can turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster than the best watchdog.


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BOOK YOUR ADVERT OR SEARCH FOR KITTENS ONLINE AT WWW.CATWORLD.CO.UK To help you find a suitable stud, this list gives the names of studs, and brief details of parentage, together with owner’s name. Further details appear under the relevant county in the BREEDERS DIRECTORY (unless the county is followed by an *).




Gorgeous chunky silver boy (carrying gold). Good type and eye colour, fabulous temperement. DNA PKD and FELV negative, fully vaccinated. Limited availability to experienced, tested and vaccinated queens. 07709772938

Baritophanie Merlin (19) GCh Vectensian Red Admiral (19) x Dubolly Brilliant Red (19). Very loving and gentle boy. Margaret Wood. Middx. 0208 894 3544.




Ch Chinkara Joe Brown. Planxty Dragonheart (27) x Gr Ch Chinkara MixnMatch (27e). Carries Blue and Chocolate. Approved tested queens only. Mrs Carolyn Clark. ESSEX. 01206 331376. Email:

Vinery Cattuccino (Sheephouse SunnyJim 31d X Westways AzureLatte 28) Blood Group A Sussex 07713 270755

Ch Jandouglen Cuil Lodair. Ch Camulodunum Jandouglen Ben 13c12 x Camulodunum Ladyoftiree 13c2 carries dilute. Super temperament. Supervised matings. Mrs Ann Mott, Suffolk 01359 221200. Email:


15 BLACK BSH Vinery Zanzibar (GrCh Catbalu HarryPotter 15c x Ch Sheephouse Winnie-Niger 15) Blood Group B Carries Lilac and Chocolate Sussex 07713270755

15D RED SELF BSH Achuri Erik. Gr Ch Satinmist Apollo (15) x Achuri Iolanthe (31f). Five Merits. Blood Group A. Sire of many winners. Miss R. M. Stiles. DEVON. 01803 327811.

16 BLUE BSH Vinery Devon (Sheephouse SunnyJim 31d x Westways AzureLatte 28) Blood Group AB Carries Lilac and Chocolate Sussex 07713 270755 Achuri Meconopsis. Champion Achuri Meconopsis Miletree Tushka (16) x Achuri Mayqueen (16) blood group A. Tested queens only. Lovely eye colour. Friendly gentle temperament. Miss R M Stiles. DEVON. 01803 327811.

UK & Imp Gr Ch Anokhi Boy George. IGR Ch Anokhi Masterblaster (27a) x UK Gr Ch Mainman Kissangel (27b). Supervised matings to recently tested queens. Luxury stud-house. An experienced gentle boy siring healthy kittens of superb type & temperament including show winners. Mrs Mary Moore. OXFORDSHIRE 01608 810631. Email:

27B CHOCOLATE BURMESE Gr Ch. Chathera Catotigernos. Sire Prefere Chocolate Rondo (27b) x G Ch Chathera Mirranda (27c) Super temperament. Carries Blue. Approved tested queens only. Mrs P. A Pallister. LINCOLNSHIRE. 01529 302236. Email:

27F CREAM BURMESE UK Gr Ch Penwynkatz Creme Delight. Sire UK & Imp G Ch Chathera Coolcolombo (27c) x Ch Oakford Amira (27j) Super temperaments. Lilac Based. Approved tested queens only. Mrs P.A. Pallister. LINCOLNSHIRE. 01529 302236. Email:

Sheephouse Sunny Jim. Catbalu Macduff (31f) x Sheephouse Speciality (21b). Supervised matings. Limited stud. Jenny Vaughan. EAST SUSSEX. 01825 840236. Email:

54 GOLDEN PERSIAN LH Admewlo Charlie Boy. Adentlo Golden Billyboy (54) x Adentlo Dillylilly (10). Hand-some, friendly, affectionate. Sires beautiful kittens. Mrs Shakides. KENT. 01322 280795. Email: shaklaw@ntl

MAINE COON Acoonamatata Fire in the Sky. Gr Ch Acoonamatata Quiff Riley 64 43 fsw Mullycoonz Sapphire Mist 64 18g. Gentle experienced boy. HCM negative. Supervised matings. Limited stud. Approved FELV/FIV tested Queens only. Siring beautiful kittens. Marian Denyer Sussex 07946716424. Email

66W SEAL POINT MITTED RAGDOLL Ch Willowbeck Wolf Ofemerisle. Adentlo Ambrose Ofemerisle (66w) x Emerisle Mistee Morn (66a). Stunning large boy of superb original Ragdoll type. Heart tested normal for MYBPC3 gene and FELV & FIV neg. Faultless temperament, gentle and patient with novice queens. Deep, deep blue eyes fin-

ish off this perfect boy. Stud and kitten enquiries. Mrs J. Fitzpatrick. YORKSHIRE. 01943 461852 or 07774 650217. Email: fitzpatrick.jeanette@

76B30 BLUE-EYED SNOW SPOTTED Jetspots Mr Bombastic. Benlotte Crescendo (76a30) x Karsuka Suneta Sharma (76b30). Big beautiful boy, extremely gentle, brand new stud quarters and fully supervised matings. Tested queens only. GCCF & TICA registered. Mrs Davida Bemister. DORSET/HAMPSHIRE BORDER. Email: 01202 479439.

RAGDOLLS Emerisle (various boys, some are titled). All active boys heart tested normal for MYBPC3 gene and FELV & FIV neg. All have fabulous size, type, temperament and eye-colour. All patterns in Cream, Blue & Seal, Mrs Jeanette Fitzpatrick. YORKSHIRE. 01943 461852/ 07774-650217. Email: fitzpatrick.jeanette@

SNOWSHOE - SEAL Ferry Vom Friedewald. Snowangels Hitop Sneakers (83w) x Southpole Xshu Xshu (83aw). Gentle affectionate boy. Siring top quality kittens. Mollie Southall. WARWICKSHIRE. 01926 402937. Email:


Call Elizabeth on 01903 884988, email or see page 75 more details


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BERN PET FOODS.........................................................................................................................83 BUTTERFLY CAT JACKETS ........................................................................................................35 CAT PACKS.........................................................................................................................................19 DIAMOND EDGE LTD ................................................................................................................24 DRUZHINA SIBERIANS...............................................................................................................45 EMERISLE RAGDOLLS ................................................................................................................45 ERIN HOUSE PRINTS ..................................................................................................................35 GRANGE PET CENTRE ...............................................................................................................24 HEATHER COOK/THE OLD, THE MAD & THE WOBBLY.....................................37 HERITAGE CRAFTS LTD .............................................................................................................35 HILLS PET NUTRITION ...............................................................................................................15 JEM VANSTON/A CAT CALLED DOG ..............................................................................35 LINDEE LU LTD ................................................................................................................................19 MAD ABOUT CATS .....................................................................................................................35 MARGUERITE VLIELANDER/PURRING ANGELS .......................................................37 OKOPLUS CAT LITTER................................................................................................................15 PDSA .................................................................................................................................................... 84 PENTHOUSE PRODUCTS LTD ...............................................................................................15 ROBERT FOX PHOTOGRAPHY ............................................................................................24 ROSEVALLEY AUSTRALIAN MISTS ....................................................................................42 SAINSBURY’S PET INSURANCE.............................................................................................19 SHEDCETRA LTD ............................................................................................................................19 TATTYPUSS ......................................................................................................................................37 TESCO PET INSURANCE ............................................................................................................11 TESCO PET INSURANCE/DENTAL.....................................................................................25 THE NATURAL PET TOY COMPANY LTD......................................................................37

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To advertise here call Maria on 01903 884988 or email:



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81_CW 453.indd 81


21/10/2015 10:45

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