soup recipes from hong kong households
編輯,插畫: 毛穎芯 肖韻怡
Edited and Illustrated by Tess Mo and Sherry Xiao
煲湯 soup recipes from hong kong households
編輯,插畫:毛穎芯 肖韻怡 Edited and Illustrated by Tess Mo and Sherry Xiao
前言 introduction 湯 - 一種可享用的愛 Soup — a love you can taste 喝一碗熱騰騰、自家製的湯是大部分香港本地 家庭的傳統飲食文化。湯不僅美味可口且營養 豐富,更是一種相當有意義的食物;它代表著 一個家庭裡的關懷和養育。 本書收集了來自十一個本地家庭的食譜及其背 後的故事。雖然這些食譜和故事各異,卻都有 著一個簡單而重要的共同點 - 通過暖心的菜餚 與親近的人建立聯繫並向他們表達愛意。 希望您會喜歡這本食譜。當您想將溫暖傳達給 關愛的人時,願它能為您提供一點靈感。 Having a bowl of homemade soup, hot enough that it’s still billowing steam, is a part of the traditional dining culture of most of Hong Kong’s local families. Soup is not only delicious and nutritious, it also carries meaning. Soup signifies the care and nurture within a family. In this cookbook, we collected 11 recipes from local households together with the stories that accompany them. These recipes and stories come from a range of people, but all share a simple, but important commonality: they use food to connect to, show love to, and warm the hearts of those who are dear. We hope you enjoy this cookbook. May it provide you a little inspiration when you want to share warmth with the ones you love.
目錄 table of contents 2
萬壽果湯 Longevity Fruit Soup
豬𦟌蘿蔔響螺湯 Pork Shank, Conch & Carrot soup
紅衫魚番茄豆腐湯 Bream, Tomato & Tofu Soup
青紅蘿蔔豬骨粟米湯 green radish, carrot & pork bone Soup
西洋菜腰果蘿蔔湯 Watercress, Cashew & Carrot Soup
四神湯 (四臣湯) four herb Soup
五指毛桃湯 Hairy Fig Soup
鯇魚芫荽皮蛋豆腐湯 grass Carp, Coriander & Century Egg Soup
鹹蛋瘦肉節瓜湯 Salted Egg, Lean Pork & Fuzzy Melon Soup
生蛇食療湯 shingles recovery Soup
中國雜菜湯 Chinese Mixed Vegetable Soup
萬壽果湯 Longevity Fruit Soup 來自袁小姐的食譜 A recipe from Bonnie Yuen
每當有人生日的時候,我的家人會煮這道湯。 木瓜有萬壽果之稱,所以此湯不但滋補養顏、 生津解渴,更是對壽星的祝福。 My family makes this soup every time it’s someone’s birthday. Papaya is known as the longevity fruit, so the soup is not only good for the skin and for hydration, but is also a blessing for the birthday person.
袁小姐一家 The Yuen Family
萬壽果湯 Longevity Fruit Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.木瓜 1個
1. 將木瓜去皮去籽,洗淨切塊。
1 papaya
b. 雞腳 6隻 6 chicken feet
c. 瘦肉 半斤 500g lean pork
d. 花生 適量 peanuts as needed
e. 眉豆 適量 black-eyed peas as needed
f. 薑 3片
Peel, deseed and wash the papaya and cut into pieces.
2. 將瘦肉切件,連同雞腳汆水。 Cut the lean pork into pieces. Blanch pork and chicken feet for a few minutes.
3. 將紅棗去核,連同眉豆及花生一同浸泡。 Core the red dates. Soak together with black-eyed peas and peanuts.
4. 將所有材料下水,先用武火煮滾,後轉文 火,加鹽煮約一小時即成。
Add all the ingredients into water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Turn down to medium heat, add salt and cook for around one hour. Serve.
3 slices ginger
g. 紅棗 3粒 3 red dates
h. 水 2升 2L water
i. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
萬壽果湯 Longevity Fruit Soup
豬𦟌蘿蔔響螺湯 Pork Shank, Conch & Carrot Soup 來自劉太的食譜 A recipe from Mrs. Lau
當我姪女來探望我們的時候我就會給她煮這道 湯。此湯能健脾、滋陰、美顏,適合四季飲 用,尤其是秋冬季節。 I make this soup for our niece when she comes over to visit us. It can strengthen the spleen, nourish yin and beautify the appearance. It’s good in any season, but especially in autumn and winter.
蘿蔔響螺湯 Pork Shank, Conch & Carrot Soup
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豬 蘿蔔響螺湯 Pork Shank, Conch & Carrot Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
1. 將豬 切件汆水。
1 pork shank
b. 紅蘿蔔 1條 1 carrot
c. 南北杏 適量 apricot kernels as needed
d. 粟米 1條 1 corn
e. 淮山 4片 4 Chinese yam slices
f. 蜜棗 2粒 2 honey dates
g. 陳皮 2片 2 dried tangerine peels
h. 乾瑤柱 6粒
Cut the pork shank into small pieces and blanch for a few minutes.
2. 將紅蘿蔔去皮,洗淨切段。 Peel the carrot. Wash then cut it in pieces.
3. 洗淨蜜棗、淮山及粟米,將粟米切段。 Wash the honey dates, Chinese yam slices and corn, then cut the corn in pieces.
4. 浸泡南北杏、乾瑤柱及花膠。花膠需浸泡一 晚。 浸泡響螺。 將陳皮浸泡至軟身。
Soak the dehydrated ingredients. Soak the apricot kernels, dried scallops and fish maw. To soften the fish maw, soak overnight. Soak the conch. Soak the tangerine peels till soft.
5. 將所有材料下水,武火煮半小時,再轉文 火,加鹽煮兩小時即成。
Add all the ingredients into a pot with water. Boil over high heat for half an hour. Turn down to medium heat and cook for two hours. Serve.
6 dried scallops
i. 百合 8片 8 dried lily petals
j. 花膠 2片 2 dried fish maws
k. 響螺 1個 1 conch
L. 水 2升 2L water
m. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
紅衫魚番茄豆腐湯 Bream, Tomato & Tofu Soup 來自謝先生的食譜 A recipe from Tse Chung Sing
我媽媽會為我們一家煮這道湯。每當我下班回 家,家人都已經入睡了,因此我不常在家見到 他們。而當我能提前回家與他們共進晚餐時, 媽媽會為我準備這道我最喜愛的湯。 This is a recipe my mom will make for our family. I don’t see my family at home often, because by the time I come back from work they have already gone to sleep. When I come back early to have dinner with my family, my mom will make this soup — it’s my favorite.
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紅衫魚番茄豆腐湯 Bream, Tomato & Tofu Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.紅衫魚 4-5條
1. 將紅衫魚洗淨,加入生粉及鹽,落油及薑片
4-5 golden threadfin bream
b. 蕃茄 5個 5 tomatoes
Wash bream. Add cornstarch and salt. Fry ginger slices, then add bream and fry together until fragrant.
2. 將番茄洗淨,連同豆腐切件。
c. 豆腐 1-2磚 1-2 blocks tofu
d. 薑 4-5片 4-5 slices ginger
e. 生粉 適量 cornstarch as needed
f. 熱水 4大碗 4 large bowls hot water
g. 鹽 適量
Wash the tomatoes. Cut the tomato and tofu into pieces.
3. 將紅衫魚及熱水放入大鍋並用武火煮滾。待 湯水變白後加入豆腐及番茄。煮滾後加入鹽 及白胡椒粉調味即成。 Place bream and hot water in a large pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. After the liquid turns whitish, add in tofu and tomatoes. When the soup returns to a boil, season with salt and white pepper powder. Serve.
salt to taste
h. 白胡椒粉 適量 white pepper powder to taste
青紅蘿蔔豬骨粟米湯 Green Radish, Carrot & Pork Bone Soup
青紅蘿蔔豬骨粟米湯 green radish, carrot & pork bone Soup 來自 毛小姐 的食譜 A recipe from Tess Mo
這道簡單、滋潤且化痰止咳的湯是第一道我學會煮的湯。我姑母照顧了 我家十二年。她教我煮簡單的菜色並希望我變得更獨立。有時候我會為 家人煮這道湯 This is a simple soup that helps moisturize and relieve cough. It’s the first soup I learned how to make. My aunt has taken care of my family for twelve years. She teaches me how to cook simple dishes and wants me to be more independent. Sometimes, I make this soup for my family. 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.紅蘿蔔 1條
1. 將青、紅蘿蔔去皮,洗淨切段。
1 carrot
b. 青蘿蔔 1條 1 green radish
c. 豬骨 4-5塊 4-5 pork bones
d. 粟米 2條 2 corn
e. 蜜棗 2粒 2 honey dates
f. 水 2升 2L water
Peel the green radish and carrot. Wash then cut them in pieces.
2. 洗淨蜜棗及粟米,將粟米切段。 Wash the honey dates and corn, then cut the corn in pieces.
3. 將豬骨汆水。 Blanch the pork bones for a few minutes.
4. 將所有材料下水,用武火煮半小時,轉文 火,加鹽煮兩小時即成。
Add all the ingredients into water. Boil over high heat for half an hour. Turn down to medium heat, add salt then cook it for two hours. Serve.
g. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
西洋菜腰果蘿蔔湯 Watercress, Cashew & Carrot Soup 來自吳太的食譜 A recipe from Mrs. Ng
每個月的某幾天我的女婿都要吃素,所以這道 湯是特意為他而煮的。此湯潤燥清肺、滋潤喉 嚨、去痰止咳,適合在乾燥天氣及秋冬季節飲 用,在現在的疫情下尤其合適。 My son-in-law eats vegan food certain days each month, so I make this soup for him. It’s good for keeping the lungs and throat moisturized and giving cough relief. It’s perfect for dry weather, during seasons like autumn and winter, and during the pandemic.
西洋菜腰果蘿蔔湯 Watercress, Cashew & Carrot Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.西洋菜 1斤
1. 將西洋菜去根,浸泡鹽水半小時,沖水洗
1kg watercress
b. 紅蘿蔔 1條 1 carrot
c. 南北杏 適量 apricot kernels as needed
d. 金羅漢果 半個 1/2 golden monk fruit
e. 腰果 半磅 1/2lb cashews
f. 蜜棗 4粒 4 honey dates
g. 陳皮 2片 2 dried tangerine peels
h. 水 2升 2L water
Slice off watercress roots. Soak watercress in slightly salted water for half an hour, then rinse.
2. 將紅蘿蔔去皮,洗淨切段。 Peel the carrot. Wash and slice in large pieces.
3. 洗淨金羅漢果及蜜棗。 Wash the golden monk fruit and honey dates.
4. 浸泡腰果及南北杏。 Soak cashews and apricot kernels.
5. 將陳皮浸泡至軟身。 Soak dried tangerine peels till softened.
6. 將西洋菜以外的材料下水,武火煮至水滾後 放入西洋菜,轉文火,加鹽煮約兩個半至三 小時即成。
Add all the ingredients except watercress into water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Add watercress. Turn down to medium heat and cook for two and a half hours to three hours. Serve.
i. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
吳太的外孫女 Chloe Mrs. Ng’s Grandaughter Chloe 13
西洋菜腰果蘿蔔湯 Watercress, Cashew & Carrot Soup
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四神湯 (四臣湯) four herb Soup
來自梁婆婆的食譜 A recipe from Granny Leung
這道湯適合所有季節。它健脾益胃、顧腎補 肺、養心並能增強免疫力。我不時為女兒煮這 道湯。她平時沒多少空閒時間來探望我,所以 我會親自把湯帶到她的公司。 This soup is good for all seasons. It’s good for the spleen, stomach, kidneys and lungs, nourishes the heart and strengthens immunity. I often cook it for my daughter. She doesn’t have much free time to visit me, so I’ll bring the soup to her office.
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四神湯 (四臣湯)Four Herb Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.芡實 30克
1. 洗淨並浸泡芡實、蓮子、淮山及伏苓。
30g gordon euryale seeds
b. 蓮子 30克 30g lotus seeds
c. 淮山 30克 30g Chinese yam slices
d. 伏苓 15克 15g poria cocos
e. 陳皮 2片 2 dried tangerine peels
f. 紅棗 4粒
Wash, then soak the gordon euryale seeds, lotus seeds, Chinese yam slices and poria cocos.
2. 將排骨切件汆水。 Chop the pork ribs, then blanch for a few minutes.
3. 將紅棗去核並浸泡。 Core and soak the red dates.
4. 將陳皮浸泡至軟身。 Soak the dried tangerine peels until softened.
5. 將所有材料下水,用武火煮滾,轉文火,加 鹽煮約一小時即成。
Add all ingredients into water. Bring to a boil on high heat. Turn down to medium heat, add salt and cook for around one hour. Serve.
4 red dates
g. 排骨 500克 500g pork ribs
h. 水 2升 2L water
i. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
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五指毛桃湯 Hairy Fig Soup
來自毛女士的食譜 A recipe from Ms. Mo
我通常煮這道湯給我的姪女享用。此湯健脾化 濕,對像她一樣工作繁重及常感到疲倦的人特 別有益。我希望這道湯對她的身體及學業有幫 助。 I usually make this soup for my niece. It strengthens the spleen and eliminates dampness in the body. It’s especially good for people who are always busy with work and feeling tired, just like my niece. I hope this soup aids her health and her studies.
五指毛桃湯 Hairy Fig Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.五指毛桃 1兩
1. 洗淨並浸泡五指毛桃。
38g hairy figs
b. 栗子 10粒
Wash then soak the hairy figs.
2. 洗淨牛蒡,切片。
10 fresh chestnuts
c. 牛蒡 1兩
Wash and slice the burdock.
3. 洗淨栗子、淮山、杞子及蜜棗。
38g fresh burdock
d. 淮山 3片 3 Chinese yam slices
Wash the chestnuts, Chinese yam slices, goji berries and honey dates.
4. 洗淨並於暖水中浸泡姬松茸一小時。 Wash then soak the blaze mushrooms in warm water for one hour.
e. 杞子 30粒 30 goji berries
f. 姬松茸 8朵
5. 將所有材料下水,先用武火煮15分鐘至水 滾,轉文火,加鹽煮一小時即成。
8 blaze mushrooms
g. 蜜棗 3粒 3 honey dates
Soak the dried tangerine peels until softened.
6. 將所有材料下水,先用武火煮15分鐘至水 滾,轉文火,加鹽煮一小時即成。
Put all the ingredients into water. Boil on high heat for 15 minutes. Reduce to medium heat, add salt and cook for one hour. Serve.
i. 水 2升 2L water
j. 鹽 少許 a pinch of salt
鯇魚芫荽皮蛋豆腐湯 grass Carp, Coriander & Century Egg Soup 來自孫小姐的食譜 A recipe from Michelle Sun
我爸爸喜歡釣魚,我則會用他捉回來的魚煮 湯。這道湯是我為爸媽煮的。它對健康有很多 益處,比如清熱下火、生津潤燥、健脾益胃和 增進食慾。當你感到上火,煮這道湯就最合適 不過了。 My father likes to go fishing, and I’ll make soup using the fish he’s caught. I make this soup for my parents. The soup has many health benefits like reducing heat and moisturizing the body, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and increasing appetite. When you feel you have excess internal heat, it’s the best time to make this soup.
鯇魚芫荽皮蛋豆腐湯 Grass Carp, Coriander & Century Egg Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A. 鯇魚 1條
1. 將芫荽浸泡後沖洗乾淨。將其切碎,保留根
1 medium grass carp
b. 芫荽 10棵 10 bunches coriander
c. 豆腐 1盒 1 box tofu
d. 皮蛋 2個 2 century eggs
e. 薑 1塊 1 knob ginger
f. 水 1升 1L water
g. 鹽 半茶匙 1/2tsp salt
Soak and rinse coriander. Chop finely, retaining a portion of the root to keep the flavour.
2. 將每隻皮蛋分切成八等份。將薑搗爛。 將豆 腐切成小塊。
Slice each century egg into eight portions. Smash the ginger. Cut the tofu into cubes.
3. 將鯇魚煎至兩面微微金黃。 Fry the grass crap in a pan and lightly brown both sides.
4. 將薑及鯇魚放入水中煮10至15分鐘至水滾。
加入芫荽,煮10分鐘至入味。放入皮蛋、豆 腐,最後加入鹽調味後煮10分鐘即成。 Put the ginger and the grass carp into water and boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Add coriander and cook for 10 minutes. Add the century eggs and tofu, season with the salt and cook for another 10 minutes. Serve.
鯇魚芫荽皮蛋豆腐湯 Grass Carp, Coriander & Century Egg Soup
鹹蛋瘦肉節瓜湯 Salted Egg, Lean Pork & Fuzzy Melon Soup 來自劉小姐的食譜 A recipe from Beauty Lau
我老爸有時候會在春夏季煮這道湯來清熱下 火。雖然這湯只需要很短時間就能煮好,但我 們仍然感謝他為我們所做的小事情。 Sometimes in the spring and summer, my dad will make this soup to clear heat from the body. Even though this soup doesn’t take long to make, we still appreciate the little things he does for us. 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.節瓜 1條
1. 將節瓜去皮,洗淨切段。
1 fuzzy melon
b. 鹹蛋 2隻 2 salted eggs
c. 已醃瘦肉片 200克 200g seasoned lean pork slices
d. 水 2升 2L water
Wash and peel the hairy gourd. Cut into pieces.
2. 將鹹蛋白及蛋黃分開。 Separate the whites and yolks of the salted eggs.
3. 將鹹蛋白以外的材料下水,用文火煮20分 鐘,最後加入鹹蛋白拌成蛋花即成。
Put all the ingredients except salted egg whites into water. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. To finish, drizzle the beaten egg whites into soup and serve.
鹹蛋瘦肉節瓜湯 Salted Egg, Lean Pork & Fuzzy Melon Soup
生蛇食療湯 shingles recovery Soup 來自陸小姐的食譜 A recipe from Shan Luk
我的工作室拍檔不幸「生蛇」,現正處於康復 期中,所以我會煮這道湯來舒緩她的痛楚。她 因病而減輕了很多體重,瘦得像火柴棍一樣。 幸好她的情況一直在改善。我已經為她做了近 三個月的湯,有時候如果我沒空為她煮湯,她 會用我買的食材自己煮。 I made this soup to soothe my studio partner’s painful recovery from shingles. My studio partner lost a lot of weight because of the illness — she became like a matchstick. She’s been improving. I’ve been making this soup for her for almost three months now. If I don’t have time to make the soup for her, she’ll make it herself with the ingredients I bought.
生蛇食療湯 Shingles Recovery Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
1. 將瘦肉洗淨,汆水切塊。將節瓜去皮切段,
75g atractylodes rhizomes
b. 白芍2兩 75g white peony roots
c. 甘草1兩 38g Chinese licorice
d. 生薏米1兩 38g pearl barley
e. 淮山3兩
Wash the lean pork. Blanch it for a few minutes then cut it into cubes. Peel and cut the fuzzy melon in pieces. Wash the remaining ingredients.
2. 將所有材料放入煲內,加入適量清水至蓋過 材料。用文火煮2小時,熄火焗15至20分鐘 即可。
Put all the ingredients into a pot. Add water to cover. Simmer over low heat for two hours. Turn off the heat and leave the pot on the stove with a lid on. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve.
114g Chinese yam slices
f. 綠豆2兩 75g mung bean
g. 瘦肉半斤 500g lean pork
h. 節瓜 1個 1 fuzzy melon
i. 水 2升 2L water
j. 鹽 少許 A pinch of salt
生蛇食療湯 Shingles Recovery Soup
中國雜菜湯 Chinese Mixed Vegetable Soup 來自李先生的食譜 A recipe from Clive Lee
每逢每周的家庭聚會,我的母親都會為全家煮 這道湯。這是一款相當靈活的素湯,你幾乎可 以把雪櫃裡剩下的食材都放進去。我家是個佛 教家庭,所以我們一般都吃素,但也可以隨你 喜好在湯裡加進肉類。我們有隻小狗,因此我 們也會為牠加點雞胸肉。這道湯適合於任何季 節飲用,對習慣熬夜的人有益,且有補腦功效。 Once a week, our family gathers and my mom will make this soup for our whole family. The soup is a vegetarian soup, and is very flexible. You can use pretty much whatever is in the fridge to make this soup. Our family is a Buddhist family, so we usually eat a vegetarian diet, but you can also add meat into the soup. We have a small dog, so we’ll add some chicken breast in the soup for the dog. This soup can be eaten in any season. It’s good for those who have a habit of staying up late, and aids cognitive recovery.
中國雜菜湯 Chinese Mixed Vegetable Soup 食材 Ingredients
步驟 Directions
A.扁豆 75克
1. 將豆類、雪耳、蜜棗及陳皮浸泡十五分鐘。
75g white hyacinth beans
b. 赤小豆 75克 75g rice beans
c. 栗子 400克 400g fresh chestnuts
d. 腰果 100克 100g cashews
e. 核桃 80克 80g walnuts
f. 南瓜 1個
Soak the beans, fungus, honey dates and tangerine peel for 15 minutes.
2. 將蔬菜洗淨切段。 Wash the vegetables and cut into pieces.
3. 將材料汆水。 Blanch the ingredients in for a few minutes.
4. 將所有材料下水,用文火慢煮40分鐘,轉細 火熬煮40分鐘,最後轉文火煮20分鐘即成。 Put all the ingredients in large pot with water and cook over medium heat for 40 minutes. Reduce to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Return to medium heat for 20 more minutes. Serve.
1 pumpkin
g. 蓮藕 1條 1 lotus root
h. 粉葛 1 個 1 Chinese arrowroot
i. 雪耳 1個 1 snow fungus
j. 紅蘿蔔 1條 1 carrot
k. 粟米 1條 1 ear corn
l. 蜜棗 3粒 3 honey dates
m. 陳皮 1片 1 dried tangerine peel
n. 水 2.5-3升 2.5-3L water
李先生與他的母親 Clive and his mother, Mrs. Lee
中國雜菜湯 Chinese Mixed Vegetable Soup
H, J, K
A, B I
本書於二零二一年香港浸會大學視覺藝術碩士 課程藝術與公眾中,於張嘉莉講師之指導下創 作而成。 This book was created as part of the course, Art and the Public, in Spring 2021 under the direction of Clara Cheung at the Academy of Visual Art of Hong Kong Baptist University.
特別感謝所有提供食譜的人士。 A special thanks to all our recipe contributors.