Petir dec 2016 27 29

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ONG YE KUNG Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) & Second Minister for Defence; MP for Sembawang GRC Age: 47 Family: Homemaker wife and two daughters aged 14 and 16 Hobby: Star Wars, football, rock music, nature

SINCERELY SPEAKING Education Minister (Higher Education and Skills) Ong Ye Kung shares his thoughts with Wong Sher Maine about engaging the ground


s a newly-minted politician, Mr Ong Ye Kung says one of the hardest things he has had to learn in the ơ to his residents and through the media. But he is clearly adept. Mr Ong, who was promoted to become Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Second ͝ǡ ͜͢͞͝ǡ comfortably, sincerely and directly to Petir at ͤ͜͠ǡ ͢ǡ Ǧ the-people (MPS) sessions are held. Rather than focus on his ministerial portfolio of higher education, the Sembawang GRC MP talked about work at his branch

which he felt will be more relevant to party activists. Because there was no branch before, he had to “scramble” to assemble the men and women who would hold the fort for what ͤ​ͤ ǡ division, named after Gambas Road which runs through Woodlands, Sembawang and Yishun. He said: “Recruitment of activists was of utmost urgency. I had to dig deep and go back to old trusted friends and activists

Ǥ looked around the North to look for old friends who live around the area and could help out.”

͜͝​͜ ͜͝ǡ ists who he says “will be with you all the way from MPS to social media to setting up programmes and organising activities.” He ǣ Dz ͜͝ ǡ ǯ be very lucky. Right now, I have about four Ƥ Ǥdz with his team after MPS, and in mid-November sat through a soccer match with them after a BBQ. The blemish to an otherwise very United fan saw his team draw with its arch rival, Arsenal.

December 2016


CONVERSATION ” ‘Â?‰ ÂƒÂ‘ÇĄ ƒ Í&#x;ͤnjÂ›Â‡ÂƒÂ”ÇŚÂ‘ÂŽÂ† ƒ…–‹˜‹•– ™Š‘ has been a grassroots volunteer since he was ƒ‰‡† Í?Í?ÇĄ •ƒ– ‹Â? ƒ– –Š‡ ‹Â?–‡”˜‹‡™ ƒ– ” Â?‰ǯ• „‡Š‡•–Ǥ ‡ Žƒ—‰Š• ™Š‡Â? ” Â?‰ Œ‘Â?‡• –Šƒ– working with a MP like himself is “Ъཌϥâ€? (very miserable). Far from it, says Mr Wong. He said: “Mr Â?‰ ‹• “—‹–‡ †‹ƥ‡”‡Â?– ˆ”‘Â? –Š‡ • Šƒ˜‡ worked with before. He is more open to ideas, and if you need to make changes, he can make it very fast.â€? ” Â?‰ Šƒ† –—”Â?‡† †‘™Â? ƒÂ? ‘ƥ‡” ˆ”‘Â? –Š‡ ‡‘’Ž‡ǯ• ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘Â? –‘ „—‹Ž† ƒ …‘Â?munity centre (CC). He feels that there are CCs nearby which residents have been using and are familiar with. Further, with three …‘ƥ‡‡ •Š‘’• ‹Â? –Š‡ ÂƒÂ”Â‡ÂƒÇĄ ƒŽŽ ™‹–Š‹Â? ™ƒŽÂ?‹Â?‰ distance of each other, is the best collective CC there can be. In lieu of a CC auditorium or hall, he is also thinking of ways to create natural gathering spots, like tearing down planter boxes and walls around a pavilion to …”‡ƒ–‡ ƒÂ? —Â?‹Â?–‹Â?‹†ƒ–‹Â?‰ǥ •Š‡Ž–‡”‡† Œ—Â?…–‹‘Â? „‡–™‡‡Â? –Š‡ …‘ƥ‡‡ •Š‘’•Ǥ

He sees himself preserving the greenery and rustic nature of his ward. He said: “If ™‡ ƒ††”‡•• ƒŽŽ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–•ǯ ”‡“—‡•–•ǥ the inevitable path would be to build more ˆƒ…‹Ž‹–‹‡• ƒÂ?† –Š‡ ‰”‡‡Â?‡”› ™‹ŽŽ „‡ ĆŞÂƒÂ–Â–Â‡Â?‡†Ǥ ‡ǯ† „‡…‘Â?‡ ƒ …‘Â?…”‡–‡ Œ—Â?‰Ž‡Ǥ —– ™‡ explained to the residents the vision and they welcomed it.â€?

Learning Path Aside from communication, he has also found groundwork challenging. “Building this team, engaging and understanding the ground, serving the residents, there are so many aspects,� he said.

Â? •‘Â?‡ Â™ÂƒÂ›Â•ÇĄ Š‡ ƤÂ?†• ‹– Â?‘”‡ …ŠƒŽŽ‡Â?‰ing than his higher education and defence portfolios, because it is outside his comfort zone. He is more comfortable with the portfolios because it involves policy work which Š‡ †‡ƒŽ– ™‹–Š ˆ‘” Í?ͤ ›‡ƒ”• ĥ ƒ …‹˜‹Ž •‡”˜ƒÂ?–Ǥ What stands him in good stead today is his diverse working background. From his years as the Chief Executive

Ƽ…‡” ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‹Â?‰ƒ’‘”‡ ‘”Â?ˆ‘”…‡ ‡˜‡Žopment Agency and the Principal Private ‡…”‡–ƒ”› –‘ ‹Â?Â‰ÂƒÂ’Â‘Â”Â‡Ě˝Â• ”‹Â?‡ ‹Â?‹•–‡”ǥ ‡‡ Hsien Loong, he appreciated the importance of preserving institutions. “The holy grail of civil service is to maintain consistency and institutional strength. ÂŠÂƒÂ–ÇŻÂ• ™Š› –Š‡ Š‡ƒ†• ƒ”‡ …ƒŽŽ‡† ‡”Â?ƒÂ?‡Â?– Secretaries,â€? he pointed out. He cited an example in Parliament of how this thinking came to the fore when he debated with ‘”Â?‡”•ǯ ƒ”–› …Š‹‡ˆ ‘™ Š‹ƒ Š‹ƒÂ?‰ǥ ™Š‘ proposed setting up a Senate to keep watch ‘˜‡” ‹Â?Â‰ÂƒÂ’Â‘Â”Â‡ÇŻÂ• ”‡•‡”˜‡• ‹Â?•–‡ƒ† ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‡Ž‡…–‡† ”‡•‹†‡Â?–Ǥ Dz ‘— †‘Â?ǯ– Œ—•– –Š”‘™ ƒ™ƒ› the system and change to a Senate, you must improve the institution.â€? From the NTUC where he was deputy Â•Â‡Â…Â”Â‡Â–ÂƒÂ”Â›ÇŚÂ‰Â‡Â?Â‡Â”ÂƒÂŽÇĄ Dz‹–ǯ• ƒŽŽ ƒ„‘—– ”‡Žƒ–‹‘Â?•Š‹’• and networking,â€? he said. And from his only stint in the private sector, at Keppel, he has to deploy a mix of both.

ť.S 0OH JT RVJUF EJƊFSFOU GSPN UIF .1T * IBWF worked with before. HE IS MORE OPEN TO IDEAS, and if you need to make changes, he can make it very fast.� - Mr Wong Hao, a 38-year-old activist who has been a grassroots volunteer since he was 11 years old.

Groundwork is challenging. Mr Ong has had to scour for old trusted friends and activists to build a network of activists for the new Gambas division. There are also many aspects to groundwork, ranging from building the team, engaging and understanding the ground, to serving the residents.


December 2016

ĹĄ"T BO PĆ?DF IPMEFS UIFSF BSF UIJOHT * XBOU UP DIBOHF GSPN pushing SkillsFuture to evolving the university scene, to pushing earn-and-learn as a new modality of education, and rolling back the over-emphasis on academic grades. Communicating these changes, determining the policy steps we have to take and in what sequence, REQUIRES A LOT OF THINKING BY THE MINISTER.â€?

Thoughtful Change Now, as a politician, he sees his role as to improve things and change the status quo ‹ˆ Â?‡‡† „‡Ǥ Dz —– …ŠƒÂ?‰‡ ‹• †‹Ƽ…—Ž–Ǥ ‘— …ƒÂ? make promises during campaigning, but ‰‘˜‡”Â?‹Â?‰ ‹• “—‹–‡ †‹ƥ‡”‡Â?–Ǥ Dz • ƒÂ? ‘Ƽ…‡njŠ‘Ž†‡”ǥ –Š‡”‡ ƒ”‡ –Š‹Â?‰• want to change, from pushing SkillsFuture to evolving the university scene, to pushing earn-and-learn as a new modality of education, and rolling back the over-emphasis on academic grades. Communicating these changes, determining the policy steps we have to take and in what sequence, requires a lot of thinking by the Minister,â€? he pointed out. He has also had to learn how to remain a devoted family man. In fact, when asked what was the hardest thing he has to adapt to in the past year, the ˆƒ–Š‡” ‘ˆ –™‘ ‰‹”Ž•ǥ ƒ‰‡† Í?Í ÂƒÂ?† Í?͢ǥ ˆ‘…—•‡† ‘Â? the personal: “Trying to be a father is really tough. What tops that is learning to be a good husband.â€? He quipped: “DPM Teo (Chee Hean) •ƒ‹† ‘Â?…‡ǣ ’‡Â?† ÍĄÍœ ’‡” …‡Â?– ‘ˆ ›‘—” –‹Â?‡ ‘Â? Â?‹Â?‹•–”› ™‘”Â?ÇĄ ÍĄÍœ ’‡” …‡Â?– ‘Â? ‰”‘—Â?† ƒÂ?† …‘Â?•–‹–—‡Â?…› ™‘”Â?ÇĄ ÍĄÍœ ’‡” …‡Â?– ‘Â? ’ƒ”–› ™‘”Â? and the remainder is for your family and yourself.â€? His wife, who baked a coconut cake for his Í ÍŁÂ–ÂŠ „‹”–Š†ƒ› ‹Â? Â?‹†nj ‘˜‡Â?„‡”ǥ Šƒ• –ƒÂ?‡Â? –‘ blocking time slots through his personal as•‹•–ƒÂ?–Ǥ Dz Š‡ ”‡ƒŽ‹•‡• •Š‡ …ƒÂ?Â?‘– Œ—•– ™ƒ‹– ˆ‘” ™Š‡Â? ÇŻÂ? Š‘Â?‡ „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‹– †‘‡•Â?ǯ– Šƒ’’‡Â?Ǥ › …ƒŽ‡Â?†ƒ” ‹Â? ͜͞Í?ÍŁ Šƒ• •‡˜‡”ƒŽ •Ž‘–• „‘‘Â?‡† by Mrs Ong.â€? In response to friends who Whatsapp him to ask – “Free for a drink?â€? – Š‡ Šƒ• –‘ ”‡•’‘Â?†ǥ Dz ‘””›Ǥ ÇŻÂ? „‘‘Â?‡† ˆ‘” –Š‡ next two months.â€?

A Global Lesson In Mr Ong Ye Kung’s opinion, Singapore had its Brexit moment in 2011. Repercussions from the wave of antiglobal sentiment in Singapore, however, “wasn’t as dramatic for us.â€? Replying to a question on whether there were lessons for Singapore from Brexit and the Donald Trump victory in the United States, Mr Ong, who was Deputy Chief Negotiator for the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement signed in 2003, said: “Discomfort over globalisation is not irrational. People wonder if life is getting better with globalisation. If not, you will see an electoral upset.â€? He likened Singapore to the small Andaman Island, which the deadly 2004 tsunami “whizzed passâ€? with severe damage to the island, but not as catastrophic as when the waves really built up as it approached larger land masses. “Fortunately, we (PAP) had a deep reservoir of goodwill,â€? said Mr Ong. “We paid a price in 2011 but not a tremendous one. That encouraged us to do much more in the ĆĽUD XD@QR @ESDQ ATHKCHMF TO HMEQ@RSQTBture, putting in place a robust housing programme, introducing the Pioneer Generation Package, so that by 2015, Singaporeans felt there was a change for the better.â€?

December 2016


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