St Thomas Aquinas Young Disciples Brand Guide

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LOGO MEANING BRAND Logo Meaning The Sacred Heart has always expressed the passion of God, his heart for us. We believe that young people are born with burning hearts, and it is our job to help them to blaze for the Lord. As Catholics, we believe in a God who is far more than a set of rules and principles. His sacred heart speaks of his deep desire for relationship with us. STA Young Disciples believes that relationships are the context within which we come to know who God is and therefore who we are.

BRAND PROMISES Embrace Every Child

Means we will never turn a child away for any reason, financial or due to family background unless it compromises our ability to love the other children.

Affirm What Matters

Means we will always affirm their virtue and their character, not their appearance.

Partnership, not Programs

Means we will never be a substitute for the role of the parent as primary educator in a child’s faith. We partner with parents to help them. We always love parents, seek to understand their context, and work with them to bring their child up in faith.


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COLORS & TYPE Plese refer to the STA Young Adults Brand guide for color and type guidelines.

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