1 minute read
(Re)use of Archive Film
from Creative Courses
Produce a creative work inspired by archival moving images.
• Explore what archival moving images can be, where they can be found and how to access and use them as a material and source of inspiration for creative practice
• Empower creative practitioners to incorporate archive recordings into their own field of practice
Archival moving image material is a rich, inspiring and diverse resource for creative practitioners and collaborators.
Taking inspiration from a wide variety of works involving archival moving image material, students will explore different approaches to using archival film to experiment, remix, rework material to create new work and develop new insights.
Students can pursue their own areas of interest and may choose to investigate and produce a work containing elements of: new musical scores, live performance or installation and/or incorporation into new moving image works.
This module welcomes students from all areas of creative practice and will provide conceptual tools and processes to allow students to explore their own creativity, develop new skills in digital media production, and create new work to find their own voice.