Secondary 2013

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English Plus

English Plus Starter


The new Starter Level introduces your 10–11 year-olds to English Plus and prepares them for Level 1 by introducing basic grammar and key vocabulary.


English Plus is a flexible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with a new Starter level. Extra optional pages at the back of the book enable teachers to tailor their lessons to their students’ needs. A focus on communicative outcomes means that every lesson ends with an Activate task, usually speaking, which lets the students use and personalize the material. Staged lessons provide students with comprehensive support. Lots of support for mixed ability classes including regular fast-finisher exercises and online practice.

• The Starter Level follows a similar structure to the other levels of English Plus, and is designed to be completed in one year.

• Each Unit has an extra page designed

especially for younger students which consolidates what they have learnt in the unit through a cartoon, a joke, a poem, and a song.

• • •

• It includes the same wealth of optional

pages that teachers love about English Plus.

• The package includes iTools, Audio CDs, Teacher’s Book, and Workbook.

I can aims give all students an achievable outcome to work towards, regardless of ability

Heads-up practice and a final productive task increase students’ confidence throughout the lesson

Four additional optional lessons per unit for varying teaching loads and mixed-ability classes

Reduced sample pages from English Plus Student’s Book 2

English Plus Student’s Book Teacher’s Book with photocopiable resources Workbook with MultiROM Audio CDs iTools DVD (for Levels 1–4)

Starter 978 0 19 474908 4 978 0 19 474909 1 978 0 19 474904 6 978 0 19 474913 8 978 0 19 474912 1

Level 1 978 0 19 474856 8 978 0 19 474864 3 978 0 19 474876 6 978 0 19 474872 8 978 0 19 474892 6 978 0 19 474850 6

Finished? activities keep fast finishers busy

Level 2 978 0 19 474857 5 978 0 19 474865 0 978 0 19 474877 3 978 0 19 474873 5 978 0 19 474893 3

Level 3 978 0 19 474858 2 978 0 19 474866 7 978 0 19 474878 0 978 0 19 474874 2 978 0 19 474894 0

Level 4 978 0 19 474859 9 978 0 19 474867 4 978 0 19 474879 7 978 0 19 474875 9 978 0 19 474895 7

Active presentation of vocabulary and topics engage and motivate students

See also Oxford Grammar for Schools  page 92



digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓







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Tom Hutchinson

cover design final.indd 1


Tom Hutchinson

22/06/2012 10:59

digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓


Tom Hutchinson

Project4thEd Cover SB3.indd 1

22/06/2012 10:57


Project fourth edition uses the proven Project methodology in a new engaging format. Your students will love the redesigned cartoons, new compelling exercises, and innovative digital package. We’ve listened to feedback from teachers around the world and kept all the things you’ve loved from previous editions while enhancing and updating the material to make it more engaging than ever before. ■ Digital package including animated iTools, and new DVD material. New full-colour, interleaved Teacher’s Book makes lesson planning simple. More communication and multi-skill exercises will keep your students engrossed. New Pronunciation Bank and Extensive Reading Bank at the back of the Student’s Book supply extra material to keep fast finishers occupied and to stretch your stronger students.

• • •


Extensive Reading Bank

• Encourage your students to read for pleasure and expose them to a wider vocabulary with the new Extensive Reading Bank at the back of the Student’s Book.

• Including classic stories such as Aladdin, The Pied Piper of Hamelin

and Perseus with comprehension exercises to help your students get the most out of each text.

• Every story includes dialogue so your students can act it out in class. NEW

Pronunciation Bank

Get all your students practising pronunciation with the new Pronunciation Bank at the back of the Student’s Book.

• The bank offers a wide range of activities – from TPR activities to

appeal to your kinaesthetic learners – to quieter activities that could be used as extension material for fast finishers.

2C: Grammar • be • Possessive adjectives • Possessive ’s • Yes / No questions • Wh- questions


Mickey, Millie and Mut

2 Copy and complete the table.



00.00 Read and listen. Choose the correct



Excuse me. Is this 26 London Road?

1 Mickey and Millie’s house is in: a London Road. b London Avenue. 2 The man is: a the postman. b a policeman.

No, it isn’t. This is 26 London Avenue. That’s London Road over there.

Thank you.

Are you our new postman?

Yes, he is.


Your dog is friendly. Is friendly?

b Work in a group of four. Make new dialogues.


00.00 Listen. Who are the new students? Choose from these names.




Short answers

Are you our new postman?

Yes, I No, I’m not.

Is this London Road?

Yes, it is. No, it

Are they in the garden?

Yes, they No, they aren’t.

This is our dog. His name’s Mut.


And he’s very friendly.

Is Millie Mickey’s sister? Are Mickey and Millie 14? Are they in the garden? Is the man their neighbour? Is he their new postman? Are you their neighbour? Is Mut your dog? Are you friendly?

Henry Kinga Gemma

b Write about the students.


The first student is a boy. He’s from Melbourne in Australia. He’s twelve.


c Who are you? Work with three friends. Use the questions:

b Give the short answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Connor Simon

A Hello. This is Connor. He’s your new classmate. He isn’t from Oxford. B Are you from Australia? C Yes, I am. D Are you from Sydney? C No, I’m not. E Are you from Melbourne? C Yes, I am. B How old are you? Are you thirteen? C No, I’m not. D Are you twelve? C Yes, I am.

Copy and complete the table with isn’t, am or aren’t.

But that isn’t our dog. It’s our neighbours’.

New multi-skill exercises



Pleased to meet you.



Hello, 1 you our new neighbours? . My 3 Stella Yes, we 2 brother, David. and this is 4 you. 6 Pleased to 5 7 8 is my , Mickey and Millie. 9 to meet you, too.

You are our new postman. you our new postman?

1 Mut is their dog. Is Mut their dog? 2 You are Mickey’s sister. 3 He is our new postman. 4 Mut is friendly. 5 They are in their garden. 6 This is London Avenue. 7 You are Millie.

I’m Millie and this is my brother, Mickey.

Yes, I am. Is your dog friendly?


be: questions

3 Make questions.


Complete the dialogue.


Is this London Road?




How do we make questions with be?

This is London Road.

b Work in a group. Act the story.


Listening, speaking and writing


Yes, she is. No, they Yes, No, he , No, I No, he Yes, I

. . . is. .

Are you a man / a woman? Are you alive / dead? Are you from …? Are you a singer / a film star / a sportsperson? Remember you can only answer Yes or No.

. .




Reduced sample pages from Project, Fourth Edition Student’s Book 1

Students can watch animated versions of the cartoons on the DVD and iTools


We’ve kept the exercises that teachers loved from the third edition and improved the ones they didn’t

Grammar points are clearly presented with explanations from Mut. The explanations are animated on iTools


Inspiring the next generation


• Built-in tools to engage students: zoom in where you want to

Project fourth edition iTools gives you exciting, interactive whiteboard-friendly material which brings fresh stimulus to language lessons.

focus, spotlight to reveal vocabulary or pictures, and use the highlighter pen to underline learning points or key words.

• Students love technology and will be excited to use the

interactive functions of the new iTools and watch the animated cartoon characters and dramatized episodes of the photo stories.

• Easily access audio and video files which are built into the page for you.

Integrated answers to let students check their own work.

• Save time with the Student’s Book, Workbook, audio and video material all accessible with the click of the mouse.


Interleaved Teacher’s Book

5 An English town


00.00 Listen. Write Y or N in the chart for each person.

1 Read the text. Match the places to the parts of the town.

A the shopping centre a market an ice rink


Culture lives there

likes it

Jane B The Pantiles Calverley Grounds Upper Town


2 Are the statements true or false? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tunbridge Wells is in London. It’s famous for its old castle. The Pantiles is the old part of the town. A lot of people from Tunbridge Wells work in London. You can take a train to the coast from Tunbridge Wells. You can go swimming in Calverley Grounds. There’s a post office in Upper Town. Tunbridge Wells hasn’t got a museum.




00.00 Listen again. What does each person like / dislike about the town?


Think about your town (or the nearest town to you). Answer the questions.

Tunbridge Wells is in south-east England, about fifty kilometres from London. It isn’t a very old town. It’s about 350 years old. So it hasn’t got a castle or anything like that. It’s famous for its water. People think it’s good for you.

1 What do you like about the town? 2 What don’t you like?

b Compare your ideas with a partner.

This is the modern part of the town. People call it Upper Town. The shopping centre and the post office are here. The Town Hall and the police station are here, too. There are also two theatres, a small museum and a library in Upper Town. This is the old part of the town. It’s called the Pantiles. There are lots of cafés and restaurants here. There’s a market on Saturdays, too. A lot of visitors come to see the Pantiles.

There’s a station in Tunbridge Wells. Trains from here go to London and to Hastings on the coast. A lot of people in Tunbridge Wells take the train to London every day. They work in the banks, offices and shops there. Opposite the station there’s a big park. It’s called Calverley Grounds. You can play tennis and some other sports here, and there’s a nice café, too. In the winter there’s an ice rink here and you can go ice skating.



An English town


Background information Write the following words on the board: shopping centre, market, ice rink, castle, restaurant, post office, police station, theatre, museum, library, train station, bank, park, café. Elicit their meaning, for example by asking students for a translation. Write the following sentence on the board: Is there a … in [name of the students’ own town]? Play a chain game of question and answer. If you have a ball, you could start the game by throwing the ball to the first student in the chain, then get them to throw the ball around. Ask the first question about one of the words on the board, then choose the student you want to reply at random. If they answer correctly, they can ask the next question and choose the next student in the chain. If they can’t answer or answer incorrectly, they must return the ball to you and stand up. Continue the game until all the words have been used up. The students who are left standing as a penalty must write six sentences about their town with There is / are … in their exercise books for the next lesson.

Exercise 1

• You may want to drill the pronunciation of castle (ka:sl in

standard British English, or kæsl in American English and in some British dialects). As you do this, cross out the letter t to show it is meant to be silent. • Elicit the name of Ravi’s town from previous lessons (Tunbridge Wells). Write it on the board. Focus students’ attention on the items in exercise 1. Explain that column B contains the names of the three parts of Ravi’s town, and that the text at the bottom of the page is about the town. • Students read the text individually and match the places and the parts of town. • Ask them to compare their answers in pairs before you check with the whole class.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

False. (It is fifty kilometres from London.) False. (It hasn’t got a castle.) True. True. True. False. (There’ an ice rink and you can go ice-skating.) True. False. (There’s a small museum in the Upper Town.)

Optional extra In small groups, students use the information from the text to write four more statements about Tunbridge Wells: two true, two false. The rest of the group decide if the statements are true or false.

Exercise 3a

$ 00.00

tapescript p.000

• Tell students they will hear some people talk about the town. Ask them to look at the task and say how many people they will hear (four). Ask them what information they need to find out (whether each person lives in Tunbridge Wells, and whether they like it). Remind them they will hear the people in the same order as they are shown in the chart. • Play audio recording 00.00 for students to listen and find the information. Stop playback after each person has spoken to give students time to think. Then play the recording again without stopping this time. ANSWER KEY

Jane: Y, Y Ivan: N, Y

Exercise 3b

Mark: Y, N Alice: Y, Y $ 00.00

tapescript p.000

• Students listen again, more carefully this time, to find out what each person likes or dislikes about Tunbridge Wells.

• Ask students to take notes, then compare these in pairs before you check answers in class. ANSWER KEY


the market: The Pantiles the shopping centre: Upper Town ice rink: Calverley Grounds

Optional extra Ask students to read the text again, and find some more places for each part of town: two for The Pantiles (cafés, restaurants), six for the Upper Town (post office, town hall, police station, theatres, museum, library) and one for Calverley Grounds (café).

Jane likes that there are lots of shops. She likes the Calverley Grounds park where she often goes at the weekend to play tennis or go ice-skating. Ivan likes the old part of town, and he likes the cafés and shops there. Mark doesn’t like it that there isn’t anything to do. He doesn’t like it that the cinema is in the retail park outside the town. Alice likes it that there are a lot of things to do. She likes the sports centre and the theatres. She likes it that she can take the train to London.

Exercise 4a

• Read the instructions together. Ask students to work in pairs or groups of three and write down three things they like about their town, and three they don’t.

More practice Photocopiable x

Unit 5


Reduced sample pages from Project, Fourth Edition Teacher’s Book 1



s Book Student’

1 2 cover design final.indd 1

Tom Hutchinson 22/06/2012 10:59

Project, Fourth Edition Student’s Book Workbook with Audio CD Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs DVD iTools Project 4 and 5 are forthcoming in 2014.

Project 1 978 0 19 476455 1 978 0 19 476475 9 978 0 19 476559 6 978 0 19 476590 9 978 0 19 476573 2 978 0 19 476578 7

Project, Third Edition Project 1 Student’s Book 978 0 19 476300 4 Workbook Pack 978 0 19 476338 7 Teacher’s Book 978 0 19 476302 8 Class Audio CDs 978 0 19 476304 2 Culture DVD 978 0 19 476332 5 iTools 978 0 19 458156 1 Project, Second Edition, is still available. Please see the online catalogue.

Project 2 978 0 19 476456 8 978 0 19 476476 6 978 0 19 476560 2 978 0 19 476591 6 978 0 19 476574 9 978 0 19 476579 4

Project 3 978 0 19 476457 5 978 0 19 476477 3 978 0 19 476561 9 978 0 19 476592 3 978 0 19 476575 6 978 0 19 476580 0

Project 2 978 0 19 476305 9 978 0 19 476339 4 978 0 19 476307 3 978 0 19 476309 7 978 0 19 476333 2 978 0 19 458157 8

Project 3 978 0 19 476310 3 978 0 19 476340 0 978 0 19 476312 7 978 0 19 476314 1 978 0 19 476334 9 978 0 19 458158 5

Project 4 978 0 19 476315 8 978 0 19 476341 7 978 0 19 476317 2 978 0 19 476319 6 978 0 19 476335 6 978 0 19 458159 2

Project 5 978 0 19 476320 2 978 0 19 476342 4 978 0 19 476322 6 978 0 19 476324 0 978 0 19 476336 3 978 0 19 458160 8





digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓


Solutions offers a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities. Solutions 2nd edition is a five-level general English course for secondary students, who are preparing for their school-leaving exam. It uses the tested formula of a guided approach to teaching to build students’ confidence in communication, and lead them to exam success. Clear unit and lesson structure makes it easy to plan with Solutions 2nd edition. Interesting texts appeal to teenagers, whilst also covering all the school-leaving exam topics. Guided approach to speaking and writing builds students’ confidence to communicate in English.

Go to for teaching resources and ideas, articles, and author interviews to inspire your secondary classroom.

• •

• Vocabulary Builder and Grammar Builder in the Student’s Book for

• Specific B1 and B2 school leaving exam preparation in the ‘Get

The ‘I can’ statements at the start of every lesson make it easy for students to take control of their learning

Reduced sample pages from Solutions Intermediate Student’s Book

Learn this! boxes present key information in a clear and concise manner


lots of extra practice and extension. Ready for Your Exam’ sections.

Grammar Builder and Vocabulary Builder sections are clearly referenced at relevant points in the lesson

Almost every lesson ends with a speaking task, giving students the opportunity to practise what they have learnt


Solutions Words app

Each unit has two video clips: one culture clip and one other clip (either an interview or a vox-pop). These clips are linked to the culture, reading, or speaking lessons of the unit. As well as matching the level of the unit, this material reinforces the specific grammar and vocabulary being taught. Accompanying worksheets provide you with ready-made, preparation-free lessons.

Wordlists on the go! Students can look up, listen to, and practise all of the words from Solutions anytime, anyplace.

• Look it up: Choose how you view words – by unit, by topic, or as a dictionary. Over 1,500 words included.

• Define: Choose a word and tap on the screen to see the definition and word in context.

• Listen: Tap on the audio icon to hear the word spoken in English.


Repeat and improve.

Make your Solutions lessons interactive with digital resources for interactive whiteboards (or a laptop and projector combination). All the course content is integrated into the page-on-screen format alongside built-in teaching tools and space to create notes.

Online Workbook

• Practise: Design and play multiple-choice and drag-and-drop

quizzes to test your knowledge of the meanings of words and how they are used in context.

Available for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod Touch®, and Android™ phones. For more information, go to


The Solutions Online Workbook allows your students to complete the Workbook practice activities interactively. It includes integrated audio for listening tasks, plus wordlists and the grammar reference from the Student’s Book, meaning everything is easily accessible and in one place. The online Gradebook lets you easily track your students’ progress and see at a glance if there are areas that need further practice. You can also assign different exercises to different groups of students, so that all your students are learning at the pace that is right for them.

See also Oxford Grammar for Schools  page 92

Solutions, 2nd Edition Student’s Book Workbook and Audio CD Pack Online Workbook Teacher’s Book and CD-ROM Pack Class Audio CDs DVD-ROM iTools

Elementary 978 0 19 455278 3 978 0 19 455281 3 978 0 19 455408 4 978 0 19 455370 4 978 0 19 455423 7 978 0 19 455273 8 978 0 19 455349 0

Pre-Intermediate 978 0 19 455287 5 978 0 19 455366 7 978 0 19 455409 1 978 0 19 455371 1 978 0 19 455424 4 978 0 19 455274 5 978 0 19 455350 6

Intermediate 978 0 19 455288 2 978 0 19 455367 4 978 0 19 455410 7 978 0 19 455372 8 978 0 19 455425 1 978 0 19 455275 2 978 0 19 455351 3

Upper-Intermediate 978 0 19 455289 9 978 0 19 455368 1 978 0 19 455411 4 978 0 19 455373 5 978 0 19 455426 8 978 0 19 455276 9 978 0 19 455352 0

Advanced 978 0 19 455290 5 978 0 19 455369 8 978 0 19 455412 1 978 0 19 455374 2 978 0 19 455427 5 978 0 19 455277 6 978 0 19 455353 7

Solutions, Original Edition Student’s Book with MultiROM Pack Teacher’s Book Workbook Class Audio CDs iTools

Elementary 978 0 19 455150 2 978 0 19 455162 5 978 0 19 455155 7 978 0 19 455163 2 978 0 19 455231 8

Pre-Intermediate 978 0 19 455165 6 978 0 19 455177 9 978 0 19 455170 0 978 0 19 455178 6 978 0 19 455232 5

Intermediate 978 0 19 455180 9 978 0 19 455192 2 978 0 19 455185 4 978 0 19 455193 9 978 0 19 455233 2

Upper-Intermediate 978 0 19 455195 3 978 0 19 455207 3 978 0 19 455200 4 978 0 19 455208 0 978 0 19 455234 9

Advanced 978 0 19 455210 3 978 0 19 455222 6 978 0 19 455215 8 978 0 19 455223 3 978 0 19 455235 6



Activating ALL your learners





FORTHCOMING digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓


insight will challenge, develop, and inspire your students as well as equip them with the skills they need for lifelong learning. insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. Thought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion. A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth. Culture pages in every unit and related DVD material will broaden your students’ understanding and knowledge of the customs, traditions, and history of English-speaking countries. All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout to help prepare your students for their exam.

• • • •


Our world Reading and vocabulary Everyday life

family education friends free time success happiness health

2 Read the article about a film called Life in a Day. What things are important to people?


Scanning for specific information If you need to find specific information in a text, like a name or a number, you do not need to read every word. You can quickly scan the text for key words or brief answers to questions. To scan a text: decide what information you want to find: a number, a date, a time, a name. move your eyes quickly down the page until you find the information. do not read whole sentences until you have found your answer.

3 Read the strategy. Scan the article to complete sentences 1–7. You will find the information in paragraphs 1 and 2.

1 The film is by a director called . 2 People recorded their day on July 2010. 3 They sent in video clips. 4 There were hours of footage. 5 It took weeks to make the film. 6 The film is minutes long. 7 There are countries in the film.

4 Read the article. Are the sentences true (T), false (F)




People recorded short video clips of a special day. The film begins at the start of a new day. People in the film have friends in other countries. The director thinks we worry about different things. People in the film don’t have typical things in their pockets. 6 The man with empty pockets feels ashamed because he hasn’t got any money. 7 The young woman is happy with her life. 8 Most people want to be rich and famous.

What do you love? What do you fear? What’s in your pocket? These are the questions from the film Life in a Day. Director Kevin MacDonald asked people around the world to answer the questions and send in a video clip from a typical day. He was interested in creating a picture of the world, a digital time capsule for the future. On 24 July 2010, people from Africa, Europe, America, Antarctica and Asia recorded events on their mobile phones and digital cameras and uploaded the results onto YouTube. Altogether there were 81,000 video clips, or 4,500 hours of footage. It took MacDonald and a team of researchers seven weeks to make them into a film. The film starts at midnight. The moon is high in the sky, elephants are bathing in a river in Africa and a baby is sleeping. At the same time, in other parts of the world, people are getting up, brushing their teeth and making breakfast. In the next 90 minutes we watch everyday routines from more than 140 different countries and see the connections between them. In one scene an American girl is playing with her hula hoop, in another a child is working as a shoeshine in Peru. One looks privileged, the other is poor, but then the shoeshine boy shows us his favourite thing – his laptop computer. He’s very proud of it because he earned the money to pay for it.


‘We all care about the same things,’ says the director and in some ways he’s right. Family and friends are the things most people love and many of them are keen on sports, like football. But then one man says he loves his cat and another loves his fridge because it doesn’t talk back!


Monsters, dogs and death are the things most people fear. One young girl is anxious about growing up and a man in Antarctica says, ‘I’m afraid of losing this place.’ But when asked ‘What’s in your pocket?’, the answers are surprising. We don’t see an ID card, a shopping list, or a bus ticket. Instead, one person has a gun, then another shows us car keys for his Lamborghini. A poorer man says he has nothing. He’s not ashamed of his poverty because he adds, ‘But we are alive.’

or not given (NG)? Correct the false ones. 1 2 3 4 5

• Your students will learn about the ‘rules’ of vocabulary such as

collocation, word building, register and connotation, and gain a comprehensive understanding of vocabulary.

• Vocabulary insight pages focus on dictionary and thesaurus skills and equip your students to explore language further.

A ten-page Vocabulary bank presents extra key topic-based vocabulary.

• A unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary-style definitions gives your students more information about core vocabulary.

Learner strategies Strategy boxes in every unit use a ‘how to’ approach and guide your students step by step to improve their language and learning skills and prepare them for a life of learning. They are integrated into the lessons so that students can practise the strategies immediately, incorporate them into their skills set, and develop the confidence to become autonomous learners.

Speaking: discussing a part of the day to film, persuading a friend to join a volunteer programme, asking for personal information Writing: an informal letter




5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions

The film ends just before midnight, with a young woman in her car. It’s raining outside and she’s fed up with her life. She was excited about Life in a Day, but her day was too boring to film. ‘I just want people to know that I’m here,’ she says. ‘What she really wants is to be different, to matter,’ says MacDonald. In Life in a Day, that’s what most people want.

What do you love? What do you fear? What’s in your pocket? Work with another pair and compare your answers. The director of Life in a Day thinks people are very similar. Is he right? Are your answers similar or different?

v Insight Adjectives + prepositions: feelings 6 Study the highlighted adjectives in questions 1–8.

Scan the article to find the missing prepositions. Complete the questions, then answer with a partner.

1 2 3 4 5 6

What do you get excited ? What makes you fed ? Which school subjects are you keen ? What are you afraid ? What do you get anxious ? Which possessions or achievements are you proud ? 7 What things might people feel ashamed ? 8 Which sports are you interested ?

v Insight Compound nouns: everyday objects 7 A compound noun is a word or phrase that has two or more parts that combine to make a single meaning, for example, car park. Find compounds nouns in the article to match definitions 1–6. 1 A portable machine with a keyboard. 2 A thing you use to open the door of a car. 3 A piece of paper that lets you travel from one place to another. 4 A note of the things you want to buy. 5 A document that shows who you are. 6 A portable machine that lets you call people.

8 Make ten compound nouns with the words. computer parking credit shopping concert birthday key

Our world

Insight Pre-Int SB U1 Blad 2P.indd 4-5

Reduced sample pages from insight Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book



ring game centre card ticket bag program board

9 SPEAKING Work in groups. Imagine you are filming a video clip for Life in a Day. What part of your day are you filming and why? Vocabulary bank



from the film.


to you? Which are least important? Number them 1 (most important) to 7 (least important).


With insight your students will learn about more than the meaning of new vocabulary. Your students will develop a deeper awareness of how language works and the confidence to use it.

Vocabulary: adjectives+prepositions: feelings, compound nouns: everyday objects, collocations: do and make, phrasal verbs: get, similarities and differences Grammar: present simple and continuous, articles

1 SPEAKING Which of these things are most important

Thoughtprovoking topics inspire students to think critically about the world they live in

Insight into vocabulary

Routines page 134

Our world 5

06/07/2012 13:01

Students develop an awareness of the ‘rules’ of vocabulary to become confident language users


Challenge, Develop, Inspire Workbook The Workbook offers extra practice for every lesson in the Student’s Book, plus

• Literature insight – a set of supplementary literature lessons which introduce students to classic English literature.

• Pronunciation insight – activities to develop your students’ pronunciation skills.

Grammar reference and practice – linked to the grammar lessons in the Student’s Book, this flexible resource offers your students extra support and practice.

• Exam insight – tasks and strategies prepare your students for their school-leaving exam.

• A unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary-style definitions gives

iTools Move seamlessly between the Student’s Book, Workbook, audio, and DVD material with insight iTools. The complete Student’s Book and Workbook are shown on screen with integrated audio, DVD material, and answer keys. Built-in teaching tools such as zoom, highlight, and hide, make it easy for you to focus the whole class on one particular exercise or grammar point.

Teacher’s Resource Disk

• DVD material linked to each Student’s Book unit, plus accompanying DVD worksheets and lesson guides.

• Additional communicative pair and groupwork activities to practise key language in the Student’s Book.

students more information about core vocabulary.


1E Writing An informal letter

X-change Magazine:


What’s new?

Every year, thousands of students go on our exchange programmes all over the world. This month, we want to hear from YOU, so send us a letter about your experiences of being on an exchange programme. We want to know what you are learning: what’s different, what’s similar and what’s new. Check out this page for the best two letters next month!

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos and read the magazine advert. Would you like to go on an exchange programme? Why / why not?


Preparing to write

23 October 2012 Dear X-change, I’m on an exchange programme in Barcelona and it’s great! My host family is lovely and I’m already best friends with their son, Felipe. We have a lot in common: we’re both keen on football and neither of us likes maths! Many things are similar. School starts at the same time and the subjects are like the subjects I study at home. I’m not feeling homesick at the moment because people are very friendly. Other things are different. It’s warm and sunny, in contrast to England, where it rains all the time! Mealtimes are different, too. We always eat late, at nine o’clock, and we often have paella (it’s typical Spanish food). Of course, the language is not the same and I am sometimes ashamed of my Spanish, but Felipe helps me. It’s Saturday today so I’m not going to school. I’m going to the beach with Felipe, then I’m watching Barcelona FC play at Camp Nou stadium. X-change is a great way to see the world, make new friends and learn a new language!

Before you write, think carefully about the task. Think about: who you are writing to. the type of composition: a formal or informal letter / email, a blog, a report, an opinion essay, a review. the things you want to include. Prepare a paragraph plan and make short notes for each paragraph.

Learning strategies use a step-by-step approach to help students develop their key language skills

Calle Marina 32 08605 Barcelona Spain

2 Read the strategy. Then imagine you are writing to X-change Magazine. Answer the questions. 1 What type of composition do you have to write? 2 What do you need to include? 3 Which four things from the list below would you like to write about? the people everyday routines free-time activities the weather the food school life the language 4 Read letters A and B. Which things in question 3 do they mention?

Yours, Conrad

32 King Street London N12 44T United Kingdom


23 October 2012 Hi X-change, This is my first letter from London! My host family are nice, but their daughter Helen is quite shy – unlike me! We have nothing in common. A lot of things are different here. London is an interesting city, but it’s expensive and the people are different from people in Australia – they’re not as friendly. Everyday life is different, too. Mealtimes are quite early and we don’t go out in the evening. We usually watch TV. Other things are the same. Food is the same as the food at home. School is similar to Australian schools, too. People are curious about Australia and they often ask me questions. I’ve made some friends here and we usually play basketball at break time – it’s just like home. Right now I’m feeling homesick – I’m fed up with the rain. But this weekend we’re going to the Science Museum and I’m excited about that! It’s a challenge to live in a new country, but it’s also a great opportunity to try new things. Yours, Jenni

3 Read letters A and B again and complete the table. Letter A

Letter B

Where are the writers from? Where are they staying? Do they like their host families?

writing guide

Which things are different?

Task Imagine you are on a student exchange programme. Reply to the advert in X-change Magazine.

Which things are similar? What activities are they doing today / at the weekend? What do they think of the programme?

Ideas Make notes about:

Talking about similarities and differences

4 Study the highlighted words in letters A and B. Which words are used to talk about: 1 similarities

2 differences

5 Complete the sentences. Then compare your answers with a partner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


The weather in my town is different from Food in my country is similar to My town is , in contrast to Subjects in my school are the same as My best friend and I have a lot in common and We both Neither of us

Our world

. . . . . . .

1 Which country you are visiting and the type of family you are staying with. 2 Things to include. Look at the four topics you chose in exercise 2. Make notes about the similarities and differences. 3 What you think about the X-change programme. Plan Decide which ideas you are going to use and match them with these paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Introduction. Say where you are and describe the host family. Paragraph 2: Say which things are different.

Paragraph 3: Say which things are similar. Paragraph 4: Conclusion. Say what you are doing today / at the weekend. Then give your opinion about the X-change programme. Write Write your letter. Use the paragraph plan to help you. Check Check the following points: the layout: Have you included the address and the date? Have you signed your letter? the content: Have you included all the information asked for in the task? Have you used a variety of expressions to describe similarities and differences? spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Students are guided through the process of planning, writing, and checking

Our world 13

Insight Pre-Int SB U1 Blad 2P.indd 12-13

06/07/2012 13:02

Reduced sample pages from insight Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book

insight Elementary Student’s Book 978 0 19 401106 8 Workbook 978 0 19 401111 2 Teacher’s Book and Teacher’s Resource Disk Pack 978 0 19 401076 4 Class Audio CD 978 0 19 401096 2 iTools 978 0 19 401101 3 Upper-Intermediate and Advanced will be published in 2014.

Pre-Intermediate 978 0 19 401107 5 978 0 19 401112 9 978 0 19 401077 1 978 0 19 401097 9 978 0 19 401102 0

Intermediate 978 0 19 401108 2 978 0 19 401113 6 978 0 19 401078 8 978 0 19 401098 6 978 0 19 401103 7



digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓


New Horizons is the course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence in communication. New Horizons is a four level secondary course. Its clear structure, dual entry points, and updated exam training prepare students for the B1 exam. Dual entry at Levels 1 and 2 means that students can start at the right level for their ability. New Horizons supports students from the very start preparing them to communicate successfully in English for life and work.

• •


Building Confidence in Communication

Digital classroom resources. With New Horizons iTools, teachers have exciting whiteboard-friendly material to bring fresh stimulus to language lessons.

• The step-by-step lessons follow a

clear structure and always lead to a communicative outcome.

• 100% updated content in the Student’s Book provides original and inviting material to motivate the whole class.

• Updated and systematic exam training in

Levels 3 and 4 prepares students for the different requirements of their school leaving exam.

■ Vocational language banks on iTools for

profession-specific vocabulary practice will engage students.

New Horizons iTools is a complete digital teaching resource. It features the Student’s Book and Workbook content, answer keys, audio, video clips, plus extra interactive resources. The functions include bookmarking, flipcharts, draw and highlight, zoom, and note-making. For use with interactive whiteboards, computers, projectors, or laptops.

100% new material and fresh design

Each unit ends with a communication activity to improve students’ listening and speaking skills Reduced sample pages from New Horizons Student’s Book 2

‘Grammar Guide’ and ‘Check!’ in every unit build up to grammar practice

New Horizons Level 1 Student’s Book Pack 978 019 413433 0 Workbook 978 019 413428 6 Teacher’s Book 978 0 19 413479 8 Test CD-ROM* 978 0 19 413437 8 Class Audio CDs 978 0 19 413432 3 iTools 978 0 19 413436 1 * Contact your local OUP office for details.


Level 2 978 0 19 413446 0 978 0 19 413440 8 978 0 19 413444 6 978 0 19 413450 7 978 0 19 413445 3 978 0 19 413449 1

Level 3 978 0 19 413458 3 978 0 19 413452 1 978 0 19 413456 9 978 0 19 413462 0 978 0 19 413457 6 978 0 19 413461 3

Level 4 978 0 19 413470 5 978 0 19 413464 4 978 0 19 413468 2 978 0 19 413474 3 978 0 19 413469 9 978 0 19 413473 6

Horizons, Original Edition Student’s Book Student’s Book and CD-ROM Workbook Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

978 0 19 438876 4 978 0 19 413401 9 978 0 19 438880 1 978 0 19 438712 5 978 0 19 438720 0

978 0 19 438877 1 978 0 19 413403 3 978 0 19 438881 8 978 0 19 438713 2 978 0 19 438721 7

978 0 19 438878 8 978 0 19 413406 4 978 0 19 438882 5 978 0 19 438714 9 978 0 19 438722 4

978 0 19 438879 5 978 0 19 413409 5 978 0 19 438883 2 978 0 19 438715 6 978 0 19 438723 1

digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital homework ✓

Oxford Exam Excellence INTERMEDIATE AND ABOVE A complete exam preparation coursebook for secondary students working towards B1 and B2 level exams.

New Matrix

Exam skills training through twelve topic-based units, with practice at two levels: B1 and B2. Suitable for classroom use or self-study.


• All key exam topics and vocabulary covered. • Practice of all main test task types in Reading, Listening, Use of English, Writing, and Speaking.

A challenging secondary course that prepares students for schoolleaving exams.

• Exam techniques, preparation strategies, and useful study tips. • Word Bank with key vocabulary, Speaking Bank with useful

New Matrix follows the principles of the previous edition, with an emphasis on maximizing performance in the school-leaving exam through a focus on exam tasks and techniques and thoughtprovoking, demanding material.

• Smart answer key that explains why an answer is correct.

• Popular features improved and updated in response to feedback

communicative phrases, and Writing Bank with model texts and advice.

■ MultiROM containing recorded material for the Listening tasks and


from Matrix users.

• Systematic building of key vocabulary to cover up-to-date exam topics.

• Effective production: speaking practice in every lesson on a wide

range of topics, and step-by-step guidance for writing a variety of text types.

• Grammar knowledge checked and activated in use. • Strong focus on culture. • Exam tips, techniques, and practice of exam-type tasks to give

Oxford Exam Excellence Student’s Book with MultiROM

978 0 19 443002 9

See also Solutions, Second Edition  page 30

ALSO AVAILABLE View these titles online See

students confidence in the exam.

English Zone Student’s Book Workbook with CD-ROM Pack Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs Flashcards Matrix Student’s Book Teacher’s Book Workbook Class Audio CDs

Introduction 978 0 19 439630 1 978 0 19 439636 3 978 0 19 439632 5 978 0 19 439638 7

Foundation 978 0 19 438645 6 978 0 19 438647 0 978 0 19 438646 3 978 0 19 438648 7

New Matrix Student’s Book Teacher’s Book Workbook Class Audio CDs

Pre-Intermediate 978 0 19 476607 4 978 0 19 476611 1 978 0 19 476608 1 978 0 19 476613 5

Intermediate 978 0 19 476614 2 978 0 19 476618 0 978 0 19 476615 9 978 0 19 476620 3

Level 1 978 0 19 461800 7 978 0 19 461806 9 978 0 19 461802 1 978 0 19 461804 5 978 0 19 461805 2

Oxford Heroes Student’s Book and MultiROM Pack Workbook Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs Upper-Intermediate 978 0 19 476621 0 978 0 19 476625 8 978 0 19 476622 7 978 0 19 476627 2

Adventures Student’s Book Teacher’s Book Workbook Class Audio CDs

Level 2 978 0 19 461807 6 978 0 19 461813 7 978 0 19 461809 0 978 0 19 461811 3

Level 1 978 0 19 480600 8 978 0 19 480603 9 978 0 19 480606 0 978 0 19 480609 1

Starter 978 0 19 437660 0 978 0 19 470336 9 978 0 19 437809 3 978 0 19 470328 4

Level 3 978 0 19 461814 4 978 0 19 461819 9 978 0 19 461816 8 978 0 19 461818 2

Level 2 978 0 19 480601 5 978 0 19 480604 6 978 0 19 480607 7 978 0 19 480610 7

Elementary 978 0 19 437661 7 978 0 19 470337 6 978 0 19 437810 9 978 0 19 470329 1

Level 4 978 0 19 461820 5 978 0 19 461825 0 978 0 19 461822 9 978 0 19 461824 3

Level 3 978 0 19 480602 2 978 0 19 480605 3 978 0 19 480608 4 978 0 19 480611 4

Pre-Intermediate 978 0 19 437662 4 978 0 19 470338 3 978 0 19 437811 6 978 0 19 470330 7

Intermediate 978 0 19 437663 1 978 0 19 470339 0 978 0 19 437812 3 978 0 19 470331 4



digital classroom


• • • • •

Stimulating reading texts, focusing on reading, grammar, and vocabulary, help students consolidate their learning as they prepare for school-leaving exams

With Achieve iTools it’s easy to: • Change pace and focus during the lesson • Use different media – everything is in one place • Integrate new and extra resources into the lesson With Achieve iTools you get: • All course content in one place – student’s book, workbook and audio • Immediate access to the course content and interactive activities from the page • Additional resources – dictionary support, printable worksheets and video clips • Inbuilt teaching tools – zoom, draw, flipchart, highlight, notes or spotlight

For more information and tutorials on the use of technology in the EFL classroom, go to

Windows®, Mac® and Linux compatible. Minimum system requirements: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista®/ Windows® 7 operating systems (Mac® OS X.5); Intel® Pentium® III 1GHz (PowerPC® G4 1GHz or Intel Core™ Duo 1.83GHz for Mac®); 1 GB of RAM; Adobe® Flashplayer v.10.1.85 or higher for Firefox; Sound card; DVD-ROM drive; 32-bit colour monitor capable of 1024 x 768 screen resolution; 1 GB available disk space.


Achieve 2

Achieve 2 iTools DVD inlay .indd 1

12/05/2011 12:24

Digital resources for interactive whiteboards, computers, and data projectors.

• Student Book, Workbook, and Skills Book on screen ensure easy classroom management.

• Answer keys and audio save time. • Additional resources for extra grammar and vocabulary work. • A range of easy-to-use functions – zoom, highlight, bookmark pages, etc., for use in class.

‘Reading strategy’, ‘Focus on’, and ‘Get it right’ boxes guide students towards independent learning

Reduced sample pages from Achieve Student Book/Workbook and Skills Book 2 Achieve Student Book/Workbook and Skills Book Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs iTools Test Master CD-ROM (Levels 1 and 2)


are digital resources to meet your English language teaching and learning needs. Specifically designed for use on can also be used with data interactive whiteboards, projectors and PCs or laptop computers.


Achieve prepares older teenagers for school-leaving exams and college entrance tests through stimulating reading texts, and integrated vocabulary and grammar work. In addition, optional study skills lessons develop students’ all-round English skills. Core units, focusing on reading, grammar, and vocabulary, help students consolidate their learning. The optional skills sections provide guided practice in writing, listening, and speaking with step-by-step tasks and confidencebuilding models. ‘Get it right’ boxes train students in self-correcting, whilst ‘Focus on’ boxes highlight common mistakes. Fully integrated reading, writing, and listening strategies train students in essential skills. Extra support and practice is available in the integrated Workbook, the Grammar Extra pages, and the Grammar Reference section. ■ The Test Master CD-ROM contains editable tests with reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary questions.

iTools Achieve 2


digital classroom ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓

Level 1 978 0 19 455602 6 978 0 19 455605 7 978 0 19 455606 4 978 0 19 455623 1 978 0 19 455600 2

Level 2 978 0 19 455607 1 978 0 19 455610 1 978 0 19 455611 8 978 0 19 455624 8


digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓




Student’s Website

• Meaningful activities engage students with today’s world. • Instant, automatic feedback maintains motivation. • Tips for teachers ensure maximum results for students.

Engage Second Edition captures the imagination of a new generation of adolescent learners with fresh content and a full range of digital components.

Engaging a new generation Students are encouraged to interact with each other and share their language learning through project work and optional group activities. Additional reading material and worksheets offer extra practice, and puzzles in the back of each Student Book provide support for mixedability classes.

• 50% new and completely revised content ensures topics have meaning for today’s students.

• Updated design, with a strong visual impact, ensures high student motivation.

• Supportive step-by-step approach to all four skills helps build students’ confidence.

Strong emphasis on vocabulary development gives students the tools for better communication.

■ Student MultiROM in the Student Book & Workbook Pack

encourages self-study and further practice. ■ Comprehensive range of digital components including iTools digital

resources for interactive whiteboards and a Class DVD adapts to suit any teaching style and adds interest to lessons. ■ Rich bank of teachers’ resource materials ensures easy classroom

management and teacher support.

Engage, Second Edition Student Book & Workbook with MultiROM Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource MultiROM iTools Class Audio CDs DVD * for Starter and Level 1  † for Levels 2 and 3

Starter 978 0 19 453794 0 978 0 19 453776 6 978 0 19 453768 1 978 0 19 453763 6 978 0 19 453754 4 978 0 19 453752 0*

Level 1 978 0 19 453799 5 978 0 19 453777 3 978 0 19 453769 8 978 0 19 453764 3 978 0 19 453755 1

Level 2 978 0 19 453822 0 978 0 19 453778 0 978 0 19 453771 1 978 0 19 453766 7 978 0 19 453756 8 978 0 19 453753 7†

Level 3 978 0 19 453823 7 978 0 19 453779 7 978 0 19 453824 4 978 0 19 453767 4 978 0 19 453757 5



digital classroom ✓ digital resources ✓ digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓

Got it! BEGINNER TO UPPER-INTERMEDIATE (A1–B1+) PHILIPPA BOWEN AND DENIS DELANEY An American English secondary course with outstanding print and digital resources including Student CD-ROM, iTools, DVDs, and Test Builder. Competence in individual skills and an awareness of progress are encouraged throughout, and particular emphasis is placed on meaningful communication.

The same characters appearing throughout the Student Book maintain interest

• Hands-on language presentations check

understanding and encourage students to try out new structures.

• Students explore meaning and usage

Got it! PLUS with Online Skills Practice

before formal presentation and practice.

• Regular review and self-assessment

allow progress to be measured against the Common European Framework of Reference.

• The comprehensive range of resources suits any teaching style.

The unique freeze-frame photo story presents new language

Got it! PLUS contains the Student Book and integrated Workbook, with CD-ROM, plus access to Online Skills Practice with LMS. Extension of all four skills – new reading texts, listening extension activities, speaking activities with ‘record’ function, and guided writing tasks. Extra video – interviews with American teens and accompanying activities. Language Review – two exam-style review activities after every two units. Online practice tests – KET for Schools at Level 2, and PET for Schools at Level 3. Learning Management System – to help assign students to classes, and set and monitor homework. Select ‘test’ or ‘practice’ mode as preferred. With Got it! PLUS Online Skills Practice, students’ work is marked automatically, or submitted to the teacher for grading. It saves time, provides instant feedback, and helps students maintain motivation.

• • • • Reduced sample pages from Got it! Student Book/Workbook 1

‘Check it out’ boxes draw attention to everyday expressions

Got it! Student Book/Workbook with CD-ROM Student Book A/Workbook with CD-ROM Student Book B/Workbook with CD-ROM Student Plus Pack with Online Skills Practice Student Plus Pack A with Online Skills Practice Student Plus Pack B with Online Skills Practice Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs iTools DVD Test Builder * for Starter and Level 1  † for Levels 2 and 3


Starter 978 0 19 446203 7 978 0 19 446240 2 978 0 19 446241 9 978 0 19 446293 8 978 0 19 446294 5 978 0 19 446295 2 978 0 19 446201 3 978 0 19 446248 8 978 0 19 446206 8 978 0 19 446256 3* 978 0 19 446252 5

Get it all with Got it!

Level 1 978 0 19 446210 5 978 0 19 446242 6 978 0 19 446243 3 978 0 19 446296 9 978 0 19 446297 6 978 0 19 446298 3 978 0 19 446208 2 978 0 19 446249 5 978 0 19 446213 6 978 0 19 446253 2

Level 2 978 0 19 446217 4 978 0 19 446244 0 978 0 19 446245 7 978 0 19 446299 0 978 0 19 446300 3 978 0 19 446301 0 978 0 19 446215 0 978 0 19 446250 1 978 0 19 446220 4 978 0 19 446257 0† 978 0 19 446254 9

Level 3 978 0 19 446224 2 978 0 19 446246 4 978 0 19 446247 1 978 0 19 446302 7 978 0 19 446303 4 978 0 19 446304 1 978 0 19 446222 8 978 0 19 446251 8 978 0 19 446227 3 978 0 19 446255 6


Confidence Up, Motivation Up, Results Up

The simple, step-by-step approach builds students’ confidence, ensuring language success. In addition, the specially written songs review language effectively through a motivating storyline.

• Easy-to-teach material, clear layout, and a ‘Present less, practise more’ methodology makes this course ideal for teachers with limited contact hours.

• Custom-written, radio-quality songs, and an engaging storyline motivate students and provide targeted language practice.

• Reading texts focus on topics teenagers can relate to. • Cross-curricular lessons introduce interesting and unusual subjects from the wider world. • The Workbook section at the back of the Student Book provides reference material and extra activities.

■ Student MultiROM, with activities and games, plus all the songs from the Student Book,

encourages self-study. ■ Tests are quick and easy to produce with the Test Builder. ■ NEW DVD offers report and interview clips, comprehension checks for each clip, worksheets,

and teaching notes. Look Up Student Book & Workbook with MultiROM Teacher’s Book Class Audio CDs Test Builder (for all levels) DVD (for all levels)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Reduced sample page from Look Up Student Book and Workbook 1

978 0 19 412354 9 978 0 19 412359 4 978 0 19 412364 8 978 0 19 412369 3 978 0 19 412374 7 978 0 19 412379 2 978 0 19 412352 5 978 0 19 412357 0 978 0 19 412362 4 978 0 19 412367 9 978 0 19 412372 3 978 0 19 412377 8 978 0 19 412353 2 978 0 19 412358 7 978 0 19 412363 1 978 0 19 412368 6 978 0 19 412373 0 978 0 19 412378 5 978 0 19 412350 1 978 0 19 403542 2

Heads Up BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE (A1–B1) SUSAN IANNUZZI AND JAMES STYRING A four-level edition equivalent to Look Up, Heads Up offers the same simple, step-by-step approach.

digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓

ALSO AVAILABLE View these titles online See

Heads Up contains the components of Look Up plus:

• Longer Student Books, with four songs for each level. • Optional extra Workbooks for additional practice or homework. • Teacher’s Edition of the Student Book, with answers.

Heads Up Student Book with MultiROM Workbook Teacher’s Edition Teacher’s Resource Book Class Audio CDs Test Builder DVD (for all levels)

Level 1 978 0 19 412325 9 978 0 19 412302 0 978 0 19 412303 7 978 0 19 412304 4 978 0 19 412305 1 978 0 19 412306 8 978 0 19 403542 2

Level 2 978 0 19 412327 3 978 0 19 412308 2 978 0 19 412309 9 978 0 19 412310 5 978 0 19 412311 2 978 0 19 412312 9

Level 3 978 0 19 412329 7 978 0 19 412314 3 978 0 19 412315 0 978 0 19 412316 7 978 0 19 412317 4 978 0 19 412318 1

Level 4 978 0 19 412331 0 978 0 19 412320 4 978 0 19 412321 1 978 0 19 412322 8 978 0 19 412323 5 978 0 19 412324 2

Get Together American Adventures English Know It All Star Team



Look Up

digital assessment ✓ digital self study ✓ digital homework ✓

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