iPD Admin Guide

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This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.























INTRODUCTION This document outlines course development considerations and instructions for various functions that Center Administrators can perform in the iPD Portfolio, such as creating courses, establishing course completion criteria, and running reports. A glossary is also provided at the very end of this document to establish consistency in iPD Portfolio terminology. COURSE DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE All e-learning content, attached materials, and services within the iPD must be designed to meet all Section 508 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and integrate with iPD standards. Use this guide along with the Early Childhood Learning Knowledge Center (ECLKC) Learning Modules Guidelines, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Web Style Guide, and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Style Guide to ensure your courses and attached materials meet regulatory standards. The following sections will identify a requirement and provide best practices to make the development of compliant e-learning modules easier. COURSE DEVELOPMENT BEST PRACTICES

Here are some quick considerations for creating engaging courses. ESTABLISH LEARNING OBJECTIVES WITH YOUR INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER

Learning objectives are an important first step to establish with your instructional designer. Define what you want learners to achieve by the end of the course. KEEP THE COURSE NAVIGATION, SIMPLE, EASY AND INTUITIVE

Adult learners like to navigate with ease and without restriction. Prominently place the next, back and volume control buttons so users do not have to think about these elements. Do not change the placement throughout the course. In addition, allow users to freely navigate and skip/start content without restriction. VARY INTERACTIVITY

The course can be made interesting and engaging by using different kinds of interactive options, including such things as click-able tabs, dots, images, arrows, notes, rollovers, games, avatars, simulations, videos, and infographics. Interactive features engage adult learner’s attention and help with information retention. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Good quality audio helps engage users, reduces your learners “cognitive load,” and improves interest. Adult learners prefer a conversational tone. Consider the following for narration: complex visuals, using multiple voices to increase interest, and narrating just what you want to draw attention to—not narrating the entire course. USE SCENARIOS APPLICABLE TO PRACTICAL SITUATIONS

Scenarios make the content more applicable to real life situations and encourage users to engage in deeper thinking. Scenarios should be made interactive by adding videos, audio, and images. VARY QUIZZES TO CHALLENGE, ENGAGE AND OFFER FEEDBACK

When using questions to test learners it’s important to create questions that are challenging and varied. You can use scenarios, set up matching exercises, dropdowns, multiple selects, and drag and drops. Provide brief and motivating feedback on why the learner is correct or not. Provide a brief explanation that reinforces key concepts or hints depending on the answer. DESIGN YOUR COURSE TO BE COMPLETED “IN THE MOMENT”

Think through your activities and utilize those that can readily be completed by the learner in that moment. Limit the amount of “homework” or requirements to stop the course, complete an activity, and come back to the course to finish the activity and then move on. REWARD USERS

The iPD can offer certificates of completion and supports tracking of CEUs. SCORM REQUIREMENTS

SCORM is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. SCORM tells your course developers or programmers how to write their code so that the iPD can “play” it well. It does NOT offer guidance on how to create a engaging or content rich courses for the end user. It is a set of technical standards. SCORM modules must be exported as SCORM 1.2 ZIP format and do not have a size limit

Published SCORM modules must be set to “scale player to fit browser window”, both width and height No component of the published SCORM module should open in a new window. Published SCORM modules should allow for unlimited retake attempts Cut score for a published SCORM module should be set at 75%

Course structure view should be disabled in published SCORM modules HTML5 is highly recommended over FLASH video content

Use of links to external sources should be minimized to avoid broken links

Arial font is preferred to allow for better interoperability with Apple products

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL COURSE CREATION ON THE IPD Creating a course in the iPD has been made as simple as possible. This is so you can point and shoot when it comes to creating your content. The simpler it is the quicker you can get your earners enrolled and taking activities. To start creating your course go to the course creation wizard under the COURSES menu: The course creation Wizard consists of two stages:

Course Name and Description: this being the first step towards creating a new course you will be prompted to give it a name and a description.

Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Course Image: choose whatever course image you want to use to represent your course or upload your own image. Course images must be 300(w) x 168(h) pixels in dimension.

Click Finish to create your course. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL ACTIVITY CREATION Once you have created your course, you will be taken inside of the course and can begin creating activities for the learner to complete. Topics are different areas or sections of the course that the course can be divided into. To add a new Topic, click on Add Topic at the bottom of the screen. Activities are the types of events you will use to fill up your course. Click on Add Content to see a pop up of all available activity types.

Each activity has its own administration menu. This means that once an activity is added, you can click on the activity itself to view it. From here, you have access to the activity editing menu at the top right corner under the hamburger icon and it comes with items like edit settings, results, edit “activity name� etc. This menu is exclusively for interacting with the activity you are viewing. While you do have the Course Administration Menu available, the focus here is the Activity Administration menu.

There is a lot to pick from, but you will primarily be using the following 3 activity types initially (you can search for these activity types in the search bar or browse the list of available categories of activities): This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Choose the SCORM Package activity to upload a SCORM package into your course. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a collection of specifications that enable interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of web-based learning content. Click on the SCORM Package icon and click Add Activity to add it to your course.

Next, fill in the Name and Description fields, then click on Select Files to add a file to be uploaded.

Click Save to finish uploading a SCORM package into your course.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Choose the Advanced Survey activity to ask users questions to obtain data about your course, like a questionnaire or exit ticket. Click on the Advanced Survey icon and click Add Activity to add it to your course.

Fill out the Name field and click on + Additional Advanced Options to bring up additional configuration options available for Advanced Surveys.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL If you would like to set up a specific amount of days for the survey to be available to users upon course completion, click on Survey Availability and Reminder Email (if you would like to leave the survey open indefinitely, proceed to the next step). Click on Survey Expiration checkbox to enable the dropdown menu to choose how many days a survey will remain available upon course completion, then select the number of days for availability. You also have the option to enable the system to send an automatic email to users when a survey becomes available to them upon course completion. Click on Survey availability email checkbox to enable this feature. There is also an option to enable an automatic email to go out to users a day before the survey expires and on the day the survey expires. Feel free to customize the content of these emails to your liking.

Click Save and return to course to finish creating the Advanced Survey activity in your course. SETTING UP A SURVEY

To set up a survey, access the Advanced Survey activity by clicking on it from the list of activities in your course. You will be prompted to add questions. Click on Add questions to continue.

The next page will display a drop-down with several different types of questions. Select the correct type of question and click Add selected question type to continue. The Manage questions section will be empty until questions have been added.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL When creating a question, fill out the Question Text and Possible answers fields. The Question Name field is optional, but it is recommended that you fill it out.

Click Save changes to finish creating the question. Afterwards, you will be returned to the Questions tab. However, this time the Manage questions section is available. This section allows you to change the position of the question, edit the question settings, delete the question, or make the question a requirement.

The Non-Respondents tab shows which users have not yet completed the survey. This tab allows you to view and select these users, then send an email notification. The Preview tab allows you to see the Survey from a learners perspective.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Choose the Certificate activity to create a certificate for a course or topic. Click on the Certificate icon and click Add Activity to add it to your course.

Fill in the Certificate Name field to give this activity a title. Click on + Additional Advanced Options to continue creating the certificate.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL There are a lot of options available, but to simplify the certificate creation process, you will only need to click on Text Options and Design Options for now. Text Options: Select either the course title or the topic title from the Print Event Name dropdown. This will determine which name displays on the certificate. Then fill in the number of contact hours that the certificate should display in the Print Credit Hours area.

Design Options: Select the certificate template in the Certificate Type dropdown. This will determine the look and feel of the certificate. If your National Center’s certificate is not available in the dropdown, you will need to send a blank PDF copy of your center’s certificate to the iPD Portfolio Administrator (NCECDTL Learning Management Systems Administrator) so that the template for your certificate can be created.

Click Save and return to course to finish creating the Certificate activity in your course.

Once you are done creating activities within the course, you will need to designate the amount of contact hours that a course is worth, whether the course will award CEU credit upon completion, as well as which certificate users will be able to access from the My Records page.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL Click the Course Administration (hamburger) icon in the top right corner while inside your course. Click on Edit settings.

On the next screen, click > Course Properties. Fill out the Contact/Credit Hours field, select whether the course will award CEU credit by clicking on Course qualifies for CEU credits checkbox, and select the certificate from the Certificate dropdown (note: only certificate activities that have already been created will appear in this dropdown, which is why it is best to save this step for later, once all activities in the course have been created).

Click Save changes to save and return to the course.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL COURSE AND ACTIVITY COMPLETION SET TINGS When you have created all activities inside your course, you will need to determine if and how each activity should be completed, whether access to certain activities should be restricted, and how the course is eventually marked as being complete for it to appear on a user’s My Records page.

Activity Completion: Each individual activity can track if the actual activity has been opened, watched, passed or completed. This is configured in activity settings. To begin, access your course and make sure that Edit mode is turned on in the top banner area of your screen. Click the Gear icon for any activity to access its settings. Click Edit settings.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL Click + Additional Advanced Options. Scroll down and click > Activity completion. By default, the Completion tracking dropdown is set to “Students can manually mark the activity as completed�, but in most cases, you will need to select the following options based on the activity type they are most relevant to:

Show activity as complete when conditions are met (for SCORM Package and Advanced Survey activities): Select the Show activity as complete when conditions are met option. If the SCORM Package or Advanced Survey activity that you are editing must be completed to complete your course, click on the Must be completed to complete course checkbox. Finally, if you are editing a SCORM Package activity, click on the Completed checkbox in the Require status area to require a completion for this activity, and if you are editing an Advanced Survey activity, click on the Student must submit this advanced survey to complete it to require a completion for this activity.

Click Save or Save and return to course to finish establishing completion criteria for these activities. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL Do not indicate activity completion (for Certificate activities): Certificate is a different type of activity from SCORM Package and Advanced Survey activities, in that it is not typically required to complete the course. Rather, this activity is there to allow users to generate certificates once certain conditions in the course have been met. Requiring users to complete this type of activity is not necessary. To disable completion tracking and status indicator for this type of activity, select Do not indicate activity completion from the dropdown menu.

Click Save and return to course to finish establishing completion criteria for this activity.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL ACTIVITY RESTRICTION SET TINGS Once you have established if and how activities are marked completed, you can implement activity restrictions to prevent users from having access to certain activities based on criteria, such as completion of a previous activity. Think of this as prerequisites for activities.

Activity Restriction: Access to activities can be restricted. This is represented in each activity with the icon and is configured in activity settings. To begin, access your course and make sure that Edit mode is turned on in the top banner area of your screen. Click the Gear icon for any activity that you would like to restrict to access its settings. Click Edit settings.

Click + Additional Advanced Options. Scroll down and click > Restrict access and then click the Add restriction button.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL There are many options for setting up restrictions, but the most utilized one for you will be the Activity completion option, as it will require that users complete one or more activities before having access to the activity that you would like to restrict. Click Activity completion to begin setting up your restrictions. Select the activity that must be completed to unlock access to the activity for which you are setting up restrictions. If the activity needs to have more than one restriction parameter, click on Add restriction button again to set up another restriction.

Click Save and return to course to finish setting up restrictions for an activity. COURSE WIDGETS Widgets are often used to add common areas to a course, for example forums, or additional course material such as a syllabus. Any activity type can be added as a widget, but usually this area is reserved for materials which are more useful for all learners. You will notice that courses have default widgets in place when creating courses in iPD Portfolio.

Course: this widget allows for users enrolled in the course to quickly get back to course topics and activities after they have navigated to a different widget like Discussion Forum or Notes, etc. Discussion Forum: this widget serves as a social learning space for enrolled users by allowing them to create and reply to discussion threads. Reading Materials: this widget allows for course creators/instructors to upload relevant reading materials for all enrolled users to access at any time.

Course Ratings: this widget allows enrolled users to rate the course on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. It only becomes available to enrolled users upon successful completion of the entire course.

Notes: this widget serves as a private note taking space for each enrolled user. Notes that users make in this widget are only available to them and are not visible to anyone else. Course Notification: this widget is only visible to the course creator/instructor and allows for configuration and customization of course notifications. By default, the only notification for self-paced courses that is automatically sent to users is for initial enrollment into the course, and any subsequent enrollment (if a user unenrolls and re-enrolls again). This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL It is recommended to work with the default list of widgets. However, if you would like to remove certain widgets that you may not need, simply by enable the Edit mode and inside your course, click the Gear icon on the widget of your choice, and select the Delete option.

REPORTING There is a wide range of reports available for each course you create. To access these reports, select your course, click on the Course Administration (hamburger) icon, and click on the Reports option to see a list of available reports.

Most reports can be exported in CSV format.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL 508 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The following sections will identify a requirement and provide best practices to make the development of compliant e-learning modules easier. TEXT (APPROPRIATE FONT, COLOR, SIZE, AND FORMATTING)

Use scalable fonts—ones that will allow the user to increase and decrease text size using the browser functions. As for font color, the greater the contrast between the text and background, the easier the information is to scan or read. USING COURSE TEMPLATES

To ensure ease of use, aim for consistency with the course template and player. If the navigation system is not consistent, the person using the screen reader will have a difficult time navigating the course (vadsa.org). The course should have ways for users to determine where they are, find content, and information that helps users navigate. Use appropriate color and contrast in the design of the navigation buttons and system. Include in your course template and player Navigation buttons;

Menu panels (or table of contents);

Resource panels for printable media transcripts and printable version of the course; Player controls; Search field;

Help sections (or technical support panels); and Progression bars (if applicable).

Note: Some courses will be accessible on mobile devices, which means navigation systems and menus may differ on those platforms. Best Practice:

Design a standard template and player for each course to alleviate the pressure of creating a new one each time. Break the course content down into simple categories.

Use a breadcrumb feature to help users see what paths they took to get to where they are.

Include a skip button or a way to skip navigation instructions for learners who are familiar with online course platforms or have seen the instructions in another course. CAPTIONS AND TRANSCRIPTS

Courses should include a transcript or synchronized captioning to deliver the same information as provided via audio file, video, or other visual means.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Alternate text (alt text) is a description of relevant non-text elements used to enhance learning through visual aid. Some non-text elements are meaningless or for artistic purposes—these elements may not need alternative text. When a screen reader scans a page, it will verbally describe the visuals on that page to the learner in the reading order set by the developer. The information entered in the alt text will follow this description. For example, let’s say there was a course on sunflower seeds. If there is a slide with a graphic, the reader will say, “IMAGE” then the alt text “field of sunflowers.” This is why we avoid using text such as or similar to “image of ” when writing the description of the non-text element. Current screen reader technology can identify image, text, links, etc. It’s up to the developers and designers to describe what those elements are. When non-text images do not have a description, the screen reader will only say “IMAGE” or the filename. The learner will not know what the image is or why it is relevant to the content they are learning. BEST PRACTICES:

Maintain a spreadsheet that houses all graphics, charts, tables, links, movies, sounds, and applets with corresponding columns for their filename, description, and location.

Include all information that is meant to enhance learning available to a sighted individual in an alternative format. Be concise and clear, try to use only 150 characters or less for descriptions.

If necessary, include why or how the visual is relevant to the content in the description. 508 REVIEW PROCESS

NCECDTL will review all submitted courses to the iPD for 508 compliance using a JAWS reader

We encourage all National Centers to submit one module early in the development process for a 508 review so we can identify any “early” issues. NCECDTL will need one week to complete the 508 review and provide feedback RESOURCES

Accessibility Compliance for E-Learning (ACE): https://www.vadsa.org/ace/planning.htm Color Contrast Analyzer:



ECLKC Website and Communication Standards

S ection 508 Requirements: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_federalrequirements/508-requirements.html

Learning Modules: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_styles/online-learning.html

Multimedia Design: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_styles/technical-guidelines.html

How to Meet WCAG 2 (Quick Reference): https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?versions=2.0 HHS.gov Section 508 guidelines: https://www.hhs.gov/web/section-508/index.html

Interactive Accessibility: http://www.interactiveaccessibility.com/services/508-compliance WCAG 2.0 Checklist: https://webaim.org/standards/wcag/WCAG2Checklist.pdf

United States Access Board: https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/ about-the-section-508-standards/section-508-standards Keyboard Shortcuts for JAWS: https://webaim.org/resources/shortcuts/jaws

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



* Most of the 508 Criteria listed below can be found at https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/ communications-and-it/about-the-section-508-standards/section-508-standards. #





HHS consistency

Have the document properties for title, author, subject (description), keywords, language, and copyright status been applied per HHS guidance.


ECLKC Website and Communication Standards > Branding > Fonts

Does the document utilize recommended fonts (i.e., Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, or Sans-serif).




§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All relevant graphics have alt tags.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All text descriptions convey the same information that is communicated by each corresponding graphic.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All tables have alt tags.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All text descriptions convey the same information that is communicated through each corresponding table.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All charts have alt tags.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All text descriptions convey the same information that is communicated by each corresponding chart.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All buttons have alt tags.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All text descriptions convey the same information that is communicated through each corresponding button.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All embedded and linked multimedia are identified with accessible text.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All applets and widgets are identified with accessible text.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

Images or non-text elements that do not convey content and are decorative are hidden or given null as the alt tag.


§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All alt text descriptions have appropriate descriptions. For example, descriptions do not start with “image of,” “graphic of,” “link to,” “click on,” “click here,” “here,” or similar phrases. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.









§ 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products.

Synchronized captions are provided for the entire self-paced course.


§ 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products.

A text transcript is provided for the entire self-paced course.


§ 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products.

All embedded videos have synchronized captions.


§ 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products. .

All embedded videos have player controls that are accessible, and alt tagged.


§ 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products.

All embedded audio files have synchronized captions and include a transcript.

20 § 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems. § 1194.24(c) Video and multimedia products.

All embedded audio-only files have player controls that are accessible, transcript included, and alt tagged.


A mechanism is provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds.

§ 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems.

LOGICAL READING ORDER AND ADAPTABILITY 22 § 1194.22(i) Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

All slides are titled with text that facilitates text identification.

23 § 1194.22(g) Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

TABLES (includes links, printable documents, and resources panel): Headings, where necessary, are used to associate data cells with headers. Data table captions and summaries are used where appropriate. All 24 rows and columns are read logically and keyboard accessible.

24 § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

The reading and navigation order (determined by code order) is logical and intuitive for each slide.

25 § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

Instructions do not rely upon shape, size, or visual location (e.g., “Click the square icon to continue” or “Instructions are in the right-hand column”).

26 § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

Instructions do not rely on sound (e.g., “A beeping sound indicates you may continue.”).

27 § 1194.22(n) Web-based intranet and internet information and applications.

When electronic forms are designed to be completed online, the form shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.








USE APPROPRIATE COLOR AND CONTRAST 28 § 1194.21(i) Software applications and operating systems. § 1194.25(g) Self contained closed products.

Color is not used as the sole method of conveying content or distinguishing visual elements.


Sufficient color contrast is used on all the slides.

KEYBOARD ACCESSIBLE 30 § 1194.31(a) Functional performance criteria.

Is the navigation system keyboard accessible?


Page-specified shortcut keys (do not conflict with an existing browser and screen reader shortcuts (e.g., JAWS Keyboard Commands/Shortcuts)

§ 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems.

32 § 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems.

Keyboard focus is never locked or trapped at one page element. The user can navigate to and from all navigable page elements.

33 § 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems.

All course functionality is available using the keyboard including video and audio.

34 § 1194.21(a) Software applications and operating systems.

A keyboard function is provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds.

ENOUGH TIME 35 § 1194.22(p) Web-based intranet and internet information and applications. § 1194.25(b) Self-contained, closed products.

If a page or application has a time limit, the user is given options to turn off, adjust, or extend that time limit.

36 § 1194.25(i) Self-contained, closed products.

Automatically moving, blinking, or scrolling content that lasts longer than 5 seconds can be paused, stopped, or hidden by the user. Moving, blinking, or scrolling can be used to draw attention to or highlight content if it lasts less than 5 seconds.

NAVIGABLE 37 § 1194.41(d) Information, documentation, and support.

Includes navigation instructions.

38 § 1194.41(b) Information, documentation, and support.

Includes instructions on how to navigate on a mobile device.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL IPD HELP DESK PROCESS Users submit queries to ECDTL@ecetta.info or 1-844-261-3572. Tickets submitted after 6:00PM EST or over weekends and holidays will be processed the following business day.

















This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL IPD HELP DESK User submits e-mail via ecdtl@ecetta.info or calls 1-844-261-3572, user is then triaged by help desk into Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 workflow. The Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 workflow is used for NCECDTL internal processing of submitted issues. INITIAL AUTOMATED RESPONSE

All iPD users that submit an email will receive the following automated message.

“Thank you for contacting the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning regarding the Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio on the ECKLC. We value your time and will return your message to address your question and concern within 24 hours. If you sent this message after 6PM EST or on a weekend or federal holiday we’ll answer the message the following business day.” TIER BASED WORKFLOW

The DTL Operations Coordinator and LMS Administrator “Help Desk” will review and determine the tiering of the users request and designate it within the ticketing system. TIER 1



Unable to login Two factor authentication is not

Unable to update profile

App is not allowing user to sign-in

PDFs are not showing/loading

Courses are not loading on app

Items are misspelled on LMS

Unable to access courses Cannot find course Not able to enroll Courses/SCORMS are not

Language preferences are not working

App is not allowing access to CEUs/ certificates


opening/loading properly

CEU documentation is not loading/ populating Search function is not working properly

C ourse completion issues Cannot access evaluation TIER 1 TICKET PROCESSING:

1. Help desk works with user, within 3 hours, to establish: a. What prompts are your receiving?

b. What device are you using, and what is the operating system? c. Which browser(s) are you using or have tried to use? d. Which course(s) were you trying to access? e. What is your username?

2. Help desk works with user on following issues, if applicable

a. If the user is trying to access a course via the app that is not app compatible, redirects user to desktop b. Help desks reviews self-help documentation with user to resolve issues

3. Help desk assigns to DTL team member for further resolution, if needed

a. Submit ticket to LMS Administrator, LMS Administrator will then submit to Paradiso if it has to do with their system requirements, via Paradiso’s helpdesk.

b. Help desk completes submission to HSICC (via @Cleverex), if two factor authentication is identified issue 4. Help desk closes ticket upon resolution This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



1. Help desk works with user, within 24 hours, to establish: a. What prompts are your receiving?

b. What device are you using, and what is the operating system? c. Which browser(s) are you using or have tried to use? d. Which course(s) were you trying to access? e. What is your username?

2. Help desk works with user on following issues, if applicable

a. If the user is trying to access a course via the app that is not app compatible, redirects user to desktop b. Help desks reviews self-help documentation with user to resolve issues

3. Help desk assigns to DTL team member for further resolution, if needed

a. Submit ticket to LMS Administrator, LMS Administrator will then submit to Paradiso if it has to do with their system requirements, via Paradiso’s helpdesk.

4. Help desk closes ticket upon resolution


1. Help desk works with user, within 24 hours, to establish:

a. What prompts are your receiving for not being able to access the app? b. What device are you using? (i.e., iOS or Android)?

c. Which operating system is currently installed in your phone or tablet? d. Which course(s) were you trying to access? e. What is your username?

2. Help desk assigns to DTL team member for further resolution, if needed

a. Submit ticket to LMS administrator, LMS administrator will then submit to Paradiso if it has to do with their system requirements, via Paradiso’s helpdesk.

b. If the user is not able to load course via mobile applications, LMS administrator to request screen shots to resolution.

3. Help desk closes ticket upon resolution


Can I create courses in iPD Portfolio?

Yes! Center managers can create courses for their national center.

Where do I go for help with creating/uploading courses in iPD Portfolio?

Contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator to sign up for a one-to-one training session. Once you have completed this training, you should have all the tools to create courses. If you have further questions you can visit the Center Manager Support tab on the left-hand navigation menu. This tab contains helpful documentation for center managers to assist them with their iPD Portfolio needs. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

Is there a limit to how many courses I can create in iPD Portfolio?

No. There is no limit on how many courses center managers can create for their national center. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL Can I delete courses in iPD Portfolio?

Y es. Center managers can delete courses but beware that deleting courses also deletes completions for that course from users, meaning they will no longer be able to access certificates for that course once it is deleted. It is advised to hide courses if you need to “turn the course off.” If you would like to hide a course, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

Can ownership of a course be transferred from one national center to another in iPD Portfolio?

Y es. If you would like to transfer ownership of one of your courses to another national center, or if you would like to have a course from another national center transferred to yours, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

SCORM module is not loading correctly – how should I troubleshoot?

Please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator to help troubleshoot if the SCORM modules are not loading correctly. Be sure to follow the guidance provided in the National Center Administrator Guide and the best practices to follow.

The activity wizard is not allowing me to save the options selected?

I f you have followed all the prompts outlined in the National Center Administrator Guide, and your selections are not saving within your course. Please capture a few screen shots and share them via e-mail with the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

Are there additional wizards that can be used or customized for course creators?

C urrently these are the only wizards available for course creation. If you need different capabilities, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator to discuss in further detail.


How do I integrate a CEU certificate or a certificate of completion to the courses?

O nce your National Center has established a process for providing CEUS or Certificates of Completion, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

Where do I redirect users who may have questions or problems on Continuing Education Units (CEUs)/ Certificates of Completion?

I f users have questions about CEUs or Certificates of Completion, please have them contact the National Center on Early Education, Development, Teaching and Learning (NCECDTL) via ecdtl@ecetta.info or by calling 1-844-261-3572.

What is the difference between Continuing Education Units (CEUs)/Certificates of Completion?

A CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit. A CEU is a unit of credit equal to ten hours of participation in an accredited program designed for professionals with certificates or licenses to practice various professions. You can learn more about CEUs here.

A Certificate of Completion is a certificate of attendance or participation. There is no backing from an accredited program, and many professional organizations may or may not accept certificates of completion to meet recertification or credentialing needs.

What should I do if students are completing the courses, but their completion is not marked on the iPD course?

Please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator and have the students contact the National Center on Early Education, Development, Teaching and Learning (NCECDTL) via ecdtl@ecetta.info or by calling 1-844-261-3572.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.



Can I run reports on my national center’s courses in iPD Portfolio?

Y es. To run reports for your national center, please visit the Reports tab on the left-hand navigation menu. There, you can create custom reports or run pre-crafted reports that have already been created.

Where do I go for help with running reports in iPD Portfolio?

P lease visit the Center Manager Support tab on the left-hand navigation menu. This tab contains helpful documentation for center managers to assist them with their iPD Portfolio needs. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.


Can I create user accounts in iPD Portfolio?

N o. Center managers are not able to create user accounts. Users should be creating their own accounts in iPD Portfolio.

Can I enroll users into courses in iPD Portfolio?

N o. At the moment, center managers are not able to enroll users into courses. The main function of a center manager is to create courses and run reports for their national center. If you need to have a group of users manually enrolled into a course, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator.

Will users receive notifications from courses I create in iPD Portfolio?

Y es. By default, users will receive an automated confirmation of enrollment by email when they enroll in a course.

Can users rate my courses in iPD Portfolio?

C enter managers have the option to enable course ratings for their courses by adding a Course Rating widget when creating a course. Users are only able to rate a course if they have successfully completed it.


Since the LMS is 508 compliant is there anything I need to do specifically for courses?

Y es, it is the responsibility of each National Center to make sure the courses meet all 508 requirements as established by the Office of Head Start. Section 508 Requirements: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_federalrequirements/508requirements.html Learning Modules: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_styles/online-learning.html

Multimedia Design: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/web-standards/_styles/technical-guidelines.html

How can I test the courses for 508 compliance?

Please refer to the National Center Administrator Guide for further detail

Who makes sure my courses are 508 compliant?

N CECDTL reviews courses to make sure they are 508 compliant. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each National Center to make sure the courses meet these requirements.


The activity wizard is not allowing me to save the options selected?

I f you have followed all the prompts outlined in the National Center Administrator Guide, and your selections are not saving within your course. Please capture a few screen shots and share them via e-mail with the NCECDTL LMS Administrator to troubleshoot.

This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


NCECDTL Are there additional wizards that can be used or customized for course creators?

C urrently these are the only wizards available for course creation. If you need different capabilities, please contact the NCECDTL LMS Administrator to discuss in further detail.

Can I add additional surveys to SCORMs once finalized?

A s a center administrator you will not be able to add additional survey to the SCORMs via the iPD. You will need to do so with the support of your instructional designers and content creators. You can add surveys via the activity wizard to the course, as outlined in the National Center Administrator Guide.

GLOSSARY This is a collection of commonly used terms for National Center Administrators when working in iPD Portfolio. TERM



A Course is a basic learning module in the iPD. Courses contain activities that students can take. Course and module are used interchangeably.

Course Catalog

The Course Catalog is a list of all courses available to the user.


Enrollments allow students to participate in a course. There are several different types of enrollment methods.


Activities are the building blocks of courses. There are many different types of activities within the iPD, including quizzes, Face-to-face(ILT), SCORM activities, and more.


Widgets are add-ons that can be added to courses or to the dashboard to enhance user experience.


Anyone who accesses the IPD is a user. There are many different user roles in the IPD, including Admins, Managers, Teachers, Students and more.

System Administrators

System Admins are the highest authority figure in the IPD. They have access to everything and can change anything.

Center Manager

Center Managers can view almost anything in the IPD, however they cannot change core IPD settings like admins can.


Students or learners are regular end users. They can access their courses, view their grades and profile, and enroll themselves into courses that allow self-enrollment.

Guest User

Guest users are only used in conjunction with the Guest Access feature. This allows someone who does not have an account in the IPD to login in as a guest user and view courses already configured to allow guest access.


A cohort is a group of users that can quickly be enrolled into several courses.


The dashboard shows users their overall progress, including records, grades, enrolled courses, and learning paths.


Notifications are messages sent via email when certain criteria are met, i.e. a student is enrolled into a course, a student completes a course, a course has been updated, etc. An Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is required for emails to be sent from the IPD.


Self-enrollment allows students to enroll themselves into a course.

Guest Access

The Guest Access enrollment allows guest users to access the course.

Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) Package

This activity is a player for SCORM packages. This is a single activity in a course, rather than an entire course on its own.


The certificate activity teachers to create a custom certificate that becomes available to students after certain criteria are met.


The survey allows a teacher to create a multi-question questionnaire for the purposes of gathering data. This document was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.


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