The Roundtable Volume 11, Issue 2

Page 1







FROM the cover

Ryan Murray | with permission

Homecoming | Convent and Stuart Hall students dance while at the Homecoming dance last Saturday. The dance boasted an attendance record of 242 people.

October 6, 2016

Volume 11, Issue 2

The Hall brings it

'home' Homecoming Dance

The Hall vs. Woodside Priory

Knights win 50-26


School spirit on high at dance

Sam Jubb

he Knights came out strong with a drubbing of Woodside Priory 50-26 at Convent & Stuart Hall’s Homecoming game at Boxer Stadium on Saturday afternoon. “We are getting better everyday and are looking forward to the rest of the season,” receiver Ryan Darwin said. “We practice everyday working on position play, scrimmages and conditioning.” Coach Joe Latchinson emphasizes the importance of playing as a team and as one unit on the field. He is trying to not only build them as players but as students and as young men. “Unity. Faith in each other,” Latchinson said. “If you have each other’s back in each game, it defeats all opposition. I get ’em mentally focused, keep ’em on task, on their assignment. And I tell ’em to have fun while doing it.” Although the game started at 2 p.m., the festivities kicked off at 11:30 a.m. with the Boneyard, a food truck owned by SHHS parents, serving up hamburgers and hotdogs as well as pulled pork sandwiches, leading the tailgate. Students were encouraged to wear Homecoming shirts that were sold by Student Council throughout the week leading up to the game. The student body participated in a game of tug-of-war as halftime entertainment. “It was a fun thing to be a part of,” Will Kahn ’18 said. “It was an entertaining event for anyone who was not involved.” The Knights’ next game is Friday, Oct. 14 at 3:30 p.m. at Pinewood School in Los Altos.

Owen Fahy




Owen Fahy | The Roundtable

Powell powers Knights | Jorim Powell ’18 rushes against Woodside Priory on Saturday at Boxer Stadium. Powell tallied four touchdowns on offense and recorded seven defensive tackles to help the Knights to a 50-26 victory.

wo hundred forty-two Convent & Stuart Hall students poured into the Main Hall of the Flood Mansion on Saturday for the Homecoming dance featuring mini golf, a DJ and dancing, and a chocolate fountain. Attendance was the highest of any dance in recent memory. “We were super psyched to see so many people at the game and dance,” said Student Body President Michael Tellini ‘17. “The turnout really reflected the historic effort this year's team had put in to build community between the two high schools.” The event began at 6:30, but the majority of the crowd did not arrive until after 7 p.m. because the Homecoming game did not finish until after 4:30. “I felt like the space in between the two events was too small because if you lived far away from the school or your house, it was not an adequate amount of time,” Michael Liu ’18 said. The strong showing of support started at the Homecoming game earlier that afternoon, as attendees bought a game T-shirt to receive discounted admission to the dance. The expansive Main Hall of the Broadway campus and use of the Reception Room off the Belvedere took the pressure off of students to dance by giving them room to socialize. “I think it made it better because it gave you room to dance and then also provided space to talk and just chill as well,” Gordon Smit ’18 said. The Homecoming game and dance was organized by the Student Councils of both Stuart Hall and Convent High Schools. “Key to our success has been a great line of communication with the leadership on Convent and a really dedicated group of guys,” Tellini said. The high attendance is a testament to the school spirit that was on high at both the game and nd dance, something that Student Council hopes to keep going in the future.

College Board adjust SAT scoring procedures Anson Gordon-Creed


Senior Reporter

hen college-bound students took the Standardized Aptitude Test on Oct. 1, it was quite different from what their parents and older friends have described. The College Board issued a new version in March with new scoring and answer systems, optional essays and redesigned sections. “It’s more what you’re learning in school,” Academic Support Director Cindy Gonzalez-Yoakum said. “I think they’re taking out the mystery and trickery of the SAT — not to say that it’s easier.” The new test focuses more on

reading, analyzing and writing, which are more practical applications of knowledge, according to the College Board. Students are more likely to be familiar with tested vocabulary, although they will have to know multiple definitions of the words, and sentence completions have been removed. Analysis section excerpts are from texts students are more likely to have read such as novels or political documents. The redesigned math segment also forces students to apply their skills to actual situations, instead of just solving arbitrary and purely numerical problems. “The old math was a lot harder

and was textbook math,” Lachlan McBride ’17, who has taken the new exam, said. “The new one is easier and has more real-world problems.” The changes should meet the changing world and deal with slipping student scores, according to the College Board. The new questions are be more complicated, but also more relevant to real life and a student’s future. “Every generation of test takers for the SAT has some feeling or some criticism,” College Counseling Director Cesar Guerrero said. “Some people think that the SAT wasn’t able to predict success in college, but what exam is?”

Scoring Essay Wrong Answers


Unpenalized Sections

Critical Reading, Writing, Math

Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math Nick Hom | Source: College Board

October 6, 2016|The Roundtable

Small hits, large effects How concussions occur

Eric Mai | The Roundtable

The soft brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid and protected by the skull. The fluid cushions the brain during ordinary activity.

Hard impact or sudden movements of the head can cause the brain to squeeze up against the interior of the hard skull, sending shockwaves through the brain which can lead to torn or stretched neurons.

If the blow is sever enough, the shockwaves can cause injury in the back of the brain, even if the head doesn’t snap back.

Knights aim to avoid concussions


Maximilian Tellini Reporter

hen the Knights football players strap on their helmets and take the field, they aren’t just concerned about big-hit concussions, but also about repetitive sub-concussive blows that can cause long-term effects on the brain. The big hits and resulting concussions can trigger brain disease, but repetitive small hits to the head can have the same effect. “I think what we’re realizing now is the role that a sub-concussive blow can play in these long-term effects,” SHHS athletic trainer Joshua Pendleton said. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a progressive degenerative brain disease caused by repetitive head trauma and concussions, has symptoms including headaches, difficulty focusing, and depression. As the disease progresses, symptoms can become more serious and include aggression, suicidality and dementia. CTE was originally thought to develop in brains of athletes who have played long professional careers, but

researchers at Boston University have found CTE in the brain of an 18-year-old high school football player. SHHS football coaches are teaching their players safer tackling techniques to avoid tackling in a way that dangers the athlete’s head, which can lead to brain injury. “Hit with your shoulder, not head,” linebacker Henry Sutro ’20 said. “Wrap with your arms. Keep your head up, not down. That’s what our coaches teach us.” Not all hits to the head are avoidable in football. It is a contact sport. Concussions happen. Suspected concussed athletes should not continue to play in games and practices, and they need to be diagnosed, according to the California Interscholastic Federation. Because symptoms can be inconsistent among concussed players, diagnosis can be difficult. SHHS uses a University of California San Francisco-run testing program to aid in getting more accurate diagnoses. All Knights football players take the computerized test, which assesses their cognitive ability and reaction

time, at the start of the season to establish a baseline. “If you do happen to suffer a concussion or we suspect you of one, we can have you take the test again, and the doctor can interpret the results,” Joshua Pendleton, who facilitated the test, said. For students who do suffer concussions, school work can interfere with recovery. The brain needs rest after a concussion, and doing homework on laptops, iPads and other electronic devices can set off symptoms. Faculty and administration recognize the importance of the healing of concussed athletes. “They let me skip school for a week, and I had as much time to do my homework as I needed,” said defensive end Sam Cormier ’18, who suffered a concussion during last year’s football season. The danger of the effects from brain trauma and concussions is significant, and Stuart Hall High School is treating it that way. “We’re making safety a huge priority. We’re taking it super seriously, and we are making it of utmost importance,” Athletic Director Charlie Johnson said.

How do I know if I have a concussion? of concussions occur without loss of consciousness

as likely to get concussions than college players Nick Hom | Source: The Institute of Medecine, funded by the NFL,,



Difficulty thinking clearly

Nausea, headaches, dizziness



Heighted emotions

More/less sleep than usual

The Roundtable | October 6, 2016

Owen's Opinion The Junior year adjustment


here was an obvious stigma around school dances during the 2014-2015 school year: They aren’t cool, and if you go, you aren’t either. This message, among others, led to the first dance of that year being a complete flop, with less than 50 people from the two high schools showing up. The small showing and mediocre night only further instilled the feeling that dances weren’t fun, they were a waste of time. People would rather go to a privately-organized party than attend a stigmatized school-organized event. The next year, then-junior Michael Tellini was student body president. Tellini made a vow that he would bring dances back to life, and he delivered. Ever since Tellini took office, dance attendance has significantly increased and numbers have continued to rise. Just last Saturday night, both schools showed up in droves for the Homecoming game and dance as school spirit was high and hearts were happy. This is a stark change from the year before, when the dance was attended by primarily underclassmen. The number of students from each grade level showed a commitment to the community and a desire to be a part of it.


The concept of community lives deep within the roots of the Sacred Heart Network, residing within the fourth of five Goals, “the building of community as a Christian value.” But, to some, being part of a community is not cool. Being part of a community stifles their individuality. Such ideals have become rudimentary in what some have come to know as the “stereotypical teenager.” With a new wave of underclassman joining the community, combined with the relatively enthusiastic upperclassmen, the school is experiencing a change. Dances are “cool,” and as the word “cool” itself is being redefined as people seem to care less about what that definition is. It is vital that we continue to push the acceptability of dances within our school, because if we do not, we may slip back into our old ways and squander our newly-acquired unity.

He Said She Said

Which subjects benefit from being coed/single sex?


Candice Weinman Class of 2018

focus a lot better in single-sex science and math classes, but in arts classes and computer science I think it's better to have a coed class so that I can get a guy’s perspective.


Seth Eislund


wo years of all-boys classes on an all-boys campus to seven weeks on two campuses in almost all coed classes has been quite the change. I was not quite sure how I felt about having five classes at Convent for the first time, just as I was beginning to grasp the concept of high school as I headed into my third year. I knew it was going to be different from my experiences as an underclassman, and I wasn’t sure if I was excited for the changes to come or wishing to replicate my experiences of the past two years. In the all-boys environment of Stuart Hall, I had grown into an almost artificial sense of confidence. I was never afraid to speak my mind, wear what I wanted, and be exactly who I wanted to be. But coming into my first Blue day, where I spend the entire day at 2222 Broadway, I decided it might be better to be less outspoken, less Owen. I would be more subdued and make sure that I didn’t rub anyone the wrong way.



Class of 2018

ersonally from having gone to a coed K-8 school, I don’t really notice that much of a difference in any class whether it be single sex/coed. The environment seems to stay the same for me. I believe that having experiences from both genders can be helpful in all classes, no matter the material.

Owen Fahy



But this quiet demeanor made me feel just as uncomfortable as if I had been myself from the first day. So I stopped being some other person with a quiet disposition, and reverted to the only way I knew. Saying what I felt, doing what I wanted, and trusting that my personality would be more popular than my contrived exterior. Unsurprisingly, the way I was treated in this new environment was not very different from the way I was received at the Octavia campus. In hindsight, I am not surprised because both campuses are filled with like-minded individuals who share a common set of values. A campus filled with predominantly girls may feel a little less like home than the light green hallways of Stuart Hall, but what makes a home is not the walls and floors, but the people contained within it. We may wear different uniforms, play for different sports teams, or write for different newspapers, but we’re all still a part of the same community. Gender differences can be awkward and dramatic, especially in the single-sex environment where coed experiences are about as common as the summer sun in San Francisco. But as I look forward to these last two years of my education, I no longer see it as an intense coed experience, but as an opportunity to be a part of a greater community and affect those outside of just Stuart Hall.



Stuart Hall High School | Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisco 1715 Octavia St., San Francisco, CA 94109 Mailing Address: 2222 Broadway St., San Francisco, CA 94115 | 415.292.316

Owen Fahy | Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Hom | Associate Editor-in-Chief Christopher Cohen | Managing Editor Nicholas Everest | Editor Anson Gordon-Creed | Senior Reporter Eric Mai | Reporter Maximilian Tellini | Reporter Owen Murray | Reporter Sam Jubb | Reporter Sean Mendiola | Reporter


Elisa Ternysck Class of 2017

would rather have all classes be coed because it's interesting to have different views shown especially in English and history. It's interesting to have different opinions. I don't think guys affect how I learn.


Max Depatie Class of 2017

ath is better learned in a single sex environment because it isn't opinionated. Classes that are opinionated benefit from a coed environment because adding girls to the classes adds another layer of opinion or discussion.

Tracy Anne Sena, CJE | Adviser Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Rewiews and personal columns are the opinions of the individual author and are not necessarily those of Stuart Hall High School or Schools of the Sacred Heart. We encourage letters to the editor. The Roundtable may publish independant opinion pieces 300 words or fewer. The editors may work with writers for clarity and to meet space limitations. All letters must have a means for verifying authorship before publication. Corrections and letters may be addressed to the editors at

October 6, 2016|The Roundtable

The Roundtable | October 6, 2016

IB motivates change

Coed courses offer more oppurtunities for integrated experiences wo thousand ten marked the first year that Convent and Stuart Hall started offering coed classes. Six years later, the high schools continue to navigate the challenges and benefits of offering “a single sex education in a coed environment,” but on a larger scale and for different reasons. Stuart Hall High School’s low enrollment in the years leading up to 2010 caused the administration to start offering coed classes in the Language department,, according to President Ann Marie Krejcarek. Students now have the opportunity to take coed classes in every department because it offers them the most opportunity. The International Baccalaureate Programme offers the most coed classes with juniors taking between five and six coed classes. The IB Programme is in its inaugural year at Convent and Stuart Hall and has 30 students enrolled. “We wanted to offer students the biggest menu of options, which is why we chose to introduce the IB Programme,” said Krejcarek. Of the students in the program, 19 are boys and 11 are girls. The girls’ exposure to classes like computer


Time A-B/E-F was supposed to arrive

Time A-B/E-F actually arrived

Time B-C was supposed to arrive

science and robotics, which are not offered in the IB programme, may have deterred them from joining the Programme, Krejcarek speculated. Due to the inequality between the number of boys and girls in the Programme, all of the classes except for English and theology are coed. Krejcarek said ideally history should be single sex so the programs would be half coed and half single-sex. Currently there is a higher percventage of coed classes than single-sex. Krejcarek said she also hopes to introduce IB Music and Computer Science, which are currently not offered at either school. Despite this year's shift towards more coed classes, Krejcarek said the schools are not on track to become coed as some students have speculated. “I feel like they are going to integrate more boys and girls over the next couple of years, resulting in the schools becoming one,” said Andre Restauro ’18. President Krejcarek says the administration hopes to keep the communities separate for certain events and then have them be coed for some so that the student can enjoy “the best of both worlds.” “I hope that students claim their own community while enjoying the complexities that come with it,” Krejcarek said.

Time B-C actually arrived

Time C-D was supposed to arrive










9:40 a.m.


9:40 a.m.







9:40 a.m.







9:30 a.m.








1:00 p.m. 1:02:40 p.m.

average time to opposite campus average time between bus and classroom

18 84 6.2%

times a class has met through 10/6 average minutes per class of classtime missed due to bus

Source: Roundtable study week of 19/12/16 Nick Hom | The Roundtable

Growing pains Bus departures, arrivals present challenges

Time C-D actually arrived

Christopher Cohen

Average minutes late 3.7 = 3m42s

Max Depatie | with permission


Owen Fahy


Transportation BY the numbers 3:42 1:30


Managing Editor

ate buses between the Broadway and Octavia streets campuses are resulting in students routinely missing class time, creating headaches for students and administration alike as everyone adjusts to the new transition brought on by more coed classes with the implementation of the International Baccalaureate Programme. An increasing number of students are taking classes at the opposite campus, with 40 coed classes this year, up from 29 the year before. “I think that the community feel aspect has really expanded, not just for IB students, but for students as a whole,” Director of Student Life Ms. DeMartini-Cooke said. “Having both groups on each campus has really opened up what it means to have a high school campus.” For the first few weeks of the school year, only one of the two buses traveling between campuses had enough seats to accommodate all of the students. Once the maximum capacity of the bus was reached, students were no longer allowed to board. These students had to attempt to trek from one campus to the other within the 10-minute passing period. The school recognized these issues, and has replaced the smaller bus with one significantly larger, fitting all the students who need a ride. “The first couple weeks of school the buses were late, but as time has gone by the buses have been slowly improving and hopefully will reach a point where we miss no class,” Adrian Medina ’18 said. The Roundtable timed buses arriving at the other campus an average 3 minutes, 42 seconds late. Once arriving and getting off of the bus, it can take students 1 to 2 minutes longer to hustle to their classroom and unpack for class. “I have had to actually adapt classes to account for buses,” physics teacher Riaz Abdulla said. “I generally have to start between 5 and 10 minutes late. It becomes a cycle where I have to let students out ‘on time’ or they miss the next bus and the next teacher ends up paying for it.” Students who bus between classes arrive on average of 5 minutes, 12 seconds late, resulting in missing an average of one class period per 18 classes, according to a Roundtable study the week of Oct. 12 in which buses were timed. Based on the 18 classes each block period has met so far this year, students taking a bus to class have missed an average 93.6 minutes of the class, or about 6.2 percent of total class time. Students are missing the equivalent of one entire class per every 18 class periods. “I would say driving is an art not a science,” said bus driver DiAra Reed. “There are a lot of variables such as traffic and pedestrians. It could also be the students we have to wait for.” Head of School Tony Farrell says to combat the issue the school has worked towards having teachers let students out on time, allowing students to hustle and make the bus. “We are definitely aware and are seeing what we can do to ease that transition so that taking the bus isn’t a stressful part of your day,” DeMartini-Cooke said.

October 6, 2016|The Roundtable

Cross-country looks to make state meet


Sean Mendiola Reporter

ejuvenated with new runners and guided by experienced captains, the cross-country team is breaking records as it moves into the the middle of its season and the Stanford Invitational last Saturday. “Things went pretty well,” coach Michael Buckley said. “Eli Horwitz (’17) won the race outright in 15:59 for 5K, which is about 5:09 per mile. It continues an unbeaten streak he has this season. He hasn't finished anything lower than first place this year.” Horwitz dominated the division by placing first out of all runners. “Phoenix Aquino-Thomas was our second-fastest guy in 17:11, and was followed by Antonio Dominguez (18:17), Skyler Dela Cruz (18:24), and Ian Hu (18:41),” Buckley said. “Those five guys scored for us a 276. Altogether, six of the seven guys on the course for us set personal bests for 5K.” The team placed tenth out of 24 teams in the race, which is solid, although the team would have liked better scores, according to Buckley. In preparation for meets,

coaches are teaching runners how to develop the basic fundamentals of cross-country. “As coaches, we hope all of our runners learn the concept of commitment and teamwork,” assistant coach Laura Lyons said. “Once freshmen join our team of over 50 guys and girls, they discover how runners work together to motivate each other and improve their skills.” Runners are expected to develop an understanding of self-discipline and commitment. The Convent & Stuart Hall team began conditioning in June as a coed group, although girls and boys compete separately. The training regiment was an adjustment for many of the new athletes, but they became more comfortable as they progressed. “Being at nearly every practice during the summer really helped,” Rainier Dela Cruz ’20 said. “My muscles got used to the training aspect throughout the summer.” Buckley says he expects team captains to bring a positive mindset to the cross-country community. “We're blessed with four truly great captains, all of them seniors — Eli Horwitz, Patrick Dilworth, Katie Newbold and Olivia Hoek-

endijk,” Buckley said. “They practically lead in practice and competition by making sure schedules are met and efforts and attitudes are solid.” The hardcore training progression adds to the sense of commitment to the team. “Buckley will usually make the workouts more intense and increase the distances we run as the season progresses. If we fall behind, we lose our opportunity,” Travis Evans ’19 said. The idea that a team has the persistence and grit to train at a championship level brings the presence of dignity amongst the runners. “It's a great honor to be able to compete at such a high level, and being that talented can really raise a team’s morale,” Evans said. In order to reach the championships, each runner must be strong-minded with their determination to push their teammates to the next level. “I expect my teammates to be locked in mentally at every race,” varsity captain Patrick Dilworth ’17 said. “Our team is looking for a bid at the state championship this year, and we have a great group of runners to make that happen.”

Owen Murray | The Roundtable

Going on a run | Skylar Dela Cruz ’19 starts the ascent up a hill at Golden Gate Park. The cross country team will compete next at the Castro Valley Invitational.

Varsity soccer looks to make playoffs despite record


Owen Murray Reporter

lthough soccer teams have had a little bit of a bumpy start to the season, both varsity and JV teams are turning

their seasons around. Players have been training since Aug. 10, and they are now putting all their work to use in the regular seasons. Varsity tied 1-1 in its preseason game against Redwood Christian

Jordon Chin | with permission

Hall looks to reboot | Emilio Lopez '17 clears the ball in a game last week. The Knights have few games left to move into playoff contention as the regular season comes to a close at the end of October.

October 8

XC Castro Valley Invitational 7 a.m.

October 10

Columbus Day No school Soccer at Drew 4 p.m.

looks like he’s going to be starting forward which is really good,” Foss said. He’s started all but two games. “Everyone’s pretty dedicated. The whole team’s working to figure out how we’ll do.” Both JV and varsity are expected to play between 15 to play 20 games in the Bay County League Central this season, according to Athletic Director Charley Johnson, with the possibility to play as many as 24. “It’s a short season and it is hard to jam in a lot of games,” Johnson said. “Playoffs start in the end of October. Soccer is usually over by early November." JV has had to overcome some difficulties in the beginning of the season, including team leader, James Cross ’19, breaking his tibia in a game against

Up & Comings

October 7

Inservice Day No School Soccer vs. International 4 p.m.

on Aug. 26 and lost its opener against Urban 1-2 on Sept. 7. Varsity fought hard and won against SF Waldorf 6-0 on Sept. 16, and beat Pescadero 6-1 on Sept. 19. The team also tied against a tough competitor, Gateway, 2-2 on Sept. 21, however lost the night game against Bay School on Sept. 23. “We’re confident and hopeful,” defender Calvin Foss ’17 said about their success for the remainder of the season. “We have had good senior leadership with Emilio Lopez. We’ve been able to get some good team bonding on the bus, and we’ve been practicing really hard.” Varsity is on the right track, and some new players to the team this year have been shining. “Sam Jubb, the freshman,

October 13

October 17

XC Jim Tracy Challenge 12 p.m.

Soccer vs. Gateway 4 p.m.

October 14

October 19

Football at Pinewood 3:30 p.m. Soccer at Pescadero 4 p.m.

PSAT Testing Soccer at International 4 p.m.

Lick-Wilmerding. “Losing Cross has crippled our team, but we are slowly learning how to play without him,” captain Drew Jasper ’19 said. “He will definitely be missed.” Although the JV team won its first game on Aug. 31 against Lick-Wilmerding’s frosh-soph combo team 1-0, it lost or tied the next few games. The team has since rebounded, beating Bay School 1-0 and Drew 2-1 on Sept. 23. “I think we’re feeling pretty good about our chances,” co-captain Henk Veld ’20 said about the season. “We have some sophomore leadership with Patrick Eklund, Drew Jasper, Ari Nagle, and Nick Harl that has helped our team improve.”

October 25

October 21

XC BCL West Meet 3:30 p.m.

October 29

XC Mt. SAC Invitational 9 a.m. Soccer at Waldorf 4 p.m.

Football at EPA Phoenix 1 p.m.

October 22


Football vs. Trinity Christian 1 p.m.

October 31 November 4

XC BCL West Championship 12 p.m.

The Roundtable | October 6, 2016

IB emphasizes creativity, activity, service Convent and Stuart Hall students adjust to CAS in International Baccalaureate Programme's inaugural year


Christopher Cohen Managing Editor

eing in a musical group is considered simply an extracurricular at many schools, but Kaito Henry’s ’18 participation in jazz band this year will not only serve as an outlet for his musical interests, it will also help fulfill a requirement of the International Baccalaureate Programme. Along with completing standard class credits, students enrolled in the newly-implemented IB Programme are mandated to fulfill CAS — creativity, activity and service — requirements to qualify for an IB diploma. IB students upload a detailed log to Managebac whenever they participate in an event in one of the required categories. “I would have kept doing jazz band even if I wasn’t in IB,” Henry said. “I really enjoy jazz band and the fact that it now helps me with CAS is just a bonus.” Jazz band participation fulfills Henry’s creativity requirement that includes activities such as creating artistic work, acting, dance and journalism. IB students are also required to take part in activities including athletics, outdoor experiences, playing in any type of sporting

event, going on a run, and even walking to school. Very few students need to do anything extra to fulfill the service because 75-100 hours are already built into the Convent & Stuart Hall graduation requirements. “I believe that while completing and logging my CAS experiences can be somewhat tedious (CAS) will be challenging but worthwhile,” Olivia Matthes CSH ’18 said. “It will help me to become active in my community and try new endeavours.” CAS encompasses a multitude of aspects within a student’s life, moving past just simply grades and focusing on well-rounded students, people who excel in all parts of their lives, according to IB Coordinator Raymond O’Connor. “CAS is simply a record of my extracurricular activities,” Frederick Kiaie ’18 said. “Already being involved in sports and other outof-school activities, I can appropriately record and reflect on how I've been growing out of school.” Along with the summary, students choose which of the seven Targeted Learning Outcomes their activity involves, and describe how their activity involves these specific outcomes. TLOs

include Strength and Growth, “If you don't intentionally re- in the larger context.” O’Connor Initiative & Planning and Global flect on what you’re doing, it has said, “The IB Programme is never Engagement. been shown that you will not something you do and move on, Entries are reviewed by O’Con- understand the service, action, we are already here. We are alnor who verifies its legitimacy, and learning that occurs with- ready in it.” responding to the student with critiques and any possible changes. “The core elements are meant to help the student integrate their learning, their experience, and their talents into a more whole person with a deeper awareness of who they are and what they bring in everything they do,” O’Connor said. CAS aims to help guide students to start to draw similarities between what they do within school, inside and out, according to O’Connor. O’Connor says he hopes that by fulfilling the CAS requirements, students will start to recognize the power their actions can have on the world. Activities can lead to some reflection on deeper ideas, however reflection Nick Hom | The Roundtable that is both purposeful and Outcomes | The outcomes section of displays a student's progress mindful allows students to in completing his targeted learning outcomes. Most IB students will not have filled truly ponder and underout the bars, yet filling them out is a requirement in order to receive an IB diploma. stand their actions.


Juniors represent in Futsal World Cup

Mission Trail League: 8 Man Football Team

League Overall

Pinewood Stuart Hall Trinity Christian Woodside Priory Anzar EPA Phoenix

2-0 2-0 1-0 1-2 0-2 0-2

4-0 2-2 3-2 2-2 0-5 1-2

PF 254 162 206 198 84 94

PA GB 52 152 172 150 200 200

.5 1.5 2 2

Bay Counties League Central: Soccer Team

Adrian Medina | with permission

Juniors compete for Team USA | Juniors Adrian Medina (3rd from left) and Carlos Armendariz (5th from left) pose for a photo in the locker room while competing in the World Cup. Team USA lost to Austrailia in the championship game.


Christopher Cohen Managing Editor

uniors Carlos Armendariz and Adrian Medina traveled to Dundee, Scotland to compete in the IFA U17 Futsal World Cup for Team USA that began on Sept. 6. By the end of the event for futsal players under the age of 17, Armendariz, Medina, and Team USA made it to the finals, but lost in a hardfought battle against Australia. The team had to overcome a challenging match against tournament host Scotland, eventually pulling ahead for a 4-3 win with a go-ahead goal from Armendariz. “I went into the game expecting for my team mates to put out 100 percent effort and expect-

ing the same from myself,” Armendariz said. “I knew that if I stayed composed and played my game we could succeed.” Armendariz was co-captain, guiding Team USA both off the field and on, and led the team in scoring throughout the tournament. Medina, went down with a knee injury early on in the tournament. He was unable to play, but continued to stay and support his team as they made a run for the finals. “I plan to go again next year, this time aiming for a first place finish,” Medina said. “It was hard for me to not be able to be out there helping my team, but overall the experience was still amazing.”

League Overall

Lick-Wilmerding Drew Urban Gateway Bay Stuart Hall International Waldorf Pescadero

8-1-1 7-0-3 8-2-1 5-3-2 5-6-0 3-5-1 3-7-0 2-8-0 0-9-0

10-1-1 10-0-4 12-3-3 6-4-4 6-6-0 3-5-3 4-10-0 4-8-0 2-9-0



50 39 51 38 31 24 39 15 16

5 12 19 19 27 22 46 56 46

BCL West: Cross Country Information not available at time of press Marin Academy University Lick-Wilmerding Stuart Hall Urban

Bay International Drew San Domenico



Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American teenager who was killed by a community watch volunteer in 2012. Ocean’s tone, however, doesn’t sound like a call to arms, but more of a self reflection on his own life. This theme is prominent throughout parts of the project as Ocean seems to be having confidence issues. “Left when I forgot to speak,” he sings, reflecting on his past inabilities to express his true feelings. Introspective lyrics show Ocean doubting himself at every turn. “Although you got buku family. You don’t even got nobody being honest with

you,” he says on “Nights,” one of the standout songs on the album. While his sudden self doubt seems out of the blue, it is quite warranted. “Channel Orange” is widely considered one of the best albums of the decade, leaving Ocean at the risk of joining the one-anddone club. Luckily for Ocean, the years of hard work have paid off. Every listen of “Blonde” just gets better and better. The minimalist beats work perfectly for the feeling of reflective musing he builds up within the album. “Ivy” flows like a sad reflection on happy times. “I could hate you now. It’s quite alright to hate me now,” he

sings about his failed relationship. His tone, understanding of why it ended, but happy it happened. An album like “Blonde” must be listened to without any past notions of who Ocean is as an artist. Expecting him to be the same is exactly what he tries to fight with this project. An interview with Ocean’s brother Ryan serves as the finale for the album on the track “Futura Free.” “I wish I could sleep without being dead but sleep forever at the same time,” Ryan Ocean said. “Blonde” can’t be described any better.


very now and then, someone appears in the starlight who can do it all. He dominates every field he appears in without a hiccup. Stars like this are few and far apart, but Donald Glover has proven himself one of them. Glover began his rapping career in 2008 under the stage name Childish Gambino, releasing multiple mixtapes which would eventually lead up to his official debut album “Camp” in 2011. As he began to build his fanbase, Gambino went go on to finish his second studio album in 2013, “Because the Internet.” The project became a Grammy Award nominee for Best Rap Album. With only two studio albums, a nomination for this award was unanticipated.


Nicholas Everest

Listeners should be aware that like a large portion of the rap community, Gambino’s lyrics at times contain misogynistic themes. Working under a given name, Glover is known for comedy television writing, acting on the popular show “Community,” and appearances in a multitude of popular movies including “The Martian.” At the moment, Glover is the creator and star of his own show “Atlanta,” which is receiving phenomenal critical success as it runs through its first season. FX Network took the unusual step of renewing the show for a second season after airing the pilot episode. Despite his production and acting schedule, Glover still finds time to create some of the best beats and has put out multiple albums, including his most Jonathan Koifman | with permission

tion of artistic diversity and willingness to push boundaries has led him to become a staple in the entertainment industry. Every great artist needs a substance that makes them different, and Childish Gambino is his.

Hard at work | Glover performs at New York City's Bowery Ballroom in 2010. The rapper/comedian/actor begins a concert tour in Austrailia in January.

recent project, “Pharos.” A three day concert at Joshua Tree, a desert in Southern California famous for its spirituality, was the initial release of the album. Listeners are already praising it for it’s unusual and experimental sound. Donald Glover's combina-

Glover proves to be Jack-of-all-trades

our years after the release of his debut album “Channel Orange,” Frank Ocean returns a changed man. The raw lyrics and rich emotions on “Blonde” give the feel that he wrote this piece more for himself than anyone else. Listeners looking for “Channel Orange 2” are going to be disappointed when they hear “Blonde” for the first time. Ocean’s return sounds exactly like what you’d expect from a man who disappeared for four years — sad, lonely, and looking for answers. The opening track “Nikes” glances back on the death of


Nicholas Everest

Ocean makes waves

October 6, 2016|The Roundtable

The Roundtable Stuart Hall High School Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisco 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

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