The Roundtable Volume 11, Issue 3

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Community Spotlight

Season Previews



Nicholas Everest | The Roundtable

Curtain call | John Abbott ’18 rehearses a scene on Monday. The fall play opens tonight and continues with performances through Saturday.

November 10, 2016

Volume 11, Issue 3

Fall play curtain rises tonight in Syufy Theatre Nicholas Everest | The Roundtable

Break a leg | John Abbott ’18 rehearses a scene in the Syufy Theatre on Monday. “Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less” is a series of short plays focusing on being a 16 year old. Nicholas Hom


Associate Editor-in-Chief

hen this year’s fall production of “Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less” opens tonight, the cast will present audience members with an original performance, as “Sixteen” incorporates a collection of scenes which are short plays themselves, some of which are written by the cast members. “This year’s play is special be-

cause it feels like it’s not a traditional play,” actor Robert Santos ’17 said. “It’s not just one character being focused on, so it gives everyone the spotlight at least once.” The play is a collection of 13 plays about the lives of 16 year olds. Although playwright Bradley Hayward wrote the play in 2011, cast members decided some of the original scripts were no longer relevant or did not accu-

rately reflect the lives of 16 year olds, and wrote their own scenes. The play also features an original song written and performed by Sophie Egan ’19. Some cast members say that because they wrote the scenes themselves, the scenes are more personal. “It’s challenging for the cast, as many of the characters are affected by real life situations that we have all experienced,” Nicholas

Camminante ’18 said. The play tackles many aspects of what it means to be a teenager, from insecurities to online activity to bullying. The play takes on a humorous approach, which helps balance out some of the dark undertones. “The humor helps poke fun at serious topics,” actor John Abbott ’18 said. “By doing that, we make interpreting those topics more accessible to understanding.”

'Icons' in the art studio


Maximillian Tellini Reporter

urning a passion into a profession is a dream many have, yet few achieve. Art has always been something Edward Emery ’17 has enjoyed. He started his current project on portraits of religious and cultural figures over the summer, doing something he loved while making money. “I’ve drawn my whole life,” Emery said. “It wasn’t something my parents pushed, it was just something I did for fun. It developed over the years.” Emery worked as an assistant in a graffiti art shop this past summer for San Francisco based artist Barry McGee, a parent at Emery’s former middle school. During his free time at work Emery became interested in the representation of religious icons, saints and popes which he found particularly captivating when painted with a gold background. Emery began making his own portraits of religious figures. One of Emery’s works portrays a tattooed Saint Francis of Assisi holding up a gang sign.

“There’s not really much religious motivation behind it,” Emery said about the images that now make up the foundation of his Advanced Portfolio work. “I just found a book on them and thought they were really visually appealing. I thought it would be a fun thing to do for my portfolio requirement.” Students with busy schedules can run out of time for recreational activities. Emery found a solution to this problem. “Art for me has always been a hobby,” Emery said. “With high school, sports and going through the college process, there’s been less free time. That’s why I try to make it part of my work. This was my job,” said Emery. Although Emery’s initial works focused on portraits of religious figures, he has recently begun a similar technique focusing on cultural figures, like former basketball star Allen Iverson. “The element of humor in Edward Emery’s contemporary portraits plays with the lines between spiritual portraits and a dry sense of humor that has to do with costuming and gesture as well as what we value in our society,” said Hellstrom.

“Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less” opens tonight in the Syufy Theatre at 7 p.m., with two more showings throughout the weekend. Tickets are $10 at the door. “It’s my last year and I want to go out with a bang,” Santos said. Last Night: Dress Rehearsal Tonight (Opening Night): 7 p.m. in Syufy Theatre Friday: 7 p.m. in Syufy Theatre Saturday: 2 p.m. in Syufy Theatre

Get well, KD


Edward Emery | with permission

Different look | Edward Emery's twist on classical icons leads him to produce images such as St. Francis of Assisi with tattoos. Emery's icons can be seen in the art studio at Stuart Hall.

Owen Fahy


aculty and students — as well as the front page of this paper — are sporting stickers on their electronic devices and athletic shoes, to show support for the son of a SHHS teacher who is recovering from a gunshot wound. Officer Kevin Downs, son of history teacher and retired SFPD sergeant Phil Downs, was shot responding to a call of a mentally disturbed individual at the Lakeshore Shopping Center on Oct. 14. Upon arrival, the individual shot at officers, striking Officer Downs in the head. “One centimeter down and this may have been a fatality,” Interim Police Chief Toney Chaplin said. Downs was hospitalized at San Francisco General for brain trauma and paralysis to his right arm and leg and is now recovering at a rehab facility. Downs had been on the job for two years and is stationed at the Taraval District police station. SportsDecals shipped hundreds of stickers to the school free of charge as representatives said they did not feel it was right to "gain from someone’s misfortune.”

November 10, 2016|The Roundtable

SIA prepares for the holidays Service group plans holiday-themed service events

Daylight savings causes adjustments

Eric Mai | The Roundtable

I Leet Miller | The Roundtable

Serving the community | Darius Ghorbani ’19 asks a question during an SIA meeting on Monday. The service club meets every Monday to discuss service related issues at Stuart Hall High School.


Sam Jubb Reporter

Stuart Hall High School organization is raising awareness around community service and is helping students to get involved with the community, encouraging involvement in local service activities such as coastal cleanups, food drives, and park cleanups. “I decided to join [Students in Action] because I thought it was a good way to get involved with the community and learn about how we can make a difference,” Henk Veld ’20 said. “SIA creates great opportunities for students within SIA and outside of the club.” The club is moderated by Service Learning Director

Raymond O’Connor who helps students lead service events, but leaves most of responsibilities on the clubs’ members. “It’s all about service,” O’Connor said. “Our goal is to engage service and invite people to be apart of our service and build leaders.” As the holiday season approaches, Students in Action is planning food and toiletry drives to help those who are less fortunate. SIA also plans Stuart Hall’s annual Values Day, which discussed the concept of masculinity last year, and looks to approach other topics that affect high school boys. The club also looks to promote community by organizing lunch events to help build community within the school.

Anson Gordon-Creed Reporter

f you think you’re still experiencing the effects of daylight saving time ending on Sunday morning, it may be more psychological than physical. It takes the average person one day of adjustment per hour of time change, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Individuals can experience tiredness and lack of focus, which can be especially problematic for teenagers who are already not getting enough sleep. Perhaps the greatest effect ot the time change is felt by sports teams who practice late in the day. “We usually have three to four weeks more training to do after that hour of daylight is lost,” cross-country coach Michael Buckley said. “It doesn’t affect the kinds of workouts that we do, it just means that probably those workouts are a little less safe, because now we’re doing them in the dark.” Sailors also have to take precautions. “We have to come off the water a little earlier because it gets dark sooner,” Michael Tellini ’17 said. “The wind dies a little earlier, too. In past years we’ve put lights on the boats to be able to see people.” For those who are still feeling “jetlagged,” the U.S. Army Public Health Center recommends keeping a consistent daily sleep schedule, and not taking caffeine or exercising before bedtime. Controlling exposure to light also forces the body’s natural circadian clock to adjust to time changes. Some community members took did have similar strategies. “It just means a few days beforehand I’ll start being mindful of the change, and start just adjusting my going to bed and getting up schedule incrementally leading up to that point,”

Former student returns to the front desk

Nicholas Hom | The Roundtable

Tal-ent at the front desk | Administrative Assistant Tal Quetone jokes with Nick Watts at lunch on Monday. Quetone returned to work at his alma mater, Stuart Hall High School, after attending Marquette University in Milwaukee.


Owen Murray Reporter

ith a handful of new teachers and staff joining the school community this year, a familiar face for many faculty and staff members has returned. Alumnus Tal Quetone ’11, the adminis-

trative assistant and assistant athletic director, is already popular with students. “Every morning when I come in he’s joking around with me,” Jonathan Newsome ’19 said. “He’s just a fun guy to have around. Overall, he’s very easy to relate to because he is a young adult. He shares a similar perspective as kids like me, given

that we like sports and share common interests.” Quetone came to California as a teen, moving away from most of his family to attend Stuart Hall. “I was born and raised in Minnesota, and I moved here for high school,” Quetone said. “Mr. Khan was my brother-in-law. He was working here and he told me that there was a spot here to go to school. I thought it would be a really cool opportunity to go to high school in California and take a chance to see how it would go.” Shuja Khan continues to be the school’s admissions director. “At first it was hard but I had a couple of siblings around here,” Quetone said, “but it was definitely a different experience to completely uproot and move to the West Coast away from my family.” After graduation Quetone attended Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in science for business and administration. After college he interned at Children’s Hospital in Wisconsin, then he travelled around the United States, visiting family and friends before he got an invitation to come back to San Francisco. “I got a call about working here, and I pulled the trigger,” Quetone said. “As soon as I moved here I knew I wanted to end up here. After I graduated from Marquette I knew it was my main goal to come back to

SF.” Quetone is not only popular with students and teachers, but he is also well liked by the coaching staff. “He’s really smart,” athletic director Charley Johnson said. “He’s willing to lend a hand — always willing to help out. He’s willing to go the extra mile.” Johnson also coached Quetone in basketball while he was a student athlete. “It’s nice to see kids come back after their college careers,” Johnson said It’s great to see how they’ve turned into nice men, and Tal is a prime example of that.” Johnson said. While faculty members are experiencing Quetone becoming a colleague, Quetone says it hasn’t been hard to start treating former teachers as equals. “It was weird at first, but it wasn’t hard,” Quetone said. “Ultimately the teachers have done a great job at switching from treating me like a student to a colleague.” Quetone is still unsure about his future career plans. “I didn’t go to school for educating, so my main focus moving forward I don’t see being teaching,” Quetone said. “But I’m not ruling it out because of the background I come from. My dad was a teacher and so were multiple siblings.”

The Roundtable | November 10, 2016 Editorial


Owen's Opinion

Just don’t do it

The fight for a fair chance

he next time you are on Muni, take a second to look out of your partially graffitied bus window and view the drivers in the cars next to you. There’s a high chance that many of them will be on their phone, texting. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving, according to Edgar Snyder and Associates, causing one out of four car accidents in the United States. As teenagers in our first years of obtaining a license, we must be vigilant while driving. Ninety-four percent of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35 percent admitted to doing it anyway, according to a AAA poll. It isn’t worth the risk to become seriously injured or lose your life over a text message, no matter how important the message may seem. We need to stop texting while driving or even sending messages to people whom we know are driving. No one ever thinks that a tragedy like a car accident will strike him or his family — until it does. As much as we want to think we are a competent enough driver to text while driving, we won’t know that we aren’t until that one text causes us to fly through a stop sign and T-bone a mother with a young child in the car. It is hard to take precautions for something that has never happened to us. Most of us take a lot of silly risks everyday like jaywalking, but texting and driving does not just put us in harm’s way, it affects other people. This is not a complex issue. Just put your cellphone away. Save the lives of your fellow drivers, and value your own life enough to not put it at risk. The choice is not difficult. Don’t text and drive.

I Nicholas Hom | Source:

He Said She Said

Owen Fahy


was 8 years old when I first heard Michelle Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention in 2008. She explained to the world why growing up on the southside of Chicago influenced her decision to leave a high paying job to work for a fair chance for all Americans. Even as a third grader, I understood the basis of this message. Obama stood for the principle on which this nation was founded, equality. As a 16 year old, the first lady’s message does more than resonate. Her speech at the 2016 DNC reminded me of the excitement that the nation felt when we elected our first African-American president. This excitement over the election of a man, the symbol for equality in the United States, has faded over eight years. But when Michelle took the podium at the DNC this fall, I remembered how most of our nation felt eight years ago. Watching conflicts between African-American communities and police may give the impression that the United States is a divided country, but when a white

boy from San Francisco can connect with a black woman from Chicago, this nation is not divided by race. It is empowered by equality. I recently watched a public television documentary about Lin Manuel-Miranda and his influential musical, “Hamilton.” Miranda, a New Yorker of Puerto Rican descent who, like Michelle Obama, said he is an American determined to make a difference. As part of her Reach Higher initiative, Michelle Obama invited Miranda and the rest of the “Hamilton” cast to the perform for public school students at the White House in March. The performance epitomizes everything America and Michelle Obama stand for. A former American kid with a dream, performing and answering questions for the next generation of kids with dreams, hoping to also receive an equal chance. At the same time, equality was threatened in this past election. Donald Trump bragged about groping women and told African-Americans that they have nothing to lose, threatening our equality. As long as all people, regardless of their background, believe that they have the right to dream, the right to try, and the right to change the world, no man, no matter how wealthy or famous, can take away their chance.

If you could change any age-related law, which would you change? SHHS.Roundtable



Stuart Hall High School | Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisco 1715 Octavia St., San Francisco, CA 94109 Mailing Address: 2222 Broadway St., San Francisco, CA 94115 | 415.292.3161


Hannah Bendull Class of 2017

think that the drinking age is too high and the driving age is too low. For a lot of people they start drinking when they are already driving, so they do not know what effects alcohol can have on their body, especially when driving.


Jared Rafnson Class of 2018

ersonally I would probably change the voting law to 16 because I feel like by that age you are old enough to know what is going on politically in your country and deserve a say in what happens


Owen Fahy | Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Hom | Associate Editor-in-Chief Christopher Cohen | Managing Editor Nicholas Everest | Senior Reporter Anson Gordon-Creed | Senior Reporter Eric Mai | Reporter Maximilian Tellini | Reporter Owen Murray | Reporter Sam Jubb | Reporter Sean Mendiola | Reporter Leet Miller | Photographer


Ana Paula Louie-Grover Class of 2017

don't think any law should be changed. I think that it is good that the smoking law in California was changed to 21 because it gives young adults more time to think about what they put in their bodies and make better decisions.


Andre Restauro Class of 2018

don't think any of the related laws should be changed. The people voted on the laws, and they are good the way they are.

Tracy Anne Sena, CJE | Adviser Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Rewiews and personal columns are the opinions of the individual author and are not necessarily those of Stuart Hall High School or Schools of the Sacred Heart. We encourage letters to the editor. The Roundtable may publish independant opinion pieces 300 words or fewer. The editors may work with writers for clarity and to meet space limitations. All letters must have a means for verifying authorship before publication. Corrections and letters may be addressed to the editors at

FREEDOM COST November 10, 2016|The Roundtable


Nicholas Hom | The Roundtable

Teenagers behind the wheel High schoolers enjoy increased independence while shouldering hefty responsibility


Christopher Cohen Managing Editor

he independence and responsibility that comes with obtaining a license as a teenager can come with severe consequences or at least put others at risk, as many teens are very nervous during their first months behind the wheel. “When I first started driving with my permit, I felt pretty nervous behind the wheel,” Seth Eislund ’18 said. “I started to feel more confident with each time that I drove, up until the point that I am at currently, where I am completely calm when I drive.” Sixteen year olds have the highest accident rates of all drivers, according to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Over one third of all adolescent deaths are the result of motor vehicle crashes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The focus necessary to operate a high powered piece of machinery may be too large a task for some teens, as 56 percent of teens said they talk on the phone while driving, according to a study produced by GuardChild. The same study finds that talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident, as well as slow a young driver’s reaction time down to that of a 70-year-old. “I do sometimes talk on the phone

while driving, but I make an effort to have the call on speaker,” Frederick Kiaie ’18 said. “I do know of other teens who drive while on the phone all the time. They impede traffic.” Along with talking on the phone while driving, many teens fall victim to playing “chauffeur,” even though California law prohibits it. During the first year of licensure, no driver under the age of 18 may legally have passengers in their car under the age of 20. “Most of the motivation for teens to get their license is so they can drive around with their friends,” Harry Billings ’18 said. “Tons of people break the rule that says you can’t drive friends around.” Although the law is often ignored, it can result in serious consequences, as statistics show that 16 and 17-year-old driver death rates increase with each additional passenger, according to a study by MSN Autos. The ability to drive provides teenagers with a freedom and independence that was previously unavailable, but sparks the debate over whether teens are ready for this responsibility. “The freedom that comes with driving is amazing,” Tyler Makras ’18 said. “I do think that most teenagers are responsible enough to drive safely.”



of teenage motor vehicle crash deaths were passengers

of teens said they talk on the phone while driving


3x year olds are

56% of teens rely on their parents to teach them how to drive

as likely to be in a fatal accident

Nicholas Hom | Sources: NHTSA,,

The Roundtable | November 10, 2016

Is the text worth it? Cellphone use in automobiles proves to be dangerous


How to get a license in

Owen Fahy


12:00 PM

Complete online course



Yo, wanna hang out? Dude i’m driving rn, dont text me

Pass the written test that a no? Did you know that in 2012, 421,000 people were injured in distracted driving crashes? Really?!? Sry man It’s ok, I haven’t left yet. I just want to make you aware of the dangers :)

Nicholas Hom | Source:

he emergence of the smartphone has given individuals an efficient way to connect with each other. However, this same tool can make driving a car much more dangerous. Texting while driving makes a crash 23 times more likely to occur, and actions as small as just reaching for a phone makes the likelihood of a crash increase by 1.4 times according to GPS Systems. “Texting and driving is very dangerous, not only to ourselves, but to everyone around us,” said Adrian Medina ’18. “We need to focus more on drivers around us and not just ourselves.” With 82 percent of 16 and 17 year olds owning a cell phone, this risk is at play when a teen is behind the wheel. Thirty-four percent of teens admitted to using their phone while driving, with 77 percent saying they believe that they could do it safely, according to the National Organizations for Youth Safety. Teens who text behind the wheel are not only risking their lives, but the lives of those driving around them. Texting drivers tend to weave outside of the lane and have decreased reaction times. “I have to admit I text and drive a decent amount although it is dangerous,” Hunter Tatham ’17 said. “I usually selectively text when I am on slow or inactive streets.” State legislatures are battling against the use of cellphones in cars due to the increased danger. Ten states and the District of Columbia have banned cellphone use in cars entirely, with as many as 39 states banning text messaging in cars. The rise in popularity of smartphones means accidents related to texting and driving will continue to be an issue. Technological developments with automobiles makes it easier for drivers to take calls and even text without the use of their hands, but these developments have not dramatically lowered accidents. Developments in technology are currently not strong enough to save the 11 teenagers who die every day from checking an “lol” or the score of the big game, instead of just waiting those extra couple of minutes.

Enroll in behind-the-wheel training


Train with parents


Texting while driving is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. Pass driving test to recieve license CALIFORNIA DRIVER LICENSE

A1234567 1/11/20 1/11/99


Nicholas Hom | Source:

Piece of mind comes at a cost


Christopher Cohen Managing Editor

eenage boys deciding whether or not to pursue a license must not only weigh the benefits and risks associated with becoming a driver, but also the high cost of insurance. “My rate is a lot higher than those who are 18,” Lachlan McBride, 17, said. “I had to do a special driver’s ed course to lower my premium.” In order to receive their licenses, drivers must provide proof of insurance on the car they will be driving during the DMV driving test, but car insurance for families with teenage boys can be more expensive than for

most other drivers. “For some carriers, their past experience finds that males with less driving experience have experienced more accident and violation activity,” Colleen Enright, insurance broker at ISU Massie & Beck Insurance, who serves as a middleman to connect clients to insurance companies, said. Teenage males are often given the highest insurance rates, which can easily run over $1000 annually. “When I knew I was going to receive my license, I heard about how high insurance rates were,” Gordon Smit ’18 said. “Even though I was not going to be paying for insurance because my

parents had offered too, I wanted to do things that would help lower the costs. That’s one of the reasons I really wanted to raise my GPA.” According to Enright, some of the best ways to lower insurance rates are to drive older cars without physical damage coverages, maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better — which can save up to 20 percent, and keep a “clean” driving record with no tickets or accidents. “Insurance is high for all the guys I know,” Angel Padilla ’18 said. “It’s just something we all have to deal with, but it’s worth it because of the freedom driving provides.”

Get car insurance

Insurance Card

Drive for 12 months with restrictions

Nicholas Hom | The Roundtable

November 10, 2016|The Roundtable

Knights win league championship Stuart Hall finishes season undefeated in league play

Owen Fahy | The Roundtable

Back to back | The Knights football team huddles up prior to the Homecoming game on Oct. 1. The Knights won its second straight league championship this season after finshing 5-0 in league play and 5-2 overall. Stuart Hall conceded the least amount of points in its league, and are looking to return many junior defensemen for a run at a third straight championship next year.


Maximillian Tellini Reporter

he Knights capped off its season by winning the Mission Trail Athletic League championship on October 29 with a win against East Palo Alto, lead by the league’s most valuable player and a senior captain who was the league’s leading tackler. The Knights claimed the MTAL championship with a 60-6 win against East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy, on Oct. 29, marking its second championship in a row,

and a perfect league record over the last two seasons, with two consecutive undefeated league seasons. “Any time you have back-toback league championships in any sport, it’s special,” athletic director Charlie Johnson said. “I couldn’t be happier for the coaching staff and the players.” Leading the passing game for The Hall was Jorim Powell ’18 and Jonathan Newsome ’19. Powell finished the year with 759 passing yards and 10 touchdowns, while Newsome finished with 508 pass-

ing yards and eight TDs. Powell said he was happy with the overall outcome of the season. “We started off shaky, but as as the season went on we became more of a team and became closer,” Powell said. Powell lead the team running the ball, posting 973 rushing yards, including a 14.3 yards per carry, to go along with 12 touchdowns. With his performance this year, Powell won the league MVP award. “It would mean that the hard work that I’ve been putting in on

the weekends outside of practice has really been paying off,” said Powell, in an interview before the announcement of the league MVP. “I’d be really happy about winning the award.” Jeremiah Sullivan ’17 led the league in receiving yards with 658 to go along with nine touchdowns. On defense, Alex McDonald ’17 lead the league with 72 total tackles. Sam Cormier ’18 and Nick Watts ’18 both lead the MTAL with 11.5 sacks on the season. Powell and Alex Byrd ’19 had

five and three interceptions, respectively good for the most and second most total interceptions in the league. The defense finished the year with a league low 76 points allowed. McDonald, a team captain, credits the team’s achievement to trust. “Going into this year, our defense looked sparse and limited for the year, but after a few weeks the defense grew tremendously to the point where I had no issues trusting anyone on this team,” McDonald said. “We trusted each other, and with that trust comes championships.”

Wrestling gears up to repeat as league champs


Sean Mendiola Reporter

ith many team members training during the offseason, wrestling is preparing for a return to the North Coast Section where the team placed third last year. “I expect to win the league again this year,” coach Matthew Woodard said. “I’m certain that we will almost send the entire varsity team to the NCS championships this year with the talent on this team.” New teammates are expected to develop a committed mindset while trusting in the process as they begin to understand how the sport works. “A wrestler needs to have a keen mind that can adapt to change quickly,” Alexander Berbey ’17 said. “You have to be thinking multiple moves ahead before you even make your first move. This changes due to the opponent’s fighting style.” Wrestlers are beginning their everyday training regimen as they move into the regular season. “Stepping up cardio training is one of the first things we do,” Berbey said. “You do a lot of free wrestling and running. The training itself is physically demanding, but it pays off on the mat. Better conditioning tends to equate to more wins.” The grind doesn't stop at physical preparation. Bringing in new members is a challenge due to some of the negative connotations that wrestling carries. There’s lots of misinformation, but solutions have been made to protect wrestlers from skin disease, according to Woodard. Coaches are educating their wrestlers to keep them safe from skin infections which occur when microorganisms are transmit-

ted between athletes. “We require all the wrestlers to shower immediately after wrestling since viruses and fungi can transfer from the mat,” Woodard said. “Our rate of fungal infections almost went to zero, combined with the shoe coverings that basically eliminate any type of fungal infections.” The team members aren't worried about league schools preventing them from repeating as champions, but there is concern

regarding regional competition. “The Central Valley schools are always a challenge,” Alex McDonald ’17 said. “They've got some tough farm boys out there.” Some wrestlers are focusing beyond NCS. “My goal is to make it to states,” McDonald said. “I fell short of that goal by two places last year, and I am determined to make it happen this time around. I worked

on the technique of my double leg takedown at the Oregon State Wrestling Camp over the summer.” Coaches are foreseeing a championship title as they hold faith in their adept wrestlers. “They put in the work to advance,” Woodard said. “They put in lots of work in the off-season and they’ve gotten better and better. They’re experienced wrestlers.”

Lindsay MacGarva | with permission

Strong armed | Jacob Hubbard ’17 executes a move while wrestling at Stuart Hall last winter. Hubbard and Alex McDonald '17 look to lead the wrestling team in their final season wrestling for The Hall.

The Roundtable | November 10, 2016

Knights look to avenge NorCal final defeat


Recent Results Soccer

Christopher Cohen Managing Editor

ollowing last year’s heartbreaking triple overtime loss in the NorCal Finals game, the Knights are amped up and ready to go this season and are eying a state championship. “Our goal is to go as far as we did last year, except we want to win league and state this year.” Jeremiah Sullivan ’17 said about winning the BCL West and NCS. “I think our quickness and unselfishness will be key this season.” The Knights will field eight returners this season, led by Sullivan, Darná Stewart ’17, Jaden Newman ’17, and Sean Ingoglia ’18. Miles Amos ’19, new to the team, looks to have a large impact on games and help be a young leader. Amos was the best player on JV last year, as a freshman, and has spent a lot of time during the offseason working on his game. “I’m very excited to have the chance to have an impact on the varsity level.” Amos said. “It's something I’ve always wanted and I hope that I can contribute to the team in any way I can so that we can have a successful season.” Varsity and JV will scrimmage at St. Ignatius on Nov. 16, opening the season, with JV playing at 4:30 p.m, followed by varsity at 6 p.m. Being a Division 3 team, SI was one of the few strong teams in the city the Knights, then a Division 5 team, did not compete against last year, so this year’s season opener

#6 Stuart Hall #11 McKinleyville

4 1

#6 Stuart Hall #3 Roseland Prep

0 1

Football Stuart Hall 60 East Palo Alto Eagles 6

Cross Country BCL West League Championship

Nicholas Hom | The Roundtable

Ball at The Hall | Sean Ingoglia ’18 dunks at the Knights' first practice of the season on Monday. Varsity's first game is at St. Ignatius next Wednesday.

is highly anticipated. “I think that both league and NCS will be a challenge for us this year, but we are definitely ready for the chance to compete,” Ingoglia said. Varsity’s preseason runs until Jan. 10, with league play starting up at Stuart Hall against defending league champion Lick-Wilmerding at 6:30 p.m. This game is a grudge match for The Hall, having lost to Lick 71-59 in last year’s BCL West league championship game.

The Knights have a tough season ahead, with strong league opponents followed by the first year of NCS in Division 4, after being moved up for its successes in previous years. “I’m very excited for this year’s season.” Andrew Hua ’17 said. “Despite losing five seniors and moving up to Division 4, I feel that we have a solid group of returning players along with a good group of new players which will give us a shot at taking back the league title this coming year.”

Horwitz runs away from competition

1. University 2. Marin Academy 3. Lick-Wilmerding 4. Stuart Hall 5. Urban

6. Drew 7. Bay 8. International 9. San Domenico

Up & Comings 11/12-13 | Sailing at PCISA Anteater Regatta 11/16 | Basketball at St. Ignatius | 6 p.m. 11/19-20 | Sailing at Divisional #1 11/19 | Cross Country NCS Championship | 8 a.m. 11/23 | Basketball at Lowell | 1:30 p.m.

Final Standings Mission Trail League: 8 Man Football Team

League Overall

Stuart Hall Trinity Christian Pinewood Woodside Priory Anzar EPA Phoenix

5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 1-4 0-5

5-2 7-3 6-2 4-3 1-8 1-6



318 412 448 370 166 176

196 324 278 274 388 412

1 2 3 4 5

Bay Counties League Central: Soccer Michael Hong | with permission

League domination | Eli Horwitz '17 leads the cross country race from the front. Horwitz won every league race this season. Nick Everest and Chris Cohen


Senior Reporter | Managing Editor

fter an undefeated season of cross-country in the competitive Bay Counties League West, Eli Horwitz ’17 is setting his sights on his final season of track and field in the spring. “Going undefeated was amazing because I never thought it would be within my capabilities to accomplish something like that,” Horwitz said. “I used to really look up to guys like Thomas Namarra and it’s flabbergasting that I’ve been able to accomplish all of the things he has and so much more.” Originally a varsity soccer player and sprinter for the track and field team, Horwitz made the switch to cross-country and long distance running at the start of his

junior year. With this alteration, he quickly became one of the strongest runners in the Bay Area. “I have goals and aspirations in the future that as an athlete I still can’t believe I would ever be able to reach,” Horwitz said. Currently holding the school record in the boy’s 800-meter, 1600 and 3200 races for track and field, Horwitz joins the ranks of Stuart Hall 2015 alumni and current college athletes Bosco Bapoupeleh and Drew Xandrine-Anderson. Horwitz is preparing to compete at a higher level, and has interest from Division I colleges around the country. “I do hope to run in college, which is incredible for me because I never would have thought I would be able to compete Division I in any sport,” Horwitz said.

“In college I want to break four minutes on my mile time. It’s a big bench mark that every miler hopes to accomplish.” As the cross-country season ends and the winter begins, Horwitz is training for track and field in the spring. Last year’s team won the league title, but fell short in North Coast Section. Horwitz says he believes this year’s team is the favorite for the title, hoping the team will hold itself to a high standard, aiming to win. He hopes his all-senior 4x4 team sets a school record this coming season. “Personally I want to make the state meet this year,” Horwitz said. “In the past I’ve run times that would have won the state meet in other states, but I failed to reach the California meet."






Lick-Wilmerding Drew Urban Gateway Stuart Hall Bay International Waldorf Pescadero

14-1-1 11-2-3 11-3-2 7-5-4 8-7-1 7-8-1 6-10-0 2-14-0 0-16-0

19-2-1 15-3-4 18-5-4 10-8-7 9-9-3 9-10-1 7-13-0 4-15-0 2-16-0

80 63 62 52 49 47 61 18 20

13 18 25 33 30 37 62 103 83

BCL West: Cross Country Final Standings 1. University 2. Marin Academy 3. Lick-Wilmerding 4. Stuart Hall 5. Urban

6. Drew 7. Bay 8. International 9. San Domenico



Sean Mendiola

he top-rated Netflix series “Stranger Things” perfectly encompasses the idea of gratitude, generosity and affection towards all people, making this eight-episode series perfect to binge-watch during Thanksgiving break instead of playing boring games with those awkward out-oftown family members. Mike Wheeler, played by 13-year-old Finn Wolfhard, finds himself in a dilemma after mysteriously living in a parallel universe which causes his life to be in peril.


years later, his second studio album, “Watching Movies with the Sound Off,” feels like the aftermath of the crazy college party that was “Blue Slide Park.” Delving into the issues of life, drugs, and just about any problem a 20-something can face, his second project feels reflective of a life filled with angst and depression, as he went through his recovery. It’s a grandiose leap in artistry, something few would have expected from the simple frat-rapper personality he had built for himself. Miller then went on to release “GO:OD AM” in 2015, a culmination of the sounds he had experimented with throughout his two studio albums and mixtapes such as “Faces” and “K.I.D.S.” A blend of introspective drug music and the casual, nonchalant sound of his earlier days created a blend that made for arguably his strongest album to date. While most artists would sit on their new and perfected style, Miller came back in 2016 with his most ridiculous LG Rocket | with permission

no pattern or concept. He hasn’t stuck to the same formula that made him popular, but constantly reinvents his sound in search of something new. The music follows the story of his life, which explains why it feels so true. Every album represents a new portion of his life, spanning from a rebellious teenager to a man lost in love. Miller remains unrecognized for most of the music he has done, and even six years after his debut, still bears the stigma of his adolescent career.

Romantic raps | Malcolm McCormick, also known as Mac Miller, performs at the Governor's Ball in New York City in 2011.

artistic leap yet. “The Divine Feminine,” his most recent studio album, is a 52-minute rap romance dedicated to femininity. One line from his song “Congratulations” reads, “You were everything I ever wanted/ Bought a wedding ring, it’s in my pocket.” This release stunned many, as Miller’s career has seemed to transition from frat rap to romantic rap, making him arguably one of the most unique artists of our time. Since his official debut in 2011, Miller's style has followed

Meanwhile, his friends and family, played by Millie Bobby Brown, Caleb McLaughlin, Winona Ryder and David Harbour, are met with out-of-this-world beings that hinder the family’s plans as they search for a missing Wheeler. With the help from a supernatural aid, they overcome the encountered evil. Through his ordeal, he learns that people aren’t alone and have friends and family at their side — and that evil entities are also walking on Earth. The first episode starts out slowly, but progressively gets more exciting as the se-

ries goes on. The show induces an adrenaline rush that adds to the excitement while watching. An attachment to the characters keeps building. Relatable instances such as having early, inconvenient curfews during school nights and rushing through assignments to find time to be with friends are seen throughout the series. Season one left viewers on the edge of their seats, waiting with bated breath for the next season which is scheduled to begin streaming in January.

Review: Stranger Things

hidden treasure in our time, Mac Miller is often overlooked as a top rap artist, still a victim of the reputation built by songs like “Donald Trump” and “Knock Knock,” which have labeled him as a generic, one-dimensional artist. For the people who have spent the time to listen to his entire discography, it is clear that Miller has reinvented his sound. As a Pittsburg native, Miller’s roots helped define him as key player in the original frat-rap sound which has made artists like Hoodie Allen, Asher Roth and Mike Stud so popular. His first studio album, “Blue Slide Park,” released in 2011 and named after a section of Pittsburgh where he grew up, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart, making it the first independently sold album to do so since 1995. After an acknowledged battle with drug abuse, Miller’s music style began to follow his personal life. Released two

Senior Reporter

Nicholas Everest

Opinion: Rapper reaches new heights




November 10, 2016|The Roundtable

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