Shianney Zaelani
by Shianney Zaelani
It’s playtime with my new pet. She’s an albino bunny with the fluffiest white coat and crimson red eyes. I have one of my favourite kitchen play sets too. My nanny, who’s been with me since forever, was keeping me company. She’s pretty much the best caretaker ever.
Define cute aggression the urge to squeeze, scream, or “die� over someone or something so extremely cute you can barely stand it
The bunny was too adorable.
I heard my parents call me so I started to pack up my toys. And my nanny, being the awesome person she is, told me she would take care of it.
The movie was great but I couldn’t help but feel like I was forgetting something.
“Mom, have you seen my bunny anywhere?”
“Oh, don’t you remember we told you it ran away?”
My family moved into a new house and there was a lot of unpacking to do. I found the box with my kitchen play set. It brought back memories to when I had that pet bunny.
What happened to her?
fluffy white whiskers cutie pie kitchen running plastic pot squeeze air-tight packing up
Hey Mom...? Do you know what happened to that bunny we had years ago?
Oh...yeah, you killed it.
But... you said it ran away!
That’s the nice way of telling a toddler that the pet died.
I was working on some comic exercises relating to your recollection of memories. So let’s remember all the things! When it came to show-and-tell with my peers, I shared many illustrated memories, one of which included my bunny story.
The reactions I received confused me. Laughter, disgust, horror, relief, sadness. They told me I should pursue this story and make it into a real mini-comic. It seemed like a cool idea at the time. I wasn’t expecting the unfortunate story to be entertaining.
The process of analysing everything took a toll on me. This wasn’t supposed to be a serious thing.
What should I do? Why is this happening to me? Am I gaining anything out of this? It became a scarring battle. A vault that was never meant to be touched exploded.
But if my nanny packed up everything, wouldn’t she have noticed that a plastic pot had an odd weight to it?
I don’t know what’s worse:
oblivious kid accidentally kills pet bunny, loyal caretaker steals happiness from kid.
Shianney Zaelani Š 2015
Shianney Zaelani Š 2015