Design&Life issue 09

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Design & Life online minizine | your everyday life | issue 09 NOV

Appreciate every little moment of your life.

Your everyday life.

Today is Nov. 13, 2007.

w w w. d e s i g n a n d l i f e . c o m

D& L N ews Nov / 2007 issue 09 Des ign & Life

We provide the news that you don't want to miss. This is your basic protein.

2 INFOBAR AU design project by Japanese communications company KDDI is always providing people the best cell phone design in the world. Some of their cell phones are already collected by MoMA. Among them, INFOBAR designed by Naoto Fuka-sawa is one of the most popular model. Now, INFOBAR 2 was announced. Squarish buttons with curved surface and large screen seems to be very comfortable to hold in the hand as a cobblestone. Someone describe it as "ridiculously beautiful," what do you think?


Des ign & Life

Š 2007 W+K Tokyo

Nov / 2007 issue 09

OMOTESANDO GYRE Gyre is another landmark on Omotesando, Tokyo. The building was just opened on 7 Nov. It contains many restaurants and shops, including the first MoMA design store in Japan. Designed by Dutch architectural firm MVRDV, the appearance of the building is like some blocks piled up together and each block is twisted in different angles. Maybe it is where the name came from. So now there is one more reason for you to spend one more day on Omotesando. Don't forget to take a look of their dazzling website, art direction and designed by Shun Kawakami (artless.)


Š 2007 MVRDV

Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

@SONY CANVAS Sony has just announced their new Sony VAIO C with 3 young Japanese artists: Hajime Yoshio, ZAnPon, and Ryuji Otani. The project is called "Canvas@Sony" which provides SONY's products as art canvas for the artists. These 3 talents are from digmeout which is a visual artist excavation project promoted by FM802, an Osaka based radio station.


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

CAFE MONOCLE During Tokyo Design Week, world famous magazine Monocle has launched a special "exhibition" called Monocle Cafe right at OmoteSando Hills where the trends gather in Tokyo. Collabrated with Omotesando Saryo, the famous art cafe decorated with art pieces and design furniture from Yanagi Sori and Philippe Starck, the exhibition also came with the celebration of the launch of ABSOLUT 100. If you've missed this special event, you can still pay a visit of this special art cafe, and have a taste of luxury.


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

T-SHIRT AWARD UNIVERSE The "Universe" is the summation of all particles and energy that exist. It is the space-time in which all events occur. Just like the design community, it transcends all boundaries and value, to embrace each and every one of our force with the same spirit. Express visually (by graphics, drawings, illustrations, photography, typography...) what this particular word means to you. Winning entries of "Universe" will not only be published in IdN magazine in the form of an article, but will also be printed on Graniph's t-shirt for sale all over the world. DEADLINE 01 DEC


De sign e r s C ircle Nov / 2007 issue 09

From A to B, from B to C; it is the world of designers; it’s designers circle.

issue 09

fleetwood fer Finally! We have our first architect interviewee in our Designers Circle! Thanks to

Mac! We are very pleased to interview and introduce you this nice and lovely couple,

Desig n & Life

Hunter Fleetwoord & Mariapaz Fernandez from Los Angles!

d rnandez


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

Hello! Please introduce yourself & Fleetwood Fernandez! Please choose a color (or Hi there. I’m Hunter Fleetwood, exactly

color combination) you

one half of the partnership and office

like & why.

of fleetwood fernandez. I should also introduce my wife and partner,

Whoa, is this a trick

Mariapaz Fernandez. We’re a small

question? Green, no,

design office located in Los Angeles,

wait blue. Blue, yeah,

California specializing in the design and

blue. Does that make us

construction of small commercial and

What inspires your works the most?

gloomy? Ok, black, black and white. Is that too

residential projects. I think what inspires us most is a

predictable for architects?

Why did you decide to start your own

clear idea that communicates across

design office?

the boundaries that separate us as

Where do you live? Any

a society. Also, really good Jamon

place in the city you


recommend if friends are

My wife and I met just after graduating


from architecture school and immediately decided that we had similar

Why did you decide to work as a

ideas about design. At the risk of

multidisciplinary design firm?

We live in Santa Monica, a small city just adjacent

sounding cliché, we went to a Richard Serra show at the Dia about ten years

Often times, especially with commercial

to Los Angeles. If you

ago and we decided that architecture

projects, when a client is looking for a

want the indie flavor

today often lacks the emotive

space or a building, they have a project,

of Los Angeles, go to

quality present in most other design

which is in need of an identity. We

Abbot Kinney in Venice or

disciplines. We set about a plan to get

try to encourage them to incorporate

Vermont Avenue in Los

out on our own. Don’t ask why it took

design into as much of the solution as

Feliz. But, for my money,

so long.

possible. This sometimes can include

nothing beats a day at

everything from furniture to graphics.

Point Dume walking with your dog on the beach.

When you started the business, how did you find your clients? or how did

What is the most interesting project

they find you?

you've done & why?

Unfortunately, there is no formulaic

The most interesting project we’ve done

answer to this question. In fact, I ask

so far was the Studio in Spain we call

the same question to all of my friends

Ballena. First, the project is a studio

that are out there trying to make a

for an artist, which combines several

living doing something creative. I think

typologies that we’re interested in;

you must allow for there to be some

space for the making of art, and space

small opportunity in everything you do.

for living. Secondly, construction in

And, then you hope people notice the

Spain allows for a much higher degree

small stuff that you worked so hard to

of craft. The concrete walls in that

get right. That’s all you can do.

project demonstrate several of our ongoing interests. The exterior texture incorporates the strength of a local trade that is extremely facile in working with concrete formwork. Furthermore, the use of exposed concrete creates a dialogue with the local vernacular that is unexpected.


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Do you cook? What is your

Which magazine is your favorite

Could you choose one

comfort food?

& why?

interesting object from your

Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

everyday life and tell us why you like it?

Yes. Well, half of us does. It’s the

Well, lately we’ve been lifting a

Spaniard. She makes a mean

bunch of recipes out of Cucina

tortilla de patatas.

Italiana. Very authentic and no-

The trash bag dispenser at the

nonsense. For architecture, Detail

end of our dog’s leash. It sounds

is really amazing. They give out

stupid, but that little bone shaped

innovative construction details

object solves a very dirty problem

like they’re coupons at Costco.

with a witty attitude.

What is your dream project?

What kind of music do you like?

If you have a long vacation,

In which city are you going

Any suggestion?

where will you go? Who would

to build it and why? ( If it's a architecture project. ) Our dream project is the next one.

you spend with? We like most everything, except smooth jazz. I just heard the new

That’s easy. Mallorca, Spain. We

Jose Gonzalez. Very nice.

haven’t been in a while and are dying to get back. If we could convince every one of our closest friends to come along, that’s our idea of heaven.


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Desig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Please suggest 3 books that you

What does Design & Life mean

Thanks for the interview! we

like the most.

to you?

hope you can introduce one of your friends who will

The recent ones are as follows:

A lack of sleep.

Pollan 2. The Double, or anything

Any word for your friend Mac?

by Jose Saramago, and finally Moby Dick. (Hunter just can’t

be interviewed in the next issue! Who is in your mind?

1. Omivore’s Dilema by Michael

Thanks for featuring us! As for Thanks for the close-up.

passing the baton, we hope you

finish that one……its becoming

might be interested in interviewing

an obsession.)

our friend Reza Feiz. He is a designer from Los Angeles that

Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

specializes in furniture.


Th e M om en t

There are a lot of moments in one's life. We treasure each precious moment.

Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

stripes pattern for your lazy afternoon.

TOSHIBA retro-chic toaster (old stuff) Bought it @ a antique furniture shop at Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. Nice color. Love it's POP ART style.


Nov / 2007 issue 09

the lazy Sunday afternoon it's sunny or cloudy you can't tell open the window the wind blows a cup of cappuccino with toast would be sweet call your friend tell her your secret without expect take a ride to downtown you've never been buy a book, flowers, & some snakes sit by the alley

Des ig n & Life

look around that is your l a z y S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n

39 Cappuccino Grand CafĂŠ Lounge / Pepe Link Selection Nice lazy lounge music selection for your afternoon.

D& L L ifestyle Nov / 2007 issue 09

We are surrounding by brands. D&L tells you the stories behind your lifestyle.

LE LABO Your Magic Formula

Le Labo is a French name, which means a laboratory. Edouard Roschi and Fabrice Penot founded this luxury fragrance brand in New York in 2006. Both of them had been working in perfume industry and they are eager to create unique and exceptional perfume and make it by order in front of the customer.

Des ig n & Life

images copyrightŠ LE LABO 2007


Des ig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Des ig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


The founders are inspired by Grasse, France; they use variety of the precious herbal and cooperate with the leading perfume makers in order to create the best perfume in the world. It is quite a nice experience to watch professional perfume maker to make it right after you place an order. Perfume maker follows the formula and measure the proper potion for you in a traditional way – by hand. The salesperson prepares the label of your perfume that will shows expire date, who compounded it, and who is the lucky person to have it.

Des ig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


We are lucky to drop by the newly opened shop in Daiganyama of Tokyo, Japan. The interior keeps the same tone as New York store. The store is simply decorated with steel patterned wall and white ceramic tiles that creates a modern and retro environment to let you have sensual scent journey. Additional, it has an independent lab space where they are making perfume with lab equipment.

Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09

53 Perfume Ambrette 9 – A special formula of perfume is gentle enough for baby use, which is a water base. It also can be made in alcohol base for adult. The smell is fresh and fruity with a hint of musky scent made by nature ambrette grain. Rose 31 – Rose for men. Rose is not only for women any more. Grasse rose is a solid condensed background of this fragrance, following woodsy and spicy touch. When you smell it carefully, you will find cumin, cedar, and a little of amber. The components are huge, but the flavor is light. This is a fragrance that you like to explore.

1/ 2 Recipe Nov / 2007 issue 09

Cooking is Art. There are no rules. 1/2 recipe shows you the smartest way to cook.

I love to cook and collect recipes, but I never exactly follow the steps. For me, cooking should be playful. Remember, always put your imagination to someone’s recipe and bring it to your vision.

Des ig n & Life

1/2 recipe rules are easy and healthy. Modern people are always in a hurry, and I believe, with 1/2 effort, 1/2 steps, 1/2 fat, 1/2 time of cooking, will also bring you to a lovely cooking experience and healthier dish. That’s why I called this chapter “1/2 Recipe”. Cooking is art. Let’s play.

1/2 recipe no.009

Warm salad

stir fried cube steak and mushroom on veggie* serve 2

* Hint ! Steak is one of the ingredients that you are better to stock up in your freezer. You can roast it, pan-fried it, make a stew, or BBQ it. When the weather is getting cold, I like to make warm salad. The idea is to stir fried meat and vegetable with sauce and then pour out on the top of fresh crunch vegetable, such as lettuce, cucumber, or baby Spanish. The hot and cold combination is very delightful.

you need...

Beef shoulder (chunk) 250g Mushroom


Soy sauce



3 cloves

Salt Pepper Extra Virgin Olive Oil


1. Oil and garlic on the medium hot pan. 2.

Add beef to cook until both sides brown.


Add mushroom, salt, soy sauce, and pepper.


D& L See! Nov / 2007 issue 09 Des ig n & Life

What's happening in the world? We will show you around.

TOKYO DESIGNER'S WEEK Tokyo Designer's Week has just dropped the curtain. There were a lot of exhibition and events throughout Tokyo. The main exhibition is 100% Design Tokyo at Jingu Gaien Aoyama, Tokyo. There were also Container Exhibition, Student Exhibition, Professional Exhibition, Shop Exhibition, and Design Tide. A lot of Shops in the city had special events during this grand occasion. If you missed it this year, you definitely should pay a visit next year! We are also very glad to announce that the poster designed by Pohsuan(Shibo) Hsu, our creative director, has been chosen in the "Love your earth" competition that held by designboom & Design Association Japan and was exhibited during the 100% Design Tokyo!


Des ig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Des ig n & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


Design & Life

Nov / 2007 issue 09


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