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y name is Shichun Yao. I am from China, the far eastern country in the Asia. I have been studied in the US around 5 years. I like art and drawing something, this is the reason that I chose the graphic design as my major in the Andrews University. And been a designer is also the future career in my mind. From an early age I have always had an inclination to paint, draw. I found that I want to show my passion and ideas that people who viewed at my work. Being an artist is such a kind of lifestyle I want.


Jenny holzer truism poster “Ignoring enemies is the best way to fight�

Jenny holzer truism poster “ Technology will make or break us�

Jenny holzer truism poster “The cruelest disappointment is when you let yourself down�

Mr. Leggs paint ad The redesign ad poster for the brand “ Mr. Leggs�

Vector building poster make a vector version of the Visual art and design building poster for the apartment.

Travel poster Travel poster for the Byodoin temple in Kyoto, japan.

Girl and raven A girl that bring the raven to tell the people it is the end of the world.

Travel Guard insurance ad A series ad poster for the Travel Guard Insurance company.



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Art & Design Bio

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Almuni Spotlight Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales orci ac tempor porttitor. Donec lobortis vestibulum lacus, nec congue massa sollicitudin vitae. Mauris et dui ac justo pretium porta non at felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eget elit sit amet nunc molestie

Student highlight Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales orci ac tempor porttitor. Donec lobortis vestibulum lacus, nec congue massa sollicitudin vitae. Mauris et dui ac justo pretium porta non at felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eget elit sit amet nunc molestie viverra

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O Glorious Blu-ray Player!

Random Life + Random Style












Yankun and Faith





“ Maecenas ut scelerisque nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec at est nec odio vehicula lobortis. Donec in lacus eu orci finibus ultricies. Proin vulputate dui odio, eu egestas ipsum gravida in. Etiam et pellentessque justo. Donec eu ultrices leo. Etiam et hendrerit neque. Morbi eu aliquet nulla, sed dictum mi. In id dictum justo. Duis tincidunt hendrerit diam, sit amet ullamcorper mauris mollis ut. Vivamus accumsan ipsum vel mi vestibulum, ut interdum leo tincidunt. Donec cursus augue non nisi egestas elementum. Nam ut purus quam. Mauris facilisis nisl laoreet gravida dignissim. Donec eu ultrices leo. Etiam et hendrerit neque. Morbi eu aliquet nulla, sed dictum mi. In id dictum justo. Duis tincidunt hendrerit diam, sit amet ullamcorper mauris mollis ut. Vivamus accumsan ipsum vel mi vestibulum, ut interdum leo tincidunt. Donec cursus augue non nisi egestas elementum. Nam ut purus quam. Mauris facilisis nisl laoreet gravida dignissim.”




Yankun and Faith

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Yankun and Faith



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Fusce enim lacus, fermentum a posuere id, rutrum sit amet dui. Morbi justo leo, bibendum vel egestas a, ullamcorper at leo. Sed tristique pulvinar justo id feugiat. Nulla vehicula libero at sapien tempus posuere. Aenean in magna vel urna volutpat facilisis. Integer ultrices libero ut porta aliquam. Morbi consectetur dictum viverra. Vestibulum bibendum quis lectus a ornare. Quisque vehicula nisi non nisi vestibulum porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Sed porta diam non quam rhoncus tempor at vitae turpis. Curabitur quis bibendum risus. Nam eget turpis at purus placerat posuere. Fusce venenatis, urna at rhoncus tincidunt, eros ipsum ornare nunc, ac faucibus felis neque sed nibh. Duis ultricies iaculis posuere. Integer sit amet eleifend dolor. Etiam in laoreet nulla, et finibus dui. Nam ornare lacus sit amet ipsum aliquam feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia libero arcu, nec efficitur turpis cursus cursus. Integer eget nisi tellus. Quisque fermentum consectetur sapien, quis efficitur magna laoreet eget. Nulla tempor elit sed mauris lobortis, non pretium nunc scelerisque. Maecenas viverra turpis id posuere eleifend. Pellentesque nunc arcu, efficitur eu pretium et, faucibus eget massa. Donec hendrerit vel eros sed finibus.


It sounds like a fable or a fairy tale. The main characters are an orphaned baby hippopotamus and a 130-year-old giant tortoise. The hippo was rescued from a natural disaster of biblical proportions, and the tortoise was meant to be dinner a century ago. But the story of Owen the hippo and Mzee the tortoise is absolutely true. The animals are both the wards of Dr. Paula Kahumbu, general manager of Lafarge Ecosystems, which runs a sanctuary in Mombasa, Kenya. This story is of a highly unlikely friendship and the children’s book she helped write to tell the tale.

December 26th, 2004 started off as a normal, quiet day. My son Joshua and I were out for a morning walk along the beach in front of my home when suddenly the sea began to race in. Within minutes the ocean became threatening. The tide had risen well beyond the high water mark. At that instant it became apparent the Tsunami that had started nearly 4,000 miles away far across the Indian Ocean would impact us as well. In less than 12 hours the Tsunami had finally reached the coast of Africa from its point of origin in Banda Aceh. We ran from the beach back to my house where my sister and her children were waiting for us. They were all crying having just seen on television the haunting images of the devastating Indian Ocean Tsunami. Although we escaped the waves, a one year old hippopotamus 80 kilometers away was not as lucky. Just before Christmas the unseasonably heavy rains near Malindi town washed a family of hippopotamuses down the Sabaki River and out to sea. The residents of the town tried in vain to urge the family back up the estuary. When the Tsunami hit Malindi, the sea turned angry, the sky clouded over and for a moment the hippos disappeared and were forgotten as all efforts went to rescuing the stranded fishermen. The next day only one hippo could be seen. It was the baby and he was stranded on the reef. Hundreds of people came to watch the efforts to rescue the hippo. It took ropes, boats, nets and cars —

though the hippo was tired he was still fast and slippery. It took a brave rugby tackle to finally capture him, and the cheering of the crowd could be heard over a kilometer away. Lafarge Eco Systems agreed to provide a home for the baby hippo and I rushed to Malindi to collect him. Tangled in fishing ropes, angry and tired, the hippo did not seem to appreciate our rescue at all. As we left for Mombasa, the crowd unanimously agreed to name him ‘Owen’ in honor of the volunteer who tackled him to the ground. Exhausted, confused and extremely frightened, Owen immediately ran to the safety of a giant tortoise when we released him in Haller Park. Mzee, our 130 year old tortoise, just happened to be nearby and he was very surprised by Owen’s odd behavior cowering behind him as a baby hippo does to its mother. Mzee quickly came to terms with his new friend and even returned signs of affection. The unusual relationship between this baby hippo and the ancient tortoise amazed people the world over and has featured in most countries on television and in news papers. Owen and Mzee continue to spend their days together in the pond, feeding and patrolling. Owen nudges Mzee to come for walks, and Mzee sometimes even follows Owen. Hundreds of people have witnessed this incredible spectacle first hand at Haller Park which is open every day to the public. Owen will eventually be moved to a bigger pond in Haller Park were he can socialize with other hippos. Dr. Paula Kahumbu Chief Environmentalist, Haller Park Mombasa, Kenya


wen & Mzee An unlikely friendship By Jennifer Ludden

storycorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. since 2003, storycorps has collected and archived more than 40,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants. storycorps is one of the largest oral history projects of its kind, and millions listen to our weekly broadcasts on nPr’s morning edition and on

True romance:

Love aT Long LasT

By Thomas Peter Headen Jacqueline Marie Headen



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PeTer: I was at a skating rink one night when I was 16,

in 1958, and I saw this young lady. I waited for you to take a break and get a Coke before I made my move. I grabbed you by the hand and said, “My name’s Thomas Peter Headen.” And you said, “My name’s Jacqueline LeFever.” I looked in those big green eyes, and it was a done deal. So we dated. Then, in 1959, your father got transferred to Japan. I decided, Well, I’ll go get her. I joined the Marine Corps, and I said, “I want to go to Japan.” The Marine Corps said, “You’ll go to Japan when we tell you you can go to Japan.” So I went to a base in California.

JacQue: I dated a Marine while I was in Japan, and I ended up getting married — I guess just because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. We came back to the States in 1962, but I didn’t know what happened to you. PeTer: I Well, I finally got orders to Okinawa. And I said, Oh, boy. I’ll go see Jacque when I get to Japan! I was home on leave — you always get leave before you go overseas — and stopped by to say hi to your mother. And she said right away, “Jacque got married. But here, you can have this picture of her.” I made some excuse that I had an appointment or something — the walls were kind of crawling in on me — and I left. I went overseas for 14 months, and then I came back to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, not knowing you were right outside the gate of that base. I got discharged, and I went home to Maryland. One night the phone rang — it was you.

JacQue: I came to visit my mom. And I was calling your mother to see where you were, and you answered the phone — I was shocked, needless to say. PeTer: You said, “I want to show you something.” We

went to your mother’s house, and here was this little baby. Your daughter was about three months old, and she had those same big green eyes. You went back to North Carolina, and I re-enlisted. That was 1964, and I said, “Send me overseas.” I didn’t want to be in North Carolina where you’re sitting outside the gate. So I left on August 12 for Vietnam. I came back to the States after 26 months and was stationed at Camp Pendleton, California. One day I was sitting in the barracks, and I decided, I’m going to write her a letter and tell her how I feel, because we were going back to Vietnam.

JacQue: You wrote, “I just have to get this off my chest

— I love you. I’ve always loved you. I have to say it and get it over with, and I’m done.” In the meantime I’d had another child — a little boy. So there I was in an apartment with two little babies and just miserable, actually. I got married for all the wrong reasons. But I came from a divorced family, and I didn’t want my kids to have a broken home.

PeTer: When I came back from Vietnam, I spent 24

hours at home, and then I went to my mother at about 4 a.m. and said, “I’ve got to go to North Carolina.” And she kind of looked at me: “I think you better leave that one alone — she’s married. But I guess you got to do what you got to do.” I said, “Yeah, I got to do what I got to do.”

JacQue: I sent you away.say. PeTer: That was September 25, 1968. JacQue: Thirty years after that, I left my husband. It wasn’t easy. My kids were grown, they had their college education, they had their families, but I was lonesome and miserable. PeTer: I was sitting there one night, and the phone rang — matter of fact, it was September 25, 1998.

JacQue: TThat night, I had made up my mind: I am out of here. I’m so unhappy. And I sat there and I said, Nobody ever loved me but Peter. And that’s when I thought, I’m going to go find him. I asked the operator, “Do you have a T. P. Headen in Waldorf?” And she said, “No.” And I said, “Well, I’m really desperate to find this person. I know he’s in Charles County, Maryland, somewhere.” And she said, “I have a T. P. Headen in White Plains.” So I said, “Oh, my God, that’s it! That’s him!” I started crying, and I said, “I have been trying to find this person for 30 years. He’s the love of my life.” And she said, “You want me to dial the number for you?” I said, “Yeah, you can dial the number.” She said, “Can I stay on the line?” I said, “I don’t care what you do!” PeTer: And you said, “You know who this is?” I said,

“Yeah, I know exactly who this is.” You said, “I bet you’re mad at me.” I said, “No. Matter of fact, I’m still in love with you.”

JacQue: I felt like I was 15 all over again. We decided we would meet in Memphis, and I picked you up at the airport. You jumped in the car and gave me a big old kiss. PeTer: We got married in May, the 15th. I took you

down to Key West and out on a three-masted schooner, and we married at sunset. There’s no address on our marriage certificate, just a longitude and a latitude. It’s worked out well. It’s just sad, the time we lost — you can’t get that back. We could have been together when we were 18, 19, you know? But I got you back. And you’re just as beautiful as you were when you were 15.

JacQue: That’s because you make me feel beautiful. RECORDED IN CHARLOTTE HALL, MARYLAND, ON JUNE 4, 2009.

HEALING OUR SOLDIERS Photos by Lynn Johnson and Rebecca Hale, National Geographic


eterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often return home with wounds that can’t be seen on the surface: brain injuries resulting from the shockwaves that follow explosions. Some veterans, including service members at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, have attempted to cope with the challenges they face through art therapy.

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Aaron Tam (Ret.) Iraq 2004-05, 2007-08 “Detonation happened, and I was right there in the blast seat. I got blown up. And all this medical study—nobody ever thought that they [blast events] were very harmful, and so we didn’t log them, which we should because all blast forces are cumulative to the body. On a grade number for me, it would probably be 300-plus explosions … I’m not going to not play with my children. I’m not going to let my injuries stop them from having a good life.”

Marine Cpl. Chris McNair (Ret.) Afghanistan 2011-12 Impeccable in his Marine uniform and outwardly composed, McNair sits on the porch of his parents’ home in Virginia, anonymous behind a mask he made in an art therapy session. “I was just going through pictures, and I saw the mask of Hannibal Lecter, and I thought, ‘That’s who I am’ … He’s probably dangerous, and that’s who I felt I was. I had this muzzle on with all these wounds, and I couldn’t tell anyone about them. I couldn’t express my feelings.”

Army Staff Sgt. Perry Hopman Iraq 200608 Wearing his mask—half patriotic, half death’s-head—Hopman confronts the battery of medications he takes daily for blast-force injuries he sustained while treating soldiers as a flight medic. “I know my name, but I don’t know the man who used to back up that name … I never thought I would have to set a reminder to take a shower, you know. I’m 39 years old. I’ve got to set a reminder to take medicine, set a reminder to do anything… My daughter, she’s only four, so this is the only dad she’s ever known, whereas my son knew me before.”

Air Force Staff Sgt. Robert “Bo” Wester (Ret.) Iraq 2007, 2008-09, Afghanistan 2010 Suiting up before attempting ordnance disposal “is the last line. There’s no one else to call … It’s the person and the IED … and if a mistake is made at that point, then death is almost certain. They call it the long walk because once you get that bomb suit on, number one, everything is harder when you’re wearing that 100 pounds … Two, the stress of knowing what you’re about to do. And three, it’s quiet, and it seems like it takes an hour to walk.”

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Tiffany H. Iraq 200708, Afghanistan 2010-11 Tiffany H., as she prefers to be known, was “blown up” while helping women in a remote Afghan village earn additional income for their families. Memory loss, balance difficulties, and anxiety are among her many symptoms.


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