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AI For Financial Compliance

Arti fi cial Intelligence AI is making compliance within financial regulations cheaper and easier than ever before by automating surveillance, improving the precision of noncompliance and regulatory change detection, deterring rule violations, and preventing financial crimes and market manipulation.

Automated Surveillance Improves Noncompliance Detection By 2030, AI will save financial institutions $1 trillion. This represents an estimated 22% reduction in operating expenses. These cost savings are possible due to both the improved efficiency and reduced operational costs by the integration of AI into legacy compliance systems. By using advanced surveillance that can capture electronic, visual, and audio data, today’s AI-driven compliance platforms can gather and process these diverse forms of inputs into meaningful compliance-related data more accurately and at a faster rate than humans.

Regulatory Change Management and Reporting In the global financial industry, compliance managers have to keep track of the hundreds of regulatory changes that occur every day. In the past, this required the dedicated efforts of teams of employees sorting through massive amounts of compliance change data and manually integrating relevant information into legacy compliance tracking systems.AI-driven compliance platforms eliminates inefficiencies, which is leads to improvements in both regulatory change tracking and timely compliance reporting.

Deterring Rule Breaking and Financial Crime AI is a key instrument in making compliance departments at financial firms more efficient, but more immediately they help with the process of detecting fraud. For example, AIsupported platforms can identify fraudulent employees who create fake accounts by tracking email and IP addresses and ensuring that multiple accounts are not being run from them. Furthermore, by using natural language processing and other forms of advanced surveillance methods, AI compliance platforms can target and identify noncompliant behavior in real-time through automated reviews of emails,

When Applied Appropriately, A I Can Be a Catch-All Soluti on A I compliance technology i s already capable of reading and performing tasks s u c h as extracti ng metadata, identi fying enti ti es that are referred to, and understanding the intent of every regulated acti vity undertaken at a global fi nancial insti tuti on. Automated compliance processes made possible through the integrati on of A I with legacy compliance tracking system s also frees up valuable human resources for improved strategic thinking.

AI's Worth The s av in g s i n cost, ti me, and energy made possible by these ins ig hts allow fi nancial insti tuti ons to put h u m a n power and resources towards other aspects of the business. While it will not replace the teams that staff compliance departments at global b a nks currently, A I h a s proven its worth and will conti nue to play a large role i n fi nancial insti tuti ons as we get closer and closer to fully-autonomous compliance.

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