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SHIFT mag - Europe talks to Brussels

Brussels, Belgium

Edited by Tipik Communication Agency since 2007, SHIFT mag is a quarterly magazine on Europe in the broad sense – ranging from EU news and current affairs to global, national, regional as well as local experiences and projects in the field of politics, economics, science, culture, sports, etc. SHIFT mag is designed for open-minded, dynamic and forward-thinking Europeans in Brussels and beyond. The trends and events shaping Europe are analysed from as many angles as possible in order to tap into Europe’s unique diversity. Focusing on multi-faceted, challenging and original viewpoints from across Europe and the world, our aim is as follows: to bring a freshness to the European debate and offer a transnational view of Europe’s latest news in all fields; to provide a platform where Europe talks to Brussels, so that Brussels in turn can start talking to Europe; to help EU opinion leaders understand the needs and expectations of Europeans.
