SM100_Shift Miner Magazine

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SHIFT MINER The Queensland mining community’s best source of local news

Locally Owned and Operated -

Monday 22nd November 100th Edition 2010


CHEAP & LAZY New strategic cropping laws slammed

A CHEAP, lazy fix to a political problem is how the Shadow Mines Minister Jeff Seeney has described the state government’s proposed strategic cropping laws. Draft trigger maps were released in August as part of the government’s plans to lock up the state’s best agricultural land from any development, including mining. Despite being granted conditional approval by Queensland’s Co-ordinator General, vast sections of Xstrata’s $3 billion Wandoan project overlap areas marked for possible protection. Neither landholders - nor the mine - know what that will mean for the future of the project. “It’s just a nonsense,� said Mr Seeney. “While we [the LNP] want to see the best cropping land in this state protected, we should be talking about the iconic, strategic land in areas like the Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley.� “I don’t believe there has ever realistically been a suggestion that protected zones should cover areas like Wandoan.� Mr Seeney said the trigger maps identified too much land to be described as “the best of the best� and that left everybody involved in limbo. “While miners fear the worse, landholders are hoping for the best.�

REVEALED! Shift Miner’s Most Eligible Bachelor & Bachelorette

The Partners: John Taylor - LL.B Sharon Smith - BEc/LL.B Hons Craig Worsley - LL.B Greg ĂŠ


News First coal out of the Galilee Basin Âť page 7 News Mines adopt Blee recommendations Âť page 4

Around Town Hold onto your hats! Âť page 14

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News Which trades do they want in LNG? Âť page 5

Âť Â Â Page 8

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(SPQs excepted)

Feature What can Middlemount offer? Âť page 10

Âť continued page 4



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CQ Business Mackay businesses chase China  page 12 Money Matters Moranbah’s last industrial sale  page 24




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JEFF Seeney is right when he says the state government’s proposed strategic cropping maps are a cheap and lazy fix to a political problem. Back in August when the trigger maps were first released, I wrote an editorial dismissing them as overstated and unreliable. On the face of it, most people would agree with the principle behind the new polSWEET TREATS icy - that Queensland’s prime agricultural land should be protected from development. In fact, that’s the very role of governXMAS ment - to decide how we best manage the SMILES plentiful resources of our state. Serves 6-8 That’s why it is so disappointing that This is a quick and easy snack or no- Serve with a scoop of vanilla frozen fuss desert for a Sunday BBQ with \RJKXUW *DUQLVK ZLWK IUHVK PLQW RU this whole exercise has been a complete friends and family. You can cut the keep a few of the inside pineapple and utter balls-up. SLQHDSSOH LQWR FKXQN\ ¿QJHUV DV top leaves for decoration. The first massive project to be affected VKRZQ IRU DQ HDV\ HDWLQJ WUHDW IRU Note: For a different serving style, is Xstrata’s $3 billion Wandoan project. the kids. They will love it! peel and core the pineapple then cut Despite the Co-ordinator General’s into 2cm rings, BBQ and serve on a INGREDIENTS: plate with a scoop of frozen yoghurtconditional approval of the behemoth in the hole. 1 fresh Pineapple, peeled and project, some of the land is earmarked for VOLFHG LQWR FP ORQJ ¿QJHUV possible protection. J 5DZ VXJDU

Grilled Pineapple



In money terms, this is an unacceptable delay to a project that will pour millions of dollars into Queensland’s coffers, and employ thousands of people. In human terms, the emotional anguish it creates for farmers who will be hoping it puts the project on ice is unimaginable. It is also cruel, considering it is most likely the project will go ahead, because most recognise the land in the Wandoan zone is by no means the “best of the best”. And where is the state government and the relevant Ministers on all of this? Well, they’re not available to be interviewed by Shift Miner Magazine. Instead, the relevant Departments provided a written response that has been cut-and-paste from previous press releases and public statements. It’s about time the state government addressed this issue, and provided landholders and miners with some clarity so they can make informed decisions about their future.

Alex Graham

Numbers You REGULARS Numbers Numbers Can CountYou On** You 5 Calliope scrambles 16 * STUFF TO THE EDITOR





Prepare pineapple as directed VOLFHG LQWR ¿QJHUV 6SULQNOH VXJDU DOO RYHU WKH SLQHDSSOH DQG JULOO RU barbeque on medium heat until WKH VXJDU VWDUWV WR FDUDPHOL]H %H careful not to burn them.

CountCan OnCount On New campCan for LNG *When audited by the CAB Numbers You

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SHIFT MINER The Bowen Basin’s premier magazine

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Phone: (07) 4921 4333 Fax: (07) 4922 6908 Editor: Alex Graham Advertising: Angus Peacocke 0428 154 653

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Published fortnightly by Fitzroy Publishing Pty Ltd A.B.N 72122739879 PO Box 1440, Rockhampton Q 4700

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Page 3 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


100th EDITION. 2010

Three years after Blee death, mines change MORE than 12 months after a Coroner handed down recommendations into the death of Mackay miner Jason Blee, central Queensland mines have implemented the changes. In 2007, 33-year-old Jason Blee died when he was crushed underground between a wall and a shuttle car at Anglo’s Moranbah North mine. In September last year, following a coronial inquiry into his death, the Coroner handed down 18 recommendations. Those recommendations included an overhaul of the procedure for notifying the next of kin during mining accidents. However, five months ago two miners were seriously injured during a similar shuttle car accident at Peabody’s North Goonyella mine. A 38-year-old fitter broke his pelvis when he was pinned to the wall by a shuttle car, and the 28-year-old driver had his hand

crushed during the accident. The Mines Inspectorate shut down the mine for several days, and the incident is still under investigation. That accident exposed that several mines in the region were yet to comply with the Coronial recommendations from the Blee inquest. At the time, the chief inspector of the coal mines, Gavin Taylor, wrote to all mines issuing them with the directive to: 1. review interactions between pedestrians and moving machinery underground and the use of “no go” zones 2. equip underground mines with airbags to lift or push heavy equipment off trapped people 3. review change management standards 4. review drug and alcohol policy The Inspectorate says all mines have since reported that they now comply with the directives. Text us your thoughts on 0428 154 653

The Inspectorate says all mines have since reported that they now comply with the directives.

Page 4 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

LNP: Cropping laws should not stop Wandoan FROM PAGE 1 “Landholders are having their expectations built up that will inevitably be dashed and miners and their investors have a cloud over their projects until this is sorted out.” Mr Seeney said the Wandoan project, which sits in the heart of his electorate, has been on the agenda for 25 years and most affected landholders had already sold up and moved on. “Apart from a few landholders - who I certainly feel for - there is a whole community out there desperately waiting for this project to get the nod.” “The small business owners, the land developers, the contractors there is a whole strata of people who have a big future because of this project.” The Queensland Resources Council is calling on the government to exempt projects, like Wandoan, from the new cropping laws. Mr Seeney agrees.

“The government must come up with a much more specific set of maps or release the specific criteria that they will use to determine land quality in these trigger areas,” he said. “And until it is made law, it is unfair to hold up the assessment of projects that have already made it through all the proper processes.” “Those projects should be allowed to go ahead.” “What they have done is the cheap, lazy option - they released maps they already had and that hasn’t solved the problem it has made it worse.” Shift Miner Magazine approached the Mines Minister’s office for an interview but was told the Minister was unavailable. The Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) responded with a statement, but the statement contained no new information to shed light on how the government plans to settle the issue.

“The small business owners, the land developers, the contractors there is a whole strata of people who have a big future because of this project.”


100th EDITION. 2010

Specialist trade gap will hurt gas industry

A severe shortage of dual electrical instrumentation tradespeople will impede the burgeoning coal seam gas (CSG) industry, according to one industry insider. Gladstone-based, not-for-profit, training provider GAGAL has 50 places for the dual trade ready to go, as soon as there is funding for the places. “We are just waiting for someone to put their hands in their pockets,” said GAGAL general manager, Kerry Whitaker. “The big five employers in town Cement

Australia, Rio Tinto, QAL, BSL and NRG are all supporting the program and have guaranteed places ready to go for the apprentices.” “Both the state and federal governments will do very nicely out of the gas industry so they need to look at programs like this as an investment in advance because without the skilled workers it won’t happen.” Ms Whitaker said the problem facing the CSG industry was the jobs would be needed in the future, but the positions weren’t available yet.

“The only way to be a tradesman is to get an apprenticeship, and you can’t do that if there isn’t a job for you.” “The jobs aren’t here in the gas industry yet - but they will be, and that’s why this pilot program is so important - it’s about creating the training now for the jobs we know are going to be needed.” Ms Whitaker said there are only 100 dual electrical instrumentation tradespeople in Queensland currently, and hundreds more will be needed to operate CSG processing plants. Finding skilled overseas workers to fill the gaps will also be difficult, because Australia only recognises the credentials of two other countries. The trade requires a five-year apprenticeship, so there will also be a lag time. “What is urgently needed is funding, so we can get the ball rolling,” said Ms Whitaker.

“There are only 100 dual electrical instrumentation tradespeople in Queensland currently, and hundreds more will be needed to operate CSG processing plants.” Text us your thoughts on 0428 154 653

Rush on to build Calliope village CONSTRUCTION of a massive worker’s village at Calliope near Gladstone could begin as early as Christmas. The $140 million, 2200-room project is being developed by the Maroon Group to provide short-term accommodation for people employed in the coal seam gas (CSG) industry. Maroon Group general manager, Grant Smith, said now that QGC had signed off on a CSG plant in Gladstone everything was happening at breakneck speed. “Everyone has been chasing their tails, we have everyone running around like blue arse flies because we have all

been caught out a bit,” he said. “The business at the top of the chain holds everyone to ransom while it makes its own decision, then once that’s happened everything has to be done yesterday.” Mr Smith said all the finance for the village was sorted out, and he hoped to make a start by the end of the month. “We are not really waiting on anything, just a few end user contracts to be settled, but what I don’t want to do is pour $17 million into the project without those contracts settled,” he said. Mr Smith said he expected most of the issues would be resolved in the next fortnight.

“Accommodation is a bit like landscaping, it’s the last thing everybody looks at,” he said. “But it’s the most important, and everyone now wants to get good accommodation sorted out because its so important for retention of staff.” Ironically, the Maroon Group is facing its own accommodation crisis as it brings in its workforce to start the construction job. However, Mr Smith said they will build the site using a mostly local supply and contractor base. The Maroon Group also operates a 160room accommodation village at Nebo.

FAST NEWS Moranbah Sunday flight Qantaslink has begun a Moranbah to Brisbane return service on Sundays. The new service was introduced late last month, as Monday flights are always fully booked. When the airport is upgraded next year Qantaslink hopes to fly bigger planes in and out of the mining town. .....................................................................

Chinese take over Cook

China is looking to sure up its coking coal supply, with a $400 million offer to buy Caledon Resources, which owns Cook Colliery near Blackwater. An in-principle agreement has been reached between Caledon and the Guangdong Rising Assets Management Company (GRAM). The wealthy Guangdong province of China includes a manufacturing hub and is developing a steel industry. Caledon managing director Mark Trevan said the take over would be positive for shareholders and employees. .....................................................................

Spike in machinery enquiry

More businesses are looking to buy new and improved machinery, as mining and heavy industry moves to capitalise on the high Australian dollar. In October and November, Skelton Sherborne has recorded a spike in enquiry. “We are finally starting to see improvement in forward orders for mining equipment and improved used equipment volumes,” its report read. “In this sector delivery dates on new machinery orders are steadily increasing, and this will be reflected in the next few months in this index.”

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Page 5 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


100th EDITION. 2010

more jobs Blackwater wants new 200 for Gladstone camps out of town BLACKWATER locals have stepped up their campaign to stop new accommodation villages being built on the edge of town. The Blackwater Community Progress Group has taken its concerns directly to the Premier Anna Bligh and her Planning Minister Stirling Hinchliffe. “The perception is it’s [Blackwater] nothing more that a whistle stop camp town and just because we are a mining community it doesn’t mean we should be suffering,” said the group’s chair Kev Cracknell. The government’s Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) recently marked out a site for more single person’s quarters in town, and Mr Cracknell said that had raised fears among many that the town will turn into “one big camp”. “In ULDA’s proposal there is provision for anywhere between 2000 to 3000 more single person’s quarters in Blackwater and that’s our big problem.” In addition to that proposal, Mr Crack-

nell said both Aquila Resources and Caledon Resources are looking for more camp-style accommodation in the area. “With talk of those two mining companies putting in camps before we know it we could have 7000 or more single person’s quarters in Blackwater and that’s only going to be detrimental to the community.” A meeting was held in Blackwater last night to update locals on the progress of the campaign, and the meeting with Ms Bligh and Mr Hinchliffe. “The Premier is basically going away to have the departments look further into the issue,” he said. “We appealed to her as the Premier but also as a mother and woman that this style of development doesn’t do anything to benefit the community and the families in it.” “We are certainly not anti-camps but

we believe they should be somewhere outside the community footprint and provide a style of accommodation that is self sufficient to stop the burden being placed on the community’s assets.” Meanwhile, in Moranbah, submissions against the proposed expansion and relocation of the BMA’s Buffel Park accommodation village closed on Monday. Union-sponsored mining communities advocate, Jim Pearce, said hundreds of applications were submitted. “If this application for extra camp accommodation is approved by the state government, it is akin to giving the big tick to the destructive 100 per cent FIFO application, that we know is just around the corner,” he said. Mr Pearce said it’s now in the Co-ordinator General’s hands.

“The perception is it’s nothing more that a whistle stop camp town...”

RIO Tinto Alcan is fast tracking the expansion of its Yarwun alumina refinery. From mid next year, the workforce will increase by 200 as the company tries to push the project through to completion by August 2012. During the GFC jobs were lost at the project as construction was put on hold when commodity prices fell through the floor. However, Rio Tinto Alcan is now confident global demand for alumina is increasing, and the expanded refinery will be well placed to meet this demand. “The project is currently 59 per cent complete, and there are 1000 contractors on site,” said Rio Tinto’s Pat Fiore. “This will increase to approximately 1200 by mid 2011.” “The project has an impressive safety record, with an all injury frequency rate of 0.6.” The expansion project’s co-generation facility was commissioned in August this year, and is feeding power into the grid. The expanded wharf facility is also complete and up and running.

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Page 6 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


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100th EDITION. 2010

Hancock’s “try before you buy”pit opens COAL has been mined for the first time in the vast Galilee Basin and will be shipped out to a Korean customer keen to examine its quality. Mining magnate Gina Rinehart has officially opened the test pit of Hancock Prospecting’s $7 billion Alpha coal project, 450 kilometres west of Rockhampton. Mining has now started at the 100,000 tonne per year test pit - so that overseas customers can “try before they buy” from the new reserves. Mining analyst Gavin Wendt said the move was an unusual one. “It’s not common practise but this is a brand new coal field and the Galilee Basin has got the potential to eventually rival the Hunter Valley in terms of thermal coal exports,” he said. “We do know the reserves are huge but one can forgive the customers for wanting to prove what’s effectively an unproven product.” He said the process will give customers confidence of the thermal coal quality and consistency. “Just taking samples isn’t necessarily indic-

TIPPED FOR SUCCESS: Hancock’s Gina Rinehart helps Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson do some promotional work at the official opening of the test pit

ative of the overall characteristics of the coal and this is a precautionary measure as part of the marketing process,” Mr Wendt said. Hancocks’s coal managing director, Paul Mulder, said the test pit is a significant milestone in the move towards full-scale operations in 2014. “It was the first time that mining commenced in the Galilee Basin, which is obviously fairly significant based on how large the planned coal mines that we have on the books at the moment, with Alpha and Kevin’s Corner being up to 60 million tonnes,” Mr Mulder told the ABC. “So I guess the importance of it is that this would rival some of the largest coal mines in the world,” he said. The coal from the test pit will be trucked to Jellinbah coal mine near Emerald, before being railed to Gladstone for export. The first test shipment will then be delivered to Korea South East Power early next year. At this stage, Hancock has only signed a contract with the one Korean customer for a test shipment. The company will make a decision on whether to produce more in the new year.

Anglo supports diabetes research A GOLF day in Moranbah has raised $4000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Anglo American’s Moranbah North mine held its annual golf day for employees and suppliers last month, and raised just under $2000 - the company has matched the donation dollar for dollar. Moranbah North mine commercial manager, Albie Smit, said the day was a fun way to raise money for worthwhile charities. “Over the past eight years we have raised more than $30,000 for various charities including

Camp Quality, and this year it was decided that JDRF would be a worthwhile organisation to assist,” Albie said. Anglo American purchasing officer Brook Thomas nominated the foundation as this year’s recipient, because she had a family member with juvenile diabetes. Ms Thomas travelled to Brisbane to present JDRF’s Georgina Duncan and Glen Harris with the $4000 cheque. “To be able to present this cheque to the foundation means a lot to me personally as I know how important research into type 1 diabetes is,” Brook said.

DIABETES FUNDS: Anglo American’s Aldo Pennini and Brook Thomas handing over a cheque to Junior Diabetes Research Foundation’s Georgina Duncan and Glen Harris.

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Page 7 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

The Coalfields has voted,

Bachelor &

THE WINNERS Jaime Ward, 27 Rolleston mine, operator

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT JAIME: When I’m not at work you’ll find me: Camping, bike riding, playing on cars, water skiing, anything outdoors The best advice I’ve ever been given is: Don’t speed, wear sunscreen, be good to ya mother - lol My life is best described in the song: “Bonkers” by Dizzee Rascal haha My best attribute is: My sunny disposition : )

My friends say I am: Talkative, out there, with sense of humour whatever that means? My signature dish is: Roast pork and veggies What are you looking for in a partner? Someone that’s a bit of a thrill seeker, outgoing, with a good sense of humour that doesn’t take everything too seriously What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done? A candle lit dinner .. I cooked roast pork n veg with flowers and a big teddy bear for Valentines day ...

Do you believe in love at first sight - why or why not? Yeh kinda, but it hasn’t happened to me yet lol ... If you had a catch phrase, what would it be? You’re in luck at the moment I’ve got a 2-4-1 deal ... 2 of you for 1of me hahaha ; ) Why should people vote for you? I’m a fun sort of a bloke... I only entered for some fun and a laugh and I have definitely got that : ) but I’m sure if I was sent to Airlie I’d brighten someone’s day haha

THINK YOU’VE GOT THE CREDENTIALS TO BE SHIFT MINER’S MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR OR BACHELORETTE? Well, don’t despair. You’ll have your chance to enter the competition in 2011.

Thank you to all the entrants of the 2010 BACHELOR and BACHELORETTE c

Scott Davies, 28

Ty Moore, 30

Mark Di Ruggiero, 36

Brian Puckey, 26

Matt Lawless, 21

Glen Finning, 27

Josh Burns, 19

Michel Maifredi, 29

Harley Weston, 26

Daniel Brunner, 23

Jay Beattie, 23

Dirk Irsch, 45

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PLUS - $500 spending money thanks to Steve Taylor & Partners

CALL 07 4921 4333 WWW.SHIFTMINER.COM Page 8 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

Shift Miner’s Most Eligible Bachelor & Bachelorette is proudly sponsored by:

and Shift Miner’s Most Eligible


ARE REVEALED! Nicole Murray, 27

My best attribute is: My sense of humour


If I could invite three people to dinner they would be (and why): George Jones - living legend, Matty Johns - because he is so funny, McKennon Wimberley- eye candy

Ensham mine, HSE Mining

When I’m not at work you’ll find me: At the gym, riding my horses, roping or enjoying a drink at the pub with my friends My life is best described in the song: “You can’t take the Honky Tonk” by Brooks and Dunn My worst habit is: Over committing to my social calendar

My signature dish is: Burritos and cobb loaf What are you looking for in a partner? Someone who is thoughtful, makes me laugh and always shops at home.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done? Spa on the eleventh floor of a penthouse suite Do you believe in love at first sight - why or why not? I believe in attraction at first sight, maybe followed by love If you had a catch phrase, what would it be? True love is hook line and sinker. Why should people vote for you? Because I am good value and very single...

Due to popular demand, the comp will be back in the new year. Watch this space, and we’ll let you know when to start sending through your applications. Unless you find love in the meantime...


Matthew Goldman, 26

James Wagner, 20

Noela Burke, 46

Oliviah Thelan, 22

Diana Barnes, 25

Bri Mouat, 22

Brodie Hock, 26

Allan McDonald, 36

Deb Fisher, 40

Stacey Taylor, 26

Karen Hurt, 49

Nicole Sempf, 27

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Page 9 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Middlemount - 30 years in the making The future of Queensland’s mining towns has been in the spotlight of late, as debate rages over the implications of fly-in fly-out workers. Over the coming months, Shift Miner Magazine will profile some of the region’s towns - and what they have to offer miner workers and their families. In our second instalment, Nicky Way takes a look at Middlemount. The Vitranite camp is running at 98 per cent occupancy

THIS year, the Bowen Basin town of Middlemount celebrates its 30th birthday. When the town was first built back in 1970, it was set up to house Capcoal mine workers. In 2010 it is home to more than 3500 people working for one of the many mines in the region, not to mention other industrial, retail, education and healthcare workers. The town is able to accommodate more than 650 families in houses and 1300 people in single person’s quarters. While there are a number of vacant homes in town at the moment, the accommodation villages are almost at capacity. James O’Neill runs Vitranite Village and says business has never been better. “We’re doing a lot better this year than we were doing last year, we have 80 rooms and at the moment we’re running at around 98 per cent occupancy,” he told Shift Miner Magazine. However, not everyone in town is happy about the vacant homes and full camps. Isaac Region Council’s community place

officer, Gail Hite, says Middlemount is a great place to bring up children, but the increased number of camps has reduced the number of families. She also believes the camps mean people are less willing to be involved in local community events, because their sense of community lies elsewhere - often where their families reside in the big coastal centres like Mackay and Rockhampton. “They [FIFO] have ownership of Rocky or Mackay, that’s what a lot of it comes down to,” she said. “That’s the reason why we don’t have the number of volunteers - it’s certainly part of the reason why there’s not so much ownership of the community anymore.” Jacqueline Dennis runs Korisma Boutique with her mother Patricia. She has lived in Middlemount on-andoff for the past 30 years and has seen a lot of changes in the town. “Middlemount has changed over the last 12 months, but so has the mining industry,” Ms Dennis said. “It [mining] has moved more towards the industry and less towards the family.” Ms Dennis said people might not realise how much Middlemount has to offer. “Middlemount is a multi-faceted town, it’s quiet and it has pretty much everything you need.” The small town offers a range of services including a rural agency providing nursery and hardware goods and a tyre and mechanical business. Those businesses are part of an industrial estate, where other large organisations like Boom Logistics can be found. For those interested in sport and recreation the town has much to offer with a fully maintained golf course, gym, personal training, motor cross, pool and sporting associa-

Middlemount from above

tion activities such as soccer, and tennis. The town even held its inaugural Middlemount fun run earlier this year, and for the ultra keen fitness enthusiasts there’s even a mountain to practise hill sprints. Mine administration worker Emma Merritt says Middlemount is a friendly and social town. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t have plans for a Friday/Saturday night there is always invitation on offer to a BBQ, a drink at the golfy or a couple of beverages at the local footy game,” she said. “It’s the friends that I’ve made and the people that I have met that make Middlemount,” Ms Merritt said. James O’Neill agrees. “The town is nice and friendly, the pace is good and you don’t have to battle peak hour traffic like you do in Brisbane or other big cities,” he said. But unlike the big cities, sometimes only limited health services available, and Ms Hite is one supporter of the government providing more allied health services in the area. “More services like speech therapy, diabetic awareness, we certainly could have a lot more of that,” she said. Trudi Hansell is the mother of four-monthold Millie and would like to see the community health centre renovations finished so a full time nurse can be employed in town. “It’s disappointing for mums that the health centre isn’t fully operational,” she said. “The nurse has to travel out here two days a week to try and cover the communities needs and she has to run it out of the house that Anglo have provided because the Queensland Government health centre and its accommodation hasn’t been fixed.” “It’s been 12 months now and the repairs on the centre seem to finally have been started so hopefully it will be running again soon.”

Q u i c k Fa c t s Population (2008): 3503 Mines: Anglo Coal’s Capcoal, Foxleigh, Central, Southern, Bundoora, Grasstree and Lake Lindsay mines; Macarthur Coal’s Middlemount mine Education: Middlemount Community School – prep to grade 12, kindergarten, daycare, playgroup Health: Community Health Centre, medical and physiotherapy practice, pharmacy, dentist Nearest hospital: Dysart 66km Surrounding industry: cattle and crop farming Distance from the coast: 270 km to Rockhampton and 250 km to Mackay Closest towns: Tieri 55km, Dysart 66 km Transport: Rail and air and Emerald bus connections also available in Capella Council: Isaac Regional Council with offices in Middlemount, Dysart, Moranbah, Clermont, Glenden, Nebo, St Lawrence (Chambers)

Did you know? Olympic cyclists Anna and Kerrie Meares grew up in Middlemount Middlemount ranked 9th in the Courier Mail’s richest post code list (Aug 2010) The Middlemount Races is one of the biggest events on the social calendar in CQ. It is held in August every year Middlemount has an approved residential development for sale, the first to be offered since the town’s inception 30 years ago

Want more info? Isaac Regional Council – Anglo Coal – Macarthur Coal – Vitranite – The Mac Group – Middlemount Races –

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Middlemount Testimonials Emma Merritt says Middlemount is a friendly and social town, with events like the annual Race Day

Emma Merritt - mine administration worker What do you like? Middlemount is a friendly little town, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have plans for a Friday or Saturday night because there is always is someone extending an invitation to a BBQ,

a drink at the golfy or a couple of beverages at the local footy game. The friends I have made and the people that I have met are what makes Middlemount.

Trudi Hansell – married to Ryan and mum to Millie What do you like? You feel safe walking around town with kids, it’s a friendly town. Like anywhere you need to get out there and make the most of what the town has to offer, get involved and take part in events like the Community Christmas Carnival that’s coming up. That’s a really exciting time for the town, it really pulls everyone together.

What don’t you like? Disappointing for mum’s that the health centre isn’t fully operational. Anglo has given them [Queensland Health] a house to run out of until all of the repairs are done at the centre and its accommodation but until then the nurse has to travel out here two days a week to try and cover

Jacqueline Dennis says the town has changed a lot in the last 12 months but so has the mining industry.

We asked locals to tell us what they like - and don’t like - about living in Middlemount

the community’s needs. It’s been 12 months, and finally, the repairs on the centre seem to have started so hopefully it will be running again soon. The doctor’s have started a mother’s clinic but they’re really busy, it would be good to see the health centre fully operational again.

What don’t you like? Well, it not really anything about Middlemount, it is the distance to Middlemount. A one and a half hour drive to visit the nearest chiropractor… that’s a killer when the back is playing up!!

Trudi Hansell would like to see the Community Health Centre services fully restored

Jacqueline Dennis - mine administration worker, Korisma Boutique owner and mum to Jack What do you like? Middlemount is multi-faceted. It’s quiet and it has pretty much everything you need. I grew up on a property so for me it’s got everything. There’s a lot of recreational activities. I’m part of the Middlemount Community Sporting Association which incorporates soccer, tennis, athletics, swimming, there’s a lot of options.

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What don’t you like? The town seems to have moved more towards the industry and less towards the family. Businesses in town try to provide everything that’s needed. Sometimes you don’t seem to see the funding opportunities that government put into place trickle out this way they way they’re meant to. The roads are pretty bad. If you live more than two hours from the coast

you experience pretty bad roads. In the future it would be nice if there was a little bit more of a reason for the community to stick around on the weekends, that would be nice. That would help communities that are trying to head towards more community engagement. More housing would also be great. There’s still a lot of people in the camps that want to bring their families to town and can’t.

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Page 11 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


BMA supply HQ Mackay businesses chasing Chinese dragon pulls out of Mackay A decision to relocate mining giant BMA’s supply headquarters from Mackay to Brisbane won’t hurt local businesses, according to its general manager. After more than 10 years of operating out of Mackay, BMA is returning its mining supply headquarters back to Brisbane early next year. But according to the company there will be no job losses, and all employees have been offered the opportunity to relocate to Brisbane. “The decision wasn’t made lightly, and it has impacts both personally and professionally,” said BMA supply general manager, Peter Mifsud. “We realise some people can’t relocate, and we will look for redeployment in those cases.” Almost a third of BHP’s total line transactions occur through BMA, whose operations are located in central Queensland.

As a consequence, the decision by BMA to pull out of Mackay has sent a collective shiver up the spine of many long standing mining services companies. Many Mackay businesses have enjoyed close business and personal relationships with BMA’s Mackay staff, but with HQ moving to Brisbane that will become more complicated. However, Mr Mifsud said the move should not reduce opportunities for these businesses. “Relationships are important, but they are not the driver,” he said. “I don’t have a policy that we must spend X in the Mackay region.” “You win those jobs because you are able to supply the service we require, and we seek to find the best suppliers to support our operations at the most effective value.”

“The decision wasn’t made lightly, and it has impacts both personally and professionally.”

THE Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac region is looking to China to fund a raft of projects, as local investors fail to step up to the plate. Last month, Whitsunday mayor Mike Brunker led a trade mission to China, along with 12 local business people with interests in construction, tourism, regional development and real estate. The mission was facilitated by the Mackay Whitsunday Regional Economic Development Corporation (REDC) and aimed at building relationships with Chinese investors. REDC economic development manager Laura Sorensen said local businesses were being forced to look overseas to secure funding for new projects. “The delegates have had difficulty getting finance locally and that’s just the economic climate here at the moment,” she said.

“The delegates have had difficulty getting finance locally and that’s just the economic climate here at the moment.”

CQUniversity sweating over merger decision TIME is running out for CQUniversity and Central Queensland TAFE to finalise a name change before enrolling students in 2011 courses. The pair has proposed merging, but are still awaiting final approval from the state government before preparations can be made for the next influx of students. Sources close to the merger had expected the Education and Training Minister

to take the final decision to cabinet some time this month, but the Department is still reviewing the proposal. A spokeswoman for the Department said a comprehensive business plan and detailed financial analysis still needed to be completed. She did not indicate how long that would take, or when the Minister was likely to have the decision ready for cabinet. If approval is granted, the pair would

“After the GFC everyone has tightened their belts.” Ms Sorensen said the first part of the eight-day mission was spent in Beijing talking to Chinese government and bank officials about opportunities in the region. “The Chinese have a very solid economy right now and by first talking to government and bank officials who ultimately make the decisions it will be more likely that people we are pitching the ideas to will invest,” she said. Chinese investors are yet to sign up to any developments, but Ms Sorensen said they have expressed interest in a number of local projects. “They certainly expressed interest in developing a large site for a hotel here and Mackay and are keen for it to be iconic,” she said.

become the first dual-sector university set up in Australia in more than a decade. Most insiders expect the merger to go ahead, with the Premier Anna Bligh already signalling her support. “It’s one of the most exciting developments in post-school education that we have seen in Queensland for many years,” she told ABC radio recently. Ms Bligh believes the facility would

streamline the process for central Queenslanders to upgrade their skills. This “one stop shop” approach has also drawn support from the resources and industrial sector. The CEO of the Mining Industry Skills Centre (MISC), Derek Hunter has previously told WINO the move would be of enormous value to mining in the region. “Effectively what it does is remove the splintered approach to training,” Mr Hunter said. “You would have an organisation centrally located in the mining region, that could do anything from entry level inductions to tertiary type training and everything in-between.”

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Page 12 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


CSG toxic chemicals no risk: QRC THE Queensland Resources Council (QRC) says the increased reports of toxic chemicals found in coal seam gas (CSG) wells should not be misconstrued as a threat to humans or the environment. Follow-up tests have confirmed traces of the cancer-causing chemical benzene in three of Arrow Energy’s 60 wells at its Moranbah project. It follows another contamination scare last month when traces of BTEX chemicals were found in eight of Australia Pacific LNG’s (APLNG) 17 wells in the Surat Basin. In the latest incident, Arrow Energy has released a statement confirming low levels (between one and three parts per million) of BTEX chemicals in three wells. There are no registered bores within five kilometres of the wells, but Arrow is conducting tests of the closest bores as a precaution. CSG companies in Queensland are banned from using BTEX chemicals in the fraccing process that breaks up the coal seam, and so both companies are working to find the source of the chemical. “Benzene can be naturally occurring in the environment but it is also used in

petroleum-based products like lubricants and oils, we don’t use these chemicals so we need to find out where they’re coming from,” said Arrow Energy’s Tony Knight. “Arrow put in place a monitoring and detecting process so that we can detect chemicals in extremely low concentrations so that they’re not an issue to the public.” “We’re not concerned that there’s a public health issue, we have taken the proper steps to contain it [the benzene],” he said. Origin Energy communications manager, Gerald Tooth, said investigations were still continuing as to the source APLNG’s positive result and were some weeks from being finalised. “Sample analysis from properties whose bores showed traces of the chemical did not return any unsafe levels.” “There are a number of possible of possible sources, we’re not speculating at this

stage,” he said. CSG companies are required by government regulation to routinely test for dangerous chemicals in wells. QRC chief executive, Michael Roche, said the public should understand the increased reports are due to tighter regulations. “What we are seeing is the best breed of accountability, it is about monitoring to be on the safe side,” he said. “The industry is being up front and honest but the bottom line is that no-one’s health is at risk.” Mr Roche said the public should expect more reports, as companies are obliged to let officials know of any readings that are outside acceptable parameters. “You will be seeing more not less of this sort of reporting, but people should understand it’s not news about environmental or human harm.”

“What we are seeing is the best breed of accountability, it is about monitoring to be on the safe side.”

Capital expenditure hits $132.9B PLANNED capital expenditure in the resources sector has hit a record $132.9 billion. The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) said the planned investment was up more than 20 per cent on figures six months ago. “We’re seeing huge investment in an industry that is going from strength to strength,” said Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson. “I expect this trend to continue with more key projects potentially coming on line in the near future.” “As today’s report notes, ABS Survey data based on industry intentions from the June 2010 quarter indicate that capital expenditure in the mining sector for 2010-11 may reach $54.8 billion – an increase of 58 per cent on 2009-10 figures.” “In the last month alone we have seen major new commitments including BG Group’s $15 billion investment in its coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas operations in Queensland that could be the first of a number of such investments in this growing industry.” ABARE’s October 2010 list contains 376 major projects spanning most minerals and energy commodities. Energy projects account for 26 of the 72 advanced projects (36 per cent) and make up 70 per cent (or $92.9 billion) of the total capital cost of $132.9 billion. A significant proportion of this investment comprises LNG projects, including exports.



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around town 100th EDITION. 2010

Moranbah North mine hosted its annual Moranbah North Mine Cup at Treasure Park recently. Despite the rain clouds, the event was still well attended!

Marisa and Cameron Knight

Eric and Kaylene Girgenti

Back: Ben Moody, Tony Gouge, Russell Page, Warren Schultz. Front: Tim Moody, Joshua Moody, Jackson Gouge

Jane Sykes and Julie Taylor

Taylor Battersby, Ken Hoey, Kaitlin Dowson

Megan Kropp

Jared Gay

Clay and Bruce Hiron

Gavin West and Dean Hawley

Tanya Hawley and Madonna West

Brenton James and Tegan Feddersen

Karlie Cummins and Belinda Coco

LOOKING FOR TREASURE! Verlyn Espinoza and Krystal Carr

Kelsey Pond, Sean Burch, Morgan Truelson

Zoe Peterson

Kristi Elworthy, Jenna Hood and Michelle Rafton

Fashions on the Field entrant Amanda Black

Holding a social event you want photographed?  Call the Shift Miner office on 4921 4333 to let us know.  You can also give our office a bell if you’d like a copy of any of the photos in this edition.

Page 14 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

around town 100th EDITION. 2010


1st place, Proserpine team: Paul Reynolds, Micheal Kinnear and Grahame Kinnear

2nd place, Ipswich team: John O’Hare, Hamish Ferguson and John Mitchell

Moranbah Bowls Club hosted a Master 3 Bowl Carnival recently with 24 teams competing for their share of $7500 in prize money, with teams travelling from as far as Townsville and Ipswich. Taking home the $3000 first place prize money was Proserpine, followed by Ipswich and Souths.

Rusty Maher, Lou Da Conceicao, Bob Bean and Glen Scotton enjoy a cool beverage after the competition

3rd place, Souths Suburban Bowls Club team (Mackay): Goog, Gary Peterson, Mark White

Shane Silk

Dan Longmore and Steve Moore

Wayne Raguse and Ted Gill


The Moranbah Remote Control Car Club held their monthly race day recently. The club track is located across the road from Treasure Park and new members are always welcome.

Club members: Back Row - Troy Sergeant, Leona Brecknell, Corey Anderson, Jackie Bluck, Bailey Bluck, Jacob Calwell, James Hawe, Martin Thomis, Steve Bluck,Brandon Lean, Craig Lean Front - Emily Calwell, Ben Thomis, Glenn Thomis, Damien Lean, Dylan Anderson, Kory Bluck

Troy Sergeant maneuvers ‘Lady beetle’ around the course

Dylan Anderson

Remote control car in action

Ben and Glenn Thomis

John Anderson

BUY THIS AND MANY OTHER IMAGES AT Shift Miner magazine – bringing the mining community closer together Page 15 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

stuff to the editor 100th EDITION. 2010

“Torn excavator�

Stuff to the Editor The big nugget discovery in a mine in north Queensland, had people speculating: Did they really find that nugget with a metal detector?! Makes combing the beach seem worthwhile? Adam,


You’d put that nugget in your pocket and try and take it home with you if you could. Might weigh you down a bit. A.F, Rocky

ER N I M T F I H S BIG WET l news

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Monday 8th

(SPQs excepted)


99th Edition


mmer cyclonic su Miners face

Beep beep!

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Lesson learnt last year - don’t hide in a crib room when the storm starts, or you could end up on your head.... M.R,


So it’s going to rain this summer. Tell us something we don’t know. Bill,


FIFO is still causing a lot of heated debate among those in the industry: I am sick of hearing about how FIFO is wrecking the Bowen Basin. Who’d

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Talk of big rains have people in the Coalfields on high alert: If it’s gunna rain, can we please make it over xmas and new year so we can some time off! Early January would also work for me. Tim, Moranbah

sent in anonymously

e Mackay Offic Gordon St. Mackay.

ss CQ Busine le with Retailers batt Âť page 12 the mines tters Money Ma land a Vacant CQ Âť page 26 mixed bag

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want to live in Moranbah when you could live in Mackay? Not my wife and kids. L.T, Mackay


Mining camps are a big part of the problem when it comes to break ups and divorce. It can be a lonely life back in town for the wife, as well as the husband in the camp. R.F, Rocky There has also been some late entries to our Bachelor/Bachelorette competition: Note from editor: The competition will be back again next year, so if you missed out you’ll have a second shot! Stay tuned...


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Fair Dinkum! IN BRITAIN: One discount supermarket chain is off Santa’s Christmas list. Under Santa’s list of naughty or nice popping reindeer steaks on their shelves counts as naughty - very naughty. The frozen steaks were launched last week and will set you back $10 for a 350g pack. The animals lovers at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) probably won’t be filling their stockings with the meat. “The idea of Rudolph being slaughtered and sliced into steaks for a novelty Christmas dinner is revolting,” a PETA spokesperson told Sky News. IN AUSTRALIA - forget your $6 late fee at the video shop, one bloke from Newcastle has coughed up $5000 in overdue fees for a library book that’s 19,350 days overdue. 79-year-old Raymond McLarne borrowed the book Knots, Splices and Fancy Work as a 19-year-old apprentice engineer. It seems he learnt a trick or two from the book which led him to establish a multi-million dollar cable and rigging company. He returned the book and a $5000 cheque to the Newcastle Region Library, which in turn gave the book back to him as a gift. IN NEW ZEALAND - Knuckle dusters and kneecapping are no longer methods needed to deter shoplifters and pesky folk causing trouble in shopping centres. The Kiwis have decided to take a more classical approach to stamp out “anti-social” behavior in a Christchurch shopping centre - classical

as in classical music approach. Apparently they’ve been playing Mozart over the speakers since June 2008 and it’s doing the trick. A New Zealand online news service reported the number of anti-social incidents fell from 77 a week to just two for the same time this year. IN CROATIA - Don’t clean your teeth during a storm - chances are you might get a severe case of bum burn. A 27-year-old woman in the Croatian city of Zadar has suffered severe burning after lightning hit her in the mouth and passed right through her body - and exited the back door. Natash Timarovic was cleaning her teeth at her home when lightning struck the building. She told a local newspaper she had put her mouth under the tap to rinse away the toothpaste when lightning struck. “I don’t remember much after that, but I was later told that the lightning had travelled down the water pipe and struck me on the mouth, passing through my body,” she said. Doctors at the city hospital where she was treated for burns to the mouth and rear said the accident was bizarre but not impossible. “She was wearing rubber bathroom shoes at the time and so instead of earthing through her feet it appears the electricity shot out of her backside,” a medic told the paper. The young woman was released from hospital after being kept in overnight and was expected to make a full recovery.

Forget your $6 late fee at the video shop, one bloke from Newcastle has coughed up $5000 in overdue fees for a library book...

Frank the Tank’s

“Streakin” good love advice Dear Frank, I’ve been with my man for just over a year now and we get along great. The only thing I can’t stand is the fact that he is a real mummy’s boy. He can’t make a decision without consulting her, and I feel like he sides with her over me. How can I finally get him to cut the cord and break free from his mum? Tina, Blackwater What a pleasant surprise, Tina. Sometimes my vast wisdom is lost on the fairer sex, so I am glad to see that there are ladies out there who appreciate streakin’ good love advice. In order to answer your question I’m going to have to don my Sigmund Freud signature edition psychoanalysis helmet, which incidentally also distributes alcohol directly into my mouth via two straws, which serves to better unlock my psychiatric talents. Many years ago I was one of the top minds in the country in the field of psychiatry, however after a number of female patients claimed my hypnotism treatment program resulted in a constant compulsion to disrobe publicly my license to practise medicine was unceremoniously revoked. There are a number of reasons why your gent may still be running home to mum every time something goes wrong perhaps he was breast fed for too long as a child. I once encountered a fellow who didn’t cease breastfeeding until his teenage years and as a result is affected by a

Sensible Susan Tina, This is a more common problem than you may realise, for a lot of Aussie blokes mum is still number one. This is, however, a very delicate subject in that

veritable encyclopedia of unhealthy psychological issues. I recall police were once required toforcefully eject him from a milk bar after he demanded the shop attendant personally produce a bottle of milk for his consumption. He wound up applying for gender reassignment surgery and I believe is now a famous musician, I think he calls himself something Ga Ga. Causal factors aside, I expect you want some advice regarding how to actually break the bond between your man and his mother. Well worry not, Tina, I shall not disappoint you. The easiest way to turn a child against their parent is to remind them of a traumatic childhood experience that can be blamed on negligent parenting. If your bloke had a happy childhood I’d suggest concocting an elaborate lie in which you pillory his mother’s parenting ability. When still practising psychiatry I would often convince my patients they had endured terrible trauma to ensure their return business. Try convincing your boyfriend that his mother willingly beat him as a child for talking out of turn, or that it was her intention to adopt him out to a Russian circus in exchange for a flagon of port and three packets of rolling tobacco. If you’re looking to really scare him straight I would recommend inviting a man over for dinner to pose as your estranged father. After a few glasses of wine you should begin vigorously kissing this pseudo father in a manner that will likely be considered very inappropriate. Your man will be so horrified that he’ll agree to anything to get ‘dad’ out of the house, including spending less time with his mother. Frank

your man is likely to get quite defensive if you come right out and criticise his mum. I would recommend sitting him down and explaining that sometimes his relationship with his mother makes you feel like you’re being put to one side. Try not to tell him what annoys you about his relationship with his mother, but rather what he can do to improve his relationship with you. Susan

If you have a question for Frank and Susan Email Us at:

Page 17 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

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WHITSUNDAY HOLIDAY RENTAL Impress your girlfriend,family or mates & book this spacious f/furn beachfront home - 30mins Nth Airlie Beach. Ideal affordable getaway from $160/nt View au Property ID 25669 wallerjen@westnet. Ph 07 49461628

CAR FOR SALE 1995 XR6, 135,000klms, Hurricane Extractros, 2/1/2 inch exhaust, Pedders springs, new clutch kit and rear main seal, Brakes done, front wheel bearings and seals. Intake manifold gasket, Top Condition PH 0418167447 $6500

SALE New fully mine spec 6 head Allight lighting tower/genset combo $39,500 charlesscharneck@ 0423 331 217

too many extras to mention. $84,000 Ph: 0418 885 318



Honda Blackbird 1100

Honda Goldwing (Luxury

24,000km, Tinted Screen,

Model) 2007 Model First Reg March 08, Full Log Book History, 38,000Km

Excellent condition,

As new condition,Tow

must sell due to

Bar, UHF Radio, Carry


Rack, Highway Pegs, Lots of Chrome, Located


at Airlie Beach

m. 0417 767 454 JETSKI FOR SALE 2008 Kawasaki Supercharged Ultra 250 Immaculate, 1500CC, 3 seater, 19 hours, extended warranty, swiftco trailer plus heaps of extras. $17,000 ONO Phone Lauren 0418 185 339 BIKE FOR SALE Harley Davidson 2005 softail deluxe,250 wide ass kit, diamond cut spokes, slash cut pipes, burly bars,13000km like new. $46,000 ono ph.0407 491 388

UTE FOR SALE Toyota Landcruiser Tray back, 7/08, V8 GXL, T/D, 52000km’s,B/bar, T/bar,Side steps,Tool boxes, UHF, CD, No beach, VGC, Rego 07/11 New tyres, L/W S/covers,Floor mats, $57,500. 0419 641 457


excellent condition,

1973 Cruiser for sale 40” Spotted Gum Cruiser 4-71GM, 12v/24v alt, 1500L diesel, 1000L water, Gas/electric fridge freezer, Sleeps 6, VHF 27mg and UHF $45,000 Ono 0418 988 126

$115,000 ono

480 coastrunner CV,,

80,500km, full service history,

Glendale Relocatable home, 13.2m x 7.2m, 2 x

cupboards, wall oven, and ceramic glass cook top,

Ph 07 49346190 nights

owner, 6sp manual,


raked ceiling in large lounge/dining, 2 x split system

Harvested and stored in the Rockhampton region.

Ford F250 4x4, 2005 model, one


bedroom, main with ensuite, plenty of kitchen

Ideal for land rehabilitation


CAR FOR SALE Ford BA sedan 2003/GT kit,6cyl,193.000kms, lowered suspension, cd/dvd with sub woofer and bluetooth, this car is in VGC. $14,500 ono. 0408 549 027

0405 180 724 BIKE FOR SALE Harley-Davidson 2011 Wideglide.$28,895.00 Ride Away. 1 yr Rego & 2 yr warranty. $153.11 per week over 5 years with $1,000 deposit. Helen @ Bundaberg Motorcycles 07 4152 1121 BOAT FOR SALE Keith Brown 30. Pro. built solid f/glass half cabin fishing vessel.length 9m, beam 3m, drft 1.2.210hp 3208 cat deisel. 500l fuel. Cruise 13 knots. HF & VHF radios,plotter, 6”sounder.All safety gear & ground tackle.Twin berth, covered back deck.Ideal fishingor Island cruising. Yeppoon PH 49 392 182, 0409491024 $59,000 neg HOUSE FOR SALE QUEENSLANDER 15 Paskins Road, Yalboroo Q 4741 3 bed 1 bath closed-in verandahs A/C Modern kitchen/dining 26,000 litres rainwater Good domestic bore Fenced 75 k toMackay Leased till 25.01.2011 $245,000 ONO m.0438 153 660


HOUSE FOR SALE 4 Bd, 2 Bath, Huge patio, built-in BBQ,

3 Sheds, on 18acres

tar road & schoolbus to front gate. 15min to Rocky. $515,000neg 07 4934 1339





1965 Ford Mustang Coupe 283 V8 Very good interior New paint Left hand Drive Fully complient and Registered in Queensland

2006 Centurion Air Warrior T5 - 340 hp Scorpion Mercruiser. F-N-R Gearbox, Wake Tower with Racks. Stereo with Tower Speakers. Fat Sacks. Excellent Condition, Bow Seating



Lavey Craft Ski Race Boat 454 Chev, Casale v Drive Powerglide transmission, 12 months registration



2000 Moomba Mobius 200vSki Wakeboard Boat 350 Chev Centre mount Direct Drive F-N-R Gearbox New Upholstery Bow Seating Custom tandem trailer wakeboard Tower with Stereo Tower Speakers and Wakeboard racks


SHOWROOM: 96 Mt Perry Rd Bundaberg, 07 4152 8770 or 0407 988 628

Page 18 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

5 minute fiction

Off shift 100th EDITION. 2010

by Bernard S. Jansen

Promise to fish











1. Non-sexual (relationship)


5. Pierce with spear

11 12

9. Rissole 13

10. Set off 12. Deposed



13. Viscose fabric


14. Difficult


17 19


16. Cruel & depraved

21 22



19. Male felines


21. Manufactured


24. Confidence 25. Licence to market goods





27. Position after seventh 28. Agreeable 29. Entice 30. Rated

2 8 1

4 7

k.pdf 2010


5 3


7 8

1. Cheerleader’s accessory 2. Rouses (from sleep) 3. Circle (planet) 4. Uncouth (3-4)

5 2 7 8 4 1 6 1 4 3 2 8 5 1 9 6


6. Rote learned 7. Examination 8. Ignite 11. Deck mop 15. Listless 17. Becomes rigid 18. Trespassed 20. Gentle (of lighting) 21. Childhood illness 22. Couches 23. Flew by jumbo 26. Bottle box

# 91





4 9 8 3 5 6 1 2 7

2 3 6 8 7 1 9 4 5

1 7 5 2 4 9 3 6 8

5 1 7 9 2 4 8 3 6

8 2 3 6 1 7 5 9 4

6 4 9 5 8 3 2 7 1

9 6 4 1 3 5 7 8 2

3 5 2 7 6 8 4 1 9

7 8 1 4 9 2 6 5 3

They fished in silence for an hour, standing close together on the beach. The sun set over the sea, flooding the sky with an orange glow. David looked up and down the coast in the fading light. They had the beach to themselves. “You get any bites?” Sam shook his head. “No, not yet.” In twenty minutes the sun had gone, and David and watched the white foam on the tops of the small waves shining in the moonlight as they came into the shore. He felt cold. “I’m going to make a fire,” he said. He reeled in his line and walked to their fishing bags and put down his rod. He went up to the high water mark, just below the dunes, to gather driftwood. He prepared a pile of wood on the sand to start a fire, but had nothing to light it with. He shivered, and walked back to Sam. “Any bites?” he asked. “I think I got one,” said Sam, “just a minute ago.” “Maybe he stole your bait.” “Maybe.” “Hey, you got a light?” said David. “I don’t have anything to start a fire.” He knew Sam smoked, though he tried to keep it a secret from their mother. That meant he tried to hide it from David too. “Yeah, I do. I thought we might want to make a fire.” David smiled. Sure you did. Sam started winding in his line. “I’ll come with you,” he said. “I’m sick of standing here, catching nothing.” When he’d reeled his line in, he showed David the bare hook. David nodded. They walked together to their fishing bags. Sam put his rod beside David’s, and they walked over to the pile of driftwood nearby. Sam lit the driedout seaweed and grass David had stuffed amongst the smaller pieces of wood. In a few minutes the fire was burning well. They sat as close as they could to the fire without burning the hairs on their legs. Neither of them spoke as they stared into the flames. The fire snapped and crackled. The waves dropping on the shoreline made a constant, beating sound. Sam spoke first. “Do you have a problem?” David smiled. Sam was always blunt; never the diplomat. “No, I’m just cold; and, I don’t actually like fishing all that much.” Sam shrugged. “Me neither.” “I never fish, actually, except on these trips with you.” Sam nodded. “We used to love fishing, when we were boys, when Dad would take us. We had a lot of fun then, didn’t we?” David laughed at the memory. “Yeah.” Sam reached behind him for a piece of wood and placed it on the fire. Bright sparks jumped up into the smoke and then fizzled out high in the air. “I guess it was

Dad who really liked to fish,” he said. “You really think so?” said David. He turned from the fire to study his younger brother’s face. “Did you know he never went fishing by himself, after we’d both left home?” Sam turned and looked David in the eye. “You sure? He used to talk about it.” “He talked a lot,” said David, “but he never went. I asked Mum. She said he only ever fished with us. He never even went fishing before we were born. He only bought the gear when I was four or five.” “That’s weird. Dad did do some weird things, didn’t he?” “Oh, yeah.” “Hey,” said Sam, “how old’s your little boy now?” “Frank? He’ll be five in a few months.” “You gonna take him fishing, like Dad took us?” David thought for a moment, staring into the fire. “Yes,” he said, turning back to Sam. “I think I will.” “That’s good. If I had a kid, I’d take him fishing.” David didn’t reply to that. Sam spoke again. “Do you want to keep doing this; our once-a-year fishing trip?” “We promised Dad.” “I know,” said Sam. “Why did he make us promise, anyway? We don’t even like fishing. We haven’t caught a thing in years.” “Yeah, but we promised.” “You’re right.” Sam poked at the fire with a stick. “We’ll keep doing it, then.” They drifted into silence again. They stared into the flames, poking at it with sticks, and throwing things into it. David said, “You wanna pack it in?” “Sure, it’s getting real cold now.” They put out the fire with sea water, fetched with the buckets that were meant to hold their catch. They walked slowly together up the beach to their cars. They packed away their gear, then shook hands. David reached forward and hugged his brother, awkwardly. “See you next year,” he said. “Yeah, sure; next year. Look, I’ll try to call you, more often.” “Sure, that’d be great. Me too.”

For the month of Movember, Shift Miner Magazine contributor Bernard Jansen is growing his mo to help raise money for men’s health, especially prostate cancer and depression. To help him raise much-needed funds, you can donate at http://au.movember. com/mospace/681088/

Bernard S. Jansen is 32, married has three young boys. He lives in Emerald, works as an engineer at a local coal mine and is active in his local church. Read more of Bernard’s writing online at or email him at GOT AN IDEA FOR A STORY? Let Bernard know - email him at or hop on his blog

Page 19 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Christmas comes early for Rio Tinto Alcan kids MORE than 300 excited children of Rio Tinto Alcan Yarwun employees got together at Friend Park in Gladstone recently for the annual Kids Xmas party. With rides including a jumbo slide, tea cups and mega jumping castle, old style fairy floss, gingerbread cookies, face paint-

ing, hair spraying, temporary tattoos and ice-cream there was never a dull moment. Santa even stopped by to say Merry Christmas and hand out bags of goodies for the attendees. Senior project engineer Tom King said his children had a wonderful day.

“The kids were incredibly hyped up prior to the event, the anticipation built up over two weeks,� Tom said. “When they got there they had a ball. All round it was an exceptionally well organised family day and the kids had a fantastic time.� The site administration team said a number

of employees and community organisations assisted with making the day so special. “I would just like to thank the volunteers who gave up their time for the event,� Administration officer Leanne Foster said. “Also a big thank you to the Lion’s Club who manned the BBQ for us.�

Sarah King had her face painted

Sophie Watson and Bianca Natoli were in good spirits

The Thompson family were all together for a good day out

Jessica Simpson was busy applying stickers on Isaac and Isabelle Anderson

The Star of the Sea School choir kept the crowds entertained

Kleo Brilliant enjoying her ride

Ready for some hair colouring fun are Felicity and Hope Noy

Sadie Maher has a decoration painted on her arm




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Page 20 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

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The view from the top overlooks the entire valley

Ferocious felines and flash flooding LIKE Bunyips, Bigfoot and of course me ol’ mucker the Loch Ness Monster, the Grampians Puma has intrigued and, in some cases, terrified locals and visitors alike for decades. There are countless reports of tracks, scat and sightings. Indeed there are countless cases of savage attacks and stalkings. In 2005 Melbournian gun slinger Kurt Engel reportedly laid one to rest courtesy of a lead slug between the eyes... though it

was never actually proven. Some say the big cats are just oversized feral mogs and as you can imagine, some don’t. The most plausible explanation is that US troops brought pumas over as platoon mascots during the Second World War. At least, that’s what I gathered from the 30 or so newspaper clippings adorning the walls of – funnily enough – the Black Panther Cafe. Aptly described as the beating heart of the Grampians, Halls Gap had been on my

Back in August, former Shift Miner staffer Lincoln “Linx” Bertoli decided to ditch the comforts of a steady pay packet and go and live the dream. Lucky bugger. For the rest of us stuck working to earn our keep in this cruel world, Linx will now taunt us with a regular column in “Off Shift”. If you can’t be there yourself, you might as well live vicariously through someone else... and just hope something unfortunate happens to him out there on the open road...

tourist radar for quite a while. Now, after some two months on the road, we had finally arrived for a few days of hiking and climbing and wining and dining. And indeed our duo had almost doubled... we were now a trio! After some subtle persuasion, Mother Bertoli had decided to make the pilgrimage south and spend a week in cat country. Naturally – as is the norm for most of my well planned ventures – the heavens opened almost as soon as we set foot on our first hike, the Chatauqua Peak Loop; a 5.6 kilometre trek through winding bush tracks and switch backs, culminating with a scramble to the summit. While the rain did in fact ease and the summit was eventually conquered, the local ABC weatherman that night cheerfully informed us that “severe flash flooding is on its way to central Victoria, so dust off those raincoats haha.” But, annoying and chipper as he was, he wasn’t lying. Sunrise the following morning brought with it what can only be meteorologically described as an almighty pizzling. With plans for another hike now securely laid to rest, a uncomfortable three person drive in a two person car seemed the only feasible option, so we packed out sodden bodies into the hilux and headed for nearby Stawell and whatever welcoming wineries we could find on the way.

Three days later: Head pounding. Damn delicious merlot. Rage building. Wait - rain easing. Rage slowly declining. Hike pending. Onward and upward! With rare rays of sunshine fighting their way through the cirrus, we hastily threw some muesli bars and water bottles together and set a cracking pace towards the Pinnacle; the jewel in the Grampians crown. Consisting of rock steps, several seasonal water crossings and plenty of rock hopping, the Pinnacle is a legitimate ten kilometre slog (from camp and back) to some unbelievable views. And six hours later, pictures taken, energy spent and patience severely worn, Marnie, Mama and I stumbled back to our home away from home completely shagged but quietly pleased with our achievements. The girls will tell you that we did not see the fabled Grampians puma. But something was stirring in the scrub during the pinnacle walk; it looked - and moved - like a lizard but from what I can tell, chameleon like wizardry is just part of the big cat’s arsenal, so friends, mark that down as another sighting! Lincoln – 1 Grampians - 0

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View from the top: Marn strikes a pose atop the Pinnacle

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Puma: A Grampians Puma in the guise of a common house cat!


Page 21 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Bait shop Banter FISHING IN YEPPOON ADRIAN from Secret Spot Bait and Tackle has noticed something fishy going on at one of the beaches off the Capricorn Coast. “There were three trawlers working down off Kemp Beach the other day and that would indicate there are quite a few prawns around I think,” the eagle-eyed Adrian reported. So if you’re after some prawns maybe Kemp Beach could be the place to go. Adrian said the weather has improved a little and fishing activity has picked up. He says around the mouth of Ross Creek you will be sure to get some salmon, some good flat head and some bream as well. “There have been good reports of grunter around the wrecks out Corio headlands.” “There have been a couple of big Spanish reported around the Keppel Island area but the water is still pretty dirty.”

He said the rain has had a spell and the water does seem to be clearing up now. For offshore fishing, the weather hasn’t been so crash hot and Adrian said for those who have braved the bad offshore conditions there have been a few nanagai and trout about. Good news for those chasing crabs: “The crabs are starting to move at Coorooman Creek, Kinka Creek and Corio Bay they are starting to produce some good numbers.” He said a bloke the other day caught seven and got to keep four legals which isn’t too bad. “They are all packing a bit of weight on and getting ready for eating.”

FISHING IN GLADSTONE THE crabs aren’t firing along just yet in the Gladstone area according to Dylan from

Tide Times


Pat’s Tackle World. The harbour is the prime location at the moment for those chasing salmon. “Grunter have definitely moved in the creeks you can get them at Graham Creek and up the Toolooa Bends and a good live bait is live herring, mullet or a nice fresh prawn.” Offshore they are seeing red. “People have been doing a bit of offshore work have got red emperor, red throats, grassies and there are a few trout starting to move in closer to the coast up into the reefs.” Out at Awoonga Dam there have been some nice barramundi measuring around the one-metre-twenty, one-metrethirty mark. “A good lure for those barra is a Squidgy Flick rig, B-52 or Gold Bombers,” Dylan said. Dylan has been snagging some grunters and red Jews around Cape Capricorn but with the average weather things have been fishing pretty steady.

MACKAY Gladstone

Time Ht

Time Ht

If you have a good photo or fishing yarn send it through to our resident bait chucker-

With Mike Griffin

Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht

0250 0.64 0325 0.68 0402 0.76 0442 0.89 0530 1.05 0036 3.04 0145 3.03 0916 4.15 0954 4.16 1034 4.12 1119 4.04 1210 3.95 0629 1.22 0742 1.34 1536 0.84 1618 0.85 1701 0.90 1748 0.98 1840 1.05 1308 3.85 1413 3.76 2132 3.31 2210 3.25 2252 3.17 2340 3.09

1938 1.09 2042 1.07

0436 0.73 0512 0.78 0549 0.90 0028 4.08 0122 3.97 0226 3.92 0342 4.00 1054 5.54 1130 5.54 1211 5.47 0631 1.07 0721 1.27 0824 1.47 0940 1.60 1723 1.15 1804 1.20 1848 1.29 1257 5.35 1350 5.20 1452 5.08 1603 5.01 2301 4.31 2343 4.21

1939 1.36 2036 1.39 2141 1.33 2248 1.17

Mon 29 Tue 30 Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 MACKAY Gladstone

MACKEREL are getting around the harbour and Lambert’s Beach according to Julian from Tackle World Mackay. If you’ve been around the estuaries you have probably noticed there isn’t much activity because of the rain that’s been about. Not to worry, you can still catch bream, whiting and flat head in the mouths of the creeks and at Kinchant Dam reports of barra around the metre mark are flowing in. No big reports on the offshore front but Julian is hopeful this next week will see people able to get out. Crabs aren’t on the run yet but in the next week or so they should be out and about.

Your weather forecast

Mon 22 Tue 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 Sun 28 Time Ht Time Ht


Sat 4 Sun 5

Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht 0302 3.13 0417 3.35 0524 3.64 0622 3.92 0045 0.61 0132 0.54 0216 0.53 0903 1.37 1023 1.28 1135 1.12 1237 0.94 0713 4.14 0758 4.29 0841 4.36 1520 3.71 1627 3.68 1730 3.65 1830 3.63 1331 0.79 1421 0.69 1507 0.65 2149 0.99 2254 0.85 2353 0.72

1924 3.60 2014 3.56 2100 3.51

0501 4.25 0613 4.64 0055 0.70 0149 0.52 0238 0.41 0324 0.37 0406 0.40 1102 1.58 1221 1.42 0715 5.06 0808 5.44 0857 5.72 0941 5.90 1023 5.97 1715 5.00 1821 5.02 1330 1.20 1431 1.00 1526 0.86 1615 0.79 1700 0.81 2354 0.94

1922 5.02 2016 4.97 2108 4.88 2156 4.76 2241 4.63

Page 22 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010

Heavy rain with flash flooding Week 1 - Week 1 - Heavy rain from a cloud band stretching from the Gulf to SEQ caused some local flash flooding from the Gemfields to the Coalfields. Some 7 day totals (mm) to the 18th Nov of note: Kulumur Range 158, Clermont 152, Fairbairn Dam 132, Middle Ridge 130, Craigmore AL. 119, Moranbah 103, Windamere 100, Blackdown Tablelands 90, Rewan 86, Dysart & Taroom 84,Capella 76, Injune 69, Springsure Jnt. 70, Theodore 59, Emerald & Beckers 34. Most centres have already recorded their annual average rainfall. The prevalent cloud and rain has made this spring one of the coolest on record. The overcast cloudy conditions clear over the weekend as a high in the Bight moves into the Tasman. Fresh to strong winds along the coast will make daytime temperatures 3-4 degrees cooler than average for the Coalfields. This is not good for the boaties - fresh to strong south easterly winds will whip up the ocean and cause

squally showers. One or two light showers should drift into the eastern Coalfields from Monday. Winds may ease late weekend. Week 2 - The SOI has fallen from +19.7 at the end of October to +15.4 in late November. This indicates the La Nina is still operating with more rain likely by mid December. In the meantime the monsoon trough is forming in north tropical waters. That begs the question - could a low develop in the Coral Sea in the next few weeks? In the meantime warmer temperatures return to the Coalfields. Watch the Warrego for afternoon storms early in the week. The trough system could move north and affect the southern Coalfields mid-week. Marine lovers the Coral Sea it very important to keep a close eye on in late November. If a low develops offshore east of Cairns and the high remains in the Tasman, then winds could be rather fresh for most of the period.

Your Health 100th EDITION. 2010

EXPERT ADVICE For those too busy or embarrassed to ask the important questions about their health Considering it is still Movember.... How are those mos shaping up gentlemen? Ladies, I hope you are coping with your man’s facial hair (just remember it is for a fantastic cause). Given that Movember is - in part - a fund raiser to combat depression, let’s take a look at the issue. Depression can often be seen as simply being sad from time to time, and the expression “you feeling depressed hey?” gets thrown around a little too quickly.

So what should you look for if you suspect a person you care about has depression? The most common symptoms include: • feeling tearful and sad • loss of motivation and energy • a lack of pleasure in activities that used to please you e.g. sport

But clinical depression is:

• a lack of interest in friends and family, and in the world around you

• a serious medical condition

• disturbed sleep patterns

• the leading cause of suicide in Australia

• feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt and anxiety

• intense and long-lasting • a condition that seriously affects a sufferer’s ability to function from day to day

• an inability to control emotions like anger, frustration and guilt • changes in appetite and weight

• marked by feelings of extreme negativity towards themselves and very low self-esteem

• loss of interest in sex

It’s important to acknowledge two things about depression:

• physical aches and pains

• a sufferer can’t just “snap out” of depression • sufferers aren’t to blame for their condition There are a number of factors thought to contribute to depression, including: • genetic/chemical (effecting mood)

• an inability to concentrate • suicidal thoughts Again, everyone is different but sufferers will probably experience a combination of several symptoms. What they have in common is that their symptoms will: • go on for at least two weeks

• stress

• interfere with their ability to function day to day

• personality type (such as perfectionists, highly sensitive or extremely shy individuals)

If any of these symptoms sound all-too-familiar, please see a GP for a proper assessment.

• age (dementia is linked with depression) • gender (women are most likely to have ‘non-melancholic’ or ‘reactive’ depressive disorders, although roughly equal numbers of men and women are diagnosed with bipolar disorder)

Stay healthy, stay informed! References: 1 2: Black Dog Institute:

Tammy Farrell is a registered nurse, nutritionist and author of ‘The Real Man’s Toolbox – A DIY Health Manual for Men’. Tammy grew up in the Hunter Valley with two brothers in the local coal mines. In 2007, she started to give health talks in the Hunter, and that’s when she began compiling the book, helping hundreds of men answer questions about their bodies.

Grilled Pineapple Serves 6-8 This is a quick and easy snack or nofuss desert for a Sunday BBQ with friends and family. You can cut the SLQHDSSOH LQWR FKXQN\ ¿QJHUV DV VKRZQ IRU DQ HDV\ HDWLQJ WUHDW IRU the kids. They will love it! INGREDIENTS: 1 fresh Pineapple, peeled and VOLFHG LQWR FP ORQJ ¿QJHUV J 5DZ VXJDU 9DQLOOD IUR]HQ \RJXUW

Serve with a scoop of vanilla frozen \RJKXUW *DUQLVK ZLWK IUHVK PLQW RU keep a few of the inside pineapple top leaves for decoration. Note: For a different serving style, peel and core the pineapple then cut into 2cm rings, BBQ and serve on a plate with a scoop of frozen yoghurt in the hole.

METHOD: Prepare pineapple as directed VOLFHG LQWR ¿QJHUV 6SULQNOH VXJDU DOO RYHU WKH SLQHDSSOH DQG JULOO RU barbeque on medium heat until WKH VXJDU VWDUWV WR FDUDPHOL]H %H careful not to burn them.

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Page 23 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Moranbah’s last industrial land sold THE third stage of an industrial estate in Moranbah has sold out, setting a new benchmark for industrial land in the coal fields. The Isaac Regional Council has sold 29 blocks of industrial land for around $70m2, in what could be the last land release of its kind in the mining town. While the industrial land was first put on the market 12 months ago, the vast majority of lots sold in the past three months. According to Herron Todd White commercial valuer, Alan Finch, similar land in Mackay is selling for between $150 and $200m2, depending on size and location. Mr Finch said there was no proof of rumours that some investors who purchased the blocks were re-listing them for sale. “However there does seem to be some interest among owner developers, with a number of buildings already in construction,” he said. Land of all types is very limited in Moranbah because the town is bounded on all sides by mining leases that artificially constrain the land that can be developed. As a result, the council has no more par-

to increased sales. “Values for industrial land could best be described as fairly stable,” he said. “There were some distressed sales in Paget, but it’s probably difficult to say whether that set a new benchmark over the last four months.” “It is a concern that there is a large amount of land that has been developed and not sold in Paget.” “That could effect values - not so much due to an increased supply of land, but it may impact on the end value of the developed land.” “But it all depends on the nature of mining growth.”

cels of industrial land that can be released. However, a small number of blocks will be available in Dysart next year. Recently Shift Miner Magazine report-

House and Land from $420,300 *

Accessible. Liveable. Lovable.

ed enquiry about industrial land in Mackay had picked up post the federal election. However, Mr Finch said he had not seen any evidence of that translating

“While the industrial land was first put on the market 12 months ago, the vast majority of lots sold in the past three months.”

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Page 24 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Are you shares working for you? EVERY year companies send out their annual report. Here is a guide put together by the Australian Securities and Investments Commisison (ASIC) to help you understand what you need to know. Reading the annual report : 10 issues to consider There are lots of matters you can check in the annual report. Here are 10 issues you should consider, grouped into three areas: The year’s highlights 1. Are the activities reported by the Chairman and Managing Director the same as the activities the company said it was going to do either in its prospectus or last annual report? Ask: • Is the company doing the same things shareholders expected it to be doing, for example, was it going to build websites whereas now it is selling computer hardware? • If it was going to sell products - is it selling the same products? • If there has been a change in the activities, this may mean the company’s prospects are significantly different. There may be different cost structures associated with the different activities and they may require different amounts of development or capital expenditure. There may be differences in the amount and timing of revenue for the company.

2. Is the current business strategy the same as that described in the prospectus or last annual report? If it has changed, how will it affect the performance of your investment? Business strategy can be described in various ways future directions, strategic objectives, business plans, corporate goals and vision statements. What are the ultimate goals of the company? Are the company’s activities moving towards these goals? 3. If strategic acquisitions were made during the year, how did they add value to the company? Many companies make strategic acquisitions in other companies. Such investments may or may not generate a direct dividend/revenue stream for the company. Where investments like these have been made, how will these acquisitions help the long-term future of the company? Will the investment assist the company in achieving its short and long-term objectives? 4. Has a tangible result been achieved from any money spent on research and development activities, such as developing high technology products or software applications? Companies may spend significant resources on areas described as research and development, product development and intellectual property development. These activities generally aim, among other things, to develop new products, improve existing products and help a company stand out in the market. Such expenditure will not always produce immediate results, but it is important for you to understand the size and purpose of that expenditure and any results that have been achieved.

Financial results 5. Did the company receive any revenue from its business activities? If it didn’t, did the directors explain why not? In last year’s annual report or a recent prospectus, the company may have expected to generate a certain amount of revenue in the coming year. These expectations may have depended on the types of revenue, some of which may be more sustainable over the longer term, and the amount of that revenue. When reviewing the financial results, look at the actual revenue of the company and where it came from against these expectations. 6. Did the company make a profit or a loss? If it was a loss, did the directors explain why? Many companies during their ‘start-up’ phase do not make a profit. If this is the case, the directors may indicate in the annual report when they expect the company will make a profit. If this is not discussed in the report, ask the directors at the AGM. You should also consider the factors that will or may affect whether this profit forecast is achieved. 7. How did the company fund its activities during the year? Did the company generate its own cashflow from its business activities or did it merely rely on funds from other sources such as funds raised from shareholders, debt financing and asset sales? In reviewing the Statement of Cashflows in the financial report, consider the source of the company’s cash for the year. For example, has the company only used the money raised from the issue of shares or has it borrowed

additional funds through loans or by issuing convertible notes (these are debt securities than can be converted to shares at a later stage)? If the company has issued more shares during the year, have these diluted existing investors’ shareholdings?

Looking ahead to next year ‌ 8. Is the company going to change its activities or business strategy for next year? Companies operating in a competitive environment have opportunities for the future, and risks or hurdles that must be overcome to achieve success. 9. How long can the company last at its current ‘cash-burn’ rate? If it looks like it might run out of cash during next year, what is the company proposing to do about this? ‘Cash burn rate’ usually refers to the rate at which the company is using its cash reserves. Where the company is not yet generating cash from its operations, see where cash is being spent and the rate at which it is being spent. Many high technology companies lodge cashflow statements with the ASX at the end of each quarter. You may want to ask for a copy of the company’s last couple of cashflow statements. Where a company is not yet producing revenue but is still using cash to fund its operations, you should assess whether the company will have enough cash on hand until revenue begins to be generated. If it won’t, how will the company meet its requirements - will it try to raise more funds? Or will it borrow the money? 10. Is the company going to make a profit next year? How? You should get an idea of what the directors expect for the coming year. You should also distinguish between possible developments, customers and contracts, and those prospects that are more certain. For more information go to

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Page 25 - Shift Miner Magazine, 22nd November 2010


Website exposes where mining dollars are spent

A new website will detail for the first time where mining dollars end up, and where resources industry workers live. The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) will launch the website at its annual state of the sector forum in Brisbane later this month. QRC chief executive Michael Roche said the information and analysis - put together by CQUniversity researchers and the Eidos

Institute - will help dispel a lot of myths. “I think we saw it going back to the mining tax debate and more recently with the debate in mining communities around fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers a lack of information about the mining sector,” he said. “For the first time we have gone back to our member companies and asked them what they are spending on goods and services, and where.”

“We’ve also asked where does your workforce live and what area do they spend their pay packets?” The website will reveal the indirect economic benefits of the resources sector broken into local government area showing annual spending on goods and services, wages and salaries and voluntary contributions and mining’s overall contribution to economic activity in the region. It will also provide data on the royalties and taxes generated by projects/regions, where the state’s resources sector employees live and breakdowns on land usage. “Hopefully this information will address some of the concerns in central Queensland at the moment about the mining sector not putting money back into these local communities,” said Mr Roche. “The hidden story is how important the mining sector is in south-east Queensland, people will be quite surprised as some of the areas that benefit most are not perhaps those you would expect.” This year’s state of the sector forum will include a panel discussion of mining’s “social licence to operate”. The issue is a hot topic given the level of community unrest in Bowen Basin mining towns, particularly in Moranbah where many locals are fighting BMA’s plan to run a new

mine with a 100 per cent FIFO workforce. “I think they have redoubled their efforts and there is a lot of good work being quietly undertaken by BMA in their communities,” Mr Roche said. Most mining companies do not provide the media with ongoing comment about their activities - controversial or otherwise - with journalists struggling to gain access to executives for interviews. As a general rule, the media is informed of changes by press releases that are emailed through to newsrooms. But Mr Roche said it was up to individual mining companies to decide on their own media strategy. “I think they are coming to grips with the challenges of being accountable to local communities and being part of a major listed company.” “With all those obligations many companies - rightly or wrongly - err on the side of direct communication with employees and local communities rather than trying to engage the media.” “From the QRC’s point of view we see great value in making ourselves available for comment, with news services like this a major vehicle for reaching the community.” “But I will leave it to the professionals at those companies to judge for themselves how to get their message across.”

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