SM143_Shift Miner magazine

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SHIFT MINER The Queensland mining community’s best source of local news

Locally Owned and Operated -

Monday 13th August 143rd Edition 2012


Projects slowdown not industry collapse: QRC THE SLOWDOWN in the resources sector has raised questions over the future of 55 proposed mining and industry projects that have been in the pipeline since November last year, according to the Queensland Resources Council (QRC). The QRC lists 66 planned mining projects, but only seven are under construction and four have commitment. Of the remainder, 31 have a mining lease or equivalent and are under study, and 24 have no mining lease or equivalent but are under study. QRC chief executive Michael Roche told Shift Miner that the organisation had always been aware many projects were surrounded by uncertainty. “It’s a bit of a mixed picture. We are certainly seeing evidence that larger mining companies are taking stock of the level of capital commitment of pipeline projects,� he said. While the medium to longer term projects are slowing down, there is still commitment to those already in development. Two significant projects on the brink of development are the GVK-Hancock project in the Galilee Basin and the Xstrata project in the Surat Basin. The go-ahead for these projects underpins the development of other mines, railway and - in the case of Xstrata - the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal project. “There is no doubt the market is skittish and no doubt that mining services companies are feeling the slowdown of spend of projects,� Mr Roche said. continued page 6


News Sex worker wins appeal Âť page 5 News MAIN pushes safety message Âť page 7 News Kestrel team grabs award Âť page 8

Seeking a better lifestyle?

FRASER COAST under the microscope in part 2 of our "liveability" series.  page 11-17

News Bechtel digs deep for kids Âť page 9

Hawks impress with weekend of soccer and bowling Âť Â Â More pictures page 24

Sport Time to keep 10 Âť page 31



Darren Sekac*

*Personal Injuries Law Accredited Specialist (MACKAY)

Call 4944 2000


Money Matters Carbon tax hits Âť page 32



NEWS 4 BMA and unions keep talking


5 Sex worker wins appeal

14 8 Kestrel team grab award

6 10

9 Generosity is child’s play

Numbers You Numbers Numbers Regulars Can CountYou On** You *

Can CountCan OnCount On 22 Stuff to the Editor

*When audited by the CAB Numbers You

Can Count On

* by the CAB *When audited by the *When CAB audited *When audited by the CAB


Queensland mining community's best source of local news


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23 Frank the Tank 26 Miner's Trader 28 Weather & Tides 32 Money Matters

Phone: (07) 4921 4333 Fax: (07) 4922 6908 Editor: Alex Graham Advertising: Angus Peacocke 0428 154 653

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Published fortnightly by Fitzroy Publishing Pty Ltd A.B.N 72122739879 PO Box 1440, Rockhampton Q 4700

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Cameron McCracken Phillip Robinson


07 4922 0277 W E

Address Suite 2, Trade Union Office,

110 Campbell Street, Rockhampton. Page 3 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


143rd EDITION. 2012

BMA and unions are Middlemount medical negotiating at local level provider still needed WORKERS and BMA are negotiating at a local level as the two groups move toward finalising an enterprise agreement that has involved strikes and gruelling negotiations for more than 18 months. CFMEU district president Steve Smyth told Shift Miner they were still in mediation and had a process in place. “It is now at a local level to negotiate,” he said. “The company, an independent and the union are going to each site around the state until the end of the month.” Mr Smyth said the union still believed it has fair and reasonable claims. “We are where we are, and we hope the mediation is fruitful. The dispute is not about

money, it’s about conditions and entitlements.” The media blackout, which came after months of a very public verbal brawl between the company and the union, had been set out as part of the mediator’s rules of engagement, he said. “We thought it was the best way,” Mr Smyth said. In the meantime, he said there is a bit of apprehension in the industry with the falling thermal coal prices. “Our blokes at the coalface want to know if they have a job. They want security in the workplace.” It is estimated that more than $60 million in state royalties has been lost during industrial action related to the negotiations.

“Our blokes at the coalface want to know if they have a job. They want security in the workplace.”

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MIDDLEMOUNT residents will have to make do with a locum for the next four months while Anglo American continues to look for a medical provider. The sole medical centre, Family Practice at Middlemount, closed its doors on July 18 after negotiations to renew its lease with the mining giant fell through. The centre’s director David McDougall told media despite negotiations and a doctor willing to move to the mining town, an agreement with the resource giant had not been reached and the lease had expired. An Anglo American spokesperson told Shift Miner it was working to secure a permanent medical service provider for Middlemount through a tender process. Until then, a locum arrangement will remain in place.

“We have already been in discussions with a number of potential providers and will be advertising over coming weeks,” she said. Asked how long the contract would be, the spokesperson said this would be determined with the new supplier, once they had been selected. It was too early to comment on how many providers had shown an interest, the spokesperson said. A Middlemount resident, who did not wish to be named, told Shift Miner that the closure was “a bit political”. “I am confident it will be sorted. It is just that our medical records have been transferred out to a family practice in Rockhampton and we have to apply to have them transferred back,” she said.

“We have already been in discussions with a number of potential providers and will be advertising over coming weeks.”


143rd EDITION. 2012

Sex worker wins discrimination case FAST NEWS A SEX worker has won an anti-discrimination case against a Moranbah motel that refused to rent her a room. Last October, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) ruled that the sex worker, known as GK, did not have a discrimination case against the Drover’s Rest Motel owners, who had refused her accommodation. Motels across the state then used QCAT’s decision to prohibit sex workers from using their premises. GK appealed the decision last month with the ruling handed down last Tuesday in her favour. The Accommodation Association of Australia (AAA) has now said that the decision may have major ramifications for the sector. AAA chief executive Richard Munro said the organisation would consider an appeal. “The responsibility for making a decision on who is able to stay in tourism accommodation should lie with the owner-operator or licensee-manager,” he said. “Business owners have a responsibility for all guests and no matter what the activity is if they’re disturbing other guests they

should have the right to evict or deny access to a room.” A hearing date is yet to be set to decide on what compensation, if any, should be provided to the Gold Coast-based worker who sought $30,000 last year. She told Shift Miner in an earlier interview that she was determined to take up this fight because it was a case of discrimination. “The only reason why my activities were noticed on my last stay at the Drover’s Rest was because my room was opposite reception, which makes it kind of hard to disguise the comings and goings so to speak,” she said. “On 12 occasions I was allowed to stay there when they thought I was just a normal business person. As soon as it’s discovered I’m actually a sex worker I’m refused accommodation in the future. “If that’s not discrimination I don’t know what is.” Evan and Joan Hartley, who run the Drover’s Rest Motel, engaged the services of Brisbane barrister David Edwards for the matter and may also appeal the latest ruling. Mrs Hartley had told Shift Miner previously that she would refuse accommodation to anyone wanting to sell goods from her motel. GK has worked in the Bowen Basin for four

CSG water changes

Sex worker GK has won her appeal over an anti-discrimination ruling but that too may now be appealed. The issue has sparked furious debate in resource towns about the sex industry.

years and had been staying at the Drover’s Rest on separate occasions without raising suspicion. She told Shift Miner she took up the fight and raised $13,000 to engage the services of a solicitor and barrister. “I have gone this far to stand up for my rights, and it will benefit others. A lot of girls won’t speak out for fear of being outed to their family and friends,” GK said.

FIFO workers want longer away roster A SURVEY being used to establish interest in a new fly-in, fly-out hub has found potential workers want to be away from home for longer periods so they travel less. The surprising insight was provided by The Resources Channel that has carried out the survey on behalf of the District Council of Grant at Mount Gambier in South Australia. The city is investigating if it is suitable for FIFO in a new model that could have applications for the Bowen and Surat basins. Rather than establishing flights between the city and mine sites groundwork is being done with airlines, industry and the community to ask if they have an interest

in FIFO and what skills are available locally to fill vacancies. Jody Elliott, from The Resource Channel, told Shift Miner some of the initial survey results had been surprising. “Respondents indicated a preference for working longer stints away which aligns with construction rosters,” she said. “Respondents also cited the ability to do FIFO work without relocating as the most appealing factor of the FIFO hub initiative.” Two-thirds of the 403 respondents indicated they lived within a one hour drive of the Mount Gambier Airport and would be willing to travel five to eight hours to work. Some workers said they would drive from

nearby Victorian towns to fly out of the South Australian airport. Ms Elliott said other findings were highly relevant to the entire industry. This included almost half of the respondents were trade qualified and that a third had relevant operator or driving skills and licenses while a quarter had industry experience. This shows a hub approach could be carried out anywhere there is the worker base, such as the Gold and Sunshine coasts. A final report is being worked on to provide to the council as soon as possible while talks are continuing with interested airlines in what services they could provide the city.

A PEAK farm lobby group has been surprised proposed changes to laws used to manage CSG water management have gone straight to parliament rather than via the new Gasfields Commission first. Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Andrew Cripps, has outlined proposed amendments to the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 in State Parliament that will allow CSG water and brine to be moved off site for disposal if approved. Currently untreated CSG water and brine is kept in containment ponds on each petroleum lease and treated through on-site infrastructure. Queensland Farmers Federation says the amendments should have to the Commission for consideration for their broader implications and implementation.


Migrants fill gaps TEMPORARY migrant workers play an essential role in Australia’s resource industry by filling highlyskilled positions that cannot be met by local supply, the preliminary findings of a pilot study by Edith Cowan University have shown. The findings were released last Thursday. A team of researchers from ECU’s School of Management, led by Dr Susanne Bahn, together with the Australian Mines and Metals Association found that contrary to public perception, 457 visa recipients were not preventing skilled Australians from gaining employment within the resources sector.


Pipeline hurry up DEPUTY Premier Jeff Seeney says CSG pipeline construction needs to be sped up. He has given companies and contractors involved in pipe construction a verbal hurry up, saying that some landholders were waiting 12 months for work to be finished on their farms when they were originally told it would be just 12 weeks.


Miner fined for discharge A SAND miner has been fined $75,000 for repeatedly releasing contaminated water into a watercourse near its quarry outside Ipswich. The quarry was fined after releasing contaminated water into nearby Running Creek and repeatedly ignoring orders in 2010 and 2011 to undertake works to prevent discharges. The site owner, Vicisa Sarkat, was also ordered to pay court costs and may face further fines.

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143rd EDITION. 2012


Uncertainty today doesn’t mean cancellation tomorrow He stressed the change is not a collapse nor is there about to be a collapse. The industry is just experiencing an extraordinary situation with high commodity prices and on the back of that, an overestimation of pipeline projects. “When commodity prices have softened, prices have softened and these projects are not producing the same amount of cash to put into new projects,” he said. “So those who could fund new projects with their cash flow are now feeling the squeeze. It’s a complicated environment.” Questions still remain around the pipeline projects. “I suspect we will hear more from companies slowing down,” he said. “The days of making a nice profit from high commodity prices are behind us. We need to grow volumes and we haven’t really done that in Queensland.” It does mean that companies need to take a long hard look at their productivity to remain profitable. “The message to companies is that when they look at productivity, they are certainly not achieving productivity that they need to

remain competitive. “I feel we need to get more productivity, smarter production practices and more mature discussion when enterprise agreements come up.” Mr Roche said the other partner in this is government, in particular the Queensland government. “We are looking nervously at the Queensland state government and what it will do with state royalties,” he said. “It is dealing with a deficit and making tough decisions with the state sector, but they may look at the resources sector as being an easy option. “The state government has been working hard with the resources sector, but it will be disappointing if it jumps in for a shortterm revenue fix.” If the state government increases its royalties, which is a percentage of the value of production, then it could be the difference between being profitable and not. This is in addition to the mining tax. “Where we sit with the MRRT and company tax, we are broadly in line with other countries. But we don’t have a lot of room to move.”

Dugald River gets go ahead THE planned Dugald River zinc mine near Cloncurry has received final environmental authority from the Queensland Government. Global resources giant MMG has announced it will now continue with plans to mine what is one of the world’s largest zinc deposits. MMG spokeswoman Sally Cox says the company’s board is still to make its final decision on the mine later this year. “Now the project will go to a final decision from our board on whether to develop the project,” Ms Cox said.

“There may be some minor regulatory approvals still to follow through following the environmental authority but this is one of the major steps. “It’s one of the world’s largest and highest grade lead, zinc and silver deposits.” MMG owns Century Mine near Mt Isa and the site is projected to end production within four years. At that time Dugald River is expected to become the main focus. Dugald River will add an additional 200,000 tonnes of zinc a year to MMG’s production.

“Now the project will go to a final decision from our board...”

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The QRC says despite uncertainty around projects the industry is not headed toward collapse.


143rd EDITION. 2012

Conference makes safety the MAIN event The MAIN Bowen Basin Safety Conference has been deemed a success after attracting a large audience of industry leaders keen to learn how to improve workplace safety. The one-day conference was held at the Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre in conjunction with the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME). MAIN Member Services Manager Karen McIntyre said that more than 150 delegates listened to a highly-experienced line-up of guest speakers who outlined the barriers to safe work and how to build an injury free industry. She said speakers included psychologists, lawyers, mining industry leaders as well as a personal account of how a serious workplace accident has affected one family. “The conference was different to other safety conferences because it was spe-

Guest speaker Paul Bailey with MAIN staff, from left, Sarah Humphries, Karen McIntyre and Renee Meares.

Guest speakers Dr Rod Guiterrez, of Dupont Solutions, left, and Andy Grieg, Bechtel, with Susan Cummins of Dupont Solutions.

cific to this region and designed to improve local practices and increase capabilities,” Ms McIntyre said. “MAIN and the WH&S Group’s aim

“The conference was different to other safety conferences because it was specific to this region and designed to improve local practices and increase capabilities.”

through this conference was to change the thinking on safety in the workplace from general compliance to an imbedded workplace culture. “This conference was about everyone getting involved in the process from planning to workplace relations to the people on the tools, safety needs to become part of the everyday culture of an organisation.” She said feedback from the event had been overwhelmingly positive with many

Dowdens staff, from left, David Southwood, Andrew Parsons and Lonne Scott taking a break during the MAIN Bowen Basin Safety Conference.

delegates commenting on how much they had learned. “Many delegates commented the information was helpful for them in their workplaces. Speakers were well received and relevant to attendees,” Ms McIntyre said. “The feedback we received will help us to shape future conferences and ensure that we are meeting the needs of everyone and in turn making our workplaces safer places to be.”

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143rd EDITION. 2012

Kestrel Mine wins Queensland rescue accolade KESTREL Mine rescue team’s world-class safety skills and training have taken them to gold in the recent EK Healy Cup. Held near Middlemount, the cup is one of Queensland’s two elite mine rescue competitions and is comprised of the state’s top eight mine rescue crews. It is the second time that Kestrel has won the competition after a win in 2009. Kestrel Mine rescue team will now go on to compete in the Australian Underground Mines Rescue Competition in October. Team captain Derrin Powell, who also won the Matt Best Memorial Trophy for best captain, said the team became eligible to participate after taking home the Queensland Mines Rescue Service Memorial Cup earlier in the year. “As captain, I am really proud of our team’s ability to focus and work cohesively with each other to get the job done,” Mr Powell said. “This victory is a result of the personal commitment that each of us made to train continuously leading up to the competition with the support of CQ Training Services. “Over the course of the day we competed in surface fire and compressed air breathing apparatus exercises, theory and first aid

drills. In the underground environment we competed in search and rescue, data gathering and patient recovery exercises. “It was a tough competition this year with the other seven teams competing strongly so we were very satisfied to come away with the result.”

“This victory is a result of the personal commitment that each of us made to train continuously leading up to the competition with the support of CQ Training Services.”



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Page 8 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

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143rd EDITION. 2012

Corporate generosity funds much-needed playground ROSELLA Park School students are now playing it even safer thanks to a $70,000 donation from Bechtel that will be used for a new playground Bechtel Gladstone General Manager Kevin Berg said he was proud to deliver the funding on behalf of the organisation in support of school’s P&C association’s fundraising. “We know the Parents and Citizens’ Association has been working hard to raise the money to replace the playground, so we thought we would make it a bit easier for them with this donation,” he said. “Bechtel is committed to supporting the Gladstone community and helping worthy causes, such as a new playground for these students.” The funding was officially announced at the recent Police Charity Ball where Rosella Park School was the beneficiary but students were told last week during a fun day hosted by Bechtel. School captains Graham Cross and Kerrod Glossop celebrated with their

fellow students. “It was so much fun, we got to paint our hands and Bechtel let us try on hard hats, like the LNG workers. I am really glad we are going to get our new playground,” they said. School Principal Kate Russ said it had been a long and difficult effort to fundraise for this project. “This contribution from Bechtel will ensure we are able to purchase our new playground, meaning our students will be able to play safely,” she said. “It is great that we can partner with industry to deliver for our students.” Mr Berg said safety was Bechtel’s core value and he was pleased to be able to also apply this value outside of the organisation. While this donation has met the school’s immediate needs to replace the playground, the P&C were still continuing fundraising to continually improve the facilities for the students. Interested donors are encouraged to call the P&C president Lisa Lowe on 0427 119 244.

“This contribution from Bechtel will ensure we are able to purchase our new playground, meaning our students will be able to play safely.”

Rosella Park School is celebrating a $70,000 donation from Bechtel toward new playground equipment.

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143rd EDITION. 2012

Seedlings boost koala habitat

HELPING koalas survive and thrive is the goal of the latest planting of seedling by Rio Tinto’s Clermont region workers and staff from the University of Queensland. The project team recently planted 560 Eucalyptus coolabah seedlings to help create a two kilometre vegetation corridor that will support the growth and habitat of koalas living on land owned by Clermont Mine. The seedlings will grow to close a 600 metre

gap between two areas that were planted with seedlings in 2011 as well as re-establish the natural vegetation canopy and provide habitat for the koala population in the future. The tree planting activity is part of the wider Koala Venture project, which is a partnership between The University of Queensland and Rio Tinto Clermont region operations. It is Australia’s longest running koala ecology research programme.

Researcher Dr Sean FitzGibbon from the Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation in the Sustainable Minerals Institute at University of Queensland said the seedlings would benefit the koalas in two ways. “Firstly, once the Eucalyptus coolabah seedlings grow they will provide excellent habitat for koalas to reside in, dominated by what we know is their preferred source of food,” Dr FitzGibbon said. “The area where the seedlings were planted was originally mostly covered by coolabah woodland and our research revealed that coolabah comprises more than 90 per cent of the diet of local koalas. “Secondly, the rehabilitated corridor will form an important connection between more extensive coolabah woodland to the north and south. “This is important because it keeps those areas linked, allowing koalas to move between them more easily as opposed to crossing bare ground where they are highly vulnerable.” Rio Tinto Clermont region General Manager Operations Dawid Pretorius said the choice of the seedlings was a success given the significant rain events of last summer. “During the summer, the area experienced significant natural flow, so all the Eucalyptus coolabah seedlings planted in 2011 were inundated by fast flowing waters,” Mr Pretorius said. “We initially thought that these seedlings had been washed away but it was recently discovered that the vast majority of them had in fact survived and are shooting new growth. “This is a great result and reinforces that we have chosen the most appropriate tree species for the rehabilitation area.

“Not only is it a favourite of the local koalas, it is also adapted to growing on flood plains and surviving periods of temporary inundation.” Mr Pretorius said Rio Tinto Clermont region was committed to working with the University of Queensland to improve knowledge of koalas and outcomes from rehabilitation. “We strongly value the biodiversity of our land and this long term partnership plays an important role in informing our rehabilitation strategies to provide koala habitat,” he said. “It is also greatly improving the wider ecological understanding of inland koala populations, which enhances the conservation and management of koalas right across the state and the entire mining industry. “This is especially crucial given the recent decision of the Federal Government to list the koala as a threatened species in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.”

The team takes a short break for a group photo - the Rio Tinto and University of Queensland workers planted the seedlings to close a 600 metre gap between two areas that were planted with seedlings in 2011. Left: Rio Tinto’s Helen Agius was part of the team that planted the 560 Eucalyptus coolabah seedlings to help koalas.

Park residents allowed to stay a little longer THE 27 people being evicted from Middlemount’s only caravan park have been given a short reprieve until the end of this month. The permanent residents were served an eviction notice six months ago to vacate the caravan park by August 1 by The Mac Services Group, which received council approval to redevelop the site last year.

The approval included a provision for a tourist park with 27 powered caravan sites. Now residents at the park have been given a one-month reprieve and are able to stay in their homes until the end of August. A spokesperson for the The Mac Services Group told Shift Miner that the extension was given after talking to local council.

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“We gave them the four-week extension when a feedback from the community was that it would be helpful to have that extra time,” she said. The residents are now in negotiation with the local race club to use part of their land for accommodation. Caravan parks across regional Queens-

land, particularly in resource towns, have become much sought after as companies try to ease housing pressures on their own workers or companies seek to supply more housing to resource clients. That has left many long-term residents at some parks that don’t work in the resources sector and have limited income on the outer.


143rd EDITION. 2012

Cheques in the mail from letterbox legends THEY don’t do things by halves at Hastings Deering. The company’s staff team in the Mackay Relay for Life has just shown how some creative thinking and passionate support of a cause can generate some serious cash. Mandi Davies, the captain of Hastings Heros, one of 160 teams in the 2012 Mackay Relay For Life, says part of this year’s event involved designing a letterbox. Hastings Heros decided to take the challenge one step further. The team, led by leading hands Nathan Agar and David O’Keeffe, boilermakers Ken Webb and Shane Pukallus built a CAT wheel dozer replica from scratch. Scrap from the Hastings yard at Caterpillar Drive, Mackay, was transformed into a gleaming work of art. The letterbox was airbrushed and finished beautifully by Jason Pitt, leading hand in the paint shop and then

fitted with lights by Mr Agar and mounted on a Holden crank supplied by Steve Dale, Hastings service advisor. The letterbox was just auctioned off at the Hastings Deering Charity Ball for an astounding $28,000. Ms Davies said that none of the team members expected the auction to achieve such a phenomenal result. “The boys put a lot of work into our letterbox so we were hoping to raise a few thousands from it but we never expected it to sell for as much as it did – we are so amazed by our community’s generosity,” she told Shift Miner. Mr Agar said that it was amazing to see his colleagues get involved in building the letterbox. “It’s a struggle to get the boys into work most days, but get them to build a toy and they come in on days off at 5.30am,”

“It’s a struggle to get the boys into work most days, but get them to build a toy and they come in on days off at 5.30am.”

he said with a laugh. Clare and Matthew Yapp from NQ Heavy Haulage are the proud new owners of the letterbox. Hastings Heros are keen to build another next year and are modelling their next letterbox creation on a CAT prime mover. They have also thrown out the challenge to other businesses to join them in registering early for next year’s 10th birthday Mackay Relay For Life on May 25 to 26 at Queens Park.

Relay for Life raises funds to support those touched by cancer and includes paying for cancer research, education programs and patient support services. To register your team visit or call Cancer Council Queensland on 07 4842 2001.

Now that’s a letterbox - Hastings Heros built a letterbox from scratch and then auctioned it off for $28,000 with every dollar going to the Relay for Life. They now want other teams to compete in the event next year.

Fast train report released this week A FEASIBILITY study into a fast train service between Gladstone and Rockhampton is expected to be released this week. Neil Lethlean, Economic Development Manager of Capricorn Enterprises, which commissioned the report, told Shift Miner that the report was complete and would be forwarded to Queensland Rail as a priority before public release. The investigation into demand for the service is being driven by the need for workers in Gladstone. The feasibility study includes plans to link Gladstone to Rockhampton in the north, and Bundaberg and Maryborough in the south. Queensland Rail was consulted as part of the investigation with general manager of Queensland Rail Travel Max Kruse saying some time ago there was keen interest in the proposal.

“We certainly believe the possibility (for the line) is there,” he said. “We want to have a really good look at it, a lot more science needs to be carried out yet. “The thinking at this stage is to widen the service to the north and south - to the Rockhampton and Bundaberg areas - and that gives us the ability to scope it a bit wider.” If it was to go ahead it is hoped a fast train could pick up between 500 to 1000 people in Rockhampton and 200 to 300 from Bundaberg daily. The train schedule would have to reflect the start and end times of shifts, and tickets would probably need to be subsidised - possibly by employers. The return trip could be used for medical purposes, such as transporting patients who need oncology or other specialist care. The study has been carried out by Tanner Consulting.

“If it was to go ahead it is hoped a fast train could pick up between 500 to 1000 people in Rockhampton and 200 to 300 from Bundaberg daily.” Page 11 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


143rd EDITION. 2012

Harbour seeks top scientist WANTED: Experienced scientist that likes a challenge. APPLY: Gladstone Healthy Harbour Science Panel. Challenge may be an understatement as it’s no secret the role will be a tough one. But the State Government is confident some of Aus-

tralia’s best and brightest will want the gig. Details of how many applications were received by close off last week were not being made public due to “government policy�. Tony Roberts, Deputy Director General, Department of Environment and Heritage

Protection did tell Shift Miner high quality applications from renowned scientists had been received. A decision on who takes up the position is expected by the end of September. What is known is the chosen candidate will have their work cut out for them. The Gladstone Harbour Healthy Harbour Partnership was announced earlier this year to deliver improved environmental and ecosystem health in Gladstone Harbour. The science panel headed by the yet-tobe-chosen scientist will provide independent and objective scientific advice to the partnership including how best to manage and monitor the harbour. A water health report card is expected every 12 months once the science panel is in place. The harbour has been plagued by water quality issues for months, which many link

“The harbour has been plagued by water quality issues for months, which many link to industry, and includes fish with unsightly red lesions and unexplained fish deaths.�

The impact of industry on Gladstone Harbour will be measured by the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Science Panel. Chief scientist for the panel will be appointed within weeks.

Appointments available now! # # % # ( ! # ' ! "

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to industry, and includes fish with unsightly red lesions and unexplained fish deaths. The harbour was closed for several weeks to fishing and water activity and this created international headlines and prompted a class action against the government that is still going through the courts. Tourism numbers plummeted UNESCO visited and locals were outraged they had to stop fishing and swimming in the harbour. A shipment of fish to a Brisbane wholesaler was also rejected while fish labelled from Gladstone Harbour weren’t first choice for consumers across the country. Curiously the role of chair will initially be for just on 12 months which may be a factor in how many suitable candidates have applied. Environment Minister Andrew Powell says he believes the scientific panel overseeing the harbour will increase public confidence in harbour developments.

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Page 12 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

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Grant Collins ! $ "# B.PSYCH(DIST)., M.AUDST., MAUDSA(CCP)



Tax for hearing Taxrebate rebate for aids

Are Hearing Aids covered under Private Health? What kind of rebate am aspects I entitled unable to perform certain of too? I know I need Hearing Aids and your job description without assistance they can be expensive. Is there any )XUWKHU GHGXFWLRQV from hearing aids, then you may assistance to help pay for hearing DYDLODEOH IRU \RXU KHDULQJ be able to deduct a portion of your aids if you are not on a pension? DLGV PD\ FRPH YLD \RXU hearing aid expense. For example if you SULYDWH KHDOWK IXQG 0RVW With the end of ďŹ nancial fast I know I need hearing yearFODLP EDFN WKH SHUFHQW are a heavy machinery operator with approaching if you have been thinking SULYDWH KHDOWK IXQGV ZLOO aids and they can be +HDULQJ DLGV DQG VRPH high pitched industrial deafness and about doingIs something your expensive. there anyaboutKHDULQJ DFFHVVRULHV DUH FRYHU D SRUWLRQ RI WKH FRVW are unable to hear the certain safety hearing loss to then now may be a assistance help pay RI KHDULQJ DLGV UDQJLQJ FODVVLĂ€HG DV PHGLFDO alarms and beeps on the machine for hearing if you are several good time toaids act. There DQ\ZKHUH IURP SHU GHYLFHV VR DGG WKLV H[SHQVH without the assistance of hearing are not on ayou pension? approaches can take to reduce GHYLFH XS WR DURXQG WR \RXU RWKHU PHGLFDO aids, you may have an argument to the cost of hearing aids and tax :LWK WKH HQG RI Ă€QDQFLDO SHU GHYLFH GHSHQGLQJ RQ FRVWV %HLQJ D PHGLFDO deduct a portion of your hearing aids. deductions and rebates are probably \HDU IDVW DSSURDFKLQJ LI WKH SROLF\ FRYHUDJH OHYHO GHYLFH DOVR PHDQV WKH\ DUH You should consult your accountant the most effective way to achieve this. \RX KDYH EHHQ WKLQNLQJ *67 H[HPSW or the AustralianDQG WKH IXQG WKDW \RX DUH Taxation Office for Firstly there is the medical rebate DERXW GRLQJ VRPHWKLQJ LQVXUHG WKURXJK $Q LQWHUHVWLQJ SRLQW more information on deductions which entitles you to a rebate of 20 DERXW \RXU KHDULQJ ORVV :H UHFRPPHQG and rebate eligibility criteria. WR QRWH LV WKH VLJQLĂ€FDQW percent for every dollar spent on

hearing aids

WKHQ QRZ PD\ EH D JRRG FRQWDFWLQJ \RXU 3ULYDWH FKDQJHV WR WKH PHGLFDO medical expenses over $2,000. Are Hearing Aids covered under WLPH WR DFW 7KHUH DUH +HDOWK )XQG WR GLVFXVV UHEDWH IURP -XO\ Meaning that if you were to add up all Private Health? What kind of VHYHUDO DSSURDFKHV \RX \RXU OHYHO RI FRYHU DQG your medical expenses for the&RPH WKH QHZ Ă€QDQFLDO ďŹ nancial rebate am I entitled too? FDQ WDNH WR UHGXFH WKH UHEDWH RSWLRQV SULRU WR year and they totaled more than $2,000 \HDU WKH QHW PHGLFDO UHEDWH FRVW RI KHDULQJ DLGV DQG Further deductions may come via SXUFKDVLQJ \RXU KHDULQJ you could claim back the 20 percent. ZLOO EH PHDQV WHVWHG ,I your private health fund. Most private WD[ UHEDWHV DUH SUREDEO\ DLGV Hearing aids and some hearing WKHVH FKDQJHV ZLOO DIIHFW health funds will ,I \RX DGG XS WKH PRQH\ cover a portion WKH PRVW HIIHFWLYH ZD\ WR accessories are classiďŹ ed as \RX WKHQ \RX PD\ ZDQW of the cost of hearing aids ranging DFKLHYH WKLV medical devices so add this WR FRQVLGHU LQFXUULQJ VDYHG RQ WD[ UHEDWHV DQG anywhere from $400 per device up to )LUVWO\ WKHUH LV WKH expense to your other medical SULYDWH LQVXUDQFH \RX DUH HOLJLEOH PHGLFDO H[SHQVHV around $2000 per device, depending PHGLFDO UHEDWH ZKLFK costs. Being a medical device also ZHOO RQ WKH ZD\ WR KDYLQJ SULRU WR WK -XQH LI on the policy coverage level and the HQWLWOHV \RX WR D UHEDWH RI means they are GST exempt. D VLJQLĂ€FDQW SRUWLRQ RI WKH \RX EHOLHYH \RXU WRWDO QHW fund that you are insured through. SHUFHQW IRU HYHU\ GROODU KHDULQJ DLGV SDLG I need Hearing Aids to hear the PHGLFDO H[SHQVHV IRU WKH If you add up the money saved on tax VSHQW RQ PHGLFDO H[SHQVHV safety sounds on site; can I claim my Ă€QDQFLDO \HDU ZLOO deductions, tax rebates and private RYHU hearing aids as a work expense? H[FHHG WKH FXUUHQW insurance you are well on the way 0HDQLQJ WKDW LI \RX ZHUH Yes, another possible way youWKUHVKROG 7R Ă€QG RXW LI may to having a signiďŹ cant portion of the WR DGG XS DOO \RXU PHGLFDO be able to reduce the cost of your WKHVH FKDQJHV ZLOO DIIHFW hearing aids paid. Generally speaking H[SHQVHV IRU WKH Ă€QDQFLDO aids is through tax deductions. If your \RX SOHDVH FRQVXOW \RXU I ďŹ nd that the combination of these \HDU DQG WKH\ WRWDOHG PRUH hearing loss has an impact upon your usually equates to paying off around WD[ DFFRXQWDQW QRZ EHIRUH WKDQ \RX FRXOG performance at work and youLW LV WRR ODWH are half of the cost of a set of hearing aids.


143rd EDITION. 2012

Bund repair work complete but frustrations linger EMERGENCY sealing works inside the eastern bund wall at Fisherman’s Landing at Gladstone Port have been completed two days ahead of schedule. Two cutter suction dredges worked around the clock to place approximately 1.5 million cubic metres of dredge material inside the reclamation area to stop a leak. The dredge material was pumped in using sinkerlines and placed using bulldozers and excavators to create a 50 metre wide layer to seal the full length of the eastern bund wall. The ports corporation says preliminary surveys to

determine the effectiveness of the seal on the bund showed the eastern wall was fully sealed. The work had angered some environmentalist critical of how Gladstone Harbour was being managed. Environmental expert Dr Andrew Jeremijenko said when the 28-day permit was granted that the illness in fish and marine life was because of the muddy state of the harbour and that had been caused by heavy metals and other toxins whipped up by dredging.

“First the dredgaholic Gladstone ports dredge over the limit and due to human and fish illness are asked to stop politely in September 2011 by the previous government,” he said. “They dredge over the limits on Christmas day, Australia Day, Easter, and Labour day holidays with disregard to tourism and recreational and commercial fishing. “The new government relaxes the limits, which they ignore almost immediately. “If only drunk drivers could get the same leniency

from the police, imagine how much safer our roads would be.” The ports corporation is still facing legal action from anglers who are claiming $20million in damages and lost income caused by fish illness and deaths, which the fishermen blame on development of the harbour. In announcing the work had ended, the ports corporation said light reaching seagrass meadows had stayed above the required levels during the project.

Page 13 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012



All the jobs torn out?Â


Don’t worry they are also available at


NAP graduates achieve trade qualification in 10 months CHRIS O’Brien, 35, and Ben Anderson, 30, are trailblazers in the resource and energy sectors. The talented Australian workers have just achieved trade qualification in 10 months, completing their training through the National Apprenticeships Program (NAP) while onsite with Anglo American’s Metallurgical Coal business. NAP was launched and funded by the federal government last year, one of the initiatives

to emerge from the National Resource Sector Employment Taskforce into skills shortages. NAP program director Alan Sparks, who developed the innovative scheme, said both graduates epitomised the depth of talented Australian worker available to industry. “Chris O’Brien and Ben Anderson both had significant work backgrounds that supported the final steps they needed to complete trade training,� said Mr Sparks.

“What they demonstrate is that certainly in the trade areas of construction and engineering, completing gap training requirements inside of 12 months is not unrealistic.� Diesel fitter Chris O’Brien has since been offered a permanent position with Anglo American, while Ben Anderson is waiting for his formal electrical licence to be issued to be formally offered a permanent position. Anglo American was NAP’s first host employer with an intake of 21 diesel fitters and electrical fitter/mechanics. Anglo American has recently started construction on its Grosvenor project in Moranbah and will be looking for people from a range of backgrounds with varied levels of experience to work at the Grosvenor mine. A company spokesperson said initiatives like the Advanced Entry Trades Program (NAP) will help Anglo American train future employees and bridge the skills gap. NAP is also recruiting 400 apprentices for Bechtel Australia’s three LNG construction projects in Gladstone; as well as 200 engineering diesel-fitting and carpentry formwork apprentices, in Queensland and West Australia, for construction and contract mining company, Macmahon. “NAP provides an ideal pathway for talented Australian workers to gain entry to the resources sector,� said Mr Sparks.

“Many of these skilled workers have found it difficult to gain employment in the resources and energy sector while NAP, working in conjunction with this sector, opens doors to employment. Mr Sparks said it was important to understand that candidates were not fast-tracked. “There are two stages to trade qualification,� explained Mr Sparks. “Firstly there is a formal Recognition of Prior Learning assessment to demonstrate applicants achieve 40 per cent of trade requirements and then gap training to complete trade qualification, potentially within 18 months.� Ideal applicants, mostly aged between 25 and 45, include people who have partly completed an apprenticeship, permanent Australian residents with overseas qualifications not yet recognised in Australia, exmembers of the defence forces with aligned qualifications or skills or people with other related trade qualifications. NAP continues to seek expressions of interest in six trades - Electrical Fitter Mechanic, Dual Trade Electrical/Instrumentation, Metal Fabrication Trade - Boiler Maker/Welder/Pipe Fitters, Engineering Diesel Fitter, Mechanical Fitter and Carpentry. Applications must be submitted online at

Be the best. Join the



9GoTG VJG JKIJGUV RTQFWEKPI WPFGTITQWPF EQCN OKPG KP VJG EQWPVT[ 1RGTCVKPI VJTGG NQPIYCNNU KPENWFKPI C YQTNF ƂTUV CWVQOCVKQP NQY UGCO longwall. We’re expanding our operations and enjoy being the best. Join our winning team. We promote from within and can accelerate your career. We’re committed to delivering outcomes. And we know you are too. You show initiative and take action, rather than waiting for others to do so. You take pride in your work. We trust you to be accountable and encourage you to be inventive. We value you. We’ll reward you well, develop your professional career and subsidise your housing in a safe and friendly town to raise your young family. Page 14 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

directions in living

Live here, work there

The Fraser Coast Moving to CQ to work in mining or industry? Trying to decide where to base your family home? Over the next few months, Shift Miner Magazine helps you compare the region’s towns and cities and make the best choice for you. Page 15 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


Live like a king on the Fraser Coast LIVE here, work there”. That’s the new motto adopted by the Fraser Coast Regional Council to promote the region to mining families - and the strategy appears to be working. The region is growing in popularity in the mining and gas sectors for families who are sick of paying through the nose to live in boom towns further north. Affordable housing and an outdoors lifestyle are the major drawcards, and the region’s relative proximity to the gas fields and the Bowen Basin make it a feasible option for mine workers on FIFO or DIDO rosters. So what does the region have to offer? In this feature, we take a detailed look at some of the big ticket items that are part of the

tricky decision of relocating a family: health services, education options, housing affordability and lifestyle. For those who don’t want to read the next six pages of details, here’s a look at what you can expect from life on the Fraser Coast.

Location & Connectivity Located halfway between Brisbane and Gladstone, the Fraser Coast sits at the crossroads of the Wide Bay Burnett region on the Bruce Highway. It is 480 km from the Surat Basin, 280 km from Gladstone and 550 km from the southern Bowen Basin for DIDO workers. There are two airports in the region, and the first formal FIFO charter now runs from Hervey Bay. Just last month, the region beat 60 others to be awarded a state and federally funded FIFO co-ordinator position in a bid to encourage 3000 mine workers to the area over the next three years. There is also intermittent talk of a fast train operating between the region and Gladstone for workers, but as yet there has been no firm commitment by QR or major industry for a trial service.

Climate The Fraser Coast has a sub-tropical climate,

with temperatures moderated by the its closeness to the sea. You can expect warm summers and winters, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 28 degrees in December and 14 to 21 degrees in July.

Lifestyle If you are the outdoors type, the Fraser Coast is built for you. Pristine beaches, the world famous Fraser Island and the start of the Great Barrier Reef are huge drawcards not just for tourists, but people looking to settle in the region. There is year-round swimming, diving, fishing, sailing and canoeing in calm, stinger-free waters. There are also kilometres of bikeways and more than 80 parks and playgrounds.

Housing The median house price for the region is $290,000 making it one of the most affordable in Queensland and beyond. That means plenty more “bang for your buck” than buying in boom towns like Mackay and Gladstone - where the median house prices are $475,000 and $425,000 respectively. There is also a huge range of housing on offer, from beautiful old Queenslanders in the historic town of Maryborough through to trendy

resort-style apartment living at Hervey Bay to acreage or hobby farm living.

Education There are more than 40 schools in the region, with public and private options as well as special education for primary and secondary schooling - but no boarding schools. There is very strong vocational training sector, with two TAFE campuses (Maryborough and Hervey Bay) as well as a Trade Training Centre at Maryborough State High School. The University of Southern Queensland has a Hervey Bay campus and a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs are available.

Healthcare The region is currently playing catch up with health services, with a new private hospital being expanded to cope with the growing population. There are two public hospitals: an 88-bed facility in Maryborough and 137bed facility in Hervey Bay. Meanwhile, St Stephen’s private hospital, which currently runs as a day surgery and oncology centre, will become a 94-bed hospital in 2014. It will be Australia’s first digital hospital - meaning all patient records will be kept online.

Your invitation to better living

ISN’T it time you enjoyed a priceless yet extremely affordable lifestyle within easy reach of the major mining regions? This is my invitation to you to join hundreds of others who have discovered the ideal “live here, work there” destination – the Fraser Coast. If you focus on house prices alone, buying a house on the Fraser Coast will put you streets ahead when it comes to getting “bang for your buck”. The median sale price in the March quarter was $290,000, compared to Gladstone’s median sale price of $475,000 and $425,000 in Mackay. Now factor in the region’s range and quality of housing – from Maryborough’s famous heritage homes and prized old Queenslanders to stunning executive-style homes with views across the Pacific to Fraser Island. However, it is the well-built urban, coastal and rural lifestyle of the Fraser Coast that really sets it apart. Be secure in knowing that while you are away at work, your family will be part of a community where family is the focus and they’re enjoying the benefits of quality education, health and recreational services. Spend your spare time experiencing the wonders of world heritage icons Fraser Island and the start of the Great Barrier Reef. Enjoy a lifestyle built around the water, with Australia’s best fishing and year-round boating,

Page 16 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

swimming and water sports in Queensland’s most protected waters. Location wise, it’s an easy drive to Central Queensland and the Bowen and Surat Basin coalfields. With two airports and direct mining charter flights, it’s ideal for FIFO operations. As a council, we are working to secure more flights and direct services to make it even easier to “live here, work there”. We are so confident you’ll love the Fraser Coast that we’re offering the chance to save up to 50 per cent on accommodation, tours, attractions and dining if you come to sample our incredible location. Simply sign up for your free and exclusive pass on We look forward to welcoming you … Cr Gerard O’Connell Fraser Coast Mayor


Acreage, beachfront or river living? THERE are very few parts of Australia where you can have your pick of living on acreage, renovating a Queenslander on the river bank, or sipping cocktails from your beachfront unit. There are even fewer places where it won’t break the bank to do it. But the Fraser Coast offers the opportunity to buy or build your dream home,

in one of Australia’s most affordable real estate markets. In fact, the median house price in the region is $290,000* - a far cry from mining’s boom cities of Gladstone and Mackay where the median price sits at $475,000 and $425,000 respectively. According to local real estate agent Linda Bland, that’s one of the reasons why

inquiries in the region have risen sharply. “Certainly, a number of agents have reported an increase in inquiry from people working in the mining sector, or who are looking to relocate from areas like Gladstone because of the cost of housing,” she said. “This region is still very affordable, and there are so many different options from resort-style units at Hervey Bay to the beautiful historic river town of Maryborough.” For anyone living in one of Central Queensland’s boom towns, $290,000 would barely buy you a “renovator’s delight”. So what does it buy on the Fraser Coast? Well, quite a lot more than that. “There are plenty of house and land packages in Hervey Bay for under $300,000 at the moment,” said Ms Bland. “You’d be looking a three or four-bedroom modern home on a slighter smaller than average block - say 600m2 - in a very central area.” If you are prepared to spend a little more, the jump in size and quality goes up. “There are a number of different estates at the moment offering new homes on larger blocks in the low to mid $300,000s,” said Ms Bland. “You are talking about quality builders and beautiful blocks - river frontage.” If old Queenslanders are more your

thing than new brick homes, then Maryborough is where you should look. While you probably won’t find a house on the much sought-after river bank in the $300,000 bracket, you would have no problems picking up a beautifully renovated home elsewhere in the town. If a bit of rural acreage is what you’re after so the kids can knock about on quad bikes, the median price for land is $130,000 but you are probably looking at paying at least $200,000 for a bigger block just outside of town in areas like Glenwood. More cash to splash than a mere $300,000? Well, it’s a buyer’s market - especially in the prestige bracket. “The high-end of the market is seeing the best reductions in price because demand is less than in the lower price bracket,” said Ms Bland. “There have been some really good bargains right on the beach, it’s a good time to cash in.” “Anything above $400,000 will get you an executive level home, and you could be on the esplanade for between $500 to 700,000.” *All figures quoted in this article are contained in the Real Estate Institute of Queensland’s Market Monitor Report for the March 2012 quarter.


Median house price


Median unit/townhouse price


Median vacant land price


Median weekly rent

$260/week three-bedroom house $215/week two-bedroom unit

Median sales in the Fraser Coast - suburb break down


March quarter 2012

Eli Waters








Point Vernon






Comparing Apples with Apples




Median house price $320,000



Median unit/townhouse price




Median vacant land $143,500 price



Median weekly rent $330/week threebedroom house $250/week twobedroom unit

$480/week threebedroom house $360/week two-bedroom unit

$460/week threebedroom house $350/week two-bedroom unit

Page 17 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


Health care expands with growing region HEALTH care services are improving on the Fraser Coast as the population expands rapidly and a new private hospital grows to alleviate pressure on the public system. There are two public hospitals in the region. In Maryborough an 88-bed facility provides a range of services including accident and emergency, general surgery and a mental health unit (see table below for more details). In Hervey Bay, the public hospital is a modern 137-bed facility providing services such as operating theatres, obstetrics, paediatrics, renal dialysis and a 24-hour emergency department (see table below for more details). Hervey Bay is now one of the fastest growing regions in Australia and that is putting pressure on the public system. That’s why the Federal Government has just put almost $50 million towards expanding St Stephen’s private hospital. Currently, St Stephen’s runs as a day surgery and oncology centre, but in August 2014 it will open a new private 96-bed hospital. It will be the first digital hospital in Australia - meaning no paperwork and all patient records will be kept online. “We are building the hospital of the future,” says executive director of UnitingCare Health, Richard Royle. “The new hospital will not only introduce new clinical services and specialists to the area, with more complex medical and surgical care, but also will showcase what is possible to the world. “All medical records, X-ray and pathology results will be accessible by doctors and nurses anywhere in the hospital, whether at the bedside, or remotely on tablets, mobile phones, laptops or mobile computers on wheels, as well as at nurses’ stations.”

Based on national averages, Hervey Bay was underserviced by hospital beds, and the new hospital would help relieve pressure on the public system, Mr Royle said. It would also help to attract new specialists to the region to work across both sectors, he added. Maryborough Base Hospital - Services Provided Services Provided Admissions

Waiting Times (in 2010/2011) n/a

Cancer Treatment

GROWING DEMAND: An expansion at St Stephen’s private hospital will help cope with the region’s expanding population

Hervey Bay Hospital - Services Provided Services Provided Admissions

Waiting Times (in 2010/2011) n/a

Cancer Treatment


27 days


16 days


15 days


17 days


12 days

Chemotherapy & palliative care available

Palliative care available

Elective Surgery

Coronary Care Unit


Dialysis Unit


Elective Surgery

*General surgery eg gall bladder removal

23 days compared to 32-day national average

*General surgery eg gall bladder removal

26 days compared to 32-day national average

*Gynaecological surgery eg hysterectomy

22 days compared to 30-day national average

*Gynaecological surgery eg hysterectomy

75 days compared to 30-day national average

*Orthopaedic (bone) surgery eg hip replacement, knee replacement *Urological surgery eg prostate removal, bladder examination

Emergency Department *Resuscitation

54 days compared to 64-day national average 27 days compared to 28-day national average

*Orthopaedic (bone) surgery eg hip replacement, knee replacement *Urological surgery eg prostate removal, bladder examination

90 days compared to 64-day national average 48 days compared to 28-day national average

Emergency Department 96 per cent treated on time compared with 100 per cent national average


94 per cent treated on time compared with 100 per cent national average

St Stephen’s Private Hospital - Services Provided Maryborough

Hervey Bay



• Orthopaedics • Ophthalmology • Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery • Gynaecology • Maxillofacial Surgery • Endoscopy • Urological Surgery • General Surgery (including colorectal, breast & gastro-intestinal)

(day hospital only): • • • •

Ophthalmology Gastroenterology General Surgery Dental Surgery

Medical services: • • • •

General Medicine Oncology Haematology Chemotherapy

Medical services • • • • • • • • • •

General Medicine Gastroenterology Oncology Haematology Chemotherapy Radiation Oncology Cardiology Infertility Urodynamics Vascular Surgery

82 per cent treated on time compared with 79 per cent national average

*Emergency (within 10 minutes)

89 per cent treated on time compared with 79 per cent national average

For more information, go to:

79 per cent treated on time compared with 65 per cent national average

*Urgent (within 30 minutes)

80 per cent treated on time compared with 65 per cent national average

Hervey Bay Surgical Centre - Services Provided

75 per cent treated on time compared with 68 per cent national average

*Semi-urgent (within 60 minutes)

80 per cent treated on time compared with 68 per cent national average

*Non-urgent (within 120 minutes)

91 per cent treated on time compared with 88 per centnational average

*Non-urgent (within 120 minutes)

92 per cent treated on time compared with 88 per cent national average

Outpatient Services


Outpatient Services




Psychiatric Unit


Paediatrics Unit


*Emergency (within 10 minutes) *Urgent (within 30 minutes) *Semi-urgent (within 60 minutes)

Source: The Federal Government’s My Hospital’s website

Source: The Federal Government’s My Hospital’s website

• • • • • • •

Ophthalmology Oral General Gastroenterology ENT Orthopaedic Plastic

For more information, go to:

When mining families are looking for a new home base...

How does the Capricorn Coast stack up? Shift Miner Magazine finds out next.

Make sure your business is known in mining circles when we profile your region. To advertise, call our office on 4921 4333. Page 18 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

Page 19 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


Are you the outdoors type? REEL GOOD TIME: Fishing is the ultimate past time

FAMILY FRIENDLY: There’s plenty of fun for the kids

FRASER Island, whale watching and swimming all year round in stinger-free waters. It sounds like a tourism advertisement, but for locals on the Fraser Coast - it is a daily reality. The region is home to world-famous tourist attractions like Fraser Island and the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef - and you can fish, swim, sail and kayak to your heart’s content. In terms of day-to-day living, there is

plenty on offer. There are more than 80 parks, playgrounds and outdoor recreational areas scattered across the region - not to mention an extensive network of cycle paths and walking trails. There are two aquatic centres with heated pools and the WetSide Water Park on the Hervey Bay esplanade. If you’d prefer to bury your head in a book than venture outside, there are five

Fish ‘n’ chips or fine dining tonight? From beachside fish and chips to bona fide fine dining, the Fraser Coast can cater

to the even the pickiest of palates. If you’re after great value pub grub,

Page 20 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

Beer o’clock on the Fraser Coast WHETHER you’re looking for a quiet beer with mates or wanting to dance until dawn, the Fraser Coast has a variety of nightlife and after-hours hot-spots to suit all tastes. For a steak sandwich and schooner in front of the footy, try any number of watering holes in Maryborough’s CBD, including the Criterion and Lamington Hotels. Most venues also offer live music on a weekend, featuring popular local and out-of-town artists. Lounge 1868 offers a slightly more contemporary atmosphere, serving a selection of fine wines and cocktails and light meals from 6pm til late every Friday and Saturday night. As the sun goes down on Fraser Island and the whales dive deep for the night, the place to wine and dine is Hoolies, where the Guinness is poured just right… or so they say! Originally a scuba diving shop, Hoolihans Irish Pub on the Hervey Bay Esplanade has been a mainstay of the local nightlife for over a decade, offering good food and drinks at a reasonable price. Make a beeline for the Bayswater Hotel in Urangan for the best of both worlds: restaurant-quality meals and a vibrant atmosphere complete with live music. For those wanting to stay out until the early hours, try the Viper and Rumaz nightclubs.

libraries in the region (Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Tiaro, Burrum Heads and Howard). For the culture vultures among you, there is a regional theatre, two major art galleries and a yearly calendar of performances, workshops and exhibitions. There is no need to travel north or south for shopping either - with five major centres scattered across the region, and a major expansion underway at Hervey Bay’s Stock-

land Shopping Centre. Locals will also tell you there is a real sense of community binding the region in fact, one in five people volunteer on the Fraser Coast in some capacity.

pull up a chair at one of the many historic hotels in Maryborough, including the Carriers Arms or the White Lion Hotel. The Muddy Waters Café on the banks of the Mary River offers a fantastic feed with a view that few other restaurants can match. Fancy dinner and a show? Then why not check out Gusto Restaurant and Bar at the Brolga Theatre, where the name literally means ‘hearty enjoyment!’ Gusto caters for all manner of meals, from lunch and dinner to cocktail and function menus. Up the road in Hervey Bay, Madigan’s has a reputation for the best fish and chips on the Fraser Coast…and rightly so. But don’t take our word for it; the Esplanade is dotted with beachside cafes and coffee shops, including Enzo’s and Aquavue, with views that stretch all the way to Fraser Island. For that fine dining experience, the

Pavilion by the Pier offers pristine cuisine in a postcard location, nestled in Pier Park overlooking the historic Urangan Pier. COAST Restaurant and Bar was recently awarded a Chef’s Hat by the Queensland Good Food Guide – the Australian equivalent of the Michelin Star guide to fine dining - the only restaurant between the Sunshine Coast and Port Douglas to receive such an honour. Let’s not forget Fraser Island’s Kingfisher Bay Resort is only a brisk boat ride away, where the Sand Bar Bistro, Seabelle and Maheno restaurants and the Jetty Hut Café are waiting to be sampled. Throw in the exotic flavours of local Indian, Chinese and Italian restaurants, the vibrant club atmosphere of the Hervey Bay Boat Club and RSL and a tapas bar or two, and the Fraser Coast is a culinary encounter to suit all tastes.


40 schools, 2 TAFE campuses and a university WITH the Fraser Coast adopting the “live here, work there� motto, the region boasts educational facilities able to attract families looking to put their roots down in one area for the long-term. Many mining families grapple with the decision to leave smaller mining towns for bigger centres in the pursuit of better - and more varied - schooling options when their children reach school-age. While centres like Rockhampton and Toowoomba are known for their excellent boarding schools, the lesser known Fraser Coast offers a staggering number of day schools. In fact, there are about 40 schools in the region, with public and private options as well as special education for primary and secondary schooling. There are no boarding schools on the Fraser Coast, reflecting how most families in the region choose to use day-school facilities and live locally. As students move from high school to tertiary education, there is a strong vocational training sector in the region. A Trade Training Centre has been added onto the Maryborough State High School, which allows students to complete certificate courses in furnishing, engineering and boat building. The Wide Bay Institute of TAFE has two campuses in the region: Maryborough

and Hervey Bay. In Maryborough, students can undertake a wide range of courses including automotive, electrical and carpentry workshops as well as community and business programs and horticultural studies. At the Hervey Bay campus, there is a specialist centre for year 11 and 12 students, and extensive facilities for students studying metal fabrication, machining, hospitality and retail - and many other courses. For those looking at university life, the University of Southern Queensland provides that platform at its Hervey Bay campus. A range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs are available including counselling, accounting, science, education (early childhood, primary and secondary) and nursing. The campus caters to small class sizes and prides itself on personal face-to-face teaching or supportive distance learning. For more information on USQ courses in the region, go to: handbook/2012/frasercoastprog-all.html For more information on Wide Bay TAFE campuses in the region go to: about_us/campuses/maryborough.html international/region/hervey_bay.html

State Schools on the Fraser Coast Primary Albert State School, Maryborough Bauple State School, Bauple Brooweena State School, Brooweena Granville State School, Maryborough Glenwood State School, Glenwood Gundiah State School, Gundiah Hervey Bay Special School, Hervey Bay Howard State School Howard Kawungan State School, Hervey Bay Maryborough Central State School, Maryborough Maryborough Special School, Maryborough Maryborough West State School, Maryborough Mungar State School, Mungar Park State School, Maryborough Pialba State School, Hervey Bay Sandy Strait State School, Hervey Bay

St Helen’s State SChool, Maryborough Sunbury State School, Maryborough Tiaro State School, Tiaro Tinana State School, Maryborough Torbanlea State School, Hervey Bay Torquay State School, Hervey Bay Urangan Point State School, Hervey Bay Yarrilee State School, Hervey Bay Secondary Aldridge State High School, Maryborough Hervey Bay High School, Hervey Bay Maryborough State High School, Maryborough Urangan State High School, Hervey Bay

Private Schools on the Fraser Coast School

Year levels

Religious Affiliation



Agnew School, Maryborough


Exclusive Brethren



Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, Hervey Bay





St Mary’s Primary School, Maryborough





Glendyne Education & Training Centre, Hervey Bay





St Mary’s College, Maryborough





Fraser Coast Anglican College, Hervey Bay





St James Lutheran College, Hervey Bay





Hervey Bay Christian Academy





Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay





Riverside Christian College, Maryborough


Non-denom (Christian)







Page 21 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

stuff to the editor 143rd EDITION. 2012


Stuff to the Editor

REMEMBER THIS IMAGE? We asked how this happens at shiftminer and this iswhat they said: “By letting you drive the car all the time champ that’s how this shit happens” “By employing idiots to operate machinery” “Bummer”

Hello Shiftminer, I’m writing because I want to share my story with others to who are wanting to peruse a career in the mines- particularly females! There is so much negativity surrounding our industry at the moment with the push for skilled workers. I hope that my story can give hope to the thousands of both skilled and unskilled workers looking for a pathway into the mines. My name is Adele. I’m 24. 12 months ago I was stuck in a job I hated and not wanting to get up and drag myself to work each day. The conditions were bad. The pay was bad. I was miserable. My partner Tate is a driller and has worked all over Australia for the past 8 years. He suggested I apply for a job in the mines as an operator which is something I had wanted to do since the age of 8 when I visited Saraji with my God sons father. From the moment I saw the trucks I knew that I wanted to drive them! I applied for a ’Greenskin’ operator position with Rio Tinto. Several months later after hearing nothing back for several months I received a phone call advising me I had been short listed. I passed the phone interview and was flown to Clermont to meet with Rio’s ‘Talent Team’ I went through two days of intensive aptitude testing, panel interviews and team building exercises only to hear nothing back. I was disheartened to say the least but was still extremely proud I made it as far as I did. Only 50 operators were selected out of the 200 people they flew to Clermont. A year or so later I was still working the job I hated.

One night I punched ‘dump truck training’ into Google. Up came a list of local companies that offer training. I looked through them and clicked onto the link for Ebenezer Employment & Training. I phoned them the following afternoon when I finished work. Little did I know the person I was speaking to was the Owner/Director Tim Gillam. Tim spoke with me for 45mins and answered all of my silly mundane questions. He was informative and patient. He explained the ins and outs of the training his company offered and it all sounded amazing! I booked in straight away and a month later I was on site ready to start my training. 6 weeks after I received my statement of attainment for RIIMP0311A Conduct Haul Truck Operations (which by the way is all nationally recognised and accredited) I had a full time job at Curragh East, Blackwater to go to. I was on 5/5 DIDO/BIBO from Rocky. I went from Nursing to learning to drive CAT 769D’s and within one day on site at Curragh East, I was on my own operating Komatsu 730E’s!!! Me! The then 23 year old that doesn’t even have a manual car licence!!! I resigned from my position at Curragh in December, just before Christmas. I wanted to get my Daughter Skyla settled into her first year of School. It was a milestone I needed to be there for. One side to the mining industry that not too many people talk about is the strain it can have on family life. I’m all too familiar with that side of the industry. I decided to have 3 months off and then start looking for work again. In that time I was a stay at home Mummy for the first time in many years and I loved it. I enjoyed being there for my daughter and never missed out on school activities. I was there for her every night and I had missed that. March came and I knew I had to start looking for work again. The Owners/ Directors of EET Tim Gillam & John Swain had followed my progress very closely and I had stayed in contact with both of them. The end of March was close when I received a text from John Swain asking if I could go out to see them at the office. I drove from my home in North Brisbane to the office in Ipswich to meet with Tim & John. That was the day that changed my career for the better. EET had a training program starting with a certain major mining company and they needed a Site Administrator to handle the trainees and the paperwork etc. I started my career with EET 3 days later. I love the mining industry. I love coming to work each day. I want to share my story with as many people as I can to give them hope that there IS a way! There IS training available that gives trainees REAL experience. I’m so sick of reading about the lack of workers and the lack of training! Its right here under their noses. I’m so proud to be one of the few Women in Hard Hats.

Adele Pillar

Got something to share? Send us your text messages or phone photos to 0428 154 653 Or email to

Redmond’s Rants


Awaken excited, Blinded by excitement Paddock and creek a rich vein of adventure, Bikes airborne dare, Who is Redmond? Redmond was born in a crossSunburn, fire hurricane and now resides in Queensland. Former Golden Glove Torn shorts, champ turned champion shearer, his shearing career was cut short when Stitches and blisters, he entered the adult film industry and made 3467 films in three months. He Dogs now legend, now enjoys semi-retirement and lives happily on his 100,000 acre property Laughing babes and swimming fools with his seven wives. He has received the annual Golden Pen award from Playing was play and the joke was ours, the Writer’s Guild four years in a row in the Truth Telling category... In concrete streets, bonds of steel.

Page 22 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

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SEEN SOMETHING WE HAVEN’T? Prizes for the best mining photos. Take it on your phone or camera and send it in

Text to 0428 154 653

FROM THE EDITOR WITH the industry experiencing a slight slow down it would be easy to be alarmist and predict economic catastrophe is lurking just behind the next hill of the mining lease. The ever candid Queensland Resources Council chief Michael Roche was quick to point out this week when explaining the change of pace that the drop in projects certain to go ahead was by no means a collapse. Still, people will read it that way. To do so though is to sell the industry short and talk it down and that is something that any worker should never do as it quickly makes things worse. Examples of industries that have weakened their own standing among investors are everywhere. My favourite is the dairy industry that some years ago looked at what was stopping the public from having a positive view of the industry and the answer was found to be farmers themselves. Every time they were in the paper

they looked dirty and tired. When asked for a comment they were polite but mostly apologetic for not producing something a lot sexier like beef or wool. The impression regular punters got was dairy farming was a bugger of an industry you’d be crazy to be part of. How things have changed. In a few short years the industry in Australia and New Zealand has worked hard to use better imagery and highlight champion farmers that are always positive so the public sees and hears that the industry has a future despite cyclical challenges. The lifestyle sure can’t be beat. Of course this might sound familiar to those that have been in mining for a few summers. If a slowdown is here now is the time we all need to hold our nerve, stay focused on the long-term and remember there are plenty of positive things happening in the industry every day and that’s what needs to be highlighted.

Greg Sweetnam

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Fair Dinkum! IN AUSTRALIA - Safety Warning: do not use your arse as a firework launchpad! Perhaps the message just isn’t making it through to the Northern Territory? A man at a house party in Darwin decided it would be a lark to let a firework go off from between his bum cheeks. While the firework successfully went off, it also successfully burnt his bottom, back and genital area, according to reports in The NT News. The man’s injuries were so severe that he had to be airlifted to a hospital in Adelaide for further treatment at another burns unit. Senior Sergeant Garry Smith said: “It probably seemed like a good idea at the time.” Police said people could be fined close to $300 for letting off such fireworks in their local neighbourhood. IN THE US - Further tales of foolishness and fire! Twenty-one people at an event held by motivational guru Tony Robbins in California had to be treated for burns after walking on hot coals. The injuries took place during a fourday event at the San Jose Convention Centre hosted by Robbins called “Unleash the Power Within”. Most of those hurt had second and third degree burns, said San Jose Fire Department captain. Reggie Williams. According to the motivational speaker’s website, walking across hot coals heated to between 1200 to 2000 degrees provides attendees an opportunity to “understand that there is absolutely nothing you can’t overcome”.

Robbins Research International claimed in a written statement that 6000 attendees of the event walked across the coals.. Organisers had an “open burn permit” and medical staff at the event, and there was also a fire inspector on the scene, Captain Williams said. “Once they (the medical staff) became overwhelmed, our inspector called for us,” Captain Williams said. IN SCOTLAND - The dog ate my homework is old as the hills but how about a teacher trying to swerve work by saying he ran over and killed a girl with his car? The 42-year-old music teacher, Derek McGlone, was well known at Calderhead High School for coming up with crazy claims in a bid to chuck a sickie, according to the Telegraph,. But telling school officials you had just run over a little girl kinda takes the cake. “He said he felt his car wheels running over her body,” Calderhead High School head Joyce Kilmartin wrote in an official statement. At a hearing of the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS), McGlone admitted to lying on a number of occasions between June 2008 and May 2011. On another occasion, McGlone called from his home in Glasgow, claiming he was stuck in a volcanic ash cloud in Iceland implausible but at least no children were fictionally maimed in the telling of this tale! The hearing panel concluded that McGlone’s behavior “falls short the standards expected of a registered teacher”. He received a reprimand that will remain on his record

Safety Warning: do not use your arse as a firework launchpad!

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e h t k n a Fr Tank’s

“Streakin” good love advice

Dear Frank, I have a great friendship with my mate Gazza, who I met on my first shift at the mine 10 years ago. But recently, I have noticed Gazza giving me a funny look - if I were a woman, I would call it the glad eye - and asking to play funny games, like soap on a rope. It really puzzles me and I can’t think what’s gotten into him. Last week, on our week off, he told me to come over to his place, have a few beers and watch his favourite movie. It was Brokeback Mountain. I don’t know what to do. Ernie, Baralaba

Well, Ernie, it sounds like your friend Gazza is aiming to examine your mineshaft, if you know what I mean. I’ve been around a while, so this isn’t the first time I’ve come across the phenomenon of blokes lusting after their mates. I was in the army for a little when I was younger, and one day my squad and I were sent out into the wilderness for a survival training exercise. After some horrific weather we managed to get lost, and the surrounding bush was too wet for us to start a fire.

e l b i s n e S Susan Ernie, Perhaps this isn’t what you want to hear, but I think Frank may be right, it sounds like your friend Gazza could be gay.

All night this one private kept suggesting that we burn our pants and huddle together for warmth, which may have been a wise suggestion if it were cold, but it was 29 degrees and most of us were sweating to death. It is very possible that your friend Gazza has discovered he’s a homosexual, and he’s obviously thinking that you may be similarly inclined — perhaps you sent him some false signals? Did you ever ask him to check your body for strange moles, or eat a lollipop in front of him? I think you also need to seriously consider the possibility that Gazza isn’t gay at all, and that he’s just pretending to be to distract you from the fact that he’s having an affair with your wife. I know how the male mind works, Ernie, and if Gazza has exhibited no signs of homosexuality at all over the past 10 years it’s highly possibly that these recent displays are decoys to throw you off the scent. Now this is where it gets a bit tricky. There’s only one way to test whether Gazza is lying, and it’s the same as a game of poker — you’ve got to call his bluff. Surprise him with a Sex and the City box set and suggest that you two stay up all night watching it. If he manages to make it through the first episode without screaming, “I can’t take it anymore!” and punching a hole in the television then he’s probably gay. Frank.

Now, I’m guessing from the tone of your letter that you’re heterosexual, but perhaps Gazza is mistaking your friendship for something else? If you’ve been mates for 10 years I think it’s time to just man up and ask him straight out what the deal is. If it turns out Gazza has been hitting on you then you’re going to have to tell him you’re not interested and that it’s making you uncomfortable. If he’s really your mate then I’m sure he’ll understand. Susan.

If you have a question for Frank and Susan Email Us at:

Page 23 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

around town 143rd EDITION. 2012

MIXING SPORT AND PLEASURE IN MORANBAH Kids and parents enjoy junior soccer on Fridays and bowling on Sunday

Holding a social event you want photographed?  Call the Shift Miner office on 4921 4333 to let us know.  You can also give our office a bell if you’d like a copy of any of the photos in this edition.

Page 24 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

around town 143rd EDITION. 2012


Local business people at the Bowen Basin Mining Club GVK presentation in Mackay

(L-R) Christophe Kowalczyk, Malcolm Northey, Simon Grey, Nick Luzar, Martin Taylor

(L-R) Troy Stevens, David Waugh, Anthony Burke

(L-R) Brook Picken, Zach Brakey, Rob Ryan

Louis Reed, Clinton Lourens

(L-R) Phil Jackson, Mark Lamkin, Dave Bampton

Malcolm Northey


BUY THIS AND MANY OTHER IMAGES AT Shift Miner magazine – bringing the mining community closer together Page 25 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


MOTORBIKE FOR SALE 2009 HARLEY FATBOY Vance & Hines 2 into 1 big UDGLXV SLSHV +L ÀRZ =LSSHU air cleaner, Screaming (DJOH 6XSHU WXQHU TXLFN detach saddle bags, Fatboy Low seat as well as Harley Brawler seat for shorter riders. All original parts, excellent condition. 15,100 klms. 8 months rego, $21,000 Phone: 07 4933 6943


2008 FORD FALCON FG XR8 UTE 5.4l 6spd manual. 75000km. New car warranty until 05/13. Tow bar. 2 1/2inch stainless

2001 turbo diesel, 7 seats, A/C, towbar, electric brakes, rego 4/13 new tyres and suspension, well serviced and VGC.

steel twin exhaust.

$18.500 ono


Phone : 0428 679 297

CAR FOR SALE 2010 TOYOTA HILUX Mine Spec, BMA Thiess Mac &RDO &HUWLÂżHG 1HZ Maxxis Iron Mud Tires, ADB Bull Bar, Lightforce Driving Light,Twin Battery, Snorkle, ,URQ 0DQ /LIW .LW 0LQH 5DGLR x 2, UHF, 135 Litre Fuel Tank, Oconners Tray, Toolboxes, Fire Ext 1st Aid MSDS. $ 46 500 Phone: 0421 000 789

BUSINESS FOR SALE 2 X PRIME MOVERS With large capacity cranes, 4 Trailers, Bundy based, Soild work contacts, Carrying house frames and trussestoGladstone, Rocky,Mackayand Central Highlands.established 1981 T\O approx $380,000 Call for more info and pics Asking $350,000 WIWO

CAR AND CARAVAN FOR SALE F250 + SIERRA 5TH WHEELER 30ft, both 2006, both reg Oct 12, one bdrm unit on wheels, rear kitchen, T EHG 79V VRODU gen 2.4kva, has much more $145,000 neg

Phone: 0408 988 866

Phone: 0413 317 292

BUSINESS FOR SALE SACK THE BOSS AND EARN REAL $ Dry Ice blasting/cleaning HTXLSPHQW LQFOXGLQJ website. dry ice unit only 60hrs! Kaeser air compressor only107hrs! Genuine reason for sale. cost $96000. can be relocated anywhere! $69000 ono Phone: 0410 091 105

CAR FOR SALE 2006 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT Lonestar Edition Heavy Duty 5.9L Cummins Turbo Diesel Allison auto trans. Wood grain inserts 5th wheel hitch, tow bar 4 door dual cab Dula Wheels 104000klms $79 000 ono Phone: 0432 429 264

CAR FOR SALE 4X4 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LTZ Z71 Crew Cab Pickup 6.6L Duramax Diesel Engine, Allison Transmission 75,354klm, leather LQWHULRU ÀDZOHVV RQH owner vehicle loaded with options. $89,700egc. bdunne151@gmail. com HOUSE FOR SALE MACLEAY ISLAND Your own private resort Absolute waterfront home Retire or use as a getaway au/property-house-qldeay+island-111073031 Ph: 1300091773

LAND FOR SALE YEPPOON Acreage Living, City Conveniences! VTP 1RUWK IDFLQJ FRUQHU SUHPLXP EORFN 5 minutes from CBD, schools, transport. Plenty of space for shed, pool, kids to play.

CAR FOR SALE NISSAN PATROL UTE 2006 4.2l turbo diesel, 3’exhaust, 33’ muddies, snorkel, mickey thomson rims,

MOURA 3 beds bir + sleepout, A/C + breezeair, 2 loos, 9 acres, 2 car garage, carports, hay shed, tack shed, stables, Tank,bore + irrig water, 3 phase power, WUDFWRU HTXLS QHJ VFKRRO EXV DW GRRU SLFV DYDLO asking $585K

HOUSE FOR SALE Coolum Beach 2 bed, 2 bath aptmt for sale with ocean views, fully furnished, air con, pool and heated spa. Includes huge double GRRU IULGJH ÀDW VFUHHQ WY with surround sound plus satellite. Walking distance to Coolum Beach $330.000 ono Ph: 0411 567 244 HOUSE FOR SALE YEPPOON, New 4 bedroom 2 bathroom brick home. Aircon in main bedroom & Media room. Fans throughout. Double garage with elec roller doors & separate laundry Security screens. Fully turfed & fenced $449,000 minus $17,000 government grants if eligible Ph: 0421 601 710

Page 26 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

Gracemere acreage and residence. Large well appointed 5 bedroom

Grizzly S24 plough very good condition new bearings discs about 1/2

$17000 plus gst ono.

Phone : 0458 550 084

Phone 0429 948 198 HOUSE FOR SALE YEPPOON

UNIT FOR SALE MACKAY The solution to accommodation in Mackay. Stay a few days, earn income while you’re away. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Beachfront Resort living, pool and restaurant onsite.

New 4 bedroom 2 bathroom brick home. Aircon in main bedroom & Media room. Fans throughout. Double garage elec roller doors. Security screens.

For More Info Call:


HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE DARLING DOWNS 40 km west Toowoomba, Fully renovated 3 bedroom a/c house on 200 acres. Close to school Large sheds , Feed mixing gear. 168 acres presently with share farmer ZLOOLQJ WR FRQWLQXH LI UHTXLUHG Irrigation bore, yards,silos Smaller padocks for horses, cattle.

Ph: 07 4983 5207





Ph: 0428 679 297

CAR FOR SALE 2008 H3 HUMMER Luxury 6.2lt V8 LS3. Auto transmission. Full leather, BOSE sound, 22� American racing rims.Only known H3 V8 in Australia. Collector’s item. 27000kms. Excellent condition. Very classy vehicle with performance to match. $73000 ono Emerald.Q. Phone: 0427 189 834

worn located near rocky.

Ph: 0428 227 623


Phone: 0411 490 874

2’ lift kit.

$300,000 Phone: 0409 391 254

Air Con ,240v/12v power, new Queen size mattress and frame, tarp,poles,ropes,pegs also,new tyres, 12months UHJR QR VHWWLQJ XS UHTXLUHG $3200 ono

$26,500 Phone : 0419 707 249



Ph: 0421 601710 HOUSE/LAND FOR SALE MOUNT PERRY � Main Top� Best most usable 40 acres in town. *RRG ODUJH OHYHO ÀDWV great mountain veiws, hay shed, machinery shed, GDP +RXVH UHTXLUHV work. Power to house. Plenty of feed, Potential to work 7 on 7 off roster at mount Rawdon Gold mine. $235,000 Ph: 0488 079 675 LAND FOR SALE PROSERPINE

shopping centre.

$290K neg.

Rural land. 15 min cbd proserpine. 2x200 acre lots. good grazing land and house sites $520,000 the pair will sell seperatly POA


Ph: 0439 861 946

Ph: 0447031588

home on 10 acres. Stables, yards, shed, bore. 3 km from new

100acres, 600m of river frontage, 10meg water allocation, ex dairy farm, power at front of block, cleared, dam, cattle yards, 20mins to Gin Gin – 25 mins to Childers

Phone 07 4933 3106 HOUSE FOR SALE GRACEMERE, Immaculate 4BR home BIR. 18 solar panels. Fully insulated & A/C. Ceiling fans. 2 bathrooms. 2 Toilets. 'RXEOH ORFN XS JDUDJH Stainless steel kitchen appliances. Spacious open plan kitchen, dining & lounge. Potential rental return above $22 000p/a. $429,000 Ph: 0418 796 074



balcony overlooking the

away suit cattle, horse, poultry, ex contract

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Photos & details our website: Phone: 0741689226

k.pdf 2010



143rd EDITION. 2012












10 11



1. From the menu (1,2,5) 5. Turn sharply 9. Brown skin marks 10. Invasion fleet 12. Not here 13. Slightly wet 14. Lyrical poems 16. ... a rock and a hard place 19. Purifying organs 21. Flip (coin) 24. Is without 25. Brand (5,4) 27. Makes good progress (4,2) 28. Paint atomiser (5,3) 29. Cruel ruler 30. Babbled





17 19


21 22








9 2 8

6 2 5 4 6 7 7


6 4 7


1. Director, ... Hitchcock 2. Opposed 3. Crooked 4. Hovers (on brink) 6. Colleagues 7. Comprehends 8. Physically demanding 11. Doing word 15. Tell off (5,4) 17. Ceiling window 18. Instructor 20. Over-gratify 21. Fur animal hunter 22. Abort 23. Introduced to solid food 26. Pass (law)

Last editions solutions

# 29


3 4 1

8 2 4 5 7 2 1 4


2 6 9 1 7 5 4 3 8

3 5 7 9 4 8 2 6 1

8 4 1 2 3 6 7 9 5

1 7 2 6 8 3 9 5 4

6 3 4 7 5 9 1 8 2


5 9 8 4 2 1 3 7 6

7 1 6 8 9 2 5 4 3


4 8 3 5 1 7 6 2 9

9 2 5 3 6 4 8 1 7



Four score and not so great I MUST admit when I first heard there was a movie coming out called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I got pretty excited. I was expecting a tongue-in-cheek comedy with a bit of horror thrown in for good measure. What I got was perhaps the most bizarre attempt at historical fiction ever. I’m sure many prospective filmgoers have asked themselves this question: so allow me to answer it – this is a serious movie, or at least it’s supposed to be. The story focuses on the ‘unknown’ parts of Abraham Lincoln’s life; for instance, the fact that his mother was murdered by a vampire and that he spent his early adult life hunting down and killing vampires with a silver-edged axe. As he gets older, Abe decides he can better help his nation with words, rather than by running around in the dark killing vampires, so he runs for president. Naturally the south is ruled by vampires, prompting Honest Abe to start the American Civil War and take back the United States for the living.

This sets up the final showdown between Lincoln and the 5000-year-old vampire warlord attempting to conquer America. There isn’t much to be said about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in the positive. The acting in the film is nothing short of woeful, particularly during the strange dramatic detour it takes about half-way through. Some of the action scenes will appeal to fans of films like Wanted, however they are so over the top it’s virtually impossible not to laugh and shake your head. One such scene involving a herd of stampeding horses is particularly ridiculous. Perhaps the only triumph for a is that they managed to make the actor playing Abe look a lot like his character, but apart from that small victory it’s slim pickings. My advice is wait for this one to come out on DVD, you’ll enjoy it more picking the plot apart at home with friends than walking out of the cinema shaking your head and wondering why you didn’t just go and see The Dark Knight Rises again.


# 30

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SALES ENQUIRIES: (07) 4920 2000

Page 27 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


Bait shop Banter fishing YEPPOON


WELL, Bob at Capricorn Coast Sport & Hobby Centre reckons the weather has been so good you could make it to New Guinea! Let’s hope it holds because there the full range of reef fish up for grabs: reds, mackerel and grassy sweetlips. Bob also gives a major nod to fishing around the headlands where he says “silver jew are fishing queer”. Good hauls and good fish sizes around the 20 kg mark. There are still salmon around creek mouths on a dropping tide, and motor further up the estuaries for further catches of salmon, flathead and whiting. Crabs have dropped off, according to Bob: “Bigger crabs seem to have moved out but there are still some just legals to be caught”. Bob’s final tip is to try around the headlands and mouth of Corio Bay on an incoming tide for doggy mackerel.

The long-time-coming purple patch of weather was the cause of much excitement off Gladstone with the opportunity to get out and about grabbed enthusiastically by many. Greg from Pat’s Tackle World says despite the air of anticipation, reports were patchy. The Bunker Group and rarely reached Sykes Area seemed to be the top targets and Greg says “tt was the fellas who stayed up late and capitalised when the change came through” who really cashed in. Well-known local reef fisherman and employee Dylan was one of the lucky ones with red throat, red emperor, tusk fish and trout making it to his esky. Greg can attest to the quality after sharing a plate-sized red emperor, which he described as “fantastic”. Inshore, Greg reports there are big barra around the hot water and their size is quite remarkable for this time of year. Catch them on plastics and livies. Crabs have been a bit quieter in contrast to

Tide Times


a couple of months ago but “that hasn’t stopped locals going out to their favourite haunts and coming up with a couple”, says Greg. Lake Awoonga is also stirring, but Greg reckons you need to head way out back to where the dam was filled as the barra are sitting amongst the submerged lantana. While they are really hard to fish, as according to Greg you really need to “pull them out”, those who persist are coming up trumps.

fishing MACKAY

There has been picture perfect weather off Mackay as well, but the results out wide appear to have been mixed according to Brett at Reef Marine. While there have been a few trout and red throat about, Brett hasn’t heard of a lot of emperors being brought in. It has been a little bit quiet in the creeks, too, but encouragingly Brett reckons with this type of weather on the rise it doesn’t take long for the action to warm up. Brett says reports indicate we are entering a more traditional weather patterns with periods of sunshine interspersed with a bit of blow. There are whiting and flathead about

MACKAY Gladstone

Time Ht

Time Ht


Calling all serious fisherman to the best fishing location on the coast. Close to mining areas (You have probably driven past the turn-off!) Fully s/c accommodation silly season, 2011 & 2012 Crew bookings available

Phone: 49373145

email: web:

With Mike Griffin

Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht

0022 1.41 0104 1.18 0142 0.98 0218 0.80 0255 0.64 0331 0.51 0406 0.43 0625 2.89 0709 3.07 0746 3.24 0822 3.38 0857 3.51 0933 3.63 1009 3.72 1207 1.19 1254 1.00 1337 0.83 1417 0.67 1456 0.55 1536 0.48 1615 0.49 1843 3.67 1923 3.87 2000 4.04 2036 4.16 2111 4.23 2146 4.24 2223 4.17 0226 1.51 0302 1.25 0336 1.05 0409 0.87 0442 0.71 0516 0.57 0551 0.50 0814 4.00 0849 4.21 0921 4.39 0954 4.57 1028 4.74 1105 4.89 1143 4.98 1412 1.20 1450 0.96 1526 0.77 1602 0.61 1639 0.51 1718 0.48 1757 0.56 2034 5.09 2107 5.33 2140 5.51 2213 5.66 2247 5.75 2322 5.74 2358 5.60

Mon 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 MACKAY Gladstone

If you have a good photo or fishing yarn send it through to our resident bait chucker-

Your weather forecast

Mon 13 Tue 14 Wed 15 Thu 16 Fri 17 Sat 18 Sun 19 Time Ht Time Ht

but the recent small tides have created a lot of clear water, so seek out patches where it is a bit dirtier and heighten your chances of success. The crabs have finally given up the ghost so instead target oyster rocks and shoals for a bit of bream.

Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht Time Ht 0443 0.43 0520 0.52 0558 0.68 0028 3.48 0128 3.19 0246 2.98 0418 2.96 1048 3.76 1129 3.74 1216 3.65 0640 0.88 0737 1.08 0857 1.19 1021 1.14 1655 0.60 1737 0.79 1825 1.04 1313 3.54 1425 3.46 1552 3.51 1715 3.71 2300 4.02 2341 3.78

1927 1.30 2054 1.43 2228 1.34 2348 1.08

0626 0.52 0036 5.32 0117 4.94 0208 4.50 0319 4.10 0452 3.92 0036 1.51 1222 4.98 0702 0.65 0742 0.84 0832 1.08 0940 1.29 1109 1.32 0626 4.06 1837 0.77 1304 4.90 1354 4.77 1457 4.63 1621 4.60 1751 4.81 1235 1.12

1920 1.07 2011 1.41 2122 1.70 2258 1.77

Page 28 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

1909 5.18

Record frosts for August Week 1 - The extended frost in the Warrego affected the Coalfields. Roma recorded 11 consecutive frosts not seen in five decades. This has caused discomfort for many people, plants and animals. The severe frosts where the overnight minimums reached minus three and four caused plant stress and made the grassland cure state rise. The cold southerlies last weekend caused high evaporation which has accentuated the conditions. Still more cold nights for the week with some frost then warm sunny days later in the week. Boaties! With fresh to strong southerlies should ease gradually by the later part of the week. Particularly south of Gladstone. Mon: SSE 16-22 G 28 squally showers. Tue – Wed: SE 15-22 a squally

shower. Thur: SE 18-13 less in the south. Shower in the north. Fri-Sun: SE 11-16. Less south of Heron. Week 2 - The low SOI value (-1.3) continues; signalling more dry conditions. If a high moves over Queensland lighter winds will cause more cold mornings with early mist and fog. Followed by more warm sunny days; particularly later in the week. If this trend continues then and another cold burst of air follows. This may rank winter 2012 as one of our coldest. Marine Lovers! Looks like the best chance for awhile. Mon: SE 15-10. Tue: SE14-11 tending E/NE 5-9 avo. Wed: (fog) W/NW 4-6 tending SE/NE 5-10 avo. Thr: NNW/NE 7-13; Sat: NW 15-20 tending S/ SSW 15-20 Sun.



Mine blowing photography A HARD-HATTED miner with a dump truck, and an elevator at dusk - two everyday mine site images that may not immediately translate as pictures of beauty or inspiration. Photographer Damien Carty takes these working landscapes and makes them more than just moments in time, preserving person and place. The twinkling lights of an elevator descending into darkness while cloud banks of dying pink stream out in the distance is morphed into more than just a picture of the material handling process. And the mind-bogglingly massive scale of the mining scene is translated by a simple shot of an employee delicately perched inside the rim of a dominating dump truck tyre. Mine blowing, an extraordinary collection of Damien’s images of Australian underground and surface mining operations, will be exhibited at the Coalface Art Gallery, Moranbah, from 13-24 August. Material handling company BIS Industries commissioned Damien through his business, Minco Photography, to develop an impressive portfolio featuring machinery and the workforce from the Bowen Basin and Hunter Valley regions, including Newlands, Oakey North, Moranbah North and West Wallsend mine sites. Damien and his partner, Hayley Hemsworth, started their Mackay-based photography business in 2005 and after spending a short period working in mines they uncovered a niche for mining photography and decided to specialise. Damien said he enjoys the variety of different sites, people and situations. “It doesn’t matter what I am photographing; being interested in the material is

the most important part of the job,” he said. Damien nominated the process of getting gear passed out and controlling light levels underground as the most challenging aspects to working in the mining industry. And while he does not find photographing monster-sized machinery daunting, capturing the moment can prove tricky. “It is not as though they are going to stop for you,” he said. “No one is going to stop work just so I can get a photo.” Damien is also unfazed by black being a fairly constant mainstay to a mine site’s colour palette. “There are always strong colours in things like hats and helmets and I always try to incorporate the landscape into the shot by using elements like clouds for extra effect,” he said. Isaac Regional Council Mayor, Cr Anne Baker, said the exhibition would give community members an intriguing insight into mining areas otherwise restricted to the public. “The images are technically excellent and visually stunning, taking us inside the workplace for a captivating look at the massive machinery, operations and people at work on site,” Cr Baker said. Damien agreed that his exhibition is a great way to showcase the industry and to give an insight into what exactly goes on onsite. “Families don’t get to go onsite or underground so it is a good way to show the kids that this is what your dad does when he goes to work,” he said. The exhibition then travels south where it will be on display during the Hunter Valley’s Longwall Conference.

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Page 29 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


143rd EDITION. 2012

Dachshund derby gets crowd at Middlemount A CRAIGLEE Convict may have won the main event at the Middlemount horse races, but it was the sausage dogs that really pulled the crowd. According to President of the Middlemount Race Club, Bill Gray, the novelty of a bolting sausage with legs captured the punters imagination. “Well, we had just under 2000 people through the gates, and I think all of them were on hand for the sausage dog sprint,” he said. “Money was coming out everywhere and the crowd was three deep to watch the dogs run.” “In fact we had so many dogs turn up that we had to hold two races.” “Dogs arrived from Capella and Dysart, and we have since had a call from the Dalby racing committee about helping them to run a similar event.” “The Sausage dogs raised about $2000 for the Capricorn rescue helicopter on their own” On the official track, the Tony McMa-

hon-trained horse Craiglee Convict won the Anglo American Cup. Rockhampton-based jockey Mark Barnham was the most successful jockey for the day and Mick Hicks from Nanango the most successful trainer. However, the big winner was the Middlemount race club who, for the second year in a row, ran the event at a profit. “Most of the crowd was local to the Bowen Basin, although we did have some people from Sydney and Brisbane.” “The crowd were really well-behaved and it was a real family day again with lots of kids playing on the rides.” “The only negative feedback we got was that there weren’t enough tables and chairs, but its always hard to get that number right.” With money in the bank and a new $70,000 racing tower funded by local mines and Isaac Regional Council, the future of the Middlemount event looks assured.

“In fact we had so many dogs turn up that we had to hold two races. Dogs arrived from Capella and Dysart, and we have since had a call from the Dalby racing committee about helping them to run a similar event.”

Keep 10 and clear the ruck: referees WHOWEVER makes the grand final in the Central Highlands Rugby League in two weeks can expect to play a fast game with the referees association promising to police the breakdown. According to association president Malcolm Wright, they will penalise teams who try to slow the game down. “Playing the 10 metres is crucial and is part and parcel of playing the game,” he said. “If we get that under control we open the game up and we have a good open contest.” “We will also be policing the play the ball and making sure the defensive player allows the opposition to play the ball.” “You have got to get away from the tackled player, and let him play the ball.” “When that doesn’t happen is when players start swinging and the fights start.” At the time of print it was still undecided who would play in the final two games of the season, although minor premiers the Clermont Bears are guaranteed at least one more match. This week sometime, the Central High-

lands coaching match official (CMO) Ron (Porky) Richardson will decide who gets the grand final whistle. The two referees competing for the honour are Jake Whithead and Tim Steinhardt, both of whom have had an outstanding season. “I have a hard decision to make, they have both had a good season with the whistle,” CMO Porky Richardson said. “But ultimately it will come down to who has got the most decisions right in the last few games that gets the grand final.” Meanwhile in Junior Rugby League all games up to the U15 age group, and possibly the U18 age group will be controlled by junior referees this year. It is the first time in the history of the sport that this has happened and reflects the outstanding talent coming through the junior ranks. Normally a senior referee would take over at grand finals time, but this year the association has rewarded its outstanding junior referees by allowing them to control the grand final series as well.





Rugby league

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19/8/12 (prelim)


Rugby League


26/8/12 (GF)


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Rugby Union

CH Preliminary Finals



Rugby Union

CH Grand Finals




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What’s happening in your sport? Call Shift Miner 07 4921 4333

Rio Tinto Coal Australia is proud to be a part of the Clermont, Emerald, Capella, Nebo, Sarina, Mirani and Mackay communities We’re working with The University of Queensland on Australia’s longest running koala ecology research programme, the Koala Venture. As part of this partnership, Rio Tinto Clermont Region employees recently planted 560 seedlings to help create a two kilometre vegetation corridor for koalas living on Clermont Mine-owned land.

Since 1989 the Koala Venture has been playing an important role in informing the rehabilitation strategies at Rio Tinto’s Clermont Region operations to provide koala habitat. The project is also significantly improving the wider ecological understanding of inland koala populations, enhancing their conservation and management right across the state and the entire mining industry.

We support a range of local projects through the Clermont Region, Kestrel Mine and Hail Creek Mine Community Development Funds. For more information contact: Clermont Region Alissa Gordon on 07 4988 3505 Kestrel Mine Maureen Tutton on 07 4984 7694 Hail Creek Mine Marie Cameron on 07 4951 6437

Page 31 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012


Carbon tax hits Mackay property

VALUERS Herron Todd White (HTW) say the carbon and mineral resource rent tax (MRRT) have contributed to a significant slowdown in industrial and commercial property sales in Mackay. According to HTW there has been minimal sales activity this calendar year, reflect-

ing nervousness about the new federal government taxes. “The market is primarily driven by the coal mining industry,” HTW said in its latest monthly report. “The decline in sales activity can be attributed to a combination of weaker met-

Page 32 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

allurgical coal prices and the introduction of both the carbon and mineral resource rent tax from 1 July 2012. “The looming introduction of these taxes and potential economic impact of these taxes on the coal industry including employment, development of new mines and continued production in existing marginal mines has been unsettling.” By comparison, HTW says in 2011 industrial investment property sales showed consistent net yields between a narrow range of 8 per cent to 8.4 per cent for investments in the range of $825,000 to $3.5 million on fairly regular trade. In Rockhampton, HTW says the industrial market remains steady with little available for rent or sale. However, the report did note that estate agents are saying there has been good enquiry. Of particular interest are industrial sales at Gracemere on the south western edge of

Rockhampton. Sales of land within the the Gateway Industrial estate have picked up since the developer went into receivership. “Prior to the receivers taking possession, there had been only four sites sold,” HTW said. “List prices have now decreased and there has been a spate of activity over the past few months.” “The most recent sale prices reflect $59 to $66 per square metre for the 4000 square metre sites and up to $80 per square metre for the 2000 square metre sites.” The outlook for commercial and industrial land is far less optimistic away from the Central Queensland coal and gas fields. In Townsville sales of developed commercial and industrial properties are currently tracking at around 40 per cent of the volumes sold in 2007. In Hervey Bay the rental rates for industrial land have fallen 30 per cent in two years.

The decline in sales activity can be attributed to a combination of weaker metallurgical coal prices and the introduction of both the carbon and mineral resource rent tax from 1 July 2012.


How much money should you have in your emergency fund? YES, we do go on and on about savings here at Shift Miner, but it really is for your own good. This issue we are going to explore the subject of emergency funds. To check your financial pulse, ask yourself this very important question: if a tornado descended this minute from the heavens and took your boat on a 10 kilometre round aerial trip - and, incidentally, your family home too while you were in it - would you have enough accessible cash in the bank to survive while you spent the next few months in hospital? There are a variety of ways to figure out how much cash you should keep in an easily accessible account. One way is to work out what your living expenses are and to determine what your level of debt is. Take a look at how much money you spend each month when things are running smoothly. Once you have done this, calculate what you could get by on at an absolute minimum - as in, you are living on the bones of your butt. This would be your essentials: mortgage, electricity, food, phone, debt, kids clothes. If this were your car and it had made an aerial trip with you in it during a freak tornado, would you have enough money in the bank to survive during your rehab?

What you need to stay afloat. It is these bare bones expenses that you look at and work out your emergency fund. In an ideal world, it would be great to have a year’s worth of bare essential savings there, but we all know this is unlikely to happen. So the general consensus is to aim for a minimum of three months. Some say to have about $10,000 readily available. However, if you are carrying credit card or consumer debt - you really wanted that leather lounge suite and by crikey are you paying for it - it is a little different. First of all, consider putting away $1000 into a high yield savings account and then work on whittling away that debt. Once you get rid of that debt, then you can start working on putting away at least three months worth of basic living expenses if your primary source of income suddenly disappears. If you can, aim for six months worth of expenses. And remember: short-term pain equals long-term gain! Until next time, happy saving until your next money sermon from the Shift Miner crew.

In an ideal world, it would be great to have a year’s worth of bare essential savings there, but we all know this is unlikely to happen.

Page 33 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012

Mobile Banker, available to you anytime, h the full range of Commonwealth Bank MONEY MATTERS uding: 143rd EDITION. 2012


mSTU IPNF How to maximise your income and build QBOE ZPVS QSPQFSUZ QPSUGPM JP wealth OFX DBS PS OFYU IPMJEBZ Fact: Tax is payable on your income. The more you earn the larger percentage in tax you pay. So effectively you are penalised for earning more. This is not an ideal way to build wealth! If you cannot change the taxation system, then you need to use the taxation system to your advantage. “Work smarter not harder�. Generally, you can claim expenses incurred in earning an income. We know that the more you earn, the more percentage in tax you pay, BUT you can use this to your advantage - because the more you earn the more tax percentage, you can claim against your taxable income. The way to do it is to have a legitimate income producing tax deductible investment running at a loss, so

that you can claim that loss against your taxable income. This is called “negative gearing�. What does this mean? A property is negatively geared when the cost of owning it – interest on the loan and all other expenses - exceed the income it produces, which is the rent. Putting it simply, your investment must make a loss, before you can claim a tax benefit. Most people think that by paying off their home, they will become financially independent? All that does is eliminate a non tax deductible debt. What you do with that new found freedom and equity will determine whether you can truly be financially independent.

ooking at the best banking solutions for you. or Email HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, I’M YOUR MOBILE BANKER HELLO,

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Many Australians try to make extra payments, pay fortnightly, in the hope that it will pay off their home sooner. In reality if a couple were to pay an extra $500 off their home loan every month, at the end of the year they would have paid off $6,000. And if they kept this up for 10 years they would have paid $60,000 off their mortgage. If instead of paying off their home, they purchased an investment property, used the rental income plus the $500 per

Myname nameisisPam Pam and a Mobile Banker, available you anytime, My and I’mI’m a Mobile Banker, available to youtoanytime, anywhere. assist with thethe full range of Commonwealth Bank Bank anywhere.I CAN I CAN assist with full range of Commonwealth products including: productsand andservices, services, including:

t t " MPBO UP QVSDIBTF ZPVS mSTU IPNF " MPBO UP QVSDIBTF ZPVS mSTU IPNF My name is Pam and I’m a Mobile Banker, available to you anytime, t t "O JOWFTUNFOU MPBO UP FYQBOE ZPVS QSPQFSUZ QPSUGPMJP "O JOWFTUNFOU MPBO UP FYQBOE ZPVS QSPQFSUZ QPSUGPMJP anywhere. I CAN assist with the full range of Commonwealth Bank t 'JOBODF ZPVS SFOPWBUJPOT OFX DBS PS OFYU IPMJEBZ t products 'JOBODF ZPVS SFOPWBUJPOT OFX DBS PS OFYU IPMJEBZ and services, including: Speak totome about looking at the bestbest banking solutions for you. Speak metoday today about looking at the banking solutions for you. t " MPBO UP QVSDIBTF ZPVS mSTU IPNF Call me on 0466 136 925 or Email Call me on 0466 136 925 or Email t "O JOWFTUNFOU MPBO UP FYQBOE ZPVS QSPQFSUZ QPSUGPMJP I CAN come to you. I t CAN come to you. 'JOBODF ZPVS SFOPWBUJPOT OFX DBS PS OFYU IPMJEBZ

month to pay off their non-tax deductible home loan, they would own their own home sooner. And not only would they get rid of their BAD debt faster - an extra bonus is the capital growth on the investment property, in 10 years they could easily exceed the $60,000 that they would have paid. Found this information helpful? Call Desley Arnold at Aquatic Property Consultants on (07) 3870 4002



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Page 34 - Shift Miner Magazine, 13th August 2012



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