Shift Miner Feature - Redundancy

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Shift Miner Magazine


Half empty or half full? I

F you’ve worked in mining long enough, chances are you’ve been made redundant once before. Or probably twice. That’s the boom-bust nature of commodities, which is easy to say standing on the sidelines, but it comes with a hefty human cost if your job is in the firing line. For thousands of Queensland miners and for thousands more working in support industries - 2014 has been a tough year. Many have lost their jobs, and many more fear a similar fate awaits them. It’s taking its toll. Dr Jennifer Bowers is the CEO of the Australasian Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health and has been looking closely at this issue.


17th November 2014

“One of the key risk factors for mental distress at the moment is worrying ‘am I going to be next?” she told Shift Miner. “In mining I can tell you that between one in three to one in four workers are showing signs of mental distress depending on which site they work on - if redundancies are being handed out or if it’s one of the better managed sites. “That’s between 26 to 33 per cent, and the national average is 20 per cent.” So how do you stop yourself becoming a statistic? And is it really possible to turn a redundancy into an opportunity? Shift Miner takes an indepth look at what happens if you lose your job, and where to from here.

Shift Miner Magazine

D-Day C


FMEU district vice president Steve Pierce watched the axe fall four times during his mining career, and twice it landed on his head. “Redundancies just absolutely gut a workforce,” he told Shift Miner. “But I’ve never seen any that come completely out of the blue, you can usually smell it in the wind. “You start to get a feel for it, there is no money to do things and there are people around you’ve never seen before and you just get the sense something is going to go down.” Many Queensland miners would know that feeling, most sites have been on tenterhooks for 12 months with rumours constantly circling the Coalfields about where the next round of cuts is most likely. Unfortunately, when the day does comes and management announces jobs

will go, the uncertainty continues. “The thing that is uncertain is who goes,” said Confiance director and HR specialist Peter Cross. “If you’ve got a workforce of 400 and 100 have to go, then who will they be? “What should happen is a transparent selection process. “From a business point of view you want to keep your best people so it’s about how to arrive at that outcome. “Good employers have a transparent selection process but I don’t think that is happening at the moment, I would be surprised if it is.” The CFMEU’s Steve Pierce agrees. “The thing we don’t have any more is a defined process for how people are selected. “It’s not last on, first off, it’s the ugly side and people are being targeted because they raise safety issues or stand up for others or because they have a role in the lodge [union].”

How much am I owed?


he good news is that while the selection process might not be transparent, if you’re in the firing line what you’re entitled to is very clear. “The majority would already have done their calculations and know if they’re going to get the flick what they’re worth,” said Mr Cross. “What they are entitled to is typically straight forward, it’s in their contract or the EBA and it is quite prescriptive. “The only thing that might not be clear is the net value of the redundancy. “Most companies will give you a gross number but there are some potential tax benefits that individuals might not realise so it’s best to talk to your accountant.” The CFMEU’s Steve Pierce also urges workers to speak to their accountant if they are considering taking a voluntary redundancy (VR). “People can do the rough calculations on what it might be worth as a gross, but it’s the intricacies of the tax-free threshold and things like that make it complicated,” he said. The other choice you don’t have is how the money is paid - it will simply arrive in your nominated bank account in one lump sum.

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Shift Miner Magazine

How should I spend my redundancy?



or many workers who have been in the industry a long time, a redundancy payment is a major financial event. It’s when years of accrued entitlements are paid out in a single large payment. Often - but not always - the payment comes towards the end of a working life and therefore is part of an overall retirement plan. For that reason, it needs to be

carefully managed. However, no two redundancy payments are the same, and neither are the strategies for managing them. The best advice… is to seek your own advice. “There is no one strategy that will be appropriate to every person, so we recommend that personal advice be sought whenever someone receives a redundancy payment,” said Soundbridge Financial Services general manager Penny Farrell. Ms Farrell said there were a suite of considerations when it came to a redundancy payment. “For starters, there is a tax-free amount which is determined by completed years of service,” she said. “The remainder is taxed at a flat rate depending on your age and the amount of the payment, which is different to how you are taxed on normal income. “Also it might be possible to add part or all of the redundancy payment to your superannuation, but there are limits on super contributions which might apply. “Generally speaking, there are a number of other issues you need to consider, such as your need for cash reserves and whether you will need to relocate, but again everyone is different so you should seek advice specific to your own situation.”

Time for a break?

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Lost your job? What’s next... your car? Your house? And then... your self-esteem? There is a light at the end of the tunnel... (read on for details)

Don’t you deserve a life where you can holiday wherever you like, whenever you like.... and never ever say again the words; “I can’t, I have to work”? Don’t you and your family deserve so much more than laying in bed at night feeling scared, deflated, a loss of identity on who you are and where you will end up? If any of this relates to you, then keep reading…


o you’ve been given the boot, now what? Should you paint the house, take the boat out while the going is good, take the wife and kids on that holiday you’ve always talked about or just get back into the jobs market? The decision whether to launch straight into a job search or take some time out is, once again, up to the individual - and there are pros and cons to both options. “If it was unexpected then taking a break is often a good chance to let the dust settle,” explains Mining Family Matters careers specialist Therese Lardner. “It can provide some perspective but it needs to be used with caution. “Two weeks off can easily turn into two months so if you’re going to take time off

make it for a defined period and have goal. “Say I am going to take some time off to go on a family holiday or fix the car as opposed to just saying I’m taking some time off.” Ms Lardner said a short break away could often be a good idea because sitting around home could quickly leave people feeling unmotivated. “When you’re working you have to get up at a specific time and meet a number of goals during your day, and so the lack of structure of just being a home can be a real struggle for people,” she said. “Often if people know it is coming [redundancy] then they want to get going with a job search so they feel they have some control over the process again.” p28


Do you lay in bed at night, wide awake in the small hours of the morning, feeling the enormous weight that this redundancy has brought you? Do you wonder what you will do when the money stops coming in, how you will survive? How will you pay the mortgage, the car payments and/or the household bills that are ALWAYS OVERDUE… once your savings have all dried up? Do you feel like you’ve worked your fingers to the bone for someone else, and now this redundancy, this black hole, is all you have to show for it? Have you been left out in the cold by those you trusted and now ask yourself: • “What on earth do I do now?” • “Will I have to relocate?” • “Will I have to ask family or friends for money?” • “What will they think of me?” You’re probably expecting a payout, which could be a great resource to get you back on your feet, but if not used properly how long will it really last? And what do you do when it’s all gone? This is a very difficult and scary time in anyone’s life, with these questions constantly circling your mind like vultures... • What if I NEVER get a new job? • What if I DROWN in bills? • What if this is it for me?

DO YOU LOSE SLEEP TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW YOU WILL PROVIDE FOR YOUR FAMILY? Don’t you deserve more than this? Of course you do! You deserve to sleep soundly knowing that your income is entirely in your own hands. You deserve to be spending MORE time with loved ones rather than working for SOMEONE ELSE’S profits.


17th November 2014

What if I told you there is a way you can take this redundancy, this payout, this situation… and turn it into the life you had always dreamed of! In fact, what if I told you this redundancy payout could be a positive ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY for you?

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From exotic holidays to fine restaurants - enjoy a luxury lifestyle that most people can only dream about. This is a lifestyle that YOU deserve! In the very near future, this could be your life... • Working from home (or for that matter anywhere in the world that you want)... • Being your own boss... • Having money to pay all your bills on time... • Sending your children to the best schools... • Living life completely on your terms... • Having ZERO debt (no credit card bills… owning your home free and clear)... • Waking up without any financial worries... • Being home for your kids when they finish school each day... • Giving your kids the best opportunities in life... • Holidays overseas (imagine visiting cultural Paris or glitzy New York – and travelling in luxury all the way)... Never again worrying about your job security!

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Shift Miner Magazine

The next opportunity


o, you’re back in the game and looking for work. It’s no secret that the jobs market in mining is flat, so perhaps now is the time to sit down and seriously consider a new tack. “I have worked with a lot of people going through redundancy and it has turned from a negative event into a positive experience,” said Ms Lardner. “They take control of their career and understand their skills set and target roles that suit them, roles that might have been previously unknown to them.


17th November 2014


“The people who really struggle with redundancy don’t see a world outside of their current job and that can be very unsettling.” Ms Lardner said what sort of experience you had was all about mind set, how actively you sought to take control the situation and, most importantly, knowing what makes you employable. “You have to be proactive, attack your job search,’ she said. “Don’t expect to sit back and have them come to you. You have to be really clear on your own skills set and what you have to sell to people.”



or many miners, running a small business has always been a dream kept in the back pocket - just waiting for the day to arrive. Receiving a redundancy could be the moment to realise that dream, but of course dreams are often a lot easier than reality. One of the major concerns for a miner

considering a switch to self-employment is whether they have the skills required. How adaptable are the things you have learnt in mining to other businesses? Let’s take, for example, owning a supermarket. Aussie Supermarket Brokers Elizabeth Krienke said while there were new skills involved in running a store, most of it could be learnt on the job. “I can’t speak for all business, but for running a supermarket I think the most important skills you need to have are a sense of community, ambition and determination,” she said. “Like all business you do need to have a drive to sell and make a profit, and obviously basic bookkeeping and computer skills are desirable, but it is possible to outsource that. “Also many of the businesses are sold with well-trained staff in place, and if you buy a business which is part of a group there is usually group marketing and advertising support. For those that make a successful switch, the rewards can be enormous. Not only have they done something they always dreamed of doing, but Ms Krienke says they can feel more in control of their own future. “It is a great reward to be your own boss and the master of your own destiny,” she added.

Shift Miner Magazine


staying in the game


f you are committed to the mining industry, now is the time to take a step back and think about where you want to end up, and what you need to get you there. Speak to most people in upper management in mining and they tell you a war story about losing their job early in their career. Where they are today is testament to the fact that redundancy is not the end of the road, it’s a slight detour that you probably didn’t see coming. The irony is that at the same time as jobs are being lost, there are great opportunities for suitably qualified people - but the key word is qualified. So how do you take stock of your own skills and qualifications? General manager at Sharp Training Gregg Jones says getting new skills and updating them is critical for both employees and employers. “For employers, it’s easy to cut costs in many ways and unfortunately in most cases training is one of them,” he told Shift Miner. “But it’s important to continue to invest in your people, people need continuous development or they lose traction and motivation for the cause.” Mr Jones said the reward for companies who continued to train their people was substantial. “Those companies that continue with a sound level of professional development for their employees in these tough times find lower staff turnover, which is a massive cost in itself, and higher productivity which is a key driver at the moment.” From a worker’s perspective, Mr Jones said the standard 11 mine induction remained the most popular generic training module, but beyond that it is job specific. “So if you’re a tradesperson it is working at heights, confined space, LVR, CPR, first aid and light vehicle operation,” he said. “For supervisors it is the S123 and G2 suite of competencies for risk management, incident investigation and communication.

“For operators it is important to have the SOA (Statement of Attainment) of the particular operator skill.” Some miners might be surprised to know that they have skills already that can be recognised - providing they can be supported with the necessary paperwork. Looking to the future, Mr Jones said the industry had learnt from some of its mistakes over the boom and, in particular, was looking to make sure that supervisors were getting a more complete education. “Any type of upskilling is worthwhile and puts a prospective candidate ahead of the game, “ he said. “However the industry is looking toward more softer skills like frontline management, project management, general management and OH&S. “There has been too large a reliance in the industry on sending a budding supervisor to complete their S123 and expecting them to come back as a supervisor when this program only provides the foundation to risk management, incident investigation and communication. “It does not technically produce supervisors. Supervisors require more training in people management, conflict resolution, team leadership, time management, financial and budgeting basics, managing projects and so on.” It is also worth remembering that if you are using your redundancy as an opportunity to have a broader look at where you want to be, Mr Jones says many of the competencies in coal can be applied elsewhere. “Many of the competencies are adaptable to other resource sectors, which is the aim of the training package that is in place for the resources sector,” he said. “The training package is known as the RII (Resources & Infrastructure Industry) which specifies the skills and knowledge required for workers to perform effectively in coal and metalliferous mining, civil infrastructure, quarrying and the drilling industry.” 17th November 2014


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