Chapter 3: And, What We Did in 2017
ĺ€´ĺƒ˝ď˜šä§ŽâŚ›ę&#x;šă¨Ľç ‡ç€–鸤ćš&#x;
Being the Interface of the Stone Industry and the World ⥲ć?€ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ čŽ…é?¤éŽ™äŒŒćś¸âšĽâž?ç˝?
The Opportunities of the Hualien International Stone Workshop
ć‹ç ‡ç€–鸤ćš&#x;ę&#x;šă‰Źćś¸ă¤?ĺ ĽčŽ…â?œĺ‰šë&#x;Š
Chapter 1: How We Began
Sustainability and Innovation: Challenging Taiwan Stone Industries’ Limited and Possibilities 䒂糾莅✞倞 äŽ‹ä¨žč”…č§’ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ęŁłâľ–čŽ…ă€łč…‹äš?
Future Tourism of Eastern Taiwan: Discover the Charm of Stone Processing !
錚ë&#x;Šî›‹ă€ľćŠ“ĺŒŒéżˆĺŠ˘â˘ľĺ ‡é ¤îš‰äŽ•äąĄç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ëˆƒâ¸‚î™°
2017 Workshop Diary 2017 äŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇĺ‚ˆéŽš
ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;朸鼹ë&#x;Š
2017 Works
Before Workshop : Try to Explore a New Road for Taiwan Stone Industry ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ę&#x;šă¨Ľâ›“⾚#MBODPS ㎲鑑♧ĺ“ć?‚➃ę&#x;šäŹŞéş•ćś¸ĺ€žé¨&#x;
2016 Year in Review ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ă”?ęłƒ
2017 âĄ˛ă…ˇę§Œ Takkiri
ă ˘ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ăˇ¸çť˘
Hidden Fragrance
Touch Marble
Floating Marble
Swing Swing
Aroma Stone
Pose Table Mirror
Marble Weaving
Switch-Table Lamp
New Realm
Marble Side Table
Path Stool
Spotlighted Blocks For Grownup The Meal
Overview of the Stone Industry
ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ĺšŒĺąŁ
Dreaming in the Glacier#3
Process of Stone Manufactoring
Bridge Saw Water Jet Hand Carving Shaping with Diamond Tools
é°‹çš?ăźäŠ?ęľşćš? çżšć?‹
č ˜ë‚¨č?ł ♲âŚ?ćš&#x;â&#x;? 儿莅㢚 #10
çą—ĺƒ¤ćś¸ăźŠç?– #2 ăŁ†ă–ˆâąşĺąŽ #3
ăŁ?ă˜—ă•Šćš?ꎿ ㋲程ꉣ ĺ €âśŠ
䊛ä°äŠ¨â°¨ę§¨âľ ⸈䊨 ꏒ垸ä§ă˜—⸈䊨
017 017
Finishing (Polished)
Finishing (Honed)
Lathing (Dry)
Lathing (Wet)
KUANG-LONG Faces New Possibilities in Market Trends after a Half Century
錚ë&#x;Šî›‹éĽĽéş•âźąâš†ç§ âŻ•ęĽ‘ęŹ—ăźŠä‹‘ăœĽĺľ ćƒ?朸倞〳腋
äž¸âĄ™äąžâľ–â¸ˆäŠ¨ę‹łäŽŻ é‚?ꏗ贖椚 ⯕ꏗ
é‚?ꏗ贖椚 â??⯕ꏗ
éŽŚäŽŻâ¸ˆäŠ¨ âœ?ä’
éŽŚäŽŻâ¸ˆäŠ¨ ć†ˆä’
026 027
錚ë&#x;Šî›‹â&#x;ƒç‘ ę&#x;Śé“žä˝Śâœ˛ 鸎乺〾抓莅⚆ć˛ćś¸â°…〥
čŻ˘ęťťę €
徼瀖猺⴪ ㅡꝝ瀖 ę–?ę&#x;Ž 玥瀖
ę&#x;šęĄ ć•š
ăŁ?椚瀖䊯ćš? ë&#x;Šä—ąćš? 倞㞯
�椚瀖韚呲 ꢯ꣍
066 068 070 072 074 076 078 080 082 084
Tell Stories through Spaces Gateway Connecting Taiwan and the World
Stone Processing Technology
Wire Cutting
Day & Night #10 Stellar Symmetry #2
ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żĺ´ŠçŽ‘ă•Ź äŒ˘é‹…ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Ż
Stand By Me
Chapter 2: Learning from Stone Processes
Giant Circular Saw
046 046
Silk Fan Platter
Chapter 4: Those Who Joined Us ⿎莅ㅡ晌莅é?¤éŽ™äŒŒ
027 029 029
2017 Participate Brands 2017 ⿎莅ㅡ晌
2016 Participate Designers 032
2016 ⿎莅é?¤éŽ™äŒŒ
Before Workshop: Try to Explore a New Road for Taiwan Stone Industry 灇瀖鸤暟㨥⛓Blancor ㎲鑑♧哭搂➃䬪麕涸倞騟 俑㶵 = Blancor Chia-Yu Lin 卌㹻榮
C H 1: H ow We Began
㕬晚⢵彂 私ꏗ晚շⰟ鏤儘➿ո
How We Began 灇瀖鸤暟涸饱럊
Before “Blancor Studio” began planning for the Hualien International Stone Workshop. The initial trigger originated in 2015, when the team visited Italy to film “It Takes Two”, a documentary discussing the mutually beneficial relationship between design and manufacturing in Italy, and how design vigorously developed after World War II. This project was also the making of the “Blancor”. The members of the team including some college students, director Jiachen Ye, film producer Xincheng Li, freelance photographer Jiaqi Zhou, Marketing Agent Peiling He, PR Yuxuan Liu, Creative Executive Chia-Yu Lin. A multidimensional team composed of media communication and
In 2015, Blancor Studio visited Italy and interviewed a number of furniture brands, galleries, critics, designers, manufacturers, and design organizations. In search of mutual possibilities in the Taiwanese design and manufacturing industry, the journey was made into a documentary: “It Takes Two”. After returning to Taiwan, following the success of the first “Hualien International Stone Workshop”, with SRDC, there was hope to merge the two industries and find a new breakthrough.
design professionals. What we didn’t know was that Blancor would make not only a film but also become a platform for the stone and design industry in Taiwan at that time. In 2016, when “It Takes Two”was broadcasted around Taiwan, many viewers from the design and manufacturing industry reacted to the cultural and environmental differences between Italy and Taiwan. Some of them misunderstood that we tried to flatter Italy.
䎃#MBODPS 4UVEJP 䖰〵抓ⴀ涮荛纏㣐ⵄ鏞锓㢵⦐⪧⥡ㅷ晦谁䐤
"Let's try it in Taiwan!" We think maybe we can also try to put
〳腋䚍⚛㼟Ⰹ㺂꧌䧭私ꏗ晚շⰟ鏤儘➿ո㔐〵⛓䖕 䎃莅瀖须⚥
the audience who watched the documentary, we sensed a strong
work with marble, because this wasn’t a material they often came
design and manufacturing together in Taiwan. From feedback of
feeling of interest from Taiwanese designers. They want to try to
瘼ⷔյ灇瀖鸤暟ն剓ⴲ涸⹛堥彂倴 䎃䧮⦛䖃纏
㣐ⵄ䬝伢շⰟ鏤儘➿ո♧鿈䱳鎣纏㣐ⵄ鏤鎙莅醢鸤⛓ 㥶⡦✽ⵄⰟ欰鹎罜雊纏㣐ⵄ涸鏤鎙䖰✳䨞䖕觍⸽涮㾝
涸 私 ꏗ 晚#MBODPS 㕰 ⛳ 僽 㔔 姽 妄 䬝 伢 鎙 殥 罜 穉 䧭 殹 儘䧮⦛涸㕰歋䎙⡙㣐㷸㔋䎃秹欰䨾穉䧭⺫わ㼬怵衞㹻
鴇佟㣐䑞ꨶ醢晚勛妇惶佟㣐䑞ꨶ伢䕧ヰ㹻犍 GSFFMBODFS遤ꌼ⟱ⷔ⡦⢆梥佟㣐䑞ꨶⰗꡠⷠ肬
⦐歋䕧⫹⫄久㼠噠莅鏤鎙㼠噠醳ざ罜䧭涸㕰饱ⴲ⛳尝剤 갸䟝ⵌ剚䖰䕧⫹醢⡲饥ぢ鏤鎙䊨⡲㖷欩荛䧭捀〵抓瀖勞欴 噠莅鏤鎙涸㼩鑨䎂〵
➿ո僽オ䰌㕜㢫涸耫갉չ齡랃♶㥶㖈〵抓⛳鑑鑑溏ゅպ 雊 #MBODPS 对㹁⟃〵抓捀㜥㚖㼟鏤鎙莅醢鸤佞㖈♧饱㎲鑑 〵抓晝劥涸Ⱏ鏤儘➿䖰僦䖕㼩锓⚥䊺錏䖤〵抓鏤鎙䌌⦛ 剤肆鬪鬪妝鑑涸腋ꆀ⸈♳鯱㼱剤堥剚䱺鍸㣐椚瀖勞颶䨾
⟃嶋䜂♧ⴀ䥰湱殹骈鬪♶麕剓끇㋐涸僽殹ⴲ㼦䪪 ざ⡲醢鸤倰儘⟃捀剚♶倬焥㠗尝䟝ⵌ耢窄瀖须⚥䗱䖕♧
鸒ꨶ鑨用⽰锓㹁鹎♧姿涸ざ⡲⿻锓䩞涮植瀖勞醢鸤畮⛳ ꬌ䌢劍䖊殯噠ざ⡲鸏僽䧮⦛麕♧湬鿪劢腋䱺鍸ⵌ涸倞⚆ 歲
across in design. What pleasantly surprised us was that when we were looking for manufacturers to collaborate with, we had assumptions that it wasn’t going to be easy. There seems to be a reputation that designers and manufactures have difficulty in communicating. But very surprised, we received a call from SRDC agreeing to further collaboration and discussions, we also came to opportunities to collaborate in future.
08 / 09
to find that the manufacturing industry were also looking forward
“I'm not trying to be the hero to save the industry but I'm co-creating with artisans the least wasting marble design.�
Őš ♜掚ä‘ä˝šćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸č–Šę§†ď˜šç˝œâźżă šäŠ¨âť â°&#x;âśžăŁ?椚瀖é?¤éŽ™ćś¸ĺ‰“âĄœĺľ éĄĽď˜ˇŐş 3
Moreno Ratti Adviser of Workshop 2016-2017
ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;äŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇăźŹäŒŒ
concern.� However, he also regularly creates large-scale designs for marketing purposes. Moreno not only told us of his wonderful stories during the workshop, he also truthfully shared his experience of working with the Italian marble industry. The Balance between Design and Manufacturing is Hidden within the Details of Continued Discussion. On day two, the workshop visited 3 local stone manufacturers to learn more about different manufacturing processes. “Ashan�, owner of Shinying Enterprise, also shared his viewpoint with designers. “The greatest inspiration comes from nature�, He said, while pointing at the sink, A zen style chair, and an exquisite stone swan he made himself. Meanwhile, Ashan, Moreno and the other designers also had a very ninformative discussion of how “Shinying� balances the quality and quantity of their production. After understanding the basic stone processes, the designers spent an entire day having a tutorial with Moreno
.PSFOP â›łé“‡ăťœă”?ç˜¸ď˜šé¸’äŒ˘ă˘ľäž¸âž ĺƒ˝â&#x;ƒä§ĺŠĽç˝Œę†€ď˜šăź¤ę…žé†˘é¸¤ç•Žćś¸ăź
Although SRDC and factories could only support limited resources
ä?žćś¸ăŁ?ă˜—âśžâĄ˛ď˜ˇ .PSFOP 3BUUJ ♜」ăź&#x;çšĄăĽŞä˝Śâœ˛âŤ„äš…ď˜šç˝œęŹŒäŒ˘ćşŤăťœă–’
site for research and exploration, and allowing the designers had
ăťœâżśă€łä Śćś¸é?¤éŽ™äŒŒď˜ˇ
their prototypes. One of the technicians mentioned: “Marble is
hardness due to variations in sedimentation rates and directions,
äŠ¨äŠ¨ĺ˛ čŽ…ĺ Ľâ°¨ď˜ˇâ°ŚâšĽęš™ć§‡ç˝‰ę ¸ęŁšăż‹ă†Ľćšśâ´˝čŽ…âżŽčŽ…äŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇćś¸é?¤éŽ™äŒŒâŚ›
where is the balancing point between design and manufacturing?
ä¸čĄ˝č?ˆäŠšâ¨žćś¸ĺł¤äŠ›ă€ľď˜śâ°¨ĺ‰¤ç‹Şä ‘ćś¸ç€–ĺ–ąď˜śäŠ¨ĺ˛ ç¨ŁčŠľćś¸ç€–ăŁ”ë”é“žčĄ˝ď˜ˇ
ć?ĺ‘˛ĺ–ąď˜ść‰ľĺŽ?ă?źď˜śç€–ć•šç˜žď˜šć”¨äž•âżśĺ‰¤ä&#x;?ĺ˛ ćś¸ç˝‰ę ¸ęŁšăż‹ă†Ľď˜šâ™śčŻ˘çŒ™ă–’
M o re n o s a i d t h a t “ C a r r a r a d o e s n ' t h a v e a w o r k s h o p f o r
manufacturers�. The end of the workshop really spelt the
ă–ˆâœŤé?‘ă›‡ĺŠĽâ¸ˆäŠ¨é†˘çŽ‘ä–•ď˜šŐľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;Őśâ™§é ¤âžƒč”…â™§äžŽăŁ”čŽ… .PSFOP
designers, two parties should maintain close contact! It was also
â˝°ĺ„˜âĽœĺ§ťä&#x;?ĺ˛ ď˜ˇ .PSFOP čŽ…é†˘é¸¤ăźŹäŒŒă–ˆâžŤç¨ŁâœŤé?‘卌⥙é?¤éŽ™äŒŒćś¸âśžä ‘
that the mutualism of design and industry could become a reality
ĺ™ â´źĺ€ŹčŽ…ăœĄâ†ď˜šâ™śéş•âžŽâ›łĺ‰šăš ĺŠ?âśžâĄ˛ă‹˛ç§Ťéť ă –é ¤ęŒźď˜śă&#x;žéšŽă…ˇć™Śćżźă ?
in 2016. The workshop still did their best to provide a burden-free
锓⿝莅çş?ăŁ?âľ„ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ â?œäŠ›çŤ¤ë€żď˜šé›ŠäŠ¨ä‘–äŒŒâŠŹâŚ›éżŞćšąćŽšă‹?姚é¸?⥙铇
opportunities to learn production processes of marble and produce unlike other material, the same piece of marble can have different
äąşčĄ˝ď˜šäŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇă–ˆç—§âœłăŁ”ăťœă–’éĽĽé?žâœŤâ™˛ăšťă–ˆă–’äŠ¨ä‘–ď˜šâœŤé?‘ă ?ç??ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆ
so it requires more effort and attention while processing it.� Thus,
â´•â?§âœŤč?ˆäŠšćś¸éŒšë&#x;Šîš‰Őšä§Žă€Ťĺƒ˝âš›âŚ?ăźčˆĄéƒ?ď˜šęŤ™ä Žâ˘ľč?ˆăŁ?č?ˆć?ď˜ˇŐşâžŽ
This was the main theme explored at the first edition of the
ä§ç”¨ĺ€´ĺ—ă•œ äŽƒćś¸ęš™ć§‡ď˜šćŹ´ă…ˇâ&#x;ƒă•¨č° č° é Żç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ă…ˇć?€âšşď˜šâşŤă‚?č?ˆ
â´•â?§ă ?ă˜—ăŁ?ć¤šç€–âśžâĄ˛ă…ˇď˜šâ›łé¨ˆ .PSFOP 鎣锸㼜⥌㚠â†âš›â°ŻęłƒćŹ´ę†€čŽ…
designers to gather together, to work and explore closely with
éŠ´éŽ™çšżď˜ˇ äŽƒă–ˆă ?ę°ŞéĄťĺ˝‚čŽ…çŤ¤ë€żćśźçˇ„â›˜äž•ĺąŁâ™´ď˜šâž ćšˆâ¸‚ä˛ż âŁ˜â™§âŚ?ĺ°?ĺ‰¤é žäşŒćś¸ăœĽăš–ç ‡ç‘–äąłç¨‹ď˜šé›Šé?¤éŽ™äŒŒâ™śă€ŤćśŽäł¸ăź ĺ™ ď˜š ĺˆżă–ˆâœŤé?‘ăŁ?椚瀖援醢姿ë ?ä–•âą„éšŽé ¤ćśŽä&#x;?ď˜śä˝–č‘ťčŽ…ćŹ´â´€ď˜šé†˘é¸¤
ăźŹäŒŒä˛żâľŒîš‰ŐšăŁ?ć¤šç€–â™śâŤšĺŠ ęą§ä§´â°ŚâžŽĺ‹žé˘śď˜šă šâ™§ă?†ăŁ?椚瀖剚
ă””ć?€ĺ°?ç?Žé¸ ä?žčŽ…ĺ€°ă ˘â™śă šç˝œéŽżç‚˝â™śă šď˜šé¸?ĺƒ˝ă–ˆâ&#x;¤âĄŚâ¸ˆäŠ¨â™łéżŞ
C H 1: H ow We Began
Moreno frankly answered that “Usually cost is still main
ę¨žéŠ´ćšśâ´˝ĺ˛¤ä ‘ćś¸ď˜ˇŐşă””ĺ§˝é?¤éŽ™čŽ…醢鸤朸䎂邂ë&#x;ŠčĄ†ă–ˆă†îšŽä§ć?€ â´˛ă”?Őľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ŐśäąłéŽŁćś¸ę…žéŠ´âšşę˛—ď˜ˇ
.PSFOP é“žâ˝“äŹ˜äŹ˜ĺ°?ĺ‰¤Őľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;՜〳雊é?¤éŽ™äŒŒçżšę§Œâ™§ă›”ď˜ś âš›ĺ‰¤ĺ Ľĺ‰šé¨ˆé†˘é¸¤ç•Žâ™§éĽąç?ăş™äŠ¨âĄ˛čŽ…ç ‡ç‘–ď˜šŐšâĄŽäŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇćś¸çŠĄĺ‹˛
äŠžĺƒ˝é†˘é¸¤čŽ…é?¤éŽ™ćşŤĺ§ťăŁ?ę†€ĺ˝˜é¸’ćś¸ę&#x;šă¨Ľď˜šę§ąĺ€°äĽ°âĽƒä°ăş™â´—耢 粯պ➎ę&#x;šć˘–ç–Žă–’é“žéŠ´ćšˆă€łč…‹â™śĺ€ŹŐšé?¸ç„ĽŐşé†˘é¸¤ăźŹäŒŒâŚ›ď˜šä¨ž ĺŠ?䖊朸é?¤éŽ™čŽ…ćŹ´ĺ™ â°&#x;ćŹ°äŠžă€łč…‹ă–ˆĺŠ˘â˘ľĺŽĽâ™§ăŁ”ćśŽćŹ°ď˜ˇ
beginning of frequent communication between manufacturers and
3BUUJ 鎣锸é?¤éŽ™ď˜šâ™śĺ„˜â›łčŽ…é†˘é¸¤ăźŹäŒŒĺ˝˜é¸’é†˘é¸¤â™łă€łč…‹ĺ‰šç„ĽâľŒćś¸ă‰?ę˛—ď˜š
necessary to constantly discuss with technicians from SRDC, so
čŽ…ę¨žĺŽ â›“ä–•ď˜šęŚ‘â˝°ă¸žäą–ĺŤŚâŚ?âžƒâľŒéť ă –ćś¸äŠ¨ä‘–ĺ˝‹âŞ”ĺ‹žäż˛ă„¤ę&#x;šă¨ĽäŠ§ĺžşď˜ˇ
in the near future.�
ćŽšĺ„˜ď˜šéŠ´äľťă–ˆâ°?㣔Ⰹ㸤ä§â´˛ĺ§żé?¤éŽ™äŠ§ĺžşď˜šăźŠé?¤éŽ™čŽ…醢鸤â°?倰⢾铞鿪 ĺƒ˝ćšąćŽšăŁ?朸䎋䨞
and technicians from SRDC. They insured each designer was polished and capable to be produced under the limitation of the stone manufacturing processes in the following few days. This was a great challenge for both the designers and 7
6 8
3_ GIOTTO / Moreno Ratti
4_ SPLIT MARBLE COLLECTION / Chia-Ling Chang 6_ SCAPE CUP / Forn-Woei Koong
瀖꾺 ă‚&#x;棇â‘
ㅡ㒂♧〥�兞 㜰繗�
7_ A TABLE SERIES / Chin-Ho Lien 8_ A PIECE OF MARBLE / Hua Wu 9_ JIU-TAO / Kuan-Yu Lin
ă?†ç€– ă‚&#x;㧄輎 ę‚‹ć† ĺ?Œâą&#x;㸙
12 / 13
5_ SHIH-SHIH / Chen-Yi Wu
ç ś ä“šăšťçť™
Overview of the Stone Industry
ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ĺšŒĺąŁ
Before 1980, Hualien marble goods were widely exported to Japan, Europe and America. However, due to global trending policy change, the Hualien stone industry turned to produce building materials, importing large quantities of raw stones and selling processed construction products to China and the local market. Factories that produced marble goods were largely reduced, those that survived cooperated with global traders, and focused on low priced, mass produced products for export. In recent years, real estate market had started to decrease in China and Taiwan. Meanwhile, Taiwan had started to face issues of population aging. We could foresee the collapse of housing prices and related building materials industries coming. With the stone market changing rapidly and constantly, most of Taiwanese stone industry’s machines in operation today are outdated. Also, the industry has long suffered from insufficient
Learning from Stone Processes
manpower, hugely affecting the production capacity. This is the
ă ˘ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ăˇ¸çť˘
in Taiwan stone industry. However, true to the observation of
most pressing fundamental issue that needs to be addressed Italian marble designer Moreno Ratti, Hualien has all the right conditions for success, and with innovative thinking, it still has the opportunity to take Taiwan’s stone industry to a new era. “Hualien International Stone Workshopâ€? aims to introduce Taiwanese furniture and home dĂŠcor brands. Starting with developing new products, to trigger the cycle of energy between industries, thus bringing real and substantial value and brand image to both sides. We’ve listed the industry profiles relevant, to help our readers
The history of the Taiwan stone industry cannot be fully described in a few words, but Hualien did have its golden era. Local marble goods were widely exported to Japan, Europe and America. Marble floor tiles or furniture are commonly found in most households in Taiwan. The industry has declined,
ăŁ?ă˘ľčŽ…ă•œâ°‰éĄŹĺƒ’ă‰‚ę‚‚ă –ď˜šâ&#x;ƒę†€âľ–â†ćś¸ă˘ŤęŒźć?€âšşď˜ˇé?ąâ ŽéľœäŽƒ ä’Šĺ‹žĺ™ ă„¤ä¨źä‹‘ĺ…žĺľď˜šâŤšä¨źă–’援é¸?겳â&#x;ƒčŽŠâŤˆéŁ‘éĄ ď˜śă”œç?Žć‹°âĄ˛ď˜ś
é˘Şâ´€ć ˝âľ„ćś¸âŤˆâšĄă˜—çŤ¤ć†˜ĺž¸ä’ćšĄâľšĺ§ťč´–ĺ€´ë„žä‚žď˜šâĄŽâ ŽéŽ™
äŽƒä–•ď˜šă””ć?€âžƒă€ĄçŠĄĺœ“ă„¤âšĽă•œä˜°é¸ čŽŠâŤˆĺ˛™ĺą âť‹ä•§ę° ď˜šă€ľćŠ“ä¨ź â†ă„¤ä’Šĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ 〳腋剚ꏗč?†ä„śćš?ď˜ˇ
ęŹ—ăźŠç€–ĺ‹žä‹‘ăœĽćś¸ćž–äœ‚č ?éšśď˜šă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žĺ™ ćšĄâľšćŹ°ćŹ´çŽ â™łćś¸â¸ˆ äŠ¨ĺ Ľâ°¨ă˘ľäž¸ç˝‰čŽ?ď˜šăź&#x;â™śâľ„ĺ€´ä‹‘ăœĽç•šć˜°ď˜šâ¸ˆâ™łę&#x;€ĺŠ?硄䊨ă‰?겗 ä•§ę° ď˜šâ˝°â¤‘éŽŽă‹˛ĺź‰č?›ď˜šćŹ´č…‹â˝żć?‚ĺ˛ âŁ˜äĽ°ď˜šé¸?ĺƒ˝ćšĄâľšă€ľćŠ“ç€–
ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ćŹ´ĺ™ ĺ‰“ć?€éś—ⴗꨞ銴é?‘寚朸㛇劼ă‰?ę˛—ď˜ˇâĄŽé“‡ăĽśçş?ăŁ?âľ„ ăŁ?椚瀖é?¤éŽ™äŒŒ .PSFOP 3BUUJ éŒšăťŒď˜šă€ľćŠ“č”…č§’ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ă ? ę°Şĺ“â&#x;?ćśźâŞ”ď˜šă€ŤéŠ´â¸ˆâ°…âśžĺ€žćś¸ä™źçŹžď˜šćšąćŽšĺ‰¤ĺ Ľĺ‰šäŞŒéą˛ă€ľćŠ“ ç€–ĺ‹žä‹‘ăœĽă˝ˇâš´ď˜ˇŐľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ŐśĺŠ?劆㟏Ⰵ〾抓⪨⼥㚝ꡇ朸援 ă…ˇé?¤éŽ™äŒŒď˜šâŻ“䖰ㅡ晌㉂ㅡę&#x;šćśŽâĄ˛ć?€éĽąă¨Ľď˜šéšŽç˝œäŒ&#x;âš›ćŹ´ĺ™ â›“ ę&#x;Śćś¸č…‹ę†€ä—…ćŠ‡ď˜šăťœé˘ść?€ę§ąĺ€°äŒ&#x;⢾援⧊莅ㅡ晌䕎é&#x;?ď˜ˇ
ä§ŽâŚ›äžŽć¤šâ´€â™´â´Şă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žčŽ…â¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żćś¸ć¤?幣ⴕĺ?€ď˜šâ¤‘倴隥 ç˝?ä˜°é¸ ć¤šé?‘ćŹ´ĺ™ ćŠ‡ăžŻčŽ…ĺ‹žäż˛ęŁłâľ–îš‰
âŁœç‡´âźŚĺ‰¤ćśŻď˜śćŠŤď˜śëžąâ›“â´•ď˜šć?ç˝œęŚ‘ç‡´ĺ˝‚ĺ?Ťç•Ťä§´ç‡´ĺĽšę¨ˆâ&#x;ƒăž? ä’‚ćś¸ă”ŽăžŻď˜šĺŠĽă–’ćŹ´ç€–ç??ĺ§ťéˇˇäŽƒéťƒĺšžâšĽď˜ˇ
ä¨žâ™śă šď˜šĺŤŚäŽƒâ†ĺ‘”â›łĺ‰šĺ‰¤ĺ˛šâš›ď˜šé?¤éŽ™äŒŒäŽ‹éź‡ćŹ´ă…ˇä¨žâ˘ŞćŹ˝ćś¸
marbling colors of white, grey and black differ depending on the mining area. With the depletion of mineral sources and boundaries in mining rights, the production of local stones has been decreasing year by year.
Taiwanese people’s daily life.
stone as building materials, however the cost is higher than locally
č° ă…ˇî™ˇęŹŒĺŒ˘ĺ‹žę˛łî™¸ćś¸é†˘é¸¤ä‘–âľąăŁ?ę†€ç°Žĺšžď˜šč?›âž›ăś¸ćŽ†â™´â˘ľćś¸
1. Taiwan currently produces “marble� and “serpentine�. The
2. Since the 1980s, Taiwan has begun importing large quantities of
ĺ‘˛ĺ–ąâłłď˜śă–’ç…´ç˜žď˜ˇć¤?ă–ˆćś¸ç€–ĺ‹žé†˘ă…ˇĺ›™ĺ…žę§Şâ™śâą„ď˜šâĄŽéˇ´éş•ć¤?ĺ‰¤â¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żď˜šâĄ â&#x;ƒ
č?ˆĺ§˝čŽ…ć–Šä’Šĺ™ ĺ…žĺľćŹ´ćŹ°ë„žä?žęĄ č€˘ď˜ˇç˝œâž˛ĺŠĽâĄĽĺ‰“ăŁ?㸝朸瀖勞
č?ˆ äŽƒâžżâ&#x;ƒâ˘ľď˜šă€ľćŠ“ăŁ?ꆀ階〥瀖勞⥲ć?€ä’Šĺ‹žď˜šĺ…œéş’⢾
energy, we look forward to once again bring stone products back to
quickly understand the industry and their material restrictions:
but through basic knowledge of the processing techniques and rich design
ă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ĺ¨œă€ˇâš›ęŹŒç€Šç€ŠäŽ™ćś°ăśśă€łâ&#x;ƒă¸¤äžŽä˛žéś¤ď˜šâĄŽč”…č§’ç„ˇăťœĺ‰¤éş•ëž”ę†„äŽƒ
ă˘ŤęŒźâľŒĺ‚ˆĺŠĽčŽ…ĺ§˜çšĄď˜šć™‹ä–•ęŚ‘čĄ˝ă•œęĽšäž•âš´éšśéź„ď˜šéą˛ă ˘çŤ¤ć–Šä’Š
sourced materials. Stone prices can be vary depending on the stone type and tend to be fluctuated yearly.
C H 2: Le ar ni ng from Stone Processes
as China had built up, their own production settled, and the
äŽƒâ›“âľšď˜šă€ľćŠ“č”…č§’ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ăź&#x;ăŁ?ꆀ劼㖒援ăŁ?椚瀖醢ㅡ
é“žď˜šéšŽă€Ąç€–ĺ‹žâ†ĺ‘”ĺŤ˛éĽąĺŠĽă–’ćŹ´ç€–ĺ‹žâ˘ľä–¤ë„žď˜ˇâ†ĺ‘”鋕瀖ç??剤 ç€–ĺ‹žĺ„˜ď˜šă€łčŽ…é†˘é¸¤ç•ŽâŻ“é ¤éŽŁé”¸ď˜šâ&#x;ƒâŁ˜éĄŠď˜śâ†ĺ‘”ç?˝ăš 朸瀖勞 ć?€âŽ›âŻ“ç˝Œę†€ď˜ˇ
éş•âżĄă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ă˘ľčŽ…ć–Šä’Šĺ™ ę‚‚ă –ď˜šä§´â&#x;ƒă‹˛â™§ç€–勞⥲ć?€
ćŹ´ă…ˇâž˛äż˛ď˜šă””ĺ§˝â™śäš˛ę&#x;€äşŒâ&#x;¤ćŽŻĺ‹žé˘śäžŽă –ćś¸éŒŹč’€ď˜šč•°ĺ‰¤ćŽŻĺ‹ž é˘śę‚‚ă –ę¨žĺŽ ď˜šć?‚é”¸ĺƒ˝ă˘Ťĺ‘Ľä§´ăś°ĺłŻď˜šä’Šé™žé†˘âĄ˛ĺ˘žâ°¨ä˛żâŁ˜çŞ?瀖
ĺ‹žä‘–ă‰‚ď˜ˇâš›âš‚ă””ę&#x;€â›‰â&#x;ƒâ˘ľă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żâž â&#x;ƒăŁ?ă˜—ĺŒ˘ĺ‹ž ć?€âšşď˜šć?‚é”¸ĺƒ˝ĺ Ľâ°¨ä§´äŒŒâŠŹäŠ›äŠ¨ćś¸é†˘âĄ˛ç¤śä?žăźżĺŠ˘č…‹éş¨âľŒę¤˛ćŤ™ 䧴ă?–äż˛é†˘ă…ˇćś¸ă›‡ĺ˝‹ď˜šć¤?é ¤ćś¸é?¤éŽ™ęĽŁĺŞŻâž ę¨žéŠ´â´Şâ°…ç˝Œę†€ćŽšâšĽď˜ˇ
3. In recent times decades, Taiwan’s stone manufacturers mainly produced construction material, and mostly used single types of stone as final products. Therefore, they are lacking the experience to integrate different materials. We strongly suggest providing a profile gauges to manufacturers if design requires to assemble stone with other materials. In addition, tolerance is another issue, designers would need to be careful with, depending on what type of manufacturer they are working with, we should expect this situation to improve in the near future through further 14 / 15
Process of Stone Manufactoring ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żĺ´ŠçŽ‘ă•Ź
C H 2: Le ar ni ng from Stone Processes
A-1 Giant Circular Saw ăŁ?ă˜—ă•Šćš?ꎿ The giant circular saw is the common tool for cutting raw rocks into machinable material. It’s also the essential process for defining the datum surface for further processing. The leftover rock skins are also popular for interior use nowadays. The size of the circular saw for giant stone cutting varies, the outdoor model can process rock up to 30 tons, and the indoor model can cut up to 5 tons, and the size can be customized. ăŁ?ă˜—ă•Šćš?ęŽżĺƒ˝ç€–ĺ‹žâž˛ç‡´äžŽäż˛äŒ˘ćŹ˝ćś¸â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ Ľâ°¨ď˜šćŹ˝â˘ľăź&#x;➲燴鄪ⴗ ä§ĺ€°ĺ§ťćś¸ä•Žćœœď˜šă šĺ„˜ăš çş?â´€ä–•çłľâ¸ˆäŠ¨ćś¸ă›‡ĺ˝‹ęŹ—ď˜šâ&#x;ƒâľ„Ⰼ➎䖕糾
â¸ˆäŠ¨ćś¸éšŽé ¤ď˜ˇăŁ?ă˜—ă•Šćš?ꎿ鄪ⴗ㸤ä§ä–•ä¨žâśŚâ™´ćś¸ç€–勞韚俲ç?–⛓ć?€ ç€–ćˇźď˜šéľœäŽƒâ›łé„„ăŁ?ę†€äĽ°ćŹ˝ĺ€´ç‘ ę&#x;Śé…¤ęˇ‡â™łď˜šâłźęł?ç€–ĺ‹žâž˛ă¨ĽęŹ—é —ď˜ˇ
Stone is an uneven, hard natural material. Each type of stone has its own mechanical property and need to be treated differently. In this chapter, we have organized a simple chart including different stone manufacturing processes; from mining, cutting, sheet material & 3D object processes, and 6 different common surface finishings. Each process has its own code linked to the further introduction in following pages. Through this information, we hope to assist designers to have better understand of how to design a stone product within ideal cost, with the right finishings.
â™śă šĺ€´ă–łé˘śćś¸ę†„ăż‚ĺ‹žäż˛ď˜šç€–ĺ‹žĺƒ˝â™§ç??獤麕ę&#x;€ĺ„˜ę&#x;Śĺ°Žç?ŽćŹŠč?›éšśé˘śćś¸â™ś ă–łé˘śĺ‹žäż˛ď˜šé¸?âŚ?éş•çŽ‘â›łé¸¤ă˝ âœŤć Źćšśćś¸ăŁ”ć?ç§™ć¤šď˜šâ›łĺƒ˝éź‡ĺ‹žâ™łę¨žéŠ´ćšś â´˝ĺ˛¤ä ‘ćś¸ď˜šâ&#x;ƒé?Şă˘ľâžƒä ŚćŹ˝ćś¸ăŁ?椚瀖ć?€â˘żď˜šé„ç§™ĺ„˜äŒ˘ĺ‰šćśŽćŹ°ă–ˆâ™śă šę˛? 蒀朸â?œäąşč´–ď˜ˇĺ§˝ă˘Ťç€–ĺ‹žé˘śă–’ă›šç‚˝ç˝œč…›ä“łď˜šă””ĺ§˝ă–ˆćŹ´ă…ˇćś¸éźšéŒŹä’Šé™žé?¤ éŽ™äŒŒâ¸ˆâ™łäżˇéŒŹä§´ă•ŠéŒŹď˜šęŁŽâĄœéźšéŒŹä„śé„朸ę´?ęŚ–ď˜ˇ
劼畎çœ?ăź&#x;ă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ĺšŒĺąŁčŽ…â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ´ŠçŽ‘äžŽć¤šä§ă•Źé‚?ď˜šä–°ç‡´ăœĽę&#x;šäą°âž˛ ç€–ď˜śäžŽäż˛ď˜šâą„â´•ć?€ĺŒ˘ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨čŽ…ćŽŻă˜—î™ˇâ™˛çŹžćš&#x;â&#x;?î™¸â¸ˆäŠ¨ď˜šĺ‰“ä–•ĺƒ˝ç€–ĺ‹ž é‚?ęŹ—č´–ć¤šď˜šĺŤŚâ™§âŚ?姿ë ?éżŞĺ‰¤çŽĄç„şăźŠäĽ°ä–•çłľćś¸â¸ˆäŠ¨ç&#x;Śâž?ď˜šĺŠ?劆腋雊é?¤
瀖勞㚔Ⰹăźé?¤âŞ”âľąęŁłę…ž ă‘™â&#x;ƒâ™´ď˜šă˝Żăź„âŁœăš?ä¸ăš é„Şâ´—ď˜ˇ
Processing Accuracy: Electric Machine Control Tolerance Method: + 2~5mm Processing Equipment: Circular Saw â¸ˆäŠ¨ç¤śä?ž 겳卲ä’乞⾖㚠⥙ äŠ¨ĺ˛ â°—äŠ´ _ NN â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ Ľâ°¨ ă•Šćš?ꎿ
Shin-Ying Enterprise Co., Ltd. ꚙ槇â&#x;ąĺ™ 肆â&#x;¨ĺ‰¤ęŁłâ°—ă €
03-852 6326 / 03-852 6336 No. 102, Nanhai 2nd Street, Ji’an Township, Hualien County č”…č§’ç°–ă —ă¸žę€€âž‹ă¸žĺ‹ â˝‚ĺľłâœłé ł č´Ť
16 / 17
éŽ™äŒŒâŚ›ĺˆżâœŤé?‘ăĽśâĄŚéşŒćŹ˝ăźŠćś¸â¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żâ˘ľĺœ“ä™źč?ˆäŠšćś¸ćŹ´ă…ˇď˜ˇ
瀖勞䞎俲â&#x;ƒę…žę†€â´•ę˛łâ¸ˆäŠ¨ćś¸ĺ€°ä’ď˜šä¨Šă˘ŤăŁ?ă˜—ĺ Ľă€ľęŁłę…ž ă‘™â&#x;ƒâ™´
C H 2: Le ar ni ng from Stone Processes
D-1 Finishing (Polished) �ꏗ贖椚 ⯕ꏗ
C-2.3 CNC äž¸âĄ™äąžâľ–â¸ˆäŠ¨ę‹łäŽŻ
D-2 Finishing (Honed)
é‚?ꏗ贖椚 â??⯕ꏗ
C o m p u t e r n u m e r i c a l c o n t ro l ( C N C ) i s t h e a u t o m a t i o n
Wet polishing is a basic finishing treatment, with air-powered
of machine tools by means of computers executing pre-
polishing tool or manual polishing machine. Different numbers
programmed sequences of machine control commands. With
correlate to the roughness of abrasive materials that will
CNC, the milling process can accurately shape the material to
directly effect the gloss level.“Polished finish� provides a shiny
desired 3D shape.The most common CNC stone mills model
surface, with almost no porosity and brighter appearance,
in Taiwan is 3 axes. The cost of this service is relative high and
while improving resistance. “Honed finish� provides a matt
can be time consuming. Its more likely use is for prototyping
look, with or without reflection of light.
or customized works. ę¨śčˆĄäž¸â§Šäąžâľ–â¸ˆäŠ¨ $/$ ä ‘ä¸éşŒćŹ˝äž¸âĄ™ä’Šĺž¸ćś¸ĺ€°ä’ď˜šéˇ´éş•éşŒçšż
ĺ‹žâ´—âľľâ´‰â°¨éšŽé ¤ç¤śĺ˝‹ćś¸ç€–ĺ‹žâ™˛çŹžâ¸ˆäŠ¨é†˘âĄ˛ď˜ˇ
援ㅡ朸é‚?ꏗ⯕ä?žď˜šč•°ć?‚ćšśĺŠŒę¨žĺŽ ď˜šé¸’äŒ˘â¸ˆäŠ¨č?›âŻ•ęŹ—ď˜šę¨žéŠ´äŽ‚âŻ•
Ⱘ䧴ĺŽ?ç†Œă€ľăźŠç€–ĺ‹žé‚?ęŹ—éšŽé ¤äŠ§ç†Œď˜ˇâ™śă šĺŽ?ç†Œć™šč´Ťäž¸çŁ§ç¨Łĺ‰šä•§ę°
鎿넓ăź&#x;ĺž¸ă˜—éą˛äł–ä§ $/$ â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ Ľâ´‰â°¨é¨&#x;䖜玑ä’ď˜šâš›äľŠę‚‚éť ă –ćś¸ç€–
䧴Ⰼ➎é‚?ꏗ磧缴ä?žă€łčŽ…â¸ˆäŠ¨ä‘–âźżé”…ď˜ˇĺŽ?熌é?¤âŞ”ćś¸éź‡ćŹ˝âŁœäŠ¨â&#x;?ăŁ? ăźç˝œăš ď˜šâ™§č?› ⛨â&#x;ƒ â°—â´•â&#x;ƒâ™łęŹ—ç?Žâ›“ĺŒ˘ĺ‹žĺ‰šćŹ˝ĺŽ?ç†Œă€ľéšŽé ¤
ă–ˆă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹ž $/$ ꋳ䎯ăŁ?㢾䞸ć?€â™˛éŻĽâ¸ˆäŠ¨ď˜šĺŚ?éšŽé ¤ $/$ â¸ˆäŠ¨âľš
锞⚥䗳⯓莅䊨䑖é?ąâ Žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ćś¸ă€łé ¤äš?ď˜ˇ$/$ 朸鎙â†ĺ€°ä’㢾â&#x;ƒâ¸ˆäŠ¨ ĺ„˜ę&#x;ŚéŽ™çšżď˜šă””ĺ§˝éť ćŹ˝ĺ€´ăźąę†€ăš?é†˘ď˜śćŹ´ă…ˇäŠ§ĺžşčŽ…â¸ˆäŠ¨âľšćś¸çŁ§čƒźä§ ă˜—ď˜ˇ
Processing Accuracy: 0.001mm Tolerance Method: Âą 1mm Processing Equipment: Three Axial CNC Milling Machine, Customized Diamond Tools â¸ˆäŠ¨ç¤śä?ž 㚠⥙礜ä?ž NN äŠ¨ĺ˛ â°—äŠ´ p NN
ç ‡ç†Œď˜šăźęŹ—ç?Žä§´éźšéŒŹäŠ§ç†Œâľąâ&#x;ƒâžƒäŠ¨ĺ€°ä’éšŽé ¤ď˜ˇ
é żă•°ĺ˛ âžƒç€–ĺ‹žĺ†¸éĄťĺ˝‚ćŹ´ĺ™ ç ‡ç‘–ćśŽăž?⚼䗹 03-842 3899 No.534, Sec. 1, Nanbin Rd., Ji’an Township, Hualien County 蔅角簖㠗㸞ꀀ⽂憺é¨&#x;♧媯 č´Ť
YIXUN Enterprise Co., Ltd. çť?⚤â&#x;ąĺ™ 肆â&#x;¨ĺ‰¤ęŁłâ°—ă € 03-823 3862 No.68-6, Huadong Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County č”…č§’ä‹‘čž ĺŒŒé¨&#x; č´Ť
Processing Accuracy: Unable to position Tolerance Method: Âą 2mm Processing Equipment: Pneumatic Tools, Stone Polishing Machine â¸ˆäŠ¨ç¤śä?ž ć?‚ĺ˛ ăš âĄ™ äŠ¨ĺ˛ â°—äŠ´ p NN
â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ Ľâ°¨ 䊛ä°ä’ĺľâš›äŠ¨â°¨ď˜śĺŽ?ç†Œă€ľ
Chia-Thai Marble Co., Ltd. ㎗㣖â&#x;ąĺ™ 剤ꣳⰗ㠀
03-852 7737 / 0935-907 034 No. 203, Nanhai 1st Street, Ji’an Township, Hualien County č”…č§’ç°–ă —ă¸žę€€â˝‚ĺľłâ™§é ł č´Ť
26 / 27
â¸ˆäŠ¨ĺ Ľâ°¨ â™˛éŻĽäž¸âĄ™äąžâľ–â¸ˆäŠ¨ę‹łäŽŻď˜śéŽŽé†˘ęš˝ç€–â´‰â°¨
Stone & Resource Industry R&D Center
Sustainability and Innovation: Challenging Taiwan Stone Industries’ Limited and Possibilities 䒂糾莅✞倞 äŽ‹ä¨žč”…č§’ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ęŁłâľ–čŽ…ă€łč…‹äš?
C H 3: A nd, What We Di d i n 2017
And, What We Did in 2017 ĺ€´ĺƒ˝ď˜šä§ŽâŚ›ę&#x;šă¨Ľç ‡ç€–鸤ćš&#x;
Recalling the preparations and workshop in 2016, SRDC found that even if the 6-day workshop brought designers together, the communication between design and manufacturing was still insufficient. This year, with referral from Blancor, SRDC collaborated with Studio Shikai, led by curator Shikai Tseng, to organize the “2017 Hualien International Stone Workshop�. From the first year, which was only focused on design, we extended to the development of possible cross-industry business collaboration.
The first collaboration between the two industries created a high level of discussion in the Taiwanese design industry. Therefore, we went on to the 2nd “Hualien International Stone Workshop� this year. We not only considered this from a designers point of view, but also focused on the branding, and how to operate it as a business. This brought a winwin opportunity for both designers and stone processing firms, as well as plans to establish this influence internationally within the next 3-5 years.
The whole new plan started from Apr. 2017, the team brought the owners of stone industries from Hualien to Taipei to visit the Creative Expo Taiwan. Through 2 days guidance from Shikai Tseng, he introduced how other industries evolute to current stage, and invited Taiwanese home dĂŠcor brand JIA and TOAST to share insights in product development as well as marketing related experiences, let the stone industries start to
銎ⴀ騗ć˛ă –âĄ˛ćś¸ç—§â™§ĺ§żď˜šă–ˆă€ľćŠ“é?¤éŽ™ă•–ä’¸éĽąćŒĄę´?č?›ćś¸ć”¨é™žď˜šâ›“ä–•ĺ€´ĺƒ˝Őľç ‡
connect with new world they will join in the near future. Fast-
äŒŒéŒŹä?žä™źç˝Œď˜šç˝œĺƒ˝ăĽśâĄŚé›ŠŐľç ‡ç€–鸤ćš&#x;Őśă…ˇć™Śâť‹ď˜śäŞŞâ´€ă‰‚ĺ™ ĺž¸ä’ď˜šäŒ&#x;⢾é?¤éŽ™
introducing the project to the design industries. Intellectual
ę&#x;Śćś¸ä•§ę° â¸‚ď˜ˇ
designers, manufacturers and SRDC, also been drafted and
瀖鸤ćš&#x;Őśéľ”âœŤâ˘ľâœłă”?ćšĄď˜ˇä’‚çłľ äŽƒä¨žă¤Žâ™´ćś¸ă›‡ç€–ď˜šä§ŽâŚ›â™śă‹˛ă‹˛ä–°é?¤éŽ™
forwarding to June, a “Design Briefing Session� was held for
äŒŒčŽ…ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨ä‘–ćś¸ę§ąéŁˇă¤?ĺ Ľď˜šâš›é‹Šâˇ”ĺŠ˘â˘ľ Ö‰ 䎃ę&#x;Śä’Šç”¨ç ‡ç€–鸤ćš&#x;ă–ˆă•œęĽš
property, exhibition authorisation and other rights among discussed during the meeting.
ă”?ęłƒŐľ ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ŐśçĄ âŞ”ĺ¨œçŽ‘čŽ…ĺ´žâš›ă›‚é ¤ď˜šç€–éĄťâšĽä—ąćśŽć¤?
â˝°â˘ŞäŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇçżšę§Œé?¤éŽ™äŒŒâ°™ăŁ”ćś¸ĺ„˜ę&#x;Śď˜šé¸?âŚ?鸎乺é?¤éŽ™čŽ…醢鸤⛓ę&#x;Ś 援揰朸㟊鑨➠ęł?ä–¤â™śé§ˆď˜ˇă””ĺ§˝âž›äŽƒă–ˆ #MBODPS ä’¸čŽ„â™´ď˜ščŽ…ç˜źăž?
âžƒĺ‰Žć“łâłŻä¨žćĄ§ęą†ćś¸ 4UVEJP 4IJLBJ ę&#x;šă¨ĽŐľ ç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x; 蔅角 ă•œęĽšç€–ĺ‹žé?¤éŽ™äŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇŐśćś¸é‹Šâˇ”čŽ…ă›‚é ¤ď˜šä–°çżšć?‹ă–ˆé?¤éŽ™â›“â™łď˜šâž› äŽƒĺˆżčĄ˝ę…žä’‚â ˝äŹŞăž?č?›é¨—ćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ă‰‚ĺ™ ă –âĄ˛ă€łč…‹äš?ď˜ˇ
âž›äŽƒćś¸äžŽë„“é‹Šâˇ”ä–° 剢ę&#x;šă¨Ľď˜šăź&#x;č”…č§’ç€–ĺ‹žćŹ´ĺ™ ćś¸ĺ™ âšşâŚ›äŒ&#x;ä–ƒă€ľ âť?âżŽéŒšŐšă€ľćŠ“äż’â˝ˆĺ‰šŐşď˜šéˇ´éş•ĺ‰Žć“łâłŻćś¸ăźŹéŒ’é“žĺƒˆď˜šăťœęĽšé›ŠäŠ¨ä‘–
ç•Žćş?é‹…ă€ľćŠ“äż’âśžă…ˇć™Śĺ§ťéĽĽă–ˆâžŠëžƒĺžşćś¸éşĽé¨&#x;â™łď˜šâš›ă¸žäą–ă€ľćŠ“âž˛âśž âź§äŽƒçŤ¤ĺ¨œćś¸âŞ¨ăž€ă…ˇć™Ś +*" 莅 50"45 â´•â?§ă‰‚ă…ˇę&#x;šćśŽĺ¨œçŽ‘čŽ…ä‹‘ăœĽ
ęŒźăˆ’ď˜šé›Šéş•âżĄă€Ťĺ‰¤čŽ…éĄŹĺƒ’ă‰‚ă –âĄ˛ćś¸ç€–ĺ‹žĺ™ ç˝?ď˜šćśŽäąĄčŽ…ă…ˇć™Śď˜śé?¤ éŽ™äŒŒă –âĄ˛ćś¸ă€Ľâ™§ç??ă€łč…‹ď˜ˇęŹ—ăźŠé?¤éŽ™äŒŒâľąĺ€´ 剢鋊⡔՚é?¤éŽ™é“žĺƒˆ
ĺ€´é ¤âľšăź&#x;ă€ľćŠ“ç€–ĺ‹žâ¸ˆäŠ¨äŞŽé Żâž?ç¨˛čŽ…ęŁłâľ–é†˘âĄ˛Őšç€–ĺ‹žé†˘çŽ‘äŠ›âą Őşď˜š ă–ˆäŠ¨âĄ˛ă–ˇâľšâŻ“é ¤ä’Šç”¨ăźŠç€–ĺ‹žé†˘é¸¤ćś¸ă›‡ç‡Šé’˘é™?ď˜ˇ
Őľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;ŐśâŤšĺƒ˝â™§äŠ?ę&#x;Œď˜šé›Šâ™śĺ‰Žä–ƒâ˘ľćś¸â°?âŚ?ćŹ´ĺ™ ăž?ę&#x;šç—§â™§ĺŚ„ éŚ„éľœé¨…ę¨†äąşé?¸ď˜šâš›ä˛żâŁ˜ă€Ľă˘Ťâ™§âŚ?é‹•éŒŹď˜šé›Šć?‚é”¸ĺƒ˝äŞ?ć€ľäŞŽé Żç•Žé¸Ž
犥朸瀖饝⚼䗹䧴é?¤éŽ™äŒŒâšŽé¸Žćś¸ 4UVEJP 4IJLBJď˜šéżŞćş?é‹…âœŤĺŠ˘ă¸¤ćś¸
⸆é“ď˜ˇĺŠ˘â˘ľď˜šä§ŽâŚ›ĺŠ?ä–ŠŐľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;՜溍姝障ä§â™§âŚ?ę§ąă ˘ĺ˝˜é¸’čŽ… ă –âĄ˛ćś¸äŽ‚ă€ľď˜šé›Šé?¤éŽ™čŽ…醢鸤鿪腋焼ä¸â´€ĺˆżă˘ľćś¸ă€łč…‹äš?ď˜šă–ˆâš†ć˛ ćś¸čŽťă€ľâ™łé›Šă€ľćŠ“ăŁ?椚瀖é?¤éŽ™é†˘ă…ˇâ™śĺ€ŹćśŽâŻ•ćśŽć”¨ď˜ˇ
At that moment, Hualien International Stone Workshop has gradually become a platform, enhance the conversation and collaboration among industries. Through this annual project we truly hope to change the stone industry in Taiwan step by step, scene again.
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and make Taiwan stone industry shine on the international
July 22nd (Sat)
DAY 03
July 24th (Mon)
DAY 05
Think, Talk, and Try! 欴噠錚㻌莅鎣锸
Final stage! 剓穅鑑醢玑鎣锸
The group visited KUANG-LONG Museum. As a pioneer of stone industry in eastern Taiwan, this year. In addition to gemstone processing, KUANG-LONG has also diversified its businesses to include tourism and deep ocean water. This also provided the designers another route to observe the industry onsite. After the tour, the designers took an hour to reflect on
勞欴噠⯓뀝⯕ꥑ⽈暟긭➛䎃僽⯕ꥑ꧌㕰 鹋䎃饥麕⼱涰ꤑ✫桪㼂瀖⸈䊨⛳騗駈錚
W ith the tutorial result from fourth day,
designers to visit the factories to discuss
鏞䗱䖤䧴䲿ⴀ毠㉏莅 .PSFOP 3BUUJ䊨⡲㼭
the final interview for the participator , which
technicians made arrangements for the
processes and select materials. This was like
would determine whether their designs at this workshop would eventually be produced. Technical feasibility would dictate the fate of
the 1.5 day visit, and propose thoughts and
July 23rd (Sun)
DAY 06
Design for everyone.
To be continued...
drew sketches. After the preliminary designs, Moreno Ratti, Shikai Tseng and technicians from SRDC took stage, and proposed questions and suggestions regarding stone processing techniques, design, and marketing. Through the questions and answers, the designers developed better solutions (or found
㆞鎣锸㹔獵⹛涸❜鸒鮦Ⰹ莅䊨䑖鎣锸植㜥 鿪戴恠衽♧肆筝䓹罜鑠阷涸孨㕠
After the last trip to the factories for
had already chosen processing technique
䒊 % 垸㘗⛳剤鏤鎙䌌獵⹛➮贖鹎遤鎣锸 瀖鏤鎙䌌 .PSFOP 3BUUJ假薊欴ㅷ鏤鎙䌌剎
擳⳯⟃⿻瀖须⚥䗱涸醢鸤㼬䌌ⴕⴽ歋瀖勞 ⸈䊨䪮遯䥰欽鏤鎙莅䋑㜥ꌼ㈒ぐ㾵䲿ⴀ 毠㉏莅䒊陾㖈♧㉏♧瘸涸❜崩⚥⡂⛖鿪䪪
production meeting, most of the designers and material, but a few designers decided to contemplate more. After returning to the base, a feedback meeting was held for all participating designers, where they proposed new ideas on the overall objectives, structure and direction of Hualien International Stone Workshop, and looked forward to 2018.
锸㣐鿈ⴕ鏤鎙䌌鿪对㹁㥪⸈䊨䪮遯 莅瀖勞⡎⛳鼩僽剤♧Ⰽ⡙鏤鎙䌌对
㹁䢩䊨ⴀ稣崞ⱄ㢵䟝Ⰽ㕖♴⼯㔐 ⵌ䖕㿋٥㿋䖕佦✲긭⛓䖕넓䊨⡲ ➃㆞莅莅ㅷ晦ㄤ鏤鎙䌌ꆚ㼩յ 灇瀖鸤暟ն侮넓湡垦莅倰ぢ穡圓䲿ⴀ ♶ず涸倞䟝岁ㄤ䒊陾⛳雊㣐㹻ⱄ劍
䖊 յ 灇瀖鸤暟ն涸ⵌ⢵⡲捀➛ 䎃 㣔䊨⡲㖷涸㼭穡
42 / 43
more issues).
July 25th (Tue)
DAY 04
walked around to discuss with others, or hand-
their way to the factories.
executive team, and fellow designers.
right away for 3D drawing, while some others
their designs, and everyone was nervous on
questions to discuss with Moreno Ratti, the
Some designers turned on their computers
C H 3: A nd, What We Di d i n 2017
KUANG-LONG celebrated its 50th anniversary
Designer Design Director
The marble in this piece can be more low key and closer to people’s daily life instead of being in distance in the glamorous palace. Chihong’s furniture, based on simple design element, wishes to create a laid-back atmosphere in the space. The inspiration comes from the daily life especially in the alleyway where the concrete, the stone and the brick wall are mixed together to support the cloth stand or the flags, etc. These familiar images and structure are transformed into this piece. The marble here plays an important and supportive role but not
Chi-Hong Chuang / 蛅 꾸듳
$IJIPOH 涸ㆹ㷸僽㖈㛇劥涸⸆腋宠♴鷴麕矦㋲涸鏤鎙箁哭 雊⪨⥡㖈瑠⚥荈搭ㄤ镜㖒㶸㖈衽罜鎹䥊酭涸㣐椚瀖籏ⴀ植㖈
Coffee Table / 邊桌
(1) L35 X W35 X H45 (cm)
⢵琽㔿⿻佅丑刳邆卺偫疊涸兰䢵鱲⻋ⵌյSTAND BY MEն鸏 鼹呲㽠搂岁畀用⛳♶ⱄ㸤侮ꅾ銴⽿⿶♶麕ⴕ涸㶸㖈
(2) L50 X W50 X H40 (cm)
Taiwanese White Marble, Stainless Steel ㄤ䎂涯㣐椚瀖♶ꗄꏈ
Manufacture Heng Chang Stone Co., Ltd. 䛎僅瀖噠剤ꣳⰗ
over emphasized as a marble table.
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Gallery Chuan 瘥繡遯
From paper to stone, Gallery Chuan has used Hualien marble to transform the iconic artworks of Chen T ing-Shih into artistic home accessories. Because of the usage of cane dregs, the prints feature unique cracking effect. Gallery Chuan has linked this unique cracking with the natural pattern of marble. Through the different size of milling and drilling on marble, the color block of print has extent to sculptural object. The works
are redesigned as vase, mini storage box, and accessories stand.
Project Manager
This presents the passage of visual. 歋秶鬪Ⰵ瀖瘥繡遯㼟谁遯㹻꤫䏭鑘涸植➿䬄韍晝殥穡ざ〵抓
瀖勞遥欰鏤鎙捀欰崞仗⟝Ⱖ晝殥剤衽欥訵匢斊鸤ⴀ栬♧搂✳䄶 鄭佪卓瘥繡遯㼟鸏珏䄶鄭秙騟鸮穡荛㣐椚瀖荈搭秙椚鱲⻋瀖
I-Ting Liao / 䑁 绐㮵 Designer
You-Syuan Chang / 䓹 牃榄
⚛鷴麕♶ず㽯㼄⛓ꋳ㶰⿻㕩䓞ⴕ涸鋊ⷔ㼟鄄鋕倴긅俲⛓㕩叙 ⱄ妄麌欽鏤鎙ⴀ♧禺⡲ㅷ䵩ꂂ䎙⡦ꖖ瑠ꆄ㿂ꂂ⟝䎂晝 殥♧鬪罜䧭蔅㐼縨暟渱귇ㅷ卺㾝植㝆鋕錏涸瑠䲀獵
DAY & NIGHT #10 儿莅㢹 #10
Ting-Shih Chen ꤫䏬鑖 1972
From paper to stone, Gallery Chuan has used Hualien marble to transform the iconic artworks of Chen Ting-Shih into artistic home accessories. The original print “DAY & NIGHT #10”, is a description of daytime and nighttime, that shows the change from light to dark also drives the rhythms of life. Through milling and drilling, the designer has transformed the rest part Category Marble Vase / 㣐椚瀖蔅㐼
Dimensions L26 X W6 X H25 (cm)
Material Taiwanese White Marble ㄤ䎂涯㣐椚瀖
Manufacture Heng Chang Stone Co., Ltd.
With the light form different angle, the shadow shifts among the holes, creating a sense of passage of time. As a vase, the plants here can be seems as a part of work, but also as beyond the original frame of print. 歋秶鬪Ⰵ瀖瘥繡遯㼟谁遯㹻꤫䏭鑘涸植➿䬄韍晝殥穡ざ〵 抓瀖勞遥欰鏤鎙捀欰崞仗⟝յ 儿莅㢹 ն捀꤫䏭鑘⟃蒀䕙 㝆邍植ⴀ㣖ꤿ僈冝撑㼙涸隶⻋✮➃儘刿剐鼄獵涸䠮䝎鏤
鎙䌌鷴麕⫄窡涸չꋳ㶰պ䪮岁㼟յ 㣆㖈ⱺ屎 ն倰䕎蔅櫖醢 ⡲儘䨾ⴗ♴涸⚥㕩叙鿈ⴕ鱲⻋鏤鎙捀յ 儿莅㢹 ն用넓蔅
㐼ꦑ衽⯕箁撑㼙錬䏞涸♶ず㖈㶰峯⛓〳䠮「ⵌ⯕䕧涸䒂 ⠽歋㝆鋕錏瑠涸䲀獵䊫㦫涸箎鸤儘涸䖒⹛䠮⡲捀蔅 㐼俷♳䨾䳄涸蔅虋㖈䧭捀⡲ㅷ♧鿈ⴕ涸ず儘⛳騥膨ⴀ⾲ 㨥晝殥涸呥卺
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of “DREAMING IN THE GLACIER #3 - Vase” into another vase.
“MARBLE WEAVING” is a series of low tables made of offcut materials from normal stone processes. We waterjet cut and seamlessly assemble the fragmented materials with the pattern from traditional bamboo weaving, turn the useless materials into a daily use item. Moreover, this series tells the stories of local cultures, textures, materials and industries. 蔅匌簳靽㔔㖒椚⡙縨⿻欴噠暶䚍 剤鏪㢵瀖勞⸈䊨䖕涸鼹錬俲 㣐鿈ⴕ涸勞俲㔔捀鸤㘗琎♶㸤侮 䨾⟃ꨈ⟃麌欽 ⛳㔔姽㉬涮 ✫䧮⦛涸䟝岁 䋞劆剤佪涸㼟鼹俲ꅾ倞麌欽 䭨䱺䧭捀〳鄄ⱄ妄 ⢪欽涸勞䊫㦫涸麌欽瀖勞兜麒涸宐ⴉ⿻搂簧䭨䱺䪮遯 穡
ざ⫄窡管籽涸䎙⡦齅鱀 㼟㛚炽涸瀖勞鱲⻋䧭厬鮿涸㕬呪鏤鎙 ⟃管籽涸䠑韍䭨顦䧭捀㢵欽鸁涸㸤侮勞 䲿⼮鼹俲ⱄ鄄⢪欽 涸堥桧յ管瀖նⰨ剤畾管鰋渠涸厬鮿㕬垺ㄤ㣐椚瀖勞栬暶涸 琽㔿秙椚 鸮穡㖈㖒涸欴噠ꑙ勞颶⿻蒀䕙 ⫄麨〵抓㣐椚瀖栬 暶涸颶㖒莅俒⻋
PiliWu-Design ゟ孒鏤鎙剤ꣳⰗ
Table / 桌几
L70 X W70 X H45 (cm)
Rojo Alicante Marble, Serpentinite
Chia-Thai Marble Co., Ltd.
Design Director
Taiwanese White Marble, Stainless Steel
銯棵暆秋㣐椚瀖跑秙瀖 ㄤ䎂涯㣐椚瀖♶ꗄꏈ
Pili Wu / 吳 孝儒 Product Designer
Chiu Yen / 邱 彥璋 74 / 75
SWITCH - TABLE LAMP ę&#x;šęĄ ć•š
“SWITCH - TABLE LAMP� is like a pile of building blocks created by kids. The lamp has the mushroom look which builds with the combination of a semicircle and blocks geometric shape. The look has vaguely revealed some of the clues. By rotating the stone, as if exposure to the cell private room with complicated gimmicks. When the lights lit up, it shows table lamp image impressively. It seems like a ceremony when the bright lighting of the living room brought the magic moment.
㼜㠚ăźĺ‰ŚâżźęŚ‘äŠ›ă›œç€ľâ´€ćś¸ç?ŽĺŠ ď˜šäŽ™âĄŚä•Žćœœćś¸âźąă•ŠčŽ…ĺ€°ă?†çŠ‰ă –ç˝œä§
朸č?“ćœœé¸¤ă˜—ď˜šęŚĄç§‰éˇ´ęŞŤâ?‰çŽ ç¨‹ď˜šéˇ´éş•ĺ ’éą˛ 䲀ç?ľç€–ă?†ćś¸âš›âĄ˛ď˜šä•ą ä– ç¸¨é¨ĺ€´ĺ ĽęĄ ę…žę…žćś¸ăş™ăš”ď˜šćŽšć•šâŻ•â?ŽéĽąćś¸é˝Ąâ™§ęŠžé˝Ąď˜šĺ‘˛ć•šä ‘é&#x;?éĽ&#x; ć?ęł?ć¤?ď˜šâ‘ä’äš?朸㸤ä§âœŤë&#x;Šâ?ŽéĽąăž€ăš”朸ç‰&#x;ăŁźć™šâľ ď˜ˇ
é¨âš† ⟪č ?䎃ę&#x;Śä´°âš›äŞŒéą˛é˘śéšśď˜šéˇ´éş•äŽ™âŚ?瀖ă?†ćś¸ę?ŤâĄ™ď˜šâ¤‘駈â&#x;ƒé›Š 䧎⌛䗹깆ç‰&#x;ĺ‰šď˜šă–ˆé¸?猺⴪⚼č?ˆć?čŽ…âžƒé¸¤â™§ă šĺœ“çœĄâ´€ĺ‰¤éŚąćś¸ăźŠĺŤ˛čŽ… ăźŠé‘¨ď˜ˇ
Pistacchi Design 桟䙟麨㣟�鎙剤ꣳⰗ㠀
Designer Design Director
Mike He / éĄ âž‹ćŚ?
Table Lamp / ĺ‘ąć•˜
(1) L11 X W16.5 X H18.5 (cm) x 2 (2) L10 X W18 X H30 (cm) x 2
Material Taiwanese White Marble, Taiwanese Black Marble Steel Plate, LED
ㄤ䎂术ăŁ?ć¤šç€–ď˜śă„¤äŽ‚ëžąăŁ?ć¤šç€–ď˜ś ę˜ŽĺŒ˘ď˜ś-&%
Manufacture SRDC
76 / 77
In this piece of work, we reflect on the cultural significance of furniture that marks its existence in Taiwan, tracing its root and combing out again the oriental genes that have been blended into our blood. Fur niture with embedded marble is a page in people’s memory, we try to deduce again the combining and embedding applications of marbles and solid wood fur niture. Making decorations becomes a part of the structure. Simplistic designs correspond to m o d e r n a e s t h e t i c s t o re s h a p e o u r c u l t u r a l m e m o r i e s . 㖈劥⡲ㅷ⚥䧮⦛䙼㹻Ⱘ㖈荩抓剎竤㶸㖈涸俒⻋邍䗚鷆劥彸
⻋涸❜輑欴ⴀ✫螠繡涸䑞䒭㹻Ⱘꦑ⛓罜⢵涸䪮遯莅䒭垺遼 乹⢪䖤ꚩ䅺㣐椚瀖涸㹻Ⱘ䧭捀䧮⦛欰崞涸♧媯鎹䥊䧮⦛ꅾ
Designers Design Director
Chui-Hung Lin / 卌 㘍䒾 Furniture Designer
Table / 長桌
Table: L167 X W65 X H76 (cm)
Stool / 長凳
Stool: L124 X W26 X H45 (cm)
Burma Padauk, Taiwanese White Marble
Heng Chang Stone Co., Ltd.
Yu-Syuan Wang / 桬 㧄榄
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2017 Participate Brands
2017 ⿎莅ㅡ晌♧鋰 7OCEANS DESIGNS â™Źĺľłă•œęĽšăťœĺ™ č‚†â&#x;¨ĺ‰¤ęŁłâ°—ă €
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Established in 2005, we explore a variety of outdoor materials and extensive use of color. With talented young designers and through exquisite handmade, we create simple, modern, elegant high-quality outdoor furniture. It’s time to put down the hassle and relaxing into the outdoor enjoyable life.
ANDWE Co. Ltd. ⟧çąĺ‰¤ęŁłâ°—ă € Website /
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Those Who Joined Us ⿎莅ㅡ晌莅é?¤éŽ™äŒŒ
ANDWE is established in June, 2016. We have decades branding experience, including product development, brand and channel planning. In addition to industrial design, ANDWE focus on strategy and planning. We are looking forward to create interesting things with different teams. Just like our name: AND WE, with you. WE, with you.
䖰ㅡ晌â&#x;ąâˇ”ď˜śă‰‚ă…ˇę&#x;šćśŽâľŒčŽ…âžƒäąşé?¸ćś¸é¸’é¨&#x;é‹Šâˇ”ď˜šĺ™ ć˛ç¨Ąç?ŽéŚ„éş•âź§äŽƒă…ˇć™ŚçŤ¤ ë€żď˜š"/%8& ĺšŒä™‚ă…ˇć™Śĺ§ťä’倴 ä§ç”¨ď˜ˇę¤‘âœŤé?¤éŽ™ď˜šĺˆżč?žâ¸‚ĺ€´ă…ˇć™Śç˜ź ćŽœčŽ…ćŹ´ă…ˇâ&#x;ąâˇ”ď˜šă šĺ„˜ď˜šăźŠăŁ?㖒颜勞朸ă‹?ä ŚčŽ…ă›šä°ď˜šéˇ´éş•čŽ…â™śă šăŁŽâ śćś¸ă –âĄ˛ď˜š ć?€ç˝‰ĺ‹žé˘śĺ˛¤â°…ć?‚ęŁłč…‹ę†€ď˜ˇĺŠ?ä–Šé¨ˆâ™śă šă•°ęĽ™ă –âĄ˛ď˜šâ°&#x;âśžçšĄăĽŞâœ˛ćš&#x;ď˜šé“‡ăĽśă…ˇć™Ś ă ?ç?–䨞爚"/% 8&ď˜šă„¤âĄšâ™§éĽąď˜ˇ
CH4: Those Who Joined Us
⛨鯺 äŽƒćś¸ä¨Šă˘Ťăšťâ°¨ćŹ´ĺ™ çŤ¤ë€żď˜š 0$&"/4 %&4*(/4 倴 䎃ä§ç”¨ď˜ˇ ㅡ晌ă ?ç?–《č?ˆĺľłĺł•ď˜šä‹žĺŠ†äŒ&#x;çŞ?âžƒâŚ›ăĽśăŁ?ĺľłč?›éź’ęĄ€ď˜śčŽžéť ď˜śä?‘ę&#x;Ľćś¸č?ˆć?ĺ¨ă• ď˜ˇ 䧎⌛♜倏朎乥ă ?ç??éť ă –ä¨Šă˘Ťćś¸ĺ‰“ĺ€žĺ‹žé˘śď˜šęŤ™ĺ´žéşŒćŹ˝č’€ä•™ď˜šĺˆżç?Žĺ™˛ă–’莅⢾č?ˆ ďˆŁć¤•ă ?ă–’äŠžčž ĺł•ĺ˝˘ćś¸äŽƒé°‹é?¤éŽ™äŒŒă –âĄ˛ď˜šéˇ´éş•ç¤śçŻŠă–’äŠ›äŠ¨é†˘é¸¤ď˜šć?€ä?Ąâśžé¸¤ć¤? âžżď˜śâŽ›ę§‰ćś¸ë„žă…ˇé˘śä¨Šă˘Ťăšťâ°¨ď˜ˇä˝žâ™´äŽ‚ĺ‚ˆćś¸ç?ä“šď˜šéĽĽâ°…ä¨Šă˘Ťâ?§ă€ŒćŹ°ĺ´žď˜ˇ
Ateliea Tea â™śâœłă›”
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Ateliea Tea, by integrating the professionalism of tea and wares with oriental aesthetics basis, we create new tea experience to meet the internal needs of modern people. Our philosophy is People, Teaware and Tea, in the pursuit of innovation and fashion that demonstrate the extraordinary attitude of the new generation.
â™śâœłă›”ď˜ščź‘ă –č˜˘čĄžčŽ…č˜˘â°¨â°?ç˝?ćś¸ăź ĺ™ ď˜šâ&#x;ƒć¤?âžżĺŒŒĺ€°çšĄăˇ¸ć?€ă›‡ç‡Šď˜šć–Šé¸¤ç—˜ă – ć¤?âžżâžƒâ°‰ä—ąę¨žĺŽ ćś¸č˜˘ë„“ë€żď˜ˇâ™śéˇ†ăźŚë„žăż‹ĺľď˜šä§ŽâŚ›ćŁ‡é‹•č˜˘čĄžćś¸âŚ?äš?ď˜šă””ĺ§˝ĺŤŚ ĺŒ‰č˜˘ĺź”éżŞâŻ?ć€?襽♜㠚朸ꝝĺľčŽ…ćŹĽćŹŹď˜ˇâ™śâœłă›”ćś¸Őšâžƒď˜śă?źď˜śč˜˘Őşă…ˇă„‚ă†šăˇ¸ď˜š éˇ†ĺŽ č˜˘âśžĺ€žčŽ…ĺ„˜ăźżď˜šăž?ć¤?ĺ€žâš†âžżćś¸č˜˘ä˘€ä?žď˜ˇ
In 2016, it had 10 young designers selected in a very short time by online audition to joined 1st “Hualien International Stone Workshop�. This year, following the workshop strategy and objective, we invited 15 Taiwan original brands (including 19 designers) in a six-day workshop. Because of these talented designers, “Hualien International Stone Workshop� is truly
full of vitality, infusing nearly 60 years traditional stone industry with new
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and creative energy. 䎃â&#x;ƒçŹŞé¨&#x;䗚韇倰ä’ď˜šă–ˆĺ™˛ç€Šćś¸ĺ„˜ę&#x;Śâ°‰é?ąéź‡â´€âź§âĄ™äŽƒé°‹ćś¸ć Źç”¨é?¤éŽ™äŒŒď˜šâżŽ čŽ…âœŤç—§â™§ă”?Őľç ‡ç€–é¸¤ćš&#x;՜ äŽƒâŁœä—…ç˜źćŽœčŽ…ćšĄĺžŚé?¤ăš ď˜šä˝–â&#x;ƒŐšéź?锞⾖պ䏸 âšŹâœŤâź§â?€âŚ?ă€ľćŠ“âŞ¨âĽĄăšťęˇ‡âž˛âśžă…ˇć™Śď˜šâ°&#x;⟧⛰⥙é?¤éŽ™äŒŒâ™§ă šâżŽčŽ…ć?€ĺŠ?Ⱉ㣔朸é?¤
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The design style is simple and relaxing which is inspired by the eye through daily life. Despite the basic function, it creates some flexibility and spaces for users to define the usage by themselves. This spirit reflects the conceptual narrative of the spaces and calmness in the oriental zen spirit.
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灇瀖鸤暟蔅角㕜ꥹ瀖勞鏤鎙䊨⡲㖷鎹ꏗ 2016 - 2017 ꛂ鏤鎙莅醢鸤涸搂ꣳ〳腋
⟱ⷔ㛂遤 Studio Shikai
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