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Android, IOS OR Windows 10
It’s a battle that has raged on since the inception of the smartphone. iOS, Android, or Windows—which is the best operating system for your smartphone? Each of the operating systems have their own areas they excel in, and areas where they could do with inspiration from their rivals. Among fans, all of them have an almost fanatical following to voice out their superiority to the others. But which one should you choose for your personal needs?
iOS—Apple’s Jewel When it comes to ease of use and simplicity, nothing beats iOS. The efforts of Apple’s engineers is obvious. They set out to make the easiesttouse operating system, and have achieved it. Another thing that sets iOS apart from the competition is their philosophy to develop both the hardware and software. This leads to great optimization for the user, as well as fewer headaches for the developer. They don’t have to code for a multitude of devices. They can focus on the limited number of devices that are available. Fragmentation is also something that is almost nonexistent with iOS, which makes for very happy developers. They can develop for a limited set of OS versions, without worrying about compatibility issues as a whole.
Android—Google’s Masterpiece Google’s answer to iOS is Android, and it has responded with a resounding voice. Currently, Android holds 66.87% of the entire smartphone market share. This is mainly due to Google making Android available to all OEMs, so that everyone can make a device powered by Android. If you’re looking for a device which offers unlimited customization and usage capabilities, at the cost of a little convenience, then Android is what you should be looking at.
Unfortunately, due to the innumerable devices on the market, each with their own hardware combinations, software fragmentation has become an issue. This can be a huge inconvenience for developers trying to code apps for the environment. Even Android mobile application development companies— usually small and mediumsized firms who specialise in making apps for the operating system—face this issue. It can be quite difficult to overcome, when you’re trying to support all the OS versions and devices on the market. But Google has somewhat streamlined the process, releasing Android mobile application development services, in the form of native Software Development Kits (SDK) and Integrated Development Environments (IDE), which help smoothen the bumps along the way.
Windows 10—Microsoft’s Answer Often, when people think of mobile operating systems, they think only about Android and iOS. They’re not completely at fault either. Microsoft was late bringing Windows Mobile to the scene. This has hurt them tremendously, causing them to lose out on market share, which currently stands at 2.3%.
Windows 10 Mobile is a great operating system. Deemed as the most secure of the three, it is designed with office productivity in mind, offering great in built apps for email and seamless social media integration. The latest update provides the “Continuum” feature, where you can connect your phone to a monitor and use it as a regular computer— definitely useful if you need to attend to work when away on vacation. Unfortunately, due to the lack of quality apps, and developers’ hesitation to work on a system without too many customers, Windows does tend to lose out. So, before you head over to your nearest store and choose a phone, make sure that you have your own needs in mind. A smartphone is a rather expensive decision that you’ll be living with for quite some time.
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