Logbook final submission

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Construc)ng Environments: Logbook Ter Shin Ann 634002


Learning objec-ves: To introduce the concept of built scale and to iden-fy the basic structural systems, construc-on systems and materials of the Pavilion Case Study building and a variety of other buildings on campus.



Structural system: Skeletal structure


Major structural elements: Reinforced concrete structure


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Reinforced steel bars and concrete with window glazing


Expressed or concealed structure: Expressed structure


Structural joints used: Reinforced concrete with rigid joints


Structural system: Membrane structure


Major structural elements: Reinforced concrete


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Steel bar and concrete


Expressed or concealed structure: Concealed structure

Figure 2 (Source: Chen, 2011)


Structural joints used: Reinforced concrete with rigid

The innova)ve saucer-­‐shaped shells of the car park roof were a response to the need for sufficient soil depth to support large trees while providing space for cars without deep and costly excava)on works (Chen, 2011).




Structural system: Skeletal structure


Major structural elements: Reinforced concrete structure


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Reinforced steel bars and concrete, Brick wall complete with plaster and paint


Expressed or concealed structure: Concealed structure


Structural joints used: Reinforced concrete with rigid joints



Structural system: Hybrid structure


Major structural elements: Reinforced concrete with rigid joints


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Reinforced concrete with rigid joints, bricks, steel beams


Expressed or concealed structure: Expressed structure


Structural joints used: Reinforced concrete with rigid joints


Structural system: Membrane structure


Major structural elements: Tensile structure(wire rods)


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Wire rod, canvas


Expressed or concealed structure: Expressed structure


Structural joints used: Pinned joints


Structural system: Skeletal structure


Major structural elements: Portal frame


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Steel frames, brick wall and glazing


Expressed or concealed structure: Expressed


Structural joints used: Rigid joints



Structural system: Skeletal Structure


Major structural elements: Steel frame


Main materials used for structure and enclosing elements: Steel structure and clads


Expressed or concealed structure: Concealed structure


Structural joints used: Rigid joints

WEEK FOUR: SCALE, ANNOTATION AND WORKING DRAWING CONVENTIONS Learning objec-ves: Understand the concept of scale and how it applies to construc-on documenta-on.

Case study building name: Oval Pavilion 1. Title block List the type of informaQon on the floor plan page -­‐  Scale -­‐  Project details -­‐  General Legend -­‐  General notes -­‐  Engineers and designers -­‐  Internal finishes -­‐  Par))on legend Why might this informaQon be important? All the informa)on are general set of guidelines to all of the drawings 2. Drawing content-­‐ Plans What type of informaQon is shown in this floor plan? -­‐ Loca)ons of doors, windows, walls, sec)on legend -­‐  Measurements -­‐  Sec)on and eleva)on details cut sec)on

Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan. What units are used for the dimensions? An example of dimensions as appear on floor plans is shown above. The units of dimensions are in millimeters. Is there a grid? What system is used for idenQfying the grid lines? There is a grid. The grid is denoted by a number for each line on the y axis whereas le[ers are annotated on the x axis. What is the purpose of the legend? The purpose of the legend is to explain any special symbols and it represents different elements on the drawing.

Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotaQons are associated with the relevant part of the drawing. The annota)ons are to provide extra details for the builder. They are usually remarks that cannot be indicated by standard nota)on or symbol, as shown above. Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What do these symbols mean? The code at the bo[om part of the bubble is the drawing number of the drawing detail, which helps us locate where we can find the detail drawing. The number at the top part of the bubble is the number of the specific drawing detail which can be found on the drawing number page.

How are windows and doors idenQfied? Provide an example of each. Is there a raQonale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawing? -­‐  Symbol of a door is an arc which is the extend of the door’s swing -­‐  Doors are labeled as D followed by the door number tag with room number.

-­‐  Windows are labeled as W followed by the window tag number with the room number at the bo[om. Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan? The number in the circle indicates the floor plan number. The )tle states the level and below the )tle the scale is shown.

Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why? Some areas of the drawings are clouded as they are areas that should be addressed and they are notes for edits. 3. Drawing content-­‐ Eleva)ons What type of informaQon is shown in this elevaQon? How does it differ from the informaQon shown on the plan? -­‐  Ver)cal dimensions -­‐  Dimensions on ver)cal members and surfaces Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevaQon. Dimensions are shown on eleva)ons, they do not differ from the dimensions on the plan because the dimensions are also shown on the grid.

What types of levels are shown on the elevaQons? Illustrate how levels are shown in relaQon to the elevaQon. Levels are indicated by codes and are divided into different categories, eg) FFL being finish floor level, RL as rela)ve level Is there a grid? If so, how/where is it shown? There is a grid running on the y axis, labeled using numbers or alphabets.

What types of informaQon on the elevaQons are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done. Informa)on that cannot be expressed through standard no)on in the drawings or any finishing or u)lity details are expressed using words, as shown above. Illustrate how the doors and windows are idenQfied on the elevaQon. Each door and window are labeled according to their codes. Doors are labeled with codes star)ng with D, following by door number tag. Room numbers are at the bo[om of the bubble. Windows are labeled with window number tag with room number. Each doors and windows on the eleva)ons drawing have labels on them, as shown above.

Find where this elevaQon is located on the plans. Reference to eleva)ons on plans are represented with eleva)on mark, as shown below. The code in the bubble directs to the drawing number of the eleva)ons, which directs us to the loca)on of the drawing whereas the alphabet refers to the specific eleva)on drawing (north, south east or west eleva)on). 4. Drawing content-­‐ Sec)ons What type of informaQon is shown in this secQon? How does it differ from the informaQon shown on the plan and elevaQon? Sec)on drawings show the interiors of the specific areas of the buildings, including basements. Eleva)on drawings only provide informa)on of the exteriors of the buildings, and plans only show placements of doors, windows, walls, sec)on legends, measurements of walls and site, sec)on and eleva)on details cut sec)on.

Illustrate how the secQon drawing differenQates between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevaQon (beyond). -­‐ Eleva)on drawings only provide informa)on on the exterior of the building.

-­‐  Sec)on drawings provide much more detail, including the sec)on view of the roof.

Provide examples of how different materials are shown on the secQons. -­‐  Timber cladding and bricks shown in sec)on drawings Find where this secQon is located on the plans. Reference to sec)on drawings on plans are represented with sec)on mark, as shown below. The code in the bubble is the drawing number of the sec)on drawings which directs us to the loca)on of where the drawings are. The number refers to the specific sec)on.

5. Drawing content-­‐ Details What sorts of things are detailed? -­‐  Finishes -­‐  Fixtures -­‐  U)li)es Are the details compressed using break lines? Why? Break lines indicates that a por)on of the item is not shown. They are used so that large areas of the same details don’t have to be shown. Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale. -­‐ Insula)on -­‐ Bricks

-­‐  Hardwood Find the locaQons of these details on the plans, elevaQons and secQons.

Reference to detail is shown on plans as shown above. The code at the bo[om is the drawing number and the number at the top of the bubble is the specific number of the detail drawing How does the informaQon in your drawing set compare to what you observed at site last week? How does the scale of the building compare to the scale of the drawings? How do the architectural and structural drawings differ? The scales of the drawings are way smaller compared to the scale of buildings. In drawings, we can find informa)on about the details of the building such as materials used, placement of doors and windows and even details of building elements such as stairs and roofs. Structural drawings deal with the analysis and design of structures that support or resist loads. Architectural drawings are more focused on the designs of buildings.


Learning objec-ves: Develop a working understanding of the structural system of a building through analysis of architectural and structural documenta-on and detailed model making.

Materials used: -­‐  Foam boards -­‐  Wooden s)cks We used wooden s)cks to construct the skeletal structure of the model. The wooden s)cks are more rigid therefore they are used for the skeletal structure so that it will be able to hold the other elements of the model together. The wooden s)cks are held together by rigid joints.

A triangle base evenly distributes tension and compression forces.

The foam boards are used the ceiling to support the model (model is upside down in the pictures)

We also cut a few thin pieces of foam boards to construct certain parts of the structure such as the frames of the trusses because foam boards are strong yet lightweight and they are easier to cut compared to the wooden s)cks. Model is upside down in the picture

Model upside down in picture The foam boards are also used as trusses for the structure because they have more flexibility compared to )mber. They are supposed to be Belgian trusses which have inclined web members, however our group didn’t construct the web members, only the frames of the trusses.

The ceiling of the model is made of foam boards because they are lightweight and flexible, unlike )mber.

The wooden s)cks act as columns to support the ceiling.

Columns are struts that carry load parallel to its long axis. They are compression elements.

The model that we constructed was able to stand on its own but it was very fragile. The foam boards at the back are ac)ng as walls to support the structure.

A wall is a panel that transfer loads ver)cally.

Comparison with other groups

This group mainly made use of cardboards and paper bags to construct their structure. Cardboards are flexible and easily folded therefore they are easily constructed as the model stairs.

The card boards are held together by rigid joints. Rigid joints restrain rota)on and transla)on in any direc)on, and provide both force and moment resistance.

They made the trusses details with cardboards. The trusses are Belgian trusses which have only inclined web members.




Learning objec-ves: To develop an understanding of the actual size of construc-on elements and the detailed rela-onship of individual parts. To experiment with the implica-ons and difficulty of transla-ng a scale drawing to a full size drawing (or a real part of the construc-on). Materials AL-­‐01: Aluminum fascia AL-­‐02 Aluminum frame AL-­‐06 Aluminum flashing CLG-­‐03 Suspended perforated impact plasterboard ceiling GL-­‐03 Glazing INS-­‐02 Acous)c insula)on (external walls) INS-­‐03 Thermal insula)on (roof) INS-­‐08 Acous)c insula)on (roof) RFS-­‐01 Metal deck roof Shadowline bead Joint sealant with backing rod

Glossary Flashing: Thin con-nuous piece of sheet metal or other impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint. Joint sealant: To seal joints and openings to prevent passage of water and air. Perforated plasterboard: To provide a high level of sound absorp-on to the space.

1:1 Detail drawing of FuncQon Room South


Learning objec-ves: To develop an ability to understand an unfamiliar building site and the different systems used in construc-on projects of various scales.

Steel stud frames can be seen here. The steel stud has a fixed frame that is connected to its supports with fixed joints.

Load path

The steel stud frames are able to accommodate the distribu)on and outlets of electrical services.

Steel has high embodied energy, however it is a very strong durable and stable material, which can be a very good structural element that will hold the walls together. Forces ac-ng on a fixed frame

Mechanical and electrical services

Mechanical and electrical services can be seen here.

This is a temporary piping system which transports the pump mix concrete up from ground level through ready mix trucks.

Post tensioned slabs

Post tensioned slabs with steel bars and tendon (which is concealed in the strip) can be seen here. This is a method of reinforcing concrete. Post-­‐tensioning is a method of producing pre-­‐ stressed concrete. Pre-­‐stressing is the process of introducing internal forces or stresses into a concrete element during the construc)on process in order to counteract the external loads applied (Hanley Wood Media, 2014). A tendon has anchors along their length to allow for stressing at construc)on joints (Hanley Wood Media, 2014). The red object is a cast-­‐in rocket. It is for the installa)on services of pipes.

Ver)cal bars for reinforcement of precast column can be seen here.

Concrete contains high embodied energy, however it is very cost effecQve and it is very durable and strong, thus maintenance is less required in the long run.

Preinstalled floor waste outlet can be seen in both pictures. The wooden frame is for shower area.

Climbing formwork can be seen here. The structure builds up to the lid core of the building. It is a pre cast elevated shad. The steel bars are to reinforce the concrete. The middle sec)on is for fire escape.


Learning objec-ves: To develop an understanding of the actual size of construc-on elements and the detailed rela-onship of individuals parts. To experiment with the implica-ons and difficulty of transla-ng a scale drawing to a full size drawing (or a real part of the construc-on).

InterrogaQon of detailing decisions and purpose Flat roof There is a li[le slope for the roof, as there is a minimum recommended slop (1/4 per foot). The roof slope is achieved by inclining the metal roof deck. A structural member can be see, suppor)ng the metal deck roof. Glazing An aluminum frame is used to hold the glazing. Aluminum frames are rela)vely low in cost, lightweight, and corrosion resistant. Ceiling A suspended perforated impact plasterboard is used to provide a high level of sound absorp)on to the space. A showdowline bead is used to protect the exposed edges and external corners. Flashing Aluminum flashing is used to prevent the passage of water into the structure. The aluminium flashing leads water away from the metal deck roof. The materials have to be selected carefully to prevent the aluminium flashing from reac)ng chemically with the metal deck roof.

Waterproofing element Aluminium flashing is a weatherproofing element, however it also keeps water away from structure.

Economic implicaQons and sustainability The use of building materials such as metal, glass and plaster which are used in this parapet detail have high levels of embodied energy. However metal and glass are both easily recyclable and they are both very durable materials, which means they have a long life span. This means that the building is more likely to sustain and would require less maintenance, which results in less cost. The usage of thermal insula)on in cavi)es also indicate that there will be less demand for hea)ng and cooling systems which would also reduce long run costs and reduce energy use of the building. Timber is also used and )mber contains very low embodied energy and it is also fully renewable if properly sourced. Timber is also cost effec)ve as it is a natural material and it is also very durable. Although glass is expensive to produce and transport, it is a very durable material which means it is cost effec)ve in the long run because it requires less maintenance of the building. Plasterboards are poten)ally recycable and they are also very economical. They have acous)c benefits and they are also easy to repair, which is good for the long term because less maintenance would be needed.

(Source: Australian Government, 2013)

Where and why things go wrong Metal flashing failure Metal flashing should be provided with expansion joints on long run to prevent deforma)on of metal sheets due to expansion and contrac)on, and should not react chemically with adjacent material (metal deck roof), which will cause corrosion (Ching, 2008). Thus it is very important that flashings are made from materials that are compa)ble with the cladding. The flashing must also have upturned and sloping surfaces to lead water to the outside. Structural member Structural failure could happen due to size, shape or the choice of material used. Joint sealant To provide an effec)ve seal against the passage of water and air, a joint sealant must be durable, resilient, and have both cohesive and adhesive strength (Ching, 2008). A joint sealant might fail if it is unable to withstand extension and compression, and this might cause leaks because it is unable to provide effec)ve seal against passage of water and air. Exterior wall insulaQon Exterior insula)on systems are suscep)ble to leaking windows due to poor detailing or faulty installa)on. There is no internal drainage system that will poten)ally penetrate the system to allow any water to escape, and this trapped water can cause the insula)on layer to separate from the substrate or the sheathing to deteriorate (Ching,2008).


We nailed 3 strips of pine wood together, and then we also nailed Balsa wood at the back of the strips of pine wood.

We nailed the bo[om of the pine wood as well as the top so the structure will hold together.

How we nailed the pine wood together

We drilled nails in first then used hammer. We avoided nailing the center of the wood to avoid the weak points.

Slight bending can be seen here during the destruc)ve test.

Bending stress is a combina)on of compressive and tension stresses developed at the cross sec)on of the structural member to resist transverse force, having a maximum value at the surface furthest from the neutral axis.

Our group bridge held up to 690 kg and reached destruc)on point.

Our group's bridge resembles a beam. A beam carries load evenly across, that is why our bridge could hold up a massive weight.

Comparisons with other groups This group’s bridge could only hold up to 457kg. They used thin strips of balsa wood and nail them in between the two pine woods horizontally, as if ac)ng as noggings.

Load is transferred along the ver)cal members and spread along the horizontal members

This group has the strongest bridge as their bridge is going strong at 690kg. They had a triangle structure bridge.

A triangle structure is strong because its load is distributed evenly and it has a wide base.

Glossary 1.  Moment: The perpendicular distance from a point to a line or surface. 2.  Retaining wall: Structures that are constructed to resist the lateral pressure of the soil being retained. 3.  Pad foo)ng: (Isolated foo)ng) Individual spread foo)ngs suppor)ng freestanding columns and piers 4.  Strip foo)ng: Con)nuous spread foo)ngs of founda)on walls 5.  Slab on ground: Concrete slab placed at or near grade level to serve as combined floor and founda)on system. 6.  Substructure: A structure forming the founda)on of the building 7.  Joist: A length of )mber or steel suppor)ng part of the structure of a building, typically arranged in parallel series to support a floor or ceiling 8.  Steel decking: Light gauge, corrugated metal sheets used in construc)ng roofs or floors. 9.  Span: The distance between two supports of a structure 10. Girder: A large iron or steel beam used as a main horizontal support in a building or bridge 11. Concrete plank: A hollow-­‐core or solid, flat beam used for floor or roof decking 12. Spacing 13. Stud: A ver)cal framing member used to create walls and par))ons. Can be wood or metal. 14. Nogging: A short horizontal member used between the studs of a framed par))on 15. Lintel: A horizontal support of )mber, stone, concrete or steel across the top of the door or window 16. Axial load: The force ac)ng along the 17. Buckling: A state which defines a point where an equilibrium configura)on becomes unstable. Long column fails by buckling.

18. Seasoned Timber: To reduce the moisture content of )mber to bring it to a usable and workable condi)on The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

19. Rader: A series of sloped structural members that extend from the ridge to the wall plate, designed to support roof deck. 20. Purlin: A longitudinal, horizontal structural member along the length of a roof, res)ng on principals and suppor)ng the common raders 21. Can)lever: A long projec)ng beam or girder fixed at only one end, used in bridge construc)on 22. Portal frame: Low-­‐rise structures, comprising columns and horizontal or pitched frames, connected by moment resis)ng connec)ons. 23. Eave: The overhanging bo[om edge of a roof. 24. Alloy: A metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion. 25. Soffit: The underside of a structure such as an arch, balcony, or overhanding eaves. 26. Top Chord: The top beams in a truss 27. Vapor barrier: Any material used for damp proofing that resists diffusion of moisture through wall. 28. Gu[er: A narrow trough or duct which collects rainwater from the roof of a building and divers it Away from the structure.

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29. Parapet: A barrier which is an extension to the wall at the edge of the roof. 30. Down pipe: A pipe to carry rainwater from a roof. 31. Flashing: A thin, impervious sheet of material placed in construc)on to prevent water penetra)on or direct the flow of water. 32. Insula)on: The process of keeping heat, sound or electricity from spreading. 33. Sealant: To provide effec)ve seal against the passage of water and air. 34. Window Sash: Fixed or movable framework of a window in which panes of glass are set. 35. Deflec)on: The perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates from its true course. 36. Moment of Iner)a: The sum of products of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rota)on. 37. Door furniture: The handles, lock, and other fixtures of a door. 38. Stress: Strains in materials and structures subjected to forces or loads. 39. Shear force: A force that acts on a object in a direc)on which is perpendicular to the object. 40. Sandwich panel: Structural panel material fabricated by bonding several lamina)ons. 41. Bending: Behavior of a slender structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the element.

42. Skir)ng: A strip covering the lowest part of an interior wall. 43. Composite beam: A structural member composed of two or more dissimilar materials joined together to act as a unit in which the resul)ng system is stronger than the sum of its parts. 44. Shadow line joint: 45. Cornice: A decora)ve top edge of a building or column 46. Shear wall: A wood, concrete or masonry wall capable of resis)ng changes in shape and transferring lateral loads to the ground founda)on 47. Sod story: Floors with less s)ffness 48. Braced frame: A )mber or steel frame braced with diagonal members. Members in braced frame are designed to work in tension and compression. 49. Lifecycle: A series of stages through which a manufactured product passes during its life)me. 50. Deflect: The degree to which a structural element is displaced under a load. 51. Fascia: A band running horizontally and situated ver)cally under a roof edge. 52. Corrosion: Deteriora)on of a metal as a result of chemical reac)ons between it and the surrounding environment. 53. IEQ: Indoor Environmental Quality – encompasses IAQ, thermal comfort, day ligh)ng, views, etc.

References Chen, L. (2011). Underground Car Park and South Lawn, viewed 19 April 2014, retrieved from h[p://www.pcs.unimelb.edu.au/standards_and_policies/docs/master_plans/Underground_Car_Park_and_South_Lawn_CMP.pdf Ching, D.K. (2008). Building Construc)on Illustrated, 4th Edi)on. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Milne, G. (2013). Embodied Energy, viewed 17 May 2014, retrieved from h[p://www.yourhome.gov.au/materials/embodied-­‐energy

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