Shining Mentor Magazine | Issue 3

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Shining Mentor 4




Letter From Melissa


Celebrate and Manifest: Lana Interview


How To Release The Guilt Of Wanting To Make More Money


How Easy Legal Steps Can Actually Support Your Chakras


How to Pursue Your Dream and Keep Your Sanity: 4 Tips to Help Keep You Sane


Things We Love


How to Authentically Shine Your Light in the World.


The Universal Business Plan Working in Universal Alignment


How the Akashic Records Boost Business




Cover Photo by Monica Linda Photography Cover Design by Melissa Zoske Editor In Chief Melissa Zoske


Copy Editor Silvia Bianco

L E T T E R from M E L I S S A

The advice to “... stop and smell the roses” anytime life gets us crazy, is especially true in the summer months when it feels more natural to slow down, look around, and enjoy some of the fruits of our labors. And this advice is even more true for us entrepreneurs who often wear so many hats that there is always an endless list of things that need doing. It’s so easy for us to forget to be mindful of the now and miss the joy and blessings of the moment. I know you’ve heard it all before…to be in the moment. We all have. But life just seems to get busier and with that comes a whole host of issues, one of which is stress and burnout. At least when it comes to entrepreneurs, most of us have passion driving our to-do lists. It’s not about “…I have to go to work” but rather, “I get to do what I love as my work”. And that’s something worth celebrating, don’t you think? As summertime rolls in, let’s take it all in: the colors, the light, the sounds and smells of it all. Let’s celebrate the gloriousness of summer in whatever way comes a calling; in any moment you find yourself pausing to “…smell the roses”. In this issue, I hope to offer you seeds of inspiration for a celebrated summer 17. Happy Summer!




Manifest MORE INTERVIEW WITH LANA SHLAFER Photography by: Monica Linda Photography & Megan Sachs Photography

SMM: Hey Lana. Thanks so much for

being here with Shining Mentor Magazine. We’re so excited to have you as the cover. You’ve been somebody I’ve followed and appreciated for a long time now and we’re honored to have you.

LANA: Well, as I say, thank you for leading

LANA: Yes. I love the topic of celebration

me. There are no followers, right? We’re leaders among leaders, so I appreciate you and I appreciate being here.

and I feel like we have it really backward in our society.

SMM: Thank you and that’s so true. We

SMM: Yes I agree.

talked earlier about celebration and how by celebrating, you open yourself up to receiving and having better success in business and life. That’s such a great topic and I love how


you really dive deep into it. I think so often that we overlook celebrating those things in our life and I’m excited about how you can help our readers and listeners really grasp that concept so they can have more fullness in their own lives. Can you talk about that a little bit more?


LANA: We think that we have to, for

example, receive love to feel loved. We have to be successful to feel successful. We have to





is, where your thoughts are, and in some way adding these elements into your life on a daily basis so that there’s a pre-celebration, there’s a during celebration, and an after celebration. I feel like pre-celebration is what people call visioning, but I think there’s a difference between calling it a visioning practice and a precelebration, because I’m thinking I am imagining myself already celebrating that thing I’m experiencing. I’m not just imagining the journey to it. I am already signing books. I am already tearing up as the participants in my programs are telling me how it’s changed their lives. I’m already in that state of celebration. have the outer result that somebody outside of our control a lot of times delivers or we can’t control how many clients sign up for something or how many books we sell or how many people say I love you to us that day. But we are at the mercy of life-giving something to us until we can feel it. That is what the basis of the Law of Attraction is. That you’re just going to keep getting what you’re currently living, unless you inwardly shift what you’re currently experiencing and then life will reflect it back to you. Celebration to me is appreciation in action. It’s taking your gratitude practice outside of your 10 things I’m grateful for today, and actually living it and putting your action where your mouth

By the time it fills me up to such a degree that everything that I create, that everything that I speak comes from that place. I almost don’t care about the result. So as I am in the process of actually receiving whatever result I receive, I am celebrating having the experience whatever is ... In other words, I’m not celebrating the success of outer success. I’m celebrating that I get to enjoy this experience and be present and I’m open to any gifts that it brings. Sometimes the failures or the mistakes bring more to celebrate, bring more clarity, bring more portals into self-love, bring more insights, bring more opportunities that I could have received from getting the expected results. Then the postcelebration is really the integration piece. Again, there’s a quote that I remember 2017 SUMMER EDITION


reading from Kobe Bryant. He won his first championship and a reporter said, “How do you feel? You just won your first championship.” He says, “Awesome. I can’t wait for the next one.” He didn’t even pause for a moment to receive it. In our society, we associate that drive and that passion and that hunger with always wanting more, more, more but I believe that you can have the drive without needing to take away from the beautiful receiving of what you’ve already created, of what’s already here. I’ve known so many entrepreneurs who create an amazing offering and maybe they only got half the people they wanted to sign up. Here they are spending weeks moping around and feeling miserable instead of celebrating the people that have signed up.

SMM: This is so true. LANA: Talk about a perspective shift.

That perspective shift will not only have a huge impact on how you feel in your daily life. One will have a life of feeling undeserving, unsatisfied, unaccomplished, miserable in some way. The other one feeling proud of yourself, feeling grateful for what’s happening in your life, and feeling open to the opportunities. But it will also have a huge impact on everybody



around you, the program participants, the opportunities that flow into your life. I mean, it is a complete system. We have a complete toolkit in our life to be able to live from a place of gratitude, not just in a mechanical way, but what I call in celebration, and life will mirror it back to us so that a simple interview that we’re having could feel like a celebration and you bring that energy to it and life reflects it back to you.

SMM: 100% I totally agree. You were

saying earlier before we started the recording, something about how people wait until the end to celebrate instead of celebrating along the way. It reminds me of people that have these great businesses but they never pause to celebrate the moment right now. Then you hear about people that finally retire and then they die a couple of weeks later. That’s something we want to avoid.

LANA: Right. It’s almost like we wait

for that big bang to celebrate. We want the big accomplishment, the big success, and so many people spend 99% of their life waiting for this one thing to happen, that by the time they get there, honestly they have not had any practice appreciating and celebrating, so how great are they going



to be at celebrating when they get there? They’re going to be the Kobe Bryant that all they’ve practiced is looking forward to the next thing.

SMM: Right. LANA: They are always... Actually

Kobe Bryant is a great example because notoriously he’s got a short temper, he was miserable, he was an amazing player, but the last few years, my husband is into basketball so I know very little, but what he tells me is he’s had this whole transformation. He started doing meditation and mindfulness practices. He’s now retired while he could still be beating that horse to the ground, but he retired because he was able to pause and intuitively feel into what’s most exciting and fulfilling and inspiring to him now. Enjoying the Interview so far? To watch the full video Click


Lana Shlafer is a speaker, master coach and creator of the Master Your Life Academy and the 21-Day Ease Through her courses, guided meditations and MasterMind programs, Lana has helped thousands of clients go from just managing their life to MASTERING it! Lana resides in Southern California with her three kids and husband. You can learn more about her and her work at www. Sign up for her 4-minute Ease Meditation that everyone raves about at



why wait once a year to celebrate an event? Life is THE event.

Celebrate daily! Carmella Whitehead








Let’s face it, we’d all love to make more money, so why are we so conflicted about it? One of the biggest challenges many women face is feeling deeply conflicted about wanting to make more money in their businesses. On the one hand, our desire is clear and strong and rationally we know that in order to make the kind of contribution to the world that we dream of and to create the kind of legacy that we want to leave, we need ample cash flow to make it happen. But on the other hand, we feel guilty, embarrassed, and even ashamed for wanting more than we already have. The guilt slowly eats away at us, undermining our power and effectiveness, not to mention our ability to make decisions. So what do you do to alleviate the guilt and stop feeling so conflicted about your desire for more? First, you have to recognize what you’re really feeling. In the entrepreneurial world, there can be a real ‘push through



it’ attitude sometimes that we get swept up in. Getting honest with yourself about how you really feel is the only way to release the emotions that keep you stuck, confused and unable to make a decision about how to move forward with your business. Not to mention, there’s no quicker way to close the door on more money coming into your life than to feel guilty. But guilt is a useless emotion because it exists only as an expression of judgment towards yourself. Anytime you’re feeling guilty you’re choosing to see yourself as separate from the Divine. In A Course in Miracles, one of the main teachings is about how the ego mind keeps us in a constant state of grievance feeling like we have no choice but to attack whatever and whomever we falsely perceive is judging us. This will often show up in our life as feeling like the people we love have an expectation of our success, that we don’t fully believe we can actually achieve. The drive for more then becomes about proving ourselves to others, receiving





their validation and having our success affirmed by the things outside of us, rather than from an internal point of motivation. This is what sets meaning driven women apart. It’s critically important for us to understand what our REAL motivation is and why it matters to us. Otherwise, we run around in circles trying to prove to ourselves and everyone else, that we really are as capable and powerful, as we know deep down we can be.

of you that’s judging what you desire, not your soul. When your soul’s voice is the one that you allow to guide you, judgment cannot exist, because your soul knows only love. It could never NOT love you, exactly as you are. Siobhan McAuley is the leader of The Meaning Maker Movement and a pioneer in the emerging field of modernday spirituality and the new economic paradigm that women are a driving force in. She teaches meaning driven women how to become the version of themselves their dreams demand they be. Join her private community @ The Meaning Maker Movement

We feel the pressure to perform, rather than connecting to our genuine desire to serve. We think our success can only be measured in numbers, and forget how much we value the life we’re creating, not just the job we do in the world. And when we can no longer take the self-abuse that we’re addicted to putting ourselves through, we finally surrender and begin to listen to the quiet voice within calling from our soul. So the quickest way to let go of feeling bad about wanting more of anything is to recognize that your ego is the part




Photography by Laura Volpacchio of LV Photo & Design

If there’s one thing that can make most spiritual entrepreneurs want to run under the covers and hide, it’s getting their legal ducks in a row. Let’s face it—the law can feel cold, intimidating, and confusing. It doesn’t seem to jive with the heart-centered work that we’re all doing. And it can actually feel like it’s threatening and distancing to our clients—the opposite of what we want them to feel through our work. BUT WHAT IF THE LAW COULD ACTUALLY BRING MORE SPIRITUALITY AND LOVE INTO YOUR BUSINESS? Sounds crazy, right? Stay with me here. As a Holistic Lawyer® and Legal Coach®, I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs translate



legal steps into loving gifts, written in plain English, to give to our clients to help them (and us) feel safe, secure, and clear about how to get the most out of our work. The truth is when we feel really clear on what we’re doing and what’s expected of us, and when we know that we’re safe to do that work without the threat of being sued, we can open our energy systems and show up in a much bigger way. MANY SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURS FEEL OVERWHELMED BY THE LAW THAT THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START. In my new best-selling book Easy Legal Steps…That Are Also Good for Your Soul, I uniquely align key legal steps with the seven main chakras. As you put legal protections in

place to feel safe and rooted, you can begin to rise and shine your light even more.

Throat Chakra, as you share your voice and gifts with online purchasers near and far.


6. LLC or S-Corp Formation, which help you strengthen your Third Eye Chakra, to honor your insight for when it’s “time to go pro” by putting a corporate entity in place.

1. Website Disclaimer, which helps you strengthen your Root Chakra to know that your virtual home (i.e. website) is safe and secure.

7. Trademarking, which helps you strengthen your Crown Chakra, to have the peace and calm that your Divine brand, tagline or logo is protected.

2. Client Agreement, which helps you strengthen your Sacral Chakra to set boundaries and clear intentions with your clients about what is expected of you and them, and how they can get the most out of your work.


3. Sole Proprietor Registration & Taxes, which help you strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra, by setting your business up correctly to establish yourself as a “real,” empowered business owner. 4. Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, which help you strengthen your Heart Chakra, to help you honor your creative content on your website and the privacy of the information your website visitors share with you. 5. Terms of Use, which help you strengthen your

When we proactively take these easy legal steps (that are also good for your soul), we’re not just protecting ourselves from what we don’t want to happen; we’re actually showing up as serious business owners and declaring to the Universe what we want from our business and honoring and respecting our work. The clearer and safer we feel as a business owner, the more powerfully and fully we can show up in our businesses to shine our light. If you’d like more information on how to work with these seven easy legal steps to strengthen your chakras, click to learn more about the book Easy Legal Steps and access the associated legal bonuses. Lisa Fraley, JD is an acclaimed attorney, Legal Coach®, speaker, and sought-after expert on small business law. With her unique blend of coaching, legal expertise, and spirituality, Lisa has supported thousands of heart-centered entrepreneurs and small business owners to protect themselves, their businesses and their brands.





Photographer: Diana Deaver |

As entrepreneurs, we have to be driven by pure passion. No one would endure what we endure to pursue our dreams without it. The early mornings, the late nights, the lack of sleep. It’s like having a newborn baby, the dream becomes your baby. And just like with a new baby, it requires everything you’ve got, no letting up, as you push through and you do what needs to be done. It can push the limits of even the sanest person. So how does one maintain their sense of sanity with little sleep, long hours, barely time for meals or a shower? The same way one remains sane while nurturing their newborn. You take naps when you can slip them in, showers when you can and maybe 22


you order more take out for a while. You make it work and you take it one day at a time knowing that this dream is all worth it.

HERE ARE 4 TIPS FOR MAINTAINING YOUR SANITY WHILE YOU DO: 1. SELF-CARE IS A MUST. This is not the time to let your self-care fall by the wayside. You are going to need it more than ever during this time. And while just as with a newborn it may be difficult in the beginning, it has to stay a top priority and is vital to your sanity. Whatever self-care means to you, it may

be taking a nice walk, reading a book or a relaxing bath, make sure to carve out time for it.

2. GO EASY ON YOURSELF. The time-tested expression that Rome wasn’t built in a day holds true. It takes as long as it takes and there may be unforeseen factors at play that you cannot possibly know of yet. Divine timing is very real and being hard on yourself will not benefit you. Take time to celebrate small strides and victories to show how far you have progressed- to remind yourself of how far you have come and what you have accomplished along the way.

3. KEEP THE FAITH There will be times you may think to yourself, “Why am I doing this?” There will be times you may want to quit. Try to remember that if an idea has been sent to you, the ability for it to manifest lies within in you. And by all means, pray and ask for help and guidance. It is during these times that your faith can carry you through.

4. GO WITHIN Take time for solitude and silence. It is in the silence, in the quiet moments or during meditation that your higher self can give you the ideas or next steps that you may be seeking. Allow time for this so you are able to receive the guidance and messages. Pursuing our dreams is not easy but with determination, hard work and keeping these tips in mind you can maintain your sanity while you do it. Many have struggled to stay sane due to perceived failures or lack of results. In the end, it’s

about trusting that whatever you are doing is of value. Anne-Marie Wiesman is the Founder and CEO of Healing Connection Network ( She is the Host Of HCN Live TV. ( celebrities, leaders, authors, humanitarians, healers, lightworkers and others who are sharing their message and gifts to spread more light and love into the world. AnneMarie is an EFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner, as well as the Social Media Manager for Create Global Healing, Director of Marketing for Bliss Spiritual Co-op.and Founder of Follow Your Song a website and blog created to bring Inspiration, Encouragement and Hope to survivors of all forms of abuse. Anne-Marie is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse who specializes in abuse recovery and is an Author, Advocate, Activist and was a facilitator for Oprah’s Belief Series.






Bath Tea

Treat yourself to some sacred self-care This herbal bath soak is so full of goodness—Lavender Buds, Rose Petals, White Sage & Organic Orange Peel make for an aromatic stressreducing bath experience. A soothing blend of salts relieves muscle aches & pain while the Meditation Essential Oil blend brings you back to center. Each bag of Bath Tea comes with a Rose Quartz crystal inside, giving every bath a gentle, heart-opening vibe. Rose Quartz invites emotional healing into your relationships, promotes self-love, encourages forgiveness & soothes a broken heart. Drop a bag of bath tea into a tub of hot water & soak away your worries. After your bath, open the muslin bag & remove your Rose Quartz crystal. Place it under your pillow to receive its good vibes all night long or carry it around with you during the day to feel more calm & open-hearted. Check out this and more at

Goddess Provisions

We created as a way to share that tools that help us connect with the divine feminine and grow our spiritual practice. Goddess Provisions is a monthly box that delivers artisan products to women including a mix of spiritual supplies, aromatherapy, vegan beauty products, superfoods and crystals! Find out more about them at

The Wild Woman Mystery Card An enchanting journey to your true self

Through images and words, these beautifully illustrated cards and writings show the possibilities in our lives. They show the aspects of ourselves we neglect because we are too busy, thus moving us away from our souls intent. They encourage us to pay attention to the details of who we are as women, invite us to explore how we want to show ourselves and how we can empower ourselves individually, as a community and as a world of women. Elizabeth writes “My wish is that these Wild Woman Mystery Cards will be an inspiring and healing journey for you, helping you re-member who you are.” They can be used as a daily reminder, for meditation, in healing circles and ceremonies, and much much more! Use the cards alone, with a partner, or in a group. To learn more about these amazing cards visit http://shop. And see more of her wonderful products HERE

They all made fun of her wings



Authentically Shine YOUR LIGHT

in the world.








One of the most challenging things for all entrepreneurs (especially women) is learning how to confidently BE ourselves. Every amazing entrepreneur I know is a big-hearted, highly sensitive, an empath who wants to wrap her arms around the world and make it a better place. I don’t know if this is true for you, but I spent most of life feeling like an outsider. I always felt different and never really “fit in” growing up. For years, I tried to conform. I thought that if I could just be a little more like other people then I would feel better about myself. It turns out there was no shapeshifting I could do that would make me feel accepted. And the real journey of entrepreneurship has taught me how to simply drop the pretense and be myself. I see so many women struggling to find their voice and their confidence – especially as they build their business, so I’m here to share a few nuggets of advice on how to build an authentic business that helps you shine your light in the world. 1.) BE YOURSELF. People want real, raw and vulnerable.

with the world. You don’t need to be special. You simply need to be yourself. If you want your people to be able to find you, then you have to use your voice and own your unique gifts. You and I could teach the exact same topic, but certain people will only be able to hear the message coming from you! You have a story. You have an amazing past that has gotten you to where you are now. People don’t want perfect. People want real. So, speak up and be yourself because there are people who are waiting for your inspiration in a way that only you can give it! 2) DO WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP Follow what lights you up and makes you happy. This is your gold. Stop doing things that “professionals,” say you should do and just do what makes you happy. I’ve tried everything in my business – I’ve taken all the courses and followed all the marketing rules but none of them worked if my heart wasn’t behind them. You are your own guru, so tune into yourself and make choices that make you feel excited. Your own inner joy is the best business advisor you will ever find. 3) YOU ARE NOT YOUR BUSINESS

Your primary job is to figure out who you are and start sharing yourself authentically

You are a person – whole and complete –



with or without your business. This means that you must differentiate who you are and what you do. It’s confusing at times because when we do work we love and believe in, it’s easy to blur the lines. You must maintain your own interests and sovereignty apart from your work. Remember that you run a heart-centered business, but you’re not that business. As you maintain your own identity, you enrich what you can share with others. 4) FILL YOUR CUP In order to really be able to authentically shine your light in the world, you must fill your cup up first. So many of us were taught to give until the point of exhaustion, but there is a new feminine paradigm emerging. We are being called to fill our cups up so much that we can give away from the overflow. Imagine yourself as a teacup. Your job is to fill up your teacup until it spills over onto the saucer. Then give away everything on the saucer. But the teacup is yours to keep! 5) BE OF SERVICE Lastly, after you fill your cup, be of service and give give give! That’s why you got into business in the first place! You want to help



others and make a difference in the world. So I suggest you stop trying to figure out the details and just show up and be of service. Often times, when I feel confused about what to do next or I’m stuck worried about the “right” thing to do, I stop and simply ask myself the question, “How can I be of service now?” We can cut through all the mind games and mental chatter by simply getting into a servant’s heart. When you’re filled up and come from a place of what you can give rather than what you can get, you and your business will be unstoppable!

Julie Santiago is a former Wall Street Trader turned writer, speaker, teacher and guide for women. She helps spiritual seekers discover who they are and why they’re here so they can confidently share their gifts with the world. Julie graduated from John Hopkins University with honors and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Transformational Life Coach, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She has led thousands of amazing women through her virtual communities, live events, and in-person transformational retreats. She incorporates a variety of modalities including yoga, meditation, coaching, holistic wellness, and spiritual philosophy to guide women on their path to awakening. Julie believes that every woman deserves to feel in love with herself and the world around her – and she believes that the doorway is Gratitude! Her clients say that working with Julie is a revolution for your soul and a life-changing journey. You can read more about Julie and her work here:

Photography by: Annie Nyborg Photography & Wendy Yalom Photography



The Universal Business Plan Working in Universal Alignment Steve Wentworth Those of us in the healing, caring and alternative therapy professions, understand that we go into business with one sole purpose; to help others. Our dream is to create a successful business, assisting people to lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. However, our motivation is not usually financial gain, and as a result, many of us end up working to assist those in need at the expense of our own wellbeing and often the financial welfare of our businesses. To combat this, most entrepreneurs recognise that creating and maintaining a solid business plan forces us to think objectively and realistically, ensuring that we step back from the emotional attachments we have to our business. A business plan is a fundamental aspect of starting and managing a heart-centred business, allowing us to challenge 32


past assumptions and question future strategies. It also assists us to effectively communicate our strategies and objectives to our stakeholders, as well as providing specific goals and objectives with clearly defined methods of achieving them. So, although we have our business plan in place, in reality, we end up with two plans. The first plan is how we dream our business should be and the second plan is the cold, unemotional, strategic business plan. But even though we spend a great deal of time dreaming about where we want our business to be, or formulating complex business plans, rarely do either of these plans pan out as we expected them to. There are so many variables and unexpected events along the way, that to plan our futures effectively is almost impossible, and sadly, this means we put some of those goals and dreams on the

backburner. So why is it so hard to achieve our dreams, even though we have been disciplined enough to formulate a business plan? Well, plans are great. But when we try to force our business and our lives, to track a set path that we expect them to follow, we often find ourselves out of alignment with the most important plan of all. The Universal Plan. While it is always a good idea to have an expected outcome, the journey that the Universe has for us to reach our desired outcome, is often completely different to what we expect it to be. The Universe always finds a way to deliver what we want and will always place the right opportunities in our

path. However, when our expectations are fixed, we limit our opportunities to a narrow set of ideas and dismiss the opportunities that the Universe presents us with as ‘not quite what we wanted’. We continue to sit there, worrying, waiting and wondering when the Universe will give us what we expect to be given, or even questioning why it didn’t happen, assuming that it just wasn’t meant to be. In fact, the Universe was giving you the first step along the path to your destination. It didn’t look like what you planned for and it certainly didn’t present itself as how you dreamed it should be, so you ignored it. We create our business plan, we dream our dreams and we ask the Universe for a particular outcome. Then we wonder why we didn’t get exactly what we asked for. But the Universe is far more complex than a business plan and has many more layers than our limited minds could ever dream of. The Universe knows, that in order to reach your path, you will need to explore unexpected opportunities that may not resemble what you wanted or you may be required to navigate situations that are outside your comfort zone. We may not be able to fathom how one step will lead to another, but the Universe knows exactly how to achieve it and what challenges are essential to get you to your destination. When we try to force our business to follow a set of very specific instructions and expect everything to work out in accordance with





them, we often ignore all the signs and opportunities that the Universe is offering us. However, when we start working in universal alignment, the magic of the Universal Plan begins to happen. But the best bit is, it’s easy to do and there are only three simple steps to working in universal alignment.

1) Explore Unrelated Opportunities. The first step is to start following up on those unexpected opportunities, even if they don’t appear to be connected to your desired goal. This is how the Universe brings the right people and situations to you that allow your outcomes to be achieved and your dreams to be fulfilled.

2) Trust It. The second step is to learn to trust that the Universe always has your back. The key to allowing your business and your life to flow in universal alignment, is to let go of some of the control that so many of us entrepreneurs cling to.

3) Remove Your Expectations. The third step is to stop allowing fixed ideas of how your outcome will be achieved to guide you. Instead, just hold the vision of the outcome you desire. Let the Universe fill in the gaps and map out your path for you.

When your business is working in alignment with the Universe, you will find your dreams becoming a reality. However, it is almost certain that they won’t come to fruition in quite the way you expected they would. You will look back with awe and wonder that a collection of seemingly random coincidences, somehow took you from point A to point Z, but with hindsight, it will be clear that a higher force was guiding you all along. The Universal Plan. For a free meditation to help you to let go and begin to work and live in universal alignment, visit Steve Wentworth’s website at Steve Wentworth is a spiritual teacher, writer and guide. He is a regular featured expert on UK Talk Radio, where topics include philosophical discussion, personal advancement and self-improvement. He has appeared on international radio, as well as on European television stations including ITV and Sky. His work and life story have also been written about in popular spiritual magazines and featured in UK press. Through his one to one appointments, online courses and workshops, Steve works with a range of clients, empowering private individuals, business leaders and high profile clients with intuitive life guidance, helping them to discover their spiritual being and explore their spiritual potential. Photography by Darima Frampton Photography







Three years ago, I left my job as a successful Assistant Vice President in corporate America, tired, burnt out and at the end of my rope. While I interviewed, networked and caught up on some much needed rest, I also wondered how I ended up in this position. I knew that I was qualified and the requests for interviews kept coming in, but it was as though I was never the perfect fit for the job.

Within a few months of working with Angels and delivering messages to clients, I was led to the Akashic Records. The word akasha means “aether” in Sanskrit. The Akashic Records are a great big library in the Universe. When our soul is created, a soul book is simultaneously created and it records everything that soul experiences throughout all of our lifetimes.

Little did I know, I was destined for very different work. One month and two vision boards later, I went to an Angel healing circle. At the time, I didn’t believe that we could communicate with Angels but something kept drawing me to this event. We were led through a brief meditation to “meet our angel”. I not only heard but saw an angel that day and it was difficult to discount the experience because the angel shared information specific to my life.

The Akashic Records are available to everyone and knowing how to retrieve information from them doesn’t require a magic wand. A simple visioning exercise is all that’s necessary to view your soul book. Because they contain information from all our lifetimes, no questions are off limits. When I first started working with the Akashic 2017 SUMMER EDITION


Records, my main concern was finding a job that I loved. I asked for guidance and to my surprise, their suggestion was that I train with them and properly learn how to work with the Akashic Records energy. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was a huge part of what I was meant to be doing in the world and a mere one month later, I was seeing clients and offering one on one sessions that people described as “life changing”. Anyone can do this! The plan for your life was created long before you incarnated and it’s available to you, right now, in the Akashic Records. So, what do we do with this information once we receive it? That’s up to us! I have clients that access the records daily, just to ask what their highest priorities are for that day. I know of others that use them to locate and heal illnesses. The important thing to remember is that they’re available, willing and able to answer all of our questions. Felicia is a Master Healer specializing in soul level healing and transformation with the akashic records. She’s determined to live in a world where there is no suffering. When not shifting energy in the Akashic Records for her amazing clients, you’ll find her whipping up a delicious vegan storm or indulging in a little shopping therapy. She’s currently teaching a new Hands on Healing technique one on one with clients and is preparing to re-launch her Akashic Records training program. If you’re interested in learning more about the Akashic Records, you may enjoy the conversations in her free facebook group. Click here to join and you’ll be sent a free video all about the Akashic Records: http://www. Learn more about Felicia at



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“Celebration is appreciation in action.” - LANA SHLAFER

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.