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Interior design can support wellness and wellbeing. From my finding, supporting the wellness can be with the spatial qualities of natural lighting, good air circulation, and programming layout. It is concerning more toward the physical wellness. In the context of an open brief project like the Shepparton Wellbeing Centre, services also become the part contributing to wellness.
Wellbeing was defined as the experience39. Interior design can support the wellbeing with creating the positive experience. To ensure the happening of the positive experience the designer aim to build the atmosphere of inclusivity. It made user feeling respected which can contribute to happiness memory of having a supportive environment, sense of belonging, comfort, and life satisfaction
The atmosphere inclusivity also meant having affected care atmosphere. It was not passive element, but it could drive action from the user. To achieve this George Bohme had defined atmosphere generators to activate mindful spatial presence targeted to the user (affordance).
The designer can shape the experience from major to minor. The crucial first phase would be understanding the targeted user and the programming to define the user scenario. This would be a major experience narrative. It also contributed to inclusivity to define the universal accessibility. From major experience narrative, designer shaped the furniture layout to define the activity within the program zones.
From the exploration stages, found that the atmosphere generators could be the architectural form, furniture, material, colour, and lighting. These aspects afford different qualities to the atmosphere. To build this designer should have the strategies to achieve the affordance.
The spatial strategies about affordance to more friendly atmosphere was found. Threshold expansion of opening position afforded a resting space for hand or to sit. It could also expand the view. Curve/tilted wall position to the access direction afforded wider view. The curiosity can be driven with the intriguing senses activity, texture, smell, hearing, and visual. It can give attraction of view, interactive display, or decorative element. The strategy could also be an expansion in circulation space to create a momentarily of pause in the transitional area. All these affordances allowed creating new experience to the user. Furthermore, to create the positive affordance it needs to match the user profile to achieve atmosphere inclusivity.
The transition from one space to another space should be smooth. The in-between space was the one that could sew the whole experience together as the major experience scenario works. The example from the design phase was the foyer of entrance in community hall. It’s connecting inside and outside with the similar shapes, the low ceiling afford de-institutional aspect, and expansion of the threshold to momentarily pause so user can prepare before coming in.
After investigating the relationship between interior design with the happening of wellness and the wellbeing of the user, I can conclude that the spatial generator activated the atmosphere inclusivity. The physical element and natural qualities afford the Wellness support. Moreover, the catalyst element for the happening atmosphere was the dynamic transition in the in-between spaces. Therefore, people can feel fully respected, whole experience which lead to create beauty experience as defined40 as wellbeing.